Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    -m + -.R - -
' 4 , 8 .rrIIE O\.iUIA DAILY BEE : ' 11T CT11S1)AYTANUA1tY 31 , 189r. .
The Moro Dry Goods Co. Given Ton Days
to Rcduco Stock
Anytldng Rnll crfthllll from n Dutton to
r n Urcu-I'rohl Spool Thrc"d to Clmlc
-From ,11n I'on ton CRrl'nt-AU
: ot Allf I'rlco VOlt Dare Nctmo.
We have sold out ,
v Our enllro stock must be reduced before
February 15.
That's n fact YOII'II real lly recognIze when
1 , you see the prices we are marking on every
c thing In H ; , : , storl" We 110n't. Quote prices
, today , for the simple reason that we 110n't
know where to begin
t There'll bo renewed vigor In the old
t Mono store tomorrow and the next day , and
the next len days , for we are going out or
business and WI' are goIng out with a rush
t that will bo remembered as long as there
r ere Inhabitants In Omaha
To our friends and patrons we urge n
, speedy attendance upon this sate , as wee arc
i simply disposing of the goods , not selling
, them : the prices we ask are only just enough
to make It a Irnlle. We will , wo are de.
termlnell to , sell all wee can In the next ten
days at n loss for while we lose on your
purchase \ we gain the sale of the whole store
to the new purchasers who toIle posseslon
upon the reduction of the stock to their set
Dealers can take advantage or thIs ( sale ,
as well as others for wee will sell n case a
carload , the whole side of the house nt the
same price as to a slllall Ilurchaser. 'fo .
reduce the stock Is our object , and we 110n.t
care who helps liS to 110 It.
The dress goods nut the linens ,
The slllls and ! the calicos
The buttons and the threads , ,
The notions and the trimmings
t The bo's' clothing and the cloaks ,
The china ware and the glassware
, The cloaks and the suits ,
' ; The curtains anti the carpets ,
All and everything In lie ( store placed nt
a price lint Is no price at all , n little \ above
nothln ) , that's nil
We positively go out of business before
February Hith , and no power on earth can
stop us. .
Take ndvanluge ! or It.
Take advantage ! 'f It now , the sooner the
, better for you .
Tim IIonS : : DRY GOODS CO. ,
, . 1':3111ve1y Quitting business
. .
Hayden ! Drag' . ad Is on page 5.
Full " Meaning " of n IollMuro : ! that slay Soon
lIe < < : olllo 1\llIlIlelp,1 : Laws
The provIsions of the new coal ordinance
" that was introduced at the council mcetlllg
Tuesday night differs materially from the one
Introduced by Councilman Wheeler a coullle
of months ago , and Is more nearly adapted
to hue old system .
In days gone by every coal dealer was a
i city weigher. lie was allowed to load 1,800
pounds of coal on a wagon , call It a ton and !
deliver It to the customer at that figure. It
the purchaser was so ungrateful as to Insinuate -
sinuate that he was not getting the full ton
that he had paid for the dealer could lash (
the certificate of the city weIgher , which
5 showed that the load consisted of the full
2,000 pounds and In most cases this would
} satisfy the customer. Of course ho hall no
means of knowing that the dealer and the
; i , city weIgher were Identical , and It Is
ri . . claimed that throngh this system a number
" of unscrupulous dealers waxed fat at the ex-
; . henna of theIr deluded customers.
Among the measures which were Intro-
11uced the latter part of last year there was
. nn orl1lna1f by 'Cduncllmnn Wheeler which
provided for n divorcement of the ' dealer and
the weigher. This was accompanied by n
l : resolution by wlllch all licenses of city
r weIghers were revoked after November 15.
. The object of this legislatlon ' was plainly dote -
clared to be a check upon crookedness on the
; part of coal dealers and It contemplated that
, no more licenses as city wellhers should ! be I
t " Issued to men who were engaged In the coal
business. It was expected that tr the loads
- could bo weighed by a I1lslnterested party
there would be much less effort at double
dealing and the Ions or coal which were
being delivered by certain dealers would be
, , materially Increased In size
f , As the olll council went out and the new
4 , " members took their places this piece of legis-
; r ; lation seems to have been lost sight of . and
' , the ordinance Introdueel1 by Saunders Tuesday
night leuds back to something very similar
: : to the old artIer of things. It provides that
1 ° each deuler shall pay a license of $50 a year
f on each yard and office , and that every
a dealer shall file a bond us city wehher. It Is
not anticipated that the dealers will offer any
:1 : . very vigorous objections to acting In that
capacity The ordinance goes onto state that
every load of coal must bo weighed by a
duly Qualified weigher , or his deputy. This
gives the dealer his former perogal\vo \ of
weighing his coal himself and tacking on the
, certificate of the city that It Is full weight.
