Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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    w. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . ' " ' ' . _ . . . . . - - '
. .T"r'I' . , , ' .
1 - . _ . - , 'n..4 l" ' ' ,
I ! - t2 . , . _ . . TI OlA DAY BEE : SUNDAY . , FEBRUAY 3 , 1895. - -
I' _ . - . . . -
J : . 1tOSI\VATlfl . J ltor.
1't'lILli31IJD ? V1ltT MonNINO.
l't'II.lal ! ! t\mtY
TJtS o1'HUflSC1t1t'TIO.
ntly l"e ( WltMul Run.II'I. Ore yllr..S S 0
Iafly Ie nn,1 , un. , " ) . One Year . . . . . . . . 100) l
ix II1y li. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lor. . . . . . . . . . 6 t to
TINe 1ont : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,0
Run/lAY flp. On" Y'.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
H"tunllY W "kly lee fleA. , Ole Onn Year Yar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 ! o
Ornahi : TIit Ip lIuH4lng.
' Bouth omnIn . lp. Ilnler lulln Bk. ) Corner N 1,1 , 21h St3.
1'/lel 11 I rl 1 1' .nil Hti . et.
lhlell' Olce. ) ! 311 Chamber ot Cnmmrc.
N"w YUlk. nooml 13. 1 RII 15 , Tribune 111.1g.
' \'nhlnglon , 101 F ) tret. N. W. ,
MI cornmunkntInn , rd.ttlng . In news sttil 0l.
, /1.
Al communlcnton. !
tonal mnler " , .ottIiI . , he . ndcrl''U To the 1dItor.
. ' .
Iflli4INI:4S 1.1TI'I11t $
All bu.1ne.u . ItSINIiS . rernItLance " plioti ) , ) he
" "
lellr. nld I'.mllnn" . .holll
Al lu"ln.
. . . . . ' , . . .
lul'lr'.1 ' 10 TI. . 1M lull"hln ! cwn.iiny ;
omaha Irnfti. checki . nnt I'ollole" % orllrs , 10
Ijo made p'nhl. 10 the ml"r . nt the COlflVflY
10 'rI 1 ( : IUILlalNU COU'AN\
= =
- - - - - -
Oeonlc II. TZI"hlck. . .ec.lnr ) . n [ The lee 111. . )
lohll11 . ; co1n1ny ) ; . 1.111 .luIy "worn , " , IY" that
the ncllnl I number of rul n nil ( om\I11 "ollcK ) ,
f t the "ni ! o.iIng. I\"nll" : gui , ) \ ) uIlay , flee
. . , ) . isa ; , .
1.rlnte.I , , llrln" the month or January WR
K " tollowqt
I" 1 . lolo\s . . . . . . . . 11:03 1 : 17. . . . . . . . 19,201
2. . . . . . . . . . ' .71 ) 10 . . . . . . . . . 19,181
:8 : . . . . . . . . . . 24,107 n. . . . . . . . .
4. . . . . . . . . 19,012 20 . . . . . . . . . 2I.IS' ' )
r. . . . . . . . . . 1.1 1,612 : 11 . . . . . . . . . 1O.tiI3
. l ; . . . . . . . . . 21.5j ' 22. . . . . . . . . 19t41 1
' 7. . . . . . . . . I9jJ8 1 23. . . . . . . . . 1 , SI
R. . . . . . . . . : ' ' ; 21. . . . . . . . . 2O,3) '
9 . . . . . . . . . 1.f1 2. . . . . . . . . : 0.217
10 . . . . . . . . . 11.l.Nj . 20. . . . . . . . . 2t,199 )
Ii . . . . . . . . . 19,311 1. . . . . . . . . 21.IOJ )
1. 1. . . . . . . . 19.31 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . : , r
.1. . . . . . . . . 20.3:1 ) 2. . . . . . . . . 20.213
1. . . . . . . . 19,18 2. . ) . . . . . . . . . . 19,99
, . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
. 15. . . . . . . . 31. . . . . . . . 2.1,633
16 . . . . . . . . . . 10.3n
16. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . 617,583 . tinoIil nnl , vvturiie1 Ct)1e'4 ) . . . . . . . . . . G.2il
1.0 rlurne.1 .
Total t.ale . . . . . . . . . . . . , cO\I . . . < . . . . . . . . . . 631,2Th
1lly , \.crago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,719
aloitGll 11. T7.SCI1t7CI.
R\or 10 "ptor. me nn.1 "II.crlh,1 In I ) ' pIOS'
ence thIs ) : day or 1''hM".r . ISI :
, N P. " 1:1. , Notary i'uIjllc.
I we [ 1' to Ilve : I CharitY ball we
mlHl ) hl\ Il wlhll tlii' next three
wenl ; ; . Chlll.glll : lilt Illltolnl
. ; Ue'lt whell\'n' I I : t 11cl ' .
: The Pucilc 111'011 lobby atVasll ; -
Ingtol 11ellleH i'&p1'ese11tfltvin4 of every '
Intcl'cst Il1eel'lcl In tie ( ( Pucile 11-
real : lebt ( except tie people wlo pay
f tile freight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clo\'ellnll , Hi I alli 00'n11 . all ex-
] J'eislnJ 11tl'nHe 11xlet to I'eselIt' the
r4 go\'el'nll'nt i fl'OI Is I Illnclll L'lhal- . I i
t 1IIIIl'nIH , ought to olfl'l :1 : OJIHJ.tlll ) . '
for a gi'iiiiil I'ecolclatul ellln In a
: new tlllle ) ] I I I nce.
IehlRlm 1M l'I'IHly ( for unlforl hal
: mWllnltols , hit Hhl ! wlnta thl'l titil-
fOI'1 for till. I Is hl'clIHe ) or the cx'
ellltons Inll eXel'lltOIS ) that the IJ'IS' .
t . ent 11h'cl'Hllel s 'stel of 1\lllsslon by
1. district COUIK Is IItlS1ttIafllCtOIY .
- Nehl'nHlm wl not 8IprOfl'itlte ) ; O.-
1 00 to CXllcl'lllnt ) wih rain inahing
JlchhwH , not this 'el' . I Nebl'llsha
, ] IS ( In ' lne ' for eXllel'lnwntaUon
' wih II'olth II'e\'elthlJ de\cs , irrigit-
tel olTm's 1M 11'011111" ) I held IS is to
; : be ilad.
Ia1'1 : ' ilIgeliie : len will 10 wel to
: make the best or their OPIIOI'hmltes )
! . thlR 'ear , Next year the marriageable
mlhls w1 have theh' tl'n , nnt ( I ; thcy
, ' , won't ) hnye another lea ) , year unt
eight 'CI'S nter ] , we amy be SI'C that
- they Iwell noL 1'1 Ilnlnlshell to let no
grass grow uller ( theII feet.
, .
