Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . " - ; < ' - " " . , . . . . : T ; : , . , : : .
U I , I' ' ' I .Y . - , . I ; " . , - tj ' : " C Y \ ' ( ) !
. 2 .i'IIE O [ AnA DAILY BEE ; EJNJTSP.AY , .TANttAlY 30 , 18n5. ! . _
, , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
: nn,1 ! lch flnll , with the Interest antI Income
. thereof . nro hereby lolemnl' pled 111 for
the plrpose ! for which theY nr granted
and Mt nprtrt. nl11 Ihnl not he transferred
. to any nrart. funGI , for oUr uses : prvlled
' the board created by sectIon 1 of this nr-
, tide Is I empowered to 11 from tIm - to
c time nny or the secultel belonJlnl to the .
tlermlnnt "chool find and Invest the pro-
ceet * nrIIng therftrom In any of the Fe-
celll enumcmtll thrlfrom thll pocton bcrIn !
n higher rote of Interest whenever nn op.
hllher ' for htlr tnvlltment tl ! rlre
, Rented , And provided . fu'ther. that when
4 . nny warrant Ipon the Mate tren'urer. rg-
. ulnrly IRtII In 1tlrttnnce of nn n\prolwl-
ntinn by the 1 ( lplntr ( and scut11 hy
f the Ivy of 0 tax for Il payment : hnl bet
t ; prclenteI ( to the tnto trnIr r for payment -
mont nnll If there Ihul not ho any money
In the proper fund to pay such warrant .
the board created by secton 1 of this 01'
tIde may direct the state tra'tlrer to t)1y
lcla amount due Oi 81CharrRnt from
tnoney iti hIl hamll belonging to the 11er-
mone1 FCIICO1 fun.1 ef the state , and ho
fhol 111,1 ) , loll warrant nfl In luveslmelt
of saId Illrnnnent Ichool fund.
fliP ; on thlr.1 ralln hall the first call
lila mornIng anti Davies' meauro house roll
No. 70 , amending the act authorIzIng the op-
. polntment pf supreme court commissioners ,
was passell hy 8 to 3.
SCOn'R hi ) , house roll No 53 , did not ndl
so'many friends In the house . and was lost
hy 43 to 1G. ThIs II the t over which con-
sldrabIe ) time was fllen1 In dlscus lon or I
merits lat Thursday , I proviled ) ( for sell-
log lands tnder execution In parcels Instead
of the whole amount or the land morlgaged.
The judiciary committee's substItute for
ltlcketts' house breakIng bill . house roll No.
Itckets' , ( arrlCI hy 87 to 7. Harrison's dental
hi. boone roll ' No. 65 , provIding for examina-
tions of dentsts hy 0 state board or health ,
passed hy 61 to 21.
The sublttute for Orltllth's bill . house roll
No. 76 , to provIde for the care amI medical
treatment of convicts who may became In-
salle : Iaesetl ) hy 86 to O. Bouse roll No. 2t ,
Imsset Douslns bill . regulating pro\\te
courts pdse\ , by 81 to' I. Another bi hy
sutton , house roll No. 1. to authorize count
courts to require executors to pay and deliver .
V to said courts money and pcrsonal ; property
after fInal settlement ot their account was
loat hy 16 ayes to 31 na 's. the emergency
clause requiring a two.thlrds vole.
Davies' bill . house roll No. 196 , to submIt to
electors an omendment to the constitutIon
providing for the Investment ot the permanent ,
' educational funtl , of' the state , receIved the endorsement .
dorsemcnt or 81 10 1 ' .
. The house then took a recess until 3 p. m.
At 3 p. m , Conaway , chaIrman of the com-
mitee , . on _ u _ _ engrossed _ _ u _ WY 0 _ Inll ( enrolled 0. en o. bilk Irs , ' re- ,1
"oneu IOUb" . WIO . 'U' . uJ , 01 , OJ , 0' , . . . . i
165. On tile call for petitions . memorials and
rwlutons a large Ilelllgo was deposited on
tIm desk of the clerll. The majority or them
were petitions for relIef [ from various cotilittes .
sent ua petition for the
Gear by request , u\ \ a petion
submission or a woman suffrage amendment
to the constitution.
The cal for reports of standing committees
brought up a big bunch of bIlls , the most of
them favorably reported , as follows : House
rolls Nos. 31 , 118 , 2&1. 17. 161 , 11 , 22 , 109 ,
15 , 110 , 278 , 209. Bis reported for Inllen-
nlto postllnement were Nos. 60 , 22. 41 , 2fl
III I\ All or them were , on amnenmimnent
. placed on general file , except H , which was
Indlfnltely postponcl. ,
The resolution Introluced last week to make
Frank ! Hcncoclc an assistant bill clerk was reported -
ported adversely by the committee , which , In
its report , said that Inveltgatoll of the matter -
tcr revaleJ the fact that no more help was
neeLe,1 In the bill room. The report was
allollted. The resolution to limit debate to
one minute , In eXlllllnlng votes was favorably
reported and adopted. The original resolutIon
. was by lurch lmitng explanations to two
mInutes , Inl ! amenleJ , by 1.3cc makIng I one
minute. House roll No. GO , which was rccom-
mended by the coinimlttee ' for Indefinite postponement -
. ponement , Is by Jenkins. and was given a lIfe
I I by Barry . who moved an amendment to com-
mlttee's report , and secured 0 place for It on
the general tile. I Is for a sweeping abol-
ton ot cigarettes , providing tht no firma , as-
10ciaton or corporation In time state shll
munufacture , sell . keep give or furnish to
_ _ _ _ any person cigarettes or the - material for
g their compositon , The penalty for convlcto :
Is a flue of $100.
- Introduction or bills on first readIng was
- , ' next In order. ' ' 't .
SmIth 1Int , up a resoluf nvhlch was
t r arL".referred : , , & lat as lmrojmad , been
Introduced In this bouse a resolution tinted
at time eminent prelate Satol , I was the
some 1r"t1 house ti U resolution b
rturncl to the place from whence It came ,
a's'l the thlgotry therein ( condemnumc"J. .
i , A IncHln 'was ' mad to' allow the com-
. mlteo on.publc ; lands enl buliings $3 per
lay expenses whIle vlsltn ! the state In-
tttsmtIons. , I was Uuendel Chapm o
intko' It $2 per day. 'l'biS.brntmdit UUTis , ot
_ V " lana\te to hIs ft , and he dechired that
I the gunl man from Saline hall been ; , defeated
III a I rmtng Steal yesterday and now
L scurht to wrelk n revenge. The amendment
t , c' was IG3tnnll the original motIon prevaleU
65 to 7. 'rime house mtdaerned.
I ,
I SBNt'rE 'ritLc&u . UALI' , i
- Induced to ' iectmro Limo l'ogtllooomlnt of hI1 . I
' ' Itu.tncdumg Bit
LINCOLN , , Jan. 29-Speclali-TOlay ( ) was
a busy day for the senate and compared
, with most of the previous days of the session -
I sion a great deal of routine business was
transacted. . A score or more of petItIons i
Islcng for the passage ot the anU-oleomar-
h garlno bIll , introduced by Sloan , were read
anut referred to the standing commileo on
_ _ _ _ _ Reports from standing 'eohmllees wore
then received and accepted , as folws :
Sonata fo No. 130. a Joint resolution and
mnmorIaI requesting Nebraslm's senators and
roprescmmtntlvcs ' In congress to use , all honorable .
able effort to leeure the passage uf time bill
, , - , now ' pending In congress provIdIng for the
ceding to the stateo [ Nebraska of the gov
' ernment la"ds within the borders of this
j atate , the title tQ which : still remains In the
; Unied States. The lOlmlle 'Oi onnetitum.
flollnl [ nmnomnimnontim ' ' - anU : ' federal ' lOlsllt relations
t , reconluemled the passage ! ofthQ bIll , and 1
. was ph\cCI on general tIle. The seine coni-
, . mlteo recommended tIme passage of senate
files 121 , 69 and 126. No 121 was Introduced
. , hy Stewart , and pl'o\llos for the suhlltslon
ot a consttutonal amendment authorIzing
- . the electou of a state board of transportatIon.
' No 69 submits a consttutonul Inondment
m. provllng for five judges ot the SUll'eme
. , ' court. No , 126 , Introduccil by Pope , Is a
, Joint resolutIon a51.lng Nebmslm's repro-
sontatves In COUlost to work fur time passage -
sage of a bill provIdIng for time payment teal
all sollel'6 who scq'c,1 In Iobol 1I'IsonB durIng -
Ing time wal' or the rebellion of $2 Iel' , lIar
dll'lns the tmo IO served 1111 of $12 Iler
L ' month for time relalndel' of their lIves.