' The only check that Is left on the dealer
r , Is the usual Inspection by the Inspector of
u weigh and 'measures. ' This official Is
authorized to stop a load and have It re-
; , weighed at any time. The purchaser Is also
given the right to compel ( ltd driver to have
+ , . the load rewelghelt , but In case the rep -
weighing shows hunt the weight Is' within
thirty IlOulllls of that Indicated by the
§ , original certificate the 'purchaser must IJay
for the rewelglihng and also m : cents per
ton for nddltlonal cartnge.
, IRg : 1101'11 County Must \ynlt
.p . " CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Jan 0.-(8peclal.- : ( )
; , Governor Richards Is very anxious to have
' ' . Dig Horn county organized us provided for
r . In section I , chapter xlvlil of the session
p. j , laws of 1890. The governor's home Is In the
Jllg Horn basin and he Is personally Inler-
'sted In lid orgllnlzatlon of the county
lie says that so fur us the created county
Is concerned the 'onlltltu\lon \ 1 rpqulr : .
I meats are now fuiiUied but that the I\S.
! bessell valuation , of the countIes at John-
son allli Fremont would ! lie reduced below
i' the necessary $1G'O.ooO , ; by the segregation at
the territory to term the new county For
' this rellllOn Dig ! lore county will have to
' , walt until the other counties have Increased
: tmlllelently In assessed valuation to stand
i the loss
, IIl1lh Wllllt e Silo 11 : nn , ,
Miss lIertlo Olsen of Sheridan , Wyo , has
written u letter ( to the ( police aslllng them to
arrest William Confure and her sister She
says lint ( Can faro Is married and has de-
tt sertell a wlro and chlld She acknowledged
that she bud formerly lived with the fellow ,
who toll ! her that he would ! marry her as
. . . soon as he got a divorce , hut that he left her
and Induced her sister to go and live with
him , She says that she wants William to
, . "sQuaro" himself , She also wants to get
her sister away ( rout lihu The police are
making an Investigation
. l . e . v e
, [ CFt511thHfa 1.'IthtI IIIIt : Themselves ,
PEnny , Olcl 1. , Jan 30.-A prIest who returned -
turned today from Sacred Heart mission
tells of 11. . battle : pear there between two
rungs of outlaws , who taught over the distrIbution -
trIbution ot some ! spouts ; one gang had stolen.
A terrible light with knIves , pistols and
'Inchcslerll ensued for several hours ! , at
least ana man being killed , whllo several !
others were ballly wcunded The priest
i attended Dick Overbn\1lll , one of the outlaws ! ,
. In his dylug moment ! . and says Ihlll one
f other was fatally wounded und three or
, t , tour were covered with blood when he left
the scene , . _ . _ _
-e Crll'1.t't ) Clllb' Ualllluut.
The Omaha Cricket club will indulge In a
. . . banquet on Friday evening at the Barker
hotel , Time management has made elaborate
Jlrellllratlons and tile affair will be one of the
recherche events of the season. A large
number of Omaha's socIety people wilt he In
. . ntf'rnl1anet' { & and the cricket bo's are antler
lia u\s ( a" cnlns at rare social . pleasure- , .
---4- .
' " _ . , , - - - 1I001.Iceller Wes ! ; hort..r
C'JlICAOO , Jan 30.-J. II , OIIPP/telmer : / , a
ookkflJer In the 'm\llar \ o5oses Ippen- 1
stein & 111'0. , wholesale . leuvelers , was arrested -
rested today on the . ' ' . .rge or ror"cl' and
eml1enlcment. ' ' Olppen-
' 1'he umoullt of 01 > pen.
Ilelmel"1I horta , snot dellnllely known ,
though his ( I11JI \ ) ' ers sar It will probably
1i ! e between $ s . ,00 yund $1 Ib,000 . Thus defalca
.110n came ' d might : today by u notice from
the IlnT\\i banlcrs that theIr account wu
ovcrdJP"'n ,
. .
l' .J1D'doll I pros' , ad. 11 pn page 6.
f' I. - '
- -
- - ,
- . ;
One Store for n looming : South
IJnkotR Town ,
Just north of Ellgemont , S. D. , an Inex-
hallstlblo supply of rrlllllstonc hits been discovered .
covered and n company has been organized to
work the Quarries and prepare the stone for
market. The biggest ! plant In the United
States has been bought and within six weeks
100 men wlll bo employed preparIng the
stone for sale. Arrangements have been
made for clock privileges In Now York and
the company which Is represented by P. C.
