. . , . . . , . . . . - ' . . - -"r ' ' - - - - - t ' * # - - " - * - In. r-- p - 'r - - : . - ; F f1'r , < ' pI'1 . . 1 ' - . ' 1)o a"ur i 1 t * kT t HI : 't . _ -1- . TilE 01\rAIIA DAILY BEE : SUAY . JANUAUY 27 , lS ! . 11 CONDiTION OF - OIMIA'STRDE Local Jobber Talk' ' I Little More : n- courngingly Than a Week Ago. cuagngly . . MEN WHO MAKE 11 WIEELS GO 'ROUND Coniltll % of NrbrMk. NAtonAl lonl . nl Jrpurt.d by thc CUII.troler of the Cur ? ency-SninD of tle Ioln ! " of Urn rdanufavturer. . - - Whl th condition ot the country II f , mch that Ito tr/le could be expected from some localities , and while the RitUft- be rather dts- lion would seem to rther tls. . com ln ! the jobbers oC Omaha ro fURC to talk In nn'lhlng like I dkcourag- Sng tone. In tact , during the plst weele or ten daYI they have been npPrtnU ) ' quite cheerful ! to the present condition nll future outlook ot trade. Qt course this SI not true ot the jobbers ennaet In all brnnehes ot buslnes . as there nro one llncH. n' rot example ) agricultural Imple- incnt . ( toni which little cnn 1m expected lnll there IA i another crop grown. The jobbers ot grccerle ! . dry goods , . and betA end shoes all cnln that they ore doing a better huslno thnn they were I year : tgo. The retail trade In the country Is llyln , . " ' relnl . arl In a hand 10 mouth 1ashlln. , but stocks have been 10 thoroughly cleaned * 11) that merchants arc forced 10 keep srndlng In orders , ItflI In the nd the nl : < total makes n very fltlfactory Ihowlng ull the hooks ot the joblen , . The johher : . 1WeVer , . ore not depending entirely upn the trade to b fount In thll Itltl' . hut are l'lchlng out farther and Into newer terrltOI' ' 'hl Buck 111 country Iq gIving umaha jobhCA a I large / umoult of htiffltie . 11 , If I , nlsl the country . around l3Illing . Mont. II fact all the - ' western "tales are hlrRe , buyerA In this markel. All the jobbers are talkinG very lioperully of tie "llrln trade . and without - out oxeepton arc predicting I Ilrosllerous year for uUEllesf of most all kinh. , CONDITION 01" 'rIl 1JANKS. The comiltrollr 01' the cUlrelCY haa jUt given out UI , Ihslrlct ; showll the condl- 1100 . on Ufremher ) 1 : . of the national laIllth at Nebrls , exclusive tof t those loltell In Omaha all Lincoln. The con- ,110n of the banlc II nlwnYH n'maler ot general Interest .to the IJslne s communIty . anti e'llecllly Il IL tune whelm Inulness Is none tOQ t OOI. Ind whn confidence Is not Ss very ns "Irn'ho report of the . comptroller . mtsOUrCFS. - - Jlnn , nnll UIBcbtmntN. ' . . . , . . . . . . . . $ \.48G.8S0.35 Overdrafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14G1.IO Unlclales , bonds 10 m.cure CUIL- lon . . . . . . . . . . . . . "cure . . . . . . cl . . . . . l,187.G01.ro ] 'remlull ! nn Untlrd SluleQ 1) H. . G.32r.41 ltnck . ecllle ; eIC. . . . . . . . < . . . 4G6.4 .8) JI.nkln/ IHu.e. Curnlum unit , fitures 1.151.a.42 Otlr real estate n.I IiirIgiges owne,1 . . . . . . . . . . n ! . , . . I"rlllu . . . . . . & 42,1I1.63 1)uo rl'OI n\ton , l hll\ . ( flat redCI v , ngnnl. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21932.03 nue ( rrol slle Inks Ilnd hflfljfR . . . 12.rM.GZ ] ) uo Crol " 1'111\,1 ' , , "el''e agent , . I.BI2.l 9.31 Chrel , . aol , uthe' l'l"h Itotim . . ! . . . . . 2J8OOi.41 ) Hxchlnles for cleallng Iious . . . . . . c1.3t Jilhis . ' Ir oll'r nalon.1 bnte. . . . . . 91,5 , G.0 ' 1.'lclonal 1''llcr eurrelicy milekeli nn\1 cents. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,131.83 Lawful mooney reserve In bank . vlz : UolIl 'oln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 583.GU. : ( nlll II r".ury " 11II1 . alrl. . . . . . . 10000.00 lillver d IIars. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.0n.00 . , HIt\'cr Ilea91Ir cVrtllleate. . . . . . . . t , r > ' : .oo Sliver Cr.lclnaul colli. . . . . . . . . . . 00,103,2.1 'Iulul . ( " ) .cle. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740,000.10 . I.ut teuler III"ell . . . . . . . . . . . . 