Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    N . w "
. o 'rII1 OfAIIA DAILY 13.E.E : 'rJIUnSDA , .JANUAR.Y Hl , 1SI .
All the GraIn Markets OIoletI Strngcr on
Better Advices from Washington. ,
General ItiiprcIon Amen ! Pit Tr\lerl : ' 'n
: that 1.qtiWsitloii h ) Counlrr Holder
- Jlnll CeaKec nncl tInt Chnncel
2 l'n"orcI.luhl ! In I'uture
CHICAGO , Jan 30.-Encouragcd by the
. hope or a specty reler or the present
strnlnet financial condition . Honrd or Trade
. . spculntors today closed their heavy lquid-
tLtIon . alHI all the grain markets closed
' hIgher. 1lny wheat gained % e , May corn
% c , anll May onts % e. Provisions Inlsheel
with but little chnnge. Whlt got a weak
stnrl , and for n few minutes It looked ns Ir
there mIght be n repetition or yesterday
unlonlng or the hul holdings. Long wheat
did not come out , however. The Liverpool
market wn a shnde steller nt % d advance
but on tie other hand the northwestern receipts -
ceipts tle the day were heavier than they
. were on the corresponding day last year
and the Berln market was 1 mark lower.
. An Impression that congress would have to
do somethlnS ! In line with the presldent's
recommendatIon was largely helprul. TILe
' total receIpts at primary markets were only
lCO hu. . compared with 21.0 bu. a week
r ago nnc 2.0 bu. n year ago. The ndvlces
. received here ( torn 131. LouIs Kansas City .
Detroit and other markets or less Impor-
' tnnce were that country millers were dmw-
InS from the stocks ut those Itace5. I was
said that much heavier Purchases for export
were made yesterdny nt the seaboard than
had been given out . the New York takings ,
Il Was said , having amounted to f.210.o hu.
At Chicago 120 cnrlouds or No. 2 red were
rcporteel to have heen sold late yesterday
afternoon for rail shIpment to the seubonrd.
When later In the day I was wired from
New York that Secretary Carlisle Wn ubout
. . to arrange for the placing or $10.0.0 ( or
bonds nt once to relieve thc present depleted
state ot the treasury . the market became
firm nnd sold UII to & c for May about un
, hour from thu close. 'rhe Olcnlng price was
. from 52'c to 52c , ns against & 2c bId nt
the close yestercluy. I ndvunce,1 , to 5c. sold
oft again to 52'c , improved to 5'c. as already -
rudy mentioned , and was quiet but steady
. c
at lc ut the close.
. Corn was wenlt for a few minutes at the
start cue to the slumpy beginning made Iy
whent. 'rhe former was the frst to show 1
return or confidence and ruled Irm all day
- litter the first half hour or the scsslon. The
openIng prIce or May was very Irregular
there being sales slmllnneoulY at 43c and
; 43c , principally ' , howevcr ut the lower quo.
tation . I gradually hardened until Just
ns the market was closing . from 41c to 44e
was pul ! . I cloRel1 with 41c us thr general
I.- trading price. 'rhe receipts were light today
' - and estimates smul for tomorrow The
general Impression among the pit traders
was that liquIdation by country holders hud
ceseel 1111 that the chances In the near
. future were In favor or the buyIng In soft
buytng ser
, - spots.
Oats started firmer and remained so 11ur-
lag the entire seRslon , excepting nt one time
just before the opening . when the Ilrlce fell
fe under. The market closed with the high
prices 11revnllng. Business throughout was
, active. The parties who yesterday put forth
their best efforts to raid the market were
Prominent today for free buying. The general -
erul buying wus also good . and notwlth.
, , standing the fact that commission houses
. continued to pour In country long stuff . the
market was stronglY held. Sympathy with
' the nelgh\orlng cereals was greatly In-
. " luentnl In cl'entnS some ilrmness. May
started nt from 28c to 2c , sold down to
2Sc. ; and 111 to 2c. where I closed.
, . The ProvisIon market was overwhelmed nt
the begInning by the news from the yardR.
Insteal of 3..0 : hogs , as estmted. 43.0
; . beaU was given ns the dny's run and 36.0
held ns the probable receipts for tomorrow.
. The opening prices for pork . lard nnd ribs
were at from 5c to lOc 1 < loW the closing
. prices or the day before . but the rates made
nl the beginning were at the bottom or
t' ' nearly so . or the dny'R rnnge. Packers
bought nt the decline and took In the course
or the Ilny enough to cause n recovery ot
the ently loss. Pork and lard , COml1'lred
j with the closing prices yesterday , were un-
L changed . , and ribs 2e lower.
Estimated receipts ! for Thursday : Wheat.
a cars : corn 102 cars ; oats , 10 cars , and
: 86,0 head ot hogs.
: The leading futures range as follows :
, Art l . I OpCa. Ij.l I ! I Low. I cio , .
- - - - -
? WlleItNo. ( 2
. Whet.No.2 . . . . . 40O G 40J ! r @ ,
P . Mi ) . . . . 52J' ' ( b33 ! 62 3"@J
July. . . . . 3 @J ( 64) ) 63) @ M '
Com No.2.
Jan. . . . . . . 414 414 4004 414
, May. . . . 4a ! ( ' , . 44JH4 43\ 44
July. . . . 43 r 43@h 43H 43"GH'
Oats No. 2. . . ,
May..4,4 . 28 27" 28
3day. . . . . . 28 'Gm . 29 28 29
Pork per bbl .
fr Jnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { 771d
t. , Mny. . . . 071 10 0214 0 42 1002 } }
. May..U
Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( S/
. May. . . . . . 045 . 0 55 . 0 42 } . 0 62
liay..0 . . . .
" Jan. . Rb8- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Ii" , Mny. . . . . . I :1 : 6'2'2 I 10 6 22
. Cash quotations vere as follows :
. fuoltons wer n tolows
b. " Iel > U-I .y.
A" WltFAT-No. 2 spring. [ 2(5'4c : No. 3 spring ,
nominal : No. 2 red . te50c.
0' CHN-No.2. Uvc < : No. 3 ) 'elow. 40c.
, OATHNo.2. 2'Ac ; No. 2 whIte , 31'4tJ31c :
. No. 3 whltl ! 3O'4j3i'4c. .
# UYI'-No. 2. We. 31Ic.
JAHI. Y-No. 2. 5c : No.3 , 1G c ; No.4.
. 53c.I.'I.AX mgD-No. I. 143.
. . TIMOTHY HEED-Prime. $ . .80.
1'IIOVIHIONH-Mers pork . per bbl. . $9.75@
F' 9.57 ½ . I.un. per 10 lbs. . $ G.37ttiG.4O. Shell
9.87H. !
ntis plde. loose . 55.06t15.1O. thy baited shoidors
' $5.Zn5.3. boxo4. * 4.624.5 ; short clear aides l , boxe <
\VJIISKY-Distihiers' fInished gopdn , per gal. .
. ' 1.22. gops
SUOAnR-cut loaf , S4.G9 : grnulnl . . $ 3.01 ;
, slnnlan A. :382.
' . The following were the recelpls and shipments
- today :
. - ArllehJ8. Receipts. shipments.
- - - - - -
J'lolr. bbll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.000
, Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . : . 1.000 . ) 13.000
Corn , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130.00U 70.000
OtR. Ut : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,00 : ) 112.000
. Hyo.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.000 ( ,000
, harley . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.000 13.00
, On the Pro.imo * , uchtnro : tOday the b.ttor mast-
ket was RIl'nlly : c.amery. la:30 ; dahrj 10
QOo. Eggs . lnn ; 16 ( 2 " 0.
, , NEW yunlt U NItA [ . MAlutET.
Clollng Qtotatloaotltlio I'rlnclpat Com-
modltos Imll lllllles.
NEW YORK , Jon. 30.-PI.OUn-necellts.
, ' .0 Ubla : clOts. ICO bbls. : sales :5.:01
pkgs. ; mOllcet active arnl lint : lt the clope. lug
business In : lower
sllrnl I'ntentl owing 10 r rail
rates ; nl.o lower northwestern mnl ets. Winter
wheat , dull. Southern ( hour . quiet lye flour ,
dull ; lIB. 230 bbls hhuekwheat flour , quiet.
, JltlC'hC\V1II6AT-QIiet II ISfille .
COlN MI AI.-Qul'll ! ; sahes. 2. 0 sacks nn0 4)0 ( )
bbls. ; yellow wcoter ,1.OSUI.12 , : Irand'wlne < ,
' 2.0.
1tY1-Nomimmai ; car lots 54t153c boat loads .
. . HYn-Nomllnl . clr . 54(5c : : bt lon.
t :7c.
1.hltiEY-Neglecie.l ; No. 2 Milwaukee . HU6c ;
two'rowel .In I . ClSIOir .
, * W'liluA'l'-htet'climts. 8W bu. : exports. r.o
: bu. ' sales . .I.o Iu. , futures anti ,1I,000 bu
" 111 Slot mnrkl.t dul but firma : No.2 red . In
c. slore nail elelllor , & : o : alliati . 55 % . . ; t. o. b. .
r S8o : No. I. C6\.0 \ dl'eree 5S,8 ; . 1 hard.
: cno atlonl. 01lton8 steady on 11 nhl'ICe ot
S idling 1'lelUre ' nnll brighter \'ashiiugtoa news.
und ater : n. reaction became flrm again . holding
/ Il'netol Irm ollln.
' . ; limo stelllhl'SS up to time close wh'ehas 01
" 6lo net nh'olce. Ther was not much
feature 10 Iho n1rk l : Nn. 2 red January Mc :
; l"lbrary , tic ; Mnrch , & 7 < 59c. closed at tTC :
. . 11 iity . % ( " ' , do.,1 01 iSe : JUl8 closed lt
8e : .iuig . r1.f5 % c. closed ut W1c : August
f'5 ! ( ' . cioseti ut Wtc.
; COIN-I.eelll. I.Z bu. : ell'orls. 2.11) bu. :
, . raies , 31.00i hu. future . nlli & ,0 bu. spot
Spot ( Irma : No.2. 4.0 1 [ elevator :
steamer znied . .SIHf480 In elevator Option.
01"1 weaker but immt'tllately rallied on Olllons
uhort deal . anti . later further advanced Oi smilsit
car lot estlmat'a . leconrlng nil time early smul
anti closing Irm nl "a net advance : Januar ) '
clozk'd at 47c : 1eel'nary ' closed at .n.o ; May
4 t7 lf8c , closl' at 4S'c ! : July , 43tS4c . closed
at UI c.
OArtnl elll8 :5.40 bu. ; ezporta . 10 lu. ;
sales ! . : .O bu. futurcjm anll 1.0 bu. slot .
SPOt market dull : tUllrel 3Hf3.0 ; No. 2 . l'I\ ( ' ,
L trod l. a , e' No 3. 33c : No. 3 while . 3C36"e < :
track , while wel.m. 37CUC' ; track white { . ,
170Uc , OlltonB qUle't . closing ! 1. .i.t'Ac net ad.
