. . - . - - - . ' _ ; - , "n . . . . . , - r'f , . -I''IRO' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' " ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' - ' , . - - - . . , - - ' . . ; - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAUA DAI.Y J1EElIDAY : , FEBnUAUY 1 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' . SPECiAL : NOTIGB8 I "d"nrt nl""U for t1iin ( olonl ! ,111'0 okrl until 12130 " . ni. for the ovellnl "n,1 1111 H I" . I , for the morlll ! nll hOlda , .111101. Ad"trl lr" , by r.qor IIInllerd tIIC'k , ( ' ' 1 hn"o flhITCrt flIIItCC4I to n . ' 1IIIr/d IrHer II euro of ' ho 1.0n. MH'rl " " ndlr" I,1 , vII ho 1.I"rr.1 11"1 I l'r"'llnlol ' .f the .hr.1 011 , . hate . , : J 1-2" a " .irl . Ir ( t II , erlol , ! . n " ant her , after. : 'thllj talc , cut for hu lal 2u for Ir.t Ilsertlu. , ' hr.Q , , "hertAlent" IUlt run cot'ccu- , th Ill W ANTED'r ALE hELP. WANTlm-o MUN AD TUAMS ' 0 fHI.L - cur fee.1 gttticloiii. SlAry Ji5 to S0 per month nrocntil 10 nblI'ty. ' The Llch el.1 . Mtg. Co. , Wehter City , Iowa. I-M . : FI' W.\NTI . 0001 SOhl'ITOIt MI USTIfT ileputy for I r"lo"l ! rmlern,1 oler. com"lnlnl % MrO Qn , ' Popular nit . age. leny"r .n.lowm.nl . ¶ Initimnee nl.1 Iml.lnl end 1011 renlur" : nn ucellnnnl offer fur th . right "nrl ' . . \I.lr. . Iloln 0" " . expertene " and r.rcrenc' . 1' . O. cx"er hex 3' . Ilchmvnl.0. . I-M280 3' - ANTED-FEMALE HELP. I.A1I S WANTtNU 1..IRT CI.ASS 01RL8 call at Bcandonavlon Y. \ . homo. 1 1 Cas . . -4 cal n _ _ CM VT' I.ADnH. : 1I yOU WIU 1'MII.\'MnNT : AT 4 your hOI" J . a.n,1 pe1f.a,1t1rr'r.I . .n.lopo for " our , 1ecrl > t1e circular n,1 ! c"mnwlce work nt onre ; Owl crculnr . The AUrc,1 "nltne Co. , Wlntlirofl. Mn . . C- ! 3' ln.h .o. WANTID : . A lIILTCI.SS : bALI)1tIiS. ! : to:6 Georgia . C-IJ3 Oel'l" flVeItU. - . - : WANT1) COMI1TINT I.AnY ITtOU. rl1iler % ant COMPgTFNT . % ; .Inlo . experl"lc" ant , rnJhor .kkrrJer rorfelc' , ; Icrmnn.nt 1"8.ton for Ilghl i Inri ) Ahln' , . " , Irw.r Nu. 8. I' . O. C 1301I' 4 WANT A IADIANIT VOlt A 11 , lST- ! l'OI IAD\ ! cInaR cOI.I eo. ; 'tntt ! ne . h"llhl. color or nl. hnlr. ee ) nnl i'entl I Photo ; Ir,11 , Irsn Ir l , iUltcl . Charlo Monar . Platte City . C-:13\13' N. ' . ; J.ADY STNOGIAIII ; ONI WHO ( AXH. - II.t , In keeping l"ok8 ; olnlp : " . 'Ierlelce nn,1 , olnr ) ' keeJlnl . Aldesa In hUI"lwrlllg , 0 38. Ilro ollice . C-3H $ 3' . 110 olce. FOIt BXN'l-HOUSES. 1louIfls. F. K. 1AlLINO , lAIK I flt.0Ct. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-:3 _ :10UHI : : H IN ALt , IAIlS 01' Tln CIT1 TIm o. V. Davia company t5 I nrnnm. 1- - - - - - - - - 1 a US ; DINAWA & CO. . J0 N. J5TH 13 : ST. . rOi 1tENT-1IOUSt Ol 9 lOOMS AND DAIL' on lurk ave. Inquire at .22 8. J81h el. S EOlt ItENT-IIOUSIT N1Nl ItOOMSt : FtJIt- 1"Ol IFNT-lOUSI NINI 100MS J'UI- Ilitee. bath . etc. . nt 32d 01,1 1"nr'lm. $27.0) ; also eheup houscs. $5.0 and nO.ol . , lr.r.nl Iorla cty. : Dexter L Tlioma .at lice building. D-357 J'OI tFNT-C.1tOOM COTTAGId. I OOOU Itid- olr. I city waler. $10.0) ) per month to good p Iartte . . 1 N. 37th. I black from I.'aram . 810elzel'a . ' . car Ino. In'lulro ot .IO\'e atore _ ! net to p0810mce. I-358 .1tOt MOOElN 10USg. J'IVE MINUTES ' vall : from court hou8e. vacant December 2lth. 'mi 0 . I. . Green room . . _ 2S ! Itaiker I . block. _ ! 8 _ } 1"OI ltlNT.-84l0OM COTTAUC : ALl , MOD- cia conveniences. 213 CalifornIa al Milton 1toger &Son , Ilh antI Faruam. . . ' D-19 't , . 1tOUSEi. \VALLACId. BROWN lLK.16 & - UOI ; . 1-H7 l'OI 1tT. 21 CAPIOl. AVUF . 1 I , : . rooln . modern. The O. V. Dnrb cOlpan ' . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-.96 _ VOlt 1tlNT-MODlRT lO4tOOM llOUSflVITII 1'01 1 NT-MODmN 10,100:1 10USI. WITI , . " . furnace , bath gas . hot nail , cell \u"'r one- . half block from Fornnm street molar tine : In most deslrle residence locality In the city- No. 220 South 38th nve. For pnrleulnrs apply to lome Investment Co. . itt Iaxlon 111k. D-M8TO FINN T-IiOOM COHNBI { FIAT AT 101 S. 1611 'treot. rOII and alt 01 her convenience , . J30. ( ) . George Cloucer rom 2. I'atteroit bik. . 1623 I.'arnm 'ti-eet. D-:91 ONF3 on TWO hOuSES 1"OI 1 NT. NO. 1012 Georgia avenue 15' menu In earl house wlh . < I molfr ImlJovemenls. J. 3d . Simeral. : 4 . . ! lce ! bids. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-26. t : ; ; 8.flOOM IIOUSF . SIOIITbY PA\'lm STIH2IT. 8lOOM 10mm. SIOITHPA'lm STlmT. "nthl .10..1. Iluble \ nit slnnd , 10rcela'n 1.nlr)11118. : furnace , ctc 'l l"luc" fran , ltO.f , ' : I } " $ ? ' J , pir ' mo. ' 1. l. , 1nrl0r & Co. . 1. , le.e ! . I - , jjjfl1NT. . . r.HOOM CO'rAG COH. 2TH and I.'nram SI. Milton Ioera & Son3 1)-MIT3 ; : roi . RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. I . - l'I.EA8ANT - ROOM. - 19U - 1)01)012. _ _ _ _ _ _ E-M270 _ _ _ _ _ , _ . Tllm I.AnG IANDSOllLY FlJitNISilII ) front rOl" . with all convenIences : Choice 10. . cation. Apply ot 2019 Ilre ) sl. 10-m937-4' . :1- : - - - - - F1flU'1tl11ED ItOOMS FOIl LIGHT HOUSE. FllNISIEn 100M8 LllT . ! , e.llnl. 191 Dodge. E-12iO ' 'VHIAII.I : VUtNISIED noml. Inl ST. . Mary's Ave. -2S2 t. FOR ' 1tlNT. STEAM HEATI l'UlXIRJ D rom3. 6'1 So. 31h. 1 -I.I , ' 9 ' 4k 1"UnNIRI D ROOMS FOIl OENTII Ott housel.elng. : 0 )0 ) North 3711 , . C-M3.6 01 . - p- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . p1TJ1.N1HE1) ' FUh.ISBED ROOMS AND DOARD. nOOM & IIOAI1D , GEIIAN II"N1I I".UI- fly for 2 or I r"sveclalle parties . .1 N. 19th ' ' Ii'19F11 ' 1-I"I' - , . Nlrm WAlM 100MS.11 GOOD IOAIW ; rate . reasonable : modern conveniences. The . a noso. 202 itnrnoy. -.M5t2.F' N1'ItX FUItNISIII6D ROOMS AND 1IOAIZD. NJII.Y FUllSlmD lOAlD. $ 162 N. . - 191h - alreel. F-M5I'- FIINIHn ! : 1OOIS AND DOA1O , 212 SOUTh 2ithiSt. 1.-M2n - - - ran 1tINT. NEATIY FIHNIHU : SOUTH , float 1'0"1. wIth board. IIIID IIIrorl1 streel. . ' . . - - V-M275 - - . 4' 1I.\m.l ROOM l'Ol ' 1'O WIJ I1OAI1D. jlO lodge I ptret . } -:6.5' 1'101' AI.COVI ROOM . NICULY FUR- Ilnhe.l , with toanl. TIN i\lbatiy. 2101 Douglda . Htrfel. F-Mitt 3 ' UNBURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Vlmy - : I\HOB FlONT ROOM . UNFUI1. nlsh' . wih ! , heat eli IGhl : good tnble. 'he , /ttbtny. : :101 D0u5liu4. G-1103 3 - : OI RENT-STORES AND OFFICES volt IIUNT-'I'IIU 4-STOIIY hlitiCK HU1lI)1NU , 1"OI IU T-'I'lB .SfOIY HICK UtlIINU DIU ] , 'aram atreet 'fhla building tins a lire. iroot cement bns.menl. comlliele 8tin1 heot. \'roo \ ) lure . \\0"1 on nit hioorj . gao. ( Ie. Ap- lily nt ( lie 0110 or Thc I . IIG TIm M\X 1t..In : . htt'll.DINO. N. 11. COlt. - Jlh olhl 1'llllm : 1'1' . :2xlO 01' 4li1O ) , cr the , i hole lulllnl : hleam h < 'at. .I.elic ole- "alol' : "ullnl , will 1.0 IrrnJed 10 sul len- p nnl. In'lulo IOU 1 0131 , . 