- - - - - - - - - - , . . - - - ; - . - - . . - - . . . . . - - " . - - N ' ' . ' . , , , , , - ' , . , , I - ' . . --S- , . . . 1- -r- - - - TIIE OA1LlJAILY DEE SUNDAY JANUARY 27 1896. I : , , IO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L- 1 ' . . ! JOhN ROCREFELLER'S ' PRIDE - ketch of the UnIversity of Ohicago and Its Inmates QtJMUT UTS OF COLLEGE LIFE - Omah" ) r.cllr" cnlntly. " . In the Indltutlon -Ur. Hnrler' * . COllll.lImrnlll-.Ixtcnt : or the ltnrorm"avo In Ctilci'gt' ! . CIIICAGO , Jan. 25.-Speclal ( ! Correpond . ncc. ) In Chicago this la I the era of Investi- cation. You muat be D. peraon of very little Smportanco If you are nol either being Inves' 1alel ! yourself or acting on a committee that 'Is InvcsllgaUng somebody or somelhlng. aomo very Interesting facts are being de. lYelOpLll , such as an official who has twelve re' btlotJs In the Inlbllo employ , another who draws ralary of $1,000 and hlr a man to .10 his work for $1,000 , or a commissioner who ! draws $3,000 a ycar In that capacity find al the llamo time Is employed In a city llghl school at $80 a month. The role like to be amused , anll perhaps nothl..g more amusing , to the spectators , has ) Jeen ) attempted here for some time than the l3ehooh for pollccmen. To ace forty or filly of "lhe flncsl" trylllg to accommodate their manly forms 10 desks and Ltllts IntcndcII for children of 10 Is In Itself a spectacle that deserves to bo classed as nnl'lu ! ' ; hill to see that same forty or filly trying ' 10 manage their vocabularies nllli pens tails just a. little short or the palhelIc One Jlhowcd his knowledge of lho ethics of his professIon In this wise. When asked , " 110'1'0' lhouU an officer treat a citizen ? " he an- fJwere I promptly " 'Tis the citizen thai 8houlll lrato the officer. " Another "bullded botlo : than he know , " when , In response , to the que3t1on , "Whal Is a mlhllemcanor ? " he jl"eplleI , , Any ordinance passed by the city ouncll " , j 'VlIImE ItEFOIt'll : IS NEEDED ! It the IJooplo ot Chicago ! are renlly In earnest - nest III their efforts al reform , and aim In a ! 1hllanthroplc spirit at the realest ! ; good to the greatest number , I would respectfully atiggest thai they establish a scliool for street car conductors , from which diplomas may he isslle : Cor common decency nllll ordinary In- telligence. When a stranger Is told by con- ductors w.lhln hair a mile of that remarkable group of buildings that they have never seen or ht'ucl of the University of Chicago Il Is opt 10 strike that stranger : ; as being rather ! pecllllar 10 MY the least ; ; but when these .worlhls intimate ralher pointedly that the Idiocy and Ignorance belong tntIrely 10 the stranger , ho Is apt to strike them , thai Is , If It happens to bo a mascllllne stranger , but It It happens to be a feminine stranger. sJj ! ! smile : allll Is a villaIn for the lime being , allli then goes apd writes them UI ) . TilE ChICAGO IVImSITY. Thai pari of tlm city surrounding the IInl- : verslty grounds : ; Is decidedly uninviting , particularly - ticularly upon a dreary winter day ; but you Boon forget all this when you are oneo In- aide the great quadrangl' especially If you are greeted by a qua riel of familiar young voIces , each announcing that Il Is its own- er's Intention to show you the finest thing In ' . % the unIversity. The finest thing lu the unl- , \ verslly Is tboul as numerous as the prettiest ' F ; baby In town. You grow rather suspicious t' us you are beIng told , "Our new telescope Is the largest In the world " "This university Jlas the largest library of any university In the world " Thls university has the greatest - I cst number of women graduate . lludenls I . of _ any university In the world I , " , and much more to the same effecl. Dill ; you"find on InvestIgation thai It Is all lruo. ' After you have been taken to hear Prof. Van Hoist vIvify history Dr. ] .fcClinlock make a hackneyed Shakespearean play sclnllllate with new moaning. and Asso- data Professor .Tolman read Wordsworlh ; wlth the volco' of 'a Booth and the manner of a dem-god : you are quite willing 10 add , you must certalny have the 'finest teaching torce In the world ' In this university The Walker museum Is In a rather chaotic state al the present , but It contains so much thai - 'ollJnre I1nxlous to see thai It gives you the s nlD' helpless , hopeless feeling that you experienced at the never-to-be-forgotten fair , ; Wllh the wonders at the world before you and only one miserable pair of eyes to look with. The mosl indolent student can hardly avoid ahorblng an education , and the