Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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    " * r5"7.loFr. r ' ! t Vr1Ai' + 7 + ra tlw' z r ; , t . . . . , . . , . . . . , . . . . . . - . „ . , . . . .v , . _
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I : : t SPORTS 0h : MID-\HNTRR [ : \
" tlgitation in Wcstorn Base Ball circles I and
- r ' the Probable 'Results ,
f. -
. r , i .
( ; -
, coming Sh"otTho nRmo QUMtlon-r.ell : -
, . latlnl : for the lIol-Urall : Flyers 01
, , J.ast Ycar-Questlnas Answered
7' and the Weekly nounu ! ! , .
' t .
. : , The Western association base ball circuit
' Blands a good chance of being reorganlzel1
after all. It seems that but one or two
. tItles were pleased wIth the work accom-
inched al the Into meeting after all had
' limo to consider the matter. The forming
[ ' of the circuit by excluding such desirable
: . cities as Sioux City and Hock island and ,
. r admitting the villages of Jacksonville and
I' Rockford In their stead has occasioned a
3 : : oed deal of unfavorable comment , and
, \ ' there Is a movement on toot loolllng to another -
. . . other meeting and . a reorganization ot the
s circuit. It scorns that " ' . W. Kent's atn-
' bitten for the Ilreslllency , secretary and
f \ ' , ensurershlp depended , on the circuit ns It .
q r now stands This , ns well ns the election ,
" ' { . . was railroaded . through before nil the
4 , magnates had nn opportunity ot acquainting
j' themselves with the true status of affairs ,
' \ and now that they have posted themselves
111' there Is n general desire 10 rectify the
; mistake That the association as It now
studs , with two such failures as Jackson-
vlllo and Quincy In time circuit , cannot be
IHlccessCully conducted through the season , In
fact II would he lucky 10 pull through 10 the
Fourth ot July. It required . superhuman
, exerllon , almost , Inst season to maIntain time
l club ! In chess cities 10 the flnlh ! ! , and the
ntgnnization In Qulnry changed lands once
' or twice nt Ihnl. Neither lawn drew much
t more than cigarette : money and were burdens
f from thaend of time first mantle 10 the close
; a of the season. To attempt another season
with this ! ! load . 10 carry seems Ilke the
euprcmest hind of idiocy , and time Ilulcller time
, balance oC time organization put their meads )
together and form n circuit that can present
" nt least n IIkellhoo.l . of success time better II
. will be for them It wIll be foolhardy 10
begin with these two cities In limo circuit , and
It there Is any business perspicuity In the
organlzallon limey will nip time little scheme
" In the iud booro It has 011porlunlty 10 ewell.
In their eagerness 10 further the ends of
malice and revenge by ousting Dave g. '
- Howe from time ( hellll ot the association the
eastern conlln ncy , backed np hy one or the
western titles not only lost sight of time wel-
fare or the whole organizalon but completely
Ignored their own Interesls This they now
see and arc as eager 10 right time fault as
they were to commit II , and II Is quite
probable ore time lapse of another fortnight
that this will all be satisfactorily adjusted
It must not bo Inferred from the above that
Omaha Is too instigator of time present agitation -
tion for It comes from another source en-
. tlrely which It Is not necessary 10 name.
Omaha 01 course , Is aR much , If not more , interested -
teresled liS any city In the circuit , and . can
hl' depended . on to lend any and . every aid
thaI will possibly lend 10 enhance time welfare -
fare or the whole association Wllhout line
, Gate City the structure would nil 10 pieces
1 before a ball Is pllchell. It forms the bulwarle
of time whale nrtalr. The organization was
conceIved here , meal by wIse and Iruluslrlous
work made a posslblllly , and she docs nol
" , Intend now al this stage ot the game 10 be
shoved to the rear and allow such n contingency -
tingency ns that In Quincy and Jnellsonvllle
E to reap the benefits of her energy amid on lor-
Jlrlse. A vast deal or correspondence has
been exchanged within the past week and II
F Is very likely that the wise heads of the
lnslllulloll will gather together either here
'c or nt Des Moines , within the next ten days ,
and effect n Western assoclallon worthy time
r _ .nnme , 'fhls. cnn bo donor. by complete reorganization -
organization , so far nl the circuit Is con-
i , corned , the election ot officers to be n
t y secondary consideration . , With , Olllaha ,
Lincoln , Sioux City and si. Joe In the west
t' and Des Moines ; , Peoria Rock Island and
i ( Hoelelord II ! time cast a solid paying circuit
. would be established and a season 01 great
ball eventuale. Jaellsonvllle nllll Quincy
should be dropped without consideration . or
p ceremonr.