'uncu : January closed Lit 3c ; l"ebuary . 33J
' 4 & 'c. eQ..1 at 3'e : March closed ul 33he : 3"C
U aj3c. closed al lIe.
, Imo. IA \ . < y : ' shlpphn , CaS5 ; roe to choice
101SRlea , ' ) ' ; state . common 10 choice 01.1. .
1@7c ; . new 6Ulc ; l'acllo Coast . old , 3\\7c ; new ,
Itle.11D ! -Stea < y : wet gaited New Orioan. se.
, lecte 4S to 65 lb. . 41ar50 : hiuvnos Ayres . I to
I' 1' . Ie : 'e'Bs. dry U 10 3 lbs. . ltflc.
. LI A''ltm-Flrl : hemlock sole . luen" Ayres
light 10 heavy 14ltjhTc.
WOOI.t'lrm : domestic fleece . 1U28c : pulled .
IUUto' T.u. 5U %
l'IOhHINI-lee. easier ; family . 10.06\.0 ;
extra mess . JS , beef haml. I 6o 1.0 : l"ck.l.
. 19.50010.90 , , 'ly ellm India mimess . $ hC.000I8,00.
Cut meal. elell\ \ ) ; pickled bellies . t.t4b5o . I.ul
, .h'ady : weBler .I'am closed . at $6.10. nominal :
Bitiep . 6. . t4ec's nt fC.G : cl ) at eG65c ; sales ,
15 l.n./ : options . January closed UI 16.7. .om.
Inal : May . f6. I. nominal : rell\l' . steady , conti-
' Semmt IJy $ 7.Z : ; S. A. . $70 ; c.Jlpoun < , 3(5'0 ' cnt- ,
. . IItYll'11t-Rieody : we.ler dair. 1061c ; wul.
, nn creamery. lt:4e ; " .h.r taclory. 811\c :
we.ter' creamery . IUjZlo , Iiglns. : Uc , imitation
ceam rY. lQ43e ; elSie dairy . lOUISe .
CEEtE1ul and weak ; lUlIe , large . PCl . c ;
smell . 9 ! Ol ; part llm . 21ge : full 9kim . . '
2totce. !
JJOSSlnml ; lIlI and T'ennsyh'nnln 2402e ;
Ice Mis" . 18f le ; western fresh I. 2 ! i2G loulh-
Im. 24f2e I reeeipts . . 2.3 Jkl .
TAIl.OW'-Actit'e and higher , city , 4'Ae ' : cnun.
try . 4" ( ' 55 In quality.
i'ITIOhCL'M--Nonmlnmtl : Unted closed $10 ! :
WRllnRlon , 1,1,1 , . $ S.S00lSO , WAshlnltnn fl
lmmlk . SUO ; r nn,1 Now York $5.81 ; Ihllulephin {
and ( laltlmore . $ .h ; I'hllndelphmIs and hlaltimore .
In hllk. $ .2.
flOSlN-Quhet ; trained , common to good . ' 135
. .
( 'tuit1'n'rlr.-uiet' .
Ttl'I.NTmr.ul.I' :40
ltIClu-Semimly ( : domestIc fair 10 extra , 4U6"c ;
JA1)ln : , 44ale .
1tOLASsL'0-eady . : ; open ktttle . geed to cho'el
:30:8c. 11 IILON-Dulil : Scotch , 19.0:0.o : Amerl.
con $ I.tOtil2.W.
OIANOH-Uul ; fancy , sound , $ .081.0 :
others S2.ooflIJ.o.
TN-Iiy ; 8lrnls. $14.23 nolNI ; plates . weak ;
sales on 'change . 10 teems February . SI3.2 : 10 tons
Sl'h1.TIit-\Vcalc : ,1mCEtc , S3.tO. $
L1Al-I"irm1 : hl'ker' < ii1ce , $3.02 % \ ; exchange
pIleI U.IN13 13 % .
lO'II.IHIp"Ihrkers' ! : , : price , $0 : u.
change Irlc" 19.90(10.51.
COTTON HI.U ( { OlrQullt. wih close about
former quotations for email parcels : round lots
pO'RlllY lower to Bel : Prime white . 3'310 , fern-
lad . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OMAHA O1N&3itAL'iiA1tIU'1' .
Condition ot Trailoasid . tjtlntmttlnn on
StRide and } I101 . t'raluee.
IIUTTFII-Culled stock 5c1 : common 10 fair I
10@10 : fair to good country , I22c : choice 10
fancy , ISICc : gathered creamery . 19c ; separator '
creamery . 2002ic .
l(1OH-Sirlctly : fresh 111. 180
1.1\1 : 10tf.TIY-hld < ns.W.c \ : duek9. Co ;
turkr'ye . G16e \ : heavy toms 'c ; geese , Ge.
tussgn I'OtjlTItY-Clmlckens . fair Cc :
choice large . 6H17e ! ; choice small . 708c ; turkeys
fair to good 8U8c \ ; choice heavy . 8\ 90 : choice
small . 9\010c ; ilucks fair to good . 7WUSc : fancy .
tul ,111.(1. 9alOc ; geemme . fair 10 good , 7WUSo :
CUe ) ' . full . lresscd . SliDe
0.\\:111' wing teal per doz. . $ l.WSJI.75 :
green wing teal , her Ilnz. . $ l.25Sl1.&O : ducks
nmix'd . ier I Ioz. . $1.00l.21 : cnavasbacks $ .01
5.0 : mallards and led hIls. $2.50P2.75 : smash
rabbIts . 75iU.tJ : jack rabbits , U. : 1.5 : Mull-
tel , * 6W.
rls cc.
Vf'ALCholco fat . 70 10 10 Ibs. , are quote
at M1Gc : lingo and coarse . 3.c. :
CTEI'SI'Wlsconsln full cream . Young A.
lie ; twins. 12\e \ : NebrllC and Iowa full
cream lie ; Nebraska nml lawn. part skhm . 76
8c ; Llmlurger . No I. lie ; brick No. I , lIe :
Swhs. Nn. I. Ie.
hAY-Upland hay , $9.60 : midland . $ ' . [ 0 ; low-
land $8 : _ rye straw $6. Color makes the price
0 [ hay. Light shades sell tIme best. Only top
grades bring top prices.
I'IOEONS-Old birds per < oz. . 7Gc ( U.0.
10TATOI S\'ester stock , car lots , C5c :
somali 101B. 70c.
OLD ltliNS-ifan(1.piclcd ( , na7. U.90 ( 2.0 :
I.lml beans . per lb. . rc. \ .
ONIONHI oHler9. VOc.
CAIIIIA flF-On orders . i'J1c. ! 1
CI I.I'HY-lec : doz. 11(15W ' .
: t'le.
SuE'r I 1'OTATOjS-l1ome grown , 12.50j2.5 ;
Kanami. , u. 10TATO 00 . S-lore $201.75
II1IETS-i'er bhl. . $ l.5O0i.7 $ .
CARItOTS-l'cr bbl. S.GO .
CAUi.1ii'LOlfller crate ot a doz. and half
10 two < oz. . 52.250j2.50 .
TOlSIIADISH-ler lb. . G ( Ho.
PAH NIIHPer hibl. . U.
HUTAIAGAS-I r Ih. . lc.
PAHSI.NY-P.r dos . bunches 35Q
TITltN1l'51'cr < , . . .
TIINIIS-P.r 1,1. $1.50.
SPINACII-l'er hibi. . $2.75.
P17Afl8-Winter Neihls . U. .
API'LICS-Genitons . 13.00'J3.25 ; choice easter
stock . SI.
OHAIIS-Coneorl. nnn ; Malagns , per 65 to
C8.lh. bIds. . grass . ; ;
C1CANIL1OtItIES-Jeraeys . fancy $ l1.O011.50
per hibi.
OnANGFSl"lorhlls. per box. 13.75@4.0 ; Cnl-
Irorla navels . $ .W ; seclngs. $3. .
DANAN\SCholco stock . $ 2.00012.50 per bunch.
I.I'JMONS-New 1esslnn9 , sizes 30 to 360 , $3.50
i'INIAPPLI3S-per doz . . S2O@I.O.
O\STEnSMI ulm. per can IGc : horse.hoes.
20c : extra slnnllnn . 21e ; extra selects. lIe : corn-
p"ny selects . 26e ; New York counts , 30 : bulks ,
standard . per gn1. $1.30.
NI W rIGSt xlm fancy IGe : fancy Hc :
choice . 12@13e : California. bags . 7e.
h1ONlY-New York. 11c ; dark . 1401110 ; Call.
torah , . IGe ; strainl . 4 10 10-11. cans per lb. . 10c.
ItAPI.B SYHUl-Gnlol Jugs . per < oz. , 12 ;
Ixby I gnl. calms . $3.
NUTS-Almonds. ISo : English walnuts , soft
shelled . 12c : standards . 10c ; filberts . 8010c : BrazIl
( ( ( Its . Se.
SAUgn InAUT-holcc white . per bbl. . 14.5001
' -
5.00 : " .r' hllr hhl. 02.50(12.75.
MINCg IIPAT-I"nncy. In hAlt bbI9. . per lb. .
1\20 : 10-gnl kegs , 6c : condensed per .a.e ot 3
doe. pk ! . . $2.50. .
CIDEn-Pure juice , per bbl. . $ ; half hibl , $3.
lIDES1o I green hides 3'.c ; No. 2 green
iihde . 1c ; No. I green salted hIdes . 5c : No. 2
green salted hIdes 4\.c \ ; No. 1 green salted hides ,
2 : 10 40 I"s. . 5e : No. 2 green salted hides Z to
,40 , lbs. . 4tc ; No. I veal calf 8 to 15 Ibs. . Sc ; No.
2 veal calf . 8 to II lbs . 50 : No.1 dry flInt hides
Cc : No. 2 dry ( lint hides . 60 : No. I dry salted
< snled
hides 5c : part cured hides 'e per lb. < less titan
' fully cured.
SIEEI PEI.TSOreen salted . each 2i60 ;
green sale < shearlngl ( short wooled early skins ) .
each . G@15c ; dry shearllngs ( short woled early
slclns ) . No.1. each. @IOc : dry shenllgs ( short
woled early skins ) . No. : . , ench. Sc ; dry Sint
< r Int
Kanms and Nebraska buleher wool pelts , per
lb. . actual weight 6019c : dry flInt Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts . per lb. . actual
Weight 401Cc ; thy flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts . per lb. , actual weight .06'o : dry flint
Colorado murrin wool pelts . per lb. , actual
wlghl. .a6c.
TALLOW AND OnEASETalow. No.1. 4@
" e : tallow . No. 2 . 3Y@.c : grease . white A , 4V(1
4c ; grease white D. 3c ; grease . yehtow . 3c ;
grease dark 2 % f3c : old butter . 2@2Hc : 3\c .
vax . prime , 17@2Uc : rough tallow , 20
St. I.ul bound 3imerget .
ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 30.-t'LOUn-In better de.
mund . prices unchnnged. beter ee.
WlEAT-pened weak . sold 'l3wn ' c . rallied
v6c , but lost I all , then bUlgel1 Sc . quieted
down 'o and cloectl % @Yc above yesterday . the
unsettle , ) condition being due t < Inanelnl ( fears.