possi- bilities for a. diligent one are scarcely 10 bo 'I calculale ! WOItH : AND PLAY. Dut all work and no play Is not the motto llero any more than all play and no work The pl:1y : however 110 matter what Its char- actor , Is nol under the supervisIon of , but wIth the co-operation oC , the , aulhorltles. President Harper at a reception gIven by the young ladles of one of the "lIouses" Is a renlallon. In appearance and manner he reminds you very much of Chancellor Can- field lit commenting upon the fact that there are only four students from Omaha In tile Untverslty of ChIcago , ho- remarked , "Thai Is not to be wondered at when they have one of the finest universities In the country rght : there In their own stale. He praised : In no stinted measure the chancellor uf th ! ' University of Nebraska and when told that tIle Omaha boys al Lincoln said that their thief was like Arnold of Rugby , he cxclalmcd , "There , now some one Is always anylng of that man Canfield what I want them to SO ) ' oC me. " CELEOIUTIES AT A RECEPTION At this same receptIon , chatting gayly With , the studenls present , were such celebrl- , ties as IIIrs. Alice lrrelnan ! Parker , J. Lau- Irenee I.aulhlln ; , Prof. John Dewey Martha Foote Crow and many otlwrs. 1IIIIN\lL vnll ' were J dreadful l uncertainty - ' lest the - ' moo- ; cent looking gentlemen meekly holding your tea cup might be a Ph. I ) . proCessor at clas- tilcal1rcheology and Greek epigraphy a } 'h , D. professor of comparatIve oslerology , end Imleontology , or something else equally ,4 appalling "Spreads , " which usually occur on' Friday evening , are another innocent form at Jollity permitted In moderation by the "Heads of , HouEes. " For genulno unalloyed hilarity commend me : I to a sllreall. Haw oysters served In COffee cups , olives In bon-bon boxes , sandwiches on blolllnF ; Pads and salads In sugar bowls llcem to gain a now and altogether delightful navor. OMAHA REPRESENTATIVES. Omaha has every reason to bo proud of tar relresentativcs Allan hopkIns and ) lenry Clarke are still what are termell new men , but Scotl Brown Is In his second year oC residence \ and a lllolnlor \ of the aloe club and the base ball nine with which ho hopes to vIsit Omaha next sumnwr I At the recent convocation held In the Chl- ' cage ; AIIlUtorlum , where there were so many learned people gathered thlll you rather wonl\1relt ! \ they let you n , II dozen young Women In Cal ) aud "own ( \ lieu 011 to receIve theIr certificates from the \ealtemlc , college of the University at Chlcag and no brIghter I or more charming face looked from under 'I ' the Illoriar-boarli than that of Lila Cole I Hurlbnt , Omaha IlIlh school , ' 91. Other rl'llresentatives ) of the Omaha 1II1h school In ( C'hlcah"O schools are Fred Teal , ' 94 , who Is studying medicine In the Northwestern university , and John Oury , Who was the , I1f111ul winner oC a medal In a rClent oralorl- . cal contest In the Northwest DivIsion high I'Chool ' , TilE MASCOT. hut \\"e must not leave the University of Chicago unlll wo describe our interview with another celebrity , fondly known us "lIl1n1\l8. 1 \ " Wo visited a coffee room near the foot ball grounds much affected by the athletes and files club here I found a number of these young gentlemen regaling themselves with strong Coffee aqt\ \ doughnuts \ ! and mince vIe , at which fact we hope Mr A. Alonzo I Stage w111 take due notice The ostenllblo object of my visit was a glass of warm milk and n Ioallllwleh , but the real one was 10 meet "lIuml"l , " Anon be came , kicking the door vlth great vigor and announcing that he desire ' a cup of coffee and a banana , Thll rather I Peculiar combination was served and . a then Ills attention was called to lilY humble , . ' self . but he only kept on eating and eyed 1110 hsUonce. . Al last I ventured 10 lake the InItiatIve and say "Vou play on the fool bali bail team , I believe Are you the center rush 7" Whereupon he stopped eating long enough to reilly , "No I's the mucol " In truth , lIumps Is about 6 years old . but dressed In the padded trousers and 1I1llroon sweater , with the white flU. 0. " on , the brenst. lie attends all the pmel and . : : . . . . ' THE GIRL I'D LIKE TO MEtT. . . . limn " Words by A. DRIGGS. , . ' 1 Wusic by F. LITTLEJOI-INES. . Allegretto moderato. . . - 1 : _ - - - -FH t-J : Ei-I I I I - I , . ' - ; ; I l " \I \ 1.1 F'iknds I now to you will . . : 1iut , . wilen this girl you've chanced to r- I FL. : _ " = t- -iL 1 - S JJ F : * r.