+ . ; Mnnnger MoVlltlo continues to tickle him
; self over the signing ot Pitcher Carrlsh 01 f
last season's Jacilsonvllles. 110 stood secom 1
r , on time list ot winning pitchers In the association ,
tlon last year and enjoys the reputation 01 f
r' having won the only game from Omaha Ol ft
the Omaha rolllllis that Jacllsonvlllo tpoll
I I during the entire season Carrlsh Is a big
; y slrllpplng young fellow , with nil time curve
and great speed lie Is nn upright con :
sclentlous player , nervy and Inlelllgent , am
i pitches to wIn , always Wllh Donnelly ani
another good man Omaha will be lolerabl )
1 well ort for pitching material
3 -
tarry Gatowood maltdger of time SI. Joe's ,
i ° has been In the city all week on time hustle
for players ) Last Wednesday he signed
I George / : : McVey with Omaha last year : Harry
Howe ot St Joe , and Arthur Crelghlon , the
promising loral nl11aleur. The latter will i
make a valunblo man without n doubt lie
+ ' Is speedy on hIs tcet. hats well nnll 1 Is sober
amid hard working. 110 will alternate behind
the bat null In time field
The grandstand < at the Charles Street park
Is 10 undergo much Improvement during time
coming month . It will bo enlarged by the
addition ot a thoroughly nllllolule < reserve
department , which III 10 bo built on time south
end ; Is 10 have a new padded < backstop and
f recelvo a coat ot paint and otherwise enr
Captain JOe Walsh Is rapidly on the mend <
z ' IInll by the 1st 01 March hI expects 10 bo In
t' - condition to begin active practice Ho has
; ; , ordered all the men signed 10 report hero on
, , or before the first day of April allli will put
'I , them 10 worl limbering up 1nheld / practice
r IInl11e < 1ll1lely : Joe will spill time men up Into
, . two teams and '
give Ihem practice by engaging -
aglng In actual gapes lie Is a firm be-
I t' . hover In this sort oC sChooling and will keep
the boys busy . unlll time umpire doffs hIs call
and cries "lllay ball.
: , Jack IInsllell has time managerial bee In his
J . bonnet Ho Is negotiating for one at the
L I clubs In time new Two : } 'Cd league mad It suc.
t cesstul , of course , will have the pennant
t : winners. The Western league world < l like 10
, I y have Jack on Its umpire Slllrt , but ho IJre-
fern time management 01 a team It ho can
secure 11 on satisfactor- terms.
1 , - _
Old Pop Smith , who played with the
1 Omaha Indians In 183G , has sIgned with
. _
HUSh Nicol Is over In St. Louts llrummlnl' ' :
l- up recruits for his Rockford aggregation.
I There seems 10 be a scramble all nlonl' '
t the line for pitchers. So far Omaha has
trapped two , Donnelly and Carrlsh , and ex-
poets to close wIth another good man this \
f week , ,
Peoria has thus tar signed < Sam I.nroflue ,
f Dan Boland Charlea Farrell , JIm McCor-
mlcl and Dilly McOrevey ,
hlllaser Watlllns Is getting a great team
, for the Roosters He has corraled that
heavy hitting Findlay 1 catchier , Woods , and
will give purvey I'astorlous another chance
Eddie Slid , , who was known liS "Hnll1) "
t Bitch when he was with Dave : Howo's Denver
team In 188(1 ( , died at St , Louis one day last
) Joe GunsOn will 110 the major part of nuf-
; falo's bacllopplll ; ! Ibis year . ,
, Peoria la alter Ell uh't131e to manaso and
' caplllin her leam. 'fhat Peoria wIll not set
1111'1 ' Is l''Ora's ! very good luck ,
. . . . ' - -
UDetroit and \ Mllwaul are scrapping over
s the honor of the title to the hJgge city In
the Western' league. Mllwallkee claims 1\
,022 ' .U' ux P\'cr Uetn'il's hlyhwHte ' t r 111'
. . . . . . . . - , - : ,
r't.:4'f : -
, fan oC er Mc"lltio flbe're lJll lutchlusoa ' a
contract Thursda Old lIutch will fuper-
- clde Mc\'ey at lint , amid man ) ' of the fans
thInk he will \ lose Mllc' memory at this
corner ! ,
,1 . Tilt Omabq ! ! ! } , Ilulnllgemeut have : eleven men
How our Feet : have Grown !
. .
, Ili " /e
JILcOX\\ % h T
D id/l
\ /r
, :
ti I '
, ' /1//i f/
_ _ _
' \ I ,111
_ hr / ,
t3 s
, ; . . We Acknowledge the Corn . . 'L
110"0 the ' 1\101\0 tile -
, lave the + 1\101\0 ' the
r C
w ,
the IN NEBRASKA Jw tllo EVER DRAWN l > v. ' aS , , s e/y t ct , t
s 4 To-Mort.ow will be a Memorable Day ) : hat
a , At 8 n. m. we place 011 sale : n. comlllcle . . a u : J X11 , kr
l w ° . - lima ? . all I'IZeR amI , whlth ! , , n I 1Il11 ell' Lund . Ladles' arllcs ( Good 'ear Glove ) : Monday . . 50 a P. . , yes rya.
