Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    " " " " - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , .vq.- . " _ . . , < " ' ' _ ' rT. . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ . _ , .1. . . . . . . . . - " ' 4 . - , - . ' 1 . . . ' . " 0 . . . . . _ . . _ '
_ ' 'fTi O rATA nAIT'V' nTl ! STTNDAYS tTANUAUY 27. 180& : ) . S
Zero Weather Greatly Interfcm with Swel
. Functions the PMt Wook1 .
' 'Vhbt Chit ) cvel " , Yen , OrIgInM Cotillion
nt l.riko'a-llIgI ) I'lvo l'nrly for : II
ali : IrA. icvll-lctnlR ) or
Lho Irnko Wrllll/ !
nave you ever thought how difcult It I to
. "Woman's
follow a \oman In converslton.
- al best a contradiction still . " says Iolle ; and
certainly Q angler was ever moro al a loss
. tribe than a
Amen the slIppery and flny tiln
and frlv-
man Is among wayward callrlclols
olously-dlsposeel woman. Now that Lent I Is
, ; shorllo ho with us It Is suggested \ that
the women who ) arc seen most In sciety
adopt the hahl ! or exhaustIng one subject
IJeloro jUllllng to another.
There are women who have n marvelous
faculty for sklnlnlng ! rapIdly over the surface
of things rnlllng ono of the swallow as he
sometimes sllls over the water In search of
fool , dipping here and there In his rapid
. fight I Is as breathless and fatIguIng ! to '
' follow them In their conversatIon as to Ilur-
wonderful \
IUU I , eluln'el as he leaps with
agilIty from tree to tree. No sooner 1\0 \ you
ImagIne that you have caught their meaning
anti arc going to enjoy a little convormton
' , than
that C1n boast of seine consecutIveness
you are oiigetl , ) . by 1 Ilowerful wrench or
Intellectual glelght-or-hanll , which recalls the
feats of acrobats and jugglers ! ; to divert ) ' 0\1
thoughts sllilionly ' Into n totally different
' unconnected vtli anythlug
. cllnnlol. _ wholly . . . l. . 'nM I III .ml wih . , thrnl1h ,
"I" "iUUU UCLUfl . . . 'u' , u. . . . . . . _ - . .
/UUU aloha Is
mnzos or which a volatile woman Ilono
capahl Overpowered with the exertions of
tIny ch3' , you give lP , simply exhausted by
the Ilroc ! s , without any clear or distnct
Idea on anyone subject.
This exercise Is frequently accompanIed
IJY 1 considerable amount of vivacity and
iiaIVctt. which Imparts n raciness to the
nalvelo \
entertlluenl which wou\\ otherwIse he
only unbearable. Shouts of laughter suc-
cee.\ ono another as you find yourself engaged -
gagcl In a hind or nteeplechnsc 01 In nn
Intele < tual version of tile old fnshloned
" " with this
game or "hunt the 8Ipper. only
- - - differeliN' . that whie the talk Is sllpery ! ,
the slipper Is nol thero. Or Il lay he
that the transitions are too rapid for the
completion of any sentence calculated to
explaIn the Idea which , for the 10mont. 1m ,
10Ssosiion of the mimi , al 11 whie you
otrnln every facility you have In order to
gain nome Insight Into the \eanln or what
Is vale\ \ you are abruptly aslw.I . , In the mld-
die of half tittered . half cxpresscd Inco-
hel'cnl and broken sentences whether you
do not u1lerstneJ
1 Il lero not for the arch good humor
with which the question Is put you would
feel disposed to resent such nn off lan.le.1 . .
way or disposing of conversation. And . af-
ter all , II hat Is Il you are supposed to
understand ? Ideas not expressed , thoughts
nol nl'alled Into words FaIrly puzzled . , ret
nol willing to own your defeat . or loa cour-
teout to Insinuate the titter Incomplehon-
lblcnc3s of your [ all frlOll , you either
try to catch ut some meaning ! as weB a'
you cati . or contenl yourself with giving u
vague kind or answer , that may mean anything -
thing or nothing or endeavor to shelve
tim whole mater by nn alrmatvo which ,
\ nol strictly In accordance with the truth.
seems the only loophole of escape. This
game Is Illayed again ane again with equal
ingenuousness , and the most abstruse qucs-
lens ate touched upon In the same rec\
less and superficial manner , for no subject
ts either too grave 0' too deep for them.
No sybil over uttered darker sayings nor
propounded more porp\exlng \ riddles than
aomb of the young women of the Ilresent
Thin marriage of MIss Drake , eldest
: daughter of : . and Mrs. L. J. Drake
and Mr. Albert Frederick Miller of Franl
In , l'a , Is now nnnouncee to take place nt
the Drake residence al - o'clock February
26 , to be followed by a reception . Mla
; Alice Dralce Is to bo maid of . honor . thE
- - - - -
bridesmaids . being Miss Adelaide Miller of
Franklin , Pa. , a cousin of the groom anti
Miss Blanche MacDano of Fort Dodge , la.
Tim nSJlstng girls wi bo Miss Colpetzel
and Miss Bessie Norton ; the flower gIrl
will 10 Josephine Drake und the ring
bearer , Mls3 Metta 1ler , a sister of the
first brldetnaId. The best man on thIs
caslon Is to bo ! l. Charles Miller . Jr. .
or ranleln , Pa. , a cousin of Miss Drke's
fiance ; the groomsmen wi be Iossrs. Snm-
uel Megeath and William Clarke while the
' ushers chosen are ! l. larry Wilkins and
Mr. James C. itltchey. Miss Drake Is one
of Omaha's favorite society girls a 10bl-
tante , and comes or a fno famIly . whIle ,
the groom Is well known In Franklin , Pa. , :
circle9. The wedding Is to be exceedinglY
beautiful , and the lrosseau In keeping with
the standing of the Standard OU representative -
lve In this city.
A t'uUlllon lustier.
n bas been a long time since no deUght.
ful a german was given by the leaders : of
social life In Omaha as that or Wednesday
evening , at the residence of Judge and \ Mrs.
Lake on Dodge street , by the Whilst cub ,
: This cub has been In existence for several
winters , meeting around nl toe homes of
Its members , and composed or men and women -
men veil known In society , who have glvon
up the grand round of Illeasuro for the more
sedate joys or hOle and married life. Now
and then howe\'er the 01 time spirit of
gayely und fun tins made itself consplcuQus
and the result has been most no\'el enterlaln-
The cotlon at Wednesday evening was
a novel dance , Indeed , because It Introduced
to the dancers many new In.1 . original figures .
whIch the Icader , ! I. Clement Chase IUII
spent a fcrtn"ht In creating. One at them ,
known as "A Knotty Problem , " was worthy
or any leader , causing consteraton to the
man who drew the end or a liandker.
cblof havIng the knot upon it. hut the two
figures that causell lie ( greatest continent
oust ' amusement , all worthy of Beau Irul-
tact \ himself , were known lS "All Small
Cards" and "ltotimrn Plrtners Lead , " titles
hnlng a whist.hiko flavor. The header hail .
procure.l . , but nol wlthoul considerable effort ,
pictures , tintypes , cant Ihalographa ) and even
old daguerreotypes or the partelpanls In the
ilarce. Pictures or their chlllhood days amid
tbtso pleturs forleel the basis for the figures
above To the ladles were given funny little
pictures of the boys who had grown sInce
those 11hotogralh days Into Innhood anti
"beariled Ilee the pard , " seine of whol nnc
belnE filled "with swiso saws amid model
Ilslunces ; " whlo to time len were given
the Illelures at little "Ie Ids" In pinafores
unit other gowns remIniscent or very young
chidhood , And the fun was fast and furious
. . , , , , , , , ,
wien thin turn nn.1 wn""n ntn.m'n,1 t
. . _ _ ' ' _ n nnl _ . . _ .
. . . . . . . . .v
: flntttimucountcrpartts 01 the pictures /tven
them by the leader , as their partner / tIme
, cat\iol.
After this trying ordeal canto refresh.
. menta , precedell by the Vlr/llla reel When
the refreshments were served the "Dscarl\ "
figure followed and then another original Og-
. uro , entted , "VImistia for Luck. " Time
evening closet ! wIth a series of athletIc ox.
erclaes lu which time muon to gain artnel ,
Indulged In standing jumps , pole vaulting ,
akl1lllng the rope ali "leal1 frog , " feats
. which they have not undertaken since boy.
The two parlors were canvased , the seats
being arranged In the rear one , while In time
' dining roam stool time favor table wills omit.
cbs or tissue paper , Pet feet strings 01 morn-
t log glorIes for the ladies , Imlense chrysan.
themuls for the mon , fancy bals , l'hoto.
graph frames and oilier kmmickknaclcs The
favor table was Ilresllell over by Mrs. I.ouls
' . Bradford , alsllted by ! r. lamlton and
. Mr. httrigwall. Mr Chase who hu not
- Sgured recently In the cotlon , led for the
first limo In nearly ten ) 'cnl , anti was
followed hy Mr. mind Mrs. Wiiam A , Hellck ,
Mr. and ! tlr. Warren H.lgers , Mr. miami Mn.
- ' , Daniel Whceler , jr . 11 John i\ . ltingwaht
t . . . Ind Mrs. Clement Chase , Mr. I.oula Urad.
t. ford and Mrs. Milon T. larlow , Mr. anti
: Irs. Joseph I.ehmer , Mr. anti Mrs. O. W.
, huh , Mr. and Mrs. Chlrles l. HI'usl ? tlr .
' and Mn. tease Col's , Mr. unit Mrs A. I. .
