L - , , . - . - , . - . ' ' - . . _ . - - : - _ - : - - - - - - , . - . - - - - - . . . - - . - . . ' , . , ' j- " - - - - . - . ' - ' ' J ; * ; , / f r . 4 TIlE O [ AnA DAILY nEE : TI1UBSIAY , JANUAltY 31 , 1895. a : NEWS \ I1ROM COUNCIL BLUFFS - OliaTgo of Managers in the Bharpless Creamery Oompauy. ( lXTRAVAGANCE TilE ALLEGED CAUSE Lack or Attcnton to Uot"U , Hun Up the Jxpcso : Account to ii Irloro the fifth COl ! ' ] Not 5t"d. John A. Carlell who hal ) acted n man. ngll for the SharpIeII Creamery company ot Wettchtster . Pa. , In this city for Ioyeral year PMt , has resigned his position , anll for the present J. n. Comfort , the traveling auditor , II In charge. The groun(1 ( upon which the change Is mallo Is l that ot mis. management. For several weeks pat Mr. Comfort hal been In the city and stopping at the Grand , hut the nature It his errand was t a tnyBtcr to all outside parties. ' lie has mate a thorough cxamlnaton ot the books and state that Mr. Carlisle has spent 30,000 In keeping the business running this year , I , _ when hal that sum should . have sumced. . l 10 maltes no charge ot financial croakednea , but ncrll the great expenee connected with lho buslno' merely to I lace dl attention to the dimes amI shillings. Un'ler Mr. C3rlislo's management the frm did a large business In this city . the Profits amounting to between $8,000 all $10,000 hUlt year , anti when ho was on the roa(1 as a traveling sales. I man ho was very successful ' UOSTOS STem . Cle"rllJ Sale Cuntnurl TIiI . ncok. NOTION DWAHT mNT. lOc tress buttons redncel ( lo lc a dozen. lOc and 25c dress stays , 10c a dozen. lOc curling Irons , now Gc each. naek spool silk , lc a spool. hooks and eyes lc a gross. ' llc and 20c Ilk rlbbols , lc l a yarl' 2lc silk elastic web , now 12c ! a yard. GOc handbags now 2c each UNDElWI I. L.tdies' heavy ribbed vests , winter weight , Dc each Ltlics' 25c underwear to close 13c cache aJles' , ! lOc vests and pans , 2c cache Ladles' tine wool knit underwear worth $1 fno kni unlerwear , , rcduced to COc each $3 Ilunly union BullS , now $1.50 each Oents' heavy undershirts reduced to lCc cccli Oents' $ shirts now G9c ench. Gents' lOc underwear ( now 2rc each FOWLE , DICK & \VAL1fl1t . Council Duls . , Ia. Music at the Grand hotel Thursdays , as well a Sunday/ at the dinner hour 6 to ' . 8 o'clock. IdLadles' Id - - Davis Eels ! drugs , paInts and glass cheall Not"d , } lck"y Uend. Ed ATnold . one ot the smallest but best known horse racers In the country , died last Sunday In Sl. Louis , alll his remains passed through Council muls yesterday afternoon : - on their way to their last resting place In the Avoea ccmetery. lie was born In Avoca lwenty-four years ago , and trom. riding racer .at county _ fairs and thc like he gradually sllreall out until he became Ident- nell with the American Horsemen's association - cIaton , antI for the last three years he has been on no tracks but those at the national circuit In 189 he tel from a horse and sustained a fractured skull , several fractured ribs and other Injuries of less note. The following year hc had 1 bad accident In a race at St. Louis Last August he fell from a horse In Kansas City and met with Injuries front which he never fully recovered. Ills . mother Mrs. G. 'V , Arnold , who lives In .1 Oalllnnd , was with him when he died. Ills c wife , mother all sister , Mrs. P. C. Kebble , were In the city yesterday with the body. 4 Arnold was a dwarf all would not weIgh more than ninety-five pounds. The funeral will take lllace at Avoc today Ichl VI' the Train. S. W. Creel , a conductor on the Omaha . and Council Bluffs bridge motor line , was _ held up and relieved of his cash this morning 4 about 12:30 : o'clocle. lie was on the last train ; . $ running from Omaha to the car house. He . was In the rear car counting his money preparatory - paratory to making a tine ! report at the car house. At Thlrty-rourth strGet In this city a man entered the car , and coming ; up to Creel leveled a revolver at hIs breast and , ordered him to "shell out " Creel picked up $2.00 oft the scat and handed It to the highwayman who darted out at the door and jumped from tIne train The only other passenger In the car was : a boy trout Broken ; e Dow , Neb. The whole thing was done so , , I.quickly that no one In the other car knew what had lapllenel1 The robber Is des rlbed as being six feet In height , wIth a smooth tace. Ho wore neither overcoat nor gloves. Ills cal was without a visor. lie 1M SUPllosed to have gone to ( Omaha on the Ice. ' ' - Gas cooldns stoves for rent and for sal at Oas Co.'s chIco. . , . Co.s ofce. , . Uldn't Clmblu ; lor 1Inney. I Tbo case at William Rogers , charged with poeer playing , was triad In Justice Walker's court yesterday. but the state failed to make C a case against him. Officer WeIr and one other witness testified that thcy heard ono ot . , the other players say to Rogers , "There Is .i ? $ ; .l0 worth , " but they saw no money chang' hands aunt were tunable to swear that It was I , anything but a little trlenlly game ot casln or old mall , excepting that the presence of a lot of polter chips seeme(1 ( to be entirely " unneccessary upon either of thoBo hypotheses Rogers was dIscharged for lack of evidence 'r iTu and the cases against Ieddy Hess anti ' . . Charles l'enlnwere dismissed by the . 8tate. .1I l'oeht Flour fnt" 'l'hll Week nt C. 0 D. t Brown' . . Drown's C. O. D. XXXX patent , 85c per sack ; Buffalo , 7Ga per sack : Lone Star , G5c per sack ; Ruby , COc per sack ; rye tlour.41e 11er sack , and rye graham , 4Gc per sack ; corn meal , 150 Iler sack ; potatoes , G5c per bushel. Uemember , a silver dollar packed In every twenteth sack at Drown's celebrated XXXX patent. I you are lucky you get your flour for nothing UHOWN'S C. O. D. . , 1. L' 11)10111 IU\"rl.ly : 11. t E. W. Raymond left last evening fort Wliamele , Iii. , on account of I telegram announcing - nouncing that his father , J. C. Ha'moll , ( was lying at Iho point of death The Invalil ' was a resident of Council Iluls until about . - , . . . eighteen 10nths ago , and Is 7G years of age . , A short time ago he became the victim ot blood Iloisonlng , which attacked him In one of his toes. , l spread through his entire limb later on , and now , It Is believed , nothIng can save hla life . lie Is tine fattier at E. W. Raymond and F. H. Iaymond ot Council luls and A. A. Iaymoml of Omaha Je Is at the home of his daughter In liii. nols. _ _ _ _ _ _ Try Eagle laundry , 721 riroadway for good work . Our medlll gloss finish can't be beat , blt wo do strictly band work , domesto tnlah , when preferred , Telephone 157. Neatest drug ItoroTa'lor's. Grand hold . AI"otl1 at } ItI. l' . , \ . UUUII. Last night promptly at ' o'clocll 1 nmm . ber at ChristIan workers met at tIm rooms : of thu Young Men'a Christians association and . ' t . , , , bold 1 short prayer meeting , after which they sCIJratet and went to tie various church Ilrayer meetings , where tbey scattered t trebrands frm ito torches at theIr enthusi. am to all quarters or the city . . 