Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1895, Page 6, Image 7

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    1T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
l. 7
5 , . " . , , . ,
. I. . G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : 1'RTDAY , FEnUUARY 1 , 1S9 ! . ill
: Uncertainty Regarding the Dond Issue Prevented -
. vented Marked Ohanges.
. . , ThoT AppeAreli to Con "lor nt tIn ( Icnln/
. the Coslne I'ricol of Weln"8"A1
18 R J'r"cton " Too
i . , ChICAGO . Jnn. 31.-Uncerlnlnty rcnrd.
c InA th , expectel : bond IMU ! prevented
marked changes In prices on the Board oC
: ' Trade todl ) ' . In wheat there were more
. eler than buyers and May closed % c
. - lower. J ? day corn cloMed % c lower May
, oats Ic lower and provlsloT lt decline8. ,
; The when 'pecuiltors nt the olnlnl oC :
the market appnred to consider ycster- '
day'M closing price for May 3e to hlh
, and knocked of ( the olmoxlous fraction.
, 1.lverpool WU ! higher for Cutures nnll Ber-
ln 1 mark leter than It closed yesterday .
with Pnrls 1 little lower for spot wheat and
n shllle higher for 12xt munth' delivery.
Minneapolis 0111 Duluth tegether received
only t.1 carloads , CmIIT11 with lG carson
on lr1 Thursday and 2 cars on the corresponding -
responding lay oC the year before The
Beling In the flit half hour was ly the
local crowd , while New York and St. louis
It the IHme time lent liberal orders to
hu ) ' . The exp ctlllon oC on early Issue oC
' bonds was regarded n ! 11 favor of the htiIl .
- hiI t 1i " ( nhi fIIt I 0 . n.frnm \\'IRhlmlnl
pr v i el 'riii .j rlii ) ' s' Tiiiervi : .r l.
opening Price of May wheat was Crol [ 3c
- . . 10 f.11 , e. nA compared with m'c sellers nt
the close yesterilay. The general lentencr
- was downward for ubJUI ni hour and n h Ih.
' . or UntIl the returns uf the day's receipts
and shipments 11 the prlnor ) ' morllell hot
all come 10 hOIHI. 'l'he total Ilrlmnry ; , mor-
ket receipts Were only 138.f.0 : bu. Home hur-
lag I ) ' previous Ielerl WOA the result oC 11
short contemplation of the Igurel referred
to . nnl ( the price which hnt been hugging
f,3c for May for nijout al hour let JO and I
rose lemllr.1I ) ' Cur the second time 10
5:3c. : There wnl renewed selling nt the advance -
vance howtver , and slay fInished nt & 3c.
Corn Wn weak and luwer. The prlnelpnl
feature wnM the fact that mOlly of the huy-
ers oC ) 'eslcrlIIY were sellers today , while
the lemnnll wnA light. llartlett-Frazier IUII
ilaldwin-Farnurn lell the selling among the
big operators and the small fry soon tailed
on. While Rome of the early transactions
were tl 'eslertlny's close there was 1 grad-
uul dop. , May pelt early ot He ont fell
AleUlly 10 from 4Ie : 10 431hc. There was n
Quiet IuRlnlR ! during the closing hour May
closing at 433c.
Oats were nlRO Ilow and inclined to be
easy ' following 11 tile wake of corn. May
eaRf' early 01 29c. fell 10 28c , ant at noon
waR 287c. The murlc was quiet and Ceat-
tireless during the last hcur . May declining
with corn ant closing lt 2SLe.
Irovllionl Alltet \ \ Ih 2SYc. . \ ' oC strength
helped ly hog receipts tinder the estimate
and better prices nt the 'urlls. Armour and
other packers . however sold liberally and n
break 11 prices resulted. There was Rome
recovery but II the close May pork was
12c \ and May ribs 7c lower. and May lard
unchongel !
Estimated receipts for Frilay : Wheat 2 :
cars : corn 17& curs ; oats lW cars ; hogs ,
2,0 head.
The leading ruturts ranged as follows :
Articles. i Orn. I . IlIrh. l I L-lv. I Con
- - - - - - - -
Jan . . . . . . ( otiO" .10 { A1 40JGC O
Ma ) . . . . . ' ' O3) : ) : 2hr:1 :
lj j
July. . . . . r1 ( . ; I { GI { r.31Gt3 GIJ :
Corn No. 2. .
Jnn. . . . . . . 41 ! { 41 ! { 4m 40 :
Mny. ! . . . . 43H : H 44 .13' 4 :
Jlly. . . . . -WiH $ 433 " 43 ! { @ ; 43 ! ' @ ; 1
Onto No. 2. .
Jan. . . . . . . 2 28 274 274 !
Mny. . . . . 2MJ' 20 ( 2Ss 28
PorI Iler bbl !
Jan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Or (
.May. . . . 10 lU 1010 08G 000
Lnnl,100 lbs .
Jan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ( : U
Short May..a ' - . . ao . . I 00 . . I GO . I G2 !
ShorL'RbA- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Ny , , . . . . G 27H .1 2.H G IG 1 17H
- - - .
. Cash quotations wlre ns follows :
FLOI3It-Easy. ' ,
, WII 1'LOUl-nsy. - . 2 .prln & 2ff55d N : 3 spring
c . nominal ; No. 2 red 49t5Oc.
CRN-No.2. 40'0 : No. 3 yellow . 39'1139c.
. . OATS-No.2. 20 : No. 3"whle. 31 ½ tf31c : No.
. S white. ali3l'4c. , ! f31
.f I1YE-No. , 3 SOc.
, : ' 6. lAnLI' Y'NO. 2. 151c : No.3 , IWi151o : No.4 ,
. FLAX REEn-No. I. $1.43. .
TIMOTHY REmJ-lrlm. t5.E0.
, 1'ltOVIHIONS-Mes eork per h11. . S9.70U9.FtJ ;
. . lard. per 10 Ibs. . $6.40 : horl ribs stiles O'se ( ) .
$5.OOtflS.30 ; Ily salted shoulders ( boxe1) ) , $ I.C2'/rJ
4.7 : short clear sides ( b"d ) . 35.25115.00. $1.C21'
. . S.22. WIWCY-Dlstlers' : Inlsne ( goods . per gal. .
The following were the receipts and shipments
( today :
; , ' .ArtIcios . Itecelpls g 8.
- - - - - - -
- - - -
Flonr b1.IK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00" )
. Whea bu. . . . . . . . . . . 1.o0n . G.OO
Corn . be. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 118,003 7.00:1 : )
3 Oats . ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.01 D8.001 . ( ( 121.1)L ) ( )
H'e , bn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.UII ( 121.111 ( . ) )
i Barley - bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.101 ) ) 1.100 2.IOJ
" . On the lrolc ! e'Cchino : to.hy . the b IttOr mar-
: . keL WaS steady : e.'uuer . 12@2:0 ; dairy 10
, @ 200. Eggs , btondy : ; 16@24c.
- CI08111 Qlolatol. 01 the Principal COl'
motlte" 11 < II"pl" ( ( . .
. NEW YORK , Jan. 3l.-FLOUIt---Tkcelpts , 151.0
hbs. ) ; exports 12.10 bbls. ; snles. IG,4o 1 > lgs. ; market -
, ' kcl ( 'uRI r. with I lighter emand. xcept far
: spring patents. Southern flour Ilnotv . Rye
. flour , quiet sales. 150 bbls. ' . . .
. lulel ; saleg 15 ; fancy , 32.75313.90.
4. , CORN .MI AI.Dul : "Ies , 20 bbls. 21O :
8cks ; yellow western , 31.08311.10.
lonlls ItYF-luil GStiSGc. anti weak ; car lois , 53ilo ; enl
I , 1iUCl'liIAT-Quiet nt Ittilic.
1lAIt1.LY-Negleco.l : : No. 2 M.lwaukee , 4(816c ( ;
, two'lwld , state . 6Oj6lc.
V11IAT-lteceiits. 70 bu ; exports 41.00 1m. ;
, ) sales , 3.45,0 "u. fulure8 , CO.O bu. 8pOt. Hpol
dull ; No. 2 red , In store and ( elevator r .c ; ,
afloat , 584c ! ; r. o. b. SS.e afloat ; No. I northern ,
66e Ilelr , I ; No. I iiar1 6Q ! o "clv n.l. Op.
. tionu were higher elrl ) ' on 811dler cables. n O' ntll !
r' : . uetl better inunc4a1 ) feeling. fojeign buying. larger
1(11 beter Iluncal re.lng. fOetn tJII ! hl'ger
. \ purchases for New York nnll IH. I.onls account II
. ChIcago. 1111 n good milling demanll for cash
; . . whell at the wesl. Cash lulell quiet ul midday .
. finally Rohl off sharply under ION realizing , dos.
log lt I 4u net < eclne ) : No. 2 reil . February , r 3',31
: & 1 1.IGc. closeI 5G,0 ; Mardi . 51H15H c. closed
f 511o ; May , GS315t'c. ! closel 5SI'c ; June . 58I31
p. G8c. ! eloetI 18'0 : Jul ) ' . 1 % (590 , closed * ;
. , ugust. & 3ti5'J'c ! , diesel 58 c.
COIN -lecclils. 12.40 ) hu. ; exports SO hu. ;
sales , 510,0 bu. fulures. 'SIo bu. fiIOI. Spot
" )5y ; No.2. 41340 In elevator ; steamer mixed
I 4G314Gc. Options opened [ Bleld ) ' , eaied 0" ulder
i : . local offerings . and after
( oferllgs. uld nr r n midday rally soul of
I ' . shiirply with wheat : closed It .o decline ; F'ebru-
. ary 41ttI4Tc. closed Hlo ; May . 11314Sc ! , closed
41ic ; Jul ) ' . 473flSle . closed I lie.
OA'fH-lec'lpIS. ' 4.10 "u. : cports , 3.20 1m. ;
5' sales. 70,0 i'u. futures : .0 bu . 1101. Si'ot
L quiet : No. 2. 33t434e ; No. 2. < elh'tn'll. 33"(1350 :
, I $ _ No.3. 333133c \ ; No. 2 whll' . 3Ct36io ! : No. 3
WhitC. 35ic ! ; track. white . 37t4lc. Option , dul
. cc and steady at iirst. hut eased otT . closing lie
3 lower ; I'ebrunr 331H133c. ' clop"1 3310 ; Mnrch
's closed 331.c ; May . 32UJ3 ! ! e. closed 32ic.
' ILA.Y-Ieady ; shlllllln . Wf 5c ; &od lu choice ,
, . COzlOc.
t . 11O1't-SteaIy : state . comlon to choice. 011 ,
; , U1c IUle. ; new , Guile : l'acitic coast . old 3tlo ; new ,
IIH R-HlluIY : wet salted New Orleans . 80-
lected l , 45 10 G I"s. 43tiSe : 111108 Ayres , 20 10
.7 . Z lb. . lei Texas. dr 4\U.e 10 30 Ibl. . 1t1c. :
- . l.l ATI"I-ljrml ; hellocl , sole . luenO Ayres ,
Ihht 10 heavy , l ( J le
( I ; . WOOI"I"lrl : _ domestic l"ce. IGi:80 : pulled .
I IHflo ; Texas . tUITc.
l'ltO\'ISIONS-lieef. qulel. Cut nico.ta. steady :
111'kl"1 1111el. 3153jGc ; pickled 1 shoulMrs , 4'j !
. ' lSo ; Pickled POints . H.C6\lc. \ Lard , tul ; 4HJ
.4. enl .Iml closed II ' G.G1 , nominal ; city , 36.2531
. .311 : May. dO'I'11 $ .85. nominal ; rlnld , dull ( :
oml.olli. $5.25 I'ork. iulcl. . dul
UU'lvi-Jul : : western tnlry , 10(150 ; wesl'r
creamery . IU240 ; western factory stub ; ltglns.
24o : imitation cl'umer ) ' . 10uno ; state ( lair ) ' . 101J
, ' Uo : state c'aInery. Uflc. ! 101
CII I I 11111) : Illle. 11\ . vmt ) c ; small . O\ \
OIH.o : Ilnrl shlnP , 3UDc ; full skim. 21124c. \
I . (2c.
EOOH-.I.'lrnwr ; 8111" ant 1' nns'I'lnln. 2731
. :81 ; leo house . l91122e3 : w'ter fresh , : 37q ;
pouthern . 2f2G ; rceel'ta . 1.03 ikas. ,
TAI.I.OW-Al'lh'e . ant hhher ; city . 43c ; coun.
h ( I ) ' . 454. . n. 10 quality.
