- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - , - ; : ; ; ; -V. ; -r------ ; ; ' . . ' - . - , ' . . , - . ; _ . ; _ --T - - ' . . . . I . , . -t TilE OMAHA DAILY DEE : ] rONDAY tT.A.NUARY 28 iS9rs. ! ) T _ _ - - _ - _ n _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , , _ _ ' [ SPBOI L NOTIGH8. AdVertIAen1ent " far then 'olnmn" " ,111 bo nkrn unlll 12130 p. m. for the C\IIIIJ nrl until H p. m. for the morllll nl.1 blndnr edit Ion. AdtrtIor , I , rcquettng R nnmhered check , ( 'nn JIVO nlen nddrCs ct to R Ilulnherct letter In car ot The fico. An- " , er 11 zuItIro.otI will ho dollerod upon pruCnlnUon ot Iho check onl7. Jlotcs , I J-c" uor.l , flrt fucrlon , 10 R Word liorciiftrr. Nothlnl 1.Ion for ICS8 then 2Go for lIrt Inertot , . 'hcso ndertsolent" must run OOI8COU- tIe1y. SITUATION WANTED. AR RIJPING CLflItK on nm.IVEHY dt'Cr : thoroughly eperlenred ; best rererncl ( 1 1ep. A-MZ.2' WANTED-IL8LL HELP. 1LP. WANTlm , 8AL.1MIN TO SEr.L TO M r chnnth by amp1e. Iellt lcdgetfi. coupon boks nod other pjecIttIe sldo Unen ; chance for "l'eClllle91 Ineol fine trnle : nrKe linc. . MOel Mnnurncturlng company . South l3etu1 , md U-M812 2S' - WTro-W : mN ANt ) T1M.1H TO I4fl.h our r , nl , grlndor . Snlnr $ i In SM "er month "McN1nK . In < nhlly , The Lltchntl , MEg. Co. , Webster City . lown - ' Wc\ster Cly. J-M 5I2' HA'INO Ai48UM1) ! TIT MAN\(1l.ttT 01. ' MiUMIW Tlr JAVrNO ' the NehrRkn , ngncy or tim Nntonnl I.lo 11. C. . . we AN' d nlene .lr"l or cnlrnclnl with men or InttlrlY nn.l Inteltlence for wrllnl InMir- once : 1,1 nR "I nnd let uo .how yon Inour-I cnn o. 'nl.h & I'tImIeIIy . mntiagcr . . 403 ' I'nxton block Omnhn , Net 1-:10 31 WANTCD , MIN : TO BI I.r. A rmr.IAU.J\ ch"nl' nn,1 , l.rnnlJle . article or con8110 ; USe \ In every hou8chol Sun Chcntlcnl Co. . Cle"e lnn.I , O. < fl-MuG 2. nr rt'm.I' : ANU ! flNFTtUITIC : MAN TO MAN- age agency In Ullhn or ImrleL 1.'Mhlon .Journnl for Orl clnM" " 'mnkfrs. Adres nolnnch , 131 $ % V. 23rt c . , Now York. 1-121.28. .L < " 'ANTI I ItAUOITSIAN , AT ONCI' APpr.\ MOt ny tnornIfl. Icl & Kenl , archtect. :1'1 SIam < Ile" Council 1 I ! s. I-M2o9 25 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. . JADIS WANTiG I ' lB' Cr.ASS o 1 I.S call nl Scaniann\lan Y.V. . home. 1813 Cnos. cnl CMG52 I.'i' 1.IJgH. TO no I"ANCY WOrK A' 10:1 : S.O ) 10 $0.O'H ' ; Blendy work ; nl l'I'IRlnl ; .n,1 * $0.01) Delry Netlework Cu. , Iplf . ' . ? .tIcI * . C- 12 : 31' : WANTI ) , Om , r.'Ol U1NUItAt. JOUSI . worlc. 41S North lth stroel. ' C-M2) O' 1OR In.OUSES. . hOUSES. p , K. DAItLINO. DAHEr BLOCH : IOUSgS V-2 ILOUCS rN.1. . PArTS OF TJr : CITY. TIm O. F. Da"ls COmIany ) . 1505 Farnam. D-33 1IOUSi S : ImNAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST. 10US V-j5 For 1 NT-10USH Ol 9 noels AND nAIL' on I'ak0 , inquire . 4 S. 181h st D-6 1O1t ItINT-.IIOUfl NrNE nOOMS : Un- once , BENT-10UE , . , 32.1 .n,1 I'nrnnm , $21.0 ; nlou . cl.ap ) hUI.es , $5.0 and nO.OJ. dlIerenl pnrts ctty . , Dexler L Thomas 401 Dee buihuing. D-357 FOL H NT . - .nOOM COTTAGI IN GOOD m - pair . clY water , $10.0 per month toOI < partle . 110 N. 31h. 1 block from Fnrnm . car line. Inquire . Sioelzcl's slo\'e store , Oext to IOstolco , D-jS . - . .UOOI MOVgUX 10USE , FIVE MINUTES I , w.l : from court house , vacant Dec.mLer 2lth. G. L. Ureen room 2 $ . larker loclc. D-ICS F01:1 : III2NT-8-ItOOM COTTAnEALL : - MOD- F . . . . 212 CalIfornia .1. Milton ' . D-193 Rogers & Son , Hlh and 1'arnm. } 'Olt I1ENT-CIIEAI' FOIt TIm WINTEr one 8'101 house , $10.00 , three .room cottages , $5.0. J. A. Scott $ Omaha Nul'l nnk. . . D-2.1212 . nOUSES WALLACE. IHOWN IJLIC,1O & D-401 Doug. FOIt HEN'f , 2413 CAPITOL AVENUE 1 'Ol 243 rooms , modern. 'fhe O. 1' . Davis eompnny. D-796 1'01 RIINT-MODEI1N 10HOOM nOUSE WITH furnace , nth. gas . hot nni cell ' .vnter : one- half block from Innam Street motor lne : In most ilesirablo residence locality In lie city- teslrLlo resltenco leally , . I No. 220 South 3SIh aVe. 1.01 Ilnrteul.ro apply ,4 to , hlonle ' Investmenl Co. . 81 lXlon : . 1)1k. c . - . . : D-M870 FOn RENT . GOOD 6-HOO COTTAGE .IN splendid repair : small "rr city wnler near Jemls Park : wilt rent cheap for Iho"wlnler. Fidelity Trust company 102l'arnl street , U-MISC : lINE ' -1001 CORNEll FIAT AT 701 S. 16TH street , range and alt other con\enlences. $3.0. Gcorgo Clouse . room 2 , Patterson hilt. . 123 1.'nrnum slreet. D-M91 e ; 0.1001 MOD HN hOUSE . $23 PEl MONTh , a ia6Capitot "ve. D-hTI-235 " _ _ Capiol D72" MODERN : KOUNTZI PLACE : CORNELl nESI- ltD . L.1r and two 101. 'pVeIsllans Agency , e 331 lnnl of Tru < o , fl-Mill 28' FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES. . g.nOOM IUHNrSI D hOUSE. 191 "lnT ST. , . - ' or 42 Barker Illocl - -M106 30 'on m NT-l'UINlS1ED CO'AOE , ' 610 Sonlh :1sl avenue. l1-30" ' : FOR RENT-FURNISHED .0 OMS. TlmE r.AnO lANDSOMEr.Y FUnNlSII D front roms , with all 'convenlonees. Choice lo- cation. Apply . 2ID l.rey .1. E-m9j1 . ] URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. nOO11 & 10AnD , GmUIAN rmVATE l ? AI- ly for 2 or 3 respectable parties . I Fl N. -Fl. 191h. NICE WARM 100:8 , WITH 0000 ! UO.\lD ; rates reasonable : modem conveniences. The , Hose _ 220 lnrne ' . J'-.l512.F3' FOn 11ENT . BOARD AND nOOM FOIl ONE or two : private family : down town. Address - l' 20. . ! ! ! oolilce. _ F-MGSI NICIITX FURNIShED HOOMS AND IIOAflD NIgrN IUrNrSIED _ 161 N , 191h slreel. F-M141.F'3' FII1ST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD , $ .O week. In private family ; gas , bath , furnace. 2:81 : Unr.y , F-M847 3. FOr nEN'-I.ArG UNFURNISlED FRONT parlor with hull , steam he.t nm' ' lelephono. Utopia 121 Davenport . .sl , F-997.3Q5 UANDSmm 100MS WITh ! 10AHO , STEAM and telephone ; lererences. 202 N. 181h slreel. F-M210-30' . 1-:12IG.30. FUtNIBlum noous AND 10AIW , 212 SOUTH : I St. . F-M215 ! ' FOUl SOI'1 rOOMS , 141N01.l ) Oi UNI4IUTE. 4 210 houglns. 1.-M212.3 ' : UNFURNISHED 100MS TO RENT. 4 nOaMI IHlTAI.E 1'01 10USeIG ElING ; low rent N. W. Cor. 1lh and Webster III. G-M151 S FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFIOES ' 'i"H IIENT-ThllO 443TOItY IJI1ICK IIUILtINO . tlrT-Tlm H1OIY UICK lULIINO. I DIU l nram street . 'fhll building has . lire. prOof cement basement complete Ilea I heat. d \Iro \ nr lixturea. wiier on all clllele 100rs gas . ete. Ap- plyat _ the olee ot The 1. . r-910 ) volt 1 N'-A OOOD 1OTI I. IUI.1Nn IN Creston , Iowa Address Creston Loan & Trust ( o. . Creston , Iowa , . I-M2n. ' AGENTS WANTED. SAM'SMI N on AGENTS MAKE MONEY ealY selling suls to order $13.50 , Pants l $3. shIrts 1. mneklntoshe $5. hunter T.lorlnr Co. . Cln. cnnal , 0 , J-MIC1F1O' AGIN''S IN EVERY STA''f OX SALARY AND cotittnl.Ion. A&.nt. making $ : lo t5 weekly Jureku Chemkal & Mfi. Co. , L Croese.Via. . 1-2,1960 A01m'fISHNln II.ATrNO W1TI lOUT A 1 ' .I.r ) ' . len < t cis for complete oulli Im'pnld and brute tu l\enl. 2lfrs. Vlow.r 7G. . J Chlr"Jo. . STORAGE. DEST STORAGE UUII.lINO IN OMAHA , U. B. KOV. bonded warehouse. 