No.2 red cash . 49Ye ; ; January , Cc : Slay , I1c ;
July &l3c.
COHN-lnsed off earlY , but rallied later .
closing U\.e \ higher than yesterday . < No. :
mixed cash . lIe ; January . 3Sc ; February , 3.1c ; I
May. n % .O .ei ; July 41c 3SYc l"cbruol' 3Yc '
OATS-Market unset < closing % c higher I
No. 2 eam.hi . January I.'cbrnry and Slay , 2 .c.
ltYl5-No. 2 offered. east aide , 53c hl <
1IAItLIIY-Market s'ery quiet . end unchanged .
HIOAN-Market _ Slr01 \el' . LOt 1,1,1' , ( < .n.,1 ! <
_ - - . - . n _ - . - . - - . . - . .
trn :
C.OVPH 8fl1D-C1ioice . $ S.00S.2.
TiMOThY Ht6lD-$5.25015.50.
hAY-Market dull and weal < . but not quotably
chlnJ , I.
IilI'Vi'l3It-Market unchanged at recent decline.
mlTEH-Murkel It
! < dcln.
gGUHJtlet higher lt IiIe.
LSAI-Mmuket quiet and firm at $2.95.
Sl'1tJFflit-Mnrket dull nt $2.95.
COHN , MIOAL-.0O(1l.95.
\sl ( ISKY-l.22.
10H-Slalllnre mess Jobbing . 810,12 % ! : lard .
! $0.12
prime Ble.ll. , $6.25 ; choice $6.37dr \ : sal meat <
antI bacon . unehiangel.
HECEI'-I'ICur. 1.0 Ibls. : wheat . 1,0 bu. :
corn 6.0 lam. : oats . 7,000 bu.
SIIPUN'IS-I'lour. 6.0 hbls. : wheat , 16OO
bu. : corn . .O bu. : oats , c.OO bu.
InlUmoro Mnr\ot.
AI.TtIIOnI. Jan. 30.-FLOUR-Dull . un ,
changed : receipts li.529 bbls. : shipments , 0,203
W'IIF3AT.-Steady : spot and moith 55 .f5c . :
May , & 61f:7 e ; June & 8i581 c ; steamer No. 2
red. [ 23cjI3c : receipts , 4.6C9 hu. : stock 7CO.&H
ho : sales . & .OJ 11. : southern wheat by Bam-
rIo 1 > . 550137e . : SCllhel wheat on grade . 53@G6'c.
COHN-1.'lrm : > POt an,1 , month , 45ttf41c : May .
HI.c . hid ; steamer mixed 4I4l4c ; receipts ,
22,11 bu . ; . sloel , 66,87 11. HlfHe ; 49.0 bu. :
soulhell white coma 4:6.Cc : : southern yellow
corn . : f4G" .
OATS-Fusy : No. 2 white . western . 360136c ;
No. 2 mixed . 31t31\ \ ' ; reeelpls , 19.709 bu. : stock
lYE-Dul anti easier : NO.2. & 7c ; receipts .
.6S6 ho . : stock . S6.4GO hu recellts.
12.W. IIAY-1a5) ' : b"UOe to .holee timothy , $20f
CIAIN I"H HITS-FJrm. unchanged .
HUCAl-Unchnngcl. <
IU'IIH-FI m. unchanged.
IWGS-I"Jrm ; choice , 2Gc.
ItlnKIS City Markets .
KANSAS CITY Jnn. 30.-WIIEAT-F'irmner ; No.
: hard 011 roth. &Ofc : rejected .G" . Samalilt'
SII" f. o. hi. MississIppi river : No. : hnr . .
&f5Cc : No. 2 red iTo : <
COltN-Actha and ltlo higher : No. 2 mixed.
39fHO : Nn. 2 whIte . .o(401 c
OATS-l"lrmer : No. 2 mIxed . 256130c : No 2
whmitt' . 311 % C. 2YU3C
ICYF2-Market firm : No.2. &OC.
FLAX Shh0t-2itarket eul 01 $ .301.31.
IthlAN-Market steady at Wo70c.
hAY-Market weak but unchmangetl.
IIUT"I'lOlt-Market firm and Inchlng .
I'GGH-Marl finn nt 19'.4G2W. <
Imtlt"I-\\'heal. 3.0 ' ( : oor. 7.0 bu ;
Dais. 6.0 541.
SHIIMI NT8-Wheat , none ; corn , 301,0 imu. ;
Oats . hone
Toledo Orln Market.
TOLI3DO Jnn. 30.-WIIAT-Aelh'e. I firm ; No
Z cn.h and January , f % : May S4tjiic.
C N-A ct h'l. 111 : Nn. 2 mnixeml . lie ; May
4Ho ; Nn. : ntitetl . IDa : ; yellow . 40e.
UATH-Dul. .ll len ; No. Z ntixed I , 3G : No.3
witite. 32c.
lYI'-Dul : cnh , 52\fc. \
CI.OVCH Sl0hl-Acthve . . . steady : prime cash .
January ant F\4truary . : ; March 15.21t. "
HtCI I'TWh.ul. 6.6 bu , ; corn . 19.0 bu. :
clover seeti . lf7 bags. ,
SII'1t N''H1'our. . .0 isiga : wheat , 1.6
( mu. , corn . 2.0 bu. : clover seed , 86' bags.
I'nrl" " 'rket.
P1ORiA . Jan. 30.-COhN-Quiet : No. 2 4Oc :
white. OA'0'-Quiet' ' j No 2 white , : Hj30 ; No. :
\ 1tYU--2.t4miinui. .
WlIHln'-I"Srl , : high wine . S. 3.
It'CtI'I-Wheut. ; : 2.0 ; corn , 38.0 : oats , 33 , -
G ; f. . none : bariey . 4 , : ) .
HII'MI'N''IWh.nt. : GI corn , 6. & : oats :6.-
fO ; rye , none ; barley , . . '
11110"11011. \ t ( semiS flrket .
MINNI AI'Ot.lf. Jau. : -Tlero was an un.
ml.lkubly btler feeling In the wheat llt today.
1''tun" gained about " ' horn yesterday tony. .
there was a 1':0" trade. Ca.h wllut wu lne :
slow , the mllel being conservative IJunTs.
Receipts were 1 : cars , uoln.t 11 carl last ) .
- # . - . . .
( " 1 : January . r c ; May . M"e ; .Tuly. t'T e. On
t k : No. I hnr,1 Uc : No.1 northern &ei
No. Z northern , t4'40. ,
8TUCU.S ANt \ 1D8 )
"hhk1 Trust Heel , W'o Sold bnt Only to 1
JOIfr.\to 1)egree. )
NEW YOm . Jan . 0-Tho fact or the
appointment , or receivers for the Distilling
anti Cattle I eelln company , which was
known to a few after the close or buslnes'
yesterday . betle public property this
10rnlnl and Intlce1 selling or the stock ,
but only to I molerte del ( less than
15.0 shares having bee" cenll In up to
noon and only about 4.0 shares during
the rest or the day. On the early selling
the stock declined 1,4 per cent to 7j . but
subsequently reco\err the full loss , react-
lag to 8 , antI by noon rallying to Sg , During -
ing the afternoon the shares fluctuated between -
tween S * amid 8 % closIng nt the lower ilg-
ure being only" / leI cent down on the
Severe criticisms were passed 1) ' the
street upon the action or President Green-
hut In ( nelenvorlnl to forestall the Rtoclt-
hoMers' protective commltre In its 11'.t-
Ialon of limo cmpnny's affairs anll Jtldge
Orosscup til not c cllle conllemnnton for
1111nl mace the appointments out . of
coui.t . thereby aronlnS nn opportunity for
the wlhhollnA , or the news from the piI-
lie for about tweuI-slx hours. The stock
was well sUJPorte 1 unler Ihe clrclmstnnces
and the hears were deterred by this fact
from putting out too many short lines.
f'her will be on active legal ' t"thl made
by the protective committee for the re-
10\nl of tile receivers. The committee
( titUs to have proxies for n large majority
ot the capital stoct which have beent . ror-
warded to Chicago to be used for the Ilr-
poses of th ? committee at the annual meet-
lag and possibly II curt l1roCeedlngs.
The nntonal financial . slunton wn I
source or much anxiety to the operators on
the Stock excilange and the Ulcelalnty
undolbtedly ( restricted the transactions and
unsettled the speculation The announce-
meat that Secretary of the 'rreuury Carlisle -
lisle was coming to New York to confer
wIth bankers Wn made early In the day
and caused discussion ns to whether hl8
mission was to prepare the way ror I bond
Issue or to take up . the ell shipment IIUes-
( ion. SubsCIUunt ) It was learned from the
Associated press dispatches that Mr. Car.
lisle was rl coming but that Assistant
Secretary Curtis was on his way to this
city anti It was at once ucelltec nI n
fact that he was the bearer or I commission -
sion to treat for the floating of the new
hiontit which rumor had It were to be 4
1)e ! eents. _
The withdrawals of gold from the sub-
treasury were $1G.O. all or which It Is
said wiii gO forwnrtl on Saturday next. Considerable .
siderable discussion wa created hy the Na-
tonal Bank or Commerce's reaoluton calling
01 the Clearing House association to rescind
Its rule against the opening or special gold
accounts hy the bnnltR. All the onclnls or
other banks who : woul speak on the suI- I
.Iect condemned the proposition ns lJttnl ,
gel In a preferred class ot monC ' . and al '
agreed that If the clearing house should
grunt the request ( . or which there Is believed
to be no possibility ) the drain on the treus-
ury gold would be still heavier than It Is
All or these circumstances tended to nn
irregular stock market and during the
greater port ot the cay the general list
fluctuated generally between strength anti
weakness but toward the close there was
fairly good buyiag . which imparted a strong
tone to the Inll dealings. Compared with
'esterlay's closing figures the Inst prices
made today are mainly higher and particularly -
Inrly for the active list. There was less
activity to the trading In bonds today and
the temper of speculation was generally
henvy. Townrds the close there was I
jpurt 1n some of the speculative Issues but
.purt uIRetted tone Ilrevaled It the closes
Total snlett $1,031,500.
The gyenlng Post's London cablegram
says : The stock markets were dull todny.
Consols were lower. Americans were lint .
but closed nearly SOc better. The money
market Is tightening I little on the possI-
blllty or nn American loan.
biity folowlnS were the closIng quotations
on the leading steels or the New York ex
change today : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. \ hI80n. . . . . . 3 . ' Norlhwe9tem. . . ll
Adms Express. . 140 N. W. pfd. . . . . 143 .
AltommT.1L . . . . ars N. Y. Cenlrnl. . . . Oi
lon. nfd. . . . . . . lit N. Y. " N. 10. . . . 21'
Am. Exllress. . . 100 Ontario & W. . . . ll
Italtirnoro J . Ohio 0il ! Oregon lamp. . . . . . 10
1'"llmo. Iml.