- -P- - , , - . IC ; ! : : : FI : : : : " ± _ ! i -r. ; - - . . . . . . . . . .II. " " , , " . _ . ' : tS : : _ Jl.A _ : : : : : r--- ; , .JI..A. _ . . ' : : : : : : 4L-L fIl- -l- -1II-1II-t--l--1 f " V1i' : . fI-f- ( . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -j.-fr.-III--- - . - -11I-11I-11I-1'- I -III- . s- I -III- - , - _ " _ (11. _ . - -t- -t = il- ---t-- - + - - - -t-t-t-- ' ' . --r" I - - - . . l-L ' Q'- ' -III-t-- , -1--- ' EL.J . E-.L : - + --1-1- II-t- . -III - - - - + . . - . . . - - - - - . . . . . ' : : : . . _ - - _ _ ' -r [ F'C4 - _ = _ = EI tell , A-bout a girl I love so well , That of my fan . ey she's the belle , Shc's - the girl I'd like to meet , You'll never more this song rc - peat , You'll find the peach has lost its sweet , This . . . . . . girl ) 'ou'tllike to . . . . - - _ : T- 1-- ti : = -:1- - . . - - . - - : . . : E. 1 _ . - : . _ - - - - _ - , , I -I-III-J- b Et . _ _ - - I-- . - - ---1-1 _ - . ! . - , - ; - . . ; . ; . 3 --4- l = - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - --i - - - - " - - , , - ' - - - - -fl I . - / " ' : t--- III -rj-T----i- -h-j--t--r- -t---- : = : : : LJ : - , , - - - - . - - - - r " - - - , --1I- ' + ' II I tJI --.I - - tFfl . , - - in -LJ t J - - . - ' - - - - : : : - - 11 1''f - 'f- . ! . . - . - ' -iD-- _ -1-- _ _ --1--- ' -I-I- $ * -1-1--1- . - - . . - . - - - - ! .t jl - lf- -i 11I'- -11I-- -11I-1)-11I-11I- - I - / " ' - - 11 = . j - + - . : -I - . . . . . = I 11I1)11I11IW t- - 1't , t- = - -I-- . -f-o - - + Ir --1--1-- - - - -Ii - : ; - , thT - _ - - - - - - > - - _ ' - I - . -h-- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - + - - : = = 1 : . ! f- ' = 1'- I _ itF ; . _ f ! = I r . - . J -I- J ---P- " . = = ; _ F"i _ - ' -I . - - - - - - -III- - - - - - d IC. : \ ; l ; I I : : c = = meet. Her hair is smoothc and soft and brown , Her face is ne'er marred by a frown , She's the sweet-heart of . meet. From board-iug-school she just has come , She's live - lyswcet and full of fun , But her mouth is full ; b-L _ ' . . . . . ' = : : : j . , = J-h : : E.-- - * - -t-- - - - - - ' -I - - - - ' tl- " - _ -j - / ' " -1--- I -fIl' " . , , - . --t1I- . . _ - -I- _ - - - - - : r 1'f- " , -.i- _ . . = ' ! --E.- , , , , lIi- ) - - - - - - t7- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ; - - : t = r- - - - 1- : , --I- 1-----i---4------ : \ = I : : : L o" - - - - - - - ----r-- - . - > . I ( ' . . . - . . . . . . " ' - ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . -IL -IJ-- ' I t - - - . : ; - - ' -i -11I- - 4J4 ! : TE , _ _ - l. . - - . , - - . - . - -i - - $ = 'I ' . . ---I- t- - I ' : : ; ; _ - - - ' " - - - - - - " - - - ; - - - ' . -arrl-L- - - - -r-t"t- : : = FEF - - @ . ' . : ; t = : : . ; ; . . . " . . . . . . - , . , . . . ' j - - " - - ' - : - - - f piu'm so. C ORUS . _ . . , . IJ' --III-r _ _ < - _ fl -I- . @ --T--- U J77'E , If' -jft $ TII 1 - \It \ I t.J io > l- t--t : : -I. -t-- - -J ' - --1-- " --i---J - , , , . . . - ! - _ -.J-- -p nIl boys in townShe's , the girl I'd like to meet. 1 , . : i- . , ' . - - of chewing gum , This girl you'd like to meet : } When down the street she 11 gaily walkYoa . 11 see the chapPlcs stare and ta1kAnd . . . . - ' - . . . - ' , - , J " 'I . : - t = b = rr . . - . . -l . , - . -I' . . . --1\ I- - " . . $ IJ'- ---11I- _ tit - 19- " . I . - . - - - - - . - - . - - . . - - , - l/ - 4 : - - , , - - - : : : : : : J"1 , , . - . - - - - - , ; iIi - , - I I Ii " _ . ' . . .J. . , , I - - - - - f . . . . . . piu mosso. . . . . . . . . . - + - - + - . . - + - + - - + - . . H - -fLl-fl fI- - -ll.-fIl-fI.-L -11I-11II-11I- - / ' " - , -r" " _ . . _ . : . , . . -.I---J- ! -III . _ - - 11II'I' . . - _ " , ; - -t-- + - - ! - - . . :1 -j. . . . - - -1-- JT = ' ' - " ! -1-11I- -f-1-t- - , . , , - ! - ' ! f-1II -III - - - -III-it-IP- -1 - - -II - ; t- --t'l- - _ - - ' Q 1-1 I..J . -r--r 'W T-r - . -I.i. . . . . , . . . f - " > ' IJ'f I-S-I : q - - - I - 'I-1-I ---11 IJ'- - - " - ' - - ( - - : . . ra - = = - _ - . . this the chorus they repeat , Now she's the girl I'd like tg meet. - - - i - - + - , , II - , ; - : : ! . - - . 1- = = : -1 - . _ it _ " ' i -01----1 ? . . " - - 1 : ' . iii-- I" . . I ' . -I , . . " . - " - - - " - - - ; + 't.