8Ir el. 1-MO5 1. " % - - - I AGENTS WANTED. IAII BnN OItAc3IONTS MAII 10I Y "oy erllnJ anita 10 order $ t3.tO. I'nu 1. thlrla , f. nncklntoahe , 3. Hunler Tailoring Co. . Cln. ninnatl . O. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-M96IFU' " 1:1 _ VmYION . \ ; I\ - ANt ) , 'OmUhiaSiGfl . Agena maklnl $ : : 10 f5J wcehly. 1.r.I' : Chemical & 241g. Co. . 11 Croaae - . Wla. 6' ' ) r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W AN 'ED-TO ItENT . \/iNTIU : ) . , 100M : A:1 10.\ll IIAUY : north . lIOn city iietenieti , ii'fetncea. , \.llr"8 t - U 37 , 1. ( J- I : : . 11 - - STOaAGE. V i.STS'T O IIUIL.DINO IN OMAII. \ , U. H. ' gov . honl,1 wnrel.use. 10ua hell geode itoned. l. , l.wrll rnto. 13,101 ' Learcnwonthi. - M-:62 tITOItAQU J'OI 1 rui ; oL- (1001)51 VLUAN and chiahi rnlo. it. \VeIt' . lilt Vurn4In. " )1-30 I . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V tiiottas. } -I.\NK UWURII : . IU i1.1tNlY M-35 . WANT1I ) . a HCl'ND iIANtJiuiiiulT I Illanos . 1le.so slalo price. make end where It ( an Lo acen. 1. H. Scott . room no Inmo block. - : , 11-2:1 I WANTED-TO DUY. . WK DUY M : SILL 10USP. rro m moed ) . 11. W , * rum A then lH eO . 11th. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N-M52 1. ' CITY & (0 , V l'lUChlJtltia Hit I'\'il _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-365 WANI'11l 1) ' 1-0 lIllY io Sr.CONI.hI.NDIIUD ,4 tl > Ilu nnc oIlIer frllufl mulL he ; . \ld"1 J.V. . lIuricy , Cuuncl tIlurts. I I'-Mt)9 I' ' \ ' NTHU. O'ICf.\NS , .nAI. CASE : ttT ' liD 'c : ' in O 0. ] condItIon. ( I a6 , lIce. N - M3JI 1' ' - i FOR SALE-FURNITURE V ; - , lIrNITUlt ) AUCTiON AT 1111 l'AHNA Si . 11 ) : V llu aya. 10 a. m. itobt. WeUs O-U V . - - - FOR SALI-MIbWLLANEOU3. . . WtIMAN ' 1'J.NOS. UltlDl31'OltT O1U1.N3. Wodbrl < se lrN 11 a 17th. Q-313 iioci iu citicxir VI'lNCfl : 1l.1tfl ia'iNn C CJCJEN 1J.c. tJ 1'11NCf J Iu1 U.11Mt . 1 V V V V OLARVOY ANTS. SItu DR I WAHnEN , CLAIRVOYANT. ItS. . liable bulnf.s mlum : 7th Jtr nt Jt N. < -10 Ulh M.SSAGE .BATS , ET(1. MADAM LAItUI3 . MASSAGI2 4S B. ISTII. T-M6TS n' MADAM SMITH. r : S. 1Tr. 2D FLOOIt . HeM 31 : mn.'I . vapor , alcohol , slenm. aliphurine nail sea bath T-SU3.2' MA8SAOI. MAUAME DEI\ID. 1421 - 10DOI. 1' PERSONAL. DR T. W. STONE 10 N. Y. LIFE. TEl . 641 , UnTiE TiE DmU EPPEILY COHSE MADE TO order from meuure. 199 I'atnam slr ft. , U-7 MASSAUF3. J LgCnO TUITO1MAb BAThS , chiropo1Iet. lIme. I'oat. 3191.4 8. ath RI.U3Th U-3Th SKATI.S aROUND. 10LLOW on I LAIN , AT A. L. _ UndeIBnd' . . 106 S 11h etreet. U-10 D. IIASS . FLOI1IST . FLANTS.IU l' t 1.'I.W- en. UanquelL . , hail. residence nnl ' grave deco- rattonR , Ib1 .Inton itreet . telephitie i1t U- S _ VIA VI CO. . 316 1m m.no ; 111.1 nOOK ( noel : home lrnlm.nt : lady . attendant. U- A. lttJI ) % ' . lAlan IILOI2H. 1.1VATI Imeher. Comlon nn,1 , hhh .chol 'liruncitea . Alee Germau . Student , pr.lnne tor exnnllnl' than. U-Ill-I' SWlmlHI 1IVlmlNT ct'lm l'Ol 1.,1)lCS. 1816 Chicigo ! died : conaultntlon. facial and Rlenl c ob.sly ! treatment free Monday . , . Veb- ruar ) U-M302 l. ' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL STATE. .STATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. LIFC. lonns ot low rates for choice securiy In Na- brookn and town rnrms or Omaha city proprl ) W-an W-7 I.IFF ISUlANCI I'Ol.ICIUS T.OAN13DON : POI.ICtS or ought , F. O. CheRney 1'01..1 CI 'V-ITS . Mo. v. 1 MaXEY I ¼ TO LOAN ON IM1lOVUD OMA1A real ectate. lrennan , I.\'e & Co. . I'axlon blk. W-i 110rEY TO LOAN AT tOWEST P.ATCS.TITI3 O. hirn. D"vls Co. . 1.0 Fnrnom et. W-3S0 VEItY . LOW 1Ar S IADI ON GOOD i.OANS. J.v. . tiquire . 21 Hee bldg. W-38 I CITY : : . 5 N. Y. IIFE. W -S. CITY AND FAith LANS AT LOWEST mtea. l'usey & Thomu. Firat Not'l Uk. bldg. , 'Y- 110UY TO I.'AN ON IML'ItOV1D OlIA1A properly. Fidelity Trust clhpany , 10 Farnam. W-35G \-3G I.OANS ON IMPnOVED A UNIMI'ltOVi3D CITY prolerty. % V. Foram Smlh tNIMllOVED . . 130 nrnnm. W-38 MONUY TO LOAN ON OMAHA 11FIALESTATI3 al 6 per cenl. W. D. Melkie hat Nat. bank bid. W-53 CITY I.OANSO TO ' 1.0),0) A' 1.OWFST i mIca. Puwel & Poter. lit floor N. Y. L. Hhlg. ' \V-M374 WANTEn AT ONCE . At't'LICATIONH VOlt A No. I loan on Itnprovel , cIty , Ilrop'rl tar Rpeclal fund : fwnelA only pltnie aPPlY. 1'1- lcll ) ' Trust company . li02 I'oram St.M3T9 \-M3T9 la MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUINITUm . PIANOS and 01 kinds of aecurity. Fred Ttrry. rom .30 1otgo blok. X-3U _ _ _ m _ MOXEY 'fO LOAN ON 10USEIOI.D FUItNI- tore plonos. h018e9. wugona or any kInd or chattel security ot lowe.t p 83llle rales. which 3ot1 con pay hack nl any time anal In aiy omounl FIDEI.ITY LOAN OUAHANTEE CO. ) , Room 4. Wllhnel , bloc . X-3S9 - - - J. Ii. HADDOCK. ROOM 41 llAMaS DLOCK. N-liT MONEY TO LOAN ON FUlNITU1E. PIANOS lioracs . Vflgfl , . elc. , ot lowest rates In cIty ; no removnl or goods : slrcly conldenlnl : you can omount. pay the lean oft ot any tIme or In any amount.OMAHA M01TGAOE LOAN CO. . . 30 S. 161h street. X-388 BUSINESS CHANCES Fort SAI.E. A CLEAN 'TOCK O DRUGS. For pnr.lculnr address . I' . O. box 181 . lern , , . . ' Ncb. -:10 3' HOME SlmKI lS' EXCUnSJN TO E\ST North Carln" , ' February ' 5 : large lrt8 In ' . 'uk\nll. \ , slOc rs'ng"lnl lenpral farming : cheap land cxcelent climate . llrducUI'e soU und ne"le8S 10 the great cites tor n market are duet features : no Imdes. Alh eM U. E. Dodson Keurn" ' ' . Neb. Y-MIS91 MOSS. SAI.E8 & EXChANGES. II. A. WAG. nero Omaha. Y-M267 1.23 'OR EXOHANGE. TO EXCIANGI . VOlt GOOD FA M LANDS ot aclual , 'aluo In en8t.r : . or western Iowa ' stOck or general merchandise , Invoice $3.500.0 to U.OOO.OJ. anti atone building. Wi assume emaIl Incumbrnco or pay difference In casl. : Address A. W. Clarke I'ol'110n. Neb. Z-M969 mAJ ESTATE Fan MDSE. II. A. WAGNUR . Omnho. Z-M2&Q 12 1'01 EXCIL.NGIO FOIL MnSI . J6) ACHES OF land . with gel house haIr mile tram hitch s.ho,1 building . . In one or the mo.t Important mUloe,1 dIvisions In northein Neb. ; shops wi he enlarged this spring. Address , nox 52. AI- Ilanco , Neb. Z-128. 5' WANTED. ; GOOn IWA on NDnlASKA farm : vilI exchange floe lot and cottage In wi exchnnlc In. coUnJo Omaha anti two good , 'nrtt lots Give do- 1001 le- scrlption ( and "rice or Innd. Write soon. Ad- dress room 126 , hartford buildIng . Ciitcago Z-3iO- . III. ' - FOR S.\.I on EXCIANO . 'lml hiUSI. fleas lots on Main sIret with buUlng. , Address . dress A. I. . Urnat . Sitenandoali II : . . . . . Z-M. 7' FOR SALE-REAL ESTA E. LIAI1GAINS. 