'fhe meetings that are being held nightly at the hal , corer Main street and II'oall- way , are deeply spiriual anti Intense. This evening at 7:30 : 10v. John Askln will I give the principal address , after which there will bo a cannonade at Ihort talks and . . . rt. I' music Al men are invited. k , \Vanted , competent ) cook , nt 60S First t avunue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' ' Ihturl'Ct Chureh " , rvle , . . "Elder" Ducll , the faith healer , In the two weeks ho buns beets ho\lll meetings In the On.ton mission , cornier Rlxteenth street nnll Fourth avenue , hu succeeded In bringing 4 together 1 large number of Ileollo , whose ' : morals need healing won than theIr phyatque , nhll among them are 4 lot ot boys and half grown men 'ho have amus4 1 them- selves by throwing rocks through the window - dow , whistling an accompaniment t the gospel hymns with which the "elder" enlivens - livens his meetings , anti otherwlM nllstng him In his task or creating a sansation . Two ot thIs gang are alleged to b Charles Stevenson - son anti ( John Holder . Doth were arrtell yesterday on warrant Issued from Justice Vlen' court by Constable naker , and will have a hearing thIs afternoon at 2 o'clock aao Tour MOlcr. Dy investing In the stock ot the Savings , Loan and luldlng association or Council , luls , Incorporated In 187 Monthly pay- ' monte ot $1.00 per share , netting the Investor about 10 her cent Inlerest. Ten series al. ready patch out , which fully lemonstrates the ability ot the association to mature its stock In about sevnty.fve monthly pay- ment . No loans mad uutsldo ot Council limits , and all applications examined and Iassel upon by n majority of the board of dlrectoro. Good loans wanted. Full Inrorma- ton cnn be obtained at the office at IV. . Otis , secretary , 10 Main street or any of the following directors : II. W. Hazelon , rank Grass , John Brown . A. S. Hazelon , II. C. Beebe , A. 1. Walker E. E. hart , F' . C. Lougee , S. S. I.cnari Ito tutnI "x'r"tltuu ' 1''plrA. A telegram from Colonel I ) . n. naloy ) 'C. terlay afternoon announced tim fact that Governor Jackson refused 10 IRue his war- rant for the extradition ot Joe Young , the Council Bluffs stock buyer , charged by a I South Omaha firm with obtaining money under false pretenses . Minor % lentlnn . Grand hotel , Counci l3hutts . reopened Oct. 1. Ma'J Heal Estate agency , G39 Broadway. I.lzzle Ward , chargell with stealing a few socks trom one Leo King was discharged by Justice Walker yesterday. Patrick Lyons , convicted of drunkenness antI disturbing the peace , has taken an ap- peal to the distrIct court. George P. Scanlan was granted a divorce by Judge Thorel yesterday tram Esie V. Scanlan , the ground being desertion , The remains of Clement B. Weirich , the Inrlnt chIld or Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Weirich , were taken to Marseilles , Ill . , last evening for burial. "Whal Memos a Preacher ? " Is the topIc for tine service ot the Later Day Saints' church tints evening. The ministers of the city arl especially invited to attend. Tine Council fluffs Furniture company , Riley & Nelson proprietors , tiled a chattel mortgage In the recordcr's office yesterday for the sum or $1,800 , In favor ( of Deebe & Hunyan or Omaha. A fair sized aulletce gathered at Dohnny'B last evening to witness the presentation or "The Girl 1 Left lehlml M" " The troupe was au excellent one , and hind thl opera house been a few degrees warmer the entertainment would have ben highly enjoyable. The case of Pieper against Dojart was on trIal In the district court alt day yesterday , and will probably occupy all of today. The case ot Bojart against Pieper , In which such a howlng sensation was Il0mlsel , came I to an unexpected end , n settlement having ' been arrived at between the parties by which ' tim case was dismissed at the plaintiff's COBt. COBt.The The jury now engaged In asseslng dam- ages to the Union avenue property against the Omaha Dlhlge and Terminal Railway company - patty fxed tIne damages on five lots rester- day , hunt refused to divulge the amount untl have finished all the work. they ha\e . fnlBhed al wOlle. Today twenty lots wi be disposed or and tomor- I'OW thirty-two which will fnish the job. The report will then be made In full to the shmemiff . Hev. 0V. , Snyder will preach next Sun- day afternoon at the Enterprise Lutheran church amid wi hold services there every evenln next week. lie will be assisted by Hev. uther M. Kuhns juidV. . L. Hems- berg of Omaha Mr. nemsberK IB a fine musical composer and singer . being the au- thor of several anthem books and other musical conmpositions. He wi conduct the song service. We hve over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving agent's commlssjon 'Ve do not loan on wild .Iand ! . nor In Nebraska. Lu& & 'fowle , _ 235 Pearl street . . J'ersonimt alontlon . M. Barnes , a merchant or Oakland , Is In the city . _ ciy. _ _ _ _ u _ J. D. Johansen of Walnut was In the city "esterday. Miss Jennie Heating Is organist at St. Francis Xa\lel"s Catholic church. Mrs. James A. Ward ot Sioux City , ror- merly Miss Lole Armour , Is the guest of Mrs. M. F' . Hohl'er on Vine street. will itayinond formerly ot this city Is tabling 1 post graduate course at Iowa col- logo , Grinnohi . In appled Christianity , under Dr. George D. Herron. He expects to go with Dr. Herron next yea on a lecturIng tour. - . jt 'l ; . "TIlm FO1uwIST . Fall \lh Variable " 'lnd8 i'romnttse.l tur , 'F'nlniy. " ' . \SIINGTON. Jnn. -'he forecast for ' Thurl.II . ) ' Is : For NI'blsltr'alrallale : winds. POI' Iowa-l"atl ; wI'mer ; soulh wlnlls. For Missouri-Fair : wormer ; Ionlh vtimdnn. 1"01' South Dakota-Fair coillel' Daltl-l : : north- west winds. For Knnsls and Colomiulo-1"uir : warmer ; south to vest . wtnds. ' I.ocal Record. OFFICE OI THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAhA , Jan. : O.