. . . F ! . t t . . . ' , . . . THEOMAH1DATLY . . ' : " f 1 ! I BEE. . : . l . I . . . . . ) , . . - iS'l'AJUaSJIJDD : .JUNE 1H : 1871. oM-.A1TA : , JnUDAY MOll'NLNGIrEB1vUARY : 1 , 1895. SINGLE COpy InVB CIDN'rS. SURVEYING illS NEW FIELD &nathr-Llect 'hurston Presented to His Associates Coming As , GORMAN INTRODUCES A LITTLE SP.CE Jntlnntci 1'lcl of I Shutln ! Nature Conc - c rllnl the 1'lunlllRI 8huRton \ ere Jol , ! Uold 1Iack-AItou Arrnlgnl the TrCulr1 O cRII ! 'VASIN TON , Jan. 31.-A critical stage ot the fnancal ! dIscussion was unexpectedly preclilitated ) In the Huate lt a late hour u- , t011Y. Intermittent rererencls had been made to the SUbject throughout the day , but It was ! without defnlo form or purpose , and the senate finally lapsed Into a discussion ot the District of Columbia appropriation bill. Jut the financial question arose Incllentoly , and , finally . at / i o'cock. Mr. Gorman launched I a speech whIch proved 10 be one of the most effective he lls dcl\reJ at the present session - sion of congrcs. lie PoInted out the gravity ' ot the treasury situation . IntimaUng the - facts were being held back , and that an In- vestgaton would show startling deflclencles. ISo defended the senate agaInst charges ur Impotency , and declared lie had perfect faith that this great hOly would do its full duty before congress adjuurned. Hc said 1 finan- clal ren1ly would If necessary , be aldld as a rider to In appropriation bil , Spurred on by the euerly Mr. Gormln hall sUddenly In- jectell Into thc question , the senate aL once proceeded to consider and pass three hn- Variant resolutions calling on Secretary Car- Isle for InformatIon concerning every detaIl , bearing etc. on revenues rcservet . deficiencIes , etc.A A warm party debate occurred during the day on the questIon of party extravagance Mr. Chandler , Mr. Pratt enl other republican - lican senatora assertel , the total Ican senator npllrD,1rl.- tons for this congress would reach $1,001- 000,000 , 1 iiilhlion In excess or the billion al- proprlalel\ the Fifty-flrst conress. Senatcr , elect Thurston republican or Ne- braska , was on the ilcor of the senale today , and was Introucel by Mr. landerson , whom he uccceds. succccls. Mr ll , democrat ot New York ] , preentet to the senate the Petition or the leather and hide trade of New York , urging the Issue of , $500,000,000 of gel bonus. Mr. Perer , IIOIlulst at ICansts , wished to Introduce It with a statement. a financial resolution an ( . 10 \retac Mr. larrls , democrat ot Tennessee , objected to the vicious practco of making arguments . I when measures were esented . , ' ; Mr. Pefer characterl ! this objection as cruel In view of the reccnt wile latItude or financial discussion 'h title or his relutCn Is "To Provide for a Special Electon to Talc the Sense of the People Concerning Several Qucstons as to the Financial Polcy ot the . . Government " ARRAIGNED TIE TREASURY DEPART- MENT. The resolution of Mr. Allen . populist or Nebraska , was then taken UIJ , requiring times secretary Of the treasury to redeem gov- ! erment obligations In sliver as often as he ts convinced thaL 1 systematic efort Is being made to deplete the golrcserve. . Mr. Allen , slid ho hind no hope of the resolution pass- , t Ing. ' Shut he wanted 10 cal publc attention - to the acton of the secretary ot the treas- ury In Ignoring the law which gave him the . option of paying certain obligations In sliver and made IL imperatIve that Ian should re- . . deem at least two forms of currency In elf- ver I was 1 usurpatIon of authority. He : praised Mr. Vest for refusing to follow the president's dictatorship. Mr. Alien sought to S secure a yea and nay vote on his resoiution . but there was considerable \ parliamentary IJarlamcntary . sparring and he failed. An effective step ( - - ' ! ; t Was taken nt this point to bring the entire & financial question before the senate instead . p ot leaving It any longer with the finance fnance comniltLeo. Mr McPherson , democrat of New Jersey , 1 member or that committee . moved to dls- . charge the commitee from further consll- oration of tw bi ot Mr. Sherman to provide . ciencies. vide a temporary nteans of meeting dod- "I do this , " said Mr. McPherson "ror time express purpose of bringing the mater - . before the senate at this t1me. " . , f "Dut you cannot expect to get acton on such 1 resolution at this time , " Interposed Mr. Coclcrel , democrat of Missouri , "and I therefore obJect. " Mr. McPherson said that In view of the t objection ho would cal up the resolution to inorrov . but Mr. Coclrel Insisted that his , . objection was against time r'elltol oC the ' ' , meeniution. resoluton. "The finance committee Is tumble to agree " explained Mr. McPherson , "mind It Is therefore desirable to get the subject before the senate. " The vice president said ho would rule on the resolution when It came up later and the , nenatl then took up the District of Columbia . DPIJroprlatlol bill. , : lr. Gorman Interposed with I motion to take up the penling Dstrict of Columbia bill. lie said It was perfectly apparent this discussion or financial resolutions was utterly - fnauclal I'esolnlons wal uterly . fruitless . Appropriation bis were waiting und time lays ot congress were fyllg fast This brought Mr. Hi to his feet lie suggested to Mr. Gorman there were measure quite as Important as appropriation bis , ' and he considered several ot these fnancial , resolutons as among thcte. Mr. Chandler of New hampshire Interjected ' 1 privileged resolution asserting that It time tme of the recent electon or Mr. Martin to the Unlell States satiate by the leglslaturo , af Ksusas time later bOI\Y \ waD not leguly . organized \ ant that Mr. Martin was not en- titled to his soat. Time presiding officer ruled that the resolution was not privileged. Mr. time Oha\ler . appealed from the decision of 0 Mr. Gonnan ino\'cil to lay time appeal on the tahle. 'ho allpeal was laid on time table , ' 89 to G , muny republican senator not voting , t MOHI TItAN A DLI.ION CONG11ESS. Mr Challler took occasion during the discussion Of the Dslrlct appropriation bi m to say that the Ilresent congress promised to be much more than I "billion dollar con- gress. " 'fhat cry hall been hurled against e. , , .4 the republican lart' multI \ now , Instead of the tern economy IJromisOI In stump speeches , this record of the rellblcans was to be , ' tar outdone , ? Mr harris said ho had far greater respect I . for time estimnatemm of ofllciaimm tu estmatcs otclahl as thmmir ther needs for appropriations than he had for , r Mr. Cimanuiler . Mr. Gormal salll h6 was not surprised that Mr. Chandler should \ stl feel the results resuls ot that Illhlc rebuke which the pcople gave the rCllblcans fur their oxtravagance. "I hope amid expect time total expendiures or this congress will be miler a billion dlar , " Enid Mr. Gormnn , "but this eXle\ltle- ppproximalely a biihiomm--mnust biion-must go lil as a rL'sul of the IJolc ) ' set by a I'elluhlcan con- , cress , " lie Ielhllcd Mr. Chandlpr af the difference hetwcel ecouomy amid parsimony . , It vas now evillent a ful.neget " marty disavowal - avowal or extravagance was Illera ) ' . - Mm Ilat Of Connecticut tall that Party . , discussion hall thins far heen wihheld by ) re"uhllln lll\ Of time chamber , 'he tme hat now omo to how Ihe fube pretenset \ Of the part Iii fmouer "No bpel1lrHt ! ever Itluandered his IlltrhlolY with lueh reckless extravagance as the democratic put during the r/tt two years , " saidlr. \ . Plait . "Tho only relnclol made b ) this Ildmlnlltrolon was II ( utlng down Ilcn510n' tullng It out or the \ockcli Of lime soldiers. " 11. { 'hanihier laid the totul appropriations .p , . tor time i'rsent conSllS would reach $ I.OOI.