Time commIttee on consttutunal amnon'l. ) .
moats l'eCOml011le.l that senate file No 89 '
be indeflmmltely IJstponcl. ThIs was a con-
sttutonal olelllmont proposed by Pope , In-
creasIng thu numbel' of judges or the sn ,
premo COUlt to seven , Time commlteo ex-
plalnel1 Its lecomlel\laton hy eiing the
' fact that alothol' constlutonul amonlment
covering IITctraly time anl ! lolHI timid aI-
really bon recotmcllled fOl' IHs ! ,
l IOn time con\nlteo 01 (8)'luIH I hitchcock -
, , cock reported senate Jibe No. 163. wIth a ,
favorable recomumondatlomi. 'hhls bill , Intr-
Illce,1 , b ) Graimni maims lomo changes In
time ruled govcrnlng the almls lon or
Inmotes to the bltO Institute for time feeble
. minded. ,
'rhe senate then ! flclel , to time reading at
t. lenHth of senate lila No 2 : , hy Caldwelt . rcgl-
a latng time practce of iiemmtlstry. Time ayes
antI nays were ca\lll alII the ( bIll paHhCI.
) Scnnln file No. 25 , Dale's bIll reducing the
4 - Interest on state 'varramite whIch hall yesler-
da ) ' ben agreed , to In eon1nlUeQ or tlu whole ,
was recomlited at time request of ls author.
, ' 1hl senate hllcdlalrly wlnt tutu commllec
ot the whole alHI lisle was at onou InpreiMed
' with tIme fact that lie hnd been lrllwl , le
ullerblooJ that his bIll reducing time Interest
on state wlrants would roma nl\ for Illne- ,
, Limb consideration amid the chairman .
consideraton ant tlc bl or-
, dared , OThal , howe\rr. objected amid
: clahnell that thl' hi had lost Its 111.10 ) on the
t . c lorl tile alil Ilfl go to time foot nf thl
lIst , The ehalr filled , zunorilImmgly. . There Is
. . limit little 11.0lhuod'lhat time bill \ II reach time
- - ' ; Isurface agaIn at the l'loscnt ' seFHttmmm .
. 5k , ThQ senate tIn 11rol'eelI,1 , to wlll Itself ulI
t In n eluplcJtrlI serIes of InwlHlmeuts to semi-
at me No. It 1 : ) , providing thaI ( oulr ; con1nl , .
! Ioner maemnply counsel to asSIst time
county attorjit'y In cIvil cahOS. The bill , as
I was ol'lglna\ ) ' Introduced Iy cx-
. . - tended tJf.ol ! io : of time lull only to cacti-
. ties ha\'hll a Pltulatl3i ' ot 70OOU PI' morc ,
The judiciary commilief r coUUenlled ( ho
c passage of the bi whim un luncndment ( ' -
. . ' . tomlng , Its IJrO\.slonl . 10 all counl t of Ile (
S\'crI Hntor clpoH'd time ulcmllent
- offered by time . Judiciary commitee , ; lelClohy
opposed I strumigly . minI \ol sUPllorte Iy
Dale , StOWJI und otlier4. After a desultory
. I
t dlseuulol the romlllee adept II time \ su1ory
C Imendlel smith rOle lrerby tli'l offered
- al Imenhnent requiring hi cou"ty eomnmts-
- - . , . , . . . ,
- - - " - -
sloner before employing the counsel to secure
the sIgnatures of ten freeholders to I request.
This amendment was adopted on an aye a' l
nay vote. The t port UJS nmtndcd was
adopted and the senate then indulged In a roll
cal over the question a to 'hether I should
adjourn untl tomorrow morning or take a recess -
cess unl.2 o'clock this afenoon Thur re-
cess prevailed.
After recess POlo otered an ant.oleomar-
garlnc petItion from SalIne county , which was
read : anll referred to the commIttee on agrl-
culture ,
An invitatIon asking tile attendance of the
senate to a luncheon at the Home for time
. FrIendless tomorrow neon was ceptcd. ,
The renate then adjourned. '
1111,1.8 O''mun : Hi ! mNATUtS ,
Somn 1,1\ ' In l m\r10 t'roll".nlt by the I
UPlwruun \"lrrdIY _
LINCOLN Jan. 29.-Speclal.---Tlmo ( ) mien-
ate contInues tile pastime of Introducing new
hUla wIth nn energy that promises well for
time future prosperIty of the bill printer.
The senate list now reaches 203. . wIth a
large number still In prospect ,
, Senator Pope today offered a bill requiring
foreign corporotoM ot this state to-le theIr
articles of IncorporatIon wIth the seeretar '
of state ,
WrIght of "ancalter county has one that
pro\lles ; that the owner or occupant or any
land , cold for taxes or any person ha\ln , n
lel or' Interest thereon may relleem the
same at any tmo wihin two years after the
Ioy ot such sale hy payIng the county trens'
urer the sum mentioned In his certIficate , .
wIth interest thereon ot the rate of 12 per
cent Per Olnll from time date of purchose.
The law os It now stands requIres the pay-
ment of Interest nl time mate or 20 per cent
per nnnll ,
Scnator Bressler Introduced a bi pr011dlng
that In making imp delInquent tax lIsts for
pUhlcaton cOllty clerks shall lIst whole
sectionmi . half , quarter all half-quarter eec-
tons belongIng to one owner os ono tract
RII Inelllo the seine In Ole descrIption , nl1
also In like manner all the lots In the same
block belongIng to the : mlo owner shall
bo included In the sJno : descrIption. ;
Callwel , introduced a hi to suppress
bucket shops and gamblng In stocks , etc.
ito also oferell a bIll for a Into protect
the prop rty of passengm'l emi sleepllg cars
111 to require sleepln cal' compaulcs to
provIde safes for the use of theIr pusem1gers
proscrIbing ! heavy penalties for failure to
( to so.
TUISNEJt'S { OOU HOIS 1iiit. .
' \llhor o. the : lq\MUre IpiltIi1 JI' Object
In the Cnllltno In I hare.
LINCOLN Jan. 29.-Special.----Curtls ( ) , C.
Turner of Omaha appeared before the senate
commIttee on imlgiiwnys roads amI bridges
this afternoon 10 explain In detail the provi-
sions of his good roads bill , already : Introduced
In the senate by Crane of Douglas The coin-
mlteo Is made lit ) or Senators I.ehr of Saunders -
dare , Teft of Cass , Nos of Douglas , Cross
of Jefferson and Gray of Vale ) ' , all being
present this afternoon except the latter.
Mr. Turner went over the proposed'bl sec-
ton by section explainIng its provisions In
detail , and giving his reasons for advocatn ,
each particular feature. He hid partIcular
stress upon the desirability of having a non-
partisan comllsslon In charge of the roads
and pointed to the work of the fire nod police
commission amid the park commIssion as cvi-
deuce that tIme parIs and re and polce sys-
tems have been greatly Improved by their
removal from the politIcal field .
Time good road bill affects only Douglas
county. I provides , In brief , that In that
county the control ot all county roads shal
be taken out of the hands of the county commissIoners -
missIoners and vested In a highway commission -
sion or three members , to be appointed by
the governor , auditor ot . public accounts and
commissioner ot public lands all \uldlng .
This highway commission Isto hnve entire
and exclusive power and control over time en-
tire county real system. . The commission
will hnvo no control over the street oC the
city of Omaha. I Is empowered to appoint
a competent chief engineer to serve by the
year , anq as many assistants as'nre necssary.
" . - , _ . . i , , . . l
' , , t.\XST 131iTtl ION lUT'r P . .
1 ' " -
. _ j
.tatc D1Ir'lhn't ' . \soch\ton 18 \Vo&k \ lui ;
l.rd Inc ( Its 11111.
