. ' . . . . . "f'19cW . . . . . . , . . - . . . . - . " , " " , - . . _ , _ , : _ , . _ . , _ . r-- , . . " _ _ . , " , . . . " , , , _ . . . . . , ' - I , . ' I . F G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE . OMAHA . DAILY nEE : SDAY .p' , tTANUAHY 27 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' i Tim . OMAL\ SUNDAY Dm ' 1 COUNCIL 1r4UFFS. COUCL - OFFIE . NO. 12 PEAlL STfEET. Itlnrrd by carrier to any part ot the ct7. % n. W. TILTON , Len e. p r1LEpltONCs-HuIIneI offlee . No. 4 : nIgh . . .1 . editor . No. 2. : , .1."Ol , Ul > STIO. ' . . . Orand hCtel , Council flhtiT ( . rcopenell Oct. 1. I MO'I ? Iteal Estate agency , l39 Droodway. nose anti lorrIR , the shocs thle\cR , were . . ven ten days In the county jai yesterday - ' . Ilven by Justice Cook. . _ Benjamin l.cey. a county charge , bal , ' - Friday afternoon ( his right foot amputated at one of the hospitals. The Juff City Typographical union will . this at- . hold Its regular monthly meeting r teroon for the Installation of omcers . of the Coun- Peter Iu'kendnl , a member . ci . luts fre _ , department . . , 'Hf'"d was nlan married nf tlitq . yes- ! v. " " 0 u'ov V' . . . . _ n. _ teruny l ILULLIV& ' ' ' , Editor George W. Benty of the Walnut Dureau , hal commenced an action In the for divorce from a district court at Avoca II\orco I.uo 1. Ileatty. Jligo Smith hal orlerell , Nora Murphy to gIve nn additional hunll In the sum of $300 In the Iljuncton additonal stilt , In which she makes John Coylo and others defendants. . Special meetng or Harmony chapter No. " 25 , Order of the astern I Star next Thursday - day evening , for the Ilrposo of inItiation. Visitng members corlaly , invited . At St. Paul's 'I \ o'elocl servIce this afternoon - " " and , non the choir will sIng "Maglililcat" 'Nunc 1)lmlttis" In A , hy Stainer , and "J rom Egypt'K Bondagc COle , " hy Page. Chrstan3 , the .da.ohl daughter of Mr. and Irs. Fred lorth , died at the family residence , near the poor farm , I'rhlay morning , and the funeral took place yesterday - terday afternoon at 4 o'clocl The Sixth Wart Hel1hlcan club will meet at I" l Shuberls hal , 2323 Broad- way , Monday e\enlnl lt 8 o'clocl Alt rc pUbleaus are requested to attemiti . CV. . Turner , president. Bill Criss , the well known colored des- perado , was given ffeen days In the count jai yesterday for stealing I $ I.2 : wagon \'om George Pauerhaulln , who hal , bought It from lilm the day before. lie entered a plea or guilty. Thomas C. Johnston dle.1 . at 5\0 : \ o'eloci I Friday evening , aged Gt years , at his hOle I 221 Buff street , where he has been ill fO several weeks ! ast. le leaves two dill . den , A. : . ani Miss Ima John&ton The " \ funeral will take place probably Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock , at the reshlenee. Ed N. Drown has been elected superintendent - tendent of the Junior Sunday school of the Christian church , and Is putting all of his well known energy Into the work . The Sunday - day school meets In the afternoon at the Tabernacle. A new program will be presented - Eontell today for adoption , and If It meets 'approval of the members wi aIM greatly to time Interest and usefulness of the worl . 'Ve have over $300.000 to Ian I upon Im- proved Iowa farips. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us . thereby saving ngent's commission. We do not loan on wild land ! . nor In Nebraska. Lugee & Towle 235 Pearl street. Try Eagle laundry 724 Broadway , for good " 'orl , . Our medium gloss finish can't bo beat blt we do strictly hand work , domestic : finish. when preferred. Telephone 157. ' NEatest drug ctore-Taylor's , Grand hotel . : 1'1ftSO.X.tL j'.Ul.HUl.U'lll. : W. A. Maurer has gone to New York. N. M. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids Is In the city. J. E : Iarlless , who has ' been very ' Ill with pneumonia Is better. Mrs. E. A. Troutman , who has been dangerously - gerously Ill , Is reported Improving. lrs. J. D. Edmundson Is expected home , this evening from a visit to Chicago friends. Mr. J. D. Abel ot TaYlorvlo , Ill. , was the guest ot Mr. and Irs. Thomas lUsh- , ton ycstbrday . . Mrs. CV. . Warren ofVinona . MInn . Is In the city , visiting Mrs. C. Drew , on "tncoln avenue. 1Iss Eva Barnard las returned from St. Louis , Mo. , where she has been pursuing her studies In music for the past three months. General Dodge passed through the city Friday night on his way from Denver to Now Yolk. Ho was joined hero by N. 1' . Dodge who accompanied him cast. Eli Drown wired his friends In this city yesterday that he hat returned from Cuba , and was taking a rest at Tampa , I la. lie has recovered his healh and Is anxious to get back to wInter weather. Sieve Your Money. Dy investing In the stock at the Savings Loan ant Building association at Council Bluffs. Incorporated In lS77. Monthly Ilay- month ot $1.00 per share nettng tIme Investor about 10 per cent Interest. Ten series already - ready paid out , which fully tomonstrato1 * the ability at the association to mature its stoe In about seventy-five monthly pay- ments. No loans made outside ot Council Bluffs , amid all applications examined and Passed upon by a majority at the board ot , directors. Good loans wanted. Full Informa- ton can he obtained at the once at D. W. Otis . secretary 10 Main street , or any ot the followIng director : H. W. Ilozelton Frank Grass , John Brown A. S. HazeHon , II. C. Deebe , A. D. Walker . E. E. Hart , F. C. - l Lougee , S. S. Leonard. Gas coeldn\ stoves for rent and for sale : t Gas Co.'s . office. " ' 1 rlht leror" limo Govcrnor. The attorneys who represent Joseph Young the cattle buyer who has been charged with , ' obtaining money under false pretenses from a South Omaha commission firm . are making a stubborn resistance to what thlY term the effort of the commission firm to collect debts by means of time criminal courts. They are lighting time issuance or a requisition by the governor , amid with that end lu view Colonel Daley and Smih McPherson w1 go to Des MoInes next Wednesllay to appear before Governor Jaellson. Young's case , now Ilend- lag In Justice Vlen's court , on the charge ot being a fugitive from justice , was continued yesterday until WetnesdlY , pentlg the de. elsion ! at the . go\ernor. I the governor do- Clues not to issue time requisition the bottom will bo l\ocl\et out at this case . I Tuesday evening . January 29 , a musical ' w1 bo given for time benlft ot St. Paul's guild , at time rCblteneo of I. :1 , 'rre'nor , GOS First avenUe. \dmlsslon 25 cents. The . . Dudley Uue quartet will sing three sllec- - , tlons . Wilam Iuchenleister ot Omaha will play two violin solos , Joseph Dlldrltgo at Omaha will sing two vocal solos , Mrs. S. S. Faes will give a recitation . Master Aaron F Lyman and Cameron Ialeron wi play a - mandolin and guitar duet , and Miss Iawkls wi sins a Bolo. I ' . John Schleketlnz , sr . has mont back from Omlha , and has opened a fine barber shop at . 308 Broadway , opposite Keller's furniture . t store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Li Music nt tbo Grand hotel Thursdays , al " 'el lS Sunday , lt the dinner hour , G to B o'clock. _ _ , NCIII ; UI UI JISII CIOI. i Sonic or the Council Bluffs dealers In kero- T : sene o ! Ire becoming somewhat slack In the - way they servo their IJatrons. One fIrma , which does business by means of a wagon , I delivering f\e.salon cans to consumers . has r built UII I big business , but lately its Ia- :4 : \ trans hlVo been notcing that their lamps give less light tbsn formerly During the , last cold snaIl cans left out of door for a little while when brought Into the house werD found to have chunks ot too on the bot- ; tons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' 'limo I'lrt 1'ev t'hlno Made In Council Bluffs by the Mueller Piano : and Organ company . 