-f- V n - 11- II - -ill-il- -----.r - - - - . - -e = ! : : g"- -ii- ; -i : - . H9- - - j " -I I ' - r - - > - > : : : : : f : = t ; : . - " : tT : ' ' 1h' ' : = . fI-e : . " ' = = - = ! = ! t td-J-J = Lhtt hIfi' fJ 1 . . . fJ - " ' - - - - = - LjEWr : - . . L- ' ' ' " * - - ; ------1- - -t---t-t--t- -i--t- -1 ! f- -i-l- Lfri : - IIJ III fJ-----I ) III - -t- - -I--i- > , - - -11I- --r--- I I . r - . - - - - -11I--- - - - Copyright , 1894 , by Tm NE\V YOIUt MUSICAL REoonn I1A pipes the " 00 It Chlcn" with ! much enthllsl- asm and a very shrill treble. "Ho goes Just wild 01 a game and Is such on Inspiration that the campus teels quite empty without him , " explaIned one of the eleven. Standing on a table he gave 11 sample of his prowess In their foot ball yell , endIng with , "And every time we buck the line we gal ! gel go ! " ne also Informed mo that ho had just had his picture taken In full uniform for ' a man who was Just going to put It In a book lie Is the spoiled darling of tile campus and the Idol ot his grandmother , who keeps tile Coffee houre , Humps' other name Is I1umpbrey Inghram. Inghram.TIlE GENEROUS FOUNDEIt. The university was founded by John D Rockefeller and he Is contInually bestowing new gifts upon It. Three million dollars Is a great deal , but ! If Mr. Rockefeller vents to get tile worth of his 1II0ney lei him disguise himself and visit his Kingdom a 10. lIaroun AI Hachld lie will see and hear there ! enough to make him a very happy man , despIte the weary load of care millionaires are proverbially supposed 10 carry about with theln lie would would have heard , on a certain day ( last week , a crowd of young men repudiate with corn the Innocent suggestion that perhaps IIIr H. hall a great deal of property In that neighborhood thai the University of Chicago : ! lIIalle more valuable and best of all he would hear on almost any day 100 or so vigorous young undergraduates : sing with much enthusiasm - thusiasm , but nol very great technique , tile song whose chorus Is ; John 1 > . Rockefeller A wOllllerful man Is he , lie pays I > r. Harper 'fo ' make U8 grow ! smarter , ThIn boys oC tile U. of C. If that would not make hIs "wcar load of care" take a short vacation , nOlhlng can , Speaking more serIously , he would see that ho was almost a special 11rovldence III the lives of many honcat , earnest , struggling young men and women , and If money can buy any Illeaauro greater than that II must be very nice to bo rIch.STACIA STACIA CROWLEY . - JJIl'JIUIWj. - People who think that a minister has an easy time to earn his salary forgot the amount of crIticism lhat he lIes to endure from the members of hl8 congregation. A member of the GeorgIa legislature , representing - resenting a north Georgia coustitueney In conversation with a northen man was asked by the latter what was the attItude of bla dllirlet. Jectlng some tobacco on which he was rumInating , the representative - tive innocently and pregnantly rflllled : "llapttatl strongly Unptlst , alrl" A tourist was being driven over a part of Iho country In Irdand where his Infernal maJcll17 appeared to have given hIs name to aU the objects of Interest In the locallly , e9r \ there ' Will tao DevU' Lhridge the De\'U's 4 Cauldron , the Devll's Glen , elc. Said the I traveler : 'fho devil seems to bo the greatest - cst landowner In these parts ! " "Ah ! sure , your honor , " replied the Jarvey , "that Is so , but he lives In England. 1 thInk ho's what they call an absentee landlord In Ireland " Church Treasurer-Why do you limit ) 'our contrIbution to a nIckel ; don't you kno\\I"'lhat " the Lord loves a cheerful giver ! Brother Amen-Oh , yeah ! "nd thai Is why I give only , 11 nickel , A Protestant magistrate once had a little walt of an Irish boy brought before him for some trilling misdemeanor. Wishing 10 ascertaIn - certaIn how much the child comprehended ot his duly to God pod his neIghbor he asked hIm It ho could say his prayers The boy promptly repeated the Lord'a prayer and further volunteered that he could say the "nail Mary , " The magistrate testily replied that he did not want 10 hear that , but requested - quested him to repeal the creed. The child , much frightened , began to do so , but when he clime to the clause , "Oorn of the Virgin Mary , " ho stopped short and anxiously said , Please , ver ; worshIp , sho's turned up again and what am I 10 do ? " . JI ) UU.1 riuir. Ohio built more scho:1 houses last year than In 1893. Free text books used In common In the public schools Is-mado a cause of tile alleged ! growing provalenee of dlphlherla In the Bas- ten schools. Joseph Danlgan , tile Providence rubber manufacl\lrer , , has given $50,000 to found a chair of political cconcmy In the new School of the Social Sciences or Ihe Catholic Unl- verslly of America In shlngton. Tile total ruin approprIated for the scheols of New York City In 1895 Is $4,962,423 It Is more titan $300,000 In excess of the appropriatIon - IItion made a year ago , and $500,000 more than the appropriation made In 1893. The students at the South Dakota State university have recognized