- - - - - - - . - ; - - - - - : - - ; ; - ; i'm - - - , - ; , ' . . r--- . . . . " . . - . . , . . - - . , . " ' - , . . . _ . - . . " " r < " , . ; " , , - - z-- _ - - . t" I . ' . H I' f I . ( t' . ' f . { . . Y 11 . I 'P ' , J ( , , } ! - - - r'nJ . O .AIA DAUY . nEE : SA' . tnD.AY , 1" ] nnUAUY 2 , 1S ! . ' _ _ SPBGI NOT1QEa' ' . Ady.rth"numt ! for thul olnml ! " 1 b nkrn until 12130 p. m. for the oyonlll and until 8 p. iii. for the morulnJ anti Sunday citItIon. Ilton. A.1.rtIar b numbered AIIOrlhel 117 requeLIng R theck , tan haVe nnlWOM nddrruc.1 to a nUlherel1 leter In CRr" of The flee. An" " "UI 10 nIdreIeI will 10 delvre.t ulon ) Ir cntnton of the check , onl7' IRI , " , 1 ) .2c" "urll , frt Inlort lon , 10 R word J.crcRUcr. otIitiig 1.llcn fur lu ! than 2Ic for lnt IIlflnrtIn. ' h. o adyertltlcntt inuqt run conccn" Uvel , _ - . - WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTlm ? 1 MEN ANU TgAM TOh'.t . our feed Klnd ' r. Blinry $75 In UI "er month nec'mlng 10 8hlly. The 1.lchneM : fl. Cn. . Websler CJ ' . lowe 1-:9.1'21' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTlm. A ooon ! SOLICITOR AS DSTnCT d futy fur I rplnbln fraternal order . eomhlnlnl erife nn.1 . pOI'llnr ot RRe. len.yelr "nlowm"nt Insunmc nn.1 building and loan feature ; an exc ( plonnl offer for the right Imrl ' . Aloe8. , lnUn ann . oxlerlence and rcferenreA. P. O. _ ! : . Ilehmonl.'n. . 1-:13S9 3' WANTI.m. lmN WiD WtI.1. WOIK VOlt $5 l1nlh elnry t' In'Re ' cotnniteIon . ' ( . .llnlo,18 I ) lfle In , Ilrr" Ixperlenrc unn.ceonr ) ' . Write Ii ! . Ve will exithln . For Rlil , ,1 , , ar- \Vrle Iclllr9 Rcn,1 , wi ( . IIueeholti FI.rclnly , C ) . . 73 ; 4h et t. , Cincirninti . Otilo II-MIG'2' WANTI'D. ngSPONfnl.n SPIWIArHAIn : I- 1.ln . ror weol.rn Inw" on th . "Htmf on COl' luI , n , : Hrnl.8 : " xcIustt'e l rr.Iory 10 right man. ( ' . ni . Sattetttitvett' % . tale agent 12 ) I'ISI : Walnut Rtreet De8 Molnee . In It-MIQI 4' - w'Ariii ! : ) . TI.\VJ.INO MIN TO Iml.I , W1t- hur' PNI meal and olher horae Rpeclalics n H . alII In' or otherwiBe.VIIbur Sti'1 , Mtl Co. . Mflwnukee. U-l199 8' ANTED-IMALE HELP. ! LAT)11i4VANTINfl 1.18T CASS OHLS cnfl nt Scandinavian Y. W. home ISI3 . cnl . . C-M62.1' LAIJIIM IP YOU Whit IM1'i.OVM8NT AT LAIgS Ilome . , . aenll WISI 11.n"dr"sBc MPI\lt envelofe for our de"tlpve elrculnr ant % commence work Rt once : good wn.s l'nlL The Atre1 ' < nltng Co. . WtnthropMaee. - - . - C1263 3' WANTgU-A - Jt8T CL.\SS I.AUNUlmS8. 106 ( Georgia ' . . C-M23 OrDr.la nv.nue. C-:233 WANT A I.ADY PIANIT V0fl' . l'IST- c\.s cDm.lly 1:0. : ; .Inle age , beiglit color of . heir . eH8 nnl enll pholo ; long .nson It Bulled. Chalo Monnr I'Iatto . CItY . Neb. J C-M381 3' LADY STflN0QItAI'1Ittt ; 0NI WHO CAN AS- WIO S1'INOOIAPII ONI , , Iot In l'I.lng l bookie ; slate experience 1.11 , , ' ' . . 0 38 . "hr ) wlnled. Allress In handwritng. 3S. U e oIIICi. C-38t 3' ' \VANTFI : : A IWIS'nm : : DHUO CI.lml : . tuldiess 0 3. B < otflcc. B-3 0-3 I CIOTIINU HAI.I'SmN VOlt S.\TUIDA Y. , r APPlY nt the CUlllenlnl > nl once. 1-S3.1' " FOR RLJT-liOUSES. hOUSES . 1' . K. DAII.INO. BAHOJll I8LOCK. 1.OCK.0 1OtiSt4 IN . \LL PAITS 01 TiE CLTY. 'rln O. I' . Dlvls coInIany. Ir I'"rnam. l-i OUSI S ; IItNAVA & CO. . 10S N. 15TH ST. - 1-310 _ -t rOi ImNT-TOU8n 01 9 ROOMS AND BAIN on ParI n'e. Inquire nt 422 So. ISlh sl. 1)-31t D-1 FOIl ItINT-1t0USE : NINE nOOMS ; FUR- nnnee liatli . etc. . nl 32d and F'nrnam $ : .09 ; I Ilso cheap houses $5.0 and 10.0. diferent , , , , parl city. Dexter I. Thomas (01 lee btIIdIn. I-312 1-12 FOR nENT--nOOl COTTAGil. IN GOOD HE- paIr . cIty - water. $0.0) per monLh 10 good I parties , 113 N. 3tIi . 1 block from l'nrn"m 19 3ih. car line. Inquire al Sloelzel's stove , tore . next 10 Poetoilice. D-13 B.nOOl M0IEItN HOUS . FI\1 MINUTES walk from curt h9use. vaonl December 2Ith. G. L. Green . room 2. BarIlI block. D-31 'FOn IUT-8.HOOl COTTAGE : ALL MOD- Im convenlenc"s. 21 CalifornIa Bt. Milton ' nogers & Son. Ulh and Farnam. D-198 IIOUElVALLAC8 . lnOWN IThC. IG & Doug. fl-lIT D-1 Poll ImNT-2H3 CAI'ITOL AVENUE 1 FOi CAPITO l'om9. mo ern. The O. F . Davis comllny. ' . . l-49G l-O FOR nENT-10DEHN.I0:100M.nOUS . WITh furnace ball , . gas . hOI and colI water ; one- hal block froiti Farnlm slreet 1010r line ; In IeImbIe In the cIty- mO't rc.lmble r'ldence locality cly- No 22' ) Houlh :81h aye . For partculnr , applY 10 Home Inveslment Co. . 34 l'axtcin bie , 3.-MSTO D-18iO ; FINE 7.ROOM CORNEll FLAT AT 701 S. IGTI street , range nnd all other conveniences. $30.0. Georg ClouRer room 2. 111.r8n blk. . IG2 I aram slreel. l-lU1 ONE OH TWO hOUSES FOR RENT NO. 1012 Georgia avenue . 15 roms In each house wlh alt moler Improvemenls. J. M. Simeral . a Pt Dec ldg. D-2G:4 ' .ROOM 1101155 SIOITI.Y PAVED STRE T. bath clotet marble wash BtnnI porcelain ] laundry tubs furnace . etc. . reduced from $19.0 I 10 $ 5.00 per mo. H. n. Harder & Co : . lice I I Ddg. 1-M3 3 : FOR nENT. [ .noor COTTAGE COR. :1 and I . arlm St. Mien Rogers & Sons D-M3i3 FOI ; flENT . A 4.HOO1 IIASEMENT. NEWLY paperei city vater. nice yard cheapest In el ) $6.5. JDhn80n. 41 N. 22nd al. D-38G.1' ' ? FOR I NT. [ .IOOlI 110USD lr SOUTH 28TH O iireet $8.0. tma" colored family preferred. Itingwiit. 38 Uurleel lIock. D-M3n-3' rOB RENT-FURNISHD ROO1B. l'I.EARAN'r 11008 In DODOE. 13-81270 I ! flEE LARGE HANDSOMELY FUlNISIED rltBE rooms will all conveniences. Choice 10' catIon. Apply lt 0" Ilrney at. at.Em9 . Em9 - FUnNISI D noMS FOI LIGHT 10USE. keeping. 1919 Dodge. EM2iO J'AU.I FUnISIED nOOM tl ST. Mary's Ave. E-282 4' I'OI mNT-S1'EAM HEATED 1"UlNISIED " rooms. tot So. 131h 13-294-F20 . I"UHNISlnD IOOlS FOn O NTI.MI N OR - hOUBeleeplng. 6 North 17th. 13-A1376 3" iUh.I6HD ROOMS AND BOARD. . BOOM & lOAnD , OEIllAN l'I1IVATI3 F'AM. ly for I Dr 3 reaptctab1o partlea , HI FI9-F. N. 18th. . NIrI WARM I100MS. WiTH aOOD nOAlD : rles reasonable : modern convenlencea. The , , I 1o.e. % hlarney . F-.1IZ.F' , NICBI.Y l'UlNISI D ROOMS AND UOM1D. 11 N. 191h alreet. Irl.1541.1'3. FUINIUED I00MS AND . DO.\1D. m : SOUTH 2lh $ at. l"-M215 v ' l'OI m N'r. NEATLY ] , HNISIED ROUTI . front loom wlh board. 219 CalifornIa F-M275 Blreet. 4 ' , , h)130111AflL13 1OOM FOIl TWO WITH BOARD . 1tISIBAm.l . :5 :10 Iotlgesiroet. F-2G.5' FRONT ALCOVE ItOOJ N1C131.Y FUR. nl"hld. with Isard. The Alban . 2101 Douglas ) , ' atreel. I-M30t 3 ClleAOO ST. . 1812. IANIROAt1 HOUTH front l'm8. single or enuite . Location . UI' . . 130) . lulllBe Ideals . oitlonal Telephone 1W. F-Ill- - UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT , , 'CIY 1. 10 FIONT ROOM 1INFEIR. niiied wIth heal and light : good Inhle. The , w\h Ighl ' . . S. : ? , Alhan :01 ouglas. (8-81303 3 : OB RENT-STORES AND OFFIOE ' II 4-t8TOIIY mUCK 1IUIL1)INO rOB 1tNr-TI' : ) .STOlY Hun.DNO DIG I'atlm slnel. This bul llg has I lit-c- proof menL basement . complete steam heat- log lixtures . wlter nn alt hours . gas clo Ap- ' 1.1' . at the olce ot ' 'helee. I-nO 'riiii MAX lmnm IIUILDINU. N. E. eon. TI and 1.'orull , ' : rooms . 