If : a r welt , I'hllndelphla toe , patent till and ' t +
. ' ' ' just cloth , for top I one button day , shoe .tls , limo now "OmnhIL. Reiling' . . far . . . . ; . G. . . $3 . 2 t Ladles' storm lubber ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c . a Pair
, , , , , ; , .r Call ! forIL I A letter from : \11' . Wilcox , dated Boston ,
s , , , , c1 , , . At8n . m we also place on snle our In.lI . s' January . 2.1d . : , ' 1
7 > , fi ! , hand made don , oh cloth top Ince shoe , MH. DHAI hH-Have [ cent 3 'OU Ihls tIny
; IJlccllIllII ' toe , plltelt ; tl p amI heel foxing : by < ; ; IH'osS.n. case of Intunls' , shoes to sell at nc . . a. .
e75xpress arscase
. . .
' n , - . heelm . $2 . 118 for ) : . 1"JLCOX.
. . , , 4. . selling always mil0.59 ; : till G p. I 111. enl Y . . J ' " c. ours.
, " : $ 'r ' , ' " 'r SEE OUR n'on ' 1' OI' ' S. And , sorry , to cut prices ) . but . . these . . go ; \ . Ion49c . .
r - r , 1t , 1'ICCAlJICI.Y ' 'ragS Iltl } , sl c9 ) I ! : to G , a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , dF ' .x r c , e K .
r , PlIll.\DI. : I.l'lIlA TOES . Great r'tucllons ! Monday In our chll- " x.r f , ' . ' ° . I
, , , , NAnna SQu.\ltE TOES. dren's . . . . , . + , , / , , . , , 1 -n . . .
' * ' a. , . .q r : \11 DIU\l [ TO1sS Shoes , deparlmcnL fOl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98. . . . . 60c , 25c r
r + , sl , a 7 FOR lIIO- < DAY O-I.Y. : _ . : , . l' , " + y u a lt" n , 9
t 6 dlrrerpnl , lines . of , ladles' fG . and J6 shoes , Ladles' o\'crgallerR ' Monday enl } ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c a paIr f
t hand turn. nil I'lzes and . ! , r .
. , . , ' . and cloth tops for this day wldtims enl } . . . tongullL . . . . . . , . . $2 . 99 MEN'S UAIOn ; TOES.
d , ; . Pronto Wilcox Co alwa's sold goal goods N.\UHOW SQUAltE TOLL , . tr r { ( dr "tom ' ( "
, , , . . . a + ' ; chea t , . but It lakes Wilcox & Draper 1 to IICCADn TOES , . ; me ,
' i.e : s . , make a 1Irlce. FUENCII TOES 'S w
m ' l' Monday as long as they last , and . we have 25c " . ' '
100 pairs , ladles' warm ! IIneu'slltJllel'S ' for. . . 0 y ALL AT A PRICE MONDAY
' , ' . , Just Our Size > Now !
; ) ,
" .t Bound to : Sell $ 25OOO worth before l\larclt. . ;
151 I 7 : M WILC X\\ & DRAPER , Bought out FRANK , WILCOX CO. .
, , m . .
. \ \ tl II \ \ \ / \ s "
m / 1111\\\\ \ + 1
. ktv
\ . ( r M
\ \ I \ tl i N
r $ \ \ t ,
1 . STREET f L. E l
on their pay roll : Hutchison ( , first : Mlles ' '
second : Walsh short : Ulrlch third ; Shatter ,
left : Slagl , middle ; Dwyer rIght : Donnelly [
and Cornish , pitchers ; \Vhalen calch. This
team , as they played last season , have a
general balling average ot 325.
1I0r -ilnet-Four ,
1)1'1\11 horses af'Ninety-Four
The past year was prolific In the way of
fatalities among fast trotters and pl1cers.
No less than lOG horses with records ot ' 2:30 :
or boiler have died since January 1 ot last
year. The extreme speed list has been the
greatest sufferer for the four wlllu records
below 2:10 : that have died were all compara-
tively young amt three ot them were among
time most prominent campaigners ot the past
season , Pamlico 210 : , and the pacts . Hal
Braden , 2:07 : % ; Onlonlan , 2:071,2 : , amid Craw-
ford , 2:0H : , wore ' a quartet of great ones ,
possessed ot rare qualities as well as speed ,
and their taIling oft was a great loss to the
turt. I'amllco and Crawford dIed In the
mIdst ot the campaign , and Hal Braden just
at its close Onlonllll1 would probably have
been campaigned \ the comIng year amid It Is
safe to ay that three ot the numbm' at least
would have taken much lower records In
time One bl'lIIlantlJrOSpect that was nipped
In time bud Wa Carlrlllgo , 2IIIh : , the \l1chl. ;
salt horse that broke an IInllle In a runaway
accident early In the spring and hall 10 be
deslroycd. Cartridge hal , shown speed that
mal10 his owners believe that ho would step
sonic distance Into time 2:10 : list.