- ' (0.000 , "uon't you belevo In this Istrlct appro- prlatont" ohlct Mr. ( lormuami IJ1rO- ' "Don't you beleve II Iho ellocrlte 1)lut- r torso ? " reJllondCl Mr Chmmmiuhler. t "Ohl I yes , ' ' luswered Mr. Gormmimn . Rmll CQcral I.ughter. r U1I.W\BI IN TI' ' "I.AT ORM. ! 'Ahd 110 you ! llpvl In carrying out your 4. platform 7" cecil inmmd ! I < haldlcr , "Certalilly ; It Is a goo,1 Jlut . ' saul . ) Ir. Ociumati. , rm' ) ! . 'tdc1i : cf HhoJt 11.11 caid he dI1 not object to nmpio. platforms , but he asked Mr. Gorman where he was going to get the money "Tho president Is going to borrow I , " suggested - gested ( Mr. Stewart. Mr Sherman or Ohio saul that the District appropriatIons were exceptional , being for the seat or the national government , and there should be 10 niggardly action , Mr. Allison or Iowa spoke or the manner In which the government was running behind In its revenues , The first duty of con res was to raise revenues as well as to appropriate - prlale for necssary expenses. Mr. Alison saul the tariff huh haul largely increased time free list all broulht In foreign articles with lowered Ilute ! There was therefore ample meanA of increasing our revenues by a small Increase II tariff rates This should be done Instead or drawing rrom the treasury the reserve to pay current expenses. Mr. Allison s111 Ir a surplus had been main- tamed tim ! ell reserve \oull 10t hon been trenched on to meet the treasury 10te ! This brought 01 the financial discussion again. Mr. Gorman said the gold reserve was originally created 10 redeem greenhaclcs Up to the tme of the passage ot tie : lc- Inley bill the go\rnment hall plenty ; or gold anti , the (011 reserve was intact nut the McKinley law started n change enl one year from the time Mr. , Harrison , call Into the presllltcy he Was unabla to meet the trmanls on the treasury. The bankruptcy of the government began at that time. , "We have Inheritcil this loath , " contnuell Mr. Gorman , "We are parrying this tremendous " burden. The senator declared that the crisis was far graver than was known He hoped the real deficiencies ot the treasury would be disclosed In response 10 senate resohutiomma. I was tme the country knew It. lie hind hoped the oleers charged wih the highest executive duties would appreciate , the gravity of the conilions us to lace or revenues and would malee them plain 10 congress Dy this time : lr , Gorman was speaking with great earn etutnosa. In the present grave emergency he did not fear the senate woull he fount Impolent. WILL lggT TIlE FMEl1GENCY. "It will meet this great emergency , " sold Mr. Gorman. "U In no other way . It will place In an appropriation bill a provision by which every obligation of this government will he amply met ant the honor of the govern- ment be maintained. " lie 1111 not care what the details or this provision might be , what kind of \oney was to bo provided , but he appealed to the republican senators to Join In meeting time Issue. 1 was their duty as wel as that or the democratc senators. Mr. 11 was at once on his feet asking why the senator from Maryland hml not allowed ! - lowed the financial resolutons to pass earlier In the day Mr. Gorman said he wanted them to pass and would now move to lay aside the Die. trlct appropriation bill and put the financial resolutions on their immediate passage. The resolUtions ' were accordingly brought forward and agreed to within a few mlnules without a word of argument The first resolution . proposed by Mr. Hi , call on the secretary of the , treasury to In- form the senate IC legislation Is necessary or desirable looking to\orl the Issue or bonds to meet defclences ! In revenue , and I so what the substantial features or thIs legislaton should be. This was agreed to on 1 viva , voce vote , olly Mr. Mien voting no . Mr. Allison's resolution calling on the secretary - rotary for information as to tie use of the gold reserve for current expelses , and the amounL of proceeds from the sale or bonds similarly used , was also agreed to , with In amendment by Mr. Gorman. The amend- mont Is very comprehensive and calls on the secretary for details on every possible de- tai of revenue , reserve , defIciency , assets , etc. , that can shied any light emi the financial situation. The Imendment amid resolutions were adopted without dissent after Mr. Tel- ler had suggested that Mr. Gorman ought to osle for information as to why time democratic ' president amid time democratic leaders In the senate could not ' 0 agree on what , , was 0 the trouble. The senate , at 6:28 p. m. . adjourned. JAIUU' ' VIUIW lrom':0.0 VI . 11c c lalrDul Fundll ! 11 l'urther De- b"tet In limo ftotme WAShINGTON , Jan. 31.-The house devoted . voted six hours today to the debate on the Pacific railroads ruulng ( bi , and , aliough time speeches on both sides were charac- torlzet by unusual earnestness , there were no marled or sensatonal Incldenls. Those who participated In the discussion today were Messrs. Powers of Vermont enl Locl- wood ot New York , In favor or the meas- ore , enl M ssrs. Doatner of Louisiana , Snodgrass or 'ennesse6 and ot , ' Cooper Wlb- consln In opposition 10 It. Hills were passed IS follows : To allopt special rules for the navigation or harbors rivers and Inland waters ot the United States , supplementary to the act to adopt regulatons to prevent collisions at sea ; to fix the time for holding district court In North Dakota ; for the relc of D. Irulord ; for the relief of tint Genmore Distlng compauy of Kentucky . tucly ; for the relief or time First State bank or Iounll CIty , I Aa attempt to pass a bill for the detail of fifty army olcers to give military instructIons at hIgh mind normnai schools failed , whereupon , Ulder the terms of time special order adopted yesterday , the house went Into committee of I time whole ali resumed the consideration of time Pacific railroad ( minding bill. 1 Mr. Harris , populist of Kansas , completell the remurls against the bill which he had besun yesterday Ills Itea was that the IlrqJerty or the roads shoulll be foreclosed . ant sold anti thut the goverlment should en- force Its claim. 