'r I'CTltOlF5P2,1-Nomlnni ; flntteI closed 1 $ l.00 :
" lnlell . I.O
Vnslitnglii. . . $6.5Oi6.70 ; \'nshlnlou. fn
bulk $4.20 ; reilnel . New York $5.G0 ; l'biladelpliia
$ Ihlndelphla
anll I lull lniore , $5.75 : l'ltiladelplis and Uulimure ,
; . In bulk. IU5.
. 1ti4lN-Quiet ; Ilruined. common 10 good , $1.35
TUI'I ' N'fINI-uIN' : : 'H 30c.
IUI ' -Htudy ; domestic. air 10 extra . 431Gc :
Japan , 1t4,31Lo. . (
¶ $3ti38c. ) tO1AbbtS-Siea1y ; open kittle . lood to choice
oltANOtS-Mnrlt't quiet ; tonc sound 83.5031
: t.G otlt'is. $ = OC3.15 ) $3.50i
1'1 10N-lul : Scotch , l5.003120.00 ; Amen.
$9.062.0 .
, con $ O 1.5.
TIN-I'lrm ; strolls $11.10 ; 1lnle. quiet
S1'11tTilt-\S'eak ; ibinestle . $3.30 .
. L114t.l"iriii : trukere' price . $ $302exchan&o \ ;
0 rrlc. 1S.lVtj3.IZt.
. CO1'l'Elt-Qulet ; brokers ' price $0 ; exchange
1'11. . $3.15. .
. . , rTON 81.EO : OI.lul.Inol \ ' , ; elY crull.
2flo . ; plln" 8Ulln r ) 't'llSV . 2t3126te ! ; off sum.
. . ncr yellow. ZUfe. nomln.l ; ) 'dlol butter
. , gadei . 2$3129o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, : Uv\rlonl Misrkcts .
I.Iv1nioO1. . Jan. 3l.-WliItT-Spot. steady :
"tllnd moderate ; No. 2 red winter 4. 5d : Na. )
rrd spring . 5 Zd : N" I listil . Monitubi . 5g . ,
No. I n.lforula. $ s. I'uluru ) pdne'j leady und
- clo.'d lulU tail steady ; bU8Int . heaviest on
111..1 rOeitni $ * . . i"ebruary . 4. Id , I.rchl b 5d :
. , April . . , \li Mill , ' . b ! ! I < , June . 4s 7'1 ; July .
- t. 74d. .
CI-tp.'t. ; VIrus ; t1trlUU mind , flew , U
- - - - - -
I" 1"lur , ' " rr'.1 .llally and quiet : bUR'neu
Irta ' 1 tAt 1nOOI l ; ; l'lhnnl . 38 l\ " ;
March 3R hl.I ; : A ) ' . h ; June . 4. )
1.1.01 11-1)011 ' I , demand poor ; 81. Lull fancy
wlnt'r. t' ( ' . .I. pr
IIO\RIONJncn. [ .llndy : demand mcd-
Imll : ( . 'timbenland cut . 29 10 : II" . . SIs ; short
nil , . . 2 Ib" . . 2. ; long clor . lhl. : S In 45 , .
2" 6 ; long clest hcav . 50 lbs. . 2 : short :
clear lnck. . light , 18 I , . ) 2s tl ; short cfsr mid- :
lUng . h"nc. . ; 1 . . . : l : Clear 1.t a. 1 10 16
Its. , . Ss. SlunilIcrs . square . 13 10 IS lbs. . 21.
I , RhOteN. e'UAt. 1
1mm . . short cut . 1 II 16 Ib ! . .1" . Beet , extra
laths mess. 700. . Irln mess , SIs It Pork prIme
m. . . . WeilIm , SOs 6,1 , Irlme tness . medium ,
52. Gd. Lat,1. stenly ; prime Western . 38 ; I.
fined In pails . 355. lternlgerntor beef . forequarters .
quarters . 411.1 1 hlniquarters . C'll.
1.1.0W-I"lne N. A . . 22s Ci.
CI tFESl-I5asy : ; demand 1''r ; nneHI Amerlonn
white. 4s : finest Amrrlcnn colored . F" .
InTI-\lnc [ : t tniICI Sinles . 7t1 ; icon ] , rl
101SAI I.nllnn. Incllo ont , (2 150.
COTTONSnl' ) OI.I.\.etlool ! refined . 18 31.
COndition of Trail 111 ( Jilotittinni on
' ( , nti.l ' l'ruince .
'lall" Alt IUIIY I'rltle.
fltTT51t-Cuiled stock , Sc : common 10 fair.
10ilo : fair 10 good c3untry . JJlo ; choice 10
fancy . l'IConlherel : creamery 190 ; separator
creamery , 206Jlic.
IXIOII-Stntctiy fresh Inill. 13e.
1.1\'f : POt'I.THY-Chkken. . 5315c ; luck" . e ;
turkey' . CfCo ! ; heavy turns . tc ; geese . Co.
UlmSSI':1 : 101I.TIY-ChlckenRI ! fair Co ;
cholco large . CHI1c ! , choice saudi , 7118c ; turkeys ,
fair 10 1,1 8f184o ; choice heavy . S60c : choice
such . toj4iIOc \ SfS\o ; " . fair to good . 7',4118c ! ; rnnC ) ' ,
full tirepsel . SlilOc ; geese , fair to good . 71'8 ! :
rnncy. full dresse,1 . SlIlOc.
OUI'lue wing teal , per doz. . 31.53311.73 ;
green wing teal Ier , , Ioz. . .25Il.5 ; ( ,1uck .
iiiixet . 1'1 doz. , 81.00111.25 ; canvasbacks , H.of
. .0 : mallnrls Hnll .0f125 , . . 32.503f2.75 ; .mnl
r1hl. . 7 & ( IU.0 ; jack rabbIts . $1.251j1.50 ; sqUir-
rei" . Coo.
\.I\Cholco fat . 70 10 10 Ibs. . arc quoled
nl r.6c ; Iota , anI coarse . Mile. ' !
Clli1H1'-Wisconsln : tall doom . Young A ,
rul CI..I.
lIe : , tvlns . 124c ! ; Netra.stci and 10\1. fill
cream . . lIe ; N Ir"Hk nlil Iowa part skims , 7@
Sc : 1.Iinburger . No. I. lIe ; brick . No. I , lIc .
SWiM. . Nn. I , I & e.
Y-Ultlnnd hl ) ' . S9.50 ; midland . $3.5 ; low.
lnn0 $1 ; I ) ' ( straw . $ G. Color makes Ihe price
01 hn ) ' . l.ight shades el the best. Only to I'
gralei bring top lrice.
l'IGIONS-Old birds per Iloz. , 75cU.0.
" 'EUF'rlihiSS. .
1'OTATO13.\'esterr1 stock , car lois Go ,
slnl lots 70.
Ol.1 'NH-lnnll.plellct , navy . .003.03 ,
' $ {
1lma h.lns. per It ) . , 5'to.
ONIONH-Oti orders . ro uu.o ; per ! bl. . * 2.75.
( 'AIII1AOg-)1 , ) ; orlerO. 1'.4t1c.
elt.1lty-per : 1101. abe.
HVIiT : 1O'l'ATO.(33-11tjmo grown $20112.7 : ;
lnnsas. $ $3.Mi12. . $2.5t2.7
llllTS-l'er l4 . 31.50371.73.
( 'AItltOT(4-1'i. : ! hl. U.r.11.7i.
CAt'hlF'I.O'l.fl..l'er / crate or a doz. and half
10 Iwo 1101. (2.2 hnl
ItOItSlHP.1)hi15..per : lb. . 'CU1c.
l'.1tSNlI'(3.-1'er bbl. . $2.
II'T.\ tAOAf-P.r It' . 1'.c.
I'ARSI.13V-.I'er . .
IAnST.I Y-ler doz. bunches 35e
'llNltS-I r 1,11. , $1.50. .
81'INACII-j'er ! hl. . $2.7
PISAIS-Winter . .
PrAHS-Wlnter Nelhis. $2.
AItI.JS-Oenllons. $ 3.00313.25 ; choice eastern
stock $1.
OlAlgS-Cnncortl. none : Mllogl8 , per 65 10
CS.lh. hbl. . gross . $10.C03110.50.
per Cit.NIIEItItIE-Jerxeys bid , fancy , 311,003111.53
OHANOEFlorlolol. ) per box 33,75311.00 ; Cal-
Ifornll navels . S3.60 : pee Jer . $3. $3.75flo
IANANAS-Cholc ( stock. 32.00312.50 per bunch.
I.tMONS-New Mes.lnls. sizes 300 10 3GO. $3.G
IINI APPLESPer . Ioz. . S204.0.
OYSTElH-Me < ulm. per can . 160 : horseshoes .
Oo : extra standards . 21c : extra select 25e ; corn-
pony sl.ols. 260 : New York counts 200 ; bulks .
standard , . per gal. . $ .
N13W I.'IOS-Exlm fancy . lCc ; fancy . lIe ;
choice . l2tffIIc ; California. tags . .c.
1ONI3Y-New York jOe ; dark IlCilIc ; Call-
comm. IGc ; strained . 4 10 10.lh. IH150 lb. . lOc.
1IAII.1 SYRUP-Gallon jugs per , ] oz . . $12 :
Bxhy 5 gal. cans . * 3. $2
NUTS-Almonds. Ho ; English walnuts soft-
shelled. 120 ; standards jOe ; illberts . SOJSc : Brazil
mi" . Sc.
fAll 1 IOlAUT-Choloe white . per ! bl. . UO@
C.o ; per half bhl. . 32.50312.75.
JtNrt MI3AT-Fnncy. In hal bbls. . per lb. .
5lio ; 10-gnl kegs . Cc ; condensed per case or 3
doz. plcgs. . S2.50.
CIlJl3lt-Pure juice . per bid. . $ : : half bbl. . $3.
HIDESNo 1 rec hides , 3IHHe $ : No. 2 green
hides 3'c ; No. ! green salted hides. G ; No. 2
green salted hides . 4\11 \ ; No. 1 green salted hides .
: to 40 Ibs. . 5c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 2 : to
40 Its. . 4c : No. 1 veal calf . S to 15 its. . 8c : No.
2 Veal calf , S 10 15 Ibs . 50 ; No. I dry Int hide.
Ce ; No. 2 dry Int hl.les 6c ; No. 1 dry salted
hides ful ) . cured. Sc ; part cured hides . "c per lb. less than
SihiUi' l'ELTR-Oreen salted Inch. 23816cc
t snled. . 25fCO ;
green salted sheorlngs ( short woole early skins ) .
each . S31lSc : dry shearlings. ( short woled early
skins ) . No. I. each. .iIOc : dry Rheorln s ( shell
wolfd early skins ) , No. 2 . each 5c ; tlry flint
Kansas nn'd N.broskl butcher wool pelts . per
' lb. . actual weight 5Sc ; thy flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrnln WOl pcts , per Ih. ; actual
weight 431Cc ; dry Int Colorado butcher wool
prlls. per lb. . actual weight 4t6'c : dry flint
Colorado murrnln wool pelts . per lb. , actual
ac'Igtit . 481Cc. .
TAl.LOW AND GREASE-Tnlow. No.1. 431
( tie : tallow . No. 2 . 3t/31lc : grease . while A. . ! 4f
4'4c ! . White n. 3c '
; grease whlo c ; grease . yellow . 3c \ :
grease . dark 2'ft30 ; old bitter . 2312'e ; bees-
wax . inIme . 11@20c ; rough tallow , 2e
Colon Marct .
Jai. 30.-COTTON-Fulures .
steady : Mles. 4.10 boles : February ) . . $ 5.10315.12 ,
1nrch. $5.2Ct.211 : 1. $ 5.22415..23 ; May . $ S.29QJ
$5.30 ; June . ' 5.30315.16 ; July . $5.41f.42 ; August .
S5.4G(5.4 : September $5.4'J8j5.Sl : October AUlsl. . : .fHl
5.5 ; November $5.r..5 ; mlldll . ro : low
middling . 4 I-IC ; good ordinary . 4 7-IGc : net
l'elpts , IS.14 bales ; gross , 18.876 bales ; exports
10 the continent . 3.3S9 bales ; & 'les. 3.1. bales ;
stock. 394.15 hlle" .
BAlfUIOH ,1Un. 31-COTTON-Nominal ;
middling . 5e ; low middling - . 5 I-IGo ; good 01 1-
alLey. 4c ; net receipts none ; gross . go . bIeR < ,
exports In Great Itritnin . 30 tales ; exports to
Continent . 1,40 hnles ; stock . 18.082 bales.
llOijTON . Jnn. Il.---COTTON-Iull . '
10WrN. 31.-OTTON-Dul. easy : md- !
filing . 5'c ; low middling . 1e ; good ordinary .
41c ; let receipts . 2S8 bales ; gross . 3.30 hales ;
exports to Great Britain. 4,10 boles.
