- . . . . . ' - .f c"1/f / ' 'Imn"JI' ' " * , " J. " " " , " Y : ; ' - - ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' . . . " , ' : . ' . _ - . - ' ; , - , ' _ . . . - . . - _ - . - . , -j.- , , - , . - . , . . - . - - - - . . - - - - - - _ , - . - - ' . . " , ' " . - . , ' - - . , . ' : n. ' ' " . , ' , , . , r , ' ' . ' , . . - . , _ ' _ " ' , . , : I I . " I' , . . TIlE O IAIrA DAILY . DEE ; ; : ' ' \JIFnSIAY , J.AN.lAUY 31 , lS ! . 4" _ . VIew 01 the 11amago done , but this Is ex- plnlnetl by the fact lint ( It was a direct cutting - ' ting blow. Nearly nil the la8seners were asleep at the time . but many of them were awakened by the shock slght I It was. They coulll her the rush 01 the rapid inflowIng - Ing wale and with crica 01 terror Iou ht to make their way to the upper decks. The . steamer being loaded by the stern t , water naturally rushed aft . and this allowed many ' oC the asengera forward to reach the ( deck In the case oC the saloon passengers , however , the result was fatal . As they rushed from thler iIa Ie rooms into the salon they were met hy the torrent , agaInst which It wt 1m- I10sslblo ) for them 10 make headway. : They / were caught UI ) ant SwePt aft toward the clk pit , where they probably drowned before the Ihll foundered , FIFTY HMClED TI DECK Altogether about fifty 01 the passengers reached the deck , where the wIldest conr fusion existed ViiiI . rushes were made r for the heats , hut the terrible excitement prevailing Impeded the elorlK 01 those who were trying to clear away. Many heart- , I ronling scenen were \lnessl'll between f parenll anll children during the few mo- I mentl Ilreclln/ the slnklnr oC time vos- I sol. There Is some disagreement among I the nnr\'lvorl al 10 the number of boats I that were hunched. One survivor . Carl A. I Iorml11 , declares only two boats were I launchiul . One ot these was KWlmllel1 In- I ktantly . anti only one ot Its occupantB n L I , girl named Anna Boecker , who was bound . I for Soulhnmllton , was roscuell She cHIP to n 1.leco . of wreckage which sue grasped so tightly that I wal only with dilhlculty . that she \IS dragged into time secontl boat i flue was just rturlnp from the deathbed , - of her father and molhcr. . Meanwhile time cry was raised on the doomed vessel for the women ' 111 children to go over to the other side of the steamer away from the port side In which was the great gllllng : hole caused by the Crathle t The half ( alnlng , women and lerror-strlclen ! children hurried to the starboard , but they t' hat ! scarcely reached the boats when the huge vessel lifted her bows high In th air nnll then slowly and silently sank , stern foremost , beneath the waves , taking ! with her her human freIuht. Barely twenty minutes elapsed between time collision amid the sinking of lie steamer. A heavy sea was running and the wlnl. whIch was from the cast-southeast , was bitterly cold . The smnl boat containing the survivors tosled dhout Until 1 o'clnc In thin moring , Several vessels were : sighted In the meantime , but they m/11\ / : ito replies to the signals hat I were set for ! them The slrvlvors were nearly frozen , 1. having hiardi' any clothing , and their suf- r ( ferlnr1 were Intenee } ventualy the fish- Ing smnck Wlh1ower saw the signals and bore Ilown on the b'at , In n sllrt time ' the survivors w"re taken aboard of her , where everything \09slblo was done for ' their comforl. . I , LIST OF SAVED. ' The Colo'A'lnr 15 a list of those saved : : . EUGENE SCI.EGEI _ , JAN vIm nAi ANm BonCmn , - DOTI N. steerage. THIRD O I ICFm STOTnmO , FIST ENGINEER MEUSSgL. I'UItSEIt WIWTm. ASSISTANT IUHSNlt SCIUTINS , ASSISTANT I'URSEg LINICMEVER. h IUnSI 1 LTNKMEI. ASSISTl\NT punSmt Sl'Tl i , CIEI" ' STOlmit ViU1tST. 1 L STE1VAItI ) IOmp t SEAMAN WINNING. c SIMIAN I'1NGEit. . SEAMAN SEIGE1tT. SEAMAN 1)ltESOV. i SEAMAN 13ETTICE. PILOT DEI ' AHI . PILOT GREENILAM. . CARL 101 P tAN. The name oC Anna Dorckor does not ap- ; pear on the list of passengers and the officers ' of the North German Lloyd say It may be hugo Droclmr , a first cabin Iasengcr. .r The following Is 1' ( till list of time Elhie's officers : Captain , K. von Goessol ; first officer , 0. Wlwholm : second otihcer . J. 101- - , . mers ; third oIcel' , Theodore Stolberg ; fourth officer . W. Uhr : chief engineer A. Ncussel ; . second engineer . DUIlelmann third r. ' ; fl en- I Ilneer , D , Slbje ; thJrd engineer , T. Alblg ; , . fourth engineer , " ' . Iortz ; fourth engineer , J : Krle : ' fourth el\glneer. \ } , Wls : purser , : Wefer : $ urgon . Dr : A. Ielchardt ; assistant Plrs r. lurgfn. 1. Scblutl ! ; ' chief steward , J , J 1 : Schunder ; secoIl1. stownri J. Dundelsen ; chief cook , G. Grappeguter ; secnd cook , h J. laas , . , _ , Tim following were ampng the frstrelass , and 8ecoll-clasl passengers who have pot ben accounted for and who Are supposed toy y have been drawnIll : I p First Cabin-Mrs. Hermlno Samlers. Fal- mouth Jass , : John V. Vlncko , St. Charles , ; Mo ; Charles Wlx , Now York : Mrs. Khlpfeli , T - Drndonburg ; Louis Thewitt , Vienna ; Ernest I , Heron , Now York. Second Cnbln-Mrs Luis Kohno , New York ; Eugene SCllelol ! , uel'th ; Miss Emma clmIegel uerth ; Mrs. Sophie Hhoes , Wash- I h Ington : Elreuo Hhodes , Wnshlnlton ; Mrs. , Vattier . ICrane , Andrew Valkr , Am- ' sterlam ; Julius H03enbanm , Berlin ; . Adolph Islaub New York : Eare3t raseborg Louisiana ; Iurt ICielrischmnmidt , ' helena , Mont. ; Carl Nousbaum Berlin : Hu- - dolph Nolo , lelpslc ; J. U. la1n , James L Vovera Kreloo Ior Frank Jlslllz , Eduard . Moskovlc , Esperjes ; slerla Goldncr , Es- t perjes : Mr. Ioclthart. Now York ; August Sandel' ssoolo : Peter 10wlersld , Kasanltz ; : Miss Clam WeIngartner , Flehlngon. One repoH has It that there were about 400 persons on the Eibi , 2,10 of whom were I' paGsengers , 10 ( officers and crow and a Ilmbel' ot cattlemen who were returning to the United States. Karl hoffman , the husband oC Mrs. Anna Herman , Is among Iho _ slrvlvors , He Is In . 1 condition of terrible distress from the loss of his wle ali son. lie pathetically : exhib- : Ied to time reporter of the Associated press a gold watch his wife hal slipped Into his 4 lumd ns alma parted : wlh him to go to the . starhoard side of the steamer when the order ' to that erect was elven. Ho said : , , ICARL . HOFFMAN'S STOny. "We heft lremerh'lven on Tuesday afternoon - - noon nt 3 o'cloclt. Our cabin waQ one or the . leconll class , and was wIthin sIx feet 01 the . pot which recelnll the huh force of the ; . shock. ly wle , child and I were aSleep p. when I was awakened at 6:20 : by what seemed to be the ringing of the gong lint ( Is used to cal the ( Jssenger to meals. 