S Heed Mr. alll ! n. Harry Mcl'armlell , Mr
t . and ! 1 : Arthur Hemlrcton ) , Mr. anll Mrs ,
c Jos1ih Garneau. 11 and Mrs. W. S. Popple
tub ) , nal11 C. Wi hamilton : , rarcr. Ort
t the wall buns : pretty doCC11 banner lu the
it .
' .
: . . k ' . . . . . , . "l
lJ.f" . .I. . . > " ! J'
shape or n Ill edged playing card , the fig.
mires lning printed an I , and Its motto , "I.'ar
n Club of Ten. "
U"ltrt" nnel nrm1n " ' 0111"1
Wednesday afternoon Mists Mabel Ella
Brown and Dr George A Ilerl nolortl were
larrlell ' al the home at the bride's father ,
: . I.'rank N. Brown , local treasUrer of tIme
Union Pacific , 520 South Twenty- Ixh eve-
mimic , - ltev. T. 3. Iackay officiating. The
bride II nn Olaha girl , havIng graduatee\
from time high Icheol last Juno with Limo class
or ' 9t , while the groom IR a well known
dentist or Inllepenlence , la , The resllence
decortmtomi wiLls mmtnhiax , cut
was hanlsomely Ilecorted wih smiax cIl
( o\erl anti palms , n feral canopy at Easter
lilies and smilax beIng arranged In the front
smiax ! !
Ilarior. where the wedding ceremony took
place. The brhleal party preceded by six
little girls carrying rlhbons , enteell the parlor -
lor t' thc Ilslc of a wc.lln . march , played
hy Mr. Martli Cahn. Ella May Brown , the
ring hearer was I picture of sweet child-
hoc.1 . al she followed the ribbon girls.
The rlde's gown was made of heavy whie
satin , skirt anti sleeves , with n brocade
loelce , leI goaway dress of gnslsh coVert ,
tailor mnatle with mink trimnmuhtmg was IX'
Ilulslely mheslgncd time eltlre trousseau , in .
Ileell , helng one of the hnnl1omost ant most
elaborate ever orleleel In Omaha. The bridal
lollluel was cOlposeel of six smaler lunches
ef magnificent bride's roses , ted with white
Very heautfu\ \ was the scene as the fall
young bride stood emi the stairs anti tossed
the houtonnleres among the crowd or fnsh-
lonally Messel'oung wOlen who hall nt
tenllell her through the wedding rites. As
timi 01\ tradItIon goes , Il Is to he expected
that MIss Staley ! , MIss Morris , Miss Slclnner
anti Miss Sadie laul , the victorIous re- _
cll.leuts . of the ilowerim , will ho married heforo '
\owers wi
a twelthmolth Ilapses. The hrllesmall was
Miss Lucia Durfee of Iansas City . and time
best lan 111 W. 11. Drown of Omaha. TIme
cOllllo left after the ceremony emi the fast
mail for Denver anti a seuthern tour tnklng
In Sai Antonio anti New Orleans . The Iln's-
outs were beautiful anti \ extensive. Frcl outer
or town Ihere I were Mr. anti \ Mrs. C. 11. 1)ur.
'n , n. . ' "e. . t'.t. . . n' 1. . . . . . flu I. )
'U" n. . .0" uu."u , . .u.ou v. .
Along the 101 guesls Ilresenl were the
following : Mr. 111 Mis. C' . N. Detz , ! I.
anti , Mrs. Kirkemidall ; . Mr. and Mrs. C C.
( oe. Mr. and Mrs Tholas Swobe Mr. anti
Mrs. C. E. Squires Mr. and Mrs. \'alter 11.
\1131S , Mr. anti , :11 $ . l.ellst , :11. and Mrs.
flanchor . Mr. anti Irs. I. . J. Drlle. Mr anti
Mrs. A. S. Van Juran , Miss Brownie Baum ,
Miss Sadie laul , Mr.'ihl Treat ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wakefe\ , Miss JeJneLe
WakeOel , Mr. anti Mrs. Clayton , : . and
Mrtm Durfee , Mrs. Norris Miss Myrtle Nor-
iib . liES Darlene Coo Mrs. Barher , Miss
Maim Staley Mr. Waler Stale ) Miss Grac
Camllbel , Miss Besslo Skinner the Misses
Orcutt . Mica Grace Mnrty Miss Bessie Hu-
let Miss Ruby Wiiams , Miss Midred
\Viilamns . Miss Or Orctmtt . Miss Ada Irk-
ell1B. :18s McShiamme Irs. George ICelh' .
1.,1 ; Swobe , ! r. Percy Jensen , Mr. Frank
iburfett .
One or the honortd weJdlng guests was a
Ilto colored girl who Is a favorIte of the
bride anti followed her from 1001 to room ,
alhl was smated next to the bride al the banquet -
quet Time chlll Is the daughter of the Janl-
lor or All 8alnls' churcim who lives Inlne-
dl\cl } ' opposIte the Brown residence.
" ' . H. 1(110' ' t Jiurk' ' iteception.
'he fifth nnnual reception given by the
clerks of time W. ' fi. Bennett Co. occurred
Tuesday evening lt Metropolitan Imall.
or the five annual recepLons and of the
lany olher parLrs given by these popular
entertaIners the one of last Tuesday was hy
far the most complete success.
Santo Ify couples ParticiPated In the grand
immarehi which began promptly al 8:30 : p. mu.
led by :11 Samuel I-ynohls and Miss Anna
Becher. The twentone dances were only
too quIckly danced IWY to the sweet strains
of orchestral music. Care tables were soon
occupied by the older friends In the large
reception rooms. Light refreshments wltl
lemonale and punch were served tIme com
party In the lobby. gverYlhlng wenl off
) of
fmoothly , with Mr. W. L. Edwards as foot
manager assisted by the arrangement comrn
mltee , Mr. S. Reynolds , W. L. Edwards , E
S A. Weathers , \V. L. I\ruer , and thE
reception committee . Miss battle FrazIer
Maude McVea , Mae Hamblot , Mae Updle , Mr
L C. Cunningham , A. W. Anderson , Theodorl
Farsley and Henry J'olmlzomm.
Along those who reEllondcr to the 300 Il-
: vltatons Issued were :
: Messrs. and Mesdames W. R. Bennett , C
W Damon , I. Gul , Ii. Ilancroft , C. Kaller
I D. I J. O'Brien Charles Newton , E. Farnsley
! Calliman. flovberrv . Ttilt fltirmnsfnr Mn ,
iCenmia ; ' DeYapp : - ' Smith ' ; ' Mcsdames ' - Kinken.
non , Wade , Smith , Murray Becher , M. Dau-
ber DrIggs , Grey , Anson , H. D. Beer ;
Misses LouIse Bonmiett . Maggie Cosgrove
Alice Manning Lizzie Brown , Maude McVea ,
Luck Baker . Hose Fitzpatrick , Ella Klnlen-
non , Nellie Mathews , NellIe MeDonal , Emma
gkstrom , Jessie Grey Lillian Colburn , Hose
1.lllstrom. Anna llechsr Mac Hambiet Liz-
zie Howan , EmIly Twiss , Louise Pennel ,
Anna Benson Vlnnlo Hefn , JennIe 1cl-
lan LouIse ICaltier . Mantle Swanson Emily
Myles , Martha Lohleiss Lena flower Clara
QuIll , I.otte Frazier Mildred Drlgge rankle
Long Mattie Frederickson , Hallo Lundeen ,
Ltie Hayden , Goldie Durst , Ethel Jones ,
Susie Hitchcock , Suslo Farsley , Estela
liecher Kate Philpps , Anna Kemp Tlmey ,
Abblo Grey Kate Cosgove , Dawson , Kate
Smih , Maude Drigge Swlnby , Fitzpatrick ;
Messrs. Fred Hammond , L. SavIdge , I' . F.
Frenzr I . Bert Iloimanan 10 Holton , Louis
Drost , Whitman , Pitch , M. Kline . Driefus
Arthur WhItworth , girod , Hay Mulby. J.
: Mattson Bradley 1 B. 1anaghan , Erwin
Myles , Ell FitzpatrIck , J. ICessier Ed hayes .
Itrlson . J. flenman HoIslzer , Cook S. \Vlg.
gins , Shout , D. Reuben , -Johnson , John
Casey , Mick Coegrove F. Reymioids A. 1ur.
tagii E. A. Weathers , henry Iohlzon , Robert -
ert Hays , \V. Campion , I. ' g. IClever . \V.
Anderson , J , W. McDi , W. L. gdwards ,
C. J. Cunningham , A. Sween , Emil
Andreen , 'iy . Krueger , Theo Iarnsley ,
M. I ) . Youel , C. H. Warburlon , E. Cal , H.
W. Walton. John footing , J. 11. 81100ner. 1 ! .
A. Miller. " - . R , Sears , Masters Harry Wade ,
and Edward O'Brien
A n\,1 Iumtcirtslmmmmient. :
The Young People's Society of time First
Universalst church , corner Nineteenth anti \
Lothrop streets , have Issue'\ tIme folowing
very unlquo tnvllalon 10 a "blrthd3Y party "
accompanying which were Ito bags tn
which to deposit the offerings :
Thil birthday party In given to you ;
\Vo hope you wIll coiuie . and propose Ir
you do.
\n agreeable time , sonic good things to eat ,
Anti leslles ) many ethel , n musical treat
At candles we could not secure the number . of
' 0 let your light shine , wo send Ihls fnn.
dan le.
Pil Bufely within as lan ) ' sOUll pennies
As years yeti are old ( we hope they are
mummy' ) .