'Can.1tl . Paehilc. , . llH Orgol Nay. . . . . 18
Canada Southern. . 48' ' 0. S. L & U. N. . 4
Central Paciilc. . . lilt . Pacific Mall. . . . . 204
Cites. & Ohio. . . . lJ 1 Pittriburg. . . . . . 160
'Chicago Aiton. . . 1.17 Pullman Palace . 165
C. D.I lo Q. Alon. . . . . . 1.1 7fJ ( Pullnnn ! < . . . . . . . 1l5 '
Chlenlo G9. . . . 7 Uchmone Tot. . . 16
Consolidated Gns. 120 do pfd. . . . . . . 20
C. C. < . : .1 St. L. . . 37 R. < G. 'V. . . . . . . ItH
Colo. Coal & iron . I ( C. G. W. prO. . . . . 43
Cotton 01 Cerl. . II Itoek 11Iand. . . . OUl (
Caton " ilud. . 1:0 SL. Patti . . . . . . . 6494
Del. . Lnck. & W. . 160" ) do pfd. . . . . . . . . 10
D. & It. G. ptd. . . 3291 SL. 1.1 Omaha. . . 32"
D.&C.F.Co. . . . 814 dopUi. . . . . . . Ill
Erie. . . . . . . . . . 1194 Southern Pacific. . . 17
'do Pfd. . . . . . 2O Sugar Ielner ) . . 81H
Fort Wnyne. . . . 167 Tonu. Coal & Iron. 1
G. Northern ufd. . . lOC Texas Pacific. . . . .
C. & EI. oM. . . DO T. & O. Cent. pfd. 8J
IiockingVaiicy. . . 10 Union Pacific. . . . 81'
illinois Central. . . 8U" U. S. Express. . . . . 41"
St. . & Duluth. . 20 W. St. 1 & P. . . 514
l6. 1. T. prO. . . . . . 31" do smrd. . . . . . . 12"
Lake Erlo & West Hi Wols Faro Ex . 105
Lko ord. . . & . . . . ill ) Wefom Union . 80H
Lalt Shoro. . . . . 131134 Wheeling .ic L E. I
Lead Trust. . . . . 1301 do p50. . . . . . . SO
Louiavtiio & N. . 4\U M. & SI. L. . . . . . 20
I. . & N. . & . . . . \ D. ki G. . . . . 10 (
Manhattan Con. . . 10054 G. E. . . . . . . . . 3t .
. 2ttempttls&O. . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . 1794
Michigan Cent. . . $1314 C. F. & 1. . . . . . . 23"
MIRRourl Cent.3' do p90. . . . . . . . 71
Mobile & Ohio . 11 1 & T. C. . . . . . 214
'Nahvle Chat. . . 04 T. ' A. A. & N. M. . 314
National Cordn e. 494 T. St. L. & K.C . . 1
Nalonal . . . . . . R doprd. & . . . . . . I
N. J. pte. . . . . . 87t4 ! 8. It. R. . . . . . . U
N. & W. pfd. . . . . . 11 < 0 "r < . . . . . . 30"
North Am. Co. . . 2U Am. Tob Co. . . . . 0214
Northern Pacific . 2H do pitt. . . . . . . . 107
No. Pac. Paclfo. . . . 1M SI. P. . M. & M . . 100
U.P.D.&G. . . . 21
S bId.
The total sales ot stocks today were 125.430
shares includIng : American Sugar 13.4 : But-
IItol. 3.60 : Chicago ( Ins . 17,000 ; DIstilling &
Cattiefectlhng . IS.9 ; General Eeclll" . 3.2) ; Lou.
IHvle & Nashville. 9G : New Jersey Central ,
3.Z : NatIonal Lead. 3.70 : SI. lull. 10.G :
Southern preferred , 3.G ; Western Union 3,200.
Now York Money Market.
Easy at 2 per cent all dny.
PIMI ; ImnCANTt.I : pApER-3a6 per cenl.
HTBnLINO JXCIANOI'fHroDG. with actual
business In bank rs' his nt U.S9.0..89to. \ . dc-
1J1 anti 14.SSt014.S8 ' for sxty ! < \'s ; posted
rates , * 4.S0011.S9',4 and S.O I.9commercial \ :
bills. U.81.f4.87Ih.
HI.I : H tBl''IFIATES- <
GOVEIINMflNT . : 110N138-aenerully steady but
wnl for the tours which have , llclned I,013 .
per cent on the report that the expected < bond will bo at 4 per cenlB. State bonds . dull.
Hell > bonds . heavy.
. ClomlngiuOtatlOns on bonds were 09 follows :
U. S. is. reg. . . . . 14 I * D. & 15. G. 4. . . . 7U
I , . S. 69.eoup. $ . . . 16" Erie 20s. . . . . . . O :
U.S.49.1'1..12 GII. . . A.Os. . lD
U. B. 48.eoup. . . 112 107R. . . . . . . 1UO
'U . S. 2s. tog. . . . 17 n. & T. C. Sa. . . . 104
'I'ocilo ( rOi. 16. lit do 09. ( . . . . . . 102
Ala. Cha'ma A. . . 11 M. Ir. . . T.lsL 4s . 8i194
'Ala. Class 1. . . lUl < 021t 41. . . oR. . . BUJ
'Aln. Class C. . . 1. 'Mulual Union 09. 11
. /tia. Currency . . 1.1 . N. J. C. Ccii. Sa . . 1Bi
'La. Now Con. ) 4s. 0214 ! No. Pac isUt . . . . 12 %
' Siissourl (38 . . . IOU 102ds . . . . .
N. C. Us. . . . . . . 1:6 'N. , V. Consol/ . . . H5H
' N. C. 45. . . . . . . 18 ) do S. F. Deb. Sa . IOU %
S. 0. mionfmmnd . . . 114 R. G. Wesl. isis. . 0 :
Temni new set Os 84 St I' . COIsol9 79. 130li
' Temtn. new Bet 6s 100 ( do C..I p. % V. 61. 11014
'Tenti. old ( Os. . . . no ( : SI.I""I.M.ron.l. 10
Va. Centuries. . . . 6\ ( St. L. & S.F. Goit.O 103
do deferred. . . . UH : Tox. I'ne. ists. . . . 80
Alchlaou 4s. . . . (1894 ( do 2111. . . . . . 2214 !
dod A. . . . . 1794 U. 1' . 111 at ' 00. . 10h
Camauta So. 2'11. ' . lUl WesL Shore 4R. . . 10Ht
O. I' Isis or 'ill. . 100 % So H. 15. . . . . . . 16
'D. & ! G. 71. . . 14 % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C 11 < . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8m.I'r.mcl : co ( Muting Mtool' OuotltolL
SAN FRANCISCO . Jan 30.uTho onlelnt closlnf
quotations lows : tot mlllni stocks tOllay Were n8 101.
Aln . . . . . . . . . 41 Gould & Curr ) . . . . al
Alpha Cal. . . . . . 11 1aiu& Norcros . 8U
A101e13. . . . . . . . . . . 31 I JIlee. . . . . . II
LioiciLer. . . . . . . . 44 Kenllcky Con . . . 4
leHI.1 liolchor. . . O : Mexican. . . . . . . . DO
10elo Con. . . . . . . . 13 1ono. . . . . . . . . :2
Otillion. . . . . . . 12 MounL Uiubio . . . 10
Illwer Con. . . . . . 10 Ophmir. . . . . . . . . 17U )
Catetionta. . . . . . (3 ( I.otoll. . . . . . . 10
Chaleno COn . . . 34 Savage. . . . . . . . 43
Chmohlar ! . . . . . . . . ass : lorra Nnvada. . . 47
COlf\lenco. . . . . HI Silver 111. . . . . 4
Con. Cal & Vs. . . 850 Silver ICing . . . . 10
Con Imperial . . . . 1 1110n Cpn . . . . . 64
Crown h'olnt . . . 41 lush Con . . . . . . I
Exclmeqtmer. . . . . . 4 Yellow Jucket. . . 13
Sliver b.l. ( O ( ( UHe. Mexican dollars . 4034
c50c . Drafts , Bight l7o ; telegraphIc 22 % c.
10tollook Ilut"Uorn.
nOSTON. Jan. 80.-Cal loans . 21444 per coot ;
time loan9. : (3 par cent 010,111 prlcos tar
stocks bund and IInl11 ablr31 :
A. ' . &S. t. . . . . 334 We.IIIKh. Sloe : . . 3014
Am. Sugar . . . . . HOSt W. ElcC. 11M. . . . 41
Am. Sugar pIth . . 1C18. \ , . Cem.tral. . . . a !
lay State ( las. . . . 1014 Atchison 4s. . . . . 03H
Il.ITolollono. . . 100 New England : ( Is . 105 %
liol0u&Aittany . 211 U"I. Electric : Sa. . . 17
Doslon & 2dainu . . 3i179 Wis . C.mL. IBIs. . . 47"
&Mnilo. !
O. . Ii. & Q. & . . . . . In7J Atlantic. . . . . . . . 10
Fitchburg . . . . . 7Ua lollon & Montana : lH ,
Gn. Electric . . . aH 1110 k Boston. . . 014 ,
? ditxieamm Central . 1314 Calmmni.'I It hecla . 28tt
1oxl":1 CCnlrl. I CnlnnlL"
N. 5' . " N. E. . . . . : l" Centennial . lecla. . . 75
Old Colony. . . . . J80 t'rnkln. . . . . . . . HIt
( ) rt' . Short Liue . . 4 lCe.trsmrgu : . . . , , . . K
( tubber. . . . Lno. . . . . 401 le.lJarll. . . . . . . . . . 2114
Sn IHolo. . . . . . tU tmiacy . . . . . . . ) Il
WestF.ud . . . , . . ll'alarek. . . . . . . 145
do imfd. . . . . . . 80"
Lon.lon Stock OUOlllol' ,
LONDON , Jan . 3O.-4 I' itt . clohlgl
CanPaciflo . . . . 529 " St. l'atil cotn. . . .
trlu. . . . . . . . . . . : N. Y. C.liral. COll. . . : /H
Enlu9ds. : . . . . . . . 0:1 : ll.nnl.lvanla. . . 11 ' (
Ill.Centr.ti. . . . . . . . 8M Icn < lnl. . . . . . . 41' 41
Mexlcanonlinury.l5$4 ider. Cuu.nuw 4. 1r"
hilt SILVER-27 7.10(1 per olneo :
NONUY-34 } cool.
'fhl rll of dlloolnl In ( the OI'CI larkoL for
shorL bills I. H par ceul ; tf thrct utOuthmt'
bills .
I1Y , J' i'er cent
_ . . -
Therl Was Only y nt . Run of Cattle
Wih So Many log8 bC"Snlo nnll OIIJ About
the VinAl felAnc l'rlc"s Went
to l'lcecs In All
Sll , ; .
WEDN1SDAY . Jnn. 30.
The receIpts teeny were 1,42 cattle , ! .o
hogs and 36 sheep ns against 1.713 cattle .