10useholl gothic Itor.d. L.owetratea. : 1013.1015 I.ea\'onwoI1h. M-:63 tiJ FOIl 'IUS1mOLO GOODS ; CLEAN Int cleap mle , It. WeU . 11 F'ernm. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,1-361 , - STOnAGE. } 'nAN : " R"j'lA\ . . M-6 WANTIa : SECOND lAND Ul'RiOILT pianos . please tate price. make end where It cau be seen. Ii. B. Beet rom no lul&e blok , 11-330 WANTED-TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. l'lTCu.\nO nn FAI1'M. N- : WE hWY AND BEJ . J0USt S ( T DE % InO\'e ) . II. , V , Darnul & Boo 1 % N. 18th. . _ _ _ - N-M521 F2 TIU N. . Wlti.POhtTH FROM 1 TO LAST. J , 10rrllun , hiloomSeldNeb _ , NH.3i" WANT T y 2008ICOX'D.1IAND FOLDING chairs ; sluR Ilrl and where 10 bl found. Ad- - dnu 0 , 1) . Wilson , 4oda1e. I. N-2114 % 20' FOIL BALE-FURNITURE. FUtNITUR AUCTION A' 11 I'AnNAM 8T. -I &tUll. 10 . I itobt. Wela 04 FOR BAL ( IEAl > . lUtNITUIE OF : ROOM house WRIt twenty hoardeie. Flue location. lent ot 101. cheap. Add.u rer 0 11 , lIe. - , o ' . : c. - i--- _ . .be _ . . _ _ \ - , " - . FOR SALE-MISELLNEOUS. . WEnMAN prANOS nmDOEJOHT OnGANS. Wobrl Ko - hiros. , 11 Bo 17th. Q-S. i o--Aiw -CiUfm , PENCE : UAnD WOOD . _ plck t. _ C. _ n. Lu 901 Dougla. . Q- - - Sumt iii > iTm , tNIS OLD. FINE pedigree , eligible to register , lor sale very . cheap. 3) Uarke Llock. Q-M976 2 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR ItT2NT-16)-ACfl2 FARM , 11 uNDER CDL. U"Rton , The O. F. Davis Cotnpany. COmIMY.lM2Z2 11-2,1220-21 OLAIRVOY ANTS. MRS. Dn WAunEN , CLAIRVOYANT , 1112. lIable business medium : 7th year at 1' N. 16th. 5-170 M SSAOE , BATHS. ET\ . MADAM LAILUE. MASSAGE . 416 S. 15'1 T-M&7 n. MASSAGE , MADAME IIEI1NARD . 121 nODGE T-M9i 2" MADAM SIT1 r2 S. 13TI 2D Ft.OOlt. nOOM 3 : maag' , " 01'01 alcohol , steam , Illphurllc . , . T-2,1213.2' and Ieanlh9. T-I1.2" PERSONAL. Dn. T. W. STONE . 810 N. y LU'E , 'm. . &l , U-71 Trm m LI EJprmLY c ns-ET-lAj order from measure 19U l'-ul nan street I U-73 I - _ _ MASSAGE , 121.SCTRO : ThERMAL tIATIIS. chlropl < l.t. Mme. Io.t , 319 ½ S. 15th U-375 et. SIT i GI1OUND hOLLOW on PLAIN AT A. I Undeland's , 10 8. 11h alreet. 11-413 VIAVI CO" , 316 DEE ULDO. hEALTh ! UK. I'l21212 - U-31 SWlmlSn MOVEM NT cum ron IADms. 1816 Chicago ci : consultatIon , I , 'Jentit1c. racial amI obesity treatment free 2tond&ys . .Jnnunry. . 11-23316123' U. UASB FLORIST PLANTS qUT I.'I.OW- en. Banquet hail . resIdence and grave deco. rations . 183 Vlnlon street telephl'no 7i6 11-023 - - - MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . Ill N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska . brEka and Iowa farms or Omaha city properly. \V-Il1 W-7 LIFE INBUnANCH 1'OLICIIIS LOANED ON LFE bought. , F. O. Chesney , I4ansas City. 2to. W -73 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA nal e.tate. Ihennnn , Love & Co. . Iaxlon hlk. W-379 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWIS1' nATES. TUE o. 1' Davis Co" 1:0 : Fatnani st W-S0 VERY LOW lATI S lL\I ON OOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire :18 Bee bldg. W-3SI - - - - CITY LOANS. C A. STAnn. 515 N. Y. I.IFE. W-S5 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Pusey & Thomas. First Nat'l ilk. W-382 bldg. MONEY TO V.MN ON IMPROVED OMAhA pl'olrly. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 I.'nrnnm. W-36 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY prperty. W. 1.'omam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. -381 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HEAl. ESTATE .t 6 per cent W. n. Mclklo Isl Nat. bank Lid. W-S3 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON l'UINITUHI l'IANOS ant nil kinds I of securly , Fred Terry. room 430 n.mgo block. X-319 . - - - - - MONEY TO LOAN ON hOUSEhOLD UHNI- ture pIanos , hor.es wagons , or any kind of chattel security nl loweot possible rates , whIch you cnn pay Lack nt any time and In any omounl. FiDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . 110m 4. 'Wlhnel blocle. X-8 J. ii. HADDOCK HOOM 427 nAMGE 3LOCI. X-7 MONEY TO LOAN ON FUnNITUHU PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. . ot lowest rates In cIty : no removal of goods : strictly confdonl.l ; you can omount. pay the loan on at any time or In any omount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30 S. 161h .Iroet. X-S8 BUSINESS , CHANCES. INCREASE YOUR INCOME : SEND FOIl FRIllS book "now lo Trade Sucee6luly In Grain on Small MargIn. " l'erkins 4 Co. . 21 HlnHo Chlcngo. -MU5 .129' FOR SALE. ONrHALF INTEREST IN OLD established furniture nnd undertaking business : sickness of one partner the caUse of selling ; any one wanting this klnl of bu.lnc9 cnn se cur good O"ylnlu.lne.s ; about $4.0.0 needed. Address J' 59 . Heo. V-Mol FOR SALE , A CLEAN STOCK OF' ' DUUGS. 1.01 particulars address P. O. Lox ISI , Morna. Nob. . - Y-MI03 3' PAnTNI WANTED IN AN W T.BLISHED real estate and collection agency \Vyomlng : must bo well Posted In Ire , life n"1 accident InRumnce depnrlm.nt. Address Uusln"88. 0 15 , Deo. < Y-23l13 29' HOME SEElEitS' EXCURSION TO EASTERN North Carolina , February 5 ; large prfs In truclnnl stock rlsng ! ' and general forming : cheap land . excellent climate , productive sol and nearness 10 the great cities foe 0 market nr chief features : no trades. Alhlress E. E Dodson , Kearney . Neb. Y-MIS 1 AN ENrmnETrC YOUNG 1'ILYSICIAN WANTS 10 loalp In the city and go In "nrlnershll' with .n old 11h 'slclnn. 'VI put In some money or work for I share In the proceed. 1381 or refer- . ' . Address . "nces. Pnrleulnrs nn IpplcLlon. :1. . fox 22. Wllore , Ky. Y-M219. - FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE on EXCHANGE FOIl IOWA OR FOi rstern Nebraska farm land. clean $7.0 Stock of general merchandise : wi deal with owners only. , LockbQxSIl. Noola , la. ZM97 2" TOENC1IANOII. FOR GOOD PL nt actual value In eastern Neb. or western Iowa. stock or general merchandise , Invoice $3,5.0 10 $1,003.00. and store building. Will assume small IncumLrnce 01 pay difference In caLl. Address A. W. Clnrlee. Popillion. Neh. . Z-M9G9 GOOD INSIDE LOT TO EXCHANGE FOIl equity In home. Good inside property to exchange for fnrm. Corer lot , 1 Lock , from n.w theater , worth $ ! OO , 10 exchange for renlli property , vacant loll , arrea . or good Inn.l. FidelIty 'fru.l Company , 170 Farnm SI Z-1000-29 FOn TRADE , A PBETTY nOME , DALLAS , Te" ; cash "rlc. $2,20 for n clean stock dry gods , furnishings or notIons , $100 to $65,0 ; balance cash , O. S. M" , 270 Locust 81" , St. Louis , 2lo. Z-MZIG 2S. FtILi LOT. PIN1 r.OCA''WN , 10 ACRES , wol IIJnr'ei farm , clear . will trade either . and some cash , for 7 II 9'1001 house antI lot. nnt . E. Cole Co. , lOG N. 151h. Il-hIllS-Il CITY ; IBO'r nTY Fan r.AND. A row years ' ago Innll was cheap and everyone anD was anxious 10 sell or exchange It. Thosb who tO'i olllontngo or this antI Inule their city Property for land , have made money. City 11'I.orty Is down to bedrock 1 and bound 10 wh'ance. renl'm\er the tIme to buy or trade ror . thing I. when It I chenp. LIst your rams wIth us and we will make you money. We have some llrst.claea property to exchan for good farms ! I'no 1 I > I.lfY TRUST CO. . 