Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1895, Page 4, Image 5

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. : _ 4 _ . TIlE OMA1A nAIL 11)t ) , FRIDAY , InDUUUAUY 1 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. i
- ;
. 1 : nOSEWATI . Editor.
. _
- -
'uijt.1rn1ii , IWlmy tonuina.
TImMS o SUflE1tlI'T1ON ,
fl&lIy 1Ie ! ( Without 8undtty ) , One Year . . . . S 10
DRiy tN Wlhoul RunlA'I
1)nIly 1lt nnd Sunday . One Year . . . . . . 100 )
61 Inly : lc . . . . Sunl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . roe
rhre . Montti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z M
unJny flee . Onc Yent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZO
funIAY flee , One Yer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 M '
: Veekly II' One 'Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5S
, m'I.'lcl S.
Omnha. ) Thc tc 13uIhIIn.
F > llh Omnhn. HlnRt ( 111k. . Cor N nn.1 21h StL
Council Illrs , 1 I"nrl Strt.
Chlcngn Om"e , 217 Chamber of Commer"e.
_ New York. ItDfltflI ! 13. 1 nn.1 . IS , Tribune 1 < g.
, Wlhlnlon , 1407 11 Slr""I. ) N. W.
All CflflmUflICfltIfl , reinting 10 flW anl Ci1
tnnl Al matter , flu.1 ! . bc relnln , ! : ' 10 the 1I1or.
'SINISS : ; J.t TIS ,
All 1ulnc , Irler nn.1 rrmllnn"r ! .holll bo
ndrrr"l 10 The l"c ) Publ.hlnl comlan ) ' .
Omahn . 1)rft. che"ks nn'l ' ) I".tom"o ! 10
tc ml.lo l'n'IMe 10 the orlor of the ci'mpaflY. '
; Till . : lrr PUItT.ISIIING . ' COMPANY.
- - - - - - - - - -
, . . The JJn0 Puh-
Olorlo I. TzAchuck. aecrelary ot ! OC
10hln cunlp4ttly. h"ln. culY ) ) aworn. ny " that
_ the n"lunl nurher of . full nn.t complete cOIIe )
: ot the Daily Morln , I'nnln nnd lunlay , lee
J1lntll durIng the mCllh or Nunmber , IS31. Was
: . no foIIow " :
1. role . . , . . . . 21M' ) IG . . . . . . . . . 21MI
2. . . . . . . . . . 21:51 : : fl . . . . . . . . 21.3M
3. . . . . . . . . 27.2S 1. . . . . . . . . 22.1r
4. . . . . . . . . 2.2 . ; . . . . . . . . . . 2).14 )
5. . . . . . . . . 21.531 20. . . . ' . . . . 2 , ) , n
G. . . . . . . . . 21.173 2) ) . . . . . . . . . . - ,
' . . . . . . . . . 3l.24) 21. . . . . . . . . 20.14
- 8. . . . . . . . 34.2' . : 1..2),2.1 )
9. . . . . . . . . . 215 21. ) . . . . . . . . 21.31
10. . . . . . . . . . 21.0 25. . . . . . . . . 21.9) )
. - . 1. . . . . . . . . 22.1w 2G. ' . . . . . . . . 2.121
12. . . . . . . . . 20.C9 ? 21. . . . . . . . . 2000 ;
1. . . . . . . . . 21.001 24. . . . . . . . . 13C' !
1. . . . . . . . . . 21r.62 21. ) . . . . . . . . . 21.nO
, " 15. . . . . . . . . . 20,5.0 M. . . . . . . . . 13.33
Tottt . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . .6.3.r:1
ft - Lea il'.Itictlons ror un.ol,1 , nut ' IclurPI
, cOJlrB .I-Iu"ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11283
. " - -
Total Ilt ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Daly average net crrulnlon. . . . . . . . . . . 21.G12 t
' ntoitnr 1 I it , Tz4e:1ltIcI.
. k' Sworn 10 berore m" on. ) I , 1 , ; ) ii my prea.
. " .nre Ih" 2,1 I day of 1)eei'inber. . 1S91.
I n1 . ) oay N. I' . I.'ml. , Notary l'ubtlc.
< - - - -
> I WH cal hn\e cot ' nei ' slot IldllleH
i ' . ' for gitiger ul ! . 'vliy lot also for beer ?
+ , nl'll i 1 I tel BI'alh ) B1IH 11 .lsl j the t
t ; ' mUl to 1'1111101 ) ) the ( mlse : of . thl' ) Ilte
( , - . luleltell ) IllII)19tC1)t'l ) ) ( state otlicIiI. :
t A gold l'eSlI'\O i iienrly : ( OOOOOO ( ) ho-
low the It'gul Imll Is I the htllI'at\e )
t farce that : sayH 'I.methll .llsl be
e iIOlt& ? .
\\'Iiy ( Hllot ) we hlt'e a l'I'ceh'el' 111'
, } lolltlll for the WIII ! , ) ' tllt In
Olnha ? It's ' nil tl nige atiti C\II.
tOWI that h'oasts a "Istlel' ) ' Is en-
tItled to Ol' .
Serious wI'll'ls a : t I spa mar not oc-
' C1' so frt'uuentIy . lS 11'1018 11hmsteI :
Oil . lalt , hiI whl1 I hey , 10 OC(1' they .
ale as death dealIng Ilt lS heart-
; rCHll as al , ' .
I the HIsslnn thlstc CSI'111CS the
. rJls of the 1111'S'lt slsslol , of the
Nchl'aslm ) le lshtt1'0 It wi ha\'e CH'
tablAhlt Is relaltathoti lS n. hardy
plant bl'olll ) dispute. ,
It vhih 1m useless to h' ' to fix the
I wl ) Iselcss try fx re-
HIIOIHlhlt , for the m\w dIsaster.
: . 'Vlwthm' . the colhol might llosslhly ) ,
have hcel avoided Is fll mlst Iemnll
. n 11 t tel of Ilml ! Allcnla ) tioti.
J I wo am to belIeve the various city
; othichais . the ovcr-Iahtl ) city clvloye Is
: ' I fment or the iinrtghiitiioui enl . ' . nut
' .
3 on this'lioh -Uie Judgment or the city
' olcials Is not necesstiuhly : : the best au-
. , titority. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chief Arthur Is said to he polling the
: 1 locoloth'e enJlnce' ! with n . \'Io\ to
orderitig It general stri1e. We 110 not
. : , ' . , belc\e it. ' .he'l will he ) no great
' < mimltl strike . In this ( country IH'lol to
i May duy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' : . Of COtHe the presence of Senator-
T elect 'lht'Rtn In Washington Just at
S this tune huts notiuhiig to to with the
Pacific mi1Itl funding huh that 11 UV
r for consllt'a ton Iu . the house oC rep-
. rescn tu th'es.
. 1 The lHolllblton 1unlcpal ticket Is
the first In the .
fell In ChlcUlo. But
: this must not be tulwn to Indicate that
, It will get very far Into the felt by
tile time the electon occurs nun ! the
I IJlols ure : counted.
The vote on the Hlly funding bill In
the house today vhhh show how neatly
. . . todu1 Iwaty
- everything has been cocked and
( . prllet for Its passage by that hotly
, ' " ' by , the lobbyists who have hcel so
; l' ' busIly , ellaget ( II preparing ( lie way.