LINCOLN , Jan 29.-Speclal.-Tho ( State
Dairymen's assoclatjon Is deluging the legs :
lature with petitIons asking for the 'passage
oC pending bills designed to further em
barrass the manufacturers ot t "oleomagarine
and ether ImitatIon butter products. These
pettons arc all In the same form and arc
growing so numerous that they may yet
tive time senate an excuse for the appoint
ment of n special custodian to take . cat of
The bill In question was Introduced In
the house by Representative Durch of Gage
counlY , aud In time senate by Sloan ot Fi ,
snore. The bIll Is iron-clad In Its pro
visions amid Is so adroitly 'orded that If
strIctly enforced the sale and use of Imla ,
ton butter will be , next to In\os5lhle , Th
manufacturer Is compelled to color his
product so that It will bear no resemblance
to butter. Dealers arc prohibited from sell-
lug any Imllaton butel' that bears any
semblance to the real article. Halroad
are not mellowed . under severe penalties , it. t
haul the Imitation butter tram one point
In the slate to another unless the same Is
PlainlY designated as Imitation butter ,
Hotel IIcpers using imitation butter , are
required to hang np a curd 10x1 Inches In
size bearing the sign In plain letters an
Inch lmlmtii . "Iml.ton butter used here. "
More thou this the bill provides that any
11erson who asks for , semIs for 01 Inquires
for hlltaton butter colored In semblance
of time real md-tIde
artcle shah be subJect to a
heavy flop. , 'n _ . slal
. - -
.oW.l .sb li3'1 U.lI// I.
Mrs ; A. J Pierce Is quite I
Yesterday afternoon Judge Montgomery
married WillIam H. Gatewood ot Papilhiomi
and Miss Mary Schneider et
1lss qtumwo , Ia.
Isaac Levy reports to the polIce that a
thief stole two wheels oft one of his wagons
at time west enl of the I. street viaduct last
Mrl Peatle will deliver a lecture at the
church next Thursdny evcn-
jog , The subject wIll bo "Jame \Vhltcommmh
funt Riley. , " 'fho proceeds wIll go to the lIbrary
The ohl IIoh11ers and sailors of South
O\nla , , \ OfC malln IJrepRralons for the con-
ort which \\11 be given nt Daner's imall
I"ebruary 22. Grand Army men hal
Omah.l mid CouncIl Bluffs have promised to
mit Lend.
'he ladies of St. Bridget's guild gave
a musical entertulnemnt timid supper mit
Kllghts of lthlas hal last Iyenlng , lt A
large number tiomu Omaha and Coummcii
Bufs wel'prescnt. . The proceeds Coulcl
rntrtallmrnt wm go. . toward , fuiiilslmimm
the IHlstor'M residence. , fUl'nlshll1
Taxpayers livIng near Twenty.slxth and
N street Ileclare that 'time ) - have not been '
gIven 0 farr show In the ' new grading district
'fhe ) desire to have a ' separate grading 11S.
trlct estahlshd which isIli umhrace Twemmty- )
Ifh and ' 'Ielty-slxtl streclH from
F ' to A streots. A
. petItion respecting this
mater wil short ) be IlrCSIlteJ to the
COil mmcli .
eounrl. .
Both factions of time loard of I ducalon
seem to hI i ( gettIng together on thl cc'onoml-
cal question anti It Is Ilredhtcd : that at the
nOt meetlg of the board time dale of closIng
the srllQols wIll ho 'lechle,1 upon 'fhe Ohleol
factIon use favorell a thtee weellsl vacation
11 March ; : II Check wants the schools
closed on Juno 7 nod It now lookl 11 I Mr ,
Check would have his . WII ) about It :
1' n mm ci ipti t Ii . 1 lllnr'M I I Ee' ,
I.iXING'FON , Jun. 29.-'hls ntll'lQon n
Iensatunlllght occurred 01 Mnh\ \ street be-
t Wln x.lnyor J. 1I ) :111101 : 111
Charlcs e. : louJe , tie editor of limo mue
Grass hihmitle. ' 1ho light was brought about
hy a severe crlkl , 1 two wcelil ago by thn
Hlol\ , or iavltisoms's : career lS city l'UUoCtoJ
When OIYIIIOI mint Moore ho Iall : " 'omm'vo
IlanlellI , mae ; nosy tight " HI Ihlm ' ' ! It
Moore a heavy idow un time' heft ee , Ile1
11 < 1.10,1 , : IJr' jabbed DuvlIKon , In the
fare and timey clldeI , , juvhl on broke I
IWI ) 111 drew lust pistol , when 11\'eJI
"Iro m ! rushc,1 In amid . 6CI'allell them.
Hayden Ire ! - ' , ld - , II on page - b.
II.Ilhollll. In 'l'r.L\ " Ill urtiuri.r.
SALT It\ < CITY , Jan 2-SberJ Ward
hu : tcle.raphcll to Deer Lodge , Mont ' , fur
bloodholnds to track time mur4erer pf liar- .
vcy looth , who was found ' 11:11 In his barn
Sutllay imlght CItzens offer a reward of
$5.001 for limo uppr\hcnslon of the murderers
l"leen ! $ u'rc.h are now In Jai
_ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ' _ A
South Dakota Will Repeal the Law Requiring .
quiring n Cash Deposit
11orcnntlo Heport . Under the System Were
h1 Mo ItrRI"ccurnto In time State
ittmil . Connorl to Ono
11IEILILE . S. D. . Jan. 2b.-Special ( Telo-
gram.-Tho ) senate committee on banks
today decIded by unanimous vote to poss the
bill olowll ! lummi's , hhratlstroet'a and other
commercial agencIes to do business In this
state 1.011 years ago the legislature passed
a law forbhllng these agencies , except
throlgh 0 resident agent who should deposit .
posit wlh the state treasurer $ : , OO In imp-
proved bonds as 0 guarantee against damage
agaInst any South Dakota citIzen who should
be , wrongly reported. Brodstreet's withdrew
from time state at once ' , and whlo Dun's
have contnued their report the ) ' have net
been able to make It as accurate as I should
be Time unanimous report of time commIttee
wl insure time passage of the bIll through
the senate . amid It wi hecome law.
The leglslaturo assembled today after its
three days' rest and began work with great
enorgy. As the commIttees bad hnd very
little tmo for dIscussion very few reports
Wore made and time work on hond cleaned
up. There Is every Indicaton that the work
from this time out will bo brisk. Already
the house has passed twonty-\'e measures
and the senate seyenteen , while eight have
passed both houses alHI become laws. Time
senate has killed seven bills alI time house
, JOltIl OF A JSAS S1N.TOii. :
SU'IMt. Tom Steed ni leLh'cr for ' time
1"'IIrlAI tovrrulu"r ,
TOPEKA , Jan. 29.-Tho commIttee of time
whole house this mornlhg reported the Cubbl-
soil nntnn01 "lllo" bill favorably ne nmolml
_ _ n . . . . , . _ _ . _ _ m n. . _ .n _ ' , n _ . . . . . _ _
by the Judiciary committee , maldng excep'
tons In favor of pools sold on race tracks on ,
races being actually ruu thero.
Only one bill was Introduced In the semmato
this imsornlimg. It was one by Senator Shearer
giving cites ot the first class authority to
Impose und colect au occupation tax
Senator Morgan , In view or President Clove-
land's message , Introducell a sarcastic concurrent -
rent resoluton demanding that the federal
goverment bl put lu the hands of a receiver '
with Tom Heell of Maine os such receiver. :
Senator Dcnnlson presented n resolutIon to
expel Limo reporters for the Kansas City 'tir
from the senate chamber for an erroneous
report of Saturday's proceedings on the anti-
gambling bill and an editorial based on the
article Intmatng that boodle was used hI ; the
senate. The reporters explained the mater
and the order of expulsion was ordered withheld -
held provided the Star apologizes.
The senate then went Into executive session
and confrmed the appolntlent of police con\-
mIssioners for Kansas City , Kan. . and Atchi-
son. Consideration of the Lea\enworth board
was Postlonell as a mater ot courtesy to Sen-
ator Ualcer , who was absent.
ltlEAGI II ( ) . ,
Spemmicor 1'1.1 . amid Chauncey Dc pow FIx UII
. I'Jan for tIme Letleimutuiro.
AI.ANY. Jan. 29.-A conferen between
Chauncey M Depew of the Now York Cen-
tral raIlroad , and Speaker of the Assembly
Hamilton Fish resulted In the settlIng of
the pass question for legislators , at least
so far as the ltonner of providing' ' transportation -
ton Is conoerned" Mr Depew was firm In
the opinion that there was 10 way"Jn whcb
the onslt.uto.J , pbjecti n.cpulU , bi oyer-
chine so as to allow the iegislators..toettber
rvel .on , passe , pr to ! cce\t.a , . certIficate
equal to a pass from the secretar oC state.
Togelher with Speaker ! Fish he 'decrded : that
the only way to prevent legislators .ram
having to spend the larger part of their salary
for rairoad faro was to have a bIll paseqd
allowing the members mlieage. le said that
the railroads were willIng to aid In the matt -
t r by honoring the mleago certificates of
members when sIgned by time comptroller . so
the state will lose nothing \y the operation.