11011555 LOTS AND I'AIMS . Eilo or trado. 1 , ' . K. DarUng. - Barker nE- bioclc . XCI.NOEfNI SALES : CITY lHO'ElTY. ( arm. . merchandlso , , Gn1'1 Bros. , % NnJ.ro . . - - DO YOU WANT A FIE COTAOE 10MC1 We are jllt Onl8hlng two or the c08lesl. most cOIPl le 6.rom cottages ever built In this , city. _ _ . i - - l'ertecUy modern In e\'er wa ) ' . In tact they ore siiniy little enis. &ml1ly 11UeOIS. It would bo ImpossIble for any wlto to le un- 1 hal'I' , In one or these cottages. IC she hosn'l yet neeel'ted your proposal , Jho wi I do 00 lt once ir ) 'ou IIY ono ot Iheso ' cottages. They are located on hurt street . Just east or 281h. walking "lhl.ICI rr,1 business . 01 one bionic 10 electric car Un. will toke ricer lot aspart > 1)ment on . one ot these beautiful homee. ! Cal on us for partcutars. ! F'IDBLITYTItUST COUP.\NY. Sole . \Ionl. . IN 1'lral SI - - _ hUl-MhlS.l OlUiditi. ; : { , .ItEHV IMI'IIOVED. I MiI.Ci3 1"10M S 1'n's Improved. . :1 untIes from Omaha 1 : acres inlrnveI , ! . % mle toO Omaha 10) acres improved , 21 nities train Oniala , . H' ) I" ' central Nebrasha. $ .5 ( n time. WI.I.IA1S & MITTAN . McCugue blork. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ htr.-itIll I COTTAQI1 5 I100MS LOT 5Oxl2S.ONTithllIr. - COT.\0 5xl:5Tlii car lines. $ ihi.Od : 150. ' ) ) cash . and Ill 0) per month , Let . lt show I to you. II. t : . Cola _ _ Eu. . 305 N. 15th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im-MU 3 FINS O.N XANl ) . 5 Ii ! . F O'- $0 per . acre. PIO N. Y. L JIhtig . - Im- S U.tItGAINdIIAI.I3 : Oft TIIAUB IN CiTY PIlOt' . trtci alit rerms John N. l'rn&er'I r'J ' . O' LST U.ItGAIIJS IN LANIS WITH C.\nlOLL LANIS WITt M. Carter . n. 6 . min for N. Y. I.ife . Omaha It-W.FI lilt 1110N I : A'm\ UJOININO NnW state tall , Ircun s If takpu nt once. Inquie :16 FIrst NII.cl 1nIlls. . Im-37 V I"INU 1"II.r si TI.y com ; 1m. N. W. , cost $8) ) lecenl ) Po casts buys ii. Pruttyruont ( OIR\O ' lhn Ihe ( flatie limit for $1,03.UI ) . 1. U. harder .Is Co. . flee ItS-MBI 1114g. I , _ ' . - , " . \ ) / II Ied _ , . - own - \ 1 - \ " 1 Lcthc I woman \ i - _ \vht doesn't use . , Pearlinc. She's lied - to 1ier'brk , and tired with it , too. Pearlne makes another woman of her. It washes and cleans in half the time , with half the work. Nothing can be hurt by it , and every thing1isCavcd with it , Pearlne does away with the Rub , Rub , tub. Pearlne docs more than soap ; soap gives you more to do. Pcddlcrs anti some uncnlulous grocers will tell you . B eware . this is n good as" or 'thc same lS I'carllne. " T'S . , , ' , . , FALS1-1'carHnc is never 1cddlcd i your grocer sends < < you nn Imitation , 1 honcst-Im" i " 1(1. ' : Ic JAMES I'VLE , Ncw York , - _ FOn - AL ESTATE. Continued. TO Tim MIICIIANICt'AINTIIIt , MACINIST nnd others : Why wear your life oul trying to a5 ' hlrh rents or exce.Ive tnx" . on ) 'olr linilie In 10wI and , lepenUnl entirety upon Sour trade or I'rure. lon to mnko you 0 living. I you owned 5 nero or land near Omaha you . could robin enough fruit and , 'rpllhlr. In make your your trade living , anti still work half your time nl . \ " are sole ngent . for .0 . onh' 4 mies from I' . 0. ; the nnc.t tyIng hind Iiitr Ollhn. th'll sold In 81 for $1.0\0,0 ' Per acre PI'ol cash. , - The owner wi cut this UI' Into & .acre tract nnll whit take 0 house and lot In Omnhn ns part payIicnt , balance ' easy tcrms. Ti , . tax on r ler"A Is ica9 I Ihun fn your house and lot . nnll the land . , \ ill mnke you 0 lIving nail give you 0 lIne iotiie Your house nail lot nearly breaks your back to keep u" Inx"a nail , assessments. Omlha Is going tn grow . and r acres within 4 mies wilt J Iner'nse In vnlue Ove times lS tat n. your house and lot and make you a living In addi- tioli. See U nt once for particuiars. - , FIDEIITTlUST COMPANY Sale Agents. AIPnls. . J0 I.'nr"m SI. HllI37.1 CA1.liO1tN1A : SI't3CIAL INDUCIIM1INTS TO A few lust purchiasere. I including fare tree until February 10. II. g. Cole Co. , 106 N. 1lh Rlrepl. ltD-Mis ) G 1l-13S HOTEL HOTEL BAITKIII1. 13TH AND JONES STS. 10TEL lAlKEI. : ir roms at $ 1.50 Per dn ) ' . 5 rooms nt $ .0 per ln ) ' . Special rates 10 cmmerclnl travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Ililditch . manager. 3n ACTNA nOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. J31h and 1odu" . 1100m9 by day or weel. 398 MIDLAND IIOTIIL COil. 16TI AND CHICAGO 8'reel8 Amerlon plan $1.50 enl $2.0 per dny. European pbn. Ode and $1.01 per , Io } ' . Rooms . single or ens"le. for families or gentle- Inca at reasonable rates. M. J. 1 rBnc . p" ' M-921 11 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. , AHMATUnrS AND CONVERTERS REWOUND : storage bnter.s : recharged : electrical and general - erl mnelnlsls : : superior work guaranteed. Omaha Eeclrlcb ! Woks 11 and 619 S. 161h .t 412 ELECTRICAL ENGNEE1S AND CONTRACtors - lors for electric light anti motor plants antI alt kinds or "Ieclrl.ol constructlen. Western 131cc- trlcnl Supply Co. . 41 end 3 S. 151\ It. 41 I.EATHEI nELTINO. CHAS. A SClllEN & C0. . Mrg. . 30 S. V 121h 81. ' 947 EtC YOLES. M. o. DAXON , .02 n. 16Th. .11 OMAHA DCYCLE CO. . J2 N. lCTI ST. 890 STERLING BICYCLES : BUILT LIKIIAWATCII : Western Electrical Supply Co. . C S J5th 8t. V MS23 FH A. L. DEANE & CO. . BICYCLES . J18 I"AH.U 19 ' - ' - - - WILl UAnNUM & 11110. . J11 CAP. AVE. 1215 UNDERTAKER AND EBALMER3 I. K. nUl ET. FUNERAL ulmCrOl AND embalmer 161S Chicago Bl. , telephone 90. : : SWANSON & VAIlN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 101 ComIng al. . telephone 1060. 334 1.1. O. MAUL. UNDElTAKEl AND EM- I "almer , 11 Fnram 81. . telephone 623 . 3)5 I C. W. BAKER UNDElTAK l. CI3 S. 161h ST. I ZIG OOAL. D. ' 1' . MOUNT : HAS HEIOVEO IlS COAt ofco lo 200 S. lClh at. . Drown bloc ! . . 43t ' SIEIDAN COAl . SXCELLINT SUDS'1''U'rt for bard coal , and $3.U ton cheaper 160. Far- asIa Street : main entrance Board ot Trnd. BUILDING & LOAN A'30CIATLO ' how TO O lET A 10ll OI H1313Ufthi3 , OOOD 10W SECUn interest on ans. ! Apply to Omaha L. & D. Asa'n. . 1.0 lIce bldg. G. ) J. Nattinger . Sec. 391 SIAHES IN MUTUAL L. ' AND D. ASS'N IA ' \ 6. 1. 8 per cent when J. 2. 1 years old always re'e.mable. 10 ! I.'uram 81. , Nollngel' , . 13cc .0 UOTION. IUSIN ) ; SH SOI.ICITIID IN JIIWIILRY AND merrhundlae , or all descriptions : twenty ) ear' exp"lence : snlrocton guaranteed . best or leferences : sates mode In and out or city. Coil on or addiea J. n. Lewis olco 21 8. 18th , street with John hlaumer Omaha. Omaha.Il 2 12 - - - MUSIC , ' AND LANGUAGE. u-i ; : II.ENECK IANJOIST AND GUITAR I.ndler. 