333,617.00 1'olal " p'cie noII I'gaI teutler notes Five I.or e.nl 1lemptlon Cun.1 wllh 1I'n.ur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.313.1 Duo Crom Un lied Slnls trea.urer . . liU.i6 01'1I1111 total . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . $ .42O,4G6.1I 1.1\ 111 bU1 L' $ . CapItal stock pul'lln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 G,911).001.oo SlInllus Cun'I. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 1.314,116.30 .Undlvlded IH'OII\s. \ less epemIet nrid , Inx" " paid . . . . . i. ; . . . . . . . . . . .9G0,47 . Nntlollnl bank notes oul.lnnlIlIg. . . . 1.t8'i. 2J.1iO Due 10 other natIonal banki . . . . . 2)3.261.iO Dun 10 Atule lIan\.s \ ullll IJanllera. . . : IS. J.i3 DI\'hlendll unpaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 n'lldunl ' tirposlts . . . . ' . . . . : . . ; . . 10.007,250.00 N.1t0a4 IIn.1 . bll1l redlsenuntC ' . . . . 611.011.9 ] 3iil \ ayabte. . . . " " . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204,091,87 LlabIIltIi : 'ther I than ; those above I . ' stated . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . ; 632.03 O.raniJ total , . . . ; . i" " " . , . . . . . . t :2..13 > .leG.I. Average meserve held. 25.55 per cenl. The following Is - the nJstraot of' the' re- portm of the national I.\nlcs of Omaha on the same date , which will 1J0 found or Interest In making com)1arlsons : ItI'SOUIOCFiS. : Loans nnd dIscounts . . . . . . . . : . . . 19.44S.652.12 Overtlrnrts , . " - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , 138.303. United Siules bomtjs j to secure clrou- lullon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . noooo.O Unlt",1 Slltcs bonus to secure Ulllled Sinh's ( , tieposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41..000.00 . Unlle 81119 h011lls on imand . . . . . 15.000.00 ] 'relllluIll8 on United . tates IJonds. ; . 137,921.&S I3toclcs cecurities .elc.\ . . . . . . . . 138.70361 ] IIInklug itouee IIrnllure . aol , fixtures 3..835.07 Other real estate and lIIorl'TIgl'/I owned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2I.036.3G ' ' ' ' ' ' lDuo from mlatlonal \ i' hanks i ( ( not re..ervo ugeatJI ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436G14.02 Duo front talc banks und IJlu\I'ers. . .411.S5.3\ Due Crom nlll'l'Ol'cd tsorve nents . . 1.71Jtlt. Checks mind other cash Items . : . . . . 1:0.182.il ] x'hunle1 , for ctenrh\ : houSe " . . . . 4G .482.8 1IIIIs or ( nUH.-nnllo banks . . . . . 17.212.CO 1'rnctlounlIo111el' currency , nickels und een I. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 7.335.28 Lowrul money reserve .In b.nk . vlz : , Oollt eolll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4oof.22.50 . . Gold IrCl8ury cerlilleutL'8.- . : , : 0.00 lOuver doIlRJ'll. . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . i8.iO.00 HII\'er treasury certificates . . s . . . 91,053.00 lOuver uiactlonal colim . . . . . . . . . . 4S.s.7.t 'l'otnl .pecle. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . lG2,181.9 Legal \.jlIder 1I0Ie. . . . . . . . . . . . t5t.7W.00 Total suede un,1 , legal ten0er. . . . 2,204,537.03 . 1'Iv. I"'r cent deml'L'on fund wIth treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. 63.15 Vue from United l3ttes Irwiurer . . 3.900.0J Grand totnJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8 , S.'j1.01 I.IAI1JLITIES. ! CUI.llnl .tnck void In. . . . . . . . . . . . 14.100,000.00 1IUII.IUs ( tiid. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333. OO. 0 .Unllylct prolita . less expenses end taxes paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.032.a Nntlonn $ hunk ! noll' out tulldln ! . . . . 656,095.00 1 uo to other national t.anks . . . . . . . 2,83tU49.60 DUll to state banks a.nd IJLlllkerll' . . . 2.Z71.1.5.0I1 ] ) I\'I 1onols uopl\lll. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,3X7.00 Indh''Iunl 10p0sit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,602,257.13 United Stnts lelOshts . . . . . . . . . . . IbU.bOI.35 Deposits or linltetl Slales disbursIng ulllecra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,619.6. Nolell mont IJIIIII n rediscounted . . . . . M,316.93 ) lIls l'nl'aMu . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4G.ooooo - Omn'l totnl. . : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sp51.01 Avsrull"O ll'l'vu held U.1t per cenl. A careful comparIson at the above lIJUrell will show the relllllon which Omaha bears to the balance of the state In the matter or business handled by the national hnnks. Take , tar examille. the l1oslts-lhe Omaha national banks have Individual deposits or fl.GO'.J.2i7. WI agaInms $10.39.260 for nil oilier national banks In the ( state exclusive at three In I.lncoln. It the del10sltll made by other banks anti Jy the government anti It II . dlshur/llng oIltCCI'1I bo Included It will be found that Omaha banks call show a larger line of Ieposllll thl1l1 all other national banks In the state comhlnell. p , FACTORY ACTS. C. C. VlmIte the Crete mIller was In the city yesterday 1001dllG' after business Inter- ellts. 1IIr. While lIa's that Nebraska . ts now growing a. large ( \Ulllltlty of hurll winter wheat , which Is fully \ Hlllal In quality to the wheat produceil In nn ) ' lccllon ut the coun- try. The poPularIty of the flour IIImlo from Nl'hraska anti Janllllli wheat Is increasIng every year , not ollly In Ihlll country hut In urol"l 08 wo\I. There was a. lime. live to eight . years ago ' , when peollll thought that our hard winter wheat was not good for 1I0ur. Jilt now It 18 considered time bcst. In St. l..ollis Qur wheat brlllJs a premium over other Idnds. Time outllllt of the lIourln nili8 hllll been cOlIsldernJl reduced durlllif the ylOUt Ihrt'o 1II01l1hs. ewIng tu the general lIel\l'elsloll , prevailing In the country , but Npbrnslll\ mills have not felt the effects In any greater degree than those or other .tlltes. Air. While bII ves that with proper 1'11- courugement the IIIll11nl industry Iii hound to hecOme UII Important feature of mmmauu- ) f/lcturlll In NeJrnskll. The V 01111111'11 club of BentrJre line adopted resolutIons 1110)111:11111' Its mnetmmbers to 110 all III their Ilower for the lIevelollinelH of NI lnlHII.lt'S ! indnstrIeo by putrolllzllll homo in- . tl\ltltrl\I. A \'IlIzen ot Onuolma . who Is Interested III the success of local mallllfal'turlllg hulus. tries , asks It there lire no manufacturers ot ' 'wInm1ov IIcrcctUi In this cIty and If 110. wimy they do not wake UII and look litter busi- floss DurinII' limo Pll.llt week time representa- lIve or n tactory located In Maille has , been III time SHy allli hils 1I11ell 1I\'IlSUrelll'nta and imuide blttll to 1IIIIIply nearly every lIew huuse In Olllaha with IIcr"eIlS. More than tlmat ho Ii tectlred the contract for lIuppl ) ' . IlIg at least two or the largest houlleB con. fltrul'II',1 the Pail SlltllIHer ulld filII. One at the jlJl'B Jecurell 1581110 to over ' 100. "Our wcstl'rll htlslimesmm JIIen think they are pretty rapid " liuh 11' " ' " , gentleman "hut lIome or these enstern UrllllS could ! give them polaters. 'J'alel' . for 1':11 a III 1'1 e. the linn referred 10 Obovl' Last IIlIInmer every mnn In thIs ' city who took out Il bulhlllllf perlllit for a -I louse of any SIze recelVf a I.el"llonal . letter informIng him that the firm \ 11\ Maine waR. alive and woult hare B. rcpnsentullve call oil 11111/ In lime o luke orders for IIIINllg dllIvery. A'eom)1ap'lng the letter was a circular npllllnhllf tim ! , character or the goods mulUfMcturC'II : Blllllplea of woO ahow. Iimi the IInlsh and a lIamllle ot the wIre cloth USI'\1. 1.11111 'eek the representative of the firm < ulled on the owners or new , Iloulle1. and It IB not surprIsing that he goP ' ' conllhlorllblc bUlllnes8. That IB what I can toing after bUBlneeB. " I DurIng tile past year or two 111')11\1\ ) laa mlLdo greater IltUG'I'cn In tb . w'oy .kt. , . . . ; 1. -a- . , ot bulllling canning factories thM n.ny other stMo In the \Inion. The enterprising people of that state are now looking towaN chicory culture and ml1nufnctute RJI nrron Ing .n oPJIortllnlLY for the I\rontabl In. vestment of cl1plt. Th lIce h:1. ! recclvcd a number or InquirIes from that state nIl 10 the success ot chlckory growIng In No- bralkn. bralkn.Tl1 PACK OF' COnN. The AmerIcan Grocer IIIUre It out that the Pack ot corn In the country last year wal 3.414.809 ( cases ot two. dozen cans onch. Com nrcd with the \InlrecMenlcd pack of 1093 . thIs IIho"'s ft Iecgl' of 6SG- GI3 cnscl' , but 1.1 to7.G3 cases above the n\"o rrnle of the Ilnst ten years. 