. . 8 TilE OMAHA DAILY _ BEE : STTJfl.DAY : , F.mnnl1.Au.'Y 2 , 1895. , . - _ _ 1 LETTER FROI I S. P. MORSE ! - ; The New Concern Takes Poscs1on About February 15th Cl SING OUT DRESS GOODS TOMORROW There Arc : \luro lIarlIlni ! Th"n , Tholo-On I'a/e 0 1'011 Will 800 We Meall j ' ' ' the , tu l'osltl\'IJI1' Qnlt UUllncu. - ThInking to settle any possible doubts In L the minds cf the publle as to the "genulnl'- ness" of thIs tale I desIre to tate that a aale of the entire &tack of the M. D. I O. Co. has . . been made to me for the new concern and "a shall open as soon as the store a.d BLock Is turned over , about Fob . 1. The new firm will ho an entirely distinct organization and the tfficers and present shareholders of the Morse Dry Oood Co. will not be In any way Interested In Il. HeatJors of The flee can rest BSmred that It will pay them to purchase good Ilurlng the present sale. sale.S. : S. 1' MO1tSI. . Take the elevator to the 4th noor. ' Tim HUGSI ! TilE CAIlI'ETSI ! The curtain , ! at your own price I Those 3.GO carpet sweepers Take one at $2.00. Thooe real brussels net curtains at $8.GO. Take two pairs at $3CiO each. We have one \\0 will sell you at $3.00. 'Ve wan't the money ; you want the barS gains. Some easels A few screens , too. , Slmdes made alHI put UJI cheapr than any one else In the city. DImSS GOODS , 10C. IiOOO yards : all wool silk and wool GOc and - 'llic dress goods for 1 Dc. mmss GOODS , 20C. Another lot GOc , 750 and $1 dress goods on ; one cmnter at 20c. nmss GOODS , 40C. Still another lot or 75c. 1.00. . $1.25 and $1.50 dress goods , up nE high as' $2.2 . a yard In one t lot. 49c. lEMNANTS HALF PlUCE. The remnants as they laid on the remnant counter , prices unchanged , 50 per cent dis- count. $5.00 remnants $2.50 , $6.00 remnants t $3.00. $2.00 remnants for $1.00 , $1.00 remnlI1ts : for liOc. 1I0YS' CLOTHING $ IS7. Doys' $5,00 suits down to $1.87 : the $6CiO suits down to $2.88 ; the $10.00 suits down to $3.87. THE MOnSE DRY GOODS CO. Hayden l3ros. ' ad Ison page J. ' . ) \1. C. A. Skating ! l'nrl Today Is School 1)ny. " : All school children - dren anti Toting Men's Christian association juniors will he admitted morning or afternoon - noon for 5 ccnts. Ilhh school boys will play a game oC polo at : 3 p. III. Monday night will bo Young \Icn's ! ChrIstian assocIation night , when all members w1l1 bo expected to come anti bring their lady Crlends. Admission 10 cents. . Tuesday evenllll will bo Young People's Church night when the Young Peoplo's Society or Chr'lstlan ' Endeavor , Epworth Icague and lIuptlst union young people will lIIeet to extend their acqualntunco and enjoy - - joy thcm,1lvcs \ upon the Ice. Admission 10 conts. 3 The park will accommodate 3,000 , there being 160,000 square feet , oC good , hard , & . smooth , even surCace. A , commodious room provIded with heat and scats adjoins the Ice. i , . WILL FIGHT A REDUOTION. . Alleged \PIroprlation Askocl for the ' . , Hflioolll \baolufciy lellrock. . , . ; Members oC the Doard of Education fear that .they , 'set' an Indlcatlqn on _ the part of the councIl to disallow the appropriation at $400- , . 000 that , the board .aske < 1. L. i. . , At the last meeting or the board It was eon- . . tended by some members that If $400.000 i was asked for the councIl would be sure to , cut It down on the supposItion that the board t. woulll be certain to aslt for more than was p really needed to run the department. Several membars who are desirous of expending as t lIttle money aE possible this year favored the & proposition of asillng for $450,000 for that . . reason' . Cramblet's object In endeavoring to ' . persuade the board to ask for 8 mills oC the levy was In line with the same tbought. He argued that iC the board asked the council for . ; that proportion the councIl would cut It down ' - to about 6 mills , whIch would male the ap- . . proprlatlon In the neighborhood oC 100000. But now the membrs think that theoJuncl1 Is oC the the opinion that the appropriation Is too great and will ! reduce It. One oC the , . members In discussing the matter spoke as r follows " ' : 'l'he councIl appears to bo of the : opinion that the Jlubllc schools can suffer al- , most aity cut , even to the pont : where It voud bo necessary to shorten the school year by f two or three 1II0nths. The members seem to t think that It would be possible to run the ' schools only five or six months it ( they decided to do 50. They do not seC'J1 ' to reallzlt that If t , . the school year Is made shorter than 7. , nine months the city will lose the : statapportIonment. . This , however. Is a tact. The statutes provide that the city shall receive the apportionment ( only on the confil- , tlon that the schools are kept open for nine , k ' months of the year. Last year we recelve(1 . . 