1 1 Casa slreet 914 - - - - - - - - OARPENTERS AND DUILDERS. C. 13. 1.lOltltlLL. . CUN''IACfOI & IUILIJH. paler banging house and 81gn plntng. brIck work plastering : attica. rom J. lurker 111k. : tel. 73 : ahop. 221 Inrd : lal. 401. MITT V CUTTING SChOOL T1113 AI'1 01" CUTTING MITN'fl CI,01IS taught , day or evening ; terms reasonable . I'ar- lculor ut Max Morris . Cutter . U6 I"nrnam 81. In , ) 13 WHOLESALE : COAL . JOINBON 1111013. . WlOLESAI . Ot ALElS IN all kinds or coal : . Correspondence solicited. 103 Ifrlm .tr et. 407 , COSTUMES I\ums' AND MEN'S lIASI ( SUITS FOR lent ot Golden Eagle stone ; JU 8. Ulh streel. 5 F5' - - DENTIST3 . . 11. I'AUL. DENTIST :0 : BUIlT LOT 415 _ _ _ _ _ n. . _ _ _ _ _ _ i SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. \'AN SANT'S SChOOL 01' ShOuT hAND. N. SlOHT IAND. Y. 1.lr" . Omaha AsI for cIrcular. .1 DUSINES' rOT1CES DAMAGED MIRRORS r II.\ElED. li N. 4 16 ' JOB PH1NTING . . ICl JOl I'RINTINQ CO. . FINS l'm'IX .r alt kinds. nlh eLf 9e bidg II TURKISH DATHS. TUIJISH lATlSI ONLY l'I.ACE IN CITY ucUlvlly for ladle. . Suite 11,1 ! e bldg. )11 ELOCUTION II.14A : DAY , n. t , COWL NA.T'L BANK " 131.1)0. , ' 1'a , STOVE REPAIRS. STovn ICIA11S l'n .0.0 Dw9'Eitl3N'r m'.0 ( r 8tove. 'Rler attachment nnl con- n1lon. n specIalty. 10 Douglas elreet. Omaha . Stove lepnlr Works. .O DOCTOR SEARLES r3 &SEARLESI Chronic Nc'ous , 11ri\ale Dseases , TIILATMENT 1i5 MAIL. Iionsultattoi , [ ree. Wo euro Catarrh , all disoItBe5 of the Nosu , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Sidit and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Wta1cnessos , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARId VICTIMS TO NEIWOU2 Debility or ExhaustIon . \ Va.atingVeaknesl. . In voluntary Losses . with Early ! Dec In 10unl and mldJI" aged : lack or vIm vIgor nndweakened prematurely led approaching old oge. All yellil prmsturelJ readIly tn cur new treatment for tau of vital power. CC or oc address with stamp for clr cutars . tree book and recelpls. Dr Searles and qiiiiiIiie 14113 Iarnatii us. sivisa idO UlliS 1J51511001 . 14 I ; Neb l : A I illOM'S Brm o- El endld curatrei BRent , . oar lel'ohe. limb 1'.xbneatlon , 6leepieNnai ' . . _ , . _ _ , .peclai or lenoral . 'fle'o ' ' B mat.m . flout . nidney tiiooera I , AOJJJt' 1".11 . , Antemla. Anl ot for AJ\h ' aiii 01 ier exceasee , , ldc.I ( 06irnii O cc E1Tertcsctn. . C THE nNOlD CHEMICAL CO. ; III S. Wnlem A"otu. cmCAGi For sale b7 all 4rUgt8t $ . Olrh wn L. 'D UCLA $ s ISTHE BEST. iRC FOR AKING. "o _ ' 5 C'ORDOVAN ' rf/lt' , ' , FRtNCtNAUtlLtDCAl. V : . i\\i ( lb 4P3P FJNCALF&IicAna ( , j \ \ : "JU ' 4:3 . JPOlCE,3S0LES. FIEC L&IpJIAnOa , ; { ; , : . . \ " . \ $2. Sez. WORKINGME'I . : : : EXTRA FINE' IS. ' ; . ' . ' , $ t7 OYS'SCHOOlSHOES , . ; . . ! . ' ' . . $9$2.l.P " 3$2 - , .I'-aNGOl IEs1 pOUGO1 1. O. . . . . . , w ' SEDrORCATAlOGUt . _ . \ ocKTONj1A.5. Overoio MIllIon People wea'r.tho' W. L. Doug1a3 , & $4Shoes AU our shoes are equaHy satsfactor They gIve the bet value for the moncy. They equal custom jhocs In style und flt . Thllir wearing fualtea are unsurpased. 1hlr . . . 'he prIces ere unlform"t.mpfd en ole. : ' prcs l ouvel .wer other riches. . . . lf"our ( l"V , . " " . . . . ' . : " > " A. W. Bowman Co. . N. 16th St. C. Jr Carlson1218 ' N. 24th S ! . W. W. Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St J. Newman , 424 S. 13th St. Kelley , SUeer & Co. . Faram and 15th St. T. S. Cressey 2509 N St. , South Omaha , AMUSBi NTS , . .U M PI R- POP U LAR l'ICES . 'relephone 1531. 15L w. J. BURGESS , - - - - Manager 4 NIghtS MORRiSON'S conhlttctic.i lug Original I'roduction or Sunday ' " . ' FAUST , ' . , ' l'ntlee Iltrodueing , MISS FEB. 3 Uosnbcllorrlsol us MarguerIte. COMING Wtgl VEIl. 30. INCLg 'OM'S CJN p . . rEJ r BUItT'AU. SUES & CO. . lolcltors il iliTIId13g. ! OMAILt. Neb. Advice I"flE1. RAIL'V ' TIlIE CARD l.eov.1 II1UI1LINGTON & MO. IIIVIII1.IArnlves Olah1 \IUI.INGTON \ JOlh & -Masuntlte.I Omaha 10:15am. : . . . . . . : : ; ' . ; Express..9:40am ; . 4:35pm : WI , . lulls . 1.lont. , & l'iIget Sad . l3'c. . . : n"m . :35pm. : . . . . 1 . Is. .I.nnr lont. Iuel . . . . . gx.l . . 4:10pl : CIJJm.N.brhkn : Local ( except Aunllny.6:43Im ) : & : Hom..Llncoln Local ( excel HunllnYI..J:2am ) : 2pm..Fu8t : Anl ( for Lincoln ) lally. . . . . . . Leaves ICILICACO . BUU.INU'ON & Q.I.\rrh'es Oiloha , \CUIC.\CO. \ . IOUI & Mason HIs.1 Omaha 4:43pm..ChiCago : . Vestibule. . . . . . : Gam : Oul. . . . . . .Chlcogo l-xll.ss. . . . . . . . :15\0 : \ 11:31pm. : ' . .Chicago and St. LoUl Special. . . SOOan : l'Jpm..Chlcogo 8:0am 11:35am..celtIc : . Junction . Speelal. . . . 6:10pm : ! .5'pn : ' .l'aciilc JunctIon _ I.oOal . ( cx Sun. ) , , 2tOiJni : o. Leaves ICIIICAGO \ . ' 11i . . p AUI..IArrives . Omaha UnIon Depot 10lh & Mason Sts1 Omnha fopm.- : . . .7-.Chleago I.hnlt"d. . . . . :300m : 1 :1Inni..tiicngo : ) I'xlress : ( ex. Sun.I ) , . . 6:0JII : - - - - - - Leaves CIIICAIO & NOttTllWHST'NArrivea Omaha \ Union iiput.riOh , & Mason Sts4 Omal' I G5a : 0. . . . 2n . .1'lsler : B.presii. ! . . . . . . . L3'JJnl ; . : OJpm. . . . . . Vp.UIJled LImited. . . . . . 9.0am : C:55am. : . . . . . .10. Voley I"wal. . . . . .IO : O"m L:5111..0mahu.Cllago : " Special. . . . . . 2:151'0 : . ' - - - - Leaves , I CltCAOO , I' n. I. & PACIFIC. IArrh'es Omnha Union Depol , 10lh & Mason BI8I Omnhn :1 : ; & ' _ _ _ . . : 11tOjiii. : . . Atisntto lprc'es ( ax Sunday ) . . 6:0"m : V. 1 : L m. I . .AUanlo . . . 1\ . ' lhxprcss. ' . . . . . . . ; Gam : " 4 :30 : m. . . . .Chlclo'slluled 1.hnIted. . . . 1 ; 00 hlZlpns.Cliclaiiona ; . - - - . I xp. (10 ( C. n. cx . Sun..ua - . . : l > r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W1IST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ 5:15nm.Otnhonm : & 1 ; & . ( cx . Sun . ) .11 : 33j IiOpna..Coiq131ij.inijted. : _ . . lun..1:3J"m . . . :0pm : - j.eav.'s \ t C. . S'f , : 'P'l 1. ! . & O. IArlvea 2maha _ Depol 11thVebater HI..1 Omaha 9:25am..Netraska. . l'ossenger ( unity ) . . . SIPm : . : . : ) . . , . . . . , . :30Im.,810ux CIIY1U.iiireas Ii's hiUn.lhSSa ) : , , , 6:10pm..St.Vgue1.irnlied. : - I'r.ss . 8un..I:5m . . .103.al ; Leaves I I" . . B. , V"rlIf ; Y. ' Onialasi I . Depot 151 $ . PpJ , Wal'ster ' SIs I Omaha 2:10pm,3 : . . , Vii't 111" and 1Txpress..14Dpm : 2:10pm , , ( . 8.1. ' , . . . . . 2:1011m.ex. ) W'iiit'EX. ( e. 1.ton. ) . 