4m , hoAs ant 181 sheep yesterday anti .028
cattle , 3.G1 hogs nne 1.13 sheep on ' .Cln s.
day or last . ' '
) weele. 'odny'8 large : un or
hogs brings the total for the month 0 far
Imp to 12.2 htnd . I gUilt or ? ,133 f.ver
January or last year
lNl''I.E 'hcre was only I light run or
caUl" nnu not ln ) ' beer steers among the
offerings. There were n few ralneh cattle ,
bl Ionl to compare with th , bist entle
limso 'ltereny uml ( the day fiefort' . Te :
mn"et was very slow anti about iOe lower.
T ! ' buyers . Were indifferent . unlwCI'e np-
pnu 1t ) In no hUt.y to 111 erd'rs. ' ) ne
bunl\1 \ ! ; or 1.:81 pound beeves brought $1 :0.
tim u ; prlee of the tiny . One oilier load
brCcHht $1.15. amI with the excepto' or
tiie ' two aules everylhllg went at prls
under $4.
Cow stuff was In moderate supply and fair
emnnd. The most desirable ! 1'nt ! ole nt
about steady Prices but anything else was
Stocker nnd feeders , were 'n Is'l .Je'ltl
ntl the market sio' 'here vas little Inquiry -
quiry from the cOlntr ) ' and snne or the
heavlest local R\e.lator Ihl no snmp IJt In In
appearalice tWo sulea : In the 3 ul'ds at mill. lell'e entJ-
lIW STlmns.
No. A \ ' . 11. No. A Y. l'm' . No. .A \ ' . Pr.
3. . 8.0 S3 25 : . . 92 ; $3 C 15..1210 $3 75
2..10i5 3 : 1..1060 350 20..I23J . 3 S ;
12. . . .1047 3j 1..12:0 3 f : . .16G 5 01)
1..120 330 H..I3 3 f 1..135 30
8..12 33 IS..16. 36 : 2..150 3 : ;
19..10S9 335 ' . .115 365 lT..1178 3 itS
16..1083 33 ; 20..127 3'7 1..1i8 . . I I ;
: : ;
21).1093 . :3 : 13..lo : ' : : ! . .131. 30
G..1036 3 W 17 . . . 1103 3 is 3i
CO\ .
I. . 4r 12 : 1..102 , } I : 9..1I1 2.0
2. . ISO 1 35 2. . ! ) I $ : 1.120t . ) 2 ro
1. . . 785 l.i ( 2. . SoS I 8 : I. .12 . 2 W
1..110 I. : 13. . 135 19) 3. . 82j 2 5)
3. . S.O 1 C 1..10.0 : 0 1..12:0 2 r,5
I. . 770 110 I. . 75 200 5. . . tIN 2 II
I. . 920 I r 2..100 : 2 00 fJ.102,8 ;
32. . 6' II ; 1. . L'O 0 6..102 . . . 25 :
. , . .l010 I s ; : ; 1..10 .0 20J 7. . l'Oj 2 GO
2. . 780 I 5 : 1..1020 2 I : 25 . . 812 260
8. . 06 1 r :6. . Li3 2 zJ : 1..101 6)
2. . 545 I c 1..122 : 2 ; 5..1000 26)
1. . 8C ' 1 r 1..10 2 : :1..100 : 37
1. . s I c H. . . 84 2 : ; 1. . 910 :
1. . 9 I c 3. . S56 2 : 1..131 271
. :
8..10 1 65 1..1310 2 : 1..121i 285
2. . S40 I 75 16. . . on 32 ; 3. . 9Z6 2 L5
6. . 90 I 71 3. . ltd 3 2 30 1. . .IIC ) 28
1..1010 I 71 I. . . 71) 1 33i 5 . . .112. } 29J
3..10 175 : . . 73 23i I7..11S3 . 29
I. . DGi 17 l..108 ; 230 1..183 . . ! 3 :
2. . . 810 I 7 ; 22. . . OSO ' 23 : 1..13iO 30 I
6. . D6G 17 ; 8. . 9:7 : 240 5..12SC , 20
[ .1:6 :
4 . . 853 I 'G I..130 liiliF'llltS. ) 240 1..10:0 3 Z :
G. . 4GG 1 30 .4. . . CI 2 0 4. . .6 2 55
4. . . 460 1.0 27. . 7:3 3 Hi 7. . 577 2 [ :
I. . 440. 1 C 4. . . 737 225 1. . 610 3 G
1. . 30 : 1 r 4. . . : i5 2.0 19. . 802 30
1. . CSO 20 1. . 70 2 r 1. . S9 32 ;
3. . G96 20 1. . 4TO , : & 0 : : . .I O 3.0
1. . 840 I GO l..l5$0s24h $ ) 2..12i)5 . 2 5.7
1..1340 I r (1) ( 2..121) ' ) 23' '
: . .185 1 7 : i..l.40-21o 1..13iO 240
1. . 6 : 17 : 1. . . 9S0 210 1..130 2.0
8..115 I 80 5..1 ± 22 ,315 , 1..80 . 2 50
I. . Go 18 : 1..13\0 2 t : l..1SO . . . Z r
1..IG I 90 I..H : ' 5 I. . . .1630 2 Cl :
1..IO 20 2..1" $ : : : 1..19i 2 &
' i..1500 2 0
1..1630 210 , I
7..Ui 33i . - -
. :
1. . 70 1 50 1. . iSo 2 0 1. . . 200 4 04)
I. . 120 1 50 I. . 2 : 2. . : 40
2. . 85 20 1.lo 3 50 1. . 10 410
2. . 25 2 : 2. . . : a iO I. . J80 4 C
6. . 31 230 I. . . liD' . .0 1. . IW 45
1. . 310 23 I. . lZ04i .4 80 1. . 170 5 00
3..173 2 C \ : dI 10 50
I. . rC 20 1. . . 2j r 28. . 641. 2 M I
8'GG , % 0 I. . rn1t tO.t , 7..10.7.280" '
1. . 90 20 7. . 7' ' 2 c G. . 788 ' 2 50 ,
4. . 475 20 8. . & , 2 , 69 2. " 850 2 s
15..r03215 /.G.26 12 . . B 20
3. . . 566 2 : 1. . 7.0' 3 G 12..78200 . .
I. . 45 2 2 12. . 672 : C ; 45..10.1 3 00
I. . . 70 2.0 2. . . 9.5 265 4..1027 0
21. . 81 2.0 2. . 840 2 70 1. . 90 30
4. , . 52 : .5 1. . 60 27 5. . 772 0
I. . 8S0 3 r 4. . . 70 275 2. . 72 72 30 30
1..IS 25 1. . i0 27 : 12. . . $97 3 10
2. . 7.5 2 C 18. . S7 27 : 1. . SS2 310
2. . o 2 & 1. . 970' 280 24. . . 9.9 3 11
:3. . 48G 2 1 : :
HOGSTher were 12 trpsh loads In the yards
this morning . being the IWlvlct reeelills In some
< uyB In addition 10 Iho trl"h arrivals there were
1.0 hollo\'ers from the 111Y before making the
total offerings 10,0019.iti
orerlng. 10.0.'lh 80 mAny hogs on MIl
and only about the usual demlnd t lower market
would naturally bo expeelcll. The big slump : r. :
the provision market however . rendered the :
pl\I howe\er. 5u1-
alon much worse for time selling inlorests . anti . the
market 10
repent the Ilhmse In common use In
the yards . was simply rotten . 10mmOl buyers uo
bid 1 sometimes not over 2Sc lower but It was
nothing unusual for n 10 claim that h"
hlll not been bid within 20e 01' 4
ot yestenlay's early wlhln . bU'er.1 apparently -
( nly did not earl for time imogs unless the ) ' appll-
get t great big reduction. Hale.m"l were slow
lo cut lose at the lIds matte . .an < very row loads
were weighed Ul before midday . In the end n
goodly proportion at time offerings was taken the
general market being about 25e lower . Toward
the close one hoed nt choice heavy hogs hroughl
U. as olan.t SU5 , the top yesterday . and $1.2 on
Monday. God hogs brought from $ .60 10 $3.75 .
$ $1.7
with laMs averaging tinier , 20 Ibs. tram $3.60
down 10 $ .3. Heprcucnlntve sales ; $3.10
No Av. 81 , . Pr. No. A , . . Sh. Pr.
1..15. . . $3 20 80..237 80 $3 PI.
1..15 . . 3 : 71..201.0 S 60
8..18 . . 335 78..176 . . 3 C
&S..153 . . 335 73..203 1:0 360
. . . . .187 . . . 330 SO..180.0 3 CO
7..152 .0 33 : . 6..2.8 . . 360
62..190 8 8.0 & . . . . . . . 360
2..16 . . 3.0 . . . . . . 8i 3 GO
. . . . . . . 3.0 7i . . . , . 193 . . C
H..2H 12 3.0 33..226 . 40 3 GO
27..16 .0 3.0 25..18. . . : C
00. . . . . . 147 SO 3.0 3..373 S 3 C
70. . . , . . 160 . . 345 36. . . . . . zir 120 3 GO
62. . . . . . 160 SO 3.5 & . . . .12 12 . . 360
3..20 LO 3. & 6..199 160 3 C
3..20 80 . ; 74..20 : 80 3 CO
69..160 . . 3. : ' & . . . .190 . . 3 & . . 3. : 63..200 . . 365
1I..IS .0 345 79..196 . . 36 :
S..HS . . 3.5 CO..22 40 365
. . . . . . . 345 85..212 10 3 65
10..16. . . 3. : S7..201 . . G ;
. . . . . . . 3. : & 5..20 . . 3 W
. . . . . * . . 34 ; 75..250 20 : 6j
70..175 . . . 35' 7.202. . 3 C :
& 7..116 .0 3 & 72..2 0.0 3 G5
90..1G r 350 . . . . % . . : 6 ;
75..191 40 350 73..20 ; 40 365
103 . . . . 176 80 3 50 67..207.0 3 i W
70..19 . . 3 f 80..201 50 36 :
87..18 .0 3 W 94..I . S . . 365
32..15 . . 3 SO LO..22 . . 370
12..175 . . 3 & 67..28 . . S 70
, . . . . . . 3 & 63..272.0 370
68..1' . . . 3 & 76..2 6 . . 370
50 . . . . ,178 80 3 50 61..251 . . 370
C..15. . . 3 C ( . . . .276.0 370
8 ; . . . . .183 12 3 55 66..217 . . S 70
& . . . .22 .0 3 & ' 78..2. . . 370
3 . . . . . 303 . . 3 L5 'si 6. ; . . . . 8 40 370
76 . . . . . 187 & 3 55 69..29 80 370
75 . . . . . 200 & 3 55 81..2 .5 4i 370
62..196 12 3 55 & 9..21 80 3 72 %
: . . . . : euo 4 3 & 70..2tS.0 3 72 \
61..188 .0 3 55 . 1 $ . . . , . 215 .0 375
83..190 . . 3 55 1 25 . . . . . . \ i . . 376
5' ) . . . . . isa .0 ,3 & . 38..2 M ' 37r
to . . . . . 174 160 3 r D3..3.3 200 375
12..3 : : 4o 3 & : 1 21 . . . . .a . 'z 2 1& 375
8S..15 M 3 55 5..2i . . 371
67..19 . . 3 & 1 ri . . . . . 2. . 77 % '
83..212 32' ) 3 fr . 71..2.8 80 37'
88..17 . . 3 55 L..2 : 12) 383
10..191 80 3 [ " , 09 . . . . . 283 . . 385
141 . . . . Ill 12t ) 3 G . & 3..39 ( & .0
85. . . .198 1l ) 3 C .i j. I
1 . . . . . 220 . . 250 'ias. - - : . . . . .23 . . : r
35. . . . . 5 . . : , 4..12. . 310
14 . . . . .70 . . 2 W " W..IO/ . . 310
19. . . . . . 87 . . 2 S 18..19 . . : IS
3. . . . 86 . . 285 ,1..12) ) . . 3 15
2. . . . . 89 . . 30 " 124 . . . . . 121 . . 3 17 %
: . . . .12 . . 30 r..I3 . . 3 11 '
SO..12 .0 3 07 . 7..135 . . 32)
1..12. . . 310 , C..I : . . 330
4..101 . . 3 10 ' ; . . . .10 . . 325
4..11 . . 310 ' I " ,
t11 1'l'-The ( market ' WiS low and weak .