Grable In this city , wilt push the Quarries
to the ( end of maklllg the largest grindstone
plant In America , The only competitor or
the Ellgemont quarries are those of the
heron quarries In Ohio They , however , are
about exhausted , a church being pulled down
last year In order that the stone underneath
might be taken out
The discovery at Etlgemont Is of the great-
est importance , not only to South Dakota ,
but to Nebraska as well , for cIurlng these
days of financial difficulties under which the
western country Is laborIng , this new Industry -
dustry brings a ray or light on time horizon ,
Think or a supply or grIndstone hint ( will
last 1,000 years anti you can form some Idea
of this immense quarries to be opened lip.
The deposit \ Is known to bo ono and a
quarter miles In length , threequarters of n
mile wide and seventy feet Ileep. The stone
has received the strong endorsement of Herman -
man 1I0ppe. the highest authority on grindstone .
stone In America , who says In a letter to
the dgemont I Slone company \ : " 1 have
made a thorough ! practical test or the EllSI'
lIIont grindstones which were sent to me
for trial and I find them to be In every
respect equal to the finest Bavarian stone
which has long been considered the best In
the world The stone Is very even In texture
and Is entirely free front hard or soft spots.
The number 3 grit Is unsurpassed for quick
grinding anti the number 2 grit could not
be improved on for fine finishing work. The
degree or hardness Is just right to obtain the
best results
"I notice also that you seem to understand
thoroughly the difference In the various grits
and that you separate them according !
This makes the Ellgelllont stone still marc
desirable , as the imported stone comes In
mixed lots
"I have been a practical user or grindIng
stone for about forty years , nllli you arc at
liberty to refer to me nt any time "
Time opening or this Quarry will , It Is thought ,
put a stol to the Importation of German stone
and add greatly to the wealth of South Da-
kola , as well as to the west
Grindstone Is an Implement of handicraft
which has 'come down from the remotest
period to the present absolutely unehangel1.
Among all nations It has had Its place. The
slow process or development or the spirit or
Invention has Improved nearly every implement -
ment of Inltustr ) ' . The scythe of olden times
has became the mowing machine of today.
The tools used In one century arc curIosities
In the next.
Every man who works with n. tool knows
the value of grindstone Formerly It was
used mainly for sharpening tools but Its use
Is vastly extolllccI In these closing century
days. Every hind ( of steel , Iron allli brass can
be ground quicker , better and cheaper than
flied. Every part of a locomotive Is ground
before beIng polished or palntell. Many or
the large factorIes wear out n 2,000 pOIIIIII
stone In a l1ay. In the Baldwin Locomotive I
works nt Philadelphia arc six grindstones of :
4,000 pounds each , which are running con- '
stantly ! , and must be reillaced.
The amount of grindstone consumed an-
nually by the ( factories of the country Is
enormous One commpany with headquarters
at Cleveland , ships SO.Ooo.OOO pounds every )
year , and that Is only a part of the vast total
The Bavarian product , which Is conceded
the best In time world , and Is used for grind-
Ing surgical Instruments , fine cutlery , optical
Instruments and dedicate edged tools sells for
5 cents a pound , which gives some Idea of the
value of such a quarry
The proprIetor of 11. razor grinding shop In
Philadelphia recently was inlervlewed and
of this curious Industry the following was
learned :
"Wo get razors from all over the country
to grind. The razor gets warn down so tldut
honing will not suffice to put It ; In condition.
The razors get Into tbe. barber shops and the
barbers send them .to us-that. is . they are
sent by the out of town barbers. We have a.
list of our regular customers In the city ; , and
our men vIsit the shops to get the razors In
need of repair.