-Omaha record or temperature - ature ninth rainfal , compared wlh the cor- relpondlng day of thc past roul years : 1S9. 1891. 1893 1892 Maximum temperture.:1 i 28 15 -i 1lnlmum i I temnipema tore . . . " 6 19 .4 : m ) Average tennmpeuutnnre . . . ! 21 6 38 l'rech.laton. . . . . . . . . T .0 .00 .W Condition or temlleratlrc und pleclplnton at Ib91 Omula : fOI' the thuy ali tlnce March I , Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dclclenc ) ' for time they . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Normal precipItaton . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Dclclenc ) ' for the lay. . . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch 'l'otitl precipitation lnce : March l1U,36 Inches Deficiency Ilnce Mardi 1. . . . lC.99 luches 1"Iurtl train Other StaUoul at I 1' . M. . ' " . ' . ; . a Si a g fl-rATnos. \5 L.1 ; STATE or g . . S . "a . WEITIELi. . " . . g" : < I 7 I - - - - - - - - - Omflha . . . . . . . . . 20 :4 'I' . Cloumuly. Norih IIatte . . , , . U no .ui ) Clear . Ilalo. . : l :0 .01 Valenutinic. . . . . . . :0 :8 .00 Clear . Chicago : . . . . . . . 0 .01) ) Clear . SI 1.1\1 \ . . . . . . 10 14 , lD Clear. HI.l'al. . . . . . . . zelo zero ' .1' . Cnar . V\.elporl. . , . . . . : . .OU Slowlll. CI ) . , l\al"ll . . . . . 20 ,00 Clear. . . 1 . Cly. :0 Vel".cr. . . . . . . . : S :1 : 1 .lt ( Cear. 'homily. SaltLnkoCity : . . . :4 : :1 : : .U : ( Ilounly . ) Iaphut City . , . . . : u ) : io .UU flcan ' . . . :0 :1 Hn\hICly. lulula. . . . . . . . . : : : : : .02 8niowlnng. Lnisumiau-ek . . . . . . 4 .0 1 Suuo " Inn ; . tH. Vlnc"l . . . . 'S ' : .01810"111. Ch"CIIU. . . . . . . 2U : t .00 Cel' : . . , itle City. , . , , . . , , n 94 T. Clounuly . CI . . . Nlel ) : I :4 old ! UI11.ClloI. . . . . . 41 10 .OU Clear. ) S below zero "T" IndIcates ot . "T trace preclpliatiorm prcclplaton. J. . A. . WE.I. Observer . FROM SOUTH OMAHA. John 1'loI'PO'1 Crlelty to lii. \OUII nle SOIII 11m to , Jntll . John Ileplle , an cmployo at the Swift Packing comllany , who lIves In Drown park , was arrested last evening on a charge of disorderly conduct Tine Ilrlsonel' has been on a Ilrotracted spree , and whlo under the Inluelce of liquor went home ant drove his bride ot three weeks ( remit the house with a hatchet. Later . on : rs. l'leppe attempted - tempted to enter the house and was driven out at time point of a revolver This was too Ileh for the bride to stand and she complalnelJ to neIghbors , who caused the arrest ot the drunken inusband . ' 1"lle City (11.11' . mchard Berlin hu shipped his gamblng apparatus to Kansas l City . Counclnll Morgan hal returned from a ten daya' trip tbrough Iowa Time Infant SOl or City Clerk Maley has reCyered tram its recent sick spell . The 10m6 Circle Jgh FIve club meetl at Dr. Schlndel'a residence Saturday evening. J. I. 0101 has entered the lat ot cammdl- dates for tine cIty council. There will be tour vacancies to tIll lt the next election . Tine Third Ward Iepublcan club will meet Saturday night at the Eagle house , Thirty- L coud and T atreeta. Lecuuc auc DECIDED FOR TiE OLD FOLKS Iowa Supreme Oourt Gves the Farm Back to Father and Mother . - ThEIR SON HAD PROVE U FAIUFUL 10 Could Not Ahhlo b7 tine Term of tine , Deed or Trust nnll So Lost the l'ropert7 Ito Would U".o AtllUlroll , DES MOINES , Jan. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) supreme court today reversed the decision at the lower court In the case ot E. : I. and Elzabeth Walker , appellants , against llnekhY L. Walker , appaled front the Cedar district court Plaintiffs arc hus. ' baud and we , and defendant their son. January 2 , 1690 , they executed to him an Instrument conveying lGr acres.ot land upon conditions that he should furnish them a proper home till death and give them a proper burIal and pay all taxes , etc. , the place being subject to a special len of Joel M. Walker for $1.000 , which shoull bo paid within fives years after death ot both plaintiffs . Failure In any of these points was 10 vohl the deed On the mnrgln of the instrument appears an endorsement stat- Ing the amounts shoul bo raised to $ COO , time deell to be fed for record and at once delivered to the derendant , It having been held In trust. In time petition It Is averred that this was mInced there without time knowledge of plaintiffs and that defendant has vlolntel , practcaly all the provisions above set out. Tine district court granted plaintiffs' petition by nljudgment , time conveyance - veyance void and quieting tithe In the ihainmtIfTs. An order was then made Oi behalf of defendant giving him $100 In full for al services rendered , with Interest and cas Is. From this juidgimment favorable to defendant , plaintiffs appeal. The supreme court sustains the appeal , holding the order to have been a JUdgment out of harmony with rules lmrevlotnely laid down by the Iowa supreme court. I IB therefore error anti costs lie against detenllanl Time decision Is , however , wihout prejudice and defendant Is to be allowed to proceed to the protection ot his rights I Other cases decided were : Napoleon Golden , appellant , against C. Ilardesty et al. . l'ola- watamlo district , affirmed ; Missouri River Lumber comnpanty appellant , against the FInance - nance Company or Iowa , Woodbury district , afrmed : 'C. M. Ocheltree . appellant , against the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company - pany , Audubon district , affirmed. auI'tN1ii : IHH1' SIITENCED . Urestoim's llrl Till-Tapp.r 'VII 00 to the Hetorm : chlol. CRESTON la. , Jan. 30.-Speclal.