Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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THEO [ A1rA DAILY nEE : "r ] DNBSDAY , tTANUAUY 30. lSO ? . r : :
Senator Ohandler's Way of Looking at the
Railroad Pooting Di.
, Is
Jntcftutn Cointierco ( ; omll' lon to Ho
A.lled for SOIO Iml"rlnnt 1"jJnrl'
About J.Acrn RnIlrond . to Jeur
Out Jil tontoi.tofl.
' % ASI I I NTO. Jun. 29.-Prcsdont Clove.
r IAnt's flnaiclnL meS8go has again Btnrted
tim edtlel ant currents of sentment on the
fnanciAl question In tim 8enate. Whie this
has not crystalzed Into dofnlto actIon . several -
oral Incidents occurred In the senate today
which Intlctetl general tenllencleR. Mr.
ManterRon of Nebraska Introduced a cornS
Ilromiso pi 11. The senator emphasized the
need of concession and compromise In A
4' vigorous ICCChl ) urging RcntorR to glvo and
tko In order that some common ground for
meeting the financIal emergency might he
Nocured . In replying Ir. Teller of Colorado
- ' mnlle the slgnlfcnnt declaration thAt ne
. compromise leglRlaten could be elected At
this seRBlon of congress. Among the neas
uros paRsed durIng the day wcre these for
the Incorporation of the National Assocla'
ton of lorlsts and for the sale of Inter.
changeable mileage tckets to commercial
traveler , known AS the "commercial trav
elers' hlhl. " Most of the day was given to
the banllruplcy bill. Ir. Mitchel or Oregon L
olfered a subsUtute the lliies of
orerel1 1 on lnes the RO'
cnled "Torrey hankrulltcy % ) hill , " anti Mr .
George of llsslsRIPIII spoke nt length In I
r explanation of the bIll.
The fnancial emergency care up when Mr ,
Mandorson . republican of Nrbraka Ilresentetl
a resolution on the subject lie IJresentel1 I
hy statng that some compromise was essen-
tInI . There must be an adjustment of views , ,
1 givIng ant laking The rlsoluton directs I
the committee on finance to Ilrelare , a Incas
ure having the following essential features :
1. The secretary of the treasury to main.
taln a resen3 rund or $20,000.000 gold and I
2.000,000 silver.
2. An Issue of bonds payable In eIther gait I
elhcr 011
- or silver nt the OIJton or the helter for the
maintenance of reserve
3. : Outstanding legal tender notes to be re-
doomed In gold or sliver at the option or the
hauler . and not reissued.
4. For the next fIve years gold to be ex- :
changeable for sliver and silver exchangcable
for gold. ,
6. National hanks to be authorized to use
the foregoing note I a basis for Issuing
notes nnd ( the tax on notes 10 bc removed.
G. Import duties from countries having the
gold standard to hc payable In golt , and.rrom
countries havIng the silver Htaxldard to b C
) p , . payable In either gold or slver standart , h
, ' of . the Importer. opton
, 7. Authorize the coinage of slver and gold
( t a rate of 16 to 1. to the capacity or the
'he foregoing resolution , comIng train a
republican senator and including n conces-
elon to sliver . attracted the
slver. auen
- alractml -
.a _ timi. -Mr. Manderson asked the Immediate
consideration of the resolution.
! r. Teller said this document was mther
obscured by the lecture the preshlcnt ha ii
read to congress. "if , " contl111 ( Mr. hat
icr with "
wlh great emphasIs "we had a president
who would take twelve In n room , twelve
men who are known and recognized In finan .
clal circles and say to them , ' ( entemen I ,
the government will make Its payments In
silver ; now I you want n panic , have I 9 ,
there would be no panic New York docs
not want a panic. The , run on gold svoul ml
stop In nn hour. " woult
Mr. Manderson's resolution was referred
to the fnane commIttee , to be considere d
cl : with other plans.
( Mr. Chandlcr's offered the 'following reso-
luton :
"Resolved , That the Interstate Commerce
commissIon be directed to send to the senate
a statement prepared from the later returns
to the ofce or time commIssion showing
the capitalization or all and each of the
eight Principal railway lines transportng
passengers and merchandise between Chicago
ali the Atlantic seaboard ; 'showing also the
proportion whIch , such capitalization bears
to the total capitalization or railroads of
the United States , a"i rairoads the
lasl year's
statement or the
aggregate gros IS
and net Income of said lines . also compare d
With the gross and net Income comparet
railroads or the United States. " al
Mr. Chandler
said thIs information
neepSMr , ' 'n Inln"o'n. . Informaton " was .L
nn _ _ _ . . . _ _ . " 0. _ . . . < . " " u < Ule
hi recently reported rrom the committee
on Interstate commerce. lie quoted the
fecton or the bill allowing pooling . and
.t continued : . uTho authority given by this
paragraphs Is stupendous. Under such au-
tlorlty All the railrOads or the rountry may
pool nil their gross and net earnings from nil
" scurces. They al
may virtually unite or form
one company or partnership with a capitalization -
zaton equal to that existing June capltal. , ,
, . w of $1.606,235,410. the gross earnings or
' - # which were for the year then ending
$1.220,761.87 and tie net Income after pa-
t 1' Ing fixed charges was $11.0 , aler . They
' may agree to commit agreement and lsposl.
ton ol this gross or net Income ant manag.
ing beard or ten or oven or three oihlcers
> of the various roads. The boar can be given
t authority ant discretion to payout ro theI
purpose or controlling
controlng Iegisiaures state or
national , or' other pUblo officers or for any
; other purposes , such portions ns they may
, ' tee fit or the net or gross earnings or this
gigantic partnership and afterward to dI-
' vide the remalndor of the net earnings
t parlngs
( nmongst the various companies according to
arbitrary fixed Portions or 100 per cent
or the whole. The profits or raiitoad .
, profts rairad management
mont depelHI largely upon the rate or wages
paid. The cO'lpanles may embody In their
' partnership agreement a schednle of wages
Xor nil classes or railroad
: rairoad operatives to he
maintained upon oil railroads of the country.