16 Iurnm Bt. Il-MIll 31 FOR SALE-REAL ESTA E. IOAI1GAISH. HOUSES. LOTS AND I'AitMS , saiD or Irode. 1" . J' Darling , Inrleer I'AltM - 1 -3 J IXCUANO S AND BALES ; CITY l'lWPlmTY , , farms . merchandlN , , Gl'vln Urns. . 30 N. 1110-303 Y. Life l'OH SAr.D. A 120.ACI1E FARM . 15 MILES northwest ot Omnha. Address 11 : , Uee. . m -M339 J23' lJ.V 'UI8. lu ' property when there are but few buyers anti it Ia cheap , antI you are lure 10 win. hm3ft ' . > AT T11lI ) 10 feel In lauBcom liace . worth $5,0. for $1.0. 4 I lot In U.nlcm Place , worth U.O. for $150. An .lel6nt new home u little palace . worth $6,0 ror 1,70. $900. l.t In western part of city . worth $3,0. for ' 'UrN01 TillS. 8"\6 your money and quit paying rent. \\1 will take your outside lot und rent money towards a home. ThI , la the best savings bank In the world puttIng your money In your own home. Fidelity Trust Company , 103 1"arua St. 1112-903.20 FOil BALU. NEW . .lOOM CTfAOE ; CIIL. lar cIstern . city water ; cor . 3) ! ant Battler ; $1.0 : long tIme . Inquire 11 Farnam. Samuel lurB 1&91 I.'INI OA1IDISN I.AND. 5 Mr. ROM I' . 0. , $0 per ucre. 940 N. Y. L JJtdg . nUSS _ I.IST I1A3IfJAINS IN LANDS W3TII CARROLL lAIOAINS LNDS WIT1 11. Curler , it. 1 . min doer N. Y. LIfe , Omaha. t - , . " fa. UAHGAIIS ; SALE al TlADE IN CITY l'lOp. crle and farma Julia N. I"rnr'1 : Ji30 , 1 INIEPtNPENT. hUT A HOME ; 5.ltOOM house and lot . Isid. aut $ 5-ru.t4u 2wus , and lot. $ .10. I.room house and lot. 1.6. 8Ju house and 10l. n.o. 01'act lot and build . 38th and lIrIstol . cor. ncr . U : Zlh and Spauldlng . $ . Ulh and Maple. $650. A very small amount ot cash requIred , balance very easy . Remember , we never over anyting but genuine saaPI. U. E Cole Cob , 106 N. Ut& 1&-Hl . FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Continued. - - TO TIlE MFCtNIC , I'AINTnn. MACINIS1 and others : oteral Why weAr your Ire outtrylng to par hIgh rents ; Iny or excessIve taxes on your home In town and depending entirely upon your trade or profes- lon to make you I living ? rt you owned I ncres of land n0r Omaha you coull raise enough fruit And vegetables to mnko 9-our livIng I and . stIll work hail your tIme at 'our tra o , , < I We are solo agents for4l nereo. only 4 iies from P.O. I Iho finest lying Inn" " nCr Omnhn , , that sold In ' 87 for $1,000.00 per . acre spot cash. - ' The owner wi cut tiIsup Into 6-acre tracts and will take I house _ 1,1 lot In Omaha as part lnyinent , balnnco easy ternis. The tax on r acre ! 1M less titan on your house and lot and the land will make you I living and gIve ) ' < I Ono home. Your house and lot nearly hrenko your back to keep 'II taxes and assesentente. Omnha II going ! lu grow . and G acres WI,11 : 4 miles will Increase In wattle five times ns fast ns your ImuGo tlon. and lot . and make ) ' 0 ( 0 livIng In addI. See tie at once for partIculars FIDtLITY TIUST COMPANt . Sole Agents. 1702 I.'urnul .lonl9 , , - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1112-23118 3\ \ A 10MU IN SUNNY ' 'I' X" : noon churches , good schools , good people . cheap land . A. A. Aldrich . , caunty judge , Cownn , l'ex. rm-MIQ 28' LOST. 1.0RT. A LAnaD rnm COW. RE''UIN TO 184 Dodge street nnd get rewurd. l G I.OS1'-A PXeH 0I"YR. . LEAVE AT NOH. cia shoe store nod get rewar . Lost-M227.2S" < 1'1 < l.osl-1227. : LOST-A OnAY FUll co.I.An AT ] )5 10\'S opera house Thurranlne. . Hetum 12)7 So. 10lh and receive reunril. l.ost-21-2S" HOTEL n01 L \Krm. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 roms \l ,1 : per dny. : roms tl $ .0 per day. Special rates to commercial trvelors Hoom and board ly week or monlh. Fmnl Hldlch , manager. 39 AETNA HOUSE ( EUnOPEAN ) , N. W. COH. 131h and DO < ge. Hooms by day or week. 303 MIDLAND HOTEl. , COH. 16TH AND CHICAGO streets. AmerIcan plan , $ .5 and 2.0 per , In ) ' , European plnn. Mo and $1.0) per day. floonis . single or ensulle , for families ( genile- fnmilos . Ionto- men , al renJna\lo rates. 23. J. Franclc. M- 21 prep. 1.13 1- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE3. AnMATUHES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND : storage batteries recharged : electical and gen- erl machinists : superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Wol.s , 61 and G19 S. 161h 412 et. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electrIc light nail motor plants and all kinds or electrical constructIon. Western Elrc. trlenl Supply Co. . 4S ant 40 S. 15th et. 413 LEA THEH tELTrNG , CIIAS. A. SCJlnEN & CO. , Mfg. . 30G S. 121h st. . 1 BIC CLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 16Th ! . 401 OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . 33 N 16TH ST. . 890 STERLING DCYCLES : flUILTI.jKl2 A WATCH Western Electrical Supply Co 42 S. 151h .t. ' . , , , r MSFP A. L. DUANE & CO. . UCYCLES , 116 I"AU'AM 191 WILL DAHNUM & BnO. , 171 CAP. A \ 124 . : UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS n. K. 1IURICET . FUNEHAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer 161S ChIcago .t" , telephone 90. 393 SWANSON & VALIEN . UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlng st. , telephone 1060. _ _ _ _ _ _ 39 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EI- bnlmer 11 Faram .1. , telephone 22 : . 205 C. W. DAKEn UNDEHTAKEH GI3 S. 161h ST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 r. . COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED 1110 COAL , olco to 2 S. 16lh st. , Drown block. IlS 401 snfuIAN COAL EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coni and $3.50 Ion cheaper IGO ) ' 1- nnm street ; main entrance Voart of Trade. 403 - BUILDING & LOAN 30CIATION HOW T GET A HOAE OR SECURE GOOD interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L & D. .ss'n. . . liQ lice bldg. . O. 2f . ' N.llnger , Sec. 33 SHAImS IN MUTUAL L. AND D. ASS'N PAY 6 , ' , 8 per Cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old , always , redeemable. 1704 Fanam .t. . N.tlnler. 400 Soc , AUCTION. DUSINI SOLICITED IN JEWELRY AND merchandise or all descrIptIons ; twenty year' experience : satIsfactIon guaranteed , best or references ; sales made In and out of cl ' . Call on or address < . D. Lewl. oleo 2U S. hilt streel. with John Baumer Omaha. 1526 F2 MUSIC , A1T AN LAG AGE. 0. F. GIOLLENBECIC . BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher , 191 Casa _ lrlt _ 91 HOMmt 100m. SPECIALIST rN VO\I , culture , 81 line.realhlng anti , nronunciation : voIces tried froe. Cull al 10a. ChIcago strpei , corner 17th. bill ? 28' - - - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. 