1"I\lng that I 4 Was stIll dark , I jumped out ot IY' berth , but - heard nothing to alarm . me. I went back to . my berth again , and immediately heard the . rushing of ftel . amid shouting , I concluded ' olelhlnr serious had hal1pened , anti seizIng some clothing I awakened my wlo anJ child , who huriedly dlessed , anti then WI all ran along the corridor with Iho others to time . gm deck. 1 Was knocked , down staIrs when 1 reachel ) time tOIl , but mimy feet caught on a 1) . 01 hook and 1 Ilnagell to save myself from be. Inl Irunpled upon. I got to time port side . and "IW that great dalnRe had resulted frol ( the collIsion. The water wns then rushing Into the steamer In a great torrenl. I was very darl" , though the sky ( was clear The sea Was very rough. ' 110 boats were low- ered I caught amy boy amid threw him Into ono of the hoals. calling IY wIfe to accom- Ij . pany mime . I ( ot Ilto I , but al that moment t. there was a- ' shout for the women and cliii- chi- dren 10 go to lie ( starboard side. Shipping her watch Into IY hand , my wife left ole and thc boy was token out of the boat while ' I sat thieve. whlo "I saw one boat swamped. WI tried 10 res- cue thoi In Ihe'vater , but all save emma , Anna noecllr , dlallpearell , Our boat was lien ( bho\"cd off. We saw many vessels , bnr couhl coull not attract attention. We usell sails smith - shirts for signals but the passing vessels ' paid lie attention to Ihel , Eventually the signals 'ere answered by time fishing tmaclt Wid- flower . o "Ater the ( collion rockets were fred from - time steamer , but 10 help caine I think I was Impossible thaI any others were rescued , ? al the 511111 sank almost Immediately after we - left , It. I 10 nol bele\"c that the steerage IJsenjcr were aware of the accident , be- catmci , ' tie . collision dl not make much noise. \'e were exposed to a heavy sea and bitter ' whlis for ever five hours. Time boat shipped . - . - 0 . water comlant ) " - - - - ChIef Engineer Neussel In an Intervlew [ . raid : "The steamer that ran lute us op. heaved 10 be I vessel of about IfOO tons. Nothing Wal visible by which either her nltne or her hailng hurt could be ascer- tained , " Tie cider engllcer declined tD give any . . . olllnlo1 a to how the . cltatrophe ( happened. Ni4 more than twenty mlnulet elapsed before time Illamer eanhc . I was only the posItIon - thntth Elbe Ilumed when the water rUIh- , Ing Into her made Its volune , felt that prevented _ - vented the launching of more boa Is. I very- thing possible . Including tIme tiring of rockets , was done In time short ( line before 11w - vessel settled down . The night WIS very dark - at the ( line of time collision. - - (11..1111 ill tin . \lln : the " " vil . , CLEVEr-ND. Jan , 30-Time county < - - missioner. John Vevern. ot thin city , was n pnsenger on the wrecked steamer Elbe anlt was among the saved Ills wife todBY reclh'el n cablegram from him , dnted l.westof and reading : "mle Is lost. Over 30 drowned , but I am snfl " : anl.srrl'J. . . : LOST _ Wife anti Son of ( Ilule , hoffman of Oran1 blnlHIh : h'J. GRAND ISLAND , JRn. 30.-(5pecIRI ( , Tell- ram-A ) cablegram wan received today an- nOlnell that Charles A. hoffman , R well- to.do blacksmllh ot this city . and his family wore on board the steamer Elba which went down In the vicinity of Dover straits. The cablegram Is from Mr. hoffman , dated Lowestoit , England , saying he was saved , hut was nol certain ye o wife anti son. Herman man anti family have bten spending the fail and winter In Germany anti were en- route home. Many friends and relatives In this city anxiously walt further news. Ills wife's name was Anna ; son's lenry , ( UH I ; . J : ; 'Il I 11\J I I ii.S. ' : I . :1. l' ( 'lllnr , " 'cl HI" " " II llth _ ' era Sunlit 111t" , l.not IIHHE , S. n" I , Jan , 30.-Speclal ( Tele- , gramn.-Iispatchies ) ? detnlng the sinking time steamship Elba state that Mrs. M. C. Connors Is among the lost Mrs. Connorl Is time wife 01 one of the most prominent men 'In the Black IIIB , Ho was mayor of Spear- fish for two terms nnd Is prominent In local hJOlitICS . owns n large cato ranch on the extreme western boundary ot the state and Is worth about $2iOOOO. Mrs. Connors was widely known throughout time stale , especially In time llis , and time news ot her death has aroused general grief. Cit.NL'IlIt ; ! HIUCK ' 'II RLISL. IUI Illn 'nrt In R imimiiageil Cllillol with ! n Ir.o"rlt ! i'm'm4otmger. ROTTEIIIAM . Jan. O.-'he steamship Cranthle , from lhlH port for Aberdeen , Scol- land , has limit Into : taasllir In a 11amngell condition . She was leallnl slightly forward her stem having been stove In by 1 cohlt- Ilea early this morning with an unknown ocean steamer beleved to be the Elbe of the North German Lloyd line. The collision occurred about r i o'cloclt this morning mind some thlrty.lve miles Ilstant from the coast of Ilohlaimil. I Is nM known I she has any 'passengers ' on board taken from the mhe. Oi"Ict. . f'o. : mltl' . SEATTL1'Vttslm . . Jan. B-1tirt ) KleIn- schmidt , who was lost on the lube was I romi of Carl Klimmsciimnlilt. 1 w,1 known mIning man or this cl ) . . whoF two hrolhers live In helena . enl being n h'rulhmig banltr , 'he YOln : man had heen In Germany eight years "Unlylng us a cIvi engineer. lie was on his way home , having completed his educnUon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II""lln I 1.llor I 'lnl g lie Inst. SAN FHANCISCO , Jan 30-1 N. Caste , who with his wire was It passenger on the mhe , was editor of the hawaiian Commercial - mercial AivertIser. the leading journal of the Islands lie was an ardent advocate le of annexaton , and took I prominent part In lawalhm politics. lawalhmol tcs.o 'WU 1'4 . i-oitii'is . : / Till LO'O .SZIOTS. . T'o or limo liacingover IIY DIstrict Tr\c \ Yostnrday. SAN FRANCISCO , Jnn O-Favorltes won the first and last races to ay. In the second race Jonlta , quoted as high as r to 1 , rave the talent shock by winning ( ' , ' ! I haIH1a ) - ' market. at 1 : to I , won the steeplechase. Happy Band , who was gaining on the leader near the end , fell and caused several horses to pull up In order to avoid falling on him. I the good weather continues the regulation track will be used Saturda ) Summary : First race , live furlonGs , mnaideims 2-year- olds amid upwards : Imported Grand Lady 10 : : ; Chor (2 ( to 6) , wou : NorhuIch. 