103 Main street , was ' . loll before the nrnlsh WIS dry . I turned out a very fine Instrument. At present they f are building I new pipe organ for a local . ; church. _ _ ? Call lthe auembly will give n 1lqueralle : b'1 Thursday evening , January 31 , at \Vood' man ball. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Davis aells druGs , paints And glass chtap. NEWS \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS - Clan Stewart Oelebrates the Burs Anni- VeIEr in Fitting Style. REVIVING MEMORIES CF LONG AGO Three l'ersorom l'rcqent \'lmo Joined In . tIme i ViraL CllclllllU Celebration ' imlrty Six \'Cor Ago - Oilier . Events. oclct ) J'cnU. Clan Stewart entertaIned Its friends Friday - day night at the Weodman hal , In com- memoraton or the birthday of Robert Burn I Bobbie had been present , ho would have been just 13G years ohl. The hal was finely decorated \Ith festoons ot e\'ergre(1 amid banks of palms , and the banquet tables were ornamented by vases nr .Il flowers. _ On the wall at one end of _ _ _ _ _ _ n. . _ the room hung a portrait at the poet , be- neath which was a fine floral shield bearing the Inscription , "Prince of Poets , li59-1895. When the guests had all assembled In tIme reception rooms the doors were opened and a plcturesquo scene followed The members - bers ot the rlan , each wearing a glengarr call with a top leant of eagle feathers , Rll a Scotch plaid formed In line with their , followed time bagplpeJ Imivited guests , anl follwe,1 In \ time march aroul11 the tahls. Fully 200 sat down to partake ot the feast , which comprlsell all the daintes known to the Scotch bill at fare , from "Bubbley Jock , \ I' bi " "hln' cranberry Fauce , IIO\I'n through time leg 0' Jock Tamson's BOO , " to " ( N1t reek fro Carmiphelltowli , ' ' The best Genl\en i "whisky tOlly" was on hand for those who wished to Irrlgato. Aiter foil justice had been done to time banquet , Toastmastcr A. C. Grham called on HcT. . J. Maclla of Omaha to Ie- sponll to the toast , "Tho Immortal Memory - ory of obert liurmis. " He spell eloquenty ot time love which Burns felt fOI' all man- i Itnd , and time love which all manklli muibseqtmeiitly felt for him Time fact was that Burns \ \ as always In love , I not with 'one ' , then with another , or several others and this peculiarity or his disposItion , m which kept him busy writing sonnets to his various lady friends , Is responsible for a large portion or his finest fancies. Ito was born in I storm , and his whole . 10 of God to I fe wa a storm. He was Inspired : . write as he did , just as Shakespeare was In. spired. . Jules I.umbafl of Omaha was called out a 11 sang his well known Scotch song "Arc Yo Sleepin' , Maggie In a way that elec- trifled his audience. trifed . Mercer spoke on "The Land We Left" In a pleasing manner , and was followed by Colonel D. B. Daley , who traced the history or time "Scotch In America " ali showed how tIme Scotch have occupied a Ilrominent place In the history of the United States from Its very birth as a mmation . anti particularly In the civil war on the side at freedom for the slave. slave.lrs. . , V. J. Le\eret sang 'Ilessie the Maid of Dundee , " and was compelled to respond to an encore. ana ot the best speeches or the evening was that at John J. Frainey. Afer gl'lng I short biographical sketch -of Burns' life . he recited time well known poem "Man Was Made to Mourn , " his efforts being marked throughout by a fine conception ot the au- thor's Idea , and bringing forth loud applause at the close. Miss Margaret Short at Val , Ia. , followed him with a Scotch song , which was encored. Prol. H. 'V. Sawyer made the speech of his life on the subject "The Press. . " Having been editor of a paper once he was prepared to speak feelingly ot the trials as well as the triumphs of a newspaper man , and his speech was full of wit ant humor. Will Young at St. Paul sang "There Was a Lad Was Born In Kyle , " and responded to an encore. W. n. Stewart responded to the toast , "Tho Ladles , " In a poetic strain and Mrs. A. D. Sweetng closed this part at the pro- , gram by singing "Within a Mile of Edlnboro , Town. " Par an encore she sang "Com In' Town. Thro' the Rye. " Then the tables were carried out and the floor prepared for dancing. A program ot twenty numbers was given. Dalbey's orchestra - chestra furnishing the music. I was 1 o'clocl before the grand march commenced and It was as much as ever that the last ones to go reached home for breakfast. At c " o the nrrhntrn " . RI In nntivn . . . . . . - _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ n _ _ . . . . _ _ tv _ eruption . just as active , so far as anyone could see . as five hours before. As additions to the program Misses Bessie Dcno and Marion Denton executed I "Topsy Danco" that was much enjoyed The Del sisters gave the Highland Fling , and Miss Mattie Harle a skirt dance and both dances wore gracefully given and enthusiastically encored. At Intervals during the evening Alex Campb'l would appear on the scene with his bagpipe , accompanyIng its monotonous - nous drone with a stampIng of the feet that nearly brought down the house In snore than one way. I was thlrty.slx years ago Friday night that tim first banquet was given In Council Bluffs In honor of Dabble Burns. I was held In 0 little room on Upper Broadway IIOWI then as Dabblls ball. and the Cab- donlan club was then at the helm. The strapping Scotch fellows . most of them who had charge ot the ceremonies this year , had not yet appeared on the scene at action. No ladles were allowed around In those days and "Scotch whusley" took the place alto- Iether or time mid port wino and angelca that tickles the less vIgorous palates at this generation. Captain McPherson , tIme father of J. n. McPherson , was toast master , and . at all those present on that memorable occasion - sion only three were on hall thirty-six i years latcr-A. C , Graham , John T. Oliver and Samuel G. Underwood . Mrs. Iuclus Wells gave a luncheon at her residence on Oakland avenue Thursday afternoon to a large party of Council luts society 'omemm . In honor of Mrs. J. Ii. hlarmiiiton ot Center\le. Kan. , who Is visit- lug hor. Those present were : Mesdames Charles han . T. J. Evans W. C. Estep . O. H. Lucas , J. N. Casaty , , \ . A. Keller . John Bennett , J. N. Casady jr. , E. H. Otel , J. T. Oliver , Arthur Patterson . J. Lyimian S. lans , E.V. . Hart , George Debblngton , D. Macrae , D. M. Sarseant , I. M. Treynor Mc- Kune , horace \erol J. W. Chapmnami A. D. Watswolth. Snow , C. I. Slmerraden H. Harmon , A. II . Drocl" , M. B. Curtis . H. W. Titon , A. P. Hanchet , J. C. MItchell , George I.IO , J. IV . Peregoy , William Moore Thomas Oncer , Charles Officer . A. W. Rick- man , M. F. Hohrer , W. M. Shepard , H. H. Van Brunt amid Frank Van Brunt or Omaha : Misses Ill. Bennett , Casaty and Mix of Oregon ; I.Mr. . ali Mrs. G. A. noblnson were pleasantly - antly surprised ) Monday evening at their now ) home on the corner ot Thlrty.fourth street anti Avenue C. Time tlmly was sitting aroUl1 time evening fireside when time door. hell rang. Upon opening the door a num- ber or old frIends and neighbors of the fam- Iy walked tn and proceeded to make them- solves at hmonie. They came with refresh. ments , cards and prizes all bent upon lmav- lug a good ( line . Time e\'enlnl was spent at high \\0. time prizes being won by Miss Buts and Mr