1) . MOltU.L , CON''IACTOI & lUILJEH" paper hanging , house and sign painting , brick work , pla.lerlnl : office , room I , Barker Elk . ; tel. 735 : shop , 221 Iznrt : lei. 409. hIS ? ? CUTTING SCHOOL , TIlE AlIT OF CUTTING MEN'S cr.OTIES taught , day nr o"enlnl ; terms reattonalile . Par- tculars ot Max Morris , cutter , 106 'arnnm 2,1920 19 .1 , - WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON I1OS" WHOLESALE DEAl.1 I all Fsrnm kinds slreet. ot coat. Correspondence solIcited. loa COSTUMES. LADIES' AND MIINSMASIC SUITS I.'on rent at Golden Eagle store 14 S. 16th street. US 15 ' DENTISTS DII. PAUL DENTIST 3020 BURT ST. 46 STOVE REPAiRS . STOVE HElMrS Ion 40.0 DIF1"EtEIT Inlce& of stoves , Water attachment end con- lclons a elteclalty. 12 Douglas streel. Omaha Stove Repair Workl. 406 BUSINESS NOTIOES. DAMAGED 11nnOtS RESILVEIIIID 79 N. 408 16. JOB PRINTING. REED .1011 PRINTING CO. . ICINE PRINTING I JOI InNTINO I.'IE NTIG ot all kind 1h st. . Dee bldg. 41 TURKISH BATHS I TUlUSU DATUS : ONLY I'LACE IN CITY exclusively for ladies. SuIte 1.0O Dee bId l5U 1. , ELOCUTION , ELL DAY , R. e. COWL NATL BANK l ! . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN _ BANS SChOOL OF ShOuT hAND. N. y , 1M. Omaha A.I for clrculax 41 : 'E : r URFAU , SUES CO. , Solcitrs Dee ! 11d" OUA A , N b odvlco FlEE S300.00 foran " ' Idea. I . I This Is the bIggest prfkhr offered for a atch line or heading (91 ; 1 advertIsement , hayden Bros. will given a "holce of several first cbu pIano worth ' QQO0 : each for the head line adopted and lit dllo will give orders on their musIc dptment for $50.00 worth of musIc for the 4ti five best ideal , according to merit. ; ! To secure an absolutlY Jrnputal decision applicants are requested . \ sign In nmber only and to mal corresponlng number with name and mhlress to Tlqi.1 , o omce , where I wl remain untIl aCer rJ PtP award Is made. The right Is reserved to use any head line once. . ff The following are th : lath to bo adver. Used : hayden Bros. of , Onnha arc the only frm In the world showing a conwlete line of the Instruments manufacllred by the five most renowue piano : makel on eath , lay- den Bros. are not tel up \Ith red tape reotric. tons like regular seling agents , bUl are free to make the lowest prIces ever heHd of Hayden Bro . put special stres on the Steinway aud Voso planas because they have 1 larger line In stock anti can buy them cheaper than any other makes or equal relnl. tation. Do not b mIsled by anyone clnlm- Ing the sole agency. hayden Bros. have them direct from tle factory as welt as from the Max Meyer & Bra Co. slock. : llslc trade IlalHrS are saying pianos cannot be sold In a departmenl store but souslllo , people who do not care to be bodwlnked by sIlly frills are not so notonal anti , the best proof ot this Is that Hayden Dros. sohl more pianos . organs aud musical Instruments In one week tan : any five music stores west at Chicago have sehl In six months. ' 'hl music trade papers sa ) tbls innovation will bo walched with unusual interest and Hayden UOS. propose to keel them guessln laden RAILWAY \ TullE CARD ) Leaves IJIJI1LINUTON & MO. ltIVhlRiArrives Omahl IUUILrNGTON 10lh & iIason5ts. L Omaha 10:1rul. : . . : . . . : . .lehvcr I ? A"IRS. . . ,7. , : . - .9IOam : 4:35pm : flit. hills. hlont . & l'tiget Sad , flx,11 :4l'm , 4 :35pm. : . . . . . . .Ven"er I Illet . . . < . . rxlII'm . :10pl : 6:45pm. : .Nebraska Local ( oxr.'pt Hun.ln ) .G'JPt ' S : : am..l.lncoln Local ( except Sundny ) . . ll:25amn : 2'4pm..I.'ost Mail ( for I.Incoin ) nnl ' .1:2nt . . . : . . LenH ! I IC.\GO. llUltLlNUi'ON & Q.lArrlves OnmnhiajtlnionDepot ! , _ IOlh & Sdasousts.i Omaha 4 : Ipm. . . . .ehlc lo Vestibule. . - . . . . 9:10am : 9 : , . . . . . . . lxprls. . . . . . . . 4 , 50 11:50pm. : . .Cimicmtgo and St Louis Special . . soOammt : 3l:33a1)m..nettle : Jlncl n r.ncll. . . . . 8:0am : 6I3pmn.I'nciiic : Jtlflctfon _ Local ( ex Sun. ) . . _ 6:1elm 2:0pm : r : sI'IIolli. . . & ' . P u.I\rls : Omnha Union V"pul. lath & Mason Bt.1 Omaha GoPl : . : : : : .Imirago Limited. . . . . . . :30"m : 1l10nl..Chicago : Express : ( e" Sun ) . . . GOI : Leaves \ CfiCGOIOrT ( WI'ST' .IAlrh'rM Omaha Union Depot 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 11:05am..Eastern : : I Express. . . . . . . : . . 5lOpltl : 4 : Oopnm..Vestibuied rlmlle . . . . : :3olm : 6:55nm. : . . . . .Mo. Ynley Lo I. < , . . . . : l:45pmn : = .OnimihaCimicago _ _ Hpecln . _ ' .10:3011 . : r.avo. - CIIICAGO. n. r. & 1.eIFIC.IArrl'os - Omnhn _ Union V"pol. 10lh & Mison Slo.1 Omaha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l AHT--- 11:10am. . .Atiantic Exlress : ( cx. . . . , 1'xpr.8a Sunday ) G:2pm. : . . . . . .NIhl . I.xll.e"o. . . . . . 9:50am : pm 4:30pm..Chlen : 'e.l\ul , Limbed. . . 1:05pm : < 1.lmlrd. IOPI llISpm.OkmnlmamaExp : - - - - - - - - . (10 ( C. - - II. e > Sun..U:3Jpm ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ 'VEST. - - - - 5lIam.Oklahonma : Texns hIx. . . . rI5 mOlcahomn ( ex. Sun..1l :30pn : 1:10pm..ColoradoLlnitc'd. : _ . . Hun..1:30pm . . . . 4:0J111 : Leaves \ i c" , sii' : . M. & 0 IArrl"es Omaha Depol Itlh and Webster Sla. I Omaha 9 : IOam..Nebreskmt : I'aesenger ( daill'.TTSlIpm ) 4:35pm..Sloux : City InMc ler ( Id"I . :8:15pm : ex. . Sun..hlSoammt GIOlm. : . . . . . . Cly . Iaul gXI.res 1.11..1 Sln..U . . . . . . . .10' : , nm .Hn - - . - . - - - . - - . _ . . . Leaves \ 1. E. & MO. . , . tArrives Omaha _ Depot Ijlh and \ V.\LEY. . _ Omaha 2llpnt..F'mtpt : Mail aqtl 1Sxpresm.l4SIpm : 2:10pm.ox : ( , Sol. ) W'o. 1xi ( pre..I ) : 9 :05:1. : . .Norfole Express ( en-i0unday.1o:3oam ) : - = P . . = St. : uUI"I \ > . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30nl .10:3jln : : ; Leaves : : . J : 4. : .fl. ArrIves Omaha _ UnIon Depot IOtli&.ason Sis. ; Omaha 9:50am..Kansas : City ttoyldxpmess. . . . . GIOpni : 1pm.K : C Night _ x. v.IAT ml' Trans. . 7:3ammi ' - - ! Lea"eSrUSSOUn \ 1 rIF'ICT j.rrtves Omahn Depot 151h and iVeh1tor Bts. I Omaha 9:43am..t : . . Louis i1Xlmrga . . . . . 6:00am : g:3Or. . ; . ' . , l. Louis I Xj ' R. . . . . . . , . GO"m : 5:10pm..Nebraska : - , - 10c < l ; ( ex . ' Sun. _ _ ) . . . 1O.m : Lea\'c I SIOUX CITY - . IArrlves .pmahal Depot 15th antI lW4b5teri5ts.i I Omaha 6lopm. - : - _ . , . _ . . . . . ; St.P - - iltthitd..10:33am : Leaves \ I ' Sioux CITY I P..IFIC..1'IArl'lv ' s' , Otaha Union Depot , 10Ih1llasn' St..1 Omh . 6:55nm : , . . . . ,810tx ' ; , , . . . . . : : 1 I 5:35pm. : . . . . . . . .HI . Cltll' - ! f ( d. . . . . . . . . . . ; 0:3.m : : : lm Leaves I UNIN-P CU'rC.-IArrl\'es 1 ( , nalmaUnion ' _ Depollfl. & Mason Sts1 Omaha 10:00am. : . . . . .lonrey Express..s ; . . :4pm : 2 : opm. . . . . . , Ovprlnni Flyer. . . . . . . . L:35pm : 2:00pm.Dentrlce : & Simm.bg : I'x. ( e" Sun ) . 'S:4pm : 7:30m. : . . . . . . . . .I'acIOo txpre.s. . . . . . . . . .10:55am : G:15pm. : . . . . . . .F.st Mail. . . . . . . i. . 