A bill embodying the views of Dr. DepeW
id Mr Fish will bo prepared for Introduc-
tion. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.4 Of'I'OS } : TilE FUNDING lULL. '
' - .
CaliornIa Legislature I'rnetc\y Unnl-
" mOUN 01 the Slbj ot ,
' SACRAMENTO , CaI. , Jan. 29.Two reso-
litlomss l were before the senate today , each
ndemnlng the Hely funding bill. The .
cQncurrent resolution passed by the house !
was replaced by another , also protestlu
against the Reiy funding bill , but favor-
trig the government ownership ot the rail-
roads. The later was adopted by a vote
ot 21 to 10 , the minority explaining that
their negative votC were recorded only be .
cause they favored the resolution previously
adapted by the assembly Then a resolution
was Introduced and adopted by unanimous
vote declaring against the Reiy funding
bill. or any other funding bl , also favorIng
the foreclore ot the government mortgages
against Lisa Pacific railroads and demand-
lag further that proceedings be InstItuted
to recover aU the funds and legal assets
or the roads wherever found , whether ilL
varIed ; Into ; "the" funds 'ot Individuals i or cor-
porations. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IE''ftXCII1N' Ir V1OMIG. ,
Governor IUclmrdl lecolmends to lisa
' .UIIMhUt'o Home SWI"plnl Chan\Ds.
ClEYENNI , Jan. 29.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Governor Richards today sent a special
message to time legislature urging 0 reduction
of the salaries of aU appointed slate otficers.
I Is recommelld that the salary or the
state mine Inspector bo reduced from $2,600
to $2,000 per annum state examiner from
$2,000 to ,800 , fish commissioner from
$1,600 to $1,200 veterinarian from $ ,800 to
$1,600 , and tim officers and employes of nil
state InstitutIons accordingly. The recom-
mellatons of the governor are heartily ap-
prove,1 amid It Is very probable that the
reduclons that will bo made by tile legis-
latut will bo made more sweelllng than In-
There Is talk ot cutlng oft the $2,500
contngent fund of aU state officers , immclud-
Ins the governor imimscif
t' W.\S II HI\ ON ' 'UI 1'lti'r nUL01' _
{ Jovernor } 'llhflck Second In the liaco html
ml /UII ' % 'ny Ituimhimit.
t.ITTI.I ROCK , Jan. 29.-In separate aes-
alone of the houses of ha legIslature today
Limo baUolnl for Unlcl States senator rc-
Iulell ;
Senate-itimee 11. lerry , lemoerat , 26 : W.
1. Pishback , lemocrat , 3 ; F. H Hemmel ,
rellu1lcan. I ,
10use'James I Berry , 73V : . M , Fish-
back , H : W , n. Parks , populist , 9.
'ho election ot Berry wi bO declared In
Joint session at noon tOmorrow
Tlrnrr.lhlra , \ I him " 'luhllGtun.
OI.Y"PIA'ash. . , Jan 2-At time Joint
session of thl legislature to elect I United
States senatel' ( two ballots were taken to-
hi ) ' , A letter WitH rend from Judge ' 1urner
wlhllrawlnH from the eomstemmt. 'j'he vole on
Ihu IHH'OIII h\lot : stooll : Ankpn . 30 : ' \'ilson ,
28 1annlng : Audi , 21 18 ; lcUlan , { i SharlHtcln , Ii ;
ly I vote of & to 2t the house today de-
chltd 10 aholh'h the nilicim of utl'nant
'O\LJllr , time llnn' of which Is JI.u } per
'eal' . 'l'hlwtulo : wi uimdoubtetliy kIll the
hill , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No ! cnutur1 II I ii a Ito ,
nOISE , Idaho , Jan. 29..rhe Joint conven-
ton of time legislature today took two bat-
lots for Unttell State senator , wIthOut
showing ally cimlmmmgL- 'l'tmresult '
chanH' ' 'h. . .sui WU9 :
Simoup , Oi ; Sweet , 1 : : Clagel 16.
N" ( 'IIIIU II thu IrtJfn ( ' ' "I'MI ,
SAI.EM , Ore. . Jun. 28.-There was mme
chant < In the senatorlul situatIon lode ) ' ,
Dohimim 42 : unto , 10 : W'eatimemfortl , S ; 11cr-
imsan 7 : 'iiilsmmm' , 10 ; I.rd. 5j ; I.owel , li ;
Moore , 2 : JarluIr' , , . I ,
l"acr < iL't for I'erommuiI JnJurh. .
1.ITTI.I HOCK , Ark'i Jan 29.-Mrs. Sara
Su'tcer ' , whose case against the Iron Moums-
. JU. -
thin road lies been on trial In the United
State court the "RSt weJc. oblnlle,1 n verdict -
dIet this mornln fir $2O.000. Mrs. Spencer
Is 0 resident of I'Rt Ptnnclaco and sued the
Iron Moutnln I&too . ® for Ilmnles sus.-
tamed In n ttJfoo.O ( on May 21.
1si , '
18 I .
. ITWN.Ir Jlliii OI"TlIDI .
Hnlhnnl , ; ' - ' tlo Subjects
tlnTU CUl IIM'Hlulnl. (
WASHINGTON , Jnn 29.-Tho twenty-fifth
nnnual melt g eSC the Na'ton'al hoard or
Trade Is In 'se * bh'RL th Sloreham hotel In
this city and m"omstInue for s \eral lays.
The leading btiUtss men ot the country
are represented anttholr deliberations aOl
conclusions , may JIVO much effect In shaping
futUre comsgress1sii'aT1egislatlen ' ! , Hecommel-
dotons drawn up US , time boards of trade and
other mercantie organizations hull over the
country will be brought ' up fOr dlscUssln.
The most hllJortant topic wIl bo tIO cur-
rency qtmestion. The discussion \\1 bo led hy
tIme Ualt1uOo delegates , who will request the
national hoard to endorse what Is known , as
the "lialtlmnoro , " .
"Bnlhnoro plan Other reconmnuenda-
tons faVor uniform legislatIon 11 the different
stiltes a uniorm hanlruIlcy ) IIhlllstrlal
arbitraton , insptctIbn of Inlnl rants , his-
IlrO\'oment In' the reports of time' AgrIcultural
dellartmont , preVenton , of forest flrds , 0 na-
lonal clearln hOIS' , a , ship canal from Lake
TIne to the ocaan , improvement of tIns miavl-
gable rivers In the Ohio and MississippI val-
lays , time NIcaragua catmai foreign reciprocity ,
fortncatons for 'Lhmmg Island Eonll , forfolure
of railroad laud grants , prevention of the ap-
polntmenl of the former officers of a railroad
os Its receIvers . national supervision of railways -
ways and telegraphs reduction of postage on
drop letters . n uniform trade mark law , the
do\elopment or our merchant marimme changes
In the cllssinbaton ot mal , the repeal or time
Income tax , 1 naval reserve and the remone-
t7ton or silver.
Time Natonl1 Board of Trade was organized
In Juno 1868. gaeh local body imas'lng fifty
members Is entitled to one delegate to the na-
lonal board each having 100 members Is
entitled to two delegates and assoclntons wIth
300 ) members have three representatives and
one for each 200 additonal membershll over
300. TIme omcers arc : President , Frederick
raley , Phiadelphia ; executive committee ,
John A. Gane CIncnnat : Ambrose Snow ,
New York : lanchanl ltnimdall . Dotlmore :
Jonathln A. Lane , Boston : ii. P. Dousman ,
hlcRgO : Charles Parsons , St. Louis ; A. C.
Raymond , \J \ trol : Robert H. hatter , fluffislo
a 111 A. K. MIller . Ne\v . Orlcln" Icler , llr Bufalo _
treasurer laml n. all I ts'I : m , - flostoim. ' :
, At time close of time session the following
: t1 ; olnton was unanimously adopted : !
I Hespl\el. That time natonal board . pow
n ! el\lod. strongly approves the carnet
nlesmle concerlnJ the financial condition
of t country JIBt sent to congres9 by'
tim president or the Umsited '
Ploshlent Unied Statea Ind'
stranly hopes that congress will set aside
all feeling rxcept from Imramount dulLy to
the country mOid enact what lemlsitmtion Is
nees"'t' 10 stremsgtlwn time lslfton -
ury , maintaIn the . public faiths nod credit
Inll tend to rele\.c the industries , trllo
amid business of the people from the lhnan-
1111 disturbances 'Crom which they have '
' .
cent sUlelc.
