- - - . - . - . , . : ' , t att yt . A > . - 'l'JIB OMAhA DAILY BEE : FR:1Y : : , F.EnnUARY 1 , I S9. 3 - ' " I - ' TIlE OMAHA ! DAILY DE ; : " , COUNCIIJ m.uPFS OFFICE , - NO. 12 l'EAUL STnEET. ! Dtlvet b7 carrier to any pirt of the el" . U. W. TILTON , Leuee. TCLCPHONESOulln. omee. No U : nigh . t I or , No. 23. JI."UI . " ICSTJU. ' Oranlt hotel , Council Ilula , reopenclt Oct. 1. May ' Real Estate Dgency 139 l3roadway. Mra. OcorJo W. Llpo entertained n party of frIends yesterday afternoon . AUJust grove No.1 will give I calico ball Woodman hal February 22. Mr. and Mra. W. C. step I wi give a ( ctancln ' party at their home on Oakland avenue this evening. A sneak thief stole an overcoat belong ) Ing to gel Crandall at the Dodge Light Guarels armory Tuesday night. Thil evening RoY. T. W. Wllnms wi preach at the Latter Day Salnt church on t. the subject : "Uoes God heal the Sick ? " 1 Unity Guild wi hohl Its regular meeting t this afternoon at 2:30 : at the home of Irs. Ulrrls , corner Plerco and 1.'lrst streets. VIsitors welcome . , . . QuIncy Wolsey of South Omaha , charged , - , with defrauding the Hock Islan,1 , Ialway company by means of bogus tmo checks , was released on bond yes erday. Stevenson and holder . the ll/s , \ ho throw rocks through the windows of O\'er- ton's mission a few nights ago will have n hearing Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock . hI Justice Vlen's conrt. ' A fall ot 25 IleJrees was predicted ( for last evening , and the Ice men expectorated , on their , hands 11rcparalory to taking I fresh hold on the universe. The Ice Is better than usual this year , and without excellllon the Ice men say that the chanceS for a big crop arc first class. Inl Jim Alllerson , the deputy city marshal , Is worrying his eagle brain over the mar- shal's report for the year ending March I. The traveling men of Council Bluffs will attend servIces lt the CongrEgatonal church next Sunday evening and Ur. AskIn will preach a sermon especially al apt cd to theIr requlremenls. Another continuance has been grutEd In the case ot Irenlus Itmncan chlrgell wih Heduction. Ills attorney was out ot the clly this tiiiie. and tl late now set Is February 6. Justco Walker states that the defendant Is still - In the , ly and has no intention , so far -as ho knovs . of fort - t felting hil bal bond. The 10ey Steve company ot St. Louis t has commenced an action In [ edtrl court t to recover damages from Cole & Cob for nn alleged infraction of their monopoly on time manufacture ot air-tight stoves. ' They Ilemanl nn accounting from the dc- fendanls as to the number of stoves made and said by them and leave the amount of damages claimed banl , . John A. Gregory , an alumnus of the Fort MalIson amI Anamosa penitentiaries In the -i' . horse thief departments , left the county I jai yeslorday In charge ot a Greene county deputy sheriff . Ho had been out of the penitentiary less than two weeks when ho stole a rig from Adair and drove It to Min- nesota. lIe was caught , amid Is now being taken back lo Adair for a lrlal. d ' - The Council Buffs justices ot the peace arc somewhat agitated over the recent de- - cision of Attorney General Hemley , to the effect that they must pay their own office rent and fuel bills , as the stale has no authority lo pay lhem. The justces are In hope thaI the law wi be clechled unconstitutional , ' and viIi asIc time board to make an appropria- tion . just as though nothing had happened. A Union Pacifc fireman named John Ford , who lives at 1821 Sixth avenue and his wie have dissolved parlnershlp Today she will go back to the home ot her childhood In Erie . Pa. For some time past the neighbors have been telling Ford things which he did nol believe. A few days ago one ot these friends told him that he had better go back home Instead 01 going out on his regular run , and see. It the stories he had been telling were nol corroborated He did so , and found a strange man there. Mr. and Mrs Ford ? at once decided to play qulls. 'Vo have over $300.000 to han upon Improved - proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans cal save money by dealing direct with us , thereby savIng agenl's commissIon. 'Ve do ' , nol loan on wild land ! . nor In Nebraslea. _ ' :4a : Uugee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. II&O Your Ilone , Dy investing In time stock of the SavIngs Lan and Building association ot Council flliffs. Incorporated In 1877. Monthly pay- lents ot $1.00 per share , netting the investor about 10 tier cent Interesl. Ten serIes already - ready paid out , which fully demonstrates the ability ! ot the association to mature Its stock In about seventy-five monthly pay- menls. No loans mad ; outside ot Council I . , . . Bluffs , ali nil applications examined and passed upon by..a majority ot the board at directors. Good loans wanled. Full Informa- ton can be obtained al the office ot I ) . W. Otis , secretary , 10 Main street , or any of time following directors : H. W. Hazelon , Frank Grass John Drown , A. S. Ilazelton H. C. -i , . Deebe , A. D. Walker , E. E. Hart F. C. Lougee , S. S. Leonard ) I'JIISONI 1',11.IOIII'IS. 1rs. M. F. Huber has returned from an extended eastern Irlp. Eli Brown Is expected home from a soulh- era trip In a few lay , Miss Leona Talbol , has been I with ton- slts for the past week. . Gracie Fcrson who has been having a long all serious illness , Is reported inproving. Mr. and Mrs. Warner L. Welch arc expected - pected to return soon from Sal Lake . City , 4 to male their home again In this city. - Mr. and ! rs. W. E. Phillips ot Galesburg Ill. , are time parenls ot an oleven-pounl son. Mrs. PhIllips was formerly Miss Carrie At- ; kins of this city. I Colonel J. U. } { eatey , formerly ot this ' city , Is to leave New York In a few days for St. Paul to tale the position ot tele- graph editor ot the Dispatch. John Wals recoh'el a telegram yesterday from San Diego , Cal. , Informing him thaI his son . Charles Wals , was very slcl Mrs. \ . Watts left for California last mmigimt J. E l . Harlulesa , who has been confined , to his hOle hy illness for several weeks , , Is ' threatened , with a lameness that will keep hint confIned to his bed for a long time. J , A. Carlisle rctlrnell last evening from 30ux City , where he had been on busl- nlSS connected with the Sharpless Creamery con1alY. lie still rolalns a ono-thlrd In- teresl In tIme business , ali will bo on the road as traveling salesman. Do not fail ; to hear 11ev. Frank Crane at Iroalh\'a ) ' ! etholst , church ) tonight lshop I d\arll O. Andrcws says Hev. Frank Crane Is a speaker ot Inlslal ability -attractive , eloquent. instructive , Impressive -whom those who hear once will eagerly desire to hear again. I George M. Brown . fIeld secretary C. L. S. C. . wrlN : "Rev Frank Crane Is one of the best lecturers upon the 11Ial'orm. ' Ills audi- mires al'O always Illeased amid profited hy hIs uttornnces . " ' . " 'he Moder Miracle" Is a splendid lec- ture AdmIssion , 250. 