Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    I ! . .
. I
. 4 - - T O J DAILY nEE : 'VEDNESDAY , J.UAY 30 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
: . n. nOSEWATcn I dlor ,
Daily nee ( VRhiotiL Sun'n ' ! ' ) . One ylnr..S S O
Dnly Bee and SUMaY . One YeF . . . . . . . 10 (
Hlx ' leI . . . . . Iunolay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0
Iliree Monthii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 F
Runln ) ' ( ' ' . One Ycttr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
RotuNOY I. , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r
Weekly I I I. One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Omnha TiC flee TiiI14Ing.
Omnhl tee tlldfnl . . N nnd 4th StL
Houth Omahe SlnRlr 111k. , Co ? 21h s
Council B1uff. 12 "pnrl Stlet. ?
IlufA 1
( 'hIcnn OtlIce. 17 Chnmh of Commerce.
New York. 10m 31 1. 1 and IS ! Tribune UIg.
Wnshlngton 101 J street. N. W.
cOIL1t1s1'oNDINcI. : :
All eommunIcntlnn r lntlnl to news nn1 101.
toilet batter ! houhl he ndlrl" ,1 , 'o the Editor.
Al hllne.s letteri 1 on,1 , t mllonces hnu1 be
ndlrp.el to The flee Ptibulithlng company
. Omoha 1)rnftii , chck nnol 1tOIUce orlers ID
ho mmlo ) nnh)1h to the or.ler of tt . compnn
TIl : 1m - : I'UIJI.lt4ltINU COMI'NY. -
George Ii. Tzchuck . .ecrtnr Df The lice Iub-
Ih4llIng ! comrauy. being ( uly sworn . a's that
IshlnK <
the actuol lumher of full and cmrler copies .
of lie ( 101) ' ? torhIt1g . rnlnK nnd Hundoy flee
Ilrlnt,1 lullng the mtuth of Novembcr . ! $ . WI .1
ha foItow :
I. lolowa . . . . . . . 2Ur IG . . . . . . . . . . 21.51
2. . . . . . . . 21.33 7 fl . . . . . . . . . 21ZG1
3. : i . . . . . . . . . . 2t3 . \ : ; 1. . . . . . . . . . 22t5
4. . . . . . . . . . 21t,2 1' . . . . . . . . . . 21. . "
L. . . . . . . . . . 21t.37 2n. ' . . . . . . . . . 2).S12 )
G. . . . . . . . . 21.37 . 2t. . . . . . . . . 2.n , )
7. . . . . . . . . . 31.2' 22. . . . . . . . . . 2 14
R. . . . . . . . . . 21.5 ( ' , 21 . . . . . . . . . 2).24
V. . . . . . . . 2t.M : ; 21. . . . . . . . . 2n.3 g
] 0. , . . . . . . . . 21IOi 23 . . . . . . . . . . 21,79J
II . . . . . . . . . 22,4) 26. . . . . . . . . . : O,123
32 . . . . . . . . . 2n.f'7 27. . . . . . . . . :0.00
1. . . . . . . . . . 21.Mt 23. . . . . . . . . ] , . r
H. . . . . . . . . 2HG % 21. . . . . . . . . 21.020 )
15. . . . . . . . . 23.50 33. . . . . . . . ] ' .9 2
Tom ! ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G:9.G :
J..B ; dei1iictton for unool,1 , nnJ tellrn d
copl , dhlclons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.232
Tolnl ) .0h1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C.3.3:2
1aly average nel crculn ) ton. . . . . . . . . 21.C12
O1O1t(1F [ I ) . T7.SCIIt'CIC.
Swor In before mr 11(1 tI19rItel , In my , ) ires.
( flee th' " 3l lay of Ieeetnla'r. lIlt.
Irrrmhpr. ,
( PeaL ) 3 o N. P. I.'nl. . Notary Public.
" 'I IIii't ' e ever hI Il0thut' Im'shal
of JIICU ?
'rlw Gur111 army itt I regretting [ that
BIIICI'O' WII11' $ hh.tlln 's COl !
only olce a 'C : ,
l't'i'sitlt'itt CI4JIi11I(1 ( lua\'l room
( nol h fOt' the COllu'omIHe'l ) 10 try to
get In tlh' wOI ;
'rhat IISHn : e cattle the 11ny lner (
' ' ' of A ' ' ; 1ortoit .
Sectetll'j' Agriculture \0'101 11
tllul to " 'nshlnglol. Cause nll
effect ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: 'I'Itc .1111nleHe ) cxnlille ) hll e'lt1eittly
: not bCln Iota on : Iuxlco. I ttI1lnH : to
bc , suun , howc\I' . wlietliet' Guatl'lala .
. wi ISS11C the role of Chinn.
: . Tue Board of I1tienttoii Is to be
'rll Boarl gllclton 101-
: mcmlell for Its ccol.tH to economize
ant to ll citcotiraged to continue Its
, I work In this tlteclon still further.
i Uncle Billy Paxton IH right when Iw
says the pcoIlll' of Omnha wi I Ill
. qtltcl ' slllilort two good Uwatcrs. But
thc days of the ! olntry circuit burn-
. stor1utH are itttinbet'etl.
. .
A little less hlxnes In granting huHs-
: g1ltng
cI'lmlnnte leaves of absence to Police-
melt Ill firemen might contribute
. soiitetliiiig toward the better clccnc [ '
; of these two departinenth.
The slclnl mnslcr t1lc lii [ Douglas
. : COlnty has gt'Wl Into 11 abuse which
- cannot' long be tolerated. I Is simply
fence to assist [ ' '
' . n ISSst unprincipled shysters
. . to . take Itl\nta c oe defenseless ' 1-
I gnu ts.
'hat's : that ! Peolie frozen to death
" : In Liiicohnshire. I ngI111 ! That is [
, . somcthng [ that Nebl'asim hit titus far
I , becn saved : , notwlhslamlng the exist.
cnco of dcsttuton ! II a large area of
% her territory.
- I . 'rhe lu'csIIent't nlSHage : announces
that I new bond Issue Is coming. I It
Is not tuthorlzcl by the enactment of
I ncw law 1 ' congrcss It will le 1lule
. under the authority of . . the sa1e law as
: the lust two issues. -
. ,
, Great Britain Is taking hm' tm'n wUh I .
: heavy snow 110w' And Nebraska ,
; * which shulls more In nccl oC snow
: , than i1113 ' other luhnlUcIl region ou the
globe , has to bc content with a paltry
, : . truce oC the bcnutful
. . ; How IUcl , ' that ( Senator 11 has hlul (
, his reconclatou wlh President Cleveland .
land ! OtwI'wlse he 11ht ngaln Ihll
: himself In the IH'llcanwnt of 11llg !
cOllelml ) to follow n leader whom he
regarded as his lclsoual untngonlst.
