5'"k75'a Wk " 7M + ri + t pt'S ' * t Tnvr w , . . " _ - " ' - 'r""T" " . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . . . " " " . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ " " . . " " ' / ' " " " " " " " ' . . I TIIJ OMAIiA DAIIJY I3ir : S1 1)Ar , JANlTAUY 27 , YSfli. ) ti : 1'l , . 1 r . . 1 . _ _ _ . _ I . 1 00. Prices Cut Deeper and Deeperi 1 a i 't . 'f I Great Fire Sale 0tW Slightly Wet M'1 j This sate continues wit > il t2 o'cloc1c , 11oon , Thursday , An these Dress Goodti 1ttUst bc sold before Thursday ± : when we close to take our annual inventory. 'l1oon , for then wc close on account of ifiveutor J r. ' " f fI I i - - - - Chance of your life to get u FINE r Dress . Pattern for Nearly Nothing. ' t i , . - ' . J \ Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress Goods- ( I 00 Only a few left 10 sell nt this price Some Dress goods that we solll for jOc [ and GOe Not mnny or them-but several dress Plt- : OO are double fold , 25c to 35c goods before 1 0 ' before wet nil In 15 terns oC the jjc [ to U.OO a yard value go 19 the fire . now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C lot a yard at . . . . . . . . they . . . . . were . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go . . . . . . . one . . . C In this great fire sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C A' ' ' Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress Goods- ' , , -Qlo'I ON- - err ON- , 48-lnch all wool dress goods that we used There were 10 pieces of Sue anti $1.00 dress ' , French ser g es. $1,00 to $1.25 quality . be- ( 0 to sell for leas than jje [ , and much 5 kY. : ! goods that the oaten never touched ; they 5 0 I L Inen S . more , are . . no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C lmrlco cause I they tomorrow were . . slightly . . . I . . . . . wet . . . . . we . . . . make . . . . . . tl . . Ie . 4 cc go In with the rest al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. . . . . . C Clo ak L C ! m e Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress Goods- Wet Dress G 00 d s- , M-Ineh Hulhlnl\ll cloth goods that never I All tile jO-lnch [ chlldren's cloaklngs-just . sold for less than $1.00 and were not wel 5 0 WRAPS AND JACIi1TS , $ . Table Damasks the thing tot spring and school \\ear- 69c All the 60 [ inch . habit cloths , that were wet , 69c at all , go for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ' ' ' matter how little , I..u , . . . . . . . UNgR'VEAIl [ ) for $1 only slightly wet , go Cor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIO \ value for. , 1 Napkins , Men , 'olllen , Boys , Fine Linen Sets . Wet Dress Goods- and I Mlsses-20 per ) cent off I Doyllcs and Center Pieces , Wet Dress G 00 d S- Wet Dress G 00 d S- All the miscellaneous dress goods , In Romeo ntlll Chlhlren's , Huck and Damask . Towels , The $2 , $2.25 anti $2j0 [ chlltlren's cloak- $1 00 The French broadcloths ; ' , worth : up to $2,25 99c blacks not wet and at all whiles , arc. , . some . . . . . . . very . . . . . . suet . . . . . . some . . . . . 40 C " Worsted Leggings. . , , nags that acre wet on the se\'ltJge ! only. a yard , j2 [ Inches wide , a IltUc wet , go for Ail-Lined Gloves and , Mittens w Butchers' I I I .locos I Ou the Dollar . I lain Irish Linens i Fur Capl'S. . ' t I' . Fur Mugs I , , ' : Embroidery Crashes t " f Holler antlllchen Crashes . - is not to our notion-it will last : but three days longer. 'W'e propose to close out the Fur Trlrllllllng , . A Fire Sale : . . . - re ® manlets . " anti 1.lnnllels. J ; + Linen Diapers , damaged goods-not reserving a yard-so that we will have nothing in our dress , . Eiderdown and Colton Comrorlnbltl. ! Everything I to t be f. In I a II rs t - goods stock wen we get our new goods , but that : will be up to our usual J well known standard of exe II e n ceo l1ultons anti Trliumittgs , . clllss Linen stock - MUSLlNA N ETlNGS KELLEY STIGER I & co. Selling Wet Dress - Goods 3 days i I ' ATCAST , . . ' Farnam and 15th StS. . ] SALF. nto I . DURING THIS . U\ : \ , i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I , . . FIVE 1 COAL BARGES FOUNDER ' - . a Bloke Loose from the Towing Tug Duringg a Furious Gale . lH'RTEEN or THEIR CREW DROWNED Among the Lost Are Three 'Vomell 1'1101 Three Chlldrell-Only Two l'erdOlU 011 Hoard \\'eo Sl\vI'd-Story of the CalhllI. NEW LONDON , Conn. , Jan. 26.