100 , 1som (10 ( to 1) ) . second : Pronlo , 10. SmIth (50 to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:0S : 4. Coquette. ' JIm Corbett . Monroe , . Special , Lochlnvar atd My Sweet- heart also ran. lld ' Second race . \rurlongR : Monlta , 100 , Hussel- (40 ( to .1) ) , won ; Gladiator 93. Isom (2 to' 1) ) , ' econd : Little Del 8 Coclmm (10 to 1) ) , third Time : 1:24. : Uetrlnger , Flnl Out MutneerlPrlnce , Joe Frank and Ilarry Kohl also ran. - " - antlary Third race . seven furlongs , handicap : Gussie , 101 GrIffin ( % ! to 1) ) , won ; Quirt 101 Cocltran (1 I to 1. second : Huntsmal 86. Glenn (20 ( to 1. thIrd. Time : : : ½ . Jdck Itlehelicu . Modesto 10lasld , Pescador and ' 1"11 tll also ran. _ Fourth race , hurdle , short course about a mile ali n halt : Ilnymarket. 135 Stan- ford ( ( to 1) ) . won : Goollbye. 138 , Withers (8 ( to 1) ) . second . Dave Douglass iai , McDonald - Donald O ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 3:3t : % . Wid Oats , Apri , Mere , happy , jland , , and Major Ban also ran. Major liauzilnished second , HI\\Jlnlshe(1 lut was dlsquall t for ( ( au \ In ! Fifth race . five and n halt furlongs , sell- log : \Vnrrano , 105 , Chol'n (8 ( to 5) ) , won ; AI'no lOG Carr (2 to n , second . ; Seasprav . 10th Lloyd (8 ( 10 1 ) third. .1'lme : 1:15 * . St. JIICOI Finesse amid Mendocino also ran NgOnrEANS , Jan. 30.-Track heavy. Summary : First race , six furlongs : . Durrel's Billet ( Ito 5) ) \von. G. D Cox (8 ( to 1) second , Mer- rlt (5 to 1) ) third Time : 1:20 ½ , Second I'ace. mile and twenty yards : Ten Spring (7 ( to 2) ) won , Chauncey (4 ( to 1) ) Rec- onl. 'llppecanoe ( I to 1) ) third Time : 1:54. : Third race. six fU'longs : Satnet (3 ( to 1) won , Kindora (2 ( to 1) ) Ilcond , Old Dominion (1 ( to 1 ) third Time : 1:21 : ' . . Fourth rce , handlean. live furlongs : Irc- catcher (5 ( to 2) won. 'frlxle (6 ( 10 1 second , ' estvll (7 ( to 1) ) thlnl. 'rime : l:0614. : Fifth rc . one mile : Sayon (6 ( to 5) ) won , Violet C ( r to 1) ) seconll , Blue and Whie (2 ( to 1 third. Time : 1:53\ : \ ' ! lolut.Jar.ln Shunt TOhlY. . The 10 lIve bird hoot between J. C. heed and John J. Hardin will take place on the Beaus Park Gun club grunts at the east 011 of time big bridge thIs morn- Ing. coinmcnclng at 1 o'cloclt sharp. Colonel - onel I'amnielne his ReCllCll a ( OIl complement - ment of strong winter birds nnd tIme pros. ( pOetS are HOOII for n close. nod exciting coSI nJ shoot. There Is great Interest manifest In shooting circles over the match and the Prospects mire good for n Inne attendance of upectators. 'he , match Is lt 10 live pigeons to time man for $100 n side , thIrty yurdm4 rLse. fifty boundary American Y/rdl rlil' b01llarv asso. / JCy 15S0- tIIUon rUiN ! tn Rev rn , ; { r , ii. S. Hughe In:1 stallcholder - anti . referee. . MAJOR PADDOCKIS 5UCCE3S0n. Iolealol UrlP8 that lu lie ii South Humtn nnn-Thl Culll"lo , " , Last night Judge Daxter , County Troas- uI'er Iroy and County Clerk Sackell gave I hearing to I delogaton of a dozen who had come In time Inlerests oC O. n. Mercy , one of the candidates for the position made vacant by time Ileath of County Commissioner - stoner Paihtiock ! . The delegation was composed - posed of' ' a majorIty ' of republicans antI a few < PI'IC rl Is , to allow that MOI'ey was acceptable to both parties. In addition to the recitation or his virtues as an honest ' citizen ali taxpayer great stress was haiti on time claim that Moray would do more thahi any of limo ' other South Omaha candidates - didates to harmonize the republican part when time appointee runs for time posion at time next electon , as ho In all II rol- ability will . But time delegation , although In favor of Moray stated that It would he sallsled It any other ot time South Omahn candidates was appoirutetl . with the excell. ton 01 Unvo Anlorlon" who did not seem to be luch of I tayoritp. Time callJllatel are ,80mo , twenty In umuni. her among them helng henry Keisoy of Millard Ilrecnct , Oscar Pickard of Douglas precinct . Uellry C. Gessman and James Wall ot Mc\rdle precinct , John Honza anll gresl StuM of time F11t ward amid 0 D , Mercy . C. C. Stanley , Dave Allerson , Z. P. Hedges , A. I. Sul\n , Peter Cockrel , Jalet 111a , W. 0. Sloan and C. M. Hunt of South Omaha Some of the applications acre put In verbally , oven before the body of Major Pjddock was lahl In time grave , anti tIme ) ' have been coming In steadily ever Chico. \s stated In The lea several days ago , Sutton seems to have the Inside track at prefnt. l rol the first It was felt Ihat ( tim cnllissloner should cmo either from . the country or from South Omaha , and ot late the feeling has grown stronor 11 flyer oC the nUor. ! South OllhJ 11101118 are very lucll of t e opInion that ho ought to come from their _ ciy ( amid have been makllg avery effort to bring time apPointive - Ilolntre borlt to the same opinion. NOle pf Ihe momleu of the boar wil give iimfomnmatIon of who ' gl'o any Informaton tIme man 'wi , be. They lay that there are a hal dozen Igood men amQng time ldldltes , ono of who I will be appolnleil. but nothing more definite can le obtained . from them The Throat.-"Drown'B Bronohlal Troc " act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary elect In nil disorders at the throat. RELIEF WOUK \ \ ( STILL LAGS Governor Holcomb Brought r REI1zO the Dcspor\te Situation Existing. . MANY CCMLAINTS OF TIE COMMISSION I Is \CCOIIlshlnt Is Ohj ct-Oootl nnd Ioloy Held at Lincoln .Whlo lie l'COlllo Cluulr , for , \sBlltRace. . . LINCOLN , Jan l0.-Special ( Telegram.- ) The almost hopeless enlanRlement In which ( hue work of the Slate Relief commission has becole Involvcd has nnaly rcachet.thl point where radical remedies must be resorted to. Conllalnts oC the ineffectiveness 01 the commission - mission cootintie to pour Into time gvenlr b ) ' the scorl Member of the legislature are 'deluge with siiniicmr complalnls Governor Holcomb has al last become Impressell wllh the necessity o'f immmnmedlate acton In time 11remlses , and tonight has taken time mater under serious lvlsement. The tenor of Iho complaints pouring Into Lincoln are 10 the effect that snpple3 are bell unequally ills- trlbuled ; thal the commission Is not effec- tn\ organized ; that its work Is not prOI- erly systematized. Large sums ot money are being constantly contributed , Immense qusnti- ' tics of supplies are being received daily , carloads - loads of goods are being unloaded aUtl stored In Lincoln , anti yet the appeals for nhl and time complaints of nonnlenllon ore coming so fust nnll so nlm.rnt