'as our share $14,000 S- , , and this year we expect - : pect to get about $30,000. The approllrlatlon : . that wo ask for will run the schools not to , . exceed nine months anti any decrease will necessitate the shortening of the school year. If this Is done wo wll\ \ lose the state appor- ; . tlonment and this will \ comp.el the shortening of the school year for another month , at tc least. " 'r Other members talk In the same strain , * ' They say that they desired to obtain the appropriation this year and without a fight with the council. On that account they hud I nslled for no mora than they absolutely needed to get through a school year oC nine t months. Heretofore the upproprlatlon nsled i for has invariably been greater : than was absolutely - . , solutoly necessary anti has always been cut . Ilown. Tim council the memh rs claim Is of F ' the opinion that the same tactics are being pursued"thls year . _ : 'fho indications are that If the alJproprlll- tlon Is cut down there will \ bo a bit ! : tIght t I before the matter Is finally settled both In the committee roe III and the council chamber DOIIllI members thlnlt that they have done ; : overylhlng that could have been expected of : t. them In aslllng for 1111 amount that wouhl : - just carry theta through the year. If this alllonnt Is cut down they have given oxpres slon to the intention of tlghtlng It al1 the Way through. ) _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ Jt'R sheer waste to use low grade bailing ; powders. Dr. l'rlre's Is absolutely I'ure. . I NOles ot Ihu AI'IIIY. : - , Lieutenant lilacs of Fort Omaha was the guest' I.e-utcnnllt ! Drew at Fort Niobrara several ilays this \ \ eelc. j Miss Waring , daughter of Captain Waring and Miss Kinsle daughter of Captain Kinzie i oC Fort Omaha , are the guests of Miss Lacey . lit Fort Niobrara , ' Up at Fort Niobrara the officers and ( the Indies of the post are enjoying a contInuous ) ' carnl\'al on skates this winter. The old tennis - nis court bas been flooded and the skatlllg . . ' . bas been superb for 1Cortnlght. . . . . . : "n " ' se III , r marked MajO ! " Crowder , j 1'accordlng to the news ( coin Fort I.eaven- 4 w'ovth that olllcera of the army do not regard - gaTll the opinion of the attorney general of the United States. holding that per diem : anll mileage and COllllllutatIon of quarters Is ' : part oC th"lr Income , UIi very good law Now 1 think " contInued the major , "that It Is nol In the berJ grace for IIJmy oOlcers to crltIcho the action of a government cabinet o Jcer. lie 11 not going to split hairs In : ' these matters for the sake of the trlnhig rev- cane that may _ _ accuro : to the government : ' . , The Interest of the IlI'Iny officers Is certainly - talnly n.t ! ) param\1unt \ to the Interests of the sener,1 gO\'ernmenl " t V . . Fur II Charily 111411. J. IL Marlett ) hst stated that If the cit ! . ' lens of Omaha concluded to give a charity ' 4 i'all be wouM donate the use of the dining roolll of the Millard , In addition to giving ! the i rrtedolU 01 Lbo hOllije. t . . . - . . --I . BOSTON STORE FIRE SALE 2,400 Men's ntgh Grade White Lnnndred ShIrts Worth $1.60 for 600 $1,50 LADIES KID GLOVES FOR 50C Another Lot , highest Oraill' . 81GO till- Jlorll'd 1t"1 OIotel In All Stylcs , All Blzel allll All Colors , Sound and I'ertcct , Uu Rt 101' I.ADlES' FINE nt.ACt FASCINATOnS. Thousands of the finest and highest grade slll embroidered black cashmere fascinators , with long sllle Crlne. ! worth up to $5.00 , go at 3DI' . ODe The end 08c. MEN'S $1.00ViltTIi SnIRTS , 000. All the highest grades , of men's white latin- der",1 a'HI unlnundcred shirts worth $1.liO. go at 50c each. All the finest grade men's nil wool underwear . wear worth up to $2.50. go at flOe each. All men's liOc und 7lic wool underwear go at 15c. All boys' 2lic wool Imee pants , Dc. All boys' flannelette and Percale shirt waists , Dc. Mcn's heavy knit socks lic. Men's all wool cashmere 80ells. 15c. i All the china drapery silks , slightly damaged - ' aged , worth up to $1.00. go ! at lIe 'ard' DIO BAHOAINS , UNDEHWEAHr nOSlEHY. All the lades' : $1.50 Onelta union suits finest grade Egyptian cotton and wool , IDe and DSc lIsses and chlhl's 250 all wool heavy rib seamless hose 10c. InCants' all wool cashmere hose , lic. I.allles' fine 30c cashmere wool hose , full regular made , 161hc. Child's small size underwear lic. I.adles' gray and camels' hair underwear slightly soiled , 15c. I.allles' finest $1.50 Saxony wool rib vests and lalits dOe each. 1hASlMENP DARGAINS. 