22xl0 or 44a100. or C lhl wh(1e building : steam heat electric ele valor : building wilt he arianged to oull len- 1ulllng wi ! _ ani. Inllulrc 1018 1.'nrnal sireI. I-MIOIF2S , - - i AOEN'rS WANTED. \ ) , IIALI3SMIINORAOENTR : MAKE MONBY easy aelng 6ults loonier $13.0) . pants $1 shirts I 81. macklnto.h S : hunter ' .t'atiuring Co. . Cln. 84' en\ll. ! O. J-:3 1U' , AO N' ' IN Inmy STA1'1 ON 8ALoIY ANI i tiutitlssion. Agents makinI ' :5 10 , : weekly ' BUlka l'jumlcal & Mr . Co. . 1. Crusae J-MilS . Vis. ! J-:18 ; i7N1'S WANTI ) . $1 lAIIX NI3SV INVI3N. lion . 11ellls 2 c.'nls. 2 10 6 Boli In a hou.e. lal\ple lon. fvee . l"Olhel 4 MakIti . Cincinnati J-8t3954' . O. - WAN 'ED-TO RENT , WAN1'lmUOmIH AND BOAID BY I.AUY ; north : city I'refered , teferencea. Addreu ' , o _ 3. 13ev. ) IC-M3.83 3' - ' ' . , \ . . BTOlAGE.- . . DEST . STIAO lUILINO IN OAIA , \ S. f & 0" . bonded warehouse. 10uBehol. goods .Inred. . t , l.owesI rates. 10131015 J.eavenworthi. 88-329 aTIAa . l'lANK $ V131iS . UU lAnNI Y. ; . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1- : _ : . _ , J , \V/sN't131)-3 ; SECOND nAND UPRIGHT SFCND UIIOHT ' piinosi ; please .Iale lrlce make and whets It 'i ' elm block bl . seen. H. I. droll , room 40 NUt ltamga ; t - . _ _ - _ _ WANTED-TO BUY. : wu HUT AND BELt , nOUSEa iTO 1313 Vl UUY .ND mured ) . 1. . W , Danu , t Son , lH 110 IE . . " . , o . - : I- . / 'i - - - - - . ThE TUB TAT STANDS OK ITS OWN BOTTOM Y _ l. _ I , . . , d" _ _ , ' . . . . . - . ' _ ' ' ' ' ? ' - ; I . " - " : . . . . " ) THE N.K.VA1RBANK COMPANYrh'Cn ' NK.IRBAK n . : ANTBD-TO : UY. Continued. CITY & . CO S'A1tttANTS. IIUCIAHD 1712 I.'A ! N-323 WANTI1I-OPTICJAN'S TIAI , CASE ; MUST \'NTI ' In good condlilon. 0 36 , lice . N-M1)1.I' . ) \VANT13D A OOOD SI COND.IAND STFI' L eChkln range. Must be In geol , eon llon. m\ge. ! 1'leRs" state Ilrlee. Address 0 40. He . othice. N-MZl 3' FOR SALE-111stJELL.NEOUS. . WI OIAN 1'IANOS 1iRhiOi-It'OIIT OnOANS. Wodbridge lit-os. . 1j JUJGJIOlT lih. Q-32 ' 100 ANt ) C1IICE12N FENCE ; HAItI ) WOOD - "Iekels. C. It. Lee 901 Lugll. . Q-32G . CLAIRVOYAN'r MILl. flit. It. WAItREN . CiA1lL\'OYANT . 1113- liable business medium ; ih year 11 1' N. S-3:7 16th. bl SSAO1 . . HATE ET ( ( MADAM LAIUE , MASSAGE . 4G ] S. 15TH. ' ' ' T-M675-F8' MADAM SitlTl1 L02 ( S. 13TH. 20 I'LOOn , HOO11 3 ; massage vapor . alcohol . steam . sulphur Inc and bolhs. T-Y.n13-2' Ind sea T-Y:3-2' IASSAO . MADAME IIEI1NAIID . 121 1)01)013. . ' 'rlI3IG.13' PERSONAL . DR. T.V . STONE S10 N. Y. LU'E. TI.L. 611. U-3 : TIlE BELLE 1-IElLY COHsnT. MADE TO order from mensure. 1919 l'arnam slreel. orler , U-29 1.\SSAOE. 131.I3CTRO THERMAL IIATIIS chlrl > llsl. Mme. Post . 31\ S. 151h sl. U-30 S1ATflS GROUND hOLLOW on PLAN , AT A. L. Undeland's lO S. .Hlh slreel. U-3 D. ILASS. FLORIST . PLANTS CUT FLOW- ers. Banquet hail . residence anti grave decora- tions. 1313'lriton street. Telephone TG.UG3 U-G3 VIAVI CO. . 3tG BEE BLDG. : lEAI.Tl BOOK ! tree ; hDme lnlmenl : lady attendant. U-33 ' A. nUDY. DARKER DLOCI < . PRIVATE lencher. Common and high school bmncies. Also Oerman Students prepared for exnmlnn- tton. . U-2.-3' SWEDSH MOVEMENT CURE FOR LADIES 181G ChIcago street ; consultation. facial nne selenIum obesity ' treatment . free Mondays . Feb. U-M302-F23' PERSONAL. I WANT THE NAMES OP BEV- oral ladles svlaling a gentleman corresp ndent. wlshlnR n genteman cDreslndent. Address . C. C. C. . box 1013 , ChIcago. Ill . . . U-M3 ) 1.2. NEWLY FITTED BATH PAI1LORS. Turkish and electric baths for 11.le. antI gentle- ane . , enle- , men. Madam Howell. 3. S. 151h street U-M400 . 3d IU" iloOr. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFE loans at low mba for choice ceurIty In Ne- , braska and Iowa tans or aecurly ely propcrly. W-33 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or boughl. F. O. Chese ) ' . . Kansas City W-334 . Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON IlI1OVED OMAHA real estale Brnlan , Love & Co. . i'nxton W-335 blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES TIE O. F. Davis Co. . 150 Farlm sl. W-3 VERY LPW RATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS. J. W. SquIre. 218 lice bldg. W-33 CITY LOANS. . C. A. STARR 515 N. Y. I.IFE. W-3S CIT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST mtes i'usey & Thomas First Nal'l Bk. W-339 liiIg . MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAhA properly. Fidelity Trust company , 170 Farnam. W-40 LOANS ON 11pnOVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property \V. I arnm Smith & Co. . 1320 I'am"m. 1.4 I I W-3U MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL J STArE al 6 per ccnl. W. U. Melitle . 1t Nat. bank \V-342 bid. CITY LOANS-$500.00 TO SO.OOO.OO AT LOWEST rales. Powel & Poter. It loDr N. Y. W-M374 I. iIldg. WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR A No 1 loans on improved city property for special uud : owners only please apply. Fl- dely Trust company . 1702 j'aram SI \V-M379 10 MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON I'UnNITURE. PIANOS and all kinds at security. Fred Terr ) ' . Ioom 430 It-imge block . X-343 I'mgo blocl. , X-t MONEY TO LAN ON 10USImOLD FURNIture - ture 1IInos , horses . wagons . or any lUnd ot chattel security al lowe.t possible riles , which you can paY back nl boy time mil In any amount. FIIELlTr LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Ioom 4. Wlhnel ( block ( . X-3H J. U. 1ADDOCK. nee 42 HAMOE I1LOCK X315 . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE PIANOS. horses . vngons etc. . at lowest rates In cty ; 10 removal ot goods : strictly eDnldentll ; you can pay the loan off al any time or In any amount. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306. S. IGlh street. X31G BUSINESS OHANOES. FOR SALE A CLEAN STOCK OF DRUGS. For IJnrtculnl address I' . O. box 11. Hems . Neb. Y-M103 3' MUSE : . EXC1ANOt $ . II. A. WAUNEII . OMAHA Y-H6I-l"2d ATTDNTION-SAI.OON El3l3I'IIflS AND Im\\- cr. A golden opportunity. For rent saloon built esiiec4aliy tOI' Ihe purpose lecuplll for 1ull 4 I.pleal ( nr. A 1 stand : best business block cl ' of Otmiba. l'nlrDnlze,1 by flmst.clai.s trade only . 1"8ponolll" party only can obtain low rent and long lease . Alldl.8S A. Martin. 161 Fornlm BI. . Omaha , Nob. Y-387.3 YOU WIHI TO CI.\NOE YOWl IUHINI HS or location. Would I'e ' wel ID wl1le me. Cer- lalnly hav" n SO.t offer for thioso d'slrlng I cmrorlabl" location. Climate antI waler cannot lon. Clmole ( txceiled. 8n1l1 capital. I. U. Jacobs. Cisco . . ' In Ulah. -M n.2' FOR EXORANGE TO tXt'I'NOI . FOR OOOl 1"AnM I.