hunt nrouumnt ali energetic " r looking to " a iicv"s'stem , ) for the dIvision of supplies must bo adopted al once. Alholgh the governor Is stilt studying - Ing the matter . no hint oC his purpose can bo oblalned It can only bo definitely stated that ho desires 10 act as qulcldy as Ilsslble and that ho will act at once. WILL JUNKET SIIOI1TLY. The liomisti commlteo onublc lands 1\1 hulllngs wi make a visit In a few das 10 time various stale Insttltons , This Is In conformity with a resolution recently IJlsseli ) 10 that effect. Thorns oC Lancaster Is chair- man oC this commitee , and the full scope of time Investgaton has never yet been outlined - lined , There Is more hehlnl It than the oft- repeated profession of Burs that It Is abso- lutely necessary 10 exmnlno the condition of the bulllnrs before any acton can be taken In regard to the appropriations asked for So far nK there appropriations are concerned time bills for them have already been Introduced - duced except those for time LIncoln immatitu- ton" . and hereIn Is concealed the wily Seno- gambiaum. As chairman of this committee I IB freely staled on the floor oC time house thnt Burs proposes to dicker with time delegations from the various cities having Islums. schools ali hospitals within their limits Cora a recl11roclly. deal when It comes to voting for the halt million or more that Is to be asked by Lincoln for additional buildings to her own Insttutons , Time commlteo con- slats of Burns of Lancaster. Merrick . HOddy , Griffith , h1arison larte , lchardson , Lang- horst , Zlnl or Johnson , Brady , Burns of Dodge Higgins and Van Housen. A number oC this commlteo resllo In towns already asking for allproprlatons , To what extent Burs \1 succeed In time deal remains to bo seen hit between him and the realization oC 'hil hopes stal1 the committee on finance . ways and means and time commlteo on accounts - counts anll expenditures , both of whIch are pledged to strict economy In time mater of new buildings for the present session. BOND COMPANIES INTERESTED. F ; E. Gilliland . chairman or the Federated Board of Halroad Einployes appeared before tIme senate labor commiee this afternoon In Illvocacy ot Se later Smith's bills regulating and controlling bond indemnity companies. I. n. Andrews of Omaha also appeared before , the committee as the representative of the coinp nles. , Doth gentlemen argued time merIts ot the bis , and the sessIon laste until after I oidockThere ' promises to' b1a lively fight mm' thest bllls , tie , Indemnity comlfanles claiming that they will bo drIven out If the state If the bills become law. As a result of the meetng this aflroon tberep- resenlatves of the labor Interests consented to the Indefnlle postponement of one of the two biil. The other which embodies their demand for a provision that wi compel the bond compalies to make public time Inorma- ton upon which an omployo Is blacklisted , has been favorably reported. IT WlS A CNIIUI ! CE GAIIE 51mbby Trick 'rurncll by R Commltco In 1"111 with IcstlltOI. LINCOLN. Jan. 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Aslde from the introduction of another swamp ot bills and hula on second reading , the house consumed the time this morning In defeating - Ing the substitute for Drady's seed grain note bhil . louse Roll 39. This move was the slckest case of Imlam ( of the session so far , and developed considerable feeling among the. members. Drds original bill provIded that farmers could mortgage the crpII raised from time seed for which time security wa given. Thin conummittee's substitute . however , was an artfully drawn measure by which the act became a permanent frau on Carmer and could bo manila available by al kinds of patent right and lghtning rod swladlors Time farmers saw time trap , voted against the bill . and were subsequently taunted by Burns of Lancaster with not wanting any aid In the directon of securing seed. The report of thin commllteo on printng sl'hmlel ' today called for drastic measures In time way ot reorganization of the plan on which house his are now prInted , besIdes mallnI a number of other economical recom- umendations. Time report Ihowed that time prIntng of the hills as let this year was fully 100 per cent higher than was charged for the same work two rears ago The bid- ders on this lne of printng were also ac- cUBed ot colusion front the Interal evidence In their bids The report recommelliel that thirty Instead of twenty-live lines bo placed on a page . and that the margin be de- creaseti from three to two Inches , and that ' 250 Insteall at 500 copies oC each bill b 11rlnttd , ' 1he commlteo suggested the nbro. gaton ot the 11resent contract and a resuh- mission of bids for this worll. TIme report also gave Limo figures for whIch time printng < time mcssago of ex-Oovercr Croun90 mind time inaugural of Governor Holcomb 1n I' nglsh , ( herman , Swedish alli Bohemian was done , The report was atlo\ted. Jlairgrova this moring introduced an Insurance - suranco bill , house rol No ' 17 , whIch UI'- pelr : to 10 dlamelrlcalY opposite to time provIsions of the Ilresent valued policy law One or time vIrtues claimed for I Is that It provillea a Inlform system of blanks on which risks are writtemi . time system to be known as time "Nobrnska Standard Poiicles . " One of the demerits of time measure Is the provltlon for n board of appraisers , Instead of enforcing time paymCt of time ful policy for which \remlums \ haVe been imaid. HOUTINf OF TIlE . JAY . I was 11:30 : before the house reached bills on thlrll ( reading , the only . weighty proceeding of the morning sesioum . The In- trotluction of bills antI bills on seconl read- log had consumed the proc dng ! tmo tlnce time hour of assembly house roll No. 39 , Brady'a seee grain note bill , was time one under c6nrlder ton , Brady demanded n cll ) of the house. lar- neon Intorrupletl with 1 motion thai further - thor proceedings In limo Ino of 1 call of c.11 time house be dlspensell with , and , his me- tlon prevailed . The one Ilnulo ride In ox- plalnlng vole was enforced thIs ( lorlng for time frt tle ( , On time original vote lime bill Wil lost by 50 to 41 I , bulL sunclent members changed Ulelr votes to Illto the re ult l9 to 41. ' The house ( lion took a recess unl 2 II. j m. Uls on third reading were resuled on reassembly for time aornoon session. lioue roll :0 , 8t , Ilrovlllg for the /ouse of penitentiary made . 81nlJlng gcuths Ilnllentary lalll gcQ Illssed by a vole or 83 to 9. Burps uf Lancaster vote ugall t the bill . 