At the , afernoon session 1 comlttbe of
nhfo mem ers ) yas ppolnted to epmlslder Inan-
clal questions. The annual report ot the
executive counci was adopted. I urged
fiat time .
: amendment to the Interstate com-
nlerco law reCommended by the 'Doarll ot
'ralle be made the subject of speqial attention -
tion , and recommnndesI the
ton rcol11JQnded keeping or 0
prominent reprOJutlt\c' In 'Vnsblngon to
look after mater , O ( I legislation of special
Interest to the bffl. . IredQrlck Eraley was
elected president , " It. A. 'hula , of Boston sec-
rotary end treasmfm1b' ; "
, rt . , , . , . , , . , . . I
Th" rpllbr nhO'r. " "on ' I"n . .
_ no . - 0"v" . " . . . " " " . .n . "I"
The report of t e : crmnnltel ; on tm' consular
service , urging thma'aextenslon of the civil
rvlce rules to itt , J\IS adopted as was a
resolution In favlJ oL uniform state legisla-
tion. A resolution , ' urging th enactment ot
the Torrey bankr toy bill was adopted wih
only one dissentIng wto.
. , ' " .l I. _ - " " '
' . "r9. r
Senlatonollohl.i hernia theCounty Vlcrk's
Ofi1 . ' ihmmsau ' 1mncl co.
. AN , Fridistt ! rJ& f 2-Tiso ! wl ot
the 1 , , ' sI Mr wrs.stol n , tram , tha I
county tqr ' . OiilOOsometime yesterday
afernoon. ' . .tfa"'ls''rbi'.tll & . ' slightest
' '
clew td5th&icrpctrato'rt of ' 'lio crime. The
diedovoi was l ado but II'iiIf , an hour before
the usual UrI tor' clohig- the 0111cc. Some
one had come' ltand akedi5iptsIpn ! to see
the doefimeilt. ' , ' A \ felt fur proDat , Is a
pubtc' document and , lute all papers In civIl
actions and probate procooOings , 1s , supposed
to' be open I 10 ! the Inspe ton oC any biie '
510 who It Is 1 , Iltertest . d' In the c'.i . ? , and d slre to
The-clerk' who was asked' to ii'rdduc& ta
will wmi t-tb the pigeon ' 110101 wh're It had
been last. jiaaqm1 . le" took' the bulky en-
velope on which was Inscribed "Last Will
and Testament' of James G. Fair , " and took
It to the ' ' deslc , where the vIsitor \ was waIting.
When be opened the envelope lie was stag-
gored at the 'contents Th'o precious docu-
mont was not timore. . In its place was I lot
of worthless paper which had been carefully
folded and Inserted In the envelope 'In on
atempt to delay time dlsCQcry as long as
possible. I , '
The information ' was Imparted to the chief
deputy , He' 'carefully scrutinized time en-
velope to make sure that the wIll was really
missing : A search was made In the plgoon
hole where time document belonged. There
was flO sIgn ot I anywhera A thorough
search of time entire olco was made. The
search was fruitless. The will was gone.
The Investigation was given up long after
the county clerll's office Is supposed to be
shrouded In so\U e ,
When the chief deputy and the other clerIcs
WllO mM hal _ been _ " .pprised _ of _ 1.1 the _ . thef lef the 'u
oUce tnere was IUt I snauow or ouUt I
their minds but that the wIll had been
stolen. Still there were hopes that It would
turn' up all right.
The dIsappearance' ' ot FaIr's will Is a far
more serious mater than would bo the disappearance -
appearance of n will In any other caso. The
great length and peculiar verbiage ot the
document render It almost Impossible to
time exact language , whlcb Is
prove eact langage Important -
tacit even should there be no contest. Copies
are In possession of the attorneys , but I
there Is to bo a contest , the .ccurney ot time
at. . bo . .
copies would at once . . questoned.
AJIE/TJJ .15 , llllS/LEl
Unltod Press 8tordloldor Taken In Custody
aim ii 8 < 'lunsuu ! '
CHICAGO , Jan 29.-France Sehoonmnker
of Ilalnnehl , N. J. , 0 prominent politician ot
that state , was arrested at the Chlcg Beach
hotel here today , charged wills obtaining
$2,600 from , Christopher. Strob 1 or Waterbury -
bury Conn. , , by ralso pretenses , lie Is said
to hnvo ben hiding In Chicago for several
wceks. .0.
Schoonmaller clin1 to he a large stockholder .
holder IiI time UnlcjI ( ' , iess.
H IR UnlC' 1choonmaker rMdot.a
time ' money by ' representing - that ho 'ha l-i Imeavy
claims against tht'ustate , of Job May , a dead
Plainfeld nshhIleniift.tViiems the executor
produced receIpts rt " : all such Cll1111 time
prosecution says olcers were Immediately
sent after the mut/lawl / hla arrest today re-
suited. The prlsonerlelalms to have beau
stumping the wostVfii1\tltes in the Intel'sts
01 time republcan1IJlt. Aurin the laRt campaign -
paign , lie , sas , In aldl.t n to being
a large stockIQrJtrl ! ! \ , tn time United pre 1 he )
has charge of tbat'an ! < elaton's cable news.
After his armes'I3W'9'sImnsmlkCr. Ir an Inter-
view slhl : > "Opt .ijmmmafy 1S92 , I made a'
contract wilts C , " l. , hipidwin , formerly
tras1'er oC time yrhttntl I'e'ges , 'of which I'
WiSH ( the first geqeth.itnaimagor , h ) ' which he
hOUQh I .OI stu,4t tn " neWB eoneel'n I
IUl1 chartered , 1mUI IhQ Ccnlrnl News
conlpctuty. lIe 1IIIhl'Ihy check for $2.fO
atll \ tlretmonUll,4/ote : / f r $2.f and qisil-
gallons lor the othtr $ l .O lie watt bank-
latOls . lt the tme , hit I diti not Ilow it. lie
Iult .
m.ims cashier of' tll 1Ierehantl and Munu.
Cu"tuJers WIS bank ot 'atrbmmry , Conn. , anti , on
his becoming badly Involyrd mini ! learnlug
his cimeclc , vas wotbiess , , ' 1 gave him IY
note to iilace t his cemhlt Il tins WaterlJry
hunl , I llla hopln _ tl . lelp him out Time
next thing I Imhe hail given may not' to
Strohel he scctmi'itY for money I refuceti , I' to
1)0) ' it , 11 111' theY secured judgment alulnst
mo Inll Itelll\cII \ to UI Ihe ) crlmlnnl law
10 collect ty Iltelng mists pretenses I
colcct reprsemmtatIoiI whutever. Whet
relrCsentatlOna Hal \XI'mall' ! I don't know ,
t'Ir appears that he 10lle some rtI'rt""ntu- '
tions al to my 'm Il I I , but I cerlulnl' am
tons "
not responsible for . that . . -
Flnln l'ulurRI fur lSlmsrstmmmt CUlrolert ,
PAIS , Jan. 29.-The cabinet has decided
to accord to the"em lns of the late Marshal
Canroberl the hoJor ot a state funeral The
holy wil ( be etombeL al tIme Hotel Des In-
yalidemi. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
Hayden Dros' , ld , Is on page G
The Rousingcst , Biggest Effort in the History .
try of Omnha'o Business Oareer.
Tlmt'l time 1loto AdoptOt by time Conti-
nntnl tn Sell O\crcoAt nnel VIAton
Net SI\ttld.y-Not Till
: " \Vimat ' the use trying to sell nnythlng
I now ot a price ? "
, "No use . whatever , " saId Limo ContInental
I manager "especially overcoats. Can't cell
an overcoat or an dieter now for whnt It's
' worth . nor half that liar near it. "
ii'v ii' I Just n lIttle con\ersaton like thnt-n
: spark os 'It ' werehns started one of the
i greatest sales that will 'have for its opening
, day next Saturday . February 2 , that has
I ever hal > llenell since time 111ans usel to
stab , pioneers In thle neck o' time woods.
I ' ho Continental ht In blood elrnest amid all
time Balcsmen In the establshment have been
sOt to work to prepare for Il-placlng the
overcoats In lots , marking them and other-
wise fomilarlzing themselves with the new
way or selling goods.
I , ,1 be 0 sale for cash , Not a Foul i
wIll be rusted ( , no mater how genii. Fvery- '
body pays casts amid everybody wIll be glad too
when they see thc onnouncement to be made
In a few days that will startle timeciothuisg !
trade ot' this city lIke an eru\1on t \e. I
In Vemmezumela. .
suvils or an earthquake Vene1uela.