SfLI'ItIT Cmlldo Insists that he
. C nh'eI11 ' SIPS I st1111H or national rev-
; onUe In slJht Every ! ' ono must hope
that tile secretary ' wIll not lllo\e itils-
tnlmn. I wl tale I conshle'uhle
surplus 10 WII out : the nlh110lnl ImbUe -
' : Ue dcbl that his becn created lu the
. - . lat 'cn r. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ , . . Al tw dIfferent members of the cabS .
, ; loot ought to tithe turns In the role of .
. .
. secretary of the h'enHl' ' . By the I
tune the l'otntOl Hhul Imvo .bcen COI-
t p 111ctet ono of them may have Htruclc
: ' \110U ) HOIO Innnclnl 1IIIn that cn coin-
: mlll the unied support of the (101110-
cI'nt lu COnl'ess. , .
. f The city churte' lImits lho nnnuII tax
. t levy for lIre Il'lllriment IJI'poses ) to
. uuihils. 'I'hio 1)roet'c(1s of that levy are
t : 8U\IJset to fix the inaxhununi of ex
lClidhltlVt'5 for the lire HCI'\'ll'es. I
; . thu lmit Ii to bo ( 'lllcd hr dl''I'Ulg
. other fllll to this (1t'iat'tiulOllt , It might
I UR , ul bu abolished nlo\ethel' .
J : Some ) LIHmh'y IJI'c'S liEu showing n
' disposItion to disparage Otitahitu's ahhh.
lty to hiandlo tIm state fahu- . ' ' '
. Iy 111110 fahu'rhicy are
evldenthy feeding l1rnui the hirejuihice
, c\lhmt fl'dlng1101 11'I'jlllce
that Is hell wOI'IedII agaInst this
; city b. thio defeated stah'smcl of
clltel' , Our elhmns anti cOlmC'clul
01'unlzlton8 may 1\1 It. Jeccssary to
plncut . these l'unhOllOr 10 thut
: the true flcts may ho nlllo Imown to
the lHOlllo ) of every county lu the state.
, Fifty doll18 n 'eal license for coal
( ( llel' will entail hardship only 01
the smnlor denlel's. Such 1 license
; would drive n great many 01 theo out
; of business. I cI.tnlnl. . docs not seam
' exactly . just to 1110 the . man who sells
by the bushel hiunthred '
01 hUnl'cII weight lH1.
. ' as much nH these who sell br the ton
and enu-hoad. This dllculr ; can easIly
be obviated by gradIng the coal ulenh-
: era' licenses Iu some ratio to sales 01'
business , and establishIng two or three
- " classes of hlceuses. .A Hltel ot this
kInd hLeVflhlS lu 1 i uUIJlel' , ot clUes , and
there Is 1 nothiuig to II'c\'ont 11 Introduction .
ductou hOl'O. -
- ' - - - . - . . . - - . - . . . .
lWlMl'Til ) ; CO.lilISSUN. )
The Sin to Relief commIssion its now
or lnlzell hns IlrO\'et Itself incapable of
mcctll the CICr clcy. There Is UI
utter hick of hIIRIILR/ method anti
vigor Iii the colllct of the affairs that
are cutrusled to Its care Ruth keeping.
' 'hl/ Is tutu llrllnl'I ' to lie fiet flint
ole \11 ) huts inoitopol Izeti nil the I fUlc ,
tolH clc\oh'll oIl the COIIIIslo1 Ilel
Ilel'IHtcII ) ISI'I'H all the \OW0' 1111
atithiorhty vested 11 his nssoclntcs.
" 'hcI tie COl\lsHIOI first Iltl'cll
ulon ItS labors three months ago It had
10 legal exlHtelce excl'lltlil hy coni-
mon COlClt ( lint It Hh01ll ho revived
when lie legislature con'euied. i \ . i Its
WIH thcl cOIRttltcel \ir. Jmhlen nI
' ' ' ' ' to ' ' the (
secretury . WIH llcl'mltcel 11'I'al/e
II'clmJIUllcH ) for nit net lye CmlHI/1 :
In the tl"lth Ah'lckel sectIon. Al lint ( .
tle there ! Site 10 11'nll lt hllul for ,
Ilt'chl1ll ) 1111111l1 nlt 10 HIl'lII'1
available for ilhstrlhutlon.dihere , WIS .
thll'cfO'e IO serIous ohjectol ( to : I. .
Jmllcl Isllllthc t hl.tNI of all
tie ( vot'k of flue commission , hllulhl/
Iclcctol of locul relief agents Ilel cor-
I'CHlIIUIIICe ! wih Il\lei sccldl/ relief -
lef Ilel parties on'edlJ to cOlt1lhltl
Ihl li I niuin'y I C' 11111111'1 Hr I (1 ( ii' 111' ( I . .
I he iu'gislatuire t haul convened this ( wO'I ,
1111 I i ISIIt(1 ( I ( ltl'IOli I ) II'oIIOt'loIH. ) ( ) (
' 1Iel'e WIH IH'e thnl 1'11lgl to dote .
10 1"1'11 ) Illf t Ii)7.L'ti . 111 . of Ihlt
his ) ' iilghit 1111 tiny. , For 1CaI0II that
l\hol ) ' hns , ' 1'1 l'xlllnllcci ) till thl'I
\li rk'tl , d it I los , thl' I 1lcl'lton t of reinl I-
h l ' draft . check niul ' order ,
talCIS ) 1'af. III ntle U'llel" .
lie I . hl'IIInt Hlllllelt ) of fuel. II.o-
\IHlols , cot t hi I i I ug , t ' t ( S. . til' ( 111'llton I Inll
1clhllltlt of all tlcse I sutlihihht's . thl (
( hIhlitSL'iiiCILt ) of ftlis Ilt the vast
Illlll of erEeSlOuitieli01' . ) ' fill heft
for the secretary to do.
'l'iiu ! i)1t'sltht'iit ) hlH hell It figurehead : ,
the treasurer hats hml little 01 nothing
to 110 with hl11lhll tle money , and
the ot her ni einbi'rs of tle ( colHllsslol
have I hul : lit ) llt 11 the \\II ( ,
for whih they have IJul o'gall7el\
At HI'sl , alll 111 to n recoil t plI'IOI , the (
l'e'all1111'I'lslon ' was that ( :1' .
Illlll1'aH nn l'I'I'WOI'lwt ia 1 , who
hlli : bl11 hllH8eti ) 01 by his aSHoclntl's.