'nH heaVlelt tailing err from the- output ot lh':1t waA In sections of the west Ln which 1I1I1'\llIeA wore greatly curtailed Jy drouth. Thus 10wa'A record shows n decrense for the year at about 2,1).000 cases Nebraska 1&G,0I ) cases Kansas 12.000 cases anti lIchlG'an nearly the same 'I'he Maine pack shown little change , Inr'lnn,1 and , Vlrglllia are IIbout 00.000 cases behind . New York state 111 about 113.000 cases short of IIlst year and 1'ennB'I\'IIl1la nail Drlawnre together nre ahout oo.rm diSCO hehlnl1. Till only Increase reC'orlle,1 , Is 47.800 caSes In the Indiana pnck. The details ot the hack ot the past two years Is gIven ns follows : Cases 2 do ? . tins each 1092. 1811. Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GQQ.1S7 coolie Maryland , nn VIrgInia . . . . . . IrII , O1 4.o.31 New york. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ; i4.r.3 ? PCt.r.G Illinois . .A . . . . . . . .O. . . . . . . . G,400 ot9.too IndIana , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.108 * 12.1.9'041 1i'va . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . .1. . 4io.3U 121.f.3) 'Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : r.9W 31t.010 Nphrn..kn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193. 1 M.81O ifumatq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . n.G501 2 ) .iGO lit "lUrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , s4) 15.414 lilirlilgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,20. (0 ( 1'enns'lvnnIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.7.513 80,900 1'll1wal"O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41).105 .012 Other IIlnte . . . . . . . . . . . . G7.801 42.62t - - Total Unlte,1 , State . . . . . . 4,004,408 3.j1.U Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111"0) ) 131Qf' - - Total U. S. and Cn.nnIt1. . . . 401.151 3,4\1,8OS The pack of corn In isol ! compares with the output ot Ilrevlous years as follows : Cases 2 IIz. Case .2 dz. Y..nl' tins cacti Ycnr. tins each. loom \ . . . . . . . . 3.tll.8O'i 1609 . . . . . . . . 1.GO.3M 1593 1 . . . . . . . . 4.301.41 iss . . . . . . . 3.431.471 1092. . . . . . . . 3.351.0" 1007..i . 2,311,421 1991. 1 . . . . . . . . 2,8 9,163 t8 G. . . . . . . . . 1.01,73 1890. . . . . . . . 1.658.60 lSs . . , . . , . . . . J.OS..t71 Total ten .cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.075,4.8 Avenie IlCr year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .007.51 AvcrnK per ) 'ear 1592-I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.U,1t3 At tim annual tneetln ot the slockholllers at the l'axton'ierllmmg Iron works It was shown that the COlnlH1ny hlld expended In Improvcments iltmrlmig the year lSOi 1 $13.0QO. ' the larger proportion or which WitH for labor. 1)mmrlmmg the your two flre'llroof buIldings . the 1I0flton Store and the Paxton & Vlerlll1H machine shotl. were constructed In Omaha In al"lItion tn the work done Upon the gO\ ernment hl1lhlln . Iron alul steel men are v'ry juhllllllt over the CIICt that It Is IIOW possIble to construct I\ lire-proof bulldlnH almost ns ChCllllly ns one ot the old style of brIck and wood onstructIolm SNOW , VUUltUIi .5 CO.'S'II WS. No Reason 10 1I0Jlo for IIl1ch lIoUormont . 1'111 ft Crop I. , \ SI1I'r I. The local stlilorintendent of Snow Church & Co.'s ' Mercantile ag-encr writes : "The record ot the lust wcele's business. both In local circles amid throughout the country generally . shows 110 change In time sltunllon. The Fell ona.ble weather of the ' last few days ( dls:1I'ceaJle as It has been , Is a. source or congratulation to mercbanls lIud business lIIell In this part of the coun- try. The long dtouth has 1I111111y beel\J hro- lIen. and with the melting ot the snow the parched soil will ho slightly moistened. 