'Vr'imIminil ( ' i ) ' ' i.imi y'i I'I aims . F . S. Harris , tIne general manager ot the Omaha Bridge an'1 Terminal company's busl- less here , spent a good put of yesterlay , afternoon wlh the jury which Is assessing . * ; the damages on Union avenue . and to the sIx i men ho ouUllel1 the 111an8 of the cOlpany In a Elar chalh r 'sdon. Ten thousall dollars . r he said , hal been apl'roprlatell by the COl- p3ny to 110 the grading Oi UnIon avenue . , Forty , thousand yards If dirt would he re- - quircil and work would bo turnishpil 200 mel and leAms for sIxty days. Time company Is willing 10 III\ limo . risk of satisfying the . ? ' IOIItslllelt propert owner after the 110- ; IIId8 of the rcxldents have been complied . with , amid It la Il0bable that work wIll be I : ! cllileleed 15 soon as tIme jury tolpletes It' , 'ork and makes Il Innl _ reporl. - - - - - - Try Eacle laundry , ' : I Broadway , for good ! work. Our medium gloss finish can't bo boat . bl.t we do strictly hand work dt'meslo i1iithi when Ilrderred. , 'J'lctiliont ' 157. - - - - - - - . Music at the GraaI hotel Tlmudas , II 8 well 'clock. lS Summday6 , :1 the dlnntr ! hour , G to - - - - Li Wanted . competent cook , lt 60S First , avenue - . . Zrateit t drug tlore-TI'lof'J Grand hotel NEWS FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS - "Elder" " " Euok's ' Dvino Cn 1 ft Cvuto Mision ! Suddenly Oonolnded Ills STORIES WERE A LITTLE TOO BREEZY ter" Numher of I.ncles 'fmreistencd him with J'crAonR"Ioleneo lie ton - eucell to ChRno Ils l"lchl : . , , of I.fhor - "Ehler" Buck Is gone . The residents 01 the western part ot the city who have enjoyed so many free circuses will have to palronlze other forms ot amusement from this on . and the lame hal and blind who have nol taken advantage ot the "ehler's" peculiar branch , ' of medicine will have to fall back on time physicians ot the old schools or else go lame , hall amI blind for the rest of their lives , for Hev. A. Overton who furnIshed the tent In which the three.rlnged cIrcus did busIness has fIred the "elder. " ' 'Rider" luc was In the habit ot telling n great imiany stories ot doubtful veracity and sayIng a great many things thaI had a sensa- tenal tinge. One night he told how a boy was run over by a dirt wagon all had one of his legs Irealuly mangled , so thaI time bones protruled through the flesh. One dose of faith dle the business all the next morning the "elder" found the youngster cuttIng " 8 ! " and doing the French roll on I skating pond not far from his home A man with a ball heal had found the files In warm weather sImply unbearable and he came to the "ehler" for help. In a few days he hal a fine new crop ot hair four Inches long , and the most wonderful thins abcut Il was that while the original crop hal been a continual mortification to him by reason of its deep , warm , brIck color , the second edition was a glossy - black. seconl tIme a woman called Illon him and toll hint she hall had a great deal ot trouble wIth her teeth and her frelluenl trips to the dentist had caused her oren to express , dentst hal tIme wish that she hail , no teeth at all , al all . "Ehler" Bucl undertook to assist her , but was only partially successful The next lay she hall no teeth and the "eller" was un- able to gIve her any. This , ho\e\'er. was nol his fault , but the fault of the lady who hail only hall enough faith lo bring time first part ot her wish to fruition. These arc samples ot the wonderful things ho lint , ! done , and the healer was listened lo with a good deal ot Interest hy hIs audl- dices. A few nights ago he caused I sensa- ton by a sermon In which he made some accusations against the virtue very grave Iccusatons ! ot a lady who has been In the habit ot preachIng al Overlon's mission. There have been several ladies In the pulpit there , and as the "elder" mentioned no names they one and all went for his scalp. The conse- quence wits that a lively sel-to took place at the close ot time service and Mr. Overturn told him thal he could nol hold an ) more meetings there. meelngs "I'l go on doIng the Lord's work hero It the Lord tells me to . I guess , " replied tIne Irate "eHEr. " _ "Yes , " was Overton's reply "bul I don't believe tIme Lord will tell you to any more. " And the Lord hasn't or It he has Duck has rejected the divIne commission for his melo- dIous voice has not been crackIng the mission plastering slnae. - - 10STUN STORE. Clenrln ! nlo ConlnneA .Thlf Weete NOTION DEPARTMENT. hOc dress buttons reduced 'to 1c a dozen . lOb and 25c dress slays , lOc a dozen. 100 curling Irons , now 6c each. Black spool silk , Je a spool : Hooks and eyes 50 a gross. 150 and 200 silk ribbons 50 a yard 250 silk elastic web now 12c a yard. SOc handbags. now 25c each. " . UNDERWEAn. Ladles' heavy rIbbed vests , wInter weight , 9c each. Ladles' 25c underwear , to close 13e each. Ladies' SOc vests and pans , 25c each. Ladles' fine wool knit underwear worth $1. reduced to 10c each. $3 quality union suits . now $ 1.50 each. Gents' heavy undershirts reduced to 15c each. Gents' $ shirts , now Cge each Gents' SOc underwear . now 25c each. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs . Ia. Church StRulf b , , \len. There was n meeting ot the Christian church last evening for the purpose at putting the organization on record with reference to the actions ot certain persons who have been circulating reports leroga- tory to Hev. E. W. Alien. Alen. Duretl Allen , a brother ot time pastor ot time church , disappeared last summer while holding a saries ot meetings at Plats- mouth , Neb. , ahd all efforts to locate him have proved unavailing . In spite ot a reward ot $100 . whIch Mr. Allen offered as soon as II was certain that his broher was In- deed gone. One result ot time meeting last evening was the adoption , unanimously , of time followIng resolutions : We . the undersgnec ! , as member ot the Christian church , agree to the following resolutions : \'herels. Our beloved and highly es- teemed pastor has heen unduly attacked train certain sources : and , \Viiereas . \'l. the members of the con- /relaton. know fuch matters to be en- / trely rnlse and uncalled for and out of hnnnony with hIs ChrIstan life , therefore lie It Resolved That we how the public that ns a body we are In sYl1JthY with him In this trouble . and will ( lefend , his character and stln.1 . ly him through ni the troubles thaI assail hint ot whatever nature they lay be. A copy ot thIs resolution was circulated and time signatures of 133 members of tine church' were obtained A commllee con- clstng of Misses DelIsio Rich . Leila Sweeney and May Miller was appoInted to circulate the copy among time church members between now and Sunday. During time meeting Hev. II. N. Allen , time talher o time pastor and , the mIssing young titan took occasion lo offer a reward of $200 to any ono who would locale his miss. ! Ing Hon within a w"ll , . I I'eelat Flour Inlu This Week nt C , U. U. Drown' . . Brown's C. O. D. XXXX patent SSe per sack : luralo , 75c per sack : Lone Star , 65c per sack : Ruby , ( Oc per sack : rye flour , 45e Iler sack and rye graham -We per sack ; corn macal 15e per sack ; potatoes , C5c' per busimel . . Remember , a silver dollar packed In every twentieth sack of Drown's celebrated , XXXX patent. I you are lucky you tel your flour for nOlhlng. DHOWN'S C. O. D. Cro \\"IIIH. . . H. G. McGee , alas Lynch , alas Fink has again turned up , and Is occupying a room II the city jail. About a month ago he was ar- rrlc,1 for vagrancy by Officer Marln , whom he said he would be pleased , to blow Into eternity It he only had n gun to to I with . Deputy Mauhnl owler thluls ho Is time man who robbed Conductor Creel on' the motor hue a few nights ago , and Creel wi take a look lt him loda ) ' , Since Conductor Creel has had time to thlnle time maier over he has como to such a state of uncertainty about what time fellow felow looked like time there 18 a constanty growing suspicion lS lo whether he knew he was alive when ho was gazing Into the barrel of thaI slx. heeler , Immediately ate the robbery - bery ho salll the fellow had a smooth face all wore no overcoat. Now he has changed hits mind , and thinks he had n small black mustache ald black overcoat As long aa his mind Is muddled In thIs way timers Is vcr ) little likelihood of the right man behll cmmughmt o It he Is caught , of his being Ident- led by hie victim. Ou cocking stoves for reut and for sale : t Gas Ce.1 office . - Davis sells drugs : paints . and glass ehup. 'rriiiiu Murder II TUlu. rIL1C N , Tex. , Jan 31.-A triple lur- ! . ter wins commited Iwo miles south ot here by William Weird , who miftrwards escapel The tragedy occurred lt 1 bridge iioue kept b ) a MISs Hucker , The 'lcln1 are W\lam hello . Martin Ot.\hc..el and A. C. Lanslnc. ratircant mcii . on the houston & ralrrad I ll. ellllud 01 1ouslon 8 Texus Ccmutrnti. The cause ot time le II unknown - known 'Yard entered the hlouhe unannounced , and , havhlK tt drop un tIme mcii . shot them I dead bvtie thet ouid tUr ! , He abet at Mn. Ye3ler pnt ? . \sa Iucker but missed them and then attempted lo Ire the structure , but was prevented by Miss Rucker and finally made oft on 1 stolen horse. A pose Is lookIng for hIm. _ _ . _ _ " 'U.U.l SUl.WI CUX , l'I XllX , Susan I Anthony l'resldlnJ nl time , \nnln' Conference mat 'llltA , ATLANTA , an. , Jan. 31.-Tho twenty- seventh annual convention ot the National Woman's Suffrage association was today , called \0 \ order In Delle'es opera house by Miss Susan n. Anthony its president . The hal was comforlabl ) filled with delegates and visitors. The stage was decorated with the lags ot the national and slate suffrage organizations . and the members ot the convention all " ere the ) 'elow badges of ( lie _ order. Rev. Anna Shaw opened the proceedings wIth prayer. The roll ot delegates was called by MIss Alice Stone 1llackwell . recording secretary , and a majority ot the states was found to he represenlell. A telegram ot congratulation was sent to lion . Miss Hilly ot the Colorado legislature , as time author ot the first bi drwl hy a woman ever passed by the legis- Inture of any slate. Committees were named alI the convention - ton took a recess until I e afternoon . TIl nflrnoon session bz'gan with irn'er by Ir Bonnet of Ientucl'y. The report ot the committee on credentials was reach ; showed the following relresenlntves : Arkansas - kansas hal two delegates : the Dstrcl of . Columbia , 1 : FlorIda two : Georgia live : Illinois . one : Iown. two : Kansas , three : ' ' ' . Ii' ' South Kentuck . ! seven ; lennsy\'nnla. 1"1' : Cnrohlnmm . six : Teimnessee . two ; North Cnro lnn two : Illala , two : Ohio , nine : Louis- imLUmn . four : Maine . two ; :1'sMchusetu. . two ; Missouri . one ; 1c"Ian. ! . iix ; Nebmaskim . ( time : New Jersey , one ; New York thirteen : Ore- Ion , cite . nll Mmurylnmitl , three , hesldes nine ofcer 1111 ( six chairmen of committees . Time queslol\ of taxation without rellre- seittatioa was the subject of n lively series of short nldrEqe ! hy Rev Annn Simiuw Miss Hatch of Maino. Mrs. Chnl11ln of Broollyn alI Miss SouUlworth of Ohl . Miss Anthony addressed the coimveimtion : lsl nlelre8sel eonvenlon briefly In favor of the establishment of woman suffrage papers. . "Bil' ; Lli .1 111ZZ.I1) . - Storm of Con.ldorlblo l'rolorthJ9 l'reVI\UA at North Piute anti \'Jolnty. NORTH PLATTE Neb. , Jan. 31.-Speciah ( Teleram.-The severest storm ot tIme ! season has prevailed here throughout time day. Early In the morn In ! a blz7ar.1 [ rom time northwest began to blow all 't tmes the snow tel thickly. The teiimpratunre has fallen consIderably durlug the day all cattle eXlremely. on tIme range will very likely -urer -voltic . Neb , Jan. 31.-Special ( Telegram. ) -A heavy sow storm has set In and prom- Ises to continue all night. ThIs will greatly benefit the wheat In thIs locally , whIch Is suffering for want of moisture. IUEBI.O , .Inn. 2l.