WU.IINOTON. Jnn. 31.-C01'1ON-nul ; mid-
tiling . Hio : low mlddln ; 4 7-160 : nIl and cress -
receipts. ZC bales , stock ; ' J5.945 'nles. '
I'll ILAIELI'l : hA . JR11. ll.-COT"I'ON-SteaI3' ,
middling . 5c ; low aiilll 111g. 6 % 00J1 ; cr41-
nary , 4 ½ c : net necelpis . 68 bales ; gross , 1.81
h"le3. expOts 10 Ito continent , 430 bales ; stock .
IO,7S6 tales.
\\NNAI 31.-TTON-Qulel nn'l
easy : middling. 5 1.IGc low ,
middlng. 1 ; mlildiing . 40 : geol
ordinary . 4 7-IGc ; oct nn,1 gross receipts 4.253
bales : sales , 192 bales ; spinners . 12 bale ; siock .
99.70G bllcs
AUGUSTA Jan. 31.-COTTON-Steady ; mll-
Iln . 5 3-IGo ; low mlltn . 4 7-ICe : net and
gross receipts , 573 inits : shipments , 1,101 bales :
sllr" . r..1 bales ; stock , 33,039 bales.
CIAIU.gS1ON. Jnn. 31.-COTfON-Sleldy ;
mldllng. \c ; low mlltng , 4 13.IGo : good or-
Ilnn ! , norlnll : net and cries r cell > goo . , . : )
bales : exports , cuastwlse . 40 hales ; sales , 769
bales all spinners ! ; stock . 51G ! bal s.
NI'W : YOIIIC . Jnn. 31.-COTTON-Steady ; mi,1.
dung . I % e : let recolls : . 856 bates ; Ir"S. 1.642
bales ; exports In Orent Itritain . 1,3G5 bales ; 10
contimiomit . 4)0) ) bales : foiwarled . 123 bales ; piles ,
5S1 hales ; spInners SI bales : stock. IM.04 t1\ ;
total net recellls [ III ) ' . 35.08G bales ; eXlnrl" tu
Gril Ilriiiiin . 16,6C3 bales ; 10 the continent.
5,819 bales ; stock 1,033033 hales ; eons I"lale.
net receipts. 158.613 bales ; exports 10 Great
llritain . 9.13 : hales : to I.'mnc. 3 : bales ; con.
t'nenl , 40OG4 hues. Total since September 1 :
Net iecelps : . 1,357,230 bales : 10 On'l llriialn ,
3,315.12 bales : 10 I"mnc. 51.0,635 bales ; to COl- I
tnent 1.50.091 bales.
L1'131t1'OI. . Jnn. . '
1.1'gll'OOI. 31.-COTON-ROI. quiet ;
.tmnericin . middling fair , 30.161 ; go : middling .
311 ! ; American . amiddlimig . 231.32d ; low mi1llng.
J ! 13'161 : good ordlnam' , 21.IG : ordInary , 2l.
Tue sales or lie day were 10.0 bales . or which
5 bales were for speculnton nnl\ \ export , and
Included 0.20 bales American ; receipts. 25,0 <
tat's . Including IS.2o bales American. 1.'ulur
open ell quiet. closed .Iellly : American . L. M. C. .
S'ebruary 2 51.GI ; February und March . 2.1.6M ;
March and April , 2 tS.64d
Mnrel ' \llrl : April and May .
2 9.61UZ 6GI : 2.153' unll June . 2 61.61 ; June and
July . 2 52.64312 63.61 ; July rind August , 311 ;
August ant September , 2 2.610j2 2.GIII ; September
lint October 3 3.641 : October and November ,
3 f.6113 5.Chl. T.midern or today's , lel\.rlcl. \ none.
NOIFOI.IC. Jan. 31.-COTfON-HII'al\ ; -
dung. & % e ; iv I middling , I 1.160 ; good ordinary .
4 1.IC : net and gross receipts . 1.432 tales ; exp -
harts . 10 Great liritain . 5,028 bales : cast wi. " .
.90 1.418) bales. bales : sales , US bales . ; stock , Corrected , 44-
145. 1,011 U"r,1 II'UlOt.
fir 1.008. Jan. 31.-VIOUR-In god demand
nt 1'ceOI I quotations.
\'l1l3AT-W'as / lomne opening T'o lower and clo.
lag % fo below yesterday ; No red cush , Coo ;
May tIc ; July . Sl3c.
CtJltN-1.ower In < uninteresting : 23o. 2 mlx'd
cash . 310 \ ; February , abc ; May , 39 ' .fIOc ; July
2S t TI-DUI. % 0 lower ; No. 2 cash . 30i ; Mi ) ' ,
ItYE-No. : . "III fKt side 52c.
I1AItLUY-Steady ; sales , Minnesota , & 51J334e ;
Iowa . 1c. t5io
lllAN-CTo bioi socked , Cast track
JtAY-Iult at recent prices.
lll3'lflIt-Unciianged : rlces.
I"I.AX 513l350-ll.3S.
( IO\I' : . (313131)-Choice. $ S.oS.U.
) . . .
TllOTI \ Sl IIU.1 6)
LIAI > I.'lrmtr. 32.95313.00.
. :5(3.0.
Hl'15l.TUIt-82.93. :
eOIN fl AI.I. Om,95.
WIIII { \-$1.22
COTTON TII ANn lAOONG-lnchongel.
l'IO\'JHIONI-I'ork. standard mess . jubblng
10 ror n.w. Lord. prime sIeSta . G.:5 ; choice
IG.3 Iry salt belts and bacon . unchnot d.
II'el : I''H-I"ICur. 3.000 "bls. ; wheat 3,1 bu ;
corn. 5.0 "u. : oats . l.OI bu.
HIII'I N'8-1''lour , 4.w ) bbl. ; wheat . 3.0
bU. ; corn , none ; Oats , I1 , ) Lu ,
l'hlbloll"I1IIrkeU. .
I'ItILADELI'illA. Jan 3.-WIIAT-Dul aol
weak ; N. 2 reI . January . 61(57 ! 0 ; I'ebruar.
$ 1C51c ; March , &T3tiT3e ; . \Irl. [ 313755'4c. ! .
( 'OlN-IH"lf. . No. } 3 mixed. 45t ! i45c : 1.'I'h.
4114u. leery . U tH5\o ; Malch . , 4GatGc ! $ ( ; A 1'11 , 4 (
OAfQulel and sl..I ; Nu. 3 white . Jlunr ) ' .
351s(135'c \ ; M'II , : 0t133tc. whie.
nU'"tl'U-Flrmerj : ; fancy \ \ esler cramer ) ' . 2t
: ' .
( llOS-Flrl and 10 higher ; frsh , nearby . : ;
f..1 western. 2631Te .
It''INt : SUO.\ISI'ncluUS'd and quiet
's'ooL arkol.
I.NnON. Jau. 31.-At Ihe ( wool sates today
10.391 oin were offered . or whlel UQ balu
were withdruw. A varied lurment wal of-
. but Ibo bidding active where
to' 'U 'e ) wlee
best grown wits coneetned. There was St poo.1
bst wnl rncllntl Tere 101
demand ror superior scoured cmbln , for Yfrk.
shire nail , the contInent. Fuulklnn(1 1.lnn.1 nnll
I'nnln Arenas were % < 1 above the December
Mica. '
.1. .
New South Wnlf. .cnlr ll , 7,1Q1a 2.1 ; grensy ,
4i4ft734 . Queensland , rcoured . < 7,1 fl , gnm'nsy .
'if.I. Vlotorln , scoured , .1.UB 3.1 ; l.a9Y.
4U9I. lentitii AI tnln , sOur.l. Ulll' < I ;
(0,1. 16Ci7ttl ! . SWAn 11\'er. greasy . 3t3 ' II.
4 (7 glalY.
New 7.lnnll. pOnured . 711fl. 211 : gnens ) ' , 53794 .
Cape or Good hope soil Natal , scoured , Is .
greasy , 4lid. lunlA tlpe Arenas . greasy . 43316I. !
Speculation Oi 'Lhiange 'Vn5 II (001' Tone
the Irenlrr I'nrt or the Day.
NEW YOln . Jan. Ol.-Spcctilatlon on the
Btock exeholQ was In good tone durn #
the greater port oC the day . owing to the
strength oC American securitEs 01 the Ion- .
don Stock exehlge. the good foreign buy-
ing In this market and tll2 very general
feeling that the financial situation would
he Fen relieved by means or all issue of
government bonds . The arrival of Assistant .
ant Secretory Cuts and his conference
with foreign hanllers os to the placing or
the homotlled buoyancy to the alre\I '
healthy tone oC sellculalol. Price all.
\'alcell sharply from the opening . rchln !
the highest point about 1 o'eioek nt which
time gains had len Ille In lanhotnn
or 2' . per cent , Pulllnn l x' IHr cent . LOad
nod l.ulHvle & Nn.shvhlte 1 % per cent ,
Missouri PoCIIC Colton prCered and Den-
vel' & lo Gtl ! e 11 Per ) entCh1cagoGas I .
per coot . St P81(11 Soulhern preferred . I.Alte
ghore . New Jersey Central all Union l'a-
clue Iper \ cent Norfolk & Western preferred .
rcred , Iowa Central preferred DelAwAre &
hudson , flocking Vol ! ) ' and 'rublcco
( which In the oPetilnil dlalhlg hal , lost I
11cr cent ) , Canadian \ Pacilc , Northwestern ,
\ lock lslln < Burlington and DItlng '
per cent Cleveland Columbus Chicago &
S. l.ouIA. Susluehnnna & \Veslern II'cCer.ed
noel PltsburA % per cent and I smaller
fractIon In this rest oC the list. 'rho high
lgures Inducell HIIIIg to realize Ilroll ! I
whIch resulted In I reaction In Manhattan , i
M 1sJurl Pacific. . . I.nelmwnnll and New
Jersey Central , .1 per cent ; Louisville &
Nashville , a ' ' cent Chicago Gas '
Nashvie : : I'e' ; ChlclAo 1'8 per
cent and tile general list from % to .2 per
cenl , oulslde of General Electric . which
broke 214 per cpnt 10 2 ! 01 rUler oC a
change oC lonaAement or tlC comll'U .
TIme reactionnl'y tendency was checked
nt 2:3. : anti I gentral improvement fol-
lowed let by New Jersey Central and
Hocking Valley . which rose 1 Iler ) cent
making the net gain In the Inter 2 per
cenl. 'rhe Imllrvement In the other shares
vas conlned 10 fractional limits . but the
closing was not strong. Flml figures Ihow
I general appraclatlon \ In values. There
WO 10 settled tone 10 the transactions In
the railrond nnd'
rolroot oml'mlscelaucous bOld market
today . but I majority oC the issues deal In
show I\ decline on the doy. The aggregate
sales were $ SIG.O.
Time EvenlnA Posts Lenten cal1eArlm
says : The very highest financial houses here
are ready to take up nn American loan
which would likely I he well received litre
But there Is One proviso-It must le golil.
That Is the point to yet he nrranged. In
certain quarters or tile United States It Is
contended the act oC 18iO and 187 Is suf-
cent 10 Insure repwmout : oC time balm In
gold. Opinion here mutters. believing n spe-
clll net to le neceRsnry. There Is I better
feeling generally Ihout the situation. I Is
rumored certaIn banks In America ore draw-
InA his on large financial houses here for
[ fO.O sterling . relleellble In six months ,
the idea . apparently ! being that with tile
possibility oC Ihe ( fa'l oC .t"e rate oC exc"ange
before redemption 1 prol can be made.
Time following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks oC the New York ex-
change today : _ _ _ _ _ _
Aichilsoim. . . . . . . 41' U. 1. D. .0. . . . : -
AdamA Express. . HO Northwestern. . . . DO
Alton . T. I . . . . :15" : N. P. ' . 1)1(1. . . . . . . . l43
ito nSO. . . . . . . . Ins N. Y. C.ntrat. < . . 131
Am. r xpreKa. . . 11 ) N. ' 5' . A N. E. . . . 31fl {
InllmoroOhlo. . 01" Omiiarto . . W. . . . 11
Cannd' 1nolfo. . S14 Oregon huh. . . . . . 10M
CanlliSonlhpm. . 4))4 Oregon N\ . . . . . 18
Cenlral1nclle. . . 13 0. 8. J" . . U. N . . 4
Chl'a. & OhIo. . . . Ii Pactile Mall. . 1. . . 20
Chicago Aftomi. . . . 147 P. D. . . Ilal. . . . . . . 3
C. Ii. & Q. . . . . . 71 ! I'lttsburg. . . . . . lft
Chlc'lo Gas. . . . 7 Inlmln l'nlnoe. IG6
Consolidated Gis : . 120 Itcadillg. . . . . . . . ! H
C.C. C. &SI. L. . 3RI' R. o. W. . . . . . 1 (
Colo. Coal . Iron . ( It. O. W. p14. . . . . 4 :
Cotton Oil Cert. . . 1BC Hock lal/\I. . . . 02"
Ielawaru litid . 120 St. 1'tul . . . . . . . GMl
Dcl. . Lank . V. ' . . 1&94 ! do p14. . . - . . . . . 117
D. . . It. G. iCd. . . . 34SI. . 1' . & Omaha . . :4234 :
n. & C. F. Co. . . . . Hfi do Pro . . . . . . . lOR
rtlo. . . . . . . . . 10 Sonthern 1ncllc. 1734
do prll. . . . . . . . :1 : Sngnr Rellimery . . DOll
Fort . . . 167 Teitmi. Coal & Iron Hi !
