_ ; - - . * ' . _ - . , . : : 1.'II1j OMA1TA D.AIL BEE : SA'rUnnA iEll1tlA1fl ! ? 2 , i895. a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -------j--- , NEWS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS - c.norts to Reorganize the Union Euidng and Lean ALciatlon , PRSNT PLAN WSTANTfAlLY RETAINED AU 8hRcS Rnd Clnlml , to erRlnVlhoot Ca" Until Fehr"r ) 1 , 1810 , nnl ns lueh I.ongir ni lmrehohJul $ May Iccr : ecRftt7. A meeting or the sharehollers or the U.nlon luldln , anti Loan assocIatIon Is called for th evenln at 7:30 : o'clock , at the old , : Itnlghts of ) 'ythI0 hal , 103 Pearl street , to perred a plan or reorganization. At this meeting a petition will b prefented the share- holders for their , * ignntures nod It Is hoped ) that such action wi be token aswi lead ) to 1 speedy settement of the difficulties In which the association has recently found ltselt. The contents ot the agreement con- talne.ln the petition are , In brief as follows : . Felix T. hushes ot ) tekuk , J. J. Stemlmon of Council Bluffs and J. 1' . Jlck or Hurling- ton are appointed 0 committee to take sucb action as may seem to them for the best interests - terest ot the shareholders anti creditors ; the reorganized association shall be continued substantially under the some rules as now exist , with such amendments as may be deemed necessary : all shares , claims and de- manll shall rcmaln without cal or interest until February 1. 1800 , and as much longer os may be determined by a majoriy or the shareholders at a meeting td be Held the second - ' enl Tuesday In January 18uG. I. In the jUdgment or the committee , a sufcient numb - her of the shareholders do not sign this agree- moot , the committee Is authorized to petition the district court of ' 1011 county to decree a sale ot all 10 ; association's property , and to hid In and hell ! the property for thl cred- Hbrs ot such SUI al loy.seem right or to dispose of the property as may be directed by a majority or the shares The sharehohl- Irs agree to contInue their shares upon the basis of their actual value on the day the reorganization shall go Into effect . enl to lay thp customary dues so long as they are In their possession. All costs of suit and cury- InK Into effect a reorganization are to be paId out at the proper funds or lie association , and any legal obligations shah be paid under orders of the court. All officers at the asso- caton are to under sufcient bonds. This paper Is the same as those that are being circulated all over the state wherever the Union luldlng and Loan association has any stockholders and It I stated that early all holders of shares are signing. There arc several plans of reorganization now being considered , , one of which Is In connection with a similar association having its o simiar associaton Is headquarters ΒΌ \ nt Lemars , la. A proposition la expected from thIs company al soon aa I Is defniely , determined how large a proportion of the c membrs at the association intend to retain . ; their rnembcrship. , , A rand Succrsa. . Our annual clearIng sale , which has been In progress for the past fifteen days and ends Saturday February 2. has proven a far greater success than we had reason to ex- pect. In addition to our regular advertised bargains we are going to close this sail Sat- urday with a few prices. These prices are for one day only , SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 2. Choice of our entire stock ot ladies' and children's cloaks enl Jackets for Saturday , $ G eaqh. This ' Includes every garment In our store worth from $10 to $35 , and all this sea- son's styls. Our entire stock of ladles' fur muffs , worth from $1.60 to $4. to go Saturday for 39c each. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER . Council Bluffs , In. 'Vtlnm Wllsoii's 10meite Trouble William Wilson , who lives near the corner or , Union and Pierce streets , has gone crazy , or at least so says an information which was fed yesterday In the ofco of the clerk of the distrIct court by his neighbor James Matheson. Ills domestic troubles have been maters of public record extending over 8ev- oral years past. He married a woman who spimt all the money ho hal laid UP. amount- Ing to about $1,000. and then went to live with her mother \Visconsln. . Wilson followed - lowed her there , but was fred out at the .4e house by his wlCa's papa. She then eom- lnonco on acton for a divorce but while I was still pending came back to Council Bluffs and wanted to make up wIth her honey-boy once more The honey-boy hal become some- what sourcd , enl would not listen to her talk or reconciliation. On the contrary he 1m- meilately commenced an acton for a divorce on his own hook enl In due time came out successful In his suit. Since that however he has repented. and not long ago called on his attorney and asked him If he could go ; i back end live with his divorced wife again. He was toll that le could not without going through the marriage ceremony again Of late ' his actions lave been such as to lead to the conclusion that his mind hal become affected by all the troubles lie has parsed through , and stops will bo taken to have him sent away for treatment. Special I"IOUL ute 'l'hl Week Rt C. O. D. Iirowim' . . Drown's C. O. D. XXX patent , 85c per sack ; Buffalo . 750 per sack ; Lone Star , 66c per sack ; HUb ) 60c per sack ; rye flour . 45c 1101 sock , amid rye graham 45c per sack ; corn meal ) , 15c per sock ; potatoes 650 per bushol. nemembr , a silver dollar packed In every twentieth sack at Brown's celebrated XXXX ) patont. I you ere lucky you get your flour for nothing DROWN'S C. O. D. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that god laundry , " and Is located It 724 Broadway , I In doubt abut this try It enl be convlnc : . . . , Don't forget name and aumuber Tel 157. Neatest drug ctoreTaylor's , Grand hotel. Charged , vlh I'ClltOI Crookedness. W. D. Cuppy , the roclt.rlbbel Andrew Jackson ot .uppy Potawalomle county has been Indicted by the federal grand Jury at Keoknk , and with 11m were Indicted his brother G. M. CUPIIY , his sIster Mrs. Jennie dglngton , and her son , A. A. Elgington , who Is a stu- dent In limo medical department or the Iowa State university . All time partes are from Itvoca The charge malle against Mrs. Edg- legion la making and ) presenting a fraudulent IIen810n claim. Ier son Is charged with inak- lag a raIse deposition before Special PenslDn Examiner II . C. BrDwn of this ely , and her two brothers will : , making false affidavits In support of her claim to a Pension as a sol- dier's widow . Each ot the defendants was released on furnlshlng.a $2,000 bond , and the - trial will occur at tim M.rch term of the ; ? federal court In this city . According to time story toll by the nuttier- Ies here , Mrs. Edgington , In January , 1813 , lent In an allllleolon for a pension as tIme , widow ot I " rlncls M , . dlinglon , Thlrty.nUh Iowa Inrantry. Upon loking UII the records of thp army It was found that Francis M. IMglngton was so far trol having a widow for a wife that he was drawing ) a pension himself. lie lives Onawa , Manana county , 10. Further work on time part ot Examiner Brown elicited the fact that her husbanl's ) nalo wa Maurice F. Elglngton , eli so tar as II Imown Il was not 1 soldier . These fact were laid before the grand jury and an Indictment returned as above stated Marlon Ilnrland'mm daughter endorses ) Dr. Prlce'l flaking Powder it's absolutely Ilure. " 'rddilt lii l'roapoct. John Moore returned lost evening tram Mountain home , Idaho , anti Is visiting at the borne of ls stepfather . W. A. Mynster , Myn. ster Sprlnb" Rumor tins It that a wedding will take Illaco within the next few days at the Mynler lanslon , and that Mr Moore II to be time grom and Miss Marie Mynster time bride. The lame interesting dale says that 1 Irlll 10 I urope Is one of time 111easures In store for the happy couple. About a year and a hal ago : brother of the former Mrs. .Mynater died In San Francisco and left . an estate valued It $2.000.000 , Mrs. 11'llter : bellg ' already deceased , her son , Mr. Moore ! , rme In for a share at the estate which was divided u ) umong twenty-aeven heirs . Inklng . generous slice for cacti one , . lUlled bl , ' l'islt. Hobert W . Jones . Q hostler for tie Hock Island lalwa ) ' coumpany . lad a fall Thursday - day Illh which r.aultei lu his d".th yester- - - morning at G o'clock. lie " 'a coaling up a freight engine when he lost his balance and fell to time ground a ( Latance ot ten feet striking on his head. 10 WA picked up and carried unconscious , 10 his home . at the corner - nor ot 'ourtNnlh street and Eighth avenue. Ills Injuries were pronounced dangerous . Yesterday morning about / o'flock ho wonted i to alt up In bed , and his tfe propped ) him up. Less than ten minutes later he fell back on the pillow dead and ) It Is supposed that In sitting UII he broke a clot ot blood some whtre In the brain. le had worked for the Rock Island three years. lie was 30 year or age. and leave a wire anti tour children. lie had ) a $2,000 Insurance policy In tie Mac- cab es. The funeral will probably take place Sunday . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \rnumr Wil : ot Alove. All the hopes of the people who have prop- erty In the northwestern part at the city went glimmering yesterday . when W. W. Loomis returned from a visIt to Chicago , where he went to have a conference with P. D. Armour the hog king. Humors have been numercus within the last few months that. Armour was contemplating a removal lo some point west , amid Mr. Loomis went there as a delegate from the business men at CouncIl lure to put In n worl ) . At ChicaGo ho was met by J. Harley Bradley , of the firm er David Bradley & Co. , anti they interviewed - viewed Armour together. Mr. ' Loomis teunl that Armour halt decided ) positively that he would not move anywhere thIs year. lie admitted - mited the advantages oC Council Blufs as a possible location , but though that the mcl- ties In Lime Ill ot stock yards were imisulflc'ent. lie ale said that Inasmuch as he was n heavy stockholder In the yards at Suth Omaha , hs ! Interests naturally lay In that direction . It's the perfection of every excellence . Dr. l'rices Baking I'owder because It's absolutely - lutely pure. MInor : lcnto ' . I Grand hotel , Council Bluffs , reopened Oct. 1 MaYI Real Estate agency . 639 Broadway. I August grove No 1 will give a calico bal In , Woodman hal February 22. The case or Pieper against BaJrt was ar- sued and suhmltEII to the jury In the dlstrct : court last evening Peter Icu110n. sed 33 , and Anna . \nrler.o.l. aged 211. both of 10tawltamle ( OUlty , were Ilcense,1 to wed yesterday. County Attorney Saunders secnred a temporary - porary Inuncton , yesterday agaInst : t. Davis , the Crescent saloon Iweper. The Union avenue cOldemlllon jlY did not finish Its work yesterday bt \ ill meet again this morning at 9 o'clock Pigrim Sisters academy No.1 , wIll meet In regular Resslon at 7:30 : p. In. In their rooms In the Drowi builtilmig . Iniiaton at 8 o'clock sharp. Bluffs division No. 27 , Uniform flank Knights ot Pythias will meet t'mlght to bonier with Sir Knights Hanll. All members relluested to be present. The term ot federal court whIch Is just about to