Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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TuB OMAhA DAILY 3flE : SATURDAY 1"'BBUUAltY 2 18m , .
, o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , ,
, Opening of the Wheat Market- Repeated Its
Course of Thnr3dlY
F"lr I1nslntn Wits Trnnanrted In Ont.
Tholllh the 1'ucnntonl Were nled
. Almoft Entirely by Corn- .
Btockl nlll l3onth ! .
CHICAGO , FIJ . I.-The opening or the
wheat market repetell the COlrle It took
ye8terlay. Itnrtcll weak and % c lower
. than I clolell on the Previous nrernoon nod
nt the reducton there were hlyerl enough
to prevent for n time nny further dclne. I
There Wi rather more encouragement for
buyIng than for RelnA In the routine news.
The lower cnblll nod nn IncrenRe In LIverpool -
pool tocks , however , were reeeivell with
nlarm by the hollers and were rep nslhIe
for the early decline. The rlRe In price ,
which about 12 o'clock began to /uccced the
J.revlols decline , was Ile to the demand for
cnsh ) wheat nt St. I.ouls. A nle oC . , .O (
bu. to n mier there this afternoon , reported
here , wnl the chief cause oC the ndvnnce.
? lay wheat , which doMed ye/terllny nt 20
to & , opened today with /elers nt & 2 'c nnd
: sold down to fzc. For ni hour and IL half
following that , the Ilrlc kept l between r,2c
nml from r.2c to & 23e , nod then slumped tu
l2c for n moment or two. UI the 13t. Louis
bulge It rose to from l3c to & 3e. Ito- here today were I cars , and nt Mln-
nenllolR find Duluth together lf I enrs. A
week ago 17C ClrR were reeuived nt those
tWo } markets antI n year ago they pot 201.
Primary mlrkels reeeivll today l .O ( bu. .
ngalnst 218,000 ) hu. last week nod 22,00 , ho. n
year ago. Export clenrnces from Atlnntlc
Ports were equll to 308.0 hUt In wheat anti
IIOui. The market Wil. aided In n melsure
by rcn.wcl rumors of In immediate bunt !
Issue. - anti Inv closel lt r.c
Corn wns stilijecteti ' for . limo 10 a eon-
tnuaton oC the trading whIch hILLS been IL
feature of the business for the IMt three
tinys. I recovered when wheat showed its
teeth to the short sellers antI II the end
wns qnle strong nt 1 recovery of nenr\ Ie
from Its lowest Ilrlce. \Iay . Clcnell % e lower
nt 43c. sold between 42e tint ! 43c and
. closed at 43tc.
A fair huslness was transacted In oats.
Fluctuations were ruled , almost entirely hy
corn although the weakness Ilrevall ! nt
times might 1I01Ihly hare been crented 1
I the lower cash price May noid from 2c
to 2S'e down to 2Sfc , up to 2 .c. anti
chose,1 slightly up from yesterday's , Ilst quo-
tnlon . nt 2Ic to 28e.
ProvisIons were weak lt the start on lower
prices lt the ( yards and moderate , selling by
packers. There was some recover from the
low fvureH on buying by shorts. At then -
Ish May porlt. was le lower May lard un-
changed and May ribs 2c ! lower. I
chnnle JIY rllZfe
-I J The receipts for tomorrow are estimated
lS follows : Wheat , 37 ears : corn . ZO cars . :
' oats. lW cars . anl 1.40 head Of hogs.
The leading futures ranged as tolows :
: Articleit. _ I - Om. I - - : . I - ; . I . C1933.
, Feb . . . . . 4M t0k 49 OOO
! ro '
_ _ _ _ - Mn'h' :2 ' t l3t ! 41' l : ' r lWil !
July . . . . . lH O4tuI4 ! 13lG' ! 3WO 4
_ _ _ Com . No. 2. . -
Feb . . . . . 4O4 4 ! ( 40) 41
_ _ _ _ Mny.2U . - : 43.l 42 ) 4314
July. . . . . . . 4HGN : 43l % 42l 41 !
Cult No. 2. .
FOl ) . . . . . 2Gn 27 20H 20" (
Nay . . . . 28t 2St 28 28Wj ; '
Pork June per . . bbl . . 28 ! :6 , 2S ( ' 21
Lnll.l00 Idny. . . . lbs . . I 82 } I 10 I 7 0 1r
May. . . . . . 0 4714 0 0234 0 4714 0 5214
Short Ribs- .
Mi } ' . Ibs- . . . C 1214 1 17H 6 on" 6 15
. Cash quotations were lS follows :
, 1"LOUU-I nR ) ' .
WHEAT-Na. 2 spring. r21 @ : : \tc \ : No. 3 spring.
, . nominal : No. 2 red . f.OW . .
CORN-No. 2 , 4O44lc ; No. 3 yellow , 39j
. OATS-No.2. 21 : No. 2 white , 311j431'c ! ' :
Nc. . 3 white : % ! ( 3Ic. 3IHi31
. } YENo.2. Wc.
, DAHI.ln'-No. 2. w' : Cc ; No.3 , G5@Cc : No.
, . . l3&6c.
t l3\H ED-Na. 1. SU3@I.U. -
- , TIMOTHY Im : -Prlme. ' 5.6.
. - 1'ItO1.'IS1ONH1'ork mess per bbl. . $9.G2t.4t
t.75. l.d , per ' 100 I ( > s" G.40. . Short ribs shlcs
e- ( loose ) . i5.J05.O5 ; dr salted shoulders ' ( bxe4) ) .
* 4.62 ' E14i5 : short clear sdes : ( bxc.l ) , $5.25@
, 5.30. .
' W1flKY-DhsthlIers ' Mislieti goods . per gal. .
'VI18KY-Dlstler' gos. gl"
, .22. . . '
- , ' The following were the receIpts . > nail shipments
I to'lay : -
S Articico. _ _ _ RecetIts. ! Shipments.
: . Flour. blls..M. . . . . . . 0.\00 ) n.oo
J Whelt.bu. . . . . . . . . . . 29.000 6.00J' '
' Corn , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.000 78.003
; 'U ' Oals. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.00 : 71.00a .
i Ry..bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1,000 : 18.\00 .
" narley. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.000 2.00J
On th3 IroUO ) e'ctt\3O to1ay the b.ittr mar
t ket was steady : creamery . 12@2c : dairy , I
120c. Eggs. btoaly ; 1562c.
; Closing Quotlton. Oi the Principal Com-
- 10ltes anti $ taphes.
NEW YORK , l eb. I.-FLOUR-ReceIpts. 1 $ .
BOO bbls. : exports , 2.0 bbls. : sales 21.0 pkgs. :
- , market Clotted sltdler nrer nn early decline ;
export movement shows some Improvement. but
the freight rates are against business. Southern
- - flour , slow. Uyo flour , quiet ; sales . 3 bbls.
Buckwheat flour iluii.
( - CORN 11 ALDul : "ales. 20 bbls. l,00
.acks : yellow western $1.08jl.lO.
- } n -Uul unl weak : car lots G36lc ; bout
- loads 8Of&Oc.
lt(1CK'ltltT-Qulct nt : .
t 1tAlthiY-Ncglcce . : I ; No. fflc. 11waultee , U6Cc ;
two-rowed slnlc. 60gGlc.
\VI1tIAT-ltecelpts. .0 bu. : exports . 107.O
bu. : aleH. 4.6I.ON 1)11. futures . and 8.00) bu. 51)01.
Spot market Mendy : No. : red , In " 10'1 and l'le-
- valor , * afloat : S\le \ t. a. h. : a1 IUol :
No.1 northen 6Gc del\'lrel : No.1 . hard G % c
' delh'nl. Opton" nl II"t weic , weaker under
- : . n heavy Increase In ! 1'erpol stocks and lower
cables. 1.'urther , wnkne8 followed In response
, to a bear raid easier cables . rplonp"
, I rll tutu .nhlls. but a shlt'
rally resulteil In the into ' ,
rnlY resulell Ie oe8s'on reports that te :
bon,1 issue hind ben plue.I' and 1111ess In
; , , wrotel n markets . particularly St. I.ouls. The
close Wil very 8tl'ldy itt unchanged 10 'c a'l-
- ' Vance No. 2 red , I ebrun unllnl.1 . ' .
. vlnce : : rll Fehrtiny ( 't 7l' cosell itt
- t6'c : March . ttt1Z7c. closed at G7c : 1Iu ) ' .
t t7ttJ5Sc. cloKe l 5Ie : JURI closed nt [ a&c :
' Jilt ) ' . ttiC5e. closel , lt Wlc ) : Aujiust 5itO'
, C9\'c. closed lt lc .
- ; . COHN-Hll'elps. 43.60 1m. : exports. : .30 bu ;
sales . 45.0 ) liii Spot market dul : No. 2. 4Ge
. ' In elevator ; steam'r mIxed 4Ge In elevator ;
, 47c delivered. Options weak under liquidation .
, and nCler 11 Iregular lesDlen within 1 nnlrw
, 4 Tango mulct ! wah wheat and cloPIll % c oft . on
- Febran' unit unchnn/ed 01 olhel' months : I..b.
ruary . 43\ft ' lc. cost'll at 43ic : May. 4Gii@ !
- .Hie 4Hle. , closet ! at H\c : JUly , 4iWHe. closed ut
- ) ONrS-HecelptH. 1.70 hu. ; exports . 1,60 bUd
sales . 2 bu. Cutures anti 6 .OJ hUt spol. Sitot
market quIet : No.2. 34c : No. 2 delivered , 11'01
1- 350' No.3. 5a'/c' \ Na. 2 whIte . 3Gf36' .Ielvrrl : No. :
- . White. 3\c : track . white weslern. 31Hlo ; track
, While state , 34j4le. Options quiet within n narrow -
row range . nil day closing unchllg.1 10'c \
Dwert I.'ehruary , 32af331c. closed at lIe : Mar:1 :
: oluII'u itt 33'4c' ; Slay. 33.(131' : . cllsell lt 32c.
. i1AY-l-asy , &O1J2ic }
1 fMt57c IA Y-I'I ) : shipping Wt:2\ie \ : good to choice ,
11Ol'-Steatly : state common to choice. olti .
- - - Stile 8tllc. : stew , Gtjllc : l'uciiio COlt , old , 3\Hi0 \ : new ,
' , . UlmR-Steady : wet salle , ! New Orleans. so-
_ _ _ _ _ . &alelt 81-
loch-tI , 4to G ) lbs. . 4\Uf5c hiucuos .
lecl.l : II. \ : luclo.r. . . ' ) 10
C 24 lt.s. . 1:0 : Texns. dry , 24 to 30 lbs. . 7"7'1. '
' I.I A ' 'II H-I"lrm ; hemlock sole , Juen0 Ayres.
_ _ 1 I light 10 hl'II'Y. 14 ½ tJ17c.
, WOOI.-Fltnt : domesto fleece . 166:80 : pulled.
16210 : Texas . SI2
- l'lO\'ISIONS-Iteef. ( dull . Cut meals , stIII ) ' :
_ _ _ _ _ ' t plcklrll bellies . 5\ < ! .c : 1.1 < 'kl'll shoulders. HHr
4c : 1.lellel haU8. 1alc. ! Laril. steady Inll
- fairly active : wPlwrl steam closed at $ 6.G3 :
. ' sides , S threes . lt S6.G/6.1 / : ciy st 6\(6 $6.G :
- ' c-nit 10 leIt.s 1.lrual' closeel nt $6.65. nomInal -
- _ _ _ _ , _ ' 1 Inal : May. $6.83. nomInal : reiineti. active : con-
I- tinent , $7.15 vales . . tfrrces .
Inent : fale. 1.0 1rrc.s I. A. nt 18.M :
compound. $5.OOtiS.:5. Pok. easy : new mess.
113.MefIS.c $ li.25lll.75 : family , $ ll.OOtjhl.23 : short clrar.
, lU''I H-Jul and easy : western dnlry. 10"
. ' t IS : w..lfn erfall'j' . Ut2lc : wlDlrr factory .
% SUlc : 1lalns . 240 : Imtnton : butler. lOtt8o : Blots
- . dairy . lOuIse . ; state crmm.t' Utlc.
- ( IUI ; HI.-tl'al1 : large , Ur1" : 'mali . 1 \ '
1H0 : hart skIms , 3UB : full Ikln a. .mal. ' 9\1
1ilH-\\'eiiker : state nail I'ennsyl'anln 27e :
- Ice house . IH/2c / : receipts. 3n I'\go. : western
trelh. 2C : southern . :4U3e. :
. . ' 'AI.I.Wlul alit ! weak : city IS per ikg . ) ,
. ' "f4Ie . : ( country ( pkgs. fn'el , tHiH o.
