Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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4 , TilE 01fAlLDAU..Y . BIDE : rl'nURSDAY , JANU.AUY 31 , 1805.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. li. 1tOSIWArLR.
p e- . . _ nOSIWA'tm. = _ . - - I11o _ _ _
: ; ' rtIihlSlIflT ) 1lmv MOItNINO.
ItI.ISI1 :
F . Tlm1 - 0 ! : . sU1isCItIPTIO. -
: ! 01
: , . One . . . . .
. alty 1ee ( Without Aun'ny ' ) yer. (
'f Daly naly tee anI Sunday. One Year . . . . . . JO (
. to. Alx Ktonth . . . . . . . . 6 00
. . . . .
. . .
. . . . . . .
, 'hr e 1onlha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Aunln , ) ' Ifre. One Ynar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 04)
f tutny Iro. . On" Yeet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ? .
Weekly 10e. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ornah. The Ikf .
Routh Omahe lce . Sinler nUlhln ! , . . Cor. N nne 21h 51 !
( ouncl UIurrN . 1 'enrl Sireet.
( 'hlcn o Umce. 317 Chambrr ot C"mmerce.
New York , 1ooml 21 13 , It nn,1 15 , Tribune 1 " .
WashIngton , 101 i " Htree' . ' . N. W.
CO1LtUS1'ONfl1Cfl .
Al communlenlon rolnlnl to Ti4wM nnll cl- !
tornl matter ahould be ntte.ed . : To the I1Itor.
flUsl'I3s LFTTIItIi.
" All l1Inius letters nn,1 t.mltanee. .hlllll * be
, ndere.e1 10 The Hoe Iuhll.hln cnml'On .
. Omnhn. Irnt. cheeks nnll postOllice orthr 10
, . \0 bade 'nhle In ( tile order ot the cIllohIRny.
I mnto ' 11 1m I'tJhit.ISiIINU COMI'\NY.
I Onrge II. Txehurk. aocNtary ot The flee Ilh-
ltiini ) ; colnpnny . beinp duly liworn . 5tlyll that
lohlnl heini dily a\om. "fa
, t Iho ncllni number ot full an,1 comflde COlle
. ot hip Daily ) nrlll" . I.vonlnl anll Hunloy leo
lrlhtp11 luring ( the 11eltl ot November 191 , wns
75 . lS 1. toUo\s . . . . . . : . . . : UC IC. . . . . . . . . . : .I.r1
1/ 2. . . . . . . . . . : l.57 17. . . . . . . . . 213M
2. : . . . . . . . . 21,21S H. . . . . . . . . 22.1. :
4 4. . . . . . . . . 2Il2 I ? . . . . . . . . . :1.4Q
G. i ; . . . . . . . . . 21.r2i 21.r 2 3. . . . . . . . . . :1.r1
IL C. . . . . . . . 2Ili 21. . . . . . . . 2Q.I . ' 1
, 7. . . . . . . . 31.2' J 22. . . . . . . . . . : .434
8. . . . . . . . . 21.9r 21..21.2)
I 0. . . . . . . . . 24.3 21. . . . . . . . . . 2. 93 .
I 3f ) . . . . . . . . . 21IQ 2 . . . - . . . . . . 21.79)
# 1. . . . . . . . . . 22,4'O : 2. . . . . . . . . 21.121 )
, 1. . . . . . . . . 2),97 ' 27. . . . . . . . . . . 20.070
? 13. . . . . . . . . 21.rOl 2S. . . . . . . . . . 19'r !
, . . 1. . . . . . . . . 21r,62 ) 21. . . . . . . . . 21.0 :
\ 3S. . . . . . . . . . 2J.CiO 20. . . . . . . . 19.932
, Totnl. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C:3.6:4
I.e le f1IIlClill0 tar tii.oIii nnl , rolurnell
, eOlllr .1edueUons . . . . . . . . . InFoltl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,2S2
. . Total Foul . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C .31
Jaly nvernc hut Circulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.G12
Sworn tn Itoe mp nnll "uh.crlha,1 In my pres.
tle" Ih'o 3. ) day at necembpr. lS01.
. . . ( S'nI . ) 3 Iny N. 1 1171h . Notary Public.
'lhnt hl to relh\'se ) three stute
, . ' , "hlveachn hleR" II'omlsts ) ! to he ) the
1I1l1t11U'S ghost of ni fuln'e Nebrnslm
. stute 1egIi41ltIre.
Grnss C.t wheel Ilolars nre Lulilg
: Rho\'ell ( 01 1111 ) the . UISISIIICUI ! leolle )
or this COI1III . 'I'IIe bllwrs : pro-
. . test. 'l'll.r Wlt a \ore tluuUc ! C11t-
reley. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
That 11'IHIIIlltal ) ( message wns lIre.
: 1111'111 ) 01 S\lla : ' . Il'I'C Is sOlwthllg (
, i hlJII' tlnl the t Slllluy le\\'Hplel'S ) : )
for the Sahbatarlnn extremist to
sh'le nt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i : A list . of all llrllel.t ' In this CItY alHl
. cOllt 10W eXl'1lt fl'l tax Itses4
liieiitVOuh(1 ( alml ! VII'Y IiItt'Vt StIllg
reutll . I Iet'i ' Is a rich hell for tax- ,
. , IU ) 'el'H ailti lulldlnl ) 1eagi1e. i
, . 01aha wi llt t' trw tIn flue nt the-
: ttter4. I wi fiike nil the new theaters
7 I cal get- . but It will also WCOll
evC' ' lew fnIHY mlf every new elteI
, lldse of ulY I.I'll that Iny come here.
. There Is lJsll , here awaiting a
. gi eat harrel fa"lorr. Is success m : '
. he assl'ed fl'oJ the outstmt , In fact
. , there Is no better location In the -vcst
. thal Omaha for mnnufaehl'lng enier-
prises. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
One PieCe of Important legislation Is
_ nh'eHl ! ' assured ! the IlOIle of Nebraska
b the llcsent h'glshittire. : An anleilti-
, : ment to the con ttulon Incrcaslng the
. numbel' mll ( pay of justices of thin su-
. 1)'t1Ie hencl Is 10111 ) to be submltcll
In some fo'in for the approval of tle (
vo te'S _
, Illl SICretnr ! Ltttten of the state
. , - relief cOI\ulsslon mlule Ilhlc the dal '
receipts 111 tlshl'sements ) or the com-
I mlsHlon he WQull hnve tlsarmet much
: , crl Iclsm. 1'hl temlul for such daily
- . publicatIon cnn 10t he taken us I re
. lecton upon his lutc rlty , I Is situ-
. PlY n business lWOPOsItIOfl.
Dr. . Pnrkhiurst UK'crt that he en-
, , joycd his visit to Chicago und hopes to
repeat It nInny tImes. lie ought to
. take some of his II'omlnent fellow New '
0 , . Yorkers nll wih him the next time
. lIe COICS . west . 111 let Ilem hu\'e Eomo
of .thelrW York ll'ovincialsm
. Imocketl of b h % ' coinIng In contnct wih
. eItvlrollllleilt.