'lhC'e wus It tlSlHsilon ( . fur a tittit'
to hear 111 with tll' ( Ilol.tcolhlJH of
thl' t relIef c lmlsslol 111 ( tt ( belief
thnt ( : Ir. Lmllcn , wOlll SOOI he ! e-
10\t nnll thl' work Hlhllvllet Imel
SySteliUitI7.Cl. 'l'huis Iinpressloii hitis glveut
S'Stl'IH t 7C 11 1hls 111)'l'ISlol hUI J1'el
way to t the . cOwlctol that tIr. Imldl'l
huts telwt.u tlr mOlolol ct I I hue (
Illholr'stcl ( 11 the ( colmlssiOI
anti his 10 desire ! to carry , on his part
of tw WOrk wIth rn'OJC' ) checks and
haltcls , Ilstclul I : of cOltlll hllHI"lf
to the Josllol of secI'ellr he now ;
sighs 11\81'1 gelcml manager . 11' '
olce that toes hot exIst nll If It hm
lCClt created surely toes not COltl'l-
plate that ole lal shal : receive anti
Ilshl'/o all money , luke nil Ill'chuscs : ,
direct what supplies Ire to he bought
aunt where they are to he shilppetL
The relief cou1IIs8101 Is for the time
being t state itistituthuui. Tim JeOiie )
of Nebraska . . have I righut to expect
that m'm..tllug the . eOIHllsslol does
shall he aho\'e loard lint thc
shal ) \ hOI.t ) ; receipts
UiI 11sbm'sl'llliH shah 'be ' made 1mb-
lie lS frequeiily ( lS Il0ssIhle ; that the
SUlllllcs ? purchased 81111 bc bought In
the OJOI 1ll'lot nHl hint the COlulilOdi- .
tics IJ1chaHct . shah be of good qualIty ,
IU that every bill shah represent no
mO'e than what ' Is bought Ild Hhlppel1
In reshiOlise to IIOlllal' demlull : 'l'hie
ice has rCllcutell , ' called upon the
conlul/ lon to itiatigurato busIness
metwlls In Its work ant take the 1mb.
lie Into its contlence ( about Its Opera-
tlouis. These nllpclis hlHe becn uu-
heeded. COUplalnts of Inelclenc ' anti
luck oC atenton ha\'e : been niuhtlpiyhuig
and ( WI now dccm It our duty to cal
ul0n ) thc go\cl'nol' aud the legislature
to reorganize thc COllul//lon nUI reo
store . conlh1enee . In Its capacity uld
Inte l.l . Such n body should he hike
CacHar's wife , above suspicion , tuid its
mcmhors sholll take special Ilins to
disarm \ criticism.
IS 7'1.m ; nOOI zen UE7'nBlOn.El"n
There Is not n case on record whore I
1lh1c olccr fa\"ol'l the reduction of
his own salary , , Inll wo do not .Imow
or many hlHtllCCS where public olcC'l
have fa\O'ct a Icllncton In the n11.
her ' In the ' or their subordInates
Ol' 11 ) ) Hubol11uutOS ,
when lie conl1Uon of the treasury
Ilpcl'a tlvely requires retreuchimunit. .
This fact must conslnnt bc heM In
view by lie rel'encllnent commltecs (
or the ' . and school ' .
city county Ill hO'I1 .
A stJIlug IIHtance Iii . point Is fm'nlshell
In the oCCI or city clerk and eQuip-
' 1lm 'CHS : ago the ditties devolving
oil the city clerk and comph'lcl were
all lcrfol'met In the city clel'I.1 olhlce.
In nl1110n to these duties the city
clerk Ilso was rCItlrcd to 1101'fO'U )
other dutIes IHI Uenbcl' or the license
board und to do the work now le'-
formed br the secretary or the Icenso
iOtird. ) For all these varied duties lie (
ntlse \ dutes
allowance was its follows :
City clerk's ) . . . . . . . . $ per month
Deputy city cleric. . . . . . . . . $ ler mouth
One Journal clerk. . . . . . . . c per mouth
Total salarle . . . . . , . . . $2 : per month
Fou' the month of .lalitiary . 181 ; . lie .
pity roll for lie work 110le In thc city
cleriCs ) olco tel ( yours ago Is us fol.
lows :
City cerk. CTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ O 3\ :
Deputy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0
Journal elerl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0
lecoll clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOU 0.1 ) )
Stenographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GIS :
Comptrler COMlTIOLLlm'S . . . . . . . . . . OlFICE . . . . . . . $20833
Ieiuti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] f 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uollceepel' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0) )
Assllant booldceeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 0)
Tax : eterhc..1) 10 ! 0 01
Two clerls ul $5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ :3
So wo are 11)'lug $ I.J I I I a month 10W
for about the same work that waH done
tea years ago for $2 : : n month anti
the t'hiornious Increase of $1,200 u
month does not IncUlo the ( PaY of the
tees ll.
Iwcl'ctnl' , of tlo Icelso hoard. ' 1'111
there IUI ) ' be I more IHWfcd ) system or
bookkeeping nnl a 10r perfect chrc
Ulon , vouchers Inll dullH than thcI'u
wns toil 3'cl'g Ugo. 'l'ho IIUfston that
conflOntA lS Is l , whr 11\111 the cIty
lJr $1 : : for n . cllllt ) city clerk In 1805
whl'l thl' city , clerk who blt lie ( entire
l'Cllonslhlly of what tire now two (10.
purtments was only l'I'lul $100 anti
hlB cl11l. ! $7r n lolth II 18S : ? 'ho
contllt Ulllcs with equal flrco to the
other ol\lo'cs nml ni the celHI'lmelts
In tl city hull. Ten ) 'CI' ago rent
vnh3 ( ouiio whit It 18 now Hud cloth
- - - - - - -
hug Rllt nil IlLlFFnrll9 or life were I
very much higher lhnl thlY are how. .
Today there are hlT11reft oC first class
accol111 I ts nll clerks belll/ 111
nnxlou9 to ncccIIl I1oslUon9 ( lt from $ iO
to $100 It monlh. \h ) ' shouhl lie city
Il ' $ 1tOO to $180 I 3'11 for . 1 emlH
of Work ( lint does not requIre expert
ImowlC\go . \ and Involves no respoiisl-
hi t ?
'hc ' ' treasurer's ofilce costs
' city h'cnAIIOr'9 01co now
$ i2OOfl n , year , for clerical salarIes ex-
elusive of the treasurer , wlo gels
$0.000 n 'cnr. Four 'I'I' ago that
force was drawing leR' than half that
nltunt nnll ( the ( vork In the olic vas
wel ierforined. !
How did these ( 'xh'n'ulltnlnrlcl
' Into the ( ' VOhi ? B '
creel II . lillY I'ol fly , politIcal
11'CSHt. n lt lielotIsln. ) Ieiiibcrs of
tie cunci foisted lick sons nml other
EhIttIVeS 1111 the city hIllY roil In ole
CIIJwly 01 another tll II the process .
or ( hue hind the ( salarIes raised for
these imsitlons. " 'hcl OIU of these
favorites ' alit the nlnl' ' Is .
fn\'OIILH dl'ollS salary coui-
thtuned. 'l'iie ' ' , ' ' for
tlilel. 110 Ile'nlcolA II'eSSt'I' . fo'
salurles hitis hl'cn exerted II '
raIsing Rallllcs his eXl't.tlll by
tlx.cntlt comhlnes tll WIIII hcele'
who 1'\'el let 111 so long 11 thl'l'C Is
niiy , l'h iaiice to lout the t t rca sti ry. , 'Flits
11 vliy ho I hillY rol haH : Ilel'l'aSel ( fml
$ O.2n ( ) a month In 1& 10 o'e' $ : O.OlO ) )
lit lSH : . I has heconw self.crllllt
limit ( the II'unlng Imlfe1st be nlllllc(1 ) (
\1 orolll ) ' . so ( lint the 111'I111 for In-
t'reised ; lIre vroteetIoii I cln hi' . lel . vithi-
ell l'Oltsclll thl' t JIOI"'I.t ) of the
taxpayer i'uuptcy. , nlt fot'cll the city into balilc-
l'OOL1'G .IN 1 ] H.Ul,10,1"OOIOIr. ) .