Time ohl.tlmo cantpuignora were brought to
mlllli allli mztny a brilliant rata 01 the past
recalled when trom mouth to month the
news was chronicled 01 the death 01 ono that
had been famous down the grand cIrcuit In
the past yenru Mattie Hunter , 2:12 : % , the
ralllsh chestnut pacer , was one of the "bl ( ;
Iou , " and whit John Splan In the sUlky
made many a killing Luclllo Golddust < ,
2:1G : % , a great wInner one season ; oIl
Charley Hogan , 2:1SI : % } , owned by Charley
Schwart" 01 ChIcago , std driven by lIul1d
Doblo : Piedmont , 2:171 : , that was Hood In hIs
class the year that Orrin 1IIellol : brought
hIm cast ; and old Jay Gould , 2:21 : % 'a , time ono ,
time king ot trolling stallions , solll for n
mere pittance In his old age These and
others ot lIearlr equal fauna have passed to
the IJal1dorks that arc over green and where
the harness and whlll arc unknown The I
following list Includes Iho names and records - I
ords of lOG trotters and pacers with records I
ranging ; ! Iron } 2Q7H ; to 2:30 : that ha\'o died
this year : Pal1llleo , 2:10 : ; Cartridge , 2:141/ : :
ChrIs Smith , 2,11x : ; Jessie McCol'l , 2:15 : :
Jcd Illvls , 2:1G : ; Icing l Darlington ( , 2:16 : : Prlnco
Wood , 2:1G : : Lucille Ooldl1nst , 2IGH : ; Katie
Earl , 2:16 : % ; Moloch , 2:17 : ; Piedmont , 2:171 : ;
South Jersey Patchen , JI' „ 2:1n : ! : Nellie
Wlllees , 2:18 : % ; CharleyKogan . 2:18 : % : , ; Dolly
C , 2:19 : ; IJIanon , 219t : ! : GlilSS\\ll1 GIrl ,
2:19 : ! j : Ross S , 2:19t : ! ; Silver ON , 2l2t : ! i
Gift O'Neel' , 2:20 : ; Alba Mac , 2:28H : ! ; Allhlne ,
2:271 : : : : Belle OSlo 2:2n : ! . : Dollo Stanton 2:23 : :
Berwick 1I0y , 2:23x : ! : Black Prince , 2 : 2H = ;
Blue Bleed , 2:2231 : ; ClI3nc\ , 2:2n : % ! : Chel'o-
bee , 2:29 : % ! : ; Chestnut Doy , 2:2Sb1 : : CIM'lcl' ,
2:294 : ; Clara ! ! MorrIs , 2:9 : % ; Golden hell ,
2i20 ; % .j ; cl"1a : ? :2G' : Corner 13'111 ; 2:2:1' : : ero-
1\IOnr. \ , aua : : C'clono , 2:2f4 : ; ; \ > an f.I1llp.r ,
2:23l : ! : Della hhlpp , 2:211 ( Earl nl:1mont ,
2:2IH : ; Eva M. 2:251 : ; " 'unn ) " : Mack 2:29761 :
Factory GIrl , 2:29 : ! ; ; 1.'ranI S 3234 ; : 011-
more , 2:21 : . : Governor hill , 2:251 : I Grace
Walkl-r. 2.34 : ! : HllrmDlln , ' 2:28 : % : Harry I' ,
2:25 : : IIIl1bl'rry ; 2:2Hl : ! : 11Ipl'Qnl\ , 212T'A. : ' ; Hood-
rink < , 2:25 : ; Homer WlIku , 2:28 : : Hornpipe ,
2:25 : ; Islam ; , ZIZGj ; JAY Gould , 2U'ii : ; Jenny
. .
- -
L , 2:27'4 : ; Joe McLaughlin 2:2GIh : ; Justina
2:25 : : Katie Jllldl1lelon , 2:23 : : KlllIo Almont ,
2:22 : % ; La Puta 2:27V : ; Liberty Dell , 2:21 : ;
I. . M WIng , 2:2G1h : ; Lord gbert , 2:30 : :
I.ugano , 2:21' : ; Maggie Mitchell , 221'4 : :
Mambrlno Maid , 2:281/ : Margaret 2:28 : : Maud
H. 2:27 : : llonoel'llt , 2.731 : : Oakland Maid ,
2:22 : ; Old Crow , 2:22 : : Orlanna : 2:27 : * : PaulIne -
hmo Lambert , 2:29 : ; Roland , 2:28 : ; S. & E. ,
2:2G : * : Sherman , 2:23 : * ; Sneak , 2:25 : ; Star
Medium , 2:23'.6 ; Susie , 2:28'.6 : ; VIctor , 2:22 : ;
Whips , 2:271/ : . The pacers that have died
In 1891 follow : Hal Braden , 2:07 : % ; On-
tonlun , 2:071/ : ; Crawford 2:0H : : Jack ,
2:10V : ; Mnltlo Hunler , 2:12 : % ; Hadley Jr. ,
2:16 : * ; Hey H , 2J8 : * ; Charley Wilkes ,
2:19IA : ; Goethe , 2:191/ : : American Boy , JI' „
2:20 : ; Nelly G. 2:20 : : Anderson , hell 2:201,4 : ;
IJaronlnl , 2:2914 : : Deulah C , 2:27 : ; CarrIe M ,
2:213x : ; Dille 2:201 : % ; Elgin \ GIrl , 2:20'.6 : ;
Guy , 2:2GI/ : ; Helen S. 2:280Kllbuck : ; Torn ,
2:26 : : lIIonnl1el , 2:25 : : Nellie Sprague , 2:22'.6 : :
Red hornet , 2:23 : % ; Scott Smllh , 2:28 : * .