IL Chicago clwl'onment.
: . I us hnH been so positively clahlnell
the uuthO'llc of Holt county lowe cvi-
dence lnllcatng n large nUlber of
! ; mel In the murller oC llrett Scott , Is
, . I nol bight tmo that the HUHIIctell iotr-
, tie be atTested and 1111 cell In custody
, Illl'I'ulgnel for II'ellllll ' exainhint-
. thou ? The guilty Imrte ) : oUtht lInt to
: escnlle through olclni neglect 01' delay.
: . . . Query : Wi the ( Douglas county fair
next ( ithl be held this '
fal Illl on lew state fall
4 . . 'lllls 0' wi I be ngnhL located on
Uie old site ? 'L'ho IlittlIral ' :
tle Hle nutl'al presIliuptioll
. pI'euJpton
, Is that the lwo fairs will he , m'ged ,
but the iissossoi's of realty httbouts
, , IU1'oot IJon so InCol'll'tl. nOl' IUlve
, t IlY heel ) olenl ' lotlel to assess
tilt ell race track ; IHOllel.ty oWlwtl br
11'1'a ) 'lll't ) los.
, Despite the ( tlll St'lson thin State
Mluufuett'ol's lull ( COlfulerl assocla-
; . tel Is forging nllI11 , fl'elluont ' Sl'I'hl
fl't'sh tllullhs Inl itlviiys iicti'o Iii
, 111'I'IIII the doctrine whose chief
tt'lwt IH tilt IJh'olugo of homo Iiit1iis .
tVI(5.Vhieii tile 11 ' collIes , nH It IUSt !
; 50011 . thlt IISII ( ' R ioWH I 111'kell
FOV1'Ihi this VIgU'OUH' l'gnnlzuton wi
; . ho In lwillon to tie tile most effective
Work 01' Its ox hm'l co.
; The , IaI1II'S of the H01o Cor tim
4' FvIeiitIitssvttlhl " ( not ln HO ungallant
lS to tlKcl'lmlu\tu against tlio 101.
. hel'l of the ( Ullill' ) branch of tilt 1'ls.
. Inhu , 11t Hf jhey have t'ltertnllll
, the S'IlIttoVH lt lleh ns wel lS tile
Lover 10ue IlICiIhttEM ? , , AI qoveriior
Holc01b hIlts n " 1'tO t on I UIIII'oll'llton )
his ) , the ! O\e'I0' . alIght to uo the
lext to bo ( ln.ll'tl to 111'111,0 of tile
hosiliul ) } ) ' of the 10 1 e.
I . , Tile lleclilu' ) touhu'o of 11 the hal'-
rowlll tult's of Iit'Stltlltiit In elw\
, amI 01' tile 11coul ItillItMIllO for coutri-
, , hutons that are IlJllell'ln lu t'.tstel
- , 0 _ . . . _ . lioWHlllll'1 ) Is tilt tolnl ( omlsslm oC
IIUICI 1111 tile COIIIIlo leHlect to 10-
.4 'ute IWOIlo ) ulll llluCl'1 10 hInt ( time
Ilth'leltl 1ur ho rel'lml , A story -
, that la so hlllllo lS to tile characters
. IJlnrhlg 101' 11 It : U\t I 11/ht bo Ull'
, , Illet to In _ ' Itlto In the unlol 11\t be
Jut 110wn lt Olt'O U8 Illufaetlltl ( out
. o the whole coth , I Is I tlmIJI . " '
lIllItIzilIg thnt 1'l'IItahlo JOI'nll : wil
1I'Ilt stuFf thud on its Cueo IrUlllt :
e\'cI'y h\lcutol or 1110 fiction and not
I liugLu evidence or truths
WILT.WT to.\pno.Us' ; ; .
Assuming that Senator Teller Is au-
thorlzel to flJenl for the silver inca
oC the senate . It Is thclr IntIlton ( not
to llClllt IU financial leJlslnton nt
this sesstoii of congress which doe hot
give tht fullest recognition to shiver.
I has hpen stlcelty apparent ni
nloll hint this wnR their IU ltol , hut
the Colorado senator has heel the first
to tlllunlletl ' prorlnll I anti till-
tlothtell ( ' . eVery free silver fplntor anti
I'ell'escltnth'e wi be Could heartily
cOlct'llg In the ( ( lcclnrltthon.
TJwse Illvocntes or whnt they call
the "reIllUlletIzIttlOil" or the "rciiabiiita-
tillit" silver ' hike ' '
oC to
tol" sl\'II' II'ollse every
IJ'11bh' ) . . ) 111'lltne or the 1nnlclnl exl-
geney to ft'lhetll \ IJolc ' , uld If
thnt enlnot II'p\'nl ) the ) ' Illeml thnt
nothing else shah. 'I'he elhnrl'usslelts )
of the h'east'r , the cl'Clt or the gay-
m'llelt , the . , security of tile business
or the eOtlIlti7 l nhIHt worse 11mle Iml
Ilorc ( hi4aMttOhiS dell'essiol [ thnu I hits
'lt lXIJI'lelced , , ha\'t Ito wuht with
these IIl 1 lhlSl thlt' tl'lultl thut
silver he l'eHlorell to the Jo1lton II oc-
clilled ) ( befm'e lSi : : . Allleals to thel ( of
Vilittevci' t hlatlli'c a 10tll'l ' futile i facts
nlli nr ulclts exert 10 IhltIueilce.
i"hi'hlily ROtCIUfOI ) the ( II'olloSllol ) tlal
the JO\'III'lt lusl I'HIIW the free
1111 ullliell ( coilng ! of slh'C' ul the (
exlstll ! leJ11 ratio , lucy arc deter- .
Illel to H\reltler 10 IJI't of their
iohic . ' nld ( to cCellt ! Ill ) colllprolllise. Ali )
they ure strolg ( ehiotighi to carry out
this lithlilOse. United tiit'y can : Ilerell
any 1111clnl Il'OIJosl ) ) Ion thul Is I uot
satisfactory . hi t thel , nlll : , Imowlug tills
t\ are v ( ' sure tu Il , united. Thus
the declnrltol of Ht'latm' 'l'ehier hint
no COlll'ollse ) hJlslnton ! Ioulll he effected -
fectcd nt this sesHlol of congress hits
very great Sighiilie1hlice.