: - The fees rcceh'cl hy tho1'1 01 s
county otcelH In this state form the
i. subject Uuter of 10rc his before the
. Ic/Islutm'e tum 11113' Otli't' ole 101)10.
. " 'lh so 1un _ ' bills to choose fro 1 the
. ' thing to be fcarcd Is thlt the legislature [ -
turo them. will full to agree UIJOU any of
' - .
. A careful itiiahysis of one of the local
. trade ro'ie's fitils to reveal
trdu rl'lcws flis \ the nu-
thor's hottest jllgment 01 the t1de
: HitUittiIi. ' Ito 11ts ) UII n Hlrw'lll
and Iln'lorls him down. ills IOU' ! I .
, . .
slon rethlis Oll of 11 nnlc.electou
.61ClCh ) ! hy n Clttlhh(111t0. I It hloclwd
out _ to stilt meu of all thlulls of opinion.
. \v Letiteiiitiit Goveritot' Moore Is ' .
\ Ieltcuant GO\'l'UOI' : oor to-
. lJrtet ( to lu cxel'clslu UIUSt care II
' . cXnmlnll all vOlwherH IU'lscltlll ( to
him for signature to cltte scnntols
ami tIlt cmllo 'es of thc senate to their
, LILlY , 'Plio tlltlI'iiSiliit ) iixit't'lciico ) of his
i ' ' ' w'itii doubtful '
. . . lu'etlecl'KC' wlh yoUChl'rH
hits fllhMtt'Cittly hot hccn lltlel ' vttl-
, ont ; l'eNuUs.
I ' 'hel'o Is I bill heCoJ the legislature
11cslglld to ch'culvcnt the wnrdllelC'
; , ; 1111 11Itcai deadbeat. I lal's ' out I
143'HtCifl of IH'lnuI'y clectous lit cities
. . of 10,000 IIOl1iatol Ill o\'el' thnt Is
calculated to 1ult such elections n
. t'uo I'elcctol of the sentluclt of the
I best clcmQntl of 'olel's. A coustinnna.
. p ton devoutly to bo wllll.
F One thing the locnl state fair com-
.I mlteo wi be lXllCtCI to do wi 10
to t1t't'ltilgo for 1 series of IJ'I\lm antI
. cltel'lalnUllll . that wi attract pcoiio
t to the city IS wcl us nl180 these who
: ' COUO to ntl11 the ( air itself. Fitir
- wcl ; mlst ho 11\10 ( t gahit wet.l II
4 e\C' ' I'CSlcc. 'rhc earlier the 11111S
, are devised . the greater will he the
: ( llllol'tlnl ) ) to work theU out In 110'
tl l. There 1 : yet llleut oC thint' , but
. , this object lusl not bu lost sight oC.
The Hilo Itl'IWlout to . the ( alt' can
, bo nllio _ just lS Important Is tile me-
.F 1lblUou
T/F nFI. c.tusis OP rnounr4 ; .
The Inability of the government to
procure gold 311 ( th ! Inslfcent re\e-
lilies nro the real causes of the trouble
ouel ( 'lhnrrnRS1entf of the trc ! r.
Wih regard ( to the fernier the alnulu-
Istrllol 1cnsure lrplwcS ) an entirely
hi'flctICiiblL' remely ( In proposing that
till ditties on Imports shall bo paid II
ell coin olly. I this were dOle there
would lc a steady 10\ of gold Into . the.
treaur whlrh wonll11onhtell ) .Icell
the reserve at the required nmount.
With slch n law Importers won11 de-
tnllll ( gold of the bllls ; ant they
would get It. It has becn suggested
aM ni objccton to this 1101 that 1111.
IJ01'Ieri might [ draw gold . fl'OI the
treastii'y Whercwlh to pay duties. They
wOlll lot be likely to tthe any snch
h'ouhl' . Co1'enlencl' h4 I thc 1IIIrlel"j
Illn COilSilei'fltili. lIe Wdult lS soon
i1o1)113 ) ( lntcs In gold , ns ho did pre- I
vhlu 10 ( 1811 ) , ns In nl ) other COI'I of
liiotiI'y I , l\tl \ It Is Alnlll ' because thc
hnllH wi hot 1)0\110 hll with the
ell that he iis . : In Romethlng else.
Let Colgl'l'SS ol.tler thnt lulls Hhnl le
1111 oub' lu gold and the Importers
wi IIHllt that the . hanlHI wih which
tlr (10111 I shnl lu'o\.lle thel wih that
coin nul thel'e cnn ho ) no doubt tlt
they would to so.
During thc comparatively short IlrlOl
lu which the treasury wits 1'lllllnlsh- )
lug Its reserve the balls ) would le cx-
1108111 to It tl'all on their gold , but wih
t SUIIlll ) of .0\'l'1 $ : OOOOOOOO of gold
1011 outside the tren8l'r , nccolllg to
the cstlunte of thc director of the
1 lit . , t1 ' wonll thud no great tutu-
CII , . lu relmh'llg : the loss After thc
' hntl beemi restored the ' ' ' '
rcscr\'c . hleu reHtorct I'lnsl'j'
woult II : out lS mnch gold II its or-
11nar ' 1lshl'Helelts . ns It received ,
nl ) the bnlls wOlld be thereby cmi-
nblctl to tibet the Wilts of tlh' iiii-
110'tn eliStOfliet'14 with time same : ease
its they did 111 to three years ago , when
11:11' nil th ! ellt , . \ \ ' , . , ' " Hnll , II .ml.L .
: . n. _ n _ nnu _ . . . _ . _ . . . . . . " . .
With the trdnstmry thus fortlel the
llsllsiion of thc banks to hoard gold
would cease to exist . nnl they could
ha\'e no mOI'e motive for objecting to
SUIIllr [ ) gohti to those whose bnslncss
Icclcll It than . they woull have to la ) : )
lii other fot'mil of ' .