10 amid th3t this legislature - laturo could not compel time branding of ( prison Ilte goods froln other states Time house then weaL Into committee of COllltfU the whole wih MUlger Inlhe calr. Iloue loule roll No. 13 , by Chace.a reported ( by the commitee 01 roads amid hrldges for In. definite lostPonemmmemmt. 'Che report 01 the commltco was adopted. House roll No H , by Sutton of 1olllas. for the dlscon- tnunlce 01 township organizations by 1 vote or electors was passed. house roil No 233 , by 10hllan , pro viding for a military board . and amen'Jlng section ,22a , of chapter xxi , Consolidate I Statutes af Nebraska , r3110rled fa\'or- . - - . f : : : ) Morse . . Means hIp' I , Busil1esso . 11) , .0 We ltfve sold out-and our stock musts be reduced to the figure set by the purchasels- Wi 1 you help us-Of course you will , when you see our priccs- e care nothing for - pr' at , fts-N othing for loss-In ten days we'l be out of business. Jri' ! , : ' " fl . . . The Morse Dry Goods Co. . miii I ' . , - , ' I' ' { ' " ' - . - . " : 1 , 5. . . .t. at a - " : , ; rj ci1iz ci ) pcd from yesterday's . &cls Ilc .lor . -u. . : , , . ' . . . . - A : t' . loss 1 , - " 'e hI" , , . " lon , . - . . ' . . wal l Jctoll , th . , G ran d . tter would I mmmcli lea Its business . ' , . ler mich , . ' . Farewell . . . ( Omaha Ilee . January : ! ) . 1 to do it : . , Time Morse Dry Goods company ba . . ' ' _ " , I .my , clmngell hands. Time arrangements of the" . , . , - - 1' rIb u tc . . sale were perfected Im\edlately upon \ Ipon It reduces , "prtes : the time return of S. I' . Morse \ from New York Ing A h \ . . . , , alt exists anti Boston , where ho was successful In gel- whlcli . to our , - I : altogether . ting eastern capital interested In forming a tootled ' \ \ - Telhmmride to oulstock our s { - ' Long's peak new company of which he will bo time head. Time . _ , Al one lupposell This now compnny will take possession on localor , frIends . - the Ouray geld February 15. Aim Inventory of time stock will 10 catle/ in ten - " ' - ' , aled at from hal bo taken within time next ten days. covered al \ . . . . . _ uncertain , twonty- Articies of incorporation will be fllemi wllhln alll west of Wi , . I - - ArtcleB Incorporaton wi fell miles southwest ot Limo noxl week Time many friends of W. I.of time district ' S e II- I n a , .4 to 1\'er , Prom 1 Wrisley , thc present manager , will be pleased been fOi 11 , On t . b C 1 ay S. . gold belt , which has to learn that ho will bo counlcled with the smmnk to 1 depth ot . ges. liew company. ' wi . V. Morse nll his parls 1f a Peculiar forI , at , . at work all drwing ners retire from nil coimumcctiomm Wll the can- what resemblimug time a a Limo storm and ftmlly 700 . retro al connectol retime ( district but yet n ' . . I ator\ fuly cern. The working force will nol bo re- - I t e11s the 1 have reopened. Every duced , bitt . on the conlrar , will bo grealy I was thIs roclt Ih , . I. and the thre or four increased upon time allvent of the new man- templed to valium off I' , . ioss I a business failure has agemmuemmt. before ho paid any . ' . \VhOlC 1 I store to 'ners were thrown out of agement report Is true that time Morse Dry lie called upon AI W W 10 e S 01 e a - . In Plaindealor. ' Ouray Goods com will bo under , to ' Ilalllenler. comnpany wil' opened a new mining expert I' 'arenlY , rltzo . how well management , " said S. P. Morse , when asked the lirohmerty. ' 1ogo but ' vhat 1 Y GOLD BELT. " abolt II. "Tho chnnge will he made on time amid Mr. Wuensch , wi Purchasers "co. 16th. A ado ot the stock has been made to mlno went , thieve mm. . . luck wi add much lo Parties backed by easterim capitalists , who will wont the 1 r' partes lackell easter capitalsts wi y maine Is to open ant endeavor to IItell time concer In the front sayed , ran $1314010. r of t 1 latV rhen 1 \vho take 1 - ' 0 favorable rellrl 10 ranl of time mmiorcantiio world. than Mr. Wuon8ch ex , t . ' \ercnntlo 'V 10 a < e . , . mmntry Is nssuret. . TM "I 111 no trc1ble mst I all securing easter and lie at'OICO bet " .n Crestell Butto. That " . . caiitnl for Nebraska Investmenls , continued - . , , , nthraclte and bitunmin- ca"lal . . Nehrasll ' conlnled night ho soaked SOl' blumlnJr. pre- \ . ' Jr. 1tore. cOlplele'y refltes pretho rock all nigimt J 've can 'Vo thIs can bo added rocl lictiomma made howlers be- , . ( by some calamity betoolt . possession IlclolB calamiy tonic It 10 time sa . : and Marble Tim\ in- fore the electon , In which they plcturell thaI the former test on the sliver proper- the election 01 Holcomb would hurt ' slver Goverimor " - prprthe ' , . electon Goverlor hlrt something ill ' . 'd Aurlst. Reports the credit of thin state. Boston and New II eli 5 crelit . ' e . at $111. ago F'eb. ' shipping ore. In $11' . 15 I ' . 'Ishilping , DUI- York money was readily obtained toperfect , , AHer thb . . 'oreBtIIQueen DUIthe formaton oC our new corporatiomu. " again , ' , - ' 'JI silver Iroper- wel s ver - W \ , 1.11 j I 1 . 11a k e . . . , Iho ' , ,1r or Cleopatra IroperSecretary snring , Iznloa , Morse In substance Lohmer and raId of echoed that the time the llresemmt Morse sentiments organ- Dry araln f outer : I thai , vl I . tile 1 \vhole 1 I . , Lion thief . t 'Ines con nlo Goods CompRny's successors meant a great lon ' . some of time deal for time business Interests oC Onmaima. \ uensc , . . - - . Olahn. prIces t 0 , SU 1-t. 'les bonded Is gold embarked Time Morse In Dry blslness Goods In company Omaha first In anti mln.\ : - store by 1 . , . are being 1877 al Tenth and Jackson streets In a rnotlT1It , ' , . week by eat wooden structure. In 1880 they removed 10 m10 . I - YOU . . : 'slve ' do- Thirteenth and Famnain and In 1890 the octr - SO doing . 'h finds ' commodious IflO' fnds present quarters were first occu10' frlt . "I . pHid. Time concern Is one of the largest mer- trl _ - 'Ied. cantila houses hit the west and time rumor of B eOl IS. . _ . . ' iel time transfer was 11 the topic of time hour at the . . Begins ? , . ' ' b club amid "u " . Commercial cub and'on the streets today . ' Thi1ty. , , ' " : - Thursday. 