10c plain colored satcens , lic. I iOn dress ginghams , 3c ' Drapery sllkallnes , 2 ½ c. 8lhc best prints go at 31hc. 2Cie new dlmttles , pretty patterns , 81hc. 35c sill stripe wash goods , 81hc. 25c new jackonets very fine , 10c. lUc fancy black ground sateens Iic. lIe dotted drapery Swiss , Do HATS AND CAPS , MAIN FLOOn. \Icn's ! and boys' 7.1ic caps , llic. Mon's fine casslmere caps , Ole. Men's heavy pilot cloth satin lined caps , 45c. 45c.lIfen's lIfen's fine satin lined ( fur caps , 65c. Boys' $1.25 silk plush caps , 40c. lIOSTON STonl , OMAhA N. W. Cor. l'Gth and Douglas Hayden Dros. ' ad Is on page J. o TIlI uumCT SOUTIIEltJWUTI Via Rock Island , Shurtc.t I.lno anti Fasten 1'111I0. To , all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Tcrrltory , Texas arid all points In southern CallCornla. Only one nIght out to aU points In i Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at 1i:16 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landIng passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In adyance at all other IIncs. Through tourist cars via 1't. Worth -nnd EI Paso to Los An- geles. For Cull particulars maps , folders. e tc. , call at or address Rode Island ticket office , 1602 Farnam St. ClIAS. lCENNEDY G. N. W. P. A. < - Hayden lIros. ' ad Is on page J. - - - nnUer lIvery Yl'nr. Time was when the "glorious climate of CallCornla" did not attract tourists. But year after year the lime oC travel sets ! In stronger anti stronger every Call and winter toward this favored region There Is no climate like It. on this continent for a winter resort , and 1 the usual fine servlco on the Union Pacific system has this season been brought to a .1legreo nf.perfection which leaves nothIng to be desired. - . Harry P. 'Deliel , City ' Tlcl t. Agent , ' , 1302 Farnam street. . J1011IoSEEIH.n : XCUltil0NS. South VI" thoiVabash ltallrOluJ. On February 6 and 12. March 6 , April 2 and 30. For rates or further information and n copy of tile lIomeseekers' Guide call at the New Wabash office , 1416 Farnam street , or write ' O. N. CLAYTON N. W. P. Agent , Omaha Neb. . . More Than 00,000.000 l'n8Ielllcr8. Have beef carried by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway during the past ' twenty-nve years. Very few were . able to find ' any Cault. The rest were dellght'hd. One o'c them recently said : "I or several years pa.t I have made from two to four trIps each month between Chicago and New York antI am almost always accompanied by from one to three or four others. I bel'evo ( as I am ! Informed by your conductors ) that I have , made more trIps between Chicago and Now York than any one other man during the past few 'ears. 1 have always traveled over your road In preference to any other , because by careful comparison with others I 'have ' found not only that the road itself Is far superior but the table and the servco' ! are , In every respect the best oC any road 1 have ever traveled cn The conductors , stewards , waiters and porters I have found to bo unl- ormly courteous and attentive , adding greatly to the comfort of those who arc obliged 10 travel as much as , I am " Trains leave Chicago as follows : 8:00 : a. m. , 10:30 : a. m , . 3:25 : p. m. . 5:30 : p. m. , 8:45 : p. m. . dally , and. 11:30 : p. m. . dally except Sunday. B. 1' . humphrey ' 1' . P. A. . 727 Main street. Kansas City , ! \Io. O. K. Wllber ' , W. P. A. Chicago _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZOUNCif.UINTS. The next regular attraction at Doyd's theater - ater will bo W. S. 'Clevelanil's big double minstrel show on Wednesday evening next , for one night only. Within the past few days ! \Ir. \ Cleveland has greatly strengthened his company by the addition or three distinct features , vlz : Fifteen negroes , ten Arabs and ten Japanese , makng : It absolutely the best minstrel show now tra\'ellng As It will \ b3 t the first minstrel show Omaha hits had this I season the patronage will undoubtellly bo I large Hoyt's new comedy , "A Temperance Town " which will \ be presenttd for the fIrst time In this city on Thursday evening obruary 7. at noyd's theater breathes the atmosphere m of eld New Englan(1 In its every scene and i sitmuation a feature which Is likewise borne out by the clever character sketches which I Mr. Hoyt selected In providing Interpreters for his really excellent play W. H. Sherwood , one of Amerlca's great t concert pianists , If not the greatest , will \ give a recital at Brownell Hull Monday evening t BOSTON STORE BIG FUR ( SALE - Greatest . Opportunity Every Offered to secure Furs nt an Alnnnlng ! Sacrifice , CHANCE Wit CU WILL NEVER BE REPEATED . run ot All Hinds-III CJo\ks , C"I't" , " .rRlu , Multi RIIII Collnr and Sot Rt l'rlcel Never : Snbmlttelt Before , Also R lug ! Mllllnor Sale ' - Tomorrow . Saturday , l eb. 2nd , from 10 a. m. to 4:30 : p. m. In the basement 1,000 ladles' fine black coney muffs , Cull size handsomely IInt'd , worth $1.GO , go at this solo for 3ic. 1,000 ladles' Cull size muffs In water mInk , badger wolf , sliver fox . opposum ant ) grey coney , worth $3.00 to 3.liO. . . go at this sale for 63c. liOO ls8es' and chlhlren's Cur sets , consist- Ing of collar and muff , worth $1.GO to $2.00. go at this sale for li5c. 100 Indies' astrahkan capes 30 to 32 Inches In heath , handsomely lined , worth $17.00 to $18.00. go at his sale for U.35. ON OUR SRCONI ) LOOlt In , the Cur department \ , We 'will ' also offer the so extraordinary Inducements. 11)0 ) ladles' extra fine quality of moIre as- trahkan cities 30 to 32 Inches In length , lined with a fine ctuallty of satin lining sold for $35.00 to $40.00. go at his sale for $16.18. 100 ladles extra fine quality of electric seal capes , IlIlell with tIme very best quality of satin lining , 30 to 32 incites In length , sold for $40,00 to $41i.00 , go at this sale for . $21.50. ili ladles' coats In the very best quality of electric seal plain and handsomely trimmed with martin 3t to 36 Inches In length , lined with time very best quality of satin lining , Cull , skirt and rovelre rant , sold Cram $71i to' ' $85 , go at thIs sale for $22.1)0 ) and $27.60. ' MILLINERY BAHGAINS. 'I 1,000 dozen wings and birds lc each-limIt , , one to a customer. ' Flats worth $1.00 for 60c. For Saturday only-All that's left at the bunchs ! or black plumes go at Ole a bunch , 3 In a bnnch. SPECIAL TEA AND COFFEE SALE. Tomorrow we wlll sell the very finest grades oC holland [ Java Dutch East India and 1I1allllhellng Java three Pounds \ for $1.00. These coffees would cost you 450 a pound anywhere. Best broken Java anti Mocha 15c. Regular $1.00 Splderle ) Japan lea 48c. BOSTON STOltE , OMAHA N. W. cor. 16th and Douglas. FORMER OMAHA BOY KILLED , - Will Grant In R Hllllroul : Accident Which Caused IIIR Uenth. A private telegram to Dr. " Denise : yesterday announced the death of Will Grant , at Sum- mIt , N J. \Ir. ! Grant graduated at Princeton last spring with Alllen , Denise Ludington , . and othnrs or' Omaha , who will be shocked hy this ( sad news. His death resulted tram a . railroad accIdent. Ills father George 'tV . Grant was also serIously Injured at the same time , having lost an arm. At last accounts hc was still living , Young Grant watt it nephew of Jlrs. JIIere- dlth and Mrs.Dr. Donlse. lie had many friends In this city havIng spent his boyhood days here. JERSEY CITY , N. J. , Feb. 1.-WllIla A. Grant , who together with his fattier , George W. Grant , was struck , by n drill engine - glno at the \Vest side avenue crossing of the New Yen : . Susquehanna & Western road last evening died today. JIIr. Grant sr. , Is still alive , but It Is not certain whether he will recover. Abram W sterhall , who was In charge oC the en- gine which struck the Grants , says the two men started to cross ( Ito ' tracks obliquely with their backs toward him , anti so near his engine that he could not stop In lime. , The engine passed over the men , cutting oft both young Grant's legs and his Cather's right arm. , p I.iC.IL rIlWJ'L7'IRS. The cc.ltage of II. H. Raven at 1010 Oak street , was damaged by fire to the extent of $100 yesterday aHernoon. Take luncheon with First Congregational ladies at Y. 111. C. A. . Thursday , Friday and Saturday noon. 25 cents. Some members at the Omtha : club art In favor of not ha\'lng any formal I eceptlon or opening for an indefinite period Tim Commercial club executIve committee Is said to be cJntemplatlng a Nvl\1 of interest - terest In the beet sugar factory project. Clarisse the 2-year-01l1 daughter of Jlr and Mrs. Dllodean , livIng at 612 South Seventeenth avenue , iIled Thursday. The funeral was held yesterday. Major Clarlcson says that the arrangements for the Grand Army reunIon to be held In : this city will soon bo perfected In detail and that from l'resent Indications there will b a large attendance or comrades. The program . will be announced ; In a week or ten days. i City Clerll HIgby Is consderIng ! the ad- vlsablllty of cutting down the tax list force In his o01co There are now seven men em- [ playedon this work and he Is oC the opinion that It can be done by tour. Dy this cut the time In which the work will be done will be lengthened by only a few days. _ Oliver JIIorrell has been appointed as driver for Chief nellell of the fire department and J. T. Coylo as ptpeman of chemical No.1. to nil vacancies made by recent resignations . John 11. 