G. Northern ufd . . 100 Texas l'aelc. . . Rlt
C. & E I. DUI. . . . 00 ' ' & O. Cent pfd ) . 70'
HookIng Valey. . 17" $ UnIon Pacific. . . . 01
Ih.ol" Central. . . 17 U. S Expreoa. . . 42
St. P. . . Duluth . . 21 ) W. SI. J. . . P . . . M
' . & T. pftl. . . . . 22. do pfd. . . 1. . . . . lad : I
Lake Erie . , WeaL lCU Wola Fargo E" . . 205
do p14. . . . . . . . 611(4 ( Weborn Umitoim . 87W
Lake Shore. . . . . 13i" Wheeling e 1 E. 1)34 I
Lead Trust. . . . . 31 l Wheelng' .oprd. . . . . . 371
Lonls\lo & N. . GHl M. & St. L. . . . . 21334
I. & N. A. . . . . . 7 D. & It G. . . . . . 10(4
Manhatan COIl. . . 108 O. 15. . . . . . . . . . 20
MelmlpiiIR&C. . . . . ) N. L. . . . . . . . . . 17H
Michigan Cent. . . 11:134 : C. F. & L. . . . . . 234 :
Missouri Pacific . 21 do pfd. . . . . . . . 76
Mobile & Ohio . 1H. . &T. C. . . . . . 2' )
Nashville Clint. . . 04 T. A. A. & N. ! . . 134
Notional Cordage ( T. SL. L. .5. 13.0 . . . I
Nllonnl . Coralo 834 do p14. . .I.C . . . . . . . . . . . (3
NF ? Central. : . : : : : 57 ( S. It. ! P. . : : : : . : : : : : : . 934
N. & . pl : . . . . 1H to pfd. . . . . . . 3H'
North Ani Co. . . 2h Am. Tob. Co. . . . oa
.Northenl1acllc. 2H do ptd. . . . . . . . 100
No. Pac. p14. . . . . It
The total sales of stocks today were ItS.O:1
shares Including : American Sugar , 8.0M ; Bur-
llngton . 5.20 , Chlcolo Gas : .0 ; Distilling 8
Cattlefeedizmg . 7.0i ; General I"olrlc , 1.CO :
V'ulsvlo & Nashville , 9.30 ; 1fhnhntnn. G,9'J ' ;
Missouri lncllc. 4 , : : Rack Islamul . 6.00 : HI.
I'aui 23 , C ; Southern Railroad . 3.70 ; Southern
Holroo(1 preferreil , 3.10 ; " 'eslul Union 5.70.
Now York ' lon.y Ilorl.ot
Easy ut IIZIJer cent ; last loan . 2 per cent ;
elo""I nt 2 per cent.
1111 MERCANTILE PAI'13R-28J6 per
STEIIIIG I XCIANGF.Dnl and Ioslrr , wll'
nctll IJ"lnesl In beakers' his ilL $1.S9il4.83Ii ;
for Iemnncl nnd nl 84.58311.5314 for Blxl ) ' days ;
posle.1 rates . U.SH.b1 anti $ .o 4.901 ; 11-
mrrcal bIlls . $ .
OOVEINln NT BONDS-Wenl nlll 34 \ I'er cent
lower for &s and 14 per cent lower for 4s. State
bonds. inactive. Inlrnul loads . Ire\ulnr.
Closing luotatol'on bonds were lS follows :
U.S./a. . . . . 141 { D.&I. 0.41. . . . 711
U. S. G9.eoUI ) . . . 15 ErIc 2ds. . . . . . . UO
U. ( S. 4s. reg. . . . 11" G. It. . . S. A. t. . . 07
t.S.4a.conp. 1'1. . . U 134 < 07R. . . . . . UJ !
U . S. 25. rest. . . . . lll ) II. & . C. 5s. . . . 104 )
l'ncllo tA or ' 05. lOll do tls. . . . . . . : . JOO
Ala. Class A. . . . 14 ) Ii. I. . T. Oat .ls. . 80
Ala Coaa Caa D. . . . 114 ( d02d 4a. . . . . . . 4034
Ala. Class C. . . . 04 Mutual Union Us . . ill )
Ala. OmirreliCy. . . 14 N. .7. 0. Gen. Os . . 11'
I.a. New Con. 41. 0234 No. 1'tc. : late. . . . 12a '
1IRoolri 03. . . . IOU t0211s . . . . . . 8(134 (
N . C. Us. . . . . . . . . 125 N. W. Consols. . . . Hl
N. C. .11 , . . . . . . . t8 ) do S. F. lIeu. Os I\ .
S. O. nomiftmnd . . . . IH R. O. 3Vost. lKt. . . (3434 (
'relIc. new mist 10. ( R- ! t I' . Consols 7R. . 041
'remmim. new set 01. lOl (10 C. . ' p. W. ss . 111
Tenn. old ( is. . . . . . 10 < . 1. . I.Mdlen. G. 7.
Va. CenturieS. . . . 6934 ! 51. L. . S.I" . Oml.O. 102
do deferred. . . . tl34 Tex . l'ac. lstmm. . . . 1.1
AtchIson 4a. . . . Ill 102t18. . . . . . 22H
402(3 A. . . . . . 17" 11. 1' . Ilta or ' 00. . 1a
Canada 80. 2dR. . . lUt . ( Wcst Shore 4A. . . 10434 !
O. P. lOIN 01 'U ) ; . 100 So 15. H. . . . . . 14 8t (
D. & I. O. 7s. . . . 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uolol Btoolc ( UOt'tll
IIOSTON Jail. 31 . -Call loans . 234334 per cent :
( ( ale loans 2' : per onot. C011n1 urian rr
stocks bead ( ( lid IInl17 aharaR :
A. ' 1. ' & I. t' . . . . . 4 W. t h. Ilrl. . . . 4B9t
Am . Sugar. , . . . . (1 ) { Wis. Central. . . . . 2
Ala Sugar pld. . . Unt Aldus I 2dR . . . . 1734
Ilv State ( la's . . . 10lt AtchIson 4. . . . . 1.1 1
leT"lolthone. . . ] UI ) New England 01. ( Sf434
Boalol &AI"any. 2lH Gemi . El'ciricm0a. . . lRk
liostoms &Matno. . . 111034 Wis. Cent. lets. . . R7H
loslon . . J..Q. A1nll" . . . . . . 71" ) Atimtntic. . . . . . . . 411
Fitchburg . . . . . . . /2 1081n , ) . Ilullula SU t
Gel.llclrlo. . . . 21H' liutto " Ilosion. . . 31 )
do Illl. . . . . . . .OOIU : : Calumnet . . IIecli . 2RH
M4'Xleiil C'llrnl. 61' Cemi tenmIil * : . . . . GO
N.Y.&N.S.:10) : : ) ' Fm'nnklmi. ( . . . . . 14k ,
Oll Colony . . . . 11 . ICosrecirge . . . . . !
On' . Short Line . . . 4 Osceola. ; . . . . . . . 2134
\ubber. . . . . . . ' 40J quincy . . . . . . . , . pit \
11101 1'/cI1c. . . 034 'imtmnmtraok. . . . . . , 144
Wei I nd. . . . . . . ( It Ok JIIIOI : t\ec. \ . . . . 24
W < 'hll\ EecIII' : $ 32"
8.ul t'r.l l.o : UIII ; H oct ( Juotatlomme.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 31. : ' -The omclal elolln
quotations 10wl : for 111111 ItoaltB today : wore a6 fol-
Alta . . . . . . . . . Ill I ) Juhlit. . . . . . . . . . . . I -
AhliaCoa , . . . . . , . 0 Justice. . . . . . . 10
Allies . . . . . . . . 30 Icnlncky Con . . . 4
Uelciter . . . . . . ol Lady Wash Comi . 4
U.IL A lleichcr. . . ! HI Mexican. . . . . . . 9(1
lodlo Coil . . . . . . Al Mono. . . . . . . . . . 21 Al (
ilollioii . . . . . . . . 1 : : Monnl Iiiablo . . . . 10
Ihllwer Con . . . . 12 Ophlr. . . . . . . . 155
Caiodoiila . . . . . . 7 O\.rlln. . . . . . ( (
Challenge Con . . . 34 101011. , . . . . . . 1
Ctmoltir. . . . . . . . . : I ( Szvao. . . . . . . 41
COlld.leo. . . . . 761 rr N.wada. . . 40
Con. Cal . . Va. . . 325 Slh'or 11. . . . . . 4
Con.lllrlal. . . . 1 Silver KIII . . . . . II
Crown 1.011. . . 40 Union Comm . . . . . . GI
Exchequer : . . . . . . . 2 Utah Con. . . . . . 4 ,
10ulll A Curry . . . 33 Yolow JaekeL. . . 41 ,
halo . . Norcross . 71 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silver bars . 130C100340. Mexloan dollars . 40H
QOOe. Drafts . sight . 1734c ; tele&rlphle.220. !
New York l1111 ! QlUI"UUUI.
NIW YORE . Jan . I.-'rho fohtowiaap Un
elo.lnl Ilnlnl quolllona : :
Illw"r. , . . . . . U OllaMo. . . , . . 8UO
Cholor. . . . . . . . . :0 Oplitr ' . . . . . . . . . 111 ( )
Crown Poiimt . . . . 40 I' ylnonlh. . . . . . 2 :
Coii. Cat . " Va . , .3' J5 Qulek.I'.cr. . . . 111 .
Deadwoo. . . . . 40 do Ilfd. . . . . .1300
Gould . . 'lrr. . :12 : Sierra Nevada . . 4/
halo .t Norcross. . 7 ( Sl"ndal\ . . . . . 220
Homeblako. . . .1700 Unlol Con. . . . . . . 2\0
Mexican. - - . . . . . 85 Yellow Jackol . . . 40
London Stuck Uuo/alnn8. /
LONDON . Jan. :1.- . 111 . closing :
Cams . Vaet9o . . . . 03 ! St. Iall coma. . . . 3034
ErIc. : . . . . . . . . . . 1034 N. Y. C.llral e01. . " . 60J
Erle2ds. . . . . . , . O\ll I'enntlvnla. . . . 5034
Ill. Central. . . . . . . 88' 16dlll. . . . , CU
) dexicanordtnary. 1llo } Cemt.muw . 41
lIAR SILVE3S-'J7 7-JOd ounce.
1AI 61.VEi-27 per OUICO.
MONEY-h per CeIt.
Tlo rlte or discount II tie open market for
bert Ind Ilree loulhu bill . 1 3.1U per CCII '
. . .
- - - - - -
- - - - -
Most Active and Etfaotcr Day in the
Pens for 9 O Time.
There Was lomo lJllQrr for StockerS nUll
feeders nte { it.41'etV , . ) Iuuehel
CluUIje(1 hiliidp al \bunt
! eltjl lIce .
TlUnSDA Y. Jan. 31.
The receIpts today were ] , o1 cattle . 4,30
hogs II 26 sheep , ns against 1,42G cattle ,
! .o hogs Int ( 361 Ihecp yesterday a11.191
cattle , 4,276 hogs and 222 sheep emi Thursday
or lost week Thieve have been receIved duro
Ing Joilor ) ' 49,670 cattle , 1 ,29 , hogs , 12.43 I
sheep and 3G ) horses nail lathes.
CATI.EWllh only ' thilrty-six fresh loads '
or cattle In the ( yards there wete ro enough
to mnke much of I tlt or the market
'I'hiere were I few loads or beef steers . but
no choice heavy can fed tattle . Time packers -
ers evidently wltntc n few cattle , and thu
offerings being so light . they got out a 11
ought tl } eV rthlng .lleslrble In shell
order . I was the most active . and , to that
extent , most satisfactory market experl-
enced her In some mlnys. The prices PattI
rnnAell ( rom sleluly 10 Ilron" .
There was nolhln good enough to bring
over p.95 . whIch . was the tOp' price IlaiC.