-Tho , ocean tug Sea ICing ) of Philadelphia from New York to Providence with a tow of live coal laden barges , put Into port late this morning and reported the loss of her entire tow allli lime consequent death or thirteen parsons - sons Including three women and three chil- dren. The drowned are : From the barge Crocus-Caplaln rank IIortlllan , his wife and daughter , nllli a deck " hand named Herman . all of South Amboy. : ' , From the Albert \Ie-Captain ! \ Henry " Tucker of South Ambey ; Deck land ! Charles : Cllrney of I'rovldenc . , From the Barge atJlngee-The captain , . . < . his wife and daughter one deck hand names . unllllowlI ; all supposed to bo of South Am- t boy.I"rOm From tile Barge American EagIL'-Cllptaln Jlartshorn and wife , one deck hand , name unl\llown. The saved , were : Edward Mohican ! \ of Providence ; Andrew l'urrleh of Hoholten , N , J. I Captain . F , Umsled of Philadelphia who was In charge ! of the lug tells this story : "Wo left New York Wednesday with the Ih'o barges'ln low IIl1ce Hock was passed about Ii o'cloel with the weather good and everything favorable for a good run. Just before mhlnlght a stilt breeze sprang from ll ' 0 MD' on. 1 sou u " 'om u " a slran . . southeast ne ess am ' . p . g " . . gale. The blow l ; was accompanied ; by blindlng . . snow gusts and at 3 o'clocl thlll mornlg the tow began ! pulling and hauling In a way that Indlcatell trouble All hands had gathered . ered aft In order to do something to avert the threatened catastrophe , but when the three stern barges broke ( away anti began i to founder we watched them for half an I hour nil the time struggling ! to save the tug and the two remalnlllg barges from destrlletlon. Then the three barges ! went down At 6 o'clock the two remalnlll ! barges foundered and the hawser from them to the tug was put about mill lifter repeated efforts ! ' lines were got to the men who , through the blinding snow could be discerned 011 the I barge Nidty which IItlll floated They Jumped overboArd and were pulled aboard the Sea King fearfully 'xhllusted. The tug unsuccessfully searched for the others and It was necessary to run for port to save the tug from the Increasing storm ; ' None of the tug'lI crew has any hope that . any on the barges besides lIIelllc:1I1 : anti I'ur- rich survh'ed. CYOI.ISI IN AI"UI.UI\ 8en'rI,1 l'i'nens IUlIoII and Considerable I'rol''rlr : ne.lrQ'oll Near Atlmnville AShEVILLE , Ala. , Jan 2G.-A cyclone struck the western portion of thlll parish s blowing .I.olVn fences trees and telephone wire. 'fho house ot : Mr Splen vas blown , to piece" . one of his little children klllell and another seriously Injured At Crowley a hca\'y wind allll rain sturm IJrevallel1. The rr.oltlenco of n. Miller at Port Ieger was completely t1emollahed. Miller was killed anti his children badly but not fatally Injured A number of buildings : w 'ruIn. - roofed 1 and other demolllheli. i - - - e s Tcle&flll'h & tllrm't Madly llelaycd. / s CII VELAND . Jan U.-Tho storm or last sl nIghl wall the most disastrous to telephone and lelegenplt ) lines that hat occurred III tile section for man years . East t ot thIs city clung the Lake tilture and 1 Nickel Plate I'ollds hlllltiretlll of t\'lcgrullh pales ) arc pros Prated unll whys nro town for mommy miles ut a . stretch. For time llnol time III ten raaJ'1l time city of Brlu III completely cut ort ( tom all wire communication with thu out - - side world The Nickel Plate and Lake Shore roads are badly handicapped owing to the fact that no lelegrn + h orders can he sent to move train It will he many days before the wireR can wi he put In working ortlol' A heavy sleet storm followed by a strong gale caused the trouhle. ULIZZ.UIU IIlt" \'ITIE'1. No Report of Storm numae , from Ne- braska I'olnts. ' , OAKLAND Neb. . Jan , 2G-Speclal- ( ) A blizzard raged here yesterday and last night. A smllll snow fall preceded the wind and n failing temperature. LINWOOD , Neb. . Jan. 26.-Speclal-Tho ( ) storm which had been raging during the last twenty.four hours ended this evenlllg , leaving a clear sky anti weather Intensely cold From the present outlook the Ice output which Is now belllg cut , will ex- cecIl that at any previous year men and teams coming to work from twenty miles Illstant. DELGHADE , Neb . Jan 26.