-\Vhmnt promises to be the most severe storm or the searn In this section . a verltahe : blizzard , struck Pueblo from the north nt 5 p. m. The thermometer - eter foil iifteen degrees In halt an hour fel Ifeen lereES nail the snow Is driving very hard at 7 o'clock wih littlepromcpect of 1 let up. IIOTJIEH AXI ) BiitiE IJUILVEI ) 11UTliEl 11llES BUI1.YEl. She Hal Jactc to /"ve her Chldrel and I.ost ler Own Lifo its Vo1i. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 31.-Mrs. ChrIsto- pher Zlllnger and her 1-year-old twin daughters , Margaret and Christana , were bummed to lentIl early thIs morning In their imonie 2C29 Kansas street A cat . an oil lamp and a fro alarm box thaI would network work are responsible for the terrible calam- Ity. The molher had left the house , but was horrlfel to find her twIn daughters had not been taken out. She rushed back impto the simmcke-fllhed stairway and her body was found wllh those ot her chidren a few minutes laler. The firemen were compelled to cut a hole In the roof In order to gel the bodies out. . STlll E C.ISE IN CUUIU' . "restdont Norton of Ole 01 the Jrookl)1 Comlanlef Gramited mum itdjotmrnment DHOOKLYN. Jan 31.-Presldenl Norton ot the Atlantic avenue company appeared before - tore Judge Walsh In the "olce"court' iMa ' to answer lo the charges made against hln of breakIng the law In making hIsmen work more than ten hours a day He asked for : an adjournment until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock , which was granted . hJE.4TJIEICFUIfEUAST. Jnlr and Colder In Southenst Nebraska Today . WASHINGTON , Jan. 31.-The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska-Fair : colder In , the southeast - east portion : north wInds. For Missouri-Far : ; decidedly coUer : no th- west winds. For lown-Falr : colder In the easter por- ton : north to northwest winch ! For South Dakota-Fair : warmer ; variable winds , becoming southerly. For Kansas-Fnlr ; colder In the soulh- east portion : north wInds. i.oc.1 Record . OFFICE OF TIm WEATHER BUREAU , O IAIA. Jan. 3l.-Omaima record ot temper- ature and rainfall , compared with the cor- respondimmg lay ot the Past four years : 18 : : 189 I. 1893. 1892 axlmum temperature. . 20 21 36 [ Minimum temperature. . . 3 6 .2 38 : lnlmum 3 Average temperature. . . . 12 14 17 48 Precipitaton ! . . . . . . . . T .0 1 .01 T Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tim day and since March I , 191 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Deficiency for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Deficiency for the dny. . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Total prEclpltnton s nce : . I arch 1 1O.U inches Delclency since March 1 . . . . . 16.01 Inches Reports from Other Stations It I I' 38 . ' l : " 0a . . p , 5M w. a ' 1 ; . BTJTiONS.i G.l H'UTE or e ! " 3 i % 'EATiI5i ( . : ' & 8 _ _ : 'i : - - - - - - - - Ommmfliru. . . . . . . . : 20 T.I.lghIHIOW. North PlaUe. . . . . ere 11 .01 Simowiimg . Valentine ) . . . . . . . ' 4 1 .2mm Slowlll. Clleao . . . . . . . II 22 .011 Cicar . 51. Louis . . . . . . . . 211 au .10 Clear. 51. \.aul. . . . . . . ' 10 I ' \ Clear. Ua\'enpor. . . . . . 1 2t 'I' . Snuwimmg. lanHal Cly. . . . . 20 32 .00 Cloudy Iiemmver..4 21 .01 ) Smiowing . I ' halt Lame city . . . . 21 :2 .OU Cloudy bal Cly. ltmmtidCity.4 . U T. Clear. Ileiciru..4 . . . . I .04 Clear UIIlrk. . . . . . . ' 22 oW .OU Clear . SI Vlnem1 . . . . . . ' 24 ' 12 .00 Clear . Ctceyeimno . . . . . . zero Ii .0.1 ) l'mirteloudy MUel City. . . . . . . Ol zero .00 C.ar. Uaveatoum. . : . . . . . _ _ _ l2 _ _ _ l4 : .00 1'lrleloady below zero. "T" indIcates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSh Obser' r , p - A N\ U. ' Cit i.'UT. . The singing of the church chllr ot Nurem- burg as heard In the 10rrison production of "l ausl" Is ot the best A company of carefully selected singers Is carried especially ror this purpose. "I"ausl" wilt be at tIme mplre for four nights , commencing Sunday ummatimmee . February 3. A lrt class company magnificent Hcenery. calcium Ighls , electrIcal elects arid wonderful mechanical con- trivances all go lo make up the magnificent flerformance ot "Faust" as given by time Morrison comrany. Wednesday evening at next week W. S. cloveland's nlW and greater minstrels will appear at floyd's theater for one night only Many burnt-cork celebrities are In the Cleveland show , and they give a geed , old- time performance lloyd's theater will be dark until the coming ot time minstrels. One of the strongest companies which Hoyt anti McKee hae ever sent on the road Is that engaged In presenting Mv Hoyl's new and , successful comedy "A Temperance Town , " whIch Is booked at Doyd's theater for three nights and a matinee , commencing Thursday , February 7 , The cast includes I. . < n. Stockwehi , Icharll J. Dion. George Otter , Lee HarrIson , W. H. CurrIe , Wilam Cuhhington. Anna Robinson , Marie Uart , Gertrude lawes Are Warner , and several others whose past records wIth representative organizations speak volumes In tbelr praise. All of the origInal scenery and properties will bo brought here S Uol" VitlmdrAwiuis ' front New York . NIW YORK . . Jan 31.-The total ' with- dmawals aggregate of 1,9.0. gold from S the tubtreasury today : r. ' 1' . S. hawkIns Chatanooga , Tenn , las : ' Sbiiohm'a Vialzer 'saved may \e . ' I conllder It the best remedy for a ) debut. ) debli. tated system 1 ever usel " For dBpepsla , liver or kidney trouble It excels. Price , 75c. 10ld ! Ly Gooduiann Drug Co . - - - - - WILL \ NOT BE DISCIt\RGED \ 1 Ex-Morabnl Johnson of Des' Moines Will Appeal His Case t the Oem ! , CIT AU10RITIES GIVEN NOTICE JI ht that no ( 'anumot lie leln'cIWih - out the COINlt nf limo ( 'nnlcl , 'hleh hotly " \\.ro\'ecl 118-1011. l DES MOINES . Jan 31-Speclai ( Tele- gram.-The ) recent police appoIntments were confrmel today by tIme city council. Ex- Marshal Johmimson sevtl notice today on the , note Johns.n mayor auditor . and treaurer claiming still to be the legal marshal assuming that his appolnlmenl covers the entire administration ot the tmmayor whIch has over a year to rain ; that said appointment was approved by the council amid the ofcal ! beau ot Johnson dimly approved , aunt that Johnson non' claims to be marshal and entitled to all time compensation and emoluments ot the Inosition. The olcers are notified not to issue any warrants to pay time salary nor any compensalon ot the office nor any part of II lo nny other person Ilur- lag the term ot Mayor Ills , Johnson elahn- Ing that tIme salary ot the posiion belongs to him by legal rIght and that he will hold ! the city responsible and prosecule his daunts In court I Payment Is made to any olher Ilerson. J Is Insisted that the marshalshlp helng a position which requires the occupant to file a bend to bo approved by time counci , removal cannel bo made by time ma'or without the conswl and co-operatIon 't the counmcil . I t"11 I'hololrlllher. Elect or'erf. DES MOINES , Janm 31.