The majority of , thc steers polu nt $ .3.451j
3.70.CowS \ ' : .er.hnefKn light stipply I anti time \
n\efKn ; : ? ; :
.er.h , , , , .
fliTPriilL'M Vpr . lint lnc ' , ) nnrrimiir luln,1 (
nr ' Imlarket i ' was - fully" i steady ; . .i ' t.Dl most
cnses salesmen thought they got II little
stronger prlce Some pretty good caws
brought $ 3.1r ont $ 3. 0. and ns high as $3.10
WIS lalt for quite ( 1 sIring oC 7 6'loull
hel Cers.
There was sle inquiry for stockers and
feeders and 11 few hunches ) cholget hanls
nt about sllml ' lrlc ) ! Since the IIRttcrs
have censed buying the Ilemnml for Ceci-
ers anti stockers hns , become very lltful .
Days when luers are lit from Misouri or
enslerl states the demand Is geol , whie
other lays time trade Is very 11ulel. Hcpre-
scnlolvc sales :
IE1 1 ' STELD1S.
No. . \ \ ' . 11. No. A\ ' . I'r. No A11.
39. . 962 $3 (0 121. . . 1011 $3 4 5. . . IlOO $3 C ;
2..130 301 ZJ..IO"3 35 2.11. 370
4..70 3 r 21. . .1l02 35 : . .lr. 37 :
2..WJ . 30 . 18..1073M / 1..1 . 375
1. . 632 3J 21..10.31 ) : 10.l0'J'J 37
2. . 140 320 26..1"9 3 CO . D..10 39"
9..870 32 : 8..1140 3 c
1. . SO 1:5 1..100 190 6. . . MG : 3 :
1..r 125 G. . . 896 190 5. . . 846 23 :
1. . ISO 130 1. . 875' 10 : ] 5. . 70 23 :
2. . . 700 13 : 1. . .IOSO 20 O..IOJ 235
2..10 : 150 1..100 2 OJ 2..195 3 to
2..110 I f 1. . CO 200 8. . 131 ! 2 10
1. . 940 15 1..1300 30 3..1010 : 50
3. . . S.3 1 CO 1.1310 2 ( 2. . r.15 ) 25
6. . . 906 1 c 13..91 20 2..92 2 r
I. . 00 16 : 1. . .1330 20 6..13 : 260
4. . . . 342 70 . 1..I25O 00 1..llCt ) 63
t : : 530 70 tn : : 0) 19..1053 : : : : Cl
1..1 SIO 170 1..1020 20 C..138 275
1..IG 17 1..100 210 9. ) . 836 28
1..10 175 1..10 22' 10. . 9S1 280
I. . 920 1 7 : 1..I OI 22 ' : 16. . , ' 205
3..10 17 : 1. . 020 . 22 : 1..10 30.
1..10 17i 1..1070. 22 18. . . 9CI ( 315
3. , , . 964) 80 3.lOlO , 2. , . . . .1090 15
: : : : liI 'JO 1.,1053112'Z3 : : 14.,1059 : : : : 30
3. . . 990 190 - . . -
lIElFi3RS .
7 . . 401 1 5 1..10 ; : f'so 1. . . S70 30
4. . . 492 1.0 3. . 1661 ! 2',50 , : I. . 91 30
8. . GIG ( I 7 : 1.-40 .a.S S2. . 7t'G ' 3 10
I. . 6:0 2 0 3:7)3 . . . ) , :8 : 1. . 030 320
1..690 2 0 t ,
1. . 9 : 1 7. 1..13 900 1..110 : 40
1. . 930 11 : 1..1),1 O 1..100' ' 240
I. . 70 17 1. . .W" , . O 1..10. : 1
2..1O'JO . 1 7 : 2..1 : . _ 10 1..IG2 2.0
1..1310 . 1 SO \ . . IW' 210 1..103O . 2 CO
3.,1110 2 00 1. . . 930 220 1..l46O . 2 C :
3..150 20
1..1 . ' 0 2 M 1..tt0. :2 : 1 , . .IG2 2 7
1..1220 20 1..10 ' :35 1.190 21a
1..l190 . 20 1..120 2.40 ' , . 2090"3'35
CA\ES. . ;
1. . . 3G ' 1 2 ; 3.t 3CO ' 32-\.01..130. ; 31
1. . 3M 1 W 8..38) 25 1..12 3 [
2. . . 370 1 5 5. . . ' : : o,3t4o , 3. . , . 20J 4'0
1. . 3' 1 GO o. ; ; , lj2 : : . .01. . . . 210. 4 T )
I. . IS' ' )7:1. : . , $ j2O 25 : J. . 1:0.4 CO
10. . 2 : 19 : 2..IS2' ' 2'65 , . ] . . , ,11:4 : r )
10. . 9& .Q3 I ; . . ! : 30 410 . 1. . 153 4 1' ' )
3. . 13. , , ' ' ' " . ' . : ' I 113) .f''r 41
l2..3C4',2J'i41) . , ( . - ' $ ' ' . . . , ' fj ' 33'
, :4. ; ' .
. . 'iTd k11R t D .f Ehs. ' )
1. . t20 , rl' f 5,3lI54 ! ' 2'tb' r' C. . 1St 2'Tfl
3. . 03 , ' 2 0 1. . . 694. : .5 . , , G3127 :
1. . 53'.2 2 . . . 31..r'C'53 , i2 oS 30. . tS 2 55
5. . . r : 25 13' , , 442 CII . " 8. . . r,7 .2.95
4. . 470-23 L . . 79' ' ) 260 1. " 70 29
G. . . 553 23 15. . . GS 2 c 2. . C30 30
6. . 70 235 - 2. . ( : 2 Ci 15. . 1f6 3 (
28. . . CG 3 45 G. . 395 3 C5 61. .10 2 3 2 ;
4. . 70 3 r . . . ' .
1 springer.$18 00 1 springer.$22 0
1 springer. . . . 2 0 1 cow all calf. . 24 i
HOOSThere were 11)rour ( realm loads und
about 2.0 head or hollo\'er In the 'YlnlG this
momlng. The buyers started out bIdding prIces
lint were steady io Ce hIgher but Ihl lids not
nlet , the views or hollers ther , vus hitle I
tm < lng. The buyers finally ral8ell their bids and ;
the trade became faIrly active nt In m\'alce or '
rm .0 to jOe , .0 on tm ( more coml ? : and
lO on the more d 8lmllo grades. Af usual
when tlmere Is ( such a h\y break os yeserlay , .
the lids were lather uneven. len : . many or t'e'
logs carried over ( coOl 'cslenluy shol,1 , 1
greater , advance than that noted nll\ " ' , S'IP
hogs sold lola ) ' at $3.00. for which only f3.7 WaR
oilereI ) 'rtertn ) ' . The bulk or time otferThgs were
lokrn quite early and about everything In first
'ul. ar\ IhOl1 e\.rylhln Irst
hands was e.nn",1 , up h ror the close. One
lo.ul or bogs brugtmt . $ but they nol s'
gco1 us the U hogs yesterday. liege weIghing
2 us. and under sold nt , S3.7 : anti down 10 $3.20.
Thu built of all lie ( hogs sold 01 from $3.15 t1
$30. aa agaInst $3.45 tn f3.70 yesterday antI
( ruin S3.70 to $ 3.95 nn ThurEllny or last wcek.
AL tile opening or time 1"lh hogs soil 01 hIs (
mm ket at $ un,1 $ .45. wlh the hulk ut frm
$4.23 to U.35. wlmlch will give In idea or the
amolnt of decline durIng Jonuar ) ' . I.presenln-
l\e ( ( sales :
No A\ Hh. Pr. No A\ Sh. Pro
. . . . . . . $3 25 31..12 . . s G
93..11 ) . . 330 : . . . . . 80 3 G5
79 . . . . . 158 . ' . 3.40 50..201 . . . / . . 3 65
8..1 3 . . 3 ro 42..17 80 3 C5
26 . . . . . 147 . . 3 z 16..2 . . 370
1..IG : . . 3 ro 85..2IS 40 370
. . . . . 40 3 r ) . . . . . SO 370
. . . . . : r 35 7..208 . . 370
9..15 40 3 ro 71..22 . . 370
62 . . . . . 193 20 3.0 75..178 W 370
5. . . . .2S : . 3 50 7. . , . .23 80 3 70
CI..I5 . . 3 roO . . . . . 40 370
15..1G2 . . 3 50 . . . . . . . 370
106..166 . . . . 3 5235 ! 76..2 . . 42. . . 370
( ' 8 . . . . . 184 . . 3 r,5 ! : . . . . . . 370
63..174 . . . 3 r,5 - . ' . . . . . . 370
102..IG . . _ 3 5. , CJ..178 . . . 371 (
. . . . . . . . 35 . 73.S tO 370
19..IS : . . 3 5 : , CG..20 . . . 371
31..2 80 31 . . . . . 40 375
8G..I 165 . . 35 W..20G 320 375
H..IG . . 36 W..IS . . 37 :
75..IGI . . 360 . . . . . 40 315
90 . . . . .1' 9 120 3 CO SG..202 . . 3:5
. . . . . 40 3 CO 66..2 . . . 240 38
1 . . . . .15 . . 360 7. . . . . : . . 3 SI )
1..111 . . 3 CO 6..22 . . 360
34.:1CG . : 12 3 CO 7..219 I : 3 W
1..11 . . 25 7..21 . . 3 SO
2. . . . .215 . . 2 5 67..280 . . 20 3 SO
'ii . . . . 182 . . 3 ro 73..20 40 3 SO
SS..I8 . . 3 65 7..212 h 38'
SI..I9 . . 3 Cl 62 . . . . . : . . 3871
: . . . . . . ISO 3 C : 55..23 12 390
. . . . . . . 3 G : 70..2:1 . . 395
. . . . . 40 3 65 4..31 . . 30 :
. . . . . 10 3 65 ! . . . . . .2 0 . . 40
1 . . . . . 270 . . 2 r . - 2..20 : . . 30
P105. ,
II. . . . . . 52 . . 25 f , ,8. . . . . M ) . . 30
8 . . . . . 95 . . 265 t.'I'I,4..9 , : . . 303
2..1G . . 2 ( .5 ' < . . . . . : . . 30
24..7 . . 290 ' hl.C2. . . . . 8 . . 310 : i
: . . . . . : . . 2 9 _ - _ ' _ ,1.\7 . . 320
32. . . . . 6 . . 2 90 M. . . .13 : . . 3 321,4
IT. . . . . 91 . . 200 1 I t ) . . . . 137 . . 3 S : .
4. . . . . 81 . . 3 0 )01 . . " , . S..130 . . 335
i4llllEl'-'l'Imere . im'ere''f' bails or sheep 10 the
yards today . but one . . , tonsigmu'il direct to 0
I"'k'r ( antI was nol offeiph-on the malket. 'fhe
gen"rl ! morlet was Ilr.t a'II ) ' . I"IrNenllth'e
soled ii ) , ( z
. .
No. 1 'I , As' . 1' .
87 native lambs " . . . " m ( t' . . ' " 9 ' : $335
l6aimi4siii1 \1,0 , Soclc .
KANS.\S CITY , JaO. J31.TI.F-Iecelpls [ ( ,
1,3 ' hired ; silintns ( , ( . e1Lol hend ; murket slow
hum steal ) ' ; Texas steers , ' $2.7MI3.G' Texas cows
81.70312.55 ; Colorado sll" . . 53.00313,513 ; bee steers
n.2oo.O ; native cow'aiJIh.25s / I3.5 : stoker und
feeders . IUMi3.3 ; lulls - $ .2\3.60. .
liOGS-ltecelpis , 9.27) I mieitl ; shipmen Is , 2.0)0
head ; market S31iOc hiilSt ' bulk or sales . 13.5031
3.0 ; h. \111. $3.553140liI , packers . $3.50314.ti ;
mixed. 33.6331 3.15 : Ihhltll l 13.50313.70 ; Yorkers .
$ U.(13.70 n.I(3.85 ; 1'118. $30tJfJ : ; 47
SII.t I-lecelpl. . 40 ' head ; shipments . 3
head ; market steudy.
eW York Lhtu'tock Mlrkot
lowork '
NllS \ ' YORIC . Jail. 31.-U ! VI SlrcelpI8 ,
none : market nominally fair
/11 IW ANn I.AIIH-I..t'lllts. 8.899 1'u ;
4,2) head on sale ; sheep. barely steady ; lambs
5t(34o lower ; sheep . inferior to I'cimne. ' 33.5031 '
. .2 : : lamb. common to choice . U.315.51. .
1I0G13-lteeeipts . 2.700 heud ; mllkeL steady ;
extreme weIghts , 34.40314.75.
Stock II : Ilt.