close lt Keolmle was Dna of the longest and rnlest ever heM In this district. There were 101 Indictments. Conductor Creel or the motor line looked yesterday at the city jail bin suspected cf being time man who held him up a few nights ago and could not identify him. 21ev. Frank Crane lectured at the Broadway Methodist church last evening on tIme subject at "The Modren Miracle. " This suggestive subject had reference to the United Slates. Cole & Cole state that they have not yet received notice at the suit against th1 for Infrlngment of a Patent claimed to bo hell by Hoey & Co. of St. Louis , and that they are prepared to fight I when It comes. The fire department was called out yesterday - day mcrn'ng at 7:40 : o'clcck by an alarm Cram the residence of George Smtth on MnFrer between Scott and Sixth streets. A defective flue was time occasIon. ! The fro ,11 but little hari , and the damage did not amount to , more than $25. i . Colonel D. D. Daley lectured last evening before the English Lutheran church on tIme subject of the "Datle of Bull Run. " Colonel Daley Is one of the few offIcers now living who participated In the battle . and an added Interest was given his Iescrlptons of time tlrring events. /trrlng PresIdent Joseph Smith of the Reorganize Church of the Later Day Saints , Is expected to arrive . In the city today and will preach In the church on the corner of Glen avenue and Pierce street , Sunday night. He will hold meetings during the coming week. His brother 1)lm.Mrs. ) A. II. Smith , will bo associated wll Mrs. John Ford has decided not to leave 1 the city Just at present hDth , she nnl her husband having agreed to her remaining until - ' 'I they have hind a chance to In , out who It Is who circulated evil reports about her. Mr. Ford states that the cause of their sep- .orton was merely an inability to get along peaceably , and denies that he ever had any susplclons or ever made any discoverIes re- fleeting on his wlte's fidelity. We have over $300.000 to baa upon improved - proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving ogent's commission. 'Ve do not loa oa wild hands nor In Nebraska. Luge & Towle 235 Pearl street Enve , Your ltone , Dy investing la the stock of the Savings , Loan and Building as oclaton at Council Bluffs. Incorporated In 1877. Monthly pay- monts at $1.00 per share , fleeting the Investor about 10 per cent Interest. Ten series al- ready pall out , which fully demolstrates the ability of the assocIation to mature Its stock In about seventy-five monthly pay- ments. No loans madb outside at Council Dlfd , and all applications examined and passed upon by a majority of the board ot directors. Good loans wanted. Full Intorma. lon can be obtained at the ofce ot D. W. Otis , secretary 10 Main street , or any of the tolowlng directors : H. W. Macelton . Frank Grass , John Brown A. S. lazeton , 1. C. Deebe , A. D. Walker . E. E. Hart , F. C. Luge ! , S. S. Lepnard. Wanted , competent cook , nt 008 First avenue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas cocking stoves for rent and for sab at Gas Co.s dice. 0 l'crolall'urngruphs. Thomas Dowman returned yesterday from a Des Moines visit . Mrs. O. C. Gaston will spend Sunday with her husband In this city. I , N. Flckinger has returned tram attend- lag supreme court at Des Moines . n. I. , Ketchum left last evening for a visit to Chicago , where he expects to get a position 'on tIme Inter Ocean Mrs. L. E. Roe has gone to Jlaryvle , 10. , to visit ten days. James McCabe , J. N. PaId- wIn and Jacob Sims are In Des Moines , attending - tending ] time supreme court. 1 W. H. Thomas at this city has been appointed - I , pointed a member of the democratic state central committee , to fill the vacancy caused by the resIgnation of Charles P. Chase of Atlantic. W. S. lewetson , representing GeJrge A. Clark & lire. . has gone to New York for a two weeles' business trip. Whl ! away he wIll also visit time company's factory at Newark , N. J. Supervisors Stevenson and Thompson ot Jefferson , Green county , Iowa , were In the city yesterday and visited ' SL lernanls ties- pital . Theme are several Green county imatienta looking . there , after whose condition they are ! Assistant United States Attorney 1' . II. Casady returned yesterday arernoon tram eokuk , where he has been attending court. Just before adjourning time Jury Passed a Bet ot resolutions . In which they warmly corn- mended him for his unlCorn courtesy In dealing . Ins with Ihem . I bas bee.n reported for some time that a SI. Louts stove company had brought suit against Messrs. Cole & Cole claiming that the Cole's Airtight heater , mlnuractured In this city , was an Intrlngement on a similar stove made In St. Louis. Mr. Cole ha thla to say ; that they art fully prepared to meet any claims or any suits brought b ) any concer In the United Stated , a their stove Is being made under United States patents granted to thom , which has been pronounced a no Inrrlngement on other claims by the best expert legal advice on the subject ot I'atent rights In time coun. Iry. Mr Call further states that they have no fears of the outcome of any suit which may bo brought 'Flub Cole Manufacturing company expect to largely increase their facilities In the man. ufacture at their stoves the coining season Their great popularity and manifet advantages . vantages over all coml'eUors have won great favor with tbo trade. and hiss caused the SI. Louis ieople to aqulrl , Davis le1 ! drugs , paints and \llu cheap. I AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA - No Love Shown for eanntor Waton's ' Bill in the Magio City , FST CLASS DGNIY : NOT