Not till 'Suttmrday-rcnmensbtmr timat-not t ill
Saturday-and more than that thero's an an-
noitcmcnt on the eighth page or this Isaac
from _ the Continental In which about time
same facts are slated , so you necdn't read It
unless you want to Inorm . yourselr tllther ,
111' 1)ISTICIU1' . Tfl.IVK IS IJt'lSO )1IT.
Vestoritimy's Goll . . . . . ! . . Good . Illt . _ , t'our . lrlvorltc
n. . I. " . . . . I . . . . .
. . . . . . " . . . . .v.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jon. 29.-Tho fine
weather Is dryimmg the track very fmu4t und
by Saturday the regular course wIll ho In
conditon for rcln . FavorItes won nil but
the fIrst racq. Felix Carr , on Gonlus , nipped -
ped Volt Iii the third 1) clever ridicmg.
' '
Stmimimmnry :
I Jrt race five flrlonls selling : America ,
nG Flynn (8 ( to 1) ) , won ; Pi-imice. 102 , ' Cnrl'
(13 ( to 10) ) , fecond : Plnear 105 , Kinne (30 ( to
1) ) . third. 'rime : 1OSim. : . Yungmlenel Memido-
duo , Valparalso , Lochlnvnr , Not let , lul-
fax and Slsy Jupo also ran.
Second race , live flrlon s. smelling : Booze .
101 , LoYl1 (5 ( to 2) ) . won : Lednila . 106. Bergen
(8' ( to 1) ) . second : King Sam 100 , Churn (15 10
1) ) . third , ' 1hne : 1:0S4. Misty 1 or Maim I
, fly , St. Jacob , Clara White amid Gasslr
i alr ran.
Third race , seven furlongs , soilIng : Gor-
cflus 104 Carr (1 to 5) , ) , won : Volt . 101 , \Vil- '
son (6 10 1) ) , seOHI ; cllert , Sd. Cocllran
(8 ( to 1) ) . thIrd. Time : 1:39. : BernardIno
and DIne Banner also ran .
Fourth race us-a anti 1 hnlC furiongH
Fourll : Joe Cotton . 1 : Bergen (2 ( to 1) ) ,
wpo- ; MorveTm , 121 , Grlln (3 ( to 1) , second ;
nCc Put , 121 , Chor (5 ( to 1) ) . third. Time :
1:174. : GaUle loupe , So , Expcrlment gelding -
ing . Jake Johnsn timid Rere Ilso In ,
Fifths race , six furloos : Percy , lOd , Chorn
(2 { t 5) ) , won ; , Bmw Scott , , 103 , Carr (2 ½ } ut.
1) ) . seCOu : HICO , 11. Lrlln . ' to II , uilmru
Those : 1:2 : . St. Albans also maim .
In , Tohhed 1 l n1lu. Hncn.
GRAND RAPIDS , MIch. , Jon. 2i.-Frammlc
r. . Noble , formerly owner of time fa mOis
trotting stallion Alcyron , died It hla home
In this city today , aged 45 'ears. He had
beer suffering from kidney trouble , and
had suffering to his bed for ten days ,
hit his death was not expected. He was
formerly In the plaster bllncss here and
became quIte wealthy , but lost his money
In his trotting horse ventures. In August ,
1890. when time stallions Alcyrn Land Nelson -
son were matched at Beacon Park . Boston ,
, Noble Is said tohave solIUle rcealowed
Nelson to win-for $ ,0 for which the
owners . drivers and horses were expelled
by tle National Trotting association. Nelson -
son nntl his here were reinstated two
years ago , and Alcyron and hIs driver ,
George Jtubemms of this city , were tern-
porarily reinstated last fail , but No les'
application for relnsttement was denied.
He brought suit against Ihe association
fet $2.0 damages but failed to appear
wlen the case wmts ready for trial AI-
eyron Is now owned by " stock comvay
here und Is In churge of Robons. who\x-
poets , to put him In training In the srlQ !
' flcslmltt . at Nnw Orlem.ui , .
NEW ORLEANS . Jan. 29.-Tracic heavy
' '
Resuls :
First race , six furlongs : G. D. Cox (0 ( t
n : ) won , Geewhlz ( I to 1 second , Eberon
(3 ( to , 1) ) thIrd. 'rime : 1 :20Y. : , .
Second race . stx furlongs : Mlnne Gee
(8 ( to 5) ) . won , Miss Islamic (8 ( to I ) second ,
Miss Lilly (5 to 2) ) thIrd. Time : 1:19 : * . , .t- - ' ,
Third race five furlongs : r ote Altar
(5 ( to 2) ) won , Pete Kelly (2 ( to 1) ) second ,
Insomnia (1 tl 2) ) third. Time : 1:01. :
Fourth race , one mile : , Brakeman ( ( to 2) ) I
won , Lucustl (5 to 1) ) second , Perlne ,
, (2 ( to 1 ) thlrl TIme : lW : % . . :
Fifths race . sIx furlongs : Mars Dralshaw' '
: (2 ( 10 1) ) WOI , Springtime (5 ( to 1) ) secoM ,
, King Craft (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:21. :
Connor Couldn't Get lo\1n ,
SPRINGFIELD , Ill. . Jan. . 29.-The Con-
nors-Broker fight , schedule for tonight ,
wa ; declared Off because Connols was un-
able to reduce his ! weight . to 10 pounls ,
1duC\tolnl Soclnty for ' omeii .
The women of North Omaha have organized -
Ized al educational society for time women
of that llart of the city. This society has
a full set of ofihccrs and promises to be a
I Cul R. I hat ofcers " rt ' number of times. ' anti
hitS arranged a few branches of iifea'
be taken up In classes , vlz. . bible class his-
tory oC women , Jmousekeeplng . political
economy , elocution , music , painting and
pl class meets together wlh its teacher
once a week for recitatiOn , and once a
month 1 time ' classes will all meet together for
a general recitation , and give In entertainment -
Ienerl reclnton
mont , something beimfg furnished by euch
class. Those desiring membership In this
society may call on the prcsldent. Mrs.
F. R Dlvls , 4624 Nortl 'pimirty-seventim
street Those coming Into this sQclety whim-
In the iirst two months will bo charter
memers There Is no expense except one's
books and tiumse. p
Mary Miles , aged 26 , died at her home at
709 Ieavenworth street yesterday after a
brief Illness.
The will of Major S. W. Paddock imas been
admitted to probate aimd hemm S. Paddock has
been. . mmaumsed aim executor.
The members of Ruthm lodge No. 1 vlll give
a Robeisaim sociable at time Odd Follows lmaul ,
Fourteenth and Dodge streets , Thursday even-
Cimief Redeil of time fire department was re-P
ported as helumg much better yesterday
alttmouii Ito is still suffering considerable
paIn from hits injuries.
Time wIll of James Thompson , who dIed
In Davenport , hits been flied for probate ,
Fraimic Timonspaoim and J. R. Lane lselumg
umaumsed as admmmhumlstratoms.
A meetimsg will be bold timlim evening at
hlospe's music store at S o'clock to discuss
ways and moans for mnakiimg thto musIcal
festIval next April a success , intmslcally amid
otherwise , Time ummusic teachers at the city
ere asked to give support to thIs umidortak.
lag and are iusvitod to time meeting to make
Street CommissIoner Ifaspar is putting 1mm
hIs tinmo wlmile there is but little street work
oing on In gettimmg rid of time unsightly
wooden aprons that imow serve as approacimes
to time sldtmsvtmiks at Btreet Intorsectiomme and
private driveways. lie hits sent out over 200
notices to property owmiers to replace whco000ms
aprons at. tlmelr drIveways with perimmamment
fixtures of stomme or Iroim , and early In tue
sprhmig ito will go to vork at Intersections.