1'hur's'Gay. : . . . . ; ! . ri. . ( n'h' , . This sale lasts but ten days-then we're out of it- IIl'hi oe : I J . : : " i.iuIu' : iuIu' : ut SU'l 'el The Morse Goods Co. Se11ingzoit 81" , " \ sure , Dry . Selling out sure , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "VI - , . , ably by thin 1t ' bm\t e on militia , was recommended ' lass. , . . Time private secrlary oC the governr .appe'nrM , wIMmlssage from the executive concerning the ooditon of. the finances oC the state."l a motion of Chapman time committee oC the wnole ) arose and reported progress. Time comlunlcaUol of the execu- Live was Tead" showing deficiencies In various state Inslt tons , On motion oC Thomas , the message was referred to the committee on lanc , ways and means. On thin call for 'petitiomms ; pnd memorials there were nUlnerous' rdonses , and the pages wIldly scirrl d around the house. A petto from FIllmore demanled drastic legislation against time sale and manufac- tore of oleomargarlno. ThIs was accom- panted by similar petitIons from almost every county In tlo state They were al referred to time commltteo on agriculture. House roll No. 17 was reported by the committee for Indefinite I postponement and time report adopted. HOlso roll Ko. 169 was reported with 1 rccommendaton that Il pass. . The committee on printing reported the result oC its investigation of time printing oC house rolls as now perform , and recommended - mended several Important change In the Interest oC economy The report was adopted. House roil No. 67 , for the destruction oC the Russian thistle . was recommended for passage and the report adopted. House roll No. 18 was favorably reported by the judiciary committee and the report adopted House roll No. 123 , from time commlteo on JudicIary , was favorably reported and the same adopted. A resolution , by general consent acted upon today was introduced by Thomas for 1 committee to proceed to time Soldiers' homo at Grand Island and investigate tIme same. The resolution was adopted. The house then , adjourned smi\'ons WOll , \ lUSY D.\Y. - Two hIlls l'aull 111 Three Other Or- dorod F1ro8 , 'd. LINCOLN , Jan. 30.-Speclal-The ( ) usual large latch of anti-oheomargarimme petitions was before the senate today. The petitions were EO numerous that time leutenanl gov- el'nor ruled that they should go to the com- mite\ on agrlcultlr without reading. Time enrolling aunt engrossing c01mllee reported - ported that senate flies Nos. 1 and 19 had been correctly ongrosso a 1\1 were ready for , passnge Lehr , from time cOlmlteo on highways , bridges and ferries , presenled ( a favorable report on senate file No. .19 , introduced by Cross cf Jefferon. amending time statutes relating to highways. Michel , from the committee on miscel- laneous subjects , reported tenato flies 13 , 32 , 22 alum ! 18 , ' ni with a lav * able recommoenda- ton except No. 22 , f No. 13 Is the pure food bill , Inlroducelllby ( 10po , and Was sent to time general lf o. 32 , by Stewart , pro- : vides for the PWuflOjit oC a bunty out of the state treasury IIMlept destructioum I , destructon oC wild wid animals No. :18 ; , by Iehrrovlde ! a law for the creatol 1bl\la \ dich fund In time soy- eral counties. t'h coimmmnittee countes 'h cOllltteo recolmended the postponement 1\lefnlely of No. 22 , In- trodlc ll by lhlli , 'hirovlding that the saloon keeper who sells dr gives away liquor on eleetOI day or2on Sunday 81131 ha\'o his lcense revollel llle objected to time P08t- onement 01 hi bill , and moved that It be It placed on genclesilhiej Tent genel .Jel ' 'ett supported the moton , and on time ayes and nays the mo ton ( was agreethrto. , A large nUII\n Qf new bills were Intro- dncoll nnd readvfQr 1b first ( line , while those Introclure ) 'estrl < y Were read time second tme and referred to slanc1ng ( cOlllleel , Senate files OI1 and 19 were read time third tme and'pa ' jd , whereupon the senate took a recess 11\11 2 o'clock At the afernbbn' ' .eEs Ion , the senate , after listeumimig 10 a number of reports from standIng - Ing cOlmltel , reaived itself Into comll- tee of the whOle to consider bills on general ille . with McisaQn In the chair. ' 'he nut bill taken UP was senate file No 2 , introduced by Oraham ( , and providIng that time owners A'alY real estate against which 1 decree DC ( foreclosure bas been ren. dere,1 , In any court or record , and the ( owner of any real estate levied ulln to fatsfy a JI\lgment or decree 01 any kind , may redeem the sme from the len of Juch decree or lev ) ' nt ap tme before the , sale 01 time tal6 by laying , into court time alount of such Judgment , together wih all Inlerest and costs : anti that any such real estate 1ay he redeemed ly the owner thereof , or by any Judgment creditor ot such owner , between ( lie day of sale and the tme when such sale shah he connrmell , by paylnj lute court time amount bid by the purchaser for such real estate . at simeriff'mm bale . with interest upon .uch amolnt from time date of sale 10 time day ef redemption at time rate drawn by the , - - - - - - - - judgment or decree under which the sale was made. GRAhAM EXPLAINS HIS ' BILk . Graham , .who had. Introduced the bill by request , moved that when the committee rise Il report the bill back to the senate with tIme recommendation that It be engrossed for third reading. The motion provoked an Interesting debate. , In answer to a question from 'ett , Gra- ham explaine'l that the , bi was Intended to protect the interests oC time owner of land sold under. decree of foreclosure. He used the following' illustration : The owner oC a , piece of property value at $3,000 and mortgaged - gaged for $2,000 , might not bo able to dis- charge time mortgage when Il became due. The morlggee mlrht bid It In for $ ,600. Under the law the owner could redeem by paying $1,500 Into conrt the mortgngeo sti holding I deficiency Judgment against him. Or , If the owner was unable to redeem time property , any of his judgment creditors might redeem time same. Tert attacked the bill as a vicious measurO , claiming that the owner would b entirely unprotected In case ho would not bc able to redeem as promptly as some credItor might expect. Hitchcock vigorously opposed the bill , claIm- Ing that its provisions would deter capital- Ists from buyIng In property under decree , and thus leave the owner It time mercy of the mortragee , who would bid In tIme property al a low figure. Lindsey favored the bill In so far as I referred to the owner , but nol 10 the Judg- mont credItor. He therefore moved as an ment amendment to the bill that the words "judg- ment creditor" bo stricken out. The amend- mcnt was agreed to , and time bill ordered to a third reading The committee then took up senate file No. 67 , a bill Introduced by Dressler , providing that a landlord shall have a len for his rent upon all crops grown upon time demised premises and upon any other personal prop- erty of the tenant and not exempt from cxe- cuton , which has been used Ullon the promies during the term for