Hllltor Cln111'1' of Nev Hn\llshl'e
has : shown I ll'oier ) regard for the (
1) ) hil' Interests In lJlntlJ out , Iii his
Isun1 clear 111 forcIble WI ) ' , ! Ole of
the t faults anti I111Je1S of the loll )
bill 11 It \\'ml reported ) to the seiuuite.
lo I II I t 10hll'ell I vesoiut Iou II'cctl
the ( , Iltl'I'slltl GOlmcl'CI l'OlllsHlol to
II'cIJI'o a stnteilell of ll' ( call1nlm- ) : :
Hun of the rlwa , ' hues bet wecu ( 'Iii-
cage ulul the I eahol'(1 ( Iiii(1 ( thl' ( gross
mil Utt IUCOI1' of thest ( hues last year ,
nHl to supply thie stuimitt' wih itiforuna-
ton ( ns to the II'oPO'ton ) of tl ( cipiahh- :
7alon to the total of all railroads of the .
COuiiith' ) ' . together wih 1 COII1llson of
Iii co itil' . 'rhls Ilfo'llton I : I I i. ChlllCI'
Inll : ( was Iit'cessly : to ( unlh'I'HtmHl
the effect of the ( bill to allow Ilooln/ ) .
In tr ( opinion of lie ( XI'\\ Illllfhllt
sl'nltol' thl' lwtln IU'aSI'I' gives stui-
pltlous authO.I , to the Ialmllls : , nHl
he II'OCCNlct ) to show how It woulll en-
Ihle ) thl1 to ( fO'1 one vast enmnhina-
ton with 1 caillllzaton : of more than (
$1 1,000,000.000 ant u hot Inconw after
' lixeti charges of ' ' 11t.O- ) ( )
IJ3'ln Ixct chll cs over $11.000-
POt ) . le saId lucy could agre.e 10 coun-
unit to I 1unuJlu : board of ten or
three mfn lie tl 1osllon of this ( Incoll' .
giving the ( board : authority Int discue-
tOI to use such Portion of It IU they
should fee lit for tIme pUriOSL' ) of con-
h'oluJ legislation Q' Inlucnelug 11b-
lie olilcers. 'I'iie rll'oulH coum alHo :
embollr In their partnership 1/I'l'eleut )
I schetule of \\'at : for all cluses : of
railroad operatives to bl malntnluet
ullon all ralh'ollls of the counl' ) ' . "In
short " 8ult 31v. Chanllm' . "this $ L1- .
000,000,000 partnership 1S given un-
limited 10wel' or raIlroad l'usol u ton ,
all rlwa , ' comlcllon an 'whel' In
the country Is Ibolshet by act of comi-
gl'CIS , and the t rate of fares . Ill fl.tJhts
for thc whole C01I.1u , ' bl lxct
hy ) one mlulgin board. " I was IU
alemlt , he Iccm'I't , to create i raIl-
road 1OI11\1 ' with uulmlol 10wer
to lx railroad rates and the wages of
raIlroad : labor.
For the 1111Ose of protecting the
800,000 l 11'011 ellloycs ) II lie
country ( rom the danger to. theIr iii.
terests which he 10intet out Senator
Ohl\lor 11'Oposc ) au Ilenlllcnt to
the bill , which . . was adopted . requirIng
that every contrct shall contain u
stplluton to Hnhlit conh'o\'clslls he-
tweeui the mltI11 comnauiy , aul Its
e11110res to Ilhltrlton , If the hatter
shah desIre it , anel IW mutual conseut
tle Inlerslute Commerce cOllnlsslol
nJICt 11 arbitrators . this . stIpulatIon
to he bltlng on eJel party to tim
contmet Senator Chlne1el' declared
thut ho . WIJ . not wlln to gIve all
lower ! o\.c. the wages of labor to " 1
10uoiloly ) such as wi he cl'cltet 0'
Is intended to bo created by thc passage .
sage 01' the Icn111/ bill. " lie was wIll-
iuig to vote for Iny legislation . 10 which
the ' railroads were justly olttul ItI
Was tlsllosell ) to modIfy the nnt-loolhi/
CIIISU of the Interstate COlme'cc law ,
hilt he was not 11'cIJleel ) to cOlfm' Ipon
thcl thc stnllcllols ) authorIty which
this pooling h\ woult give tIlel ) ) .
Senator ChnnIIcl"1 discussion of this
muieasuuie. or the 101t01s of It which
ho tpsh'et to have n munlet , shied a
new light upon It . nlt us ' ; lwn by
tie umcnllcnt adopted 11lle II 1m.
IH'esslon ) , It ha\lng : been thc ( und0"
stoOl Intention of the supporters of the (
bill to IJss It IS It cume fl'om the
house. I will now go back to ( lint
body , If It IlnHSCH hue senate . , anti this
w\ t'olHlel somowlltt nucel.tuln its en-
netlent hy the 11esQlt congl'ess.
( IJW'.w.s ' ( TUN l'IutN.
The Inlm:111 : Illnn ) of the ( nllmlnl8t1' (
lon I II'oIISeH ) to IUthOI'I7 ! ) tl t sl'cl'etnl'Y
of the treasury to issue bonds to nit
Il0nnt snlclent to IIIOC1'0 Int inn iii-
tnln 1 gold resI'\'c I1Il to l'ellcOI amid
retIre United Htnh's ut gai teuttier notes
I.nleel . 11 11 tmHlcl UOtlH
anti h'cast.notcs : Issled IIIC' the
act of July 1,1. 1SPO. Tine '
ICt ! II'e'
/alu ) IJOllt of these two klnts
of notcs Is Iholt $500,000,000 , so ( lint
they cOlsttlte about ole.lhl'd of Ito (
CI'I'cUe ) ' . I r 10llli sholit ho Issued ,
as 1J'0\1111 ( ( for Il lie ( hi now UIIC'
COIlslhL'L'litioiu 1)3' the bamiking mind "
mUHllel'lton Ilulllg uul CI" -
1uc , % commltce , It Is sufo to say that
legal tl'lllI' ( Ill ( rCaSthuy uotes ( would
bo lost Ilnel ) l/el In I . hel' htIreIiuiHe. )
'Flit , bIIH : 11't Inxlotl to get thIs CU'
lCtiC3' . out of lie ( WI ) I Is perfVcthy
lllllu that tlt eustcl'U ( . bankIng interest
Is Ihll't lu nu effort to (1Hcl'le1 the
legal tOIHlul' arid treasury notes Ult
force thoh' COU\O'Hlol Ilto huiterest.
heulllg gold hOldH 111 their relh'e
incut 'ho 10tvo of this Is to get I
Ilrgol' held for hUl lotes ( , 10 that ,
gh'cl the Ollllol'llllr ) ) , hue ( hlUkl wOIl1
Intolbtc(13' convert us 11 'h IR Ilos.d.