Stale wl'I'antl Irwlng 7 per cent
Inl'cst lre always at I IH'ellul , but
, the W'l'llt shavers Jet the II'emlll ,
- * ( tail not the stalc. There Is little ex-
J cuse fOl' hllln interest bearing state
WIH'I'IUls outst\IJn , hut If we 110
II\e tilillil the rate of Interest should .
bo the best the state can get
The first special election to ti n m-
cnncy Ill the house or lelUcsentnth'eH
b- has . been called In Michigan for the
th.t : UOIIIIY In Apl'I to choose the suc-
; crllor of COI/I'esslan BI'l'OWS , who
I has heen II'010tlt ) to the Unlet States
, seiiate As thin repuhlcan nomllaton ;
Is the I\Xt tiling to a cC'Utcnte of elec-
tiobi . the real conteat for ( he 1IIIce will
; occur before the tll ' of election.
j None of thu deuty oil inspectors
t are willing to serve n single t1 ' hIder
the tlit'ectioii of a lJIJlst ) , but I the
0. 1llolntn lJWC' cln be wrestcll from
11 the gO\'crnO' 1111 ( glvemi to / board
. COlllosel ] of I majority of republican
; . ' state ollicimils . all their RCl'Iles ( ) about
l'em/llll In olce wi have HIIIIenl ] '
, \lllshl'l1 Al'O we to infer that thm'e
: Is no mlIW ' In the job under I ) OIIIIt
chief lellty [ ) ?
, .
I II l'ellorl1 thnt the rich New
6 Yorkei's who 1'0 contesting the Incole
j tmc In the United States have no
eXlleclntons ) whalevC' , of securing a decision -
: cllon against Ihe validity of the iiiv.
- ' 'hl' ' Imow til'y w'Iil ha\'e CoIItl'ilIltc
. ( t ( ( . wi \ to contllhute .
-ti. n part of tllb2id IncomeR to the ( IUIII.t
of tile nltonll h'elsl'r , hut they 1180
i Wllt the . privii'go of conh'lltn . another -
other IUl.t ) to the slport of their nt-
toi ' mit'ys Ind (01' tile 1)ltYliieIlt ) of court '
fees. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, 'he l'erlRII Il'lth list Places the 1)18111-
bei ' who lost tilLiL ' lives iii the
Iel' ( ( twh' II EiiO
tilomister Lot. : . 'l'ibhO ' ' ' '
Ilslslel' Il II : 'lhhl practically gives
t1tio fl'hht fill colslol the lcO'd lS /
. dell lii 11'llm' , 111 ( ] wi mal ; It 1111 ( ]
out hI the 1IIIs of the tmo iligil
above nil oilier rll'l'lt wl'eels 111 ( ]
catilstL'oiiili5. 'l'ibo Butl eXllloslon
' 11111 tilt IWOlllo ) HIIII ) lJhnat lt the
, uumlm' ) of " 'l'tIIlIS ( , hul time mho ) C'I'llt
I , 1 WiY .ol'foll lS Ill ) ' . I fll'lhN' ,
. mOle Ilcllh'll ( ( lit Its lIHICnfII' list PCI"
10lS ( rein whh'ly sejmii'ittetl ! parts of
t hit , o'OVid , thus 1'lulnl sorroov to so
\I\ ) ' Rl'lth'I'ell ilolues. I II only wih
tile gl'1lteSt effort that ono ( l't 111\ -
Cllto the Ilnl dlleltloul of tlls fltll
accident. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L 'IRconHln Is i eObISiIidrillg tl I ql\sUon .
, of 5 ' cent lax collateral 1 ' .
1 11'1 CClt on coln ter Ilht'I.I.
ancas. 'lhlslst ( ho ) tnlaI to hulcntn
thnt tilt ( ell'ral tax or : II'r ' cl'nt ou mc-
Crom of lfl'rSOlllti ( ) '
lwiliti . IJllllsts 11'I'sonll 11011'
erty 111'OI'IIO\I't Into tile Inco\o tax
I lilw Is i blot regarbieti Ihl ousting the Juris.
- dicton of tile slute goverulitelit. Ill
b these states which InlJ080 ll ( iiiiicrit-
. It'l tax of their own n hart ] of each
, II'h Inherllnce II required to 1)81) ' 1
double tlX , one into the state treISII' ' ,
tile other bIte tile liIlLlOlllII ' ' ' .
otWl' Ilto tl nuUolul t'eI81'
Xl1hlr I (11reslh'el ) ) ' tmrlelsolw , but
. Ir the mo\'c\elt cOltnues lS It his In
tile POSt few 'I'II'S tile comulnnton of
' lllerlnnco Ilxml Il'lrlnl 1101 tle
. . 6lno l1I'OPelY 1l1U.P . give vise to cousid.
} 'allo comillulut
The ¶ ntenton of the legls/tur ] Is In-
\lct to the record of the career of
Cnnlllhnm n. 'Scott . as Il'esentet Oil
nnother J)0C of this pnper The nPIeai
) a/e 1(1eal
iiintlc on his hehllf I. } lembers of the
Amn'lcan : 1Itecth'e association de.
elates h1m to be " / worth citizen , /
true 111'lot add an unswerving Amer-
Ic/u II nil his out olngs and lucoUlu s
ns / cltzcn 111 jldge. " The nllnls of
Alu\oSI , where Cllllllhnl ( It. Scott
keith hllsef aloof fr01 nil service 01
hl'hllf or the ullol ald the fag during !
the entre war , do not Ilslnll his
Clllls lS n [ fit 1'lotc Anii'rleaii. ' 'hC'e
Is uo C'hlclce that he was rellrcsentel1
11 ' \hl'I'e In the milks of the arlY
evl 1)7 ) n 801iStitlltC. Tile Indlctmelt
by / S\II jury of l'ottnwnttninle
Coultr , Iown , for tn IRSlul wHh the
Iltelt to cO\ml . 111'der ( doc not prove
hl\ to be 1 S'OrtiI3' Ol' ere 1 Inw'llll-
Ilg citizen.
'rhe 1(11'11 ) Yohlteelell ( II his hehulf )
IHHCI'ls lint Cunlll hal n. Scott Is
"Iu llJl'igilt ) nnd fe'less judge ( , " mil
COl\l'lll1 lila " 111111113' nnll collrngeolls
nthm'L'nce to ell ( un I nlll exact Jtlstlce. "
'L'lw mt'cord of hil own court shows hl\
to ue I Judicial ann'chlst miuttl ISI'ller ,
whose nets 11 ] jlllgmellH hu\'e been n
travesty 01 ( jualce 1111 scaiidni-
Ized the bench of this ( hiMtL'ict tiii'ougiu-
ell the lelgth alt IJclll : or the imtlld.
' 1le hleal jle ] , according to Black-
stolId , II I lan whose Ilnd Is 1lcloll.
ed by prejudice . mOld tIlll'tliiled by ) IS'
slomi. 'j'he milt of CII.ulnghflu It.
Scott Is n hlllle ) ( of ) wjlIJces , ulmost
cOIHllnty beclouded and warped by
111RSlol. ' 1he 10st elurlnule view that
'colld be taken or his conduct Is that
he Is not responsible for his ucts.
Tile constitution confel' UIOI ) the leg-
Isllhn'e the sole Initiative for deloslll
imbue omclals who have cOllltel1
mlsllcml'lnol's : thnt renllel their coim-
Illalcc ( In olee dan el'ous or Inlmlcnl
to the IHhle w'elfare.
lImos the conduct of Cunnln:111 H.
Scott Willie on the helcl beel of tmch
a charcer as to warrant the leglsll'
tme II tallnl decisive action for his
l'e\o\'ul ? ' 1hls question II'csents Iself
to C'el' , ' lemhel' of the legislature. I'
cun be answered only by . : n Impartial
Inquiry into the facta. Such In inquiry .