In short this $11,000,000,000 partnership Is
given unlimited power of railroad consolhla.
tlon , all railway competition anywhere In the
country 10 abolished by act or congress , rate
or ( ares and freights for the whole country
llay bo Sized by one managing board. In
I view' or tie ntempt thus male to create an
J lOOO.OO.OOO railroad monopoly with Un- I
1lnled power to fix railroad rates and the
t . wages or railroad labor , I feel It to be my
' dnty to endeavor to .
secure certaIn amend.
snents . " ament.
' The senator then read the amemlment him'
offered In comumnittee. le then sal he could III
, eec no renson for the rejection of the ammiend.
ment. holding that It Is nM Intende that
the Interstate Commerce ( omml8lon shall
11alc nn l1eetlgIIUon. Tie promise shal
fraud ali deception on the plople.
* Mr. Chandler
1 , of New Inmp3hlre announced
f ' isis Intentm : to otTer another Imellment announeet
tLS follows :
"I'ery " such
\'ery contract shall contain a
stipulation binding each IJarty thereto
ae of difference or controversies between
sahl party and its employes , 10 submit the
! same to arbitration I such arbitration shah
bo proposed by such omployes under time law
of October I , 1890. creatng boards or arbl-
traUon for such cases : pro\'lded , however , ,
that by mutual aRrement the Interstate
Commerce commission may act as arbitrators
thereby. under such " law . with the Powers gIven I
To omit to adopt this amendment , if this I
111 Is to iass , will place the 873,063 raIlroad
.workmon of Ibis country under the Iron heel
of as mercll's8 a tyranny of employers or
Ilbor al the world ba ever seen or any
task II1ters since the days or I'haroah hlve t
' ever been able to contrive lie was willing .
nt a time wlen the railroads of this country wiing.
were sulorllg , unte : universal depression In L
business , to vote for any legislation to whIch I
they were justly entitled , and was willing 10 I
nodlfy the ant-poolng clause of the Inter-
stte commerce law , but le wal not wilng :
' to give without
Contest or struggle , al I
Power over railroad rates for travel an I
freight transportation and over the anI I
labor ot 600.00 workmen to a $6,00.000,000 I
r. Dr $ . corporation nail partnership ,
U 10nopoly Imch a will be created or Is
' Intended 10 be created by the passage of the
vending bill .
Mr , Chandler's amendment wa ngreed to
"Ir Frye offered a resolution ( whIch wai I
Bgreed to ) callIng tor the corrEspondence with wa m
' the chief justice or Samoa and with Ihe
.Unled States wih
Mr. Alison mldo another brief conlrlbu-
ton 10 the financial question by offering a i
ruoluton calling limo secretary of th
: ,
treasury to Inform time senate what portion
ot the $100.00.00 gold restr\e. sonAo 10 cnled. prto
'ben Isetl for meeting current expenses , and
what part of the proceeds of the recent bond
sales have been similarly ulell. The resolet
ton went over on objection of Mr. Vest.
Mr. Buter of South Carolina gl\e notice
ho would 011 up the pooling bill durIng the
mornlnl hour tomorrow.
The bankruptcy bIll was then taken up
111 Mr Michel of Oregon offered a subst-
tuto on the lines of Ihe old Torrey bill , with
some modiftcations.
Mr. Platt of Connectcut and Mr. WhIte of
Calornia brought up time question of the
co nflict between the proposed national bankruptcy -
ruptcy law and the Insolvency laws or the
v vnrlou states.
Mm' Ueorge's speech on the bill was In
p regress when the measure was laid aside.
Time credentials were presented for two new
su senator from \\'yomlnJ. C. I ) . Clark for the
unexpired . term beginning March 4 last and
p. I . t . Vnrrcn to succeed Mr. Carey.
The bill to incorporate the National Asso-
cia tlon of Florists was passell.
Mr. German secured . the passage of the bill
known as "The commercial travelers' bill , "
I I nmends the lntrstate commerce law so as
to permit time sale of Interchangenblo mleago
tckets to commercial travelers. At 6:15 : i
o'clock the senate adjourned.
QU , ' 1 , \ IN 'lm IUUSI .
: lltlll 01 Illmt If ( tIfrRI behlflll amid I
:1'1. ; e'rllflh'n UhJrctol ' ( .
\VAShltNOTO. , lnn . 29.-Mr. Outliwaito . ,
chalrmnn of the committee .
c commitee on military af.
fairs , asked unanimous consent In the house t
t emmy for the consideration or a Joint rose '
luton h to revive the grade of iieutomianl
grnte leutenant
eneral or the In order :
generl army that Major
Genernl Schofel(1 ( of the army might be I
promote timereto but Mr. \Vndmmworth . re .
puhlcn of New Yorll , objected.
The senate bi to nuthorze the city of I
C harlotte . S. C. , to beautify the Unltct Ii i
Sttes mInt property and use I lS n publc
p ark was imseed
When the conference report on the bi i
g ranting n Ilenslon to Catherine Tot Crit
tb emidemm . widow of General Crittenden whIch I
b ill the conferees cOlpromlse on $50 per
month ( time senate bill having granted $100 I
al1 the house Amendment hnvlng retuced I
It i to $30) ) Mr. Jones , democrat or Virginia
made time point of mme quorum on the amlop :
ton of the report Mr. Uroavonor repub
Ican h of Ohio , thcreupon emandetl the ayes
ant nays and the roll was called .
The report was amiopted . 201 to 20.
Mr. , OuthwaIte , from the commitee on
rule , then reported a special order seting
aside three hours for rurther debate on the
hl l to repeal the discriminating duty Impos I
hy the tariff law on sugar imported fran
bounty palng countries ( two hours for gen
eral debate ant one hour for debate under thG
fvo minute rule ) . ant providing for a vote
t hereafter. The rule was amended by ogree .
ment to give on additional half hour for de -
bate under the hive minute rule. As amended
It was adopted without division. Then under -
der time terms of the order , time house went
Into the commitee or the whmoie and the hl 1
wa agaIn taken up
Mr. DlngllY or Maine entered Into a criti .
clsm of time statements of Mr. ' 'lson. made
on Saturday In which the latter asserted that
the revenues under the new tariff law were
Increasing ali that I surplus was In sight
Mr. Dngley saId he would range alongslte
of this rosy view of the summation time Imprea-
slve words or the president's message yesterday :
day fraught with Impending disaster and dim i
tresS. The statements were absolutely Irre-
concilable. SInce the tariff bill went Into
effect up to Saturday nIght last the defcIency
was $44,000,000. lIe made a lengthy argument I.
ment to refute the position taken by Mr. Wil L-
son on Saturday regardimig the revenue. He
declared that a run having been d
on the gold reserve It was or supreme him I-
portanc that an increase of the revcnues
should take place to restore confidence . The
$100,000.000 or bonds Issue during the last , t
year had been cxpendet to meet the defciency
In the revenues.