1) time expenditure of $ to- I 000,000 the ! ovcrumelt could \ acquire the I operate roads and them. then either by lease or directly I Me battier , democrat of I.oulslana , fol- lowell with a strong speech In opposilon to time measure lie called IJartcular aten- ton to the fact that time conspicuous fea- tore of every leglslatvo luau Ilroposed for the settcment of time Pacific railroad debt has been the abandonment of time proceed- logs begun against time omcers amid directors of these cOlpanles under time act of 1873. In 1873 two members of this house hnd been oXlleled because thy hal\ been debauched by time emissaries or these roads lie was 10t opposed to the government ownership Of the roads but imo prererrol to see his substitute passed provllng for an umendmunt to the original act by wlmicim In case or time de- fault of the roads , the companies should forfeit their charters. Mr. Boatner was willing to see the govern- I ment purehnso the property to protect its 1 interests , but only on conditon that I. . should be Immellatel ; ' resold to private itmmiivlmltmais . " )0 you meap time property Is worth as hutch ns time govermimnent's nnl , the fIrst mortgage debt ? " nSICI Mr. Reilly . " 1 111 Inclned to think I Is , " replell Mr. Bonttmer "but I It Is not you can rest assured these railroad people \ I never Ilschlrre the debt It your bill Is Ilassed , " : Ir. Powers Vermont argued 11 favor of time passage Of time bill , whlcl ho sid wo\11 lecura time IJa 'lent to time govern- ment ot $140,000,000. le denounced the methods emllo'ed by the oppofnb ot the bill to compass its defeat Time mal or memb"rs , 11 said was gorged with letters from certain IJeraOns amid sections having grievanccs agaln t time ronlls ur certain formt'r omclals or the roads who , were cor- recly or incorrectly fupposcd to have Ilronted enormous I ) ' by tllr constructiomi . In re pone 10 a clleston Mr. Powers all IC the mortrugo of the government were foreclosed time property would cost time Unlcd Slltes $ t&OOOOOOO , anti ho eXJresset time opinion the gu\orlntnt would \ not , after lie endles Ilh-ltlQJ whleh would Ine\'I- lobly follow , realize $10.000.000 from the Irolely. \im' . Harris ot Kansas begged 10 remlnl the hOls , that six years agu Jy Gould had ol"roll $ GS.OOO.OOO for time Union Pacific see- tiomi alone Air 1llllrc of California pre.entod 10 the imotmee the petiton of the Sun Francisco Bx- amlnH sgnet ! llY 200J307prmuons igalnsf the bill , : Snotigrass of TCIIuee situ \ Mr Cooper Of Whcnsln L'onlnue : the clebatl li opo- 1tol 10 time bill . m1r . Cooper comhalell ( the I1e4 In tie bIll , copletl train time bill lIre- hated by the cOlmlslol ot ISST to permit the gonrnm"nt to ' time , . Ilurtue IICII : ) ! olcbl . . - - - - - - - - - - ( Continued "II ; Seomtt Vagc. ) I lAPS CAPTURE \VEI-IIAI-\VEI \ \ Fortress that WI Oonsllered Impregnable Taken in Two Days FLOWER OF CIINAS ARMY AN 11ATED : Last of time Stronghiolti . of Celtltnl on the 8cIcol t tim ttige . UIners-Uut of l'e-Ch-1 :0" In COlllleto l'osiesilti of Jlpnn , CilFEFOO . Jan 31-Wei'hinI-Wei : was captured on Wednesday after two days' klr- mlshlng The Chinese baited when the final assault was made. I Is stated their loss was 2,000 men , Ltml-Lung-Tatm , an Island near the city on which arc workshops and some forts Is still In the hands or the Chinese. All the Europeans In the city escaped \ unhurt. I Is reported that during the fighting all the Chinese menof.war and ships In the harbor stilled away unlnjurell The attack upon Wei-hlai-Wel commenced yesterday by a bombardment or the defenses of the harbor by the Japanese float. Little lama go was done by time feet , but under cover of its fro the Japanese landed mIdi- tlonal Infantry to assail the forts from the lam\ side. Time assault was mantle upon time forts at time easter side of the town , and they were captured ' turel after some severe fighting . The town was garrisoned by about 20,000 of the best troops In the Chinese army , and they fought well In the early stages of thc fight . but In the final struggle broke and fleti . Time superior discipline and ski In the use of modern weapons of worlaro on the part of tim Japanese brought them victory lu spite or the almost Impreguable derenses of time place and the superior numbers of their op on"n i. The loothod ! gained by the Jarnn- ese In limo easter defenses ot the tOln was made the base of operations . anti time remain- Ing forts were captured by assault. I Is feared here that time atrocities which \olowcd the fall of PorL Arthur may be re- penteul but there Is no information on this Point at 11resent. I Wei-lIni-Wei gives the Japanese complete possession of the gulC ot Pe-Chl-LI. ! LONDON. Ireb. 1.-A dispatch to the Times from Tion-1'sn says a telegram from " 'cl- Hal-Wel received In that city states that the ) Japanese have captured nil the southern forts. Since this dispatch was sent the telegraph ,10 Wel-hiai-Wci has been cut. SVST.\NEU TIE MiNISTRY . - Frcleh Chamber Votes the Funeral Grant of Marshal Cimnrolmort. PARS , Jan. 31.-The Chamber or Deputes today , after an uproar created by the social- lets , voted to grant 20,000 francs to defray time expenses or the funeral of the late : ar- shal Canrobert. The vote stood 288 to 152 , I the government making It 1 vote ot conf- dence. The Chamber was packed when General Ztmrlinden . the new mInister or war moved time grant. Hubbard socialist , opposed the motion , declaring Marshal Canrobert was on accomplice of the coup d'etat of 1851 , and that hI was equally responsible with Marshal Dozalno for the loss of Metz. Ho would not Vote a credit for 1 man wllo hall shot down citizens of Paris. Title statement was greeted with cheers from the radicals. PremIer Hbot , In repiy eulogized Marshal Canrobert's military exploits which cause : membars of time left to shout : "What about Metz ? Vivo i'empereur " ' ' 1ol your tongue , you ex-nonapartist. " Other crIes or on insulting nature were shoulell at Hbot , but the latter . In spite or Lime tumult which rendered his words almost Inaudible , said : "We proposed n amnesty to efface our dissensIons. " Time premier the submitted the motIon ot tIme mlnlslry of war as 1 fleston of con- fidence. Hubbard tried to speak again , but ho found It Impossible to make himself heard on account of the protests oC the members of the right who shouted , "Vlve I'armee ; vivo la France. " The president appealed to the Chamber to restore order but the uproar continued for r. quarter or an hour during which the king of Servla was present , In the Chamber. Fin- ally lubbard was alowed to fnish his speech recalling Marshal Canrobert's connection connecton with the fail of Metz. Shorty afterward . the mutual recrhulnatons recomnmnenced. recommence. Several members of the right accused Hub- bard Of being paid ' by time Germans to create disturbances. To this time socialists retorted - tortel that the members of the right were betraying the republic and IboL was roundly abused by the members of the left . who taunted him wih having betrayed the empire. Finally the vote already referred to was taken after which Hubbart chal- duel. longed time Vlcomto de lugues to fight a duel.Tho The senate today adopted the political amnesty - nesty bill by 1 vote of 216 to 7. ntcISIOX "Xl'J CTI O TOIM Y. ; Itxlenn Cabinet Likely to \uswer limo Last Note .r ( ittuttemimala . CITY O MEXICO , Jan 31.-Vla ( Laredo. ) -There has been mdcii discussion In reference I to the prop03et arbitration by the UnIted States I hmaing been asserted that Guate- mala was endeavoring to Induce the United States to InslsL on Mexico's arbtratng : the matter. Today's Rlvlces from Washington show that the conduct of the goverment there Is entrely neutral timid will continue so , Colonel H. C. Pate hi receiving tenders of the services of many prominent participants In time late civi war In time United States since the fact has been made known that ho has tendered his services to President Daz In case of svar I Is rumored that some kind of definite defnie Innouncement will bo made tomorrow by Mexico. Alhough maters are fuet : tonight IL would not bo surprising should It prove to b6 a declaration or war J Is reported that the government Is conscriptng men In Ilf- ferent sections of time country. Part or the commissary department Of the Twenty-first regiment was at time depot \ of the Interoclanle road today nwaltng transportation . I Is sa'd i thIs and two other regIments will go to the I frontier within 1 few days GUATEMALA . Jan 31.