Iecord or reeeliti , al lie four principal tmar-
kela for Thursday , January 31 , 19 : :
Cattie . Hogs. Sheep.
Sulh Oaiahma . . . . . . . . . . Calte. , 4.3 ; 21)
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . I.W ) 33,0 1.0:0 : :
Kansas CI . . . . . . . . . . . 4.31 9 20) 40
Oft . Leuli . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,0 ) v.w - 120
Totais . . . . . . . . . . . . :1.83t 62.5 12.15
: t. t.ouisLtvu l mk I"ro ; .
HT. l.t'll. Jan. 31.-CATTI.F5-jtecelpts , 4,9)0 :
h\ld. . .liiiilcnis ' ' . 2.1' ' SI.-ATfl.tnecellts 4.0 /
at ( lye pol\ ' . sti cry . 1I)131I,3)O.lbs. , $3.9SJ4.2 ) , I
1,11'ehl' ( , ( I , J6. 3' coWs und he/tn. / $ .1 (
.85t smeekers anti ftttiei . $21003.5 , fed Texans
aau louisa sterns. JJ.2H 3Wj glU.1 steers , U.Q
2 20 : grtis ' cows .GUt.Z.
noaS-llcwJ"i. . ; .W head ; shmipmeuta , 3.10
- - - - - - -
1ic't'l. Market active. pining . steady 10 G
1"h r. rr . hl\ J40UI.ll : goot mhNI fnl\
ilghmt 89.95314.00 : pigs , cmmn MIl ' 011 ; ' . $ .1
, .n,1 111 < .W.
511 iti' : . H''f'II hi' . I.U hpul ; shipments. 10
"rlll ! nrk1 nlh'Ul 81(11) ' : lambs I . 84.0oti.rO ;
tlx.l , 81.40373.35.
Clt.\UU I.l' : STOClt.
there Vii " Rjhty Hotter Turn to time
l'nlto Market .
cJCAOO. .lnn 31.-Ther " .f Ju,1 I slightly
heter turn 10 the cattle mnkct The h. t'rr
' .elnl was due In part I. time fact nr cntnu.1
IRhl ofernl" : antI PartlY 10 time favorable rl'oc.
lion In Ihe grain end l't\I"lon mnrkrls. T.
'lay's or.rlng were co"rl ) ' bought 11'0 : I hAsl
or from b to $5.t for \ 'ery oommon 10 strictly
Prime I steers , from $1.54 10 U.75 for poor 10
extra cows . helfers mini lul8 , nnll frlm $2 In
$3..1 for stockers nfl feeders. Tessa emtttle
% vera in , lernnmil at ( ream $2 to 33.2.5 , ncc'i'illmmg ' to
iltmahity ,
SIvine soIl lmhghmer today him every instance ,
Some Irlmne image , hiehil over from 'eaCitlay , sold
:1) nbovo the lCt ti'd recetvtl that , ia > ' , nfl
( here tm'erw nInny tradeim timn.t piirwotl scarcely t.
n'Ivnee , A mmmajortty of sellers mlilntt'tl time mnor
ket ( rum tic to lOc imigiicr , nnI time average gnus
Was somewhere between timesa higmireim. The
clmoiceqt of the heavy hoa Wei ( takeim at $1.3' ) .
ail ( ( mere were a few nle of prlnte n'esortNl
lIght at $4.05. Time majorIty of the 10 9)0 immg
olterc,1 , , however , went ( , tit of pellets' imilmils at
from $3.33 tt , (4 for lgit nail itt fr..mmm $1 to 4,2O
fl' averages of over 3 lbs.
The Ptit't'l ) Sad lnnmb nmarket was unclmnngc"l ,
There was a. g'od , lemnnnil at fronm $2.u' ) Cl , $4
fr Ponr to cliilCe i'lmeep mmtmil at ( mmmi $1.50 to $47
for o'r to choice lambs' . An exporter Pail 34.25
for a hummcim of folIoS' ithic''l , , hail there were it
( civ sates of IStIttia at froni $3.5) to (3.16. Culls
we're quoted at Casio $1.73 to $2.25.
Iteeeiptms : Cattle. 11,453) ) hiamil ; calves , 30' ' ) lleatl
hiogi. , 33,1)50 hienI ; sharp , 11,00s ) liemsil.
Iliimimoi. , CII ) ' . 'slirltets. :
1ANSAS CITY. Jan , 31-WIIIIAT-Stefll yNo.
2 limo-il cal Nu. 2 red , S9lJSlc ; ieJected , 46c. O1amn-
pIt' sites f. 0. 1 , . 2tipsIppiIIpl nit-er : No. 2 iumrl
minI Ni. 2 red , 5Cc ,
( 'OltN-c higher ; No. 2 tnixel , 10371054c ; l'io. 2
white , 40c.
OA'i'S-i'cser ( ( No. 2 iim'xcd. 59313'c : Na. 2 w'imie.
11 % $132e. .
ItYE-F'lrmn ; No. 2 , 5O.
I'l.AX Sl1Sl-lmlll , 31,39311 II.
llltAN-Sti-aiiy , 693170e.
I IAY-Luwer ; timotl. ' , $ S.034J'J.ti3 ; irairle , $ . .O)31
1)UT'l'Ult-Flnmner ) ; crealmiery , 171J2Ic ; dairy , 1331
lIt' .
1u05-lhpier , 196jl934e.
IttCtSll'TH-Whicat , 3,050 Lu , ; corn , 1,000 lu , ;
oats , 6,000 bti.
Sllll'MI'ONT-Wlmeat , 13,000 lU. ; corn , 9,000 bU. ;
oats , ione ,
italtimmiore ? , lmtm'kets.
IIALTIMOIOIT , Jan. ll-.I"LOU1t-Dult mini on-
chiangeil ,
W'ltIiAT-Firmn ; epot anti mnontim , r.6'375G34e ;
February , SCiI31SCItc MareIm , 57 ¼ 0fI7io ; May.
535431587c ; mitemimimer , No. 2 red , C1543153m1c.
COttN-F'irnm : 45'3146c : macntIs , 157311Gc ;
F'elruary. 43750lOmSc ; May , I73tj47c ; stoitmmmer
mixed , 448147c ; southiern white corn , 45314Cc ;
sotithiem im y.'llaw corn , 43314Cc. -
OA'l'S-Qiilet ; No. 2 whitte westeJIm , 36313655e ;
Ni. 2 iimlxeil , 34313134c.
ltYS-Iull : No. 2 , STe.
attAIN F1tllGItTS-Quiet anti unchanged.
St'GAlt-Firmn itimil uneliingi'tI.
ltt'T'l'Elt-Flrmn anti tincmnmmged.
EGGS-Fi1nm mLnil uncliimngetl.
CIIFSES53-Firni anti unehmangeil.
Ott Ilmiricet.
LONDON , Jan. 31.-LINSEED OIL-lOs 9337
395 1034,1.
( 'IIAISLIISTON , Jim. 3I.-3TOSIN-Flrm ; * 1.0)
TlJItl'IONTINII-Flrnm : 2Cc 1)11.
SA\'ANN.tlt , Jan. 31-SPIRITS-Firm ; 27c ;
mle , 253 bIds.
IIOSIN-Firni : $1.10.
w'il.JttINCIToN , Jan. 31.-ROSIN-FIrm ;
strained. 31.0234 ; good , * 1.0734.
St'lltlTS-Firm ; 2Cc.
TA It-Stc'aily : 95c.
TttltI'ISNTINE-SteatIy ; lined , $1.30 ; soft , $1.50 ;
virgin , 81.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New York Dry C.otl'i , , Mmirlcot.
NEST VOItK , Jan. 31.-As usual to time last
day of time montlm theme was a light geaerat tie'
omanI for small nesoninmente of seasonable i'pocl'
aities. Time amatum'lng of orlers ( or February
tmna cmmueel mm. large mavement , anti very few sales
were compieteil. The tone of the maciceS Is tim
favor of ni"re bus'nepmi , iimmd viiluee are mitcatly.
0mm Felrtmary C anti 7 the feature of next week
will take place , when there will be sold at. auc-
( ba 8.75' ) pieces of black , coloreil sail fancy
silks. Tile largest alTerIng oi record of time mal-
ufacturo of Sciinrazenineh , Iluhier & CO. l'nint-
Ing cloths , firm at 2 9.1Cc bki and tiecllnel for
sixty-four square spots and contracts to July.
Toledo arittim Market.
TOLEPO , Jan. 31.-WI I IIAT-Actlve , weak ; No.
2 , caslm , 5234c ; May , Ste.
COItN-Diiil , steady ; No. 2 mIxed , 41c ; No. 3
yellow. 4lc.
.OAT31-SteadY ; No. 2 mixetl-IGc ; No. 2 .whtt ,
3234e. " - S - - ' . - . '
) tYll--DuII : cash , r.234c.
C1.OVltSIt SEED-Active. steady ; prime , cash
intl Felrummry , 75.25 ; March , (5.271,4.
RECEIPTS-Flour , COO this. ; wheat. 10.50) Lu. ;
corn , Ilr/h ) bu. ; ceite , 1,004) Lu. ; rye , f/hO bu. ; do-
t.ei' M'etl. 250 bags.
SIIIPMENTS-Whent. 35,000 in. ; corn , 25,50)
Lu. ; r'e. 50) bu. ; clover seed , 1,520 bags.
Sliminoapoli5 's''tmeitt Market.
MINNEAI'OLIS. Jan. 31.-Wheat lost a little
ground today. There was a fimir ( mdc , but it
was of a scalpIng character anti iIhd not serve
as a proi to prIces. It was reported today ( isa
rceelpta of wimeat would prolably Increase next
week on account of time probnbhe passage of tIme
law 1mm Nortlm Dakota timilt VilI provhle roe time
earlier assessment of wheat in Store. ( 'lose :
January. S4c ; May , 545,37517c ; July , 55343755c.
On track : No. I hard , 5634c : No. 1 northern ,
5154c ; No. 2 northern , SIc. Flour Is depressed.
First potents , in woa'l , nrc quaeil ( at 33.00373.33 ;
semnd patents , 32.70312.95 : fancy export bakers.
(2.00312.10 ; ICed Dog , 31.50371.55 ,
Milwaukee Markets ,
W'IIIIAT-Steatly ; No. 2 spring , 50c ; No. I
imortiiercm , 62c ; Slay , r.354c.
CORN-Steady ; No. 3 , ' ( Ic.
OATH-hIgher ; No. 1 whIte , 3134c ; No. 3 whIte ,
IlAItLISY-Quiet : No. 2 , dIe ; sample , 33343755c.
RYE-Scarce an,1 firm : No. 1. 52c.
l'ltOVlSlONS-ltigher : pork , 59 .G : , lard. $0.25.
] 113C1311'TS-Flour , 6,600 thIs. ; wheat , 9,101 bu. ;
barley. 13.600 be.
SllIl'MFSNTH-.Fiour , 5.700 bbs. ; wheat , 600 Lu. ;
honey , 10,000 Lu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Coftoc Market.
NEW YORIC , Jan. ll.-COFFIII3-Optione
openeti steady at 103715 poInts ileciine ; rmiiel
quiet hut generally siendy , sellers Icing cnrco
iii thy ; closed sieatly at net unchanged to 5
points , Ieeiimse : sales. 15,000 liars , incitm'lhng '
March , 311.553114.63 : May , 314.453714.60 ; August ,
' 14.50 ; October , 314.553114.50 ; December , 314.4013
14 50.
1310 DI3 JANEIflO , Jan. 31.-Market steady :
No. 7 , 816.l2'M mill. steatb' ; Corilava , * 15.125531
19.73 ; sales. 12r.0' ' ) bags Snntns , . No. 6 , spat , p. t. ;
1,100 lags Marneolbo , 400 bags liavanllla and 200
lags l'uerto Cabehlo.
l'eoria Simirkets.
PEORIA , Jan , 31.-CORN-FIrm ; No. 2 , 40m4c.
OATLO-Slen'lY ; No. 3 whIte , lO'4,3131c ; No. I
vlite 29m431293e.
1YI'-N. minnl ,
WlIIiKY-Firm ; iilghm wee basis , $1.22.
flFCEll'T13-Wheat. ; lS00 Lu. ; corn. 23.400 ho. ;
cats. 35.200 bu. 3 rye , 50) ) ) Lu. ; barley , 141,701 lu ,
SlIlI'MI3NTS-Wiieat none ; corn. II 100 Lu. ;
Oats , 22,000 bu. ; rye , nn'me ; barley , 4,00) Lu.
; , lie , . r l a roar.
NEW YORK , Ja'm , 31.-SUGAR-Raw , (3mm :
sales , late ) 'esiPrilO ) ' , 5,400 bags centrifugal , 96
test , itt 3 3.32c ; retineil , quiet ,
' 'I'rI'eo WHeat Mmrket ,
SAN 1ItANC1SCO , Jan. 31-WI1IIAT-flteady ;
May , ( ( Sc , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Foromgn Elimitsieliti Affairs.