Ch"lc" motions tire fuolj < tat 12.75011.50 ; ( air 10
good . ' 3.40(12.75 ; cmmu oqd teethems . $ 2.OQtj2.50 :
lanihe , $2.GQ..0. < ( &
nln _ . . City Live ! tl'k.
KANSAS CITY , Jan 30.-(7Arl'l.l1-Itecelpts ,
5.0 hmeati ; uhmihmmemtts , . I.G iimiml. Ste4dy
for Iow : othiers weak 10 lOc lower ' .xa. steers.
S. ( ) ( 13.8IJ : TCIIS cods . 51.306(3.45 ; "olurl ) "
sit-orB . 12.75641,01) ; beet sieers . .0G5. ( : Illh'o
cows . * i.10fg2.41 / : stockers anti feeders , $2.504j3.b1) ;
bulls . * 1,75(13.30. '
itOC3i4-lteccilmts. > 1.0 heath ; shlpm.nts , 1.70
head. Market 243c lower ; bulk ot sales , $3.55p
3.HI ; heavIes . I. 6Si 3.1 ; I'aeken' , 3.CS413.81 ;
mlxI. $3.f3.7 : Jlht . S3.35365 : S.55 , .
13&JU3.G ; I'IIB , $3.000ff.40. {
Si I iir'- : 1t.II'I ' , C..J head ; .hIIJHlt , nomme .
Market steady , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. 1.0.114 Stock ! AII\rlet \
ST. I.PIS , Jail 30.-liA'i'TLI1)--ltecei1tip. ' 1,0)0
healr > hlment. , 1.8 heath : markel sow : mmd-
11' " lUCille lower : 'r.xan about umtcimungd '
.1.1 tat und lIght .hlpplog BlOOms . lae. .
13.l0414.5O . "Ireme mange : stockers and feeders .
S.HVU.S. "
( er.
12.004f2.43 , fed ' 'eJna steers , 3.00011.6O : grass
s.tra S.3.r grlB.
Birds. $ L9lsijl.lS . .
OOH..c.IIII. , C.lO heath : shipments , 10
bead ; market Irregular od 15iZOc lo\n ; Aoc
hlR\'f anti mNlllhm . HIS ' : good mixed nn,1 , IIhl.
' 3.P0I1. pig' . rmmnn nn,1 rough . $300013.85.
Sli(1l' ( ( . -liecciltip P hr\l : siiiprnt'nts . hn ;
market stml'l fair tn active ; fair mIxed , $ .5
3.85 : common iaml's , Sr.
llellpU nndiIpntiIhon of ! Hook.
Omclnl receipts anti disposition ot .Iok ns '
8hown by the honks ot lie Union Stock ) nrls
for time ' . 3
Company to. twent'.fotmr hours ending nt
O'clock . p. m. , JnnuAr lb. 19051 I
, ItCEl'S. Cars , liceti , .
C attic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 1.4G
I togs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : 9.
Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . 3 MI
10"N and antIcs . . . . . . . . . . . . Z 30
Cattle. Itogs . Shep.
Omaha l'ncklnl company . . . Cnttc. HO\8. . ! . .
O. H. 1"lnlnn,1 company . . 3 2..2 . .
Swift antI Copnr cmpan . . . . . . . . IP6 1,181 . .
Cmidahy Packing company . . 81S 8,0 : lt
'VIMn . . . . . . . . cmpnn . . . . . . ) . . . . . H1 . .
nho 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S . .
G. I. H. . Sioux Cit't. . . . .t6 . .
Nelson Morris . . < . . . . . . . 8 . . . .
A. hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . .
, I. led ? , " & DCgen . . . . . . 46 . . . .
1' . I. ) . . Armour . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . .
.3. J.lmnn . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . . .
llamillon & Stephens . . . . . GZ . . . .
ShIppers mind reeler. . . . . . . 451 61 . .
8hlllrR I.lf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 2,0 . .
- - -
Totals . . .e . . . . . . . . . 1,430 10.07 11
ChICAGO I.n'l TOClt ,
Cattle Iul anti We"l , lu Spite ot 81ml
Stippi Los.
CIIICAC0 Jon 30.-The cattle market was elll
and \er ) ' weak , In spite of small lp"lps. so
rCU11 Is the emalHi that I hns been found
Inllslble to keep time yards cleared wihout the
serious sacrifice ot prices . Whlo Ihlre was uo
radical change today In any grade ot cattle , Ihe
general mnrkel Is rrom lIe 10 2.0 lower than at
time close at last week . Time hlghc.t prIce lall
on Monllny watt $ . .1 ; . antI $5.0jS the tOil ) 'es-
terln ) ' . . whie It Is doubtful that nn'lhlngolhl
have found \1)er today nt more than $5. I'rom
J3.r 10 $ . .5 lllght the bulk ot time steers mind
$ anti $ were Polaliar itrlces for rows anti bulls.
Time range at quotations for eOllon 10 Choice
steers was from U to $5 . and for cows mitid bulls
rrol $1. : to $ .2 :
' 1hp hOI 1nlkel went 10 Pieces tOllny. The
doubling ul' In time receipts miami ) 'esllrlla"s break
II provisions dllorlved hl'er Inll sellers alike
nnll within mon hOlr miller time ol'enlnl ot litmehncss
prices html fallen fll 2e 10 25" The best heavy
rrleel \'nl , Iown 10 frm t4. 0 10 $4.23. anti choice
assorted gj ii'ccllcj-to ; from $3.D5 to 4. < 01111
light alHI rlgh tnixed sold nmunlt $ .7 : . and tIme
bulk ot time sales were at ( mont 13.S to $ .20.
In sheell ye5Ietln"s estimate \IS too Ion' Time
mll'ketns slow fIl the start 111 males almost
wlhout exception . \ero itt lower prices. The
range ot quotations for cOlmon to extra .hl'ell
was trm $2.0 to I. Ilholgh the 10.1 or the
trmlng was al front $3.5 10 $3. j : lambs were
la demand at trm $ .r 10 $ . : wih slnl snle" .
Irlncll.l ) ' nl front $1 10 $ .25.
lteceulmtmi : Cattle . 10.OJ head : calves 30 head :
imogs HO henll : sited' I , O Imead.
New York LIve Stuck l'urlt .
NIIW YORl , Jan. 3O-IiISiSVES-lleceipts ,
1,113) Imead ; ( limit ; steers , poor to Itrinie , * 4,0001
5.30 ; comfed Texans , $4.GOb4.7O : oxen , * 2.25014.50 ;
bulls , * 2.75013.75 ; dry cows , * 1.30013.40.
SilEhIl' AND LAMI1S-Iteceipts , l0SG0 Imead :
very firma ; both simeep tnul lamitba lmlgimer ; poor to
prime Cimeel ) , 13.00014.50 ; comnnion to choice lambs ,
* 4.65(15.75.
IIOOS-Ileceipt , 7,000 bead ; steady at * 4.4001
Stock In Sight.
Record or receipts at the four principal markets -
kets for W'edmisstlmty , January 30 , 1105 :
Cattle. liogtt. Sheep.
South Omaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,426 9,063 363
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,004) 14,001) 15.000
Ransas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 14,00' 6,100
St. 1.otih'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 6,100 900
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,326 73,169 21,663
Liverpool Mgrkotg.
LIVERI'OOL. Jan. SO.-WIII2AT-Spot , quiet ;
demnantt Itoor ; No. 2 reml wInter , Is Sd ;
No. 2 red spring , Is 5.1 ; No. I lint-ti ,
MilnitOIXi , Itt 114th ; No. 1 CalIfornia ,
51. Ftmtut'cmi opened steatly wIth near mind this-
( ant pottitltnis I fartiting imlgimer , but later reacted
anti closeti ateamly , unchanged trout yestonltmy's
closing quotations ; business heavy on late jtosi-
lions ; Jmtnmiary , 4s 4d ; February , is 4d ; Marcim ,
4mm StI ; April , It , 5d ; Slay , is 6th ; June , Is 6't'l.
COIIN-Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new , Is.
F'mitut-es opened quiet with near and distant 1)050-
tlmnm , 1 fttrtiting lower. antI closeti with aear oosI-
tlons 1 to 2 fmtrthhiigs lower amid d.istunt PotlitiOns
I tarthming lower : btmsinees was Imeaviost on
early ; mositlonmi : January , Os lid ; Febtimary , Is
i0tt ; Mat-elm , 3s lOd ; April , 3s 1ld ; May , Is
lI,1 ; June. Ia l1',4d.
1'I.OUII-Dmill , demand poor ; St. Louis fancy
winter , .Ss Cd.
I'ltOViSiONS-Uacon. flat ; demand poor ; Cum-
be'viand cut , 94 lbs. , lie ; short ribs , 28 lbs. , 29s ;
long cler , lIght , 35 to 45 Ilts. , 2)s ; clear hid-
lies , 14 to 16 lbtt. , 20s. Shoulders , square , 12 to
is lbs. , ISmi. hams , short cut , II to 16 lbs. , 42s.
iteef , extra India mess , TOg. I'ork , prime niess ,
fine western , GTs Cli. Lard , dull ; prime western ,
. 33 $ .
TALLOW-Fine , North American , 22s Gil.
CII1SESII-Quiet ; ilnemtt Amemican , white , 49g.
1IUTTBR-Vinest UnIted States , 75s ; good , GOs.
] tOSlN-Common. 3s 3d.
COTTONSI2I6I ) OIl.-Llverpooi , refined , 18s 3m ] .
L1NStOlOl3 OIL-21g.
i'ETROLEtJM-Flrm , 53tI.
REFRIGERATOR BEEF-Fore quarters , 4tI ;
hminti quarters , id.
llLB/iCIIING POWDIIR-Ilardwood , 1. o. b. ,
Liverpool , 7.
IlOI'H-I'achilc coast , 2 lSs.
CofTeo 1lmirket.