Mr. heed or Mnlne. who
lr. Heet closet the gen
eral ! debate for his side declared the pendIng -
Ing bill was trilling , because no one expected : -
pected It to become an act X was In that
respect he salt , like much of the legislaton
proposed In this .
conges. Intrinsically , the
bill was of Importance In that he did not
desire conmesS to commit Itself too , hmastif y
10 the. Ill advised opinion of the secretay hasty
or state. But time bill
tie bi was beIng presse I .
not because It was of Importance to us n
an lnomlc point or view , but because It I
was said to contravene some of the treat y
rIghts. This proposition Involved n pecula
situation. Germany granted I bounty lor
the benefit of her
beneft sugar gowers and manu-
facturers , to gIve them an opportunity to
sell In our markets. We acting under
our rights decided .
wewould protect some
oC our citizens . the Louisiana planters and
the Sugar trust. '
Germany's bounty acted
directly against us . and we sImply contravened L-
vened their act. Mr. Reed called atter I.
Ion to _ the . . conflicting opinions ( r the aten- secre'
lry or stale , ann tle attorney generam time
later l beIng strong In the opInIon this duty
d lt not violate the treaty with Prussia.
Mr. Red added to the attorney general's
opinion that of Count Hatzfeidt who staled
In i 1888 that such wa the opinion or the
Imperial i government of Germany. Mr.
Heed asked what evidence had been ad-
d uced to show that .
our meats had been cx-
cluted by Germany because we had Imposed
this differential on her sugar.
"Whon this ntmlnlstraUon come Into
power there was $106,000,000 In gold In the
treasury ; that was the surplus. Since then
the administration has borrowed $17.000,000.
making In all $223OOD.000. Suppose the
revenues had equaled the expenditures : and
the gold hat been paid ommt . there would
be In plnce or
gold the equIvalent In green-
b acks . That Is the situation In a nutshell.
I this hat occurred no one would have
a sked that the
asket greenbacks should be ccc
tret from circulation.
"What Is our duty ? H Is very plain ,
Make time revenues equal to the expenditures. I
Do It at once. We on our side are always
ready to do our part to sustain the govern-
ment. " ( Republican applause ) .
Mr. Comb of New York at thIs poInt sub-
mited some figures to sustain the presl.
dent's statement In his message yesterday
hat thIs' generation had paid enough or the
debts or the war. In 1865 the public debt was
$2.396,000.000. Since then $19,000,000 of bonds
had h been Issued. This generaton since that
tme had paid nn average of $200,000.000 n
year , I total of $6,379,590,905 In prIncipal amid
Interest i , exclusIve or milons ol dollars worth
of war claimmis. olars
After some further debate by Mr. Turner !
or Georga , In reply to Mr. Reed Mr. Wilson :
closed the general debate with a brief
speech , In which ho enlell he hail said
tm that Germany had not discovered diseased
meats among our eXllorts. Sporadic , cases or
disease would naturaly lIe discovered , but
putng together Germany's protest against
this duty before the passage or the tariff
act with her subsequent act In proimibitin
Ihe further Imporlaton of our mol prohibitng
i Iterate limo belief no one can doubt the
one was the cause or the olher. Proceeding
then to chalenge Mr. Dlngley's statement
that his ( Wilson's ) view or the cause or the
treasury's distress was antgonlslo to that
of the prealden he quoted Mr. Cievelaimfi's
words yesterday that there wds a comfortable
surplus or $63,000,000 In the treasury but ,
It was not II gold , and thererore dhl not
meet the present diilicuity. In conclusion
Mr. Wilson expressed the hope that this hilt
would pass both houses of congress and become -
come n law ant
The bill was then read for amemlrent
under the fve-minute rule The arendmenl
of lii. Hepburn 10 authorize the president to t
Impose by IJroclamaton a lax or $1 per ton
on tie ( vessels or countries which $ made or
enforced regulations that prohibied or 1m.
peded tIme sale or' our rood products was m
lost-69 to 69.
An amlndment offered by Mr. Hopkins or
Illinois In the shape or a proviso contimmu -
log the differential duty against such countries -
trIes or their epeudencles as made or enforced -
forced unjust discrimInaton against any pro
ducl or the United Stales was disposed or r
by Mc Wilson on thin ground I meant reo
talaton , not reciprocity . and would comp\o
cate the bill and render its enactmcnt Into I
law a this session impossible. Mr. hOop
kina argued that I tbe lull without some
such amentment should become a law It L
would place us at the mercy of Germany
The amendment was losl , 83 to 10S.
Mr. Hilt of 1lnol. offered an amendment
to repeal time one.elghth of a cent dllerent8
on refined logar. Mr Hit declared this was
the differential Imposed solely for the benell
of the sugar trust , and lie mad an earned L
argument In favor or striking It out or the
tall act along with tie differential against
sugar bounty paying countries.
Mr. Wilson lid It would gratify him 1 Ibis
.mendment could be adopted and thIs bill bl'
come I law , but lt realized this amendment
If adopted . would defeat the bill. He thert
fore asked his friends 10 vole down the
amendmnt There was two ways In which
the lunr trust could defeat the bill trlklng
or the one. tenth on sugars from bounty payP
In l ! cuntries : first. by killing It on the
s quare . and second , by loading the bill with
amendments & I could not pass the senate.
"Tho gentleman from West Virginia " said
M r. hilt , "onco said on this floor Just before
the takIng of a famous anti fall vote that
the sugar trust hat congress by the throat :
does ho still so ? "
"I am obliged , " rple. Mr . Wilson . "to
nnlwer In the line of my previous remarks
and whenever n mann hu his hand at my
t hroat . ant I can only remove I one finger nt
time I shah . "
a . shal do so ( Applause ) .