This nttlllle of the free silver lel
Is not ell ' 11 hlS1'Iol1tahie ohstacle
to IIY legislation for the relef or the
trLIHt'Y by this congress , but It Is
likely to be IIHO 11 the next congress ,
If 1alutalued uut thnt I I e. Tile lul-
\'ocates ( of the . free nll : ) ullInlel1 coinage -
age of sl\'t. II the selate of the next
coiigressvihl bo more Unlll'OUS thll I
In the senate at lrcsent. ' 1he vncllcles
to ue Iletl hit that 1)0(13' will he occu-
Illed hy 1el who are eOlllted to
thus ! uJc ' . 'lhey will therefore Ie II
1 sl'ol er IllSltol than : 10W to die-
tate ( onus. TIIC next house of relre-
seiitnti es . wih' its O\'C'welnll ! re-
llblcnn majority . frol whlcl the eonn-
tr y would reasonably eXiled sound and
safe Inalclal : legislation , wi hot bc
able to nccolfJsh nn 'tlhlg If the hand
of free silver seiiators ' itoh
. slvC' s'elator : hell together
Iii their determlnatol to force their
Jolcy uon the cOlintr ' . And there Is
every I'enson to apprehend that they
wl hold together. They hel eve that
their OIIIJOrtlnl - Is at hnl ; that out
of the business distress md the dliii-
cultes and emharl'usslents of tile ta-
tonal treasury the ' can achlm'e the
result for which tl ' have been por-
slstenl ' laboring , and the $ are eneour-
aged In this hy the suggestions of coin-
promise pl'oceetln ) from sources hitherto -
orto hostle to them.
I Is un extremely unfortunate nnd
perplexing situation. The worst possible -
sible consl'ucto . will be given It
ahronl , to the Increaslll detriment of
011 plblc Ill pI'lmte cretlit. Iorel n
Investors In American ' securities and
IJ'ole'tes will See In 'I. a surer ant
stlonger tendency f wart a sliver basis
und wi he more eager than ( ever to
wlllmw capital Cram this country anti
realze on our SeclIrities. . . .iie outflow
of gold will go on , ' with damaging : eC-
feet upon Imlclnl cOlfllenee at home.
iGI'eatm' ' business depression wi natur-
al ' follow. The free silver fanaticism
has Ilrendy wrought hnmeaHlrable
' harm . but It ReelS to threaten stIll
greater lnjur before : It has run Its
coturse. 'l'he duty of the friends of
sound , moncy to stand l ' their guns
wus nevel' more urgent than now.
By a vote of :3D to 31 the house oC
representatives on .uestay lussed
the bill to repell the duty oC one-
tenth of n cent on sugar Ihiiiorteti ) from
cOlnl'les which inr an eXllol.t bounty
on sugar. Tills . result was expected ) ,
tholgh . the for the bill was
! larger tiHUl hind been countetl . '
lurge. thln OU. Tile
oPlJHI Ion to repeal was basel maInly
on lo propositiomis-on that Uio claim
\o } lo\osltols-no tl
of violating treaty ohlgaton was ques-
tiounbie . and tile othel" that there was
no evidence to Rhow thut our meats hal
been excluded by Germnn because of
this duty on her llal' . 'he Gernul
governimiemit , In protesting IHnlust the
I tlscl'lmlnntng tlhity on the . 1'0111 that
I violated our treaty wih llssln ,
mudo out I case which was convincing
to the 11'eshlpnt Ild the secretary of
Htnte. who olelnl ' Iclmo\lt od the
justice of the II'oteHI utlI this , If not
Ibsolutely eonclslve , olht to hlvo
great weight. The Slhsolluent ( action
In tJxch\lhl ! our CI Ito amId mileats ,
whlo tllwn on the JI'o1111 that disease
hlu ) heen dlHem'elet In them , WUH lU'
tlolhtedly ) hlsll'ed hy thai Illt ' . I Is
true tile GO'man gO\'trnment ! tIlls nO'O'
Ilhnltod this to be thin t'IHl' , nor WnH
It . ile'Cs51t13' to to so when thm'o was
other sutilcient gronnil for asking the
sulclent g1'ol\1 fil' nsl\n !
, retiio'ith oC the ( itlty . . GI.tlt ( th:11 ( the
ll'ohiulton Ilalnst OUI cattle amId mentH
WIS retaliatory and e\H ( IntendCI to I
he coercive , wo were lone the less hon. I
olhly bOl utI to correct our mlstllw
when It WIK HhOWI that wo hlll Inllo
one. " 'nlvll % ni comlllllton of the
questol or . , lelf.lntl\est ! 1\'oh'IJtl , amid
this isery Importllt us ulectlg tile
Wllfll'O of tile great cattle nnd meat
II'olhlclng h\IIRtr ' , the Hhlllio ) fnct hInt (
this legislation vloilted treaty rights Ii .
enolgh to Jlstf ' rellenlng it , and I.
Heems thnt this coIlsitleratioi had
conshle\tou great
1IIlwlco II tetm'mllll ! tile action oC
tile house.
I 11111t'S to ho ) ( itiestioilitlie ) wholhel'
the bill will haS thin Hellt . I wi
10 vigorously ) oosed hy tim
I.Ollsll ! . selltol'S , 18 It WUI 1y tile
rtjresulttl'es ! from thlt state , iii-
tholh thl tllt ) Is ot very 1111 COI8e-
tilenco ill thl protection I zitTortis to
the LotilsiamImi' iitigar IltC'tt Its primi-
clint ! value Is to tile 81ur relining 10-
lopol ) ' , which L1 ultul'tood 10 11\0
hltthntll It. I will doubtless ue alt-
tlgonlzed , also , uy those who Insist
thlt 10 ChllS Ihul ho ) mlto II thin
existng tl'lf Iits' , lS wol Ut by soon-
tot ' who are bound to stunt U. the
sugar schietiule its It Is. or ' & . luch
n combination wi Iualy bo able to
defeat repeal , with the short time lint
l'e1nll1 of tilts congress , 10 that the re-
mark or Mr. heed that RIO ole expccttl
tile 11 to become 1 mw was slJlll-
cUlt _ I It fails there Is rel OI to fear
lint thI end or the hosle 11Iey of
Ijuroltnn o\'e\melts towl'd Amen-
CII Products has not heel rencilcd.
Our IMts are now cxel110tl CI'OI mORt
or the mnrlwts of continental BI'Oft
Inflentlr action on the part or only . n
few more coulh'les being nccesslr ' to
shut them ( out fl'OI thut 1111 of the
wOl'll mtitogethier. There Is a strong
delnani CI'01 the ulcul ( mu I 1110tluc-
( 1 of ( lerlllaily , 1 ' I'llce anti other COtlfl-
tries for better protection lulnst the
coinlieti ( bit of A1el'lc:1 1lucts (
which those IJ\'ern1elt are not tls-
posed ) to ignore. l llcllcltnl ' , ut leust ,
the ( ttscrllilutl ! HUllr tlut ' nlords
the . Ugl'I\lul element oC n eOI 11e\hle )
1101.ton of 11'0110 n Very PerSl1ltsl'e
1 llell II sUllllort of their dellldR
Iltl nie whlel It Is quite IIoRRlhie ) wi
ht effectively tlrge(1 ( If we alllre to thlR
Ilolc ' . It Is to be . lli'estiiiied tim Interest -
est most directly cOlcernell w1 COi'
tnue its efforts for the repeal oC thc
tluty untl It w1 necd ( to exert ul the (
Iltlleleo It Call 11'(11 ( to honr : itt order
to secure It
"tN , W.lINITWN Jl.l irroMINa.