time period 01 one year after a year's rent or the remit oC a shorter perIod claimed , fnls due , but such len shall not In any case continue more than six months after the expiration oC the term This bill Illovolted 1 lively discussion All of time senators on the republican side favored the bill except Wright , who bItterly attacked I , claiming that It was without justice or equity. WrIght , by his opposItion , drew the fro of all the friends of time bill. Caldwel , In time midst of I lively colloquy , wanted permIssion 10 ask a ( location 01 ' WrIght. ' "In what month docs the senator from Lancaster - caster loan lax seed to the farmers ? " "In April , " retorted Wright The 11elon was drawn out by time fact that WrIght makes a business o loaning lax seed to farmers. antI the 11roposell law would give time landlord a len prior to any ho might secures Pope declared In a Heel nature argument that Wright was seltng to obtain undue Qlvantare over the landlord Stewart undertook to It I time bill by movIng - log to ( strike out all after the enactng clause , but ho failed to muster the votes. lie then Proposed that Ihe hi le' amended EO as to glyo time landlord a len on time lenanl's wife and cimiltiremu. Afer considerable discussion thin commitee ordered thin bill engrossed for third reading. All'fATION lULL AmNUED. Time next bill taken up I ) the commllee of time whole was the al"bllralol bm immtro- duce by nlh , Time labor committee hind , reported a number o amendments very ma- tonally altering some of the provisions ot time bill. The amendments provide hat ( the arbitrators thal be appointed by the district court . , and that. they shall receive fO per day for actual tme served. lalo sought 10 engrlf another amendment - ment reducIng ( lie pay of the arbitrators 10 $3 per day , lie argued that If the pay was $10 I'er day time coals would he enormous. Smith drew a tlShl round of applause by retorting that even at $10 per day time arhl- tratort would Iot cost the taxpayers ono- tentl a much a9 It does to cal out time omliltIa. Time cmmltpo agreell 10 report the bill wih thl ( recommendatIon that I be passel a aJneded , The commllee then rose Stewart made In Inelectual atempt 10 knock out time favorable report on senate file No G7 , but the senate decllimeil. 'Che fa\'or- able report on alt three bills was then agreed t ( McliCby , from the relief comnumihttee. jmre Nentcll I substitute bill for house roil No. I , autimoriziog count hOards 10 issue UOlds wlh which 10 purchase seed for teatite fannen. house roll No. 1 was rott tlo Iolse third ( line last SalurdlY } , but Was recom. mlted lt time last momell hi order that ( an amcndment might \e added 10 enable renters - ers , lessees of Ichool lands Ild farmers on government landl Jo ( bllin the relict ex tended by the ull , 'Cho senat\ uered time substitute printed Inl then alJourne ! . V . , -r--s'-r - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - DEF.OIE."ClS - MUST DE IIEL , Governor loleomb Senls a ) Special Message : to the Logisimcture ; LINCOLN ; .flin . ' 30.-Spc , LNCOLN J'in. - ( ' iaij-Governor ) ' Holcomb transmitted a special message to the two branches oC the legIslature this afternoon - noon calling attention tD the fact bat In 1 two of the state institutions n deficiency In time maintennnce fund existed AccompanyIng - Ing time message were letters fully expihmning time facts which contributed to bring about the deficiency. The message and the accom- panying correspondence follow : To tim. : Honorable . time Senate or the Stale of Nebraska : I deem It my duty to cal your attention to the condition or certain institutions of the stale with reference to the stnteof the npI1rOprlltolS made by the preeedlnG Jeglsllture. I al1peats : from the information presented to me that In two of tho' state immstitutions the expenditure In certain Instutons hauste the approlrlatonl mmle ly the last legislature and I deficiency now exists In such funds. In the Instlule for the Deaf and Dumb , 10catet at Omaha , Neb . I am Informed by the superintendent that the appropriation for living expenses iii entirely exhmumsted , and hue eatimmites that it will require $1,800 to meet the requirememmts of the Institution out of this ftmmmd until the general nppro- oriation becomes avnuiablC. Theme was imp- propriated by time precedIng iegislature for the living CXlCflSQS of this institution time sum of $11,000. It also appears that at time Norfolk Itos- pitmol for time Insane , located at Norfolk , Nob. . time appropriation for board and cloth- hog mnade by the preceding iegtsimtture is ox- Iuausted , and upon estimates made by time superintendent and stewart ! it will require $ S00 to meet the demands of the imistitution upon this fund until time expiration of the biennial period for which time appropriation was made. I submit herewith copies of time commmini- cation to this 001cc from time superintendent of time Deaf and Dumb institute. and also from time steward of time Norfolk mtsyiumn to time supcrlntemmdent bearing upon this sub- ject. I submit this information to you ( or such nction by your huonorablo body as you may deem proper , Very respcctfuliy , SILAS A. IIOLCOMiI , Goverimor. COTII1ESI'ONDENCE IN TIlE CASE. NORFOLK , Nob. , Jmmn. 13 , 18)5.-Dr. C. B. LIttle , Supcrintentiemmt , Norfolk , Nob. : Dear Him'-.I respectfmmily desire to call your ntteum. ( ion that ve 'iummve expended our npproprimm- tion ( or the current period for hoard anti clotiming. Iinhtmnce unexpended Junummry 1 was $1,216.96. Our grocery bill for thm qmmar- ( or ending Itharchm 11 , 189.m , In $750 , time goods having been dehivereth. Our contract for hour for time saran penciL Is $200 mind it will taico all of that. for the hmospitnl , mu you know. is tilled withu Patients to its full cmi- iuclty , Ve Imave bought bottomto Umute $100 , mind meat $22:5. : anti other liabilities $75 , shuowimig a totmmi liability 01' $1,360 , umimarly $100 over hialmmnce on lummimil January 1. I estimate timmtt we will requIre $100 for meat thin balance of time qmlmirter. anti tO0 for butter. nail $200 for immcitlentni anti necessary - essary nrticies for food and oilier mmrticles ciurmrgenimle to board and clotiming. The remumon vim3' this ( lurid falls short of our wants is well knowum to yell ; I need not mneumtion hilt thin items. First : 'rime building of the simougimter house out of time board antI clothing fund. 