O. W. Butts. Those present were : Misses emil Mestlmes John Danforth , W. J. Jammiison A. W , lokman , J. W. Pere- goy , Ed Gilbert . J. M. Lane and S. C , Smih ; Mesdamnes W. C. James and Murray or Wisconsin - consin ; Miss Butts : Messrs. Harvey Smith amid George C. Bemmjaniin . Last Wellnestay night nt her home on Graham avenue Miss Brown Walker enter- talned a few ot her friend . Dlnclng and sales were Indulied In until a late hour , when I'efreshments were served . Those present were : Menrs. Joe Doyne , Wallace A. Bohn , Will liolhlns . Prell Merriam , Harry Merrlln : Misses Drown Walker , Nina Swan- semi RadIo Carson amid Byrd Walker Mr and Mn. O. A , Yancy of Avenue n near Twenty.secoml street Illeasanly enter- talned a dinner party lt their attractive hOle Tuesday night , the guests being the Rev . Mr. Askin and wife , Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Moumtgomery I ) . W. Otis and wife and Mrs. Ii. W. Hart A very enjoyable I.rogram consisting of music and other features was rendered Fri. day afternoon at the lSh school. The roi- I lowing Is the procram : Oration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mabel hicks 1'sl ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gta Otis I , , Oration . . . , . . . . . . . . . Ethil Colclou/h O\aton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " \ 180n Squire I Or.lol . " " . . . . " . . . . . . . . 1.lth held Declamaton . . . . " " " . . . . . Harry . SwlgHt Oration . " . . . . . . . . . . . . " MinnIe Ouren I Oration . . . . . . " . . " . " . . . . . . Ethel \\'itter . EssaY . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . Minnie Hennln Oration . . . , , . . . " . . . . . . \ Fred : Parsons A chariy bal Is to be given Monday at Woodmen of the World ball fo the , benett ot } 1 J. 03nel , n raIlroad / man who recently lost both leg at Norfolk , Neb J. Albin Hueter's orchestra will turn Ish the musIc. Time DOdge Light Guards will gIve a dancIng - Ing party nt their armory Wednesday even- Ing , February G , nt 8:30 : o'clock The com- mleo In charge consists or b. n. Crnnllal , Will Green , Julu : Dectken and harry Swi- gert. gert.A valentine bal will be given by the Social club February II , nt the Grand Army present ball . A , valentine will be given to each one Time Junior Order or United . American Me- ( chanlcs will gh'e a dance" at Grand Army hal February 13. ron OSI : -igic. - . 10ston Store Clelllul Sale 10 Contuuo One \ < l.onlr. New bargains In every Ilepartment. 4G Inch all wool henrletal and fine serges , al regular price i5c ; rllucoII , to 4Sc a yard. Our entire stock of fne French serges and whip cords that sold for $1 , reduced to Sic a ard. ) Our entire stock or fine novelty dress goods , worth from $ to $1.75 n yard , to close at iDe a 'ard. ALL BLACK DRESS GOODS AT lEDUCED I'itICES. nn' " . ' _ Q'IrQ. 33c , 30c ali 45c . turkey . - red . table ' damask , 2fc a yard. yarl. ALL TABLE LINENS AT COST PItICE . $1.25 to U,75 napllns , noSc n dozen . ' 2if . and $3 napkins , reduced to . U.9 a 10zen. BG lEDUCTIONS IN HOSllY AND UN- DmWI AI. lOc and 120 embroidery , reduced to 2c a yard. yart. Infants' wool hoods , \ 250 each 50 Castl soap , 3c a calm ; 2tc 11 dozen , Kirk's bouquet soap , lUc a box. lOc curling Irons , 5c each , 25e silk elastic web , to close 12c 1 ) 'afl sik . ' reduced to Sc . 1alles' iSo hanlkerchlefs , fc eaeh. lUc ( himahitY ladles' wool mlttcns , Sc a blair lOc Inal ) ' wool mitens , now fc a pair . each. Boys' lannel waists , were SOc , now 20c each.Our entire stock of men's heavy gloves worth pair. from 75c to $1.50 ; reduced to GOc n ; m PO\\'IEH , DICK & WALHER Council Bluffs , Iowa. l'AIDIns : WI bi. ltln.TI' : . ArtifIcial Menus to lie Used II nottlg "Inlhel 1 "llh In Give 1 111'1'81. The poor crops ot the past two yean C have set tIme farmel's In this , 'Icnlty tt C I thlnllng that It would bo money In thick r poelets to alopt tIme plan now In 150 In J , ' n"n nP 'h" Inll' farther w"sl and Irrlatt 3 _ _ ' 'N N , . . _ . _ _ . _ n _ n _ . - . their farms. \\'hihlo there has never been an absolute crop faIlure , there ha\o been Ilrcuths severe enough to 10 much lamage to the growing crops , a 11 there Is not a doubt but hal some artificial means been at hand at the critical moment aast Imount of fruit might ha\ been saved. Samuel Avery , who has a fruit farm three miles cast at the city , already his an Irrigation - rIgaton plant In operaton which cost him a lIttle less than $ GOO. A ten-horse power engine Is connected with liOO feet ot three and on-hal Inch plpo. Water Is pumped Into a reservoir at the tOil ot I hill , at the rate of GOOO gallons per hour , and then allowed to trickle back over the land. The alowed plant was put In last summer , In order to save a little fve.acre patch or mSIJber- rles , and It did its work so wel that I ts probable tIme owner wi Irrigate forty acres In the near future. A system of trenches convcys the water from Mosquito creek , underneath the Milwaukee and Hock Island railroad tracks Into the lower reservoir - voIr , trO J which the water Is pumped to tIme top or the hub. H. C. Graves & Son are putting In a plant which will have a capacity ot about 12,000 gallons at water an hour , and will irrigate between fifty and sIxty acres. The engine Is the one formerly used In the paper mill. Bartlett put In a plant last slmmcr , using the engine that formerly supplied water for the Chautauqua grounds. I will pump 3.000 gallons an hour. W. S. Keelno Is making preparatIons to do the same thing and at least hal a dozen more are said to bo considering tIme ad- vlsablty of tIme scheme. I Is claimed that Mosquito creek small as It is . furnishes more than enough water even In Its dryost season to supply all time tarmers ' lving along its banks. The farmers arc Ukng ! time by the forelock ant getting In such shape that they will be independent ot what time rain god gives them In the shape ot weather. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] n NNI'ON IltOS , - Monday's Special Dnlgnlns. Only a few days before Invontory. All odds and ends must be sold. Notice these prices : 1.000 yards striped Sc and lOc outing fan- nel , Monday 3c yard. 200 remnants ot 3G-lnch figured slkalne , 2 to 5 yards In each piece , Monday 3c yard. Turkey red figured calico , 3e yard. $1.00 G-4 fringed chenille table co\ers. 40e each. $1.50 , $ .7 [ and $2.00 6-4 fringed table covers DOe each. Turkey red table damask lIe yard. 35c , dOe and 4c all wool whIte flannel . Monday -9c yard : I you need white fannel buy Monday . SOc and COo all wool henrletas , all shades , Monday 29c each. Ladles , I you want a nice soft wool fabric for house gown or street wear , take advantage of this bargaIn Monday. $1.00 Bengalne crepe silk , evening shades , Nile green , light blue and pink , 1onday 48c yard. DENNISON DHOS. , Council Bluffs. GIVCI 10 Iln Gimmerdlan. A decls'on was rendered by Judge Smih yesterday In the case at Ella Schultz , the little girl who was said to have been abused hy her father and step-mother , Mr. and Mrs. Emi Schultz. A complaint was mlte sev- eral weeks ago by ! r. and Mrs. Premont West uncle and aunt of time child , and Emma Ageo , a young woman formerly In the em- ploy of the fchulz ramly , asking that a guardian be appointed for her. There was a hard fight . In which many outside persons were Interested. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. hhilde- brandt ot Watertown , S. D. the later alter . ltor nf lilA .hlhls ileati mDlhel askc Ihat i they ' him - allowed l i to adopt the , - hlldn : , Judge Smith decided to grant their request , and directed that the child bo turned over to them , _ _ _ _ _ - Svecial l'lnul Smile 'hls ' cek at t. . O. D. Irowmm' " . Drown's C. O. D. XXX patent , S5c per sack : iluffalo . 