"I have reason , " ctnlnued Mr. Wilson , "for
hoping tie bill wl pass the senate. "
Time nmendment was lost , 86 to 105 , by a
strict party vote.
Mr. Dngley offered ns nn amnendment . an
nddilonal section declaring the repeal of this
d uty shouhl not he held to Imply the United
Statrs Blrrenderell her rIght under the fi-
vored nation clauses of her trrles to impose
dilerentals to meet exhort bounties given hy
foreign f countries , which were parties to sueb
t reatiel.
Mr. lenllerson of Iowa nt this poInt got
the floor and delivered A speech which
aroused tie greatest enthlslasm on the re-
Imblean l siM. lie tnunte.1 the democrats
of I.oulslnna for theIr efforts to secure pro-
teclon for themselves simile ndvocatng free
trade for the rest of the country and called
upon them to make up the shlehl broad
enough to protect the whole countr ) ' . "Come
out from among the bandltt with whom
you have been nctng , " said ho "I am tired
of time cry ( rain those In LouisIana wbo re' :
tuso to help themseh'eA. "
Mr. ICllerson said he wouM vote to t
strike out the one-teuth discrimination be. i
cnuse It was a blow at the trust .
Mm' . Robertson of Loulslnnn replied to t
Mr. hlentierson's remarks with much spirit
repudiatng time InvlaLon to Join the ro .
pUhlcan party which would emi this occa
slon , ns It hall emi others he sahl deliver a I
deadly blow at I.oulslaua.
Mc . Vnn 100rhis of New York moved n L
suhsltlte for Mr. Dingley's alellhueut to 1
repeal all duty emi sugar , raw and refined .
Lost 76 to 120.
The commileo then arose and the vote Was m
taken by yeas and nays on Mr. Dingley's
amcndnmemmt Lost 12 to 166. Time bill was
tlen IISsetl , 239 to 31
Those who voted .
agaInst the measure were :
Covert of New York , Davey of Louislamma
Ogden o' Louisiamia Price of Louisiana ,
Robertson of Louisiana , democrats , al1 i
Adams or lenns'I\anln , Dellen of New
York , lngham or Pennsylanln , 10utcle of
1nlne. Bower& of California . Curls of New , ;
York , Dalzel or lennsyh'anla. DanIels of
New York , Giett of New York Hooker a ,
New York , Lotene or New York , Payne or
Now York Qulg of Now York . Hay of New
York , Reed of : Maine HobIn son of Pennsyl-
vamila . Sherman or Now York , Storer of
Ohio Van Voorhis of New York Wndsworth
or New York Wagner or Pennsylvania ,
Wearer of New York , republicans.
The house at 6:36 : 0. m. , adjourned.
1'1 IUTI 01)\I'S I'OSTOI"'IC
SOIRtor Itomlrr'ol I'roents B i'ctition to :
the SOllloII < nl time Jtpproprlatmomi.
. 29.-Speclal ( Teic
grani.-Semiator Manterson today prescnted
resolutions from the mayor and city counci I
or South Omaha asking for the passage or
the Mercer bill making an appropriaton or
$100,000 for a public building lt South
Omaha. Senator Alen presented petition 5
or the cigar makers minion of Kearney for
seamen. tlio passage af the bill protecting American :
Senator Allen also offered an nmend-
ment to tie sundry cvi bill directing the
secretary of time Jnterlor to examine the
claim or the frm of Stout Bangs & hall 1 ,
to dotermlne. adjudicate and pay any hal
anco that may justly be due these S
on account of loss sustained by the recision
or their contract for supplyIng granite lor
time congressional library In this city. The
senator introduced a bl makIng simiar
provision but rearIng tie defeat or that
measure he has resorted to an amendment
to the sundry civil bill . which Is likely to
bo adopted by the senate.
On Thurstay next tie house commitee
on alcoholic lquor traffIc will make n favor
able report or the bill Introduced by Congressman I-
grossman MeIklejohn , providing that , any
person who shal sell spirituous or vInous
liquor . or any essence compound or com-
position of any article which produces in -
toxicaton to any Indian to whom alotment
of land has been made while the title to the
same shall bo held In trust by the govern I-
mont , shah be punished by Imprisonment
for not moro than two years or by a fine of
not less than $200. Congressman Meikle- ,
John has receIved a letter from the commissioner I.
missioner of Indian affairs strongly ondorm m-
ing the bill and recommending its passale ontors-
at this session of congress. -
Congressman PickIer today secured the
nlowance of an $800 back pension for
George \V Fosha of hitchcock . S. D.
CODluhslonsr LOlhron Execcllcd Ill , ,
, \Ulhorly In time Cuso.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 2 . -Judge Bradley
ol the district supreme court today granted
the mandamus asked by JUdge Charles D. '
Long . or Michigamm to compel Commissioner
Lochren of time pension bureau to restore
the former rating or $72 per month to the
p laintiff. The mandamus against Secretary
Smith asked for by Judge Long was cnl d
as unnecessary. Three questions were In-
"olved In the case. Whether Commissioner
Tanner was justified In Issuing the
certleate giving Judge Long the
$7 per month rating ; whether
the t commissioner of pensions Is empowered to
review ant reverse time acton or his lirede-
c ensor upon thin same state or acts , for
aleged error In judgment to change the
status of the pension rolls and to revoke his
pension i certificates , and whether the court ,
has h time power by mandamus to direct the
commIssIoner to vacate his order or rovoca-
t ion.
The disabilities or JUdge Long , said the
court , In reviewing the case . are 60 per-
manent and total as to require the regular
personal aid and attention of an-
other person the cass of cases for
which congress fixed a ratimmg
of $3 a month. No duty was , Imposed , and no
authority conferred upon the commissioner ,
said the court to order a special finding In
this ease , and the only cases wherein the
commissioner could Increase or reduce the
pension according 10 right and justice are I
L103e In which biennial examinatons Justce been I
r requlre . Discussing the functions or the
commlsloner of pensions , Judge Bradley laid
down the proposiIon that the corn-
missioner cannot give or withhold
pensions at his pleasure. Time
acton of Commissioner Lochren In re\'ok.
i mig Judge Long's certificates . I was held ,
was illegal anti his clear duty , therefore
the court said Is to revole that order . reo
store thin former rating from the present
rate or $60 per month and enforce comitinim-
ance or such larger pimymmments .