Snow 1111 tin Gridiron ,
Chancellor Snow ot the Kansas Slate university -
versity has gone on record on toot ball. In
a recent letter to a correspondent here he
declared ! : "I do not object to Intercollegiate
cot ball for the ensuIng season It the rules
are modified In such a way as to reduce to a
minimum time dangers which are now Incurred -
curred by those taking part In the ganue
My \ personal observation , however , has been
that tune prIncipal InjurIes sustained In football
ball genes under the present roles are In
eonsel/ueneo / ot the lack ot conformity to the
rules.I or Instance : In time J\lIchll'an.Knnsas '
game at Kansas City , November 10 , 1831 , IIIr.
C.V . Armour of the Kansas team was
jUlllped upon with both feet by one ot the
Jlllehigan learn after ho had passed the line
and made his 10uch.dQwn. There was no excuse -
cuso for such lJrulnlltywhlch was not In accordance -
corllanco with the rules ot the game , but In
direct violation 01 those rules Time umpire
of that game should have dIsqualified time
Michigan man for his brutal conduct and
compelled him to leave the gone But this
was not done The same action should have
been taken In the case of Captain IIInkey of
the Yale team when he jUllllled upon
Wrlghtlnglon. While the present rules undoubtedly -
doulJlcl1ly need some modification , In my
opinion a strict enforcement : of these rules
In the interest ot fair play by the referee
and umpire would 110 away with nlne'lenths
at the casualties of time game. "
Forest , Field nutl Stream : ,
A novel live bird match came off on time
Demls 'ParI' Gun club grounds last Wcdnes-
day afternoon , As a sort of preparatory
pracllco to his coming match with George
NIcolaI of Sutton , J. C. Read shot against
rank l'nrmelee , O. W. I.oomls , Fred Mon\- \
morency and M. C. Peters , Read shooting
at 100 birds and the latter lour gentlemen
at twentr-fi a piece The conditions were
five unknown ground traps , thlrlY yards rise ,
fifty boundary , AmericAn association rules , tor
the price 01 the birds Head won , killing
' " ' birds 10 th\ others .
se\'Cnt"be\'en \ ! seventy
lIre. l'armelee killed twenty , Montmorency , Peters sIxteen and ' LoomIs
eighteen ,
. . . , J. . . . ,
" . . . crtmeW ; ! . - ,
llIpfllli ! J. J. Drewer , who claims the wins
allot championship 01 tile world , had' hli
feathers nicely clipped at Rochester the other
day , Sun Gloyer killIng nlnety.lour pigeons h t
h1\ ninety , for a $ flOO 'sl ke , '
A team boot between Cu'uriell 'Dlua/ ' ' ! an d
- -
. -
Omaha will probably take place on tit
grounds across the river some afternoon this
week It Is not known who will constitute
I the prohibition team , but Omaha will send
forward ChamllJon Parmelee J. W. Loomis ,
J. C. Read and either Fred MonlmorenCy or
M. C. Peters
Live \ crew shools arc much In vogue In the
east These birds could bo trapped In this
vicinity by the thousands , but whether the
sportsmen would favor their slaughter or not
Is a question.
It looks very much as It the shooting interests -
leresIs ot Omaha will bo extensively revived
thIs season Frank Parmeleo Is evincing
commendable ! enterprise In lids direction , and
It' ! ho takes hold < oC II as ho should the
halcyon days ot 1887-8 may be expected to
relurn. Parties having live pigeons 10 dispose -
pose of would do well to put themselves In
communication wIth too great trap shot.
M. K. Barnum writing to Sports Afiell1
from Norlh I'Ia1l0 has this 10 say anent the
scarcity 01 game durIng time past season : !
here hns been a marked scarcity ot game
01 nil kinds throughout Nebraska during the
past season , which seems to have been caused
primarily by time extremely dry year and the
consequent scarcity 01 grain and other Iced. I
Time prospects for plenty ot quails were I
never better than last spring , but the tall
shoaling has shown very few bags that were I
even fairly good Where three gals ! ' ; bagged '
train forty to seventy birds In 1893 , time same ,
parties , better equipped , could bag but truer
eighteen to Iwenty.llvOo birds a day In ' 91. !