GO\'eIO' HchnrdH oC W'yohiilllg hIlts
Rent U slleellmlRHage to the lllnture : I
of that state \'Jllg a Ilt'ltl retitie-
ton II the salaries of all the apiluiltve
state oihicers. He has tnl.el tilts S'l1y
to show the Ileole thlt he UIllHCelnteH
the ( Ilnnclnl ilartiSlIilSVllichl : ) tiloy 'hl\e
uIlergole 111 nre still tiiidt'rgoiiig.
Whie salnrles : In 11 private eStitliiSit- )
melts mire suleln ! 3 Revere slirhmik-
mlge . hlll/hlg them 10wn to the basis
of the rellcet cost of 1\1 I/ hc sees
10 rlason why the II ' or state offices
shoull remnln llehnngell Oo\'ernor
Hlehll'ds In his lessaJe therefore nec-
omments Rleclc l't'lhlCtolS In tie suits-
rles Itnehln to ttesllnated oU1esIr " -
hog lit Ilnoults fl'OI $ ; OO ( lowlI. Tile .
l'ellO'ts fro I the "romhlg capitol ( tin- I
thermore Ildlcate thlt tile legislature . .
Is II comillete nccO'l1 wih thin go\'C'no.
on this ( iiul'StiOil Inll thlt the i'etrench. .
ment recommended wi he Irompt effected -
fected by the ennctment of the neces
sary leglsla ton.
\VllIlc this IH going on In "romlng
the only measures alectlg state offices
thnt are beimIg eonshlel'et by the : e-
hl'lslm legislature are his either In-
cI'elshlg existing salaries or creating
entirely new OUI . I nil the his ) ot
this 1.lnd that have been introduced
Into the two houses of the Icglslatme
were to hecome law thc Imuber of
lllaces on the state salary list would
ha ) Ilmost more thnn eiiougii to go
r01ti Yet , so far lS tile Imletlate
resources oC thin stute trens\T are con-
cm'ned , the comlton of the Nebraska
h'easury could not he very nuwh worse.
Some of the melhers are beginning
to untorstall the real Ituaton anti
the stritened Ch'CuUstlces ; of the
IIe01Jle , Int the bills for new state
ol es wi find little or no favor with
tiieni. Nebraska Is hardly at that
10int where a sPecial message 'I'OI the
governor Is required to urge ! the Ileces-
slt oC cutting salaries , but the need
of going slow ahout raising old salaries
and creatng new ones caulot be too
strongly Impressed upon the legisla-
The suggestion . Is offered by one of
The Bee's subscribers that Omaha
sloull haye I charity bail this wintor.
In other cities the churlt bal Is the
anll ; . event In thin best soelnl circles
Its recurrence being hooked forward tenet .
not only by the needy , but also by the
leatln ! devotees of fashlonaule society.
Omnhn has not had 3 charity ball : upon
I scale commensurate with the social
stlln of her people for I number of
'enrs. Tills lIas not been because of
the objections usully raised against
such un .undertnklng , namely , that It
Is putting on the cloak of charit t
cover the dissipations of Ule rich hut
because 10 one has taken upon himself
I the lnltiittIv.
' 'hcr wIll always be n certnln
squeamish few who wi object to' n
churl ' bal il'ol IL moral I stUullolnt ,
but tile fact remains thut It Is I hal'm.
less device for hellJIIg II worthy cause ,
antI there Is 10 good reason why
Onlhlt should not have one ns well ns
lien sister cIties. \Vn huve In Omuhl a
nUlbll of hene\'olent Insttutons thnt
are sh'ugglng flon ! with IHUgC' I'C-
soulees lhnt woult he deserving hone-
fcurles or clllly OtCllS \ \ have
several 1IIIs which are suluhlo for the
} 1'IIose. und muslcluus and lecorators
amId catm'ers who woull II glad to con-
tflmto their work at cost Ilrlce. Wo
have utiso society leathers : who are able
to undertnlm the lunngement of the
bail . and who wi dose IC properly . on-
COUI ct 'l'ho suggest Ion certainly do-
manlh serious amid careful consitlera-
( ion . und If we ale to have a ehl'I '
hal wo ought tu huve It 10W whlt tile
cals of the IJor und unfortunate
aiiiong us for relief are so uneut. ;
Seuutor ( 'elTor's In'ollosed nmend-
ment to tile Iloulnbi ) ) 11etnllJ un-
l'easollblo I'ates to he "such It U\
In excess of whut Is 1'Hlulrell by tim
carrIers In order to l ) 3 ' tile OlIC'utlI/
[ txfeuseK oC the rOlull Uulel' alt eco-
nomlcnl ItmlnlKh'ltun ( Inll 11 m'easoii-
able IJlolt on the uetuul yaluo oC
tht IIlIIUI'I ' , not to exceed 5
IJel' cetit " Is , wih I ) U.hups the
excellton oC thin limItation to 5 lllr
ctnt , quIte semisibie In vlow of the do-
cis Ion oC Brewer .
Judge ll'o\'C' on the No-
urlHlm mnxlmul fl'elght rate csise' . An
expression CI'OI eonlresH to this effect , ,
would bo II lr ) ° test ugalnsl Iho ( vlow .
of reasonable rates elUcluted In that .1
decision , und would but voice thin protest .
test of tile llollo ) everywhere. ,
A writer II Urn New York Hun who
declaims ugnlmt every C01n oC Jo\ern.
mental Iuterfiimico to settle lahol' this.
Intc'CI'fnco selto t1s.
IJtes by n.lhilton Inll comlehililt Ion
ttlnl.s ( wo anti now arrived ut IL point
CI'm which Cl'thII' steps In thin three-
lon already taken will lant us whore 'I '
tlO ! OVel'110It wi Illko nibs foi .
o\'ery affair of life. fn other words he I
heels upon arbItration , no matr what
COII II muy take , us merulr I ( ore-
1'ller of 80culsU. I II ! O\iH'U'
iUtitItlli IntofCul.tmcc '
IUUlt , * governmental ,
InlcrClrlnce Is the
hilOlIst or. UtlCrnlNI t I iltertert'hiCcl
by Its Iltn uut IJolcelunu to overawe -
awe strikers II the lett1sl ( or C01Jol'0'
tiolis , however , Is nol nt nil socialistic.
On the couh'I'y , It Is the only timing
to bo tone In the estlntiou or nil
ralters of this eluss. It Inle ! n great
tleai or ( iiffcreiice ss'ithi tile "
tell tlerencc wih tie 1Jl"yors
oC socialistic hughenrs . , whether tile
gm'crllInt Intm.rerence Is with the
inihital'y or tW , lrl lilitllonithes.