-Vla ( City of Mex- ico.-Military ) preparations are being made hero hurriedly. Special envoys are coming and RoinK between this city anti other Central American repuhlcs commtimiunll . which gives time opinion that Barrios , pres'dent of Guate- malmm Is playing for tmo anti at the same time doing al In his power to form on alliance of countries against Mexico. I Is rumored that Barrios Is trying to secure the servces : of cmcer of prominence In foreign countries to come to Guatemala. STRUCK TIIUUIU.1 1YOY. . \sulct 01 time ! root b ) n Sllanl ( ' . it'mmornl. MADRiD , Jan 31.-The Moorish envoy SliD Ilrisimmm who come to this city on a special mision , was today given a full state audience by the queen regent. As the emivoy was leaving his hotel a man rushed up to him and struck him In the face , nt the same tme exclaiming ; "Thus do Spaniards onnge General Margolo , " referring to the killing In October , 1893 , of the Spanish cOlml\ler 1 at Mella , who met his death In nn engJge- ment with \ho \ Rhihlans . The envoy's aual- antes arrested and fount to be Brigadier General 'uentes lie will be tried by court marta ! 'fhe blow caused the nose Of lime I covey , to bleed Situ Urlsha was dceilly Inernced and ' declared such on insult would be Ilunlshed In Morocco with Instant death , After a short telay the envoy IJroc'IId to the palace , where ho was recelve,1 lo t graciously by the queen regent , who con- erred on him the decoration or the Mil'tary OrJer ot Merit . Later , In the Ch'unber ' 01 Deputies . time minister or war , Cmmcrii L'pe mlnguu , expressed time reGrct st tIme < government because oCthiei cbcurreiee anti salt limo Inul wotmiitJie ( amply retirtiecti . 10 explained that OeJral 1' uClt s "at n good officer , but that lateY he 1111 ' 1 allestell symptoms of nitnini nUJ \ nt Artl : the return ot Sidl lrlhn f hits hot"i 1 10 was visited by Marshal Mnrclne ' , Qumpos . the expressed regrels. : TWO I VNIHUU - Rlitib3 It1LLIjI ) . Severe lnjnltlcnt nt , nOlotl iirsumts lu 1 nt"ernIN'lctnr1. . I COLON , Ccombla ! , JIp. 31.-A severe engagement - ggement has , been touilt at Bogota between I the government forces and the rebels . Two I hundrel or the later were kl l. The government - ' . ernment trops Were under time personal \ com- maml or the president. The victorious troops have been sent by train trcm Crlngena to lachlnn In , order to engage the rebels. Six liberals have ben arrested at Catngena , The men arc being pressed into the service or the . . government. go\erment The steamer Amerique Is aground near Savinaiia . Her position Is serIous. 'lhir'e Hlirtl ly I , Alnnhu' % CONSTANTINOP1.E . 3mw. 31.- . horrible tragedy was enacted dnesdny e\'enln by n man armed with n knife ' , who ran amuck through the Rtretl. 'Hunnlng lt thin top or his speed , he cutetabheti or Alashed evm'ry person within whole leach he caine. . A 'rurklsh of lal , n railway unplue .unl an American subject were killed , ) whie nhout ten others were more or less seriously Inlurcd. I I ! lele\'ell the tnammVmli at- tackell with 1 sudllel rl'enz ( nVlrllent Fort.t' 'I are 8urrrl ! "II. I CARACAS , Jnn. : U.The ; garrison at Ma- tnrln Is reported to un-va , left that place on TU slay urer receiving WOI\ that Colonel hlernat , with about 100 had been Uernnt nlout 10 men , scen near there. They came upon the rebci , uhio . Instead or 10. were ,5 ) strong , lu the fight which enucII over ninety men or the "overnment's troops wel.'Qulled anti sev- oral killed. The rebels' los ] was snunli. C'olnlhhtn iulmmiists'r 1..1111. WASHINGTON Jan : gL-The Colombian lealon here has been dosed , Se or Hen- glfo , that government's fache , having been recalled to take his plat ( In the army ombia. which Is lighting the revolutionists In Col- IUltnJ ! In I ! : ctlmsilom. , GUAYAQUIL , Ectmndbr . Jan. i1.-Tiie dls- orllers which have arisen owing to the sale or the cruiser 1 ! lerllln toJapan ate becoming - coming more serloul Thl troops hnve fired upon u mob , killing se\crl-Ilcrsons. Nnr'plll : : lnl'lry 1. lln' , CHRISTIANA , florway , Jan. 31-The minIstry - I Istry his resigned and tiie king has accepted thc resignatons , . ' hlAurgenlR ( ; 1.1,111 1'1 P"rn. LIMA , Peru , Jan 11.-Time Inurscnts tl-The have seized Arequippa . I WAl ] M'.I LLTh2'ihkIE.L . . 1) . New Yorl'a Great SocIety Lender Sueeuml to time ( Irip. NEW YORK , Jan. 31.-Wnnl McAlsler , the society leader , died at hlH home on West Thirty-sixth strect . this ! city , tonight at 9:30 : o'cloclt. At the time oC his death he wait ntendel by his vife . his laughter , his son , his brother , 11ev. FrancIs Marion 1lcAlstel' . , j ! r. McAlster was attacked n week . with the J'IP. ; but no serious symptoms levelolld until 7:3 this totnln . when he was suddenly takEn worse. Ue became unconscious at IOrI ) and remained so untl 2 : o'clock In the afternoon , when I he recovered u.coneciousmlers . and continumd In that condIton . untL his eath. Time runeral will take place from ' Grace church , I member. this city , of which Mr. ' 0 . 1clster was u : Samuel Ward Mclst : was born slxty- four , yenr : ago In Savannah Ga. lie ' pr1deI himself'upon his SOULhcrn tbtthtie ! : l>l \ f his anttr and.of.ihmis / lrh,7\he . His ancestors were , grsa. lealers _ n the time of 'Vashlngton. Jai ellbteln years he lived 11 SnvannM. ltl" his sevemi- level- teenth , century ten of ) oclal exclusIve- nee he acquired the 1mo lege ant belief whIch eventually contrai II the doors or metropolitan socitty. IJe.tvin Savannah he settled In Newport , , n. I'j and made the fashionable popularity or that place. iIe was n leader of modish " folk by nature amid training. I WI lt ewport that , he origInated picnics which made him famous. To him' wines were I 11ln as the leter In n book . He knew their hmistory , ( leI philosophy of them nnd tlelr worth to the fraction , or 1 dollar ' 1-fe knew the rare I vintage and could tel On , the enl : or his fingers the few prIvate houses , wher the could be found. , . - coult 1ounl I'rofessionaiiy , Mr. ? .tcAlliater law- Prore.slonl : . 1tcAlster was I Inw- ) 'er. He was graduttM from Ymjie and went to San Francisco In the fail oC 182 , Western life. whIch was , then crude , did not satisfy him , and aft r practicing law awhie with Hal L , 1bAlster. hla brother , he came cast and 'urh\ Miss Sarah Gibbons . 1 lady or "vcnlh and good posi- tion. 'hen It was thmt he settled In New- port. His favorite amUSeJelts were whist billiards and small talk With friends. He cured little or nothing Cor the theater or opera or publc amusemenls oC any do- scrIpton , although he' sometImes attended the opera. HO lresHed Cplet ) ' , always In dark clotheH , Invariably 'earing a hu"e hat and cutaway coat In tha street enl overgae s. The Ast"r , Chzulers . Samuel \Vard . Marion , Crnwfuird Atillc Smuel Hv8 Julia \Vnrd , Julia 'Vard'owe , the Boston AppJetons and PrInces , the Patterson Bonn- paries , the JasHnchusetH ParkC" , were al his relatives . 