Ilul.y the IJollle have IL right to IC-
11111 : itt the hands of the legislature.
In YO Icng this . IlemulI 'he lee performs -
forms i duty to the public which It
Clluot IITord to shlrlt. There hus been
IO conspircy to smirch .Judge Scott
mind nobody hns sought to Ilterfero
wih his 1)b'oler exercise of judicial
ftiiietiomis. 'hel'e has been a universal
remonslrnce against his usurpation
of powers vested In the governor and
In the sUII'eme court. There his been
resentment und Intlsnu t protest
ngnlnst his denials .or justce , his rank
favoritism and his brutal ant shocking
conduct on the uench. Against such
oltrag s The Bee would combit just
as vigorously when they touch the
hUllIlst citizen In the land ] as It
would when they affect the right of the
wealthiest and most IntuentaJ The
duty or the ] legislature ] is to Investigate
the judicial acts of. Cunningham n.
Scott and take such action ns the
findings wl warrant.
Among the demands of the European
u I'lcuhl'lst ] upon their governments
for 1 18Ures or relief one Is for leglsl/-
tOI to IJre\'eut tlJeculaton In food pro-
ducts , which they believe has the effect
or lowcrllg Prices. A short tmo ago
the n I'Iculurl unions of England
adopted re . olllons ll'etet agallst
speculation in grain on the excluU es ,
accomllnied . by special request t the
British go.ernlent that t\11nl In fic-
IUons reel values be forbidden by law ,
owing t the hll'l It docs hy lowell !
prices , Int that only such. trades shal
uo awful ] aR 'arc based ulon 11e actual
arUcles. SlmllLr action has been tllwu
In Gerlan ' , acco'dlng to u report from
the American consul general nt Berlin ,
the Cetra ] Agl'Iculuml unIon of Sax-
oIly luwllg Hot long ngo adollted rls
himtlous I1Lla1Ulln a sort of anUollton
law. The lIldiclitiomis .
Indlcalols are that thh
iIIo\'CIlldllt against speculaton lu
food products will extntl throulhout
gU'olJe , nnll ( II tmt event there cal be
II ( built thnt the gO\'C'nmelts w1 he
cOIIIIet to give heed to II I Is a
slfllllalt filet thnt the bunk mIUIJC'S
II IUSSL ] 1\e just becn Inrolletl that
thl' ) ' IISt take Rtl'IS to jll till end to
Imhlng sllecnlatol , al ] It iB ure-
SUll11 that tills lellS till t'orms or such
81)0db ) I ml t loll.
Efforts to secure legislation ] fl'om COl- I
gm'esa 101' the SIII'I'8101 ) of lejll-
mate Hlwculntol II'em to have come to
In cnd ( , hut 1 nlIIICII' tlat the seimti-
mcnt Imong the 1g1'leulull Ilrollucel's
of the coull'r is M sl'olg now In
favor of Hllh 1' Illlon lbs 1 his U'c.
heen. 'l'ho low prices of ugl'lculurl
silples , Ill ( 'Rlleclaly wlllt Iul cot-
ton , whldl for Rome HIO past iHtvol
ruled III. less than tile cosl o llrdlClol ,
has stremigtiieiioal the belief or tile '
stl'I'Ithelcl Iwlcf 11'0'
Iluclrs or thl'80 l'ultll1eR that 811CU'
Illon II tll his 10 little to 10 ( ] wIh
their ulllreCetlenl1 , ( iehreehltlon. A
wl'lh'r hI thl' I . New \011. 'I'lhuno ) ) wlo
limos eviiiemmtiy beeim ' ' ' ,
o\I'ut heel lalefll 11'1'sl
II1n this 811tILlt 81 ) ' 1 that : no lat ,
t'l' how mlHlllwl they lur he II theh'
belief , It II l'UI'1111 . that ( time wiiemut.grov- 1
C' 111 cot toii-rnisers tore IItrm 111 '
steadfast In the cOI\'lclul that their
h'ouble' to 1 consll11111u extent nt
Icastl ire duo to the OIII'\Uonl of the
tlluulalol's Oi the ( exciiaiiges. ' 'I a-
h'lgent Inll c'urslghted Iln , "
SI1.81 this tvrlter , "who hare talked
freely this winter wlh the wheat
l'nlil'l' aUII the cotton growers or tile I
west /111 ollh , say It Is HluIJI ' 1111. 1
llJlllle to Illuro ( these tarum.
CI'S 1111 ( 1IIIItOlS to Iwlhno ) that
time wl\ nt Hlllulntol II Ohl
c'ngo and the cotun t11111at01
Iln ( other clUe ill not ouriotishy I llulU/lug
amid tlethnentnl to their interests. The
Ilroducrs or the crops of this country
are now thorulhl1 convinced that the
operations or the men who Rllcculate
tend In the long run to force down the
prices of wheat and cotton , nHI therefore -
fore to Injure the producer to / most
hunentnble extent. " Unqueslonnblr
there Ire sould reasons for this belief ,
for It cannot be ) Idmlted that 10 lIarm-
toll effects result from le ltmnte sec
"In lon In food products , or hHlecl1 that
its effects ore not all In that direction.
I Is at war WII normal conl1tols , and
this ue ' In
cannot good for nay Inlcrest
tile long rnn , neither the consuler nor
the producer.
There Is better chance for the tUC'
ces of the 10\0Ient of gl'OIIII ngri-
Cllltlll'iSts llgmi lust amhll Rpecllnton
lmn thm'o la for I like effort In tills
country ' , uccluse the 811ecu1110' 1i (
their ales abroad are less Intlellal
wih the la\.mlllg ) ewer titan hel'e.
still Amerlcnl prducers should not me-
gl'll their . elolls II this 111'cllol as
altogether hOIIless ) atl gIve 111 the fight
for the Icglsllton they ask ngiiinst iil .
glUllte tenll s II fee Ilrollucts.
USE . .1) A1WSN 01 " TnXT 100 S.
Ever since the ueglllll of the r.
celt rc'olllon Ill educatonal methods
he t use lulI abuse of the text book hns
hcel 1 much cOlt'o\'ertel question.
Under the old ' the
olt R 'stel of teaching ,
. .
text book was e'erytilillg. 'l'he
teacher was often 1 mel'e mlchlne to
verify the results und the Pupil n tWl'e
melol'lzer of meanll . less IlhraseR.
" 'hel wrote his origl-
nnl ! text book 01 ) olUcll econol ' Just
Itefo'e the Illlo of this et'ntlmry he
eXlllnlnet ) II tile II'eface ) that the chief
lerlt of his work WIS that with Its
nld , Iny one could teach IloltC1
ecolomy uy Ihnllly eiling ] two or
three lessons ahcad or tile clnss. I
S8t8 Igallst such rigid atl dogiimmttic
StmIlllit1'IS that the Im'ol against text
books ] was at first directed.
' .lere Is still consllernhle tlebl ( table
grount on the extent of the held for
text bools but the cOlsensus of opiml-
Ion seems to be Umt the text book Is
not to be imltogetiui.r abmtonel1 : This
was very clearly brought ou tat u uleet-
lug of pulle school telchlrs In Phll-
dlllhll ) the other day. 'l'hle build following .
lowing of the text book Is bad : enough ,
but the atlmt to teach wihout It
Icnds to even verse results. There are
: ih.itys certain poInts that must le
lealed hy frequent repetItion.