-Minnie ( ) ilolt tine 14-year-old girl who stole $16 from D. I. Miller , was sentenc to the reform school lat evening by Judge Towner. The case IB a peculiarly sad one , as time girl ha no mother , and her rather works during thc day time and inns had little opportunity to devote to her Tine Burlington depot at Greenfeld was robbed yesterday afternoon of ' 30 In money whie the agent was al dinner. A susnlclous character ina.s been arrested , and Is meld here for identificatIon. H. M. Street , an old gray-headed man who lies bean on trial In the district court charged wlh forging a cheek for $250 , signing his son's name , was acquitted by the jury last night. I was shown by the evidence that Mr. Street and his Eon were In the habit of signing each other's name , and that Mr. Street did not . sign the check with the Intent to defraud. , WI . H. Ballard of ACon was arrested last night for endeavoring to blackmail Charles Craven. Ballard approached Craven yester- day and told him that he was a United States officer , that ho hall succeeded Unite States Deputy Marshal Iticimards . who had been r- hewed for extravagance . and that he was snt to Creston to meet Craven. He told Craven ho would settle tine mater for $2G , but Craven did not have that much money - and Ballard offered to settle It for $0 If Craven would leave the country. Craven paid over the sum but late came to the conclusion that he was a victim of a take , and notified an officer . wino arrested Ballard. He was seat to jai In default Of $300 bnds DaIard IB a smooth Individual . and has figured In several questionable deals He will likely serve tune 'for his latest escapade. Ell C. Blair , I young man who has fur- nished tine newspapers with many sensations - of late , is now on trial In the district court on a charge of rorgery. Lizzie Westal bas been granted a divorce from Elmer Westtali . ler testimony was that her' husband attempted to kill her , and tine judge thought that was sufficient grounds for severing the matrimonial cords. 1. U' " TU JVST1C S' Jrl E' Scheme to Run II n Big Hi ot Extras Not Mucecsi . 1 Sleccs. DES MOINES , Jan. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- grann.-Attorney ) General Hemley has ren- tiered on opinion on the question ot whelher or not justices at the peace can charge the counties for cleric hire , office rent , furniture , stationery , etc. , outside or tIne limit or $ lGOO per year or their rees , which the new law allows them to retain There was quite an argument on the question In Sioux City , and It was submitted to the attorney general , who gave hula opinion that tine judges could not In any event receive more than $1,500 Iler year and could not charge the county for any or these eXllenses. Heretortoro justices have been alowed to r taln fees to an unlmiel nminouflt _ _ _ _ _ _ I'hotujrlllhorl inn .esslon . DES MOINES . Jan. 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) state conventon of Iowa photographers - tographers began here today , and will con- tnue this evening and tomorrow. Attend- ance Is quito large , and the display or Ilhologrph and supplies very elaborate. Followinmg prelminary business at tIne open- lung at tine conventon , President Melar of Spencer delivered a ahort alllresM , and commitees were appolntOI. J. H. Hal read I Iluper on "Devolopment. ' Mayor 1111 welcomed tIne convention . this afternoon . Amonl these nresent were : Perry Ayres. - Aniesi ; : C. C. aill F . Ii. Clifford , MUBca-lno ; O. J. Dougherly , Des Moines ; F. A. Dunlap 100mfeld ; W. C. Ellnger , Des Moines ; I. I U. Ikonberg , Newton : J. W. Kramer , Des Moines ; J. A. 1.lnd , Des Moines : F. W. Medlar and Asa Mooney , Spencer : Mr Mc- Clennahan , Oskaloosa : W. O. Maxwell , Mount Ayr : C , D. Mahana , North I nglsh : A. W. Nichols , Vllsca ; A. W. Heed and Id Heed , Missouri Valley ; J. H. Reuvcrs , Pela : O. Fh. Pearson , DeB Moines ; L. J. Carter Hampton ; Eugene Hurlbut , Cams- vle , )0. : W. H. Summithm . Oskaloosa : J. H. Heed , Missouri Valley : W. C. Ayers , Esthcr- villa ; L A. Peterson , Algona ; R. J , Daft , Lemara ; C. N. Ahbey , New Sharon ; C. O. I NeholB anti J. G. llrowning Vlisea : II I . A. Druah and J. B. 1l'ers. Fairfield ; M. J. Fritz , Waterloo ; M. W. Stark , Sioux City : George Benson St. Louis , Mo. ; E. O. m- Ison , Traer ; I . L. Drown , Lenox : L. L. Harvey , Green ; I. 1. Stoops , I'erry ; 1 , ' 1 Brandt , Daveumport NorthwrstCrl ' Alt"ll Life 110n Meet . CEDAR H.\IIS , hut , Jann 30.-(81Ieclal ( Telegram.-The ) Iowa agents ot the North. western Mutual Life Insurance company met here today with General Agent Monger , this being the Ilxth nnnual meeting. Theae meet. Ingl are hell for the purpose or mutual as- siltance by dlscuulng features ot their work and becoming famiiar with each olher' melhods. H. 1. Wilams of Davenport was made president and J. H. Mather or Council Iuts secretary A number of Ilupers Ippor- talnlng to the Insurance business were reall. A banquet want tendered tine visitors at the Orand hotel tonnight and tomorrow another meeting Siil be meld meetng wl 1"Ib"r IrlvrnIV" " Ilootlefli. CEDAI HAPIS , Ia. , Jan 30.-Specla ( ) Telegram.-Three ) masked men entered the house or Martin lanlon , six miles east ef Dews , at 1 o'eloek lat mmighnt Hanson showed fight by clubbing tbem with a chair and cutting one with a knife In the fac ! . He then jumpd through a window and ran to a nelghbor'a across R field In his nlgbt clothu. Tie robber fled . A posse from town la In pursuit , , with good prospects ot capturing the robbers . Hanson's feet In(1 ( ankles were frozen , the only Injury hC taln d. The robber obtained nothing. - - - - TO I1EAII nOOII elHOES. . Trial or Sioux City OfficIals Will 10 Utgnn lct , Week. SIOUX CITY , Jar S0.-Speclai ( Tehc- gram.-The ) first ot time criminal proceedings against the ex.county offlcnRill be begun February 5 . Judge \Vaeq1 .I' today over- ruled the demurrer to th . stlraey case against ex-County Attorney Bevington all ex-Auditor Roberts and set , th.'cao for trial on that date. City Treasurer Anderson announced today that the warrants for January would not be paId February 1. Ho claims the hate county litigation has made It hnpsslbe : to gt money on the warrants except at a ruinous discount. Judge Gaynor Issued a bench warrant tel a ) ' for C. H. Toley , clerk 'for ' Judge Ladl , sitting at Orange City , who Was wanted as a witness In a case on trial hefore Oaynor 11 tints city. Judge Ladd , when ho heard } of Toliey's arrest , ordered him releasel on I writ at habeas corpu The judge says ho must have another clerk before Toley will be lermlted ! to mme to Sioux Cily. Rtolo fitS hvn Ion , CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , Jan 30.-Speclal ( TeleKram.-Dr. ) T. S. Farrar , whose wife left him seine time ago for rear he would kilt lner anti who attempted to commit Eul- cldo about two weeks ago by taking a qURn- ty at morphine , today abuctel his son Cecil . a boy at 7 , from the Taylor school building . He refuses to say where he is . and says a rCglment of soldiers anti a ( lathing gun could not get Inirn 1 IB sU1110ell his object Is to force a reconciliation . Mrs. Ferrer Is almost prostrated. . lI.HWlS' .L.U'IC liD tIXI , ) OJ"BI. Jlorrlson Charellvlh Murder In the Flrt . Degree. CHADnON , Neb. , Jan 30.