11r. JfeAllster wus the authC' of "Society W I , have Found it. " .Jnll \ . Nnrtol \urlolI. ST. LOUIS , Jiln. 3t.Th funeral services over the body oC John " ' . Norton took place this afternoon In the parlor of the Southern hotel. The cel'emony was very imupressivo 111 Wa' nitnl1e hy an 1m- mcnse gathering. 'Dr : Jolm B. Snider oili- cimitemi The exercIses I werq cJwluctelll\ler the lusplces of the Elite or which the de- ceaed had been It JemLer In high staumtl- 1,1g. , The floral of4rllS were magll- cent . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'ltnlntlt Tf'Xll1 I ) I. , 11 "ver , DENVER . Jan , 3t.ajor n. V. Tomnp- klns , Iresldent the Tdniplcinmu Improve- ment company of Dailies , ITex. , dle'1 ' at the Glse ) ' houHe In thll ' city tonIght He was her an mining , buKlness hut enl ) ' been ill for 1 rew , da's , _ Major ( Tomplelns was one 9f the most promInent citizens or norlh- era rexas. . , IIItl tf 1\ s''terisnrhmip Builder ' . I CLEVELAND , 0. , , Jun. 31-Thonumme : Qua'lc , one or the vctermmu thlp Imlilerl ot the great IlItes , tiled today , aged & ' , _ Jullgo , HocotJI hour . CON COn } Mnss" , , Jan. 31.-JuIHe E. Rockweed hoar tiled . ihl afternoon . IRu'Rlnn Rovqumetoumist H" ft. . ovf SAN FHANCSCO" Jan . 3t.-Tho statement - mont II published hqrmu hat Robert Wilcox - cox , time 1Iwlilun rdolutonlst , II IlrO In San Francisco . A ) 'otag adventurer name Ilartlin who was deported flol 10nolulu , says tiumit } he was wlt Wilcox nil day. Hanln says that WICOXH'lalet train Hu- wal In a Ichoonel and $ ' 111 andct I fv days ngo at Monterey. 'I hut not believed thut Wicox could h4ve rL'ched this coun- try an I schontr , wlhout the arrival of the vessel helnH antlon L.d. MON'FEIIliY . Cn ! . Jlf : . -Thl reported landIng of the Ilawa1Imm. , refugl" Captain Robert G. Wicox ( bY n schooner at this port , II without l unda\on , ni no vessel other than lumber 8ehon011 from norther 10rtl hve touched - .herej . for a week Thnllhr flu \ Ueia l'ereculed. CHICAGO , Jnn , 31.-S , Lament , once 1 well known Chmieagoan ' was lent to the Jefferson Insane asylu b Judge Ilho\ today . I.alont had - a delusion that his brother , W. I. . lc(1 an' Jr 1. 11. Hug- glee . prlncllll ot Oa north side school , wer persecuting him , on Recount of his 320.000 worth of property In Topelt , ICan. l.mont boarded at MrR. htuggtem. ' here , . . Olk Street anti Blood wait 1 f low boarder , Mrs. HUFHles said that Lament had continually annoyell her \ ) ' Fending teraale detectives to locate hood . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , \ mum 'rlruuu I'rlod ; lnrtcrcllln lolhll , SAN FRANCISCO Jan. 31-Detaiis have been recelv'cd hero or the murder of Father Antonio Hem or this 1ty ut time Ante Ira gustl Mining compan8 ) lettement In Bo- Ih'la , seven mlea from time Chlian frontier . The murderers were Chlanl , whu utempt- ell to rob the priest 111 when he resisted hacked him tu pieces. ffhe mnurderers cue surrendered ly Chi to' Uolyla und Ire now 0 In jail . _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ 11"1" " o aim Clrcn""tlntil 1 , 'lltll\ee. ATLANTA , Gu" , Jai SI.-Harrll , fitevens colored , was hanged today nt Dawlon for the murder cf J , G , \Velia . while . last ) 'eal' , All thl testimony wax clrculttantal , He protested his Innorener el the alo\t Inll beg ! ed the sheriff to dllcvlr time real itmum'- derr anti bring him to justice . - - - _ _ _ j - - _ - - - : I STORY TOLD BY TIE WOjIN \ \ ' Mr scott anti Miss MoWhorter Recount Their Peanut Experience at Parker . LEADERS OF TIlE MOB WERE RCOGNIZE : \s i ito \ % hmnrtcr 1'0111\11 Itrntlc1 'Imlot , :111\hll : mind il.irrium its : cm- beta of lie ( Inl \ imo \ohl VI , time Scott I'.rty , O'NEILL , Neb. . Jan. 31-SI1eclal ( Tele- grom-The ) only evllence or IllJQrtance In- trm\ucell \ this mornln In time imenrlmug ot the , 'Iglantes was testmony corroboratln the atatemlnt auntie by Schmidt yesterday that ho recognIzed Elliott as soon as he saw him. S. Weekes was the Irt witness. lie left this city the moring after the nssall upon Scott In compan with C. E. hail , Ir. Gaul- gun and Henry Schmimiitlt , and was one of time party limit arrested Elliott. lie reeognlzel\ \ time buggy belongln to Hoytrom the deserip- ton given him by Irs. Scot ns time Jno In which Mrs. Scot , daughter and Miss Mc- Whorter were taken on the wearisome jour- ney out on the IJrolrle. Elliott also told him that , accompanied 'I iy : I crt Roy , they had Hoy's btmggy , amid were hunting horses In time direction or Parker on December 31. Intl that they had seen no other people In thaL vicin- ity . Time testmony ot C. E. Hal was about the sam as that or Mr. Weekes J. L. Iershlser was recalell by time defense - fense anti asked when he fOlnd the shell that was Introduced In the evidence 'fueslay. lie replied upon the south side ot the Ioslewal hmotise. This Is the house where Schmidt Is supposed to have been t Irncd loose Davit Palmer and Henry Schmidt were also recalled by the deCense. Schmmnitlt although only 29 'ear old . has seen considerable of the world On the stand this moring he solll ho had served six years In the Dntch army In on India eatupaign followed the liCe of a sailor for a couple or years anti has visIted - Ited the principal cItes ot this country as wel as In Etmropc' . MISS M'WHOHTEH ON TiE STAND. Miss Etta I McWhorter was the first wit- ness called this aftormmoon. She testified as to the assault at ParlIer , the shootng or Scott , herself amid the horses. They all got out or the buggy when told to do so. Three men stood gu-ard over Schmidt ammO three more stood guard over Scott , his wife and herself. They I10wed Mr. and Mrs. Scot to talk as much as they waute to , even after they were placed In the buggy. After they were In time ' Mrs. Scott warded the place tle buggy Jrs. Scot wlntet man to drive to O'Nel , but ho said no , but that they woult geL to O'Nei probably not before morning , as the man to whose house they would go would noL be ready to take them. The driver said i was 1 shame that she was shot ; said he did not do It : that he was 1 detective. She scratched the hands of time leader when he was trying to pull Scott out Of the bugg "I recognized a ring that one of the men had on , the little finger of his left Ilnd , " she said , "as belonging to Mos Elliott , but could hardly believe It was him as I did not think he could be so dirty , low down as that. " She then described the ring as 1 plaIn gold b4mud ring , marked on top. She felt sure thnt It was Elliott. She Identified Harris - risby his eyes. He had apiece or a guumny- sack ? .0Xer ils I ! ( face , and the space. for ,1) eyes beIng large she hat 1 geol view ef them and wae.posltive tbat Harris Is the man , ' POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED THE . On cross.examlnation time attorney asked her If site meant to say that she recognized thus defendant as being one of the mob when site could only eee his eyes. The answer was : "Yes , and I cn't ba tooled In them either " She Identfed 1ulhan by his actions antI his yoice and was positive that he was the leader ot the mob and the man whose hands she scratched. Dr. Giigan was recalled by the state and questoned as to the marks that were upon Muihihman's hands after being arrestell , which Julhan claimed were caused by - 1 horS kicking him. The doctor swore that they were undoubtely scratches. I The next witness called was Mrs. Scott. A deathlike stiness prevailed as she took the stand , and durIng her lestmony was eagerly listened to by the prIsoners , attorneys and the throng that fled the room. Her story Is about as follows . shorn ot the Inter- rogntorllo of thl counsel : "When about forty rods from the old sod house near Parker , I saw 1 man stick , his 1 head up over time wail . and I remarked : ! 