-Specla1.- ( ) The worst blizzard of the season raged yes- . Snow fell very fast and drifted ! badly Stock have been doing very well running at large In the fields allli prairies and time farmers have thereby been able to hold what little feet ! they have In re- ' serve , so that now there Is little doubt that Naneo county will get through very well , and owing to the unusually mild winter , the cases of actual need will be very few BUTTE Jan 2G.-Speclal.-LIht ( ) ! snow began failing early yesterday morning , acv companied by a strong northwest wind , which developed Into an old fashioned Jan- uary storm b"tol'e night. Snow drifted a good deal , but roads are passablo. Strt Cars IIlockcrl lit UU1 'Iolncs. DES MOINES , Jan 20. -Time great storm which began yesterday continued most of the night Street car lines are nearly at a stantJsllll totIIY. ! CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia . Jan 2G.-Speclal ( Telegram.-The ) big ! ; storm of yesterday has been followed by extremely cold weather n was Ii below her and at Esthervllle It Is 18. Nearly a foot of snow fell and all trains . . . . . . . , are morn or icss .1"loun,1 . AAItSI : l\L [ ; \ :1O' : : ' ' ' ' ' ' , y " Ia „ Jam 2G-The storm entirely subshletl during the night The blockade was not os bad as anticipated but trains on nil roads were ( rant one to nine hours late this morning Traffic reachct1 nearly normal cOlllllllons again this afterncon Time coldest point was G degrees below. CLINTON , ha . Jan , 2G.-A Milwaukee road passenger train was hoveletl out of the snow at noon today after being for twenty hours hurled In a deep cut between Miles anti Preston by the blizzard Forty passengers were on the trllln , anll owing to lack at pro visions considerable suffering was expe rienced KIOK11K ) . Jan 2G.-Tho snow blcckade I , which existed here all day was broken this evening Seven Mrn III hanger GLOUCESTER . : Mass , Jan 2G.-The schooner Leader of this port Is ashore on the reef ort Normlln80w at limo entrance of the harbor Four of her crew uf eleven men have reached shorc. It Is feared the vessel can not long ! ; wllhstand time storm anti that time men Onboard may perish , I Snow Illuck ut Chicago CHICAGO , Jac G-IlIst nlght's storm was the worst of time season The snow drifted and packed In n manner that made It almost impossible 10 contend whim All transportation was seriously hampered Nearly every lhrough line last night and Ihlll lIIornlng was behind time . T'T"h'o Inches ut 01trnnsrn Ol'TU&IWA , la. . Jan , 2G-The snow stopped failinG at 4 a , nu today after contlnulnl t emmlyeov'en hours. It snowed , twelve Inches. Trains era all five to twenty boura late , except on the nurllngton. Many : roads are completely blocked 1. . I' " , . 111u tohol't of Cxpeclstlons : . SAN FRANCISCO , Jan 21.-Elghteeim adult n'srors are In dirt IlIstr lIS. They say they were Induced to leave their hUllles near : Keystone . 01\\11 county \ \ ' . "a . upon the promise or Itlilklnl f1 a ( Say \ In the employment . 1'I0)'lllent of th" Coos Ua ? ' . Roscburg & Oregon avlgutlon and Coal company , They bay they had .to , walk sixty mile > from Roseburg' to the mines a.t Heaver Bay , where they earned only 90 cents a day . with a. deduction for board and lodging fur- nlshcd by the company When they pro- tested they say they were branded as strikers ! and were ordered to leave. Neigh- boring miners paid their way to San Fran- clsco where they are living In poverty. . dXTICIPATINI2JIJ GOVRIhNOR. Several South Dakota Citizen Who Are Said to rte Sh\totl for Jobs PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. 2G-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Thoso ) 011 the Inside are discussing with much Interest the coming nominations of the governor. One ot the best posted politicians In the state tonight informed The flee correspondent that without doubt the following would be named : Engineer of Irrigation , John Baldwin of St. Lawrence ; public examiner , C. E. Hinds of Woon- socket ; oil inspector Lou Drown of Mel- letto ; state surveyor D. H. Sullivan of Planklnton ; veterinary surgeon Dr. D. F. Royer of Alpena ; mine Inspector , Colonel A. J. Thornby of Hermosn ; adjutant gene- ral C. T. McCoy of Aberdeen ; member oC the board of charities and corrections Mrs. S. II. Cranmer ot Aberdeen , If the bill passes providing that the board shall have a woman member and Don C. NeetJham of Crow Lako. t GETTING Jl'AllJClN Jl'A Sl1l.Wl TON. I"glslalors Commeneo Acrudlllg Each OilIer of Mercenary : Moll V" " , OLYMPIA , Wash „ Jan G-'here : ! was intense - tense excitement In the senate this morning . InS' when Sergeant at Pierce county rose to 11 question of privilege allll demanded of Senator g. , Yo Taylor an explanation of an article In the Tacoma Ledger over his signature - nature , which Sergeant read , to Intimate that Senators Loss , Campbell and others were supporting Anlen for a consideration Berg-cant's excitement was almost beyond his control and , he told Taylor that It he Impu nell the motives of himself anti his colleagues for voting for Anlten . he waR It contellllltible IInr. Taylor explained that he referred to the lobby of P.Irce..goult ! ! ) ' men who came over to coerce film ( Taylor ) to vote for Anken . Sergeant accepted the apolog Time followIng was the vote on time fif t'enth joint allot I : Anli/'ny. a : : ; lVllson , 18 ; Alien 17 ; 1lIl1an. . 8 : AV'nllace 6 : Turner , 18 ; itgers , 23 : : : ; C. H. 'lIrnel' . I ; Manning , I. One hundred votes were cast ; necessary to It cimolce 51 II\II \ III time 1aisss ; ; ; ; "lIl1tU. TOPEKA , Jan. : : U-'he senate wall the only legislative hOlly working today Senator - tor O'Urlen introduced , a bill making attempted . tempted train robbery a crime punlshuhle by not less than twenty years In the Ilenl- Ientiary Senator Sterne presented a bill to abolish all justice courts In cities oT the IIrst class , substituting therefor u city court with greatly' reduced fees. Time senate , lltISse\ \ the housl' concurrent resolution , asking the Kansas delegation at Washington to work for IIn amendment to thc national constitution to provide for the election or president \ by popular Vote and limiting the term to four year 'ho scnllte spent much of the day In debating - bating a bill tu prohlhlt HUmbling , IInll'h inuids " lIt Forry-T'Te" , SALEM : , Ore . Jan , 2G-There was an 1m. portent change In the senatorial deadlock toda ) ' . The democrats chunl'ell from A , S , Bennett to J. K. Weatherforll The vole stool : Doh.h 42 ; Moore Ii : Hare 10 ; lIer. mamma 8 : Wllllllm8. \Veatherfonl . G ; Lard . 2 : Lowell 4 i Tongue I ; Barkle . 3 ; Simon , Ii ; absent , 2. lint Ih'r IHII IIrouh ! mime ( louse . OrN"gn : , Jan 6.-'fhe house today passed the bill raising the age ot consent fOI' girls from IG tQ 21 years , This hill was introduced by lIIra Holly representative from Pueblo who ! Is receiving much Arabs ' ' successful efforts In the face for her sUl'cesl or atmong opposition 1I""IIIIII'k , 'nnllnll" s In Icahn nOISI : . Idaho , Jan 26-There was no change In the ballot today for United Slate S senator . _ I'rnhlhlthul' ( Mild I."bor. s'r PAPL , Jan. G-The : ! most Important bill introduced In the house today was by ' 1\lr. I.ovejo , Ilrr.hlbltlnl chllt1 labor and , by ' Mr. I'arker proposing a constitutional amendment providing for a IIllecllio tax 011 n the product lIt l \ all mInes In the state. - STRYRER 13 REAPPOINTED ' He and His Wife Oontinmd in Oharge of the County Poor Farm , NO FURTHER INVESTIGATION or CURRIER \lelUorlal : elolutlons III honor of Motor Paddock l'aued-Nolhlll : : ; Yet Done In the Way of \dJlIltllIA' Salaries of ElIllltoyes. Yesterday afternoon the comity commissioners . sloners reappointed George D. Slryker su- perlntel1llent of the poor farm and lIIrs George D. Stryker malron. Commissioner Stenberg was the father of the resolution which nametJ Strykor anti his wife for the position , and It'IIS passed by a vote oC three to one Stenbeq ; , Livesey and ' ' ' 11- IIams voting In the affirmative , while Jen- kills gave a most emphatic "No" when his name was callctJ. As a reason for voting ! ; for the resolution WllIlllms sail that as a mil- jorlty o' the charities committee under whose supervision the two would be . was ! In favor of them , he Celt that he ought to vote for them Commissioner StenberH introduced the fallowing - lowing resolution , which was unanimously ' passed : Whereas , This board Is called upon to per- form u melunchol duty In making 11 record or the death of one of Its members , Major Jost'phV. . Paddock , who died Sunday , Janu- ary 'O , lW , after 11 brief illness ; Hcsolvel , That his service to the nation as u solllier and to the Iluhllc liS un olllclul , as well as his conduct liS 11 citizen , during IIn active life which terminated after nearly 70 years , commenll his deeds and his mem- cry to the high ( respect of his associates lie was one of the early pIoneers of the city or Omaha and the west In 1851 From that time fOl'wurd he tilled u number of public pOliltions As clerk of _ the first fell. oral court organized In NehraslII , member or the legislature In 185S , 1SG5 and 18j' , ' , u memher or the city council of the city or Omalut In 166940 , government director or the Union Pncille IW al./1OIntmelll . / of Presidents lIarrl- lion anti Cleveland , and nH u member or the hoard or County' 'Commlsslonerll. he dls charged the duties ! . unposed upon him with uhllllY and Hterllnx Irlteg'rlt , During the Wal' his ability ellclte'l the high conmrenda tlon of General Sb1erm } / mn anti the title of major was won by valtInl ie services on the Imttlellelrl.s u member of the hoard of County Commlssloheni" " was 11 close stu- dent of the statutes , ' watchful or the pea I pie's Interests aIllIIO\'I1r. ' mindful , or his oath of oiilce In IlehathQJ \ ! I'/ls fluent , out"lloken and , fearless , but elju.rtlOUs ( ) withal , amid his presence lent g'rncPllllnl1 dignity to the deliberations liberations of the 110:11'1. . Be It therefore HeFolvpd , 1'hnt twtterecornize that In the death or our collrullulJ there has passed awa ) ' a I sturdypbnu'rr ' . whose efforts contributed lrlhuled to the u1RAiil ling of our city anti state , that the paq " ' have lost an able representative - rl'sentatlve and pel1\"l \ ' ntgulslted citizen and lda associates a gins' I companIon and faithful - rul friend r1' ) H'sol\'ed , That .jl is hoard lender to his I family an expressln sf sympathy ' anti that these resolutions K .I'reatl ; upon the mln- mites of this session thou a copy delivered to the family of the ec'nell. The cOlllmltteo e' char'tles made , the fol.j lowing report , which was pillce : ) on tile : 1 Your committee on charities to which ' was referred , time IlIlmunlcution of C E Currier requestingpn \ , , Immvesllga1Io11 In the matter of I'harJ'e alleged to have hen mule , lI\nlnet hln , rn cQnnection with short weights to parties : nc'lylnG' goods from the charily store during the time he was acting UH county agent beg leave to report : That we ha\'e hall maid , communication under consideration and under till the cll'- cumstances do not deem It incumbent upon this committee tQ t maRe \ further Investtga- tlon In the Premisea nil the board Is In n" tvay responsible for articles said 10 ( have appeared - pearell In the Public piers touchlllH the matter referred to Mr. C'urrler'lI services were dispensed with wlmen under hlH super. I vision It wall found that short weights ; \"If I being given und for other good anti tutll . lent reas ms. Not the slightest reflection upon the honest or "Ir 'urrl'r hall been Inti. mated hy your 0 mmltttle ror hy thl'l ' h1'ln ! , On the contrary . an Inventory at the store . token and reported by the ( 'ounl ) ' clelk at the tlllle he was relieved , , IIhows all goods I fully accounted for . I A resolution directing that the part of lime c.ugty jelll that was recently damaged \ ) ' - fire bo repaired and the entire building be furnished with electric lights , was pllsset1. _ _ The county surveyor called attention to the fact that the bridges over the two Paplillons were In had cOl1llltion. Superintendent or Instruction Hili reported that he had formed that part of the county mown ( as 'Vlthnel Island into a new school district The usual bills , claims and appropriation sheets were passet1. The Question oC fixing the salaries or the county employes was not touched upon , as the commlltee has not met on account of time recent death of Major Paddock . al- though the matter was considered at a pre. vlous mectlng but not decided , XUUO/l LUCIC.IT IJ.4YIISTICICT . Talent Tried Five Times at Good ! horses anti J'lIlIml to Laud a \Vlnller SAN FRANCISCO , Jan 26-1'wo stalm races , n. handicap and a perfect day drew one oT the largest ! crowds or the season to Bay District today It proved to be the mot disastrous limo talent has yet experienced . encet1 , ns not one favorite won. Three of them were 1 to 2 choces ! In the first race Ccmtrlbullon , a 2 to Ii favorite was left at the past FlooIJmore made his reappearance - IInce In the Maverick steeplechase stake std notwithstanding the crushing Impost of 1GJ : patunds . won III a drive from My IaClt , a. 1 to 2 favorite The Plilace hotel stales were captured , hy Gussie time favorite Iovellal , finishing third. . Bergen , . the famous jockey who rode . Salvator , made . hIs appearance today , rllling Glleall , Wllh whom he IIl1lshell second ! In the stake nIce. Sum- mary : First race , live anti a half furlonB ! , sell- lug . 3-'eal-01Ils IIIHJ UP\\'II"I : Quartertarf , 1W. Chorn (31g ( to I ) , wun : Sir Iteglnald , 95 ( I : ; , HeInrichs (40 ( to 1) ) . second ; Hear Guard , lot Carr (4 ( to 1) , third Tlmo : 1:19. : Pl1ccll , Bridal Veil , Soledad and Contribution also ran. Second race live and n half furlongs , 3. year-oItJs : 1"lirtma. 100 , lIelnrlchfi (6 ( . ta 1) ) . von ; gxperhnellt gelding . 102. Sloane (15 ( to 1) I ) . second : Majer Cook : . IG2 , UrWl1i (1 ( I to 2) ) . third. 'J'lme : 1IO'J. ! Advance and Ethel Dixon also ran Third race , Palace Hotel strikes Vlllue $2,000 , mile nail It sixteenth , 3.year-oltls mend J uward ( : Gussle 90. H. Isom (5 ( to 1) ) , won ; : Illeai 113 , Merge (1J ( : to 1) ) , second ; ) , ovc. tint . 111 , Grllllll (7 ( to 5) ) , tldrd ' 'J'lIl1e : 2 : : : OS'fJ' ' ingomar 'J'hornhlll Duke Stevens and Hlr H.el ! also . ! 1'/111 / _ " 1 ' - l'-ounll race Beverlclt steeplechase stakes , value Ur/JU , shol't course , ahout It mile anti ( \ n. half : 1"loOlJmcre , Ice , Almllrl (2z ( tu 1) I ) , WOII ; My Luck , 149 Wlthus (1 ( to 2) ) . Iee- I oat ! : \\'uotlfol'll. 13b , Mcilierny (10 ( to 1) ) , third I , 'rime ; 3:15. : ' 1 ' Yro also rail , Fifth lace , six furlongs , handicap : Robin lIood ( II , 12 ! , H. ( non (2t ( ! . to 1) I ) . won ; Quirt , 10. , 1I1lnttt'hs (8 ( to 5) ) , t.ct'ollll ; Howard , 6O . Cochran ( G to 1) ) . tidi ' d. ' 'j'lmu : 1:27. : ArUcus a.lso ran. 1I..lIs . at Sow IIrh'lIlIl. Nh\V ORLEANS , Jun 28.-\Veather fine : track ) hard and slow ; attendance large Rev stills : First race five and a halt furlongs ; "lal'Um Grltlln (9 ( to 5) ) won , Mlnervu (7 ( to 2) ) Second , Van Brunt (7 to 1) I ) thlril 'rIme : 1:10. : 1:10.Second Second race , one mile : Fukher call ( S to 10) ) won , \Iethla Allen (6 ( 10 1) I ) second hilly Mel\'emle (3 ( to 1) ) thll'll. 1'lIne : IIi'A 1 : . , Third race six furlunHs : 'J'rumll ( ( f to 2) ) won , Miss Clnrl (8 ( to 5) ) second , John I' (10 ( to 1) ) third , 'j'jIllO : 117 ; , Fourth race lamudtaap six furlongs ! : 111 Henry (7 ( to 6) ) won II F 1"ly. Jr . It ( to 1) ) I second , Miss Gallop (10 ( to 1) I ) third 'j'lme : . 1:16\ : ' . 1:16Filth rare seven furlongs : Ansonla ( l0 ) to 1) ) wont l'allwllY U ( to 1) ) second , I.ady On (7 ( to 1) ) third 1'lme : 131 : . Medals ! : for Loa , : 11111" CHICAGO , Jan , 26-'fhe following are the successful contestants for prizes offered In 189. I/y the Century Road Club oC America : Morgan ' 'rlJht , gold Inlllvlllulil mileage mellal , wun by Milton H. lelm , jr . of I'hll- atlelllhla , with 18,5:8 : : miles to his cl'elllt ; .JohnKoli gaud huJlvltlual Century medal I. won 11)IlItoli : H. ( \ elm . Jr. . I'hlladelr.hlu , with lIevent'hht centuries to his crelllt ; climb century banner , won by Lincoln cycling I'lub. Chicago , with 337 centuries to Its erelllt , A. A Hanson oC J\lInneallo\ls \ \ rode 21,0.:1 : miles during the rear , but under the conditions of time competition . wall not env titled to this total ' mileage. He hmta foss'- [ ever secured the national record and will receive ; : PIIPclal ) mellul. A similar competl I lion wit ho emtJuctcll during 1595 : ; . 41'11I"1 liid ' WI"8 lit 1\llIlOn. City . KJ.\SA3 ( 'ITJan. . 2G-Flv IIIlIes out ' 111 (11cuuntrr tonight , before 100 local sports . Oscar Garden the "Omalm IIII , " and Jimmy Evans , n local highlweibh , for ttmrte tierce rounds fought for 11 small pars I and ! the gate receipts. 'l'h6 jlt1 knockell IIVuns : out with a right hLlI\ller In the jaw - . After punlehln him badly \ , Gardner had II wi his own way and was none the wore for the tUFsle. Evans , who Is I an old time tighter and has III his time hall It record In EnHland and throughout the United State : , was exceedingly crestfallen ot his defeat and ) declared It would he his last u.t- tempt In the rln/ / < "rlliccr J"rlos In England. LONDON , Jan 2G-The horses belonging ! to Messrs. Croer ) und Dwyer of New York started for Newmarket this morning ! In freezing weather. The Jockey club has granted II free license fOI' the American horses to train on the heath The fact that the Crolter and Dw'er horses do not wear clothing of any kind whether travel- Ing' or In their stables excites much com- Went H Is stated that Jacob Pincus Is to take up other quarters at Newmarltet fur J\lr. Belmont - mont , whose horses are expected to arrive shorlly. According to the Sportsman other Americans - cans will follow the example orlelIrll : , Crolter Dwyer and Itelmont anll the labor market oT 1Snglan4 : . especially that of New- market , will be greatly benefited hy the result of this "spol'tln invasion " Pointer Stakes 1'1111011.,1. REST POINT "lIss . Jan , 2G-'fhe United ! States Cluu's polnlers stales were finished ! ' here today , the winners being : Delhi first Jingo second , 'J''cltho third , Slrlleawar fourth , and 1'llInal'll' , : r. , fifth Delhi winner of IIrst In this stake , also went first In the Pointer derby Tueslla ' . lIe is by Rlprap-ex-Queeny . tad owned hy the ? Char'- lotlcv lie kennel 'I'he weather today s ' . alms clear and cold In the all ages setters' stakes the Judge succeed III running off the fiat live raceR of the first series ! , which resulted ns follows : Joe BowerR IIMente'l ' Breezu nelloll : Cleamplllit defeated , \ Bessie Shoupe : J\llnnle C defeated 'rom' 1'olla ; Allen I : defeated AullJ Crootle ; Dins Ridge 1\larcl defended Acoyllt > . If possible \ the stakes will be run off 101111ny. - - - - - 1I"r'rco etpped ' tllll I'Ih' ! PIih.AD1i.P1ITA Jan 2G-Clmrle : J\lc- Keovor of this city was 1111I.tlull knocked out by Horace herds of Atlantic City to- night nt the winter garden 'fhe men fOUJht three rounds 111111 ] olie-hnlC IIIJ1UtP ! of time fourth when J\lcJeevor. who hall all time best oT the go became II trifle careless and received ] n right lalndet n N , ll . " 'n" , n. . . . . - _ . . . . . . n "n' " . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . IL . , . w which floored him. III' twos lip III a couple \ or seconds ! , but HC'fereo ' 1'oHarty 1 stupf'1 ! the light .fiteh Shoot \\1'11111'(111) John J. I1nrllln anti J. e. Reed are II1l1tehell for a 1IIIve ( ) hlr.1 . shoot for $100 a side , the shoot to take Place on the grounds ; of the Omaha club , across time river next 'C'llnesIJny ' morning nt 1i I ) o'I'IOl'lt 'I'/it. / condition arc $ \00 \ (1 side lo 1 ( ) hints enrh thirty 'aroJs' rise ' , ii fty IlIIullllnry , . \merl- can association rulesV. , 11. H. hushes IInal "laltehohler anti reCerel' - - - WrrMlllul III M. l.nulM , i ST LOUlH , Jan 2G-'I'onIHht ienrge ' ' lsapliste : champIon ! mhlllleWI'Ihl , wrestiOlI and , wall two of three bouts In a. match with "lux l.utlh'rH. I'hnmllon ( Ihhtwl'lht. The first IIl11i thud bouts , In which Hllptls" \\'aK time willner , s' 're Omeco.llolllan style , while time secolHI was catch - us-catch-can and went to 1lIltherl - - - - ' 1'ri.'d'fan , . \h'h. ) CINCINNATI : , Jan , 26.ilertVnike ' or thlll city fulled , nt time Poople' ! theater tonight - night to throw Hert Hole of Indianapolis twice within an hour , Oraeco.Itoman style ) , and ! thus ! lost time match Rl'lIrla of " 'pnrt. ' 1IIItcheli has , ' his ' expressed willingness tu box Jackson In America. Olaf Huhh has broken I > the lw'a . mlle skating - Ing' record ot Jar Donohue , Itubb covered ( the distance / 1i:13 : , 'l'wo years ago I > on- ofhue made It In r.OJI : ) . Jimmy Barry haH ugn'ed0 / meet Frank \lacle\\'l'l : ( of ( 'Inclnnall ! In a ten.roulIl"on \ - test between February H nnll 21J In the arena or the Olympln club nt C'lnclnnatl , B'I ' Athertoll or llocl1e"ter. N y" , has wen the A merican mlllt.esve , . ( 'hllmlllollHhlll anti a puree ! of $2M \ly \ IleflIllIlA' Peter ! Schtm tanker of ( If'velllnt ' ! , 0. . 111 two falls of the minutes IIn,1 , forty I'l'con,11I and ' live minutes allli tell fecont1H respectively , at Itochellter - -r-- Vnllthhll 'I hlo. . . . . IllIpr'luut'll ' , JUIESUHHG ' , Cc.lo" , Jan , -CRjlcclal.- . ) - Count JUtll Pound today sentenced Jue \Phile . aged 11 , andVrlly Al'lI1stl'unU' , aged 15 , to the reform school at Gulden Cola . until ! they lire 21 years or age . for stealing Il revolver . w mttch . and hl'rll'llio . looting Pat McNall1nrll'K houe.Iout fort.lh'u keys were found In 'thu uOYII' possession whl'n arrested ulI(1 they confe"setl to a plot ' to rob ) several HurC'a ' In the town I \7EW \ 1 APPRAISEMENT ' , METHOD ; DistricWourt Judges Dissatisfied with Manner - nor of Soiling Mortgaged Real Eetato THEY DECIDE TO INSTITUTE A REFORM Court Commissioner to lIu Al'lwllitell'hoal Jluollle" II Will lie to Set V"hUJI au ulIII boll All Such I'ropm'ty- OhJectiolls to I'resellt I'hulo - - - 1 JUdges Ambrose anti Duffle of the equity courts are considering a new plan by which mortgaged properly may be appraised , which will In all probability be utlollled when the next tonal of the district court opens Neither of the judges Is satlsacd with time way In which property IH being appraised , allli both of them , especially Judge ! Ambrose , have given eXI.ressloll to their tllsalllroval ) from the bench , III almost every case Where ) mortl3CII i ! property Is III dispute there Is n great deal of dissatisfaction among the parties to the suit ahout time nss s mont , and often limo Judges have fell called upon to remedy , time mailer ( as far ns they were able . The great ! objection Is that limo property Is assessed too low , and whllo the judges will not go so far as to say ' that there Is any dishonesty In time appraisals they do aay , I1mllhatlcally that the appraisers . who are allllointell are nut cOllllletent to judge ot time value of realty Under the present systelll the appraisers of property are appolnte l hy time sheriff Time now plan ( ( will ! lnko both the itch IIImg and the appraising of properly ) entirely out oC limo hllllls , of limo sheriff The judges propose tn IIlIlIolllt a court cumnmlusloner whose duty , It shall ho 10 value and sell all such mort- ulcll property lie will bo also empowcrClI to unite any evidence that wl.1 In any way , hell him to discharge / IDS tJut ) ' , Time com- mlssluner , whoever 1m may bu , will be It man who will know time vllluc of real estate III the city It ! t Is thought such II reform will 110 IIway with the greater part of time existing dissatisfaction regarding allprlllsllis. Some tune ago / Jllllco Alllbroso delivered a so\'eI'O stricture UIIIIII the competency ot lima appraisers ' ulllloinlerl hy the hol'lrf. 110 stated that such ap ; 'aisera were taken trom tin hangel'lil about time oflco ( ! of the /hertrf. ulIII were In 110 wise compotellt to pass U\lon \ the value or realty . While ho mild not say In so IIIIIIIY words that they , Were dishonest It mllht ho Inrerl'ell from the lcnur at his I'lImal'ltli that he dId not i dilate that they were always entirely dla- interested III their returns , But time fact ' that ho did not thlllk that they were lit IICl'HonK to appraise properly all account ot their Ignorllnco or its value , and , moreover J that he mild lint think that they were chosen for their cOIIIJlelenc , wau most emphatically - Ilhlltically hl'ouJht out Taken all together his remarks wcro a severe arl'alllIIlIent of time manlier In which the appmlulng uf prop. orty Is now being Bolo hy time bherllr. 'fho same opinion ( Intimated that hero was allow plan . ot nllllrnllling property under , censldoratlon After a consultation - tion between limo two jullles ; , the metho(1 ( n. outlined above was practically decided upon allli will go Into effect ! ' lit limo Olen. Ing of the February term ot limo district courl. 'lcCltUIII WIIIII" Itt'cohnr Sallloll Charles McCiolld has asked time courts 10 nplolnt a receiver Cur a grocery stock now. In the lu5sessloll , uf Henry Manton lIe ai- logos that ho and Henry 1' . Marquello were lal'tners ( lu the grocery IJIIslnuHs , but that In February 1894 , they dissolved partnership . ship ( Marquette running the businelill nlone. At that time the firm owed something over i $100 , and ! at the dissolution It wall agreed that Mnl'Iluett should IJI\Y thlH indebtedness - ness 'lcClolIIl clallnll that ho never pall time blllll , but that ho tl'ansCtI'rrrl limo stock to liamat whit / the Intention or defraud- lug the credito's This month tie cret1ltorll sued 'lcOlollll for tin debt anti obtained a JUdgmont.'loull / wants the receiver ap . Ilolutoll to sell the stock and pay the bllb