II IIY fo'm CI't.CI e )
' 1ho lit''SltlOIit Is 10uhlcHs correct II
Ilmyliig : that a Hlmlle [ ) tl'I'l-ase of rc\'c-
mule will lot ct.o. the troubles , but .
there cal 10 10 llcston that It wouhl
"e1'3 ' greatly help to do HO. With the
( 'XleIllitlmrl'S of . thc O\'cI'nmelt i'tmii-
Iln contt\t : In excess of the I'C-
cclts [ Inl the dclclt hICI'I'lsln c\"cry
month , to le ) ) 'o\'hlel for by borrow-
lug , It Is Imposslblc to malntlin comiti-
thence In the ability of the government
to meet its oblatols , II the IH'esl-
dent Is mistaken [ 1 Isslmln that "the
11prehension 10W existing amid con-
stoutly . hlcl'casn [ lS to our fnancal
ability lees 10t rest upon calculaton
of our I'evenucs , " mil that "thc Utile
hal llssed ) when the eyes oC Investors
ahroa I\ our IJeOlllo ) at home were
fixed UpOI thc re\cnucs of this govern-
mcnt " I may be admitted that this
Is not the sole cause of aPl'ehenslon.
but the fact that the governJent Is.
steadily et g worse oc financially
and time contltol Is such as . lwhilscs
It furtwr Increase of the publc ) debt
certainly exerts al Inlltlee In creating
distrust There cannot be a reasonable .
able doubt that I congress adopted
ifleilsULes for bringing thc revenues UI )
tn th. nvnntigfluii'tta thnrn 'n"I,1 11) h.
. . . " " " " 'k' . , . . V "u. . . O'
realized an immediate good effect upon
conlhlencc. More revenue ant the pay- .
mont .of Import ditties In gold would I
give the ti'easury the needed relief .
though It would secm hardly poslble
now to 1l011 IUolhel' issue of bonds
to restore the gold reserve , which has
declined to a lower point titan at , auy
other time since resumption In 1870.
TIm ivi ; i'iwxni AIJIXISTUATI01' .
The oYcJmcnt of J1'ance Is again
fuly or anlzcd. President Faure has
delvC'etl his message to the Chamler
of Deputies and the hew mlnlstr has
becn sustained by good majoritIes [ In
its first Illpcn1 to the Ieglsiltve 10d ' .
Political affairs allpcar ) on the surface
to be again calm 11l 111ncll , but thieve
Is rcason to believe that there are umi-
dercurrents of tisturhllce which wi
IH'csent ) ' Janlfcst themselves and no-
bet ' cln sny how soon another crisis
mlY dc\clop ,
The message of President Fnm'e
IH'omlscs ) well. I Is patriotic In tone
Ill ( conclator ' In sllh'lt There Is
manlfcstcd In I n dime appreciation
of the responsiblutles which
rcsllonsllltes belong to
the I10slton Inl In earnest : desire 111
1,1'0SU ' to ( nit hi fuilly dlschurge the
duties do\'o1'llg upon thc chlcf execu-
tive. He lI'OuiliSCS to carefully gual'l
the cOlstluton and to be vlglnnt In
gUI1ntcclg [ thc application of cotisti.
tutional hit' 'l'hls ' mcnn much '
tutonll tummy iteaii O'
little , but It sounds well , lS docs thut
IIH'lon of the message which ui'ges the
ICCCS81 ' of union to thc achievement [
of I'efol'ms , I can ell ' he tcte1nlnCl
whcl the tulmlnltllon becomes In-
\Oh'Cll as to SOle policy In n sC'lous
cOltet with the legislative bl'I\ch ! , ,
which will cCltalnly comc sooner or
latcl' , how sincere are these plcdges
and ISSl'IUces UII to what extent the
LI'Csltheiit ant his mInisters 11'0 wiing
10 go In ' making conccslonH for the
sake of un [ on , 'l'ho mIISI'e of President -
dent Fatmi'o tS n politIcal force Is yet
10 be titlceii. lie hits hcld ( m'eslectabho
pulie Il0sllonH , but none the resilonsi-
hltcs antI lutes . or which were such
as to clablo I Co.\.e jldgment to ho ,
( omitted us to his cUllucly for the tusk
ho now hitis. As to the cabinet , It Is
cOitipOst'd wholr ot l conservative 10'
Ilhlh'UII , uUl few of its nlenmbers .
hn\o UCluh'll any 10ltcal celebrity ,
whlo IOIU of thom are ulnost un-
Imown. 'l'ho II'tmlcr ! , M. Hbot , Is for
thc third tle II'lslh"nt ) ! ( of time council ,
und . whie t mm : of ability Is not
cnc1lr IJOlllur. I I I : Is auld of hll
that he Is lH't only by the RIII
hunl ) ( of Iloltclls fOI'merly partisans
of the OI'leanlst monarchy and now
anxious : to establish In Frititco
ostlhllh I'nncu 1 par-
InmontllY 1'01)tmbhlC uCol' the style of
constutonul lng1amul . 'l'ho now min.
IBh'Y IIK siguahizeth Its cll'ance Into
otro by two Ilnsures intended to
111111 to the socIalist . elelent , hotl of
'hiiciiveio O.tI'whelllnglyoted by
the ChUlll.I' of Dlputes , and thel'c
seems I'cnson to OXllucl fl'om It iilot'o
on this hue.
I II In tll1 direction which the neW
administration will be likely to encounter .
ditllcimitles , for
counter Insllernhte dllcuttcs
while I Is a fact thnt time socialist
nnd has been -
element Is strong grow-
lug stronger , owing to the agrarian
dlscontcnt , the people of 1t'amiee are
very far from helng ready to see
the go\'crnment practicallY surrc1ler
to the dictation of that elclcnt I
In ) ' le good 101tcs on the ) part of
tIme new 11mlnlstrnton , to have yIelded
us far ns It has done to the socialist-
Iatlcnl comllnnlon In time Chamber ,
but furthcr comllllnce wIth the do-
mlnts of the comllnnion muy be
hinzardotms. Astute observers or tle
iohltlcnl sitmmntiomm In I'rancc prethlct it
Illtcnl sllltOU II'Ct1ct 1
short life for the Jhot nlIuilstry , but
nobody secms to nllrchell ) that In
lIlly evcnt President ) ' .I\e Is likely to
follow the example of his II'Cllcccssor.
IIII' : 'Im ' 'tX H.IT noIr1
An Infolmul mcetng of tIme city
10111 his been called for " 'cllnesdIY
ICel'noou , to which the heads of all
thc city tlClllltlelts mind boards ex-
1111111 101e ' raised ( by city taxation
have hcen InvIcd In ortlt'i' to discuss I
the Iiteslon of the tax levy for tlc
cIIt 'c : . 'l'hils Illtl wi )1'nc- )
tlluly t dctelmlne whnt the tnx rte : In
Olltim Is to lc for ] 8B ) : 'I'he cst-
IUtl1 of 1)'ohablu ) : eXI'l'nHes ' Rent to the
mniiyor lS the hnsh of the demands
of each delallllnt wl he takumm tip
Oll' luy one nlil subjected to the most
' ' vhthi the In view
Ilgll sCI'llhl wIh object \Iew
of ICllll ( thl'l whel'l'vI' Hels tie
thought to he excessive 0' not nbso.