SummIng up thin case JUdge Bradley held
that time court had .
the power by niamm-
damul 10 compel the performance or that
dUly , and , accordingly , granted the mandamus -
damus asked _ _ _ _ _ _
10'It Stl' ' I 1mm mm lit y ( I nll" i , :
W\SlING''ON , Jan . 2 , -The miecratary ' ,
or time tresury sent to the house a statement - '
merit fhowln ! that clnad aggregating : I'
algregatng ,
186,780 for bounty
on domemmtlQ beet '
( bnl' omest ( "IIU'
manufactnrell while the hate hounty law I
was In force mire on lIla In the departmnmmnt
' le
1he greater portion of this amount Is
clalmC by California comluimmies
Two tni s fur Illlolly liii' .
WASllNGTON Jln 9-Owlng 10 the un-
expected I"ngtl of debate on the sugar dis- :
criminaton bill the Reilly l'aciflo raiiwah
Hely I'aelfo P
bill will have Wellnesduy and Thiurstiay '
lor consideration In the house . 'hUrstu
AIII"I'u I 11 I'rlur UutI' . I
tW.\SUING'ON , Jan 29.-The house ways I '
and means committee today agreed to reo
port favorably I bill to admit anti-toxim
from or ant.loxln
duty. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
( 'hrall lOll lu Cimlcmig , .
ChICAGO , Jan. 29.-As
CIICAGO 2.-As time result or n m
railroad war. tor coal sold for $2 a ton
cago. today , the lowest price . ever known In Clii
'rhat ( licailer .
ather time who "reaps the ( bearded grain at
a breath , and the flosers that grow between , ' ,
spares for a green and hale old age those who
counteract the infirmities Incident to imicreas
Ing years with hlostetter's Stomach Bitters .
Iror rhmeumnattam . lumbago , Iloverly Dlter.
blood dyspepsis . neuralgia and torpidity or
the lver , use the great tonic and health pro
dryer methodically. I
. - ,
I , . '
, '
President's RecommendatIons Taken Up at
Once 1n'Oonress.
h tepobimcmmmq , J .rl5 'illlr Intenton to lie-
titian Iho 1.IIth of the Term-
\ hoJ J"hlnlltt-QIl ton to
10 Guise I "Of , \nll.
I ' ,
WAShINGTON , Jaq. 29.-Tbe house com-
mitee on bankIng and currency started at 1
o'clock today upon what lromlsc to b n I
lonE l consideration of the administration bill .
A ccording to present Inllcatons the commit-
tee will bo In session nil dA ) ' . Practically
no progress was made during the early part
of the day , anti al Indicatons point ) to a L
r-thrpshlng of the whole fnncial question
In i nil its phases. Hepresentntve Cox demo
crt or Tennessee , began business by n mao
ton to report thin bi to the house , which
at once aroused n chorus or opposl Ion.
Tilree other republicans . Henderson of lIlt .
nols , Droslus of Peuns'h'anla , amid Haughen
of Wisconsin objected strenuously to what
t hey termed summary actiomi . anll Hepresen-
talvo Cobb , democrt or Alabama , teclarell
that ho would ne\er vote to report the Ml
to the house In Its hressnt formnm Thereupon
Representative Hussel , republican of Con
necticut m , mate n moton that the comunmitte
proceed h to time consllernton of time bill . which
was agreed to informally. In the course of
the tlscusslon Hepresentalv Walker repimb -
Ican h of Massachusetts , opposed the proposi- > :
ton of n 50-year term for time bomids and
gave notice that he would offer an ammicnd .
ment m for a shorter terni Other republican
stootl with him on this objection . and also
gave It as their views that greenbacks ) 6houl(1
not be retired unless
their circimiation
relrld circulaton was
kept up to the present volume by replacing
greenbacks with national bank notes.
Hellresentalvo Cox gave notice that ho u
would mo\o to substtute for the admlnlstr-
ton bill time ill-fated Carlisle bill , with cu-
tutu amendments of his own . whIch hay
been , outlnet heretorore.
Thorn mmmy bo allopted by the comimiitte C
1 rule limiting the tme for debate on
nmendments : which wi somewhat expedit
m mmatters. exprdle
At time afternoon session the conlnlt e
adopted an amelllment to reduce the tax on :
bank circulation to one-rourth of 1 per cent
yearly payable In two Instalments or enc
eighth or 1 per cent. '
The feature or the bill makIng customs
duties payable In gold was hotly debated.
A motion made by RelJresentatve Wnrnom .
democrat of New York that debate on' each ;
amendment he limited to ten mmiiimutes and
that the previous question then be ordere 1.
was carrIed. Under this procedure the com-
milee adopted nn amendment which WI
practically a compromise between two pro-
llsell by Representatives Broslns an
ilaughmen . As adopted . , the amendment strike
out the words "fifty years after date , " an d
malls the bonds "payable at the pleasure ant
the United States after ten years- from the
date of issue. . This proposal to shorten the
bent term mel with nearly unanimous ap-
proval. Hepresentatll Walker moved that
when the committee tourned movC unt ! i
Thursday , but this fal " , as did another re-
pUblcan motion to alJQI\fn \ unt 2 o'clocl I
At 12:30 : the commllC took a recess until 1
- unl
o'clock. :
Three democratic members were absen t .
Culberson or Texas . Ehll or
Texa. . El Kentucky and
Johnson of Ohio. The- democrats assert that
they have 11 understanding by which they
wi report the bill to the house , saying that
those who are opposed. to the measure itse It
are wilting to give it : " Iself
wiing I a'imoarIng . and charge
the republicans with adopting latort tactk s
to delay acton , c- taclcs
The afternoon session of the commitee
was more harm nlous thpm that , or the muon -
Ing and resulted im I _ tim adoption or two
amendments to the JU 'Jho float , proposed
by Mr. Haughen , roptmbliuan' ofWiscoammi : a .
reduces the tax upon the circulation fro : a )
1 pr cent , per ' annumjj ,0no.Conrth or 1
per cent , payable semi-annually . Thc second
proposal , by Mr. Walker or , Jassachusets ,
strikes out the fifth section of the bill , thnt
requiring Import duties to be paid In gold.