blo of lhll ( 1101'tol ) ( r tIm currency lute
bOIHhl. I olir lUlU or tim nltuut out-
stumllg HhOlhl he thins COU\'I'I'tCl nll
ictireti It vould create it serious comi '
I'oth'et wOIII CI'l'ltO /cl'lolS COl'
1"11.tol of tim CU'I'I'ICr , 111ss It wcro
1IrO\'llet Its has becn I' rOlJsel ) , that
tIm rctrlITlnlll cnlcclltOI of legal
telders for c'nll mOlth shnl IOt bo
greater tll the 1''I'I'all ' II lie ImOllt
of ilfltlouiill t I hiSiuk ulot'S \111' the ( 011(11'
( ion of the 1111 I. 'rhe llnlJcs Itt the
COllllolS or n11O111 ( hnlk nee ( issues
HIIHtCII li lip ( Illmlllstmtol piaui
Wil 11 ( whol ( ' fall , thcr l'll 1m no
1101ht. to ul'lll out I Hlmelcll ImOllt
of halk lotes ( ( to comllelRntn for lie
wlllllwlls of lie ( legal teunlers . and
vhihlt' n rell'II , ' for this ( might he fOlld
thl'olJh ly.JI I'I7IIISiUOI of bank
holes \ IIS101 ) , uhc\II . assets Illl
stoekhuohders' lIabilIty , , ( limit wOlll not
he a IHlllllnl E'liieth , . Ill tt nuiy rate
Is Ii mutcr for ( lie future. 1'0 coit-
tract lie creulntl ( JcllhlU to thl I eX'
tent ( or 200OOOO ( ) ( ( ) ) or * 3OOOOOthO ) ,
would be ' ' ' seuious . ' this
woull I " ( tcl'lolS thing yet
, :
W0111 nluoRt certainly . be lie result
or earryliig out. the ulhulllHtmtOI
Ii hilt nclah Ph ii ii . -
I 11 nnotl'I'ulhl objection to limit (
: \ ( lint Il IJ'ollseR ) ) to slhstluto for
the 101.llhI'I'Ht.1e.1rllj ! ) obllgiitlons of
the I O\I'I'IIWlt. nunouiiitiuig , lS we have
Inll , to : Ot.OOOOU Iltorcst.hl'nrl/
ohlgnlols , tnl11u 01 lie Ilcoille ) ) for
fifty , 'tnrs tin Interest charge whlll ,
ns WIH IlltLl1 ( hty I'lnt0' Vest , wOllI
nt the 0111 of ) t that ( into /I'1111' * , .
( XO,000. ) At tin t , sn II tll ( ! I would
trlmsfll' to ( lie Iltolal hllls ) all the (
Ilh'llles ) mind II'olts ( of lie 1II011in UoW
lnhit'rluig Iii the ( Issue of 111"1 cl' .
, . , ' b ' thu ' ' . 'l'lie 'xi-
I'IH , by thuO'el'llelt. ( 'rie (
/IJ' ) ' docs lot Justify , re'OhlrSe to n
lloll' l ' or ( hIs kind , 1101' wil tiny congress '
gross tha I gives heed to hOliiltul' ) ) SIIt'
IWlt mlolll such I IIOll' ' . SOiii I
thiauigt's hi"1 hLlu made Iii thl' ( hIll by
the huousi' _ hall" : " . . nUll lm"I'lc : , ' com-
mutt tee. Inlt ( hioy are tint such as r"
mo\e the objections 10tel1 I Is 11'
sUlcd , however . Um If the bIll goes
to ( lie I hOUS1' It wi hc In It Jatellll '
form. to Its in
ml11Il As 11 chauceH li
that hotly . thl' ( II'eslll1101uhll \ ' Is
thaI ( I cnlnol 11:188 : . for It wi not 011 , '
\lgo'OUHI . ) ' oliloscel ( 1.\ ' lie fl'l1 sil-
\1 mcu , hut ) \11' , ' likely nearly , ' mull tll' (
l'lllhlcts ) ) : w\1 \ hI' fOlll lu ollllHltol
to It. Ao to tll ( sClntl' ( , thll' . SI'IJS to
he : ii > sohuuti'ly uo Ilosslhll or any
lulml'111 11 lsln tOI. ( Sllt tOI Shl'l
mlm : ItU't Oi ( 'Yl'llnelelay : . thnt the (
tnlmce colmltle ( . 11 utterly hclllil'ss
I Is equally , divided , 1U1 can reach
' ' ' . 'I'he free silver '
ito 1 I'C'ml'nt. (1'11 Sl\'C' ml'n
wi lunc lothll ( that 110H ! not con-
clll their 11emaUl , lot evemi the \101'
o llol rccllty suhmltefl ( by Senator
SIWI111 for short ' tlmf ( honlls or certlil-
eatls of hlllhlldllSS , anll thus ( hue (
sttuii : t Ion stamls ; I Is far fl'01 hell
I reassuring Hlul lon.
Puhlc 01lals whose duty , It 11 to
abolIsh 1II'ClreH nll relluee cxtr\a- (
guint salaries wi not 10 It 10 long as
they ' hele\'e , that ( It will Inter Interfere
wih ( heir 1)111118 all : amhlton ( for higher
olhice. They , ale toll by the ( lendl of
e11110rcs lIkely to be affected br the'
IJ'nnln ) knife tha tun , radical act iou
will result h"cc1slguln .such olcais
to iohltical ' hue trouble Is
poltcal. ! 01)llrlo111 ) ! 1he
lint ( ell ' tnu ( 'lHrtsln ' snp11Itels of
et\lo'cs ) tnteJlp uulle t9 personally ,
Fcell ( oihidsYWiuII ' \ ! t th9 ( _ _ Ire , 1U\S8 \ , pf
taxliyers : stan 1 on amid \01thelr tal , .
iuig 'Qu the ( ' I'bHfoll. city nnel
' cOlnty o\cah become convinced that
'n Uajori , of . the voters dem.HI re- .
trenchmelt unll ( lucy will act promptly
und ' ' . ,
tlcciH\'el ,
Senator Y'sl's mulmcss In ImbUel
stntn his olllnlon lint . there Is not '
the slightest PossibIlity of tIme Ummcu
commltcc aJrecll on In ' measure
to report to the senate Is fl'eshlng if I
lot reass\'lng. I It least gives the
SUpolters ( of the iresident's posltol
/ clear view or hue situatIon amid It
also serves notIce on the Il'eshlent . that
hc wi In all II'oIHhlt ) hc left to
moet the cmel'gcnc"o n vanIshIng gold
, , ! 011
reserve wilt his IH'cscut ' resources. So
far IS Senator Yest' has assIsted In
clearing tip the Horizon , he certainly
has done son cthhll to open the way
for llrcslental ( cton Inthepeuidciit of
new congressIonal legishuitlout.
There . are two 01' three Ulnirest
omissions In Senator SuuuIth's tax cx-
cmllton ) bill ( limit should he rectified.