IUtlly nCCeBSal : ' . I Is highly hlll" -
taut that this vorhc be 11'OslcIlltln all
sCI'lonsncss In order thnt the total tax
lele kept wihin I'nsunulic lumH1 ! ,
' ' ' too often the
heretofore I huts hCl'n ) oCen
case that euch city olclal mulw Il his
' thmnti If he
l'sthuntes upon . the theory thlt
does not usk : for all he cnn get SOIC
other otclul will ask for more IUI will
get his sUHlosed ) shurc. The result huts
becu ; Innual increases In time . expeimdi-
tm'cs of allost every 11elJl.tlent. So
lung as the assessed valuatIon . of taxable .
able Ilrolll'I ' In thc city was con-
stluty augmented fl'OI year to year ;
this did not ha\'o so nnu'lcll nit Iniitm- [
enrc on the tax mate ns It \'ou11 had
that valuation been statol : ' . The
vlluuton this 'clr Is actually hess
titan It Wf.S : It year ago , and to sccurc
the sue amount of lone ' would 11 -
Cuh'c a hIgher rate of tmmxatlomi . nut
the rate It Ih'CHly lS high lS the ta-
p5yel's ought to be asked to submit to
As there are delclolces in [ several
flnds , while ut the slme tle the
loal'l of Ellclton Is II'cssln for I
cOlsllcrblo ) addition to Its usual de-
lJlds , It Is , pelbupH , too mich to cx-
IJcct . the new tax rte to le mntcrlaly
lover thll It was dUlln . thc IJBt year.
The peoI1le , hovever , insist [ that It shall
not le higher.
Thieve ate two bills before the IcsIa- [ ,
ttire intended [ to amend the law
tUle ltcndcd Ilw govern-
big tbo admission of attorneys to pmac-
tce before the courts of this state.
One is [ senate file No. 42 , introduced by
Senator Watson , nnd the oIlier house .
t'olh No. 48 introdtmcetl h '
101 , Inl'olucc by , UcpI'Hcnta-
tvc McNitt. Both of them 11m to nc-
complsh tim saute object , Illmcl ' , the
abolition of the prcsent syslemli of mul-
tpled bar examinatons with different '
In'elmlnar requirements and the cle-
vaton of the standard enforced upon
intending attorneys .
The Bee hns already eXl11ancll ! to its
readel's the disadvantages of the exlst-
rug mcthl of Idtltln new IcmlerR
to the bar. They arc , In brief , laxity
and favoritisni , ote'lng loopholcs fo'
IncoUpctents to foist thclHcl\el upon
Ignorant or unsuspecting clients. The
rcmedJ' huts also been poilted ( out hy
, 'l'he Bee ns consisting In more stringent
rClullcmclts fQr admission to practice
and uliform exumllntonR contucted
by sOle central authorIty for all alIke
without partiality or discriminaton ,
Both the bis just referred to , al- .
tbolgh . they differ from one another In
minor features the stmbsti-
mino. , contemlllnto subst-
tuition of examinations tinder . the super-
vision of thc SUIJremO court In lllaco ) of
examinatons by each oC the different
district [ comts in [ the slate But both
the bills also depart from the II.lcIIllo
n ( ii .I'mlh' I I "hl"h I I hay viii ' " , ,1 ti unf
u. . . . . " . . . . . . ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UI ) by il'oVitllmiR In OXhL'l'Ss terms for
thc cxempton of graduates of the College -
loge of Law of the Unl\el'sly of Nc-
bmaska. Thieve is [ uo valid reason why
tim gradumates of any purlculal' law
school shoul be plcwt ( ont for special
pi'ivllcgesvhlehi other pcople equally
able . and deserving are not no-
cOI.tmJ I It wore desirable to
cxcmpt law school , raelultos from
the neclssly of uUlergolng bar
cXlmlnntons the cxemllton should bc
ly ) gene11 hmtw nmplying to all law
Slhools whose course of study 111 plan
of work shall obtain time olc11 [ suite-
ton of the eXIInn [ [ : botrL : But there
Is 10 reason for IUY dltcrhnlnlton
' In favor of Inw sehool ' , .
whnte\er flvor ) gi'mihti-
mites as against the cnreful Hlllcnt ( II .
time attorney's office. I the graduate oC I
time College of Law O' Il ' other law
school It really IJ'eIJlu'll to ntel' upon
bls IJ'ofesslolll tutes , hc olht not to
le In the least troubled hy the bar me-
fmlnlton wbleh the HUIJ'mno court
would set I ha Is not able to IJst I
such an cxamlnnton ho hit 10 lulln(88
to lwlctce iuv Ind ho Hhouhl 10t he
smuggled InsIde the bnr by any Sllclli !
tlisIemislttiOll ) .
A law cstlllshing ! uniform batox -
amlnntons In Nebraska ought to bu
ennetml by the legislature. But the ox'
Illlltous ought to bo lnlfol'l for till.
We suggest that the authors of these
his modify theIr Inngunge 10 as to
brIng them Into 11I'mon ' wlb the motto
of the state : 1' lluI1) before tIm luw.
80mo of tim motormen Who wcnt
( row distant cites to Brooklyn to take
tile places .of the strikers during . the 11 -
cent street raIlway itr1ko UI'O
telling terrible tales about bl'oltn
11'omlses , hoth of the street
mlwny mnlngel's nnll of the
rcprescntlth'es of UO ! 1lll\'rs , 'l'ho
len were given places 18 son 18 lucy
rnched Brooklyii , hut were not allowed
to tlit the curs out of the hams. 'ritey
Wcr kept locked U } In tIm cOlllnnles'
huldlngs , not Ilel'mltCI ) to go out nt
mill , and half stiu'ved with ono 01' two
nlggurtly Icalt I ( lay. Flnnl ' they
throw UIJ their einiIoymnent and ugrecd
to go back to 1J'I , homes on rcprescn-
taton that tho.\Jlkcr \ would haY their
return lXIICIfS , After the traIn hatl
started they dlercd \ that Instcll of
fuly pall titrei1i'thy hind been ! uPllell
with tIckets onlSltl t ( lhlulelll1lnhcl'o
they Inlll VQllllcs ) : amid \Ithout
idemls. I Is i1qeless \ \ to add thnt these
mcn wcro 1)fle'llllcl whethcr they
11)1 been treated- more ! hnmcfu1 ' by
the strikers 01.,1/1 . / the street raIlway
cOllmnlcs "I
Time . legislattmrm 1 . has thlt far 'tnlcl
no formal action lookIng to a carefll
Il'cstgnton litto thc conditIon of the
slato's fIIICC ! ' Ie Is I "no\n that the
sllntol Is critical , that cXl1ell1\es
Intro exccedcll receipts for at least
four years back , that large SUIS of
IJb1e ) lole3' mire tied UI ) In litigation
'It not lost n1o ctlr. Before n single
bill 1nldl IOW UIIII'oll'lntolt or CA'
tnllshhll new state olccs Is passed ( .
the Icglslntlle ought to ImoeXlet
whore thc state Rtllll tlllcln1 ' amid
whnt the II'oRllecls ) ) or the state trcls-
m'j' l.o . for thut' lext two yeats. I Is
tht ! tiuth- of the lellRlnlurc to Ilfl1 '
. . .