4:10pm : LeaveS I I WA ASH I1AIIIWAY. O.hl ' Union Depot , 10lh & Mason Sts. Omaha 3:55pm..St. : Louis . . . . . . ,3:5pm. . . .St. Cnnnon 1nl..12:35pl Wi , LV f PIl1l1OII&'ALN. . Numbers 19 and 20 of "The nook of the _ _ o _ _ FaIr " contInue the pictured panorama of'the greatest ot all exhibitIons and serve to intensify - lenslty the Interest already stmulated by prevIous numbers. Most of the space Is given to the reproductions ot the art exhibIts and every picture serves as a separate study and subject ot admiraton , Nothing could re- place these volumes tn time service and entertainment - tertainment they are capable ot yielding. Time study of these volumes Is ot Iself a liberal education. Thousands at surprising creations and curiosItIes-time Telautograph and oIlier marvelous developments of electricity . the latest mechanical devices the ethnological treasures from all the most noted collections ; the display at the natIons In time LIberal Arts building , the statuary from Italy . the gold and sliyersnulthms' exhibits from London , the Tiffany gems , the Swiss wood carving , tIme Dohemlan glass from Austria , the French bromizes . the German porcelain Japanese vases , the great telescope and countess others ; time 10rtculural'blldlng , with the rare ferns ; cacti . fruits and flowers from every land ; time United States government i display ; the model postal car . mint , models i I from the patent olce , time historic relics . time Agrlcmmittmral building . Illustrating tIme agricultural - I tural resources of the nations of the world : the Krupp pavilIon ; the TransportatIon buid- Ing showing the melhod of transportaton from the earliest period (0 ( the Ilreselt time . time original Grace Darling boat , tile sec- tonal steamship , the Nicaragua canal model , the great 999 engine , the mammolh Ioeommho- tve. "I.onl of time Isles ; " the Woman's build- log wih time queen of Italy's laces , the French salon time colonial I exhibits anti time examples ot woman's work In all countries combine to show the world In a manner Un- appronehablo by other sotmrces. TIme Ban. croft Company AuditorIum Building , Chicago LITERAllY . NOT . Ibsen has fnlshelI \ new Ihree.act play which he lays , II a letter 10 an Englsh ad- miner Is "full of devils. " Sir Arthur Seymour Sul\'an Is said 10 have real ed $ [ 0,000 from the sales ot his song , "The Lost Clmord " Dalfo received $40 , . 000 for "I Dreamt that II Dwelt In Marble hails. " ' One of Proto Petrle' , iiezmt archeological dIscoveries was a pap'tl of time reign ot Plolemy l'hliatlelplmus , cnntblmlimlg seventy col- umls of writing. I c6mfaflms ' , , a "wonderful account at the customs , glIatlons . and laws , relating to the 'revenu ' oT the Egyptians. " This papyrus Is being edlta : by Prof Malaty and Isir Gronfel , , 3 SIr George Grove iJ'I tgreateat 'I Schubert authorlt anc $ editor Qt / tile ' "DIctionary of Iuslc . " Is credited w1rl8aylng Ihat Ur Dvorak's article on Schubert whIch recent appeared In Time Cenlih'laga lno , Is ) best thing ever writen , : lthat \ composcr. These luslcal paper II rJjO , Century are 10 bo continued at Intervals Jdnrlng Ihe coming year. ( , jq Miss Yolna Jeter6q , vls. whose liter- i any work has . herctoCor"len In the way at , tolk.loro and .0C short stories , has just completed - pleted a novel founded upton I singular Cact. Il Is called "Tht Vlc , Doctor " and tells the story of an oyer-semisltive man whose marrie ICe wllh a no very sensItive young woman was a tragedy to JOtll ot them . Ir Is a strange story , and one likely 10 attract at- Lnton , as It \ quite out 9f time line which Is so popular at the present time. Few persons , probably , remember Thack- cray's allusion In verse to Limo late Dr Ic. ! Cosh of PrInceton college , The New York Sun revIves the bit oC rhyme.'hemt time dlscunlon over the doclor's appolnlment to the headship of Quecn's college , Belfast , was I at its height , Thackeray wrote In tile charac. terlstc Irish brogue a poem purportng to he by Iho hand of MUter Moloy Molony , aged J5. The opening stanza runs thus : " , \8 I thInk of the Insult that'l dune to this lmatlon 10t Ieani . of re\'lnjc trom 10 tatur 1 And daylstatol ul'holl In this l'ome to tile world's The sleeves that Illpolntcd Vrotesso McCosim. " Protcsso\ , . , , - - - - - - - - - - - COOLEY'S ' AQUEOUS DREAM l - ilitohing the Father of Wat.r to the Great Lake and the Atlantic. - TiE BIGGEST DITCH IN TiE WORLD - - Chleno' Irnlnoo Caital 01,1 'fhnt 1 , WIll Accniipllit-TIn Wnter nouI" frol time Inkes to tim GUlf , ICopyl.hl < 1 Is . ) CHICAGO Jan. 25.-The biggest ditch In the world Is being . \nr \ In IllinoIs , and from 5.000 to 8,000 men have been employed upon time worl nlmost constantly for over two ) 'ears , This Is the largest Inmber at laborers CilllllO'ed U\OI AUY slngll worlt of improve- lent In tIme United States , certainiy nl\ \ perhnlS ) In the whole world , for 10 other : great canals , but one great railway , AmI no' ' extenslvo syslem ot dykes , docks or dnms arc now In course of construction anywhere. The prhnarr use. huleed , of this great trench , which Is known as time Chlcngo trnlnngo canal , . soul be to furIsh an outlet for time sewerage of Chicgo. so that It ne.1 no longer Iolull Lake Michigan , whence the et ) . gels its water suppl But the canal I being built with cSICal reference . also , to forming one lnk In time chain of channels , artlcial ! and Intural , thai shall connect the great lakes with thl hilt of Mexico , Rl ) be deep and wide enough to enable large vessels to reach Chlcngo and thence mill porls upon time shores of the tresh water seas. 'rilE ChICAGO ImAINAG CANAl. . This chain of deep water chanlels will he composed or the ChIcago drainage caimal . the Iesplalnes amId Ilnos : rivers , alHI time : ls- slsslPIII from Graftoll . iii. . south \0 time u1 , The comllelon ) ot time work will Ollon to ocenn-golng boats time mosl cxtenslve sys- tem of InluUl navIgation In tl world . J,700 mies of lake , lGOO mies of large river nn"l- gallon amI 320 mies of canal anti hlpro\el , rivers , : , G20 : tltogetlmer . or omme-liftlm more mies thnn from New York 10 Solltlmamnptomt. Time Chicago dralna"e cnnni proper will bl Ihlrty mies long. reaching from Ashlnm\ lilG' feet wide al tho' , top ; though the plans ot both called for lome six feet greater depth than Ihoso ot the ChIcago ditch. Still , both are smaler and are the only ones at all approaching It In dimensions , except the Mancheslor ship canai This Is ten feet wider In the rock cuts than time one In liii- nols. but eghly-two : feet narrower In tie earth cuts Ind ot about time lame depth , or twonty.slx feet , Either will float larger 1 craft than any now engaged In lake commerce - marco and would exclude comparatively few I that enter New York harbor . 