Prairie chickens were a short crop from time
nesting time ( , when , very few eggs lIalchl,1
because of the extremely dry spring A few
mnrshy or springy valleys / hall nn abundance
01 young birds , and. these exceptions 10 the
general scarcity tend to prove the theory !
that the drought prevented the cess from
matching ( In other , localities .
Ducks were seluee ) broth In the sprIng and
fall whIch also , may bo attributed 10 thou
tact that the sloughs \ , which usually have
afforded them good feeding grounds , were
nearly all as dry nil a door-yarl1.
Geese have bCtn ; fairly abundant for a few
days at a time , but would not remain , ns
there was very , lItl1e teed 10 be had , except
where Irrigating ditches ' enabled farmers 10
raise good crops pt corn ; and such tracts arc
ruttier limIted hereabouts yet
Time fact that Lbo dry season has aroused
every one to esslty far Irrigation (10 (
such an extent , indeed , that nearly 200 miles
01 ditches arc either finished or under pro.
cess 01 con lruetion In the vicinity 01 North
Plane ) leads us to hope that within two or
three years , at most , It will he unsurpassed
as a resort tor N I kinds 01 small game. The
increase In , acrense 01 cultivated fields will
afford more shelter for quail and prairIe
chIcken anti more to\ed \ for them , as well as
for ducks and geese , Such bas been proved
to be time effect of cultivated fields In this
vicinity before , and we confidently look for
increased benefits in ! proportion to the growth
01 farmed lands. " .
On account of the scarcity of came , most
, sportsmen have done very little hunting
and very few ot tbem havol killed more than
one.thlrd or a quarter 1111 much game as last
year ThIs fact may leave. 'a good supply of
breeders ' for next season , and we all hope for
"a good time coming. "
Time one thing that Is Jacking amen ] ; our
sporhmen is I a more lively interest In game
prolectlon allli particularly a. more rigid : ob-
servane\ ! of time close beilltrn , but loccon.
- - - - - - -
.t. .
dltlons are very unfavorable 10 attaining to
this end.
A small party 01 North Platte sportsmen
hall a fine hunt for antelope up In Wyoming
during too latter part oC Oclober. In three
days the party killed , nine antelope-six bucks
and three rloes-and titer came home because
they had enough and not because they coulll
kill no more. One morning before breakfast
twenty-tour antelope were In sight Irom time
camp at one lime , and most 01 them within
a distance of a mile
John J. Hnrdln says , limo weather being
at all favorable he will shoot J. C. Read the
first ot n series ot three IIvo bird matches
the last ot lids week lie could < 1 not state
anything definite , as he ! mad . not as yet completed .
plelell arrangements with limo plulllber.
According to time American Field ' , a gentleman -
man sldlng ' nt Brunswick , Neb. , writing tea
a friend nt Marian , 101. . regarding a wolf hunt
he participated In nlelns nhout Chrlslmas
time , says : "Wo formed our men thirty
rods , apart for a distance of len miles square ,
and nt 10 o'clocl started for time center a
school section In lime center oC the square
\Vo ! had a commander for every len miles
and a captain for every mile. You see . we
look In 100 sections ot land In that way , and
as we drew nearer to the center , oC course
the men came closer togelher. We slart",1 l
the hues at JO a. m. , moved for the center
01 time school section anti reached time lines
at 1:30 : , and found . by looking things over
that wo lord . thirteen wolves In the ring , that
were running first one way and then anolher
\\1' then turnell In four re'hoUl1lIs and two
deer hounds and limo fur began : 'rho jackrabbits . I ,
rabbits were thicker than blackbirds on the
MissourI bolloms , and . 01 all time running you I
ever saw they did . It. They would slllrt for '
the lines and find II so close they could not
get through , auk woulll run along about 100 ,
yards iron the line and , limo mon would shoot
forty or fitly shots at them , and all this time I
time men were slowly closing UII on then , , I
and finally got so they hind about forty acres i
In time circle Then the wolves made a rush
for liberty \ and the hounds had ! only succeeded .
ceel1t'11 In killing ono In fifteen minutes : and
now the men began firing on Ihem as they
would try 10 go between them , and In live
minutes the last walt was bagged. Wo found
by counting up that time game killed was
213 jack-rabbits thirteen wolves , amid as near
as could be found about 125 praIrie chickens ,
one badger and too many quails 10 count I
tell you , It was the finest/lport , you ever saw.