Isef nll1 Ute . 11eolJl of these matters
111 that duty sholll not he delayed
too 101 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'hc legislature , of : Ihtlotu his e-
hil'OSSCl its 011181101 to thc llo1lg bIll
IICH1Ig II comigress IHI his hlHtllCtl'll
the lllesola delegatloit In coiigtt'sH
to vote 111 \01'1 against I No ll'gls'
Intltc sholll he baelnvnltl nholt ex-
pressIng itseif qmmestloiis of mimt-
ptcssllg Iself 11101 qt1'StoIS 11-
tolnl legislatIon 1)ni'thl'mtliui'13' nccctl'
thc Iltct'lst of Its own state , ) ) ) 'o\'hl- ;
lug . of comBC , the llollle hwl : dpchietl
Ideas 1101 the slbjcct 1'he Nebt'ashut
leghshmtttiro will he foblovimmg good rece-
Icglslat\l\ \1 . foIo\hl IJ'eel'
I dClts set In other states If It 10ttes
thin scmittors : 111 represetitutives . ICI'C' [
sCltt Nebraska II COI/.l.S8 of the
seittlntent which ' ' here regard-
sllllClt IJ'e\'nls hcl regnrt.
II , the lroposcd Pacific railroad legls-
'rhc IJ'e'nll sllttelt In this cIty
In respect to contrbltons [ for the 10-
Ilf of destute Ilcoll ) ) Is thnt It Is
the fIrst tlt of the IJeOllo of this
l'Ottlnlr to care : for Ihe 1'001 of
louglts : cOlnt . , Time AssocIated Chiari-
ties 11St be assisted . In its work ; of
allevIating tilty. Thai Bee feels con-
111clt that Its nileals : In behalf of this
worthy organizatIon will not IH'o\'e mmii-
ui'uillng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SOle of the IlmerOIS . applicants fOI'
the vacant cOlnt cOllllsloncl'hlp
might turn their atenton with 1010
IJ'olt to the ' : \\cnnc \ ' In the govern-
hlieftO1' , the Union Pacilic .
mcnt . dh'eltOT .of ! , Pacltc.
" .lh In'Oler [ cl1eiwol thc Inter maybe
be made Ilmo' t i lucrative as the
foruter. 4.
An Jnvlnclhlll 4 ( OflIbiflLttiOfl.
DCI'el News.
Nebraska says I Ua plenty ] : of water ; aU
It needs Is wind power pumps I had bet-
teI engage Its "lleglslalure permanently ,
also part ot ouric "J
c i
Seedl ! ! Light.
Chicago , . rlbune
I would have 10e. , no harm If Senator-
elect John M. Th\hton ! had stated just
what ho meant bysatng he was "in [ favor
ot the . coinage of theAmerlcan product ot
gold and silver tnt honest dolars : "
, : , "
Tit.i Sln\hin , In ohraka
Springfield ( Mas.)1tepub1lcan.
Private totters from central Nebraska say
that the situation there Is not so desperate
as has been made to appea People are In
many cases not only getting enough to eat ,
hut keepIng up Interest payments ; 0\ their
mnrtrnrm4. Th ! winter hL hrrn mid and
delIgttful . as . a - rule : - anti - as - another - CrOP I
season draws near I move hopeful spirit
prevais , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Mhnvlnr the CoIn ,
Chicago Herold.
The United States treasUry Is selling gold
bars at I premium. The premIum Is
charged enl the pretext that It Is for expenses - I
penses of mInting and assay Dut no such
charge would ] be made If there was not I
pressure for gold that Is unusual and ot
evil porlent. The fact that purchasers are
wimming to pay I premium Is the most discouraging [ -
couraglng Indication [ that can be seen.
Olclahom'g , SntpllOI Clalma
Chicago Tribune.
I Utah , Arizona and New Mexico are
deemed worth to come Into the union then
no consistent opposition cane made to
Oklahoma. 'he later hats now 2i0,000 peo-
pie or 76.0 In excess at the representation
requIred , Utah has only 3.0 more than
Oklahoma. Delaware , Idaho Montana
Nevada North Dalmta amI Wyoming all
rank below Oklahoma . which has a larger
population than Idaho , Nevada and Wyo-
lung combined So far as ArIzona Is con-
cerned , tt has less than I third as many
people n Okialiomit.
. .
A 's'nqtn of Tin , , , .
a 10lt. Jemocrn t.
Senator Hill Is correct In saying that this
democratic congress ought to help the
democratic administration out or helJ fnan-
cial troubles Into which It has plunged.
He Is right , too In condemning the silver
end ot his party for antagonizing nil linen-
cial measures which do not propose to
throw the minIs wide open 10 the white
metal No financial bill having a. silver
clause could have any chance ot passage.
The serious dlscUfSlol even ot such a mea- -
tire In the present unsettled meW-
business would be exceedIngly harmful to
the eounlry _ _ _ . _ _ _
0011 Cur , Huggmttetl.
SI'rlngneld flepublican.
A postmaster In charge ot an office which
Is the cash depository ot slxt . . ofce sImilar
oiflces calls ntenlon to the fact that dur-
Ilg 1 year they see Considerable god ] In
tim receipts which are custr.unarly . placed
on deposit in I national bank He thinks
that It all poslolces were to deposit thelo
gold receipts [ In a Hovernment sublreasury
It might ho In material ali ot the govern-
ment'a gold balance I the banks gover-
as the New York banks ] are acting we
ahoull suppose the gold had better bo
placed elsesyllere To out [ government , gold
Into their keeping Is 10 lose It forever
COh\lmlsorr IIlnrllCo II leritinny
ChlNllo- or .