1IIcCumbor and Ames McWlIllnms have been appointed to till the yucancles oc. caslonl'tl by the' tlrst two app ! ntm\nts. \ ! Captain 1IIostyn and Sergeants Sigwart and haze went to Lincoln yesterday for the purpose oC looking over .a number of prIsoners - oners who are to be discharged from the penitentiary within time next few days. The , officers do this to keep themselves informed ( as tb time movements of tha' convicts after they have served their sentences There will be a meeting of the Clifton Hill Improvetllelit club this evenInG at the hall , corner of' Military 'avenuo pad / Grant street , Matters of vital Importance 10 the northwest part of the city are to be dIscussed anti a ( full attendance of all enterprising ! citi- zens Is desired The meeting will be of iii- terest to every property owner In the north- western portion 'of ' the city. George 1IlcKray , one of time drivers at No 3 engine house was serIously Injured 'fhurs- day white exercisIng his ( cain. The horses were being hitched to the buppl ) ' wagon and some parts of time harness did not work well. George got down antI fixed thl11. When he started to get back onto his cat the hOl'ses junmped , throwing him across the \ \ imels lu such a manner as to severely Injure Ids abllolllen. lie grew worse last night and a difficult surgical operation may be necessary to ave his life _ _ _ un l Flaky , . 1\ ' I biscuits and pastry are the result of using ' , the proper baking powder. .2 I' ' t 'H CALUMT _ . BAKING rOWDER . , " - " " 1- proper in price , ingredients and strength. , ' $1,000 to you if you find anything impure or unwholesome in it. , . , I 4pnch ofitha9powcrcjmough to do a pouud of leaveulJlg. CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ' . / ' 1 . " : - . - - - ; : : " - : : ' . - - , - . : : - - : : - : - - ' - - - - . . . . _ , . . . . . _ , - , ' . \VIlA \ OSTON ' STORE WiLL \ DO - Tomorrow Will Bottho Oommencement of a Shoe Sale tbat.ia.Poiitivoly Without - ITS LIKE ANYWUEnE-ITS IMMENSE All time Cioslng lilt ISltles : , htatI 111 Money , Sales Or Jtmnny ' lIimil Sales , that 1ou : Horn " Aboet are l'l1t to Slmtne' by 11 , - The shoes on sale are on our main floor as well as In the basement IImN'S h1EAIA $3.00 SHOES FOil $1.50. Made of Jersey calf with solid sole leather soles insoles , counters allll heels with hub goring , In memhiimm ( whle anti narrow toe , Plain or tipped In an sizes Cram 6 to 11. annie to retail for $3.00.ouir choice $1.50 Lailies' tlno Ilongola button shoes In any style of toe you wnnt ; really made to retail for $ 3.00. Bright , clean new shoes , all sizes $1.50 a \lair. \ ltIML $ too , $1i.00 AND $6.00 SHOES FOIL $2.60 AND $3.00 At this price we offer a number of new styles In ladles' anll men's fine custom made shoes , on all tIme popular styles ! oC tees In high grotto leather These arc not broken lots or OIl1ls and ends , but fresh , desirable shoes such as you enjoy wcarln ! A hard up jobber gave liS the chance to buy them , so that wo can sell them to YOll at $2.liO and $3.00. Bo sure to see these. Ien's best rubber boots $ 2.50 n pair. Chilli's turtles CiUc. . Boys' anti small men's arclicR 6ge. Ladtcs' arctks 70c. . Men's $ t.r.0 felt boots 59c. 1\I'I1'S \ gooll solid working shoes 70c. I.adles' dongola blllloll shoes SIc and DOc. Lailies' $1.liO und $2.00 slippers \ \ 50c , In tIme basement Misses' 1I0ngoln shoes 60c. 1\IIsses' \ $1.00 low overshoes liOc. 1\Ien's \ $1.50 leather slippers 75c. Furthermore we guarantee to give you a better shoe for less money than any other man In town , no mailer what reason ho may offer In tanking ! you the \lrlce. \ I'aylng cash for one's shoes enable us to gather shoe bargains that Ito other house can hope to give you. One single moment In our shoe department will convince you. And that's the reason wc are always bus ) ' . . BOSTON STORE OMAHA , N. W. Cor. lGtI , and Douglas. . Hayden Dros. ' ad Is on page J. . lIalf Itllll' to onthorll l'olnlR Via the lIurllllgton route , Tuesday , Februar ) ' 5th. Tickets and Cull InCormaton ! at 132t P r- lIam street a ( \ It ' ' ' ' ' , t , "I. . . , ' I If 't. \ . , Fpr Cr . r . Great Physical Strength ) ) is not necessary to the enjoyment of perfect health , yet life 7 is incomp.letc' without the possession of strong , healthy ' - . : organs rind faculties , for these give rise to the most delightful - ful sensations of existence Health is essential to the accomplishment of every purpose ; while sickness thwarts the best intentions and loftiest aims. Exercise common sense and ordinary precaution and you need never be very sick When you find your stomach troublesome , your