Your brll light I. will be Irlsht , I you cnd It or
\\'hIie wo'l keep larle , Ir you wish , whnt's
within It.
Time orIginal date was announc\ Jm-
story 2i , but owing to the Inclemcncy or time
wnathel' on tbal ovenlng Il wa postponed
to Tm'/Hlny evening , January 29 A cordial
. weleomo Is oxtenlelt to all memIerl anel
fi'lcmmdmm to meet amid spend a pleasant evenIng -
I log In ( lie church parlors.
) .11).1 ) .C gim mms'iehmy.
In commemoraton or her natal day Iilrd.
Sias Wright , No , :79 Decalnr street , Issnl
In\latons for a progressive logomaehy party
Monday cvenlng last. I was nn Irlglal :
did hapllY thouht of the hosless , who pre-
hated the entertainment fOl' her gursts , \1
pronoulced It an Instructve amdellhl11 \
galc , 111 un evening to he remmie.mnbyred
'haso who Proved themselves adopts In the
new lalOy : capturing the king prizes wera
Mrs 1 , O. harem anti Mr. Thomas 1.lulnj ;
Miss JennIe Smith anti ! l. I ) . L. Morgami
receIving the consolatIon prIze. Templng re
frtshments were JHVCII , after which MIss
Eleanor Wright anti Mr alon favored time
comllsuy with vocal selections , Mr amid llu
Smith wIth banjo ane' plona ducts.
Those present were : 11. anti \ Mrs . ThoDIU :
1amln , Mr. and MraViil lamln , : tr. anti
Mrs. A. J. Eaton , Mr. anti Mrs . n. I I. . Mor'
gao , Mr and Mrs. S. O. harem , Mr. amm
! n. J , 11. Altson , Mr anti \ Mrs H. N. .
, , Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Neal , Misses Verd
, I'\llanI , , . 'lle Iolnll , Hesle Cain , .
AI'150n , Jennie SmIths. meonor Wright , Stel
Shill . the Messrs. J , I' , Cooke , James Cooke ,
: C. ' 1' . Uuter , 0. M 1 , 1.0.111 E\'ans Smih ,
' .
I Arthur Ah'lon. _
Mu III" Ihiertmihmcmt. : ,
Irs. J. F. Hcllaldrua , ! : s. C. . ' . Mlchel
and \ ! rs. F , S. Johl\ delIghtfully eimer
talned the lathes uf Mu \ ' '
: \I\es igunsVe'Jues'iay
. Ilfernocl at the hme of Mrx. Richardson ,
I Sf1 I North Thlrt-lllnl trctt. Shakespeare
I who has bec the subJect ut lluly cC 1.11
.I _ 1. _ : , UR _ I j L { W-
. . - - - - -
. . . . . . . . .
WAR the her or the hour , Inll his bust stood 11
crowned with laurel In a prominent place In I
time library. From his immortal words were
drawn the fiLing answer to many important
questions of the present ulay . Some were 10
very opportune as to bring forth hearty applause -
plause ; for example . a certaIn great mRn's
opinion or himself was called for when thin
reply came : "I am Sir Oracle , anti when I .
ope my lips let no dog bark. "
Eachi guest recel"Oln memento In the form
of a picture or some Shakespearean character m
or haunt
Music , very sullahle te the occasion , was
furnished I ) ' Miss Jessie Towne , which was
highly nppreclated Miss Towne Is a bright
pleasing young woman , who , with Miss Tay- I
br mhll1\ \ the charm or girlhood to the gath. ,
erlng Delicious rereshmenta were served \
antI time guests departed with the memory
or n perfect afternoon In hold relief. , 1
l'rrl1 1111 I'h'o I'arty.
One or the most notable anti telghtll
occasIons cf the pasl week was the charmlnc 1
earth party al time home or Mr. anti \ Mrs.
Wi Rector . 2128 Wlrl trcet . tu hOloI of Mr.
anti Mrs. Charles Ford Scovi of Chicago
The home looked IJartculary lo\ely , being
tlstefuly 0111 artistically 11ecorted with
Italian ferns la I.'rnee roses amid cara-
The popular game of progressive high five
was limiy'ed t\elve rounds , with great In-
( crest . the royal prizes being won hy : Irs ,
Christan Hnrlman amid Colonel Corish ,
whie Irs. O. N. Da\'cnporl and Mr. Charles
Scovi were awarllec the consolatIons.
Eerant teflreshments wer served and at a
bite hour the merry' throng 10'elhome \ -
Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Scovil of Cimicago Mr. anti \ Mrs Ich-
artisan of St. l.oUs. Colonel anti \ Mrs. Cornishi
Mr. and \ Mrs. J. Mctcnlr , Mr. and ! rs. I.ock-
! !
wood Mr. and Mrs A. ' . Hcctor , : . anti
Irs. P. T. Hansom Mr and Mrs. A.\ollh \
Meyer . Mr and Mrs. g1alm , \ , Mr. and Mrs.
Ranford , Mr. anti Mrs. e. F. Weller . Mr. and
Irs. O. N Davenport Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. I
Silencer of Nebraska Cly , nli Miss Hector.
. " mmiii lie V lll',1 h'arty
The Tuxedo club gave n carll party nt
Ho'al Arellum hal , Bee btmlltilng . Ion.lay .
evening which was delightful In every wny.
Cards were indulged In unt a late hour
titter which a musical progrm was renllered
'ho wInners or the prizes were ns follows :
Litiies' prIze Miss 10t Ihley ; geumtlemnemi's
prize , Mr. Thomas O'ilrlemm ; ladles' consolation -
than lmrizo Miss anning ; gentlermien's con-
solaton prize , Mr. rank A. Furay. Time
Ilrlzes were very unl1lue amid time evening
was thoroughly enJo'ed
Among these presenl were : 1IS1es Cr,1mer.
Dale . 1tlammmmimmg . Doolng , Baumer , harris ,
Steele Flanagan , Sigmund , " 'lson. Brenton ,
Glason , Nora Geason , " 'ell. FitzpatrIck
McGuire , Kelly . Smnltim . Fruan and Heal ) ' . .
Messrs. Frenzer Fitzpatrick , Hegart ,
Leighty , Franlc 1iray Glillgami . O'Brlen ,
Aulele , Smith Clarence Fmmray''iisomm , : Ic-
Cough McGrth , Gleason Thiacker Copeland
Doolng , Elroll , Johnson , Hinton and Ed
Ftmray . '
'he club has invitations out for their next
( lancing party at Chamb rs' academy lrlda ) '
e\enlng. February 1.
. \lotlel' Sctll Club Inllcl ( l.
One or the pleasant happenings of the ,
week pasl was the part given by the newly
formed Aurora Borealis Social club , at their
hal In the extreme norther part of the
cIty . Thursday e\enlnl This was time second
party given by this club but judging by the
large crowd of North Omaha society people
who ntended and the very pleasant evening
spent by all , the future success of time club
seems to bo assured.
Among those who were presenl were : Mr.
and ! rs. Sammdford ! I. and Mrs. Wacek
Misses Johnson , Burg , : MmtMeel Latsch ,
Donahue Paler. Cotton . Thomas , Burg ,
Latscb , Frederlclson , htesermgreen . Gamble ,
t Boyd , Ruth Huxhold , SChropschlre , GIbes ,
L Osen , Page , Gamble. Messrs. Wilitanis .
. Thiessen , Slmnpsomm Zimmer , Rowley 1orrel ,
Kirkland Nlkol , Trimax Zimmer , Craig ,
. Thomson , Still , Kiimmnel Hustn , Zimmer ,
. Timonison Donahue , Foster , Lester , Page.
: i'leastilmt Soct' Event lt time rort.
: Wednesday evening a most delightful
. birthday party was given at the home of
! Mr. and 1rs Jones otlorl Onmalin In honor
or Misses Dole Treat and Jane Jones. 'fb !
- evening passed away pleasantly In dancing
. singing of a solo , "Tho Wedding Boils , " by
Mr. Norton , one of the best sIngers al the
, fort , and rectng or "A Drunkard's Dream , "
: by . Miss r ! t.Whie. . tIme _ guests ! , were en-
JaYlg a uelCIUS psmncn air. NOrOn 9nler-
tamed the party with n recitation ot "King
Bruce ot Scotland , " and while tea was served
Mr. Haze gave an exhibition of n very unIque
ant much admired dance.
Among those present were : Mr and Mrs.
Coady Mr. Ind Mrs. Haze ! l. and Mrs.
Wood , ! l. amid Mrs. Drbscohi . Mr. and Mrs.
Allisomm . Mr. and Mrs. Slahl , Mr. and Mrs.
Wiggins Mr. ant ! rs. Deubery , Mr. and
! rs. Ilowlit . Mr. and Mrs. Trapper . Misses
amb , Wood , Trent and Bock ; fossrs. Crawford -
ford , Bryan ; Hegan , Norton , Murphy Trout
Coulter , Ketcbmarl brothers and Rciifusmm.
\Iolet Club Literary ntcrLalnmcnt.
A brlghl entertalnmenl was given by the
Leavenworth School Violet club Tuesday
afternoon at lho residence at Miss Fannie
Hosenberg , 618 South Sixteenlh street. The
program was as follows :
Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrol
Eilen Anderson.
Ueclaton. . . Elen . . . . . , . . . . . . . .Lltte Jim
Lottie Myers.
. . . . . . . Lote . . . . . . . . . De Cota
Pina solo. . . . , . . .Amerlcan Line March
Bessie Searboru h.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . h.Llle Joe
sther Ahistromu
Piano and . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fannield nosle ltosemiberg.