'Thero Is 1 man , ' I looked again and saw no ono and thought . I must hnve been mistaken , when , I saw five or six men. Our team was going on a good fast trot , ant when we got about opposite limo sOIl wail I saw six or eight men come ouL of the old wall. They made a lot of noise and commenced shooting , and Etta says : 'Oh , I am eliot. ' The horse broke loose and pulled Henry over the dash- board There was blood on Iiarret's neck , and he said he was shot There was a wagon , buggy , road cart end two on horse- back , ono ot them a gray horse Three men ! covered Henry enl took him 10 one side. Ono or the men Falll to Darret : . .We want to know where the Hol county money is. ' "Darrett said : 'I can't tel you I you will I can come , ' to O'Nol I wi tel you as best "Tho man said : ' \\o want It now. ' now. BEGGED FOR hER HUSBAND'S LIFE "Wo were all pleading for Barrett's life , begging them to save hmitn I stood up as close to the leader as I eoull , get try- hug to ceo Ir there was any goollnes In his eyes , and begging for my imusbatmmi'e life , Time man said several tUIS : 'Wo won't II bmimn All wo want Is time helL county mooney. ' I hmava seen that moan since , lie Is now sitting here In the court room anti his name Is iululhilmnn . There ho Is ( pointng him out ) , I am positive tbat ho Is the man. .Arer we were placed In the wagon DarrelL whlsperell to me mind said sall : han. " 'That ' man doing time tallng Is 1dulhi- han. recognized another man tbat was there. lie Is In time court room muow There ho Is at time side of Mert Roy ( pointing to Harris ) . I did not know harris . amid mm ) vcr law him untl wo were ammeaultemi . When I I came In time court room this morning and first seen him I toha lady I would like to see him with a music . ( . as I am mimim'o hu was one Of ( itt . party.'hmemm they wantetl to lint UI late Limo buggy Barret told m6 that I Illglt as well go ; that I could do him no good , as they were going to kill him , lie then hid me good-bye. 1 have seen the huggy wo were taken away In anti one of the horses since that memorable - able day and recognized ( hmtmi. thm. They belong to Jert Hey One of the men scarehed our valises after the as- snuht. When time sherl camu 10 mo that venlng I 1111 not lel him who I recognized , u I did not know just what to say or who to tel ( John Weelees was the frst one I tolll that 1nliban watt recognized , as I felt that I could trust him and ho would do what was right . " SIOWBD ONE Or THE DU.LBTS. John Weekes produced the bulet that waR hken ( roil the w 0 unll of :1 s McWI orter. I was handed to him hy Ur. ) Gilhan after ho dressed the woutiti O. Long Of Paddock , n neighbor or ; lull- han's , testified that Muiihan told hll that 1' heonl that they broke down 011 drove slow after taking Scott. A , Dowlt. a tninister testified that he called at Harris' house Monday a'turnoon about I o'clock , lie went there to see hll about holding a religious meeting . He was there about five minutes and found no one at Imomne. The prosecution then closed , amid the do- tense walVld time Introducton Of tostlmnomy ; . ARGUMENTS COMPLETED LAST NIGhT. The attorneys completell their arguments abut 10 o'clok. JUdge McCutchen took the mater under adllsemllt until tOlorrow morning , when hp wi del'lde whelher the d rfllantl arc entitled to bal or not between now ali the ( hue of their trial In the district - trlc court , AUorm''s Churchill and Murphy tle\\'eell time argulent for the prosecution . anti M. I ' Harrlnglon anti T. V. \ ohlen ! ror time letrn e. The court room waR packed anti the aUl\enel \stenNI eagerly 10 what was simiti . Ia 1.1nlls\orth was not called upon 10 testb' . : lr. Warrick emphallcaly denies \ that she toM him that she knew the men that lurterellarretL Scot or hearll thel plotting his destruction. She was present In time court rom all 1\ ) ' . I Is rnlor(1 that a Sioux City lelecth'o Is upon the track ot liemmry Stanton , who hlche(1 UI a lell at Harris' on the tIny or time lurller anti \ started \ toward Parker . It Is clnlnll that he was tracked to Sioux CI ) ' . . a- Tl/.I. lit ) / ttits rM p i' . ' I .11 1 ri , Stlthrrn I'uieiflt.t 1'lr"M : 1.141IJ nUl Ih" :1 fe Hit , n Cllrl , lEN'flhl , lnn 31.-A Illeclal to the Tllc ! rrom Phoenix , Arlz" , FII : Southern Iacilo ! welboulll train No 20mus hell till six miles this side of . Wicox last nlht lt St3 : l' mu IJurlr of tumaslceti . 'rime ' , 1) 1 lalleell mmmcmi 'rhl ) ! cll\atet the oxpm't'ss cnr trout the train , humutmlt'.i I five mies west , 1111 Illthl ! six shuls ur dy- \ Inalite emi the through Hlr hIe\ It wh\e \ Ollen , I cOltnlnct $10,0 In Mlxlean ,1\er. which WIH(10'ell 'rhe 1'11 ! C the IOhlC'1 IH inn iked thlR miiuu'iuing I Il IlrnfUe * temm I- t emimig II th , SullJlll' Springs'nle ' of the Mt'xicaii , Iolimirs. SAN ! "HANeISCO , Jamm. Il-Time Souther Pucilo wcstlolll tmll which Wil hcll him nUl lobhetnl.I' m " 'Ilox , Allz" , itt dime I ommior. row mught Atltiiti'mmmi 11am tlcti nrc of time rob. her ) ' mcet'i'ei , lmcm. ' simiLe tiitit live mtit'mi % % 'Ci'C comiccrmmi'ti Iti It. ' 1'vo of tin , lmummtiits loimrtlt'ui , ( hue trmuin at Vilcox , antI % uiicit t'u miles uest of time tovmi mqmthulemmly tmithieum'ctI ; lit time emib of the emuglime vitli .lmnuvii imistolt.cm- iteimimig time eniuiee'm' to stoil time tiumhmi. While 0110 of time mobieru kept hmimmi eovetvtl time ohm or imimide t lie Ilmemnamu mtmid ltrakemmmmumm cut I lie exiuress aiitl mint I I cit rmm loose frommi I ime rest of time ti'tmin , 'l'iie engimmi'er was then immittle to mill time two tietmuehmeti cars atm for mibotit two miles to mm , cumlvem t , % imemeVO of tile bamitlit gmtmmg were fommnti imoitlimig horses for ( hue entire party , It was lucre that time s.mfe % % 'mms lmiowii oiemm , tii amen with time imorses hmmtvlng bmotmgumt time eiplosi'ee. l4ix i'xhuioslonmm weru eRected by ( lie rulmltemmi lte- fore they fe'it tutmtliietl sithm timeir vnrk. Time tel ) amid ltiemt of time CXIm'OSH car were tlmom'- oughmly shmntteretl mmmiii time express commmpamiy's tuttt % mms blouvmi to imleces. hit'slmles time $10,000 1mm 2miexlcamu mommey , there was a gooti demul of colmu on time trrtimi which hnm.I been muemut to nmt v time railroai emimployamu mulotmg tIme hltie anti this was niso carried otT by timt' robimers , imo rode miway 1mm mu southerly - erly direction ( iramit'imeeier , a vcil luuowmi Aiizonmt tiespernulo , 'lmo is lucil'veiI to be time liithm nieimulwr or tIme lmimmmtlit'm' ' pmurtv , P1mm- chmaseti ml ( iuammtit3' of ginmit irnwmler in Viicox omm time ( lilY irecetilmlg tIme mobbery. Time Sotmthiermi Pacific comimpnmiy amid \Vehls Fargo 1xpress commiuimiy tufter a joimmt rewitrtl of $300 for each of limO