The vote upon It was six yeas , four nays.
When time'comnnjtttee adjourmied two 1-
the"commltee adjournc arneni -
ments were pending to be acted upon t 0-
morrow. One offered by Mr. Russeh re-
publcan , stipulates that the retirement and
cancellation of legal tenders for each month
shal not be greater than time increase In the
amount or nllonal bank notes under the
operation carr' ' " , ] whpl or the a.s plan " " This _ . . . .t. amendment ' _ M , , . _ _ _ . was _ _
_ _ u , . _ . . .n . . . u.u . . . . . " . I WI
a successful motion to reconsider and poe it-
pane acton for a day. HepresentnUvo
Walker stands sponsor for tIm other pending
menmhmnent which Is to require onehalf
of the reserve funds of the banks to 1 Lse
held In gold . coIn or go b
cortfcates , the other' In shy er
coin or sliver certificates . Ten per dent of
the reserve Is to be held In this stpulated o.
form on JUly 1. 1895 ; 20 per cent at the end
of three months ; the change bclng made at
the t rata of 10 per cent a quarter until cornm
pleted. The discussIon on this amendment
hinged i on the point whether forcing the
banks to secure gold for deposits would not
cause a greater demand upon time treasury
lor gold than the raids which are now In
Chairman Springer says time committee will
ba able . to report the amended bill to the
house i 'tomorrow Republcan members say
the plan wilt be In committee two or three
days longer , but al agree It will be reported
to the house In time . alhough materially I
changed from the original plan , since the reo
publcans are disposed 10 co.operate wIth the
administrton m democrats. There was some
sparring or point In the committee ant n
general disposition to engraft personal
schemes m upon time measure but as a whole
the t proceedings were unusualy free from
p artisanshmip. Chairman Springer has not
) . decIded how much time he will asl
the commlteo on rules to give for debate.
The bill Is I privileged one and can be
called up at any time . Accordingly the
Calornia democratic memhers , who are fighmtt
Ing i the Reiy Pacific railway bill very bIt-
t ony . are urging ! r. SPlnger 10 report the
financial measure lomorrow If possible . to
dlsplac thin Reiy hiil. The action of the
house i upon the amendell bill seems to de-
pelll upon the republicans . who hell the
balance or power How far the nmelimenls
will placate the opposition remains to be seen ,
but l I Is conceded time chances of the measure
are much better In limp house than In the
smate , Us opponents ' are largely depending
upon the free silver senators to talk 'It to
uleathm as they may b able to do In a
body h whloh has no rule hy which Il can tx
a day for a vote. . "
Jones Alks Ihlt Sonll Idlon U6 Tllel emi
ills Curro'leT tll.
WAShINGTON , Jai ; 9-At the mornIng
meetng of thin senatlthinco commitee the
various propositons olIotlell In the Jones ,
Vest , McPherson , Srth and Sherman bills i
were gone over and tftcrb werD soma Indica-
lens toward the clo , time rectnl that
It might be p08lblel II , secure a majority :
vote on a rolllcatoll lor the Jones bil ,
There was no vote 01nn , , . proposition , however -
over , ali the exprcssfonQf opinion was not
clear enough to rente" tt ! eltaln what would
be the outcome or the ! afernoon meeting . ,
the commitee having alreel to meet again
at 2 P. m. ! r. Jones tolq'the committee that
Ir there was nD iiispdsfl )1 ) on the lines of
his bi or any other ml\Ure he would aSK
leave to report his bi \ I that I might bo
brought before the senale for action . No
disposition was shown In committee to ac
cept the recommondatons or the president
anti there was slight reference to his minis
sage . The proposition outlined by him for
gel bonds was not received with favor by
a majority of the democratc umiemnbcrs . 111
even the mepublican members
lepublcan al peJed a"erse
to committing themselvcs to bents .r
such great duration lB time president recommends . -
mends Thin republcnR again Intlcatc1
their willingness to uilte upon a meaure
grantng authority for a loan on notes or two
or three years' tmo I or sufliclent volume 10
relieve time treasury frm its present distress ,
but not to go further at the preent time.
Thu proceedings of the aferoon session
were basel1 upon a bill whIch hatUeen pro
paret by Senator Voorhees This bill pro'
vided lImply for time Issuance ol short tim a
certifIcates , .whlch were to be used for tbe
Profits Pushed Asideo -
To make this our Jaiiuary sale cud tttis week
with . the greatest crowds ever gathered tt11de" .
011e t.oof.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; 1 tI Noveittos I o the Scnsot lit 51115 ore to bo
foitiul at Clothing Dept
HAYDEN BROTHERS.Tlio SPHCIAI. S\U of ( icmitielmicit'ii SmtIt4 , Ovcr .
Coats nlli Uistcrs wil ho
Black Brocaded Indias . . . . .59c yd. CONTINUED ANOTHER WI3EK.
Black Brocade Taffettas . . . . 69c I . 1dm1'g Suit sold for $7.50 and . 7 :
, " $ S .50 at . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.75
Back Brocaded Satins - . . . . . 69c I . len's Suits sold for $ [ 5.00 to
Black D ou bl e f acc d l3cngaline75C I $18.00 at , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.75
1\kn's Orcoats and Ulstcrs
Black Brocaded Gros Grins 98c I IIen's O\\ for $7.50 and $10.00 at$5. 00'
Plain China Silks all colors . 25c I Men's Overcoats and Ulsters , . 50
al II sold for 16.50 , $18 and $20 , $ 1O.50
Plain Jap Silks , all colors. . . . , 390 See
Canton China \ \ ' 5h SIlks , all If I what ' enormOU5 values I-Iayden
colors , . . . . < . . . . . . . - al ' ' 59If Brothers ' offer this week in Boys' and
Cheney Bros. Plain Indi C . Chidnns' : , Cloti 1iflt' I
Wash Silks , all colors. .59c Boys Overcoats , ages 13 to [ '
Silk . . .75c c sold for $3. 50 , at . . . . . . . _ . 8'$1.75
Velvets in all
Sik m al shades. . . . C '
Boys' , to .
ages 13
Regular $ I50SikVelvetsfor$1.00 c . sold for ; . ages . $6,00 , aL.$3. 25
The best quality Velvetecns , . " Boys knee Pant . Suits , ages 4 j
in every shade , only . _ . .39c c to 15 years , sold for $4.50 ,
LEADERS IN SILKS to $6.75 , at . , ' . . . . . . . . _ . . f75
New Pt. anos -PIanos Only house in America where you find all the high grade
worth having under one roof. You will find ChicJeer-
jug , Ki-tabe , Steinway and 20 other different kinds always on hand in our music
rooms , where you can compare them , pay your money and take yom choice at one-
hal thc prce asked for the same by restricted Sole Agents and other consignment
dealers. All lovers of music , whether you own pianos or contemplate purchasing or not ,
are cordially invited to visit our music rooms . and inspett and try these superb pianos.