There were about 750 men and 160 women
that participated In the drive " The wolf
and jackrabbit part of the hunl-If time rab-
bits were used for food-was all well enough ,
but when a hunt ot this kind Is organized
and prairIe chIckens and qualls-"too many
to count"- are killed , It Is not sportsmanship .
ship and should not bo recognized as such by
true sporl men. It wo are correctly In .
formed , prairie chickens and quails mire none
too IJlclltlfui In any portion of Nebraska ,
and slaughter ' ! 01 this kind , II continued ,
will very soon annlhllale time birds limit are
there . ,
John J. Harl1ln posted $25 with W H. S.
Hughes yesterday us a forfeit for n 100.lIve
bird shoot wIth J , C. Heal , on Wednesday
afternoon ( next on Ibo grounds 01 the Jlomls
Park Gun club across the rIver. This maleh
Is an acceptance of the late challenge Issued
by Mr , Read , and will be shot under the conditions -
[ tions therein named which were liS follows I
One hundred live birds each at thirty yards
. tlpe I . arty JQ\llIdnry ) , o\merlcan association
rules , for $100 a side , loser 10 pay for time
I birds
Nrho tnlllK nn i'IKtlo n'nct .
Nelse Innis , spurting editor or time Dos Ion
Herald , has IJullllshell a neat ' little vest
pocket volume entitled "Hlng Record and
lstlc Facts " It contains n big fund 01
prize ring information , reliable records oC
performances In the squared circle or time
heading puglllsls ot America , England and
Australia , wllh Ilhotogruphs of each , It Is
to be published \ annually with arlllillons , and .
cnn be ordered of J\lr. Innes , pOslomCo box
21J8 ! , Boston , for 10 cents Mr. Innes was
one of limo war correspondents al New Or-
leans when the mighty John L. tell , and Is
one of time brightest and most genial ot all
the sporting \ writers oC the country lie has
lilY Ihanls for fisUc tacls.
With time huh l'layere .
harry Gntewooll , who has been engaged
nil manager ; hy the St. Joe ball climb , was In
the city yesterday on time hustle for Illayers.
Iii succeeded \ In gelling contracts with three
lIIen , George McVey , with Omllhll Inst season :
, \rthur UrcllIlon ! , a IJromlsln local aotateur ,
and . ] IInrry liaise -
1) . I6 I . Howe , preslllont oC the local club ,
.vlll make a trip ( next week 10 Chicago amid
OInclnllatl for time IJllliIOse of securing ' 1full
: omplellwnt at players for tills yelll"s Omaha
I Jack Iiaskehl . the Icing of last year'l Western -
ern nssoclatlon umpires \ , la conslllerlllg an
offer to join time Western league staff lie
may ) , however , ho Irllluced to rCl1laln with
time Western association
A letter IIrom lobby ] l.anrsConl , I.oulsvllle ,
I Ky. , stales that the beauty will probably . 110
one of Wnlly's husky llooshers the comlllg
season . Ito says ho woulll Ilko 10 play In
Omaha again-Cor a galllo or Iwo.
Catchier Hilly \ I'arle : , who did such good ,
work for BroQIlyn last soneon has hecn released -
leased , owing 'to nn ahul1llanco oC catchers
It Is It pocullal' fact that sober , steady Ratle :
Is never helll long by any league no matter
how well ho plays , auk ho Is about discouraged -
couraged lie has plenty ) ot minor league
otters , among which Is a goad one from
Omaha , but IIIJ .loeM't want to go back lu
miller company , owing 10 poor pay and < sllort
conlracls. lIe has allplle < to ! 'ilcll Young
for II place 011 the lenguo umpire etaff.
The Clean Clipper Baseball club at Heelol'
& Wllhemy company for time coming season
will contain the following players : Lawler
pitch . ; Jellen , Hobillson , pitch ; Bowman ,
catch ; McAullII , second ; Marquette , first :
Whiling , third ; Bradford , shorlsloJl : COllllors ,
left field : lIurlo , substitute : Hculler , sub-
sUlutl' : J. R . Marsh and Charles Olblrom
ntamagers This will bo a ftrollg Italll and
time rest of the amateurs will have 10 hump
themselves II they want all ) ' 01 the laurels
ot IS9ri.
( juestiunr mind Anssrnrs .
ST. PAUL , Nell" Jun 20-To time SPOrllll ! :
Editor of Time lice : A number 01 whtlrl
players In this city ; \'ould 11I10 you to t'xIJlal"
what It "wblill urnalllt'nt" Is , and , alto whdt
drive whist IH. In next Sundnr's Bee , and
obllgo.--O J , \1'est.
Ans.--A whist tourllam"t Is II series ( .t ,
games t'nlcred Into Iy a number et players
for prices or glory , prllllIIally : the latter.
Urlye whist Is a tnsllomll.le , . tlld , similar tu
progressive high live or euchre .
hiiNNIIAI'OIdi , lothuloo Jan 23.-- - To the
Sporting Editor of Time Bee : To decide < a bet
please state whether . . .JII:1l1y : II'IIU Is a Jew ;
. . . t"
- - - -
or nol. Also give Ills age , and It possible ,
also print hIs record , and Jack Dempsoy'
age and obllle a number or your old friends
ot the Twin City clnb.-Bllly C.