I : Is Very _ stounlle whether the
right tu Use the streets oC Omlhn for
the olelttol of slot Inchlnes to dole
out lelonat\ \ . ( ell tlll ginger ale ,
which the city council hns sought to
con reI ulln the ( Womnn's Clrlstnn
'l'CllIil'iiltlcti lnlon , Is not n fluchlfo
rellll'II . to bo valiti . tlc 1II0eedmc
Ilresellhetl by the charter for tile J1'nut-
Ilg oC frailellises. No one doubts tile
good motves behhll ( the ltVolIIahi'H
Christ au 'i'einpenitmlce unlou In this
mulel' ( , 01' thnt uuy Ilrolts which . It lay
tlc'lve will 10t0 to wO'II chnl'lles ,
n't the lltentee of the slot machine
11st expect 10 get n II'ontnhle royally
out of its use . Ill HO fl' its he Is con-
lt'rued the city Is giVing away some-
thhl1 of VIsille. YenllJ's of soda water
: tiitl IL'liltliiitlC. ) ! who piiy rent 01 ilcemises .
I . ( ' also object wlh some show of
rt'asun ? to ( thc free use of tle ( streets for
this llhnlOSe. ) 'rhe de\th : of lelOllle
stutls hns thus fa I' not Ipcl iiuthce-
. lotee-
ahle ill ' of the ( whl'l'e
II lilly Illt city the
tlelulll has warl'auted thiei . Crelitioll.
As was to have : bcen expected the
charges 11'erC'I'et ) ? hy n tlichnrged CIII-
PhOYe of the englleC"s ( ht'lartlhiehit )
agltiilst City I' nglneel Hosewatel' ha\'e
falen llttt. 'I'ho couucl comlitee to
which they WlI'e referred for lu\est.
gaton has I'ellortet ( thlt the testmony
tal.en thu not elicit Sllllleiehtt '
dll elct suHeleut e\'lleuce
to siiln4taiitinte . ' '
slhstaltate the nlegutons. 'l'he
commitee IIght have gone much fihr
her ( hind It been Ilelned to to justice
to the mllel' , antI IInc snii the testl-
mony did show the ( chI'Jt'S : to hlve
heen ) lntrel ' II'ounl1ess :5:1(1 : to have
heen Instuted at the IllStiglttioml of
contllcto' dissatisfied with the rlgll
ro ulatons : enfo'ctd 1y the InghleC"s
( iehLtt'tihieILt. Thins the wOlterful ) disclosures -
elosl'ei hl'OltIiSel by the len prose-
cu thlg these charges hlL'e flied to
mise e\'on It tempest In u tellOt.
I ought not to remain fo.- . the hnck-
len themselves to Protest agaInst re-
ducing the fee for 'nackmnen's lIcenses
( rain $10 to $ : The revenue fl1m these
leenRcH goes to tile support or the publIc
schools. 'flmchool board has been
comilulnll ! fOldb' of n lack oC f111s.
but It has 'U\-Ol ' talin lillY acton to
protect its Itheinc' from miscelaneous
hiceIlseS. TIiq . Presolt license fee ex-
acted from l\ " len does not appear
to he exorhltult I may be exorbitant
COmllle ! wih the eXellJUOn oC other
lmhlc carriers.ljut this might be remedied -
died us weliiy - mnl.luthe licenses
more unlforl1 us 1 ' cuUI them down.
The reasons ' rgc lu the hiaclimen's
protest , hO\Qi-cJ./wi / not hold wnter.
Time populst sIlintols 'wl In I ( lay or
two , so soonas L ! ) } e. new lelbcl's dcc-
ted to till 'Hcmcles from Montana
. anti \ \ 'omI1g issume their dutes ,
hell tlO balance of pltrty power In the
sonnte The . next questIon Is , What
do they propose to do with It
! cokll ! the UIftttlllnflbio.
Phiallelihln Tlmos. 'j , .
Wanted-Patriotism In .
Wanted-Patriotsm . congress. I
A nlclulcholy ncmombruncc.
a hobe-Demorztt.
The farmers will long remember the pres-
ent administration as the one under which
the price ot wheat has done more falling'
than was ever known beCore.
There Is ' '
the 'I'rouble ,
Chicago Record.
If the members or congress showed
I member one-
halt as much er.ergy In applying measures
applylnl meaures
at relief tor the fnancial situation as they
have shown In Inventing them the crisis
would have been passed long ago.
Jt Jns a Mighty Puil.
llnnerls Tribune.
The strength ot the organization behind
the Nicaraguan canal job Is Indicated by the
tact that the proposition to virtually donate
the enterprise $70,0,0 was pushed through
the senate In the face of a bankrupt treas-
Talk I.CRf , , \'orlc 11orc ,
Courier Journal.
Senator Hill has been telling the New
Yorkers what congress should do. Some- ,
how most of these congressmen . seem to
know when they get outshle of Washington
a great deal more about the dutes of con-
gl'ess than they know \Vashlngton. .
A lublly FIileriince. :
, , ,
Phlnlellhln Tlmpi
The senate has passed the Nicaragua canal
bill , pledgIng the credit of the government
to the amount of $70.0,0 with Intel'est for
an Indefinite period to the enterprise. The
house has not acted upon the bill \ I. however
and ! Is not likely to concur In It during the
remaining days of the present session. In
view of this fact I will not be necessary for
the presl 01 the llelle to take the sUbject
Into very serious consitlemntion. I there
were any danger that It would become a law
It might not he amiss to recall the experience I -
once of the government with the subsidized
PacIfic railways. wih tle
Alother hlol Sllrottored.
I'liilaiiehphia , liecord.
Ole by one our brightest hlolH am shat-
tered. Here comes the Agricultural bureau
at Washington with the startling statement
starting ftatement
that the peanut' Is not a nut at all , but a
hean. The hand at Boston may al seen In
Ihll Insult to the proud American peanut.
' 'hll Is the last straw and the great Amerl-
. can people wi not ) ear it. Seven cities
clalmerl the honor of Homer. and three con-
tnentI boast the tithe ot the birthplace of
the 1)canut-Afrlca , South America and ,
Spuln. But America has adopted the cheer-
log hut not inebriating " "
Inehrlatng 'goobpn' as her own.
and even BOlton 0 cannot monopolize Its
glory for herself. . monollolze I I
MuhcjMtii . : lnlt 1'1) Ut ) .