' :1 :
Groceries Syrup and Flour Desiccated
. 2 : ; Ibs. . standard fine white su ar.$10 ' Large lasses pail . . New . . . . Orleans . . . . . . cooltng . . . . . mo- . . . $ .49 Fru its
27 Ibs. pure whie coarse fugar.$1o Large pail Perfection s.rup. . . . . . .75 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , I
35 Ibs. New . lal perCecton . Grape ralsimma nor lb. . . . . . . . . . . 3c
Orleans . . . . . .
granulated $1.00 Large pail Golden . . . . 3Yc
sugar en Drill . .
. . .75
$10 pal s.rup. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
31b . can of tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large pail Hone Drip . . . . . . .89 Valencia raisins per lb. . . . . . . 60
oes. . . . . . . . . So pal syrp. _ 1 . curralltser lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
. .
. . 3"0
L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lgllsl1 per . . . %
. . . .
2-lb. can of sugar corn. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Large Large I' Pail a II Silver ilock I Cammmiy D r I . . D . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 J - CalIfornia prunes , per II Ib . . . . . . " . . ' 60
. a l ( ) Drip. . . . . 11-
Large pal ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large pal Maple srup. . . 1. . . . . . 1,2J Desiccated Ileaches , per Ih. . . , . . . . 7Yc
Scotch roiled oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / Large pal pure Maple Sap. . . . . . . . 1:50 : I vnported peachies Iler lb. . . . . . . . 9c
3-lb. can golden . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Yc Nebraska Buckwheat Flour. . . . . . 1:6 , Calforia a"rlcots , Iler Ib . . . . . . . 7 I' 0
. . .
. . . .
! . . . .
] rlu .
York state Buckwheat I . . . . . . . . . . . aported ring apples per lb. . . . V.40
3-.b. can delicious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lour..r , . . . . . . . . . . 7jfo
delcious . . . . . . . ! Neb seIC-ralshl Buckwheat Flour. . ' E lported Ilear per lb. . . . . . . 7o
Java and Mocha coffee per Ib..1 fc York state seif-raisimig Buekwhent' Flour. 03h ! Buyer prunes , per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ! o
Pure red salmon per can. . . . . . . . 100 Flour . . . Bel-raising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 : ' 9Yo
3-lb glass jars strawberry preserves. ' Salt 1le a t is i Down Again .
worth COo . nov ' on sale at.- . . . : . 2c ' " " . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ml
" Sugar-cured bacon. . . . . . 90
Oil sardines per can. . . . . . . . . . . . 3c IleeSe. Sugll'-curell . . , . .
Condensed Milk . per can. . . . . . . . . . 3Yc Sugnr-cured Sugar-eurell Boston Califormiia long imaflis. cut hmmnS . . . . . . . 70 Gc
Evaporated Cream per can. . . . . . . . tOe Fancy ( mill Sugmir-cureil Calforia . hams. . . . . . . . . 90
cream Young America Suglr-eurel
Parlor matches doz. large boxes..124o ful . . . . . l'lclcie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' boxes..12Yc chinese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121Ao Ilclte imoric. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Swedish parlor matches per doz. . . 7Yc Wlsconsl ; full i : : : : : : : : : : : :8 : and lOc Cored beef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Yc
Laundry Dulw's Mixture soap per . bar. . . . . . . . . . . . , 3c Llmberger chmeese . . . . . . Sc . 7Yc and lOc Salt pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Yo
ture. . .
- smoking tobacco Brick ' . . . . . . . .
11 cheese..l0c. 12c . lie and lfc Put
l-Ib. package with brier pipe. . . . . 2c Sw13 , . . . . . . . . . 1 . ! . c. ! and lc at these In a prices. SUIIIJly of meat now while It Is :1
_ _ _ _ _ _
purpose of making good the reserve and or
meetng the revenue deficIency . but when the
afernoon session opened ho had added a
clause provIdIng for the free coinage of nil-
y er. There was a melon to strike out the I
slvcr IJrovlslon , which was host on a tie vote
of 6 to 6 , all the republican memhers and
Senator McPherson votng for the motion and
al the democrats opposing.
A vote was then taken on the proposition
as a wbolo amid It was lost by a vote of
7 to 3. Senator Vest and Senator 'Whmito . as
Well as McPherson , voted wil the repubo
h enna.
Them was also n tie vote on a melon by
Senator AldrIch to substitute the SprInger
b ill for the Voorbees bill. Following Is the
text or the Voorhees bill :
Section 1. That to enahle the secretory of
the treasury to provide for and to maintain
Iho t redemption or United States notes and
also to enable him to pay I clrrlnt de-
Iclencles i In the revenue , ho Is authorized
In 1 additon to time provlslonB of the act
or January 1. 185. from time to time , nt
mimi i discretion . to Issue cerllcates or In.
Ilebtedness m of the Unie States , Ilayublo to
the bearer In coin after thrlt yeUf from
date It time option of the United States , of
tm the denomilatons of $20 , : O mimi $100. with
m memi.ammmmual 1 coupons for interest It
Iho rate or 3 Jler cent per aim-
num 1 , and to Iel and dispose of
the slime for not Icsl thnn nn equal
Imcunt of luwful mOier of time tlniteii
States lt de31gnltell delKIslorles Unied
United States nlll nt such imostolilces ns
he h may select : mimi sch poslofces
Imve i lIke ciilahhtteim , privileges anll shll
lions mieHc'riieii II time I rpsummlh inn net , of
January 14 , 18j6 , for the bonds. therein
uuthorzCI m ; , Intl lime proccHIH simali
tlrt 1 shal
bu used for the purpase Ilescribell II Ihls
lwt. timid Cor no other imumimose.