-(8peelal ( Telt gram.-County ) Judge Balrll today hell Arthur Morrison , slayer at A. V. Harris , to the district court for murder In the first de- gree without bail. Morrison's attorney will try to get his client admitted to bal before District Judge Dartow In chamberB In this city. The acton ot Judge Baird seems lo meet with public approval. CI"fOI U "Trn 1)ltOIltY . JIIC llyorl or Odol Throltelell nlh Trouble by MIsotmru I'ntrtlotn . BEATRICE . Jan. 30.-Spcclal ( Telegram ) -Sheriff Kyd of this county has received a hotter rrom J. C. Derryman of Perrin , Mo. , Inquiring as to the winereabomnts of James ryers of Olel. and asking for an Immeliatc reply I M'ers Is In this county , stating that ho ( Derryman ) will procure a rquisiton for Myers on I charge ot rorgery. Ierrman was formerly In business al Kansas City . all claims that Myers used his name In forging checks at that time. The sheriff has wired Berryman that M'ers Is still at Odell . but as yet no instructions as to arresting him have been received Seine tme ago Myers was arrested all tried In district court on a charge of embezzlement - bezzlement at 5,000 or the 'unds wllh which prepiratons were being made to open a bank at Odel , but after coming to trial the case wa dismissed. Before his arrest Iyer spent some tme at Kamas City , and the presumption Is that I there Is any ground for time present charge It Srbmvd out of trans- actions at that tunic. 1IUST l'A1 'rlIUI tSSIISSMENTS. Receiver ot the nlerehan' ' , , Union Jnsuralco COIPuy : Sties tine 8tnckhohl"rs. LEXINGTON , Neb. , Jan 30-Speclal.- ( ) Suit has been commenced by Receiver A. T. Gatewood to recover the , delnqlent ! assess- ments due the Merchants.'ijinion ' , Insurance company. The company was organized In 1890 , with J. H. Darner , . . pzad as president - dent : The labites are about UOOQO anti the cases . will be pushed against all members - bers of the company to 1rccpyer , their obl- gatonB , ' , . . , . The Cozal Irrigation , company has fed articles of incorporation asnd pthe survey of their ditch extends from a ) point west ot Cozad forty miles east . and will water nearly all of the Plate "aley north of the river to the foothills not reached by time Gothenburg and Lexington ditches. The estimated cost of this canal Is $60,000. Contracts - tracts have been let requiring the completion or the ditch by May , 15 , 1895. CAllING FOR FUONTIEIS DE"TITurE. U'orl of Assisting the State Commission Divided AI"n Precinc OUlcers. STOCKVILLE , Neb. Jan. 30.-Speclal.- ( ) At a mass meeting held here today a county central committee was organized for the pur- pose of handling time old from the State Re- lct commission and to supervise the distribu- ton of It In accordance wltl the new law The court room was completely fled , alm\st every precinct being represented. About twenty of the precincts have organized and the remaining enc will do so at once and report to the county organization . The re- iief committee consists ot the three county commlteo commissioners John Stone Charles DeCinant . and George I ) . Miller : W. A. Drdbur ) ' . county clerk , all J. A. Lynch , L H. Cheney , M. T. Ward , L. I' . Cushman anl E. A. Comp- ton I was made plaint to all here today that a large amount at worle must be done along tints line In Fronter county to tale care of the people. 'Vtlllnl Iclh rIl' 'onr Couplr. PAWNEE CITY , Neb , Jan 30-Speclal ( Telegram.-A ) triple wedding occurred at 10:30 : a. m. at Stelnaur yesterday , the following - lowing persons being united In marriage : Joseph Slohr anti Miss Mary Neldar , Jacob P. Neldar and Miss Josephine Simandl , and John Thomas and Miss Bush. 'fho contractIng - Ing parties are residents of this county and are among the well known and respected Bohemian citizens. The ceremony took place at the Catholic church and was performed In three dllcrent languages , Dohemlan , English anti German. After the ceremony the bridal party departed to the home of F. J. Neilar , northeast of the city where a feast was spread anti served at 3 o'clocl One ot tine prettiest weddings or thc season was that last night , In which C. H. JIllklns of Table Hocle antI Miss Vinnie Moore were mode Imsbatl and vifo . The ceremony took place at the home at the bride's parents , Mr. amI Mls , J. 1V , Moore , two mies south or the city. 11ev. J. Z. Presson omciatlmmg . Nearly iso guests witnessed time ceremony , many being present tram Table Rock Tine bride Is one Qt Pnwnee City's most beautiful young ladlcs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fire nt 1''uCI City PA\\'NEE CITY , Neb. , .Jan. 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.-A ) house belonging to Jerry Pope was destroyed by fro this , ( feroon , The 10uso was occupied by I AI r Lupton The resldeneo of Grand man umrlek was threat- eneui with destruction , b.ut prompt work saved it. I. ! ' I Time Kansas City SlndlY Sun has a corre- spondent In this city wboIS contrlbuled several vie articles reflecting upon the character - acter ot some et I'awneo City's citizens within the past few weeka. The correspond. ent Is Imown and several lot the boys are going loaded for him. I J. T. Trenery , cashier Dt the Farmers National bank left today Itor'Ban Diego , Cal , for the benefit at his healh , 'hIch has been failing for some tinne . Trelry Is sei : klo'o n throughout tine Blnte. ' : To Irrinite "IIUI' Fomnmmty hASTiNGS , Jan. 30.-Sp ( ' ! 1 Telegram- ) At a citizens' meeting held at the court ' house tills evening steps were taken for forming an Irrigation district , wblch will Inehile three.tourths of Adams county. The report at the engineers was read Tine report ' port sinews that with tIne proposed canal 357 sections of land can be Irrhatell. A county runes meeting has been called for February D be , at IJresent. which Colonel Aker/ will bo invited - to l'UIII J"I Ur.'nker. DUNCAN , Neb. , Jan 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-'wo ) boys wino were communed In Jai al Osceola for breaking Into a store and stealing a suit of clothes escaped aboUt 12 o'clock today ( and were captured here at I o'clock.Vhnen questoned al to how they got out they said the key was left In thl door by the atendant and they secured It with a piece at balns wire. , . . . " _ _ : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOLLOWiNG TAYLOR'S TRAIL - South Dakota Authorities Think They . Know His Route of Egcnp 11 : UGI TO BE IN CENTRAL AMERICA JnllcRtons tlt lie Wns tinnier Arrest In .le\Ihls ) bnt Managed to mnlo life l'nrsuers 17 1 Very Com- mun IUID , PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. 