\ND8 nt actual ' "Rlue In eastern Net or weler 10wl. stock or general merchanloo. Involca ' 3,500.00 10 * 4,0)0.00 . and store buIlding. Wil asatillie .mli ha'umbrance 0" iai .lrrtlence In alSlmo . . . A. " ' . Clarke I'apihiton. ' Neb. . /-MtM39 I'ItOl'I3IITY I'OI 811)811. Il.A.\AONI3it.Oiiiaha. ZIG.1 . , FOIl I3XCIIANIEl"Olt IISI' : . , 160 . , Cfll114OF land . with god house haIr fills front Ilgh school building . In one of the 10st Important railroad dl'I8onl In' north"rn Neb. ; aholl , wi bo enlarged this spring Aodres 10x r.3. AI. hlan'e . Nd , . 4-11831-5' \'ANTEL tOOD IOWA Oi NI'UIASICA tarot ; wIll PehnnK" line lot and collage In wi . Omaha and Iwo good vacant 101. Give .Ie- a rlptlon and prIce or land. Wilts soon . Ad- drabS rom 126 , Uarlturd building . CI.lcago. . - - III. ' Z-3j-S' yon SALI 01 I3XCIIANOI3. ' 'IIE 1 Il'SI- 51055 lola on Main street with buildings . Address . dress A. I. I : r. ' . : henandooh. la. _ . _ . " _ -m j' _ 1'01 SAI.5 on XCUANa I . 1"OUI LEAGUES or 1.13 acres or the lineal i'ruirte Ind ( ranch ) In one body In I.ambaud. laley Co. , ' 'ens ' ' 10 direct front slalo. For I'artcullr see F. n. SIlls . sole egoist. :13 S. 1lh street - Omaha - -la93-4 we IA \1) IOWA AND tAHTEIN NE- braska land to exchanc for a stock ot mer clandls ; "also custoinra for all lines at 1cr. chanlise . Nal'l 1.or1alol . and Cxchang Co. , Omlbl flcb Z-IS 4 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. IIAI1flAINS . 10URI A. LOTS AND l'ATtS. sl.r trade. F' . K. Darling . Barker hloek. 11- I'IXCIANO S AND SAI.I ; CITY 1101 [ ITY. farms . merchandise. Gnrvln Bro. . 210 N. Y. I.Ire. I -U COTTAGE l 1100818. LOT DIxIE . ON TliitElS COTAm' I ROOIS. GxZ. TllUm car lines . $ .30.0 ; $ W.O cash anti $15.0 per month. Let u. show I to you. H. E. Cole Co. . .106 N. 15th. - IE12S' 3 IAHOAINS ; SALE Ol TRADE IN CITY I10l. ertes and fnrms. John N. l'renzel. opp. 1 : O. HD-M83 LIST lARGAINS IN LANDS WITH CARROLL IN M. Carter n. 5 , main floor N. Y. I.lr. Omnhn. ' nE-SG-l'17 FINE OAIDIN LANI [ lull . FROM P. 0. UO per acre. 9tO N. Y. L. bldg. m' -'SI 10 lAlOAIN IN 20 ACRES ADJOINING NEW state fair grounds It taken nt once. Inquire 21G First National bank hldg. IUi2.G FINE FULL . fHOHTI.Y CORNEll . N.V. . cost $ SO.O tcenly. $ O.O cash , buys It Pretty 5.rool cottage wIthin tue tulle limit for collse wlhln lmi $ .200.0. . H. II. harder & Co. . Den 1E113783 n " . CALIFORNIA ; Sl'I3CIAL INotCgllNTS TO A few first purchasers . including tare free unll February 10. H. B. COle Co. . 106 N. llh sllepl 4 . . HE - - M38.5 HOTEL . 10'm , tAHln I 13TH AND JONES . STS. 75 roms al lilt per day. m rooms nl $ l.o Per dl ) ' . Rlleenl rates 10 commercial travelers. nom and manager. board by neck or monlh. Frank Ihilditeli 3t9 . AETNA HOURI (1 ( 110PgAN ) . N. W. COIl. 131h antI Dodge. lOls by day 01 werk. 3 : MIDLAND 10Tm. . COlt. lGTH AND CltAOO slre.I" . American plan . $1.50 and $ 2.o per < 1Y. 3uropean : plan. tOe and S.O per , In ) " . Itoouns . single or ensul" . for families or gentlemen . at reasonable rates. M. J. I'rnck. IJ"OI' . M-921-F19 11-921-1'1' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARlATUIES AND CQNVEITEnS IEWOUD ; storage batteries recharged ; electrical and geui- oral machinists : superior work gUlrnlee" . Omaha Electrical \Vorks. G17 and GI9 S. IGlh st. 351 ELECTIIICAL . ENGINEERS AND eONTRAC- torts for electric light and motor iilauuts and nIt kinds of electrical constructIon. " 'esler Blec- Iical Supply Co. . 418 and 40 S. 151h sl. 352 LEATHER BELTING . CHAS. A. SCIIEIEN & . Co. . . 8ttg. . 30 8. 121h sl. 353 BICYCLES . ' I. : ' H. O. flAXON 40 : N. 16Th. . . 35' OMAhA IHCYCLB CO. . 32 N. lGTH .ST. . 355 STERLING BICYCLES ; DUU.T LIKE A WATCH " 'ester Electrical Supply CD. . 422 S. 151h BI. M- S-1'15 A. L. . DEANE & < . , IJICYCLES . I1G J'ARrA:1 WILL DAnNU11 & 13120. . 171 CAP. AVE. M2t UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS ' 11. K. IJUIIICET FUNERAL DUtCTOn AND embalmer . 1618 Chicago st. . telephone 10. 356 SWANSON & YALU1N. UNDER'fAKlmS AND embalniers . 1701 Coming st. . telephone 10'30. 357 H. O. HAUL . UNDERTAKER AND I3MUALM- I. or . 11 1.'lmnm st. . telephone 225. 358 C. W. BAKEU , UNDERTAKER 'U3 S. IGTH ST. 359 dOAL. IT ) . ' . MOUNT lA REMOVED IUS COAl. ofcc 10 2 8. 161h BI. . Drown block. 360 SIERDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUD8TITUE for hard coat . and $3.5 Ion cheaper. 16 : I n. nam street ; main entrance ioard ot Trade.Ill - - BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIA'LON HOW TO GET A HOME OR SlCURE GOOD interest on sa'ln"plly to Omaha I. & B. Ass'n. . liO' Bee bldg. a. W. Nattinger . Sec. 3G2 SHAlms IN MUTUAL L. AND . ' 11. ASWN. PAY G. 7 , S per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old always redeemable. 10' } 'aram sl. . Nattinger . Sec. 363 .AUCTION , nUSINESS SOLIITED IN JEWELRY AND merchandise at all descriptIons ; twenty years' experience ; satisfaction guaranteed . best ot references : Bole made In nail out ot city . reerences one Cal on Dr addres J. D. LewIs. ofce 21 B. 151b ' .tret , with John Baumer Omlho 152 F" MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. p. OIILLIONBECK . BANJOIST AND GUiTAR teacher I'l Casa street. 9U CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c. 13. IIOIOIIILL. l'ONTIAt''Oll & liUiLDIOit . paper hanging. house and sign " "Intlg. brick vnrk . 1.llsllrlng ; othime . rom I. U"rl.er . hIlt. : tel 7 : ; shop. lIlt Ilrd ; tel 408. M87 CUTTING SCHOOL. TIlE AlIT . OF CUTTING MEN'S CI.OTlmS tlulh tiny or evening : terms "claonlbl" . Ilr- ticularu . of Max Morris cutter . HO l'arnm lnO.19 si . - - . WHOIESALE COAl JOHNSON 111108. . W'ItOI.IOSALII DgALmUI IN "I kinds of coal. Corresl.ondence solicited. 1008 0 Boleled. 10S , I'arnal , street 361 COSTUMES. LADIES' AND MEN' MASK SUITS FOil ImN'r lt Golden Eagle : store . 1U S. 161h Blrecl. . ' . S8.F. DEN'JlSTS. flIt. 1'\UI. plmTI8T , ION hURT lOT 163 - - - - - SHORTHAND AND ' .x'PEWRITING. VAN SAT'S SCIOOL OF SIOlrr IIANI ) . N. Y. I.le. Omoha Ask ( or circular . 166 - BUSINESS NOTICES . DAMAGED 1IIIII l , . iTiED , 719 " :6S TULKISI BATH3. TUIKISI ( BATHS : ONlo l'I\Cn IN CITY excluslnly for 1adie , Suite 11).10 lebhhr. . ELOOUTION. ELLA I DAY , ft. 9 . COWL NAT' DANK S61.1" .181.1)0. . - - - - TAKEN UP TAKeN ill' , JAN 31. 1 I D 1.YIIAI1.01.D heifer 2.61 Irlslol Street : S8. : ' - - - - S'rOVE REPAIRS STOVE ] UWAIS FOR 40.0 DIFFERENT makes of alon' \'I I attachment and cun. nections 1 ape.II ) ' . 