: , HOHIN-I"lnn ( : strained , common 10 good . SU72
-C , 6t.40.
l'L'1'1tOLEUM-Notiihtial : united cloetl $ l.QO \ ' :
P\vlltl.lM-Nomlnal tll.d coBcl
' 4 " 'nhlnKl'n. itbhN . . $ G.801t6.70 : " 'asitington . fl
"t i tulk , $4.Z0 : refitted . New Vuik SS.W : I'hlalellhla
C alil Bultmore , S .75 ; l'liiiadelphia antI Ilaltimnore.
In hulk. $3.35. anl
Tl1it1'lNT1NlI-.Quict' 25tti3Oc. \
" Ilt'I -81'I\I ) ' : dometic. 2\H3o. extra . UIGc :
Japan , 4t-4801'.te .
- 4IfU. . I
MOLASStS-Stvntly ( , . : open krtte , geed to chio'ce ! ,
. 1,3Sc.
. , ' UHANm S-Fley , sound. 1.6(46 : others .
$ t.efl3.7rI. (
$ $ ' ( UION-nul : Scotch , ll9.00tj0.00 : Amerl.
- can. $9.3uI.80. S9.0 <
$ .wU.W.
, - TIN-Qulel ( ; strait. . SI.1. sellers : plates.
I weak ; NII.s on 'chance. 5 lon8 1".Lruury Un
- ' at UU : ; 0 teats l > February ) ' tIn nt nUo
, 8t'ihTIit-\'eak : d iniestie . ; 3.5) .
LIIAI-Finn ; brukrs' price ; 130Zechango :
- . price . $3.lOtf312I4. \ 130Z\
- CPPJH-Quleq ; brokers' price , no : exchange
' -S. pilL'S' . $9.80i9.S3.
. _ . 4. ' COTTON OLRutld Inlolv ; oft crud .
: Oel2o ; inline summer ) 'II w , 2CUc : t , UII'
- men ) ' ( ' 10" . :5G nominal : ) .Uuw butter
grades , 30C. . _ _ _ _ _
CottoIi % iariri .
t Cotol 3Iar.rt.
i KlV rOnK. 1'eb 1.-'T'ON-Dul : mId.
. ' t1iin . M.e ; l.t receipts. > - 1 t\le , : gloss. 1.0
- I bolt's ; exlo-t. . to the continent. 1.lIU bales ; tor-
, ' wanleil :39 : bah'8 ; sales. I.UI bales : 1IIInn.r. ,
: 5 bales ; tock , 15GO0 bales. Weekly I ; Net re-
'C.Io , ' . .tbll. . ; grOSS. 4S.t 3IcI ; expontk I
Orl ltrltMn 1.74 hmb'i' } 'rnce. 3 11. ;
lrtllnf bUC.1 'tr ltll"l. 2.O hiiCs' I
rittles . 22 hales ; 'lnn _ : I irtle. Tota 1
today ' : N'I receipts . . / l'll.s ; exports 10
Orrt JtlRlnt 23ro , tiftleS , continent , 1.0 bales ;
stock . l.eOI.22f t.aIps.
NfW : OltT.AN I.'eb. I.-COTON-Fut'rl , ' ! ( .
ful.1 Inll el.Ily ; uniCs . 41 : haleS : Fcbnfar.
$ : .oftll.0s ; Match. ss.l m. { : April . ;
Stay $ : .2.S41.2i % j .tune . 15.31(15.32 ; .Iul ) ' . * .27t0.11i ,
August. $5.1213..43 : 8eptmliefI.15'W t. IG ; October
\ I. S.121..4
S5I.m..r 1I. Nnl'eml.r. $ 5.&ItII.IM.
1.1\1 1 , ' 001. . } 'fI. 1.--OT'FO-0n'ot . dull :
IlmiiEl . .I.mnlprlcs ; Ameniran . mill-
Iml',1 .I.mnl\
dung . 2 31.321 The pales oC the tIny were 7,0'
hales , or which 8410 bllf were for , pIulnt n
. ! . t'tles 'me4i'nfl
nail export. A 11 Including 4.5 ' AmIH :
lei 1.1 I 41,10 totl-a . nn 'im4'tiCifl. I.'ulurrs
nl"nM quiet nnlt tlor..1 handy stNd ) ' nt the
.11Inc " : Atqerlenn . middling . 1. M. C. , I > .b.
Mlno' . 2 M-Clal 57.Gh ; 'ehnlaf' and March ,
2 tC.C42 7-111 ; March anti April , 2 51'6112 ! 6t :
April antI May , 2 f.&I ; May ' nntl June 2 GO. . 1
2 GI."M : June nfl , JulY , 2 62-Gt ; July nnll
August , 2 t.6H13 : AURust nnll Ael'lller ,
3 l.6h1 : SeCtemlier Inl1 Octalet 3 2.6If/3 / 3-61 :
October , anti November. 3 5-Gil. The l.nlers , of
todny's deliveries were 2,10 bnlep , new docketp.
OIAJA U ll IlL :1.UtU T.
Condition of Trade nll QnntRUnn on
'Iplo ' nu.1 . ! "atlc3' I'rndnco.
nITT1 1-Cle stoce , 61 ; cnmmN to fair
10(11 : Clir to Joe country , 1201\c ' : choice to
fancy , 15'IC : nthered crealer } ' , 1c : separator
creamer ) ' . 20i21c.
1U(1H-Stnietly fresh miii , 18c. .
l1VFi 1'Ot71.TItY-Cltickens. fi'cI ducks , G ;
turkeys . 6f/6\ic / \ : heavy 10m. & : geese . Gc.
11'SlmU 1'OlJl.TIIY-Cltiekeai' , fair , Gl !
choice large . 6 ! ' 17c : choice small , 7i8c : ttirkeys .
fair 1 < " 0.1. HH ISc : choice hen ) ' . 81H19 : choice
Small , 9hflo : duek. fair to good . 7181 : fancy ,
rul 11.1..1. 9UIOc ; acetic , fair 10 good , 7I1Sc ! :
Cancy. full tiressel . 9IOc.
OAllllue wing teal per .lnz" $ I.G0l.73 :
greet , wing ICI , dtz. , $ l.2411.80 : ducks
Ireen II . p.r deL , S.OOUI.2 : cannsbaeks . $ .0f
5.0 : malnil I antI lell'11.o. . $2JeItf2.75 ; small
rabbits reis GOc. . 7CUU.O : Jlck rabbits . $1.2tj1.50 : sulr-
VI.At.Cholco fat , 10 to 110 tLs. , Ire quoted
at f.fiC : Intle and coarse . 3114e.
GIUI.SI'-Wlsconslr roil cream . Toting A ,
131 : twins 1\e \ ; Nebrn.k ant Iowa full
cream lie : NcbraBIm anti Iowa , tart skims 7f
80 : I.'mburler. ' No. I , lie : brick , No. I. lie :
Svlss . No. I" lr. ' .
HAY-Uplnnd hay S9.M : mllll\I. i1.80 ; low-
boil . S8 : rp straw S6. Gotor makes the price
on hny. 1.IKI hades sell the beet. Only top I
grafte3 tirIng tah , prlce.
1'iQtOH-Oi,1 hl ; : s.r .In" . . 76e ( I. 0
_ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ n _ _ _ . _ _ _
. . _
l'OTAT01R-'Ve.ter Mock , , car lots. Gc :
small lots . 70c.
0.1 IiFANS-lland.plclij . navy . Si.90W2.00 ;
1.111 IEANS-llnd'lleICe. nl\'Y. SI0(2.0
UNIONOI orders . ! lc1U.O ' : her bbl. , 2i.i.
( ' A I 1.\0 I'-On orders 2c.
m'I.gHY-Pr uioz. , . 50fiS : . .
HWImT 1O'rATOES-Ool stocl , 42.80 : lan-
Liii. 12.2. ,2.50
IFI'TRIer bbl" l1.60W1.73.
CA11ROTS-j'er bbl. . $2.
CAULIFI.OWi7it-i'er rate of a doz and hal
10 two dOz" 12.2 '
ItOItS'LILAILSII-Per Ib" C67c. .
IAlHNIIH1er bbl" $2.
IUTAJAOAS-I.r Ih. . $ ' , .
IAHSI,1 Y-1lr , ioz. Jc . 35c.
TI1itl1'-1'er . 10. . . $ l.tO.
SPINACH-Per Lbl. . $2.75.
PBARS-Wlntrr Nellie , none. nonl.
AlPI.I R"llhls. 13.25'3.f. : choice eastern
stack. 14.004f4.23. .
GitA1'I8-Conconl. I : none : Maiagaa. per 6. to
10np l1 :
68-1b. blis . gross . $ I0.00l050.
per C1tAN1JLItI1L'S-Jeraoys. bbl. fancy , 811.001311.80
ORANOERl lor"las. 3ier , box , S3.1.0 : Cal.
I Cor II navels. 13.f.0 : 'see Jer , s. 13.
. DANANAH-Cholct stock. 82.00112.80 per bunch.
I.EMONS-New Messlnas . sizes 30 to 360. 83,50
(4.0. $
PINP\IILERler ; ! t10z. . S2.tO@I0.
OYSTERS-lIChrr. per can. 161 : horseshoes.
21 ; extra stnndardM. 210 : extra eelect" . 251 : com-
pony selects 26c : New York counls. ISo : bulk.
slnn.lnr. per gal. . SI.2
NEW FIGS-I xtrn fancy lIe : tuncy. 14e :
choice I2Wi3c : California . bags. 7c. 11
HONI'Y-New : York. 171 : , dnll . H@15c : Call-
rornln. 16c : stratned . 4 to 10-lb. cans. per lb. , hOc.
JAII.J SYRUP-Oalol jugs Per doz. . U2 :
BlxLy 5 gal. cnns. S3. .
NITS-Ahncnll. . 151 : English wnlnuts soft-
sitelleth. nuts , Sc. 121 : standards , lIe : Iliberts. Stile : Drzl
SAlmR IRAUT-holce white , per bbl. , SUO@
5.0 : per halt . bbl. , $2.tioj2.5.
MINI : .1EAT- ' nncy. In half Lhls. . per lb. .
111c : 11111 kegs . 51 : condensed . per case of 3
Iloz. pkgs. , $2.15.
CIUER-Pure Juice. per bhl" 15 : hal bbl. , $3.
HIDES-No t green hides. 3\Hllc \ : No. 2 green
hlde . . 41 : No. 1 green ' SIIII hItdeM tI : No. 2
! .en 11.1 lttde . 4c : No. 1 green salted hides
23 10 r Ibs. . 5c : No. : green salted hides 25 to
40.1 , . 411 : No. 1 veal calf 8 10 Ii Ibs. , Sc : No.
2 veal calf. a to 15 lbs . Gc : No. I dry glint hides .
60 : No. 2 dry Int lildoti . 61 : Iry . dry salted
hides. G : Part cured hides . * 1 per lb. less than
fully cured.
21111111' 1'ELTS-reen Salted . each. 21131Cc :
glen salted 1henrlngs , ( short wonled Inrly'slcns ) . ,
eacim 5\15c : dry Ih.arlhllS ( short woled early
skils ) . No.1. each. 5110c : dry WOlIl ( short
, woled . early skins ) . No. = . Ihearlngs , 61 : ' flint
Kansas anti Nebrsl < a butcher wool pelts . per
lb. . nctunl weight . ItfIc : dry tnt Kansas and
Nebraska Iurrnln wet pelts . per lb. . actual
weht. .4f6c : dry . flInt Colorado butcher wool
pelt , . per Ib" , actual weight . 46'c' dry hInt
' Colorado _ mUllln wool pelts . per lb. ! , actual
"eight , 46e.
TALLOW AND OllidARli-Tuliow. No. I,3c ;
tallow No. 2 31 ; , grca.Me . white A. HH\tc :
gren.e. 1'h1 it. 31 : grease. yellow . 3c : grease ,
dark . 2r3e \ : old butcher 2(2\ \ ) : beeswax , prIme
17(2cmgh : tallow . " 1" 2e. "
FURS-Dear. black. No 1 larce. 120.001323,00 ;
No. 1 medIum Ill : No. I small . S . OO@IO.O : ( ; bear
blacl < . yearlings . No. 1 large fl2.O015.0O : No. 1
medluat . SO : No. 1 small . $7 : U2.00@15.0 . . cubs
No. 1 large S6.o@a.o : No. S medium . $504136.00 :
No. 1 small. $ i' , beac black. Muntl r and Rocky
mountain . No. large $ l8, : No. I medium
11 ; No. 1 small . $10 : bear . black Montana 'ear-
hogs. No. 1 large. $1 : No , 1 Inediuni . $3 : No. 1
smahi , $51 , . . -
smal bear black. Montana cubs No . 1
large . 16.6 : No 1 medum $1.80 : No. 1 small .
$3 : boar. sIlver tIP . No. 1 S.W : . $ 2 : smal.
meliur $2 : No. 1 small. $ S i bears sii'er tip .