NISW , YORK , Jan. 3O.-COFFIOE-Optlonmi
opened weak at 30115 poInts tlecltne ; ruled irregular -
ular anti 150120 imolnts lower untler foreign anti
local liquidation , but rallieti partIally and closed
firm at 54515 poInts net mlecllnt' ; sales , 30,750 bags ,
including : March , * 14.400114.60 ; April , $14.55 ; May ,
314.300111.55 ; .lune , $14.40 : July. $14.43 ; August ,
$ l4.4tP1i.6O ; September , $14.10 ; Ieceniljer , * 14.1501
14.60. Spot coffee. Itie. opeaeml easier , but rallied
agatn No. 7 , * 16.12,6 ; mIld steady ; Cordormi ,
$1S.t00lO,5 ; wiles , 3,500 bags Maracalbo and 1,150
bags .lamnalea , p. t ,
lIAVltl2. Jan. 30.-COFFEE-Opened quiet , 1,41
advance ; at 12 m. , quiet , ' , C advance ; at 3 p. m. ,
Irregular , ¼ 65f , lechimte ; closed Irregular , % 01 (
net declIne ; sales , 22,000 bags.
Sillwmtukee Mmsrkets ,
MIL\\'AUICISVi , Jan. 10-Flour quiet.
\VIIEAT-Mnrket steady ; No. 2 spnllig , &Ocr
No. 1 northern , 6lc : May. 53c.
CORN-Market higher ; No. 3 , 44c.
OATS-Market Imishmer ; No. 2 wimlte , 3114c ; No.
3 wimite , 1031t' .
iiAllt.UY-MalImot quiet ; No. 2 , lIe ; saimmple ,
tii : SIc.
nyU-Scat-ce : No. 1 , t2c.
1'ItOVISIONS-Slaiket lower. Pork , $9.13. Lard ,
ItgCSIi'TS-Flour , 3,000 imbls. ; vlmeat , 8,500 hu. ;
barley. 10,400 bu.
HhIhVMiSNTH-F'loUm' , 1,000 bttia. ; wimeat , none ;
barley , 4,000 bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% Votd Market ,
BOSToN' , Jan. 30.-Time American Wool anti
Cotton Iteporter wIlt say tomnorrow of time wool
trade : The recorl 1mm timat of mm. steamly market
with an average demand for nil ) , lntls of wool ,
witit prices quito eveaiy rnmtlniained. The sales
for the week nnlottnt to IG8I5) lbs. dttmriestic
mmii 1,133,000 ltttt. foreign , making a tctimml of
2.513,510) lbs. , against mm. total of 1,193,501) lImit. for
time previous veelc anti a total of 1,461.04)0 itmmi.
tom ( lie eorrm.'siondummg week last year. 'l'ltc , salts
sine , , January 1 , 18)5 , mimount to 14,401,60) lbs. .
agmilmimt 0,139,60' ' ) lbs. a year ago.
Cotton Market ,
NI1V OBLIIANII , Jan. 30.-COTTON-Futures
quiet anti sieatly ; eahemi , 40,304) bales ; January ,
$5.04 bid ; ) celirummry , 3.10015.12 : Mardi , * 1.2065
5.21 ; AprIl , * 5.19015.20 : May , * 5.26(15.27 ; .Iune.
55.32655.33 ; .ltmly , $ S.ISSOI.39 ; August , * 5.13015,44 ;
Septemmmtmer , $5.47655.43 ; October. .S2PI.T.3 ,
MiddlIng , Sc ; low mnitlmliing , 3 0-ICc ; good
ortiinar9' , 4 7.1Cc ; net * -ecdhlitIm. 0,601 bales : amimas.
10,501 llmmlemi : t'Xlmomt $ . Great ut-ham , 6.258 ) maies ;
continent , 8,362 bales ; cllgtWie. 6,705 bales ;
* ; mmjemt , 6,700 bales ; gtock. 378GI' ' ) bales ,
Foreign Vl.mttuieimti . Affairs.
PARIS. Jam. , 30.-Timree ; mer cent tonics , 1021
SOc for time account , hxcimamtge on Lontiomt , 251
lIe for etmecks ,
hiBtLiN ) , Jim. 30.-11aclmana on London , 20
mnmmm-lcs 5 pIg.
h.ONION , Jan , 30.-Time amount of bullion gone
Into time Bank of Engitmnd on itaimince today is
80,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sugar Mmmrleot ,
N11' YOI1K. Jmmn. IO.-1OIJCIAR-llaw , firmer ;
Immir reilnimig , 2c : cemmtnhfugai , 36 test , 3140 : sales
imtto yesierday , 4,000 bags moitimts's , , tugmmr , 13 test ,
at U4c front store , unil 75,00) mt Iloiio mtt 2 3-ICc
fiat trtmmml stmre ; i eilrmed , ( millet ,
LONDON , Jun. 30.-iiUaAit-Ctmne , quiet ; copirl-
fugal Java , jIg It ] ; Muscovmmmlo , fair reilnhng , 4s 3d.
IJuItmtIt Whit'mit Market.
DULIITIS , Jan , 2O.-W'IIIOAT-Closeml % 414c
higher ; cash anti .Ttmnuary. No. I harm ) , 51u Itid ;
No. 1 aoriltermm , & 5c ; May , No. I northern , 57c
bid ; July , No , I northmern , 5Sc. (
Oil Slmirket ,
January and February simipmnent , via. Cape , Ms.
'rulu'l-uN'l'INhl-Kgmirits , 205 91) .
Flamincimil NoteS.
hiOlOTON , 3mm , 30.-Clearings , $16,270,057 ; hal.
ahms , $1,838,662.
hIALTlStOItfl. Jan , 3O-Cearlngs , $1,943,919 ;
balances , $297,747 ,
I'hliLADl'I.i'iifA. Jan , 20-Clearings , $ iO,748,4i9 ;
balances , $ hb'J2,2l6.
N1IW YORK , Jan , 30.-Clearings , * 100,518,7)9 ) ;
ltaimmnces , $14,363,401.
hOT. IA3lilhi , Jan. 30-ClearIngs , $3,631,737 ; Imal.
onces , $ l,005.25. lheiey , dull , Ski per cent. lSx-
ehmamge emi New York , II pmcmmiiurn bid.
C'hilt.'AUO , Jan , 50.-ClearIngs , 8i2,708,0UO. Money ,
4h 454 Imer cent on call ; 5(1 6 ler cent 'ii ) time.
New York exelmange , 590 prvmmlumlm ; sterling , corn.
imiercial , $4.876ji.t8 ,
New Yur.e 51 Itlmtg ( Juottstiomt4.
NBIV YORK , Jamm , 30-Time foilowinara till
Clommlmmg milimsing tluotaiiomms ;
Iiulwer . , . . , , , , , , 7 tmmtario . , , . , . . . , , 000
Chmolpr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Opimir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Crowmm Point. . . . . . . 4(1 i'lyiimotmtl , . , . , , , , , 25
Comi.Cal , & Vms. , , , 330 Quicksilver . , . . , , 101)
headwootl . . . , . , , . , 411 do lIld. . . . . . . . . . 300
Gotmlml $ e Curry. , , : to Sierra Novatia. 40
hiulu & Not-cross. , 70 Stimmdmmntl : , . . , , . , ,2'25
hionmestliko . . , , , 17011 union Con , . . . . . . . . 45
Mtixlcaim. . . . . . . . . . . . SO Yellow Jacket , , 40
Troaturor Tnykr's Sureties Do Not Propoto
to Make Uoo'i the Shortage ,
If the State Trls to Force m Settlement in
1'tili ' , tOte lefcpiltitmtmi l'ropose to Mmiko
ltlmitters 'ery Lively for a
NutmmIer of Ofllehiis ,
P1EflItF , S. 1) . , Jan , 30.-Special.-A ( )
great deal of interest tins beta felt about tue
suit of the state against ( lie Taylor bondsmen -
men , iloth sides would be glad to ecni-
prolnise 0(1 ft reasonable stiiii , but that seems
impossible. The botitis amount to $350,000.
The prcsent property of time bontisinen probably -
ably would not reach half that 811)11 ) , i1o8t
of the property is heavily encumbered nitti if
sold at. forced sale at the present time voi.itti
bring only from $100,000 to $150,000. Time
lIOiilCllleil _ lmava offered to turn this property
over to ( ho state provideti it full release shall
bo gIven , and while unquestionably the state
officIals and the majority of tue legislature
would be glad to accept , they mire met with
the constitutional provision whIch Prohibits
tlmeni from relc'asing any liability to the state.
At tIm present time the bondstnen are Searcil-
ing for some means of avoiding this con-
stitutioiial reqtllrement. If they fail , as
seems likely , they state positively that they
will flglit time collection to the bitter did ,
for tlo : suit against them would not only absorb -
serb their Property , but the jildglIldhit would
stand all their lives against whmatever they
flhlgilt acquire. .
'fhio state has attached a large anitmunt of
property , nearly 200 quarter sections of latId
beiitg included. Time bulk of this land is
supposed by the state offIcers to be con-
trailed by the Itetiuleld Mortgage Trust coin-
paily , of which Mr. Taylor was president
and of which all ( lie cheers are on time bond.
It thmo state refuses to mnal1)3 any corn-
pronhiso time bondlinen who are hero declare
tlmat they will contest the matter to the bitter -
ter end. They will in tlmhs stilt rely upon
timree points. Tlmoy state that tinder time law
time public exaimilner should have discovereti
tue shortage as early ott December 1 ; tlmat liati
Ito doilo SO the $200,000 in cash which Taylor
carried oh ! would have been saved , and timat
therefore time state being guilty of gross
negligence time liability of the bondsmen Is
They also state that when ( lie suit comes
to trial timey will be able to lmot' that time
treasurer hind loaned a considerable stint of
money to a numnber of imitltietitial politicians
and to sonic of the state ofllcialmt , amid that
the latter beIng under obligations to the
treasurer vere not in a position to force hmhimi
into a rigid compliance with time statute.
TImis is thmc tlmirti point upon which timey wIll
rely In timeir defense. The fourthm anti most
limiportant point is this : Taylor occupied time
omco of treasurer for four years , being once
re-elected. They state that a certain part
of lila defalcation took place during time see-
end term. They state that it will bo absolutely -
lutely necessary for tlto state to show in detail -
tail when he mnisappropriated time state mnoitoy
in order to fix limo liability of the bonds-
Most of the South Dakota bondsmen are
already in town , and tlmey have consulted
amrong themselves and wltlm others. Thmey do.
dare unqualifiedly that if the state pushes
for the full aimmount it will be beaten , and
wiil recover little if any , anti probably none
at all. Fhmey also declare that If they were
pressed to do so , they viil make so searching
an examimiation not only of the treasurer's
0111cc , but those of the other state officials ,
and will slmow so great a looseness and disregard -
regard of statutes that nearly every state
official will be implicated for neglect , while
some may be more severely used.