"Only the large cities can afford to keep
the appliances necessary for the delicate work ,
on finely tempered razors. The principal rea-
son for this Is the price of grindstones and a
thorough knowledge of the craH. The only
good grindstones for use an razors come from
Germany. Ohio has grIndstones , but they are
Inferior for razor sharpening purposes to the
German article , no mllller what the Ohio
manufacturers may my. And right here let
mo point out one of time ridiculous features of
1110 Wilson bill.
"The duty on grindstones has been Increased - I
creased , although we have none here that can :
compare with the foreign article. We now
make as good razors hero as they 110 In Eng-
land or Germany , hut we can't make them ns
cllCa\ \ nor can wo keep them In first class
condition for the sane money hint we dill
before the Wilson bill b.came n law. Up to
ten years ago Il was thought that time rea-
son we could not temper our razors as well
as they do In England was because of a
peculiar deficiency In our water. That has
roved ' to bo a fallacy , as we now manufacture -
Iura razors In Massachusetts and In Newark
fully as good ! as they are made In England
All English razors , you know , are sent to
Germany 10 be concavd. ! ! That Is because of
the superiority of the German grindstones. "
Buy it . Try 11. You will never change
you brand , , Cooll's . Extra Dry Imperial
When house cleaning use Stearn's ElectrIc
Paste : kills all kinds of vermIn : 25c.
Hayden Dros' , ad Is on page 5.
. Sam'l Burns continues his pre-Inventory
Halo unlit Saturday durIng which time every-
thing goes lit 15 per cent discount , Including
cut glass , china , bric-a-brac dinner sets ,
toilet sets and lamps ,
_ _ . _ _
w lint 1)0 You 'I'hlnk of Thl !
To the Editor of The Dee : The followIng
Interesting correspondence will explain Itself :
OMAlIA , Neb'J Jan 24 , 16J5-\mes : n. B.
Agency , City , Gentlotnen : The largo size
HOO concert grand upright Kimball piano ,
French walnut finish , seven and ! onethh'll
octaves three strings and agratre , duet
music desk three pedals , highest grade
workmanship , finest tone and action Is now
on exhibition In our store , ns per agreement -
ment , \\111 bo pleased to how same , and
guarantee Its unexcelled Qualities and value.
Piano stQol and scarf Includell In price
Respeclfuily yours , A. HOSPE , JR.
The above $400 piano now on exhibition
at tilt store of A. 1I0spe , jr , on Douglas
will bo given to any person selling for us
six of our North Tblrty.seventh street
special bargain $200 lots , absolutely the
greatest Investment ever offered In Omaha
Investigation Invltell. Call for 'partieulara.
Such chances are rare , Competition closes
February 10th.
, r . _ _ ' ' . AMES n. E. AGENCY ,
" ' Fs1 1617 fo'nrnam , opp N Y. Lite.
Y to - _ "
- - -tom
lIayl1cn Droa' , ad Is on page 5.
Via Uock Island , Chorlet line anti I''stolt
' ' ,
11m" . -
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian
Territory , Texas and all points In southern
Callrornla. Only one niGht Jut to all points
In Texas , The "Texas Llmltel1" leans Omaha
at 6:15 : a. m. daily except Sunday , Iancliue l
passengers at all points ( In Texas 12 YSura hi
advance of alt other lines. , . . Tt ! : j'ough ) tourIst
cars via fo't. Worth ancj ! F.t Paso to Los An-
geles. For full ps.ticulars maps folders ,
etc. , call at 11 address Rock Island ticket
gnlce , J 02 2arnam St. .
" . . - \IIAS. : KENNEDY , O. N. W. P. A.
IJayden Dros' . cd. Is on page 6 ,
Muslin Underwear at Manur ctnrers' Prices
Cloaks and Furs Cost or Less
= , j . . . . . , - - . ' " " -
10,000 Pieces Silk Embroidered AU Wool
White Flannels Worth Up ro $5,00
GO IN LOTS AT 25C , 30C , 59C , 75C & $1,25
This 18 the Grandest Lot of IJIJh ( lrnlle Silk
Itlllhrohlorcd I'Jnllne1 liver Seen In
OIllIlm-J\lost Artl8t1e Noclllcyork
and SUl'erfino001. .
Every lady should attend this sale ,
10,000 remnants or the highest grade and
finest Quality or strictly all \ wool and silk
and wool , white anti colored , 3G'lnches wide ,
silk embroidered flannels , In lengths from 1
yard to fj yards They arc the highest priced
goads ever manufactured , and are suitable
for Inrnnts' and Inl1les' shirts , dresses ,
saeQues , etc' This Is one of the most won-
derrul bargains wo have ever placed on our
bargain squares , worth from $1.00 to $5.00
n yard , go tomorrow In Iola at 25e. 391' , ODe ,
7Ge and 125.