1l Is to IJc hoped tlmt this Is (111) ' the IIrst ot a sem4eti of Rl\.OwCnlls which will make up for the lack Dr moIsture whIch hns : : been prevalllllg for the last few months pust. "Tho report of the State Dnnl"ng 110ard as completed shows thll ! notwithstanding unfavorable conditions. time 1IlI1ks : ot Ihl state arc In fnlt' average shllpe. The increase - crease In ellOslts multi decrease In bills payable and overdrafts Is Il very gratifyIng felllure of the report. 1'he coltler weather of the past few days hall ol1lewhut stimulated retaIl trade IA woolens menU heavy wear of all lell\ls. IIsllle from this. there Is very llllle worthY of nato with retailers In this Eeetlon or time country. Wholcsllus report I\ fair averaGe numuer of orders , characterized however hy the snme clo.'i ness of buying whIch has been iluch n marked feature luring the last yoar. HctlLllel's ore purchasing from hand to mouth amid the usual stem ot Improvement - provement common at this seasorl or the year Is not Tlotlecable thus far The tate of business as It appears ut prerent Is 110 dIBllppo\i1tment \ .to , men bf affairs , enetJI1ty. It Is ex1)1ctd . 1 alwa.g Iii " ' retaIl lines .thnt' the fim-st'two months of the ' 'Y 'dar make a poor showing. "Vholesalerli this season hoped' for very little , owing to the fact thnt they wcre well posted on the coa l. tlon or afCalrs. The local situatIon ns It stands Ilt present Is 00 disappointment to the average business man and It Is mainly speculation as to what the future will rlnS' that Is agitatIng merchants In this part of time cOllntry. That sprlllg trade In ' . most Jobbing lines will be light Is (1. fact alm'oady conceded and cOlUcrvative business men uclcmmowledge lie fact that little Is to 1J0 expected In the way or nn actual Improvement - provement until the tall crop Is practically nssmmre(1. "In addition to this there are other Items bearing on the financial condition ot the coulltrY"11I general and which will lIeees- snl'lIy affect the local state or affairs which should lJe decldClI during the next few montha. The continued outflow ot gold and the IItel\lly reductIon or the treasury reserve IR causing much anxiety among bankers and IIl1anelerli. The ineffectual rrOrtif or the government to formulate IL new currency IJIII are discouraging In the extreme. The fact at the matter Is that peollle have lost confidence In the alJlllty of congress to meet these cmorgellcles. "AlthouHh general conditions favorable or IIlIfnvoraule as the ! ' may turn out will 1111- . oubtedly affect fa n greater or less de- sree the prosperity ot Nebraska and the vest . there Is much consolation to be found In the Imowle'I'oI that 0. good corn crop must of necessity create a. revival In business In this locality 10 a greater or less extellt. Thill revival however will of course de. nenll upon Iho Improve conditIons at the lJalance"ot the country and the good prices which always lrCVaIl In better IImell. The Ilrevall logical conclusIon Is . therefore , that while this territory lost' Cull through the failure of crops suffered than allY other sectIon 01 the country , thIs 'ear , with a good crop Its condition will as IIlmly : Improvel Independent - pendent or all outside con.llngencles. AS VUN 8II0S 11' . T..o Jiankor.s Thlk or tloa nala 00 the Treasury Stock ciT JolII. The local manager for n. O. Dun & Co" speaking or trade says : "Tho draft upon treasury gold Is I again alarming the IInlUlcler8 ot time country . especially - peclally Its the ellBt. The outflow cannot lJe stopped however so long as wo arc spclllllnlf mOIllW Castor than we take It In at the custom houses unless resort be hall to Ito temmiporary reef $ ( nrrorded by issues ot bonds . SJleaklnl on this point Iwcll known IInancler at this city , In answer to tI" questiOll ali to what IIhol/ld be done to stop time Ilmln upon the treasury said : 'l6Sue ur.o.oo100 lee bonds and make It a pOIHllllr IIwclill11ent. AdvertIse In every cIty ot 4.000 MIl upwards , for subecriptlons 10 Ohio hon ls In hiltiltemI t BUlliS amid make lie rate 2\I \ per cent. 1ery 1ollllr would he taken UII inside ot twenty. four hourB lJy the liatri- otlo < ommOIL II oPlel who hlwil Imvlnl8 available I'or just such IUI inveetnient 1'hls method wonld take U)1 the gold from the peuple wh\JI can anti do use either IIlIver' or currency. It would avoid thelIyndlcUlo scitexile UI\l1 lit lellll\n upon the treasury for gold Upomi legal tender certificates would l follow IIIi has been hitherto experienced. I"urtlnnor UlOr" would \Je no Increused draft upon the gold reserves or the banks lit thin comnu'relul centers tt purchllBCJ blocks ot 1)010(15 , 'rhe reserve In the trrofuryYoulel ' he tt'pll'nlshOlI allll while Ihu' oulwarll flow wOlldlot bo entirelY stOp3mei this home demand for tl'ellsury gaul would l oot be so large tutU the gold fright would soon IIUSS awuy. ' Anothp.r banker too 0. very gloomy view ot the IIlIualloll and IItll.tl' Ihat hIs directory hail decided to keep all the cash they coult got tn until MIIY I for ho feared the d..lllun for gold would create 1I0n1ethlng akin to a. lialmie "JII'Uhlllt ' Just lIetmorlcl nn examrla at 111111'101111/11 worthY ot ell1ulaUon. : 11cr lute large IIISlle of war hands was lallen lit bv limo common neohlo will nn pntliql isni'vf lcllool1l"i lli the admIratIon of time voriii "I.ocally. trade In jobbing lines lute bean rather tJlSIIPJIOllltillC , though good reports COllie from the I grocer and boot and IIhoa people. III 1I10st other Hues a quIet weel vas eXlerlen01t1. Uetall trade braced up quite II Jlllhl as II relil/it of Inwere weather hut cll ) , ooliNtlOlI1I Iloro f arfully slow , nd local trulelllllell , are by no melillS eommtented either with lie Ilrese.nt sItuation or the outlook for the early futllre. 'rhe week was signalized : 1 by the dls. charge of 400 men from time UnIon I'aello ihmoini wl Ihlll is 11. blow to trade from which It will take a. little while to recover Should ! Armour enTrY out what scents to hll hilt Intention unit build Q packing houlJo at Soulh Omaha the loss or wuge nt the shops will l offset This wlllt\r ts well 1llvuncllll. and there hi reuse to hope tllllt the working season will 01'1\ earlY and tImes will bu better all' around than imow " : Ulh'l&uw..e imer100ip . . . . MII.WAUI" . Jan. : U.-F.oUI1-bull. WI"\1'-W..alll No. 2 slrlmtg . IiOJIoj ; No. I northern . SIimc ; M& ' . 03ic . OA'fl0-1wcr ; 2(0. ( I white li3g. COtlN-i"lrru ; No. 3. 41c. nYIQulel : 6Hi\ , iiAlIi.lOY-l0teedy ; No. * . 53'v ; iamph . I2i . ( me.JtIX'I'U'1'SI.'tour. JtIX'I'U'1'S-I.'tour. 1.1100 bbhs. ; whe1lt t.111O bu. bailey . 1.0) ) bu. I\lU')1 NTI-'luur. r.ao bbl. lMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL , ' Wheat Continued Ita Record Breaking Slide for Oblivion MAY CLOSED NEARLY ONE CENT lOWlR - - ThuefRS R tltht n.co\er.r nt time Open lug 011 R Onln III time I'rtce of Euturci of \1\1crl.l1n lIed 'ml Illtor JrlI\d. - CHICAGO In.n. 1.-"hont conUnttell Its r'CortJ.lreaklllg shido for oblivion today , . touching 52o for May , 'autJ closed % 0 lower thaJl 'csterllll. Helter cahleR caused 1111. early a l'ance. hut free felling wll'HI It ollt. May com closed 1/SO lower May oats unchnng-cll and lltovlslons 'slghtly hIgher. . The wheat mnrleet opened In Il mnnner to cncotlrngo the hOJlo that liquidation hall rU1ll its court'oO. 'iIa ) ' , which closed ycater- tiny at & 3c . oPened nt Sic bid with monies at SIYc nt the santo time Hnnglng aroulltJ Sic for IL while It gradually w'eakgnetl . and about l'o'locck It WIIB down to 6:13,0. : which was Its Ilrevlous lowest 1lnt. rite cause ot time recovery at the opening was nn un- cXllcctell gaIn ot % 1 In the I'rIce of futures of Amerlc.\I1 rc wInter wheat nt I.Iverpool. That started seine local buying , but ns soon ns that ccl."c,1 the dark view or the ' future again predominated and the decline reported was the re/lult. Chicago receipts were 48 cars against 65 a. year ago. 1\lIn. n'lIpolls and Duluth received together 220 cars against 100 last l Saturday anti H8IL year ago. BmtJstreet.s mnlle the weellili cx- port of whNtt and hour Crom both COllsts 2 1810,0)IJ boo . con1\lal'ell wltlr 3CiGIOOO bll. on t 10 week btnre and 2.DliCOIlJU. a year nHo. 1'1'lmlLry mllrket rccell.ts all told amoullled 10212.000 ) Ju. . lIlnst.