30.-(8ptclal ( Tele- . gram.-Tho ) state officials ha"o received I. enough Information to make reasonably cer' taint the journey taken by Taylor following - Ing his disappearance Time last thing hearll of him was at ChlcaKo , where he consulted Lawyer Tenney on January I , as to time best method ot escape. On the 10lh ho Is known to have .been In St. Louis , where ho conversell wih a man nammied } rcCracken , anl ( whence ho left In the mmmcm- Ing bound south , according to lcCracllen's story. Some days ago Colonel Dulnrll of this ely received 1 letter from his son In the south saying he hat mol Taylor annul his brother-In.lnw , Benedict , on the train going 10 Mcmmmpinis . amid that Taylor was roaring drunk , a condition which he usualy cinhti- vated when Inder great excitement. Bul- lard wired for tine date and his son namel the 10th. The same evening came a dispatch - patch fran the chief of Ilolco ot Melphis to the chle of this town , saying that Tay- lor was tInder surveillance there. Then came a dispatch stating as tine sus- pet was a negro be was allowed to go It Is Interestng to state In this connection that there Is 1 resident of Memphis who two or Ihree years ago was connected with Taylor In business deals In this state amI who last monlh was also connected wlh , , him intimately In the sale of certain South Dakota IJrOperty. This mon Is shrewd , amid , IB thoroughly posted on the lethods to i pursue to get an aPllrehendel1 fugitive out i of the clutches ot the law. I OTHER TRACES OF 'A YI.OH. Three or rour days aCer this came a letter ( rout a detective In Pensacola , 1 la. . asking for limo photograph of Taylor and his wife anti stating that I thc reward would bc given he could Irc.luce mmml About the same tme a letter reache a friend here writen by Taylor and poslmarlted Pensacola. This has just come to light , together with thc . . identity of the Memphis rrlend. it Is now believed to be certain that Taylor - lor and Beneict left Chicago together to go to Central America by way ot Galveston cr New OrleanB. Arriving In Memphis Taylor was arrested and sent for his rrlcmJ , who secured his release. His appearance having gotten Into print , I was necessary to alter plans , and he dIverged eastward to lensaCla to conceal his tracks , thencl taking I vessel to Key West wher he could go aboard one ot the line steamers to Cenlral America. The detectives who have been on his tracks , believe that they havl located him and will : soon meet him race 10 face , though he has doubtless been out or the country for two weeks. PROBING INTO TAYLOR'S AFFAIRS. Tine investigating commitee has devoted two sessions today to examining Robert Moody , president or time Aberdeen Natonal bank , and Cashier Humpbrey or the Redfeld hank 'fhey pled them with questions for two hours In the atemlJt to learn whether they knew that Taylor would default anti fee , what property they owned In their banks and what they had done with their own propert They got very little satisfac- tion. So far the commitee has devoted Its energies apparently to getting evidence or use to the state In its suIt against the bondsmen but has made no effort to investigate - gate the defalcation itself or the conduct of Taylor and his associates leading up 10 it . The profound secrecy ot the committee still continues , .and thee Is no prospect of Its breaking. In the house today Mr..neld ot Campbell introduced a bill providing for the exempton from taxation for five years of all new lines ot railroads. In the senate Mr. Wright Introduced - traduced a bill raising the age of consent to 21 years. Bill No. 8G , petitioning congress to admi settlers on the Sisseton and Wahpe- ton reservations to prove up under the homestead - stead act , paBsed. Two measures or consider- able Importance to thc people or the Back His came up In the legislature today. One was Mr. Halr's bill requiring Btockmen to advertise the time and place i or their sprlnl roundup for four weeks prior to the event This passed without oppositon after a rorcl- ble presentation of the subject by the author The bill Introduced by Ammermln ot Pen- nlnglon county reducing the tees of the county commissioners at Pennlnglon and .Cua- ter tram $5 to f3 was reported back favorably by the committee and will unquestionably pass within a few days. 01'1'0.0 10 lIOlt BONUS. 'Vyomllg ] .eJllnturC COlsllorllJ 1 Memo- nut to Congress Along ( unit 1.loe. CHEYENNE , Jan 30.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -A resolution was Introduced today memorialzing congress not to issue anymore moro gold bonds as proposed In the presi- dent's special message sent to congress on Monday Tine reasons given therefor are : "pelleving that the prppoeed addilonal issue of bonds by thb government Is a movement on tIne part ot New York bankers to force tine country to a gal } basis beyond the possibility of a change and drive the government from its constitutional supervision - vision at time currency of the country , we most respecttuly aBle that tine representa- lives In the national congress from the state of Wyoming protest agalnBt the Issuance - suance or gold bonds or any bonds which would fasten a debt upoil the people for generatons to come. "We fnrlhtr ask that our representat\el use all honorable means to defeat the administration - ministration bill now before the banltlng and currency committee of the mouse of represen tl t ves. " The governor Is requested to transmit a copy at tine mcmorlal to each at the senators and tine congressmen from this state Immediately upon its alopton hy the legislature Oovernor Hchards this morning appointed larry D. Henderlon state examiner for a term ot two years , to succeed Iuimntselt . 'fho nomination was sent to the senate and Immediately confrmed by unanimous yote. . ' . 'nL L _ . . nUI 1 ' -nun . .u ' "U'UIHI. ChICAGO . Jnn. 30.-'Vord has just como tram the president or the " 'omen'l Chris- tll Temperance union , Mrs. Nichols , or Prospect .Anlelnniuie Soull Australia , that the UIIlll sufrle bill hns been curried , givIng - lug nil women the right to vote'on the attune terms ns men Intl with no barrier to I sent In Parliament . 