Teachers soon find that It Is absolutely
hnosslule , to give this hy oral demon-
Htlton , all so they resort to SUU8t-
tute devices. Tile most cOlmon Is die-
taton , requiring their 1111Is to take
"notes. " I Is tlfcul to say which of
the two methods Is worse. In boUI
clses wretchet wl'lng 811(1 Incorrect
spoiling Ire the n/tural consequences.
In both cases the language used Is
poor. Either i Is niarkediy coall'esset
Inl Inelegant ; the language e of recipes
of bis , of melolndu , or else i Is the
coloquial style wltl which chidren are
already fmtniiliar. Besides these disadvantages -
vantages of the note taking system.
teachers are sure to teach , indirectly
or otherwise , en'or In fact. 'hQre ur
few grown eople who lu gIve Iceu -
rtely what the ' may first chunce t
hear of I hitherto unlmown subject ,
aided even by volumijimious notes. No
one need , then , be astonished nt the
nalura ] mlstals made by chltren In
attempting this dUUeul work.
A good text book , therefore , Is in
every way. preferable to n poor note-
hook. The text books , too , ] uLe shown
wonderful hnllrovement slnco the text
book ] writers were wakened up to the
demand for methods and
time text hook pubJshers began to realize ] -
Ize the Importance In ettng out hooks
that are artistic ns well as usefuL The
modern text book Is Intended to lurk
the fouimdation of the structure , not to
Iml Its height As the prluclpal of
one of the Ph1lu1elphla schools expressed -
pressed it , "tho plnce of the text book
Is governed ly Its use The best text
book must prove unsatisfactory If It
and not the teacher leads the clnss.
Intl\ldual needs are not gUlrded by
the text books , because they are written
for 1any sections or the country and
for dlCerent schools. I Is the fuucton
of the tencher to fit time book to the
child , amid not the chid to the boolt. "
Tile text book Is n necessity In the
Ilble schools. All thnt is needed Is to
uart against Its abuse.
lW ANlf."A1'IJ.
I seems that the question ; of Un-
wulln annexaton IB likely to again
COllUnt the attention of tub senute
before the eml of the ] resent session of
eommgress. Last week 1 resolutol was
offered flvorlng InneXI ton , to which
1 substitute was adopteol. This ex-
presscd the 103'IIIIltthiy of tile cople of
the United States with efforts to
lRtaulsh rellhlcln Ilstltous ill the
Unwlian 1811118 ] , hut reI11'met
the PolicY of Iulolutu nonlnter-
1el'ence Inl ] recognized the right
or every IJollle to Illopt ( 111 ( lllntuln
theh' own form of gOS'O'l'llilleIit , nn-
awed ] and unlntuclcell ( iy fOI'elgl die- .
tittioml. This wits adopted hr 1 majority
of only two , the vote Ulll 2 I In favor
to :2 1gllnst the resolution. .
'l'ho resul was not satisfactory to
the 11'01ltlS ! of Inlexllon 111 ( ] It Is
Inllc'Rloot that they are 111tmnilet ( to
Illc nlothcr effort to IIOllt ] the reso-
luton fmtyomiiig tile ullxllg or the
Ilwulln 181nllH to the ( I nlh'l Stltes
WII'II'C' the fO\'l'I'llent of tile . IIhll16
, hl1 . I sIt to ho mlile I pll.t : or this
couIltm7. 'J'he 1IIIn Is sib iii 10 ho to let
the luler rest until tl nl\\'I ' clletel
sl'nltl' (1'01 . ' ( Ioltana 111 ( "IVyolIlilig ,
to liii 'lleimm1c1el4 In the sdillItOI'hlIl ' .
11 YllllIl'S HCln tolal l'131)-
I'eseltulon ( mum Ihose stltes , tala
their scats 111 tln relew the discus.
HIII alli try ulmotiler vote 01 the IIUCH'
tioim. 'J11 IIUoxltlonlHts ( t'xeet thlt
vitlu this iuiiditioiu to their '
'wih 1111ton sh'enth
Iher wi be Ihle to ( ! I'Y t hl'Ollh n
I'usoiltol nllll'o\'lng tinIr I UI l'\ . ' . Wih
the ICCIHSlol of tilt ' . Ionllll all W > 'o.
IlnRcnato \ the nllhl'I'hl ( of thl
senate wi be elgiity-soveui , fortyOw
of which wi ho ) rej)111)lidllius. ) I al tile
1''llblcnns 111 the 1hll'U lolJIHts
Vote for 111Xaton ! iley wi const ,
tutu n hhlIjol'ity , Inll ( If thin l'esuilitIull
uITl'ml ) hy SI'llltor A lien Hhoull hI
ibluseul . It w(111 10 u declaration Oi tl
11I.t ; or the I'llltebl States Iwnatu tht :
Steps shulid hu tulel wlhoul del ! ) hy
this government to nnnex the 11\alnn
I Is to ue 't\JII ( thot It ally further
effort Is iiinulpo commit the senate to
this Ilrol1oslU ? It will fail , because I
( lees not represent the inteliigeimt IJ\ble
ollinion ] of the country. I Is n matter
of no conseiii lice now whlthor the
course oe thclrc ! ut nlllllstrton In
the Ulwnllt mnter was wise or tIn-
wise. A reJlcan ! ! gos'ermiiueut has
been estnblshed In Inwll solId recog-
nized tinficlhiited 1011(1 . other
by tljJlletl States \ll
iimttions. I IsllelevCI to be fu1 ' cUlm-
ble of lallu\IJltlg ) Itself , hilt that Is
no affair of .olU BO long as other
powers do I6 iterfere. I Is entlel '
im'OieL' ) for us to'exllresR sylllp1ttily wih
the new republic , but ue.roucl this we
shoul ] not go. 'l'he snggestlomm that
this JO\'el'nlelt Bhoull take stes
looldug to Ilnexnlon CIUlot he jiisti-
net by our 10lg.etnhtshell PolicY uor
by IU , ' cOlsllertous of 11'eRl'lt . bemie-
lit 01' adt'nimtage. Our duty Is to 1110-
C'\'I a Ilosllol ) of ( nh80hll0 imoninterfer-
NIL'e. I Is 1Ith'II ' safe to say that /
la.orUy of the AlfltOI'icllml IJlllle who
enl . colsller ( this Ilueston hIIL'1JI'nty
101'e not lu favor of the UllCI Suites . II'
cO'llorltng this remote tei'ritol'V , with
its hctlrO L'nl'ous IlolJlnton , III 115-
Humh.l . all the Ilossllltea ) of future
tlllhlo ) which woull be 1\'oh'cll In
SIldil I1'hlLttIll'O from IoiiL'Y thu
slch I del1 me 1 lltcy )
has 11'C'llet froth the begiuling of
the govel'mlmdllt.
A IlliCit AlUS/W lW17
When the 1Il011le ) ) of the Uulell States
In lstet 1110n havlnJ hlcollll'atetl ) ( Into
their new cOlsttlton the bill of
rlfhls cOltalnetln the first Ion mIllIeuid.
lL'ltS one of the 111Iortalt llrlltelS
of civil liberty hlchllCI thlreln was
that In al dl'hlliimllLl IrOSICltola the
accused shall'njo ' the right to IU\e the
usslstlnee of counsel for hIs dcfcnse.