7le per sack ; Lone Star G5c per sack : Ruby , SOc 11er tclq ; rye flour . 450 Iler sack amid rye grahmanm . 4tc per sack ; corn mmieal 150 per saell : potatoes , G5e per bushel , Remember a silver dollar packed , In every twenteth sack or Brown's celebrated XXXX vatent I you are lucky you gel your lour for nothmimmg IIItOWN'S C. O. D. Y. ; 1. C. A. :1.elngs. At - o'clock this afternoon tIme young men will meet In their weekly rally . It will bo an olttmo song and testimony mctng , and will bo an occasion of Intercst and profit. The meetng will be hell at the old hal , corner Main street and Broadway , over State Savings bank. Each night this week bginning with 10n- day , tlero will be specIal services for men . un- dee the auspices ot the association , The leading workers In the city will be associated tcgether In this enterprise , amid the work promises to be both wlde-awale and vigorous . , \ I men are cordially invited to attend. 0 hail I'muld UI mlht . \llnus. _ . ' Lombard In- ST. LOUIS , Jan 26.-'ho I.ombar - vestment com p ' . throush its receivers , flIed its Irft report since its emharnusmcnt with Circuit Judge Clidwel In chlmbers wih . Time details were not Ilvel out toay. the judge tutp,1 , that the report hmowetl that of S3t , , O In roull numIerl showe IneItedne8s SSwO had beea IJall off since November 1. . 1'(1..1 lolY Between Thmuimi . I4A\'ltlNCE , Ma s. , Jan 26.-Walter P. \"rlght and his wife were found dead In bed today. There was a bullet bole II the hcad bed between of each them. , and a revolve lay o the I ONE MORE ROAD FOil l O IAIA Santa Fo ) nt llt3 Eyo- . -a LiDO from ULtumwd . WORK LIKELY TO BEGIN IN TiE SPRING , \1 time J'rl1mllnr'u Arrmumigrmmicnt . Are In l'rogress and timt1tflgImt of 'Vny Is I1ht Ileiimg ccur'I-IUch Torn- 1011 : : tory In lie Tnlll ; > cII. . OTTUIWA , Ia , . Jan. 26.-Speclal.-Thmero ( ) seems to be all the chancl' for I new ralroa,1 for Otumwa amid territory between It and Omaha that It Is ever possible to bank upon I when n railway corporatIon Is connected wih the scheme. Your correpondent has this from time most reliable or sources-one of the directors ii himself-anti all preparations which are being made amid talks with farmers along tIme proposed route about the right of way verify his shouller-shruggell statement. Time Chicago , Fort MadIson & Des MoInes rail- way Is under tbe control of time Santa Fe , which Is a branch line running from Fort Madison to Ottuniwa . A natural route for the new trunk lIne Is UII time divide from East Otlmwa to } { Irkvle , Cedar and Oskaloosn , and timence omit west to Ollha , over a country where the expense of buiding a railroad wOll1 be rendered ( comparatively light by tlp many natural advantages , and wher a ral lne would tap and reach country not as ) 'e traVersed by a trunl In . Such a route was at one ( hue projectc.l by lie Iowa Central and quite I lite prelmlnar ) work was Ione on the project , but after a lme the matter was dropped . and It has bcn the belief ever since by ralroall people that the Burlngton company Interfered all shut off the Intenton of the Centml. Then there are reasons to believe that I the Santa I'e does not hold the Fort Madison It immay fall into the hands of time Baltmore & Ohio company , which cor- poratiomi Is seeking through lilies to lImo Missouri - sourl rIver and already operates as far west as l'eromia The road that follows this route and taps Fort :1 also1 , , otumwa , Oslmloosa , KnoxvilleVimmtemset and emi to Omaha will bo In I Position to malntlin a large ali grow- bag bnslness from these lowns , all from 5,000 to 2.000 Inhabiants , aside from its through business. g. II. Skimmer of liirmmihmmg- ham Is a director of this road and he Is re- sllonslble for tIme statement that work emi this early new Ino wi ! beglmm . In all probability , In the Tile Fort Madison company lias placed an order It Is understood with an eastern con- cern for several new engInes and a number ot new box cars . and It Is known that there are emissaries nt work among the farmers over time proposed route , sounding them on the value of theIr land , which , It Is presumed , . will be required by the right ot way. Another - ' other ProPosed route Is to buid from Ot- tumwa to Albla , where there Is an abandoned lne belonllng to the 'Vabash between Albla and Des Moines , andhof which , It Is under- stood . the Santa Pe poole are negotiating the purebase. ThIs , \OUd ( he more of a local value as It would hip a'strata at coal at ex- cclent quality , runnlhg from five to ten feet In thickness. and the building or a railway through that seclbn 'ould develop these mines. , . 1OUld DESTIUTE COXon'ION OL' "INI t . Mucii Suffering In 10"1. . UII Result of Xo 'Ynrk 1111 3 1177r. ! . OTTU1WA , la. . Jan ; 2G.-Speclal.-The ( ) storm which raged yesterday has brought before time people at thl ! city and community I question whose solution is a hart one. I ts nothing more than the serious aspect placed by the real wInter which Is here , Ipon the condItion of the miners and their families who haUe n employed In the imiims of . the 1coumitry , adjacent ! ot whbchm : this { I Is the eniem'rimere : ' atrh1ver . protuclon at coal In all Iowa ; there would bo an overproductIon - productIon , at coal had not the , winter been so mid as to make the consumption much less than In previous years but wIth the mid winter , tim passiveness In railroad cir- des . and dull business In all manufacturing institutions , this overproduction Is made more fearfully prominent. There are at least 2.500 or 3,000 miners wihin a radius of tlmirty-five miles at Ottulwa ; there has been work for only about halt et this number In the mines and for only about four day out of the week for this hal this season. This has made much suffering- but thc miltl wln- . _ _ , _ _ Lu _ . _ suterlng : . . . _ _ thl _ , mid . u. . ler Lies ueen Iu n- , uv , 'UU uln .11 blizzard of ) yesterday came they have been gettIng along faIrly well . At Clmmcbnnatl . In. . the conditon of the miners Is a sample of the conditIon elsewhere. There operators have laid down with the load they have been carrying and refuse to move. Operators have lost money the last year. The mar- ket Is below the lowest notch and they ara forced out and everything Is at I standstill. Time miners argue that a reduction In wages wIll not better time Irospects any and tley will not accept such a reduction . In the meantme their families suffer for food and clothing and the people are beginning to find out that they have destitute among them who are equally ns needy and equally the Nebraska sufferers . as deserving as suferers. cnUSIED USl n IlLS LOC01IOTVI . Veteran Burlington Engineer Meets I l'llghtul Ielth nt l'micifle Junction . PACIFIC JUNCTION. Ia. , Jun. 2G.- ( SpecIal Telegram.-A ) terrible fatality occurred - curred In the Burlington yards at this point this afternoon. Engineer Sam Burns was erushed to death beneath his engine. Burns handled time switch engine and when the fast mal started for Council Duffs thirty minutes late the switch engine pushed It out of the yardtor a Btnrh When he uncoupled En- gineer Burns reversed his englno anll put on the all brakes. Some ot the hrake gear- Ing care unfastened and before the boconmo- lye completely stoppell Burns jumped out or time Cat lie then crawled under tIme ten- thor , to flit the brake rod when time engine started again. lie was dragged beneath lie tunIc and crushed to death. 