'fhe bill now only wnls the ( hiueen'H consent MrNicholl writes : "It Is I grand victor , utter I hard and well fought battle or even years , In which the' \\'omen's Chrlstnn 'I'emnperunco union has done its faIr Ihnre or the hlglntlumg. nOlI' Still ' 110" "hurt. SALEM , Ore , Jan 30.-Tho rolowln& bal. lot was cast In joint session for United States senator : Doll.h , 42 ; Hare ( pop ) , 10 : " 'eutherforl ( II em. ) . 8 ; Hermann , lOt Lord , C ; Wllums , C : Harkley , 1 ; Moore , 1 ; Jewel , 4 ; Gatch , 2 : absent , 2. Thlik I ii ii hems Sin oul ni .1" Taxed . GU'lJHl , Okl. , Jan 30.-The legislature today memorialized congress to tax Indian allotments aB Indians on allotments were citizens anti eouhl he taxed. A resolution declaring lrcsldent Cleveland'a recom- " JJIOTIIJ3RS' , . . . .LY ' --FRIEND" I a sclcntfcaly llrClml'c liniment und harmless ; every IngJUent Is ot recognized value and In constant use by tine mclalll'ofcs6Ion. It shortens labor , Icsscls Iluln , diminishes danger to Ifo ot Mother and Child . Book "To Mothers" mailed free containing valuable - able information and voluntlAry testi. monlals. leut by Elprec or ) al.n receIpt of price , Si pr boUlo. Bold 11 All Prungtts. Ior 114Vt'ULI : mJU'WII : ( CO. , Atalt , Va. "A WnJ menlaton ! In his special message to con- Ire ! to be against the be.t interests of time countr was Iter atell , A till was Intro limo II nicking train anti bank robberies Ilmlshable by ileatht _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lenonnted : . "nd"8 Senators. CARSON , Ne , ' . , Jan 10.-In tit assent- bly this afternoon during a heated discussion - sion over n resolution the , Ilon o\er reoluton over passage or the funding bill . hogan , l'O\ul"t , tie- nouncel Senators Stewnrt aunt Jones amI Congressman Newlnnll a ! tool or thin rai- roads . . anti Allen , elected by the silver part , Mill the vote by whllh tie rlull- tO was beaten Illlell the dentin knell of . ( the silver l1art In Nevatla. RWtel Menu . 1'ln fur 1 IItr" . BOISE , Idaimo Jan. 30.-A moton was made 1) ' the Sweet ummen In the legllature today to lake 1 recess unll tomorrow , butt was \otell down : to 21. Three b:101s were taken for Unltell Statt' Benntor with- out fho\ln nay cimnmnmge. The restilt wlh- : Simoimp , 20 : Sweet . , 19 ; Clagget , resul n" ' , Ulllul" fr tine :111.1 , ' lelslnmtmnrc . ST. lAUL. Jan : -The senate today nlopteti the inommac. imiemnom-Inil Rlo\ted hOIEe Joint melodal urlul election ot United StlleelatOIS 1) ' 11011- lar vote . A joilt rCllon ! for unit nll- HIlnn thistle conr.I'mc ! of comnnnisntiommt'rs rrm \ Vimuconm.inllmnmtcotmm , Iowa until the Dalctas wag nitn - - - . . 1:1 : i' "llul 11 i W".hlllol. I 01.1:111. , \Vnslm. , Jan. to-Onlhe tw nt- sixth joint balol for Unied Stntes senntor the , 'ole was : Allten ) ' , : : \'ilunomi , :1 : : Alien . 6 : Mcllen , lC : H. e. 1lcClllle ) ' ( dciii . ) , 6 : J. . : I. Bell , 23 ; catcllng. 2. " ( , , hllllol l.c.I.luuI'o for I'r.'e Coimmiuge. OLYMPIA'aaim. . . , Join 30-A mmlorlnl to eOnfI'eFI. prntylng for the Inca colnnge ot silver at the mto of lG to 1 , tiu5el tine house today. . TIlIAI U1. ' . tLI.lJlii OU.'U , JfqJIsi7j. : Mmcm Ttstmonr Intrudneoll but 1.\Uo Nemv lnnltrinmuttiomm . InrurllUon Srcnr" ' LINCOLN , Jan 30.-Specl ( 1 Telegranmi.- ) In the trial today or the alleged grave roh- bcrs charged with stealing tIne body ot Otto Alberts from W'uka cemeter tine prosecution' offered about the same evilence produced at the prelminary heRring. 1. J. flyers , treasurer of the ecmetery board of trustees : W. O. Fletcher . presldenl at the hoard : J. P. Waler. one of the dissectng cass ; Chief or Polco Cooper Detect\o Ma- Ionic DOlglaa Roberts a medical stulent : nr. Eaton all Officer Benty testified for the prosecutIon. There was hut little new In their evidence all the theory outined by lhe derense does met bristle wltl an'thlng of I sensatonal nature It Is thought the case wIll reach the jury Friday . The sealeJ , verdict returned In the federal court In the case of L " ' . True . ngalnsl Sheriff Drexel ot Douglas count ) was opened today. The verdict was for $3,564 In favor of True There Is a possibility that Lincoln may enjoy the benefit or telephonic commipetitioum. Mr. Shelbley Is now cammvassing tine city for subscrlbers , to tine llarrlsonn Telepinommo commipaumy , which owns its ownm patents - ents and has militants behind it , amid wlnicim offers to put ill instrtnrncnts for $2 and $3 per mnmonth in residence amid busi- mtoaa houses respectively , Time contracts are drawmn for five years amid at the cud of tine five years time price for tine busiuness offices will be but $2. So soon as 500 'phonics are conmtracteti work will be begun , George Dodsomi , the yoummg postoffico rob- her now tinder arrest , comttessed totinny to breakiumg in the lock box of time American Excinanige Natiomial baumk anti abstracting drafts , one for $41.50 , another for $150 , aimd another for $74.S5. They were foumni umndcr time carpet in lila room , and imcn comifronted by them lie broke down and told tine whole story. It is said that Dodsomi's pal will soon be under lock and key , and is believed to be the instigator of time robbery. Imsninity and ' .icicnncs nit ? ntinmilen. MINDEN , Neb. , Jan. 30.-Special.-Mlss ( ) Maria , hlansen , a young lady living just soutin of Minden , was brougint before tIne hoard of insanity anti found to be inmsanme. Sheriff Wearer took her to hiastimmga to the asylunmt for tine inmcumabies. Mr. Daniels , a very old man , Ia in a critical condition at his homne , caused by a fall front the sidewalk as ho was returmi- lug honto from church a ftnsv evenings ago. A little child of Mr. Cinarlea Smnithu is dangerously ill witim an attack of scarlet fever , There inas been quIto a mtumnher of cases of scarlet fever imere tints whntter , Wilbor ilotci Iotroyuutt by Fire. WILI3ER , Neb. , Jan , 30.-Speclol ( Tele- gram.-TIme ) Wllber house , a large frame building , tIme oldest and primmcipal hotel in time city , belonging to Joseph F. Kyle , was totally destroyed by fire between 1 amid 2 o'clock this nmtorning. All tine guests and a part of the ftmrniture were saved. Tine cause of the fire is unknown. The flames were first seen on time tnpper floor in tine rear part. TIne hotel was insured for $6,500 , winicin will not nearly cover the loss , Unsting Sinonnmalcor leclan'eiI Insane. HASTINGS , Jan. 3O.TSpcclai ( Telegram.