Dance . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . , . Hlelde Sonnehorn
Heclatan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1"wllut Mountain
Fannie Rosenberg.
Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violet Club
Hecluton. . . . . . . . . . . 'Vhlstng Regiment
Fannie Sommohorn.
Hcclta ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Paulnl Michael
Somig. Lottie Myem's and nosle Hosclhll
Song.Iotte Heclaton. . . 1)'el's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eme Green
IlsnnlCO \Irl 1)iue ) ,
l.aslMoncay ovenimmg ! r , John Steel , presl.
dent of the Nebraska Life Umiderwrlters'
association , gave n IUlch al Daltiuff's cafe
lo the lifo Insurance mon or Omaha In honor
of Mr. lilIes M. Dawson , a well Imown life
Insurance actuary and wrier of Cblcao.
/ \fer lunch Mr. Ihwsol gave an Interestng I
talk 01 subjects ot general interest to the
Insul'ance fraternity Mr. Dawson Is an
earest advocate of annual cash render and
annual dividend Insurance , such as are now
proserlhed by the laws or Massachusets ,
which plan other c0111anlea are , In a mueas-
uro , being ; farced to adept an account of
tIme pnblcomlnel. .
These present were : John Steel , If. H.
Gould , O. E. Ady , M. Gould , C. Z. Gould ,
H. D. Neely , " ' . I , Brawn , Itt . F. Hoeder ,
W , I. Alexander , Simon Goetz T. l. ! Nor-
rime , I.'rank B I , Hartgan , H. I. Callns , H.
, \ . loud , I. S. Ford , H. F. Llmbacle , W. M.
Burroughs and W I. hawks.
oil t 11 Jllhnay 1'lal.II18.
The ladies of the 1. E. 0 , society have or-
rnngee for one at the most delghtul enler-
talnmenls of the season to ho given nl the
Armory the second week In Jebruary , 1.01
weeks the ladles have been quietly Illannln !
and the result Is to bo 'he Midway
Plalsaneo wIth its Ferris I wheel , elluclteel :
camel , htmtmm.buumi candY man , forty beauties
sll nil time other delights of the Midway ,
Including lunch lt 011 \'Ienna , Ceylon tea
brewed hy coy little Japanese nieldemis. but-
tot mmuhlk fresh ( room the churn In time calry ,
'hl object 1 < to Increase the eharlahle
fund at the society amid \ the ladles have coiled
to their nFslstanco mll'h of the Ilaut ) amid .
talent of the cIty. Excursion Ilarles mare
up of the 1' . E 0 chapters fr01 I.tnculn ,
l'iattemnoutim'mmlmoo and South Omaha , 111
atene anti the armory will bo taxed to ac-
Iollodalo tIme throngs of people oxitected .
( 'limit or ' ) ' 0\11 l'ul(8.
t MIss May M. lutcblnson Is al home al
thus "reuzer
Miss Durlo Is the guest ot her aunt , ! rs.
. John . \ . tcShano ,
I Mrs. Martin Cuba anti ' children returned
. to Omaba Sunday.
' TJia ! Manhattan chub gave another very
I plcant part 11rlJayIChl. .
I Mr. , ' . I' . GUIDU returned Tuesday front
, a bu.hwsl trIp to Chicago.
Mre . Frank Irvine left Friday for Sharon ,
I'tiati. , for n sIx wecks' visit
Miss Brasb of Ogdensborg . N. Y. , Is tIme
u guest of the Misses Creighton.
Mrs , D. V. Shole will entertain the ,
r Bon Ami club Monday evening ,
, lsl Ruth ( 'Ienveland , who has been the
' rul l or Mrs. W. J' . Allen , heft for I.asale
'I orJluarr Friday , where she will continue
. ' , * ' . 5 , . ' . , - , - -
! ! 1U.fl' " il' . .
- - - . - - _ ' - . - - . - - ,
S-1 "
lor 1\\ly ofeloctitbon . , In 'bleh art Ibo
a already \ vy proficient .
Miss I'aIn11 has Imuuimed I cards for n
lance al hoc home Monday evening.
Miss Jennl ' O'Brien of Burlington . In , Is
he gne Jeanll , 1ownrll L. McShan ,
Mr. anti \ Iftts . hlrles 'orel Scovil return
a their bom - In" Chicago thIs evenln
Mrs. George W DOlno has sent nll for a recepton next Friday after-
Mr. larry.lo"lnson of Detroit Was the
; iittst or Mr.'ul trs. H. H. lngwall the
1sl reek.
Mr .t , C. Ichardson of St. Lotils Mo . Is
In the city , v44immg ( Mr. C. 1 Weler or 2102
\Irl street. Jtlng
Ex'Seumatohiid Mrs. I'adtlock were In
own last weel to nlenet the funeral of
Injor ! i'amtdock \ , } -
Mrs. I. J. Dralte ) , Miss I.olise Drake anti
Miss Adelnlde Miller loft Wednesday after-
1100n for Chicago ,
Miss MaIHleece anti her Ito niece , Mar-
garot'iilis , have gone to PhiAdelphia to
SpeH\ \ the wlnlor.
One or the 111e1sant events of time past
WCk was tIme surprise part In honor of
Miss May hems' 20th birtimtTay .
Mr and Mrs. Will T. Tuber are receiving
the congratulations of their frlenls upon the
birth of I semi last Monilay . morning.
Mrs. John 1) . CreIghton has Issued cards
for a reception from 3 to 6 nexl Tuesday
nfernoon , al her t"csl\enee \ , on Cass street.
! I. Edwin McCormick his mother amid
Sister Jula loft last Monlay for the oimthm
'I'imoy Ixpecl to be gOle some two 01 three
1110mm ( its ,
Thc Omaha Dancing ) society will meet on
Tuesday ovemming , January 29 , II the new
1. O. O. P. hul , for their regular weeld
lanelng parlr.
Mr. alli Mrs. E. S. 1 ) UI\y \ , jr. . amid Mitts
May JUldy ) are conlempltn a ( rib ) to Cmmli-
forla within n fortnight and mar extelHI
\helr \ journeying still fmmrtlmer
Time ladIes I of ito First Conrregatolal
church wIll give a luncheon the latter part
of noxl week blglnnlnr with Thursday , nl
the Young ! Mcmi's Chrstnn assoralon hall.
Miss Josephine 101an. daughter of Mm' .
George \V. Homun of Now York City for-
'nnrlu . n.I.ln' + n' fl , , , . ) , , , 10 , 'Ialh. . hnr
I l'e l ; ' ; " : i ' ; ; i ; 'P. . c lii ; ;
relatives hero 1 , Mrs. Charles F. Catitn amid
! I. len 1) A. Ilomaim. c
Miss Norris amid her friend Miss Jtmrniomm
who has been visiIng her this rlntcr leave
this week for the east Miss Norris 10 spend
como ilimmo In Chicago . anti Miss Jarmon returning -
turning to her home In New Yorlc City.
Miss Delia McDermoll has returned to the
Sacred Heart seminar nt 832 Dumame street ,
New Orleans , where she Is cOlllletn , n
course of French and phiosoph ) ' . Site will
fInish her studies lu May , and return to
Omnha about June 1.
Dr. Victor Hosewater has received notce
that al time mumeetiumg or the American Eco-
nomic association held In New York In ie-
cember ho wait electel\ 1 mcmber of Ito
coimmicil . the go\ernlng hotly of the organiza-
tlon . for n term ondimmg ! 1897.
! rs. \V. F. Allen enlertlned about twenty
young ladles Thursday afternoon In honor of
her guests , the Misses Clo\elal\ pleasing
feature of the aeroon was the singing of
Miss Clevelanl , , while Miss Huth Cleveland
gave n reciaton most arlslcal ) '
Mrs. L. J. Drake amt Miss Drallo returned -
turned esterday" from Chicago. Miss
Miller , who accompanIed them cast , re-
lurlng to her home In Prankln , Il" , Is to
Ioturn In about two weeks , In tmo lot' time
: llerDraloedltng. .
In hIs very artistic bachelor apartments
Mr. Charles Wison gave a delightful tea
Momiday aferno\n\ Those preenl were ,
Irs. LewIs beth . ; ICtIss iie1ccnmma . Miss noel-
maim MIss 1 Doane , Miss Thrl , Miss
Crounse , ! I. Saunders , and Mr. Fitch of
New York. l j I J
Miss Florence : Knox gave a very enjoyable -
able party Tuesday ovenlng-calel an "art
exhlbll. " PrlzVs , v eer carried off by Mr.
laclwel and Miss Short , Mr. Tate and hthiss
htammmtlton. During the evening delightful
music was remleredjbr Mr. Tate ! I McCon-
nel and Miss lCnox. .
" '
! rs. y002L dan'blng class had I large
and successful m etng nl the hOle or Mrs.
I John , : q/ , cmwint ! TJlllsdO evening. The
number in aUonelRnce was large , and every
one In the best mood for dancing , which
was well enjoyed In the beautiful rooms
used for that purpose
Cards have bon receIved In town from ! I.
and Mrs. Nelson C. Brock of LIncoln for the ,
marriage of their daughter Hachael Caroline .
to Mr. George J. Woods " 'elnesday. January -
ary 30 , at 6 o'elock IX lii. Miss Droel will
be remembered as time chnrmlng guest ot Miss
Katharine Darker last fall.
Miss Palmer as a farewell recogniton of
members or the Debutantes Cooking club
previous to her trip abroad , entertained that
jolly society of young women mosl clmarmmm-
Ingly Thursday afternoon. Besides the regular -
lar members were present Miss Ringva1t .