Thollsands or small remnants of silk em-
broltlercl1 lIannels , from 2 Inches to 12 Inches
wIde , In lengths up to 2 yards , go In lots
at II' , 31' Gc and
, 10c for an entire piece
800 pieces new Imported novelty dress goods
In strictly all wool gootls. These are sound
and perfect , never having been IInnpcked at
thin lime of theo Jarrray fire. They are worth
$1.50 a yard and go tomorrow at 301'
$1.00 full size while blankets 25c a pair.
$1.7G extra silver gray blankets 9So n pair ,
$5.00 white wool blanllets $2.i0. [
$7.0 [ ; all wool scarlet blankets 350.
All slightly damaged unbleached muslin
Ic a yard '
Yard wIde heavy unbleached muslin 2c
a 'arl1.
All highest grade bleached and unbleached
slightly ; damaged muslin ic [ n Yard.
Do's' fianneletto and percale shirt waists
90 each
All $1.00 china and drapery silk from the
Jaffray lire , 90 and lic [ a 'arll.
Where the great shoe sale Is tomrrow ,
N. W , Cor. IGth and Douglas.
Hayden Bros' . ad. Is on page 5.
More ! Tlmlt 110,000,000 I'R8en\ors. \
have been carried by the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern railway during the past
twentY-five years. Very few were able to
find ! any faull. The rest were dellbhtel1. One
of them reeenlly said : "For several years
past I have made from two to four trips
each monlh between Chicago and New York
and am almost always accompanied by from
one to three or four others I belevo : ( us I am
Informed by your conductors ) that I have
made more trips between Chicago and New
York than any ont other man during the
past few years I have always traveled over
your road In preference to any other , because
by careful comparison with others I have '
found not only that the road Itself 1s for
superiors hut the lablo and the service are
In every respect the best of any road I have I
ever traveled cn , The conductors stewards ,
walters and porters I have round to lie uniformly -
rormly courteous and attentive , adding
greatly to the comfort of those who are
obliged to travel as much as I am " Trains
leave I Chicago as follows : 8:00 : n. m. . 10:30 :
'a. m. , 3:25 : p. m. , 5:30 : p. m „ 8:45 : p. m. ,
daily . and 11:30 p. m. , daily except Sunl1ay.
B. 1' . I1umphrc , T. P. A. . 727 Main street ,
Kansas City 1\10. C. It. Wilber , W P. A.
Chicago ,
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5.
- - .
South Via Ibe Woba8h 'Hullroall.
On February .5 and 12 , March 5 , April 2
and 30. For rates or further information
and n. copy of the Homeseekers' Guide call
at the New Wabash office Hli [ .Furnam
street , or write G. N. CLAYTON , .
N. W. P. Agent , Omaha : Neb
' "
Hayden Dros' . oiL . Is on page 6.
Eureka Springs , Arkansas , Opens February I
20 , 1895 .
A beautiful stone , fireproof structure within
all modern Improvements , situated In the
heart of the Ozark mountains Mild and
bracing cllnnte. Wild and beautiful scenery. I
UnrIvalled medicinal , walers. Through sleep- i
ers over the St. Louis & San Francisco rail-
way between SI. Louis and Eureka Springs.
Write to time manager for descriptive
pamphlet rates , ete
The Slate Relief commiSSion have established .
IIshed beadquarters at 109 Frenzer block ,
where all contributions at provisions and
clothing should be sent , Instead of 407 Drown
block , as heretofore. All correspondence
should bE' ' addressed to me at 407 Drown
block W N. NASON , President.
- -
Scored 1'1'01'10 'thNro ( howling Calamity
Joseph A. Connor of the Doard or Trlllle
returned from n trip 'In the cast and Wisconsin -
consln yesterday 1n conversation with a reporter -
porter ho said that while In Madison\'Is.
the other day ho 'calletl ; lIown" a preacher
who was Ilellvering a tearful and wildly
exaggerated Illscollrllo about starvation , distress -
tress and commercial 11eprcsslon In Nebraska
The reverend gentleman said among other
things that Nebraskanawere . burning hay tar
fuel loll' Connor promptly produced proof
to the contrary and sold that there were
enough supplies new on hand to relieve all
distress and that furthermore the ( legislature -
turo would make ample provIsion for seed
amid feed
Mr. Connor also said that Nebraska towns
were better off than other towns tn the cast
and north , which looked dilapidated and
depressed and needed more paint allli push.
110 believes that the publication or the series
or "l'eattlo pathetlcs" has given the stale
considerable unenviable notoriety.