, 80.1 .Cly Tribune
There will b'
wi nI regret over a decision
oe lie sulrene Aioutt handed down
.ourt Monday.
sU/lreme /
. <
A fn n , Mills county bought liquor tn
' boulht lquor
Omaha received It. consulc,1 , It alHI then
sought to eca'e payment by I setting up
the claim that , thf sale was unlawful In
Iowa and the enforcement of payment
therefore agaInst public policy. The
supreme court c les polcy.
courtjj ccljhes that the sale was n
legal one and that , therefore. the squealing WI
buyer cannot reOover back squealng
they have Paid . _ .J was urged that money the
sales wer made IQ Iowa because the
becule pur-
chaser dhl not po ept the liquor until
Ic lquor
tested , hut JUdge Demer who rendered ,
tile opinion \ slilpetl around tills by drawing <
Ing the following Ihistinction . "The hew "
he says "hal 1IIIle a relned , yet no less
ohvlous. dintln 4on. between an option
: to
Ilrchas If sal $ taclory. all to return If
not ( ' . retur
10t satsfactor ) In the enl case title vIli
not pass unt the option Is determined
and In tile other case the properly
at return. once ' , subject t the rlSht 10 rescind puss and
cLzri1.xn .1"'l trniuucxcinzronz. :1 :
St 7 "uls n publc ( demm ) : One ndvnnlng
IA on the sldo ot the President. lie knows ,
his own mind cmi Is readY to t10 somnething.
Criticism wi come with ball grace tram
dontocrats republicans . natonal banker or
111111100 sellers , who cannot Join In promotIng -
log n Practicable solution ot the dumeulties.
St. PAul ' Press . '
Pioneer ( rel ) ) : Jnchlent-
nly , the message ot Mr. Clenlan\ \ clears tile
way ot one hoary-headed fallacy . Why ,
tusks the ( must , should wo pay Interest on n
debt when wo can carry It with promises to
pay that bear no interest 1 The president
shows that the Idea that the nonlnlerest bear-
Ing debt costs nothing Is nn Insane delusion.
Kansa City Joural ( rcp.m ) : To 10 Into the
market for the purchase ot $500,000.000 of
gold , tiicmu will not benefit hue people here
0' elsewhere. The only real basis ot Inan-
clal slrenplh Is the prosperity or the I ) opte.
To seek It In any other directon .Is . [ ol ' .
Any opplrent relief In that direction Is but n
fiction-an expensive delusIon. I will not
take long for [ the People 10 find It out.
Denver lepuhlcan ( rei ) : I ely , falsehood [ -
hood ! and laver run a neclt-and.neck race
In the IOSaIQ seut 10 congress by PresIdent
Cleveland yesterday urging thin enactment ot
a lnw for a new issue or $590,000,000 or 3
tIer cent bomids . pa'able. prIncipal nnd interest -
est tnold coin at the present standard
weight atI nneness after fly years . 10 lake
up and cancel the existng legal lender notes.
Kansas City Times ( dem. ) : I Is a wise
patriotic manly course to pursue In an
emergency er infinite danger. I congress .
will act upon It promptly . earnestly and
vlorolsly the trouble which has been hang-
tog over the country lee a dark anti danger-
aims cloud may bo removell and the delno-
cralo parly emerge from the nit into which
It has hecl cast renewed , reinvigorated nld
restored to the confdence and affections ot
the people.
Mlnne:110ls Trlbuno ( rep. ) : The presl-
dent's present plan Is sound Ind It Is the only
feasIble plan that wi Inslre hnmelale , re-
hot. Helresentatve Springer has Intro-
ducel a bl to carry It Into elect , and It Is
to bo hoped that the rcpublcans In congress
wi see their way clear to support it . so that
It may become I law before the expiraton ot
the pr sent congress. Wo heleve that tm
passage ot this bill would be followed by an
Immediate Improvement In business.
Denver News ( pop. ) : The schema Is a
damnable one. I carried out It wi entail
nothing but misery-mIsery the depth at
which has never before been reached. Like
the car ot jtiggernaumt It will crush the lIfe
out of its own worshippers but
It wi also destroy those who pro-
test agaInst its enormities. The senators -
ators and representatives from time
west and south should make tim fight of
their lives to defeat It. Let their battle cry
be that of Napoleon's ell guard : "We die
but never surrender ! "
Atlanta Constitution ( dem. ) : On the other
hand why should the administrton betray
alarm ? Mr. Cleveland alone Is responslblo
for the false and fatal Interpretton ot the
law that leIm Is the creditors of the gov-
erument to dIscriminate against all Cormn
ot government money except gold. Why
should ho 01 hIs admlnlstraton feel alarm
over . . a sltuaton uu that _ he _ has _ _ InvIted _ and
contributed t01 wily should the banks pretend -
tend to feel alarmed over a sltlaton that
they have created and out ot which they
have reaped such tremendous profits.
Chicago Tribune ( rep. ) : The message Is a
truthful and temperate statement ot the
situation and at manly resolve on the part
of the chief executive to do his whole duty
In the rnattor . It merits the most hearty
Illorsement by every honest man In and
out or congress and Its suggestions ought
to be gIven tile force of law at the earliest
possIble moment. Every republican senator
all representative should vote for these
recommendations and show that they are
glad to be able to support a democratic
president In doing his duty by the people.
Chicago Record ( Ind. ) : Until the time
when a monetary commIssion or another con-
gross can perfect a new banking . and cur-
rency plan some means of relief Is abe
Intely necssary , and the measures proposed
by the Iresldent appear la be as good as
any. As Mr Cleveland points out , no mat-
ten how bimetalsm may be regarded the
silver men can no longer deny the Importance -
portance . .lghluly or wrongfully acquired ,
of gold. Protection for the gold reserve I
! Imply a necessity every other course lea-
Ing no alternative but repudiation and dis-
Chicago Herald ( them ) : The president's
plan goes 10 the root ot the whole mater
without opening the question of state bank
circulation 01 circulation based on anythIng
besides United States bonds. I It should be
adopted there would b no more scares ' about
the depiction ot the gold reserve. The ex-
port demand for gold would SOOI cease or
at least become so moderate that It would
not alarm anybody. Indeed , the current
would son turn tOW'd us . because confidence
In our securities , abroad and the foreign de-
mand for them would be In a great measure
Kansas City Star ( Ind. ) : The message at
President Cleveland to congress Is a plaIn ,
strong appeal for the salvation at the credit
of the nation. Sliver men may denounce
It as a complete surrender to the bankers
partisans may decry I as partisans do everything .
thing originated by their opponents , but
the solid . common sense of the country will
recognize the mesgo for just what It Is-
namely , a patrlot's appeal to patriots for
such legislation as will forever banish the
uncertaInty and lack of confidence which
unlerles the business troubles at this coun-
try. _ _ _ . _ _ _
Doane county farmerswill hold an institute
wl Insttulo
at Albion on February 7 and 8.
'fhe Western Nebraska Educational asso-
elation will meet at Sidney April 26 and 27.
As the result at frictIon In the Calaway
schools Principal Shaver has resigned and
A. D. Harris has taken tile place.
Incendiaries started a fire that destroyed a
notorious hiouiae ot iil-tamno In the vicinity of
Columubus causing a loss ot $ 1,600
Theodore Doehm , I member ot the Grand
Island band blow so hard on his her that
he ruptured an artery In his IOW and a
physIcian hall 10 he called before the hem-
orrhaga could be stopped.