-Speclal ( Telcgrammm. ) -The Iowa Pholoraphers' associaton today elected these officers : President . W. O. Reed gmmclsburg ; vlcC . prlsllenl. W. , G. Maxwell . Mount Ayr : secretary F' : W. Webster . Des Moines : treasurer T , A. flrowmm Marshal- ' town Several paper're ' reach and awards \re awarls male as tolo\s : Highest award on Cramer plates J. G. Browning ot Vilhisca. A. S. Spurrer ot Creston tool the prize offered by tIme hammer Dry Plalo cnlpnn for work on the'r plalcs. On seed plates T. A. Brown ot : Iarshallown took first \lzC and Drndl hIres of Davenport secotl , Jarvis , Whlc & Co. , Marshalown , third prlz ! nest wcrk on western cololian paper , class A , Hehl Dros. , first prize : A. S. Spurr . secoimd Class D. first . A. Spurr , Creston : second , C. Specht. Class C. J. R. hall. M. P. Paper company prizes cass A. Theodore Brown la\haluwn , first : I , ' . " Webster Des Moines . second : F. V. ' . Medlar . Spemmeer third. Class B. T. A. Brown , Marshihltown. / Cass C. T. A. Brown. Supreme Court Ueel810ns. % DES MOINES . Jan. 31.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) following opinions were fled In the supreme court today : NeUle Ochel- tree against Chicago & Northwestern Railway - way comnpaim appellant . Audub.n district reversed ; hans Michaelson against the Ser- gMnl Bluffs all Sioux City Brick company , appehiant . Woodbury district , reversed : W. A. Delashmut et al against cIty ot Oska- loosa' ' el aI , appellants . Iahaska district affirmed : Merchants Natonal bank of Ocala , Fla. . appellant . IGaSI ; Citizens State bank ot COuncIl Dul : . ! ! . . PotawaUamle district , affirmed : the V. ot Iowa agalnsl Thomas Danforlh , appelant , Poweshlek dis- trlct. affirmed. . _ _ _ - - hicks has " -11&1 & tlimutmce . OTTUM\ . Ia. , Jim. ' 1.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-There ) was an , , interesting question of law sprung by q'psel,1 of J. W. Hicks . ox-county auditor " , being tried for embozzle- ment. TImers seemedlo bo 'no question that ho had appropriated 'sums of money for his own use recelved'from'bom DavIs and Lucas .colnt.e , ; ; .but I 90un t'p.rItl , tdcerse1nrgued thnl asheni6neyshoull have gone to the treasurerinstead ' or..the cO\nty auditor II had nothing , to do wltl his duties , and therefore he could nol legally ' be connected with the embezzlement. On' the judge's decision on this point , re its , tw' , probable conviction at Hcks.IOWR . _ _ tw'pfobable Iowa Jlgh\VI\Y ubhers Captured flOWS la. , Jan 3I.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Four masked men attempted to rob Martin Johnson . a promInent farmer nor here. Johnson slashed one at them wllh a ktlfe and the other shot at him and he was pusheJ through a window.- Ho started \0 \ a neigh- bor's for help . but the robbers were gone when he returned. His feet were so badly frozen that amputation wi bo necessary. Two ot the robbers have been arrested and one turned slale's evidence The arrest ot the pals Is certain The amount they secured Is nol known. Desperate Iowa loblers Capturod. CEDAR RAPIDS . la" " , Jan. 31.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Tho ) masked robbers who went to time home of Martin , Johnson near Dews , Tuesday night were captured today. They are Lou Fred amid Ernest Delnol and their brolher-In-Iaw. Fred was on his way to Clarion to have the wound on his face dressed when arrested . and the capture of the olhcrs soon followed. .They are In Jai , and will have I prelminary hearing to- morrow. Time Norwegian element was greatly aroused , amI. have Inado threats of lymmciming The prisoners are closely guarded , however. OttUIW'VII Support Cleveland . OTTUMW , Ia . . Jan 31.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.A ) nonpartsn convention ot the bet and ablest business men of the city today mel and drafted resolutions asking Iowa's eena- ton to meet and work for a bill embodying time sentiments of President Cleveland's re- cent message. The meeting was called by lion. J. G. Hulehlson , a life-long republican and former candhlalo for governor. lemlHe If lrs. 1 lb"hrh w"t. DES MOINES , Jan 31.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Mra. ) Elzabeth West , wife ot Cap- taln F. H. West died this morning , aged 79 years . She leaves a husband , lo whom site had been marrIed slxty.one years anti three cimhidren . They havc lived In Des lolnes forly-two years and always held prominent social positions. Ilnkll ! ( : noler/ hogs Jntl Sonl" ; DES MOINES . Jan 31.-(8peclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) Slate Board ot health was netted ted today thaI hogs lead from cholera were being shipped here . .to bo made Into soap The board fears a Is\rfd of contagion from the UfO at euch ap lllnd will try to slop tIme shipments. "r , 1 . l llgllt hlnHlnl uf ! -1' , ' W , Cook lJg'stroycd. ODEBOLT . . Ia . Jhni' 31.-Speclal ( Telo- gram.-The ) fine malBlon of T. W. Cook six Inle north ot Odeil ' "tas burned last night , with all its contemmt,1iq , luelng all clothing df the family . The 10.I I I $20.000 ; partially In- sured 10.