' .1'hiis ' Is hl ' VhlitIlt-
1hls right lullcstoua ? ) I
Ilk one amI otI that huts IJl'eutel )
mich . ] lel'ecuUol and illJti8IIcC. ; A
111 acclsell of clme Is sellol cog-
nlzaut of the law bearing ou his case ,
101' Is he n'I'sell In the 1)I'oceIlmre Inl
riles of the courts before which he Is
arraigned. The law long ago bccule
Slch 1 technical ant specialized bet ' of
kulowledge thlt Its pmlmCtiCe . heclle 1
' ' ' ' of for
IJwfeHslou requiring yemmrs Htlly
its hrosectmtioli. 'rhe Isslsta nce of
counsel Is therefore as essential to the
1\lllnlstrnton of strIct justice lS Is 1
the trial by jury amid the comlJlsor '
attemidmimice of witnesses.
Tills rIght however , Is also subject
to IlrvC'slon and open to alumses.
OIIJlnat - Intcllled for the protecton
of defcni'mt , on trial In the courts
charged with . 'tlit commlsslol of crlm-
hml ncts , It , .i Izisextcmided ieyond ) this
IIITOW tcldf.nd Is now resorted to in
cases where Ithe lnsslstnnce of counsel
was unhell'll'O , 1 at the time of the
ItlolJton ( of tllC37COmiStittitlOIi. : At the
recent conri:1lna ] h1esl a ton of
.Tuoige llicksforexa131ile ' , It Is reliably
reported thatlhejutge's interests were
attended to orJil ( no less ] ' than six
law 'ers. Aphhe ! Institution of Im-
IJeachment ] Jrocltllugs Is In the nature
of / gran(10t1ry'h1qtIm'y " . , whm'e the ns-
81stance of i'OI . j9 ! : , Is .altogetlier out of
1)110cc. In thc . ' 1ccent Invcstgaton of
I the Unle Slafc . * selate cOlmltee Into
the aUege w.\gar I. trust scandlls the
winesses , ' cSllelaUy ) the recalcitrant ]
ones , were /tendcl by counsel , and on
their advice refused to answer ques-
tons , fet which rofusa ] the ' were Inter
lumdicted. Here , of them , I t least ] ,
were merely ] witnesses and neither ou
trial nor directly implicated In the
sUbject under discussion.
Coming down to local maters , n po-
lceman cannot .b suspended nor n
sllortlnate . clerk discharged from pub-
lie emiIplOyiiieUt without demanding n
full hearing , with the nsslstance of
counsel ] , just lS If they were accused
before n clmlnal bar and in jeopardy
of theIr lives. One ofclnl II this city
even hat the audacIty , after / pro-
tractet investigation into lila miscon-
duct , which ended In n qunlfet exoneration -
oration , to ask that the fees of his attorney -
torney 1m paId out of the public treas-
0117. In none of these cases Is there
any real right to the nsslstance of
cOlnsel The Interpositon of attorneys ,
on the other hand , at every Possible ]
point , whie mme debt lucrative ] to the
Itorney ! , emitails. untold eXene Uon
the ] eole. I serves usull ' to conceal
fact which OI1 lt to be Imown , and
whUe It : muy llOtect wl'ougloers it Is
1 hurdclme imposition upon nn Innocent -
nocent IlbUc.
There is only one way to stop these
itiitises. I Is for Investigating bodies
to refuse to recognize IHO'ne 's unless
their services are absolutely necessnry
to their ltmrPoSo. I matters of IL crini-
lua character I'e uncovered the itttor-
1leys wi timid their plnee whll they are
brought up him court Let the abuses
of the last few 'eul go 01 unchecked ,
a man will have to have the Id\lce or
cOlnsel every tme he smuys / word II
11 11 c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'IibsInriT L'LiT UN 1.007' 1AI. { . .
Presldelt ( BUot of HIl'vlml Inh'C'sl '
II his Inllnl I'ellol' to the overseers of ,
that iumstltutioii . joist luue ] Ilhle , seems :
to have ulllrcl ut the cOleluslol thut
the 011) way5to abate the evils of col-
lego foot ullda to abolish the game Il -
tocthll' ! for \ 3fu'oses , , of Illcl'Coll' llte
oommtests. ' 'hle evIls , ho smuys , which
hccale ) 10 IJ'olllelt II Inh'coll'lllto
t'IJteHts a yea , il . ao. cOltluo wihout
i'enl ] redress p ir ( liimlilmuutioli. II 111
ticulilil' the lle . of foot halrOWH
WI'HU 111'MIII , us 1'(1\1 ; foul and
\101011 Lilly Illd the nUIIlrnd ( gl'II
I ' of the Iljlles vlmk'iu . the players
stiffer. ' 10 1'itshieimt Jlot It his be-
( ' ( ) IllU Ilel'f'cl ( ( Ilcal' that the jlle lS
101In 'ld .hit ullt for college UHe.
'l'lm ( 1'hl(35 ( ( of9tlglle II lt IJ't'HI11 ) !
such lS to tjl.Iluvllhl ' n luljo
lluhllir of iirokeim ' hiolles , ' amid
IUlhl'l' ) ( IJ'olt 1 hOII'I 81'IIIS ! 111
VmCmldiles , e\u \ ! dIll'iulg tuliul 01' ) ' .
wrcl'hes ( dll'llg 11111 I' 1)u'uc- ;
ti'lnlJ $ ) IllYl ( ICjllllhlr ! ; 111
the ' Ilso 1I'Iul those who IIII ) ' wih
l'l'ltll'SJ vlolel ! ! I' wlh 81ll'tS'l ,1111'
tlns of the 3'IliL'H tIp glil twl'lhr ( great
uivmulltmiges'huiit ( Is cllh'll thu deyei.
ollumt .0 1' thl t 110 hlH HI'I\lr I Iiu-
cn'uRl'll ( its 1111.6 Ult tl ' hl0 hi"
Collie tIlljtlstrllltlI ( ' . NIIIII ' , tile 111.
lie Is ioshiug (111111 . hum thl HIICC'ly or the
II'ufl'IWt ) del.o o ( haclws : , Cltlllt
aunt II'ololel' " to rufCl1 it.