One phase ot oeIhi 'etorm In German Is
deserving ot Ihe highest praise , and It Islet
lot too much to say . that It Is a strong wall
In defense or lh , r ) qvernmelt and ot wIl
existing social syteuu. I refer ot course .
lo the worltlnme.1's . Ihsuralco laws one ot
time chief works otUhlnarcl ( and his friends
In the i1eiclistago , Jar as Inner POlICY ts
cOlcered : These three laws have taken :
effect at different times. The first in-
elect dllerent tlmel. frst one ( n-
sUrtce against Ic\Jonta while at work )
has been In force lSln e October 1 , 1886. pnd
has produced I dl11 ot almost 328.000000
marks. 'l'he second ( insurance against sick-
ness , etc. ) \rought lib 82 .0.0 mars ] , and
the thlt ( against , old . age anti dlsaliihlty to
wont ) has netted .315.liO marks. The
total amounts to I 415.000,000 marks , or
nearl' 11.0 0. And this means In tim
case ot the third law an accuuiuiatlon ot
but four years. _ ! ! ho' accumulaton one
ot the most elpc\I\ \ ! checks against pau-
perIsm ali Is a bmltvirk agaInst the slead-
I ) ' growing accesSiOns 10 the ranks ot so-
cialism. At the 11\ne time , since 18 yet the
larger part ot thslsum Is Invested In sate
puper. bearing low Interest , this Insurance
system acts also IS a steadYing influence
on the money market , and the sums collected -
lected for these three forms ot worllng-
nlen's Insurance grow annual } ' .
lubuquo Tllgaph : The DulUn Tralls
council . a St Louis organization representing
thIrty-two unions , hM adopl ll A new constitution .
sttuton which , titter nserting that strikes
are tAlures lnl boycotts un.Amerlcan , lIe
dares for arbitration nnll abolishes the
"walkIng delegate. " l arbitration shall rt
stilt In decisions unfavorable end unjust to
labor the St Luis council will b apt to
re\'ls its present opinion or the strike and
Da\'lnprt Democrat : The Building TraMs
council at St. Louis , wIth Ihlrty-two unions
represented has dllared that strikes are
failures and boycotts un-American. The
council therefore dlscountlnance both these
melhols { of , Icaln with injustice and punishIng -
lag offedors. Arbitration Is the Ilans rec-
ommcOled , and In the enll that will prove thin .
solution or tim differences oC opInion between i
the tow and the many , between moiiey
alt niusehe. The only argtinlenL or strikes
Is that they may hasten lho better way ot
settling dlspules.
Bufalo Express : The morning light Is
breakln , At a recent mletn eC the St
Louis BUlllng Traies council . delegates be-
lag present trom each of tIm thlrlr.lwo hnmlld. .
bIg unions In St. T.ul8 , the olco oC walking
delegate Was abolshed , The preamble ot the
constitutIon which was adopted boldly as-
serls that strikes are unnalural and that
boycotts are In-Amerlca. anti both methods :
Ire discountenanced. Arbiraton Is the ;
method that will be eliiplo'cd ] in [ settling ;
Ilmculles between employes anti employers .
In SI Louis hereafter. _ .
- p
Mrs. Shinto Is a calldnte for omce iii [ Colo-
rado 10r alum Is not dangerous.
The Hecorll nlrls that "Chicago weather Is
hmiimueuiso"-aa a builder at Ice bergs
Irs. Nlcewlnler lives In Cedar couthty Mis-
souri . Mr. Cold Wave I a regular visitor to
the locall )
fix-Senator Warner MIller pronounces n.wll
11. 11 "lhe greatest man In New York Poll-
tics. " The ex-setmator Is out of Politics.
A KenluclY woman , allclel { 10 thin poetic
habIt , comllle1 suicide In Cimtclmlmiati. Several -
oral magnzlnes were fOlnd In her luggage
Senator Sherman's Pullman rider lo tIme
Pooling bill has cOlgealed enthusiasm for lhat
measure. The pugnacious Ohioan sticks 10
the Issue ot berth or dealh.
MInister Grip , Swedish representative at
Washington , his been asl01 lo sit In the
Venezuelan claIms Comflimlisliotl GrfI Is sure
10 grasp all the flue Pollute oC the matters
at Issue.
Beerbohm Tree. the Enllsh aclor Is said
lo look more 11e' clergymami than an nclor.
lie Is moro titan six feet high , straight as a
soldier , with auburn hair and large but wol
molded features.
J. R. Lamar time "Monle Cristo" or ldho
Is a nalvo of iioliammth. He ts smal In
stature , with large fealres and veil hair ,
and has been a sailor , a glue worktmiaim a
barlender and a bulcher. As be Is now a
miionaire , he has given up the other Job .
lenri Hochefort's , life or exile In London
Is not wlhoul its conipensatlons. laving
nn Income of $30,000 a rear to spend , he Is
able to malnlaln a handsome home In He-
gent's park and 10 Indulge In works of art
arId title horses. lie Is very hospItable and
Vet ) ' generous.
The wife at the Frencb. premier. M. mbot ,
Is an American lady . formerly Miss Minnie
llurch . the daughter oC a wealthy banker ,
Isaac II. flmirchm who , after unsuccessful proceedings -
ceedings for divorce , settled a large slm on
his wife and went to Paris 10 live . accompanied -
panied girl. by his aughler , at that time a little
Max Leband - , the spcndtlmrift . the "little
sugarman" of tIm Paris boulevards . , has a
rival In extravagance In the young son or
11 Cal , the great Iron founder ot Crenelle .
who Is cutting a wide swath wllh lho pa-
ternal muthhions. Ils crowning achievement
was a supper to seine clubmen anti actresses ,
at which each or the faIr guests was pre-
seated wIth a costly bouquet That which
one or them. Mme. Llano de Pougy , received
was held together by a bracelet valued at
A blooming New York statesman , can-
vlnced that masculine patience has been
stretched to the limit . has Introduced a
hill In the legislature to abolish time high
hats at the thealer. Time proposed reform
will send great throbs or joy aboundIng
through the frames at long suffering man-
kind. ] Hitherto they have courageously
endured measureless misery 'and suffered
mental martyrdom rather than dude the
gentle sex. The oppressed arc ready for
revel and will follow wherever Gotham's
reformer dare to lead.
The Tribune or Leatl S. D. , dlscurses I
merrily on the Ingredients that combine
to maIm a readable editorial pegs "Tho
newspaper man who would have his editorial
page read , " says time Tribune , "must keep
his soul bubblIng oVer with enthusiasm
and human sympathy Ills head must bo
full or the knowledge or current events
his conscience must be keen and Independ-
eat , and his weather eye must always have
a slant toward the humorous. Then ho
wl produce editorial columns worth read-
Ing. " And so believing he caresses Tile
shining brow pals his throbbing chest and
modesty adds : "This Is why our own
editorial page Is so Inlerestng , "
.2'flhIR.lS1.t AND NJ1iR.lSK4NS.
C. C Whipps has sold the Doge Adver-
tser to Drgo 12. Burns ot Scritiner
Four criminal cases are on the docket oC
lie distrIct court , now In session at Ogalahla.
For thirty-two days there has not ben a
prIsoner to come before the police judge ot
Plats mouth.
A number at horses have died In the vicinity -
Ily or Burchard Cram eating too freely oC
cornstalk todder
flylutnti P4rker the first county jUdge of !