- Casper Flsiner , tine well known Lincoln avenue inoemaker , was today pronounced insane - sane , He will lie sent. to Lincohun tomnorrow. Tine case of Johin Beckmmman , tIne Second street btntclmer , for selling diseased meat , cante its ) today and was postponed to Febru- amy 11. Tine defendant was waiting to hear from Omaha , wimero some of tine meat was sent for examination. - - alurginirs Cnsuglnt tim time Act , FRIEND , Neb. , Jan , 30-Special ( Teie- gmann.-I3alt ) Stoker was caugint iii tIne act of robbing a buihdinng at tIne section Inouae last night. ho was bonnnd over to tine district - trict court today byI'olico Judge Wolfe and will go to jail tomorrow. Mmirrimgo l.icemuu.ce , Tine following marriage licenses were issued - sued yesterday : Name and address. Age. Ilermant hitmrgstroni , Sioux City , Ta , . , , , . .12 Nellie Johinsomn , Southn Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chninrles Iteed Oniaimtn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luiu C. DaVIS , Otnhnlnu , . . . . , , , , . . . . , , , , , , , , Iavid Snyder , Omaha . . . . . . . . , . . , , , , . . , . , , . 'JO Annie Meachani , Onnnthma , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , . 19 1f3iJP ! o7f ' , . ON1 E1'TjO' lioth the inetlioti aliti i'esiiIti % ' 1Iefl Syrup of F'igfi in4 tRkeii ; it 18 plcnsaiit 1111(1 ( I'CfrCliiilg to thu tliStC , mititi flOtil gciiUy yet 1)I'Olllltl ) ) ' Oil time Kidhicys , 14'lvcr niitl l30'fi'dIS , cleanses tito syt. tehll offeetuatly , ( Usiieis colds , Imond- aches aitd fovcrn and cui'e 1iabtual COhtSti1)itt'lohl. ) yriip of Figs is the ohhly l'chnetly of its kiiitl cvei' ( lilCC(1 , plcisiiig to the taste aiid ac. ( ! cptflbIu io tliti stoiitneli , ) l'Olllpt in It-ni act'loii nut ! ti'ill1)clIct'lcial iii itii cffect. , 1)i'OPli'etl : oiily fi'oiit the iiiost licaltliy 1111(1 ngrcoalilo suIstaiiccS ) , its lllilhhV oxct11ciit (1llflhitiCS ( 'Oflhiilchid it to nil aitti have Illade it the lihost PoPular h'eliicly ( known. Syrup of Figs is for sale iii 50 Colit bottles l ) fill Ieadiiig dl'tlg. giHt.S. Any reliable ( l1'UggiSt who liiit' 1101. ht'c : it , 011 lIftiltiS"hll ) t0" dIre it lh'OJIIPtIY for aiiy one who wiliea to try it , DOIlOtflCCt31)tahly ' Sillft4t'lthtte. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAWCIC0 , CAL LOU8VIUE ! , r. NEW moax , us. DADWAY'S RPILLS , Always Rdllablo , Purely Vegetable , I'erfectly tasteices , elegantly coated. purge. reaulate , purify , cleanse and strengtlmen. BAD- VAY'S PILLS for tine cure of alt disorders of time Stomacin , Itowels , Kidneys , uladuier. Net- you. DIseases , DIzziness , Vertigo , ( .ostiyeneal. Piles. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPLAINTS , BILLIOUSNESS , INDIGESTION , DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of the Liver. Oberve tine faliewing eymnptems , resulting from dIseases of tine digestIve organs : eonstinmttnon , in- wand pnnes , fullness of iloott In tIne Iteati , acid. Itt' of tIne atonmtaein , nmauseun , lnearttutnm mm , disgust of food , fullnmeenu of weight of tine etummtuncmn. sour eructatlons , stniulnmg or fmutterlng of time imenrtl choking on' suffocating sensetiomms when in a lying posture , dlnnnotus of vIsion , dots or webs before tine amglit , Icier mind ulnnli nmimm in tIne iuead , , dde-lone ) ' of muorspiratiomm , yeilowmnean of tlno skIn anti eyes , vain inn tine snme , cieet , ltnnmbs anti Euddon fluelmuyn of mount , bumming In lIne mIealm. A few doses 01 RADWAY'S n'mt.I.s ivill free tine system of cml tine above tmniimtt 'iisonders. l'RiCE 200 A liOX. SOiD BY IJRuuunsTg OR I4EN'r fly 5tAIl Send to Dli. 1ADWAY & CO. , Lock rues US New York , for hJooIc of Aultice. 't ' 5CUPOENE"n ti1J Cures tIne effects of self-abuse , excesses , emissions , 'innpotency , varicocehe amid consti-1 Piitl9nl. One dollar . .ZL Iox , six ton' $5. Per sale by TIil' GOODMAN - - ( MAN DIILJG CO , I BAUYS SKIN AV SUALP ' Clonnmmed , purified , and beautified by CUTICUZt6 " floAt' , greatest of akin purifiers mind beautifier , , in. welt as hiurest anti eweetcetf toilet amid mntnrserv soap. , ' Onmlv cure for Pimples amid buck. menu. , because time only preventive of Inflammation and clogglnng of mhe pores , time entice of macsc complex. ional disfiguration. . Hold everymyheru , GEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. RIEKMAN , Presldemtt. Cashier First National Bank : of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cariltal , - - $100,000 l'roflts , - - - 12,000 On of tine oldest banks in time state of Iowa. We solIcit your bUslntand collections. We pay C item cent on time deposits. We mviii be pleased to see mmd servo you. S IMS & BA1BRiI ) ° " Attornieye-iut-Law Ufi , l'rtuctlco mu tint Stnto mind Fodormul Connrfs. Itoumuns : iOi-7.8.1 , Shiugnir Iliocic , liouniickt 1linnir , Iowa , SpciaI otices-onciIllIuffs chulsmNnvs CbEANED ; VAIJLTS CLJIANLD. 14 liurke , gut W. 13. homer's , 115 flrontlmnay , LAuGh PIUVATII IIABN FOR ] ENT NEAR court mouse. Apply' at lies chico , Councli Iliuffs. - - . - . - , for Infants and ChUdren. . - - - . - I , Onstoria issoweli nulimpled Ut clnilthm'en tinat Castorlus cures Colic , Constipation , I recornmnennnl it as enmixirlor 11) ann ) ' Itmt'scrilttionn Sour Stounnach , , llarrhntca ) , Eruet-ation , known to time , " 31 , A. Altenmeni , H , I ) , , Khlbi Worms , givtam sleep , and promotti Iii So. Oxford ill. , brooklyn , N , Y , . gen.tlon , Without injurious medical lee "The oat of ' Castorla Ia so mnniyersal and " For several years I have recommem5a its merits * .u reii I.'iown that ii seenna a work your ' C'.anterla , ' and shall always continua tc of supcrerpgatfon to enntlorso it , Few are the d , so as it baa lmnvnriably inroducod beneflcin intellIgent famIlIes who do not Lct'iu Ciuttoria results. " witalu easy rccichn. " F.nwms F , 1'mnpzn , 11. D. , CsjtLos ILUuffN , B. I ) . , 126th Street amid tln Ave. , New York Cltjt New York City , 'fnms ( 'ec'rAvim COILPAt.'Y , 77 Mm'mtmIAi Smnsmrm' , New Yea Cnn , 1M/.i --f- - - - ! ; . -Co ii mi'iiurra ' IL.31 , STEAM DYE WORK All kinds of Dyeing anti Ciennmmtng ulone In .4 tine higimest tyio of J tine art , 1"ntnled and StAM ( stained fabrics hinds tCAln4 to look non good as _ _ _ wo _ new. SYork lmomptly _ _ , - - ; DYE dommo amid delivered In cli parts of tine country. Send for C price list , _ C. .i. .iI4OII4 1'oiirIotir ilraadmvay , near Norib. westemfl DePot , Council _ _ _ Bluffs , lotys. Tel. 3. - - - ---I- M . - - . A