In the Hlnl Il'eittli , iiovvi' ' , I'rt's-
ilelt Eliot tries to releyo tile pcrsols
wlol ho takes II task ( IUI a Hn'lt
dC11 of the m'espomusiiillity for 12.e do-
generation ot the game. The players ,
ho InslRt , are swayed by n tyralllcnl
11blc OpitlIon-piOrtly Iglorllt altl (
partly bai'barous-to the formnuut loll of
whIch Irudln tes ntl umle'gl.lhlutes. .
fathers . , 10the1 811(1 sisters , lellc.s of
Society , nlll the verlcst gamblers nlt
rowdies nil couutribute. And he lels
the state of mlll of the spectators at
n anme of mOller foot bal to that of
the throngs which eljo.r the prize
lght , cock lIght or hll fght , or which
dclghled ( lu the sPorts of the HOIUI
tt1'81111i. Ole thing lrlRhl\lt ( Nlot for-
gets , or nt least fails to meltol , thnt
this t t 'rllllcnl 11hlc opiimtoims'iis fos-
tel'ltl n 101 g , If I ( hid not eninllte
fl'ol. the Ultll' grmlultes itt the uhf-
fel'elt colleges , Ind tlt with the
t'llcollt'lmgehlleult of the fneiltiea. Only
Hhlce the gnme uf fool bail bccnnl ) /
Illhle ) selullal IIle the college Iuthor-
Ites del nell I to lutel'fel'e , I1t1 now
lucy timid thut the ' IIle wlied too
IOI . I hwy try now to abolish the
COltlsts ulogether they are sl'e to
leet I Very hoVe1'fll ) ( OlllJOHllol for
tl "Ol ' rCUHII thut the studcnts 111 (
the IHlblc hl\'e heel led to . view thel ,
IhlReK 1111 ni , IS Ilcrfcct ) iegitiniimte.
IlwhlJ I ( 'xir'sseh such Itl'cilet 01)111-
hulls Ignl11t the cllth\llCe of foot
bnl ) 1101 ! thc college 1110'11. ) 1lei.
ihl'tlt BUot 1111(1 the hlitrvmird .
11e\lt ( \ nl ] 11\'I'11 fICll
11) be eXllellcl1 to Inlc radical lellon
before Inother HellOn COIIS UIOII1 I
wi hot ue RIII'lsllg If 111\'arll docs
not sent nnolhm' foot hal tenl into
the lieu for sOle 'cnrl .o collie.
'IVe have dlsco\'orel how It was that
SeI n ti' Brice mucc his rlllolt to the
HI'llte on the cOl1ton of tle Union Pit-
cfu Ilh'I\1 before his commit tee 11\1
IL n'guiiar hi ) before It for cOIHllel'l tel
and action. 1 seelS that aWlr Imet In
October , Um : , 1111n the extra scsslon
of con I'eSI , ROle one Iltrllccll ( a Ieio ,
hltol calling for lumfom'uiittiomm : ns to the
condilon of thlt railroad after the 1)
Ilolntment ) or receivers to tithe charJe of
it. ' 'hlt l'esollUol welt to Mr. Brice's
COl I I tee , whel'e every ole thought It
hld long : tgo begln the sheep that
klows no waking. .1URt as the Hel '
bill wla 1 bOlt to cOle Oil ) In the house ,
: h' . Brlcl' , wantlg to do Romethln to
l'ICO\ra e thatllis\'e , dl 1 ( this ics-
ollton Ind hUI his I'PJort ) Uon It , II
which he trIes to coilvey the iunpres-
Hlon thnt the flnlJn ! Hcllnw Is the only
one that w1 meet II favorable recellUon
In the senute. 1'ho \u\ns\el'ell ( m'esolti-
Uon of 1813 formed I most cOlvenlent
und tImely cover for this piece of of-
tcul 10ub 'lng. .
The lustrtell weekly press Is devot-I
Ing considerable space to pictures of
the relief trains sent from ( leorgia to
IehrRI ; I the illustrations are IC-
eiiiate as we have every reason to be-
hove them to be we mURt congratulate
the 11Uager of the GeorgIa contrluu-
Uons upon the skillful way In which
they hare utilized their OlJorhllty for
. utlzell )
advertising ItirlOSeS. Each car is la-
holed with large ] painted IJlaCI\lR pro-
clullll . to the world the lunltcent
geumerosity or the south und informing
the peole plSt whom the cars lUSt go
or the wonderful resources that await
development by Immigrant settlers.
The whole train Is / lving Plea for
souther inlnl raton. 'Ve do not be-
levo many Individual contrIbutors to
the Neblsk/ drouth sufferers have
been actuated by other tIun llluaul-
tal'lan moUves , but the supplies of food
and provIsions which they ale furnishIng -
Ing are being used In furtherance or
one of the most effective advertising
dodges ever devIsed.
Thc New York Evening Post talks
about It being unprecedented for three
states to be only hal represented duro
immg almost nn enUr congress IS Mon-
taint , Wyoming and 'Vlshlngton have
been during tIe 1 lry-thlrt con l"SS.
I ; Is unprecedented t have states un-
representet In the sennt because of the
failure of the legislatures to elect , but
( luring time war of the rebellion and for
some time after its close all l of the
Routhern states were unreprcsented In
both hranches of congl'ess. Some of
them which tnlly elected scnuto.s ant
sent them to 'Ynhlngton wm'e refused
rlllreRentlton unU they hul compiled
with the rcconRtlICUOn le ! . 'hC" Is
ROIO Iueslon whethm' they were really
states ( luring this time. Tile war and
l'econHl'uclon pei'iod , lIowever ; gives
lenty of examples of states unreprc
seated In the Unlet States senute.
And the J.ittlo Jo , Is Uolng It
Boston Oiobe. 8.
'Chinn ' Is willing to give $ C.O iind to
admit ' Corea's Independence , but not to
give up any territory to Japan. Tie little
hey hI evIdently got to pound the big boy
a little more.
I Ile -w
Cold Comrort for hlynr tolnocnU.
Cincinnati EnquIrer.
How jolly the western shiver democrats '
must tee I over their presllent . 'Vhen they
agreed to the declaration ( hut lie Sherman
IHI'chuse ) law wus "u cowardly muke-
shift , " did they expect sliver 10 he shifted
clear out ot legislative und executive con-
slderton ? _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Un the IyU ot lIeovvry.
Chicago Mall .
The house at re'rsBntntvel ' passed the
lull repealing the discrImInating duty at
one-lelih or 1 ocr celt 01 sugar . I the
B ltle were to do the same It wouldn't
take Germany Iwent.foul' ' hours to die-
corer that AmerIcn meals are the most
healhrul In lie world and its embargo
would be lIfted. .
10ylSOll Slalolt.s tt list Wnr.
The total number at men who served In
the union amy lurlll lie war Is Illaced
hy can.tuly revised figures ut 2,125,088.
'J'he dellhs Ir battle were 67.CS. ( cOIn
wounds 43.012 and I from dlpeose 221,580. leav-
lug to be mustered out 1,7iJI29. . 'l'hio lum-
her alive IL year and a halt ago was re-
Ilorted , at 1,2Ot178. Probably not more ( lIen
hnit the vast army ( limit mireserveti un undivided -
divided country are now . preservel
111. 01 1"/1111'118 / , In I C"n grcs. .
SI. Louis Gobe.iemo"ral ( rep. )
Let the republicans In congress bear In
mind that the eyes or the country arc upon
lhem ( In ( tile exlgcnc I II ( rile they ar !
not directly responsIble ( ( r legislatloli . ( or
iou brunches or tile government arc out ut
their control 'Ihls consllrratol , however
does not nlsolve them tram the IlcrlsllY ot
pertonnln their duty intelligently and
wlseJ ) ' according to their power 0111 . opor- ,
tUII ) " . 'ro thIs . \ extent they will he held i
accountable t ) the country ( pr time action '
or nonactol ot cOlsre . s.
. \ I'ndlll , . lureloo. .
MII'ul"ls Jounmi.