bowels inactive , your nerves seiisliive - look out I When your weight is decreasing - creasing , when you energy is waning , when exertion seems irnpossjble and sleep does not give rest-look out I Serious illness has its beginnings in neglected little tl1ings. Even dread consumption comes on by 'degrees , and may begin with a very slight derangement. Taken in time , 98-per cent. of all cases of consumption - tion can be cured. Takcn in time , no disease nced be r ally serious. The best safeguard against disease is an active , healthy liver That means good blood and good blood means good , solid healthy flesh. The germs of disease seek out the weak spots in the body Don't have any weak spots. If you have them now , clear them out , tone them up , make them strong. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do it . lt searches out all poisonous matter and disease-germs of whatever char- acter. It regulates the action of the organs of the whole body It forces out impure matter , makes the blood rich and puts new life into every fiber. It makes , good , firm healthy flesh-doesn't make fat. It gives you flesh that you can work with-the flesh that means health and strength. Fatness doesn't necessarily mean health , but a reasonable plumpness is essential to the best bodily condition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is pleasant to take and you- don't have to take an ocean of it to get well either. Z Thc Peoplc's Common Sense Medical Adviser , a book or over 1000 pages and 300 colored and other illustrations , can now be . hall , lu slrouJ paper covers AnsOLUT8LY I'R8I , on seudlng : : J this Coupon and 25 centS lu one.cent stal1ll's"ror packing and J1Os1nge Over 680.000 copies of o this complete Family Doctor Book already sold In cloth bindiug ! , nt regular price copies . . y Address : WO LD'S DISPCNSARY MEDICAL AGSOCIATI NG6J Main Street , DulTalo , N. Y. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44. . . . "IMITATORS ' . a ! "Of ABOUND : of most of the 3ucccspful things , end , cspooinlly ol the world-fumod Liebig Company's Extract of Bee ( are sold al "ss limn ono sixth oC Its IIrsl cost Oct . . Ihugenullluwllll I ( tills 81g S IIIl'Uro ' In bl\lo : . . . . . . . . . . . . .44. . . . . . . . . . First A'uti-Toxltto. OMAHA Neb. , Jan 28 , 1805.-Edltor Omaha Dee0 : have noticed of late several Items In your paper Ih reference to Anti- toxlne. We would say ' that In October last we received Behrlnl'al Antl-toxillo Cram the , importers In New York City , which was used In two cases at South Omaha with good ro- suits , wo thereby being the first house to place thIs article on sale In this section , Wo have been In constant ' cOlllmunlcatlon with the New York City Board of health and also several New York City ; hospitals , and they advIse UII that In their judgment the American - can product Is equalto the Imported , as there was much of the fo.called Imported that . was spurIous. ) We han nehrlng' Antl.toxlne In stock at several different strengths ; also the product oC the New York institute Br L. M. liii- dreth oC Lyons , Nf1l. . and other physicIans whom wo could name In' this section have advised . vised us that they line used the New York product with good results , Yours Very Truly THE ALOE & PI NI OlD CO. Our record or actual ottO un'J"nlaLlo curel oC Np ' ElLIOt II phenomenal. We rUlolah all me.t- Ic ' ass tree ant eradicate Ihd poison ream lb. 1)'ltem In 90 daY8. CUr. JrUaranleed. . . nour. . tSO : tJ . .SO ; 'Ve4nelday. arid : ttur. . .a'l. t. p. m. TIm DINSHOOI1 REMEDY CO. , I 8U New York LICe , Omaha. Neb. I _ s , SAVED BY A. GOOD EYE. lIonglRII ) Street Merchant Comes Near 11"1011 : liceceel let ot 1111 Iloney. : Thursday n well dressed young miln went Into a Douglas street busIness hOllse antI calling for the proprietor confidentially told him that he was broke. If ho could raise some money he would soon bl all right and could get plenty of coin from his eastern home. 110 told time merchant that lie was stopping nt a first-claes hotel anti orrerell him two magnificent diamonds as collateral , say- Ing that ho wanted to borrow $ iOO on them. The merchant was favorably Itnpresscll with the man's appearance and told him to leave the gems with him and to call again In the afternoon In Limo meantime the merchant took the diamonds to a jeweler n'Hl ' was informed that they were worth Cram $1.200 to $1,300. no at once decided ! that he hall a iopil thing utlll conchulCll to let the stranger have time 1II0ne ) ' . Promptly at the hour agreed upon the stranger mallo his ai- IlCarance anti ( asked the merchant IC he coull , accommodate hlll1. lIe snltl that ho could ntHI