'Fimo . company Ilhysician sewed up time wounds and time body was con\ yed to lila home , where the coroner's jury will view it. Burns was over 50 years old and hal , been wih tIme Burlng- ton at this point six years. Io leaves a widow and one Ron. lIe was a member of the Burlington Voluntary Relief department Iowa MII % \11 tt Chosen. One of the possibilities for election to time . . , , . , . . , ' . 5.iaiiemtttta Fmnle IT. .nnn' " C.-nr M"'hl.lnnR I. ' , " . ' - ' . . - - . ' Peavey , a former "ii t'- Citizen . n'l Now that the ffI \ \ I over and Governor Nelson Is safely elcccll to the senate , some Interesting iiiSorT-b1 \ , , " " the contest may be told. tohtl.TIme original tIglitetWeenVammhibumn ' and Nelson was fglt'letween Into a case of anything to beat IN l .on. for It early be- came apparent tha 'jjisiuhimrn could not be elected , amid , that 4q fshlmr hope ot defeating . featng Nelon11 } . .40 Inll a candhlate who could break Jnl , pie Nelson strength The anti-Nelson' p 9lIQ were determined to beat their opponelt , at ammy cost It they could. et , ( One of the men seonslde\ed as a possible candidate to defcat' ' . elson was rank Ii. Iea\'ey. lie was only one or a numnber but ho was dIscussed tol. ' seriously antI Ir the situation hal lmeenujIi as to bring about a long siege of blolng , It Is very lilcel ) ' ho would have developed Into a strong can- dIlate But the Nplson forces were too strong , and the cho e made too early. Ot the efforts ot time Washburn people the Pioneer Press says : . "Al day long all far Into the IIht : they were engaged In conference after conference ' once , ellieavoring 10 Ilatch UI' some com- binatlomi which woult defeat hiimmm 'fhey binaton tried to turn their forces over to Coma- stock , but they could not deliver the goods . They proposed to make rank II. l'eavey the residuary Icgateo or Washburn's wan. Ing strength , but Mr. } > el\cy declined with thanks , ant wIth the remark thlt It was too late. . " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ helms Solicitous for Ills llmibom Eugene V. Ilbs Bent a letter frOm his Illinois Jai urging tb reorganization of the American hallway union lodge In Duhuque. The letter came tram Woodtock Ill. . and was addressed to a member of the order In lubuque Debs added that he Intended to I devote his life to time work of mailing the : le American Ialway union an effective or- - - - - gnlzaton for the betterment ot the condition or railroad emflo'cs or all cloues. Time lodge nt 1ubuQue was nt\r formally , \ssoh'ell , but after the strike It lanlulshed ns ninny deserted I after gettIng their jobs back and many left town to seek emflo'lcnt elsewhere. The number ot unemflocII rail- r0111 men remaining In thc city was not sufficient to make the lodge effective antI no meetings have been held since the height or the strIke I Is now proposed to reorganize and to embrnee In the organIzation all raIl- mail men employed or unemployed who didn't "go back on the boys , " t'ii.tttITON's tcri'l WoMtN. CI.ITON'SC"I'B WOl . uio'himig the eo.y ) nllt 1IIIrn.'ln Theni- 8lvl II 1.IHr.\r ' : "llott . CIAITON , la" , Jan. 26.-Special.-Time ( ) Woman's Relief corps gave a dinner In the basement ot the splellll new court house today for the benefit of the poor all sick people at our city. Time Equal I Suffrage society nt its meetng on Thursday ot next well ( will discuss "htights ot Women In Iowa. " A mo\cm nt Is on fool to organize a branch ot time Daughters or time Revolution In Cimarl ton. Speaking or women's socIetIes , I may not ho generally known ( lint this Is a great town . for cultured \omen anti properous womcn's @ocletes. In additIon to a ful quota of ladles' bene\'olentand chureh \ societies . Charl- ton has no less than fIve or six first-class iileary cl hs con : 03ed ec'us\ el ) ' of wommion Pint , there Is the Hlstor Cilb , organized In 1878. Its active memblrshlp Is lmied , but there arc I numbcr of hOlornry memlwrs- lalcs , who were formerl act , . immemmibers butt who have removed tram the cl ) . . The stlndal"ll ot Icarnlng an,1 , culture 11 this climb Is very high. The cub itself Is a member or the 1'ederatiomm \Vomnemm's Clubs of Aimmer- lea It meets every Monday afernool , and on three different occasIons during the year It "ntertalns time Clothalal club , elsewhere mnemmtloneti. This 'car's coure In thc I Its- ! tory club comprises a slimily of Shakespeare The Clothalan climb Is also a rather pro- tenuous organization . about t cmi years ohul Its active mcmhershlp , like that of the ills- tory cub , Is 1111tet , amid Is made ill ) or somewhat 'ounger women than the staId dames who give Ilglly to the hIstory cimmb. The Clothalan Is likewise a memher of the Federation \\'omen's ' clubs , nail Is an 1m- bitioums , though friendly , rival bltous tholgh or Its older sister. During time year , on three separ'lto "special club days " the Clothalan entertains the History climb , The princIpal ! stud of the Clothnl:1s : for thIs year Is "The Conlue t of Mexico. " This club meets every two weeks And then there are the /.etamnatiie. nH , a cry'strommg . club , organized In ISS2. I meets weekly , anti Ilrosecutc n course of study that Is calculated to be a vast benefit . to , cnnlnlh' its members nn,1 nPnanM" Clmariton . " als , , has - _ . a . repre- _ " . . - . . - . . ' ' - . . . . . . w , , vu UUI"I'VI \0 1' . E. 0 sisterhood , besltes one or two other excellent women's clubs. The Bee has a gOOI many friends In this part of Iowa , amid now that I reaches Charl- ton early In time mimu-oning before the Chicago papers get here , It will unlloubtetly have a large number of readers In this vicinIty. I has snowed consIderable during tIme past two days and barring the drifts , the sleigh. Ing Is good Charlton contributed liberally to tIme Ne brska sufferers from droutim This city owns Its own electric lghting s'stlm ali the service Is good Time tele- phone system Is owned by a private .com- pany pany.Wi The Bee tel Its readers that Cmariton Is one of the best "home" towns and busl. ness points on the line or the ChIcago Bur- himmgton & Quincy road 1 The school advantages - vantages arc away above the average amid so- dab advantages are excellent . and ant surrounding - rounding country Is rich No @loons. but limo drug stores will , In cases or very , , very severe Illness . sel n little "budge , " There Is consIderable complaInt . on account or burglaries and attempted burglaries or late. Two offenders were bound over to the district court this week for hrealdng Into a store and stealng a lot ot pocket knives ete. Lucas county Is the Due Grass county ot tIme Due Grass distrIct of Iowa , and CharHon Is the place to find the best blooded horses In this tamed region Nebraska people desIring - siring to purchase good horses would do vehi to correspond with Charlon horsemen , among \Ihom : may be hJentonc J. D. Hartln , D. Q. Stone ant J. F. Spiker. Among other thIngs Charlton Is proud ot its musical talent. Mr. Mart Wilson who has composed a great deal or music for bands and who Is favorably known In different parts at the country as un expert cornet player ant violinIst , Is making preparatIons to pub- lsh his music In Chmariton. 