'l'lmis vas iloume 1mm time imutemest of ( 'conouny mmrmi ( saying , mmmi luau proved to ho sucim , anti with limo full knowledge amid consent of time board , 5cc- oumul ; 'i'hmn thrIlling amid cost of mmcmv yell taken out of this soupe ( Lurid , s'itim time direct - rect ormleri4 nod iersonmml supeu-vb'ion of time hommrtl him the exercise of a. 5imimitl Lund wise discretion , mummimhe necessary by time oxigea. ciemi of the case. I umeed not add timot under time Positive ommiermi of time bonrtl so are lrohmiiiitu'd ( mm runtmimmie nh ) ' uleiicieney , but we intuit bummyn meat nnml butter anti some other iuucimientnl items of food urmil feed to carry us through to imlmmrcim .11. Aside from timia one quarter we mire in good shape anti caim go through to time end of time biennial ImeriomI. % 'ery respecItmmiiy , J. F : , SIMI'b'ON , Steward , OMAHA , Jan , 19 , 1895.-lIeu. Silas A. liol. mini , , Governor of .Noiumumukmm , Lirmroln , Net , . ; Dear HimAs per our conversation of yesterday , I hand you imerewilim mm muinteimmeot- showing time status of aluproiurimmtiomms ( or this institute , You sviii observe that on ( hue item of livIng - Ing expenses time ( timid is eximnustimmi , II wotmiti require about $1,800 to mneet expeimmiemi lii thus ( unul tiii now aiipmopriatiomms tire nvauiaitlo ( April 1) ) . There viiI mmrobably imu ii surplus in the fund for ( mmcl amid higlmtmt. it will be miecemuemry to Provide for this item of living ( mind. hope you will make mulch recommendation to time legialmituro aim in your jutigtrmemit mviii lwuvlmie time means to rumi mmmi throtmghm.'m'rv truly yours , J. A , OlfliHi'IE. Superintendent , ( JNNOT Ui'L' iltihhl OLThlIi iliI.t.S. UouIO Cuiumumlttuo mmml Cislumm , liii. Trouble with AII im's EzlemmuItiirc. , I4lCOLN , Jan , 30.-Specimmh-Thm ( ) cool. milieu Ito clainma will zmqL nmiilio a report until about time middle of February. Members of time conmimmittee say timat they experiemmco great difficulty in gettimmg at time inside of time bills timat have beelm tiled with tlmem for payment. otiming deilmuito can be ascertained tromp limo dales , There Is good reason to ielieye tba many of timem imavo been paid , or partially 4. paid , before lucy came limb time committee's' hands. In consequence of this uncertainty they are compelled to return many of timem . to time different state 'omcorsfor' verificatiout- and audit. Time bills imicurreti by ox-Secretary of State Alien are in a decidedly mixed UI ) cotmilition. At present nothing dehhmmito can be obtained in regard to time emmorunous amount of money which ho expended for legislative anti other supplies during a few weeks prior to lila retirement fr rn office. It is behieveml that $15,000 will not cover time expense for renovating the state capitol amid supplying limo senate chamber and hail of roprLsena. ( tives with carpets , stationery , books , etc. Thieve is a story that Allen lisa pocketed these bills and gone off on a pleasure trip liii claimed before time legislature convened that umono of time bills caine to him. lie said lie had ordered thmeni cli sent to the committee on claims , and had not agreed to pay any certain amount , but all was to be left to tue Conmnmitteo on claims anti time committee on finance , ways and means. Time committee on ciaiumms nos' say that as yet none of thee. a bills have shown up , anti the burning question of time committee room is , where are they ? p ll'E,9TJtItN I'RNSIO.Vi. Votcramm , of' time Late Wmmr lteummommiljcretl by time Geimerat ( boverzmmmmmmmmt , WASHINGTON , Jun. 30.-Speolai-pen. ( ) siorns gmminted , issue of Jmmntmamy 17 , were ; ( Nebrasica : increase-Frederick J. SmIth , Bordeaux , Dawe9. Reissue-hicinricim Loh- meler , Piemutaumt Dtmle , Seward ; henry C. r.ale , Wiiiier , Saline , Originmmh widows , ctc.-Mory 11. Armor , Smmmner , Dawon. Iowmt : I ncremuue-F'retleric'k II eutlman , len. ver , lirenmer. fleissue-ItoJert B. Aileim , Muscatine , Muscatine. Origimmal widows , etc-ltichmarml 1' . Lmmrloimi , ( ( mother ) South English. Sommtbm 1)mhcota : Rclmueume-1Ienr' van Scimaick , Oitlimmmm , Kingsbury , Colorado : Origimiuu-Leyi A. Mansfield , Pmmliio , Pueblo ; 'Jiurus Shmdclcey , hiolyoke , Phuiiilin. Montana : Oeigiomtl-Parijk O'Mally , . L.ewlstowmm , } 'crus. - liemmimlimgtomm lti.muuiy tom' Mcmi , VAILEJO , Ci.l , , Jami. i0.-Tlme gunboat Bennington is mmii ready for sea and will sail for Central American imorts tonmorrow niomaimig. NO SURGERY : A Discovery Which Will Intoro3t .sirid Benefit Thousands. it ; hluimimivomi time Neesumsity of Iimmrbtmrommum Stir. gicul Opormmtiouma , Stmitomuoiuia , fromim 'ritose Vhto Jlmmvo l'emutoii It. Modern medical science antI skill has at last succeeded lit producing a romnetly which effectimmmliy cures timat comnmomm , but extremely anumoyinmg troubie , piles. 'Fime Pyramid I'ilo Cure is time remedy ro- ( erred to aummi repeated ovid thorough trials of time rummiedy mlmmrimg time imimst thmreo years hmavo denionstrmieul ( thmmit it is time loumg-somigimt.far remuiemly which can ho depended mmpoit as a goumuiumo cure. 'i'imore are mommy remnethieuu wimicim give relief , but such relief Is only tcmmmperary , smith time trommhie soon rctmmmns , as bud or worse timimum over , But tIme Pyraunmiti Pile Cure stands lracticaiiy aloao aim a last- hug cure. It hot oniy gives Imummoediutu rhict but time relief is thieve to stay. Mr. J , \ \ ' , Rollins , a gentienumim livinmj at Sweet Springs , Mo. , writes lmtieily amid to liii , point regmmrdiiug hula experiemm o witim l'iitaa. lie says ; "I consider the Pyrammuid Z'ile Cure . . witimout. an equal , IL cured mime lit less than thmirty days. I waited fifteen days or morn to be sure time remedy hmmmd fully cured in. before writing you. I Comm imow army I ama cured , and I itimail recomimmnond time Pyranilti l'ilo Cure at every possible opportunity be. cause It deserves it. " \Vo ( lUoto from ( lila geuitlemnmn's letter to miuiow our readers lmo' proumiplly thi remedy acts , amid else ( limit there is no return of thm trouble. Time Pyrimmnid l'ila Cure Is simple and im5rnm. less , cgimtmmiumlumg immmreiy vegetable limgredieumls , anti can be used in all cases with ierfect safety and with time assurance that a cure will 10110w , Pimyslciaummi lmreacribu it amid use it ii ; all cases of lilies iii liroforence to time danger anti ummcertaluty of a surgical opera- lieu , It cures wltimou palmi or immoonyommienpe of army Jdrnh , Time Pyramid Pile Cure is prepared b the lyramnltl irug Cv. of AIWon. Michi. , and solti ' by druggists everywmeo. Thm smmfet , surest , cheapest 'lle Cure before Lime public , ntl QP you can try with almimct crlahms eucees. , " . . - j4' _ ; . .