Some ot the youth of Oakland have Indulged -
dulged In the pastme of digging a robhers'
cave ot extenslvo proportions and arranged
In the most approved dime novel style. The
authorites . will endeavor to suppress the .n-
Five years ago Casper Raasch ot Scribner
lost a horse on account oe a defective bridge
anti sued Dodge county for tim value at the
animal. The case was carried to the supreme
court , and that court has decided that the
county must keep Its bridges tn repair 01 pay
for losses.
Peter Dussey , hiving four miles northwest
ot Nortol , . had hIs short crop ot wheat
nicely stored for the winter , consisting ot
about ninety hushels. The other morning he
went out to load up a gist for the mi and
found that sixty bushels had been stolen.
leaving his family without suiliciont bread
fur the winter and seed for this year's
Broadening an 011 ( ne8tol.
I New York Tribune.
The old question . "Aro we a , nation of
rascalH ? " assumes a broader character to
racaIR a ctarater
one who studies the Iioltes of the whole
world "Are wo an allreluton of rascally
nations ? " Is more apt to he the Inquiry
The conditions which have existed for years
maHt condions adminIstration at American
cities have been often polntetl to IUI' an
argument against the RUCCeS of republican
governmemlt. But that 10110 provel all other
gOVCrflnlelIt worthiew3. Accounts at whole-
sale corruptIon pour In frol all over the
lale corruton
worill. Tile systematc pur brlb.r ot olcials
and blaelcmaiiiflg hy newspapers which exIst -
Ist blallmalng I'rnce ndangcre the existence -
once of tim republic , and at bottom were
the nlil causes oC the crisis which the
country Is Just going through. 'fh" Pan-
In by the
ama scandals aru matched Italy
transactions between hanlts anti politicians
which oliicials do not dare investigate ,
China scuds a story of corruption which II
startling even to victims or 'alunany rule. II I I
Highest of aU in Leavening Power.-Latcst U S. Gov't Report
pya1 Powder
l'lWI'T .ISI T(8
Conlel hu 1 lithe more than four weeks
for "sound" tleiiberations.
The Imprcsslon Is growing In Colorado
that lrehlent Cleveland Is n gold bu !
As a type or the French cabinet masker
M. Bourgois was not cat In the rlpht nloil (
A row publIc men are born economlsls.
The mnJorly Insist on economizing on the
other rolow ,
Mr. Cleveland , has gone Into training again
preparatory 10 taking a republican congress
on his hands.
x-Oovernor lennyel hns reI urnId to his
Mwml , thus filling the political injunction .
"sa ' nothing but saw wood "
x-Senalor Illals tnnounces his determI-
nation to contest for his oM seat In the
senate when l'efrer's term expires
Tile examination ot wouh.ho Jur'men In
MllneapolR Preselits Ih ) edifying spectnclo
ot n court dispensing premiums for igluorallco.
Christian I. Ross the father or Charley
fleas hiss been allpolltell masler warl1en of
the port ot Plmilauleiphiia , at a salary ot
$ : ,50. i
The prince or Wales has 11eclarC1 against ,
tipping servants antI wahtors . This Is what :
the mnrqus ! or Pullman regards as a policy :
ot Infamy , I
There Is n state penitentiary nt Cheyenne i
IlcslgnOl for the sate.lteellng or crilninais
Its greatest success so far Is In keeping the
warden. verybolly else goes.
Felix Faure Is tile first president or France
who has been a con rlll smoker. lie
smollls several cIgars n da ) ' , or course
CnsinlIr-I'erier indulged In cigarettes.
Uncle Sam shoull exert his IJOWer to prevent -
vent war between Mexico and Gualemala.
Better Ilht for pence nlll save thIs COUllr ) '
from nn epidemIc or lockjaw whIch Central
Amerlcal nams wonll precipitate.
Dr. larllhurst vlllcales John Iltirns
These eminent reformers after n few hours'
investigation . pronouncell Chicago the vilest
city on earth. Some dIsloyal boatmen stirred
up Chicago river at the wrong momcnt. I
The forced sale of her oM home line left i
Mrs. Kate Chase.Spraguo destitute . It Is
said. Site has nothing hut her wartoh
lint ohio can cal her own , anti that has
not been rellenlshed for two years whie she
Is In debt to frIends for smnl sums or money
ndvancOI to her. leI .Ieclno wlhll thirty i
years from Rmuence anti the highest social I' '
position almost to actual walt Is hue direst
ot misfortunes. I
Senator Balte of Kansas says that while :
ho Is not a church macniber yet he hiss
sInce childhood rep alel1 every evening a
little prayer that his mother taught 111111.
WherenlOn the Lawrence Journal suggests :
"It Ito hopes to retain his good character
and standing he ought to lear another little
one to repeat In the morning while his sena-
tonal term Insts. One little prayer a day
will not go far In Washington. "
Senator Prichard , the new man from North
Carolina , who has Just taken his seat , Is
now the youngest man In the senate beIng
only 37 years or age. Sena tor-elec Du leI or
the same state , Is stl younger , so Ihat they
wi probably be referred to hy Ihe frivolous
writers as tIm "North Carolina hula " or
the "baby senators from the Tar-Heal 1 stale. "
Senator Pritchard Is In every way a selma
mflatle man. Ho started ns a prInter's devil .
and finally learned ( how 10 write squibs for
the weekly paper that employed him.
, 'L'luy Cold I. Extorlcd.
AUree S. Iteideiluacli 11 Ihe ( February Form ,
I It be tre that Europe no longer sends
us large quantities of securities . and since
the merchandise balance Is very conslder-
able In our favor whence then comes this
unsettled debt which keeps clamoring for
payment In : old , and which It seems we can
liquidate with nothing else ? The explann-
lon Is sImple enough.