IJEI1LIN , Jan. lt.-Ilxcimnnge on London , eIght
1n's' sight , 20 mania 42 lfg.
l'AItli3 , Jan , 31.-Three icr cent rentes , lOSt
5734o for tii account , Exchange Olh IMnuIofl , 2Sf
tOo for checks. 'rho weekly statement of ( ho
hank of France stiowi , the following : Notes in
circulation , increase , 1I9.15).000f : treasury cc.
counts curmen ( , decrease , 13,375,000t ; golil in land ,
increase , 12.5O,000f ; hills ihiscatmnietl , increase ,
1Soo5o,000f sliver In hand , Iacreiise , 350,015Sf ,
IONION , Jasm , 31-The hank of Englanti's rote
of discount mematna unchanged at 2 per rent ,
lIar silver , 27 7.16 % ounce. , 'fli
weekly statemen ( or time liani or m.rwmanim
siiows ( liii following chatigesm Tutiml reserve , lii-
crease , (677,000 ; circulation , ilecre1mse 89,000 ; tail-
lion , increase , 588,173 ; otimer securiiks , , Ieciemae ,
121,000 ; oilier deposits. , ie'cmt'aso , 1,012,000 ; 8utilc
deposits , increase , 49,0(8) . Notes ; Iteserve in-
crease. 6614.000 ; government secunitis , decrease ,
1,600,050. 'rime proltortiton of time hunk of 1img-
land's reserve to liability is 63.12 yen cent.
'i'hie amount of bullion gone into ( lie llarmk
of llngianil on balance today , 18(850. Gold'
itt Buenos Ayres. 250 ; Malmil , 10 : 1.ishton ,
23.2551 ; St. l'eiersburg , SO ; Aiiens ( , 77 ; Itonle ,
100.30'ienna ; , 103.
Iliiitiviai Notes ,
IIOSTON , Jima. Il-Cleam'ngs , $12,003,501 ; lal.
minces , $1,593,031 ,
88ALTIMOItI'l. Jan , 3i-Cleanings , $ lOSS,302 ;
iiaiiimmces , $246,051 ,
Nl'i's % ' 't'OltlC , Jan. 31.-Clearings , $89,337,917 ;
ttalunCes , $8,327,639.
I'll I IdtIl3t.l'I I IA , Jan. 31.-ClearIngs , $9,151- $
528 ; balances , $1,118,910.
5'ASIIINOTON , JaIl , Il.-Totlny's stimteoment of
( lie cogmdition of this treasury shows ; Avmiilittle
cash Italanet' , $153,214,453 ; gold reserve , 43,636ltG11.
ChICAGO , Jan. il.-Clearngs. * 12,717,0 0.
Money , 43141,4 per rent on toll amid 3G per cent
on ( tine , New York exeliinge , SOs iiemiumii.
iOenltng ( 'Omnhiiefl'ial , Z4.b10U 1.11 % ,
ST. 1.OUIS , Jan. Si-Clearlmmgs. $3,18.573 , lath.
ancril , * 912,130. Timis month , clearings. $116,399,714 ;
balances. 321,706,0(8. ( January. If'Jl , cleiirigs ,
flOl.274,739 ; balances , 333,30(235. ( Increase' , Ill , .
115,5875 , or 10.6 l Ceimt , llxchiamige on New
York , $1 premium bid. Money , quiet at 6217 lr
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( Inn of the . " . je. I ? , lD'ii Flit Lree ,
ChICAGO , Jan , Ol.-Thi31 cimarges against
Moses Avent'r , thte Bock lelanil swltchmrnan
wiio hiss been one of the co.dt'fentluna ( with
Debit In time commsplracy Case , were ( iismnIsseIl
by Judge ( Jmosscup today , 'i'bu court
imehl ( limit time evhilciice ugaimist Avenr was
Insutllcletmt to warrant further proceedings
agaInst imim , The greater Part of ( oday'
) Iessiolm Wail taken up with time evidence of
( leneral SuperIntendent Dunlap of time flock
. . . .
' - ± ' - ' " - - - - -
: -L
Tahulateti Statement of the Number Now
liehi lu the United Stttes ,
( leimerni lIelIrcaClon Timronghiotmt time Commmitry
liig htcamiltei , Ill iediiciimg tltc Nuimt-
bar of Farimi .tnhmmiala-Flgtmres
% 'iiich Shiow the iteuiL.
The aggregate value of all hive stock otm
farms January 1 was $1n22G00,000 agnimiat
$2,262,400,000 a year ago , representimig a
aimriimkago of nearly $340,000,000 or 15 per
cent. Intheso figures Orange Jtldl Farther
presents the , results of tito mmiost exhmaustlvo
colisus of forth alhiishmtls ever Ilmatlo UlIdel'
prIvate atIspicea. Tile fIgures are time result
of local investigations immatie by trailletl oim-
servers iii every coummty Iti tile UnIted States ,
carefully tabtiiated to Present tlho lireselit
status of the live stock industry Ill the most
clear atmtl conlpleto ( oral vossible. Time geli'
cml deprossiolm of busilmess is atmowim by a
deelitle in hiunlbera of Imearly all classes of
amilimlals alImi etnpliaaizett by time tiliproco-
tlotited shrInkage In ( aria valtics. TimIs has
been going oii for two years , time total valtme ,
Jamiuary 1 , 1893 , beilmg $2,483,093,000 ,
Time changes ill nuluberil cml values of time
tltffereimt classes durhimg tile Ilnat year are
almowa as follows ( Inst three flgures , 000's ,
omItted ) :
January 1 ISStS Change during year.
No. \'al. No. 'il ,
Ilorees , , . . 16S2 , ) $ , ' , Ts.507 . . . , , ' 119 " $115,012
Slimles . , , . 2,341 107,574 . . . . . . " 4 " 43,571' '
Cows . . . . . . 17,451 387,576 . . . . . . ' $5 " 11,142
( " ( ( tIC . , , . , 3231tS . 454,3n,5 . . . . . . I. 1,951 " 91,281
Simeep . . . . . . 35,819 50,711 . . . . . . ' 6,396 ' 23,103
llogs . . . . . . 47,011 223,568 . . . . . . 110 " 52,133
5. inimiUs , 11(15.
For two years almeep owliers have sacrilierd
timeir flocks , flooded time immanket wIth every-
himmg ( It to sell nmmd flluch thiitt was lint with
prices wore forced to all abnormally low
level , followed by a slight recovery dttrllmg
the last few weeks , hostile legialatloim , low
price of wool 011(1 gelmeral tieprcssioim Imavo
COnhiJiIlei to depress tIme Sued ) Immthllstri. III
every state the past year is mmmaI'ketl by a tIe'
dIne In time nuimiber of sheep , while for the
vlmolo country the destructIomm of flocks Iii a
sIngle year alnouimts to 16 imer cemmt.
No such record was ever before kimowti ( mm
the history of slmcep lltlsbaluiry. The total
tmttemmber 140W in the cottntry equals oimly 115-
819,000 or 6,000,000 less timait a year ago. Time
shrInkage In average value Is oven greater ,
amoulltlng to 17 11cr cent. ha a single year
time aggregate value of Siieeim has ( lecreasei :
30 per cent ammd tile receipts at immarket centers
show tllat flocks are still rapidly going to tile
butcher. Shrewd observers anmotmg our con-
respondents declare that leaving the vaimle
of wool out of the commslderation , floek
started hOW while the panic amimong ovmlcrs
Is til1 on will pay out Ill a few years on
nmtltton value alone. S
l'reseimt. retunims allow a slight Increase ill
the nunmber of hogs In tile cothimtry. Hut for
time Cr01) failures last year , wimich forced
large numbers of Immature hogs to market ,
the Immcrease would have been mucim heavier.
In alimmost every state ai Increase Is noted ,
but time heavy decrease In Iowa , Kailsas aiitl
Nebraska offsets the general Irnprovonmemmt
elsewllere. The value of hogs is lower by
about $1 per head than a year ago , but even
at current prices thIs class of stock is time
payitmg bmatmch of the live stock industry.
In the hog surplus states , vhiicis , furthislm
general market supplIes , there is little
chamlce from the situation of a year ago so
far as numbers are concerned , but time continued -
tinued marketing of lmmattmre stock Indicates -
cates Immcrcasng ( present shortage of feed
and future shortage of hogs. Distribution of
sheep and Imogs Is showmm by the fellowthg
statement ( , last threeti flures , 000's . , beIng
j - -
omitted ) :
No. y. Toil
\'ai. \'iil.
New England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DII $2.10 $ 2,360
New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,215 2.15 2,612
New Jersey 130
l'enns > 'ivania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,233 2,15 2,171
Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,831 1.25 4,151
Arkmmnsas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 1.25 3,235
Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5513 1.70 ( ( iS
\Veet Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 1.75 1,232
Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9S'J 1.9) 1,78) )
Olmio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,248 1,85 6,033
Miclmigaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,033 1.65 3,354
Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 1.9) 1,621
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876 2.05 1,8/0
WisconsIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 1,05 1,532
Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 1.50 770
Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 2.00 1,004
Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Jot 3,75 1,577
SInai-as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 1.70 391
Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 1.65 210
Nortlm Dakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 1.8) 452
South Dakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 1.5' ) 526
CalifornIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,790 1.70 1,743
Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,963 1,60 3,149
Svashilngton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS ) 1.90' 722
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,393 1.43 15,363
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 81.70 $69,731
ItOGh' .
No. Av. Total
Vol. Vni.
New England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 $9.25 8 3,213
New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 7,6) 5,4)92 )
New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 9,30 1,716
t'enmiaytvanha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002 7.30 7,172
Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Tr.s 3,1) ) ) 10,480
Arliansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,691 2.95 1,905
Teiiliesaee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 834
S's'est Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 1.25 1,99)
ICentucicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,013 4.30 ( CIt
oiho : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,62) 6.11 15,982
Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.5 6.55 4,947
indinna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,245 6.00 l3,47u
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,7134 6.15 23,233
\Viscon&n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,021 6.0) 6,144
Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 6.10 3,806
Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ttIl 5.75 34,23)
Missomirl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,366 1.40 19,210
Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,293 5.10 lt,72' )
NelmnmIcim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,823 4.75 8,600
Nortim 1)aicon. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 5.55 690
Soutim Ialcota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 1.15 1,104
California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 5,4) 2,547
Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 5.00 1,21' )
\'s'amtimington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.23 (71
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,069 . 3.25 29,474
Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,061 84.90 * 229.518
The steadily increasing iimmportuuco artl
value of time dairy interest is shown by an
Increase durIng the year in number of lmlllcii
cows of 90,000 , tile total nuinbr 'now behmmg
17,451,100. In spite of the general deprorslorm
of the year there is practIcally no decline in
the value of inlichi cows , tIme i.imrimilumgo Cf 80
cents per head which tile returns show being
actually only tile decline forced by time crop
faIlure iii Kansas , Nebraska oath b'outlm Ia-
betaVithi thmese exceptioiis dairy icrls ;
have declineti very little in value iluring a
time when other classes of farm atock etmow
a heavy fall ,
The tendency toward a decline Iti the beef
cattle Industry noted ( hiring recent years con-
tinues. Time total nummmber OIl farms shows a
decrease during the year of 6 per cent , with
a shrinkage of 12 per cent In ( lie average
valtie , No state except Oregon and Washington -
ton simows any Increase ( im numbers , while
the rate of decrease In prominent states
ranges ( rein I to 16 per CeIl. This dechimme
in numbers of farln cattle whmlcii has been
goIng on for a nunmbor of years , dating back
to tile rise of the rammge industry , Is begiillmng (
to affect receipts at all time great markets ,
A ( hetahlel almowing oh' cows antI other cattle
by states Is presented ( last three fIgures ,
000's , beIng omitted ; )
MlI.Cl1 COWiO.
No. itv. 'l'oial
'nI. Vnl.