\ - " d ' " : \ltreH Illt Ha' hull. The second Innujlze \ masquerade bal given hy the Ulhqflerers ! antI Mattress Maler Social clot' cit , Washington hal last night wal n decblPl1 success About 100 masked ladies ui t ( ltelen participated In the dance unit11i. 1 o'cloek , when the masks were rIS ( rllld prizes nwanled , after whch : nn Int rllflon or one-haIr hour was taken for sumcpir. , . After supper a program - gram ot thlrteelr'lF ' was danced through . The ptze.'ncl ; prize winner are as follows : "I Ladies' . l'zlzes-Fiimest costUIt Miss O. henderson . Mru/IIOW ; hest characler come- tome , Miss 81r1 / I hYleh , work box : comIcal - heal costume , Miss 1Iar'Yeslergreen , bot- tie or perfume ; het natiOnal costume Itl 1 1u Newland , an order for one dozen cal- met phmotograplmm' 'J'he best "lice" costume , I the Ilrlze for which was ole year's sob- Icrpton for TM Omaha Daly lIce WM awarded to Miss Molie l lherlon , who wore n very unique costume iepresenting several l'ltons If 'rho Bee epresentnH Gents' l'rlzes-Finest ent's costume D. elena Ieuver a paIr ot satin tusPcl\lers : best character costume . "N. B. Nemiil . silk tie : the most unique costume was won hy Jacob Newman and l 1) . Iteimfelul . who acted the hart of the brlal grInder amid the monkey. The prize was a llalr or shippers . ' 'hl olcer ot the club are : M. H. Hunt- Ington , preahknt ; J. Teatman vice president : A. E. hunt , recording secretary , and 'Yo J. Schlueter , treasurer. - _ . ( lnltlhl\ h'ul ' for Larceny ) Constable Dan VaUey was fined $0 and costs In the Police court yesterday afternoon on 1 charge ut larceny as 11 I et. DaUey Is alleged to hlVo attempted to attach some - , - . - -fl. . . - trunks In iossession ot Mrs . Curtis last altumn belonging 10 lalmlr. the nhcomU'1 Innn er of the Douglas street the.tter. Mr. ( 'umrtls paid Dalp ) ' ' ! I tees In the ease , of I which . the constable made no ncolnt- court. uiw. Daley alcalel the .cae to the district U- READ WON .Y FIVE DIRDS. Match Shoot 01 the lulIA l'ark Climb Urnlnlh . Cioriy Cnltl8trlt. I'osibly 200 peOhile assembled on the lells Park GUl cub grounds yesterday afternoon to witness the 10 live lllre match between J. C. Read . chal11101 ot the state , and John J. Ilardin . who Is rated R thc finest deli ! shot In the vest The matlh was 10 brds ! to each man , thlrlY yards rise Illy boundary . . \mcl'lcal nsocatol rull'S to govern Oolll ' Brucker referee reerce nail Sandy Orlswohl otclnl rearer A worse ( lay for trail shootn could nol imave 1)09mm lale to onler. A veritable hurricane - ricane blew from the norlh rllht across tIme range , and nt no time . Ilurlnl the cn- giugement was the above zei. 1lment mmmercumry lbovI Zlr. Harllt shot I 10.bore Ilfever and lUau , ! n 1 : Greener Iarln , being hllulcnpl.c,1 , two nrls. Both eliot thre ( lrmlnna of i. I C. lrms lewder anll nn ounce ane I qllrler of sine ! . \ hinrulin' , gUl was nn l'tellluvlan relic thlt should hn\e been plnce In It mUSUI ' , while Itend idiot immodemii , ten years ago whie le/l n loderl unproved fowling plcce. which wns al the Imlrve fowlnl lowell estimate r.o per cent In his favor. hlnrdln'mu old Queel Aln missed fire no less thll nileleeh lmes , anll he was uccl'eltl1 wih one lost bun ! 01 Iccouul ot his Piece failng to cock , and I wins < olnrs to Ilough- nuts from the start ttt Helel inmost prve aim IIevllble winnimer . Anolher timing . Item ! hlil tims , 'cr ) ' best and lost Intelelt IIIeling all conu eking \Ielng In I the hallls of Frank Parmele . wIle l1rlln wns left to defend himself mind the meager mt8istnhtee thnt could be aronlc1 him h ) ' It tym' . ) tim time bu"l\s . Mr. I"nII < Carmicimasl. TIme 011' vommi1er Is thlt Unrlll % mtslu't hen ten wore wOller IhII heIS. . Deple the fearulr cold and Inclemcnl wemutimer . there was I large crowd of spec- tutors I'reselt. Ilsllhh' ? ( \ or more . scavengers - ger3 nn,1 , all . 111 c'Eryimely Feemed to eljy , the sport notwlhstlllllg the ulanlmous disgust nt the wny hlaniimm'um IlnnOI be- hmntvcul. A \ coin was tossed for choice ot Ihols , nl1 Heal wiimimimmg . he heat ! oil wih n mlssj ; then It was nlll 111 tuck for the Irsl meec- ton of twemmty-uive birds . Hanln Innl ' pullll out t mu Imenul . kill lng 19 to the 11luml- ( r's 18. In the ! eclI block or twnt ' -I\e Hcml Hnsel , 21 and lnlll ' which left thcm a tie , htmL In the thl'l block Heal getaway away with 22 . whll lnnln killed hut 19. which gU\e the 1ld J'ltH ! mann n lend of three. I now looked like n cnch for HII , aiR ! I considerable RUl of mOle ' was ltlaYedl on him itt 2 to 1. 1. B. Ken- imetly placing one bet of $ .00 to $ 1P ) wlh nepllCll' $10 IJ hut ) ' lnr.Un 1111 n lunitY I of Council lurs sportsmen Dolh shooler were frozen out In , the fourth block or lwnt ' -I\'e. unit lnnln , much to the Ilsgust nlil disnp- 1101ltmelt of his folllWelR , could onlY count 15. whie the dOlght 1lumber ncumulat'll 17. and thus won th ) IJlY . h ) ' a score of 78 to 73. Rend killed thlrt ) hlrds wlh his Irst barrel IIt ( IIHI four full dead out of hounls. whie larlln I killed forty-four with his Irst barrel nn.1 hal four fiI deal out or botmnuhs Time general impression Wil that the IItch was n fiercely contested , one thnt Hardin WI edolslY hnnlclllel , , but unler the elrcumstnnces Rend won I I credluhle vlctor , and on the merlls of being the best shot. Score : Heal-22 0 2110 Oxl21 01222 21Z0 2221 12lx 22102 22200 21112 21102 12111 22212 22222 - - - .00 110" 1"11 20)11 01022 20210 1201 \0" t 222-78- Hardln-22x21 111 Ox201 1021 101 2\22 122 210xl 22 ) 22\0 1221 20102 21xl 110 0112 212\ 12120 10102 0101 01010-73. On Thlrslo ' aferloon next : Ir. Rend shoots Mr. Geoge Nicolli a similar mntch on thc flme rounds for $100 n side and hilly Iarlln of Council Duffs shoots ii. B. Kenledy I twenty-I\'e-hlrl match for $50 a side. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IlfllA 11 tiiu Ilmllll Tr.uk . SAN FRANCISCO , Tan. 31.-Favorites won the frt four races today. GrUHn oul- jocleeyel the othcr jockeys In the thlrl anti lamlel ' Quarter Staff n winner SUlmary : First race , live anti I hal furlongs : lte 1. \Vldlrmlh ; (4 ( to 1) ) . won : Alcyomme . 89. Glenn (8 ( to 1. ) second : Martinet . 9 : Hen- messy (0 ( to 1. ) third. Time : 1:18. : Glenn Echo I . Norblichm . Guadaloupe , KIng Sam anti San Lucas also ran. Secolll race . live and a halt furlons : . Leonvi . 103. Carr (9 ( to I ) , won : Robin Hood I. 97. Cockran (4 to 1) ) . second : Sir Relnall. 93. Heinrichs (4 to 1) ) . third. Time : 1 :15' : North Bridal Veil , Miss Buckley and Mary S nlso ran. Third race , five and a half furlog . sell- lag ; Quarter Stuff . 101. Grlln ( ( J to I ) , won : Garcia . 101. HusRel (5 ( to 1) ) . second : Banjo , 10. Heinrichs tl ( to 5) ) , third. Time ; 1:1f . Talbot Clifton , howard . Lawyer and Slh' also ran. t Fourth nice seven furlongs : Booze . 