Time DIaz government In Mexico ( lOCH not
rapturously lmhrce the offer or medl- 1
ntorlal actIon II the Guotcmaht dlfculy on
lie part or our goo'vrnnielit. 1 Is very
1Ioly : thai I10z wlnls ( to settle this
houn1Iar matpr once for cli. all believes , In
his Ial'rlor WI ) ' . that It only din lie cItI.
nhtely settled by whh1lllnJ Gualemala end !
her Cenlnll Amcrlcl allies. 11uz klows
tied 110 ( , orlinalon ot lie Central American
renib1lcs cl hell together very long . 'hey
never have kepI Iny \mpact , and every ul-
temllt to form u Permanent union hal ( aIled.
11WULUl SlWTS ( . T TUB I'tIL1'lT.
Minneapolis Journal : There art some very
InterestIng pints ( In I'opo Leo's encyclical 1 to
the members of the Latn church In this
country. I Is BomethlnJ new to hear the
VatIcan lclulnl that the Laln church
shouM not be R rol Ower , but a lender In the
pursuit ot modern science . alll to commend n
free prese. with fomt IIJunctons ns to the
mnlnlenlUco at n high inorailty. Time was .
and I wee within this centurr. when the
VatIcan would not have male such Mclara-
( Ions. The world moves and the Vatican Is
mo\'lnl with It.
ChIcago herald : Archbishop McQuall at
itoclieiter has been \ fitly r"bukelror \ his at-
tack on Archbishop Ireland l for spNldng In
the ( relublcan Camlalgn last Novemher In
New York City . I might have been better
for Archbishop Irelanl 10 retrain front par-
Isnshll In politics. Hut the church had not
made , ArchbIshop lcQuall hIs CNaor : anti
Archblsholl Mcquaid ought to have reinein-
tiered ni nnclelt allot \ homely proverb about
two cooking ullnsls which are guIty ot
logical Irrelevancy when referring to theebon .
hue hint ( npIrtnlls to holh.
Chicago Tlmts : Dr. I'man Abbott , ( lie
successor of leecher In Ihe ( Imlllil at Plymouth -
mouth church now declarr himself nn e'o-
itltiOlli8t . discredis wholly the ( star ( ) ' of.\lnm
amid Rye I . oan't digest the apple and 10ubls
the snnk ! Yet there ( iod5il't appear to benny
any very great exciement In orthodox circles -
cles o\'er It. Wih the progress at liberalism
In the churciies with lie progressive trlulllh
If science over reveal theology , about the
011) ' thing a cerg'mal cal do to acquire
unlquo tame Is to dcaro for cOl1Iell ortho
doxy . accept all the miracles nm\ \ put Illous
faith II sullhur and brimstone.
KanSs City Star : The First 1 COlgTga-
( local church ot Ienver Is In n I'eek of lrou-
ble ) ellleavorllJ to 11lhle whether the Savior :
of malllll was really an aimarciilst. or
course the ( word "nnnrchlst"
has been , anti !
perhaps always w1 be , suscepthlo or con-
mclng comistructions . hut ( here Is liothilmig
In the chronIcles Dr lie ( New TNtnmcnt ( to In-
I1c,1to ( that ( the Savior believed \ In Nlneteenlh
cntur ) anarchy. And ( here Is nolhln In the
11hlRhed records or moder nnarehlsls to
corroborate a snsilicion lint ( they mtre lent on
foihowlmig the Savior's . ' "
folowing rootslcps. The "First 1
church" Is In unproftqblo m hn ) lncss aud shonll
stick to the regular Prograni
Chicago Post : He , ' . Father M. J. narcr of
I.oelllorl , N. y" , believes In the doctrine
of the old Quiaiiero'hio . being struck on one
cheek , turned lie other 10 his assailant. all
then pounded hll , black amid blue. Father
iarey was annoyel by SOle roughs In the
church , amid gave thel a gentle wurnln to
cease their dlslurhances. , 'he scoffed ! al
till ) ) . and or course theoretically ) . that might
be called the Irsl 1101. 'fhen he turned lho
other cheek by waring lhel agaIn amid
again they scoffed at him mnl heale,1 In-
stilts UIon a church usher According to the
Qunller's rule lint ( was the ( hue for action
and Father Darcy reached for thai rimig-
leader nnd landed between his eres. Then he
cross-counlered , or did somethln else In
that line . amId \ lal1ell anln. After thaI the
service was resumed nll 11 was worthy or
note ' lha the Quaker doctrine Iroyed ) of
1 value. There has boon mme dlsturhance II
time church since , and nellher have the parishioners .
IshDners found any fault with Father Darc )
New York Sun : He\ James Boyd Brady
of the Ieollle's church Boslon , seems to he
takIng queer means for the ( 11Uflose or hrlng-
lag ( hat ungodly seltemenl to a realizIng
sense or its sins and Its splrllual peril. "I
) go down to the gates or hel , " he said
last Sunday. "and It Is recorded ! that you
come tram Boston they wIll say Inke I
hot for him , lecaus : he comes from Iloston
nn Inleleclual Illace where he ought to have
Imown better. ' " As long as Boston Is I flat-
lered In thIs way and coldlel\ \ with the
thought that she Is Inteleclual , she wi
delay repantence and a receptIon not nt all
remInding her or the chillIness of her own
manner wilL continue to le prepared for
her. Chelsea Is good and Cambridge Is In-
teliectual. but Boston seems unwilling 10 he
the one because she fancies lint she Is the
other. But diet has much to do with these
things , and Boston Is nol entirely to blame ;
und we shall nol despaIr or her so long
ns time Sacred Codfish continues lo hang at
the old sland.
- .
l'IWlLl .iXl ) Tlu as.
Th\ Ilroojdyn strIke cost $2O2OtQ. "
Colorado boasts of Its swelling output or
gold , and In the same breath denounces admirers -
mIrers of the melal.
St. Louis protests against the use of sal
on slippery sIdewalks. Communal freshness
must b preserved at any cost.
A cold wave 'and a rairoad war struck
Chicago nt the same moment and the mercury
chased the price or coal down to $2 a ton.
Those zealous legislative regulators who are
trying In a dozen states to reduce the height
or women' headgear have laId the tounda-
ton for a kick emi Easter mIllInery bills.
Ilnkey Dink Sol Von Prong anti Bill
Sknltl are candidates for the Chicago city
council. There Is yet hope that the ellnent
Abe Siupsky wi be persuaded 10 come out
tn St. Louis.
One must go away from home to see and
appreciate the convenience of the molbrn
street cr , The new street cars In Detroit
have enclosed platforms for the conductors .
sIde and back doors , a ootboard al the shIes ,
plate glass wIndows and orate finishings.
The only venerable relic retaIned Is the
lynching strap.
Mc T. Thomas Fortune , n colored promoter
of negro ofce holders , complains that the
administraton bas deal with his kind In a
miserly fashion. Only three colored demo-
crate have been invited Into Limo pantry.
Mr. Fortune Is not a high lonesome In the
party desert. Thousands uf white rustlers
who yelled for . ( our years more or Grover"
are wrapped In the sombre drapery or their
folly and piling maledlclons al the admlnls-
( ration. De not downcast \ , Thomas. There'i
hope beyond the .