Miss Crounse , Miss Lindsey and Miss Duck.
A very enjoyable high five party was given
al time home of Mrs. J. r' . Fishier , 1206 North
Eighteenth street , Thursday evening aboul
fifty persons beimig present. Those receivIng
first prIzes were Mr. Pat Barnum and ! rs.
Addle Winslow time consolaton przes : being
awarded to Mr. -Cimaries Ogbur and Miss
Nellie Fishmer
The homo or A. W. Southard In Falls CRy
was the scene or a quiet wedding Thursday
evening , the conlractng parties beIng Mrs.
Margaret Good anti Mr. floury Been the
ceremony being perform by County Judge
J. H. Whlto. ! I. Dreon Is n well-to-do
farmer living about four miles south or Falls
City , while the bride Is a social favorite.
At the last at the . , .
regular meetng O. itt I B.
Social club held labl Wednesday e\enlng the
following officers were elected to tl the
coming telm : Charles C. KOI1S. president :
Eel W. Marel , vice president ; Steve Smnitim
secretary ; Fred W. Kops , treasurer ; Clara
Vorwald , escort ; Jean Berg , guard ; Harry
Mulhal , Charles Thiessen and ! able Cramp-
ton , trustees
Tuesday evening ! I. and ! rs. V. Hey-
folds , Forty-first and Calornia streets , en-
tel tamed a nUlher of frlenls most delight-
fully. Music anti cards coustuted time even-
Ing's enjaYlenl with pleasing refreshments
amldeti . Time guests were : Misses H. Hooney ,
I. Campbel , B. Fox l. hlattick ! rs. Hey-
nolls ; Messrs Savllge , McGraw , ilaker Hey-
nolds all Davis ,
About twenty at the friends of Miss Watts ,
323 North Thirty-seventh street , were de-
lghtuly entertained Thurpday cvpnlng nt
her home , games anti . music constituting this
ovenlng's program. The guests were Misses
Ititienour . McCula , Johnson , Campbell , " , 'ats ,
M. Wilson , S. Wison. Weston ; Messrs. Hose ,
AnCln , Hehner , Cardwehi , Martin , Watts ,
and Wilson ,
Botlng ( , Staley nnl Wison
Hut Byrne was 2 years old last Satur-
day and recel\ll numerous ali beautiful
gifts , hut that which delighted her mosl was
her little party , 1'1O , folowing were the
guests pesent : Esther Tllo , Molie and
Sophl Alper : ' , ) ) Drew , May Jackson
Minnie Sick , T.Ipllle'1 'oby an.l . Sophie Ilose-
vlz , I'hmIiiie , Joh. . ilemm and Aha hCleimm ,
Charle .ensen d4t1 I hllo amid J03 lggor
The First ClrEL\11 ! church was the scene
ot a quiet wecI1I'IQhhlJh , 1001 on Thurs.lay . ,
whel Miss 1.lo ! dmgarmi and ! I' . Ianll Cole
! ;
were unled 1 hIJgant , 11ev . T. . C ! Cramb-
let eihiciatimmg. Mr. J. C. Keels ofclatet us
best mal , whlo " p Satle FitzpatrIck was
the bridesmaid. A1tjt the ceremony a pleasIng -
Ing luncheon wa , , ri'ed at tlo hOI\ of the
troonm. ; Mr tutu . ' .rt-i ; Colt sybil bo al home
to their frlencs mmlj,2 I \ South 'elth street
Mr. . 1' . A. JOPl1 , , s-tjo I las been In time cmii-
Illoy of tIme l'a14c mIotel eompan tom' [ I
number of years , t qs : today fer Bllnbum1.
Scolanlt % , an a tmmeamiomiths' , vacatiomm. Mr.
Jopp ; s a natvo r . 4iimmburgh , hut had hoen
absent from It ft' . .14lnburgh years , seven of
which he has fy em ( fut this city. lie Is
mainly going to ! ft his 011 home to see
his folks who still reside In the ancient and
hlstorlo city.
I.a Rosa Social cub members Indulgel\ \ :
1 very enjoyable skating party last
Wednesday evnIIf ut the CoIioum.
The club will clva anolher of its
aeries ot dancing IJartes on \\'ednes-
day , February 6 , al Mormtmmd's 'hail. 1mm-
, 'latons are now beIng sent out nmang
lie members' friends , anti tIme membsrs have
received In\llltonl from the Oxford club for
their dancing Ilarty next Weenlda )
) "rlday evenIng January 18 , Miss Annie .
lelo Hchsrdlon WIS given a surprise part
at her residence 2013 larey streel. Al
10:30 : refrcshments were served 0111 I very
[ nJo'ablomo was hall by all. Those Imre.-
cut were : Misses ! a ) ' hoff . Mary and Nell
Burt , Marie Stafford , Augusta Ihiumiann . Jes-
110 Wlhraw , Moilo llie , Ruby Vaughn ,
Narrle I.III1anho Tunnlsn , Cathuarlumo
I Pimehims lcr 1larty and ! Jna Stolwaolj ( ;
, Meser . I.ynn I\'I& . Jesse . Coy , Ver Cay.
I Harry Coy , Harry Walace , Bert McHugbal
. . . . . , , . . . , . .
: - - . - -55--- _ . - ' - . . - - -
Fred Gross , John Robertson , horace 1urr ,
l arl8l Lehniann , nan ) Kinney , Edel hoff ,
Alf BArklr , Earl Tmmnnison , harvey floss
Burnetto Charles . httmtlego , Harry Wihrow and lury
Misses lAf Smith anti Brslf unhnm en "
tertained \ at the ( latter's home , South Se"ln-
teenth street rhlay , for the I. 1 O. S. climb
Cards wert playeel tIll a hate hour , when
dainty refreshments were served , Miss
1.lan Ionller was very fortunate In wInning
time ladies' Prize and \ Mr. Harley Conant the
gentleman's. ! These Ilrcenl were : Misses
Paris 10nl\er \ , Maginn Briggs , Smith , nun-
hlm ; Iessrs. lulet , Manchester , Dmimmhiam .
Parnier Conant , Elude of Iremont
Mrs. Z. T. I.hlley amid Miss 1.1"Y \
gave a charming reception Friday after-
noon , theIr hOle hclng n glow or light and
billed with smart women during time reeep-
lon Imotirn . between : nntG , The large
rooms were beautifully decoratec In I.a
France roses with ltahmts whie time dining
room was milso lovely In the 810 10\el's.
with pink cnt\el Ol the tnMe. Miss Buck
was nsalstl.1 . by Mitts ltingwalt. Miss 1.11\ \ .
' soy . Miss Mary Nash , amid Miss Crounse. hn"o been receh'elhy a lumher
or oM residents or Omaha from Mr. 1111
Mrs. John it. Porter of Los Angeles , nn-
nouncllg t lie cllehmton of their golan
wedding Tnlsta } ' evellng , Februnr 12. from
7:30 : unt I o'cloel . at theIr resllonee , 85G
South Pearl street : tr. nli Irs. Porter were
pioneers In Omahl , Irs. Porter being I
daughter or Mr. anti : Irs , gl lan ! ) ' . whlo
Mr. Porter was engage.\ In the steamboat
business wih Harry 1' . Deuel In early
days. )
The first or a series or socials arran"le\
by the Young Men's Instule will ho heM
at Iorand's assembly hal nexl Weelnesl1 '
evonimigVlmiie the yoummmg pellie ha"e been
Ihorl ) suppled with In\lnlons , the elders
ha\'l nol been overlooked. The commitee
In charge proposes organizing from among time
elders \ and thos who elo not dance n progressive -
grlsslve high five party . anti \ take IIQSse'slon
01 time galer ) ' . Experienced hancs are In
charge of time details . anti mme effort wi he
sllred , to mnlie the nlllr an enJolhlo success -
Ono or the plea nnl happenings of the
week occurred . \ lie home of g. J. Bren-
nan Sunday evening. Al the request of
Mary K. 011dm . n number of frltl\s \
sathere < 1 anti IlavCI 131101 iramnes. after
, 'hiichm Ihotogrjll r Heillds took t a 'Ilcture : '
of the groull anti . room. Those Ireent were :
Misses Mary FI'nn. M. and A. Getmtlemmmami .
Mattie Iommil M. II. anti I. . Costello , anti \
lesbrs , ' , I' .
: McTighe . 'V Stark , 1. Genteman ,
1. I Martin , J. J. Riley . M. T. Casey anti
rank I I.'o/arl ) Mr. MeThhe gave n very
amusing reciaton entlle.1 . Logic In a
10rsechestnut. " after which refreshments
were served.
A sum lriso party was gl'en al the home
or Irs. Murph . Twent-second amid N
streets , South Omaha , Fritlay evenimmg . In
) !
honor of Miss Maggie Murphy's 16th birth-
day' . Those Ilresent wore : 1lsS2S : ulhal ,
Keeltr , Nails , Hal. Owemms Goo < rlch. hlemm-
ever Murph , Aemmistrong White Smntilm . Gal-
iiger Wats of Omlha ; Fatummy'msrner . Oer-
trude Sitarli Etimel Bowens of Counci Bluffs :
MeEsrs 1lahone ) Krebbs , Mmmrpliy . Sween .
'raylor , Cathers , Orchard ForbH , Gibsoum
lhatlmawny : , hharrisomm Plainer , Larson Stiles .
I'imelps Irlee. Murph , White , Scanlan , Green
of Omaha ; Warer. Sharp of Counci Bufs ;
Sash and Cunnlgham of Chlcoga.