Jlolt ! county , died at his home In O'Nel at .
the age or 80 years
A stock company Is being organized at De-
Wit for the purpose oC building an opera
house that will cost $5,000
There have been twenty-five additions lo
the Methodist church at Nebraska City as the
result oC the revival meetings held during the
past two weeks
Albert Muldoon wants to be county judge
oC Keith county to succee(1 J.V , Wilson ,
who has been appointed commandant or the
SoldIers' home by Governor Iloicoimib
The 18.yoar-pld ] son oC N. C. Chrlslanson
oC 10ldrege tried { to iot1nc a cartridge Into a
gun but he only succeeded In shooting himself -
self just above the eye. The wound Is I bad
one , but the hay will recover
TIme infant child oC James Randall , residing
near Falrbury , was round dead In bed time
other morning. I Is supposed that an older
child throw the clothes oVer the head ot tile
infant In such a manner as lo smother IL
Cloveland' , Solo , \ehiovolont ,
New York Sun.
In one year Mr. Cleveland's ] admlnlstra-
tion ha already IncreaRed Ihe interest.
bearing llblo debt hy $10.0.0 or more
than ii per cent ' UIILI It wnntO authority
from cOlnress conti' Increase tile debt by $ . -
00)000 more , which would more thanl double
03,0 mor whlcl
the pu\lo doht US lha Cleveland nmlnls-
tratloit found It
tratOtound peace wllh no extraordinary
demands pressing upon tile treasury this
lelt.proclalmed llemantf reformer ot the national
finances , elected lo olco to give tile coun-
try I tariff for revenue , I revenue from 0
tttm-itt , has given to the country instead at
turlt an 1lllonui burden ot debt and
promise ot debt mounting In the aggregate
to the ihgures of a great war's cost
Dond JgUT' for revenue I 'L'hiat Is the polIcy -
Icy ot Grover Cleveland enc his sole
U c I iovemtin I.
Such Is that reward ot the mouther at
promises and the shifty borrower o cash
whe'rewitht to cover the failure , ot perform-
ance ; the shameless breaker ot pledlel and
the audacious muker ot debl.
A Colorado ( : ouln.lrul.
Denver Itepublican.
Surely some advocate ot thin single Jld
stazulurd ought to be able 10 explal" hol
and whY the treasury amid time country lose
gold when silver II outawed und gain gold
gold the white metal 18 used for monetary
pu 111ses ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. [ S. GOy't Report
oyal Bztking
K Powder
Control of the Market in the United Sttcs
for Tin Gene
Unlieti Itnl " huts Irottu Iii' tim l onolloly
knit Not , thin Irltsh . lalut"ClrOr
Are Crying Atnntt-Tratlo Vi Ion
AlrCtlT Irollcl tip ,
\\ASlNGTON , Jan. 29.-Evl tmcs ha\'o
taTen upon South Wales as time result ot the
eslablshment of tin plate works In time
UnHc.1 States Consul IoweTs at Carlf
has made an exhaustive report lo time State
departmenl upon time ItbJect showing that
the malnfaclurers there take a very pessi-
mistc view ot thin futtiro Ho says tint
until recently Sotitht'aIes enjoyed a illOnol
ely or the tin Plato trade. Time United
Stales has always ) been atHI still remilins
time greatest consumer , but slnco she has
uaderlalen time task of sUllplrlnr her o\n
vomits In this a she has bug slnco been
doing In other brlches or Iron and steel
there has been a consllerble falling oft In
time American Lcmand without any conwen-
satng supply train oIlier marllels. Therefore -
fore time .UIerenco has been an entire loss
10 time Welsh , manutaclurers , few of whom ,
appear lo bo Illereslol { In time now works I
on Amorlcan sell. The year at 1894 has
been a wretched , one and It would argue a
very sangulno temperament Inlcl to look
forward lo better ProsPects this 'Ial In face
or time probabiity or tIme American demanl
growing sll smalel' . Hopes were cherished :
among all classes Inlerestd that time Wison I
tariff would Imnnmcthiately usher In a revival I
tallr woult Immelalely
of trade , but by this time hope has glven I .
way to despair anl throughout the district
ono hears enl ) ' rumors of stoppages of
works , requests rOt' concessions anL demalls
for rolucton In wagos. The manufacturers
have been straining every nerve 10 .1eerease
time cost ot Ilrolucton amId labor troubles
have fOlowe,1 Not only will wages be I'er- '
manenty redtmcetl but hundreLs wi bo
mhled to time lhousands of tin Illatell already
r' . r' . .r " p . , t.l , , . ' . , tn . nln . la . .nrl _
" . . "o . . - - ' ' - - - '
1yUl ; ; ; al I d"V :
The consut encloses an extract ---'l
local 1e\sllallel saying : "Tho AmerIcan tin
which It would
IIalo ] works was tholght
ha\'o to stop , are going on as vigorously as
oVer competing for and oren securing or'
tiers which formerly came to lhls counlry.
Their position has actually Improved re-
Inasmuch they havc not oblalnml
centy , Insmuch IS .
a reducUon In wages of about 30 per edIt
whie In this country the strong cIol'l mmle
In time same directon has up 10 thin present
tme provcl , futile , except [ In a. few Isolated
cases Probably time most slrlklng ttllure
or the year's trding has been the serious
dlnlnlshe,1 cal for tin plates front the
United States tIme native works being equal
to supplying almost the whole or that tm-
portant trade . There has been also a dl-
mlnlshml demanl for charcoal tins. A
feature at the year , too has been the large
shipments of nnlshed block plates not only
lo the slates , but to the continent. I Is
not thought. however , that this trade will
continue with us . but bo gradually absorbed
by native mills. "
Sliver 1en , VI' In Arms AgaInst the Presl-
eleumt's ltieseagt' .
WASHINGTON , Jan 29.-lany or the sen-
ators approached decline to express an opinIon -
Ion on the preldent's message As far as
they eXpresS themselves It Is generally lo the
effect that conditIons have not been materi-
ally altered and lhat much will still depend
on whether the attitude at lhe silver men
has been changed by time message. On this
polnt'tho democratic silver senalprs , arQ gen-
non-commIttal wimile the republican
orally non-commlttal. whie rtpublcan
and populst silver men are quite outspoken
In declaring ] that Ihey are not appeased.