455pn : * 9:06aii : . . Norrol , Fxll" ( ax Sunday ) . .IOlOom : ' " .6:10I : > n. . . . . . .1' ' . , Paul Exl'reu. ' . < . . . . . :30'ln ; ) m iiiciT -i oux PITY ( & ! A'IFIC.rriVe [ ; Omahal Depot Ulh mind We".ler HI. _ I Omaha 6IO"m. : . : - . . . : . .St. l'aul , .hnlcd. . . . : . O : ' I L lSIUX \ L CITY & PACIFIC IAtlvC Omahn Union lc111. iOu , & Ioan 81s1 Omaha 6:55am..Sioux : ; City l'a.wr.ger. . T..I0iSpn : : , . II ! . . . . . . " t. I'ul . . . . . . : . : ; ' , Leaves UNION 1'Auo'IC. : IArrlHa n'aho ' lllon lepot JOlh & MaaonSts.I Omlh1 10:01. . ; . . . . .Ieuney l1xpresi. , . : . : : . . 3.3pln : ZO.IU. : . . . . . . .U. .rlll.r , t'ler. . . n. . . 5:35pm : .OOpm.U.utrlce & Blronab'g tIx. ( eL Sun ) . IU'm : , 1:30m. : . . . . . . . .l'arlno Uxpress..10:55am Hln : xvr. . . 6151. ; . . . . . . . . . ! . . . ' ! " ! st . _ 1.I.II ! : . . . . . . ! ' . . . ' . .10:5:0 . . ! : ! 0i1 . - - : ! I17i.r--WAlAPU ltAlLYAY. IArrh O.\t. I'nlcn liepot 10lh . Mann Sl1 OmahA 3:51pm..t. : Louts Cannon - lt.'li. I : : t:3m Leaves . , I Ie c. lT J. & 62.11. - - IArrlve Omal ! Union Dpt , JOth & Mason SILl Omaha "i : Om..I'l : .a Cily iaY I .pr.s. . 6:10pm ilSlpm..1 . : _ ( C N11 ! 1x : vIa I' I' Tians. . 1:31m : - - - I.saves 1 MISSOUltI PACIFIC. IArnives l.ansMISSUI \ IArve Omaha Depot 151h mind W.boler Sta. I Omaha 9:4lagii : . . . . . - . itt , I.ouia Inl I.prr. : . . . : , . . , ' ; Om . : . . . . . . . . . . Louis I . . . . : 6:01pm :310..11. l.uls l3apreai. . . : "m , . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . " ,1a..m " .1..1. ' .al I. " A"n' I. ' . . . * _ _ _ . _ _ _ mrrVVflVflVIT S . VS CONCESSIONS ARE IN ORDER Probability the Overland Boyo3tt May Bo eotted Today. TAKING UP PUGET SOUND BUSINESS lItton tutu Norllwc4trrn Stuul : .rmly . bT tile \ - . \ lonm1mu- ( rln"Irccmrlt 1.'orlu' lItc\ oil Cnlfornl" 1'aonger , , , . 1IRllr : ! ChICAGO , Jan. 31.-Ther Is a strong ProbabIlity Ihat the differences \ at tIme Union PaclOc and the western trunk lilies will bo adjusted at the meeting tomorrow. I Is e. pectcl that time Union PacIfic wIll abnmlon Its claim for the long haul of business passing throngh the nen\er anl Og.It1 gateways , and that as a consequence the boycott against It will bo lIfted . Neither side ot the centre- \'ersy Is prepared 10 say In advance at the I ml.nr what acton wi be taken conccrnlngI the Puget Sounl busness. : On this the Alton and the Northwestern are sl.1nllng stoutly by the Union laclOc and believe they wi nt last receive very material concessions , Probably - ably In tomorrow's meetLtg. The committee at the western trunk hues appolnlel to tormulalo a passenger ogrCD mcnt for the control ot the California business ( has completed Its task and , the plan wi b consilerell at a meeting ot all hues lioter- catN , which will bo hclt next Tuesday . The . agreemcnt denies 10 local agents authorIty 10 InteL outsiihe coml'etton unless through Ilblc notices oC Intention to libeL such rates. Slrcel commissions are [ forbIdden as Is all dealng with brokcrs Irovlslon for free sleeping car berths tree mcnls nnll the car- rlao of excess baggage are to bo considered as cut rates. ThirtY dnys' notice Is rClulrc or any real seldug 10 withdraw from thc agcement : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'CI1NO TIlE OUTCOME . nalronfl lUcia Inter'shlt In Today's ChlcRI ! .leethiig. Tcday Puget sound buslncss wi oc- cup the attention of the representatives ot lines Interested , Chairman Callw91 or ( lie Western Trunk Line cQmlllce having sent out a cal ter all Interested lo be present aL lie Iokery bulling In Chlcao. Thl will be watched with considerable lntc'relt vtr- ) tcularly by those lines ( icing lousiness In Puget sound territory , os the nitlolt..tnleui . wi largely influence the perJdutty of ( hue Western Trunl Llno comml t e. All sorts at rumors are hoar.I In railway circles relative to this meeting , n'I,1 , ( he pcsl- ton ot the Union Pacic wIll bc watched with exceeding Interest for back at the "Over- land" arc two strong ! lines , the Northwest- ( era and Alton , bOlh Insisting 1111 the lJnlon Pacific being given represittttIoii . In the soun.1 . country. Mr. Lmax Is I In Chilcago and wt reprcsent. the Union Iarltc lt the : meetnr tomorrow and he cOllIes fro'ii n con. ferenco with the receivers 'ltoubl ' ( l ) ' fortifIed for the assthniptl.n nt a pesHlon which may prove Inimical 10 the Inlre tf 01 other transcontncntal hhiis . 1 Is ( ; P.tct that the light will bo Inter sllng. and will probably occupy the ateatlon : oC the representatives - sentat\cs the balance of tub wed : . Ol'L'OSES UgU' EX1UNSLON. Firm "ttltudo or the Cusliforula Senate nc' l"rdllG thin 1"lly 11111 . SACRAMENTO , Jan 31.-Tho concurrent resolution concerning the Iely funding bill , adopted by the senate and telegraphed to congress has been label ! by the assembl and a substitute resolution was unanimously ) ' adopted and was subsequently concurred In by a unanimous vote of the senate and or- 'derell transmitted to WIhlngton' . 'The reso- luton reelc ! the status et the PaclOe rail- 'road debt question and declares that the leg- ! latu1o or California is unalterably opposed to any extension of the payment at said kilt and to the Reily funding bill , or teeny other pending bill , and demands of congress the de- feat of any such measure. I demands , fur- ther , the Immedlale collection on maturiy , at the debt and that the federal government exhaust every means to recover time legal and equitable aseeta of those i-oatls. l'U ISl\EN' : FUl TI.UNJt CIlS , lUl to 1101'0 Their CII'luN Ind Conviction r.CRO Cumlersouiio. WASHINGTON , Jan. 31.-RepresentatIve Patterson has reported to thc house the bill agreed al by lie committee on commerce to punish train wrecking. The object or the bill . says the accompanying report Is to so- CUPIDENE Is the Great Lie Giver. . , . , VPI19I1NI3 bnllls up . rresos , Im'horteB : all exhausted organs or the bed ) ' . I I the great vegetable \lalzer that destru ) 5 Iho genus 01 that 1181lou8 dlsca'o V which hos wlsWl1 the \ V strelGth of our young . 221(111. There are hUlulreds . YOUI 11.1 . mIddle aged , whiisu nel wllso nerve force - u are Ileclnlu . who snlfer , ( ruin de\llnllg dreams and tholo Ills which felOn from cx- eessesund over ludulllcc la : early ) life. CUIIJISE : will give you hock your life. You you Ire wIll IOW bo I Iurlonly lmowerfuuiii veak strong oler its UbUIl . Are you In a Tremolno ciui .t dillon I Crl'I" I. : wi bop ) this Waste lu I fortnight or tneo weeks. Imlltrney ] sterility , mental sterity , : , Incu"udller : un IlulW cured * j , . ) : - - inovt'i11 lol'l'III ) ' re. mO"l" hy tle'uN . ' 1\ \ . of CUl'lVEE - ( OUI'I IENI : eles eJl"UI'XI 11 CI hood , T.os of mln 'ower , Cal' .nn\lon of thu hi mum 1I'lreI5(8) I ' ) . Hlecle.nes8'I.\C , ! of 101 Cr . thIs. - ziles ( lul18 Iii ! tIme Pack ! . Nervous I'ro lrllol , Nervoul4 Iehiihity Vurl.oeele.Conslllon 1ervllu UChlly ' surely 01 UIU. IrluD buck the lost limIer C . Prstntllurrles ofT oar ' , I ) 'Oll ullu111"lo''le,1 mcmi. , , _ iuinrgeI UIO ghumuii 1meed . I 'I Enlorlel IirstmLte 1llllllecd ' - _ I quieting ( ) 'et Inwcrrul , rCll - I 1qg.- . ' dlli itgeuit . hlh I ( UI'I. . \ iEE. ; Use CUlllm ] : UI < ) /AI / ( avoid u dongerous operation. I , I' ' ' ' 1 Guornleo In wrIting Ilivell / . : F"'en . , . I I 111llone retul',1 ii I Uer' /If//l..i / 11 Inonelt euro I 101 eleetel , by ) l , six boxeR. Gnlrnlce 6elt wIth mall Orl'rB jml the the seine . ! 1.ln n h"x , , I boxcs 101 t5. ( ) ( ) h.\ Inl , f.O Testl ( tunIs . Setuit fur tro clreuluTund teotimoulumli . Adrc s al mal orders to DA VOL MEDCINE CO. 1" O. Box tO7O , . :1 Francisco , eal. Ion u. ' IV tOOflAN DRUG CO. , IO Farnam.st & snow sleet 51tlsh chi't the hones and cause the 01\ \ chl'onio aches fnd pains to (10 double duty. rexican Mustang Liniment goes away down < eep-to t hu VCI'J' honcsi ) and ( friVc8 1ves cm out ( li'olloth inaii & boast . VV V _ i. . : : , . - . , , . V cure more effective punishment ot train rob bers. "Theso oftensea . so leslrnclvc to life and property , /ra ot Increasing freiuency. The vast extent ot our counlr comprising many states sparsely "opulntell RIHI pene. tratel by railroads carrying interstate Irnto 115(1 the mails . makes It very difcul to cp. ( tire anl , bring to justice robbers who < epre. date on Interstate commerce. The officials at these states are nol 8 well equipped for the apprehension at the : marauders ns arc the marhals ot the United States . ThIci oren < - ers escape M easily tram the jurlsllcton ot one State Into another as to tr quenl ) ' bane slate 01cln18. The I'rompt ' passage of ( lie bi wIll not Interfere wIth Ih1 ( Jurlrllcton ot state courts over the crimes IICcrlbetl therein because they art punlshablo ; al common laTe \ To pass the bill will . give Increased security to life and ProPertY and wi greatly contribute - tribute to the suppression ot the olinses coin- i plllnCl at. " IUNI ( ) 1'nl SO1l1'IiIILN : t'AUIVIC. , URlr",1 , TRlc'n n l'itr ( In the urn wing lip Ir I City Charter SAN FRANCISCO , Jan . n.-Iayor : Sutro lice 9 lie hand at the SOlthern lclOo In thl section ot the new charter lrOlloSNl hy Ir\ng ! :1 Scott which provides ! thnt certaIn streets should be reserve\ boulevards and that street raIlway franchIses [ h,1 never be grantel on such highinays . Along the s r.els Included are Bush and Pine stretls and Flrt aventie. The section . he S ' . Is a cunnlngl devIsed scheme 1lannCI by the Southern Ia - clOe to Prevent any one from ever becoming a cClpettor In the street railway tralc oC the city Another tealure proposed for thc new chir- ter which the layer says was iuplrcl , by the Southern laclOc I lie ( section which provIdes that hereafter no street railway rranchl9 shall be given for I perIod of more Ihan twenty . years. The mayor 533's that the railroad hs grhl Ironed the , cl ) with its tracks nli wants an ) ' 10ro that may be nlcessar ) Therefore It Is ontleavering to smnuggle a clause In thl charter - \ovhlnr that no street railway franchise shall be given for lore than twenty years with a vlcw to lceoplng out other lnes , Thl e accusatIons are denIed ( by Irving M. Scott . who proposed the seetlcns. orlh3rn 11(10 :1"y l'itio thin 1011 < , 111.WAUKEE. Jati . 31.-u < ge JenlcnR has granted PerInIsslon to the Northern Ilcll ! reecl\el's to isstie I bonds nnll enter Into ni agreemenl wlh the Sl. Paul UnIon Depot COllln ) ' relative 10 thl malelng or I new mortgage covering the 81. Pnul tht'pot 1111 terminal for the IHrposo of raising money Intl mouls to Ilprvc the terminal . Ilfpertes. . . . ip.I1IsIc1nt u.r LI ) U1It T1O.Y. : lolon to Oust l'rocmmt lcolv rs \ II lie Iclr,1 ! llurlhl ) ' . ChICAGO , Jan. 31.-TIme restraining order preventing the Whisky trust receivers from tal\lg any acton In the preceding under which they were appointed w:1 : rcmnln In force until Saturday moring. Judge Gross- cup enlerel , the order yesterday amid expected today to hear arguments on a moton 10 oust tIme receivers. On account ot the situation the court Announced today thlt : the mete wIll nol bo taken II' untl ( Satu1day. lie al- lowcd thin restrlnll ! order entered yesterday - day to rcmaln In force until n decision Is reached . reachet Snturday. The conl t presents tim paradox at the attorneys for both sIdes ot the combat cx- prcsslng extreme satisfactIon with tIme status of the case. Each party claims II Is In the right amid has receIved all II asked Cor. When Judge Grosscup opened his court today there were present Attorneys Runnels and flurry representing lie receivers , Levy Mayer for the pettoning stoclcholders' com- mltce , O. lccllham for the ShnrCeldl dim. Ulery and Attorney Eddy for Nelson Morris . The court made the following statement : "Throuh their attorneys certain sloclcholders 1\ the Distilling ant Cattlefeeding company represenled 10 me In time presence of the president and attorney at the comllany that the company was Insolvent and that.a $7,000- 000 debt would soon fall due , nod that In their opinion unless the company was "laced ( In ho hands of u court 0 ( equity for ' opera- ton the tunds or the ( company would b wasted and dissipated and the loss fail upon the stockholders. The situaton as set torth In the bIll was one that lemanded imuniedi- ale action. To publish lo the world the ( com- plaint would defeat Its very objecl. Apparently - parenty the protection of the ceourl was necessary. The president or the con1any did not combat the : representation . and thc receivers were appointed. A petition Is now on file from other stockholders representing that the first bi was authorIzed by only a small proporton ot the stockholders , all claiming that the president had no right or authority to surrender tIme company In such nianner. I Is further stated In the petton lhal nt the time Ute rccevers : were appointed a committee was on the point at furnishing o a plan for the rescue or the corporaton an,1 , the raising ot the necessary [ funds and thaI hits plan was frustrated by the appointment of the receivers. Under these clrcnmslances lie ltloner ask that the court hear them on an application for the removal ot time re- colvers. From the nature ot the came lie court should Inquire Into lie facts , and I wi sol Salurlay morning for lie hearIng . ot the pettons ot the stockholders. I shall ask the attendance In person er Mr. Runnels ali Receivers Grcenlml and Lawrence " ATTORNEY RUNNELS OBJECTS. Mr. Runnels bowed and AHorney Levy Mayer representing .tho anl.Grcr.nhul parly asked that an order bo entered restraining - straining hue receivers [ rom disposIng of any or the property or tunds at lie com- pany. Mr. Hunnels did nol object , enl Mr. Mayer handed a typewritten order to thc court ) vhlch ho wished entered : Ir. Runnels having read It. objected , ant the Judge seemed 10nbUul ( about entering It . buL 11r. Mayer wished to leave Il with the court , who shou1l modify It as ho saw ( It. The question of time restraint to the receivers was taleen ( up , and IL was agreed thaI lie distilleries at the trust should bo operated lB usual. Atolrney Peclcham , wanted to know It tile Shurteli dIstillery , could discount its paper as usual np to Salunlay , but lie court soul no. Runnels amt , Bnrry say their clients Bro actually the receivers of the comnpauiy and that they are perfectly sat80nd with lie state at this case. On the other hand , the opposite ale says that Greenhnt 0111 } , : w- renco are rocetvcruu In naUo only , onll thaI to malco Item real receivers tIme property musl bo turned over to lhem ( torialY by ) deed , At time conclusion at court Julgo , a ross- cup wrote un ortlei' . In which ho restrained the recalvers tram doing anything lave to conserve this property until after the hoar- lng' nn Saturday morning He further or- corul that "all sloellholiors at record , amid holding duly mislgnell certfc3es ot stock of the date of the appointment at lie re- o colvers anti , Prior thereto shall have access to the books documents anll pal'ers of the Uslln ! ; and Cltteteedlng company for In- SIJeclon , either by themselves or counsel under such reasonable supen'lslon a5 wi Insure Ito scurlty nt such , anl , that Ipon lie ( application at such sloelhollcrs or their counsel for the production at such hooks , etc. , In court ut the hearing horeln as- 5lgneI , , lie lame ho JJrOlUCCl without further - thor order ot time court I h tnrlher or- 10ro,1 , that lie Inlervenors have such Rub poenls from Ito court lS may bo necea sry to secure the alomlanco at such \/11- nesses as they may desire under Ito ( usual conditions relating to subpoenas . " . IrOIUA. Jan. 31.-Thero Ire no now developments In tll , ely In regard to tie DistIlling and Catlerce < lng company. NeIther Iresilenl Greenhul , his son , nor his ut- ( ornoy . John H. 1to\ens. huts retufOI to the city. At the trust hea < lluarteri ( Ito olicials have nothing 10 say. Two bonds each at $300,000 , one given : Iy J. I. Green- hut , anti the nther ( hy Mr. I'wrcncl. aK receivers were recelvell thl1 torln by ClerIc Sloan or lie United States court CINCINNATI , Jami 31.-J. ii. Hleven3 , general counsel at the Dstlng anti Cattiu- feeding company entered In appearance today In the Unlto.h Stales circuit court for the trust. They will apply for an order to Imy the checks ot the ( rust Issued In i payment of rehatts Witch they wIll bo roe qUlre,1 to argue the case II OP21 court. . CUlmon SemIs , , Should be used In alemplng to cure that very dlssgreeablo dlulte. ealarrh , As catarrh originates In impurIties In the blood local Ipplr.lens Can do no permaen good The comlon cense method ot treatment I to purify time bled , and for tItle pUf/OSO there Is no preparation superior to hioed'8 Saroapaulhia. 1008 Pills cure oonllpalol by reslorln " ,18IaII0 arlon II lisa a1I"'arv , .nal , ! Vl AFFAIlS , AT SOUTH OMAHA Thomas Cnlnon Oonfetscs to Burglnry and Implicates ( Number of Others . - BREAKS UP A GANG OF YOUNG THIEVES l''orUo I'olnt ot Attack Wal lR\hl on'r Grocery Store anti Their ( ' . .vctei Treaire " ' , u , Tuhare. and ' ( 'ash , -Oilier Illlo City : ewa. Dlrlnr the past three ( 10nlhs ( havitison'e grocer- store al T.\nt-slxth ali Q streets his been broken into a halt ( lozel tinues. Til' I'olce 1.0ught trom the start that young toughs who IICesl that Irlghborhool , were the gully parties mil so laid traps for them. As I rcsl.1 Thom Cannon , 1 years ot age has been arn'tell for eOllllcl ) . In time nUIIerOUS burglaries . Can nOl conrl'sseR anti nlonr others lie hUI\cntes ( Roy 1.0' . TIle last time thc 1)a'iiisoli ' , tmo Invhlson tere Was cnterll a breech loadIng shotgun vas stoleui I was tOII11 at Camiuioii's house. 's n rile lie boys , , eonOle,1 themsel'es 10 stealIng ! cIgars , call ) ' amid what little chnlge was left In the mousy drawer . Now that ( Gannon has been arrested I Is thollht that the ( 1'11 will be broken ( tIll mil lint I'el ' ) ' thlc\lng II hint part of 1011 wi cease for I tmo nl leasl. ' Wn. I. Iln\ 1 1 i I 11'1111nn. I . \eluNday nlghl JOS'11 :1 nglesni ltuiblb . too much barb wlro Whisky . and short I' after 1llllghl reuchc ( lie Ighlng stage. lie cii- tere\1 ( \ J.P. Thmomiipsoui's ealooui 31 : South Twentr-Courth ( street Rlll Ilemanlell , n Ilrluk. : Ir. Tholpson WiS busy balancing his books nlli l'rolptl ) 1011 ( Mnnleson ! lint hoIhl \ nol sell nn ) wet gods after nmltlnighit. The drunken lan then beclmo abuslvo atll ( IC- le. cloned hat gore woul,1 , bo she,1 It ho did not get a Irlnl , Gore was shied , bil Manglespn dhl not get his tlrlnl When thla ( threat was Inade , Thit.itmiluSohi stelipeth to tIme telciiiollo and called up Irnhlco headquarters. This ac- ( iou on ( lie 11r01rletor's , hart angered Man- V glcoomi emil lie sI Ilipeti imp behi I mid Titomu PSOti amId struck hitni au aWfUl blos belihuid ( lie ear , Tliomnpsomt fell to ( lie floor , stilnlhed. Just at this Poimut Oillcer Johimu Dieters en- ( crud and atomnpted to Place Nauiglcson 111111cr arrest. The outraged finn reftmseti to be arrested , and watclming his chance strttchc ( Ito officer a blow oit ( hue hose , which nearly V folletl hmlmu , amid caimsed ( lie crlluson 11(11(1 ( to flaw freely. DIeters saw that lie had a. hard customer to ileal with , and throw hIs club. After a shiort parley Mangiesomi was taken to 1)01100 hieailqtiarers ( auid locked up. 10051(105 time charges alreaiiy agaimist hulni an additional Oiitl viil be Illeil by Thiounpsomt for assault amid batter ) ' . February i'nhit' , , totall , ' 1 Chief Brennemi huts made out ( lie followIng detail for Fchrttmtry' Iay Force-Michael Corcoran , jailer ; Pat- rIch Ioiionglm , FIrst flInt Secolld warils ; Joimut Iators , Third tvanti ; Martiui Spoetle , Fotirtii wmiril , halt ( ha ) ' illitI halt night. Night F'orco-l' . CouncIl , capnlmi ( ; James Shelton , from Q to J street on Twemttythiird and Ttremity-thflt streets ; Johimt ltlclies , Twcnty-flflm amid Twemity-seveitti , streets nuid attemitl ( he cIty jail ; Oillcer Tangomaii , Twemiy-soventhm to Thmirty-thminml amid Q to .11 street ; I ) . Mtmlcaimy , Drown l'ark amid Al- V hurlgiit , hmmihf tiny auth half night. 1c , 1o1 I Ci t I liii rI I y I uml , is. A meeting of ( lie Associated Charities was hold yesterday aftermioon , Ite's. Wheeler nuid MoIavltt were appiuinted a committee to vait upon ( lie managers of time packing houses and ( lie Stock Yards coma- pany aiid moilet attbacniptioiis to , carry on ( lie work. J. S. Walters will vIsIt ( Ito couui- mission nien at tiiq Ex hlalige and endeavor to collect 5012201 hitoiiey , ' V John Flynn amid F. A. Iroilwell S'ere ap- V POhiited a committee to vIsit time , businems houses and solIcIt fummds , fooil nuod clotlmlmig. V V Imti.tt , ( siIP. I' At a meeting Cf the cimtlrchm session n'con. nection with thme prayer service last evening five persons uut.ted with time Presbyterian church. John Peple was fined $2 and costs In police court for disturbing time peace by driving lila wlfo from home with a hatchet. The cou5ia have only been muarrled three weeks , anti now Mrs. Peplo has applied fcr a divorce. 'I'hiiit ( hiil htenlier , Father time , who "reaps ( lie boardedgraIn at a breath. and ( Ito flouorm that grow h.iotwoemh , " aiares for a green antI hale old age ( hose who counteract this inflrmulthes incident to Increasing - ing years with Ilostottor's Stoniachi flitters , For rbiatmmatlsin , lumbago , poverty of tIme hilool , dyspcpsla , neuralgIa nuitl torpidity of the liver. use time great tommie and Imealthl preserver server methodIcally. Tiremity Iluit' , , hlomm'eit lhurmt'ti lowri , COSTICOOIC , Qtme. , Jan. 31.-Twemlty busl. ness hiouse jn thmls city wore burnett today. V Loam $75,00' , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'hlat lu Yoit Timimik of Thmi , ? To ( lie Editor of The lIce : Tue following V interesting correspondence arlhl exphalmm Itself : OMAHA , Nob. , Jan. 24 , 1855-Amos It. fl , Agency , City , Gentlelnoll : Tlia largo aizo 400 concert grand imprlghit ICiumhhlahl pIano , French walnut finish , seven amod coo-third octaves , tlmreo strlmiga and agrafto , dtiet muumic desk , three pedals , htighiet grade vorkmanshiil , , finest ( ohio anti action , iii now Ott eximibitiomi In our store , as per agro- mnent.VII1 ho vleased to show same , and gtharanteo Its imnoxcelieml qualitIes and value. I'Iano stool amid scarf Imicludnil Imi PrIce , Respectfully yours , A. IIOSPE , JR. The above $400 piano , now OIl exlmibitioui at time store of A. 11051)0 , Jr. , emi Douglas , will lie given to amiy person sehiimog for us V six of our North Thihm'ty.seventhi BtrQot shieclal bargain $200 lots , absohtioly ( the ireatcst Imivcmtment ever offered in Omaha , V I nvestlgutioii immvited , Call for partIculars. Such chalices are rare. ComnpeiIon ( ( closes February lOtim , . \MEg 11. E. AGiIt'iCY , 1617 Farimaun , opp. N , Y. Life , V Hayden hlros'utl , ison liattil 9. . .I TIlE III3AJ.'I'V 'IIAItKII'I' , - INSTRUMENTS Placed on record January 31 , JSi5 : \\'AIIIAN'I'Y 1)13111)13. ) 1.tary ( lro'em , nmid limiaigiitil to .1 1' Conner , Intetev , lot 12 , blOck 1 , let aill to MIssouri Vt Avi'nme , hulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oh 1' 'I'ii'iiiitt. ' itnil i'ift' to I ) II h4mimiil , , tflsiee ; , liii 7 , , 'xci'pt ii 46 feeL of a 40 feet , block 5 , IS ' Soul I hi' a imild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I V A IL Mct'antlit's , sr , to 14 11 1.Icl'tinlI's , , , iota I , I. 3 , 7 to 12 , liock I , isimliel mull. , , , 1 Hanis to 4 A MeCan'lltss ' , hits 4 , 8 nmi'i 9 , hiioeic 7 , lots a , , nil 7. hl'ck 7 , ( 'scehlt rail. V way liroporty , lots 1 , 2 , 7 ui , II. lilock S. oc'lt rim II nay i'ruh't'rt 1- . 1 stitch a ( lii . . . . . . . I V I. 1)e'.Vutt. lilli'ii I' ) 1.1 1.1ihlemm , 5 mIcies in l'ti OW H-IS-ho , ittil n ' , , , mIW 19.15-il V 1 I I i'iert It ( lsrk I it 13 1.1 1 'imrrott' ( , hit 19 , block 4 , Lake View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hO ) A 4 1 ltils'oc'k it. I , \ V'i , I t t let' , hits 4 mm nil 14 , ) 'locic I , Lli.ummt loubltms , nimd lot 13 , Itiock 5 , Itnlter h'Inco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,50) .Iolrm , ii in , A Imlat niiIi'i mind hiishau'l ' to I lea Mmulscn , Ii GO f.'et hula II unit 13 , Mallen I'Iaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iroo Midway iivcslnient , ceniltamig to C U J Ii tin. Itit 7 , ilock 4 , l'oms'in ' & hi's : idi. , ISO lingo l'rmiciit tie-i ucits Ii ) i , % hi lloyl. s I'll V feet of v % lot 3 , tihuci : I , hiitprovcmmiemit tititit.Cinion u'I'l ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50) Margamtt ( mm nil Fredrielc , 1)eOouie to 1. I. Tlionuis , lot 10 , ilock , 18 , iCounizo I'licu , . , 6,000 ' Mary C Aiilquiiit to Peter hell , lot 7 block , 53 , Valicy (3 I ) C ) Mcl3wiii , mmiii Wit Ii , 13 J lI'ideui , hot 4 , iiioelc II , h4iiuil'o Iii mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 13 .1 ilotlen mind wife to Anal , , W Mcl3wtuii , igimlie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I I ) 0 llrilwimn mmn'l vife ( ii . % iitt.n I.arson , lot 8. bluclc II , 110usd & N's iiulst3 % ' 1,000 ( I A Lin'iuest and wife to Jiiunes Comimlitlimi , a % so 33-11-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.103 t'.minu to 1)it'tomu ( 'emnhttrin , n' , 31-hI-b . , , . , a , 6,400 H A ( 'uiiemi unil imqshiamiil in J C' AlIce , laid lie ¼ it.t.s 9 , 10 muatl it , block 10 , hltiimmwutmi V l'iacu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,130 QIJI'I' CLAiM 1)13131)8 , Cltarlt"j 1.la.ls'ui It. W II 1tussl , n CO ( oct lots ii anti ii. MarIon l'Iac'u 25 VII A Jensen antI hiu&arui to V ' 1' ltoiiInymi 5,1 oh , lot 23'ilmton J'incu. . . . . . . . . I 13 A Tthlctwmm anti wife iii same , smiio. 1 l"nl .Vnzei to ( I A hJotglammd , lots IC , II , 20 and 21 , saimie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I)1B31)13 , hester in chianccry to James Hidihel , hot S , Itees l'Iaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , , ' , t0Q Hi'vcial iiltuiti'r Ii ) Michigan Mutual Jimsur- 50C ( ' c'mtniwiiY , n IGI tcet Ut lot 4. Y'In- then's stmu.ili ( ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.001 V Simnis to l'oier IlentlInt' . lot 22 , h.iock 19 , 4 lianai'AIm 1'Iace , lot 10. Ilc'k 48 , ttiiUlhI Omnit , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,113 II ii 1ry. county treasurer , to Htmmrmut4 Arnold. hot 5 , bhok it'ttteIuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total amount of transfers , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .S3Sl2 - - - -I ----V : , t V