The legislature last week adjourned over
from Friday till Tuesday and time amount of
work done has therefore been comparatively
slight. The coming week is expected to
develop much Interest. Time bill which
passed the senate by an almost unanimous
vote , calling for a constitutIonal convention ,
ii ; meeting with much opposition in tile hiouse
and Is practically certain to ho defeated
there. A two-thirds vote is required to
pass It , and already more titan a third of the
members have declared emphatically against
it. Tue ground of their bpposition lies In
time expense. A constitutional convention
would cost fulily $50,000 te. hold and the
election would cost $20,000 more. This is
a pretty expensive matter in Imard times.
Time principal argument in favor of th1) convention -
vention lies ha the belief of many of the
members that the present limit of debt anti
taxation is too low , but it Is pointed out
that those detects , if there are such , can be
removed by a simple amendment , and that
tue value of the repeal can throtigh the
amendment process be secured in two years ,
while the benefit of time new constitution
would not be realized under four.
Senator Wilson , the leader of the Black
HIlls members , is deeply Interested in the
question of irrigation. lie has made a study
of tito California laws on time question , and
proposes to introduce a bill containing the
best provision of those laws , The eastern
part of the state must utilize artesian weSis
for irrigatIon. The Black Imihls are more
fortunate. There are surface streams in
large abundance flowing at such an altitude
that irrigation is an easy matter. Tite
senator tells that time Cheyenne river , witlm
time Fall river and other streams flowing
through the southern hills can be readily
utilized for irrigation purposes and timat al-
roldy a great ditch imas been dug in Fmiil
River county , fourteen miles in length , to
convey this water to time land. lb states
that practical experiments Imave already
demonttratcd the desirability of artlfl-
cial watering in tite Iliack hub and that
wIth suitable laws there would be no great
mlihhicuity in 'making time prairie country and
time foot lulls exceedingly prosperCils egrictil-
turally. lie favors the formation of irrigation -
gation districts , whelm shall be allowed to
bontl for time practical construction of ditches
from streamns or sinking vells , as is done In
California , antI wiiielm iiail operate very ( nucil
as , jolnt stock companies. TOMLINSON
3I.imcy is Ilimttiy In Lonmlon if the ( Jmmlteil
htmmtes ( ) ffm'rmi ml J.ttiim ,
NEW YORK , Jan , 30.-A London cable.
grain to the 1'eumlmtg Post sa"s : There is
reason to believe that. pruhhnilnary negotin-
tiomis for a tmteriiimg loan to the Uniteti
States governinelmt are being dhsctmsseml by
time ] totliseimiimls anti iinotiier hotise , hitit
iiotiming snore definite is yet known , Time
( Itmestion entirely centers on congress , itntl
In regard to the action of thmit body the
lthilC anti financiers here are alike iier
plexed , ttltlough : private ( ImIVICetI frotn
\VuHiilngtOi again speak hopefully of time
pimasaga of a measure. A goltl loan to
yield about 3per cent woulml probttltly be
well rcceiveml here. 'i'ht latest talk is of
the issue of tIme United States treasury
iiotemi by the ltotlmseiiiitlmt ,
Itti rhi , mgtmmmt ho 111,17 St ore a I She rili,1 ,
SIIEIIIIAN , Wyo , , Jan. 30-ifipecial- )
The Burlington Railroad company limits Jo-
ctmleti mi comnpanY supply store in this city.
Mr. Ilichiie , assistant master mechanic mit
the IIlmemldmiil # imops will 1)0 tIme storekeeper -
keeper , and George tule of McCook , Neb , ,
svlil be lila assistant ,
. -
lrost9r L'omt ii I'otmito l'rize ,
ilUl"i"ALO , Wyo. , Jan. 30.-ifipeclal.-
David Foster , a John4on. county ranchman ,
has been awarded the $100 lmrlze oftei'eml by
a. Phiiiadelmlmiml. seemi 1101180 tot the finest
IleCilfle1i of imotatoes grown from seed fur.
miished by time imouse.
Fmmnmli3' itmrmmed to Iemtii ,
IIISMAI1CIC , N. D. , Jan. 30-I'eter Olson ,
wife and three children , lIving near Sterling ,
lost heir lIves by fire last night. Olsen was
, manager of the farmn of Judge Dwyer of Day.
0 ,
a. casxB..Iw : ,
! ! GO.li00 Union Ave. , Kammssi Clii110. .
. _ i'
S3O.OO for ai Ida.
This Is the biggest price ever effered for a
latch line or heading for an atlverti00ment.
hayden Bros. will give a choice of several
first class pinno worth $300.00 each for the
hatl line adopted anti In addition will give
orders on their mIllie department for $60.00
worth of rnishc for the next five best ideas , . -
according to merit ,
To secure an abohlmtely implrtlal dectRion ' '
applicants are requested to sign in ntmmber
only anti to 111511 corresponding number with
name antl ailmiress to The lIce office , where it
will renmain tmntil after tIm award is rnatio ,
Thio right is reserved to use any head linti
The following arc the facts to be adver-
( iseti : hayden flros. of Oiimaiia are the only
firma In the worltl showing a complete line of
tlio instrttments inainifactured by the five
most renowned piano niakera on earth , hayden -
den Ilros , are not tieti tip with retl tape restric.
tions like regular selling agents , but are free
to make thmo lowest prices ever iirtl of.
Ilaydea Bros. put special streess on the
Steinway anti Vosc , pianos becatmse they have
ft larger line in stock and can buy them
cheaper ( lain any otlmer inakee of 0(1(11 reputation -
tation , Do not ho misled by 'my one claiming -
ing the sole agency , linythen lirol. imavo
thmcnl direct from the factory as well as
froni time Max Meyer & lIro. Co. stock , Stusto
trntl papers are saying planes cniiot be sold
In a department storl' , but sensible IleoPlo 'T
vlmo do not care to be hoodwinked by silly
frills are not so notional anti tIme boat proof
of this is that hayden llros. oitl imioro
llfliiOS , organs ittiti lililsical instrtimemits lii '
one week than any five music stores west of
Chicago have solti In six monthma. The lfltlslo ' I
trade papers say thus innovation will be
w.ltchel ( with llntlstial interest and Ilayden
llros , propose to keep them guessing ,
By purclmasing goods made at ( ho following
Nebraska factories. It you cmillmiot flail what
you want , communicate witim time nialltltac-
turors as to what dealers hiamidlo their goomlst
JJ.1Jtf1IfI..l1' .1.VI ) TJI'1tI ? ,
- - - -
Manufacturers of all kinds of cotton & burlap
bags , cotton flour sacks & twine a specialty.
Ci' (16.618 8 , BUm-st.
Manufacturers & dealers L' all kinds of brushei
O01lce ammtl factory 1029-31 5. litim street.
A , S. Green , Maaager. Manttfacturcra of
brushes of all kinds. 507 8. 13th at , , Onmahma , Neb.
, . ,
- - - - -
Manufacturers of Preston's California Flakes ,
Sickle brand sell raisIng flour & yeast. Do you
use i'remiton's lieec dour ?
- -
Manufacturers of Mrs. ieith'a Pure flaking
l'owder , Extracts & Self ithsing IiuckwlmcaL
Sold by all grocers. 615 S. Iltim mit. Tel. 1909.
J3ltI6i'RCIIS. !
i\IAIi \ iiiti
Cat' load shipments made in our own mefrlgerater
cars. Blue Ribbon , Elite Export , Vienna Export ,
mind Family Export , delivered to all parts of city.
C11111r.IGJJ .I"lUrUIfI1S.
CarrIage & Wagon Makers. Carriages , buggies ,
phaetons & wagons always on hand & made to
order. 1313-IS liarney-st. , Omaha.
CDFJ"16t1 , SI'IGIS , 1iIICL'U I'OIP'IlfIt.
Coifee Roasters , Spice Grinders , Manufacturers
German Baking Powder and German Dry hop
Yeast. 314-16 S. 12th street , Omaha.
s , P. G1LNN. -
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. I
C.E. Black , Manager , OrnB.hS.
Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din.
lag tables & foldIng beds , 20th ave. , 13'iyd to
Saltier streets.
INS UJ5 .1 Zi' UE.
Over one million dollars go out of Nebraska
every 'ear for no better Insurance thman Is fur-
nitmed by the Union Life of Omaha , Agent.
wailt.et1d in every town in Nebraska. C
lUll iNI ) COdE.
. .
- - -
ICI.'iHi1 ' A 1E ( flU ) COAL CO.
I3omestio & steam coal. We have tht best. Of.
flee 1601 Telephone : OffIce 873 , yard
1760. 3. A. IJoe , germt manager.
Manufacturing & repalming ot nil kinds of ma.
citinery , engines. punpa , eiovaiorml , printing
presses , hangers. shafting & couplings. 140C a
Itoward-st. , Omaha ,
Fire hmymirants , water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler
fronts & fittimigs , street IVy car wbmeeis , Arciti.
tectural iron womhcs. Office 107 13. , Omaha.
M'l'r'it of Arclmltecturai Iron Work. General
Foundry , ? dacimimme alit ) Iilmicitsmlih Wmtrk. SIn.
gineers & Contractors for FIreproof Buildings ,
Oiilce and Worlcm , U , I' . It- , & 130. 17th Street ,
Ontahma ,
iII.VJI..l ( ) I'UJ'INI UIIm'6itj'SIW ,
Manufacturers of fluid extracts , elixirs , syrups ,
& wInes , cOmlmre3mmeti triturates , imypodermia tablets -
lets , pills & scientitic metiheni mmoveitics. Ommtima , ,
.11. , 1 TTII''l. ' , IS , Cl ) 1' . , ChillS ,
- -
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Beds ; Jobber "
Feathers mind Pillaws. Nertim 14th and Nlchmola.
Sts. , Omaha.
XIOIt'J' hI'.I Tflt , .l'I 1116 8116 I' ! ( ill ,
Time only perfect protectIon to property. 13mm-
lao it , Ilest thing on cartim , Iteduces Insurance
rates. lIO4flougiabst ,
4) $ 'a11i 5 , ! J'.1 C7'U1fI1W.
Manufacturers & Jobbers of the celebrated Iluck.
gkhn brand shirts , pants , overalls & duclc cloth.
lag. 1101.3.5 Factory Ilail Ontaima ,
- - -
Manufacturer" of men's & boys' clothing , pants.
shirts & overall , , 202 2i3 H , llth-st , I' ' , '
1'l1'161C JiO.V1CN
2.lanufaciurer. of mill kinds paper boxes , shelf
boxes , rmmmmple cases , mailiag tubes , etc ved.
ding cake & fancy candy bmxes , dmuggimmt A 3owehm'
hoxe . 120 $ lO Jones-st. , Onmaima ,
5111111' J'df.J1)1t11tl ,
II VAS.-EJiRASKA siTiiFiio. .
J , , I - .
Exclusive custom shirt taIlors.
ISIS Fmmrnaa street. Telephone 1408.
. -
J'1'1'JUI"1161J I'd J'I.'i ( J11(14'JJC ,
- -
Factory in Louisville , Cass Co Quality of brick
guaranteed to be as goou as any mapufacturc
QUti1)e 56 this slate. Ihory hahn.
. - - - -S.-- _ _ _ _ , . . . . ----,4s.$1.- ) , : - -