TO DE LOST Comnlltce of Ten tI 10 Sent to Lincoln to Oppose I'assmage of 11 bT the House -Sentlnuent lxprclcd Last IRht , The majority of the members ot the city council Ilil not respond to the mayor's cal for a special meeting lost night only a few members being present. Inasmuch as there was no quorlm at the council the meeting was turned Into a meeting ot citizens , and Colonel Cockrel was elected chairman. The chair called upon Mayor Johnston testate state thin object of the metng. which the mayor did by reading time bi Introduced by State Senator Watson regarding the releg- ton ot South Omaha to a city ot the second ) class The mayor urged that soma acton be taken to prevent time bIll from passing the house ef representatives. Fire Chief Smih urged ) that a commlteo be appointed to go to Lincoln and make every honorable endeavor to defeat the Watson - son hi In the house. City Treasurer Thomas 10clor suggested that a committee ot ten bo appointed 1octor thought that It this bill Passed lany people \oull refuse to pay any more taxes amid the banks would refuse to take city warrants or ol\'ance any more money on bonds or for running expenses of the city. Smith said that while tIme repre- sentatvo men of the city were present ho woull like to Isk that some effort be made to raise the levy for the fire department , as the present 3-ml levy was hardly enough to run othe fire department for six months. In response to his suggestion Mayor Johnston said that on time 9th or last April the fire fUll was overdrawn $407.61. leaving only $4,180 to run the department for a year At present only $293 remains In the fire fund to run the department from now until next August. Postmaster McMian was In favor of vot- lug ten or fifteen year bonds to wipe out the Imebteduss. "Voto your bonds " said the postmmmaster "an let somebody else pay for them. " them. . lelehDr favored voting bonds to pay time clty's hills and also to raise the levy so that enough taxes might be collected to pay expenses. After some discussion the mayor was re- quested to appoint a committee of ten or more to go to Lincoln fluid lobby against the passage ot Senator 'Yatson's bill. The committee wi . be named tody. New beginners should use hal tIme quan- ty at Dr. Price's to do the same work as of any other baking powdr. It's absolutely pure _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 0.\.1' Two J' ' JOlITES WON . Tnlcnt Catches AnotheL Tenth Drnt on the Iny Ilstrict Track RAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 1.-'Yarm weather drew a bIg crowd to the track today. A lot of ordinary horses ran . but they put up some good racing. Favorites won the sec- enl and last races. Tomorrow the racing wi be on the regular track . which Is In fair conditIon. The Llssak handicap , two miles . : will be the feature or the day. Summary - First race. five and a hal furlongs . sell- big : Amy Day 10. n. Isom (8 ( to 1) ) . won ; 1elanlta , 101. Carr (2 ( to 1) ) , second ; Man Ia. 102. Russet ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:14. : AI- cyone Faro Experiment Gelding Miss Fletcher Darcaldlne , America and St. Elmo also ran. Second race seven furlongs , selling : Glad- later . 99 , Chorn (3 ( to 6) ) . won ; Little Bob 90. n. Isom (4 ( to 1) . second : Esperance 89. Cockrn (7 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:40. : Mutt- neer , Ontarla. Mere and GIn Echo also ran. Third race . five and I half furlongs , sellIng - InS Kitty L , 85 , Cockran (8 ( to I ) , won : ' Little Tough 98. Flynn (9 to. 6) ) . second ; White Cloud 90 , Durns (0 ( 10 1) . third. Time : 1:16. : Currency Connaught Pronto , Miss Dudley and Coquette also ran. Fourth race. tve' all a half furlongs , selling - Ing : Draw Scott 10. Carr (9 ( to 6) . won ; Booze 102 , Llo1 (8 ( tD 6) ) . second ; Alit p. 101. Cham (4 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:15. Rico and Three Forks also ran. Fifth race. five furlongs selling : Letlalla . 10. Bergen (2 ( to 1) ) . won ; McLight . 97. learn (5 to 1) . second : Docketader 102. Grlmn (3\4 ( \ to 1) , third. Time : 1:16 : % . Tie Drummer , Tyrena Mete and Raindrop also ran. nIRIU' nt New Orlpans . NEW ORLEANS Feb. 1.-Track heavy. Summary : First race , six furlongs : Collins (3 ( to 1) ) wan Chenoa (8 ( to 1 second , Ransom (8 ( to It ) third. Time : 1:2 : : . Second race one mil and seventy yards : Chauncy ( even ) won , Dess McDuff 7 ( to 1) ) second , Joe 'Voolman (1 ( to 6) ) thIrd. Time : 1:58. : , Third race , six furlongs : Tom Kelly (3 ( to 1) ) won . Old Domlnton (9 ( to 1) ) second , Foot- runner (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:21 % . Fource race six furlongs : HodlHon (7 ( to 2) ) won , Le Grande (3 to 1 ) second Satnet (3 ( . to I ) third Time : 13dl4. : I.trh race. six furlongs : Ludlow (4 to 1 won. Fort 'Vorth (6 to 1 ) second , Dargulrd (1 ( to 1) ) third Time : 1:22 : % . 1urnl8 UACCS ut J'resno. FRESNO Col. , Feb. 1-DIrectly lowered his ; pacing record today by hal l ! econd' making the mile In 2:0n : . Joe Patchen b at Robert J three straIght heats. Time : 2C' : . 2:12' : . 2:00. : The trade was said to 0 at least three 5COMS slow. Alx trotted against her own recon of 2:03 : % . but only made 2:08. : Flying Jib was to pace I mile with n running mate against his Chlicothe record of 1rS : , hut he only Paced hal I mile In . 1:01. : UmAha Cricket Club sImmmqumot. More than l hundred guests attended the secant ! anllll banquet of the Omaha Crlclct club last night at the Barker hotel 'fhe long banquellng table waR set In the center of the dining room of the hotel and wamuadorned Wll l variety or tlowers. The walls of the room were completely hidden hy the star and stripes . with here and there smaller banners and standards of gngland. Behind the president at the hend of the table was arranged It combination of cricket lumtrt , bails awl wlclleta. 