rnhmberm4. Four liosses. including tIme tuheriff , 11mm'Vehi Futrgo nntt Sotmtimermi I'mueiiic detectives , are iii pumrsumit tmf the bammuhitmu , wham mmmc bu'li'Cd to 1)0 .100 George , who came into Arizona from Olthmi- iiommu about mi year ago ; Jima Yatc , Gramut \Vmeeler , Taylor , llret miamno tmmikmmowmi , tuiti Jobmi'oods. . IilllNO , N. lit. , Jan. 31-Tue Wilcox train robbery 'as contlucteti with time mit- imiost boluhimess. After compelling time cmi- gineer to tmmicoimpio the c'nimme , haggtige' anti express cars from time remnatntler of tIme train and mmmn lIve niies fmmrtlmer up the maui to a desolate eliot , time robbers forced time cmi- gineer anti ilmeman to leave time train and take to time pining on nerli of their lives. Express Messenger Mitchell , who hiatT a similar experience near Maricona a few months ago. mnade 1mb' ' escamme wltlm nil time money in time local safe auth savcui several thiotimuamuul dollars. Time roimbers m'pemit over two hours 1mm blowing open time large safe. \vimiclm is cioseti before leaving El Paso , ammi itt not oieneti until San Francisco Is remsehmemi. Time robbers left several bags of golti anti sliver iii anti about the car , not caring to take it O account of its veImrhit. All nm'e thoutghmt to imave escaped to Mexico. Time passengers n tiiQ train were gremtiy tern- lied for several hotmrm. . TUb loss Pu , said to anioumut to between 50,000 and $7oOdO. , DI4rIrur1oN ii K.1NLIS. Aid Nced'ed itt mat Last Slxiecn Vouutioi imm time JtmtIe , TOPEKAJaum'u3i.-'The 'epecial reliecom mission appointeil by Governor Morrihl to Imave charge of time cbilcctioim anti miistrlbutlomm of food anti other suihipiles for tiic relief of thm suffering poor in time westermu coummitiemi humus received applicatIons for aid from sixteen counties. A canvass of flawlitis coumity on time Nebraska himue elmowa timat 0 per cent of tIme People are without sceul to pimtmmt mmnd 75 per cemmt are destittmte 01 tIme nect'saries 01' life. One muami writes thitit sotule mcmi anti wonmen are almost tlestltute of clothing auth are barefooted. Amiotimer says mmmcmi mIte cimumi in gunmi ) ' saek faslmlonemi immto garments. In ii. imumber of towtisimipti ninny families mmmc absolutely without fire except such as time emimi make of hay amid other iigimt immitterimi 'rime commission is reccivimmg encouragement from miii over the state , htmL time people are not respommdlmmg SQ promptly mum. was expected , In nil seven cars of lrovislomus have beemm received from outiultie the state , OIe'ilmommmui ' Settlers . 'tre hlcetim mmto. GUTIIRIE , OkI , , Jan. 31.-A resolution was presented in time legiclattmre today asking - ing for time npimropritttloii of $50,001) for seeder ( or tIme settlers of time Cimerolcee Strip , vhmlchm elicited statemnemuts timmmt the repoiti. . semit out fmomn Perry amil other territory towmia that there vaS no tlestlttitlon weme ( a1e iti every particuhtir and vcmo simply attemmmptm4 to bolster tip tlmemue towmms. Itvuma tutateti by a dozemm or imuore mmmenmlmers tlmutt tIme set- tIers iiumd mme feed for stock or nucamma of procuring uecd to piamut auth imnlctus nitl was givcmm soon ui large percentage of time set- tiers would lie forceml to mtltmndomm : their claims. 'l'imoumt'ande sveme hivimmg oti imiiio maize anti ktmiilr corn , In mmbsuiute destlttm- tion , and nmnny w'cre smmffcrtmig for clothing , anti too proud to ask for hell ) . Its' ! ! UiLI .V TflJd J'h1 I.\'T 0 1" I'ItI'.SO VJ1tO. .hmatlo to Work in Ice told % miter 1JuL11 Timey % ' , tr.m F'roomu mm mm it I a ii mm mmt , 'tI. SAVANNAH , ( Ia , , Jim. 31-The grand jumry , tufter making a tlmoroughm imis'estlgmutlomm , returned a senm.ationmti . pmcmucntmnemmt totlay with regarmi to time county chmaimm gmtng comi- victs , mnaule up of Petty ofeimdets. 'l'wemmty- one mmmcmi are dim'ablcml , toast. of timemmi Iem- mnanetmtiy , from temmrful eximostmre In the mc- cetit freezing u'eathmer. A mummimmber were cotmimeiied to lmrcmmk lee iii time cmmmuni mmmmi , work for hmoumrmi iii ficezing wmttem without muimoem4 mmnd vithm htmt their trotimmers to hum- bet tiucnm. F'ouir of time mcmi immive hmeemm brotmthmt to the Imesimitmil 1mm title city anti seventeen , time reimnrt smtym4 , now II. ' omm hmtmrul hoard bedim iii time convict cmmmmmp , wmapmeti iii bimmnkets. onmacitu I oil u mitl ti ismm lulemi 'l'imu me- lott ) continueul : ' 'Time convicts In limo imimitpi- tal c'mmn mmci t her mu t mm mmd mm or svmm lie , 'I'im cy mmmc tiimable to enm' simoemu : ( lucy lie cimahmmeui amid hiutitiled together , uutmfferimmg ( jotmu slow br- litre ; Home of timeni 'tytil losu llimgems mmmmmi toes ; their feet are u4wolleii anti .hincoloretj large , inping wommmmtin mire discimmmrgimig blood anul imitmetme mummd 1mm t'o cm' three inmutmmmmces thin tmien siios % ' muigmmm. Of Pmostnutiomb' ' Aim os'erhmauling of time convict eym.temn may result. 'uJ'EIciL .S1'u'.iTICl ! , ( jO.VJRSJS. Couigreiumimiutim S'Ihsupets thin 'm'umslmiumgtoum Ii r IuuuhIl icum Ii I mm mmmtma Euu ii urse mmmcmi I. 014'm'Ml'IAVnsii , , Jmmtm , 21-Time repumb- hicmin caucus totmlghit nomnlmmuteti Congress- motto Johmmm lj , , \'ilm.oim for tmmitcd States semi- tutor , Wilsomi received forty-four votes ; necessary ( cur mm clioici , fom'ty-omitm , DO\'Elt , Dci , , Jan , ai.-'rwo inane ballots were takemm in tint united States stt'mmatoriul fight totlmmy , mmmkimmg mu totnl of twemity4our bimhiots tmmkemm titus fur withmotmt ret.mlit , hiiSl , 1ullmo , imuim. 31.-'i'wo limmilotmi vere ( aieemm foi United i4tmtiuu ; muetitutor today , whim thu foilovimmg result : t4lmoup , 20 ; Suset't , 19' Clagget , 15. Oti time secommul bmmilot severaf members were mmbsemmt anti time result ivan : Hiioimp. 18 : Sweet 18 ; ( immgget , 14 NAHhi'h I1iFh , l's nim. , Jmmmm , : ll.-rlme imotmee humus concurred iii thmum senate joint reu.olmmtion hixlmmg Tmmes'iay ' , Fchmm miary 5 , ( or time meet- lag etC time two lmcUees iii joint commwcmmtlon to oiuemm , cunvurs utmul iUtuuishm ( hue retommms ( or gos'ernor , mmccording to limit iurovisiomms of time commtest bill iecemmtly L'Imacteml , lit , ilium mm Viuim .u mm mm ( . , um I I'ANA , Ill. , Jon , 81.-A recounting In time commtest of Mm's , Nina W'lmits 'for edimoal sulmmlmmteImdent of Cimnitlumm county m'hmoivn site woe eiecteti _ hmy L'ic'v mm lutummuhity over itolmert Onr , tieimmocrimt , 'i'hmimt maukee every coumtmty otlleer repubiean ( or time first timmme 1mm the history of the cotmmmty , ( ; olcI ttlIl ( lu.Imig Oumt , W'ASlIINGTON , Jan , 3l-Thie t 'm h with. tinaivais of time golti today uvera 42 mT ; 0 , of uilmiclm all but 1100.000 withtlrawmm iimul Ciii- cage was taken ( rein tIme muubtieaury sit New York. TItle leuvmi time true smmnQmmnt of time gold reserve $4OOl,9GG. V $ I ( u'u C Is a tt Jul 57 I I e ( oi ' at I NI % ' ORiJANH. Juim , 31.