Mr. and Airs. Cousumma , who live at il
Soutim Thmlrteemitiu street , are In time theepe4t
grief caused by ( be death of timeir two little
girls from pneumonia , Their little
baby is seriously sick and is
not expected to live. Time clttldremi ,
Frankie , aged 3 , and Minis , aged 5 , took
severe colds recontjy , amid Mondmmy mmsornlumg
Minim , died after a brief struggle with time
disease , Late last night Frankie grow worse
anti died shout mcmidnlghmt. Time doubly
stricken pareimts Itavo no ( tome for sorrow ,
because death tlmreatens timeir remnalmming little
one. Kimul friouda are handing them alt the
assistants possible ,
htlrds Wuru 'lou Soerce ,
I'iumber heath and .Ioiui. Ilardin will not
elmoot their nsatciu at Bemnis park thIs afternoon -
noon , because enoui birds could not be
secured for thmc' rnmutehm , Framik Ptsrrnelee
nunoilimeed last night flint ime expected to cc-
euro emiommglm lmlgrons for time eomstqt Itimer
tomorrow or cmi Frlthny , 'rho commtcst im exciting -
citing coneltieremblO Immterect. mumul
\vagers have emhiendy tstiltei ,
ilffort to Cimuhmmu It imy WIlt Is tot lIe
An Intcrestitmg contest over a wIll was
cOmnmnomiceth b fore Juitigo Baxter yesterday
aftermioomm , thmo argumismenta its whlcim vIhl vrob-
ably iso hsearul title mmsomning , Time estate Iii
questIon commslsts of a lIttle over $3,000 in
money , wisichi was left by Maria Mader ,
Time contestants are two mmeishmews of thmo
deceased , wimo arc llviumg In Germimany , amid
host SchmIdt , a friend ,
Maria Mader was a iromninent ( herman
womnaim of time city , hto souse eight years
ago started a restanralmt anti boardIng hmoumse
oil South Tentim street. Iii time course of tlmmmo
site mammngett to ammmmiss a lIttle fortune ,
aimsoumntlng to time beqmiest at time thmmie of
her death , She dieti a year ago numi al-
timommglm searclm was immatle mm will coumld ho
found. Time immatter vn5 called to tit miLIeu-
tioim of time commrt , wimichi mipisoimstetl aim ml-
minletrator. No heirs ommlmi ho .llscovercml .
aimd the administrator did not waste imm'ithu of
itis time looltlmmg for timeims , beiimg conttimt
wltim immaimagimmg time estate.
Last fail It 'viii pmlriiortimg , to have been
I left by Maria Atadet' flIed by hose
Schinhult , wimo claummieti to have bCen aim inti-
Immate frIend of tIme deceased at t imo titmie it
% % as lminie , Time will itt oume of time briefest
flint Imas ever been filed in time htrolnite
olihco mitmd is us follows : "it Is Itmy u hI , if
I ( lie , timat amy property bolommgs to itosa
Schmimmltlt. ' ' It was signed by Maria Mather
and two vItmmesses , Ttmero was imo dtute , bmmt
time evitlemmce shmoveti timat It hind lmt'mm m"mudo
him 1SSO , at whmlchu timmie it Is hlegd time mle-
ccascth had little or ima ProPerty. i3inco time
smill lmas bceim flied time miinsimslstrator has
ticeim at vork tryiimg to fimmti souse heIrs ,
autd succeedeil Iii imnenrthmimmg two , msehmhmews
of. time uoumman In ( herummany ,
Time point is mmsatho timat. time ulhl is hot
legal. Oiso of time witmmesao to time signa-
tore was ems time stammd yestertiay , Litmt failed
to show that slme Immi lcmmowle'igo of Vhmat
time lisstrumnseist ras at time tiumme milme sigmmed it.
A depositinim vzms hmmtrodtmced troums time other
\vltmiess who is now hlviimg iii Orcgoms , amid al-
timotigim she seemmsed to lmave understood whmnt
time imattiro of time isaiser was , It is ciaimmmed thtat
time lgnorammco of time otimer vittmess 'viii immidse
thmt will imsvahitl.
Time will muortears to Imavo been 1mm time
imossessien of Rosa Scimimsitit simmec time tinic
it was nmmsde , wimems time two woumseum were
iimtiimsate frlemmdtt , Later ems titey fell osmt , but
Rosa still c'lummg to time docummmsemmt.
Short. iilImuMumro dtlhegcd.
Dairynsams J. P. Jorgenimemi fimseth $3
anti cot5 yesterday for tmslisg memmsmutes that
hind not heen imsmtpectetl amid settled by CIty
limepector White.
Thomas Fr' vas arrested yesterdmiy for
selihmsg oysters to J , I1ostk , whmlcim , it is
claimed , were simort measure.
1'IflhSONd I. 1'.tIf.i ( Jib. I I'IIS.
J.V , Driskhll of Spearfislm , S. D. , is in tbe
George 1tV , Scevers of Oskahoosa , Ia. , is at
time l'axtomi.
\v. II. Killsatrlck amid wife of Newcastle -
castle are at time Paxtomm. Mr. iCilpatrlcic
Is a hromssimlent coal mmslmmo operator lit \Vyo-
Lotmls Burke of Portland is at time l'axton.
w. E. Gutimrie of Chioyeimmmo is in time city.
Iltmghmes FItzgerald of Novtoms , Ia. , is at
the Murray.
- -
---i , ; E. Plumb of Craig is at the Morcer.
Julia Aimderson of Missouri Valley is in
the city.
J. B. Chandler , the well knowms horseman
of Fullerton , is at time Mercliammts.
J. a 11111 of Wayne is in the city.
Janmes Sbanimoms of hlasltlns is at tbo Mar-
cbammts ,
Mr. S. C. Woodruff , editor at time News ,
published at Stromsburg , Neb. , accompanied
by his wife , visited The Bee yesterday.
Roil. George Armstrong , whq has been
quite 111 at hils home. 02 North T.wemsty-
fourth 5trect is recbverhmmg.
Mr. Jlmn' Schomup , the attorney , who has
been dammgeroumsiy jul for several , Weeks , has
recovered sufficiently to return to his old
home iii New Jersey for a reaL
J _ D. Fey is regIstered at time Barker fl-ens
F. E. McGinnis Is registered at the Barker
from Hastings.
John Smitim Is registered at time Barker
from Billings , Moist.
C : H. Word , IL U. Spencer , J. W. Appleton -
ton and C. H. Clark are registered at 'the
Barker from Kansas City.
At. time Mercer : Albert Aiford , Chilcago ;
Al. lhylngton , Tamsiora ; Johsms Andercoim , Missouri -
souri Valley ; C. t , 'Berryman , Central City ;
14. E. Plumb. Cbicago ; Dr. 13.V. . Ganoumsg ,
Lincoln ; William Fetzer , Ottummnwa ; M , F.
Pugh , Miller , Neb. ; L. F. Ilnderiy , Harrisburg -
burg ; 0. II. Swhmmghe9- , Beatrice ; George
Balms , Chicago ; F. L. Clark , Chicago ; S. IL
Mumaughi , Portland ; J. A. McLaughlin , Craig.
.Neiramikans itt time linIng.
At time Paxton-Mics hlunkie , Oakland ; P.
lj. Hole , Arapahmoe ; 11. S. Ibis' . _ Hastitmgs.
At thme Mercer-li , W. Ganoung , William
Fetzer. Lincoln ; Al. F. Pmigh , Miller ; L. F.
Enderly , llarmisburg ; 0. 11. Swlngley , Beat-
At tIme Arcade-J , II. AulderhstfieIlesimler ;
D. A. Willard , G. A. Jackson , Genoa ; Ohhie
and James Stander , Louisville ; W. E. antI
I. B. Draper , Ited Oak ; 13. Monichi , hbooper ;
A. VT. Cuates , Clmadron ; A , F. Lane , 110w-
ella ; J. It , Cain , Falls City ; J. Al. Cutler ,
At thme Millard-N. A1 flamwer , Norfolk ;
C. B. Magoun , Lhmcoium ; G. W. Fine Cozad'
. . , . _ , , , . ' , .
w.1 - ' t T II Ti'---- .1
A t thmoDellone-JA.Peit , P. M. Ryan ,
C. C. Allison , Lincolis : ' 1' . W. Rogen , 11am-
boltit ; C. S. Travis , Grand Imtimtimd : Max
Uhhtg , Ilohirege ; 13. Hermmmmm , Norfolk ,
At time Merchants-James and 'Timomas I'Ii-
lien , Nortim jiend : J. F' . Dodd , P. It. Asisicy ,
Decatur ; J , B. Cimmindier , Fuilt'rtomm ; N. J ,
Ronin , Fremoist ; A. ii. Norris , C. 11. heath ,
Shelton : \V. H. KIng , Waimoo ; Eti Chapman ,
anti wife , Utica ; C. L. Hoover , Jamnes Wlh
soil , James Hnssett. Paphlilon ; A. 1 , Antler.
son , Telsamnaim ; P. II. Cole , C. Wiener , liar-
head and Scalp flaw with
Places Size otSllvcr Dollar , Va-
' roua Rcmnolles only cmuumseti Fresh
Eruptions. ? hIliCI CtJ'flCUIIft& ,
Cuimmmmgo In Tw'onty-four Jloumrs.