the "new woman" by placlllg a woman on the team of the three studenls to represent the university In an oratorical contest with students of the North Dakota university. Miss Mackenzie director o't pUblio kinder- gartens of l'.tiiladelpiiia has been Invited by Miss Ellzabelh Harrison , the well known author - thor of "A Study oC ChUd Nature" and prelSl- dent of lhe Chicago Kindergarten college to accept a position 11Chlcag'J al her own prIce , Dr. Wlnfieltl Scott Hall , late professor of physiology at Jlaverford college ! Pa , has ao- cepted the Davis 11rofessorshll of time same department In the Ncrthwestern Medical unl. verslty oC Chicago Dr. Hall Is now III Zu- dcii SwItzerland engaged In the , study of bacteriology Miss Morrison , the San Francisco girl who recently tok highest honors In time medical department of the University of CalifornIa , Is I the first woman to win highest place there her success Was the more remarkable sine f , . . . . , her class was lho largest ever graduated tram the university In Cleveland there Is a great hullabaloo over the molter of allowing scholars to dance In the pUblic school buildings The Melh- odlst ministers of the city have protested against the practice on the groulld that tIle children of many parents who object 10 dancIng - log are brought Into tile way ot it by this custom - The Vassar girls recently decided on a. unl- tcrm to be worn In the college , to consist of a black serge dress with cap , the cost cit which would bo $3.fiO. Rich students and poor allklJ agreed that distinctions at college dress should cease but the , president of the Instltutlen , for reasons far trom clear , has vetoed the uni'torm ' The new building at the South Dakota unl- verell'Y , built by the citizens of Vermillion and Cloy county and presented to time state , Is descrIbed as In every way credllable. Its cost Is nearly $50,000 , and.as ittatands on the campus It almost obliterates painful reminders - ers that a disastrous fire Is among time Incl- dents at the unlverslty'a hlslory. The Galena , Ill , Boaril' of l dueatlon 1mB adopted regulatIons as to Lime use of lhe nag on ached houses , Instead oftTeh'lllatlllg the national standard at. regutur perIods , as has been the rule II will here-nftcr appear al tlllJ masthcall en about fifty anniversarIeS of nota- bin events In the history I of the city , state and nallon. By this arran"ement. the study of history will be stimulated and a patrIotic Impulse given 10 youth which ' cannot fall to result In good .t I - CU.Y"UllI.1 I.I'J.I'H. ; - I A bill bas been Introduced In the Indiana legislature requiring IIpplioatlons for mar- rlago 10 1Jo signed by lit leul one resident freeholder ot the county In which the bride or groom reside. The object of the measure . Is to Put a check on the Oretna Green scan- dais for which Jorrcrsonvllle Is notorious Clara-He has Proposed three or four times , and I don't know whether to accept him or not Maude-I would. Suppose he should stop1 The marrIage laws at Wisconsin permit couples to enter the slate and bo married by the first minister or justice of the peace they happen to run across without - out going through any formalities whut- ever Trlvvel- Ihs Flop claims to have made 1.000 refusals of offers of marriage. Dlcer- That's elllily eXltlalned. When young Callow asked her to marry him Ihe repllt'J : "No . a thousaijd times , 110. " A Pennsylvania judge has recently decided that a marrIage license record ) Is a pUblic locument ! and open 10 inspection by the peOlllej ; that , In ( act . publicity Is the very object of the law requiring a record at mar- riage licenses. Kltly-You know that when two people are deeply In love they are eager to ( Ilcrforru sOllla act ot self-sacrifico In order to prove their devotion for each olher. Tom-Yes ; that Is supposed 10 have been the orIgIn of marrlag ! Chauncoy Depew was reported recently as about to marry a Miss CollIns , but Chauncey declares ho has no more lhought of getting married than be has oC going 10 heaven on hIs private car De Dach-Of course there are some com- forts which men wIth wives have that bachelors - chars do nol , but , after all , a. . man has to give up a great deal when he gets mnarried doesn't he ? Longwed-Y-yes ; every cent , lho most of us "You'll lei me come to your weddIng , dear of course ? " "Well , I ean'l promise. My people are so enraged al my cItolc . that I hardly know whelher I shall bo allowed , to go myselC " Tile older a man Is when he gels married the sooner he commences taking ! his lunch : al noon downtown. ' She-You musl remember thai ours was a summer emmgagenment ! He-Thai means If you see any otto you me better you'll break It , "Yes. " "Amid If I see anyone I like betler- " "I'll sue you for breach of prom- iso , " ' . rut ; ll.