-Time jury Itt time ease of Atnbroee $ mntim ) , the well known at- tormicy elmarged witlm embezzling $1,000 whIch he hmatl collected ( roam one of his clients , t day returued a yerdict of guilty. - - SANK LIKE A STONI Details of the Great Marine Disaster Tolti by the Rescued , MRTAKN : ORDERS OF 1HZ CAPTAIN sent All the Women to the Eitlo Which ottlcd First. URRO\m/IMG \ / STORY OF A NEBRASKA MAN Ohmirles llofl'iiian of Grand Island Tolls of the Lose of wire aiid Son. CR\V \ CAUTIONED NOT 10 TALK , tctiumm tuf ( liii ( iflicers at limo Crmmthmio lilt" terly Cumidomuumm'd b ) ' time Stmrmiuors Cotmit himivc Smtvctt .Mmiiiy Ltm'es. LO\'CSTOFT , Jami. 31-Timo hope timat * secommti boat load of survivors frommm time ill. fmiteml 1iltou mmmiglmt reach shore alive lmmms now almmmost imoemi given umm , anti it Is lmraeti'auly certain that mmot moore ( baum twemmty-ommo 11cr- soils Were rccuemi. TIme mmtmmnbcr of mirowneci accomtlimug to time immost. careful caleumitutiomis ii placed at. 374. There is still , Imowever , con- umkierabic tmmmceriaimmty and ( lucre are people ivlmo still exIm3ct to see sommmo immure stmrvivors , It is mmow all but ciutablislmeti tlmmmt it was thit Cratimio thmmmt crosimed immto time imurge limier 1mm time darkimess with such disastrous results. Time coilisiotm occummretl at. a iuoimit iii time North sea sommme timlrty mmiiles frommu time hook of llol- lamiti ammmf sommie fifty or sixty mmiies In an nlmmiost easterly dirccthomm trommm this city. The vessel Wemmt tiowmm ivitimimi fifteemi or twenty miiimitttcs of the timmie of time coilislomm mutmtl time stories told luy tIme sumrvivors of time tinme that intervened are miot. very explicit. Time fohlowimmg Is a list of tIme passommgcrs not imreviouisly reported : Steenmmgc-Stmsami lhnihti ammml ciilidremm , Maria Skoes , Jammies Ltmckmms , Ella Trautes , hans Wesslein , Otto Faust , Louise Lichei anm clmiitlremm , Mmmx LII ! , A. W'irtzelhmoeter anti wile , AmmnaVirtzoiimoeer , Paul iCaemmuimfter Maria iliesko amid cimiluiremu , Charles lCmigler , \'m'ihimeimmm Varnlea , Email emica , Jolmmm Conmmy mmmiti chmilmlren , lletiley A. Laker and wile , Films Id. Nicimolsomm , Dletnlchm Spreckes ! , Kive Adel- semi , Diednicim Ihmrnlclc , Amitotil Vammst , J. M. Unummisomi , 1tiaBrUmisomm , henry llumko , Gott- 1db l1ckelmmmamiItiim1Olf Gnat , Fried Atmg lteichm- spfarr , Fried ucihieister , Louise ilucimhtels- ( er , Franzis MoallerIherimma Kiocictin , Frane liaunhmauser anti -fanhl'y ; , Victoria liabesoter , Shuns Bothmmmmayei' , Adolf Grail , helene Bran- rick , hleinricim Bade , Frlemiericim Satpor Gabriel ilerz , Anton Zehier , bury Freinhort Vaelay lloic ok , Josef Rummupiik , Amiton No , tuck , Franc Krai , Barbara b'vojose , Franq Cervenk , vojtrehi Straka , Antommft' VeVer Bertha 1epke , Iiehmrichm Iloedelcer , T4ari e Wanat , Mailt Trtm't cs' , ' George hhenne , Ape- ieimi . 'Dojnimi antE chmihujremm , Josef lu1ontIa" hienmi Peters , Henry Stamni , Moses Lelscn , Marcus OutwIrth , Julius Starck , Joimamm Comm mad Weidem'hmoit , August Zimmi : , liemmry A , Mitchmslcy , Cecil Hermmmammn , Marianna Franlc Christine Lorenzen , Anmma Gum , lIelemme Ours1 Rapimaci Mendei , Anmma Zedgeimi , Karl 1(0th , Jamie Gum , Jamm Sahara , Josef hltmdak , Marie Borssenek , MarIe Rogue and children , Mar19 Siuva , Amumelo Siuva , Karolimia Dzhmmwo , Paul Janowski , Stefamm Lesiak , Michmacl Kubat , Ajmaionia Bigda , Stanisil Kleibasa , Ltmdwiska G umcenska , Mnriammmma Strek'hiasse , Miterko Laszio , Janos Zoos , Ammtlras Sisko , Am'mmeiia Do- ulonlc , Jammos Franyo , Jan Szuciiy , Pal Szuchmy , Jan Cimasti , Maytas Knnszamu , Gwyorsi Ano- tonyi , Jane Fiammowsk ! , Janos lienya , Misaly Turcsammi , Gyorgy Esizsmmmuur , Jammos Esizsmnar , Gyorgy Vlosak Soias , George hCoyacs. MIchael Barth , Ange Preckup , Jan Kaceza , Gustav iiemnke , Men Babes and cimildremm , halo Ole. das , Jami Kowaii Martimm Eapicrcz , Jan Ghasz- domuik , Julia Timau , Emmuil Kegci , Jacob Baum , I'lilhip Mischler. Iii several cases timere hue been doubt. raised as to whether sonic of these persons were really on tIme boat or not. Time moont noticeable case in poimmt is ( hunt of Mrs. Mu- tomm C. Connors of South Dakota. 11cr name appears on time passenger list , but it has been itololed out ( hunt sue was traveling with hmem husband iulmo hind mmmade a journey to Europe for time benefit of iui imealthm , ammti ( hunt lila mmamno does not appear amumommg time lmassemmgers. Froimm timiut time immtemenco is dmawmm ( hint pos- slImly there mumay lie sonic mistake mimi to Mrs. Commmiors immuving taiceim passage on the Elba at all. all.CI1AItLRS CI1AItLRS A. hOFFMAN'S STORY , Chuaries A. lloffmmman , a blacksmith of Grand litlaimmi , Neb , , ivito was one of time feui Imas- mucmmgers saveti , Was rcturmmiimg from a visit to Gcnmmmany iu'itim lila wife and semi , both of wimommu are etmpposeti to imavo beemm drowned , Mm . hhoffmmman is in a commthltitn of ter- nibia distress from the home of imis uu'ifo ammml muomi , lie pathuotlcahiy cxhmibiteml to time reporter of time Assoclmttemi vross a gold w'atcii huis wife hind slipped' lute Imis lmammtl as itimo uuam'teml uvltim Imimmi to go to time starboard sitlo of time steamer wimemm time order to timat effect was given. Mr. lhoffmmmuim statemi that had the vessel wlmlcim cohhldeti with time Rhhw stood by time latter m.teammuer time mmtajorlty of time imascmmgers tumid crow imtiglmt have been saved , for Ime says time Elljo rernaimmeul perfectly steady for several mmiimmmmtetm after time collision before time volummue of water whulcim Imumured into tier cammeed Item' to immrcim. Then all be. camno confmmslon , When time survivors were imifonmnod ( hint time Cratimle wan supposed to be time vessel viimiehm huami summk time Ribo they sirongly mlotituUimcOml iim'r crew ( on their np- parent immhmummumamiity 1mm aoL iumaitiimg aim effort to athittt time uhismilileti vessel or to rescue item' crew , Mr. Iiolfmmmmmmu thus mnornimtg , speaking or time milsaster , saimi : "i'hmoso iihmo store minomummemi stiffened less ( han uvo who were savedi" Soba shmuok ( lie strong Irammmo of liii' mmmamu as hue mmmuio time statenmcmit. lie is a ( Jenntami-Aimienicamm , about 35 years of ago , of time typo commmnmon in time western luart of time ( limited States. 111mm face iuas umtreanmng ! i'i1hm tears wimicim huami wet liii sleepless imul- low all mmighmt , Commtlnuing Mr. ifoutmoan said : "i'hero was mm commfusiumm arnomug tIme paascmmgens. 'they believed ivehl , and this cmmly commfuslomi wee with ( lie crew , uvim triei. to tto tluemmmselves. CRUEL'i'OF TIlE ( ilthiV. ' "It seems stnmmmmge , muir , bumt to m.eo timese here-so few ommt of time saved-out of this twomity caved ttfteemm are mnemmmbers of time crew1 hut mnmimiy mmmore hmhigimt hmau'c been saveti. Ohm ClotH My wilci My boyl litutim are dead tumid I cmmm't : go ho theiz graves I" hone time unfoniummate intuit intrst iota tears , After a ( en' mimiules lie ommtinuied , "Ye. , mmmarmy of time ussemigers hind life belle , but they were immueless , 1'ime noise of tIme coiiiiiomm soummmied no louder 1mm may state meant ( iman time single beat of big drummm , Hut when we rushed on deck I found ihe iassemmgers crouvuling around the iibflttu 1104 flitu crew nmmnnimmg imre nimmi timere and cmmttimmg time rope in time tallcs ; by which timey are lowered , 'time ) ' were too proud on thumut cliii' , Rope. were palmmted which imotmlti imav icc mm uile.1. then tlmpy would lmai'c beemi iighulc'r , " 1 raw no otitem' reseel mini ito oilier hlglmt ( xrIIt the Rlbtu'ut lights , \\'imen I entered time 1 m'i they took mumy boy trozm mum" Otm , (1'1' ' My 7.yer-oiti darlingi Sir , hmami I 1mm 'm It watt imut time ra.taIim . who rmtlered ( lie woniemi aud cb.i.Ircu to time stirbuuil + - - - - - _ j :