101 JkuUlss street OPlh Store Jepalr Works . an FEBRQARYI _ . . , . .Ls4 I - Month When 't ' ; i Easiest to Ragain _ Jalh. Gel Stronj Bcror bltatng Spring Comes 'AIn. .PCCl . ( the Wor Out 13iainVitli Paine's Celery Compound , - Let Changing Season Find Sys tem in health , Take The Great Remedy That Makes People \Vcll. \ A perfectly healthy body has Is parts cOlplelly nourished and Its nerves constant- ly refreshed mid stored with energy from thc vigorous blood that al ! the tune bathes it. But lQ do title hUllorlal1 work of conveying sumclent nutriton to the tissues , the ( blood roust be Itept rich and full ot red corpuscle. Tile only trouble with twhlrds ( of the ! mon and women whom the coming sprint wi claim for Its victims I a pitiful lack ot proper nerve food Whnt these weak nervous - vous people need Is a moro general feeding ali storing ot their blool and tIssues with fresh highly vitalized material There Is unlloubted\ nothing thlt can compare with l'rof Ph.lps' rellarkablo discovery Palne's celery compound , for restoring II alh nod strength. The great body ot physicians throughout the United States . Englnnd aUL Canada be- hove profoundly hl I. and prescrIbe It In all c1es of nervous weakness and debility. In preparing this greatest or all nerve ton- .3 and blood renewers the emln.nt professor of Dartmouth college . Edward E. Phelps M. I ) . . LL.D. , had In Ilnl the countess men and wOlen with brains overwo'lll and nerves unstru\g by worry and lack of proper nutrition . Clerics their elilloyers , lawyers , doctors mothers of faiuiilies . harl working men and wOlen In every state and country . and hosts of brain worlters-tl nest ) intellectual part of the community-arB today tnlcn/ Palne's celery compound . with the happlesl results . to relieve themselves of rh.umatsm , nen- ralgia nervous exhaustion . dyspepsia . sleep lessness and low spirits. Palne's celery compound - pound cures disOaseso of the Important organs of digestion . circulation anti excretion . hy purifying the blood by regulating the entire nervous system and supplyIng the boy with strength to combat disease. Palne's celery compound makes people well. l talees away all the trmor and irritability from the nerves and gl\ s that cairn strong feeling of assure health that Invariably accompanies - companies a perfectly . v l.nourlshel bodily system 'I Get rid of languor ; , car the mUll ) ' . un- healthy skin plump Jiu the body and get I back to normal condition with a yigdius conditon wih Palne's celery compound - . ' nnl begin now. I I I -.IUL 1' AMUSThVJ3'NPS , lEN EMPIR:1 : ; POPULAR PRICES , Tclep3ionG 1531. W. J. BURGESS ; ' . 131. - Manage 4 Nights . 1 It ' 150N'5 collluuicuicOrllIdo . ! t'rodl"tol ot iui I ' " . ' tl . . . . . 'SUtdIY " . : -'U5T ' J\nthtcc , .1dtrlibetmug 7.1388 5 - . . ' ' .E'IUST t FEEt,3 os3bcI'J\1 J o ' n' Marguerite : ' . COMING WEE - 'ED. 1ONCLE , TOlS : CAnZ PIANO . RECITAL . -IIY- - - : MR. W. . H. SHERWOOD 9 . AMERICA'S OiHATST PIANIST , - AT - BROWNELL HALL , onday Evening , February 4 At 8 O'Iock. 'rIoKETs. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . $1 OJ F'or Rule ut OllCHIO . \ ldl-'s. , S KATNG Y. M. C. A. Park , ! f I lt 20th and MIami to. Smooth Good Ice. Gentlemen . single ai'issioa. . . . . . . . . 23c Ladles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lcO IEw FACES A2I I , AlOUTCHANONG . . . n n' ' Ibe Features and Ilemov- t. Iemov. log hiicmishesIn l p. book for a stacip. e John 11. Woodbury , 12 W. 42 lit. , N.Y . IvQotr ot Woodbury'a Facial Sotui. : ' . 'E : r Um AU. SUES & CO. , tolclors flee ' lillIng ! , OMAHA. Neb. Advice . FflEI. .RAIL\YAY ' TullE ' CARD Le"vea-jUU ( .INO-ON & MO. H1VEn.IAnh'os OmahalUnlon Depot 10lh 4 Masonbts.I Omaha 10:1 : lm. = ; .Oe..er Expres. . . . : . . . . . , ; 40am 4:35pm : 131k. lulls . Mont. . & I'uget Sod. Ex.Htpm : 4:35pm..Ucayer , l3xpress. . Snl. . . . . . 41011 ; 6:4.lm.NebrBkn : l.ell ( except Sunda.64.pm ; 8Ileun.Lincoln : I..ocat ( except Sundsy.I1lIam : 8:1511..Llncoln Lcal sundB.1:25am pm..Fasl lal ( for Lincoln ) Dal ! y. . . . . . Leaves ICHICACO. \ BUI.INU'ON & Q.IArrlves Omuiuailinionflepot.lOth , & htas008ts.LOnlaiua . ' . . , . Chicago V"slnulo. . . . . . 9 : Sm ii :50am. : . . . . .Chlcngo ! xpr.s. . . . . . . 4 :1.lln : lWpm..ChlcR\o ; and Ht. LouIs Special . . 8oam ; 1 ; 35m. . . . .1' ncihla Junction Locul . . . . . .6Opm : . 6:55im.1-'adtiicJunction1..ocaI : _ ( exSun _ . ) . . ' _ ; : .011 . . . iCI \ 1 : : ' ; - ) ; ULX im Omahl Union 1epol , 10lh & Mason t1s1 Omaha -Gopm. ; : . . . : : .Chlcgo Llmled , . . . . . . . . . ' :3011 : 11:10am ! . . . Chicago Express _ ( cx , _ Sun. : ) . . . . . ! 6Ooptn : - LelVu ICIICAOO & -NO 1'IWE8T'N.IArrlvrs Omuahatilnionflepot , bitt & Hason11t5.LOniahua _ 1 :05.1. : . . . . . I'lslern' rx..ess. . . . : . . 530pm ; 4 : opm. . . . . . . . . VeBUbuled 'lmlle. . . . . . . . 0 :40.1 : 65m. : . . . . . Mo. Valley Local . . . . . .1030Pm ; .5P'L.OflialtaChi0goSpecIal ? . , . , , . , 2:15pm : Leaves \ - C1IICAGO. n. i. ; : & PACIFIC. IArrlves Omahr _ Union Depot , 1.I" ! Mason SIB.I Omaha EASi 11O0tnu : , . Atlantio 13iiiicx,8unday , , . C5 . 1o"m..AUlnUo : . . . . ' . , . Jxpr Express. ex. . . . ) . ) . . . GO.PI : : 4lOpm.Chicago : "eB ( lluled I.lmled. . 1:00ptim : 1:35pm.Oklahom. I xp. ( C. n. ex. Sun..llIOllm : ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - wLf ' 5lluuin.Oiclaiionin ; & TeasLx ; . lex. Sun. ) .11 :3jiii : _ ! j.9i'n..CotQiadoLinitcd..4:0)pyu1 . i : _ ' : Leaves C. . 8rP ' ( & - , cjT \ : : : IAri\ _ Omah L Depot Itlh ad\yebsLer \ SiLl Omaha 9:23am : . . . . Nebraska ' a\ \ \eb.l"r ( ] nly ) . . : I 4:10pm : , , . Sioux ' , . , , , . 8:15fnl 4:3Qpm..Sloux City I2xpest ( cx. Hun ) .Il&amn : ( . " jOp' : . . . . . . ' . , SIlalIIlmled. . HUI.1:6"1 . . . : Leaves F . i1. & 8fp'iEi3Y. IArrlve OrnahuolDepot I _ . 1lh amId , yp.hter 11. . _ I Omaha 2ICpm..I..R.t ; 111 a7 ani Express . . . . llllPm 2:10pm. : ( ex. A'l.)0. ) . , : " . ! cx. Mon. ) . 4:55pU : p ; Olam . . Nortullt Expressdx. ( . $ Und3' ) . . : . 6:10i'ni : ' . . .Nortplc . . .11. Paul : .uno3 . . . . . . .10:30.ln . ; Leatci - SIOUX PITY & I'CIFJ. - i.rrWei" Omahal _ Depot 15th and Webster SII. _ I Omaha G : IOfl. . . . . .SI. I'aul " Limited..10:13am - : La ; \ [ SIOUX CITY & ' 'CIFICIAI ; ; Umahn Union Derl. lOut & Maaomu5ts.l \ Omaha - Gllauuu : . . . . . Sioux Ily l'"ep.er10pnl : ! : . , . = . t3t. _ l"tuh l'"ep.er ! , . . . .1:31'1 : - - . - ' Learesi UNION 1'AuPhc3 , IArrleT CnmlIu4Ltfl1)epot ' ' , _ . l'Al"lC & InlonJ.I.Onmh" 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . 10:00am..Kcurney : Expuess , oal. . . . .I"lrney . . . . 3npnl ; 2:50pm..Overland : Flyer . . , , , ' . , . , , 2OCpunhleatrico ; : : &U iltrounsb'g 13x. ( ( cx. Sun > : $ :4Spm : 7Opm. : . . . . . . . .I'aelno I " . . , i . " . . . : CUpl. : . . . ' . - . . .I.'ot Ilnl. "prels. . . . . . . - . . . . . . 4:10pm : - I ; "aj"WAlASI HAIW"Y.IArlnl - - Ci.tahalnlom , liepot 10lh & Mason Sia.t.Omnahma 3Sipth.Si : . Louis . Cannon IiaiL.1b:35pni i : : - - - l.el\.I-I I IC. c. t1" J. & CUArrh' \ " UnloIelol , 16th _ & _ Mason . Sts.iOniaha 5:10am : . . . Kemissa ely Day Eapreas . . GIOp1 : IIS3pm..Kt.5 : NIht I : " viI t 1' Tune. , 7:3')0' : ' ' - - - I.ea"IISS0UI , I PACIFIC.