\'l "RWI.IJ. " JlUCTJ . Blia . Wheeler Wlloox. As wo Journey nlonG' , with a laugh allli a bong We lice , on 'outh'a 1I0wer.declcd slope , Like a helicon of lIght , IIhllllnl fair on the slhl ! , The bmullCul station of 1I01le. But the wheels oC old Tlmo roll along as \\0 clImb , And our youth lIeeds away on the years ; And ! with hearts that are numb whIt life's sorrows we como To the mist-covered statIon of 'fears , Still onward we pass , where the milestones , alas ! Are the tombs of our dead , 10 the west Where glitters und Jleums In the dying sunbeams , 'l'ho SWl' > Ct. silent station oC Hest. All rest Ilf but change und no grave can estrange The soul Crom its Parent above ; And IIcornlnG' the rod , It sours back to Its 0011. To the limitless City of Love . The 1I0itoll HIIUIII' . The stamp put by the Boston poaloffiee ( on all letters mailed there formerly consisted of half a dozen straight black lines two Inches long. 'rbese were rather meJnll1lless , and II occurred 10 soon genius that anything em- iUl3t1nlC from lIollen ought to represent an idea so he matl the lines wavy , Ilul seine stars In a white space In the IIorthweal cor- ner-and. bliold . an American flag , The pestoiblce ( adopted the new design , and now Boston Is more proudly Patriotic than ever , 1AIILY l ? OF LITTLE PUlL - Quiet and Happy Homo Lifoin the National Capital . - . DOMESTIC TASTES OF TIlE CAVALRY LEADER - lItrs SllI'rlllAn Corrret IIconcl'ptlunl \ of Her IIII\hl\nll' IIIrAelrr'o"otrl : ! to 110 CIII1\\IIIr t hy Colonel 8hl'rlttnn. 1'0 those who are accustomed 10 think of Shcrltlan liS the smoko.grlntCil warrior on 1\ foaming chllrger , leaping fallen cannon In pursuit oC a flying enemy , the pretty home where lila widow lives seems In strange ! ; contrast the anlmatell 111cturo colorIng the popular fancy , anti A sight oC her fresh , young face out of keeping with \ what wo would I1nl1glno to bo the wire of ana who won his fanto more than A quarter or a century ago on the Virginian battlefield The SherltlRn home Is a neat rOIl brick on Hhode Island avenue , says lho Cincinnati nqulrer. The Interior Is a gem of dainty decoration In exqlllslte taste and Is Cull of souvenirs of LIttle Pltil In the square hall Is a marble bust of lhe gemieral I1lul In one corner stalllls 11 rack , upon which Is 11 sllver.slUlldClI saddle , Presmiteil by the Mexicans 10 the soldier The two parlors are brlghl wIth ornaments and pictures , roost of them such as Present the warrior on horseback , and on a table sllullls n hal1ll. seine hronze figure wllh a leaplllg steed ! representing the common idea of "Sheri- dan's Itido " "Nothing Is mora untrue , " \Irs. : Sheridan saId recently to a caller , "than the bloc regarding the general's disposition Nearly every picture anti , IJOem ) represents him ns frenzied with excltemenl allli IInllhlng away on a prancing steed The real facts arc lhal he was very quIet and reserved In m'4 1 YOUNG P11114 SIIEHIDAN. action , and never displayed the least signs of the dashing excllemeul wIth whIch ! he Is I credited. He often told mae thal when he IIIUllo his fatuous raid down the Valley or Virginia that he rode leisurely along on n sleepy horse , At home he was a quiet man , fond oC reading and of domestle life. "All or most of hIs papers I have preserved - served , and SOme day they will bo written up I will not d.o the work hut II Is prob.- able that the general's 'brolher , Colonel SherIdan , will. The war papers , such as of- ficial orders , arc preserved at the War Itec- ord's office , bul the private letters , many oC which are Interesting ! , are hero In the hcuse " .1 met the general when I wall scarce moro than a girl , and was with my father at thIs post In till WMl The general was then a man a great deal older than I , and after our marriage ! we were removed after some limo to Washington. I have four children ; Mary , who has just made her debut , the two girls who are now at a convent school In Phlaldelphla ! , and Phil , the boy or about 14. "Phil Is very fond of war and everything that relates to soldiers , SJ when , he Is i > old enough wo.wlll send him toVcst Point and let him follow In tile footsteps of his father Just now ho goes to school In the city "Washington Is the home which I expect to keep as such for tile future , for most of my lICe I have lived at the capllul. 