120. Lloyd (2m4 ( to b. ) won : Olvia , 103 , lcAIII (3 ( to 1) ) . second : ICed l'at 120. Chorn (6 ( to 1) ) , tlmlrd. Time : 1:39 : ! . Mole , King , Fill , Mor- ' . veil and Chlqulto also rn , Fifth race , live and I hal furlong : May lcCary , 97 , Chorn (2' ( to 1) ) , won , : Para- maUa , 101. Carr (8 ( to 6) ) . second ; Two Cimeeru . , 95. Heinrichs (15 ( to 1. ) third. Time : 1:1614 : Bernndo , Wandering Nun , Ethel Dixon Sir Walter and Dialogue also ran. NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 31.-Track heavy. Results : First race . five furlongs : Fabia (8 ( to 1) ) wdn , Anna IcNalry (0 ( to 1 ) s2cond , Che- noa (3 ( to 1) ) third. 'Ime : 1:0' : . . Second race Elx furlongs : Luke ParIs (12 ( 10 1) ) won Llclsta ( to 6) ) second Ktng- crf 00 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:224. Third race six rcrlonSs : Tom kelly (5 ( to 2) ) won , 'Vedelehl ( ( to 1) ) second Lenin , jr. (5 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:23h. : i'ourlh ; race six furlongs : Gfeesome (7 ( to 1 ) won Miss Mamim (9 to 6) ) second , Sylvan (5 ( to 1) ) thlnl. TIme : 1:2l4 : . Firth race , seven and I half furlongs : 'Voodrul (4 ( to 1) ) won Henry Owsley ! ( to 1) ) second , Bonnie D (1 : to 1) thIrd . TIle : :46. . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 11TElN l'ltMjIU.\ \'eterln8 of time Late " 'ur Herelleroll by the ( hmcrll ( overnlenl. WASHINGTON , Jan. 31.-Special.-Pen. ( ) slons grunted Issue ot Jlnuary 18 , were : Nebrska : Original-Joseph Risim Creigh- ton , Knox. Iteissue-Plmilmunder G. Wood- worth , \'ahoo. Saunders. Original wIdows , reissueHarriet E. llanchett , Grain ] Island , hall. Survivors of the Inlial wars-Adam Creasman. Syracuse Otoe. Iowa : OrIginal-James D. Johnson , Red- field . Dallas : John ' 'Itman , Pioneer . Hum- hell : glzlheth B. aatz ( nurse ) , Hampton , Franklin : John A. Lake , Decatur JecrltU' Helfsue-James I.ewls. Ankeay , Polk ; George Couries : Iarlhalown , lalshal' OrIginal widows , etc.-Addle Drake Chinmton . Clnton : J.uell J. Smih , Marion Linn. Colorado : IncreuEe-George 'Valer. Pu- eblo. Puehlo. Helssue-Alexander Lamond , Peyon , EI Paso. S 81yf lie Slol" the hliirni'i , ' , - Charles Smith , I 16-year-old boy living on the bottoms south of Gibson , was arrested - rested yesterday ly Olcer Green on the chare or larceny and the complaint was sworn to by F. Snltzlus , who claimed Smith hall stolen two sets ot single harneHs from him One set of harness wal found In the possession at the boy . who aclmowlelges having taken it. ' 'IWIII. Cnff . Settled. WASHINGTON , Jan 31.-The secretary of time Interior has denied Ihe motion for a rehearln In the townsie entry case or Cynthia E. Couch John 11. Davis , president of the ' 'est Otlholl : 'rownslte association : ItobmrtVlmiggns an,1 , olhers , agahimat John C. Adlms , Involving OIlaholl landa. S Convicted of .Jnry Irlhln . SAN FRANCISCO . Jan 31.-Wllam J. honey was found guilty of contempt ot - - . 300.00 for 8 Idea. This Is the biggest Ilrlce ever offered for a : alch line or heading fOr an advert8menL \Iaden \ Dros. wIll give a choice ot several first class Itianos worth $300.00 each for the head line adopted and In addition will gIve order lne their music department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best ideas according to merIt To secure an absolutely Impartial decision applicants are requested to sign In number only and to mal corresponding number with name and address to The flee office . where It I will runaln until after the award Is anode I The once rIght Is reserved to use an ) head lime The following are the facts to be adver- tsEd : Hayden Droa. of Omaha are the only firma In the world showIng a complete lne of the Instruments manufactured hy time fIve moat renowned pIano makers on eartim . Hayden - den Dros. are not led up with red tape restrlc- lens like regular selling agents , but are free to make the lowest prices ever bend of Hayden Droi put special stleu 01 time Steinway and Vose pianos because they have a larger line In stock and can buy tbfm cheaper than any other intakes of equal repu- tatton. Do not b mIsled by anyone claimIng - lag the sale agency. Hayden Bros. have them direct from tile factory la well a from the Max Meyer & lire . Co. stock . Music trade papers are saying pianos cannot bo sold In 1 department store but sensible people. who do nol care to be hodwllkl by silly frills are not so notional and the beet proof at thIs II that ladel Bros. sold more pianos , organs and musical immtrurnsnts In one week ttal any five music Mores welt of Chicago ban- sold In six months Time music trade papers say thll innovation will be watched with unusual Interest and hayden UtOB. propos to keep them &uellnr , : - 4co' . -i-J- _ 7. _ - - - - elurt today ant ot attempting to bribe jurn In the eM ot I. hi. : lelolalel , Jr . formerly vice lrthlent of the bankrupt Pacifc timunk . on teal for lmerJcmr' . Juitigi' Mtmrphmy imnpccseti time extreme penalty of five ihays' innprleonnment vitim aim neitleul iln of $ , ,00. hone ) ' wnq nlsa 1101(1 to answer on tIme felon ) ' ehorg of tuttcmmllietl mum ) ' lrlber ) ' . hula bail being fixed at $ lOiJ. Jut Ige Mtmrplmy stated timat lucre wius not time slIghtest ulouibt of lb ' prisoner's gumilt , time evidence against hint being direct nimil conclusive. QIf.tIi.1 i'tfl.iQIIiI'IZS , Shmerift lrexel is sentling oumt a large fltimmt- her of siibpoemmmms for witimesses to appear before - fore time gratmd Jury lmext week , A mmmamriago hlceimse wits issued yesterday to lhenimard ( IottSclm , aged 21 , aunt ! Itciemma Gottscii , agen 20 , botim of lheimningtomm. A barrel of mnmolasses was stolemt frommm time latforimm at McCord & Brady's wimolesalo grocery \'edmmosday. Timere is ito trace of time thieves , The will of Eli Ithimig , tIme flremmmatm vhmo was killed by imeiimg thrown tmmttter a hook ammtl laduier trumck , Imas becmm flied for rrobate , TIme estate is valued at $3,000 , Time Chiftomm hill ! limmprovemnemmt clumim will Itoh ! its mmext immeetinmg at the ball , Military aventmo aimil Grammt streets , cit Sattirday event- immg , limmportammt mimatters will be consitlerel , John ltedell , cimlef of ttme fire departmmneimt , humus so far recovered frommi lila recent iii- jutries as to be able to get down to his 0111cc , lie is still stmfferimmg amid it will be several ( la3s before ito caim restmnme active uluty. Mr. It. 11 , Iloweils will deliver aim address before time junior mmmcmmnbers of time 'oiiimg Melt's Cimristiamm associatiomm tlmis afternoon at 4 o'clock