Perfect Cure In 'l'wo ' , % 'eekms ,
! ty little son , ageml timree , was very macli
troubled with it breaimlmig cult ohm imts scalp
amttl tteimiittl itis car , 'limo itlacs aite'tdtl smoro
about as large as a silver doliar ; time tiebim
eeimsemi raw ammml COVCtOl ( with lIttle blisters.
Jime chmiltl atlifereil coimsitleraiily , mnmti smog imat-
molly very frutftml , 1 trIed HoYer4i retmmedie.i
willsoumt olitaiimiimg any Itenellelal results ; lii
fact time eruhttiotms seemneth to Iso SIreatlimii (
anti now places hiraking omit , I commehmtietl to
try the tnIccnA Itr.aimmLi3. I wahme'd Limo
atiecteil Itarts with time Curmmt1mmA 5om' , ink-
liii ; care aol to Irritate limit hash , intO umlitileil
CuriemumA , 1 notIced a change for time better
lii the appearaimce of time eruptions lit twetmty.
Iotmr lmoumrmm , amid itt two weelts time ermmlttlomJ
entirely disatearethieavimmg lime skimm sutsooti ;
anti the scalp cleati ; Iii fact a lerfect come ,
as I Imsire uiOt seen any indications of aity
srtmi > tleii Or breaklmmg out since , I game limo
cimlitl ommiy a few miose-a of Limo CuricemmA itt ; .
som.vzT , I considerymrCmilmcummA ; >
I'iES mery valuable , I believe CuTmtiJn.s :
myoulti lte excellent for apltiyimtg to Insect bite. ,
'simicim ace yery ammnoyimtg In timle country.
C , A. AIL3hST1LOMI , tims'ift Isiacd , N , C' ,
Sold timrotmgbout time world , I'rfroUrrgct'am ,
1.Oc. BOA ? , 25a , ; htzom.ves-r , $1. i'OTTEtt flittjm
50) ( inim. ( Jane. , halo h'rop. , hioetoo.
-ri- " how to Cueu Etuy Skin limiesse , " tree.
c ,
Mr. George W. Tmttc
hicmmjaimiio , ? milssourl ,
Good Advice
Cured of Rheumatism by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C. I. hlootI j Ca , , Lowell , Mass. :
S. I was takemi dowmm whim rimeummnatismn over a
year mmo. I was sick for over six imsontims.
Often I wemmitl have stmcim pains that I cemmid
hmartliy enmltmro tlmemmi. A friemmtt caine to immo amid
ntlvisetl nme to try flood's Sarsapaillia. I took
htimn at hml word mmmi got a bottle of It , timid silica
imavo taken elghmt itotties of it.
it Has Cured Mo
When lIsa doctors could do inc iso gooth whmat.
ever. After bchmtg boimefitod so nmimch from thtis
immethlclimn I describe hlootI's Sarsmslmarhila usa a
weudurftml mnedlcitme , I also attvlie every tne
'hmo Is troublol whtlm rhmetmnmathsm notto ho with-
Hood'u1a : Curc $
oimt Ibooti's Sarsaparuhia. I am a farmer , nmmmi
time immetiiciito Imiss givemm ittls much energy anti
ctrm'imgtlm to jerittrmms icy svmmrk , " GimomtoleV. .
1u iishiemmjsimuiim : , il lecoummi.
Hood'g Pills are hmttimmi immatho , mmmmd ltorfoc $
In proimortiomi anti : tpearmumce. 2c. a box
Is the 3reat Life Giver.
r 1 11' 51 S l hmnhltis tin
, . mtlfremthmos , imivigomatemi nhi
exlmtmUstctl orgtumms of time
. body. It is time great
vegeimuhie vitalizer thmmit.
iiestro S time germmls of
. titmst Imtslthioums hiseamo
whmicim hmmts wmtstetl time
- ctremmgth 01 otmr oung
2mm e mm.
i'lmerc are Imuntireds of
. ynummtg aimtl mmmidthio aged
mneim timoso mmorvo force
are deciiimlug , w'lmo smmiimr frtsin debilitatimmg
dreams mumul tituse ills muimleim fohloum it froims cx-
ceases and over indulgommees iii early life.
( UPIDl1 will give you back your life.
\'otI will ho its l'owcrfmmhl' stromm.g tufter its Use mmmi
you are stow puriemitly weak. -
Are you Iii it prenmatmiro comm.
. . ; dltiomm ? ( V P1 I ) lsI.1 : will
stop timis Wmmsto in a fortnight or
three wecnmm
Impotency cterlilty , memmttui
. - . : - . iimeunacittes ems tiuickiv cmmretl
"V' ' ammtl c icedilyrms- '
moved 1w tlmtruso
V of CU1'1hiF.N1.
curl nisi.
cures i.ost alan-
hood , Loss of hmrimimm h'ouu-er , Cots-
sumtttiomm of tilt ) htralii iparoises ) ,
Shcepieiiiess Lack of Power , dlz.
zimmcs i'msiims jim the hack. Nervous
l'roMtratlomi , Nervous Dchmility
Vuricoecle , Comictipittlon anti rili
stmreiy brinabtsciuthe lost pa-wee
of mutin.
Protmtntiti carriemi ofi' our
wt voumtmg amid mitlthie.msgetl mcii.
ithJ mmimmrgcd prostate gitmmiti meedm
a quiettmig yet tovCrfUh renme-
\ dial agent. Hit-li Is CUi'I :
! fJIri'm \ DENI1. L'ao CUh'IflENhtaimd
1 iVi1' . - . . A avoid ti dangerous opcatlon.
I ' \i\l \ ( luaramitce 1mm wrltlimg given
J/j / , \V amid mummey returimeil It per-
4 iJ 11 IA nmammemmt emmrc is mmot effected by
5d L ; six boxes. ( ; mmamaimtee semmt
with mmmii orders just hits
the Caine. $51.00 a box , 0
boxeS for 5Mo by aminhl. fi,000 Testimo-
mmtaimi. Scud for free cfreuhars and tet.timonimils.
Address ailmalt orders to
I ? . 0. Ho 2OG , Paus FrancIsco , Cal.
ron ci.i : n's
IOODMAM DRUG CO. , 1U0 Famnam-st. &
LESLIE & LESLIE. Omaha Nebrask
ftc ,
' Diseases.
, rutmAm'mI iN'm'it'V emAIL. Cumm.mumltzmtion . Free.
We cure Oatarrh , nil di8eases of the
Noec , Throat , . Chest , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Pu-
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or Eximaustion , Wasting Weuitnesmi. ha
voluntuty Losses , with Early Decay in yoUnmt
anti inlddi. , aged ; beck of vim , vigor aatiweakefletl
prematurely in approaching eli age , All yemle
meadtly to tuu new treatment for loss of vital
power. Ca.i on or address with stamp for elm.
cuiara , frea book end receipt. .
1) ) r , Seance I.ttIU 'md Is1mi1Ae , 1410 Oittmilmmt Fmtmnmun Nab
ttTrnm' ORNO
jUIthI ) PAY
- .
I WrtteforBaDkROIerOnCeB.
' - I EXAMlT1ATIOf' FflEE ,
- - - . , . - - % , - i..4..4l..n fiii BumeInae
no operation. no ueuut.iuu uuiu
THE 0. E. MILLER Co. ,
307-305 N. Y. Life Bldg. , OIdAITA , FEB. 1
- - - - -
B O'Y'L' S I 'illlIS. : anti 1S'EI ' ) , ,
/tmmtmuai Visit of time
ANt ) JUB 1'i-iliUf.J1S3
Bummer limo immammaicmmmetm I 0 f 11mg. Jotmimlu hI I mmiaii.
Itt time itttirohy } lttmy ant
h'iatOliiicettt Opum-atia ixtmavaauit ; ,
Seats now ott ado at 11130111 P1 looM.
- - - -
iii l'Oh'IlLAfl
'i'eiephono 1531.
w. j. DUIIOESS , - - - - Mnrmage
LAST 'l'WO 1'1hRFO1t\fANeli3 ,
MA'l'INIIFi 'rorlAy , 2:30 : ; 'rONHuJT , 8:15 : ,
'l'iio 'J'rlplo Extmuqt- hisugmmtor
Paul Prttser cmiii lh GIeiI ( Cummmpany
Comiuiog - . , February 3-a , Morri.omi'mm i'tmttst , "
- -
tim _ hhiitThLiQALmimti oilier attractions biti.rimml
L bOils , himummt b snaIl bmml A 5. . % cldrm-sg Prof ,
13iitop'mi Aummm.cmmmcmsl c'Ircolt , iiicrldau , Vyq