) 'earllngs. No. 1 large 11 : NO. 1 medIum tl. ;
No. t small. S5 ; bear . silver tip . cubs . No. I
large ; S6 : No. I medium , 44,30 : No I small. 83 :
bear brown. No 1 large 820.001323.00 : No $
medium $6 : No. 1 smnail . S2 : benr. brown , year-
Ilngv . No. 1 large . $ i0.00i2Q5 : No. ' medium $8 ;
No 1 small . 16 ; henr. blown. cus. No. 1 large
$ ; No. 1 medium. S5 : No. 1 small . S3 ; badger .
No. 1 large. $ 1.00131.80 : No. 1 medIum lie : No.
1 small . See : fisher. No. 1 large. 83 : No. I medIum
SG : No. I small . ' $4 : fox silver. as 10 color ac-
coring to beauty . Nu. 1 large. $100 : No. I
medIum $ C ; No. 1 small. lId : fox slyer pale .
"ccordlng 10 beauty No 1 lurge. SW ; : lle.
medium S30 ; No. 1 small , 12 : tax . cross . No. I
large . $ : No 1 med'um. ' $3 : No. Clso. small. 12 :
Cox , red No. t large , $1.50 : " 1 slal. . SI.23 ;
No. I small . 1 $ ; fox gray . No. 1 large lIe : No.
1 me,1IuI. , Mc : No. 1 small . 400 : fox . kit , No. 1
miss , SOc : Nu. 1 medium 401 : No. 1 small . 300 :
lynx . No. I large $ ; No. 1 Inedlumn 8mnl. ; No. I
small . $1.5 : , marten No I large S2 : No. I
niedltim $ h.&O ; No. 1 small . $1 ; mink. No. I
large. 6013Gb ; No. I medium . Ion : No. I sznalh.
SIc : mink dark No. 1 large. 6 : : ' No . 1 medIum .
401 : No. 1 imaij ISo ; mountain lion . perfect heal
and feet No. 1 1111e. $ l.000j2.04 ; Imperfect skins
23fro ; otter. No. 1 S.IOiZ.O : No. 1 medium.
S6.0I.0 : No : 1 small. $1. otter. pale . No 1
large . $ ; No. I mellul. S1 ; No 1 small , $1 :
raccoon . No. I large . CUiOCL' No 1 medium $ :
Na. 1 small . 351 : raccoon . LInt-k . ns 10 beauty .
No. I large WcfS2.0 : skunk black cased narrow
striped . No. I large W ; No. 1 mrdlUl 401 : No.
I small . lie : skunk broad striped No. 1 large ,
20'2c : volvemlne No. 1 large . $4 ; Nu. 1 medium .
1 : No. I small . S2olf. ; . mountaIn No. mClum. IUle.
$ : No. 1 medium . 1 : No. I small , $ .50 ; wolf
lrl\I No. 14 large , IStittOc : No. 1 medIum. lIe ;
No. I \ ; 'I. lOej beaver , per skIn . ' . I large :
SS.OOiC.O : No. I niedluin . $4.10 : No. 1 small . $2 :
heaver Mis. No. . 1 large 1 : No. I medium , $ . 1 ;
No. I email . 75i niuskrats. winter No. 1 large ,
SUIOc ; No. 1 meuhln. , 90 : No 1 small , 70 ; musl
rots , fall . No.1 large . H16c ; No.1 medium , 71 ;
No I small . 61 : muskrats . kits . 2131
88 Oeler,1 Market .
ST. l.tR. Fph. 1.-FLOUR-Strong antI
hilher : patents $ % . 1.-FI.0IR-Rtronl : , S % . : : @
2.3 : fancy , $ .1062.2 : choice. 11,80131.00.
\11 A'-'aa strong on 11)'lnl. anti. wlh one
or two I'mlomry setbuclcti clohe,1 , "hc above
yesterday : No Z red . cash , 80c \ : J"eblual ) ' ,
W.c . : May . SOc : . 11111' . Ie.
COHN-Olleneel ' "f1 c lower. but rallied on
hu'lnl. clos'ng % fHlo hIgher ; No. 2 muted.
cash , ISc " ' ' , 38c ! , 40 Jul '
31 : l"l'Lrulr ) : May LUIO\"c \ : July ,
OATRnlnll 14o with corn anti \ : No.
2. east , anti Ir.trar ) ' . 29-c : May . 2 c.
ItYlO-Flrtim : Na. Z. .IKt hl. . 53c.
hiAitLhiV-i4tenly anti quiet : Idle8 , Iowa , ecc ,
Minnesota. C6il6\t \ (
I1ItAN-Firni : CiWc. . sacked . east side.
I"I.AX Sh'I8)-Unc-utiigeiI.
OHASR HI I I > Unchlng"ll.
9.0. IIAY-Lower . ; I.rlme to choice prairIe * 8.0013
9.0.IUTI - , .
IUTI H-Unchanle.
l nOttleldy ut J 19c.
l.nAn-Flrm II S2.9 bid.
Hl'lTiiit-$2.03 ! asked.
CORN Ml-A1.-3i.00131.93.
WH I ; \41.22.
COTTON ' 'mlo.
htAlCl lNU-4'G .
[ 'c.
l'ltOVlSlNl4-I'onlc . stantharh , mess . J9bbIag .
l'nO"IHIONt-lorl' .tantr.t le
89.85. I l.rl. lirirne stlal , S6. : : choice ' 16.3.
Dry suit hunts and bacon. unciiangt'ti.
ltl01f11'TH-Fiour . . .0 IbIs : wla'ut , 4.0 bu. :
corn . 20.O ) hu. : oats I.oo liii ,
81J'1UNTS-l"lour. l.O ) bLls. : whet , { 8.o I
Lu. ; Corn , 2.0 bu. : oats . 10.0 bu. I
h1aiias CUJark.ts. : .
1.AN8AR CITY . I".L. l-WII1IAT-Matket
steady : No. : barth . tim ! No. 2 red . 1OtISlc : J-
iecteti. 4C : 8alptu sales. t. o. b. . Mississippi river
No. 2 and No. 3 red . C.
COHN-1Iarkl flow Lut nnn : No. z mixed ,
4034t c. : No. 2 whIte . die.
OATH--Market lnn : No.2 Ilt' . 2(300 : Na.
: wh ( , . . 31 , e.
FLAX ImEJ-Jul lt 1\0(1.31.
DHAN-Steady ut Gb13TOe.
IIAY-Uncltsnged . 6t7o.
IA Y-Unchsngld.
' " ' " , .
lltJ'I"l'lIlt-l"Irrn III unchanged.
IW < SJrll at 10131004e.
ltl-3CIiil'Ti-W'heat . 4,0 bu. ; corn , 1.0 bu. :
oall. G.O hUt
III'I NTS-Whpat , 13.00 ltu : corn , S4.W
bu. : oats none.
I. Nety York , ; iiI ; " I"rket
rnw YOU I ; I . 'L. l.-In n general way I was
I \'Ir ) ' quiet trade . yet rt-prt'sentittIvs at Inll'rlur
IUII ! more . dIstant ' lal\.IS were Ilrlsent In fair
numbers und the collective Inl.lnl8 es're faIrly
large The Inquiry was loSt ! for seasonable
specIalties . uch 08 l'rlnlM fabrics . tirses geode .
ginghams. dometh Dnl eh6te goods . New heavy
wellh woolens \all eonsldernlilo attention tol-
iuwctl by oS-tIers for mooremuotietate quantIties of
the better fabrics , but large engagements fur
'hll goeds. An nlcU"n pale nr 2 OO pairs "r
Mlnr InrI curtainS 6 , II nnnorC for WchCt , Fb -
pfcolRtnn In Srenrll.1 ntnlhllr In
Tnnn 'lln fur ftmt TI w.
NR\V YOIe , I'eb. 1-Speculation on the
Stock exchange today was healthier 1' tone
titan for n 10hK time pnet. There was an
nctve buying movement , In which London .
was very prominent . There were purchases
for the foreIgn account of St. Paul and Louis. .
yule & Nashville , but Reading and Atchison
came In for n small measure or attention.
The tno\'lnl influence of the market WAS
the unlver"al belief the issuing or n 4 Iler
cent loan or $10.0.0 by the government
Wn nn assured fact. Whie there was no
official confirmatIon of the common report .
as to the placing or the loan , lie street ,
which ever tnks one side or another of n
question , lolltell the theory anti used It
lS nn accomplished rnct that the bull wnl
to be anti then reasoned out thRt the
Unlctl ! Stlte : treasury coffers would le
hued with gold , anti with foreign gold nt
that , which wolll be less likely 10 be withdrawn -
drawn In Ihe near futlre lmn If the loan
was to be taken lS IL whole at home. Thc
cosier tone of the sterling exchange market
In tIme afternoon also tended to assist the
npilrecilton In share values , which began
nt the opening antI which , with belt few
interruptIons contnued to the close. Dur-
Inl the last hour ot b1811e// when lie ( nn-
nouncements wcre mnde of the caticella-
ton of the grelter Part of lie ( OrllelR for
gold for shipment tomorrow . made early In
the day , speculation became absolutely
buoyant and the market contnuel In good
tone to the close Lent / ! solI UII II per cent ,
lost the gaIn . but closed 1 per \er above
yesterlu"s closing. General Electric gnlnell
1'/e Per cent , receded H. per cent anti recovered -
covered H ; per cent , I gain of 1 lr cent on
time clay . Nearly everything on the list dealt
showed advances on the In ) ' .
There was coimsitlerable strength to the
"ns cous\lerlble Itrenlth
trading In bonds toln ) ' , which was dun to
the same cnuses which Influenced the shnre
stieculntlon. There was n fair sembllnce of
activIty . ( lie sales agregating J : .O.
The Evening ' nlRrlfltnl cable says :
The stock markets were better tOllny. Con-
sole fell fll this morning on slles by n large
Greek operatorl who had been carrying nn
account of WO In console , nll Is now
realizing ! on the ! possibility . _ _ of _ In . Amuericami , 1 I
loan. OIi5OIS were UCBer ILL < e. " " . 1
Americans were strong. There Is consIderable .
able buying here , but not much support on
the New York sIde. The new China loan of
[ 3.0,0 Is expected on Tuesday I Is aU
underwritten .
The following were the closIng quoilton :
on the lending stocks of the New York exchange -
change today :
iiiiaon. . . . . . . . 414 ! Northwestern . . . \
Atlanta Express. . I 40 N. W. pIth. . . . . . 1 :
Alien . T. U . . . . 10 : N. Y. ! cntr'el. . . . lOt
' tie Old. . . . . . . 101 N. Y. . . ' . . . . . . . . 31114 :
Am. ExprcHs. . . 100 OntarIo k W. . . . IO !
lalhnolJ &Ohtlo . (3314 Oregon Imp. . . . . 1014
Calh l'ncllc. . GBl Oren Nay. . . . . 11
Canada 8011hlrl. 4O4 ' 0. S. L . U. N. . . 3H
Central I'acillc. . . lo Pnelnc Mall. . . . 2i4
Chits . k OhIo. . . . 17 1' . D. . . Mal. . . . . . a
'Chlcao Alton . . . 17 Illsblr . . . . . . . 11l
C. 10. ! Q. . . . . 7214 Iullal ! Palaco. . IM %
Chicago Gas. . . . . 7516 Ienllhu . . . . . . U\
ConsolIdated fibs. 127 it. O. W. . . . . . . II
C.C. C. . &St. L. . . 3R' 11.0. w.pre. . . . 43
Colo. Coal .t Iron. . I Rock Island. . . . . IH' ( :
Cotton Oil Cert. . . lUI' 8t. l'aui . . . . . . r ,
Delawnrl' Hld. 12U do pfth. . . . . . . 17
Del. , 1 ' ' . . W. . 101 St. P . & Omaha. . . 3314
Del . It. n. pfd. . . . 11 :1 : i l do pta . . . . . . lOR !
D. . C. F. Co. . . . . 414 Southern l'ncIOc. 17't
} : r1o. . . . . . . . . 10 % Sugar Refinery. . . UUl
.eo "rd. . . . . . 21 Toitim. Coal " Iron. 11'
'Fort Wayno. . . . ll7 Texas l'aclle. . . . 814
O. Northern ord. . . 100 T. . O. Cenl. pfd . 70
C. , ie ) : . I. ICI" , . . . 00 Union l'acllc. . . IJ' I '
llocklngyalley. . 1814 U. S Express. . . 41
111,011 Centrai . . 18 W. 91. L & 1' . . . . I I
St. 1. & Dnluth. . 20 do pll. . . . . . . . 1314
I { . k T. pfd. . . . . . :2'l Wels Fargo Ex. . 105
Lake Ifrlo : & West IJ Weror Union . 87H
Lake Shore. . . . . . 1:7 % Wheelng' L E. 1)74
LeadTriist. . . . . 324 : do pfd. . . ' . . . . 38
Louisville & N. . . 5218 1. & St. I. . . . . 27
I. k N. A. . . . . . 611 D. ' 18. O. . . . . 11
Manhattan Con. . . lORI' G. } . . . . . . . . . 21"
' MeniItts&C. . . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . . 1754
' f"hhrn Ctml. u 1. C. l I. k L u. . . . 23 !
MIssourI i i Pacific : : 22 I--d-o. prJ : : : : : : : : : : : 7. .
Mobile &Ohio. . 10 % IL & T. C. . . . . . 24
Naahvlo Chat . . 04 T. A. A. . N. M. . . H
National Cordage 154 T. St. L. & K.C . . 1
( Iopfd. . . . . . . l * dOI"d. . . . . . . 7
N.J. 111. . . . . It S. it. R. . . . . . . 1M'
N. d W. PM. . . . . 1 } ! do 1"1. . . . . . . 32'
North Am. Co. . . 31 ( Am. Tob. Co. . . . 0414
Northern Pacific . 3do pitt. . . . . . . . 107 !
No. Pac. OftI. . . . . ltl4 . St. P. . M. & 1. . 108
U.P..D.&G.114 :
B bId.
The total sales of stocks tolay were 213.208
shares . Including : American Sugar . 33.6 : Bnr-
llngton. 7.GO : ChIcago Gas 21.30 : General Elec-
irk , . 27,20) : LouisvIlle & Nashville . 34,100 : Missouri -
souri l'ncllc. 2.60 : NatIonal Lend 4.50 : Narth-
western . 6.0 : Iteadlng . 3.0 : Hock Istand. 1.70 ;
St. 1all. 21.40 : Southern . 280 : Southern pro-
ferret ] , 4.60 : Western Union , 7,40. -
January l.avc8 BehInd the Lowest Average
of Prices Ever lino\vl.
NEW YORK , l eb. 1.-R. a. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review or trade. which Is-
sues tomorrow . will say : Thing look
better near the close of this week
because It Is believed that a new loan
wIll b miegotlieteth. There was need for relIef .
since January closed with the heaviest exports
of gel ever mUo In any month , and the
heavIest wIthdrawals of gold . from the
treasury. $3.4G8,10. the hope of a new loan
being the one timing which has lifted prices
during the PMt few days. January leaves behInd -
hind It the Iwest at for all
: average prices ul com-
mOltea eVer known : . for cotton . Iron and Its
products wool and sl\'er. the lowest monthly
average ever known : and Cor wheat 1 range
novo its minimum. yet declinIng rapIdly toward
that point. Industrial operatIons have not ma-
terlally dlnhinlahed though I has teen a disappoIntIng -
appoIntIng month because the rellllul expected
haM not comae . The continuIng drIft of money
10 New York shows scanty commercIal demand
In Iho Interior anti no Improvement appears
hero In commercial loans. In short business Is
stIll vaitlng . anll finds reason Cor hesItatIon In
the condItIon of the Ireaaur Speculat n has
not Ca\orel lroducers. " ' 'rt was 'I cent
lower but western receipts were only 1.228,012
bushels . against 1.579.21 bushels last year . and
with exports larger than last year might have
helped prIces bail not the visible stocks been
so Inrge. Corn Is 2 cents lower , with receipts
about half anti exports not one.elghth oC last
) ' .tr's. Colon declIned 1 sixteenth and Is cln-
to the lowest point ever touched . with nn' average -
ago oC clly 5.70COl' January . The movement
contInues large , Intl ( lie maxImum Clp estimates
art , oncouineing . but there Is nat n Ito hope
that decrease oC acreage may help the planters
Neither here nor abroad does the manufacture
promIse nearly the maximum output of consump-
tion . SIlver has been I weak and for the month
has male slightly tIme lowest average ever known
Ilho output In IM4 helnl reekonell by ' ,
Fargo & Co. nt $2 .71.0H. or 4s.58a.91 ounces.
ThIs leel'enpC , wus 12 ir l cent , whIle the Increase
In gold WIS 25 per cent. J
Iron anti st'el look less encouraging nt time
east . anti the lemanll Is dIsappoIntIng . Itthough
prIces are not weaker . At 111.hurg all the
west n huger t.mlnd appears . partIcularly for
wIre , anti wile nails . which to lot change In
price C yet while bessemer Iron Is : cents
higher . t > lets n little stronger and cr.y forge ,
15 cents lower Tiic' .trclurl tcmanll 1M geed , '
hut prices are n hade antI while ( lie
market tor bar has hen unusually 1,1. , prices
Il not lIft . Cun.llerble contracts ! f3r cast
pipe base been taken or are p.ntlol. hut II
( lie aggregate ' ( hit' business since January I has
not unKwen'll , xpectatlonti.
TextIle mlnuraclurers cnnnot scorn nn 1m.
111\t'm.nt r < , ' thin wpl , . for though print cloths
hn\1 nlh'lnc.11 I idiotic the 11emanll tM other
cntl' goods . Is "nly neotierate . anti prices are
unusually Irm-egulat' . The opening oC men's
wnJI.ns hiss continual wIth even n more general
IlerlaruUon o belIef Ly he I Itnestc manuCac.
turl'r tItan they can sustain Ih.msel'll In I'
dlum Iniles antI In W"ntld8 , but II t Iho finer
grades much hesitation nl'plnr. anti In time lower
grades this extremely low Ilrlels mud hy foreign
lellel 81 tn threaten time manuruelure. \Vnol
I" sa low Ilrge sales for possible futures con.
( Inue . and thee talil ( nt lie chief moat hiets for tour
wI.ks huts been 21,157.0 : iunds , against 2.727IM
pumls two ) ' . 'urs ego
Failures for the liast I week have been 354 In
time liniti'ti Stittt'ti . agaInst 370 last year . antI
1t.tour In Ctuutthtm , against Iry.two last year .
Uncertlniy Concerllll : the Treasury Bltua-
. ton hits ma lellr.llnl Jtect :
NFW YORC , Feb 1-liratlstreet's wIll say
tomorrw : Special telecmms to liratlstreet's from
many ot the more Important Ilolnts ot distrIbutIon
throughout the country make I plaIn that the
uncr.tllilty UI to Ihe ( outcome ot time financIal
eltutitlon . 01 this ralII withdrawals oC gold
( ruin the treason ) ' , has hall a depressing effect on
general tral . Among the twenty staple pr-
ducts . ( our have remained steady In prlclwol.
lumber . hlle" and leather-although II western
ct'nt.rH some grades ot the last nan\.1 have ben
hell al un Idvnnc" . and itt the ( I.oliton sales aC
wol sold UII slightly . 'l'hte mor" 1II01Inni ( ( lIe.
cr.u.1 were In live cattle and hugs , the latter
10 cents Illr "wi. , \ heul. corn , .1 llrk
( aht' I $ per haell. after the Ilula hail tired oC
holding up quotations ) , lard oath cotton.
'l'ime greatest ent'ommragelnent as 10 nlh'nnces In
price 18 round among time Iron antI steel indus-
trIes . Not only have bessemer pig Iron antI steel
bIllets 11lvanc"ll fully 15 cents per ton eticii. but
demand tor shaped Iron by car wagon and 1m. I
plemet muJer calls tar attentIon . that anl nails I ,
anti fur barbed wire beIng pronounced , advancing
prices 5 Cents on "ch.
I.w tenmlteruture wet put up Irlel oC eggs
and /'olall. . and quutatonl ftc coffee anti sugar
are Itighter. / , 'I'lte graIn trade was .url' this
week by lirutistleet's r"llof or a relatively heavy
Increase In stocks oC whelt afloat nud In hiurope ,
1 I t'rcase hn heel antlelituteti , . During uro\
ua ! exports oC wh.1l , hotl .ola'a ' ot the UnIted
States ilIoul' Iclulletl ! 18 wheat ) . have cuntnu.1
to average 3Q'pi,000 bu . per , week. but dUI'.n. six
Luslla. ta'I. , 'ntiiag Junuory 31. Iho tutu I ito
exporteil . % . . Lu. .
IJl.orlc,1 was .43.\OO aa 1111'ar.l : wih
2i140t.letI bu time week t'dote. 2.03.0' ) bu. In the
c'orr"plnllnKn'k nn y 'er uo . 3.12.0 bu .
two years ago arid 4,740.003 bu II the correspond.
lag week "r UI2.
In textIles there 18 lIttle ChA"le or proillect of
early Inpr\I < lt. , ( eneral lines ot fancy
prInted tIILrlea ale "olng froth Jo Les' hal18
talrl ) ' tel \ $ and IJrlnl cloths are 1 shade better
than ) a week lie l"ore1 ! woolen dress goods
are ' rtp'rtt'd Aetive ani-'ire peeireI the hulk
\ "I"rltl Irth. . nnl1lcnltl thl
ot the 011.1 1IncIl n . ¼ ' hJn renters . tlS tnr.
The outlook for Arnr1can . mIlls " "nll 0\
woolen dreSs goods 18-'lre n. rl'orlJ.
Ilhoulh manufacturers I cn' . woolens are not
ItS confident.
Aggregate of .ln.II" , framescted by ties
.hwochucil Ilnitc.t _ , W.ok.
NEW YOle , 1eb. I.-7'ie following table ,
compiled } by I3radstrettsJ shows the total
clearances nt the prM nl cities anti the
percentages of increase g decrcnse. as COl"
parel , WIth the corr ' fiT lng week last
year : OH I _ _ _ _
C1TJS. cnrlng . Inc. Dec.
d , Ijleanlngs.
New York.\ . " , & 4i,339.t142 34.9. . . '
Chlnl . . . . . . . . . . _ . "CH.3 . . . . ( f.4 . .
1"lon . . . . . . . . . .11.8 . . 75.-6.20 M.f9. 2 2 .1 . . .
Phlallell'hln . . . . . . . . 5'.W.9 : 27.0. . .
HI. 1.lls. . . . . . . . . . _ 2t.6".61 8.2 . . .
San Fiencisco. . . . . . . . )2,33.)4l , ) 10. . . . . .
Iallnor . . . . . . . . . . 12.1..7'3 13.3. . . .
h'Itlshmurg . . . . . . . . . . . 12.:61,1:0 1.3 . . .
Inc Ilnt . . . . . . . . " . . 1.6i'.0 : . . . . 9.0
Knn ns CI ) . . . . . . . . . 8.0.f23 . 4.8 . . .
New Orleans . . . . . . . . ' . .0362- " . . . 5.0
IInlo . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.216.212 4.7. . .
lll\nukec . . . . . . . . . 3.'C9.41 . . . . 2.6
1.lrlt . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.213.32 8.S . . . .
1."ls\'I\o . . . . . . . . . . . 6,703,635 10.3. . . .
; \"ls . . . . . . . . . 4.993.281 15,3.
01AIA . . . . . . . . . . 3,1I.t2h.13.6
Iravhlence . . . . . , . . . 4.32.811 ) 10.8. . .
Clr\'rlnnt , . . . . . . . . . . . 4,532.80) ) 8.6. . .
'lonlla , . . . . . . . . . . .702.184 & 4,7. .
RI. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . 3.2\t ; 21.9. . , .
Den\'er . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.131.81 . . . . 10.9
InllanapolR . . . . . . . . 3.432.219 . . . . 13.2
Culurhno , 0. . . . . . . . 2,673,50) ) 11. , . .
InrtCorl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.679.3 4.0. . . .
Ichmon,1 . . . . . . . . . : 2j.MI\ ) 4,0.
VnshIngton . . . . . . . . IISS.M1.17,2 .
\alnR . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1.269 5.8. .
Ht. .10r'h. ( . . . . . . . . . . 1.112.021 3,1.7. , . .
I.orln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.802.M. 13.1 : .
lemphls . . . . . . . . . . li26.851 1.6. . . .
Iorlanll. Ore . . . . . . . . . 8i3.0l' ) 8.9. . .
11 > helier . . . . . . . . . 1.408.2f. 1.7. . .
New haven . . . . . . . . . 1,212,269 1. & . . . .
Slvnlnah . . . . . . . . . . . 2.fI.I ) ) 32.S .
I4lmringlleli ( , . Masti. . . . . . . 1,3I.VOG 19.7 . . . .
\ orce.ter . . . . . . . . . . . 1,137,873 13,1. .
l'ortIanh , , Me. . . . . . . . . 1,19.1 ) 14,7 . . . .
Atlanta ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.08t.618 9.5. . , .
1"I.r Worth. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.212,13177,0. : . . . .
'Wnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.461.t.t 2,2121,1 ISI.2. . . .
A'rclo'J ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.0i5 1.3. . . .
leH MoInes. . . . . . . . . . OC9.37 I0. . . .
! ! mnl itnp'ils. ' . . . . . . . . G64.4l 1.6 .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I"tle . . . . . . . . . . 40S.9 . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I.owel . . . . . " . . . . . r. 1.718 . . .
, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6. . .
Wlrlnlton. . . . . . 1"1. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 6il.foS . 9.4. . . .
Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . 93G.050 . . . 2.6
. , . . , , . . , , , . . . , , . . . . . .
'Hloux City . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . .
. CII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.8 Angeles. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mO.SGI ) . . . 4.9. . . . .
Tacoma . . . . . . . . . Ga.141 ! . . . 21.4
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ aglnaw . . . . . . HS.7 2 . . . 21.6
f1"lnaw . . llch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
Spoknnc . . . . . . . . . . . 236f'2. . . 28.0
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .
Tackmtonvihio . . . . . . . . .253,1123 . . . 7.1
Jlrks"n\'lo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4)S,840. : . . . . .
Lincoln . . . . . . . . . 461.S:1 . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New . . . . . . . 275 MG . . .
' Jeltorel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 3.9 .
" ! hIl\ . . . . . . . . . 6406S ; . . I.a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liirnilnghmnm . . . . . . .siscu 5.3 . .
Brmlnghnm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.61 . . . .
Topeka . . . . . . . . . . . 43.9S0 17.6. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l.xnlt n. K ) ' . . . . . . . 25.iC6 36.5. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) llngmanepton ! . . . . . . . 240.S0 . . . .
Inlhnllon 2.8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'flay City Mleh. . . . ) 6,7. . . .
'Iny Ciy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.131 . . .
' l'ahl IUI'"r. . . . . . . . ' 10.4 : 9.7. . .
' . nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,7. . .
\krn. 0. . . . . . . . 183.11 C.O . . .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,1. . .
8prlngflelti 0. . . . . . . . 16.8
'Aprlnllehl. 127.43 " " "
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cnnton 0. . . . . . . . . 151 C 2.0. . .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'Sloux Fnls. . . . . . . . 43.S : . . . la.6
' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'F'remont N. b. . . . . 61.69 ) . . 3.8
' llastirmgs . Ncb. . . . . . . . . . w,410 . . 29,0. 10.0. . 3G.O
'llstgg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' cimatt000oga . . . . . . : . 16.0. . .
'Chnlnnuogn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1.9O , . . . . . . .
'Fargo . . . . . . . . . . . 10,050. . . 33.3
' 1.1j0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . .
'Nnh\le . . . . . . . . 931.5 1.5. . .
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'Galveston . . . . . . . 5,2.77,775 25.5. .
'Gal\.ston 7.75
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sntt Lake. . . . . . . . . 16,0. .
974.W 2.a
Inke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ltockfortt . . . . . . . . . 1'0.019 26.S . . .
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
helena . . . . . . . . . . &B.2 . . . . . .
lelenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
' crnnlon ( . . . . . . . . . 75S4 . . . . .
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.5. . .
'Knlnmn.oo . . . . . . 795-847. . . . . . . .
'Little flock. . . . . . . . . . . . 27.610 . . . . . . .
Totals Unlte,1 States.I _ 942 r'I.O5- ) ! . "
iixchuslve oC New York _ 39a.192.12 ' _ 1.1. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Montreal . . . . . . . .Is 10.6:0.3H 22.0 . . .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torolio . . . . . . . . . 6.32.910. . . 8.9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
halifax . . . . . . . . . 8.5. . .
IBlflx 9t,31
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . .
. . . . .
Hamilton . . . . . . . . ; . . ) . . . 226
Hnmlon 47.:16.
WInnipeg . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . 6-.9 : . 5.5. . . 19.3
-onls _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 i 1---- $ _ t18.013'856.9 . _ . . .
- Include In totals .
NOW erIe Jlilio.llrlet
NEW YORK. l > eb. 7.-MONl3Y ON 'CALL-
Enty ot 1\2 per cent . : Ilal lon , : per cent :
closed . Z pee cent. I
I'IliItiId ' ' , ' ' ) cent.
- per
STlfltLlNO b1.IGJ - . } J , wIth , actual
business In hanlcers' I t t , ; % for tie-
U9(4.S9 le-
nmand and nt $ .S81 for slatyilayL Iogtel rates .
$1.S@I.9 ! antI $ I.S81,4474414. \ - Commercial bIlls .
$ U7@4.a71. ( . j { p '
GOVERNMENT i0ONDS-asler for 4s. State
bonds , quIet Halrll bendsstrong. .
Closing quotations on hfinLs ! 'er ng follows :
U. S. its. reg. . . . , 14 I . 1) ' & , It. 0. 4s. . . 7H %
U. S. 5scoup. . . . 14H r1e12ds. . . . . . 01
U. S. 48. cog. . . . 181 % G. U. & , S. A. 6s. . 02 %
U. S. 4s.coup. . . 11 1 ! do 78. . . . . . . . 12 .
'U. S. 25. rcg. . . . \ I 'lit & ! C. Gs. . . 100
' t'aIflol3o2 ' \i" ) 100 . ! ' -tdOi0. ( > . . . . . . . ; . 10114 .
'AII. Class A. . . 104 . ) t K. & . 1st 4s. . SO
'Ala Cass D. . . . lOo' do 2d 4" . . . . . . 46
' Ala . Class C. . . . . (14 'Mutual UnIon tIe II !
Cass 11
. Ala . Ctmrrtincy . . U. , N..C.Gen.Cs. . 112
'La. New Comm . 4s. 9214 No. Pac. lsts. . . . . 113
. Mlssourt ( is. . . . 100 d021IA. . . . . . . . 13
N. C. Ils. . . . . . . . . 125 N. " ' . Coitsols. . . 142
'N. C. 4s. . . . . - 18 ) do S. F. Dob. 58. 10H %
S. 0. nonfund . . . 1 % R. G. WeAt..lals. . (1414
' Tenmi. new set Os H4 'SL p. Cou80lA 7s. 125 !
' Tenm now set Os 100 , do c..o P. W. LOs . 101 )
'Tenn. olt Os. . Is . 60 51 L. . I.M.fotm.5 . 77 !
Va. Centimm'lea. . . f ! SI. Lk 8.F. Germ.0 . 10254
do deferred. . . . 7 rox. Pac. late. . . . 84"
AtcllHon 41. . . . 04H do 2ds. . . . . . . 2384
do : .I A. . . . . . 18" U. 1' . IRis or ' 00. . 103 ; !
Canada So. 2els. . 1(1 4 Wcet Shore 4s. . . 104'
C. p. Ists of ' (1. 100 So. R R. . . . . . 80J
"D. & 1. G. 7s. . . 14
S bId. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hoton 5too' Q otltlon , .
I3OSTON. Fob. 1.-Cnl loans 4@0 per cent :
line loans. 4(5 nor cclii. Coaln ; prices fir
ittocltsbuimds and mlnlll share :
. ' . &S. F. . . . . . . . 4 ! . . , ,
A. 'r. B. } . . . . 411 Westhlh.I lcc. . 3211
Am. Sugar. . . . . . O1 W. EI ( IICd. . . . tl ! (
Atmi. Sugar \Cd. . IIU \ . Central. . . . . 2
hay State : (1ts. : . . 1054 Atc118)1 2d8 , . . 1814
llellTelephone. , . lUO AtchisOn .18. . . . 13334
11001011 & Albany . 20R Now Enlllll Os. . 108 % !
Doalon & 7daitio . . 108 Geti. Electric flit . . 8R
do phi. . : . . . . 162 Wis. Ctimmt . Cs. . . . 4. %
C. Ii. . . Q..I 00 ! ) AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . 10 !
Gon. Iflectrlc. . . . 2914 tiOsttiii k Montana 38 %
Mexican Central . 514 Butte & floston. . 10
N. Y. & N . R. . . . . . $ 51 Calumet . " Ilecla . 20
Old Colony. . . . . IS0 % Ccnllnlal. . . . . . 50
Ore. Short Line. . 414 Frankhlim. . . . . . . 141-4
Rubber. . . . . . . . . 42 Kearaargo. . . . . . S %
Inlon Pacific . . . ' 3154 08eeolu. , . . . . . . 2214
WoatEnd. . . . . . . 011-1 Sllla FoCoppor . till
do pfd. . . . . . . 01 Tamarack. . . . . . . 13
New York 1lnlll Quotations
NEW YOm . Fob. I.-Tho ( ollowlmi3' nra ( lii
closing mlnlll quollol" : .
Hitiwer. . . . . . . . I I Ontario. . . . . . . 100
Cholor. . . . . . . . 30 Olhlr. . . . . . . . 10
Crown 10111. . . . 40 l ! ymouth. ( . . . . 2.
Con Cal. .k Va. ; . SOO ) QuIcksilver. . . . . 11
IJeadwootl . . . . . 40 do pld. . . . . .1300
Gould.o Curry. . 25 Sierr.l Novad'i. . . 4 :
: I
halo &Norcroas . 70 811Idan\ . . . . . . 221
lolealalo. . . .1700 ) Union Comm. . . . . . 41
Moxlcau. . . . . . . 71 _ Yellow Jacket. . . 40 _
1'lnllctll Notes . .
BOSTON , Feb. 1.-ClearIngs , $13.63,2:9 : bal.
nimees SI.63.59.
IAI.Tlllm . Feb. 1.-Clearings. $2,074.9G4 :
balances . $276,408.
NgW YORK I > eb. I.-Clearlncs , $ & .02aS3 :
balances $7,643,572.
PH I.ADgl.lJ I" . Feb. I.-Clcnrlngs , $11,723-
651 : balances , aI9.189.
CII ICAC.O. I""b. 1.-ClearIngs , SU.5a7.0.
lone ) ' . 4/ % per cent on cal toil Gf6 per cent
on 1m" . New york exchange . Sec premium bid
and W asked. Sterling ctmmnic'rcial , U.SHI@
N1fW YORK Feb. 1.-A total of Sj.OO.OO gold
wits ordered thIs moring for shipment 10
1iurope , . but on lie Inweinl , oC the rates for
sterling exchange In tim " ttftemnoom S3. O.0 ot
time ortlers were cancelled , unl I Itt I hot itmiprob-
able lint no gold wi rn out ut till tomnorrori'
I'Qrlll "llllcllttiin. , .
FRI.IN. Fob 1.-I 'change on London eight
duys' sIght. ! 2 matks q l > rJ.
PAIIS , I.'eh. I.-Three ' icr cent r.ntes , 102r SIc
for the account. ifxclIflgcoa London , 2Sf 18 ½ 0
xchlge.oa . :
' ISHo
for cht.ka. . . . I
LONDON I'eb. 1.-Amiin ( oC lullioim iota
I.NDON , "eb. 1.-Atlunt Imlol gone
. Slunk oC gnglanll 01 balance IOu Iono Wits
U6o' Oohl I. quotetltto'lny at BUfnn8 Arrlo
ul 21 : 1ndrhl. 10.0 : fIibotm : .258t \ ; I'elers-
burg , CO : Athens 77 ; htouietlOG.i0 : Vienna , 103.
lIaItnurdtuirkat , , ; . I
JAI.TI110m. Feb. ' ; -I"/.OUl-Jul : spring
patents 83.4013365 : ( spmwlai , brands higher ) ; , e.
Ce hot. 5,792 bLla. : (1r & ' ' . , 3,398 ( ibIs. : sales ,
; ibIs.
WIBA'-ulet anti , poSy ! spot month , 15c :
Malh , IGVifttc } . : May ! & 73tm3lte : steamer Nu.
2 red . 12tj023e' : reeeipt9 . 3,238 lu , ; stock . 607.-
145 bu : gales . 184.0 ) bUd i ,8culhem , wheat b1
rlple 5Gc. \ , 55(67c ; southerl client { - , 01 grade , 3\1@ \
! OIN-Dul and lower ; ' ittot , . 456145c ; month
4a45\Lc \ : March 450 Illed : Slay . dleec bid ;
steamier mixed HCU - : , receipts. 1.9:3 bu. :
simipnmetmts . S.b7 bu : loc . G2.4117 / bU.i ; sales .
71.0' ( bu. ; southern ! whmutg corn . 41008J45c : south-
era ) 'elow. 441j45c. \ .
OATH-ulel , . 45yc. , 'N o. Z whmite . western .
36tf36\c : No. 2 mlxfl31fUYc : receupus ! ! , 2 41 )
ttu. : hluk. 203.15 bu.
itYli-1)uli nul easy : No 2 , 5Cc : receipts ,
939 : ) Lu. ; stock , 36.O0 bu.
HAY-Qul and beady ( ; cot to choIce tim.
alI ) ' . 113.041112.50 .
OlAIN I I'J'QITR-SteadYi ; englgemel\
light anti unchotiged . .
1111ellotM l'ituat Market.
1INNI'AIOLIR. I'el. I.-The mont at I'eb-
ruary oll"Iell wih n very weak feelIng In wheat.
Iange oC price : May Closed ut CI.c : July . ltt
551e , clo.-d al c le. On truck : Ni' . I hard.
1614c : No. I nortlmera , & \ic \ : No. 2 northern , Ste.
'J'ho lour tratle 8tl ( conlnuea ' 1lh"r quiet because -
cause of 'ho ' unc.ralnly In the whmemit mnai-ktt ,
Sotmie good sales Were limde at slightly better
figures tOil' , could be otttaltted it ICCek egit. FIrst
ltatentt , * 3.10113.40 ; second lstCnIp. ( * 2.93133.23 ;
fancy and exitor ; bakers' , * 2.10132.23 ; red dog.
11.15111,75 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6tgi.r Mtirkel.
Nfl % ' YOltlf , Feb. i.-HtOAIO.-1aev ( , frau ;
sales , yesteiday , 2h'GO Itags cenlt-ifugul , 90 test ,
at 2 & 'lle , C. and f. ; today , 7,000 bags , e. anti 1. ,
(0 ilOtiton , mit I 5.16cund , f , Itelhned , quI ( ,
Prices Paid In General Were Higher on ttn
Average ,
liege Opened in Many Cases Ten Cents
Lower but Taw ird the Close II
I'lriiietl till Cotmeideritilly OIl
iommio Iemaiitl ,
FRIDAY , Feb. 1 ,
The receipts tommy were DOS cattle , 5,014
hogs anti 2033 Imep , as against 1,043 'cattle ,
4,312 hogs ahill SOS 811001) yesterday nflii 1flS
cattle , 5,831 hogs mind 149 sheep on Friday
of last week. The ofllcial receIpts for the
Past tucontim verc 50,718 cattle , 115,6-19 hogs ,
12,741 sheep itud 422 horses nnd Inules , as
against 64,008 cattle , 111,210 hogs , 21,882 sheep
anti 338 horses and nuules for Jaliuary of
last year.
CAPTliE-'I'itcre were , nil told , only
thirty-two fresh loatis of cattle In the ynrtis.
Among the oITenlIigs were a. few loads of
pretty fair beeves , some good 011011gb to
brilig over $1. The local pachei's vnntetl a
few loads and the offerings being so light
they were not long iii clearing the ieims.
Time prices lutiti vere hIgher mi an teverage ,
( tilly be higher on hmatutly cnttle that happened -
pened to stilt the buyers. Tile advance , its
well mts time imucremuseti activity , wam title ito-
vareimtly to ( lii' light receipts niud the Itu-
Itroveti altuatiomi mrcvaihlimg at other luarket
Cows and mixed stock were In light supply -
ply and time market cotild ititfoly be quoted
SC to 100 higher. Time buyers were not 101mg
In cleaning up ( lie ten or twelve loads
offeremi , A few cows sold at $3 to $3.40 , with
large Iroportlon of tile stoles at $1.75 to
'l'hiere were 110 fresh nrrivnis of stockers
or teethers to amuoumit to alt'thlIng. Tue de.
rnnmmd was also very light und ( lie Inttrket
was slow tuid tiuhl. 1tepresentnive sales :
111I111 STififitS.
No. y. I'r , No. Av. l'r. Na. y. Pr.
2.i075 $2 1-0 14..llS8 $3 61 3IiO'i2 $1 55
1 , , , . 740 2 ItO 43 , , . , i017 3 15 13. . , .1238 3 93
2. . . , elf 3 00 12. . .ihSS 3 75 40. . . .1119 4 03
6..lOil 3 45 )8..1)28 ) 3 75 21..1437 4 15
11. . . , 054 1 10 22. . , . 082 3 75 20..llSS 420
12 , . , , 786 3 50 6. . . .1123 3 00 16..1351 4 25
2. , , . 715 1 l5 7. . . . 985 00 2. , . , 925 40
2.iStI I 45 4. . . . 772 tb 12 , . , , (65 tO
2 , . . , 730 1 50 8. . . , 833 90 1. . . . 970 10
8. . . . 750 1 1,11 6. . . . 953 1)0 ) i..iOO 1-0
I. . . . 800 1 50 3.ilSO 00 8. . . . 020 10
1. . . . III ) I 50 l..hIOt ) 00 4. . . . 922 60
1. , . . 820 1 65 1. . . , 500 00 4.lOOS 65
1. . . , iOGO I 65 1,1390 00 15. , . . IS7 70
' 1. , . . 230 1 70 5. . . . 816 00 9. . , . 554) 75
10 , . , . 910 1 70 1 , . , .1070 0) 2. . . . 166 73
12 , . , . 893 1702. . . . 653 00 13. . . . 002 0 ,
3 , . . . 940 1 75 9. . , . 083 10 4.iOOS 50
2. . , . 89.5 1 75 1.IIIO 10 1..1300 00
6 , . . . 845 1 75 12 , . . . 902 15 22. . . , 931 20
1. . . . 830 1 75 I..1210 23 7. . . , 942 20
2..1h75 1 & . . . . . oo : ; 25 l. , . . 026 25
9 , . .1003 I 90 27. , , . 752 30 II..1015 35
4 , . , . 1182 1 90 2. , , . 960 35 O.,1200 40
1 , . . . 400 1 00 2. . . , 55-5 85 1. . . . 100 2 75
I. . , . 420 1 10 2. , . , 470 03 5. . . . 774 275
1. . . , 120 1 Mi IS. , . . 631 10 1. . , . 120 3 00
2. . . . 765 3 SO hi. . . 631 10
1. . . . 830 1 0) 2.,1i40 2 10 l..1630 2 60
L..1070 I 65 1 . . , .55O 2 35 I.103t ) 2 54)
l.,1060 1 04) 1. . . , 760 2 15 1..iiO ( ) 2 65
1. . . . 930 1 'JO 1. . , . 030 2 25 2. . .1I30 2 65
4. . , , 932 1 90 I..I650 2 35 2. . . . 515 275
1..iiSl ) 200 1..lllO 15 1..1630 275
1..1210 2 00 l,3510 SO 3.i471) 275
1. . . .1260 2 00 L . . .1170 10 1. . , .1620 3 10
1. . . . hO 10 1 , . , . 18) 2 54) 1. . . . 130 4 04)
1. . , . 250 65 1. . . . 100 3 043 1. . . . 120 4 00
1. . . . 3341 75 1 , . . . 90 3 00 1. . . . 154) 4 1 , ' )
I. . . . 130 2 Oil 2. . , 120 3 10 1. . , . 210 4 14)
2. . . . 285 2 25 1. . . . 140 3 50 1 , . . . 110 4 54)
1. . . . 350 2 25 I. . . . 150 4 00 1. . . . 140 4 10
1. . . . 790 1 75 12. . . . 690 2 15 4. . . , 903 2 73
1. . . . 700 75 4. . . . 632 2 55 2. . . . 420 2 75
2. . . . 015 90 18. . . . 697 2 15 3. . . . 740 2 75
3. . . . till ) 04) L. . . 450 2 60 1. . . . ( SO 2 80
32. . , . 493 20 8. . . . 712 2 tei 8. . . . 691 210
5. . . . 404) 2. , . . . . . 410 2 60 II. . . . 6S4 2 85
0 , , . . 470 10 8. . . . 573 2 65 1. . , . 630 2 SI
6. . . . 466 : io , 8. . . . 162 2 65 2. . . . 125 2 140
3. . . . 516 ItO I. . . . 404) 2 01 2. . . . 870 3 043
12. . . . 534 1,0 2. . . . 635 2 70 7..1018 3 15
8..56o 250
hOGS-The hog market opened Sc , anti In
nuany cases- lOc lower. The market was show
to open , but whesu time buyers once got down
to busIness It was more active. Toward the
chose It tinned up a hiLtlo and vito more actIve
it the face of a fair demand. 'limo general mar-
Icet wits about Sc lower. One hand of gaod heavy
hogs brougimt $3.95 , us against 34 for time tahi yet-
tertlay tool * 4.05 on FrIday of last week , Time
majority of thmo hogs weIghing 200 lbs. and upward -
ward sold at from $3.70 to $3.00. Light hogs
welgtming under 200 lbs. soil at franc $3.40 to
$3.65. The buIlt of all ( ho hiogs sold at from
$3.54) to $3.71 , , as agaInst. from $3.55 to $3.80 yes-
let-day. At ( he opening of loot month hogs itohti
at a range or from 81 to $4.48 , vIim the bulk
of Ume sales at from $4.20 to $4.35. Iteprescemta-
( Iwo sales :
No. y. Sm. Pr. No. Aw. Slm. Pr.
78..157 Si $3 40 . . . . . . . . . . . $3 65
103..142 80 3 40 . . . . . . . . 54) 65
66..174 . , . -3 45 77..1149 . 80 63
. . . . . . . . . . . 45 101..196 200 15
100..158 , . , 45 . . . . . . . . , , 65
41..6 8015 'TO..114) 40 15
70..146 411k'I' , '
. . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . 120 65
. . . . . . . . : 40 54) . . . . . . . . , . . 671,4 ,
. . . . . . . . SO . . . . . . . . , . .
56..160 160 14) 03..2) . . 70
43..200 , 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
143..161. 10 . . . . . . . . . , , . 70
. . . . . . . . , 54) . . . . . . . . , . . 70
. . . . . . . - . . . 513 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 74)
. . . . . . . . 40 10 9).21)1 40 3 70
. . . . . . . . 120 rti 16 . , 214 , . . 70
. . . . . . . . . , , 1.5 . . . . . . . . , . . 70
21..1140 . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . II )
St.,6 40 55 . . . . . . . . . . , 3 75
179 120 55 75..233 40 3 75
. . . . . . . . . I-f ) 60 84 . . . . . . . .215 80 3 75
. . . . . . . . 40 63 6th..1140 80 33 75
. . . . . . . . . , . GO . . . . . . . . . . . 75
. . . . . . . . . - , . . , 60 . . . . . . . . 40 75
( . . . . . . . . . . . 640 . . . . . . . . , , , 771,1 ,
. . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . , 50
. . . . . . . . tO 3 60 . . . . . . . . 40 00
. . . . . . . . 40 3 60 . . . . . . . . . . . SO
SO..187. . . 60 15..2-0. . . SO
. . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . . SI
. . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . , . 55
. . . . . . . . 40 6) . . . . . . . . 164) 05
. . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . . . 320 90
. . . . . . . . 120 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
63 . . . . . . . , III . . , 3 C5 19..298 . . 145
. . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 ' . . . . . . . . , . , 3 03
38. . . . . . . . It . . . 2 10 . . . . . . . .
I. . . . . . . . 40 , , . 2 10 10 . . . , . , . . 131 , , . 3 25
. . . . . . . . , . . 2-10 . . . . . . . . . . . 321
22. . . . . . . . 52 . , 2 80 40 . . . . , . . 115 . . . 3 25
21. . . . . . . . 96 , . , 2 51) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 30
. . . . . . . . . . :1 : 00 33..I. . . . 3 3(1 (
tt , . , . , , . . 116 , . , 3 14) . . . . . . . . , . . 3 1 ( )
. . . . . . . . . . . : t 12Vi . . . . . . . . . . . 335
. . . . . . . . . , . 3 12" . . . . . . . . . . . 3 35
. . . . . . . . . . . : t l2ii . . . . . . . . , . . 3 35
. . . . . . . . . . . 32
ShlIilfl'-There were ( \C'o hnatis of gootl native
tihteep in ( lie ytirtis today , whIch met wltim quIte
ready stile. Tito niarket contInues fully itit'i'Iy
on mood ; gratles , hut weak oti conmnuon kinds. -
3tepresentntive suleal
tao , ' Ac' . I'r.
10 euIl't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ho $260
73 timitlvs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 63
123 natIve nmixed , , , , , , . . , , . , . . - , . . . . . . . ' - 101 I 85
- Iiu'o I-4tock Market ,
161iomtlil '
i.-CA'VZ'LIf-ReC'eIPtI' , 3,40)
ST. LOUIS , Fob , . - -
btead ; tilititmnCfltti , 1,80' ) hlcatl inaiket btmong , lie-
lIve atuil gt'tierttlly So hIgher ; hirimt native steers ,
$2.631m3J ( ) : ithtlplmlflg steelS , ' 83.5(1133.70. CXIIClflt
. ) fed 'i''xiiit steers ,
i-nags ; ( coders , 32,40133.0) :
13.30413.50 ; grass Teojts steers , * 2.23113.35 ; cows ,
IlOGtl-ReCCiIttS , 6,500 heat ! ; iililprnentit , 2iO
hieaI ; luulirluot decjincti SWIOc ; htettt heavy. $4.10 ;
good mnlx-'i anti mneiiiuin vcIghtts , $4.00b4.O3 ;
gtysl light , * 3.50134.001 pigs , CotmItliOti anti rough , ,
. $3.23i3.itI.
h4h I lIii'-ReCeIltB ) , 1,400 heal ; ithtipnuents , mrnrme ;
mitricet steitti ) ' ; lambs. * 4.11.414,40 ; native shed , ,
13.60133.75 ; nativemlxed , $3.10 ,
Run tea CIty htvo 14,500k ,
IfANSAI ) CITY , Feb. l.-CATTIti-IlecoiptH.