Sec. 2. 'hat upon IJU1Ise. any deposits 01.
ready or hereafter made In the mannel' re-
qulrell hy law of any Unlell States bonds
( mm. certiiicntcs bearing iimtcrm'st , .
O' cerllcniea henrlnl Iltel'l'st any an-
tionul banking Issoclaton , making the smimne
simnii he entitled to receive from fume
shal entted recel'o rum time cmp-
trailer of the currency chm'cuiating notes or
different denominatons In hlanl . registereil
nail couatorslKned aim Ilrovhlell h ) ' law , mint
exceodlng the whoj amount or time par
value or the honds iiepo.iiteti ; pro\'hlell t lat
nt no tm" t shah time total umumouumt of rar
notes issued to any such rmssoclatlomm cx-
ceed thin amount at such time acttmauly laid
in of its capital stocie ,
See , 3. That from and after time pan.
New School Suits
ir For1O
. Not realmr'new
? m I , but they look
. - . _ ) ' ; , io , 'I'ho boy's
'r , , 41a . ' clothes are
' . .t - niado from
Y- papa's old
? : ; . . . \ . ' °
, ( wI'
- ,
- \Diamond
'I , C ,
dyed over , too , and many of the suits
giid gowns cost but temi cents ,
lo exierlenco is needed to do good work with hia-
laOmim myes. vtitcb are mnmmdesspnciahiy ( Or home isis.
PirecUoli book and IJ samPled of colored cloth , true.
Wai.L& 1IICIL&uDBoi ( a Co. , isarUzlgton. Vt.
s aga of timis act the secretary of time troas-
u ry is hereby authorized anti ilirecteil to
r eceive at any United States mint front
ti ny citizen of hue Ilmmiteil States imilver hui-
l ion or stammiharil fineness , and cola time sanme
I mite shiver dollars of 4h2mgraimum enchi.
T imselgnlorage aim time imlil bimiiiomt
mm hmmihl belong to time lmmhteiI Staten , anti
mm iimmil be time difference hetween time coinage
vi ahue thereof amid tue price of time bullion
i n Lonilon Oii. tlm day time mIeposit iii mnaihe ,
mm miii miii expentliture for coinmmge done ummier
t im rmrovisionmm of thus macI m'lmaii lie paid out
a t leilil imeigmihorage , anti time secretary of
t ime treasury shah deliver to time depositors
o f sucim bullion Ltammdard nilver dollars equal
i n amnommomt at time imnlce tiiemeof aorcs-aiil ,
a nml whenever thin mmmlii colnim herein pro-
v ideml for haii be received into time treas-
u ry certificates in denomnimimitians of less
tn han $10 nuy he isatmemi thereon iii the manor -
n or now imroviilei for by law.
Time committee adjourned w-itimomit agreelmmg
u pomi any delimmito tlmmia of meeting , cmiii sonic
o f thin republican mmiemiiers said aftors-arii
t hat thmoy saw no reammomi for any mnoro mncet-
l ags , as it had been made eviilcimt it woulil
b e irmmimossiiiie ho eccommiimiishm anything in time
c ommiimmitteo. Them was a full nmttemulanee of
t ime committee , except timat Senator Jones of
Nevaiia was absent , It was iil mmiisemmco timat
c aused time tie vote. If li hail been Imrescmmt
h is vote would imavo been cast with time sliver
d emocrats ,
Cnrmmvds for limit sohimmliImum liuis'ummn ,
WAShINGTON , Jan , 29.-Time senate hilt
a uthmorizimmg time transfer to thin Cistuimihummn
niusemima , Cimicmtgo , of time reproihuction of
t ime caraveis of Columbus , wimichm svero omm
cxhtbution at thin World's fair , was agreed
on by time mmaval nf1air committee of limo
house today , _ _ _ _ _ _
I .itt'ms . t'otummit'itnri ' , Aiimmmtltnmi , ,
WAShINGTON , Jama , 2-Spccini ( Tom-
gram.-lowa ) imostmmmnstor were nhPointeml
today as follows : hlumicocic , l'ottnwnttmLmmiie
county , D. Ii , Imhc5inster , vice A , M , huff ,
remmmoveml : Stemmett , Ahommtgomeiy county , C , F
Whnemnml , s'ice 0. C. Mihlott , reutigneil.
'fhme itMtOuiien of Filielmi , 1'haniomm county ,
lit. , huts iscemi discontinued , Mali wilt go to ,
, tuiy-Mmmrtimm Comitesti Iromped ,
WASiIINOTON , Jan. 2)-'rhmi scimate corn-
mitten on privileges tommy voted that , as
time -itii of Mmirch myims so mmenr vhmen tim
tcrmm of Senator Martin of Kunsami would
oxpirim , it was immexhmethient to give mmny ( lit-
timer imettrinmgmi in thai case of Ady against
? tiartiim. -
( luilit btIil Oolmmg out.
WAAIIING'l'ON , Jami , 29-The mimount of
gohml witimmirawn from time sub-treasury to-
( lay was $ IO6,00 ; ( toni llommtnhi , $33,000 , manic-
hug time total for the iitiy $ aIIJIJOO , whmicia
leaves time goid reserve iS(7Ul'JJ.
Jim ( hidemm 'Ilimmem'
People overlooked time importance of permna.
nenthy Lmeneilciai effecla and were satIsfied
witii transient action ; but now that it is gen-
erahly known that Syrup of Figs viii umermima-
neatly cure habitual constipation , well informed -
formed PeoPle will not buy other laxatives ,
which act for a time , but finally Injure time
- -
1i ! 1 OVERCOAT.
: \\Tc have about 7 Overcoats in broken
and styles that we want to close out right
I i away , If you are of' tile right. size you'll save
, . all the way from $3 to $8 by buying these hand-
4I " 1 SOU1C all wool O'ercQats for $5 ,
M. H. Cook Clothing Co . ,
I I 13th and Farnam Sts.
' .
- - :