Tuesday evening the Pleasant I'arty"hbst
club was organIzed al time home of Mr. and
Irs. , W. K. Sclple In the Simeely block and .
wi meel hereafer on Tuesday ovenlng of
each weck. The members are Messrs. and
Mesdames W. K. Jacobs II. Miiler . G. \Vll- .
hiamns . J. Hagan , O. I. Saulsbur , C. 1.
Hawlzer , A. II. Rawitzer . W. K. Sclple anti
J. G. Kuhn. The following officers were :
elected : President , ' ( V. K. Jacobs ; vice presl-
dent Irs. W. K. ScpIo ; secretary , Mrs. O.
Wiiams ; treasurer Mr.V. . O. Saulsbury.
At the conclusion or the games light refreshments -
freshments were rerved. The lexl meetng :
or tIme club will occur nl the home of Mr. anti
\1rs. Rawitzer 301 Oak slreet. 'rime chit I
proposes to engage In n totmrnamnermt . al the i
conclusion of wimicim prizes will be given to t
time couple scorIng the highest number of r
points. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Urlth or airs. \Vc'humor.
Word has been receIve In this city aim
nOlnclng the death of Irs H. H. 1Vebber .
who , with her Itusbauid Dr. ' 'ebber , romo\'ed I
to Chicago seine eight months ago. ThE
lady dlell last 10ullay , and was burled ia
Wednesday. Time members of Triamigle lodge
No. 54 , Kulghts of Pythlas , to which the
doctor belonged , have adopted resolutions 01 f
sympatby. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State Treasurer Barte ) Is al the Millard.
Ex-Govermmor Crounso Is registered al the
George E. Stclmoy ot Chicago Is at the
I ) . P. Thorpe or Jackson , Michm. , Is al the
A , S. Madden at Chicago Is sloppIng al
the Murray.
M. K Sherwood returned from a trIp In
the east yeesterday.
C. A. Irish Is registered al the Delone
from Aberdeeh , S. D.
S. J. Larkeim a coal dealer of Denver , Is
registered al the Merchants.
J. D. Westenho\'er of Winona , 1Unn. , Is
registered al the Merchants. S
C. Andrews and wlfo are registered al tIme
Arcade , front Davenport , la.
David E. :1 roy , a capitalist at Dayton ,
0. , Is registered al time Paxton.
Mrs. John Kels and daughter of Earl-
, 'ihle , la. , are visiting In time city.
Colonel F' . Adams Colvin of I.ondon , l ng-
land , Is reglatereel nl lie Dellomme.
George B . Campbell anti C. r. Trennery
of Des 10ines are al time Arcade
1' . J. Byrnes amid D. J. O'Donahoe , two
more cf hlayderm's buyers , came back to town
this wee : , .
Louis Klopsch amid wIfe , well and favorably -
ably known In ( lila city , nl'o registered al
lie Millard from New York.
Commercial men reglslere al the Darker
over Sunday arc : I. , n. I Craig and J. S.
Shaub , Louisville , Ky. ; A. J , 1:111 and J ,
M Lamb , St. Louis ; C. W. Ielnzle , I.lncoln ;
W. i" . Green amid C. . \ \ ' . Woodford Counci
Bluffs ; WIlam II. Hinds , KenwooJ , N. Y , ;
I.'rank Hhed , I.anslng , Mich. ,
A\l'ed A. Pratt , theatrical II'chltect. of
St. l.oul3 was In tIme city and called emi
The lice yesterday Mr. Pratt hiatt itre-
paremi tIme piamma for a numiiber of L. M.
Crawforul's theaters , antI is non' figurimmg on
those for ( ho mme' play house vtmiehm Is to
be orectetl on Douglas , imear Sevemmteetuhm
street ,
At time Mercer : William Feizer , Otummmsva ;
C. Ii , Gmumtssemm , St. Lotmlmi ; C. II. Jireck , jr. ,
St , Louis : S. h. Kehicy , Chmicago ; Joimmi N.
Siator , ( ialesbmmrg : I. hi , hlatimauvay , New
Yacht ; Fi-amik II , hfomighVismmer ; l'aul h'tmml-
femmVcst Point ; I. . H. Johtmituomi , .1. A. hove ,
I , M. Cietmmeumts , 'IV , C. Broi'-tm , Cimicago ; Ii.
C.'ihtl , Ilaltlmimom-e ; A. H. llrous'xm , Chicago ;
0 , B. hiitslmaw , ( I. S. hiougimton , Chicago ; IC.
Cummnbngiianm , Linccln ; I , I' . Juimiti , Cedar Rap-
ide : H. II. Smnitim mind vbfe , Joimui Vatsotm amid
wife , Ieamiwood ,
' 'murmmmmmmms ; itt I bin lintel , , .
At the l'axton-heorgo M. Cailougim , ! Jn.
At time DelIouio-J. 0. Connehi , Murray ;
J.v. . ICem tie , A imitti rim.
At ( huts iilllartl-\'u' , lb. Itoed , Matilzomm ;
C. H. Ilagooim , Fraumk Kasmlmmmaum , J. II. Col'
iinmi , Limmeolmi ; 1,1. , Ii. hhentley , Limteoln.
At the Arcadu-L. M. Larpimor ( , Valentine ;
Aukuutt Antlereoui , Oah'laumd ; C. C. Gartimior ,
Sargent ; 1" . ill. ltathihun , Canmbridgo.
/tt ( ho Merchmamits-A. Y. 'rylor , Ogaiahla ;
M. A. llartigamm , ilamitimigs ; C. C. White ,
ilabtimmgs ; Sanmmmel Long , S. C. l'attoraotm ;
South hiemmml ; Vi' . I ) . Fink , ilmuiiimorm , ; Mrs.
John Spearmnamt amid tlaugiier , i3pringfieltI ,
George Iiam'ry , hattie Creek ; 5 , A. Wltmeke
Cimet-oltea ; 1) . 0. lleffermamm numb wife , Jackson -
son ; Geom'ge Barr , Johmmm Spesmce , Stummtomm ,
SiilijCOt.9 Receiving tlio Attention of the
Young Wonien's Obristian Associations
limimier o a Smiths ftnmmstmms Choir-lu health
or 1'ntnr ( auiseq Chimsuiget itt St ,
Cocelimi's-Nemsa fromii time
City Churches.
Monday evemmiug at S o'clock Mrs Hose
H , Strawn will lecture before the \'ottmig
Womeui'tt C'hristiaii association on "Time
\Vomtieii of Humm-ope. " Mrs. Strawn bias but
recently rettmrmmed froni a sojourn of several
mmioumtims iii Europe , amid is especially s'll
stuahifleti to discourse commcerning European
vonmeum. She is a clear thinker anti reamiy
sPeaker , tuimi her "talk" Itrotmilsea to be of
tmtitmstial tmmtet'est.
TIme receptioms to imos' members inst Mon.
day' es'etiimig was one of the most uiehigiitfuml
of tIme sem'les , every one of vhmlchi Imas beemi
so Pleasahit. TIme rootmis were eli filled , aunt
( lie ladies of the Caimohic church served
tlaltmty' t'ofreshmnioimts as tIme maternl $ ea-
Itrossmoum of their hospItality , MIss Joe Ly.
mtiami auth Mrs. itnco ( 'nell favored time mmmetii.
hers imresomit with hliaimo solos. Misses LItI-
deli amid Pratt lmlayetl a duet , anti Miss
Mtiiieimoff samig , Mimic. I less-Fuchs aecommi-
panying her.
These wimshmlmig to join time class iii itook-
la'eplng are asketi to mimeot Miss Littieiielti
at tIme roommis Motimiay evonitmg at 7 : IS , to rio'
citie Upon ( lie tinme for tIme regular session
of time class.
Gospel service this nttermmooti atI o'clock ,
Leatier , M iss ( 'ny'formi. Subject : "Forgive-
itess. " All are iumvited.
, , 5" (1 i.i. ail.1 1. a.
Sommsctiitmmg Now In thmo % 'ay of l'cmmmmslo
( Jlmiireh , uixilhisrhnq.
Sotmmetimimmg mtew Iii thm way of wonien'a or-
gammizaioms imas heeti atemtmpteti iii tIme Imarislm
of All Snlmmts' clmmmrchm. Timis Is time ' 'Temis. ' '
It is ammmmotmumceti tlmat ( lie organizatiomi lute
tens Is mmot to sits avay vitim time Lathes' Aiti
society' or time \'Otiiitil'S AuxIliary , ( Ito Teima
boimig imitentied for local work , time first re-
ttmrns to he inadmi on Easter Smmmmtiay. Time
specific objects stated are :
First-Time titoromugh amid ummutual ncquaitmt.
alice of time mmiemtmhers of time varioummi ( eums ,
as timoy are formed 1mm localitIes where neigh.
bony work is ItossiblIt.
Secommd-'I'ime opportunity' affortleti time rector
of mmmoctiumg nIl tIme lathes of mu mmeigimhorimooti
at a given tiumme , Instead of lmuvimmg to call
impotu eacis one separately during thio hmtsy
Lemitomi seasomm.
'l'imirti-'l'lmo emmlistmmiemmt limb active service
of every nmetmiher of tIme cimtmrclm , atm ( ito pros-
mit organizatbotimi mmerer call ummt time ctmtire
vorkiumg force of time Imarishm ,
Fourth-Time lmmcrcase of time mmmisslotmary
spirit ammiong time people.
'l'iio mmimttnbers of each ( cmi are exitecteti
to mmioet at mu ceumtral hoitmt for orgatmizatioum
amimi cotmimsel. Time mmmeotimmgs are to be imeiti
omico a week. amid are a social roimnbati of
( lie faimmilies 1mm ( lie vicitmity , thm gemmthetmiett
ammd time rector amid time imeigimbors to be its-
viteti , smith u'hmen time toils are organized ftmr-
titer instructiomis as to what is to he ummder-
takeum will bo glvemm. TIme tons are wttlm
tIm steslgnaiotis :
Bisimop Ciarkson-Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , sr. ,
Mesdanmes Aioxaumder , Becimem , llrowmi , Cog-
gesimaii , Grossmnan , Lomnax , Mackay , 'ratuumi ,
Searles , Vnimglmamm.
Bishop Soabsmry-Mrs. Clark \Vootlnmamm ,
Mesdanies Dosvtis , ilaugimmuan , Coalcelcy , Ew.
lug. Knox , hlendrie , W. H. hamilton , Rogers ,
Summtlerlaumd , l'mmlmmier , It. D. Pollard , \V , 5 ,
Wrigimt , I'lowunnn.
Bislmop White-Mrs. II. E. Jentmison , Mesdames -
dames Baldwin , Beaublen , Cimapttian , Fielti ,
Germiimardt , lreston , M. S. Palmer Stmowtletm ,
Livimtgstone , Squier , Wilhiammis , lmoemnaker ,
S. 0. Wright.
Citancel-Misses Broadfied , l3rnmiiey , Cimap.
imiatm , Downs , Drake , Gernimardi , hhammmiltotm ,
Kumox , Lamme , Lantry , Marty , Norton , Short ,
SaltIer , Stceio , Tatuni , UnderwoodVarmter ,
Wilsotm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Y , am. t : . A. Events ,
One hundred aumd eIght muemberslmip tickets
have been issued titus far timls mumontim , butt
( here is coummiterbalancing this 137 eqmirabomms
of tickets out time 1st day of January. TIme
counmuittoc expects to more than make UI ) timis
deficit. Time rmev , ' commipetitivo mnenmbershlim
comnmiiittee , composed of fifty men , divideti
imito companies of five , under time leadersimip
of ( liii following subchmairmiien : Frank Crawford -
ford , II. Id. Msmrray , A. B. Dale , George Toy ,
J. C. Moodie , F' . S. Abel , II. Salisbury , Frank
McConnel anti H. 5 Simeidon , will meet
Tuesday evcnimig at 6 o'clock to cetitlleto time
ari'angenieitS for one of time liveliest mcmii-
bersimip canvasses time assocbatlon Imas made.
'i'hmcs comnpatmics viii compete until time 11th
of Marcim , when a supper will ho given to
tlte comnpany having secured time largest nmmun-
bar of members. Several new companies will
be added to time list ,
This aftet'mmoon tIme service for mcmi will be
onmm of' unusual interest. 'Fho general sub.
ject will be : 'IrInlc auitlVlmat It Costs , "
C. A. Starr vili treat it frommm a business
ztandpoiumt. V. 0. Strbclcler will tell what it
costs tite city. J. 0 , I'imIilltpi s'1ii treat it
frotmi tIme statmtlpeint of time railroatis F' , hi.
htobersoum frommi time umtanmipoiuit. of a youtmg
Wolienimasimit , MIss Amelia Nelson ,
hhisiiopVimippleMrs. . Ralmmn , Mesdaummes
ilroatlfieiti. Ihevttmis , Cook , Foote , Frank Do-
lievoise , Magtiits , Moreimoliso , Simackiefot'd.
Stanley , l'opo , Lammeaster.
hlisimop hlasimmlngtOtm--Mrs. A. I' . hloplcimms ,
Mesdaimmes Aiuiscow , Bartlett , Caihveil , ,
Clarkson , Wihmiamn Cox , Dale , Edwards ,
hlugimes , Moore , htammsomn , Thtonipoomi.
ihisliop hlare-MrS. B , II.'imeelor , Jr. ,
Mesdanies hiroilforti , Bouimiimm , Itmtmtiy , Ciii'-
hey , Garrett , hlutmt , H. M. Wood , Id. V.
Bisimoi ) Kemnimer-Mrtt. F , 'IV. Bryant , Mesdames -
dames flralmroohc , lirowutinc , htohtts , F'iimit ,
Grant , haIler , ht'i'uis ) , Mammcimeater , Vamm
llrunt , Miss Mmttitm hbotltwell.
lorcas-Mrtt. ) I'artrislge , Mestlames Asliton ,
Catty , c. w , Cox , Funkliouser. Cleave , 110-
nianmi , llumistoum , hhsmntimigton , Jamumes , Naiiu ,
Stsmbbs , Talbott , W'olcott.
Bishop \'orthlrmgtoim-M rim. L , J. Iralme ,
Mesdmmmties hall , Johinsomi , hlimmclmmmiarm , Mc-
l'iteraon , I'icltamis , h'imrvis , Race , Seeicel ,
Stei-himmg , VamiCott , Wattles.
ilishmop Spaltibmmg-Mrs. F. H , Slmort , Moms-
tiames Aitirlchi , limrrows : , Cockrcii , Fiemnon
1)m'iko , Marsh , I'atiick , hose Pollard , Norris ,
Tyler , \Veir , Welsim , Young ,
htisimop Garrett-Mm , C. S. Momttgoruiery ,
Mestimiumies Aitios , llradiey , Carimouitor , Cowie ,
htaytmoldut , itcee , Aiarmihimmhl , Such , Slmiremnatm ,
hhisltop llrooks-MrS , Joimn M. ltasmiiiton ,
Mesdamimems Ewimmg Brown , hess , Clark , W.
M , Fmmhier , F. 'I' . Fiuilitr , llaite , lhvaumit , Larl-
mar. Nec. Smmmltit , Weaver.
Jlisliop I'attesoum-Mrs , A. T. I hohtlmmim , Moms.
dammies Aummlrow , ibomimtiamm , Croumic , Ciabatmgim ,
lay' , Kruthi. Maxwell , Nicimuims , l'mttemiton ,
' ' M. I ) . fretum the stamid.
titan , and S. It. 'I'owrme , ,
Imaiut of lteiltlm. 'rhtere iviii liii a fine or
chtostrah iude. Mr. Frant Adehtmmaummm will
reimiler a select vichltm solo ,
'Vita jmmnior ummemimberts 'it ill hegiut ( hilts after'
iioon ii Imoys' service umitler time ihlreetbori 01
! ir. 0. 0.'ahitmr.o and a strormg cotnuntttee.
'fite lmays sviii ho given many advaumtages ( lilt
season itt time line of lectures , ctmtertmtinmmmenttt
rcceitientt , ole. , sviiich s'ill be imiiier time ilt-
rection of Mr.V. . S. Shmelmion.
On Tuestlay eveuting sit exhibition of tIme
uvork of t hit hiumsirmess inen'it class itt time
gy'trmmasiummi will ho iteltl at 5 o'clock Tim
class s'orl will be ilinatratetl armd gammmes ol
iaket : hail ammih circle tag will be features ci
lively bmmtem'cttt
A new gyinimasIttmn Is to Ito tipeneti ( huh
us'eek , to thu hteiti fromti 6.31) ) to G:5l : ) itachi evemm
bog , In order to msccommio'Jate tnemm suIte cosmlt
Power-Lntcst 15 S Gov't Report
1-Ugliest of alt in Leavening , - , ,
' Wai
fl' ( PL
- S
met come sit any other Limo , It is likely to
iteonlo ft popumismfeature. .
lItmir it , limo Cimotu' ,
Timumrstiay evening Mr. anti Mrs. lien S.
\datas etitertained time miiemnbcra of St. UrId.
et's choir at their beaumtifmml Imomne , Twenty-
second anti Ii streets , Seutim Omnaima ,
Thmo hmosmso was Imarmtisomuely decorated with
miamits anti flowers , they being everywhere ,
nakimig one forget this Janmmmsry wind amid
tmio % % ' wttlmoumt.
Thus gsmests were seated at "quartet" tables
o'eresi with hmnntl enibroitieresi sprramis , S
tvhmbclm matte a lovely' rest for time silver. itch.
ate chmimimi utah daimity ulienu of time slimmer ,
At no tlmne , unitse slmmu'ltmg time iutiprossivo
tervice of time cimimechm , whiemi tue clear notNa
: mt lieu' sweet , - tutrommg voIce are raised hum
lmraise , tiid Mrs , Atlauns seoun moore happy
tiiami s'hmile ( iisltttlisitig the hespbtnhity of her -
bionic , niti It caum hue safely' said few ulinmiers
iii Snuitlm Ommitilta gave mmioro pleasure to eli
mart iclpating. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iimmlty'a l.ewl mire U.imii'isp ,
The itrojected course of Monday evening
lectures at t'mmity ciimmrm'im will ime opemmed to.
morrow evtttmlmmg , ss'lmemu iev. ( Newton M.
? dammn will give hilts lecture eu ' 'Two Nimict.
teoimtlt C'rmttmry Poets. " Of limbs a les Muimics
hualSer say's :
"Tlt lecture emi hecemmiber i , by 11ev , Mr. #
Manti of Omalma on 'l'rneti auth Locker , ' hum-
temisely iumtert'steii time aimilicumeut iii two minor
lhumghlshm Ports iforo alimmost mimtkuiowim aumiotmg
us. The masterful auuti delicate 'way In which
( lie speaker immtrotituceti to its thiea 'Niuie-
teeumthm Cemmtsmry l'oets' woum for ( item ommr
friemitlshuip at eumre. Amid vlmeui time
lecture was flimimhm ti we were inure ( limit time
lesser higimts in tlme poetical uirumiamiment serve
us as vehl lii their wmiy as time greater omies. "
TIme lecture will begin premmmpthy at. S
o'clock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
&tccoim ml I 'rn"tty I s'rltsmi 12 hmsmrchm ,
Time daily iOSPel revival iiiootimmgs will
comitbumsme until \'em1mmestiay evemmbmmg rut this
week. h'reaclibmmg thIs imiortiimig at 10 : 'lO aummi
at 7 :30 : i .iii. , vltim sitectal services for time
y'oumng mit 8 I ) ' iii. Titese services vIll be
cotmtltteteti by' 11ev. 0 H. hiramit , Itastor of
tIme Secommd l'reshmyteriams church of Limicohum ,
svimo hmns heomi assistimig in tue revival story-
ices for tIme lust tWo s'ee1cs , Ir. \\'aro goiumg
to Limicoimu over SmmtmtIay to fill tlme formimer's
appolmit itietut ii t hi crc. The Yosmmmg I 'cophis's
Society of Cimristimmum Huisleavor ssill haiti Its
nmoumthmly oumseoraiots muittoting at G 15 , iii-
stead of 0:15 : 1) . iii , All are cordially s'el-
coimmt.1 to fill these services.
( lhmm , mu g ' mu t , t , ( J'i'l Its's.
11ev , Fr , Cmmllagimmsti , imslor of St. Ce- ,
celia's chimtrcim , 'i\'nlmttmt 11111 , imas been obliged
to rehimtqumish his charge temmipormirily , owimmg
to Ill lmonltii. lie will rmrolmahtiy' sponti Limo
reutmaimmiber of time whiter iii Testis. 11ev.
1' . F. Mccarthy of St. Jammios' orimimammage will
lma'o charge of St. Ceceiia'mm mimmrimmg ( ho ab-
501100 of time Imastor. Father Iexncimer hma
beotm mmsslgtmetl to time orlimatmtmge.
Ntult'q trimmm tmmiushmr , ( 'immirehie' .
Time Lathes' Aid society' of All Saints'
ehimtrcls vili give a Ilarty mit tit how Metro-
lOhitimi lmaih 0mm hlartmey street imext 'l'tmesday
Ihisimop'omtlmiutgtoui Imas called a immeetiutg
of time clergy' ammti immymimmium for toummerrow tsflcr.
mioou ) at 5 o'clock tut the Coummumiercitml Nat mush
batik to commsitler time miectimm of tIme Nebraska
iii issiommtry : tieltl . -
Mrs. lham'forti will commdimct a biiile ststtiy
msumti gospel mmtec'timmg for ladies otily' at tlmo
I lmmtmscommm lark ilet imutlist cImmmrchi on time
afternoons of 'l'utesdmmy' , Thursday' mmmiii Fritlay.
hogimmtmttmg protmmptlyat 2 o'clock.
I . , tt' , , I t'it I lull. Fou''ca'rt M ,
Calvary' Baptist-'rime pastor will preach
in time imiornimig ott ' 'A hlarti Lesson , ' ' Hvemm-
log : "A Call to 'l'imoseVlmo \\'aver , "
Grace Limthiernms-ilov. Lutlmer itt , Kmmlmmms
will preaeim at 11 a. tim. on "Time l'laco of ( hmmtt
Chitmrchm , " atmti at 7:30 : p. iii. on "A Mbssiomi
to time Lost. ' '
lJmmiversallst-Rov. Augusta J. Ciumipin , D.
B. , liastor , will preach. Mormmiumg topic : "Tue
hlumigry aummi Thirsty. ' ' Eveuiiumg : ' 'Iteasomme
for Our hicimo , "
Triumity Metlmodist-hlev. F. TI. Sanderson ,
B. D. , will cotitiuct services as usumal , Morn.
lug subject : "Timings Above. " Hvenhumg
subject : "Preacimitmg for time 'i'iummes. "
' , Vostttmhumster Prcmmbyteriaum-Tlme Itastor ,
Rev. Joitum Gormioum , D. I ) . , s'ihl preacim at 10:30 :
a. iii. At 7:30 : 1) . in. there whil he mu heohule's
song service' . Stmbjcct : "Let ( lie Lower
Lighmts liii hhurmmluig. ' ' S
First Ciiurchm of Christ ( Scientlst-Anclent )
Order UrmitetiVorlcmimemm hail , l'atterson build.
imig. Mrs. A. F. le Ltmuig , pastor , l'reach-
lug at 10:15 : a , iii , anti Summdmmy selmeol Inimmmedi- 1-
ately tlmc'reafter. 4hl are imiviteti.
\Vnlnsmt Ihili Mothmedist-Qmtarterly nmeetitmg
rervicos conmhmmcted by Presiding Elder J. Ii.
Maxfieltl. Love feast , 10 a , mti , I'm'euchtitmg
and sacratmmetit , 10:15 : a. in. Union revival
meetings in Lowe avemmue l'reabyteriaui
chmurcim , 7:30 : p. mit ,
FIrst Metimomiist-htev. Frammic Crane , pastor ,
Morimiog service at 10:30. : Smmbject of sertimomi :
'On This flock \Viil I Ilmmihd My Church. ' '
Evemming service at 7:30. : Subject : "fhiren
Keys to time Kummgtioimi. ' ' Prelude : "The Brook-
Iymu Strike , ' ' Class mmeetimmg at 9:45 : a. ma , ; Sums.
day scltool , 12 tim , ; Epworthi league , 6:30 : jm , mum.
S3DO.O for a dea.
This Is ( lie biggest price ever offered for a
Iatchi line or heading for an advertlssmmient.
Hayden Bros will give a choice of several
first class lIanOS worthm 300.00 oseim for the
head line atioitted and In addition will give
ormiers on their music departrmient for $5000
worth of music for the next five best Ideas ,
accordimig to mmierit.
To secmtre aim absohutely impartial decisIon
tilihicflmmts are retitteeted to siimm ; iii mmmmnmber
only anti to mnail corrmitmpoumding smummulmer with
umanie and mmtlmlress to 'i'imo lice nfiice , whmero it
will reimmmmimm umuttil after time awarml Is made.
'fhie right is rcserveml to utse tiny hoed litmo
The following are ( lie facts to Ito imdver-
tised : hayden Bros. of Ormimmima are tIme only
firm in tIme wariti sitowing a cotmilmlete hue of
time Instrumuiments rmmanmmfactured by time five
timost renowned iiano makers on earth. litty.
mletm Bros. are not tietl up with red tape restric-
thetis hihtt rogmtitmr soiling agemitmt , but nra frea
to make tIme lowest prIces ever Imemirti of ,
lhaymhen flrces. put special streess oti thme
Steimmsu'ay aummi Vose imianos because thmey imtmvo
a larger bloc in steele and can buy thmermi
chmeauer tiiaum any other mnmmke.'s of eqmmal refit. S
tatbon , 1)0 not lie mnialeml by any one claluti-
ismg the sole agency' , hlmmytten Bros. have
them direct frotti the factory as well as
from the Max Meyer & IIro. Co. stock , Iiiutsio
trade papers are saying pianos cannot be sell
in a departnieumt store , hut muemmsiimio peolmle
svhto do not care to be htnodwinltt-tl by silly
frhlls are umot si mmotional anti the b't proof
of ( his is timat ilaydoum Bros. said moore
pianos , orgatis mmmi mtumsical inmmtrmmmnents in
otmo week than ammy five music stores west of
Cimicago have muolti bit site miiontlmmm. Time music
trade papers say this innovatiomi will ha
aaiebmcd wutim ummmmsual Interest anti I Isydemi
hitoe. propose to keep tbmens guessitig.
Jii1ll'IEIUJS ' [ 1IAIR
On tim , ' ( eniItt ( mmes ,
it i'u It : tti'to ' limir tin 1(1 ' -
- on n's cim'i.s tilt .vo
: 'u't ; ;
t : Ut fmijtuty by
: iiic'i'iuc ,
I This it ; on. , or ibut macit utnslgimtly Ileni.
r lsmtes Ihimmi t'tuy retiimci , % votmmttmi min lie mif-
It Ct ( , i wit it , I I is rut a iii ettrmlc I itt tell m itn
tttn'i ' Ii , , 'i'I ( It cuittttirnt
i 1 ) ' , irs , aids , m'hnsters , wax liorbts ,
' wt1su'tiC' ) , Ba' twiwzrs , stissoms cmii ruzr :
I till mim.ilmo tIti-se h.mirmm glow lmtmrstmer , Uttetter ,
ctmimier , anti tmmttrtt mmuttti'rout' 'fbi wily
mttetbm''h ' in lime svmh'l ' ly ivimfeim time hair run
ho , h-truyv'i is by liii ,
% .t , ltas'e Itai ettrm , ' exierbe000 Iii ( tilts
is , , ik mmmii gm4ntnttt , U CItCi , 1mm m's cry came ,
it , , imain-r buiv bmii II utiU' lie. 1.101's ,
icarus ¶ V4'tits. it'S ' % 'f'tttts , t ti mmoee m iii "ii
mo-am S it ni ii ii iii i itt growths ii t i tt-tb by
tbti tmit'itul ! mimi I by - Ic litul , vlentrj .iu'gemy' ,
A Sm , ii bib t'x i'i , I ml iu'a ys hirL'ut'nI , I i ours ,
( ' 1 7 , t4untiayts , 1' ' ) bn I. ' 1 he
( . : ULtAi1'fIIt ! ! ; 1S'1'i''U'iE1 !
_ 1i ; Iodgu trcCt , - Otminlin ,
i .5
. ,
'k' ' tliNUIts1lM.
_ _ _ _ - . - -