oim life 1mm time naty. 0mm mmext lriday aftermmoon Cnptnimn hloylo will tell the Jutimiors about life 1mm the ca'.mtlr3' . Time mmmeetiimg of time Cumrreimt Topic dumb , wimichm was ammlmotmimced for last mmlgimt , was host- Potted Ott accoimmmt of time sturimm , Tin' mmext immeetitig will be on mmcxl. Thimmrstlny mmigtmt mummd mmeeded charter aimmenmdimmemmts viil be dis- cutssetl , Cottmucilimmamm liowells will mmmako time opemmimmg address. Time Itebekaim socinbie giveim Ii ) ' ittmtim lodge No. 1 , lmmdependent Order of Ocli Fellows , at Odii h'chlows immuli Inst mmighmt , was a well at- teimnled nih ! very enjoyable affair. A very meat progrommn tuas armaimged for time eccasloim , commslstimig of immumsic ammd recitations , after wlmicim tlaimcimmg was eiijoyed until 12 o'clock. After tue first part of the emitertiulimmuclit lint ! becnn ghemn a very mice iummcim was serveti by time lodge. Judge Baxter decided yesterday In favor of lUtcimle & Soim ( mu a stilt brougimt by thmetmm against P. F. Itoose and otiucra for tue recovery - covery of $460. Itoome was time mmmammnger of time himmcolrm Normmmal mmimlvereity ammd as smmcim hind lmutrdima seul frommi time itlahim tiffs eitmlhitmcmm ts for time ummiversity amnotmmmthimg In value to $12,460. lIe hind been limited to $12,000 by fitmmmors. Time haiammce of $460 hindimot beemm paint. Judge Baxter rendered a judgmmment against Itooso alone , holding tlmat tIme oUter dcfeimdaimts ere not liable. THE GREATEST PURIFIER S.SS FOR THE BLOOD. NERVOUS PROSTRATION , ( ssvnarrmmasmA ) INSOMNIA , NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA M ELAN CHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND ILLfl ThAT FOLLOW A OflANQtU CONDITION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Are Cured by CER EBRIN E TNt TZTRCCT or TNt emmama OP TH ( PRcAnco uNotil vHs ronisuLa or Dr. WILUAM A , HAMMOND , IN HIS LA5OnAroiy AT WAsHINGTON , 0 , C , DOSE , 5 DROPS. Price per lmhini of 2 drnchmmns , $1. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. WASHINGTON. 0. . SEND ro 0005. isP KUlt & CO. , AGENTS FOR OMAhA. . - - - - DUFPrs FURE MALT WhISKEY. A1 DruggIit. - I - BABY'S SKIN AND SCALP Clenased , purltheti , and tienutillech by CuTmcuaL , _ _ _ ' oAl' , r'at-nL of , 'htmm iurillt'n mmmcd I , . beamitimict-s , us as Pumrt mmmcd ' swuriect ( uf toilet amid muumrpi-n soaps. , ' . ? -G4 Only Cutc for hlllmthiks numcI black. I.- , - hiecici , Eccause the iini hiiceidtko 1 ' of imummiutimuticiit au , ! clogging of thto - ports , the caumpe of milu.t coimclilei. iomunml dmsilgumatiomme , lultl eucrynimeme. OEO. P. SANFOI1b , A. W. Itl1lKLiAN , l'residcnt. Cashier. First National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cmtpital , - $1O,00t ( ) 1t'ofits , - - 12,001) Omm of time oldest tanks In the state of Iowa. ve solicit your buslimess and collections. We pay 5 ncr cent omm ( unto tlcpostt.Vtt tvili be pleased to see and eel-ye neu , Qi'.lt , flAliJhifllflPP ? ( ttrmmc-mIt-1isv Umium ) t. jjnlnhiutuu U , Practlee iii thin State timid ietl ommil Ctmmmr Is. . Itimim mmms : iul.7.8-u , Shi ugar hliock , ( itimI ( dl t It i it. , I o uvmi , spocii- N - Diuffs cHIMNEYS CLmIANED : VAULTS CLIItNED. hid Burke , at V. S. homer's , 533 Itrondway. iGmI rnI\'A'r14 BARN Foil RENT NEAR court house. Appiy at lieu onlee , Council Illuffs. - - - _ - - - . ' - - - - - " 'flue suialle'tit Oluit scck a uie.sl of its ouch , " Yotrng Man Take a Hint. ' stat't. in at tine bttoin. Wet' - - - - - - - - - Don' be afraid to tlmlnk-you must have cvoi'ytluing "elit mtnd S1)afl"c1iO' yonl marry momnd ettlo down.Vo can give you ! R snug little Ilousdkcopiiig- Outfit tom. ' vary Slnahl muitiouna -and then WU doti't. walit tIle lflOIO cititot' . Youu ca P ED IT PY for It gi'adually.Vltha little ImoImme , 1)aI'tty 1111CC ! atmtt ' 'a , little v1fo vchl trilled , " you am'c on limo 1iIgli u'oanl to SUCcCi5. a - OUR TERMS CASH , Or WIrtik of guotl' , 5t tier wuPidi Boiled downm muro as follows , and it is all Or t54 piur umontli , time saute hi us wiik'ii phmtim you nttlpt. vtthi or geode , ttt.ZH ) ni'r mymmoic only onto thing be sumre of , our giuHil or * O.o0 itmoimtim , arc , ull viirr.titeii , both mug to cuality nvorthu of goomii , , ' 1 mior tuoelci anti value , Our sale-jimmeim mire coumrtcoimci. Or 558 00 a immiulithm- our uthmipiimermts mire pronumpt , mind yoltr worth at goods , ino nor mm'oeic , pieirniaCe IN ( iioritigiily uipprecltuieui. Or ' 510 par limnutli , Either yomm pay cmLi.im or tICOOpt. our cusy : worth of gonde , tsm : 'r wu'emc ; paymmient Plan : Or 819 mn'r utnhmtii , 8121 ; worth of goods , iti3.O nm nvcirlc Ctmr tSm4 ' simoimthi , ' _ , SECOND-With nun' 1lIitSl'Witlt Cash - sir.o vortii ofgOoitP , Li per wucmni ttm f m t ior , , icmithi , mart ( isslu amid so munch per mmmoiitlu. siteD won-Ui of goods , $11 itr nn'ii'k ; 'rltIIU-'Itlu hart cnshn amid so m 11(21) nor uiutuumlia $250 worth ol goods , rl ; Icr n'uca ; , Or $21h per mimumi thu timuch per week --v. . $1275 $ ; LET - . - ' _ _ -N- Tlnis solid Oak Sideboard , ( I feet 4 incItes hilglt , 4 feet rttlc r 23 Inoos deep , Ccumnan Bevof j Pinto Min'n'oi' , 14x24 inches , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oval itilaster , immummd cat'vud. You n'emncmtmboi' this board ? , t \Vo advem'tiseil it at $16.85 , amId told you it was worth * 28 , - \Ve hind botwecnm OhIO and , two hundred , and hayo foi ty- J -1 ' - I- live left. _ _ Tints is a sample of our ' 0 $1275 $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , Pettiiisular Stoves. We nro Sole Agcslts for Onitnlin , ' Nearly everybody knows that tile O tile best , mud at Pi'lCCd Imir below any utlici' hlotuso lit th ° Hatiirtisy ifveuIejs on ! , Same 1 IOa to cuceu' uoefat1e VU bt ! b'ui'uti.ero atciic'ucie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COUNCiL hhIUlF'S ' ' it. MtiiAJJ : i DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyoin and Cleaninmif dane ins the hmlgimeat style ot time art , Faded anti ittaimmed fabt-teci made rrL to took an good as nest'Vcrk limonnpthy done arid delivered iii all Iturts of the couflti'y , Send for 1tf a price list , ! . . % .M.tC'114Y. _ _ F : . : = ) ' . . . - : ' . - J'riijii'Iotor _ Dreodway , near Nomum. ft , , - : . ; tgi- ; ' . -.e-- _ ticstenn Pcpot , Cuummcil - hiluife , Iowa. Tel , I 2 $ , . - - - - - - - - - - - . ,