'Vhen I was a child my ' father was stationed here be- fore we wenl west ; BO , of course , I love the place and feel al home nowhere else "Every day nearly ! , I get ! requests for autographs - tographs ct the general , and I have now given away so many that I have scarcely one lort Of course I do nol mutilate his letters by cutting off time signature , but on old checks and similar decunients .I often find a name thai has been signed by him " \lIra \ Sheridan Is 11. pretty WOl1lall , wIth a slender figure ; , dark hair arranged gracefully over a low , while brow , an oval face lighted by brlghl brown eyes In manner sue Is gentle and sweet , ' 1'0'11pleasant \ \ , sunny ways , and there Is no one who has more friends than the quiet little wire of Phil Sheridan JIIrs Sheridan goes little In society , but seems 10 prefer remaining al Ilome , Mary Sheridan who has Just made her debut Is very popular , and has received a great deal ot attention from her mothor's 'friends ' . The two girls who are > at school are twins , and for many years when they were small chll- dreri . together . ! thoyused . , to be seen , hand . . in anu waming ! auout tllO streets 01 tile City , and every one knew them 11.'i "tho SherIdan twills " Mary Sheridan Is a fine bolting girl , with her father's open face and his kind , hearly ways. Site has 11 pretty , plun'tp ' figure , and enjoys nOlhlng more than the novelty of 50- del life at the capl tal. Bllt Phil , In whom Is reprodtmced lho very Image of this father , Is generally the center of attraction to strangers , lie Is a splendid looking boy , and 10 see him In a mimic bat- the with his playmat's and hear the merry rings of laughter over thin lucky blow from a snowball one cannot helll but lhlnk oC tile real conflIcts , In which no one was more , prominent than General Phil Sheridan. ' , . , .t 1I1..IN'H NTUIJ''l/TH. / . 'Va"hlngtnn IIl1lehrt. GIrls that arc wanted arc good glrls- Good rrom the 'wart ' 10 the lips ; Pure us the lily Is white und I 11Im From Its heart to Its sweet lent tips The girls : that are wanlell nt'e home glrls- GIrls that are mother's right hand ; That rllthel'S and hrotherH Cl1l1 trust to And Ihe little onel ttntlem-ntamid Girls that are faIr on the hearthstone , And vienant when nobody sees ; Rind Ilnll sweel tn het' own folks , HeaLthy nnd nnxlous lii 1II'use 'rho girls that IIro wantell ate wise girls , 1'hat know what to , io ant } lIa ) ' ; That drive with n. 8111111' and soft word The wralh ot the houleholtl away The girls that ure WlllltOtJ are girls or sense , 'hOI1l , fiuItiomi can never deceive ; Who can follow whatever Is \It'elly \ , And dare what Is Bill ! ) ' 10 ieavc' 'fho girls thut are wanted ! arc careful girls , Who count ! what n thing will cost : Who use with 11 ilttlhent ( , generous hanll , Hut lICe that itothlng Is Inst The girls that are wanted are girls with hearts ; 1'hey are wanted for nothl'r ) antI wlvea ; Wnnted to cradle In loving minus 'J'he tronHest nnll rralll'st of IIvea. The clever , Iho wItty , the brilliant ' girl , 'J'herc's a constant steady demand , But , oh , fur the wise , 10"IIW home girls , 1'here lIt'tJ few who can urlllerslantl , , - - - - - - - - - IMPERIAL HAIR EGENERATOR. I'crreelly restores n. rich . luatroui i color /lllIkrs the hair hrllilhy. and Is . , 't rl'an. Hitimtng ' , sail , or Turkish _ _ _ _ _ Ilatits do not affect 1\ , 11 I. a. nat- ural DB' nature ; does nol Interfere . wllh curling and crimping . Ij COLOitH : 4f 1. 1I1ack. n. J.flrllL OIlO"tlll1\ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ! . lJllfk Jlrown. II. bid JlJondo _ _ _ _ _ _ : I. MI'Jlnllllrown. , \ . 7. Ash JIollIlI' . ' oS (1hoMIIIII. 1'r1co fI.WIf/.Oo. 1 : A free rnmple bottle 01 the finest rouge "lllI , v- nat Venui 1'Inl" will lid ant . oa receipt of 2.cfnt .Ialllil. ll'ii'lltiAli : ClIm.UCAJ4 : MFO. CO. . 292Fifth Avenue.N.Y IN OMMIt : SHERmAN & McCONNELL , I5la Dol1lc St. Locomotor Ataxia Epilepsy . . . ' 1 AND ALL - DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD FIND READY , AM'LtbArioN : FROM " 'd USE OF . MEDULLINE ! , , , . THE EXTRlcr , O I' THE ! , PltHLCORD OF TIIEO % , PREPARED UNDER THE rORMULA O . \Of Dr. 'VM. A. 11AMMOD I , IN HIS LABORAfORY WA1'P4t.rON , ! ' , 0 C. l'rlce , Per 1'blal ot 2 : I Drachms , $1.00 Columbia Chemical Co. : W.\SIIINOTON , 1 > . C. BEND ron 01001\ . I. , . KUhN A : co. . AGNTfl FOR OMAHA : . , - - - - - PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES ny purchaslnlt goods l11allo nl the followIng Nebraska factories If you canllol foil what yon \\'atit communicate with the inamuifac- turers as to what dealers handle their goods : - . , - - - - - - 1iIU:4 . JIUUI..U' .I.YI j ) I'JI'I. , " , . BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO. IInnulneture\'ll : or nil khllb of cotton & : burlap bags cotton flour sacks & / twine a specIalty . Cl' tIG.CIS H. 1Ith..I. 13,1 17SI1l.4. . . . . . . - - - - - - - 'o- THE S. M , UNSAUL CO.'o I Manuraeture"'fa ' : . alra t. . .11 klnll 01 brushes Office and factory 10:9-31 : : 13. 15th alreet. . THE NEBRASKA \ BRUSH FAGTOIlY , A. B. Ol'een , Mnnn er , Manufacturers or brushea ot nil kilida tOT B. 13th st. , Oll1aha. Nib. lift ' , tJ" I ' IS 7' FOOl . 1.'I.Olllr . , Ill ST. Wbt PHESTON : & CO Manufacturers or Preston's California Flallel ! , Slctllo brnllll . .1' Mlslng flour & ) 'coll , Uo you usa Preston's be& flour _ _ _ _ _ - 11.1JJ\"O l'OIl'IH A , F. KEITH CO Manufncture" , of 111\11 Kellh's Pure Ibklno Powder gxtrnela & Self mUsIng lIuclwheal. Solll by nil grocers. GIS 8. 13th sl. Tel , 1809 1111IW'ICUJWI. - . OMAHA BHEWING \ ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments'malle In our own reCrlgerator cars. Dlue Itibbort Elite jOxport Vienna EX110rt. and Family llxport delivered 10 all harts of city. OHlJtr"'ru 1."WTOUnCS. , .1 1 FROST & HARIUS. ' Carriage & Wagon Makera. Carriages , buggies 11haelons & wagons always on hand & made to order. 1313.15 lIarney-.t . Omaha ClU'/O'JC1C _ , SI'LOWI , JIUJNO l'Oll'n/CR : CONSOLIDATED COF11EE CO , ' t- Coffee Roasters. Spice Orlnders. Manula.cture1'll . . Oerman Baking l'owller and German Dry hop Yeast . 3U-18 5. 121h street Omaha 4 , .e ' k'L ( ) fIR. S. F. GILMAN , Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. E. Dlack , Manager , Omaha. /o'WlN1TllIliC 1..WTCHlTWI. , OMAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers or parlor furniture lounges din. Inc tables & rollling beds , Itch nve" , Dyll to . Hauler etreela J..SUIl.INCIC. - : UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO. Over one million dollars go out 01 Nebraska every year for no beller Insurance than Is fur- nished by the Union J.ICe 01 Omaha. .Allents wanted In every town In Nebra.ka. - - 1J .INIJ ( JI1.I1. . - - SOU'IIIONAIIA ' \ lC AND ) CUALCO. Domestic & steam coal We have the best. or. nee ICOl Farnam-at. Telephone : Orrlce 813. yard liGO J. A. Doe , gen'l _ manager. lION " ' ( JIll ( . ' ! . INDUSTHIAL IRON WORK8. \ Manufacturing & repairing or all Icinda ' of ma. chlnary , engines pumps , ee\'nlors. ! prJntll1R presses , hangers , shafting & coul'llng" ' " UOQ.8 Howard-sl. , Omaha. PHOENIX ' FOUNDRY CO. 1"11'0 hydrants water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler fronts & fitting , slreet IVy car wheels. Archi- leclurnl Iron worka Office 301 B. 10Ih..t. . Omaha. PAXTO & VIERLING IRON WORnS \ M'f'r's of Architectural Iron 'York aenem1 I'-oundry , Machine and ItlackamithiVnrk. , I n. gineera & Contractors for \"Ireprolll Ilutiding Olllce and Works , U. P. ii ) ' . & Ho hIlt Stied . Omaha . Jll..INUJ ) > " .I'J'l/Ul.'ll(1 ( ill I DJ1HT"i. - TIlE ' ' MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Manufacturers of fluid extracts , chaIrs \ , yrupl. . & wines , compressed triturateti , hypodermic tab- letspihla & scientific medical novc\tlr. \ O/nah. ifI 'tTIISS1S . tJlI'I'.i , Cit (115. . L : G nOUl ) Manuraelurer Mattrebses . Sprlnlf lIed. ; Jobber Feathers and I'lIIaw. North 11th and Nltholna . Omaha. ' His , S Null ! ! ' W.n'II , l'IUIC'lilm"JOIC. " . IERICAN DISTRICT ' ' TELEGRAPH 'Cho onlY perfect protectIon to prOII.rly. F.xnm. Ino II. licit thing on carth Iteducei insurance rates 1301 D'UGlu.t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ' - . CI'bU.IJ. " , ( ' ' ( } , r - HILPATlUCOCH ! { ! { DRY GOODS CO Manufacturers & jobbers or the celebrated IIuck. . skin brand shirts pants , overitlis k duck cloth. Ing. 1101,3.6 l1arney..t. I'aclory , 1:381 Omah - - - - - IL\TZ-XEVmS \ CO , Manufacturers of men' . & Lo ) ' . ' clolhlng , pant . shirts ! - & _ o'all : 202-212 , 5. _ iltit'st. _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - II I'J1t IIUC.'i. . - - - - - 'I'm : OMAHA PAl'ER ' BOX CO. Manufacturers of all klndl paver boxes , shelf Luxe. lumpl" enl. . , mailing tubes ete wed. . ding cake & fancy candy boxes . druggist 4 JOIVelr lIos. . 12uS,10 Jone.t . Omaha. , - - - - - - - - HJIlU'l' 1..WHllll . J : - II , I.VA1S.I1J1IA : : i } HIT Co. xclulh'Q custom .hlrt tnllora. . . UI ) I"01rnam .trcH Telephone 908 = = = = = ' . . - - - - - - - - I'11'JtIJ"kII ) 1'.1 "INti " Ill/1m. - hENRY BOLLN , O3IAIR ) . NEB , Factory III l.oullvllle , Cnls Co Quality or bride guaranteed to Le a. 80M u' any lIIulIJCnclunJ jutaldu uf tillS sillt. henry Delia ,