'fho Chicago canal will carry GOOOOO cubic feet ot water I mlnuto from time lake to the Desplalnes river wIth 1 current not ox- ceedlnA Ihreo miles an itomlr. I will con- noeL Urect wIth time Chicago river for drainage purposes , but 'n ' order to be moro available for navigation by large ocean going vessels will also have to ho con- lected with the lake al Soulh Chicago , tor time Chlcao river has but sIxteen feet of ! water and caulol wol bo mudo deeper owIng to the tunnels that pass beneath It , and may not be lowered without enor- mous expenditures and great interruption to time regular commerce ot the port. I're- dictions are freely mude that this will eveIltimally drive the bulk ot Chicago's present - ent lake commerce from the river to South Chicago , as there ore already many lake boats that can dock only at tIme latter port WHAT THE CANAL WILl. COST TIme story ot the Incepton of Iho'lllln of the Chicago drainage canal , time long struggle for legal autwrly to raIse money tor Its excavaton and the tedious Inll Intricate - tricate work of makIng time plans ) as It was told to me time other day by Cotnimtis. sloneI Iyman E Cooley time real 11\'lng spIrit at Iho onterprlse , Is one ot real 1111cr- eat . It you delIght In time overcoming ot appnrenly Insurmouliable 018tlolos by COlce of intellIgence mmml persimmtellce . but _ llgence ld ver nco. bu.t thosa who go In for inland Mep water nvi- gallon will not bo satisfied with the construction - 'struclon ot the ship roulo 10 the gulf. A chaIn of deep water channels to thl Atlantic Is ale drslred No work lies yet ben done however , upon this lnrt of the pro- pol1 trunk waterways , tIme sh\l \ cnnals dt the "Soo" between Lakes Superior antI lu- ran and those connecting Lakes ilmmron. St. Clair anti Erie being only ImlrOVemlnts upn the . \elp \ water route turnlsbcll ready to haml by nature. Tim Erie I canal In the state at Now York anti time Welanll and Uhleal canals In Canalla are sometimes sometmes spoken of AS tanks already tartly con- 8trlclcl. , but lit Iho olln\on \ of Mr. Cooley aml olhers who have studIed tim whelo slb- ject , Mn har.\ ) bo conshlerel ns such , 'tor 11 0 canals are so Inallluate as tlmey 10W exist Ihat It wOlll cost almost as mich 10 enlarge thlm to 8h-carrylng Silo \ AS 10 build ne\ ones omitnight. Time scheme In- clllls the rllecln" ot hake Ontnrlo's waters wih the Illlon river 80 Ilal time AtlantIc Ports ot Iho completll Irlnk water- ' % ay wi be nt New York AS Iho gulf Port wi bo nt Now Orlenls , : tr. Cooley Is a enthlslastc concerning thc chll 10 time east as that . to tim south. lie saId 10 10 recent - cent ) : . A TAI.lt WITH COllSSIONlm COOl \ . "Naluro has < ono much to helll8 In tim proseenton ot this great project. 1.'rol New York 10 Albany Ihere Is a nnlual channel-Ihe limldsoml-tlmt Is amllll for all lutmrItoses. A little to tile north of AlbIY arc the waters ot Lake Cilatluplalll which cn bo connected \1(1 the lu < sol by < 1/gllg n short cnlal ChIIlaln C:1 bo ) connlctel wIl Iho St Lawrence by OlO following the route of its Inlet , anti \hel these two short canals hvo : blel bui , n rOlte wi bo olene < to the Ila < ol Lake Ontario , Uon which no great ) work ot Ilprovement will have to bo 1\010 81VO Islamitla. at limo ralds jlst below the 'housalll "This Is Iho most feasible of nil the Iro- poselroutes \ , blt I Is open to ouo objec- ton by ltrlolc Amerlcns In thaI It < ac not lie 1111) wihin tIme boun < arles ot limo United , States A route not open 10 this objectol couhl bo lall out , either along tile Erie cnnnl trom Albnluy to fluftalo . by Isln the old Black river route 11\1 en\er- log the lake nt Oswe o. But each ot these l'OUtOR wouhl bo diiilctllt. 'Ilte right of way for a shill canal along limo Ino of the I Erie woulor \ itself cost m\lons on mi- lens , for real Ilroport In time ma"nllcent cities along that lne Is mtcl\nsl' alua- blo near the cannl nlll II Is this "cry prop- ) ; ! crt ) ' that would ha'o to be taken I time channel were In bo \1 < ene,1 sulclent ) 10 meet ship canal reqtmiremltolltto. The slmo per , C "t ( \ 1. I. I - \ i c:1 : ' " ' . _ ' . ME. F " I MINN. I. ' . IS , o VT ! . , : - . _ - _ . - - - ; Sits Ic04. . _ ! . . ' t.\ \ , A. \ : - . , , - : . . ; : _ IC : . . : : ' : : . J t ' , . . . I j . ( i PA r.- . - . .0--- ; ' , ! ILL. ISO. I O _ - . I . I t . - it I .1- ' / ' . ii i I I i' ' I ii i I t'Io. _ \ . i \ , . ( ' ' I VA , - - - - ' 1.I . - . . _ _ . _ , . . _ . _ . _ . _ . : . _ . ; . . . . . I . , . . . j' TtNN. . : ' ' , N.C. ' . . . . , " . , . . . - - - - - , _ ARK. -.1---- . - I , > . \ ' v " - . _ , \ r j \ \S.c . ,0 I - - ' - ' lIS , ALA. . I.-- ! \ GA. ' C ; \ - Ii\ . e \ LA. J. . ; . I - . - . . . " , 1 - - - I- - : -I' atd.c , o \ 4' . . . , . ' . : . . . . , \ " ' " . - : , ? : " . , . . _ : . _ - . : . _ _ _ . _ - - - - - - - f _ \ _ . _ . _ - ' " I THE WATERWAYS OF THE FUTUUE. avenue Chicago , to Lockwood Iii. . and crossing time divide that separates time basin ot tile great lakes from the valley ot the MississIppi rl"or. This divide Is 50 low , naturally - turaly , as to practIcally disappear at perIods of unusla1y high water. There was a tme , no doubt . when the tipper lakes found an outlet - let southward by way of the rivers to the gut Instead ot eastward by the lower lakes and the St. Lawrence to the AtlantIc . so that the canal wIll only restore the original low to the ancient channel A portion of the excavation now going on Is throlgh the sold rock , and n portion through time clay. The rock omIts are J60 feet wide nt the bottom and 162 at the top , the earth cuts arc 202 teat wide at the bottom and 30G at time top. The depth of water to b malnllned , varies from twenty-four to twen\y-slx feot. The Slez canal , unt lately the largest artIficial channel - nel In the world , Is only sevcnty-two feet wide at the bttom or elghty.elght feet narrower - rower than the Chicago dralnape , The Pan- aml canal was projected (0 ( be only sevenl-two tn aevemmtv-eigimt feet wide at the bottom and tQo long to 10 relOl1ere , I IS enoUgl to Hay thai after years' or agitation ground was flimsily hrolten II Sepleimiber J892 , and the work has been progres8lnF Itoarly ever since , the total estmatei cost ot the canal proper will be $217,000,000 , anll that of 1m- provllK the nesplalnts ) alll ( Illinois rivers , so as to be navigable for deep water boat . about $30,000,000 more , or $55,000,000 alto. getiter. Mr. Cooley 10ids that ( for time distance - tanco , 320 mils , this wi bo the cheapesl arl- tidal channel of Illand deep water In the world , as It will be time longoit Below OratIon , which Is only a few mlos ahoy RI. L9uIs there Is natural deep water la\'I.aton a part of every year . and the 1lsslslppl Hver conhinissioml with a large continuous ap. plcprlalon lt command , Is [ lerCectnK Ilals for the Improvement of time alher 01 Water , which , I Is believed , will he more effective tlm oily 11 have been heretofore adopted . CaptaIn Muon of the Anchor Line ot MIssissippi river sto'm boats expressed the belief II 10 time other day thaI % time sd- dltonal volume of water to be turned Into the blsalHslppl by the nralnago canal will materialy help In the rIver's Inprovemont , 'fhero has beemm Home ojipoaltlen 10 time use of time rIvers 'br ' the drainage of so large n city lS Chicago , hut scientfc men lay the 10werago will he effectually dl&gulsell by the great volume of pure waleI that will carry I , and the people of St. Louis arc satisfied that I will cause tht'm 10 Inconvonlenco whatever. They . therefore , make 10 OPIO' silou to time IJroject. but rather encourage It , Clr while they realize Ihat the new waterway - way will amid Ilmensely 10 the commercial Importance "f Chicago they leo clearly Ihat It will also help them. lOut Cblcago'tt ambition and the 1'lan8 it : . . , _ . - , . . _ . . . _ . _ M. _ . objection would attach In lesser degree to the Syracuse and Oswego roule , nod \ would bo almost . Iinposslbio to estimate tile aggregate cost of cllhor. 1 would , how- o\er. run away up Into time hundreds of millions. The , right ot way for the Black river ' route womilti bo less expensIve but there would bo one difculy very hard to get over-tho procuring ot wlter for the high levels. There would be dililculty In this respect In time ErIe route also for \ Is nol easy to gel enough water for its hIgh levels , even now" , In very dry seaSOUR. Tim Champlalu Outlet canal could bo completed - ploted for 100,000,000 and lhole weld bo 10 lack of w ter. ; "u tile scheme of 1,00plng the now deep waleI route entirely within the United Stales bo carried oul Il will be necessary to build I few mies ot canal front Lake Onlrlo to the Niagara river above the fails , and probably this would ho well , whatever Is done as to the remainder of the route especially as I would not bo much more expensive than tile Impro\'e- ment of the Ixlstng Weiand canal. " A MAGN1FICEN'r DREAM. Then , with the al ! of n mp , Mr. Cooley elucidated hIs 1agnIcent dream When time proposed \'unl waterway has been completed It will bo possible to circum- navlgato all that vast populous and wealhy section at the United States east of time 1lHSlsslppl , oxcoptng Now England and a part ot Now Yolk , WIsconsin and paris of IllinoIs and Michigan A vessel I that shoul(1 ( male thts voyage would pass hy or through mora than fifty cities of over I JOOOO Inhabitants each , beginning at New : York . time metropols of tim Atantc coast , Including Chlcapo , time rclrOIola of time hake region ! , St Louis the metropolis of limo Mlsslssl/1 valley . and cndlng at New Or- leans , the metropols ot the fur south , A fner series of cities doc not exist on thlK globe. Moreover It woull bo IIOS811101 durlll the ocean part : of time voyage , to via t every nobhle Atlantic seaport oxceptll ; 10910n , and Including Washington , the national calli- tal , Balimore and lhlarleJlhtl , 1"urthor. nlore nearly every great city not reacherl hy this trunl navigation route ould 1m reached dIrectly by water through Is eon- nectons , 1arsI18 CitY Jenver. Omaha ( alli coptiomls San I'ranclscoou , \ \ he atuut time only ox. 'I'imero mmro mmammy immtlicatlon of a rapidly ass'alteIlIng ilIterest ill ( loop vbter calills lii time iJimlttl Statta asimle fromn that milapimoyrti in the trummlc atlto Project.STork on tIm I I enmlepiil can mm i , not a I I Ilk In t lila stti iommdomis clmain , 1mm goiimg on ; thmpro is a renewal of tulle of a tilmip canal ( ronu trme Atlantic across Ness' Jersey to , i'imilatleilllmia and jrom the lelaware bay to tIme Ctmt'mmaImeHke , omie ho- tween Lake Micimigait nimml Luke Huron Is proposed. another from Lake Erie to Pittu. burg amid mitill aimothmol' across upper lelonimia , which would retltmctm time length of this trummk route some imuiiml0t7tj3 Ct' iiifl ' , , Opposition Is exlmecteml fromu sopmo of time rniiroamls , but time Imeamis of certain otimermm , especially tlmoso extendIng ovest of tue MIs- alsalppi , l5't ) exlmreished time belief I hat the commstrtictloim of tue great waterway would be beneficial to tlmeom liistead of hurtful , . , Ti , ti Iii lit ( il5 A 1)1111) 'I'r't'ii. Time decayed tulmhp is mlii llmat relnalnl of ( ho ( Ul000s "muotimer tree , " tile. oldest known speelmnoim of time lfliode Island greening , says tIme I'rovidonce Journal. A few rails sioutim. west of thu old lilnekilml on time ilortimelIl verge of Fruit lmiil , on Frederick ' . \Vlnsor's ( arm , 51011(15 a younger Iree. Airs , Wilisor's greaf- great-grmtndfatimer , Neilellllah imnltii , planted time : miotimer tree , of st'hmi h tIle other is a hlimIb wrenched wlmila loaded wIth fruit ( toni time parent stock , duniimg Icing George Ii's reign , In 1748 , amid vas therefore 141 years old when it was cut down iii 1869.110 , nitd its life 110111 limo seed Blust be imearly 150 years. Time liresemmt tree , time "dmmugiiter tree , " so- called , is a limb of time Imlotlier trunk mmml was broken oft In time Seltemllber ) gale at 1815 , aimU wlmicim , ( bill lilt elbow thmurst Into tIme mnolat , rIch soil , took root anti becarmuc imimis- PCJmdeTIt. l' . 23. Perry. of Canandaigua , N , Y , , a faluomla iuurseryiiman mmd promologist , ImrO- hmouneeti the tiuit of these trees the finest of time greening family , amid lirucurlU hmumsdredmm of itciOllil front time stock to liitroduce into New York and tIme Ilhiddle states. TIme present year tIme younger tree bore ebput ten buslmel of time finest quality of apples , and bids fair to breast , time stermua of many a winter yet to pimme , - - - - - - - , , . . . - _ . - _ - _ _ _ 1.I 11(111 . : VTlS , 2 All miners' illulolla of Now SOuth \Vaios have comtublnetl , Siioevorkera of St. Louis , litlmbering 1,00 , talk of zmimialgamtuating. Time lflnclliiulStS of Ilaltimnoro have organ. Izor a co-operatlvo 511011. Satu Francisco actors have organized and will afilliato with time l.abor ComIncil , Last year trutles 11010115 in EIiglitllml spout about $2,000,000 for otlt-ot-worle bt'neflts. IltifImulo statisticiums find that ( hero are . .0o0'onueum lii titt cIty who earn Olmly $2.50 a bOck. S iClulgilts of miaccals , of Michigan resolved that all I heIr printing in ttlturo 7111151 bear time llumiOll hmmLel , Time Central Labor tmniomm of E'aius'ille , .lIltl , , bougimt a irliltiilg imlaimt 1111(1 wIll con. duct Its owim Paper. It is repontemi that as Imumih clothIng os'ns tnntlo lit l3iilg Sing lriSOll Inst year as In all New York ( 'its' . Metal , glass amuml otimer strong trades ot Plttsitmirg nlmil vicinity nrc lIlmLkIulg another atteimmpt at. 50111115 togetlmer , JalIn Ilti rims lmi'l 1 large Ill cot ill 50 tim l'iiti - mlelplmln , W'ImshmlilgtOll anti Ilostoul , flIltiVamt warnmiy grcete4l Itt each city. Tue genermml office of tue lllternatlolmal Fur. lultliroVorkers' tinlnmi Is about to ho 1hutl'Ctt frommi ilrookl3'ml to hall imuu.mre. Time coretitakers' miumions are foniime.il limIts a imtioimni hotly li ) aim organizer of tim , ll1erlm2aum Fe'leratloim ' of Labor. 'l imo gelloral ofilces of time Ammterlt'an Rail- va' 7I1l0il nimil limo htnilwuy : 'FillIes have beeuu rcmmtnvcti to Terre Ilammie , luud. 'rime i'cimooh imoarti of W'imlterthmtmr. Svltzer- laimd , iimts tleclil etl I ima t sclmemol chmlldrcum shall li lro'hled with food anti shoes , Salmu Golilpers has given It omit thmmtt Ime vill mlgmliii liti a ctimmlitiato : for lireshmlolit of tile Ainenicaut Federation of Labor next year. Ot'or 10.000 worlellloul Immive iieniu favorably affecteti im' the muioithomu of limo t'lgimt.imour vonlmliy for govermmmmmelmt clmmlmloyos III hug- laud , Tim almntlal celt'bratlolu of the elgltt-lmour day was mt great smmccoss in New Zealailmi timhit year.bold , 8,000 p001110 tmlrmmed out at \Vehlington , Time Massliloim , 0. , coal operators threaten to 1111110 ft Imm3w lumen I f the miminers ln'rslst in tlmeir remmsal ! to accept Limo scai mmwartlemi by tii arbItrators. Time lleiitatite mmmil Lake Shaft luimmes of time Lake SlIllerior lromm commt'.miiy mIt lmiiilE'umllumg , Micli. , imave been closed for tlmo winter , throw- log 250 lllCll omit of work. Time llroollymi Cemmtrmul Labor mmmiemt al- POlIttetI ml comtmmltteo recently to stmimmnit a luau to flumd 11100113 ammil Wmlys for erecting a ltbor : temimimlo lit Uroolelymu , Time tiefeCtiOIl 1mm the mssetubiles of the KnIghts of Labor iii Clmicago is so great that emIly 1,000 mmhombors him good etmuimlimmg : reituals iii tue artier oimt of a totml : of 20,000. Attorimey Gemoral RIlis of Nlclmlgan line 5110)1 ) for nut imujmlllctlnim to reslraimm tIme vnr- tIcIm ( if tiio Jitcksoml Imrlsomm froumu ieaslimg comu- 'ict labor to : t Clmicmgo bicycle conimnuiy. TIme emmmplo'es of time 0. ii , linimimnonmi Pack- lug commmpaiiy's calmmhing series at ilainmmloumd , Immil. , have itcen notified of it remlmmctiomm of tlmllo , Which vili decrease wages ulmaterlally. TIme shoemmlakcrs' strike at I laverlmlll etumied in it iracticmml victory for tIme 1110mm. The State hoard of Ariltrmtion : wai iitregly In. strlmimleiitai Ill bnimuglng abomlt time ntljustnuent. Kansas City MIdiaumd Mecimnuuic miminommncea tlmat GemmerniVc'aver will hilOVO to Mlssoilri itImli emugage Ill fam1llmlg , mind that ito imas dcclaretl ills intemmtlomm imever agalim to run for oflice. Samummel tlonupers has lmcen elected delegate of ChgarmTmakors Uniomm No. 14 1 to time allnual conventloml of time New York state bramlcim of tIme American F'etieratlomm of Labor , w'liose scsson ! will occur iii Albany. OhIo has enacted a strlngemut law govenmming limo sale of prIson umrndo goomla , amimong the provisions of. which It Is mmece-ssary for all dealers In such articles to iroemmre a license , for wlmhplm time suni of $500 will be cimargeti. The OhIo State Trade , almti Labor assembly , ' . in commrontIon at Columilbus , denounced the. Practice of federal jtitlges in isStilllg bianket. imltIIiCtlOflS , and urges coumgreas to IIaSS laws restrictIng time power of judges In tlmis re- sjmect. , flebs and time other omccrs of time American Railway unIon have begun serving their ternm - of lmnprisonmnemut 1mm Cool ! county jail. Timey vill be permllitted nuamiy pnivljeges , anti time timno will probably ho Passed iii somno degree of comlufort. Another gonerni strike at Itoinestentl Is imot on iumuprobabliity. Time dIssatisfaction of the niet over time reatljmmstnuent of vagos Is still very Inanlfest , ammil the glneral opiniomm is timat time entire plant at llomnosteatl will ho bile In a few iiays. I'resldent McBride of time Allierican Fctler. motIon of LIhor , vIll form : ) a plaIt to unlta tile two factiom , of the Brotlmorlmooti of I'alnters' and Decorators , and it will ime smmbmitted to time local tiniomus of tIme latter hotly for tiielr approval or rejection , ' Dmmrlng time past year the International Cigarmmlakers' minion lIaR Imartiehrmatcd Ill fifty- live strikes , 717 per cent of which vera sue- cossfuh. It galimeil twenty-four uiew mInloima and time wages have beeml uniformmlly main- talmled at time old standard. Time New Jersey Federation of Trades and Labor tmnlons is 'about to Issue a Imlontlily jourmmai. Time prospectus ittatea hint. It. Ivill be tievotemi to tIm ftmrtlmeramice of time trails umliomu mmlO''Omlleflt of time stab in particular and of the coulitry in general. Time aunt of $10,000 Imas been placeml at time disposal of time striking cloakunakers of Now York by time Aeloclation ( or Improving the Colimlitloll Of limo Poor , time li1OflY to ho tmsed for tue pmmrpos of enuploylng time mmien at cleaning the streets at wages of $1. per day. , Time United States distrIct attorney of Cal. iformmia vhll siiortiy fcCalllullend to 4ttorney General Olitey timat. lie dhsimliss tIme. charge. against at least timrpe.fotmrtlmim of the A , It. U. Immemi JmOV. ' umldor urreit In hum dIstrIct charged with cOniiracy growilIg olt of the eceI1t strIke. Julio Mcflnitio , tue ioov proshdemit of the Aimmerhenil Fedaratlomm of Ilor. imaim been in- tlustrioilsiy interviewed recently , lie ilo. dares 1mm favor of Independent politics amid imlmliosopiiIo soclalimmin , It goes without say. Ing that Ime ii a trade unionist bmforo either of thteoc tlmiitgs. Tile omeers of the Aunericamu Federation how are I'rcslilent , Johmmm Mtillrlmie ; Imecrotar ) ' , Atmgust McCriltli : ; first vice preslilellt , I' , J , McDtilro ; secoild vice Imrosident , Jammios Dumm. . caum ; tiilrml vIce lmresldemmt , Itiiotiy ifonoitoim ; fourth vce presltlent , 'I'hmommlus J , Elderkhii ; trehetlrer , JohlIm II , Lominomi. 'rho lmrugress of Christianity lii Japan is 0110 of time unarvelis of nuotlern chmmmrclm imistory , Time first tio'e years of faltimfuil Chirlttisml struggle imrodueed ella convert. Ill 1872 was orgalmIzeil thin first evangelioul cimureli of eie0'Cll , ueiiuliers. Now timere mire 365 churches , v1tim a Tmmeilmhersiilp of 25,534. llimmliop Alimhmouii , \ViiimoiI of time Methmoilist Rimlscolmal church , Imumithi , i1emmis time state- imiemit ci' limo Slmammianml XImIlenes timat limo recent - 4 cent troubles of till ) /trimlemmlaims mire to be lilaimueml Oil the Methodist missIouianies Ill Asia 23111cr. ii ( r.mya lucre onto tmo Aulier- lean Methimilmit utiltahormarhea hI Asia Minor , NatloIlal fecrelury Ilarry I , Caulilehrl of tue Young l'eojmte'tm Christian uimimm of time tinlversmmllst lltircim of America , uvill soon no. move tjio hmeatliluartors of tue uiUtiOIhal Utiloli froumu Cleveland Lu Jlostomm , where lie wIll assilumlu charge of limo editorial depart- ImlelIt Q ( tilmwurti , time ohilcial tirgami of Ummle vcrsm.lhlt YOIimhllmCOImlO. ( . The unhoim wa orgall- iz'il October 22 , 1819 , at Lyii , , Mmis $ , , aii Omow ilumnliers400 unious , wIth a mmuimitimursblp of 15,000. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 0 . $ % en i I ii I , f I iii , hi ii rio ium 4 'u rjiorm I lump , The great wetmlthm , either of ihio Monmina , cimurch or of time iimihivlmluals at itmt imeaml , has hloemI again tlemilomibtrsted by time JCClIt iii- 'd5tii1emmt of I0,000,000 l'y the "First l'resl- ' deimc" lii a 1meV corImorallomI culled the Utah ccnmpaimy. 'IJila imew CQilIli3flY Is to operate coal mimics , a railroad , a bathillig beach aimmi nicasuro resort itt thto great Salt lake and build , equip aiid operate tolegrapii 01141 tei. ilimerme lilIes , 'I'iiis Is purely to glmurchm imciitine , , imi willcil geimtiIes imavom 160 1)011 , itmitl Is , Jiku time ? .iomu Co-operatIve commipari' , to be IlimlU- ageil to add te tile wemmitil of tIi ohmurchm , * % 'ben Baby was pdck , we gave her Ciu00ria. When abe was a ChmiU , bho erics ) ( or Ca.ttorta , When site iic'eamumo Bias , t.1m clung to C.ost.onla , % 'ben aloe Iid Children , alma gave them Ca'tm-rtc , . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -