- - - - : : - . :1.:1 . : : : - : I : _ _ - . 20 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA : , - . . DAILY . _ _ UBE _ _ _ : ' _ S1N _ _ DAY _ _ , _ , TANUAUY _ _ _ _ _ 27 _ , _ 1805. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -4 . . p _ _ ! . CIIltONICLES ' , . t -01'- COUN r _ ANTONIO. , 'r ' , . . BY ANTHONY HOPE. . . ' , " Author of "j . \ t-'itOflCt' of Zonln . , " 1to. - Copyright , 180 I , by " IlholY hope . - , 1- . nAI'TER I. : HOW . COUNT ANTONIO TOOK TO TIlE . . , 11.I.S Countess nro the storIes L : Id of the say- Ing that Count Antonio spoke and of the deedl thaI he , hill w'en he Ilwelt an out- law In tie ) his , \'or tnlc antI .llgenll gather I rounll his name thick a g the berries hang en a ! : , r . bush , nnll wIth the passing of every year It ! hnrllct t : , lscer : where truth lies ' and where the hove of wonder workIng together - gether with the * cway of a great mnn's mem- . ory , has wrought ' the embridery of Its fancy on the plain robe of fact , Yet , amid all that Is of uncertain knowledge , anti so . much rest , this muc" at least shoull be known al1 remet " c for the honor of a noble family , , , _ . . ( fell out that Ccunt nlcnlo , a . n'f noble lineage , forsook the 10rl " . Iho prince , dlsealnee the obhl- gn' ; $ his rank , set law at naught , anti A , flat seemed hulcell In his own eyes to ' . ho good , but was Itch I by many t be none : other than the wcrk.of a rebel and a brlgan,1 Yet , alhough It was by these names that men diten speak of him , they love his memory , ' and J also , Ambrose , the 'ranclscan , having gathered diligently all that I could come b ) In the archives of the city , or from the lips of the aged fell , have learned to love It hi /mmo Iort , and thus am minuet ! to write , be- fore the time \ iioIi 1 lust carry whnt I , leow with tme to the grave , the full ali whole truth concerning Antonio's flight , from the city nut ! the court , seeking In my beart fly 1 wrlt excuse for hll , all finding , II the record , If little else , yet a talc thai . lover Ilst red In prlle , all sorrow , and , If this tm not too high a hope , that princes may study for profit and f'o varnlng. ; Now It was In the ! tenth year of the reign of Duke Valentine over the city oC 1irmola , Il territories and dependent towni , that . Count AntonIo oC Monte Vellto , having . . with him a youthful uusln dt his , whom he : 10ve,1 greatly , anti whom by reason of his , smal statue and oC a boyish gayety he had , men called Tommaslno , care front his 11use on the lull that Cronts the great gate of the city , to the Palace of the duke , w.th Inlent to ask his highness's sanction for his , marriage With the Lady I.uela This lady , : t then 17 years of age , loved Antonio , and he I her , and troth bad been priviy ' p\hted between . tween them for many months Such was the strength and IJOWer of thI love they bore t I. , the one for the other , that oven tu this day the old mock at young lovers who show themselves over fond ! , by crying : "Tis Lucia and Antonio ! " But since the Lady t Lucia : was an orphan , Antonio came now to : the duke , who enjoyed wardship over her , und scttng out his passion and ' how that his estate was sufcient , anti hIs family such as the ! duke knew , Ira'ed leave of his highness t " . , , to wed her But the euke , a crafty and . . subtle prince , knowIng Antonio's temper anti the favor In which ho was held by the J > b W , cOUiitti not to augment lila state and - . . revenues . by the gift ot a bride so richly dowered , but chose rather to give her t ( a fa\'orlo or ha ! a man la whose devotion he . . couhl surely trust , and whose disposition was to servo his master In all things , ' { air anl . foul , 01)011 or secret. Such a one the duke - found In the Lord Robert de Beauregard , a pleman' ! ' of Provepce , who had ( Iulteel his ' uIn country , having been drawn Into some tumult there , anti having taken service with . . the duke had risen to a great place In his : ; " esteem ' and conildence. Therefore , when An- . tonlo preferred hIs request , the duke , with t ' . malp' { 1 courteous regretful phrase , made him , : aWarn. that the lady stood promised to Hob , , ort by the Irrevocable sanctity of his prlncel ) . ; . _ pietite. , , . ' . .fl. . " ' "So I o : forget pray you , my geed couslr . - , : Antonio , " said he , "forget , as young mel : lightly can , this desire of yours , and It shin ! b ( my charge to find you a bride full a : z 4 . "d\)1 ) as the Lady Lucia. " : t , Blt ! Antonio's face went red from brow b t . ' , chip ' as h'e answered : . re _ ' Ir' _ . gracious . _ . . . _ _ lord . , I .u. love . . the . . " lady . and . alit _ me , tutu neHler cl well another. 1S ror : . my Lortititobert , your highness knows well I that she loves him not , " : . uA gina love , " smied the duke. "A ; girl's love. I raIns and shines , and shines and rains , Antonio. " . , "It has shon on me since she knew a man when she looked on hIm , " said Antonio. And Tommaslno , who stood by , recklng as Ito of the duke as of the duke's deer- : . hound , which he was patting the whie , broke In , saying carelessly : : HAnd this Robert , my lord , Is not the man for a pretty girl to love He Is a sour fellow. " I "I thank you for your counsel , my Lord TC/1maslno , " smiled the duke , "yet I love him . " Whereat Tommaslno lifted his eyes I and patted the hound again. "I Is enough , " added the duke , "I have promised , Antonio. , I Is enough. " "Yes , I Is enough , " saul Antonio , and he' and TOlmaslno , havIng bowed low , withdrew - drew from the presence of the duke But I when ho got clear outside of the duke's cabinet AntonIo laid his hand on Tom- masino's shoulder , saying : "I Is not , , wel that UObrt have her. " "I .hs mighty ill , " said Tommaslno , And then they walked 'jn silence to the . . \ , city Kate , ' anti 'In ' silence still climbed the . rugged } III , where Antonio's house stood : , Dut the duke . , , dllm sent for Uobert de Deauregard . Into his chamber and said to him : , . I. "I you be wise , frIend Robert , Ito grass . shall crow under your feet thIs side of your marriage This AntonIo says not much , ' but I have known him outrun hilti tonllP - _ - - - : with deells. " "It the lady were as eager as I the mater ; \ would not halt , " saId Hobert , with a laugh. t . "Out she weeps and spits lire at me and cries for Antcnlo. " : . "Sho wi be cure , ! after the wedding , " . said the tiulee. "Uut see that alto be well . guarded , Hobert , Let a company of your men watch her , I have known the brIde to bo missing on a marriage tiny ere now " : "I he can touch her he may wed her , " ' cried Uobert. "The . Ilk.men are close abolt hir house , anti she can neither go inner . , nor come out wtholt theIr knowledgC " "I Is wel , " salll the duke. "Yet delay not. They are stubborn men , these counts I , at Monte Vehluto . " Now , hall the Lady Lucia been of a spirit as stubborn as her lover's , It may bo that she 10lhl have refused to well Robert do , Dealregnrll , But ohio was afraid. When t Antonio was with her ohiO hall cIting to him , . alli he 10\01 her the more for her timidity , . " 'lh him gone and forbidden to como lear ' lIeI she dare rot resist the duke's will nor . . bravo his Ilsplealuro , , so that , n week before . tIme lay that the clko had aplolntell for the wedding , site sent to. Antonio , bhhlng him abandon a hOle that was vain and bet . him to forget a most unhappy ) lad ) ' , "Uobert shah not wed her , " said Antonio , , uttng the letter In his bol . r "Then the time II short , " saul Tonimnasino . . They ) were walking together on the terrace before Antonio's house , wheneo they 10011011 - oil \ the city across the river , Antonio cast his ) , eye on the river and on the wal of the duko'B garden that ran along I i fair trees , : ' . shl'\bs and lowers hued the top of the wil , . amid the water gleamed In the sunshmimie "It Is strange , " Enid AntonIo , musing , a "that one maiden can darken all the world that 0011 lights with his sun . Yet , slncl 10 I Is , TOlmaslno , a man can bo but a man , ant , being a man , ho Is a I.oor man If ho , stand b ) while another takes his love " . "And that other a stranger , anti , as I c BWar , a cutthroat , " added Tommaslno , When they hall ! dined and evening began to f Antonio made his , como on male servants saddle the best horses In his Btlblethough Iml'el ) the choice was smal , IQr Antonio .IS hot A rich as a man at his rank counts rlches- and the Iwo rod dowl the hilt toward the city. lhlit. a they went Antonio turned ; once anll iialn In his ldlle and gazed , . long nt the ell gray house , the round tower . and the narrow gate ' . " look behind and " . "Whr not forward asked Tomnninsino "Uccause there Is a presage upon me , " Inlwerell Antonio , "that I wi be long before I I'an ' through ( that gate again. Were there hope of persuading you , Tom- 9. . lalno , J would bid you go back and leave ) e to go alone 01 this errand , " . )0 your breath against when you have 'S , , . , ' ' - " ' * - to run , " Inlghel ! Tommaslno , pricking his horse anti ( tossing his hair , dark as Antonio's ! was fall , back from his neck. \cross the bridge they rode and through tiio , gates , and having traversed the great f'llare came to the door of I.ucla's house , where It rose fronting the ( luke's palnce hero Antonio dlsmountell , gIving his bridle Into Tomlnaslno'B hand and bUlle the servants - ants carry his name to the Lady LUcia , A stir arose among them , anti much whlsller- I log , till an ohl man , heat of the serving /en , came forward saying : "Pardon , my lord , but \ve are commanle,1 10t to admit you to tie l.dy Lucia , " and he waved his hand toward the Inner part of the porch , where Antonio saw a dozen or more 1IIlem n or the duke's guard drawn across the passage to the house : . anti their picks lashell tn tile rays of the settng sun as they leveled them In front of their rank , Some of the to\nsmen and apprentice lads , stout fellows , each wih a staff , had gath- erell now around Antonia , whom they loved for his feats of strength nl1t his liberal gifts to time poor , anti , Inlerstnnllng what was afoot , one 'me to him , saying : " 'her are some , sir , who would enter with you If you are set on entering , " amid the fellow's eyes sparkled , for there was great enmity In the town ngalnst tIme plkemen , and a lusty ) 'olth with a stick In his hand Is never loath to find a use for it. 1.01 n moment Count Antonio hesitated , for they focll d closer to him , and Tommaslno threw him a glance of appeal and touched the hi oC his sword. Hut he would not that the blood or mel who were themselves loved by mothers , wtves anti malls , should be shee tn his quarrel , and he raised his hand , bidding them ha stl , blllng "I have no quarrel with the pllemen , " said he , "and we must not light against his high- nes's servants " The faces of the townsmen grew long In ( hisappolntment. Tommaslno alone laughed low , recognlzlnK In Antonio's gentleness the lull that heralds a storm. Time count was never more dangerous than when he praised submission. "Dut , " continued Antonio , "I would faIn see the Lady I.ucla. " And with this he stepped inside time porch , signing to Tom- maslno to stay where he was ; but the lad would not , and leaping down ran to his woult and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. him.Thls they stood facing' the lIne of. ptke- men , when slt1lenly the opposing rank opene,1 and Robert de Ueauregurl blmsel came through. Starting slightly at slgbt of Antonio , he yet bowed courteously , baring his head , amid Antonio , with Tommaslno , did the like. ' "What Is your desire , my lord ? " asked Hobert. "I have naught to ask of you , " answered Antonio , anti he took a step forward. Rob- crt's hand flow to his sword , and In a mo- ment they had fOlght. Ilt now another higtira came forward , with uplifted hand. I was the duke hlmselC , and he looked on An- tonio wih elke his dark smile , and Antonio flushed rell. lushed seek me , Antonio ? " asked the 11ullp "YOI "I seek not sour highness , but my plghted % vtfe , " salll Antonio. wie Dull Valentine smied still , anti , coming his and his arm through to Antonio , passed sard In 10st friendly fashion : "Come with " me to my house and we wilt tall of this ' fast in the choice be- and Antonio , caught II ' teen obedlonce and open revolt , went I Crowning across the square , the dulle's arm . through his , Robert on the duke's other side and behind Tommaslno with the horses But as they went a sudden cry came from . the house they left , and a girl's face showed r for an Instant , tear-stained anti pal II , at an open \vtniOv. A shiver ran through Antonio , i but the duke , presstng his arm , he went still 1 tn silence. sience. door of the palace a lackey tool I the horses from Tommaslno , and the fou passed through the great hal and through ) the duke's cabinet beyond and Into the garden ; and the duke sat down under thc wall of the garden near by the fish pond a wal . . _ _ I. . - . . , llnnlv nn Antnnlo' snolm ' tr - 'UU , .U..b uuu..J _ . . . - . . - . . him flercely : "Men have died at my hands for less , " said he. "Then for each of such shall-you answer to God , " retorted Antonio , not less hotly. "You scout my commands In the face of all the city , " said the duke In low stern tones. "Now , by heaven , It you seek to see the girl akaln I will hang you from the tower of the gate. So be warned-now- once ; there shal be no second warning " He ceased and sat wih angry eyes on Antonio , and Robert , who stood by his master , glared as fierce. But Antonio was sient for a wble and rested his arm on Tommaslno's shoulder. "My fathers have served and fought for your fathers , " said he at last. "What has this gentleman done for .ho duchy ? " genteman Then Robert spoke sUdlenly ( and scornfully : "This ho Is ready to do , to punish an Insolent - solent knave that braves lila highness's will. " Antonio seemed not to hear him , for he did not move , but stooll wih eyes bent on the duke's face , looking whether his ap- peal should reach Its mnrlt. ' But Tom- maslno heard. Yet never 'a word spoke Tommaslno either ; but he drew off the heavy riding glove' from his left hand and It hung danglng In the fingers of his right , and he looked at the glove and at Robert and at the glove again. . ' "I would hIs highness were not here , " said Tommaslno to Robert , with a smile. " " Robert "or "Uold your peace , boy , said , the dull will hnvo you whipped , " Youth loves not to bo taunted with Its blessed state ' r i.nun nn mnrA In .nv" .rlp,1 Tnm. masino ; ; ' and - without ' . more ; ' caring i ; na-ugiit now for the presence of the duke , lie lung his heavy glove full In Hobert's face , and , starting hack a pace , drew his sword , Then Antonio Imow that the die was cast for Tommaslno would gain no mercy , haYing In- I suited the thiko's favorite and drawn his sword In the Ilul's palace : and bo also drew out hIs sword , und the pull stoat facing the titmice amid Hobert do Iieauregartl . I was bu ; for an Instant that they stood thus ; then Robert , who lacked not courage to resent a blow , unsheathed anti rUBhed at the boy. Antonio left his cousin to defend himself , and bowing low to time duke set his sword at tbo duko's breast before the duke could so much as rise from his seat . "I would not touch your hIghness , " said be , "Qut these gentemen must not be in- terrupted. " . "You take mo at a disadvantage , " cried the duke. "U you wi , swear not 10 summon your guard I will sheath my sword , my lord or If you will honor mo by crossing yours on mine you shah draw yours " ThC place where they sat was hllllen from the lalacQ windows ; ) 'et the titmice trusted that the sound of the clashing stegl wonll bring aid ; therefore , not desiring to fight wih AntonIo ( for Dlko Valentine loved to Iehemo rather than to strike ) , he sat still , answering nothing , And now 1ommuslno and Robert were engajell , Robert attacking furiously - riously , and Tonlnaslno parrying him as coolly as though they fflcell for pastmo In time 8chool. I wal Tommuslno's fault to think at naught but the moment , anti he did not remember that every secOllI might brIng tIme guard upon themii And Antollo would not cal It to his mind , but he Bald to the duke : "Tho boy wi kill hlnl , sir , lie Is a finer swordsman than I , amid murvelolsl ) active. " Then tIme duke , having been pondering on tile course anti knowing Antonio , sitting there with the count's sword against his breast , did , by calculuton , what many a mon braver In fight hall not .Iured to 110. There was In truth a courage In I , for all that I was born of Bhrewdness. For , thus with the sword on his heart , fxing a cain glance on Antonio , he cried loudly al he could : "Uelp , help ; treasonl" Antonio drew back Ill urm' for the stroke , anti tie duke sat still , Then , swIft as thought , Antonio laughed , bowed to Duke V"lentne , and , turtlg , rushed between thE figures , strIking UII their Bwords. In amaze , ment they stood for 1 niomnent Antonlc drove hIs sword into its sheath , and , while Robert stOOd yet imatoumimied . he rushed al hIm , caught him by the waist , and , Iluttn forth hil strelgth , swung him clear and fal Into the flshmpommti. Then , seizing Tommull by the arm , he started with him at I rum I for the treat ball . The duke rose cryln . " - - - 10ul1y , "Treasoni I Tteonl" ! Hut Antonio crle,1 "Trean , tren onl" yet louder than the duke , and presently Tommaslno , who had frownPI at his pastime b21ng Interrltld , fell .nlaughiing , and between his laughs crIed "Treason , treason with AntonIo. Anti At the entrance of the hal they met a dozen plkemen running , ahd Antonio , poInting over his shoulder , calell In tones of horror , "Trla" son , treasonl" And Tommnslno cried , "The dukel Help the duke I" So that they passed untouched ( through the plkemen , who hesl- tateel an Instant In bewlhlerment , but then swept on , for they heard the duk 's own voice crying still , "Treason , treason I" And through the hal , and out of the portico passed the cousins echoIng their cries of "Treason I" ! And every man they met went whither they pointed ; and when they leaped on their horses the very lackey that hall heM them Ilroppell the bridles with hasty speed and ran Into the palace crying "Treason I" ! Then An- tonio , Tommaslno ever following , and both yet crying "Treuon Ilashell across the square , and on tIm way they met the Illke- men who gar.let the Lady I.lela , anti the townsmen , who stood mocking and snarling at the Illkemen : and to plkemen and towns- men alike they cried ( though Tommaslno hardly could speak now for laughter and lack coulc of breath ) , "Treason , treason I" ! And all to whom they cried flocked to the palace , cry- Ing In tii.ir turn , "Treason , treason ! " so that people ran ant of every house In the , neIghborhood anti hurried to the palace cry- Inl "Treason 1" ! anti everyone asking his neIghbor what the treason was. Anti thus , by the time In which a man might count a hunlrell , a crowd was .pushlng and pressIng anti striving round the gate of the palace , und the cousins were alone on the other sIde oC the great square. "Now. thanks' be to God for that idea ! " 'ow Tommaslno. But Antonio gave not thanks until his meal was ended , Hatslng 'his ' voice , as he haiteti his horse before the I.ady Lucia's halCl1 , he called loudly. no longer "Trc3sonl" ! but "I.uclal" ! And she knowing his voice , lookell again out from the wlnllw. , Then Antonio leapell ( remit his horse with an oath , anti ran to tIme door , anti , finding I un- guarded he rushed In , leaving Tommaslno seated on ana 'I ' ie5o anti holding the other , with c no eye on Lucia's house anti the other on the palace , Jr'ln ; that by the favor of heaven Antonio might ! come out again before the crowd aroul1 the duko's gate discovered why It was , to" man , crying "Treason I" ! Now , In the palace of the dule ther was great confusion. 1or time Jlkemen , finding Uobert do BeaUregurd scrmblng cut of the dali pond with a drawn sword In his hand ts'h ! his highness e'lng ! "Treason I" ! wih the rest of them , must have It that the traitor was none otlmer than Robert himself , and In their dutiul zeal they cme nigh making nn end of him then anti t lre , before tim duke could gain silence ' enough to render Ils ace - o'iimst of tIme affair audlbll And when the first. plkemen were informed there came frst others , and these others , Indlng the first timriiging arolnd the duke and Robert , cried on mll for the traitors , and were on the point of engagIng them : and when they also hall been with dllculty convlncell , anti the two parties , with his highness and Robert partes turned to the ' pursuit bf the cousins ; they f . \ll the "Ulle , of the great bal utterly blocked by a concourse ' 0 townsmen , delighted - lighted beyond measure at time chance of an array with the hated plkemen , who they conceived must beyond doubt , be the wicked traitors that hall risen In arms against the duke's life anti throne. Narrowly , Indeed , was a great battle In tIme hal averted by time duke himself , who leaped upon a high seat and spoke l ng , and earnestly to the peVle , persnudlng tbem not limo pilemen but Antnlo and Tommaslno were the traitors - tors , which the townsmen found hard to be- leve , In part because they wished not to be- levo Ill of Antonio , < nd more inasmuch as every man there know-and the women and chlhlren also-Ihat Antonio and Tommasln' ) , and none else of all tIme city , 'had ' raised the alarm. lint some hearkened at last , and with these and I elid wedge of the plkemen tIme duke and Robert with much ado thrust their way through the crowd and won access to the door of the palace ' In what time a thousand men may be 0- vlncd , you may hope to turn one woman's mind , and at the Instant that the duke gained the square with his friends and his guards Count Antonio ! had prevailed en the Lady Lucia to brave Ils highness's wrath. ' It Is true that he' had met with some resistance - slstanco from the steward , who was tn Rob- ert's pay , and had tarried to buffet tim fellow - low Into obedience , and with mlO from an . old governess who , since she could not be I buffeted , had per = rco to be locked Into 'a cupboard ; yet the better part oe the time I ball to be spent In Imploring Lucia herself. with fears and some tears She , At , . . last uLU. , _ many _ ,1 . . . . _ _ . . . . . . .i . , . M'M U.n' nau ymemucu , tutu I WU" VIUL " 'U , " " , . " . I Tommaslno saw the count come forth from I the door crrying Lucia In his arms , and othI I ers saw him also ; for a great shout came from i the dukes party acrosS the square , and the plkemen set out at a run with Robert - ert himself at their head. Yet sa soon . as I they were started , Antonio also , bearing Lucia In his arms , hall reached where Tommaslno was with the horses , and an In- B.nt : later ho wall mounted and cried : "To the gate ! " and lie stuck In his spur anti his horse bounded forward , Tommaslno fol- lowing. No more than a hundred yards lay between them and the gates of time city , and before the ptkemen o.uld bar their path they had reaeh al the ao. ! The gate wardens - dens were In ( act of shutting It , having perceived tIm tumult , but Tommaslno struck nt them with the lat of his sword , and they gave way before' the rshng' ' horses ; and be- fore the gate was shut AntonIo and ho were on their way through , 'and tue hoofs I of theIr horses clattered over the bridge. Thus An- onto was clear of the city with his lady In lls ! arms and Tommastno , his cousin , safe by his side Yet were they not safe ; for neiher Duke Valentino nor Robert de Deauregard were men who sat down under defeat. But few moments had passed before there Issued from tIm gate a company of ten mounted and armed men , and Robert , riding In their front , saw hard on a mie away the cousins head- Ing across the plains toward the spot where time spurs c1 Mount Agnlno run down ; for there was the way of safety : but It was yet ten miles away. And Robert and his company - pany galloped furiously In pursuit , whie Dull Valentine wltch d from the wall of the garden above limo rlv r. Now Count Antonio was a big man , anti heavy , so that his horEo wa weIghed down by the twofold burden on his back ; and 10Jllng behind him he perceived thut Hobert's com , pany drew nearer , and yet nearer . And Tommaslno , looking also , said : "I doubt they are too many for ns , for you have the lady In your arms. We shall not get clear of the imillmi. " Then Antonio drew In his horse a little , und , letthll his brldlo fall . tel ( the Lady Lucia In his arms anti kissed thor , anti 'having thus done , lifted her and Bet her on' Tommasimio's horse. "Thank God , " said he , "that you are no heavier than a feather. " "Yet two feathers may bo too much , " said Tommaslno. "IUde on , " Bald Antonio , "ami I wi check them for a tme , so that you b'll ' come safe to the outset of the his. " Tommablno obeyed him , and Altonlo , rid- Ing more softly , placed himself between 'ommaslno amid thin pursuers. Tommaslho rode on with the s\conlng lady In his arms , but his ! face was grave all ! troubled , for , as ho had said , two ( outliers lay bo overmuch , amid Hobert's compalY rode wel all swiftly. "It Anlonlo c11 stop them , I Is wel , " saul tie , "bul If not I shall not reach time lithe , " ami ho looked with nO great hove on the unhappy lady , for It seemed like enough Antonio woull ! be smut for her stmke , and Tomlaslno prized him above I thousand dumsels. Yet ho rode emi obedient BuL Antonio's scheme hind not passed undetected - detected by Robert de Beauregard ; and , being a man cf guile anti cunning , he swore aloud tin oath that though tie died hlmseJ , yet Tommaslno bhoull not carry off Lucia , Therefore , he charged hits len ammo und nil to ride a'lter Tommaslno amid brIng back Lucia , leavllg him alone to conteld with Antonio ; and they were mmot loath to obey , 'lor ' It wus Ito to their taste or wish to ear- round Anlonlo amid lciii him , Thus , \ben thi t company came wihin ICy yards of Antonio , the ranks suddenly pal ted , live diverging to the right anti four to the left , paBslng mi- tonlo In \veepitig curves s- far off that fn- could not reach them , whlo Hobert alone rode straight at hmimmitmitonto , perceiving . the Sllatagem , would fain have rillen again aCer Tonunuslno , but hobart wee hard upon 'him ' , amid ( ho wal In Ilerl of being thrust I thlough time bact as ho lell ' , So ho returned and faced the enemy , But although Robert t had sworn eo boldly blCoro his men his mind I . waa not what ho declared Jo them , arid he desired to leet AntonIo nlon , not that he I might fight a fair fight with him , but In ( I- m tier treacherously to deceive him-a thing he L was Ishamell to do before hits comrades , : Coming UII then to Antonio , he reined In his ! here , cr'lmmg : ' I 'My tnl , I bring peace f om hits hlghl B. " Antonio wondereet to hear him ; ) 'et when ; Robert , his sword Iylns untou lcd In his ' . " # ' sheath , leaped frm1hls horse anti approached him , he dlsmount l\ also , anti Robert saul to him : him"I have charglllem to Injure neither the I.ally Lucia nor 3171W cousin by EO much 8S a hair , tr the duket\IR : me say that he ill not constrain tht hidy. " ) "Is she then gia to me ? " cried Antonio his face lighting up , with a marvelous eager- tlg . "Nay , not EO fast , " nns\'cre,1 Robert with subtle cunning r'Te duke wi not give her to you now l3uthhme wi exact from you anti frOm mo alike an , lath not to molest-no , not to see her for tree months , and then she shah chose ns s\.o.1 . between ums. " I . While he poh-lthls faIr speech ho'had bcn drawing nearer 'to Antonio ; anti Antonio , not yet convlnccll of his honesty , drew back I pace. Then Habrl let go hell of hIs horse , unbuckled his sword amt lung It al the ground , anti came to Antonio with \t- { stretch hanls , "liehiohdt" said he. " 1 am In your mercy , my me , " lord , I you do not believe me , slay i\ntonlo Icoke,1 , at him with searching , wht- fat eyeSt Be hate to war a alnst the titmIce , and his heart wait aflame with the hope that Iwelt for him In Hobert's worls ; for ho 111 10t doubt' but that neither three months nor three hundrel years could chale his lady's , love "You speak fair , sir , " said he , "but what warrant bave 1" ' "Anti , save ) 'OUI honor , what warrant have I , who stand here unarmed before you ? " asked Robert , MW Par : I while Antonio ponderell. . Then he "My lore , I must crave your plrlol for my worl ! : but the mater Is so great that t your word 1 dare not trust ; but If you wi ride back wIth ' anti thin duke rlle your men all pray luke to send mo I proml under his own hand , to that I wilt trust Anti meanwhile , Tom- masino , with the Lady Lucia , shall abide In a safe place , and I wi stay here , awaIting your return , , and It you \'I , let two of YOlr men stay with inc. " "Many a man , my Icrll , " returnc1 Robert , "woull ! take your caution In bad part. But let It be so. Come , we will rile after ' my compamiy. " Anti he rose nil caught An- toalo's horse by the brIdle and brouht It to him " : Iount , my lord , " said lie , staml- lag by. Altonlo , believing either that the man was true or that his treachery , If treachery there were In him , was foiled , and seeing hhn t all seeming unarincti , save for a little dagger In hIs bel , which would hardly sufce to hell ! a man , and was more a thing of ornament - mont than oC use , set his root tn the stirrup and prepared to mount. And In so clong he turned his back o Robert de Beauregard. Thin moment for which that wlckee mal hal schemel anti bill was ome. Stilt holding Antonio's stirrup with one hand , he Irew . under hIs cloak a l'wlt as lightning from ulier dagger different from the toy In his belt- short , strong , bread and keen . And that mo- meat had been Antonio's last , hall It not chanced that on the Instant Robert drew the dagger the horse . started I pace aside , and AntonIo , taken unawares , stumbled forward and came near failing on the ground. Ills salvation lay In that stumble , for Robert , having ! put nil hIs strength Into the blow , anti then striking , not Amitonio but the empty air , In his turn staggered forward anti coull not recover hlulelf ; before Antonio turned rcund , a smlo at his own unwarIness on his . lps , Then ' ho saw aim keen , broad blade In Cite hand of Hobert Robert breathed quickly anti glare at him , but'dld not rusb on him. lie stood glarh1g , tho'knlre In his hands , his parted lips dIsplaying grinning teeth. Not a word spoke Antonio , but ho crew his ewcrd and pointed wham obert's sword lay on the grass Th trllr , recognizing Chic grace that allowed him to'take ' his sword , shamed , It may be , by such return for his treachery , In silence Iteand Idrow It , anti , withdrawIng - Ing to 1 distance from the horses , whIch quietly cropped 1he grass , the two faced one another Calm and easy wero.th . bearing anti the air of Count Antonio ! , If the pictures of him that hive drawn In the wards oC those who knew Ivo him b truthful-calm and easy ever W1S he , save when bp fought ; but then tt seemed as though therecmopon him n sort of Zur , akin to madness , or ( as time ancients would have fabled ) to JmO Inspralon : from the god of war , which transformed him utterly , im- buing him with a rage' and rushing Impetu- oslty. Hero lay his danger when matched with such a swordsman as was little Tom- malno ; but for all that few cared to meet him. some saying that , though they called lhentselvts as brave as others , yet they LOenied ' half appalled when Count Antonio set l'eemee upon , for ho fought' as though he must surely win , and as though God were with him. Thus now he darted upon Robert de Beauregard In seeming recklessness of reo celvlng thrust himself , yet ever escaping them by his sudden resources and dexterity , and ever htmsel attacking . leaving no space t tahoe breath and bewildering the other's practiced ski by the dash and brilliance oC his assault. And I may be also that the darkness , which was ' now falling fast , hindered - ' tiered Robert the more , for 'Antonlo' was famed for the keenness of hIs yes by night. DC those things ! as they may , In the very moment when Robert pricked Antonio In tuG left arm and cried out In triumph on his stroke , AntonIo leaped on mini and drove his word through his heart , and Robert , with ' the sword yet In him , fell to the ground groaning. 'e when Antonio drew forth the sword the man at his feet died. Thus , If It be Gaul's wi , may all traitors perllh. Antonio looked round the plain ; but It grow darker still , and even his sight ! did gow avail for more than some three.score yards. Yet ho saw a dark mass on his right , distant , al he judged that space or more. UnpllY It moved : surely It was a group of men galloping , and Antonio stood motionless , regarding them. But they swept on , not trnlng , whither he stood , and he , unuble to tel what they mild , whather they sought him or whither they went , watched them tilt they faded away In the darkness , and then , leaving Robert where he lay , mountEd his horse and made speed towar.1 the his , prayIng that there he shoild fnd his cousin and the Lady Lucia , escaped from the pursuit of the duke's men Yet had ho known what those dimly discerned riders bore with them he would have beams greatly moved at nil costs and a every , hazanl to ( allow them and seek to overtake them be- fore they came to the city. On he rode toward the his , quickly yet not so hastily but that he scannell the ground as he went so well as the night alowed him. The moon was risen now and t : see was casler. When ho had covered a distance of some two miles ho perceived something lying across his path. Bending to look he ounll It tn be the corpse of a horse ; ho leatlel down and bent over it , It was the horse Tommaslno hail ridden ; I suns hamstrung , and Is threat had been cut. ntonlo , seeing It II sudlen connection of calamity , cried loud , and to his wOIler his I cry was answered by a voice , which came : f um a clulp of bushes fifty yards to the , I right. lie ran lastly to the lot , thinking : nothllg of his own ( safety , nor of anything else than what iiiul befallen his frlelds ; : and Inder the shelter of the hushes two men : of the duko's guard , their horses tethered near : them , tarl emi thus ground and bo. tl een them lay full lenlh on the gr6nel 'fommaslno Ills face was white , bls eycs closel and a bloothy bandage was about his m head , One of thu two by him hall ! forced his m lips open anti was gIving him a drlnll from a bottle . 'hf , otherprang t . ,11 on 111..t ! , of Anlonlo ant mama a Ianu t iS sworu Ile . , "Pence , hence ! " Saul Antonio "Is the lall dead ? " hurt. "lie " Is not deqti , > Y lord , but he Is sore "Anl what lID , you here wih him ? Anti how did you tull ! him ? " "We came Ul with him hero and surrounded - rounded him , and , vhle BOne of \S held him In front one cut the hamstrings of his horse from behind tumid time horse tell , and wlh the horse the lady anti , the ) 'oulg lord lie was UI II an Instant , but as he rosa tIme lieutenant struck him on the had and dealt him the wound you see Then he could fight no more and the leutelant took the lady a 11 wih the rest rode buck toward ' the city. leaving us charged wIth the duty of bringing the young lord In 80 soon as ho was In a state to come with us " "The ) ' took the lady ? " ' 'I'yemi 10 , my lord , " .Icn . \cn wimy did , they not seek ' for me ? " "Tho feliow-Mantoio was his na/e smutted Hrlmly , and his comrade , loolin4 : up , answ red : " Ia'he they mud , not wish to tImid you , my lorll They hall teen eIght to one , anti could not have failed to lake you In the end , " low "Ay , In the end , " said , .lartoi3 , lauihllg "Nor , " allded he , "bad the 10utenant such grat : love for Robert de Beauregard that he would rejoice to deliver you to ceath for hie . . _ - ' - sake , seeing that you are a Manta Veluto anti ho I Sensoy- " " 'llacel ! lie Is MIII , " saIl Count Antonio "You have killed hIm ? " they cried with one voice. "lie attacked me In treachery , ali 1 have killed him , " answered Antonio. J'or asked a vhtho : there was silence. Then Antonio - "The hatly-tlld she go willingly ? " "She was frightened anti , Iazel II her fall , my lord : she knew not what alto ulid nor what they , I lI to her. AtI the leutennnt took her In front of him , anti holding her wlh nil gentleness , so rode toward the cUy. " "Ooel keep her , " said Antonio , "Amen , poor lady I" salll Mnrtolo , doffing his cap Then Antonio whistled 10 his horse , which clinic to his ! side ; wih a gesture he hade the men stand aside atul they obeyed him ; and ho gathered Tommnslno In his arms "lohl ' my stirrup , that I may mount , " sale ho ; ant still they obeyell. limit when they saw him /ountel with Tommaslno coated In front of him , Iartolo cried : "nut , my lord , wo arc chargel to take him back nnui deliver hIm to the duke , " "And I you do ? " asked Antonio , Martolo made I moment : as of one tyJng a mmoose. ' 'Anll If you to not ? " ' asked Antonio. "Then we hnl best not shol ourselves alive to tIme duke " Antonio looked down . on them "To whom bear yo 'lelance , " said he. " 1'0 his highness thin ' . .e , " they answerell , uncovering as they spolle. "And to whom besides ? " askell , Antonio "To none b2sldes , " they answered , wondering - dering "Ay , but you do , " sall he "To one that wills not that you should deliver to .Ieath a lad who has done but what his honor bade , " him "Galls ' counsel Gall knows , " said Iartolo. ' 'Wo are dead men If we return to the cl ) . . You had best slay us ) 'oursel. my lord , I we may not carry the young lord with us. " "Yol are honest Iuds , are you not ? " he nsllcll : "Dy your faces you are mcmi of the cl ) . . . . "So we are , m ) ' lord , but we serve the dullo In his guard for reward " "I ' love the meu of the city as they love me , " said Antonio ' 'Anti a few pence a day houhl not buy a man's soul as well us his bOlh. . The two men 100wII ! ut one another In per- itlexity. The fear amid deference In which they held Antonio forbade them to fall on hIm ; ) 'et they darell not let him take Tom- masino Then , us they stood doubting , he spoke low anti softly to them : "When , he that shoule give law amid imp- hold right deals wrong and malles white black atl black white I Is for grntemen amI hOlest men to be a law unto them- selves. Mount your horses , then , and