1.1400 head ; tlmipmenlii , 1.400 imemitl. Market strong
to ISo higher ; Texas teet-s , $245133.95 ; Texas
tiawit , $ h.1O4i3.35 ; Colorado steers , $2.8O(4395 ; beef
steers , $2l5tt5.00 ; natIve cows , * 1.80133.50 ; stock-
era aiitl ( setters , * 2.1043.75 : buIlt' , * 2.00413.15.
hIOUI4-ltccdlitts , 10,504) heath ; shtiltmnentti , 8.800
hti'ttih. Sliurke's weak to 300 lower ; bulk of smles ,
$315413.55 ; htcitvIe. 33.7013395 ; pitchers , $3GifjI.05 :
mnIxetl , 83.454t3.80 lights , $3.45413.GO ; Yotbets , $3.15
11380 : 1tig $ . $ $
SIt fll7l'Itt'telIIs , 1,700 head ; shIpments , 1,200
head. Market steady ,
Stotlc , Itt m4lgtit.
ltec'om-ti of r'eceIrtti at the four princIpal markets -
kets for Friday , February 1 , 18145 :
Cattle. hogs , Sheep.
SuiI , rn , , , , . , , , , , . , , , . , . Otis r.oii 200
Chicago . , . , . . , , , . , , , , , . , . . , . , , , 4,000 21,040 10,1)40
hatm City , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . 1,901 l(11'Od 1,10
hOt , Iiuiti . . . . . , , . , , , , , . . , . . , , , , . - 1,4(1)
Totals , , , , , . , , ' " " ' 10.21)8 48,014 13.300
_ : : . . : . : . : . :
New York 1.tirn ) , ttitlC , 0ltrket.
Nfl\V YOltlf , -IIIfEI'Ei-IteCetimts , 2,600
heat ! : 23 ears on stile : pktw ; miallve alt-cot. or.
tlintmly , * 4050(4.50 : fair Texitos , $1.10 : oxen , * 2 2O
4.03 : lulls , 82.63113.75 : dry cows , * 1,8003.75.
idlIhlIl' ) tNh ) LAl4ui-ltecetltts , 6,100 iictoth ;
2tOO head on sale ; stonily and lower ; hiee-lm , itt-
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
2 WahI-t , , New York. 70 Stotc'st.1 iloste
: IOiOL WATEt and
'TEit itioii GRADE
Jioughot sod Eald. CerreipQflCfl0. LIolloitf 6.
tot-icr to good , $3S3ft.00 ; lambs , common to
fairly prime. $ i:37t75.27'4. : '
1lOOi3---itf'ceipts , 5,700 heal ; weak ,
CIiIL'AlO l.tS'IiSTCR ) ,
Firm I'erhlng of Thtt' t'nms a iecltled
reaturo 'csterili , ,
ChICAGO , i'd , , 1.-In rattle the finn feeling
devehopeil ) 'estermhny was even more tIeckietIly
me feature of the sittmntion lousy , O't'ttertlay'm'
arrivals turned omit to be 4,040 Stoat ! less thou
the early estImates , antI the run for tzihay ticing
lighmt beyond till expectations. eIlers were on
top. Promo 150 to 25o atiwnace on Thittrilny'ti
prIces was asked , anti the hulk of ( lie stuff
was Weighted on that hasi. Tratling tegan
earl ) ' anti briskly , antI to' ( Ito mlhdie of the fore.
noon ti-me mIlk of timt4,04 * ) hc'al i.n sale heti Iteca
choseti omIt , 8tc-ra Polti inlnetpahly at fi-ommi
$3.75 to $4.75 , anti from $2.25 to $3.25 $ took most of
tIn' ttutChiem-s' ptttff.
hog receipts were estimated at 27,000 hirmuti ,
imuaklng atoit , 119lu0 lit-at ! for thte bitt five iha'li ,
or 40,04 ! ) more titan ( or tue paine tinue last veek ,
Around the openIng the range of prces was
abaut time same as at yeStetin9"f close. 'nit-re
was gt.titl hnt9-Ing cathy ( ty shtiipel- ' anti oackcn
at from $3.70 to $4.34) for camnmon to chtniee
grades , iitt ( lie tietnnntl soon fell oft , the vhs
eteing to lower. llghtt weIghts soul lrhtmetlm.iIiy
at tninm $3.10) to $2.95 , rinih frinu 14 to $4.20 hsttghtt
time htillle of the 20) to liege. l'isr stuff ,
nail ( it crc was lots of It , mittith at'olltitl $3.10.
Another fractien has Let-mm nOde-il to the , , mnr-
kin aitte of l'iiNim , the range at prices being -
from ISo to ISo higher. For this ( , trthmcr hit-
proo-cmcnt eonllntteI light 1-eceiluls mit-it he given
time cm-edIt. Fit-rn $3 to $3.05 hOttglmt time .ittiik
of time sheep. anti fntn Si to $4.63 took nmost :
( it thic. lammihe. TImer , ' was one sutie of ehmcei ; 4
at 84.35. nail Itonie fancy laimi , with miii mt'elnge
or 102 htt. , broitgtit $3. C'eills simhtl frolic $ i.75 ( ii 4
Receipts : Cattle , 4,0414) hientIl calves , 20) imcail
hogs , 27,000 heath : Phmcl'lm , 10,000 imenil.
l.iverinol Markets.
l.I'hIfl1'OOL , Feb. l.-WhlllAT---Spat quIet , 4"
nmaail ptior ; No. 2 reti wuiter : , 4 4l-ii ; No. 2 red
sl'rltmg , Is 114,1 ; No. I imtil ii , 1ttai itota , It' itt
No. I Calittirnin , l's , l'uiut-es itliened eaS ) ' with
near heisitlons 2 ( tirthlngs ltiwer ttnl ihistatut i'si' ,
tIon I ( itt-timing hiiwcr , halt closed itteati ) ' wIlt I
hear positions i O2 fat-timings iowei' ; htetsitmes'
ah'tm ( suiunll , ItmiIrIltmlei ; Fcbrtinr ) ' , is 3341
Mnrcht , 4s iltl ; April 4 4il ; Stay , 4s Cl,4tI ; Jutme '
45 6741 : .10th ) ' , it ; Iil.
( XltN'-Siot , iUiel Anuerlraum mnixeti , flea' , 3m
1114,1. Fittitlea tpenetI , pmiettvltim itoeltiont It I
tnm-thting ltmwer anti distant itusitioliS I tnrthming'i
htmwt'r , ttntl clometl , btii , vItim netir imsitlons 11(1I ( i
fitrthings lower mmii tistant peltlonhl 3 fnrthmtngm I
Itnvcl' ; 1iUsInea heavIest on earl ) ' lttSilommM ( I'd ) '
roar ) ' , Is 1(4141 ; Macelm , Is iOtiitI Alrll ! ii lli
Ma' , 3m , 111-5,1 , ; June , Is h1'4tI ; Jul ) ' , is ifl1'l.
l-'l.OUlt-iutll ; denmanth itoor' St. Lotus fancy
wltmter , Si ; Iii.
h'IlOVISRNS-llacon , qmic ( ; tiemnanil veer :
Curniterlanil cut , 28 It. 30 thu. , 35s : short ribs , 28
11,5. , 23s1 long clear , 86 to 45 lbs. , 1s ltI hoimg
clear , hteav ) ' , 15 liii. , 25s 6th ; itliort clear hacks ,
light , 18 lbs. , lOs Cl ; slmort clear nittliliet' , heavy ,
IiIts. . , 26s 94) ; ciccir lo'hiies , 14 to 16 lits , , Dc.
Shoulders , sqtlare , 12 to IS lit , . , 2.Sa. Ilatumi , , iehtott
cut , 14 tt ) 16 lbs. , dOe 6th. Timliow , line , Norhim
Alnerlean , 22s II. iti-ef , extra India mmccc , 60s Oil ;
irlnle mess , 57s 6th , i'om Ic , prlmtue mmmccc , line \icst-
era , SOs 31 ; Cut-stern meiliunt , Slit 3d.'i ,
miteatly ; irImo uvestern , 33s ; rellimed , iii Italls. Ils.
rlIhfCShS--PullO iieniamii mmmotkrnte ; finest Anuer-
lean. while , 48s1 finest , 'tmnericn , , . coloreth , lOg.
itU'I'Tfiht-h'Ines-t tiniteil States , 73s ; good , GO.
Ttllti'hINTlNlf-Spitlic. 2ls.
) tOSlN-Cntiinion , is 0th ,
LXTl'ONHhflfh ) Olt-Llverpooh , refined , lOg 3d.
LINstilli ) OhL-2hs.
I'flThOlEUM-Itelineth , 55I.
hti-fl'itiOEltA'h'Oht iiEi4F-1"ore quartet-ti , 41d ;
Iminil quarters , 4ml ,
fllAfACillNcl i'O\VDiiIt-llartlwood , f. 0. It. ,
LIverpool , 7g.
1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 ISa.
TIme receIpts of wheat during ( lie hiflat three
dutys were 252,000 centitis , lnclttIing St,000 Amer.
lcttn. TIme' receIpts of Anut'lcatu corn dtmning Site
luOSt thmree daIs were 212S00 centals. Weather
thmawlng , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Coffee Market.
NEtS' 'm'OIIt , Feb. 1.-COFFI'IE-Oitlonfl opencti
weak at 254145 litInts decline , ruled irregetlar tinti
generally unsettled under foreIgn sellIng itmmd
weak fluropenn cables ; closed stetldy at 2O133
poInts net thectine : sales , 21,760 hotgs , Incitmillng :
3tnrchm , $14 403(14.45 ( : Slay , 114.256(14.30 : Jutme ,
$ hl.2011h4.25 ; Jtil ) ' , 314.30 : Septeniber , 8l4.20ifII.2. , .
Spat coffee , lIla , ilull ; No. 7 , $ h6.i2 % ; omllth , qemiet ;
Ctmtlova , 058.754119.75 : sales , 700 begs Slitracallto ,
350 bugs Central Aenurlean , mmmii 150 Itags Sa'nn-
lila , p. 5 , ; rarehouse thehiverleit franu Ni'w York
yestertlay , 13,000 Ixigs : New York stack to'ltty ,
188,077 bags ; United States stocic , 216,200 bags ;
ailoat for tIme Unltcil States , 268.000 lags : toitti
'ImiIlthe for tlte Ilnttetl States , 401,200 bags , agaInst
250,815 hugs Inst year.
SANTOS , Feb. 1.-Strong ; gootl average Santos ,
$15.40 ; recellttfl , 5.000 bags ; stock , 335,060 bugs.
) SAM1IURG , I'd , , 1.-Weak ; itt-ices I032f
lower ; sales , 2.000 bags.
htIO JANISII1O , Feb. 1.-Strong ; No. 7 , Itlo ,
$15.40 ; exchange , 1O1-I ; receipts , 4,000 Itags ;
cleareti for the UnIted Sintes , 2,0043 begs ;
European , none ; stock,182,000 bags.
l'hilliidolptultx ! ilmrket ; .
No. 2 red , Fehruary , 567113570 ; Maceli , 17445714'c ;
Api-il. 574j575c ; May , 5S4118'4c ,
. COltN-(4,137c ( lower : No. 2 mixed , February ,
45134&c : March , 4541457c ; April , 461j461-4o ;
May , 474147'ic.
OATS-41'Ac lower : No. 2 white , February ,
351$1335Mc ; March , 36411C1c ; April , 3Gi413V4c ;
Mtiy , t6'l4137c. i C -
CO'FI'ON SEiD OIL-Steatly.
RlfCElI'TS-Flour , 1,004) thIs. and 8.204) etwks ;
wlmea ( , 4,044) bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; oats , 34,00) hju.
Shthl'MIfNTS-Wltecmt , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 40,090
bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu.
ItlUwmitikco Markets.
MILWAUREE , Feb. 1-FLOUR-In moderate
WhEAT-Weak : No. 2 sprIng , Sic ; No. 1 north-
era , 62',4c ; May , 53 ½ c.
COtN-Lower ; No. 3 43c
OATS-Lower ; No. 3 white , 31c ; No. 3 white ,
1iARLIIY-Steati ) ' ; No , 2 , 45c ; sample , 43tJ46e ( ,
the hatter Montana chevalier.
lthfChflr'I'S-Flour , 2,600 ItbIs , ; wheat , 5,900 bu. ;
barley , 24.000 bu.
SliII'MENTS-Flour , 1,400 bile.
l'corla 1urkets.
I'EOltIA , Feb. 1-CORN-Easy ; No. 2 , 40c ; No.
1 , 19c.
OATS-Dull. easy ; No. 2 whIte , 294130c ; No. 3
whIte. 29f429c.
\'iIISKY-Firnu : bight swine bamtI , $1.22.
OIL 3larhcot ,
LONDON , Feb. 1.-LINSEED-Calcutta , spot ,
185 Cd ; February sltlitmiment vlttCnpe , 33s.
uirrlsco Viietit Slit-hesS.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 1-t\'IIEAT---Qulet
anti lit-rn ; December , sic ; May , O04e.
Miencitcater TextIles.
YAItNS-Very lIttle doIng.
Two Ilartlwtiro Comnpnlcs : ibid Entirely
Icospoimsibie for ( Ito Lose of Life.
BUTTE , Mont. , Feb. 1-After a session of
ten days ( tie Inquest on ( ho bodies of ( lie
flftyven people killed In the powder cx-
ploslon of the night of January 15 in ( lila
city , Is finished. About 135 witnesses vere
exalnilued and the Investigation was iiiost
searciling from beginning to enti. The jury
found that the first explosion which killed
( Ito majority of the people came from the
Ketmyon-Connely company's warehouse and
tue second from the flutto Hardware coin-
pany's warehouse , Also thmat these compa-
ales icept ut their warehouses a qualitity
of tile explosives far in excess of titat al-
lowetl by lao % ' anti holds them responsible
for ( Ito death of thee entire ( people.
The fund for the relief of tue fumilillea 01
those killed has reached 842,000.
, Tue nion composing ( lie companies are :
v. It. Icenyon , citainimuan of ( ito state democratic -
cratic coluhilittee ; Id. J. Conmiehl , millionaire
merchant In Europe ; J. E. Gaylord , presldemmt
antI geiicral inanimser of the Parrot Mining
antI Smiuohtiimg company ; C. If , l'ailtter , gemleral
smiperlatemitlent Ihutte antI Boston Miluimig coin-
pany ; Alex Johineoni , trustee of ( lie stock in
( tie coitipany for \V , A. Clark , time millionaire
nilmilng man anti politlciaii , at premiert In
Paris ; I' . A. $ argey , inhiiionalre mine owner ;
Henry Wlhliatmis , general manager of ( lie
Colorado Mihilug umitl Smoltiiig company , nail
other prominent business men of Butte , It
is probable ( lint a grand jury wIll be called
to irnea oIl ( ho testilnommy and coroner's verdict ,
and iiiumiy suits for damages against ( lie
parties mentioned are in preparation.
No ugiy bugs can live where Steam's Elec-
trio Paste Is used ; 25c ,
_ -
PJMNUIIINI4H CO.it1f 111(111 ,
Costs lug Money to 11uy ( lie I'hihhit.leiphtla
t.'otmncli-Sarlous Charges.
PIIIIADELVIIlA , Feb. 1-The special
comnuittee of ( lie council tippointed to In-
vestlgato ( lie charges of bribery In connec
( ba vItli the passage of the Mutual Auto.
muatlo telephone ordinance last July , ex-
amimimied a number of witnesses , chief atmiong
whom was James J. I3reen , who niamlo tue
charges , lie testified that Secretary Stack-
house of ( lie telephone company had told
him ( list Senator Charles A , I'orter and
DavId Martin hind cachi receIved stock valued
at $75,000 for the passage of time ordinance
and thiat ( lie aggregate value of ( lie stock
given out to gtt ( lie bill through was $363-
000. This evidence created a lrofounil sensa-
( Ion. It was albo shown just willie other
teleithionc companies were obliged to svait
more ( lien a year for similar prIvileges the
Mutual's ordihianco hiatl been railroaded
through In a month ,
" ' flroncblai Trociie"
This Throat.-"Brown'B
act directly on ( he organs of ( lie voice , They
have an extraordinary effect In all disorders
of the throat.
Books ot the Whisky Trnst Wore Insid
Eafo from Involtigatton ,
Telegrapimeti tutu Comuiiilntitlon trolui Chlcmugq"
anti the Irmimer floor % ns l'rnIuiL ,
Lockemi nun tllO ROy
CIIICAC1O , l'eb. 1.-Developments In the
Vt'hmlsky trust case today vere of a sensational
nature. Tito books wimichi Judge ( irosscip ,
had ordered examined at Peoria were founti
to be locked up. Au attempt was hliatiti to
ltavo two of ( ho commipialnants in ( lie receivership -
ship liroceetlitigs rellioveti cmi ( Ito grotihitla
timat titey nero imtero clerks , ntitl grave
charges of llinfllpUlfltlofl of stock were Illatlo
agallist liroithlnelut olllciai of ( ito trtimt.
Tlm lhltexilccteti mie'elohimneiits at
caused considerable constermiaton : lii ( lie ranks
or the liartshiorhle stockhioitic'ra coluhuulttee ,
I.ast mligilt Natiiati hiijur of Now 'orlc left
for Peoria acconipaimieti by t-o expert no-
cothhllahits anti artuted with an order froumi Jtitlge
( lrolsctlp for CXithtliIlalohI of ( lie books of
( ito coimipany. Farhy totlay word was no-
colved ( lint access to ( ito books vns mionicil ,
Mr. lIljur wired ( lint ( lie books vere beitlnmi
thin bolts anti liars of time eonupany'mt vatiitui
nail ( hint time only Iminli having tue cotiubina-
tloii was out of ( owL , Ills reqtlest for In-
structioiis was aiisweretl limuifletlinteiy by a
telegrahul ortiering hiiiii to secure the books lot
nhu9' cost 111111 by amiy hiuoans , nlitl assiiriiig
iiimn of seiliport iii ati' lOthl0ds lie lnlgiit ecu
lit to use.
Time respects of a liossibiti safetilowlng
episode at I'eoria cliii Slot apiear to tlltmlmiay
time atocklioltiers' coinumilttee In tue least ,
Their attorneys nsertemi that they dkl not
care flow tIme books overo sectiremi , iltltl were - '
loSltire thmat Mr. lJijiir wotilmi get lila cx-
1)01(5 ( to vork today.
One of tlte attoriieya of ( lie stockiioitiers
coumitmiittce atiitiltteti in nil intervIew that It
was proposeti to reach tIm books at Peoria
by violence if miecessary.
"Tue court ordered those books exaimmlnetl , "
lie so ItI , ' 'anti I o'llt exaimimio tltelmu , I I ilyna-
auto Is strong enough to open the vault.
Thus afternoon Mr. hiijur was wit-oil at I'eorla.
to tImiD dynatuilte in gettltig at time books ,
amiul I liavct no iloilbt ( lint ht wIll do so it ho
Iiiiils it. Iiecessary.Ve - are nut to be StOlpcti
by any trick on the part. of tile opposltiolm.
Mr. IJijur anti hils accountants arrived in
Peora : at 7 o'clock totlay nut ! went ilnllietli-
ately to ( lie ofices of thtc' Witisky trust. Thio
oflices were Practically deserted , No ono
vas there hIlt lIen Greenlmut , son of l'resl-
tIelit. Greeliltut , 1150 lImtOrlmlCd Mr. llljtir timat.
Ifeati Bookkeeper Magee was tue only malt
whmo could give tile combination almtl. thmnt. Mr.
Mogco hind left for Chicago at 11 o'clock Inst
luiglit. The wire correspondence followeil
anti we tire now awaiting developiiuents at
Peoria. "
Bookkeeper McGee was ordereti to wire time
combInation of time trust's safe to Mr , flIjur
at. Peoria thus afterlmoon , aliti iIliIflediatel9t'
complied. The outer doors were thius openetl ,
but It was foutud that time Inner tioors were
locketi and ( hit' key Ituissing , The stockltoith-
era' cotulinittee's attorneys rcftiscd to say what
fiirthier action would be talcen.
Jtttlge Grosseup h'eftlsed tomiay to hear ar- , , -
gunuemits In ( ito ltVhmlsy ti'ust hltlgatioiu to
strike \Velschmelmner anti Worlmeser front tue
ll3t of complainants. Tue Iluotion was con-
tebted , and tIme court allowed ( lie matter to
go over until tonudrrow.
A conference of the 'htlsky trust. officials
was held at tiic' Grand Pacific hotel today.
Vice Prsldent l3eggs , Director Hobart. anti
othiers were lresont with President Green-
hut , TIm meeting was a secret one , anti
those present , while refusing to say what
action was to be taken , declaretl the conference -
ence to be a very important one.
itecotverTompornraiy Suspended nimet Ilooku
Order to lIe Shown. -
PEORIA , Feb. I-List lulgilt Cleric Sloan
sent back to Chmictmgo all the papers.In ( lie
\Vhilslcy trust receivership case receIved bZ
hum up to that ( moe. This was done by
Order of Clerk BurIuhmaln , according to a ( tile-
gram rocelveul froiii hlinu at 5 o'clock yestem--
day afternoon : -
ThIs morning Clerk Sloan received the ( oh-
lowing order :
Circuit Court ot' tue United States , North- " - ci
em DIstrict of Illinois. John 1" . OlrnseaiL
et al vie Distilling and Cattlefeeclimug coin-
imny : It Iii ortiere(1 that time present receIver -
ceIver , Joseph P. Ureenhut and Edward F.
Lawrence , rcl'I'ain until further order ( ruin
doing anythuing whatever with time Property.
assets , effects anti afmtlro of aitl comnpany
and the estate herein othem' than ( heat whIch
may be IIltllSpeflsabIe ( or time preservation o
time same.
_ _
IL Is ( urtuuer oi'deret ) that a hearing of timI
case , UpOO ( hue petition for the removal o1
salt ! receivers antI ( or any othmer hiurPoso -
( imat may seem to ( lie court pertInent , be set 71
for Febrtiary 2 next zet it ) o'clock a. nu. , amid ,
that the receivers appear In person oii thuab
date. It lit further ortlereti that any stock-
holtlers of record or holding a duly iessignet
certificate of stock of ( ho slate of thme ap-
polntment of these receivers , or prior
thereto , hmttva aCCrsS to the baoictc , docu nentid
anti papers of salt ! conupnimy for inspection.
either by thmemucelves or theIr cOUleitiel , imnde'
sticit reasomuable icuhiervllcion 0113 wIll Insure
thme security of $ Ucll lmoolcs , ilocumnents ,
papers , etc. , anti ( lint upon nppllcalon ( of
ittlChi stocklioliiers , or their coulultel , for
the productIon of mceich books In court at thm
healing huei'eit usicigited ( hue mIne ie pro-
titiceti s'itiiotlt further oriier of tIlls court.
It Is further ordered ( lint ( lie Inutervenorms
hiteve such tcubIioefl0 from thii court au
niay scctire tlto attefltiitflCe of such wltn ssea
as thucy may mleslro miimtier time usimmel condi-
tiona anti rules i-elating to lcubi)000ail. )
It Is almost an impossibility to get a sight
of any of the trust orcourt officIals , while
anything hike information is out of tii ques-
( Ion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ihpiihl'ittIoiI ut ( lneuuiatl , , ,
CINCINNATI , Feb. 1.-A petition was fbi
tojay 'In thme United States court In Covlngton.
Ky. , by Jolilu F. Olmseatl ( amid otimers against.
( lie IisIlling ( antI Cattlefeetilng comimany ask-
lng for ( ho appolmitlmOctit. of tIme Union Dank
and Trust company as receiver. There be-
log no judge of thom Uimlted States court pros-
eat no action has been taken upoti the peti-
( ion.
- -
CJiIJilt' . : ' ' bJtLSCO ,
.1ITII.Lm'l' ! !
lie is There ci , hleittilt of time 8otmtiiorA
Pit Cl tb Eu glnoors ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Fob , 1.-Chief P , 1sf.
Arthiur of ( lie LocomotIve 1iegiiieera arnlveti
here last iuighit to aiijust the difficulty be-
toveemi the engIneers anti tIm Somlthiermi Pacifia t
ltaliroatl colupally. lie want tilel. iy a eozn V'
lnitteo of ( lie eimgineers at tue Mole and escorted -
corted to ( Ito Ihalilwin hotel ,
Itegiiriilng the railroad trouble Ito spoke
briefly anti tersely : " 1 auui stipposed not to i" * 4
itnow anythillig about it in tietali , and really ,
lb riot , ' ' lie aald , "All I lciiosv lit that I have
imtioii called hero to help an amljustmnollt.
After I have seen and comiferred with tin ,
railroail peoplu I will toll you oil about It ,
iiut ilmiIl ( hint ( lIne I htiuat Iteep thtingtt In
abeyance. "
Mrinmy of the ongihleers called during thio '
oveiiimig ( a see Ciiief Arthiur anti waited about
( lie corridor. Ho aduiltotl ( one or two , anti (
the talk sas macrely general ,
% sitol fur te iteeimiviir ,
LINCOLN , leeb. I.-Special ( Telegram.- ) (
itpphlcati'in was iiiado to ( lie SU1)m-OlIiO court , 3 f
today ( or a telnpol'ary receiver for ( lie flank
of Trenton. llaiik lixaininor Clliio exaimilnet $
( lie hooks yesotrdny , and it waa upon imis
teiegraihiite recoinrneiitiation that thte ittor.
hey applied for ( lie receiver ,
Lorti Coloridgo writes ; "Sellil mo fftcieu
dozen Cook's Extra Iry ImhiperlalVIno , I
tried It ovhiile here aIim ! _ superior ,
Cut-bait of ( 'ut-tm fur Ii ailuict' ,
I1AI4EIGII , N , C , , Feb. 1.-A carload o
corn ( or tlto Ncbrasku sufferers , whichi has
been contributed by time cItIzens of Itaielghi ,
hiuu left hero for Wallace , Neb.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
y- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. . G&X4LEt : ,
Ll Union Aye. , Easas CIty , Uo ,
- -