2UlGLEl's : Ion A ItECono. Davcnport limes Helion to lolmnber the ew York Forger Fnvorahly. . _ _ : _ II h' m _ _ I-olgol _ u _ _ _ . _ , . . . uaVlllvnu : urpnseu to reau 1 tno newspapers that Edwin O. Quigley had been convicted for torgery. He was sentenced In Now York last Friday to fifteen years ali six months Imprlsonmont for forgIng municipal bonds. His record In Davenport was one whicH endeared him to Davenport people. lie did a good turn for the town when the town needed it. The fIrm of Quigley & Tuttle , In the summer at 1893. sold $90.000 of an Issue at Davenport Improvement bomids after the bonds of much iargdr cities bad gone beg- ging for buyers and bad fount none for gng sonic time. I was I the beginnIng or the Inanclal depression that dropped down still heavier a tow weeks afterward . Quigley & Tuttle printed I $100,000 Issue and sold 00,000 or time bonds while $10,000 were sold by White & Co. EvIdently In looking up Quigley's record the New York police stumbled on to time fact of the bonds being printed ( hero . and telegrams were sent to Da\enport. asllllg I the issue was genuine. Mayor Volmer replied that I was t street Improvement bonds 2GO:359 , dated JUly 1 , 1803. were referred to I was at , . the beginning ot Volhmmmer's atlmnInistmation as mayor that time substantial service In lie shape ot a $00.000 remittance came to the cly , President St John or the MercantIle Na- tonal bank of New York says : "Our bank has none ot the Davenport bonds In its possession taken from Quigley , but as a matter of news that the public Is entted to know I will tel that ho has dr. wi cr. culatc a numher at spurious bonds of thnt city This bank has heft the handling or the Quigley forgeries to Mr. Lathrop , our counsel. Wo are now devoting our tIme to the ntnLs at time bank , " Before his . sentence , Quigley was visited by a reporter and questioned concerning the stories charging him with leading n double life , that ho gamblel for large stakes. "As : a favor to I\l " said he , "plelso say that these reports are urklnd and untrue. Time only basis for such report Is tIme fact that I few friends and I , neIghbors at mine In Orange met regularly every week at n Iloler party. ly wife knew thIs. I was leading no double life. W'e played only for small stall , to maim time game lmiterestiimg. In time course or tIme year no member at the party would lose more than $50 . " OiIn Om"1 ! i.ldress. A betel thief has been 'opertng nt various - oils points In Iowa givIng tIme name of "J. A. Arnold Omimaima , " hotel proprietors . mire warnel against him. Ho Is a tall . slm fellow . displaying a small black mustache and a black I'rlnco Albert coat and a pair of trouser that look as thongh they had been plucked ere they at- talied their normal deyoloimmnommt He opor- ntell at Nevada amt Carroll In this state , stealing from the hotel at tIme later 1IIIce blankets valued at $25. At the Grand hotel In Celar Rapids he Inscrlbel the name and cIty of "It. II. Lee ChIcago , " When he entered the office one or the guests reo markel that lIe r"semblell a man who had been bldng Iowa hotels recently , so the clerk riveted his eagle olile upon him with most satisfactory results . He epresented liimnself to be a commercial traveler and said hllfel two trunks at the dellot but ito was not certain whether ho would oflen them or not. He wanted to know t a sample room would be reserved for 111 for hat an hour untl he went out and Interviewed prospective , customners lIe was shatowed hy the clerk , who followed . him to the postoUce and to a saloon In First street. Lounging about ton half an hour lie returned to the hotel and announced that he would not open Ills trunk. Ills bill or $ for two anti three'Qulrter days was llresEute,1 , for Immedlato payment and ( Imougim the presentation outraged his feelings , ho cashed up amid a torrent of as. fmed righteous indIgnation . slmomguimAicitiemmt NCII ( lifforii. Tom Lawier , who hives near Gifford , sus- talnel a serious Injury while extracting a shell from a Ihotgun. A neighbor had just returned the firearm , and there belDS but one loath stilt intact \ - LOOKS AFTER _ THE SICK SENSE AND KINDNESS ) OF TilE ! COPELAND ) & SHEPARD ) PLAN An Intolgont anti Successful Effort to See that All SU0ring Invnthls MI ' Del roporly Cared for 'Vihout hardship . In the ' Matter of Expense The central and controlling Ion or the eOI''I' Innl ! & 8hel'nrl1 m.lonl cntemprtae is I Ilt Iho I kk must not "erl.h for wont or 1 ' \lonl ' nr , ' , Time golden ; 1111 and ! "hlen l'tl cll.II' exerl.IINI In this I.rletco Is that no stricken hlmnl 11Inl no hl.hen'wln t1 brother 01 , ' .IH. Iml.II' on,1 1(1 ' \ ng Inller du.nl" timflm amity . 11 : t.o tIe- InrrNI rrOI I tIl 1 l"nl 1) ' tim , ' 11nmnlt1e .llhl' mln : : t y or II"hlt I. I I e fee . " , The t' , 111111 .1 iIi'p- ii 111 ree.rnt" Is time low est ever Imown to lcgitt- mate . . . .eonIrnctce. . 'rho main timing hmowcven Is hint the CIrnn,1 & Rhrlml , tm'entmiment , 'hlo Inex"nRI'I ! ! . . imon' ore,1 oral 1111111.1 for .llerlor ecelienee. I has i heeome , 1.111111) ' colehrnlN1 , for u. tl lng emiirumcy In rhrolic tiiaiathie . II lucre time "hl'H'ho ! mNho.l < D lamontohl' . nototlou nl ! 1111111) m ' fiI. Tim . Ilmit is slnipiy that I lie Ctl''hiimil & tlicii- minI trcatmsnt , Instead of being siouehit'l niuI tie- gratlel Immttm it ' 'charity t 'tttiiiCiit' ' itreper-bo- cause humanely phnct'd ivitIiii the rcat Ii of allis - . is in mvaiity exalted mimmi pem fecte,1 hilt ) tile this- titetion or hieing vemybody's trt'atmncmmt , hr'rmium5' Ii Ii' time m'yi.tcni Lest mtilaptel lii our clmmiuiiolm ham- iulanmt.Vimtle Its Iencflts , rime mi freely ttemiiIm'l to time % ioor , it i I at time samn time tim mi tfl'mtt mmmciii t mint Ii , cIioeii by mmmcmi mit mimnmicy amid ciiuimi"nee nmm,1 heam mmmng-tiy timcso iilib imiflt tue lied sk Ii , nmml to wIoimi , Cite low fte or tie hitglm fee Cuts no flgurt' wlimttever , A SCIIIt ) I. alAN. ( oorgn SI. ' , I I ml C , S tm hun mm I eimtti' , mm C. n I 'vhm im o Is for 1)iIigizttt Cu.mimty . , atimu''u : mm C'tmlIti ! Sm uuto macmit , County Smiperlnteimilomit Bill of Omnalma telI imis expcmieimco nit follows : ' 'F'or m'omim.turcivo yemums I Itmtl , catlrtli or the sttimmmacii nmil , i , iwei'i ii nt may gemmemmil itt titim u mis vt-my itior. aty e' > umhitlon 'ms , mnamlwl by gent'mui ileititity. hack of uliiietit ' mmml loss of mImemmgtim. I Imat , tt't'mi tmatei IO sciera I iillctulVs for C eomnpicit fltm , I.imt recelvt,1 mme irrmmmaiiemi t tel let , lImmal ly concluich C u etim.sul ( lire. t'olla mmd nni iIilLtm th , niii a Ct or lila mmmomithis' tm , 'uit mmient i ftm nt tiiyset C ict cr titan I iia'h Ie'mm , for tcclv , ' or mi ( ( ten years. 'J'imci r m meat mlieflt ii mmii sidhi ftm I mmnil thmormmgim mtnI time ) , t'nelit I Ccl I wa' mmmai itcI , ( mommi t Iii ! miart. I rich m'nt isiitl thia t thiy iii e mulemi of hmonr iiil , vill tin as they ii em to Ct do , a mm'l nm-c emmitmuly ivom-tim ) ' of tIme eonmlipnce or time mimttietttl , "uioictt : v. iiim.L , "Supt. i'uiilc lnstmuctiomm , Iouglns Coimmmty. " 11 E % ' . H. it. TIN ii i.t , I ) . I ) , Presidimig Euler Timmilail , at Griiil Iihnmmtm , mu Former Oimmuuiiui I'astur , hams Sommuethummmg to say , Pulpit , cress and PeoPle endorse ( lie work of Drs. ( opeland nail Simepard. There nrc few men , if any , bettor lcmmowum In Methiotlist Circles in Nelmraslea timmin l'resitilmmg Eldem' Timmihnhi of Grand isiamid , until recemutly hmts- : tom of Sewarti Street Methodist Elilseoputi cimurchm , Ommialime , lie huts many commgrcgmu- tiomis In Imis district amid dtmrIng a yeumr preaches to timoumiantla of P00hI0. , Im _ Tin. dalI writes to lr. Simepnmth , tinder dmtte of December 1 , 1891 , as follows : ' 'For twenty years I hmav imai entarrim of time head. Time , hlseasti inipairel my voice , ntmi Mciii- inidy to m'nmmme extent iii I , m-feme,1 wit it imiimmtai work , A1ut , a yc'iu' ago , ity the mmlvice , of utomite oC amy parifiiiners , I initmce,1 , to try your trc-ainment , Ptir your own comfom I nmil satisfaction , as itlt mutt for time goo'i of otiirs , I wish to say [ hunt m immLvo fotmnti ntiiiiing liuicim has Imelicl ; miie as your mtimimplo anti mtcasmtflt mnctimoi. , Since mmmi- tier yotmm- care may heath Iiuiii istii better mint ! may umilmiti cit'mttt'r. I aiim giati to comnummemml you and our treatment to the mtmbllc. " . 1.1(0u FOUIC STATE8 , Lady l'atlc'mmt'm iii lctiiicmii- , Iowa , South , Ha- leotmi mimmd Nchrnmeuu Vnito i1iiv Nicely Timey Are moitimr at mm omo ( Jailer aiui Tr'mit mmmcmii Time following letters are reprodtmced fromn Inst vcek's mail by ierniissiomi of time wrIt- ems , MRS. MARY F. IIOL.LAND , Friend , Nob. , wri tea : "Ixpresa package enmime iltily to hand. Tmiank you. Began your treiitnment one weeic ago last umight. 1 am very much better tthreaily. S'immee amonhay I hmavo enjoycti more good Ceemimig thami I have meroro ( or severam montims. Such a change In f-A ) short em. time Cs stimiply wonderimm. Yestertay I valiteei , lnwn town amml back wittmout being at- terly eximaimsted on mooching honme. Your treatment - ment , or else mimy fnttmm In your treatment , has wrouglmt time charm , " MRS. MAGGIE CASTLEBURY , Fort Scott , Kami. , wrItes : "As my ireseml ( supply Iii about gone , I iviht order for another month. I have realhzod a gruit Thomas tlmoughmt lie would show time children how a gun could be fired , Time gumm not only went off , but exploded , thmo flesimy part of hIs imand being toni away , exposing and lacemat- ing the arteries anti veins , from wimichm there was a dangerous hemorrhage , A piece of steel u'as Imbedileti in his forearm , and tlmero was a deep gash across the muscles below time shoulder. ills face was filled with powder , though his eyes escaped injury. Comidltiomm of Iown I'mitioimmmi Haim ks Iowa National banks show an imnproved condItion for time last quarter of time year. Time abstract of time reports simowing thmeir conditIon on Decemnber 19 last , whmicim was given oimt by time comptroller of time currency , show ( hue reserve at that date was 31.14 per cent , a decrease of nearly 5 per cent. This indicates timat tIme banks are not holding emi to theIr money wltim such a tight lmanml ammml thmat they arc mmmoro liberal to their custotmi- era. era.Time last report shows that the total no- sources amounted to $50,870,059 , Of ( hula amount tlmo loans amid discounts were $32- 377,805 ; cash In reserve bammks on hmamid , $7- 104,311. Individual deposits rero $25,467,922 ; average reserve held , 26.52 per cent. Oum October - tober 2 ( ho total resoumrces ammiounted to $51,886,998 ; loans and dlscotmns , $31,820,780 ; lawful money reserve , $8,770,477 , Time huh- vldual deposits were $20,107,448 ; average reserve - servo held , 31.14 11cr cent , ies lthoImme banks arc mmot immciuded In tIme figures. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'rosenteI tim , , l'resitiemml's iShammimscrlpt. Des MoInes owns a copy of a sieech tleliv- ered by President Cleveland In time president's own lmandwriting , George F. Parker , United States commsul at Ilinmingimammi , England , time literary manager of Grover Cleveland , has sent to tIme Ahilrichm collection the commipleto origInal mnummmuscript of time speech of Grover Cleveiammtl at Chulcken. imig imali , New York , May I , 1891 , lueforo time Stimta Charities associatIon , encouragimmg its work , The manuscript is a very good speci- mnen of time presiilemmt's iu'nitlng , Mr. Vmmrler : says it Is just as It camimo fnomn Mr. Cleve. mmmd to be vnlneil. anti that It. is very rare , as time iiresitient nhmnomut always destroys what hue writes as soomm as it is pnimmed. Mr. liar. ken imna taken tiuci Imalmms to procure ( his for time Altlriclm collection on account of ( hue at- fectiomm lie imamt for imls olti state. SoimI hoer to World's lemuir Visitors , llerman Sclmroeiler has been finch $300 $ ammil costs by Juilgo Wilson fen pemithling beer on tIme tralmms without a hicemmee during tlmo World's fair period. l3cimnoetler runs a saloon on time cornen of Fifth tmimd l'erry streets , Davenport , amid hmami been on trial Iii lccolcuk before time Ummiteil States court cii time charge of "boot leggIng , " During the WorItI's faIr Schmroeden emmade a practice of petlulllmmg beer omm time trains mas. immg through Davenport witlmommt time noces- sany license , amid it was ( or timhs lie was . prosecuted , Time ientmmce was ituspeumiled during gootl beimavior ulmomi t'hroeiler'mm haY. ing $25 and tIme costs of (1w 'nab. imuprcmimo Cumin IC't'i5iimii. DES MOINES , Jan , 20.-Speclal ( Tele. grarn-Supreme court dtcmiions trnhay were : Amiiioumsen-IlusCim BrewIng association against M , Ilamniomig anti II' , ' . II. iletta , apia'liarmt , Black hawk district , rouensed ; 0. \'attels. . bxecuton , against \V. 'V. Mlmmcitrm. umlmpelicint , Carroll distrIct , roverseil ; lavis A htsnkiim. appeilants , against 11 , 0. Campbell , ilannison district , reversed ; M. C. Carter against Mary Steyer et ai. appellants , Winnesimiek dIe. trict , athbi-metl , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1tir iilurtglmgo t'mlt IelIi'ti , IOWA CITY , Ta. , Jan , 2G.-(5prial ( Tele- gram.-Onu ) million two imundreil timid fifty timousand dollars was time amount of a mont- gage released in Recorder hleuter's office hero today , It was given April 1 , 1883 , hmy tIme Americamu Glucose company to Henry MartIn and Elizabeth Id , Ilumrnlimm of liuf- tab , N. Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Truin Itobberi hcimtcmcemt , MU5CAT1NI' , Ia , , Jan , 0.-Fttr anti I3rovxm , the Itock Ijlaad ( rainwrevkers , - ' , - - - cneflt , alit I think yotm piiaumh,1 send thmC snhmme kint tinmn , luit , I Ittuvo that , of omitmist' , to yell , You Ce reaciming every ) 'tnt ili iil caso' , anl , Cite eli 3miiitomti are gitmlng lighter Cer3' tiny , tiy I'atl. stommitucim arii mum-vt's nm-c wemmitcrfimiI' bet- en. ' ' MISS LOt'ISA lA\\'SON , irmi , Iowa , mites : ' 'I'or tative eirq I luwe iei n great i'imrferer ion , eoilmiiI i'n mcii mm rt"tiomm of I It , ' hit'tl ri , s'miiiielt ( I mid I 'tick. % i ' hen nims sysi cam i'ecmmmet nil g I ien 'ii C. As mimaimy mis six 1.1,3 sicia mis a ( I i'mihtt mae mit grinumq C imite' , , itih iv : iiie saint' of I hienm d it inc 'HI. 1 Iii I1tMt Ct , 1 'iii tte I miii teal is imetlis umitil I tsik yttiu t ica t mmmcmi I C tmioiiglm tltt' immaits , 'i'mic t'siml t s ham , ' Ien Ii glily miii t I stait'rl' , M y heal tim ills beemu 1'miietteihiy u-'stom ( MI. I vntmhtl urge us-ti- neil suit Ii t'iirt'iuti I r'nitlemu Co eomiimit Bra. ( 'oh's- amid nmil ShiCt'cittl. ' 1 ( I F. I , IXt'I , N ' .1' . 'l'hme cost of a full course of treatment ivi t Ii I ) rs. Copelamm ii ii mmd Slmepidril , is mi I I t C Ia lee ver uimommtlm , % vlietlmer the roquilsito ito- ii otl o I I m't'uttmiii'mm t lie C lm ice imtoiut us or ( Ii men iveelcim. 'i'imls ft'e Iumelimdes mill mmmctlleitit' nmmil limo cotistntmt mummil wmttt'lmftml care of mull pci. . Liemi Is to mm. linal out me. 'i'iliti l'i'cat imien t ( I yen Fi'cc , tjtiitit utiuilu. : Time 'dull Tr'mut mimetiC timnt'm mm $ im licrt'r I.Iviimg Imir A sumusirnm ( liii ihimi. 1Tis. IT. ( I. hician. i.1cmvit , tO. 1) , , is a laly , Ittiiliy m- . , 't"itii by ii , , ' svii''h , ' enmmittmmuity sviients die hiies. Pr Ii"r tat mm cmiifit , mtimi safety. mis tvt't I tis 1. . .miti' 5 : , k , ' ' 'C m'r rantil I y. ship iiestm-e.L g's'tt ittttii. , Imgcmiiuiie this sit , ' uu-rte to Dr Simepard tmimIer date of iee"miii'tr ' 2 , l9i I . ' .y.'S 4g ! _ , & . . . \ _ _ j//.1J ' n 1,11-is. hi. (1. iiOiAN , Edgemmmont , S. 1) . ' 'I , lesire to macike time ummatmi ft'atimres cC umiy ens. svtieiy i 'imbt ' to , ( or I iiinuu miiani' tam rft'rimmg wommiemu lim cu , . ) ' ttu'mi tiIiih mmigtitttm taoi mti't"l itsiny itmit tiit' mmcli ) I roceiveil mm yotmr tiania , it svmia , mtmiio tL I it mit i' ( or mae to I tilt , ' trite-mm i iviote to stilt go , ttcims nwtty , tr iii Omnitima , Limt 1 suits m , , itimmd to get iut't I t I I SimtM to irounil. . 