The bill exemlll only buihdiuigs and
gl'ounlH uscd for llhlc schools. The
constItution mllli no . distncton bo-
twcen schools , whether Ilhle ) 01' 1)11- )
\Ite , SLctallan 01 non-scctnt'lan. 'l'ho
Intcnt of lie contluton ( was to exempt -
empt Clucutonnl Institutiomis. 'l'here
should tulsa he I clause In the bill I'X-
emptng Iosplals that do not dhs-
cI'lmlnlte against Iny sect. Such lls-
tllalH are Just its mich entitled to tax
OX lton lS churches Ill schools.
' .hel Is where the Ino of cxempton
should be dm wn.
'hose Whisky trust receIvers are dif-
fe'l'nt oils ) ( line from tIme Iceelvlrs II
which tIm whisky isis usually bccn
will nly ' "lmhle'
St. : 1Rul ( Hoi . .
I Is a serious qteslon whether young Mr.
nryan ot Nebraskn'woull ' notice It It i a house
sllult ( all upon huinu I there was uny
lesson In the Nebruka election , I was thaI
silver rear. unl tlve. ! _ te ' 1 shoull be tent to the
hi- ' _
'I _ : .
Uon't Aijpe ? aic lt Ojico
, du1ier.Joutiiau . ,
' " '
will some ondinuy ' one-ot those slallR-
men at Wnshlnstotr who arc so Vociferous
In their delulclutoJI at gold bond icindly
Itell UII mliii nalwl tile amount he , ! or some
other loan-ally ulhel man-I wi hiuig to luke
oC Ilver bond ? '
---t ft .
4 \1 iCxtriu 1,1111 i'rnlmiuii'c.
SI. I.otls ) Utobe-1)emoci-at.
Au extra sesoibn1 't .
Al les the 1"lty.tourth con.
reuis i'hi1 uorob.thIY lhimjve ' '
reBI wi Illob.bIS'lhave to he held. 'l'hls
19 one oC the unpIeuaun . pOSs1bliiti which
has been before unllfuant / ) ' ever since the
present couiinessCbejin tti tinal SeSsion eight
COnHleSIjbrnln Is Inal
wepls ago. At t1 t/e W/S Ihere a hikehi-
hooll that ' co'mpr0iiensi Ikel.
any collr Inanclal legis-
lotion at a remedbu tinier could be limit ! lellH.
wIl tel. but there J pmed , at the beginning.
10 be u chance Imt Hmo Palliative , soun
( lallalve
measure ' to remo:01 : mitigate a few at the
counlrY'1 monetary ihis. might bl adopted.
Hope on this score , however. has boa weak.
oiling as thnl Imase . ( or It became evident
several weelts ago Ihat none ot lie imieasur.s
proposed by Secreur Carlisle or 1)re3enetI leaSUNs
In the halle ot "comuipromumoes" by Jlreented senators
or representatives cull bl enacled. I
TIU CUlWWr ( JflMli.
IOlanapl1 Journal ( rp , ) : Mr. Clove-
land'a ml8ago I decidedly pAnicky , Anti yet
there Is a general tmpresslon thAt the can-
gross which he 10 humbly begs to heed his
words wi take no action In tht unatter.
Dos Ion Globe (110m. ( ) : The tMmorable inca-
Page sent to congress by President Cleveland
Is an appeal 10 puittlotlanu . not I'artlnshllh
it Is an Imperat\.o summons to our senators -
tots and represenlath'es to take acton for
the welfare not at the north or the south ,
the cat or the west , but at the whole coun-
Chicago Herald ( dcnm ) : The business men
anti busIness organizations ot the country
shoulll rally at mica 10 the support ot the
president Dnd RIve senators especially to un-
deralaml that they have no use for Iloltcians
who subject them 10 perpetual annoyance and
loss by lallerlng with the standar ( for party
pu rposs.
Gobe.Democrat ( rep ) : Ooh bonls , such as
Cleveland propOes would undoubteJly sell be'
Icr oman coin bonds which the treasury ha
heretofore issiucil . however , In order to meet
the scruples M these who oplOO Ibo change .
It could do very little epee subsluto the
word coin for the wont gold In the Cleveland
bill. Al that word has therefore Imean con-
strued . coin means gold . and therefore flay
serve for a while lener.
Chicago Tribune ( rep. ) : The friends of honesty -
osty outshlo ot congress ouh to rally . pro\
lug unmistakably to heir s3ntor ! all repro-
senlatves Ihat they do not waut a debased
silver monomelllism at home and hue an-
tonal , lshonor abroad which could not be
avoided if I lie silver exlremlsts are allowed
to have ( heir way. The people ohou\l mal (
a Ilrlsslng deman.1 . that the president be
sustained , all 10 It speedily . or It may be
too Inle.
nulalo Express ( rep. ) : I Is much 10 bo
regretted lint time president expressed doubts
01 lie abIlIty at time gverment 10 loat an-
other loan on Ihe sauna terms ns the last
one ( , This was a uselEss releelon on tIme
goverment credit all there arc no fc , to
Justify It. Its tendency must bl to weaken
conlllencl still rurther. A nina wlo has an
article to sell Is not \te ! to get his Price
for It It he announces In advance that he
does not expect 10 get his price.
nes Moines Leader ( dem. ) : 'fhe advocates
of silver collllaln limit the sent of the money
Ilower In this country Is \al slreel. They
are tldoubtedly correct. But how about
their 11roposcII remedy ? I Is to transfer the
seat to Ienver. How would that henell the
PCOIle With time money Ilower ot the country -
try In Wal street we still haV3 an honest.
full value dollar. Wili te power trans
erre.1 . to Demmvcr wo would have a debased
currency. which would vialy affect every
busIness Indur In the couumtry'
Louisville Courier-Journal ( dciii. ) The mcs.
sage at time president li a most thoughtful and
timely ocument. 1 Is more than that. I
Is an ahle and lumlnoll slatement at Ihe
whole fiscal sltalol , carrying with It an np-
taal I 10 patrIotc Americns , the more cogent
and palhet.c because or the clrcumstauco
that It will pass for the most put unhe 11
by Ihe timid amI selfsh poltcians who CJI-
pJse Iho haw-maklumg arm ot Iht governnment.
But it reflects nothing but credmt and honor
Ipon GrOVE Clevelnd , It Is on such occa-
slons that gocd men at all imarties. friends and
roes alI cannot withhold theIr admiration
and support.
New York Herll ( Ind. ) : The failure of
these men to /uslaln time natonal credit Is
directly reslOnslble for the distrust which Is
I mlitested : In the "run" on the treasury.
ThaI distrust paralyzes industry anti , trade end
throws out at employment a vast amount or
money whch ! increases the redun.lancy . of [ the
currency mimi tends 10 force the gold out
at the counlry. An Immediate restoraton or
confidence Is the only remedy and this can
be achieved h1 only one way. J congress
even at this late day , will authorize a popu-
lar loan for the maintenance ot the gold
reserve and Intrust time reconstruction at
our monetary system to a commIssion . of
such character as will command universal
respect the crisis will bo averte Will our
law makers 10 this before It Is too late or
. will they walt for another "object lesson , "
.tor which the country wilt have to pay ?
Cincinnati EnquIrer ( dem ) : As before re-
lmal : } < c. time messag was not Intended for
, congress. Congress will ' pay no heed to It.
TI. ; next cougre3s will give just as Itt heel.
No gold bouls will be issued No duties wi
be mnaule payable In god. : The gold now In the
treasury will be shoveled out by the president
durIng lie next week or len days. There Is
plenty at good money la the treasury. Gren-
b'clcs have to be left In exhange for the gold
that ! oes. Mr. Cleveland has nt yet got tar
enough 10 deliver the gold to our foreign
financial eaemles without receiving Bomethlng
In return for It. The revenues only fall short .
of the expenditures OOOO.OOO a year and .
there Is now nearly twice that amount In the i
treasury-only It Is not In gold. The govern-
meat can ge right along and pay all Its bUhs.
It also redeem In silver all the notes
I can slver al pre-
seated by Mr. Iclcelhelmer and Lazar Frere .
1IU.Vll > Al.0W/EllSlI' ,
Denver Republican : . Municipal ownership
et railroads would go far to solve the prob-
lem presented by the Brooklyn strIke. Then
the rights of employee as wel as those ot
the publc would reeeivo mora consideration
and there would be less occasIon for strikes.
This plan bas been adopted In Glasgow ,
where It his given general satisfaction.
EngineerIng News : The best avaiable
remedies within great cities seems to be
municipal ownership ot the whole street railway -
way s'slem and Its lease to operating corporations -
poratons on terms just to both parles , but
leaving thc absolute control In the hands ot
the city iimutimorities. This Is the plan now
on trial In Toronto and In Detroit , and It
has been long enough on trial In the first
namel city 10 prove the wisdom at those
who. cnrrle the plan through against 'power-
rul and Inleresle,1 opposution.
Washington Star : The time cannot bo
tar off when Ihl ( largo cites at the country I
will begin seriously anti earnestly 10 con-
sider the problem at how best 10 take pea-
session at lie street railway rrnnehlses. The
reat strike In Brooklyn , added 10 the scandal -
dal of the trolley comblno In Phiadelphia ,
must have a notable effect In advancing this
date for Iho ' troubles that come at corl10ra.
lon monopoly will grow faster and faster
ns the large centers oC population Increase In
size. Those franchises are too valuable
to bo gIven away , and yet they must bl
turned over to somcbody or some combina-
ton of persona for lie general convlnlene (
at time publIc. The maier seems 10 lie be-
Iwce the sale ot tIme franclisu to the high-
est bidder and absolute ownershll ly the
coiumummuuuity. .
'ifIIJM 8J.l 4 NINIIlifdSK1iX.9.
Bogus coin Is In circulation at North
Plate , and even two ot tim edItors have sc-
cured \ some ot the " 'Iuler. "
Willie howell , a H-year.ol Ehnwooll boy ,
was probably fatally wounded ly the accidental -
dental discharge at a gun while rabbit hunl-
Ing.The marhnl at Friend , caught Bait Slolr
In the act or burglarizing a house and the
prisoner has been bound over to the district
court for trial
The Norfolc Sugar company bas been
sued for $15,000 Iumages by Thomus G.
hiigimt whose arm was badly Injured In the
factory last fall.
A Nebraska City hotel keeper saW what
he supposld to be a hock at viM geese In
a cornfell , and he Proceeded to get his
lIttle gun anll shoot a scar" or more at Iho
birds. After ho had served up ( hue geese
10 his delighted boarders one oC his neigh-
hors called on him and asked for a settle-
ment. us the birds were ( suite and had been
raised with great care. . -
/I1u or t hn 1rall.
Sioux City Tribune
The maguiitude ot the liquidation which
has been forced In the west Is Illustrated
by the report ot the receivers ot the
baril . Investment company , which has just .
been tiled at St. I.ouls. I UI1IJear6 that
during the last ninety days $8.0.0 ot time
assets ot the company have been converted
Into cash und a like sum pall to eredltou
- -
- -
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U S. Govlt Report
pyaI Powder Baking
The Rcent Wake of the Monopoly Organ
Grind6r. .
nelcctoua from" u Country Editor Who Sce I
Connlr. Itlor I
Thlnl RN Thay . Arf11 WRnta
to Ino" Where \,0 I
Arc At
YOnK , Neb. , 3am. 3t-To the \lor of
The Dle : You make mo say In my last
letter that thai members of the legislature
Were delegates to the state coumvention. 1
said tIme "membors of the legIslature were
nomlnalell at the county cOI\entons which
electell delegates to the state con\'enton ;
at least , the malorlty of them were "
The editorIal meoln at York was not
It should have been
as veil nUollled as shonll
The boys hall a ! oo tiuuie. They Imow
how when and where , 10 have a great big
tlmne . The emily critcism on the mletn !
ns 1 whole was the little slabs at 10se.
water. Tim Public wl atelll these meet-
\ ! . TIme PeoPle are pleased 10 have lie
prIvilege of gazing emi the great thought
balterles of the slate. Whether or not
lie Hosowalor battery Is In harmony with
lie other Illanll 0\01 the state Is R maler
the general public does not want to b\
hotherld with. I
hess hlaunuumond . the preshlent of the I
Editorial l association . Inhl tn his reply 10
the mayor's speech ot welcome that he
was glad that the association had no pilot
with them. All kuow whit he mean I. The
boys lau/hel. I I : 1110 wonler that so
few of the state editors were present. I
was told the same sort of things were
sprlnklell through the meelngs heretofore.
These meotngl should have no ) ollc In
them. Noth\l ! of the Idml Is expected
or appreciated , save by a few who have
the Ucohale. The general ) ublc cares no
more for Hosowalor than for Gero but i
1101S care just us much. ,
Wol Inrormed republcans know their
tart . cannot wIn a game wihout the followers -
lowers of [ the Journal anti tIme followers ot
Time Bee work amI fght In unison. The
two IlalJerS may bite each olher's cars. The
arty can and w1 not malt their disputes
party luestons ,
'ho real Ilvlln ! Ino between the two
ohtinmeumts Is wher\ ana blindly supports
any one the party may nominate , the other
refusIng It tIme nomlneo does not represent
the \oler In some rumlnmentnl maier or
hmOhicY. The Journal Is the mouthllece or
time uhrst elemeul , The Bee of the secoimit.
Irst seconl.
Humanlly Is made UI at these two classes.
They arc both hero wlh us. The repub-
lcan llrty II\sl have both 10 wiui
The editors who met In York seem to
have been bent on driving The Bee out of
lie party . 'hoy did not say that Majors
would have been a better governor than
Holcomb They know , and two ot them
sold prIvately , that Governor Holcomb amI
Auditor 100r stoOl alone bat ween the
state treasury and the army of ! rabben. . ,
I Is not then that Hosewalcr and 10,000
other republicans gave Nebraska 1 loot as
its exectutive. Timey admit that Holcomb
Is a ! oed maui and lint It with bo a good
tIming for the party In tIme long run They
lo not say In what respecl Il with bo gooll.
That part ot It Is so patent that It umeeds
no words to fasten It on the average umiiuid
rot that the party lund . nn'lhlng against
Tom Majors but Ihat thousands believed
that ho was too friendly with the railroad
Inleresls. Whelhor that was a act or
not had Mthlng to do with it. The lea-
son then I It teaches any Is that we must
get the two 'elements ot the party together
In the slate convention. There are men
both shies can agree to support One element -
mont caonot ride rough shod over the
other. I the Journal and some at the
country press InsIst. however on reading
those who wi not follow thom blIndly out
at the party they may go . rather ( ham be
sneezed at all tIme , time . H , they go thor
republIcan IIarty \\1 elect no more can-
didates ; that Is It lie opposition put up
decent men to Vote ror.
Wipe nosowaler and The Dee or ot the
mnp ot the state and you have 10,000 or
15,000 others to satisfy In makIng your
mmonilaations . Every state has two ell-
ments In the republican party. When they
are together they wIn When they are
apart they lose. There are unreasonable
men on both sides . Those who dcmand
that any who voted against Majors shall
take mme part In the next republcan caucuses -
cuses are the real enemies of tIme party.
There was no personal work agaInst Majors
In the country by republicans who did not
vote for him. Should that rub be adopted
It woulll not win these auth-Majors telows
to the support of the next ticket . but would
drive them to earnest wont for the other
sldo. Instead of a 3,000 vote against time
party It would be 10,000 or 15,000.
So tar as the public lows , Majors Is
acting more hike a gentleman than any
at the editors who are abusing Hosowater.
When the boys spIt on Hosewaler they
must remember that they at the same time
waste a lot ot saliva on 1 whole herd ot
republIcans . Not that the heId follows
Time Dee blindly. The truth Is The neo
follows the herd. I editor at al times
Is In personal correspondence with a mmmuh-
tude ot men all over the slate. lie
knew what ho was talking about when he
said that Majors could not bo elecled. Docs
time parly want to read a man out who
keeps In touch with the people and studies
their wants'l
The party cares less for any man In Its
ranks than I doe for vIctory. Some ot
the boys swell up and swear at Hosewater ;
al tim saturn time not one of them could
do a thing with time . element or the party
Hosewaler represents. That Itoment hM
no confidence In Gore . tones , Inmmonll , or
an ) ' . of Ihem. HORewater cOll1 do nothing
with tIme Journal Ilement of limo pnrty
I hive ellht mIles In the country , and ,
110 mint get onto mich ot time inside work-
Ings or the leathers. I took In the meet- .
log or the editors , anti nm sorry to hear
tIme bo's say that Hosewnter defeated the
party anll nt the smo ( line hMr them
any lint al must Inlo ( nlll ret every to-
IHblcnn 10 stol Thl leo anti tenth I omit
of [ the party.
I a pnper Is able 10 flcrlat n Inrl , horse
sense would demnnl that Ilaper ; bo kept In
time party
I The thee over naked time part ) ' to nom-
Innlo nn ) cllllllale who was not 1 gooll
luau . 1180 II ) Wilam Hiey or Jones anti
tell \vho that mnnaR. .
The rllHblcan parly has n hnll taste In
its moUlh , calBI.1 . by the Iatn or ( lore
an.l . leD SOl II. I Is sick ot It. ! ThlY arc
both al rigimt a 111 bolh elements umecemi-
amity , Ifve thcalro mutiui .
lar ) dlslro 111 expect II ess.
Tholsantls of us are anxious to know our
tale. I wo are to bo reall omit lot It bo
done quIck I' . ( live us chlorolorm whlo
) errorllng the operatlouu.
S :1 O. PHANI\
.4 .1U.V1IFJC . PU ' / 'lC 11T. '
hirookl'n Life : 'hrolo-Don't ) ' 01 Ihlnlt
timers will he any lmuunlsliummelit . hctltrr for
I lal who ommll hIRII ) ? Dlablo-OC
COUl1e 1 ,10. , 10lh his WI'18 will be there ,
at the Ramo timimt' . Itere 'I ' _
JnrJer'I Haznr : - luffy-Timat's I )111) ' , \ \ \ "
hrllht c01 . : or > 'lmIN , .1 hutuvkiumtt. I JIlnl
WhY , 'l'O ' J h II\'t , 111 If he 111) ' Iwew
how 10 tmmlk 'j ho'c he smart l'I0Ugh to keep
hlR 10uth ! hul !
Sounervihie .louirnumlWlggmm : ( u3umohlng- ) .
' ' 'l'iu crc's umut lii mug \l" h ' lea I I uem. . yon kin\
01.1 boy. 'agR-In't tiieu't' Ihollhl I You
never saw iimmy lt Iht' 1)I"cl'u t that our new
hired girl tm'ns out. t
Phll.lelp . . hic'cirh : TIme tmuilor Is often
cohmmiueiii'II to eumtr stuit before lie cami get
lmhs mimoney.
Texn Stftlngs : A lmhihosoimhmer who lund
momurried mtmm igmmoraumt gin museil to cull her
'brosvn , smugur. " liecutuse , hue said , she 'uus
svect but tummrcflmmeuh.
Sym-nciuse I'ost : 'illle-t am ambitious to
go before the footlights. Sue-Then you lummti
hetit'r rumm along before hiaua coumies dovn
Yale hlecormh : l'rott'esor-l low long simoluhd
a mmiii mm's legs be i mm hroport ion to hi lit loth v 7
3lr. uowstmmmuti-Long emmougim to reumeim time
gruuuumd , sir.
floaton Olohe , Iumige-I will give yoiu an
lmouir mutmtl mt quit mter to leave tOVmi. 'l'rammmp--
Never mind tIme imouur. jiulge , just give
mum ) time lUurter ,
TilE TltlCh'STiflS.
' .tiimmta Journal.
Fimhl mmmammy a. tinme tIme th'lhlcmmum ummmuu
him. wommiler great lmmu gazed
At tricks time Japammese pcroruimed ,
\Vlmiclm every one mmmnmtzed.
Amml now tlmese tmiclcstermi of Japan
'P0 wnm their Jmiggiinm take.
For vlmile smmmmmtiu I tug cii iimmt riglmt mm.lommg
They mmevcr mmmmmte a break. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i'iii : I'R 11 0 .11(1 llIi , U IItL.
Chicago Itecoril.
She was cm. level > ' 2hotlermm Girl ,
1)resscml in tlu best of taste ,
\\'iio SiluhiCsiflm mmmnumumer ummiafralmi
And iammguage inure and cimast. ,
, ,
\viih you ? ' ' the young ummaum iioidly cried ,
"Say , wiil you lute in > ' wife ? " '
Time lovely mnnidomm. coy , replied : ' ,
"Not oa your mmmutuu-zml life. "
' ' \Vimat's this ? ' ' lie cried : ' ' ( hmi crutch blow-
This IthetClm so crisp mutt tart ? "
"It's thIs. " she said , in. mmceents low ,
"You get time marble Imoart. "
"Your womils , " lie aiiil. "outrainihi my kea. .
But must I bear tiuis hous7"
"I gimess you nmust , " . sue smiled again ,
" . "
"Accept time doubie.cros.
"Ohm , what an answerl" was Imi cry ;
"Is there imo cumamigummg It ? "
lImit the maiden winked imer other eye
Ammd coyly answered "NItI" :
r 1
Qiiak -
A dime's worth of Quaker
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Reliable Clothiers , S. % V Cor , 15th amid Dotigluis. . -