Speaking or the Whisky trust , Mr Connor
attributes Its downfall to the grasping ! am-
bition and fatal mistake of advancing prices
beyond a reasonable profit They ought to ,
have been satisfied with the first profit omit
not Incurred the resentment of both distillers I
and the public. Stock had fallen from
11 % to 8k since the Whisky trust went
Into the hands of n receiver and he belloved
that the receivership woulll eventually revert
to limo benellt or stoelis It would have
on effect to cancel leases and wipe out rebates -
bates and otherwise have a tendency to revive -
vive their values Mr. Connor backed up him
o\llnlon \ In this respect today by nn Invest.
ment In Whisky < trust certificates.
- - . - - -
Peer Digestion !
Lends to nervousness , fretfulness , peevIsh.
ness , chronic dyspepsia and great misery.
lIooll's Sarsaporllla Is the remel1y. It tones
the stomach creates nn appetite , and gIves a
relish to ( oed , It makes pure blood and gives
healthy action to all the organs or the body
Take 11ood's , for lIooLl's Sarsaparilla cures.
1I00d's Pills become the favorlto cathartic
with every one who tries them. 25c.
--S - -
The annual meeting or the stockholders
of line Omaha Loan and Building associa-
tion will be held 'Vedriesl1ny evening h'eb .
G , at Its ofilce 1701 ( Farnam street , Omaha
Neb" , In accordance with scctlon 13 of the
, ' ' to bo elected
by-laws. 1'hreo directors are .
and the polls will be open from 7 to 8:30 :
p. m. A full altelllianco Is requested.
0. M. NATTINGEH , cretary.
Hayden Dros' , ad Is on page 5.
August 1ll01l81s Itlllcd by n Truln Rt Bhceh'y
Station ,
August Dlousls was struck by Union
Pacific passenger train No 8 at the Oak
street crossing In Sheeley about 11 o'elocll
yesterday and killed.
Time train was going cast and ! the man was
going west His head and race were cov-
ered up wIth n big fu ; collar and his cap ,
was drawn down over llis eyes. The en-
gineer did not notice , the mali until ho was
less than fifty yards nway. lIe rang the
hell and blew the whistle , but the inn gave
no heed to the warning and the engine
struck him wIth great , force , throwing his
body upon the pilot. The train was soon
slopped and the engine men went to the
man's assistance. lie was bleeding pro-
rusely from n terrible looking gash over the
! left eye and hIs left , leg was broken In several -
eral places. Time man , was still alive , and
was placed In the baggage car and brought !
to the Union depot. On the way 10 the
station he died ail the coroner was nollfiell.
The remains were taken to the morgue ,
where an attempt was made to identify the
man , but 'no' ne at first seemed to know him.
110 was dressed In the garb of a laborer and
his clothing bore evidences of his having
been working In the Soutb Omaha packing
houses. .
. . . - -
Dr. . ' ' New .
Jlllmphre's'Nc11V lIRlln01.
ThIs revision of n. work whIch has been
before the public for over forty years , and
which has nn annual circulation of over
3,000,000 copies , In live different languages , Is
1' somewhat remarkable one. Its venerable
author In his 80th year . here gives the result -
sull of a half century of proCessional expe-
rience , und of over forty years of constant
perfecting of his now famous homeopathic
Bpeelllcs. It may be considered as his valedictory
edlctory to an Immense aggregation ! of patients h -
tients In all parts of the world
As 11. guide to those who use his widely
known spoclllcs , this specific manual of 100
pages Is admirably systematized for the
needs or the sick room. Its grouping of symp-
toms under the head of the everal' specifics
of the series will greatly assist the apxlou ;
enquirer , In the stress of sudden emergency .
to select the appro\lrlate \ remedy while brief
but careful descriptions of various forms of
disease , and valuable hints ns to diet , und
other related matters give the work a permanent -
manent value for family usc.
-U - - -
lIa'den Dros' . all. Is on page G.
- - - -
( Fat Babies
are .generally' healthy. They are also pretty ,
al good-natured , strong , and lusty. Why is
rL , .t , this ? Simply because , being well nourished ,
t they are contented and hap p y. When
' attacked by disease , their chubby little bodies
, „ 'u are better able to throw off _ the malady ,
' - " '
and speedy convalescence follows If your
baby is thin , weak , and puny ,
: " . " , . . " - , , , , x' . ( TRADU . MARK. )
P' : " ;
will give the little body the needed fat and strength. With this will
come the good nature , the dimples , and the prettiness which makes
all such babies lovable Children of all ages like O.zomulsion , because
it is as palatable as milk and easy to take , It' ' ' contains nothing
injurious. It is simply a rich food-made of Cod , Liver Oil , Ozone ,
and Guaiacol-that's all. It cures disease , makes fat , makes strength.