'iime count my tioctoys tt it Clot i'emmi to imnIt'i sttmii : thY ens , , anti mIfttflt mmte.iicimms imiztic mime 55 orse. ' 'I beemiimui' t'.taiiy ' until f''r , i'tmig , ammyt : mtng ( , ti account of tt'm rUle hmi'n'iaciies that sc.iu ceiy ever left mmmc for IL iilltliCtl t. I I tlis'y uini itierem hg m'n I mis ma t lie ftreimeumd , teimmiiti's , tot t't ( tie tteit , , em mi , ! neck , rectticeI mime to titietnitttom , of timm I mm intii. 'J'imls img'mmy iresmitc,1 mica rmy mmli nmmtii rat steep mimi , leV.teh It mmorvou' , inte that been mmmc tntlem-aile. , ( I i n1tmmttiy mmiy i.tomnncti iiecaimmc tim- ViVett anii I itte so I , t t RI t tint r c miiouitit I isliti svretcttciliy ivetic to uiitmut mi.it io.I ) ' , A Ca- tiLt-i iiah mm ffccttum of time iti.1 nes timid ot tier or- gutims I 'ceatmue ' a later fei (1mm c , caumstmig a mmii mmiber of , tlstr&-sst rig , 'ymumioins , ia'stiles a gti'i.I cleat of uvorry , ftr 1 , ltd mm't , timiumic I ct'iiih nmrvlve tieao set . bus atimnentis of simetm tummi'om tmmnt organs. ' \M I stated above , I wroit' for your citmt'st on iiammlc tom' lVttmhefl atmi , it s-euim 'ti jimsi tii I at t ) my ease. I tega'i t r''a i Hi ii t B I tilice. tutil , ttii I miS Cite tirat mnnti , I ttuui womiderfiit , 'as , ' Ii oni time tar- ttmro ttmat 101,1 , icen , 'ttwly kititng mmmc. lhmrlng the seconl mimuitti tC , tn-am imment imly stommachm : mind kI,1- ney tmuites , i tramipeart d mind I ( ' 4 t imeti ny such , ni ttmot git stilt vemik. TilL' ththu-il mimnt ti's stmpiily briugit time miii emmttro curt' , for I ( otmt amy imaitUt CXL'etteiit 1mm every reepeot. The freetmum fmuimn mmthii , time i ethmiim itt appetite , ii'sit nail is-dil ) ' stmeiigiim , tiI ( mtisenco , at ii'CVOUh pntstrtitton and Ictit ney tit'rmi flgt'mmmcnts , till thitt'e mtimmi it ti ties , ' etti. in mmiy hhti' , Any witimian wmi , , tl'stis many ut-rite tilt ? for a serttication of tiits statemmichit , " ORS , COPELAD & SIIEPARD , itoo:1S smi AND ItI NI\V YOIiK i.IF'n IIU1LIINO , OMA1i. ' , NED. Otflce Houm5-9 to it mu. in , ; 2 tO 5 p. in. Evontmigs-\\'ednesdays nmai Saturlayim only , . 6 to 8. $ tmnday , 10 to 12 nu. SpciaI Noticos-OollnciI Oluffs C1hlct1rEYs CLEANED : VAULTS CL1OANSBa. ti ijurke , atV S. Itomor's , tis lirommtiway , LARGE PRIVATE BAIONFOIt RENT NEAR court lmouac , Apply at lice otflce , Council lilutfa. I.ott ItCNT , TV'O FUI1NISIIEI ) Olt UNFUIt- nisited r000ms , in desirable location , for mali atmd wife ; umo objection to a child. Inquire at 503 First aVeiiUi.- . volt RENP , St'lTI OIc'i'LitNhS1Ill ) I100MS Icr hmtuttekeepmng. 725 Mynster street. beemm sentenced to tenyears him time stab hrisOli. Tlmey pleaded guIlty , I1tEY'S OPINIONOFTHE MATTE1. . lommghmia County Tt-eui'iurcn'n Timcttry of time huh County 'ircmgi.hy , Coutmty Treastirer II , B. lrcy rettmrneil last evenhmmg from O'Neill , where hue attemmtlei.l time fumtmerutl of llairet Scott. Mr. lrc'y spent ei'onuml days at O'Neill , ivimero ito hntl mimi opporuummlty to turin somimu jmretty iloclile opInions mis to time meal fac ( that hod imp to tile ( anmous trmmgeiiy. "I mini in it Positioli to kmmosv , ' ' tmItl lie last evemulumg , ' 'thmzit time kIlling a Sctit is limo result of a fur more dmmumgeomms conspiracy luau is gemmermilly ummit'rmttootl , I iimuil notimimig else to do dimritmg my stay btmt to imiformu lay- ' self mis to tIme sltumutiomi , anti immy sources ot mmiformnatlon mire timomotmgimly relictitie , 1 imavo iait a vimrttcbe of doti t hhmtt soimme at' tIme guilty mmiemm are kmmowui , 1 immive iteemi matte I mtctitmalmmtett ivIthm mmtammy facts tlmitt hmaVic imot beemm tnntle hUhiiiC and time eVidence Is al- moat commclusive , "It miOs hot take hong for even it stmammger to forum time ( illililomi ( lmmmt sumac of ( lie couimt ? ml imtimori ties t imem-e um ri' Iii 5)111110 t imy sri tim t lie lymmeimers , 'l'hme action of thut , enmity attor- lie ) ' it it ii lii cmi If I mm I mmii tmvhmmg t lie govi.'njmor to mecomisitlem' Ills immtemiiomm of ofi'triimg it rewtirml of $5,00II for tIme tmppreiiension of time mntir- tierers ill C 0 ito tielmiom emh , atm I ( lit certmul mi timhit the offerimig of IL mewumrd uvoulld have amaturially hmmcretmtted the chmtmmmceim of gcttimmg iii tIme ltottommi of time ItiOt . 'i'imc i-efmisat of Ito coil mit y at torn cy t o tiIiov I ii u ummiii iuy- I ititimit of a lawyer to iim.sist hIm the hmrote'c'u- I iomm a nil t lie a ci ion of t Ii a simon ff I ii uiiiow- I I mmg immeum ivhmo ivertt u tither cii Si tk'ioim of ltd ii g iinntleihilits itt limo lvtivhiirirr to 'lsiI lime irlsoners and iioltl long coimferenceth wimer % otiienti ivero mefmmneil ahimnit4siomt itt severely , , I criticised , 'File fniemiihtt of liccmtt tire emititlct.I to mnore tlmmumu a little credit , in my opimiloil , Ion t lb ii ci ei'iimI iitctl mliii ii mmci I ii svhmi elm I lmcy have thlscotmflteimliiicei ( atmy temm'leimcY ' towam-il violeimet' , ummmtl unless mtomnetmiiig ) me- ciii s of atm imihimmmmmmnatory miature time law viiJ lie nhlosmeti to take its course , " lI'JtdTlt.V 'I m o nut lie ( If t Ii ii i.mt I o % 'mum' Ito mmmi' iii hioremi 1,7 C Ii ii ( limit , rat ( I ii vorml 1,1111 t , Vi . .IiNa'roN , Jun. 26-Epeclal-Pen. ( ) HIiiis I imrmtcml , lstmti if , Imimmilmiy : I I , vCre NcUm-uiica : OnIginttl---'m'ihliIiimi lid-n , Ar- catliuiiilC3' Mmmrtimm Ii Pierce , Ives , Iun- mly ; Julia A. I iocmtomi , lhmmte , hioyti ; Luther A hjprzmgmmt' . Jimmmmtbey. Ilurlati. Itissue- jiimnc'im 'i' . lioltert" , hommg l'lime , Iirowmm , I losvu : Origimmal-I I al i Si me liii mm , I ctuiil uni , Apliaumooite ; Samuel H. tIccilf , Imtlkimitla , . \ utrremm ; ianiol liemit , Fort Muitlition , Lee , Aihditional-Jcreflhiuii Atlains , Volga , ( 'luty- tomi. I imcreuutti-J aim ii ? 'l tm itt CltmrQlee , Cli e r- okeOl hieimry .1 , Citiltim t'ss , hs Mullion , h'olk ; ( in nil mmci' I I. 'i'ha yi-r , I nihtmu imibemico , I itmelmnmi- till , I teissime-Yimtmrlvs lgertonVot'tiwmtrd ] IcmllasVihliut ; mn Itoimmisenu , CoiiIitlimCti. ynehlemnmaii Ohm , Vioyii , FiO'ti Jmuimme ia Mctitritttiiin , Ilitiummulit lti , Iuvis. onIg- luau wiiiusvs , etc-l billie E. Fisim , Oclwein , ; ininoiH of Jacob lhumrgett , Ciumirltomi alit Nmruvootl , Lucas. Nut tim ltuicota : lheihsue-Byron 11 , hlron. soil , Ilismarik , Ihimnivih'hm , Onigiiiul witiow , cttt.-AhiiiIti 1. . % 'IIhinmmis hum iii , iortoti. Coltmruuilu : OnlgliiaI-JacOti A. Culver. Wi-ny. Yunia. Iteismiuc-WIlsomi H. liolferd ticeatted , 'l'rinitlmtih , Lois Aimimnmms , ciniginat viibows , ttc.-Nammcy liinrnett , heaver , AraliautOa ; Arammlcl hi. hiufferd , TrinIdad , Las Animmimis. South iitkotmi iieissuc-Arnolt.l Ttmiehe , Curommum , ltobertmi. lost ii. 'row or iIghitcrii Jimioki' , Pl'I'TShjtJltO , Jan. 2.--1'itc MclClnbey Coa. t'ompafly of thIs cIty reports time butts at iiim'kmnan , Ky. , haL nigimt. of me tow of' eighmte' ii coal hummk5 contimbning 432,000 busIm via of coal , valued at $10,000 , 'lime tow sva ; imat cit time l'inn Iteese No. 2 , 1mm chum-go p of CitltliiflV. . Floyd Iturres. ΒΆ 1iie boat I wait 1101 danmuged. ' ho AlcEimibey coinpan I owned most 0 the coal mend huu.t it imusare . - . - , . . - - - - - - - - - ' , . - a. - ' - - - -