New England . . , , . , . , , , , , . , . , , , , so 2. ) S 2,21I
New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,591 O'i.0I 4lf.0
New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . its 31.04 6528
l'enasylvanhim. . , . , , . , . , . . . . . , , , 5'Gl ' 20.1" ) 23,516
Texas . . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . , , , . , , , , 1,111 13,0) 15.551
Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3T 11,0) 3,707
Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.3) 5 9' ' )
\S't'st Virginia . , . , , , . , , . . . , , , , , , 19' ' ) 19,73 3.753
iCent000y , , , , . . , . , . , , . . . , , , . . ' 371 29.71 7,6510
Ohio . . , . . , , , . . . , , , , , . . , . , , , , , , . , 1y ( ) 23.5 $ ) 2),53)
Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610 28.11 14,331
ln'hiana ' . . , , . , , . . , . , , , . , . , . , ' . , ' 657 25.2' ) 16,555
Illinois 2,2(8) 21.10 31,320
Wisconsin . , , . . , , , . , , , , , 1Sil 25.23 58,157
Mnnesota ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.033
Iowa , . , , , , , , . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' 1,480 25.5' ) 37,710
Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853 19.75 16,106
lCans.a.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721 20.15 15.1St
Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11,37 9,4'O
North hakotU . . . . . , . . ' . . . ' ' ' . ' ' 327 5)70 2,6 9
Sautim 1)iikota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lii 18.75 4,575
( ullforahit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li 25.01 8.425
Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 21.1) ) 2.566
washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill 24.75 2,712
Other , , , . , , , , . , . , , , , . . , , - ' . . . . . - 2.333 15.10 35,085
Tutahe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.451 22.2) $3)7S76
OTiII'.It ( 'A'3"1'I.I.
1.40 , y. 'i'omai
Val. % 'aI.
New England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 $22.50 3 14.238
New 'ork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 11.59 15.179
New Jersey . . , , . , , , , , , , , . . ' ' ' , ' ' 19 21,0) 1,176
l'ennsylvania , , , . . . . , . . . , . " , ' ' 74t 2'.0t ' ) 14.12)
'texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,241 8.6) 43,019
Arkansas , , , . . . . , , . . . , . , .q , , . , , , 641 8.0' ) 5.123
Tcnntssea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.019 6,138
SVest VIrgInia . . , , , . , , , , . . , . , , . 353 14,15) 4,570
$1eitucky , , . . . , , , . . , , . . . , , . . , , . 18.5 145' ) 9,6-43
OhIo . , , . , . . , , . , , , , , , . , , . . , , , .q , , 1103 20,5.0 18,458)
Michigan . , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , 518 20.00 10.36)
Indiana , , . , . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . , 1,70 , 19,15 39,158
1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' '
_ _ _ _ & - _ - , - - , . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ,
WisCOnsin . . . . . . . , . , . . . . , , . . , , , . 772 13.59 14,251
lii flflrs8tft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 15.00 I2,93
IOwa , . , . , , , . , . , , , . , , . . . . , , , , , . , . 2,0111 19.00 10,49
8liaaotiti , , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,513 15.25 25,863
ilmunsaa . . . , , . . . , . , . , . , , , , . , . , , , 1,702 13,53 28,591
Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,336 14.00 18,971
North lnkntmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , 200 17.53 & , zsa
i4ohith Takot . , , . . . , , , . . . , , . . , . , ( II 14,10 6,010
( 'nllfornifl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.10) ) 11,704)
Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO 11.5) 6SS
\'nshlngto'u , , . . , . , , , . . . , . , , , , . . 260 19.0) 4,913
Other , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , . . , , . , . , . . . . 0,219 11.5.0 71,519
Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 $14.15 $453,302 $
hiOItSlS ANt ) MU141'S.
Figures In detail covering time failing oft in
tile hmorso Industry are supplelmsentary to our
special report ptllhismetl ) recently , time loss
being Chillily in time average valtle. Timls
alhiOtlIlts to 14 her cent colmhpared with a year
ago. Time distribtltlon by states , together
wIth vaimies , follows ( inst three figures , 000's ,
being ohmilttetl 1) )
11011141:9. :
No. A's' . Total
'al. 'sm1 ,
New Enginnil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 $74.00 8 27,595
New yotk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 CI , ) ) 41,55)
New Jm'ise3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . imo 73,0) 6,124
l'elmnsyltanln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 (8)5) ) ) R,712
'rt.xnq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 278 26,0) 33,158)
.tm-knmmsaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 39(0) ( 8.346
TCimn'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323 45.5(1 ( 14,121
SVcst'lrglmmia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 41,80 6,475
h'enucky ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sot 16.40 23,245
oiuis : . , , . , . , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 123 45,581 40,013
Mieimhgnmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI ) f..00 25,0'4
himlinna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727 44.50 32,570
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13) 40.18) 51,101
\S'ist'onshn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47) 40.5) 21,714
Mimsimepota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 45.41 21,563
li'wmt ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioo ; 41,041 Cl 947
8iIps'munl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.101 37.9) 40,71) )
1-Cmu--ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 ; 4. . ) 28,964
Neltraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943 , , )75 ) 11)754 )
N'ortlm lmiltolmi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 47.543 7,615
ilommtlm lnlumha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 23.50 10,121
( 'alltirnia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 43.9) ) 21.8.5
Oregnmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 3'i94 1,00 %
55'imlmimmglnru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS ) 44.00 7,02)
OIlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,160 34,001 32,331
Totals . , , , , , , , , , , , . , , . , , , , , , 1CO2 $12.20 1678,8) ) ?
No. A. Toinl
\'al , \'uml.
New lnglamitl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I $90.00 8 8)
N'o Yomk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 76.5' )
New .lereey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 55.00 CS' ' )
1'eimmmyIvmiula , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) 10.0) ) 2,12)
'fexiim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 41,7) ) 19,515) -
Al kammstmm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 fOCi ) 6,553
Tt'lmiissec' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 19,50 10,513
\ 5''st'Irgltmha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4(75 :111 :
IC'imimcky ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iso 43.51 720
( ) imlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS : ; ) .t ) leO )
Slhii'imigaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 57.0' ) 220
lmmhimmna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r,1 15,50 2r71
Illlmmois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 9 47,25 4675
\S'Iecdilsim . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , , . . - S 10.5,0 243
Sililnesotit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 47,2) ) 421
lumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 45,00 1,62k )
1ttissotmrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)3 41.5/h 10,1 + 00
l'1iiipms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,3 , 10.00 3,140
Nel + rnekn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 42)8) 1,874)
North lakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 51.0th 404
S + mitii lakot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Cimlttmmila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ss SO.OO 2,75' )
Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.0) 203
5S'asliimmgton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 51.01) to ) '
OIlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04S Slot ) 44,001 .
Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,3(1 ( $15.05 $107,574
I'ighut at time llrmmnswlclc hotel Whlidll Ilmsy'
Iao ! ii tzititl lti'stmt ( ,
Lotus Kmmg ( , a roustabout at the Uruns-
wick hotel , went lImb time kitelmen of that
hostelry about onoim yesterday 'ss'tii (
time avowed intention of eleaimlmmg out
time place becatise lie OVO1I given
no slipper Wedimestlay nIght. Time
fIrst man imo ramm against 'so'as Fi Egali , thmo
cook. lie Illatlo a swipe at Ed imlmti tile hat-
5cr picked up a meat cienvcr , deahlim the Ihmail
a terrific blow oil Limo left side of tIme iiead ,
felilimg huimmm likc aIm ox , '
The police were called and for sonic thmmie
IL was thought thinS King was dead , but im "
recovered euihhclently to be taken to time eta-
Lion tim time police ambulance. King hail
be-en tlrhmllcing hmcas'ily all immomning ammd the
effects of the blow and liqtior made iiinm rave
like a immaniac. The police surge-on could
not dress tit vound until lIe bad beets sub-
flied by opIates. Tue man is dangerously -
gerously wounded and time fight mmmay iiave
a fatal termmlhilatlon. The flat s0e ! of time
cleaver landed on time side of tile head and
seenme to have crusheti In time bones over tiio
left ear. Aim ugly looking gash Is on time top
of King's head and one belmind time ear from '
which the bicod was pouring profusely. . . . ' - .
Egan svas placed emitter arrest. to awaIt time , . I
result of ICing's Injuries. lie , Is a quiet , sober
sort of man nlmcl talked freely abomt ; thp
trouble , h-Co said that 'King came into ttm
house late Wednesday night aimd
der.mammded timat lie be gIven slip-
per. As It was after hours- Egan
reftmseti time request and KIng , wimo Is 'work-
ing in time baseimment , 'owe-d lie would get
even. hie filled up wIth fightIng wimisky yesterday -
terday and sent. word to Egan by time Ormgi-
neer that lie was on the war path and pn .
1)0504 cleanIng out tue ranch. As soomm as
King got into tilt ? kitchen he began hostilItIes.
Ilusy , tlu + tlliig Surgimors.
Ilurglars are realming a harvest In Omaha
just at present , and numerous complaints are
being made at police lmeadquarters by resl-
( lefts WhlO hmave been robbed.
Wednesday iligimt wan one of
great profit to tile thieves. The
house of Mrs. Trusky , at 1024
5oct11 Nineteenth street was btlrgharizod of
$175 worth of dlnmoimds and jewelry. Time
barn of A. Pardee at 1810 Emmett street was
broken lute and am $18 robe stolen , A. 1ST.
henderson's blacksmitim silol ) at. 212 South
Twenty-fourthu street was burglarized of a
big lot of tools , lmlnchc'a and hammers. Detective -
tectivo Murphy of Cotmncil ilimlffs iost a Ilno
beaver overcoat. C. Hoot of the HIllsIde
hotel was robbed of a ( Inc new overcoat , and '
Almtono Veniso was robbed of an overcoat
mill ) ] $1.25 in cash while asleep In tile Mid-
Oval , at Twelfth mimud Dodge streets. Time
Gross grocery store at Twemlty-fourth and
OJlmaries streeto was btirglarlsetl of a qtian-
tlty of cigars , tobacco and canimed goods ,
Ietective Slaloimo of Lincoln reports ( hue loot-
lag of it tailor 511011 iii that cIty by a gang of
thieves , o'iuo are m + uippos3ui to have cotmuo to
this city Weilimesday nIght. Tii
detectives do not scemim to be able to cope
Ovitil tiuiil class of criismhtials just at present.
SemiS Out ot 'l'own.
MartIn Murray , who Ia also kimown by the
narmmo of Crotty , was arrested \Vednesilay as a. ,
vagrant anti susplciou character , The fellow
had just completed a lIlly days sentence in
Site county jail , being sent. ill ) from South
Ornaima. lie was arrested ( lowhl 1mm tue ! daglo
City uimler suspicion of beIng a ineimiber of
time gang of iuOldilI)5 thmat imavo been terror.
Izlng UnIt place. lie was found hanging
aroiinti towlm that tmlghut and time olhicer timotigiut
that hue would be a good 111311 to howe In jail.
lie Imleaded fcr a chance to get out of town '
and the 1)01(00 ( jmiilgo gave iulmn a suspended
seimtemlco of nirmety da'a , halt mm bread aimtl
water , and told 111111 ttiat OmImaima was act a
imealtiiy place for 111(11 of hits ciass.
Cituigiut him flint Ciiiupmsmiy ,
Qeorgo Sheets , a 12-year-old , was arrestemi
with a gang of hiobos Womlnes-
day nigiut , ' lie told a tearful
tale about hits tnotiier being ( hemmil and
isis fattier being a drunkard , , lie worked upon ' '
( hue sytmmpathiles of ttIi lmOliCO until yesterday
wimeli IL WOil found that ho was a most
proimmlslmig pupil of Anamilas. Ills ilaronts lIve
in thIs cIty and his fattier Ia sail to be ommo of
tIme packing house inspectors at Somitii Omiuaiua.
lie toitl ( tie court that lie had imecim ausi'o'ndetl
( ( 'Din school because of Ilgimtiisg acd that iil
parelmtmo Wohild nd let lOin commie iiotmle , Ills
relatives , stun (11(1 ( not know where ho wits ,
hia'o been mmotifled.
01 limor Cr1 iia lisis I I I lipplill hugs ,
JulIus Koimllil , who takes orders for enlarg-
hug photographs , illeti a coisipialnt agaInst.
Timomimas 11e130X , agent' ( or tue Olmmaila Art.
StudIo comnpally , yestenilay , charging limo
ivRlm iuavlng coliecteil and receipted witimout
authority for $1 froimi one of Julius' patrous ,
James Thompson , whio Is ituslmected of 1mev-
lrmg been released ( rota the state prison and
, beimmg implIcated ho a burglary Ott LIncoln ,
was arrestel ( Welillesday by tile detective $ .
ho told coimlllcting stories atud was sent to
jaIl for five days Ia order to gIve the police
tuna to investigate iui case ,
( ilmarlea Willianis , a vagrant , nail alleged
to bo oime of time gang thinS has been tryIng
to ( lx atm alibi ( or Wliilatn Smith , a highway-
imlan , was gIven a susimeniled sentence of
nInety ( lays yesterday anmi was toitl to get
out of town iitsbhc' of an hour or lie svould "
have to serve this sentermce and would have 4.
twenty days to ublst omm breath and oYster ,
3. ciIJL1W ,
1(02.13(14 UnIon Aye. , ICiest. City , 1,10.
U. - - -
. . , . .
' * -SSr-- _ V.- '