he pUlled out the stones anti a roll oC crisp bills , which ho began countln . The stranger carelessly picked imp \ time tllunolllls , anti the mcrchant , who was keeping one eye all him. saw him make a peculiar novO' , , which excited his suspicions that all was not right ALlen ho hall counted : out the money he heht out his hanl ! Cer the stone9 before paying ) over the cash. When the stones were given butt \ he concluded to examine them again and found that they were nothing but cheap paste imnita- tlons of time genlnue > articles which he hall [ let time man take a Cow moments previously. The merchant made an attelllpt to catch the would-be swindien but the man ran out oC I time store and tied down an alley . He wa ; fol- lowed to the 'ards near tIme Douglas street bridge but there all trace of him was lost. The lollce- ) were notified , but they have been unable to get any clew to the fellow . Salt rheum with Its intense Itching , dry , hot skin Is cured by Hood's SarsaparIlla , because . cause It purUI time blood . Ha'den Dros. ' ad Is on page J. . . 1l'at'hed : the 1.U\u"t 1I111rlc. The city has recdlYl'tl $208,000 Cram saloon licenses this year , and It Is losslblo ) that ths : amount will be Increased by $2,000 or $3,000 more- . as several saloon keepers , whose trade consists mostly In beer , have signified their Intention oC applying for licenses us soon as the weather moderates. There were sixteen fewer licenses Sssuel' this ' year than last , the number In 180 being 221. lu 1803 there were 237 antI In 1802 242. Some or the city officials have argued that Cram this gradual decrease the city will receive lees from this source of revenue next year than it did this but members of the police commission thlnll that the lowest mark has been reached and that the number will be greater next year Don't ' Neglect Your Eyes _ I' W , I. Seymour , our opticIan , has beet extremely successful in tItling glasses to hundreds of the best people in time city. Lenses Exehmumiged Free of Charge , The Aloe & Penfold Co. , LEADING SCIENTIFIC OPTICiANS. H08 Farnam Street. Opposite I'nxton Holel. THE ! LION DRUG S'FORE r.--- . . . . ' = . - RAf 6 SCAN rnDnDQ Parey ! I IJI1UI U Vegetable , Prepared , 'Cram the orIginal to mula. rr rervedJn the Arehlvee the Foly fianmlimmiv . logan autbentlo hllilery dating . bao"OOOyc&m : - - A POSITIVE CURE : Co : till Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHRONIC CONSTIPATION , PrieD : 50 cCllt Sold by nil druggists ? he Fra'.lcisn \ Remedy Co. , 1.31 VL : . ' t1RB.f IT" : , CHI0AOO : , ILL. . CorCtrcl1l , . . " , iii 1trn.t4d C.lendjr For sal bJ liuhll ( & Co. . 5th t & DJuglas Teeth WiTht Plates BAILEY , DENTiSt. P1M I : I\'armln ' . lUtlimtmnt I'armmtnn 91 S LL.U3DrccIfi : : 7'01. IOSi. Full \ SetTeetlm . . . $ 0.00 ; illyen \ Fillinmes . flro hittV 're\'lh , . . . . 7.ln t'llro Uohl ( Jo'llIllIlt : ! .OJ I ) 'J'hln I'lall' : . . . . . . . 10OJ Guiti < < l Om'.uvims,2k . IiOJ I l'alnlclo\ll \ sLrltc'll . We Ilmidgu < < / 10ellt.Looth U.t 0 T : cth Out In Mornl" , New Teeth same day , - a.:1.tZ , _ _ _ _ _ . Cold , Cough , Coflsum ption ! "eq/ ; ' ? That's How " - "eqp the Trouble Grows. /2' / = Therefore , guard against taking cold by / 7 / % precaution and proper clothing. 0 If you have been careless and contracted / , . I cold , check it before the cough develops. ; , , ' , If you have a cough and it is of the dry , ' . V hacking kind , it is really a serious matter , / S and needs prompt. attention j because : The / neglected cough leads to consumption I. I .OZOMULSION9 ( TRAUC-nARK. ) A ScIentific Preparation of Ozonhed : " Cod Liver Oil with Guaiacol , . , Fortifies the system against the attacks of disease by ren- dering the constitution strong and vigorous. Under such conditions the cold cannot find lodgment , the cough is not developed , consumption is unknown In cases where the cold has been contracted , the cough developed and the well-known symptoms of co.nsumption arc present-even when the disease has become chronic-this great scicntific remedy will relieve and cure For Colds , Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , It is the kind Asthma , tile after cffccts of Lo Orippe . . . Pncumonla , and nil Pulmonary Complaints ; Physlcmns Prescribe Scrofuln , Ocncr:1I : Dcblllty , Loss of Flesh , . and nil Wasting Dlscnses. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ handsome Illustrated Pamphlet Free. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 103 Pearl 5t'l UGW Vort. . = - : 7 = & , CO. , 15th and Douglas Sts' , - OnIAHA. _ _ _ _ " " . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---4 _ _ J'OUPIOENE" We snltii , ! , . , mr.rplnllo Jo'rPDch Cures the effects ot I Hcmc" LTIIOS rr < 'C' . 