It is the -kind _
For Colds , Coughs , Consumption , and all Pulmonary Complaints ;
Scrofula , Rickets ( , Loss of Flesh , An mia , and > . . . .
. , . .
j . . ' . . J , all Wasting Diseases . . , " . . . . . . . . . " 'fo : " ,
oJ' if . , . . " ' ' ' ' -e' . . . ,
" . , , . . . ) . . . . _ ' _ I' " .
Handsome Illustrated Pamphlet Free. T. A. SLOCUM CO.r 183 Pearl St" , New York.
. X-C-e : : : T & CO. ,
15th and Douglas Sti' ! ,
CA'OI . Tj'I JUN Itji' + B Ia beln : used by thousands 01 Illllml : utoulhly ! . It Is Ihn
.IJ : : J \ IIInrrlo ( 1llly's : Irlelld II Irr".lullr IN JI any caus' . It hi K Iru
and reliable , never tails , lIuariln with every bJlllu. sere 10 a d'IY 'l'hI8 ' m ! tlclnu IK fur 'flNI'JI" ' lu
pills us every 0011111 ( scatted amid never muses its stoei tlm . Sold by all io.viiys trtatials , ; I 1'1'1' " If' ! UII
vcr lottle It ) 'oar drujflsl ; docs 1101 havullllcud : .O\J alld WII will 1(1 ( ' warlyvta ; aitt':07 ' tsar ! u.
Wutoru O.l1ee , Qalaka . Nebraska
. .
- . ' . SM'S f :1 : , '
' '
- . '
They're No Good to us-but they are . to you-
There's no money in them for us , so long as they lay
. ? , . ' on our counters and \ve're willing to take . might little
. . . .
money for our .
, "
, .
' . '
" ,
' '
" : } : ; : " Overcoats . ' .
. .
to get you to carry thenl' out ot our sight , They worry
us . . We can see them all the time , while the little
. .
; money ve get in exchange for themwe can use to
. . : - awful good advantage just no\v. 'v\T don't want
. those overcoats and they're yours at our great
Overcoat SaleNot . . .
- N ot till t 1 leu. "
Saturday , Feb. 2 , '
, .
. . Tomorrow \ve'll quote you some prices that'll make
you believe in this the greatest sale ever started in town
rvc close uj5 Friday loon 10 get ready for Ihis salt' . . - ' ,
. . .MUErv1ENTS ,
"MR. WM. H.
Monday Evening , February 4
At B O' lock.
TiCKETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
ror Bulo ot Chose < ' : EdclJ"e. ;
' JlEATItICAL an < J oilier ntiraellOli1l shinning
rl' lerUla , III II lit 00 11111\11 : bat A1 . Address 1'rof.
Dleholl'lI Antumsemnen Circul1o.5horiLlall , , Wyo.
First Autl-Toxhte. (
OMAHA , Neb. , Jan 28 , 189 . -Ellitor
Omaha Dee : We have noticed of late several
Items In your paper In reference to An tI-
toxlne. We would say that In October last
we received Dehrlng's Antl-toxlne from the
Importers In New York City which was used
In two cases at South Omaha with good 1'0-
suits , we thereby being the first house to
place this article on sale In this section. 'Ve
have been In constant communication wllh
the New York City Hoard of Health arid also
several New York City hospitals , and they
advise us that In their judgment the American .
can product Is equal to the Imported , as there
was much of limo so.called Imported that was
Wo have Dehrlnr's ; Antl-toxlne In stock of
several different strengths : also the product
of the New Yorlt Instil ute. Dr L. M. Ilil-
dreth of Lyons Neb , and other Ilhysielalls
whom we could name In this section have advised -
: vIsed us that they have used the New York
product with good results.
Yours Very Truly ,
Teeth Without Plates
a' , , ; BAILEY ,
' DENTlsr
I / Paxton : I\I.lrnatll
lUth and Imrnu 511
1'01. 10Ui ,
Full fet Teeth , . . f 5,00 Sliver ! Fillings.11.01
1I0Bt. 'I'eeth . , , . . 7.M ( Pure Gull Flllings ! : :40) :
1'h\1I \ Plate , . . " . . . , 10.0) I \ Gllid ( ) rowl1s,22k. . 11.00
l'nlnlussExtrac'n We IIrhlgo.tootlhtooth
Taetli Out In Mornl' ' g ,
New Teerri same Day
ij011' ' Nglt 1 Your ? I Eyes (
rU . 7
r )
w , I. Seymour , our optician , has been
extremely successful In lltling glasses to
huntreds of the best people in the city ,
Leases Exchanged 1''ree of Charge.