follow me. And so long as I am safe you shah ! be safe , all so long as I live you shal live ; anti while I cat and lrlnk yea shall have to , drln\ antI , . eat ; , qnq , you shall be my sel'- ants Amiui when time tme of God's will- whereof..Goe forbid that I shoulel doubt-Is come I wi go back to her I love amid YOI shall go back to them that love you : anti men shall say that you bave proved yourselves . selves true men anti good " Thus , It was . , that , , t\o : men of the dulw's guard , Martolo and be whom they , called Ben ( though oC his true name there Is rio record ) , went together with Count Antonio and his cousin Tolmaslno to a secret fast- ness In the his ; ami there , In the course of many das , 'ommaslno was healed of the wound which the leutenant of the guard hall given him anti rode his horse again , and h 11 next place to Antonio himself In time band that gathercII roune them F'or there came t them every man that was wrong- fully oppressed , and some came for love oC advcnture amid because they hopell to strike geOI blows ; and some came whom Antonio "auld not receive , inasmuch lS they were greater'rogues than 'cre those whore wrath tly led from Such Is the tale cit how Count Antonio was outawed from , the dul's peace and took to th& hills. I"ulhCuly have I set I down , anti whos will may blame the count and whose , wi may praise him. For myself I tItanic , heaven that this snmd troublesome passion ; of love that likens one man to a lon and ' al'cther to a fox has not come nigh me. But the Lady Lucia , being brought back to the city by the lieutenant of the guard , WIS lOdged In her own house and the charge of - her was commended by the duke Into the hards of a discreet lady , and for a while his hhglness , for very shame , forcboro to trouble - her with suitors. . For , he said , In his biter . humor , as he looked down on the dead body . of Robert do Deaur.egarl ; : . . have _ host two geol servants ana sour strong arms IUrOIn her and mayhap I I find her another suitor alma will rob me of yet another stalwart genleman , " - So sIte abode In pace , indeed , bit In sore desohon and sorrow , longing for the day when Count Antonio should come back to scale her , And again was she closely guarded by the dule. lTo be Contnue ) S . . COIL'WI1)tNCR. Edrar Fawcelt In ew York Independent. Where these waste winter swamplanlls quaff A brackIsh creek's ebl ooze and drain , The Ineouth poles of the telegraph Loom spangled thick with frozen rain. Careless of ea'ch ' udblast ; " that tings , A bevy. of , Jrds.1n , tumult leet , Shower down upon the Ice-elall strings And clutch them with courageous feet And now , below the sly's harsh Ieams , In teeth of gusts whence dIscord floats , A monstrols ! m' otuslc seems 'ro tower , with birds' black shapes for notes. Then , rnlnnt where the steet-gray west has drowsed like some stern arctic lalc , nOIJhenlng ! It Into Ilall unrest , The obtrusive sun'l broad splendors break 1 , On tIm strange emblem full they dash 'fhe glory of their fresh-kindled hires , Till visible music seems to flash And fade along the iumined wires ! . J'Jf.l TTLJI OJ TUB I'O US " ( T1f 18. Teacher-Tommy , you may draw a map of Turkey and tel us all you can about it. Tcmmy-Please. ma'am , can I walt unti next week ? Teacher-Why 7 Tommy-It mlkes me sick to think about turkey slnco Christmas. Little Dick-You can say what you please 'bout boys , but mens Is pole , anyhow. MEns always gives up their scats to laeles , Little Dot-That's 'cause sittimi' down makes theIr trousers bag at the knees Mickey Magulre- pop went out sleigh rhUn' yistttiday. Tommy Tucker-Dat's not'ln' ; lily pop 1(1 home with his skates on. Bobby-You ought to see my big sister Everybody says sho's u beauty Johnny- I bet she can't hold a candle to my sister fer looks Why my sister sold t\venty-two tickets for a charity concert Little Ethel-Why Is It womens Is always ecmplalnln' about time hlrell gIrl ? Little Dot-Oh , that's Just so folks will know they can afford to IlecII ! one. "Tommy , " said Mrs. Plgg sternly , "I hung a motto In your room to time efect that little boys sumould be seemi anti miot. Imoard. " "Yessir , " "I finti that it line tic- appeared. " ' 'YessirVhiat dith you tIe with it ? " ' 'I-I tonIc it dowu to time deaf an' ( tummib orpliiumi asylum. " \\'illetts-Whiy , Jolmmmny , what do you SomeThings : I Are Good , ' I : : ; Others hotter ; [ nit therc can be but I one best. Now there are ninny prep- : iratiofls of Cod Liver Oil. Some ! are good , others better ; but there is btit enc bt'sI , ' it is best for the lot- - . 1I lowing re.isons : LB- ! 1XCC1ICflCC of prcparaton. Pitiiess for immediate absorp. tioli. ' ' ' , Freedom from disagreeable taste aiicl odor , ; It contains Ozone nnd Gtlaiicol , a the grcitcst : life-giving , germ. . destroying agents in ilature. I , These reasons make r OZOIVIEJLSION ( TRADIi-MARK , ) the very Iest preparation of Cod Liver Oil ever produced , It cuies COflSUiliptiOil 81111 \\'lstiflg diseases , It dOeS this , because it strikes at the very seat of the disease-the germs which prodtuce it. It contains - tains Ozone and Gtlhiacol. ; I'hesc arc Certain death to germ life. Its basis is the Pt.ltest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , i'luis st.lpplieS the nutrition necessary to build up the systeili. It is thus a food as veIl aS : i medicine. It is the kind Physicians Prescribe For Colds , Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , atid all Pulmonary Complaints ; Scrofula , Ocneral Debility , Loss of Flesh , Ai1ftlIiia , and \\'astiug Diseases , Handsome Illustrated Pamphlet Froo. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 1831'carl St. , New York. _ _ = c = u cc7 15th and Douglas Sts , , OMAHA , EXACT SIZE 5. TILE MERCN11LE IS THR FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGKR , " - For sale by mill First Class Dealerd. Mantmftuettircd by tIme F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIGAR Co. , F'actot'y No. 30 ! , St. LoulsMo , _ _ i - C .A.SIOLE Is behmmg used by titouisaiitlmi of Inihica mmiomithly. , It Iii thio muiarrfe'.i imiy's : , friend ti lrregtihmr : ( maim any cause , It Imi safe ntl reliable. imever falls , gimmrmnmeo : us lti every botthe , sure to a thay. Tti1 mncdiefmiu Imi Itr : utmiperiur to p11 ms as every bouthe Is .emlcxm : : mmitt hover lomic'mi its m'tremigthm. SoitI by nih leadiiig drmigglstu. I'm'tae , $2.00 tier botthe. if yourtlrumgglst does hot h.ttyc It scmirt'.OO amid we vhlh forward iou a bottme by express , CAMOLE JUNIPER CO , Western Otlice. OmahaNibz'ashn , mean by crying when your grandpa conies to see you ? Aren't. you glad to see him ? Johnny-I'm glad enough to see him , but his vhitslcermm remninds me so much of time goat I didn't get. Teachier-Tommny Flgg , you may define the word "heroine. " Tommy-A heroine is a \voman that's always cryin' an' marrIes the biggest. fool in time play just because lfd's got a little deed mustache. "Tommy , you shotiltln't say 'I don't want no more pie ! ' " said Tonimny's mother , as she beamned on him for obeytmig previous orders to refuse pie so there'd be enough to go around for thia company. "There ! " shouted Tommy , joyously , as lie passed up hits plate , "I knew you wouldn't let mae tell a lie before thin minister ! " "Thank you , my dear , " said time pretty youmig woman to Chic brighmt-eyed boy who had risen In the crowtied car to gIve tier his seat. lie stood a few moments with hits feet. very wide ahtart anti thiemi he said : "If I was a man amid a little girl had getUp Up to gi''o ifltt U seat I'd take her emi my lap ! ' One of Fairmont's bright little girls was sitting at the table with Chic rest of time famnuly , u'hiemi she raised her tiny finger as a warning signal anti whispered : "S-h-hi , may foot's gone to sleep. Listen and see if it . " sn-ores. _ _ _ _ _ _ Eleetrmcmty imi Tliumicierstorrn. What produces the electricity in a timummder storm ? The New York Tlmnes ettys this question , of perennial interest both to thin scientific moan amid ( lie' ordinary inqimlrar , can scarcely be said to be completely and satisfactorily solved. It Imas , hmos'over , gem- eraily been supposeui that tue big drops In a thitmnder shower were the resiiit. of electrifl- cation , for worlcimig aim electrical machine iii a fog causes tIme minute drops to atlitere to- getimer and form larger ommes , But now come devehopemientum hint remider it probable that tue big drops are not results but causes at least of part of thmo electricity iiianifested. \'hmen a drop spiasimes on a metal plate Chic latter beconies eiectrtfled , anti it is now be- lteved tlmat every sumeim drop carries a tioumblo layer of electricity , positive amid negative , On tlme drop these mmetitralize each othmer , but time splash titseipates OliO amid so renders thmo other evidemit , 'i'hte saute tlmimtgoultl hap- pemi it two drops epimuslietl against each other in tIme air , as mmiust. often be the ease , amitl hence tieriimmps hy time aggregation of mmsiiiions of such splashes comes thin lightning bolt that rends the oak or shatters the spire , - TIme widow of Richard \Vagner is causing much comnmnent by hmer growing eceezmtrlctles , She recently composed flv poemmis it : honor of liar son , Siegfried's , five ulogs , Oti hlieg- tried's birthday sIte gave a reception , anti after time guiebts had aseemiihietl ! hmo called thin dogs Into time drawing roomti amid hiatl time poems rend anti sung to them , Mme , Wag- ncr bmas hail a rather varied hmlstory. her mother is the Comutesse d'Agouilt , and her ( aChier was Liszt , tIme great commiposer , 11cr first husband was Von Dulow , frommi whormm she was divorced , prior to Item marrigo with thin late composer , , - TH--- - - - FRAN C ISCAN T flDflDQ Ptwy ' Ijilul ; D Vegetable. Prepared from tile orIginal fo mula gr i'ervcdjmi Cite Archmivecof the oiy ( autihiav cigna authentic history dating baaLGOOyear A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially CHRONIC OONSTIPATION Price O Sold by all druggists. 'he Fraicistan Remedy Co. , t31UR sy. , CHICAUD , ILL. ' s , for Circular ia'i titatrnmed C.heaejar , For sale by liun & Co. , 15th & Dough A JIEIIOM'S rorie-enj. BpondiI curat'ropgont for NorveusorCttht Jmelrii , . , Brain ymwtmon , Iimhepieaeas , .iiiectd er eernm eurigIs , ; also br 'thee. B nst.m , ( lout , IUdnti' if'.order ' , Act ! D7' mem.t'i Anitaita. Anttdot for AIoiScJts mm obher escese. , i'rlce , 10 , 2ttntICiQceutin , Lftervocnt. C THE ttRNOLD CHEMICAL CO , lE1 S. Western Avcntie , 'ihiCAO. For mb tiy all druggist. , Odahe 'EW FARES ALmA AIIOIJP ChANGING - ii 5 , tlio Fettttmrcs ttmmd htc'miiuv- hit : hhiemtsliesmmi 150 p. LOOk for a stamp , , JoIiii U. Vo'itIItiry , 127W.4'2dttN. . Inveutor of Woudbury's Facial huiw. Dr , Carver , time millegeti "Demon of the Plains , " tleclineti Fmammk I'armmielee's cimaliengo for a iOO.itvc htrtl race for $100 a attic to take Piaco here February 8 , on tIme grounds that Ozimaima's reputation is bttd. If what. l'armneiee says of time doctor is trite , that lie tloesmm't lute to comno here liecatms of certain htusiness transactions iii the past , a siguit : cmi Ommiahma comnes with very poor grace ( rain 1dm , About au of Ommuhma's trap slmootimmg litter" - emits are comitrolloti by tim two Itromnimiemit gun clubs , tIme Bemis Pane amid Omuahma , ammtl all of tile trait mtimoottmmg is done emi their grounds across limo river , amid as these orgamiizmittommmi are COililioSetI yr tInt ' very best chase of mcmi ' In time city , it Is not likely time uiemmion uvould receive nmmytltirtg hut tue squarest aciti rios courteous treatimiemit here , Cook's Imperial , Worlti's taft "Imigimest award , excellent cliammipagne ; good citerves- cerice , agreeable bouquet , delicious flavor , " 5RIDGI TEITH. , i ' ' , 1'd ; , , . , ' . . ' . Teeth w Itliotit plutm. ' . . Itt littlt. ' . miore tiutmi cost of plntt.ii I lie only tilIng t1la , ' : - , ; h . hS'ill ftmlly tiske tlue place of multthm'aIl ttut1m , ' ( ) ptilmt lii apply It , " 'I'cctli cxtrttctc'tI w'Itliotit l'itIii 'ltltittt * LOWER FI1ONT Tm'rIi MISSING Set 'J'cetli , , , , , , , . , . . . . . . , , , , . . , $ 5 00 SlIver Filliii. . . . . . $1 O . , % i'j ; " Lro Itest 'I'Cetlh , . . . , . . , , , , . . , , , . . , ' , 7 5 ( ) l'iim'c Gold Fillings . . . . . . $2 00 itmud ti p . /1. ; ' . , 'r ! . ' .t ' , 't ? IuiItChlt 'I'liimt Plates . , , . . , , . , , . , , 10 (10 Gold Crov1h.s ' 22k , . . , . , . , , . , , , . , $0 0(1 Ie ' , ' ' f , l'almiless EXth'tlctlOIh , . _ . , , , , , , , 50c Bridge 'l'tictll 6 00 : , u" " . ' , Teeth taken out. New teeth within four hours , prompt and SMIlE OASE hiltllGEI ) ) , courteous treatment of all by competent experienced dentlst , DR. ROWLAND BAILEY 3rd Floor Paxton Block , 16th and Farnam Streets. ' 1'1l.il5flONl 1085 , GERMAN SPOKEN , LADY 4t'l'i'ENIAN'r. - - ' - ' - -