- -Arrv. , , Omuha Depot lSliu and \ Vebster St . . I Omaha . . . . . . , : . . Iouha Ilopreas : . . : : : . , . ' 6:0am : : : ! . . ; . . . Lout. . Jxpr"u , . , . : ' : OPI 8:19gm..Ni'L.ulca : Local ( ex. SIO./ . . . Sll0an OVERLAND GAINS A PONT It Demands for Ptget Sound Dusi.nes Practically OODccdtd , BOYCOTT NOW 11 ONLY DIfFERENCE - Hnrr Jntl.nton That " ' 1 no Sclicl and the Union I'ncitlo \ ill Slln time 'c.lern Trunk 110 Com" ml ! lon .tgrceIlIemlt. ' - ChICAGo ' . Fob . 1.-The western lines figured - ured alt day on thn uzzlo of how 10 geL the Union Pacific into the Trunk 1.lnes' COIII" tee without ushlng the Northern Pacific alit. The former demended that I ba given n share of the puget $ ( soulI busiless , and the ( later steed on 'he promises made b ) the other weliern roads that the business fhouhl came to It alone The Union Iaclne do- laldtl that Its rates to Puget sound b. shown In the rate shoot ali the comlission hues said I shoulc not be done . The last- tel was finally solved by allowing the Union Paclnc rates to be placed In the 1I1Ividuai rate sheet but they wil loL go Into the rate sheets of the Trunk Line commission II I other words. the committee wi nlow the ; Union Pacific as Individuals what they deny ; to It as al Orgaliizatioil. The Northern Pa- elnc took a very liberal view of thl maier anti expressed itself as satisfied with this nrrangement. There Is now but one thing which Ieel's the Union Pacifc out of tIm committee . nnl that Is the hocott against it . upheld chiefly by the Hoclt Island and the Durlngton roads. This matter , however Is In an excellent way to be wny settled anti the chlnm' arc very strong that the Union Paclnc will sign the committee ngreemllt within the next few dlYs. Gen- ertl . the Umihon " 1,11 Passenger Agent I.omax of Unlol Pacilc humus In fact positive Ilstructous to sign mater tlC ) ngmeeinent adjusted as soon as the bocol IHUPOS.\ . 1 TUg 1RNiltOLiEttS. : Offer me ! lhUlute for time JtUI ) ' X'IIIII . 111. NEW YORK I.'ob. 1.-Silas B. Dutcher reshleht of the Hamlol Trust company ; Henry N. Whitney . of lss1l. Whitney & Co. ; Otto Ilanitard . president of the Cont- nenlil Trust company . and Theodore W. : I'ers. comptroller of the city of Now York ot the committee of the consolJlted bond- holer ! of the ( Unron Pacifc. Kansas Pacific and Denver Pacific railroads . have made sev- ernl prolosltols in regard to the debts of these roads , which will prolnbly be suiminit- tDd 10 the house of representatives toinorrat' The commllte says that the essential differ- cnces of the proposItons from the plans that have ' been submitted lo congress consist In I furnishIng to the loverment mortgage bonds bearing such a high rate of Interest (5 ( per cent ) . and with such general security as will render them marketable. They would thus furnish time treasury with thc menns to meet the accruing United Slates aid honds. The re.sdlt has been effected by groupIng the first lortgages on the Kansas Pacilc and Denver Pacic. about 310 nihles . with the government second lens on the Kansas anti Union I'achflc moltIng a general mortgage on about 1.840 miles . of trunk road. This would enable the nel" first mortgage bonds ( $20.000.000) ) to be floated at 4 per cent and with the Proceeds 10 iai ofT the net amount of the present first morlgage. After deductng this reduced amount of first charges ( $800.000) ) , there would remain the balance of annual revenues-bout $3,500,000-to apportion according to the just priority of liens . yielding . to the government its equlahlo-lnterel.ln tle general an l sec - end mortgage according to the propety ; \vlich It 1isonribiitbii-$33,500Q00 . \ . , . ; . of 5 per cnt bands. ' M . Instead of a mere . extension of the govern- meat debt says the comupittee . this plan arranges - ranges I marketable alcurity . on which the government should realize the face ot the prIncIpal advanced The vast dlferenco be- tween this measure for satisfying the govern- ment's claims and ether measures merely ex- tending these . claims at such a low rate as wi leave them a deal weight In the treasury - ury must be apparent to every member of congress. By tle provision giving ; the govern- ment first . Income bonds for the amount : of Its interest advances It obtains the ncxt lE after the general mortgage and thereby takes the next accruing earnings of time rend. This plan substantially gives the government al of time earnings of the property . on which It now has a Hen . and In addition . It strengthens the present Imperfect len of the govcrment SSUO.OO for 21 dea This Is the biggest price ever offered for a latch hue or heading for aa advertisement , Hayden Dros. will give 1 choice of several first class 1,1anos worth $300.00 each for the hlad line adopted and In addition will give orders on their music department for $50.00 worth of musIc for Rio next five best ideas according to merit . C To secure an absolutely impartial decision applicants are requested to sign In number only and to mail corresponding number with name 'nd address to The Dee 001cc. where I wi nmaln until aCer the award made. Tie once / right Is reserved to use any bead lIne The following are the facts to bl advertised - tsed ; Hayden Bros. of Omaha are the only fIrm In the world showing I complete line of the Instruments manufactured by .Ihe five most renowne piano makers on earth hayden - den Dras. are not ted up with red tape restric- tees like regular selling agents but are free 10 make. the lowest prices ever heard of. Hayden DroB. put special streess on the Steinway anl Voso pianos because they have a larger line In stock and can buy them cheaper than any other make of equal repu- tation. Do not he misled by anyone claim- lag the Gole ag ncy. Hayden Bros have them direct front the ) factory as well as from the Max Meyer & lImo Co. stock. Music trade papers are saying pianos cannot be sold In a Iepartment store . but sensible people who do not care to he hoodwinked by silly frills are not so notional and . the bet proof of this I list ( Hayden Bros. sold more pianos. organs and musical Instruments In one week than any five music stores west ot Chicago have Boll In six months 'fhe music trade paper say this innovation wil be .alched with Unlual interest and Hayden - \llos. propose to keep them guessiiug. DR. McCREW IITil ONl.Y , , SPECIALIST . - , . who TIEA TB . L 1 . PRVAT DSEASES ; , WO Ulaodors , aud ! ocr MEN ONLY livery ) euro uarnnke < . ' 2 ( ) yours' OriteriOrLCo . g'I c. Iyoarslptumiaba. \ ' , i , . . , . . - I41h d VuruuMuuu . Hh. , 0 OI. U.\ , lE1s. 5 now sleet slush chi to the honcs and C use the 0111 chronio aches "nd ! lins to do douhle duty. rtexican Mustang Liniment g003 ZLWtty down decp-t the very bonea , and dii Yes .nl out ii'om , both Inu & beast - by transferring th existing first t mortgage on other Portions . of the main life Inl ( : general security . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11XTI14T 01' Irs ISI'InTIIN1S9. Icloln.rlt.rSOI Wrlr tn the SlhJett of I.trnq tn ( lie , Unlnn l'meilit' . Receiver 13 . mlerr Al1ierscn [ . One ot time go\'ernment 1\lreetors \ of the UnIon Pacific , has nhlremel an open hotter 10 lion. J. n. Hell ) ' , who Is responsible for the Helly bill , looking to leglslllon favorable to the paclnc roads nol unler discussion In congress. This letter Is n reply to a letter from Mr. Reilly asking for information why the receivers " ceh'er. of the Union Pacific hail failed to pay the interest which accruell Jaliiimtry 1. ISb3 . on the first mortgage bonds of ) the Union Paclo and ale what the 810UUt anti nature of the securities which the Unlell Slats woul haye to nllust or s7ttlp for the purpose of ncqulrlu complete nershhl of the railroad extending ( rain Counci Buts to San Francisco Inchlln In such ownership the Iansas Pacific brnueh from Kamls City to Che'enn. To these Ilueslons Mr. Anderson relJlell that the outslaudlng 1onlls which arc prior . to the len of the ( United States Ill which amount to $ 3r.00.000. do not represent time enl ) umccimrity which Is entitled 10 cal for nu application of nE earnIngs In satisfaction of ccrulng ilitecest. Iu nllton to these bonds there are outHnndlng halide whIch are a first len on that hart of thc railroad lying between thin 3Oltii lathe post west of Ilnsas City and the city of DenyC known lS 1)011- ) ver "xtcnslon boiids . There are nlo oul- standing bowls cousltulng time first len on the Omaha bridge : . anll also the equhlment trust bonds which are a first len on portions of the railing stock. TherJ are also out- st\lln lho G liar cent collateral notes whIch are secured In part hy bonds which arc a Ien on that part of the Union Pacific flail- way COmpll ) ' between Deller ) and Cheyenne also by n len on farts cf the rolling stocic of. the comlJn ) ' nml hy deposit of n' very large amoult of mlscolaneous securities , the sacrifice of wlmichi by foreclosure of the piedge . would be extremely dlsastromms . lie- sides the oblgatons above referred , to there are also outs landing ndl110ual obligations amountng 10 man ) ' miions of dollars to which I do not now refer b cause they are not entitled In the present eonlllon ( or each- hugs of the company to ask that aiiy portion of such earnings he used to meet lha InterNt accruing theron. They miced therefore ! . nol be considered In answering 'our Irsl question . AMOUNT OF lON Dm llST LI13NS. The folowing Is I table or the nclllal " of the respective bOlls which are entlet 10 receive interest from the earlngs of the corn- Imn and of the amount of interest accruing thereon per Innum : Nlle or iionh. . Ain't l'rlmictpai. Amim't huit. 6 ( e. cent nrsl mortgage ' loatI8$3J.rJ.W ) ' : .010.\1 G per cenl K. 1' . Del"er ox. I nsln bonds. . . . . " . . . . . IX- . . t,21.01H , 2'.3.08' ' ) 8 mer cent Omimuihia 1 hmldg.i ] lhnl , [ 'GI.\ ) ) 41,100 : per cent Omaha bridge bllo r.S ) .010 ( 20,54' ) I \r crimE 1I11nwul 11.1. . 2,011.000 10)5)0 G per cenl collateral holes . . 10.SGI.0) ) ' 6I.GCO Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ GI. ; 39.1)0 J.089.5iO Upon the Iueston of nel earnlng3. which Is exhaustively discussed M r. Anderson sas : that time net earhlgs of the company ( Union Pacific ) . taxes deducted from Junuar I , 1891. to December 31. 1S94 . wi be something under 4500000. Included In this Imounl ts the compensaton earned from time government . I ment for the trnsporlaton of mals anti for other services this compensation for 1893 anlountng to $1.200.00. a 111 he thlnles will not vary mueh front that figure for the year 1894. This stlmn . Mr. Anderson says Is not pall over to the receivers but Is held by tIme government and apllell In certain proportions - portions fixed by law In part to Iho Interest account and In part to the sinking fund ac- count. The retention of this large sum re- duces the annual fund available for Interest - cst 3500000. . As to the ( Interest features attaching . ! r. Anderson further says thlt time Interest on the G per cent first mortgage bonds ref.rrel to In the table above accrued January 1. 1894. July 1. 1894. and January 1. 1895. The statement of time net earnings above made shows that interest on Iho bonds named Is t just about earned after deducting the United States compensation from the eamningo the irargin , hosyevek vein/ very clos . IFor lie reason of default . ! I. Anderson says 'that tim receivers ' had not surclent funds to make the payment and the explana- ton of the deficiency of their funds Is that In order to meet the interest In question lucy would have had to have earned su0clent In fourteen months and seventen days' occu paten to pay the Interest accruing In eight- mien months and represented by three install- ments. The funds In the hands of the receivers - ceivers will doubtless be sufcIent ! before the 1st of July 1895. to pay the Interest whIch accrued or the 1t of January 189u. hut the In- stalment which will accrue In July Is sure to b3 defaulted. and the sale thing will halllel , unless the business situation improves very matorialy an time . 1st of January 1896. In these circumstances It Is alogether probable that time court wi retaIn jurisdiction of the bills of foreclosure no\ pending even aCer payment of the interest for the purpose of giving to the plaintiffs prompt relief In the event of subsequent defauls : lie adds that thne Is nothing In the fundIng - lag foreclosure which threatens the government - ment len for the reason that courts of equity wi always see to I that junior Incum- hrancers hlvo ample time and opportunity to protect themselves by purchasc or redemp- thou. WHAT MUST DE PAID . But In order to fully effect the object In view the goverment would be compelled , according to tbe government director to ac- Iluiro not only title to that part of the railroad - road whIch Is subject to Its liens . but the entire nronertv exlendlnl from Council Blufs entre t Francisco . which ' would necessitate lie payment of $61.465,78u. ns follows . on the part ot the governm nt ; Union h'aciilc . UnIon division , first mort- lnion /II" bonds . . . . . ,1\lslon . . . . . nrl . . . mor- . . . . $27.22.00 lcamisma l l'aciilc , } ; mistern dit'isioum . Ilrst 10rlla0 nnHn. Inclnc lJlds J'asler . . . . . . ,1'lslol. . . . . . . Irst . . 2.210.00J l3miuifems 1 S'acitlc. Middle division ilust 101'1IO 11"8 honlls Mildle . . . . . . . . . . . . 11':1 . . 1,210.C ! ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . Omaha : bridge S ncr celllonfl . . . f.Ci.O ) KonBas hrll ! , Denver exteuiuilan . C's. . . ( ,218.oJ lcammsamt Iacilc . Leavenwouth bronchi . G'B 15(50 KnIKI" LelnenwOlh . . ; ilnhomm ' ; rl Iaclc. ej sinking lirst ummorignge fund , Fit , Ta . . . . : : : : : : 3.78t ) I Klnsas Ilcnc ; Consollllo.1 . moitgage . G's I.7).O ) ) 10mllli mridgi , r.newII. r tier Cent honds 58).00 Union l'arhiio Equipment trust 5 per cent Inrilo . . . . 'lutJmell . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010.00) Kansas 1'tciiitm incomes unslhnr.llaletJ . . 8,850 , Iaeilo incomes , suhmordinote3. . . , rO.5iO . . Coupon Ian"as Ilclo Income. . . . . suhurlinale . . . . . . . . . . . 1165 Kansas divIsion and collateral lorlgago 5,0411.0) ) " $61,455,765 Even with this mount Imaid Mm . Anderson - son contends hat ( title would noL pass to the valuable termlnJls In time city of lh'nver nor to the railroad property between Ien- ver and Cheyenne lor would title pass to time Omaha brIdge , and the ( right to terminal Property in Omaha anti Kansas City would bo Involved In mich tummcertainty Taking time Union Paclc and Central Pa- chile . Mr. Anderson asserts It would tulto over $100.000.000 for the government to acquire title to time railroad between Counci Bluffs and San Francisco l . Burs li clolng his letter to Mr. Hel ) ' , which In favor of thin ReIlly Is really atm argument of Hel ) bill . Mr. Andef0n says list ( I these rail. roads are to h3 purchased and operated hy the United Stales full Iower , Ihoull be given to time secretary or the treasury to Issue 18 many honds as lay be required for that purpose , antI to alllly tIme proceeds thereof In connection wlh the attorney general . to pay the IJlrchaso price of the railroads . which lay ho sold under forecios- urea of the samne or of parts thereof Al to time queston of government Ilurcha8e. Mr. Anderson . lays : "I myself . together with the all the government directors , regard suggeston of a Ilurchaso and operation of the railroad hy the government lS Inwhe Ind Unllollo In lie ( extreme I I , In our jUdgmenl , vastly hotter to Iccelt 11 adjusi. ment offered by ho ( Hely bl , am.nded In the partcularl called for In tle memorial of time Union Paclnc Hallway coiiiimaiuy. rather than to emhark on the dangerous entef.rlse . Involved In time ownership and operation of railroads by the United Stute8. " I - Huden Urea' , ad Is on Jage $ 1 , . Trl'll II I 111"IU C ' 1.111. . John AIJergreen tried to evict a tlmanl ' ] h U 111\1) ' hy Itulhm a CUfJet Intu time chimney and emollnl out thl OcetmhlaiIs ( . ' vemeViduw ( Ird'ei ; amuil her little ] hey were Wltow Urvas a 11 Ille 1:1111(1 ( . 'floe' smoke f.lld to effect its Imtmi- . nosl and then . . s'rgrecn : tore off tie Ielar : doors ant Ind left time t plac . rl h'r'laCer. ' . noon hi WiS Irrllt,1 oil the char"ef IrC81IusS\ng. \ iIi-s. Ora VII 1\11 lt 21:1 : tonlh 'went"llntl a\'IIUf. 11 ] agreed 10 pmmy the remit of tIme 1.\w,1 . Imy , hllf time wa hlnl for Apergreemi's flllh' . i.ust vI'ell hlr child took tuck nail 6ho was unlbll to 110\11 ' . 'I'ime lahhdlurtl . her part 01 th3 bmim'galn 'JI 1alu1onl or. cierca herl 'nit . Itll' when she rlfuscII to move. tried to smoke her out , 'fha trial will ha hal today. I 1aydt'u Urea' , ad. Is on page 6. . - - - - - - - - : : : : : FOUR \VERE \ BURNEI ) TO DEATh Invidids fillil 1Tnros Caught in a Thrc- Story nra Trap , FIRE IN A IICSPIT/IL / AT CLEVELAND l'mitleiiii oui tiiti 'lop f'lunr ( 'ill flit front tlu''miie-I3ttm-auriiuuutrv , lieruiemu of it tmrpe % 'Imt , i .tmmmumg the 1)rnd CLI3V13I.AN'I ) , leb. 1-The Deaconess imoitie , locateit on Jennings avenue , 2255 bmmrneil , Time fohiowiimg four peroous tter burned to death : /ml.111311T A i.l.M l3YilIt. : mliNll.1 liAUStil3it , AN 8'lONT1IS-Ol4D , RAllY , IsCol1 Klt.US1i. The fire origimiatcul in limo losenielit , Pro- suinably from tle : furnace , nmi.l before it could b cxtiiugimieimeuh four of ( hue fitfeii ( Patients iii ( ho house and huospltmtl were dead and ( ho hmiildiiig almost eimtircly destroyed , Brave t'ork on time part of the fireimmeui aimul liohicu ahotmn lircvcnteul a fturthier loss , The finales Were first acemi about Ii o'clock , TIme loacoimess' hospital hiss beemu iii i'xlttnnco a short ( hue in this clt' , it is a brmuimclt of a hni'go hospital ill Chicago amitt of no especial denoiniiiathon , Tue building was a roomlon strimcttire thmrc'o , stories high , In au ilmeredibly short. ( hue there ti'as'but hitthu left ( if ( he biiiimhiimg limit a few Itarts of tue simb tnhls , The fiamues hail gaiiued considerable headway before ( ho liar- 51115 located on ( lie toll floor dicnvcred their icrilous situation , It was ( lien too late , to deaeeiTtl by thm stairs and thuos cmi that floor ga'e tip their lives. llefcre ( lie fire uiepart- lumelut hmad arriveti ahiul before ( lie iinnie's luau rescued tIme oimtsiile of time bimihd'mug Mintiio llatmuuicr , omue of the : hiumrses , npiearett at thin toll stairs wimidow mtumui Implored those below to assist. liar lii gettimig out her patient , u'hmo , \SaS W'ihhiaiut Aiiuneyer , one ni' time buroe.1 nina. All sat' that It would ho folly to enter tue htuiidiumg , ivimicim ' , V.IS hh'W ( burning Ilercely. "Jiimump to time liorcim nail save yolurselti" they crieul to lmer , as shun VaD but fifteemi or sixte-eim feet nive tim tmmoad vei'anda roof , ' ' 1 caim't leave mmiy liatienti' ' was ( ha rcpiy of ( lie brave Woman , as shio tlurnetl to loblc back iimtul ( lie macin , evklciithy to quiet tIme fears of .Alliume3'er , vlmo thmcuughut siu was go- lag to leave hum , For a mnoiuielut time bravo. WCuuiaui stood looking down iumto Lime crowd be- how liar and thuemm duly triumphed over her desire to be saved , Tliet slmmohee was houirIng fromm : thin wimmlon's : about her and her w'hmite , startled face appeared as a pictture him mu frahhie of darkest ebony. 'I'lmen clue turiicd limb thin roonm and shin Was soon no sumoro mummtll her biaclccuueui formu i'as carried touiuierly friii thin humildhng shortly. after. Aroused b3' thu smoke Janmes Ehuret , one of time paticnt.s , gropeti his way to time side window out ( ho second floor and waved his imanmh to timase. outside , hits signal was seen atmul two macmi secmlrcml ladders nod imlacml timemmo to time wimidow , Eimret started to climnb down , hnmt lost hmis hmolui aimmi'mi8 eammghit by those below. Four mmmcii ivere talcemm from the humrmulng buildiimg , one was caught iii a blanket anti time four corpies were taken fromum timO building before they hind been commeumeil by tIme fire. Jacob Krauiso was founml at time foot. of ( lie stairs lcailhmmg to time third Iloor. lie lund been stuiTorlmmg from a fracttmreul sktmil niud was smuffocated , Vt'iiiialfl Ailmneyer was suffering from a brokeum hip and lie was also simiTocateti. Mimimmhe ilaumner , the numrse wimo remained to guard hmiuu , i'as found terribly bummed at tlmo foqt of time bed. In tim adjoining ronun vas found time body of it young child S sveelcs old. It luaU beomi suffocated , 'I'hme four bodies were placed In a deaul wagon and 'taken to time niorgue. hitmrumlmu& at ii $ oum imern ( 'ohiego , JACKSON , 7.Iiss. , Feb. 1.