The United States owe to Europe ( apart
from the ordinary merchandise balances as
evidenced by the custom house returns ) annually -
nual ) ' :
1. For money spent by American tmY-
elenu abroad . nbnut. . . . . . . . . . $ M.Oo
2. For freights carried In foreign shill ,
trehllis . . . cnrrlel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,009,009
3. For dividends nnt Interest upon
American securities still lucid
abroad . mlnlmnm. . . . . . sti . . . . . . 75,000,000
4. For prots or foreign eOllmtons
doIng bsiness lucre , nnll ot non-
resldeultu . . . derIved trm real estate
inveatments . partnershIp prolits ,
ele. Inveslmenll. , _ nbout. , . pnrlncrslll' . . . . . . . . . prls . . . . . 75,000.OOa
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3i1,000.00) :
These ilgtires have been carefuly gone
over and represent a very conserva.-
lve estimate , s that the actual total Is
more likely to he lurger than smaller. In
order to pay this vast annual indebtedness
to Europe the balance of trade In mercllm-
dine would have to reach at least this suIn
but It lisa never done so. The merchandIse
balanr ( including exports of silver ) In our
favor In ( was exports , and large aM
this was It ! Ul left a very lurgo amount
to be pall ror. This balance could be paId
only In securities or In gold. So long us
European creditors were willing to talc our
securities 01 reinvest their balances In
American enterprises . there was no inordinate -
nate call for gold . but as they no longer
seem to wish to take our securIties to any
extent nor to male permanent InvestmentR
here there Is nothIng left but to ask for
amI insist upon payment In gold. ast
This leads up to the question : Why do
they not wish to take our Feculltes 01 make
Investments In our enterprises ? Simply be-
cause the , developments In our railroad
management have filled would-he investors
with dIsgust all anger and bovo all be-
cause they ale dismayed at the condItion of
our treasury and our currency and fear
that If they leave 01 Invest money here
they may not he able to get back aR Iood
money as they Rave. They have no doubt
oC the Rood intentions of the government
to uploll the ( parity or old. silver and
naper. but they cannot help doubting its
abilIty , under tile present conditIons , EO to
do. Thus , fear In one at the lu.ln causes
and this fear will not be dlfslpnted until
we are on I Found basis unI no hasJR Is
sound that does not provide { for a redemp- I
world-gold. tion ot all currency In the money oC the
A CllSTKll CU' SJltWf.
Inter OCln : lie-I 10\1 ( l'tteve that
this was onQ ot mother'A own Pies , uhenr.
She-'oumhui 'Ol really . darling ? 1e.yo :
It tastes n ! Ie it { hal been male about ten
'en1 ago .
V4'asllington Stari'Pnlde : , " iuahi Uncia
J hen , "cmli ten tie chllin whlt Aal ' I'OW-
dnh al ttr II conkin' , 1oh can't raise 'm , . .
right \Ifo\t I hul . too lueh am gwlne .
' " Jwln
tel Iplo 'em 110. , . .
SomervIlle Journal : \Vcmen or. tInily
lewl1I'IN are Ilwln ! n hlrll time . now
HInt their In lCI II ni Iet on ilnotypea ,
lalcR are . . impossible with the InotYllo
ihnrper'uo Bllr : : Mr. Dlnn ( unpaid bi
Owens In his ? Iall-Whcl shah I cal again Ir.
Mr. Owenuu---\Veil , It wouhul iunrdiy be
llloper fem you to call ngaimi until I have
returned the present call.
Lhfe Tue New YorkOinl-Lori iillnhey ,
ulid you ever bear tltt' joke nirnut tIle
llltisetlm.kccler vlio lund two sloililul of SL
l'aui , one % llen lIt ) was -a boy and the
other wllen lie was a 111(1,1 ?
Tile Ellghisilmnn-.No wllat Is it ?
Atlanta .Tollrflai : Judge-I lilluierstand
th' idnlntiit . is Ruling for a. ltorso. Attorney
-Yes , ) .flfl liottor , hilt lucre SCI'Inq to ho ut
ilitehl about ttlC evidence , Jnilge.-\Vcii ,
yell can't stuidie tilt' resluolIsiluility Out the
court. Let the case ; rocecd.
Detroit F'reo Presq "l'ill io sorry 5111)-
Per isn't renuly , " paul Mrs. 1)iilsluou-e to Iter
Iltisbuihill sVhllt lie caine In , " 5 nttetiuled tlto
Iflectitug of tile sewing circle ( his afteruloomu
iind I couldn't . ' ' "
got avay. "Ilcinnieti in , _ .
were O'oll7" ilskCtl her iltIalialiti , 1
New York Recorder : 'rllere iii great
economy tuf Ulfle lii lasluiess. So maiy
tlllngs lIever luecti to be doile at all if you
lint 'cmli ofT ,
I'itiladeliitiut. lOecorut : ' 'Tii Is silrnly ft
cold Sf3111 , " grntvlu'il tile dog as lie missist
tile eat and ItutrIcui his teeth in a. cake uS
ON Tlhi s'rlsFDT.
Clcvelautl i'lniuuult'utit'r.
An aged , etlibhiorut nuuun wns Ito ,
\'itit ilead of silvern giow :
Altii tiiiuuu , In eroaldng tones to too
lie sutid , "I lo'e tIle stlO'l"
So kumudly nature luehpeth 111111 , thea ,
To 1111 his mierverso cul-
FI Vlleli I lookeil on him again ,
1 saw hint wrong- end isp.
a- -
TIlL : . ! f.IJIIf.V l.t'LI TI ! ! ; IIUflUL.fJh.
Youngstown \'lntlicator.
She was a itiruidemi , coy bitt forty ,
IJiusull led Sty a d teuttu o C taut ii :
No thought , however slightly Ilulughty ,
Ihuid ever crossed her life's allort span.
Till one dark muight , when all were sleeping.
SIte foummutl the vretch she long laud sotigiit
1"or uulticrneatlt her lueul lay ieeping.
A poet , hone burglar freshly caught.
SIte locked time door niuui quickly tltruting
I'imhied foutil a pistol fully cocked ,
Aill ( % itit LI. voice tluat told its ycat ning ,
11cr vrisoner's liigllt she stormily mtiocioeu1
"Now lIsten to my ttitimnntutm :
Youi'Vt' got to muurry me or die :
Thougil you're tue very lowest stratum ,
I'll hiutve a lltisbauud , or knov why. "
Tllen rose thue burglar , sadly speaking :
" \'our luroluositloll ( lees hot suit ,
flathter tluamt be tile juan you are seeking ,
'tVhy , tlarn you , muluidant , clara you , ltootl
. , / Hypocllohlclrical1
. - '
, - - .fcvv'tt despondent , nervu u-- -
Oils , " tired
\ -those who
1 i-i ' -S stiffer fioin
11 , 1j1 I ' - backa'che ' ,
I P' ' weariiiess ,
I ' ' . \ loss of cii'
: orgy , unpaired -
. paired iiiein
- ? . ory , dizzi-
DOSS , iiielati.
- clioly and
- L _ . discourage-
I r - ' Ifleflt tile
, re-
, - - - ; - ; - . . : : ; ; stilt of cx-
. - hausting diseases -
eases , or drains UOfl the system ,
excesses , or abuses , bad Ilabits , or
early vices , are treated through correspondence -
respondence at their homes , with
uniform success , by the Specialists
of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute , of Buffalo , N. V. A book
of 136 large pages , devoted to the
consideration of the maladies above
hinted at , noay be had , mailed securely -
curely sea/cd from observation , iz a
ft/alit envelojie , by sendimig 10 cents
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Book ) , to the World's Dispensary '
Medical Association , at the above
mentioned Hotel. Per more than
a quarter of a century , physicians
connected with this widely celebrated - _ -
brated Institutioll , have made the
treatment of the delicate diseases
above referred to , timeir sole study
and practice. 'rhousands , have consulted -
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has naturally resulted iii imuproved
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mont , and men's $6 and $7 pants at $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.75. .
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