Ans. Once more Tommy Is not a J e\\ .
Ills real name Is Joseph Young 110 was
horn In Newark , N. J. . March ! 31 , 1870. Ills
first fight was In ISIS , when ho defeated
JOhllllY Case near Detroit. Since then Ryan
has bealen Joe Johllson , Dlcle ; England ,
Martin Shallllllness ; , Mice \ \ Dunn , Jack Jllc-
Incrney , 1I0IJ limper , I'rot McGuire , rank
Glrnnl , Con Doyle Prunll Howson , Danny
Needham , Jack Pitts , Jacle Conway , faddy ;
ilrennnn Jack \Vifices Chris Christopher ,
Jack alvey I , henry linker ! , Rllly Layton and
IIl1lyllcJlUllan. \ . Jack Delllpsey was born nt
the CurruJ.h ; ot IClIllaro , Ireland , . ou December -
ber 16 , 181j2.
OMAHA , Jan. 23.-1'0 time Sporting Editor
of 'rhe lice : Please answer In next SUlll1ay's
flee what limo Joe IJono/-huO' / : node . at lima
five - mlle rare \mstcrdalll , Holland , Janu-
ary , 18tll , and oblige , lteuder < .
Ilns.-21:0G. :
OMA1A , Jan 19.-To the Sporting Editor
ot 'I'ho ! liceVIIh : you 1IIIIIIIy publish IIIr
Sunday e.llt1on . limo I'outo taken by Paul Jones
III Ills lour around Iho world < l , also whether hB
ties been In Omaha since he shined , and
when7-S. g. Schweitzer , a Suhscrlber.
Ans.-lIo proceeded frolll New Yorle to
London directly , tI'rllP.O ) ' 10 Paris and Rome -
IJo not Imow the route thereafter lIe or-
1'1\1'11 nt Vancouver . II C. , Jnn. 17 , lie hall
not been In Olllllha lu my Iimiowledge .
BXI'Tlm : , Nab , Jan 22.-To time Sporting
Editor 01 'I'ho lice : I'Icase nnswer Ihroui:1r :
sporting COIUIIIII fastest mlle made . hy running -
ning hone In thus country . or I ngland ? ; -W.
P. Nevlmis
Ans.-l :35 : % , Hal\'ntor , 1\Iollmoulh park
straight course against tillie , August 28 , 1890.
1 :3HL : K1ldcer , r.ll'lIll'ht ' : course In 11 race ,
same place , August 13 J , S9Z. .
0MAiI\ , Jail ' O--'ro : ! time Sporting lllIor
ot The flee : It pObKlhle , pleasE : answer thlll (
question III Sun.lay's . Bee : Why can not
George / J\lc\'er , time moat popular \ 1111I'cr of
limo Omllla , 1MH ball team nflll limo leader at
all Wpstl'm IIssoclallol1 first baseniemi In bal-
tlllg and fielding averages , 110 relaluedn . /
Omaha Instead oC being Blguell with Jlurrlllo ,
IJlcomlnglon 111111 other places . 110 relJorled
A Man 'fhal I'aGO / Cents to See Eaclm Oallle ,
Alls.-Glvo It lip.
There are letters lit the Sporting department -
meat 01 The flee for Jack DAvIs , pugllhst .
Ned , Pulley , simm biter , and Jock McConn ,
ball player
COUNCil , IU.U"'I"S ) " , Jan , 2t-To the
Sportlllg Bdltlll' 01 The lice : Please let mlt
know Ihrough next 8Ulllla11 lieu i he names
01 the men timid their posiRnns , who hays
been signed by the Omahq Baseball chub ? -
A Cmlll .
Ans-Heo lIuothCr : ( e'ol.ll11n , thll Issue " .
M'COOK . Jail ' 2I-'fo the sportlllg m
gdllor of 'fhe lice : mildly de'chlCJ limo fol-
lowing for III In a gallic at high : casino : , and s
greitly obIlHO.-II. 1' . Sullen ;
In hll'h ) ' : casino ace h one (11 ( I ) or tourtee"
(11) ( ) . The ' pmestlcn / this ? : ' A plays all ace
by itself ulone tad calls it.fuurteen ! (111 ( ) ; It I
pla's n queen 011 the a.cli amid builds ! It tq
thirteen ) , memlllg : lice nine ( I ) , queen 12. A
clamors : Jl can nut bill 111 on lie acre.'hu Iy I
right ?
Alla--III/-h / : casplo : ' Iii II new 0110 on Illes
HU\I'eHr \ , UII.\\ ring ' : 011 tie , bails 'of lunda
mental J1rlPellll ' t , when . \ places 4n lice anf
calls 11 H , 11 can net build \ on IG
. . " - = : 1 ' . J..1 ; # ! , .
. , . . .
_ u 1.1./J : ; ; , .