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
1405 Furuum Street.
Oiposile l'uxton hotel.
- " - - - . - - - - - -u - ,
An Dru ; : ghts.
_ W\IL"oo-.EJ'1 ; ; . . - - - - \I : : > . . -wr' < 'ftIE" ' _ . , ' : 'I < I
"The s/IIIIIl'sIJI,1 seeks a lies ! oj' lis Oll'II , " N
Young Man Take a .Hint.
Don' bo afraid to start in at the bottom. Don't
think you must have . evol'ythlng "splt and span" tvhea
' ana settle down. 'Vo i\'o "
; you marry OWI1. cnn give you"
QR snug little housekeeping Outfit for very small a1noun '
' -amid then ou't want the olt.hOl' You .
( -nu wo money ca n
! pay for it gradually. With a little homo , partly : filled
and " little wife well trilled " the
: , you are on high
road to SUCCC ; ! , ; ; .
Dolled c1ownl\re as follows , and It Iq all S10 worth of gll. . . ) ' , Sl ! ! ! . per week ' ;
the sauna to ns which plan you adopt , , , 01' ss .I- per mouth
8HlI worth of , Ii ! I.tiO ' .
" '
goals .veolc
only one thing bo sure of , " " goods ;
. , ,
. , I/rBIh110 is fII"lIll1.
aroult WIIl"'lbolh \ us to ouallty
and value Our snl slllell are courteous . 8110 worth of goods , 8:4 : per wopld
Ur 8M 000 month
our slllpmmmemmLs lira ' 111 , and ' 11111' . .
prompt your
871i worth of , . ) . ,
: goods 82.lIn mice \VOI'le
, ' ' ' ,
1M '
"ltrnlml'e 1I101'"nlllly "IIII'OIHI\II'I .
Elibor You ' "J' accept our easy U. sIn par month
payment plop : 8100 worth of goods , 6:1 : per week ;
Or m' ! 'ill ' : : l1ur month
sled worth of IOIIIIM , 1iII.1I0 ! : par week
' ' . D-'lth 'rsal'tpermnutlt
Fllt5'l'-Wllh Cash SECOND-With 1II0llth .
611i0 worth of goods , & . l per woelq ;
part ClIsli and so ouch par month Ur Sill ! per 1IIUlllh ,
8200 worth of:0011' , e4a ! ! per . wunlq I I
'rUUtU-\\'lth part : cash und 80 Ih''iIO ! ' : 1101' 1II'lIIth.
82110 worth of gO'HI. , fl1I ; Ier , work ,
mach per veil I : . Or 1iIr ! : pn , ' month
- - -
I ? = -
$12.15 $
This solid Oak Sideboard , 0
loot inches high , -1 feat wl Ide .
2a inc ! eH deep , German Dcvol , „ t-
Pluto Mirror , 141'2-1 inches ,
oval ' Land cl\1'\'od.
\ pilastm' \ \ 3 = -
You I'cmcmbol' this board ?
Wo advertiser } It at $10.83 , 1"
and told ] you it was worth i28. ! ' p
\Vo hud between ono and - - - ; , -
two hundl'c , and kayo forty- *
five lolt. ' - - ' :
This is u sample of oue'05 '
I III - - - ll. -
I III II i lY r , I II ( l I t .
$1275Pepin $ I f = I vp , t
Pepin si-t1 fir Shoves.
m We arc Sale Agents for Oalaka
i Nearly everybody knows that the I'POnlnfllllnl'S" ' flrO
time best , and fit prices far below any other house In tll
r. o city ,
SCltll/'eIclI lceahtjsaiip : / . Scud lee tll . . rpostdpccdW0l'drsiIurc ' l'fl/tllUUflO
. . . . . . . , _
L , - - - ' .aII" ' ! HIiI'- ' ' AI' ' ' ' ' .J
. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cb ° f 1 sY' µ t R drppX i + , < p 1. f
For sale by all FFriit Class Doubts , Mumtfacturad by the
k"uctu'y No , SUI , tat. Iwui3My ,
. .a _ , .r. , w ' . - ' ' tl'