1\11'\ \ " : ! tM gsittrnnteetliatc.tmmoswIljN will seU-abuse , excesses , , . .TOI' , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . " .Io.o. k rnm..mns ' ' - ' , . . . , , . , , , . . , . . , , emissions , impotency , BEr 1loai : P.n.Irrltn.S urtc""do ' . . , und iIE'.TItI ; : I. . , . t \'Icr yurleocele and constl. r1P4 . ? : ' ' , . ' f. ( ) u , ' / nolll / > < 11' 'f JatrJ.trl. : 11t113 pullon. One dollar n Ad" " ' . . . . VON MoHL co. , ' : - : . , box . . , six for $5. For . - j ' [ 10' . Alllrrltln Ag. " " , l.tmnm . osm . ' saln by THE GOOD. ' " , . ' 'M" MAN DRUG CO .4 R i1A&JUkE DIRECT FROM THe : TANK. " : GHIEAfFE THAN S1f ArNe No loller. No 8tcs'iim. RlIulllccr. ' " . , . - . Iost Power for Corn timid Fool Mills \ , Billing . . - ltmty , lttmmmuing Cl'cumerlc , Separators l : , & dim ' OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES . . . Stationary or Portabl . I to 120 II. P. 8 toRt II. P. r , Selld forCnlaoul' ! , 'rlel's. eta . lescrlblllC work to bcdono. , THE OTTO CAS ENCINEWORKS 331t & . 'ulnut SU. . I'IIILAIEhl'IJIA , PA. Chicago , 245 : Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 15th St. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . I jF.- . CAl\IOLE , JUil.E'II us bctn ! use : ! by IhouBands ot ladlns ; mimommtlmiy. It lit Ibl\ ; mmumrrted IndY'1 friend Irrclllar ; ( mum UIIY eaUBe ; , It If Bnre antI iclmabie . never rntls. juarnllee with ol'crv battle euro 10 n day 'l'hls lIIo'llelno Is far supolor to pi ilK U8 every bOlllo "eale,1 and never loses Its strength. So1 by aU lea < llll : : Urlll':19tl. ! I'rlee. $ . : ! , Ol\ \ per bollie. It your Ilrllgglst 1I00s not nave It send $ .UU ! and wo will CowarJ you a bottle by oxprJn I . CAMOLE ) JUNIPER CO , 1 . Western Oflico. Omaha , Nebraska - - - - - , -i - . - . . , , . . . , . . \ --.5' ' - ' --p-Q------s , - - "Tile 61111l11est lttl'IZ BceT.s 1& Jlcst oJ' Its OW" . " Young Man ; Take.a Hint. . , ' ' - - - - Don' bo afraid to start in at tim bottom Don't think must have - " ' und " . you \ evorythlng "splt apau"whea yell marry anti EOttlO down. Wo can give you 0. R snug little housekeeping Outfit for very small amount -und then wo don't ' want time money oithol' You can P ED IT . ray for it gl'adually. With little home , plwtly filled ' and ' 'c little wife well willed , " you al'O on the high " rend to succeso - - OUR TERMS CASH , Or lolled down mire aq follows and'lt ' Is nil 810 wurlh of guod . 81 tier week , the 6nlll0 t11lIfi wlilch 1111111 you adopt , 111' IIH per monll . only ouo thillbo / euro or , our coo , ' , , : : l'I worth of good. , , ' .U.l'Io per \VeelC are lilt wHrrOII" , both us to nUILllty Or . O.OO J01 < 111111. ' and valuo. Our sl1leQllleu mint COUI'WOIIS. 8,0 , yorlh of 100(1. ( . SI 1101' I"orlel Or bil ! 00 month . our shllJlllcnLK ace , und ' lIntrllllncc'H i Ihurllll/llly prorupl is i'm' : reels your I al. 87li worlh or goods . 2.0 per ; wcolc Either VOlt nay cash or accept our easy Or 810 per mmmoii . . I Ii. . payment plan : 11II100 worth of genie . 83 per w..11 ' ; Or 50110 : "or lIIonll' 8121 worth of gotnIs . 8I.l'IO : petweak ' ' ' ' ' ' FUtS'l'-\flth Cmslm . SlmOND-With Or 1514 per lIIOllth 81l'10 worth of good. . ' - : - per wcullJ ; part Cash I1l1dsu , much per lIIonth , Or AlII I IIor I11IIl1th. 8200 : worth or:0011. / . . t0 liar wecll ; 'JllltU-'Vllh . part cash anti so Or 8:0 : tier IIIIIuth. 62l'10vorlh uf 1:011I1,611 per week ; much per woek. 01' SOil per immomitht . . -f ; c' $12.75 $ I ' . . _ _ .t h . C I This solll1 Oak Sideboard , 0 I ( I 4 5' j 1 lcot incites high , 4 1 loot ( wide 2:1 : Inches deep , German Bevel I . J Pinto ? ullreor ! , I1x2I ] : ! ! Incites , ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ oval plluztol' , hand Clu'Vld. You I'emembol' lhls boat-ti ? \Vo ndvOI.tscfl ! it ut $10.85 , - _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ and told you it was wOl'th $28. I $ \Vo had between coo and ' _ ' . ' ' _ 4Ia"t- - . ' - I -iL-------------- two hundl'cd , and hnva 100.ty- 4 _ - - five IoU. 'I , - _ _ _ _ _ 1'hls is n sample ot OUI' 'OJ - - 1 pt'IcOs fi { Ii Ii 'fI I F- : ( , 1Si1' mu i I I : $12.75 $ _ _ qJIIiIuJI1r j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t'1 , ! 4auL41 Peninsular Stoves. We arc Solo Ageimti3 for O/lUlhn. / Nearly o\'cryboll knosvi I that tim IIPonlnsutars" ' nl' ho beat , and nt pl'iYCOd Inc below nny otho house in tl1' ) city ' a _ Sa/uI'dlllll / enT"J' : oil/II / , Iemtsl too to tovcm'pcntajjd UI big l'llI'nll.II'e . rll/lI/oIIIIO / -1 _ _ 5 , - - _ _ - - - . - - ' ; - - " " - ' ' . + . . " . " . . , ' " . . m.- . . . ' S . ,