) O'ond grave.
lulh O'Donnel. the leder ot the ITems-
steati ! \ strike . ts In
ItcaItrlke. harrisburg hooking for
An npPolntment under Governor hastings .
unler Instnp.
lie would like to bo 1 detlty factor Inspector -
specter In one at the wesler h'ennsylviunia
I'rosident'I'ilhian n. Hornblower of the
Prlncelon club of New York recently gave
his views on foot hail. Pew men nf Ive
) 'ears are moro qunlncil to sleal on time
sliljCCt Mr. llornbiower's eI'erllnee wIth
wih 11 on n memorable occasion furnishes
an inexhaustIble source of raw material to
be llrawn nl'on at will .
I x.Slnator Inlnls anti cx.Chnmplon 511111-
\'nl met , , al n trln near 1iln9s City.
"John , " said the ox-senator "wh ) ' Ihl you
retire from thl rlimgV' " 1"01 lie 8nmo
reason ' , senator , " replied \ John , cordially ,
" ( lint you gave : UI ) Ihl ( Iinnsas senatorsilli
One Imockout Is lnough for 1110. " AmId the
two Johns Instantly ml.
Instant ) changed . the subject
II..I.'n'SW. . " If.IJ1'S IWI \ ' ,
A running tongue can soon do more daloage
than n runa\1) ' horse
A worll . oHel stabs anti kills where a lIng-
gr wouldn't.
Grattul , ran slug songs of praise with nn
empty ( peket.
lalY People de1110 themseh'es Into think-
Inl that laziness Is poor health .
Put a 8ele emi your tncl when you go out
for a wall , and somebod will 10 iieipe.i .
A prairie on fire Is scarcely n circumstance ' . 'I4. .
to lie evil that 11) ' follow nn nngry SIteecli
There Is somethlnJ wrong with the religIon !
at the home where the chlhlren hate the Sab-
bat Ii.
The man who does not love his neIghbor
M hlmpel . still throws b:1an : : skins al the
Tim man who claims hint ( ther Is 10 such
tImIng ns nn lion est lan , tells olhers ( what
he thinks or himmiseif.
Many a mal whl reels 100\ \ under star
preaching goes rlg.t , out or church to take
somnebilily 1) ' the throat , and sa'- ; "l'ay m. "
whnt thou owesl "
, .
. sl I./ FOU 1).O SlW.IW.S.
SS'm'nCtmso . Post : Pom-l : don'l Ilwnys do
unlo olhel" itS l'tl hl\O othet ,10 unto lIle :
Chant-Of course nolo 1 isn't n slrl'
1IIIce to propose to ammul.
Im-ton Courier : A flcl that ( Is 8011 WO
Iln'l fortune . If ene\ly n good mnny
fellows' nmisfortumie.
Phl\elphhL Hllorl : A KensIngton youth
who himlil heen told tlmmit . certitin
hll 1011 thlt I clrlnln young
latIy'tl ( zither hind 1)lenl ) of conJh , YOW)1 pr
Ilolel ( to her brtolc he dIscovered ( lint the
all UUll 3s'a3 . n baker.
HuIlio Courlrr : 'or a concern ' which Is
fleltilel' I hotel nor IL lolJtn ) house the
UnIted States mInt supplies I ! good nuUY
Ileol.lo wih comfortlhle qual'lers.
New York Truth : Chilmnly-Say , MngIe ,
you're I wOller when It corel 10 cooking
-yoU oughlcn . tem I wl.lel ) ' 1' necont-
Illshrenll iiet't' . fll' time way 'Ol Itll cook
Perfect fitfl3' (115)1CC dream ) , lIke hirer amid ! bacon Is a
Pilhiititehi)1IIIL ) 'I'imnes : ' 'I imenr lightnIng rod
ngents hmn'o formmietl a unIon. " "Yes , cliii
It's store to cause trouble.'hy so ? " " 13o-
cahltit , they are always talkIng about a
&tm'lke. "
ImmdlOllapohiH JOI1IIlill : ' 'how shall we
sero'e ( lint mien' mlsalonary 7" asked the ' .
"As hash I guess , " saId time kIng of
1iii'Ica. ) iie told me tiutt time cemiferenco
lint ! roasted 111111 just before lie left lmonie. "
Phillntlelphln fleeortl : "Your hohavlor Is
slmigular , " mId ( lie young girl to thm man
ViiI ) hail j1lSt Icisimed her. " Ovell , i'll make
It. lIiirnl , ' saId hieicimolng her agnlmi.
New York Weekly : Mrs. Dc Neat-It
seems to me ( lInt tor a nina 'lmo claim
to docerve charity you have a. very red
Iilotmidy Mike-Yes , mum ; time cheap soaps
thmmtt us poor ileomle ; lies to use Is very huird
cli tile complexion , mum.
Botoa Courier : A woman's smite will
motlletImes lflOVt3 a crowd of men soomuor
than vill the clubs or six big policemen ,
Detroit Flee l'ress.
She put liar anna nround hits noOk ,
Allil ( or a season
lie ( lisallmearct ( rotc earthly gaze
As stars are hid In sunlit days ;
Those lovely arms , so wondrous soft and
fair ,
Were In those Inonsti-ous sleeves that
women wear-
That was tile re'asoa.
Washington Capital.
I stole dem breeches , I 'knowledge do corn ;
But' ttvan't no crIme , ez sure ez you're
Ef do fliOtive is right , den what's tie sin ?
I stole dem breeches to be baptiz' in.
Fur my onhlest pa'r wnz clean wored oUth
3)oy puv' lip do gimos' when I g'In to shout
But m-'tiglon Is mititty , an' mus' pervail ,
Do It hands dec dark in de county Jalli
a. "
Do chaIn-gang's got me , on de coal-mines ,
too :
flut what could or 'fenceless colored man
de ludge an' jury 'lowot It was sin
To steal mIcra breeches to be baptiz' in ?
Tell do folks all hiovdyo , an' goodbye , tool
I'll meet 'eni In lmebben whm'en my wurk Is
Furm. ' heart is white. do my skin is black1
An' i'm go'IIi to ( rabble on de shiinln' tracki
Wilen dQ Lawd Is Judge , I know Ho givin.
'straight ez or shIngle , amid faIr ci
vorld Oat it wnrn't no sin
Ter steal dem breeches ( Cr be baptlz' ml
' . , ii
. O4fl1r4c.KI/YC4
Your MOhicy's Worth ot Your Moii.oy Back.
- i . . .
Up Higher-
Everybody agrees on that-wc'rc getting higher ,
and higher every year.--on the qual-
I - . - ' ity-of our clothing-Good dressers
: t , E : I don't buy where t is handicst-but
C _ Lucy pick out a high quality-low
t- ' price-house like ours-and stick to
, it-seven fifty for a suit or an overcoat -
, .
- . . ' coat don't anount to nluch-but you
- get a mighty nice article of us for
t1at-t1icre are $ - $ - $ overcoats and suits-the
qualities no better-but the trimmings , lInings , etc , , on
0111S are better , of course , than the $7.50 goods. We
used to get lots more for them , Boys' suits , $2-$2.5o
-53.00-53.50 with boys' ulstcrs at s and 6-SucIi
prices au these for our high grade goods are outside the
pale of competition.Vc not only make the best qual.
ity-but we also make the best prices.
lelhithleClotiiier , S. V Cur. I5tIl ittiti Jouglmus ,