Senator Hill endorses the message without
apparent reservation . saying : "Tho president
states the slluaton very accurately. Perma-
nent as well ns temporary relief should bo
granted at once. I trust that there Is good
sense and patriotIsm enough In the present
congress not 10 refuse consideration at this
subject The business Interests or the coun-
try desire and demand acton and time demo-
crata party cannot afford to antagonize that
sentiment. "
lr , Bland , the silver leader , says : "A gel
bond means a gold standard , anti this Is time
first presidential proposition eVer made that
brIng congess to the direct Issue between
the gold standard and bimetallism. Right
now the battle must be fought out. "
Mr. Bryan oC Nebraka-That message anti
that bill will make the most abject surrendol'
to time gold consiliracy ever proposed . I can-
not conceive how any friend oC slver who be-
haves In blmolalsm now or hereafter can
advocate It for a moment. I Is the Wal
street Idea In parliamentary language.
Mr. Newlad or Novada-IL Is Intended to
place the government on a gold basis at once ,
to raise the value or gold and Increase time
burdens or thin debt-bearing classes. But the
silver men will fight It.
Representative Harlman or Montana-Time
message Is an obsoluto declaraton 'tor the
gold standard , provIding that the bonds be
paid In gold
Senator Dubois ot IdahoWhlo the presi-
dent declares himself a friend or sliver , ho Is
( nllvorln to prevent anything being done
for silver by preparing n message which
, oul 1rO\'lnl silver trom ever becomIng R
Part or the monl system
"Tho lollton ) the 11reshlent's plan , " uhl
Mr Stewart ot Ne\ada. "mcans 20.cenl wheat
anti 2-cent cotton. "
Senator Wolcot or ColoralloTho I\rlslont
speaks ot time "I'ranny ot Ire-coneeh'01opln-
ions " seeming to overlook the tact that ho
makes hlm8e1 a proper subject ot his own
Senator TelerI Is easy to see that the
president Is whel to the Rol Illa. ills
bond , Is a 1011 bent ] , amId wonll wehl a gold
stnmlarllJon the cotmmitry. I Is time bnllcrs'
honI , , which gives the hanks the absluto
control ot the fnances , There Is nothing In
It for silver ; nor Is there any posslblly cr
thin ndopton or time Illnn In lhe seMte.
i.zitii.ii I. ( W II.
Oah'eslol News : A bllnt lrllh is I "ome-
times shlr\er thiln : , 1 twoedgel swonl.
Trlth : "Whnt Is mcant tmy time coin or
, 'nnttuge ? " " 1 don'l ktioiv hul I nun well
aware of what nti'amtage the cell Is. "
Milwaukee .Jolrnal : When a man Is
Illntell out as typical of I certain class
or meo ho hi generally nllut the worst
Illeclmon ot the lot.
Boston BuletIn : "Sn ' . .Tak , whal Is the
( : I.lnl or Swlzerlnntl ? " .lle ( who hits
jiit relnrned ftotml nbroati . " '
jlqt II0m alroul. : "WhY. the
10ne ' timey gel from travelers . of course "
' , n Oorham ( _ _ . . . . . . . Journal . .r . . . _ _ : 1. Ian . . . , . _ walls _ ' hut .L. 1\0
. . ' -.r . . . . . LIIIII , ICHI" guitteim CII ,
hut when hI gets thin horns lal heels he
wants the other haIr.
1lfe : Toll ) Is so \ ' cry In\ctllols. and In
Ihls case : WIS csieciail I ) ' nnxlols Iholt
I'rodlcln 1 good In\re I . . slul. \ll I time
lorlst male lht iiiistiite If slIH1111 wlh
the roses the card that horl tiut' itmecrip-
lon : "Uo the best you con for $2. "
I uiti muptml is . ioti l'llni " I
In.lanollls .101Ial : "I Is nn Imlty
wagon Iml mnlle time 10st 101 ' e , " Iall the
Illn whu tlelghls I i to tnlt I In mm eluorislmla.
" ' , el , whlt of that ? "'lei timi' othcr
inam , . ' 'It Is Just the oIlier
mal. "I jlsl Illr WIY wilI I
imlflhl. full . " ] t mnkes time 10St noise whtl ) ho I !
" 'ashlngtomm Star : 'fhls Ihawalian otmes- '
tloul is otto of yotmi' 11)051 iimterestimmg affairs
of , state , " nlti tins visitor from nimrontl ,
' Vci I , ' ' remmh led I Im 0 Cii nil itt tim erican , it
stnmteth out as one ci' our affairs of state
htmt it's gotten to be siunmly a. state 011
a flairs. ' '
TO TIll 1UTCillN MAIl ? .
Chicago Tribune ,
I've a. favor to itnimloi ,
Cook Marie ,
Gramlu it mind I'll ask no more ,
t.I Cook t ilmmmie ? , . _ _ .
a ct tOt' . t . , Ut . Ill , Oil gristmt
ill setmi tiu I I he a leatlemm mu laid I i' ,
hut , tot' hieit'en's suIte don't ' vlmistie ,
Cook Muriel
_ t _ v CIIIj U1:1' : mn'.m T1OX ivzxzi
5omrviiio Journal.
A himsim falls oum I Ime crovtit'd pond ,
'l'hme slutteis all Stnnth stihi.
1acii feels pulsating througlm his vein.
inonmeiutarv thrill
Anti imow , 'itlm interest ttnti hmritle ,
Time snlnii boy's heart dilates ,
For tmow at. inst lme' going to see
Ilis imonored tnt emi kntes ,
ii&s often hmearti time old muon tell
Of svimnt hum Useti to do
\'len lie ' " "
t'zts young-time "flgtmro eight ,
.miti time "simreaui eagle , " too ,
The 'grttpeviume' amid time 'otitsltie edge , "
The "Virginia lull fence. "
Anti lie ltnoa'i what ime's going to see
Is going to be inlniense , - .
And pa strikes bravely out at last ,
Ihis hmeart quite ( ice fronm fears ,
Although he imasmi't put emi skates
Before for thirty years.
lie strikes so bravely out. in fact ,
lie cuts too ii'ide a tiashi-
One foot goes righmt-one foot goes left-
And dowmi lie goes-ker-stmtashi I
Ho doesn't really break time ice-
It is ten incimes timick-
But just the thoughmt of skating now
Makes him extremely sick.
He lImps ashore-alas , aionei
The small boy thiilnt wait.
He'ii sneer whmen pa tells stories now
of lmow ime used to skate.
k Not like oatmeal. Far I
g more delicious and delicatc "
' Cooks quicker , tool
\d \ Sold only In 2 lb. Packages , J'/ /
' _ i
Your Momicy's Worth or Your Money IJuok.
Greatest valite ever
Heard of iii this town iii a : , '
Stilt Overcoat
or Ulster
. $ io ,
We place iii the $10 1t
Some o the best goods iii the house.
Corresponding reduotons in the ohUdron's depart , . .
inent , and men's $6 and $7 pants at $2 , $2,50 , $3 , $3.75.
Reliable Clothulers , S. 'tV Coi' . 15th amitl Douglas.
. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _