Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I , 'uIIE OIAIIA DAIJ.JY BEE ! : MONDAY : : , JANUARY 28 , 1895. { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a I
Dtlvetd b urler to n7 part ot the el" .
It. W TILTON. Lcueo.
'Et.tPIONrSUullnua om" No U : nigh
l tdlor _ , No. 2 -
.11."UI 4rixrio.
Orand hotel , Council 13Iuft , reopened Oct. 1.
Moyueal Estate agency 639 Droadway.
The funeral oC T C. Johnston will take
place tiliR afternoon al 3 o'clock from his
tIIR arernoon
late restlene , , 227 huff streel.
CharIeR I.'rohman's company wilt present
the wel known military comedy , "The Girl
I l.eC Behind Mo " al Dohany' next
'Velnesday evening.
The Ministerial association oC the city will
mecl Monday al 10:30 : a. m. , In the parlors
oC the First Presbyterian church. The an-
ual election oC ofccrs nnl other important
business will be transacted.
A meeting of [ young German Is l to be held
WcdneBday evening 01 Mnennerchor hall for
the Ilrpose of oranlzlnl a turnvcreln
Thirty have already signified , their intention
. of becoming inemhers. John Oundrm is l to
have charge of the gymnastic shle of the
organization for the present , and II Is sail .
thaI the Omaha vereln has agreed 10 furnish
what appnratus Is nccesmry until the so-
cloty gets strong enough to support itself.
The Grand hotel has recently made nn
innovation which IB proving very attractive
to Is , patrons. Fine music Is furnished al
dinner Thursday , and , Sunlay , evenings. Prof
J. Albin luster , violinist , and I'rof Engle ,
pianist , have been engaged for those two
days each week , anll the music they
furnish Is Car ahead oC anything that has
ever yet been attempted al this hotel. The
plan Is proving Profitable to the hotel and
will be more 10 as soon as the public becomes -
comes aware of lhe musical treat that Is In
. store for them.
We have over $300.000 to Ilan ' upon 1m-
proved Iowa farms. l armer desiring loans
can save money hy dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agent's commission. 'Ve Io
not loan on wild lands nor In Nebraska.
Lugc & 'fowle , 235 Pearl street.
Try Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , for good
work. Our medium gloss finish can't bo
beat , blt WQ do strictly hand work domestc
finish. when preferred. Telephone 157.
; Neatest drug clore-Taylor's , Grand hotel.
1'llt8O.V.I ' 3. 1'.til.fJIf.I PIES.
O. C. Gaston spent Sunday at his home In
Miss Celia Wolcot spent Sunday with
friends In Ek City , Neb.
J. D. Sweet left last evening for a week's
business vIsit 10 Denver , Colo.
Alcl Iny Ou.
In spite of the announcement that was
. made hy Rev. E. W. Alen a few days ago
to his congregation that he had decided , to
reject the cal extended 10 him hy a church
In Bufalo , N. Y. , and remain . pastor of the
Christian church In' this city , there seems 10
be some doubt as to whether he will really
stay here. During the blast few dayti . I Is
said by a reliable authority , there have been
men at work trying to work up a feeling
against him . and so earnest have been their
efforts thaI ho Is thinking serIously of accepting -
ceptn ! tIle cal to the Buffalo church.
"Dr. A. II. Carter , who form'rly preached
for us , " said one of the members yesterday ,
"has been trying to get Allen out for the
last two years. When he resigned he did
80 with the hope that we would give him a
bigger salary and refuse to accept the resig-
nation. Hut we didn't , an that Is the cause
oC his b''levaneo. He left the church last
Bummer , and several of his sympathizers
went with him. Ever since they went out
they have been trying to work up a feeling
against Alien. The pastor has now about
come to the conclusion that IC he steps out
lie wibl leave an opportunity for the disaffected -
affected ones 10 come back , and I shouldn't
be surprised It he did so. The otter ho has
hall Is one of a lifetime , and we can't blame
him IC he accepts It. "
Dr Carter's friends claim for him an en-
tire innocence of any atempt to stir up
trouble , and wih a surprising unanimity , In
view of the reports that are going around ,
assert that they have none but the frlend-
host of feelings for Mr Allen.
rave Your Money.
. . Dy investing In the stock of the Savings
Loan and Buiding association oC Counci
Bluffs. Incorporated In 1877.
Incorporatel 187. Monthly pay-
ments of $1.00 per share , netting the Investor
about 10 -per cent Inlerest. Ten series already -
ready paid out . which fully demonstrates
the ability of tile association to mature Its
sock In about seventy-nve monthly pay-
ments. No loans made outsilo of Council
Bluffs , and all applications examined and
passed upon by n majority of the board of
directors. Good loans wanted. Full Inorma-
Uon can be obtained at the ofce of D. W.
OtIs , secretary , 10 Main street or any of the
following directors : H. W. Hazelon , Frank
Grass , John Brown. A. S. Hazelon , H. C.
Deebe , A. B. Walker , E. E. Hart , F. C.
Lougee , S. S. Leonar"
Oas cockln stoves for rent and for sal at
Gas Co.s ofce ,
Pleaded for 1"oroiSI J1 slon. .
At , the First Presbyterian church yesterday
morning Dr. Phelps preached an eloquent
' sermon on the subject oC foreign missions ,
anti al the close oC his discourse a collection
was taken for the benefit of the society
' socety
which 1001s'aer .the foreign mission worll.
lo painted a dark picture of things as they
now are II heathen lands ; and Inclined 10
the belief that China , after the Christianizing
influence of the gosp l had 111\ time to male !
Itself felt , wpull arise In a Ilght that would
make Japan , or any other country that might
try tl take M\'antago of Its lethargy , but a
a , pigmy In Its hands. Chrlst ity was the
power that hal , lifted civilized lands above
lho heathen , and the church ought to put
forth every effort possIble to carry the gospel -
pot still further Into countrIes blinded by
paganism. lie read Crom a secular paper
publshed In Boston nn elltorlal paragraph
which stated thaI the Christian missionary ,
must be considered as ha\lnE done a large
part In brInging about the change oC the
last tow decades In foreign countries "And
yet , " exclaimed the speaker , "one oC our
local IHlller comes out with an article In
which It Ineers 01 time lazIness and useless
, ' , ness oC our missionaries When I see sueh
con-wel , I eamo very near swoartmig-but
when I sce such contemptible items In our
papers , It makes lY blooll boil. "
tl'cehlt 1"1011 Iall ' 'htl Weak nt l' , 0 , U
Drown'C. . O. D. XXXX patent , 85c per
lack ; lufalo , 7e Iler Back ; Lone Star 65c
per sack ; Huby , 60e tier sack ; rye 10ur , 45e
per sacl" and . rye graham , 45c per sack ;
corn meal , 15c per sack ; potatoes , 65c per
Itemcnsber ' , a slvcr dollar packed In ovary
twentieth sa'cl' oC Brown's celebrated XXXX
patent. I you , are lucky you get your flour
for nothing , nnOWN'S C. O. D.
tll' ' 'ry toiieitmiomm.
L. J , Wllns and a man named Daler ,
tie young follows employed about I ohany's
q opera hOUM1 , sl'enl SUllay afternoon wIth n
number oC their friends In a room back of
the staKe , ali a very , pleasanl afternoon It
was A growler navigated back and forth
several tImes until both WldM and Baker
became very jagged about the edges They
then wantl'd to tight. Baker has hal his
muscle hanlene by months or wresting
with a Paste brush an.l theatrical posters ,
antI all thaI Prevented \Vlklns from being
utterly annlhlale,1 was the appPlrance of [
itaker's brother , a barber , who separated
them and tried to get his brother to go home
hut he .was obstinate and insisted
obstnate Inslted uron stayIng -
lag amid completng the work of destruction .
The barber thereupon gave him I couple or
vigorous smashes In the .
face , and exclaim.
tog , "I'l doIng this for your own good , " he
dramatcaly Ilut his brother under his wine
anti took him himmie . As soon as Mr Do.
hany learned that n great hunk hall been
, broken out oC the Sabbath ( lay In , this way ,
li' dls'harged both Wikins and Baker and
hired new men to look aCer the scenery at
the evening IJerformance.
John Schlcleetam : , sr. . has moved , back from
Omaha. and lies opened I fine lrber : shop at
store gas Broadway , , OpCEIO Icelber's furniture
Music at the Grand bIi Thursdays. I
. \ vcih ae .Suitdays , at the dlnnr tour , ) 6 to
tb. , '
l o'ciei1c .
Rev Armstrong Bids rr wel t the
Second Prcsbytolinn Ohmch ,
hubs fnre"el to tIme Congregation Without '
Any II I'ollnl , Toward . \ ny One-
Large Congregdlon Present
tu lenr 11m ,
Hev , C. N. Armstrong preached hIs farewell '
well sermon a pastor of the Second 1rsby-
terlan church yesterday morning Nearly all
oC time congregation was present And appeared -
peered to be visibly affected . by his parting
words. Ito read the 20th chapter oC Acts , amid
took his text from the 2lth verse . lie likened
himself to Paul , who , when they took him out
to stone him , prayed thaI thy might be
forgiven. The chapter was filled with a good
deal oC subtle reasoning that ho seemed to
think might bo well applied to his own minIstry -
Istry , lie read some verses In Second Corinthians -
lhlans , where Paul refers to the lashings he
had received , when he was thrice whipped
with rOls , "but with aU their persecutions
he would come out thrice blesscd " He lKened
himself to Paul again as being a plain
Ilreacher , preaching In simple faith , ant that
ho was tiara and free from the blood or all
nien He spoke of the ministry and its re- ,
Rponslblltl anti the dlfeulles of trying to .
please nh. Ministers annolntet of God were I.
nol always approvet of muon Some adll-
tonal warm wonls were ound In the 25th
chapter of Hevelatlons , 12th and 16th verses
"lut time question of tlma most Importance 10
us all now Is , " said he , "shal we meet over
there , even \ we do not agree here ? 1 will
be there ; shal I lEet you ? " lIe asked for
tilt blessing of God upon the man who should
take his place and fill the vacant pulpit , and
asl < ell the congregation In God's Iamo to
give him a hearty ali earnest support. In
parting he said that , alhough his heart
adieu , It contalnel , no malice , but was overflowing -
flowing with kindness and , forgiveness for
au. lie then declared the pulpit vacant , anti
his closIng prayer was for a blessing upon
the church and Its future.
1"O,1 0 ; ' % % 'IiK : .
Boston Store Cle"rll Sate to Contnue 010
' % 'c'k Lcmiger.
New bargains In every department.
46 Inch all wool hcnrleUas and tIne serges ,
regular price 76c ; reduced to 48e a yard.
Our entire stock of fine French seges and
whip cords that sold for $1 , reduced to 57c n
Our entire stock of fine novelty dress
goods , worth from $ to $1.75 a yard , to close
at 79c a ya rd.
33c , 39c and 450 turkey red table damask ,
25c a yanl
$1.25 to $1.75 napkins , now 9Sc a dozen.
S2.75 and S3 nauklns. reduced 10 $1.95 a
dozen. !
lOc and 12Yc embroidery , reduced to 2c a
76c Infants' wool hoods , now 25c each.
5c Caste soap , 3c a cake : 25c n dozen.
Klrk's bouquet soap 1c a box.
lOc curling Irons 5c each.
25c silk elastic web , to close 121c a yard.
Ladles' 15c handkerchiefs , reduced to 6c
each.1e quality ladles' wool mittens , Sc a pair.
19c children's wool mittens , now 6c a pair
Doys' Ummel waists , were SOc , now 29c
Our entire stock of men's heavy gloves ,
worth from 75c to $1.50 ; reduced 10 69c a
Council , Bluffs ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ - Iowa
Davis sells drugs , paints and glass cheap.
Y. 51. C. . \ . Meotmmmgs.
The hal at time corer of Main street and I
Broadway was comfortably tilled wIth young
men yesterday afternoon , and time occasion
was an Inspiring one. The ringing talks
( rein the young and business men were indicative -
! Icatve of victory. I has been decided to
hold n weell's series of meetings for men
beginning this evening at 7:30 : o'eloell.
Secretary CurtIs wi be In charge of the
meetings , but there wi be associate with ,
him many of tIme best workers In the city. '
The services wi bo short , lasting hut an
heur , and full of me. Special music will be
arranged. Tonight Hev. O. W. Snyder wIll give
a lhfteen-mintmte address All men. young
and these who are older , are Invited 10 come.
JtNI"ON unos
Moimdmty's Special lorlall .
Only a few days before Inventory. All odds
and ends must be sold. Notice lhese prIces :
1,000 yards striped Se and lOc outing dan-
neb , Monday 3c yard.
200 remnants oC 36.lneh figured silkaline .
2 to 5 yards In each piece , Monday 3c
Turkey red figured calico , 3c yard
$1.00 6-4 fringed chen 10 table covers , ,19c
$1.50 , $ 1.75 and $2.00 6.4 Cringed table
covers , 99c eneh.
Turkey red table damasll , iSo yard.
35e , 40e and 45c all wool white flannel ,
Monday 29c yard ; I you need while flannel
buy Monday.
SOc and 60c all wool henrletas , all shades ,
Monday 29c each , Ladles , I you want a
nieo soft wool fabric for house gown or
strEet wear . lake advantage ' oC this bargain
$1.00 Dengalno crepe Bie , evenIng shades ,
Nile green , light blue and pInk , Monday 4Sc
Council Bluffs .
Uob Hnt'cbs Tulksbnut time CllrgCl.
Bob Kneebs may exhibit his two horses ,
Bethel and Nellie Ineebs , In German thea-
ters . lie bas been talking about time charges
breught against him In Oermany. lie said :
"The report has become current during the
last few days that I do not Intend to return
to Germany to defend the charges made
against me The facts are that I do Intend
to return and defend In toe course eC a
couple oC weeks , I necessary. There Is
some prospect thaI the cases against mo w\
be dropped by tIme authorities there. I have
Bethel In this country and could take you I
to her In a very short time I I was so dis- I
posed 1 , but I shall not do that , for the 11'es-
emit at least. I I have to return to Ocr-
many to fight tIme cases Iethel will go with
mo , and so will persons who know the horse
The tal , thaI I made the money that I dId
last season by ringing Bethel Is rIdiculous
The mare cannot go a mile In three mln .
utes now with any certaimmty She Is humus
In one of her Core legs and ha been for a I
year She Is nol lit to work anti probably '
ncver will bo tracked again Even I I am
not compelled to go back to Oermany to
defend the cases I shall probably return
anyhow , As you know , my arrest anti 1m-
prhonment In Germany created a great deal
of exelemtnl there , and nlckellnthe-slot
machine pictures of myself , time great
American rh'ger , and of Hethel , were placed
alt over Berlin. I have an otter from a
German amusement manager to pay my expenses .
penses and the expense of takIng Bethel to
that country anil In additional offer of $500
per night for ten nights to exhibit Bethel
antI Nellie Kneebs , the horse the Germans
think Is Uethel , side by side In his theater
In GerJln ' , and point out the differences
between the horses. "
111,110 1tItii . . Lead the State
C.ptaln Charles W , Kemble oC MUKcatne ,
who was IPpolntpd acting Inspector oC smal
Ilns practice for tnt First brIgade , Iowa
National Ouanls. luring the Iness of the
hate Major Oarlock . hal fnbhed his report
of ; target tirIng for lS9 ! . The Muscatne
Rifles 110.1 the list or two dozen companies.
' there
Captain Klmble'l report shows thaI
are In the brigade nine tnle(1 States sharpshooters .
shooters , four United States marksmen , sev-
enly.slx state sharpshooters anl , 15 mark-
men. The figure at merit for the Third regiment -
mont Is 32,30 ; for the Second regiment ,
29.16. and for [ the brigade . 30.49. This Is nn
excellent showing compared with that of
1893 , when the ngura of merit for the Third
regiment was li.40 : for the Second regiment ,
17,30 , making an average of only 14.60 for
the brigadea showing only hal as cod
as thaI or the year just closed The Mus-
'cln Hnes are stub In time lend , In the
brlgalo , and In the aale , their fgnre of
merit last year reaching higher than ever
before , being 117,33. The company In the
sato standing second to the : Iuseatne
Rifles II tIme one at Shenandoah , company
E of tIme Thlr brIgade , whose figure or
merit Is 96.48.
Nut I nnulh " ' 11(1 to lrem'7e.
Boone Ice dealers are liusly engaged harvesting -
vesting their crOp oC Ice , and are now about
hal throu/h the season's work ,
I Is probable thaI more Ice will b 11t up
this season than usual , and It Is of the finest
quality , a lite over n Ccot thick and clear
as crystal. Iceman Stevenson says that they
are experiencing moro Ilfeuly than usual
In getting the Ice , the dfeuly : being In
nn.lng Illaces where the river Is deep
enough The water In the Ies Moines river
IB so low lhat It Is only In a few places
there Is Iepth enough for ice.ctttting. These
1100ls have to be hunted up , anti even when
found , antI the Ice hI plowed , the sand runs
umler the Ice anti fIlls up so that It Is nol
fit to cut. In many 1lacel the river seems
frozen to the bottom , and , of course , Ice can-
nol be taken out In such plaes.
Mr. Stevenson says that each winter for
tIme host five years ho hiss 10tcell the river
to be perceptibly lower than the year before ,
all It Is a query with him how long It will
I.all before the bream wil go entrely dry.
t ohl I"tl " luclt hol' fir ii : Iortlnoo
On the ground , that a gamblng Inslulol
was not a valid consideration Judge lusled
at Dubulue nonatmitedVlliiatn II. Adams ,
who sold n unit interest In Adams & W'lmite's
bucket shop at 19 Chamber of Commerce ,
Chicago , to John B. Hckets for $ 2r00 , , tak-
log In payment a mortgage on H'eketts'
malt house In lMmbiique which A.lams sought
to Coreelose. Alams tohl Helletls that the
concern paid $ 3IOOO a year , anll Adams and
White swore to this here. Hlckets also
pall Abraham Deemlor [ $ ,500 for a half
interest In what he suppostd was tIme exclusive -
sive right to Ilublsh city directories In Chi-
eogo , but which proved to be a copyright on
the name "Chicago Omee-Uulhlng Drec-
tory , " Deenlor [ was alowel to foreclose
his mortgage. The court Intmated he woull
give Alams jugment later for $1,000 loaned
to ness. lticketts to conduct the brokerage ! busi-
Brewery lulhlng nt n\'rnport.
The Davenport Matting company Is prc'
tcaly making a new brewery out of tIme
one It purchased of JulUs Lehrldnd last fall
Work was begun last November on the stock
house , antI nol a brew house and a boiler
house are wel under way. Time brew house
will bo a four-stor structure , with a
ground area of 33x4 Ceet. Davenport brick
Is being used , anti time wals of the first and
second stories wi he lwenty-one Inches
thick , white above the second story they
will be seventeen Inches. The door eonstruc-
lon will bc of steel beams with concrete
arches between them , overlaid with cement.
The tlct ltmmremti.
Batavia Sentinel : Mr. Morton , secretary
oC agrlcuitmmre . 15 reported as looking contemptuous -
temptuous at the [ unclons of the omee
he holds. The fact of time mater Is this
cabinet position was created for time purpose
of UeldlnE the farmers and tl furnish one
moro comfortable herth for a vohitician. Its
useulness was not the chief consideratIon
wIth tIme men who created the position.
hull . from Jown.
Des Moines Capital : Darlet Scott , the
defaulting treasurer who was lynched In
Nebraska , was formerly from Carrel county ,
Iowa , and lam Kautzman , the populist editor - I
tor of O'Nel , Neb. , who denounced Scott so
severely even aCer his death , was formerly
an Iowa man and published a paper at Casey
and also at Outline Center
a Outhre
hear Ye , hoar Yet
Pacific Junction Recorder : Investors , cap-
Ita lsts and others wIll do well 10 keep an
eye upon Pacific JunctIon. This year of
grace dawns most auspiciously for the town ,
and . with a little energy , enterprise and cooperation -
operation , every property owner cn become
wealhy , or at least comfortably well off ,
Confct of the G"scs
Des MoInes Capital : The police and gam-
blng queston thaI provoked such a few of I
natural gas seems now to be enveloped and
befogged with another kind oC gas.
Bits of 10wl' News.
O. blender a miner had n leg crushed
by falling slate al Hlteman.
A new Swedish paper Is to bo started at
Essex by George , Bylander . and . Joseph . Payer. - ,
The newly erect el reShJenee or Jacob
Hayes at Lisbon has been totally destroyed
by fire. Insured In the Farmers' df Cedar
Haplls for $700.
Superintendent M. C. Olhbardt oC the
Industrial 10m a for the Blnd at Knox\le.
has settled for $1. 00 In his contracted
with local merchanls for one mouth's business -
ness at tIme institution.
Dr. J. B. .ngals of Mcriulen . who at one
time oecuplel a chair In time University of
the Northwest al Morning Side , has become
Insane , and has been taken lo the hospital
11 Independence. The doctor's mental de
rangemenl II sahl to be the result oC over-
Leigh hunt , formerly supertenent of
the public schools al Cedar Falls . and later
president of time State Agricultural college ,
who settled In Seattle , and was proprietor
oC the Post-Inlelgencer , has relnquished
his Interest In the plant on account oC poor
health , and has gone to Japan
Baltcr , livIng In ( Poweshlek county , took his
Cather to time poor farm and put In a bill
Ic the bard for $4 for his ser\lees. $1 of that
sum was for sitting UII wih his father two
nights . al 50 cents a nigimt A younger
brother oC this son has contrIbuted enough
to maintain his father urlng his natural
life , but the other son bas squandered It all .
Postmaster 101 oC Dubuque believes In
taking the law Into his own hands In' fia-
< ! fa.
grant cases A number oC copies of an Indecent -
cent and notorIous sheet , sonic 200 oC them ,
were receivetl addressed to as many per-
Sons As soon as the postmaster learned oC
time \leness of tIme sheet be ordered the de-
livery stopped anll reported 10 the lepartment
at Was11lngton.
Constable Monger oC Waterloo while serv-
log an attachment on a west title ciizen ,
was quite roughly luanilled , . The attaeilnent
calell for a Ilalr of hob sheila , and while the
pap , was being rel , the owner DC the bob
attempted to chop them up with an ax
Munger Interposed by grabbing the ax and
lhen time fellow grabbel him by the thmroat
The mater was lnaly adjudicated .
I Is rumored that a new Insurance company -
pany Is to ho organized In Waterloo In the
near Cuture. The company wi take Insur-
aneo on life and only lem\rB oC the Meth
odlsl EpIscopal 1 church will be eligible to
membership. I Is understod lhal a proml.
nent Dubuque business len and capitalist
will b president of the new company , and
local business men wIlt be Interested In the
scheme .
Time Immense burr oak tree In W. S. i
Thomas' yard at Iowa City has been cut
down to allow further improveimmemmts Time
Indians told Dr Murray , the original owner
oC thus ploperty. I hal century ago , thaI the
tree was over 100 years old To test the
reliability of the statement. Thomas counted ,
time , rlnga In time truneate.1 tree and found
that It was-according to that theory of age
-225 'eara ol ! .
Dubuque's cIty directory contains time names
oC thlrly-three churches antI chapels OC
these thirteen conduct servIces In German ,
Of the twenty congregatons In which the
service Is In the Enslsh language , there
are four loman Catholo and sixteen Prot-
estant. Of the thirteen In which time German -
man language Is used there are two Roman
Catholic , nine Protestant and two Jewish
places oC worship
Great exciement exists at Marys\le , a
town II time southeast part oC Marion county ,
sixteen mullet from Knoxville , over the db-
co\'ery oC gold on North creek , near the
town. The srcclimmemus have been shown to
men thought competent to judge , and sub-
Jecte" 10 "arlons acid test ; the results show-
Ins th" pre tnCe oC both gold . amid EI\'er.
A quantity oC the minerai hues been sent to -
Des Moines to lo assayed by an expert I-
Installations ' l.otll Utt1he ot Ommmtha- ,
i.ocmil 2cntcs ,
I.ocll X.IC. .
The followIng ofcers halQ been recently
installed by the lodges pr , The secret orders
In the state : I ,
Ashlanl-Star lodge .Nol . ; 9 , Knights of
I'ylhlas : Chancellor aOlmnnier , n. E.
Moon ; vice chaneelor"I' N. , J. Walermire ; ;
prelate , T. Johnson ; ke pot .0C records ant
seals , .1. Danley ; mastl bf exchequer , 1.
Brush : master ot flnance , ti. W Meredith :
master-al.arms , p , n , Cblt ; ' master of work
E. D. Krutzslnger ; Inr guard , J. T ,
Aughe ; outer guard , Wlll m Barbee ; trios-
tees N , Shelter . T. n , W1ton D. Daker
Blatlen-Ancient Order ot United Workmen .
men : H , M. McClure , piaster workman ;
J. I. Grandataff , forenl\ \ \ ; J. L. Myhler ,
overseer ; P. W McIatughhlmm , fnalcler ;
I. I. lttchcndeffer . receiver : I. ' . Tootbacrc ,
recorder ; T , Snyder , guide : M. Adams , Inner .
nor ' \atch ; J. M , Doriy , enter walch.
. 35'ood -
Columbus-Colmnbla camp No. 35 , WOOI-
len oC time WorM : Consul commander ,
IteY . E. De Ocher : ml\lser lieutenant , Dr
Voss ; clerk , J. A. Schuck : bank clerIc ,
! Frank \ \ ' ttelan J ; nsdo h Guatd , W A.
way ; ontslo guaro , U. L Uaker.
Craig-Craig camp No. 1,306 , Modern
\\'oOlmen or America : \V. A. Dehl , "en-
crable consul ; James lackburn , worthy
adviser : C. J. Hale . banker : G. 0. Gales ,
secretary ; O. A. Uaekstone , escort : A. E.
\'atsol , watchman ; T. T. Illmmer , semitry
llastimmgs-Ilastimmgs lodge No rO , In.le-
I'endent Order or Ode Fellows : NoblE grand ,
O. Iayser ; vice grand , N. n. Iacalaster ;
recording secretary J. : . Daly ; permanent
secretary , n. P. Klmbal ; treasurer , J. F.
hitler : warden , L. Urlnlcey ; conductor , C. W.
Hlehar.lson ; Inner guard . ; llx Luste ; outer
guard , C. Doyen ; chaplall , C. F ) \ hleartwehi.
nauhters of Hebekah : Noble grand , Mrs.
! grnt
; 10110 Cox ; vice grand , Mrs. M. .
Doyen : secretary , Mrs. Katherine Iler :
treasurer , Mrs. C K. Kellle. : wlrden , , Irs.
Anna Iarshal ; chaplain , O. F. hbeartwehl.
IndiammoiaModermmVoodmmmeim oC America : I
Venerable consul , Dennis Fitzgerald ; worthy
adviser , A. Grass ; banker , C. I. 10ag ; clerIc ,
J. A. lamlond : physician , nr. 10)'t ; escort ,
lert Crabtree : watchman , WillVahlimm ; sen-
tnel , Hosco Kerns : managers , Luton Duck-
worth cud C. W. ileck
Hlchnehl-Ioder Woodmen of [ America :
A. W. Inmlol , venerable consul ; J. : . Mar-
tin , worthy Ilvlser ; P. n. Martn , banker ; J.
C. Ilormmirmg . clerk ; A. 0 Rice . escort ; W. P
Johnson , watchman ; C. C. Paxton , seltr )
Schuyler-Independenl Order of Odd Fellows -
lows : E. I. Corson , noble ! grand j D. Dunkel ,
vice grand ; C.V. . Irubesey ! , secretary ; n.
Mick , treasurer ; J. D. Woods , right SIP-
porter , and AI Wlch , left supporter to noble
grand : II. I. Sncrhler , warden ; S. n ,
Wheeler conductor : l.'rnk Shoimka . right
seele supporter : C. hi. Williams , left scene
slpporter ; Z. T Irvine , outsIde guard ; F.
Scimradcr right sUPIort , Fred Valh , heft sup-
port to vIce grand.
Springfleid-Sprlmmgfloitl camp , No. 81 ,
Knights of I'thlas : Chnncelor cOlmaner ,
J. H. Miller ; vice chancellor , J. C. Oelb ;
keeper of record and seals , G. W . Fox ; master -
ter of finance . J. F. Jarman ; master of
exchequer , A. O. Burbanl
SUIJerlor-Degree of honor , Ancient Order
of Unle1 Workmen : Past chief of honor ,
Mrs. D. C. Ward : chic of honor , lrs. J. I.
luflan ; lay of honor , Mrs. J. B. Henna ;
recorder , Mrs. L. P. Goodhue ; fnancier ,
Cyde Johnston ; receiver . Bertha McConnel ;
master ot ceremonies Hose le'ers ; usher ,
Mary Emerson ; inside walehman , Lily I-luff-
man : outside watcimmami Clyde Padden.
Old Abe Women's Relief Corps : Prei-
dent , Mrs. Abbie Adam ; senior vice pre l-
tlemut Mrs. Sarah Felt : j'unlor vice president ,
Mrs. Emma Helman : , seeretmmry . Mrs. Jennie
Stlno ; treasurer. lrs , Car : Kendall ; con-
ductor , lrs. Belie King 'assistammt conductor ,
Mrs. Sarah Heiman ; gutird , Mrs. AlIce Wool-
soy ; assistant guard , Mrs. ' Mary Madison ;
chaplain , lrs. Emma Brennenlan.
Teeumseh-Teeumseh lodge No. 2 , Ancient
Order of United Workmen : M. B. C. True
master workman : J. tLawrence , foreman :
H. Iluuzen overseer ; W. tt. Barton , financier :
John Gruff , receiver ; Wiis , Itowchiffe . , recorder -
corder ; I. . Morrissey , guide ; L. Hazen , inside
watchman : S. Haughtonl' outside watchman :
, \ . Gaiter , past mtstet' w9rkman : c. II.
Chubbuele , trustee - , t ,
Talmage-North Star lcmdge1No. l 69 , Inlghl
of Pythlas : Chancelor commander , J. C. '
Thompson ; vice chancehlor.X' . P. F. Reiser ;
prelate , John H. " 'alkerj' ; Jie per of recordS
and seals , 0.V. . Fairbrother , jr. ; master
of work J. F. Bggs ; master of exchequer ,
C. C. Baker ; master of fimmance . L. J. Lintz ;
master-aI-arms , H Edmollson ; Inner guard ,
William Eschmeyer ; oUler guard , W. E.
Phlbrlclt : trustees , Bert Conln , AI Ives and
Wiiam Hutchins.
'ayne-Knlghls oC Pythlas : Chancelor
commander , A. P. Chids ; vice chancellor . T.
B. Heckert ; prelate , George Devine ; keeper
of records and seals , W. H. McNeal ; master
of exchequer , 'V. K. Hoister : master of
finamuce Nathan Chace ; Inner guard , J. J.
Diz ; outer guard . August Plepenstoek.
Slcrct Society Nols.
The S. T. N. A. Athletc club will give
a social dance at the Paterson block next
Tuesday evening.
Thursday evening Alpha camp gave a social
entertainment and dance In the Continental
block , which was very largely alende ! .
Last week RobIn Hood camp No. 30 , Woodmen -
men of time WorIth Instaled the following
officers : Consul commander , H. hall ; ad-
visor lIeutenant , E. J. nodwel : banker ,
Thomas \Vahker ; clerIc , J. A. Holzmnn : es
cert , E. H. Smih ; watcimmumaim John Simpson ;
sentry , G. Bondessen ; managers F. M.
King , E. H. Walker antI Richard Hass. The
ceremonies attending lhe Instalaton were
very line and Included a musical amid literary
Seymour camp No 27 , Woodmen oC the
World , gave a smoker and progressive high
five party last week. In addition 10 the
members of time lOdge there were twenty-five
visitors In attemmtlance . The games were all
interesting and everyone enjoyed a good
time. The first prize was won by M. hyde
I amid the second by Gus Drulgelan , while
Seymolr anI Smih obtained the consolatIon
prize. Al 10:30 : light refreshmcnts were
served , during time course of which time guests
were entertained with mandoln selections
by I"V. . Vincent , accompanied on time guitar
by S. H. hooter . .
How Further Crop l'nluro. In Nebraska
Aimty lie A\'u"'d. '
"That Nebrasla's Cutnre welfare depends
emi Irrigaton , " remarked Senator Halhbun
of Nebraska , "Is becomIng more apparent
each succeeding year , as one crop failure follows -
lows another. Time people In m ) section or
the state have come to realize that fact and
efforts are now being made to Imvo a huh
iiasstI : by the legislature gl'ng ! aid to the
farmers In l renter and I.'uras countes for
the purpose ef sinking artesian wells. Time
water supply from ' time streams alHI rivers In
routhwester Nebraska Is Insulelent to IrrIgate -
gate time bottom lands alone ; and In order to
make Irrigaton Ilracteablo , 01 all In that
part oC time state It will time ' , necessary to get
our water supply In the maimer I hava just
stated Whether or not t'lls } will be iractica.
blo remains , to be seeiilVe have already
commeneell driving arte lan wells , and one
Is to the depth oC 2,000 'Ceet , hut no results
have been obtalne yet. " Sf1tmld we succeed
In getting an approprlati'mn passed ( It' will bo
used In completng thes ! wells , and It our
efforts arc' successful we will have no more
crop failures In mmouthweisterii Nebraska "
" L have seen time streets bf Omaha , , said
Hobert Yates oC South , 1Iota , "crowded
from night till morlnj antI ) 10rnlng till
night , and time newspapers of the city were
filled with amlvertiseuumenta' or al kinds , and
time man who was unableJlo llave a half page
ad was considered poor tTh , outlook ! for the
return oC such tmes , In my , opinion , Is not
very encouraging Cor any pf the western cites
unless irrIgation In time west 'becomes ' an imb-
solute fact Insteal , oC the talk which Il being
Indulged In 01 many oC the points where It
Is an absolute nPesslty. Should Nebraska
como to realize thaI fact It would be a good
move for her 10 In\est several hundred thousand .
sand dollars In Irrigating : dlches 011 help
out the poor people wihin bier borders The
returns would be quick and the state In a
few years would be repaid ten.ol [ for the
Investment mastic. . "
Lawllr Whl " ' 11 lvcry State 1III"nenl.
ItOCKIrORD , Iii. , Jan 27-C'omnmnantier.imm-
Chief I.awler all stet left for Vermont to-
day 10 attend time state encampment oC the
Grand Army of the Republic . They expect
to aloli ever ) ' encampment held In the
union this 'ear. In a general order issued
toiiuy , staff ullpolntmenls arc mal" , for lev- ,
t'nteen states anti proper observance of' '
Washington'slrthday rged , and lemorlal day Is I
. 'lmST , 1'11.1 _ 1 ' 1 STR1"Ur ,
I seems thaI the only salvation for our
game ant fIsh Is 1 uniform series of game
laws by every state In the union Whn this
can b brough about there wi bo some assurance -
surance that extermination Is not to bo the
tate oC our births and animals
The late snow has made rabbit hunting
good , all wihin tIme last two ( lays there
has probably been many l\ndrCI killed In
this , 'Iclnly.
In speaking or wild game al the recent
meeting In Chicago or the National ( hamuoc ,
Bird ant Fish Protectve association , W. B.
10rtre , the president , all : "Our wild game I .
Is fast dlsapperln . I took unit two years to
exterminte wlt pigeons , the prIncipal Instru-
ment or destruction being the pot htmnters'
nets Now the wild duck 13 threatened with
exterminaton , and In its wake , unless the
law puts a IJeremptory stop to the practice ,
our other game will soon bo wiped mit Guns
are Increasing all the tIme. Manuacturers [
ere devising new 011 more destructive weapons -
ons , time powder has been wonderfully unproved -
proved Un , and It Is possIble to ki more
game In ( day Ihan was possible In a week
with the old weapons I notice by the papers
that IS00 heath oC deer were reed\'CI In the
local iilarkets during the hollla ) ' season. Al
were slaughterll In a narrow strip of terri
tory In northern Mlehlgnn. The marlel bout-
ers drove the henl Into 1 corner amid exterminated -
terminated it. A great bulk oC this game Is
now store,1 In the cohl stor.1ge warehouses
In this city. The deman.1 has nol been e'lual '
to time supply. Tons of wlhl owl are also
stored away for future consumption . This Is
I not right The marllel hunter Is a deathly
Coo to our fish ali game Interests amid should
be suppressed. "
lrohhowiimg Is a skeleton of a proposell new
olowll !
bill to make Nebraska dogs personal prop-
bi . The bill was Ilreparell by Mr. Will
Simeral , anll was read the second time In the
legislature Wednesday :
state lIe of It Nebraska enactEd b : ) the eglslature of time
ThaI all dogs In the state of Nebraska are
hereby declared to he 11ersot\1 property , anti
any person willfully destroying the same , or
steaiimmg , or taking with intent to steal , any
dog of ! any other person , shal be guity of
t0g laleeny under tIme laws of the state of Ne-
braslm as applied to petit amid grand lar-
ccny : provided , That any dog rlnnln ! nt
large , without a sulelent collar amid tag
lhereon , for the Ilerioll oC len days , In ammy
city , town or village In lhls state , shall be
declarell a nllsance and tIme prOIJer authori-
ties may destroy the same.
Sec. 2. This act shah talc effect and be
In force from amid after the 1st day of June ,
1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jncluonvilu " tiling II 'Cnlk huh.
JACKSONVILLE , Ill. , Jnn. 27.-Speelal.- ( )
Base bal Is rather on the boom nl present
In this little city , notwithstanding the act
that we are In tIme midst ot a snowstorm
No mater what kind of weather we have
time sports are always ready to talk base
ba1 , and play last 'ear's games over oven
'el. We have at present about $2,000 In
notes from citizens who are willing to stmp-
port babe bal In that way , besides the as-
slranee of n large nlenllance II time .
games when tIme season opens. The :
grouns will bo IJI In shnpe as soon
as tIme weather permits , nnl lhelr Iseul-
ness enhanced hy the addition of an en-
tirehy new grnl stand and bleachers. E\-
trely wIhI be made wih tIme Idea of
I comfort ! and convenIence t the patrons of
the games , amid the directors anticipate a
heartier support than ever this Year
Mr. W.V. . Kent , president of the asso-
elation , whose home Is In this city , stated
caton days ago lhal the rumor to the elect
association would bo reorganized -
, that time ' ester associaton
organized was without foundation , and It
would probably remain as It Is. Sioux City ,
he said has no claIm upon this organIzatiomm.
She eannol hope to get In , and It Is no use
trying urlher. Rock Island has been clamoring -
oring for admission ever since the Des
Moines meeting , and the probabilities arc
thaI she wIll continue 10 clnmor The twIn
cities did not get into the "push" at that
cites . and now they will have to look
through n knot hole In the fence whie the
Western association Is playing ball
We have secured as our manager J. D
Aydelot of Marion , Ind" , who has an excel-
lent reputatIon as a bath player and manager -
ager , and no doubt he will please , as he
comes highly recommended. He will arrive
Monday , and begin signing men Caplnger ,
our last year's twirler , wIll bo with lS
again. He has signed with Indianapolis , but
that city does not want him until next year
and he has been 10aneI 10 Jacksonville ,
upon condition that he be returned to lhem
01 time end of the season.
Whisperings ' or the Wheel
A strong sentiment against real racing Is
developing even among many wheelmen who
have heretofore been more or less promi-
nently Identified with that branch oC the
nenty Ientned
sport They feel that If wheel men desire
to I accorded all the right and privileges
to which they are entitled they must respecl
the laws and the rights of others.
Arthur A. Zimmerman , the famous professional -
Cessional bicycle rider , announces thaI he Is
going to Australia. He has planned 10 re-
main In thIs country until August , when he
will go to the antipodes. I Is expected
that Harry Wheeler wIll accompany Zimmerman -
merman and that both riders will take part
In the big races. Racing for cash prizes
Is carried on extensively In Australia , and time
race meet promoters of that country
have been negotiatIng with Zimmerman for
como months
The western delegates to the national assembly -
sembly meeting of the League of Amercan :
'Vheelmen , which wIll he held next month ,
Intend to bring oppositon to hear against
the aopton of sOle oC the most radical
changes Blggeste < TIme leading members of
the Wisconsin division have ventilated their
views upon the road racing questn , the
matter of charging fees [ or sanctions for
races and their disapproval of time League
of American Whelmen sanctioning races for
women. The racing hoard of the division
an'louneeK the following on races for women :
"The spectacle of racing for ladies has hap-
piy been of rare occurrence In our state.
'Ve believe thaI such races are contrary
to ImbUc sentiment amid cannot blt have a
prejudicial effect upon cclng.
Through limit "prlg Iionmmet .
Following Is a telegrm senl to the Chi
cage papers from W. W Kent , time new
preshlenl oC time Western assocIation :
"JACKSONVILLE , Ill . , Jan. 23.-The dispatch -
patch from Sioux City In the moring paper
contained an account oC the reorganization
oC the Western associaton , from which Jack.
son\ie amid Quincy would be dropped W.
W. Kent , president oC the assoelatol , said I
that no such reorganization was con ter.
imlated . A muscLing , however will be held In
February for the purpose of considering time
apple3ton or Rock Island , who clalors for
rea.1mlsslon ] , und 1.I.s probable that the club
that Is malelng the bIggest stir-Omaiua-mnay
b3 dropped to make reel for the Twin I
CitIes , "
Mr. . Kent may be a great railroad magnate
and business may tIll his head from occiput
to frontal bone , but at the end of time comIng -
Ing season whel ho IndeTtalles 10 make up
the averages oC time players In the asso-
caton he wIll have to cal In some base bal
man to assist him In separating the base
his from the passel bails . When ho talks
about dropping Omaha he docs so through
his bmimmgmm . I Omimalma. . Lincoln St. Joe and
Des Moines don't have something to say In
regard to the presumptuous manifesto oC
this awfully bran new base bal "maggot , "
I'll miss may guess The ahsene oC President -
dent Kent from any of time consulatonl oC
the managers of the association will In nowise -
wise interfere with thaI body's equilibrium .
lie Is the Ilresident hut Is about as necessary
to the prosperIty of the assocIation as an
Ice house In imades
W Ishlngton I'urk Jlcetlg Ulnlely Off .
CHiCAGO , Jan ' -At I meeting of the
executIve committee oC the Washington
Park club held last e\'enlng , II was decIded
formaly to dtclaro ! off the stukes for 1893.
" 'rom early bood
EOZEMA untl 1a " my
flwly elon\ I forluno
dl.em. I vhled % ! t Springs . ' was
treaWU by ( ho . bastmnemlionl mumen bistwai not
: clb , Vlmon eli 1 things . lied famleti I ol
detenuulumett to try tt.Ss. , mmmi
glIL l.t dh
tnourrnontms5FROM waIomtrely
cured. 'fhe - wrrlble c1ell
Ca , gemis. not a sign of It leSt ; may surmeral
: : ' 'IO : lied yfbT mister lied W
retur er thu dl.euu. I hAVO atneo
H . it. t lO n nUlu OHILDHOOD
skin mhiseaae , -
and hays mister n- 10 .
blTC IOe nUIT 1 fllurt cure.
UIO. : W. IRWINlnrln , l'a.
Nevr ' alms to care . even dIn Al
olherremedl. ba' . . OurTrealho
on 10" .nd tklu Dle. . maied
tree tu imty a dr. ,
lmn Sl'LCn'I co. , Alaata , Os
These err the ber1) ' , thl Sherhnn , the
Queen Isahel , The hlythe Park , the Ien-
wol , the t.kr8hlt anti , tIme Irexel. This
definitely settles the fact thaI thef wi
be no ltetng al WashlnglOI park the
coming seasun. There has been comusielerable
tltsetisston about this mmuatter In spIte of time
anmnouimcement mantle by the directors same
time stnce. Many thimik that the liortrd
wilt reconsider its action before time time
( or tleclaratioums.
Vittimnuimon * ( inca to ? .tnmul Trmui ,
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 27-Bob Fitr.xlmunons ,
after a stmecessftmi week's engagement , left
for Syracumse , N , Y , , at noon tommy to Rio-
siver to tIme charge of kilhhmog ( 'oil itiontlamo.
his trial i'Ihi oceumr about Februmetry I. Cap-
taint ( lion , Fltzslmuiuons' manager , remaimw
behmimotl with the eommii'anl' , whmiehm , he says
hue ivihl not mliu'bnmmul , html will resimmmue its u-omuth
emogugeunent , it ilob pettles imls trnutiles
quickly , Cmiltmuiim Glen sitys time trouble between -
tween hiob ummul imiimOhf humus beemu unmicnlthv
settleti ituiti that tiir , ' ivihi contimume to w.n1c
tctgethmem' harmoniously ,
, lolmmusni itti I ka mm SkatIng hiecnrl ,
I1ED hANK , N. J , , Jan , 27-Time 100.ynrti
skatlmmg record , stmindimmg start , wns brokemu
hmtit nftermmoomi ti3' John S. Jolmioson , whic
tioctie tIme thiatamice Iii 0:9 : 1.5. la'idson iviu
one-ihftho of it teoimiI behmimuti time lender.
\Vitim a. hyIng start Moshmeunmul lavitlsomt
botim skated li'O ' ynrulsimo i'evemu secontis.
( JILIORU1'-SlflLl J'.tN STUhI"l.
lIttler Peeling iutwecimAutimor % mmimd L'nmmi-
hu15cc IIri'iks limit , % mlemv ,
( Comtym-igimted , 1193 , l'y tue Associateth l'mss. )
LONDON , Jami. 27.-Timings timeatnicahly re-
mmmiii 'ery qtmiet nfltl without mmuuchm Proimuise
of novelty 1mm time near ftuttmre.
Time ohul strife between Vt' . S. Gilbert amid
Sir Artimtmr Suihivamu lint broken omit agaimi.
GIlbert , before goimig to tIme Cammary ishaumtls ,
refused Messrs. iioosey & Co. peninlssiomi to
lmnlumt his words eu the Programmi of Lommihon
concert halls for time selections fromui Smilhi-
'ami's music ; hemuce a renewal of the bitter
feeiiumg betweemu Gihbert antI Sumliivamm ,
Miss hope both mantle ivimat will lorobnbh
be bier inst appearautce lii Lomitloim limit week ,
iii thmo bammkrtmptcy commrt. 11cr testimmiommy
showed flint thmere was no fotmiutlailon for thm
iuutervhew tumbhisimeti 1mm tIme vmuriomms Ammmerlcamm
mme\vtpahiers uuboumt her becoummimmg possessed
of $30,000 wortlm of ihiammuomidmi is'imile she vmma
in Emmghaimtl. Time St. James Gazette , refer-
nimmg to time actors antI actresses left umupaitl
mumtl thirowim imuto deep thlstress by Miss 110110
heath , reunarks : " 11cr emmterpriso lied rather
too miitichm 'Little Miss Cumte' ahuout It. "
As already cabled to time Associated Press
excltusivchy , time cotmmmtess of Clammcarty , better
kmiowmm as Belle ilelton , bias detenmuuiiuetl to
returmm to time stage , hut not , It appears , to
tim stmige of tIme mmuuslc hails , wimerein sue
mantle her reptmtatiomm amuci thm mmcqumaiiutammce of
time earl of Ciaumcarty. Simo will appear iii
comnetly ; amuil imer variegated expericnc3s of
life siiotmhti aiaiitl her 1mm good stead In imer
new field ot work.
AntoInette Trebehil leaves England March
2 for a concert tommr in Sotmthm Africa. Shmo
has a guarantee of at least twenty concerts ,
anul will probably sing In several others.
Next year time fifth festival of time German
chorus will be lucId at Sttmttgart , anti thuere
is already a guaranty ftmnd of $100,000. time
list beimmc hmeatled by time Icing of Wtmrtcmmmburg.
Time league of tIme chmortms was founded 1mm
1862 , and it umow mmuunbers 160,000 mmmenubers.
herr EmIl Atmr retunmus to England omm
February 4 , opening imis rovInciaI tour at
Manchester. Ills next serIes of pianoforte
recItals in London begimis on May 1 tunml wIll
last oime mouth , being givemu every Wethimes-
day until Jumie 12.
Time micxt vrothuctlon at the Commrt timeater
will be a now comedy ( rein time peim of 0.V. .
Godfrey , time autimor of "Time Parvenu , " "Time
Milhlommairo" and time brilliant little piece ,
"My Imilihlumer's Bill , " anti time adapter of
"This Qmmcen's Shilling. " Time new play ,
however , Ii' not expected much before Marcim.
When it does come. Mrs. John \\'ootl and
Arthur Cecil will : ugalmu be foummd at the theater -
ter in wimichu they have achmievcd so much
reputation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Olvimmphii hlitmiIrd ( ) v'r to Uncle Snni.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan , 27.-Saturday
the cruiser Olympia , time new United States
cruIser , was towed to Mare island anti
formal'y ' delivered to the gnvernmnent , by
whoni tiio' hmati already boemm itccepteml. At
the navy yard thue coals , supphles and nnu-
munItion will be put aboard. With mm. rca-
sonable degree of Promptness the Olympia
ought to be remuly for service in timm-ee
weeks at most , and were the providetl with
her crew of officers and nuen , In a. mouth's
time she ought to be able to pass out of
the Golden Gate completely equipped for
whatever service may be required.
Time Olympia requires 280 mcmi , exclusive
of the oilhcerm' , anti at the present time that
number of' drilled muon arc moot to be had ,
unless some other vessels are kept out of
commission. anti thueir crows drafted ,
Uobbcd time Field Mugeimnm.
ChICAGO , Jan. 27.Tbme Field Columbian
museum was robbed last evening of a case
of old Egyptian gold , valued at $5,000. Time
robbery was committed at a tune wbmen the
museum was fihicti with people , but there is
not the slightest clew to time thieves.
A Menses to thit , i'tmbtto hlemiltim Conies ut
tIm , , ( Itmism , ci us Trilling iiitnrdi'r.
Since tue first cnitbremtk of the grip se'ernl
years ago tlm disease hin iieen carefully
sttitlieml , It hint not Imiuhurovetl cmi ncqtumtin-
tmiflco It hum still regnrtlc'tl los one of the
macitt trcaehmem'otms , nmmti tlnuugeromms of oasis.
dies , all time macro to hoe feat'cti liecaumse it
Hiatt oft&mu conies In tIme guise of mu. simple
cold , Its trume character is hot always recognized -
nized , ummtui time victim lies mmuoutmlngvitlm : a.
Paul flint hirCSscs oil every organ , anti
striket to time i'ery hmoum ,
Tiut' grip tatteims Itself upon lC'C'Phe who
worry , work too umutmehi , ent too muumicim , or too
little , expose tiuenisehs'es to coitl amud wet ,
nuitl so get to lie wemik , thiimu-blotleii mumul ruIn
, lowmu , Clemtniy , tIme way to mtvohtl time gri
Is to overeomummo time eomuilitiomu rothimciuig it ,
TIme t'ihicat' ) ' ( if a e'oimimtl alcoholic stituitmimiult
is gent'ralhv admitted , nild the' muecuilur ntl.
vantmigum mt 1)tmffy's 1'tmr' Malt W'imimky make
t the mmmost i'ucccssttml of ahi hlrevemmtive rema.-
A sneeze , a cotighm anti a slight chili , are
-hue hIm-st 59muilltflhiut of grip. They inthicate
lefective circmuimutioum anti gemierah ivenkumess.
3tremmgtii , fliihlethte amid ( till , 1-eFumiar circumlit-
than follow time list' of huffy s h'ture' Malt
\'hiiky , riue insithituuus little cold mmever tie-
enumles nhiythuimig more serhotis , nuuml in a fec
ilnys It goes au ny altogether. Gooth mitt-
thmlmce to ii.
'i'hme grIp is iuoi' hirevnhCimt Iii the northern
and eastenim stoles , mnmil time ivemithuer imas
fityoretl its lrtgress. It is hikeh9' to stIck
uumutti spring. Iltiii' to ctmme it Is ami iumterest.
hug iitii'siiomm. I1ii' to lirevemit it is 110 longer
a titmc'mmtton at nIh
Yotmr thnmmgist or grocer ivill mnmpply you
with Itmfy B l'mtm-e Malt Whisky ,
BO'YD'S MON. , TEES. and IVEI ) , ,
Jnnti ry 28-29-3D
Amumummah Visit of tutu
" OPkfl ! . ODMIQUE
, Nl ) Thlll h'nllltLI-193
Punier thit' iumimia : ct'iiit'mm t of ti m , Jeiummit Kummibahi ,
Iii lii , ' : imiiu-t'l.m' N' antI
: ti : igmmitleemmt ( ) mi'ratte 1xt rmtvmmgamuzn ,
Stats mmmv cmi imaho at umiumal hriee.
: E3h ri ri i'oui ;
Telephone 1531.
sv , J. BURGESS , - - - - Mammagel'
'I'ONIGII'l' , 8:15.
Time Triple Extm'imei of I'itmgImter.
I'aiml tirt'sMer imimtl a ( beat ( omtm PtmmY :
Conilmmg , Fcbrtmni-y 9-fl , Morrbmomm'um "Fammst , "
rji Ill-AT1tiCAr , amid outer attraettont tlmanin
iormmm 8 , uummmMt no smim mu I bimt A I . jftmttrt'st , I'ro
hilslmo ii's Aimmtitt'mmmemut Ciremilt Him urittaim , % 't'yo ,
- . . . - Vo mmumI tiui imutreinius French
as - 1cmn1y CAL'TI-IOS fr'cc. utmnl
lvi _ E hctKt gtitmranteethat C.t,7luoi , wiih
, - = ' 5101' fliscbnrrr. . J Fmi..Ions ,
t'BE . . - cuur. Mprnnto1riIca.Vu.rIcoeeme
r' aed iKP.TuF : Io.I Vigor.
" Mt r. . Use ii and fav if satisfit'd ,
iii VON MOIIL Co. ,
S i.Io Aoaieun Agcnt. , Wir.
President. Cashier ,
First National Bank
Capitah - - $1OOOOf
Profits , - . . 12,000
One of the oldest banks in the state of IOwa
We solicit your business and colioctlons W.
pay 5 per cent on time deposits. We wiii be
pleased to see and servo you.
Special Noilcos-Bouncil Oluffs
Ed Burke , at W , H. llomeYa , SE Broadway.
court house. Apply at lice chico , Council ijlutTs.
for housekeeping. 72i Mynster street.
What is
\ \
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitc1icr't prescription for Infants
and Cbildron. It contains ncitlicr Opitizn , Morphine UOL'
other Narcotic substance. It Is a Juzrrnlcss sulstltuto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco Is thirty years' use by
millions onltzouicrs. Castorisi destroys Wornis asid allay
feverishness. Castorla prevent vointtlimg Sour Curd ,
'cures Dlarrluea arni Wind. Colic. Castorin. rcllove - .
teot1h11If troubles , curcs constllatiozt and flatiilency.
Castorla assimilates the food , regulates tim stomach
anti bowc'lH , giving healthy atiti natural sloop. Cas-
torla is the C1&lldrcn'tt rniiacctt-thio Motllcr'H Frlcnd.
Castoria. Castoria.
Caatonhmt ha an excellent medicine for chill. .t Castria. Is o ivchl adapted tocbmlldren that
deco , Motimer lmao repcatsdly told omoo of its recoi'mimmemmd it imsauporior toany prescription
good eUuct U1000 thelO' children , " known to tome , "
Ba. U. C. Osaoon , II. A , Ancmmsn , M. fi , ,
. . Lwcil , Bass. lii So , Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N , it.
" Castoria i3 time btniet1y ; for chIldren of " Our phmysiclana Intimo cimiidrerm'a depart.
ichich I ama acqmmairmteJ. I hope time day Is not meat have sitocn highly of thmeir experi.
far dlstammt. wiuemm mothers wllicooshber thea real enee lit timeir outido practice u itim Cast.omia ,
Interest of their cimiidren , nmuc muse Castorla in. and although we only have amommg our
steadofthmovanlousquackaostrttnmswhmldiultre medical supplies what is known as regular
destroying their loved ones , by torciagopiumn , pm oducts , yet we are free to commfesa lM the
morphine , tootbimig syrup and other hurtful merits of Castorla Ions won " i look with
agents down their throats , thereby sending favor upon it , "
them to vrematuro grares. " Unmvsus hIosm'mrLa ze , Djso'goeatuty ,
IDa. .1 , F. Rmscnsaox , , Imostoum. lieu.
Conway , Ark. ALixmi C. fhsurnim , J'rcs. ,
Them Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , Now York City.
_ - _ -
: -
6t : MI kInds of Dyeing
I smntl Cheanimmg done lit.
this imiglmest style of
time mar , Failcd and
'Vr- ; staineul fabrIcs made
I to look ems good as
_ _ _ _ _ ytwc
_ _ _ _ Li I E - new , Work promptly
- done anti tlellytureti
In all marts of time
! i pricoisL . Send for
. . . . : ' , ,
= - - - - - i- : : - O.A.tlACIiW.
- fti rs.l
UroatiWOy , near North.
wtstelfl Itpul , Cuuoclt
' : : : , Iuiuufs , Iowa. L'l , 1Z.