'l'ho menu was good and cOI'lste or a t'plell English thinner AH Roan lS cigars were served 'foastmaster Lmwrie nnnounced the toasts , which were responded to by Dr. S. H. Yommng. Frank H. Kemp , Rev. J. I' . D. . 1.lwyd. F . n. Burnl , 11. J.awrll 1)r. Biythmin . Fred I"rncIR. Frank Ililditelu . J. C. DD'le tEnd C. 1. VnUgimn ' 11w toasts 11.lt ( largely with the high rank of cricket rut . un athletic spar I. the plL't success oc the tennis of Omaha and ideas and suggestions aR to the best method of Ilopulnrl7lng und malting It Huecesrul In the future Songs were stunt ; by lessl' ! 'l'aylor , hart , Foster and n. H. Young , among - _ - otimers Some Note ( 'orjmmmrastioum5 The J. 11. Jc'fague cmpany bas fed articles of hlCOllo/'uton , with J. H. 1c. Tague . Kitle Mc'rague anti Daniel Dunn iK imicorporatorms . The capital steele Is jO.- 000. The company Is to to a restlurant anl hotel hmusinemts Articles of incorporation of the Weater. fell Investment company of Boulh Ollln hnve been llieml . 'rhe Incorlrators are Clinches A. lalry A. . John Id. and flulery 1. Westerfteid . 'fhe . capital . - stock Is WO. ) ltl um mud I ( ' 0. , ulll. Phi Stmmel & Co. have commenced suit agllnst the Minnesota sterly Harvelter counpmmmmy ror $110 . charges . for transferring cOI\lany fendants \ Inl other articles for the tie- . " 'nl& City bare I IOlrl' FALLS CITY , Nab. , Ireb. 1-Speclal ( TeleI I gram.-The ) grocery and dry goods store i at Moran & 10ustons was closed today by Jell W. Hal on.a mDrtgage hell by the First Natonal bank of this city . Time as- sets at the firm were $5,000 , The firma has been doing a geol buslnoss since It was es- tablbhell , about six years ago , untl about August last. John W. 101 was appointed receiver . - - Uemtle ur R 1'lunerL Unklant Cllu ! . OAltl.AND , Neb. . Ireb. I.-Speclal.-A. ( ) I. Tuntmerg on old citizen Df this 1)15CC. died at his homo here this afternoon , after a long and revere illness. The young ladies' entertainment at the opera houie lat U1ght , given for chmmmrlty's sake. was well patronized \ILrlaJ1 le6.e8. The following mariage licenses were issued , sued yesterday : Name and add red. Age. ' ' 11:1n : " 'artler. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.'Ila Hepass , Ornmtima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 1"lortlce Driscol. Creltol , Ia . . . . . . , , . . 27 Margaret Hlms , Createn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 , Morse 4s Positively Quitting. . n',1 Inf , . . . : tBr tit February . 15th \ vevil bE out of business , and in , the l1enntilne are cuti b& ' - " . . \11g \ prices as prices were never cut before , to reduce stock to the figure set by I r the new purchasers of the store. . 'IT'I. - I cmii . AN OIt T.OT OF CASTOR MOCHA 68 I T\DmR' NATURAL GRAY WO T.gN . Dress . KID O .Oj'I , S. WORTh UP TO $ AT. , . CtS I UNDEltVEAit . CHOCIET IEC { . , . . . 21 . , cts All the LACES T rtttl1tgs HALF'ITII TaADIES'WOOLEN : RufflED t TOt' IOSI . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 15 ets I ClI1'S.IJAHOE FINE Ii RImI-STiTCI1IIfl . SIZE . TIlE ! $1 IIANDKI11- KIND FOIL 5. 0 et s HALF PIUCE PRICE . . SI.1 LAIIES' lOSE vI , n\ 'fJU' FINE $ I.W AND KIND 11A\Y . . ALTa . . . 9 8 cts BOTTI.I AN OUNCE l OF 1lmFt . mnY . . . . , . , . . . . . . 13 cts Aiid L eSSe , mi - - . _ _ _ _ , ( Silvered Frames , Trays , Perfume Bottles . , Pin Cushions , etc I-lalf Price Reynier SilksDr. ' . Jeager's Chi11a'Vat4e . VetUnderwear - $1 to SI.GO Plain Novelty Vel- 3 C G loves - vets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29cts $1.GO to $17i ' . Counter No. I contains Ioodn that reg Stripe rCllJ Norcity e Inrly sold nt ICe and i5c , , 1 All the 8 inch .i2.50 Gloves tire $1.75 Volvcts. . . . NO\'el . . . . . . Stlpo . . . 58 cts , olt Chum IUt Saucers Ilc now Jc Ladles' 4 button $2.0 Glovcs. . . . 1.43 . I'epper Sal Rattles Bottles \ Ladks' l Fanchon $2.2 Gloves , 8 $ all Silk Velvets . . . . . . $ 2.50 ' : . - : ' Sugar Glass HahulH slh ers $2.2 Goves : : Inch length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.43 Cream ' 'oothiliel Jugs holders La les' Patchon $1.75 Gloves , 4 $1.2 colm'c Crepe Ie Chones 58 cts . . button . . . . . . . . . . , . . Govos . . . . . . 1 o' g004szit Counter No.2 cottnll' the : ZOc amid 30 All time U.GO anti $1.iG Gloves for 75c All the $1.50 colored Volvots. . $1.00 . 9 . c Men's Furnishings- - HuH Price. ; 1 the $12 colm'cd ChlTona 75 cts Four good Coln.s Cor. . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Dr. Jenger's ladies' $2 tmnderwear$1 . UU Chlll China aitigs Ash Trays All the i 5c Silk Muslitie. . . . 25 cts " China \'mmSes Two llall's of CulTs for . . . . , . . . . 25c Slt Muslne. Dr. Jeager's ladies' $ 2.15 underwear ' 1 . 08 Chlm Salts Frmuits . Mcn's elegant fcck Ties. . . . . . . . . . 15c Dr Jemuer's Indies' $ 2 . 30 underwear 1 15 Chlm I'riis Plates 1.,15 Chinn Hrend mmliii flutters All the flOe Striped Gauze . . 25 cts . . . . . 0 0 nUl Buter Ciminmc Individual Butters , , D r. Jeager's Indies' I $2.45 underwear Chllt enger al es . . , " ' F om- i n- II am 1 a and ' co 1 ta. .2 for 75c I 1.23 Chinn Soup Ilatls Chinn Seth ) Bowls 80UI All _ the Men's 75c heavy Wool . . . . Dr. Jeager's Indies' $2.60 underwear China Wax Candles $1.00 $1.25 59 2.G 1.30 $1.00 Novelty Silica. cts . ilosti . arc. . . . . . 3 pairs for alI $12 : Novc1 Sllts. , , Mon's heavy 1 wool Camelalmair I 1 I Dr. Jelger's ladies' $2.80 underwear 1.40 Con tter No. 3 contnll ! the 40c amid e Un m.I\'enr. ! lvy . . . . . . . . . ale . . . . . . I . . . . 75c $1 Colored Fule FI'ancnlsc. . . 59 cts Dr. Jeager's men's $ 2.36 underwear 1.18 0 \cod ! nt . The heavy Men's natural $5 wool Underwear ; a whole , Emnbrokiercd CI'OpO. black lal D r. J eager . s men . I $ . ' . 5 tmntlerwear 1.25 15 C : $3 00 e.c suit tot' . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 white only , cost * G a yard . " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . 'I' . . . . Dr. Jelger'5 men's $ 2.w underwear Men's $1.25 Medicated fled Un75 to lunport . . . . . . . . $1 0 50 unlerwear 1.33 Brenil Plates cr\eUI $1.2 t . . . . . . . . . . . Ted . . . . . . . . . 75c 1) r. J eue/S mens $ 2.80 underwear Cake Plntes ! 1.40 Vuses ' Men's $1 . GO Portsmouth Bibbed 75 . $1 and $1 5 Fancy CI.CpC. . . . . 48 cts 0 . Breud Dishes . Underwear ; n whole suit for. ( . . . C Dr. Jeager's men's $2.95 Underwear 1.48 Ilerry fruit Plates Trays ; . Mcn'm $1 . no Natural I Wool Under- . Oat 1enl Bowls 'v ' ' ' ' . 1 wCI'j ; I whole suit for. . . . . . . 0- . . . 75c All time flOe Colored lat1n. . . . . 25 cts DI' Jenger'l len's s.ii underwear 1 . 55 Gravy Soup I'Iates Bowls A whole suit of { Men's heavy Cot- - _ _ _ Grvy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . ton Uu el.wcal.at. . . . . Cot50c . . ' ' You can't , save money faster-you can't makemoney easier-than by ' ' money lloney Men's and Boys' Negligee Shirts ; , " worth up to $ . Neglgco . . . . I . : . , . . . 50c takingadvantage of thIs the Oreatest Price cutting sale ever known - .r The Morse Dry Goods Co. , . rng business out of , sure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MAY SUE ON TIEWARRANTS : \ - H I ( C . IT Stipulation of Sioux City Farmers Loan and Trust Company Pa1lairough. _ _ -kI , n" . ' Vt.u'i ' , WORK . OF TH : BOODLERS CAUSING , TROUBLE - hlYCstora Refused to Surrender TheIr flIght of Redress AgaInst Those Who luued time Illegal Warrants at the Lut Moment . SIOUX CITY F b. 1.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) The county attorney and the legal representatives - tves of the Farmers Loan and Trust company - party have failed to agree on the stipulatIon for time dismissal at the county warrant suits , and It Is possible the entire litigation will bo reopened. The county board and the officers of the trust company agreed , as they supposed , on all the details at a stipulation for a dismissal of the suits . ' The trust company - pany agree to release the county from liability - ability on $10,000 of the warrants It held Inconsideration consideration of time payment at the rest. In preparing the stipulation the trust CJmpany declined to give up the rIght to sue the county ofcers who were responsible for issuing the illegal warrants. The whole litigation may have to be reopened , and suits brought on the warrants at great expense to time county. NEW RAILROAD , VENTURE. The Credits CommutatIon company , which Is pushing a measure to have congress allow the use of part of time Union Pacfic : . Is In re- ceipt ot advices tram Its Washington lobby that chances are excellent for the measure. I 19 stated a deal las been male wih the Credits company enl the supporters at the Rely funding bill will Join issues , thus greatly improving the chancel for the Sioux City mmmeasUre The Credits company wants the sinking fund Invested In bonds of a road that will extend the Sioux City , O'Nei & Western to connect . with the Union Pacific at Juleabun , Colo. I As a result at the efforts of a committee ' at citizens II deal has been made tOday by which time Farmers Loan. and Trust company will supply funds to pay city warrants for January and until taxes como In to enable the city to meet timenm ciy E. D. Lynch & Co. , tobacconists , failed to day giving a bi of sale to the Iowa In\'est- ment and Trust company. . Liabilities are about $10,000 l\h lulell IUI Alell Lady. ROCK RAPIDS , 10. , Ireb. I.-SIeclal.- ( ) Charles CasE was arraigned before Squire Scot at Doan yesterday on the charge at mis- sault upon Mrs. Amela Becker who Is now In Ilr 59th year , Sunday evenIng last. Aftertime the prelminary hearing he was held to time grand jury In the sum at $ oq , ant ) for lack or which has been commited to jail. The case Is a peculiar one tram the tnG that 1I10lnlI lived alone , aUI has bait no cause tD com. plain until at late , when 'sho ' has ben troubled by Case She canhot talk good Eng- lsh , and It requires the aid of nn Interpreter to get the tacts. ' I 'I'he weather has been sev rely cold for a few lays , reaching 26 degrees as the bottom pont ! yesterday moring. A regular blizzard has had full swing this afternoon , with the mercury at 12 degrees. ro loss at life has been reported as yet. , . ' 'uprl'mo CUlrt 1)tcIioiug. fiRS MOINES . Pcb. hl..jitSpeciai ( Tele- gram.-Supreme ) court deFis'pns : George D. Ilebrant against Ii. S. ' ( Ort-n. appellant . Crawford district , afn rd ; - . Jane Stns n against John Id t , n. lrhshelapimeilant 1 , Cedar RapIds superior court , afrmedl Time Natcnal Bank of Slgour l , et al against FIiza IC. Wooman , executrix , appellant , Keokuk dls. trict revered j Den Molnel Gotm Mill com- psny , appilant , against E. J. CQoller , defend. ant , and Marqlardt Savings bank , garnishee , Poll district , affirmed . 11 r.c. 'suimtsm suum' . Injuries ( 'utii. CEU.n ) RAPIS , Is . , Feb. 1.-Speclal ( ' 'ehgrom.-Mrl ) Samuel Andcrbon at Inde- Imeuldemice . who was so badly Injured by her hUtband I cQuple oC weeks ago and who ' kilied hlmselr by cutting Ilia timrcat tram carte to car whlf insane died trom her injuries last night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ l'mm rileui fi irlllll IU 'I . ' .lllluO. ms MOINES . Ireb. I.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) --Govrmior Jackiol tOldY granted an uncon. dltonal llardon to ! Ttnnebol , who was sent to the penitentiary for four years r1Om Johnson county , for arson I being elatmed that he set fire to a grocery store In Iowa City , atmil was convicted December 1 last Since then evidence has com to tIme gov- ernor that convinced him that Tennebom was Innocent. Iowa hank xumlner Apmolntct1. DES . MOINES , Feb. 1.-tSpeclal ( Telegr m. ) -Auditor McCarthy toilay uppoln't Fred A. Bennett of Manning to be state bank ex- aminer vice J. n. Ingals of Indianola Dr. E. C. Spinney has been relieved tram time position at secretary of the Iowa Deposit and Loan company which has recently been examined by the committee appointed by the state executive council and which Is making a thorough examinaton of all building . loan and savIngs institutions In the state not specially coring under the state banldng laws. I Is not known for what special reason Dr. Spinney was . relieved. No other baking powder equals Dr. Price's because It alone Is absolutely pure. . lJUf.lD 10USES rmu J'B'OB.VWI' Tough Gang Fires time 10mIl of I'armcrs Against Whom It hold R (4rumdgc. PLATTSJOUTH , Neb. . Feb. I.-Speclal ( 'folegram.-Inteliigence ) imims reached this cIty at the burning on Thurslay night ot the home of Tim McCarthy and Charles Conant , I on time bIg Island In the Missouri river , some four miles south of town. Th island In ques- ton covers several souare miles at territory , and the land being rich 011 fertile , a great majority of It 19 cultivated . A gang at disreputable - reputable characters live on both sIdes oC tho' river , and time inhabitants cf time Islander are time contnual prey of their thieving neigh- bors. McCarthy and Conant , having incurred the gang's ill wlli . their hems were set afire In a spirit or revemmge enl both burned . The authorities are molting on effort to apprehend the perpetrators , but as they have experIenced considerable troullo In chasing down certain members at time gang for past mlseells , there Is a leelhool that their latest doIngs will go unpunished. Frank Curtis , a young man employed In the department store of Dovey & Son In this ely , whlo at work last evening , thrust his arm In a scuttle full at hot coals which ho was carrying out of the st.ore. Ills hand and forearm were blistered old burned In a horrible manner. Mrs. SI510 Johnson Is mouring the de- partur of her his band and little daughter , al ) offers a reward of $50 for the man's ap- orers prehension. 10 Is described as being : Emal amid lIght In stature , light complexIon , and does not appear to have been odlieted to hard worle. Mrs. Johnson says ho rHel her trunk , taking $200 , al she Ilossebed , and soma . clothing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No'r Gtu.1'r 01' UHA\'I IIOII1IJNO. i'rof AI6xlul".r nli COrn6L tnlerly lilt- 1I'II Alllultml "t Llimcoln LINCOLN , Ireb. I.-Speclal ( Telelirarn.- ) Time trial ot I'ror. Alexander and Students i nurtord and Mehan at Cotner university , charged wih robbing the grave at Otto Al- berts , came to a close at noon today antI the case was given to the jury. TIIY retired at 12:20 : p. 0. and at 4 o'clocll retured with a verdict ot not guiy. Result uf 1 luler I'lo"lon , COLUMBUS Nelm , Ireb. 1.-Speclal.-The ( ) boiler In the windmill factory burst Welnes- day tnCrnhumtI , nail Imocleell one Rhlo out ot holier part or the brclc : wail on the north the _ . . boler .u. , . " ' . . nn , ' brclc11 . . "rltnn UI 111 UtiI.4I5 , . . . "u. . v , . .V , 'M , . . . walls. Time loss will he about $200. Warwick Saunders , , editor or time Platte County Argus receved ! a telegram last nigh from Governor Holcomb telling 111m to reo port for duty Thursday morning for oil In. specter Saunders makes time Ihlrd 01 Inspector - specter tram this town. On account ot poor healh Miss Phoebe Gerrard will spend a few mouths lt homo . , She has been ateldlng time State unlver l ) . ( Colnmbn ' lln Clmrled with JIIIUI11. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Irph. I.-Speclal ( Tele- granm.-Ir. ) Ii. J. Arnold , J. O. Heeder enl ( I. n. Spelce , as the board ot Insaniy , were called upon this mornhl to take acton upon time affidavit at Sidney Maxwell to the effect that he bel.eves \ \ ' . K. Lay to be Insane. Time board continued the hearIng to Ireb. runty 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ten Ilr " " : IIUlkl \ Ill CUlouldal6. CIADHON , Neb. , Feb. 3.-Special ( Tele graun.-Ricimards ) Bros. of thll city , who con- tral 1 a system 1 or. bank on the lkhorn 1 road \I'el trol.1 this place huve purchased the bus- Ineu 1111 building oC the flank or Cimadron , and wil ron.oUlate I Y Ih the First Nalonal : ! at this place The combined business ot the : s'- ; - . - - - - - COUNCIL m.UJF ! . ' - " ? . f. : STEAM DYE WORKS ' a. . cL ( , - . c0u irFS o All kinds of Dyeing . . . , Blul Ii Ill and Cleaning done In . t't . i it the highest style of an .IcTr f Ill the art Faded and , .taAM. . ! .L" ' - ' stained fabrIcs made , I . - - bytwo to look as good al _ 2 - V new. Work promptly - - . I . done and delivered - Ione delvered Innhlpart9of the ' 'It -J J J4ORKS counlry. Send for. 4' - ' _ C ' C prlco Ist. . IJ9 O. .1 : , . iJ t . ll.10U.1N : - - - - . - ' : : . ' . . , . . . , . . . . . .t l'rugrlotor .1 . . - - - - Broadway . near Norlh- . - . "S. . . . - ' - . . western Depot Council . , ' S"----- , - _ _ " " I3lutfs . Iowa. 'el. 3 - - - two banks will mak I the largest InstitutIon of the kind In this section . as both are very strong. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Internltn ! . , ntlrltlm6nt ut ORnbnr ) DANBURY Neb. , Feb. 1.-Speclal ( Tele- grom.-Thls ) was educational day In Dan- bury and wi long bo remembered by the people of this place for the entertainment this evening. I'rot. Marshal at time Orleans college furnished 'plana musIc , which was the main feature at time evenlng's entertain- ment , and Prof. gsterhrook at the same col- lege delivered a lecture. Proto Dow principal - cipal of the school was the promoter of the entertalnmcnt , and carried It to a success- ful end. enl. Tecnnnoh Chid Severely Plumed . TECUMSIOII , Neb. . Feb. 1.-Spcclal ( Tel- gram.-A ) SOl , aged about 1 year , ot Mr. amid Mrs. A. O. Jtarr at this place whlo plaYing about the cook stove today upset a teakettle of scalding water. Its head , breast and arms were severely burned. Time child will recover . J'l ,1'lBl l"OJlWiST. Fair , Slightly "lrmcr , with . South \hula for Nobraolul. \'ASIINGTON. I.'eb. I.-Tho forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska and Kansas-Iralr ; slightly warmer : south winds. . For Idimisotum'i-Fnir : probailly slightly warmer In the northwest 11oct10 , ) ; variable winds. 10rton For Iowa-Fair ; slghty wormer ; varlahle winds. For South Dakota-Fair ; probahly Rlhhty ; wlrmel' winds. In the castel lll'ton : varIable J.oal ltt'eord OFFICE OF TI WI'ATIER BUREAU , OMAhA , Ireh. J.-Omlll record of temper- Iture nnll maititmthl , compared with the car- responling day at the vast ConI years : J895. 1891. 1113. 1892. : Maximum temperature. . H 27 . s 37 ) lnlmln tenulmeratlire . . . ' 13 3 .16 31 Average temperature. . . . 1 15 ' 12 34j Irechllalon . . . . . . . . . .0 . ( ) .07 .0 3 Conditon of tpmperature und precIpitation at 1891 Omaha : for the day and since Marll I , Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ieiiciency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Normal rirecipitation . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch leflcieimcy for the .dRy. . . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch ' Defciency ! ii ' ace March . 1 16.:6 tnches Deficiency since March 1. . . . . 16,0 induce 11'llrls from other Statonl lt HI' . j ( . I. ] . ' I ge . - : ' " 511 i bTATiOB i ' : STATS orB ' . B , . S f iYzAtii5it. ; g ? : 11 . ; ; : : , . . . . . . . - 1 .00 Char , - . North 1'Iatte : : 0 J .UO Clear , Vall.nlno. . . . . . . . J4 : : .UO eeI' . Chlcalo . . . . . . . . ' : : .un ( Clear fit . 1.01Ie. . . . . . . 4 2 T. Clear. Louts..4 ' 1' . . S' . l'amim . . . . . . . : : 1' 810\lnl. Davenport . . . . 08 0 : .00 Clear . Esummimma City . . . , , . . 0 H .110 Clear . JnIHIICI Uel'.cr. . . . . . . . . 32 3.1 .UO Parlclotmdy . Salt I.ike : clty : . . . 21 32 .On Clolly. 8all.allo . . . . . . U 18 .nU Clammily . lu\IICly. lelpll. . . . . . . . . 1 JU . \ Hlowln , ' . Jilumnmarek . . . . . . . 01 ' 4 .un Clammily . ! SI. \'lleeo\ . . . . til 'Ju .Un ( . , , . . . , . . , . . Cho.clne. . . . . . 24 :1 .un Cloudy Miles . City. . . . . . zero zero .UU Cloudy Un.eHlol. : \ . . . . . . 48 l4 l.nl ( ( Iallll ! Ielow ; zero. "T" Indiate trace at precipitation. I. A. wm.sl. Obserybr . - ( LThildrenCryfoi Pitcher's Castorla. Chidren Cryf Pltche'a Castorla. Children Cry l. . , " itcher'8 Castorla. , . - - " - 1 THE GREAT " > /f ) / . r . - . 4 _ t5K ! ,1 ) . : 'T . ,1 Thl extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the mod , . onderfumtdIacovery oC time ago . I lisa been enlOselllJY the ieadlngsclentiflo Inca ofEuiopq 1) ) orEulOp ' snd America , . , Uudyan 1S , purely taW vege- 1 , lllJ1an stops . / , 1 ' 1 1 Prematureness . i ; . 1. t . oftimoduseharge ' . 1 4. orhoilchlge' ' . , " . , . - ' ; , . , k.iti20dOdL . ; Cures . . , . . . 14c : . . < : DEtR& IOST .UT i : ANIIOOD Constipation , DlzlneB I'ailng SenEton" I , Nervous Twlchlg ; of tAO ( D'es 11) ) olher 1t8 1 Strengtbens , Invlgorntfs Dit tones t.o entire . system. lulYRn cure DcbUlr' NeroUlen . Eml5lon8. aud evclupes amId restores wed , I organ l'aiis , In the back , lorses IIY day ot nlghtaro stopped Ilulckly. Over 2,00 llrmvate endorsements. ' " I'eemmmattmruumemmsmeansimnotency In the frt stage I I Is it symptomnof seminal weakneuand t harrenimess. I I canbc stopped In 20 days imy the . usoofliudynum Time now dIscovery . wu made by the Rpcla ) . Ists orhool,1 , famous hudson Medical lush- lute It Is the llrongest vitalzer made. I II ' very powerrul , but imurmless. Sold Cor 1.00 a pakago or d packages tor 15,0 ( pllln aelll boxes ) . Writen gnlrnlo gh'ci tor R cure I you buy six boxes and are imot entirely cured , Ix mol will ito ccitt to yoU free of all charges. Send for clrcuiara amid testimonials. Addict. HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITITE ) , 1032 MARKET ST. , OALIFOJtMit OHO. P. SANFORD , A. VT. RIE1CMAN , President. Caehier , First ationaI Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , . . $100,000 1'VfitS , . - . 12,000 j Otis of the oldest hiaumks in the state of Iowa. We solicit your business aumd collection. . Wu eay 5 per cent on tIrmm depasita. 'iS'e ' will hi pleased Ce see atmd serve you. - qiit , R. RIIH1TT1U'P ? Attormeys-i.t-Lusw . , , UI. ' uuimmlJmeuuup Practice itt time Slate umuti iutlerai Courts. itoutmi 'JhJ.7.S'9 ( , Sumugar Illock , totulmeut Illurl' ' , low , , , I SpciaIllotics-Oouoci Bluffs _ CICIMNISYB cI.EASIm ; VAUITS ULIIANIu. : } 0 liurke , at tY , 51. homes ? . , 835 firoadway , LAhlfill I'ICIYATE IIA1CN e'Oii 1110142' NEAI court hoUse. pply at lit , olllce , C'aurmcii thuffi , , . . . . ' - - - - - - -