-TIme Mary a holmes college , fotmnded two years ago by Miss Mam'y H. holmes offloccforJ ] , Ill , , for : ( hue education of colom-eul gIrls , ts'ns lnmruieti , yesterday , Time wearing umpparcl anti personai effects of time teachers nail 120 pupils Were mill host. The origin of the fire is unknown , The buuiiiling was valmmed at. $15,000 ; Insurance , $15,000. Hayden Bros' . at ] . Is onpage t. lJvif : , Sliut uiiutl I'sp'imideumt. ' Frank King , deaf and dumb , anI about 27 years of nge , svnnleretl , into time Imohica station last night in search of somnethming to cat and a pluice to sleci , . Imi coniniummicaticmu With Sergeant Ormnsby lie stntcml that lie IvulS suII'cm'imtg from severe paiut 1mm hill head anul thought ( limit lie 221.5 going crazy' . lie Was tiuifiem' treatment at the insane asylum itt Mount Pleasant , Ia , , last June , from which place lie vtunt to Denver. lie stated lie wan on hIs way homtie to Boone , in. , mtntl If lie SUcceeIei , in reac'hmimig lila tiestinatiori lie woulul umot heave it agmtin , as Ito thmomughit hue \'ommid be able to get relief , 110 was % 'ery tiespommilent anti saId lie wits mtlniot tired of lire , mind hail not eaten mmiiythmhng for two daya. lie is'mts given money vRhm wimiclu to bumy lila supper mind ( old to return to ( lie 1)011CC ) statiom , whmom'e lie coUlmI remnain mull night.Vhen eueutrciied at tile tmitiomi a re- voit'er it'as found 1mm lila possession , but it was enipty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8lauI'r , 11'lhl , ttlmmmlm toil it , l'rnbitt. . Judge llaxtem' ycateriluty nmimitetl thifl will of Marie Mader , in favor of Rosa Schmidt , to probate. This is it tiefeat for tIme aulmin- istm'mitor and relatives , who hmchd that the will was not valid , Time property ins'olvetl is muiout $3,000. The will was most bitterly fought ( or three dmi's , the contemmthon la'ip that it Wii4 not drawmm tip in proper forni. - - - _ - . 0 s.Ili lie li1I Iii itbuymmicu. Candutlates ( or ( lie vmmcamit county coinmius- sionersimip will be givemi uncuthmer udiotch of tlmue whiereimi thme' may live in hope. Judge himmxter , one of the umppoinis'e ( board , immia imeemi cabled to Chicago anti will not rettirn to time city uummtii miext 7louitlmiy , No appoint- meat can be made dtirimig his absence , 1 % liiiu'cl I liii hmuimuu'y 1.1,1. Time Jioat'd of Public \Vorlcs lucId a meet- hag' 3'tstmrmlay afernoomm , lnmt mild ilotimimig bc'yonul ittsmlulig ) IL miuuuher or itrillill bills aud time salary almeet. - hayden limos' . ad , Is on page o. 'rilE Itlil'i' ' H'sItKl6'I' . INSTRUMENTS llacod aim record February I , 1895 ; W'AIt1LNTY 1)11131)8 , .Mary Groves uun,1 , immislmnd to I 1' ( lonmuer , ti'imm'tee , lot 2 , iiocic , 1 , let amid to Ills. summmi umvenmue 11am it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , $ 1 h4'nmummm I ticima m tme. i mi mmd wife to S tcktomi 1 1 clii , lot Ii , Iiiilc I 3 , % 'est 1'muci maId . , , . , 3,07Q J A IiImmitie mmmii hmimsiuni to , 'uhummzo limit. tire , lutmm I 4 mm iii I 1 , itiock 2 , Iluri'uigtomm Center , n ΒΌ of lOt 3 , iaii.ck 75 , 14utlm Ommmnima , undiv % lot 2 , hiioelc 3 , leimormi & S's add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,50) (1 1 ' Stebbins ii nil teife 1' , A J 1 'mliIiL'Oiu ) , hot 2 , block hi , l'omideton , imrie , , , . . . . . , , . , , , 8 J F' I 'mit tic umiil wife ( 'i ' i"m ( ' ( iLl irk A i mu- iirimi.t , n ii. ; feet of a 161 feet lot 11 , lluus call's mm'ld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 IlatImew I"nm miuc in 0 F' 1 ) ( tvi im cammmi'miny ' , 2y ' 4 lot 6 , block 7. \'iI ) ( ; iuuup's ui'ii. . . . . . . . . 1 7.linmmit , John'omn mmtil , huuusi.mmnii to Ii i bell , mm 70 feet iota 6 mind 7 , ilolc 2 , W'mmtemiuo , , 20' ) 10 Ii Sittul , Sr. ( t. it F itch , 1) mmdcii in me Ito aol sit' Ito 10.15-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,154) ) I I I" I mel i amid wife I , ) (1 ( 'ante .1 ommuirimm ) , it 74) ( ott lots 6 mumuil 7 blwle 2Vu , ' , i'u , 24) I F ( ; m mum"rami ii uii wife I \\'t'ghmua mu & lot 11 , iiiocic \Vinier 'Fermuco. . . . . . . . . . 25) hlunest laimnics en I OIe ( lii l'eter 1mlic , , 101 .3 , Burr 0mmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102 II A il'muuin mmmiii ivi ( a to 13 1 1 limit's , iotmi 23 miii 25 , hioit 21 , lmrggs' l'hrmci' . . . . . . . . . . . 1 P (1 ( 'ochim oil in 1 , N Cociurei I , lot I , hiiiclt 2. linwool iiimhc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 I , N Cncmmrt'il In I (1 L'ocicreii , lot 10 , iiloei { 12 I , I.mmtmm : ( into iii , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ,11) ' ) ( ' Ii ( , ' , 'orgo to 11 V' Flayil , 1)1 18 , Ihiiisiuio 11'sert'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,00 J H W'oitu 11,11 Ct mu to 2'celom ileli liu. lost mmmcli t m'timiultamm ) ' , hot I 8 , liiuck , I 13 , South Omimaim : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I timimumo tO iOlO' . lots It an I 17 , eani i . . . . . . . . 1 Ilmmnmarit H 1uvehi ammO imusirnmuii to i A. (5itc ( , uumiiiv i 5w I , ci' 2 , * ui 2-16.9 , ummlilIt' t5 of t' ' 4 , mitv amid e ' 5 sit' 19-16-11. . 7,04)2 \v I I Cit m toO to 13 'F I . ) 'c ii , lot I I , lihimolc I , 'itill Liii h'lace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 A 13 , , rlgmmn to I.Izzl , Cm'rrig.imi . . . ii . , iu lot 8 , 14.iic 1 , lliibmciu's II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 l'oiier & ( l"org , ' I'o 10 I ) ( I 1h.'I.is , lots 4 , 2 mini 2 I , bioclc I , I' ' 'I ' 5 , lImit I , I " .t. lem & C's aid to t4ouilm 0mtulumt , , illS I mmmii 4 , biocl : 0 , but 10 , Iiaeic Ii. Iuti1ord i'lace , h'tt 17 , lilek t. l'uiief & C's 21 mmiii I' South Oniaiuu , , lit 12 ( oe'el.t mm 17' ) feet o 14' 15) ( oft ) , blnu'k 2 , l'mm hi 1'1m't . . . . . . . . . . . . 12'OO I lu go I 'uiicmt uimt , seife t'uiilumm ti uutmi Jimnu , ( 'liii I , . litmm 7 to 14 , LI'sic ' 11 , Vest /thbmlgimt adol . . , , , , _ . . , , . , , . . , , . , . . , , . , , . . . . . 8)0 3)1151)8 , SlitoiSi smmnaicr to ( tmncorila Ioummm unil 'l'rlust tomnmmurm ) ' . Ci 5' ' ) fm'et of w 100 ( oct l't ' 112 hi-ti i'uthm'il 1i't ad ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i,001 m3a'imt' I - ' ii 11 IV , daler , 11)1 * 1 , 9 uuiml 3 , hurt'S t.UiiltS' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ill Sumn to 'I' I' 13"uuoed ) ' , lot 81 , blook 93 , llummici , i'i.uc , , . , . , , . . , , , . , , . . . . . , , . . . , , , iii Smmmm t. ' bummumil , lint 15 mmiii 10 , Uumrt s sub. ii 1W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , 'FoIst amount of ( isnafeis , , , , . . , . . . , , , . , , , ; i,3 , , - - _ _ _ _ - . - , . , . .