-I.OOO bu. .the 11tcVtouS Saturday and lU6.000 bit. on Ohio corresllonll- lag tilL > ' IU year migo . Gue8ses ot the vIsible IIU\lI.I ' for Monday range frolll r.00,0IJ ( ( Ju. to i60.W bu. deerellse. St Louis shlplUents or I wheat this week amount to 618.0:0 : ha $ eil- ' Ing Jccllme liberal ns time session 1lI1\t.nce . ; IllY closlnrr Itt SIc having lIu\llo ii. new low t Irlce tL'Corll , nt lI2 ! , c. 1'ho corn market cOlllpared with wheat was ' firm . on fair buying . nit hough In the end lower than 'esterdn"s close. May started stroll ! . lit 43 < . or .c , IInllrO\'cment over last IIlght. Owlnf to the hra\'ness of wheat amid rome IIlacltll\l UII In the del1latul for hl\lmellttl. . the opening IIIlvaneo could I\ot be lI\ulntall\ell. Till lose for May' \ \ 'as .ilYMC : . against 4\fc \ 'esterlla ) ' . A f.I. . 1.'n ' Da .no i "onoon'\ In nnla Values "at u the ' start ' ' wore " somnewhiat " ( inner and Irmlulllly eased off closing IL shuttle lower hut within a very small fraction of yeslcrIIIY's last prlceli. The steadiness oC tile cash II\nrlwt anti 13011\0 demand from other sources were- reported ns time Cllllse oC the early Ilrl1ltlestl. lint syinpatlty with whent Inlluencel , the ecllne. May sohl from 29ihC. tile opening price , to 9y'c. and closed from 2'Jy'c to 9c. The III'ovlsloll mnl'ltct waR steadied by the 1I11\all receipts oC hogs. Shorts were the buyers Time range for May pork wits rom SIO.SO at the olening to $10.60 and ' illicIt to $10.65 at the close. Mar lard openellllt $6.i5 soul down to SO.1 and closed at $ tJ.72'1. ns against f6Giyelller \ 1ny. IUbtl for 'iIny slnrlel at $5.60 and left off lit $5.55. whIch waR 11160 the closing price emi time day he- ( ore. Estimated I receh\ls for Monday : Whmeat 27 cars : corn , 135 cars ; oats 60 cars 30.000 bu. : imogs next week . 165.000 ht'lld. The leading futures rang.d : ns follows : , , Artlclos. I Opoti I lilt-li. I Low. I Cl03 - - - - - Wheul.No------ Jttti . . . "OH 51 40H ( 401 Stay . . . . . hilt 64 ( 1i2H.t 03 July . . , , ' . . , 50 5:1 31' . 031& Corn : R : .j : : .iaii . . . . 43H 43U 42" 4210 Mny. . . . . 4534 4r.H 4iiI 45I Jtmlv : . . . . ' 454 4534 4G'.16Yo 43054556 Cats . , o.2. . .Iall. . . . . . 2RJt 28H 2854 28\ lay"\ . . . 2934 . 291' 29i 26040.96 J'ork per Dbt ! . . . Jan. . . . . 10 1'.i5 10 55 ] 031'.i 10.0 Ma ) . . . . . . 10 80 10 80 10 00 14) 05 LardIOOlba . , .laim.I . ( ti74 6 1'.i71o 0 5294 6 fi5 Ma ) . . . . . . 676 67/j 6 iO 072 } Short Rlbs- . Jail . . . . . 5 4jj 45 /j 40 /j 40 , Nlly. . . " . . Ii 00 Ii 00 Ii 65 /j 55 . Cash f/I1Qlatloll" were as Collows : , . . , . I.'J.OUH-\\'Int IlUtenls $2.005i2.65 : : . wlnte slmlhl $ . . ' 2.IiO : 81 > 1'1111pllenls. . sa.tr ca.60 ; spring straights , 42.10572.80 : bikers $ l.75fjl.54) ) ! WHF.A'l'-No. 2 . 'pring. 2i. @ 5tc ; No. ' 3 BI.rlng. nominal : No. I red 49 ij'5Q , e. COHN-No.2. 42.c ; No. 3 yellow . 40 % e. OATS-No. 2. : 25'4c : No 2 whiite 32c : No. 3 while 3t % @ 31c. HY1 - N. . 2. 00c. IIAJU.EY-N 2 , Wo ; No. S , 3ij,5e ; . 1':0 ; 1 , 450. 1"LiAX. SEED-No. I. SI.4 TIMOTHY RFI D-Prlme. $5.0. PHO\"ISIONS-M" pork. per IJIII. $10.40@ 10.51 Lard per 100 tb. . $0.050jG.57' ' ' { , . Short i'ibs sides loose ) . $ : .tQ 5.45 : dry 'Hrll shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.57 ! 04'4.75 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) . $ . ) : 5.0. IISKl"-Dlstl1era' : finished goods per gel . ' $1.22. I . SUOAnS-Unchnnged. The followIng were the receipts amid shipments . today : . . Articles. ' HC'.celpts. Shtllmenl8. . Flour bbls. . . . . . . . , . , . . D.s Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000 6,000 ' Coni bU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.000 44,00 ' Oa18. b\1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011.0011M.00 ( H.o.bn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.000 4.000 Barley. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.0)0 _ 22.00 On the I'roJuco e1Cehtlllto tlllay the batter market ket was steady : creamery 123c ; dairy 10 @ Oc. EG'i'8. 1Inlll ; 13@20c. . NIOiV YUIIIC (0iNEltAL l\1"mJ ClosIng Juotmitioni 011 time PrIncIpal Com' rnotilthes nnd 1t J1lo. . NEW YOnK , Jnn. 6.-FI.OUR-I1eC'ell'ts. . 12.500 blJl. : exports 8.GOO IIl1la. : sates 2.1iOO Ikgs. , mar- kd very dull and weaker 10 801city ; 11I11I iit- "lItll St.OO@.I5 ' ; winter patents $2.hQQ'3.IO ; city mill clears . $3.35 : winter straIghts , $ .35U2.15 ; MInneapolis patents $3.0fi'3.ti : winter extras , ' . a2.40 ; 2.ltnnemiota bakers $2.00@3.GO ; wlntcr low grades U.OO@.15 ; sprlllg low grades , $1.15@ 1.90j ; spring extras . SI.65@2.35. Soulhern hour . dull : common to ( air extras $1.0112.40rood : to choice , $ 2.40402.05. ityo 1I0ul' , quiet ; sales . 25Q blJls. : al1lJurllne. 12,50170 80 : fancy , $2.000j3.00. Jlucllwheat flour . quiet $1.63'i'1.13. lIUCKWIII'A'l'-\I\Il. 4S 1i\3e. COlON Alr-Qulel : pales 20.COO sacks ; yellow we..rn. $ lSt1.I ; iirandywini $0.00. nY -Nllmlllal ; car lots . 5IiU'55c ; boat loads , Wi/57e. UAHI.EY-NcI.I..I : No. 2 MIlwaukee 4JijGc : Iwo.row.d. st/l.Iu. GW,6Ic. , U.\HLEY MAL'l'-Nomlnnl ; western 10 ? ilc. WlIEA1'-ItPC"ItI. . none ; exports . t8.600 bu. : pales 80.000 . bu futures : no spot Spot market Illactlve : No 2 rN , 1111101'6 untl eleVillor. 7'.H1' ( ' C7cl ull0.4l. &t65Sc ! . f. o. b. . W- IIlIout ; No. 1 northern , t70 dl'l\\ero ; No. 1 iumri 67c de- IIwrl Options opened whOm cOl1slolem\lo linn. 1Il'll" Qn IIIKher LIverpool udvlees ulI,1 good local cQ\'crlnl . but In Iho bite morning turned 1 very weak under reallzlnl . dill lll'olnllllg exports nnl closing cables . the btayy sold .hllllllelllB and gen- .ral lock or conll len , " nmollg II/cuI pooillo ; closed f\.c \ lesser than Inat imighit and ho lowest price 3tt09 over Rolol III : No 2 led , JIIIIUilr ' , closed at 67'4c : l"elJrullry closed 61CI ; 00tmrchi & 00(5854c . dOlled 680 ; May 68.tJ'.9 ' a.16c. closed & 834d ; June 68 ll.l64160c' . closed 80 ; July . 81 ) 69c. closet1 LIic ; August (04ItOS'J16e ( . Clllsel , 09 \ c. COHN-IIeeellI. . U.2'JI ' IJu. i exhort . 5,000 Iu. ; sales O.OOO ) IJU. futures no smit I. hlbt nUll Ilet Inactive ; No. 2 . 150 la elevat ; .tealller mlxeJ. : 47\1. . Opllo.nll "IJelled stronger wllh whent. but i subsequently reacted MuShIly , 'toslllll' ut "c 11"1 ILdvllnce : In..ulU'Y clu&11 ut 4S0u ; 1'IJruury , closed at tOe ; May , \.ltf3Ic. \ . . clo.etl ut 40u , July closed at 49c. \ . OA'1'N-Itecl'lpt8. 11.500 bu. : expert . 2,81 bu. : smile . 10O' ) 1111. rUlul'\'s. 2S.000 IJu. spol. JPO\ mllrlet dull ; No. 2. 31'4c ; No.2 delI'ercd 3-\c \ : track white , aOljiU4Qc. Ol'lIl1l1a nes.'lel1 1111 the brennan , mn'f closed lit Ii.c net advance ; Jnnuar closed at 33cl 1.'ebrllnry closed III s3c : March close al 34(6c \ ; May , = 30337.c. . closed at 33e. IIA ( \-81..a ly ; shipping . 001S7c ; good to chqve ! GOtr7 l . 3J llOl'10-Steady' state . comlllon , IQ ( 6'imulce old heir ; hew , 044)110 ) , 1IInl HI"lrllwel , salted New Orleans . so- Ircll . 45 ta C5 I. . . 4Y.o 6clUMOIl : Ayrs dry . 20 : tu U : . , lIe ; Texas dry , 24 10 30 1" " . . 7 t(14e. I.l'ATlIgn-J : Itemlorll aule , 1J. A . , light to h.Vcllll1ls. . 14'.ti lIe. , . . . . . . . . - . , % \\'OOI.-I"lrm ; domestic fleece . 16O'Ic ; pimileil I tr2te. . , 1'ItOVISlON-hiesf. quiet ; family . IIlIiOUI2.6 : i extra lIIe08. T.&Ol8.oo ; beet 1111.1110 , I0.LOtl I7.OtJ , i.3eked $ .oo l9. ( ' ; city extra India mess . $16.1) ii 18. lI. I'ut menlo. , .1"1.1) : 1I1'kled 1t.1I1" . 5' , IIHCI IM..I , ' I . . 'III I\'rs. 40,41400cm 1leklet 111I11111. 7il8"'e. 1.amd , stezidy , wemitemil steam clo.,1 , III 'G.b7l : sales 15 hones at $6.X5 : city at 'lac ; Jalll\.r C:08l'd : ut U 85. /1o'l\ll'nl ' , lit y. 11.15. non- hUll : relined . ataidy : continent . n.40. . 10 A. S7.GiJ , oomllolllll , , 5.c. . I'ork , 'Iulol but aititdy. new Il1l. . I .wl1l.W ; ( famll . $ QtIZ.ool $ sllor tlear. $ 13.25t110.00 \ ) . IIU'r'rlH-I'lrm' western dairy IQflllc ; west- ira Cl'1NImery. IZC/.13\io ; wesmerim (4ctury . IOnIc , Siglmms . :3M.Cl2 1' ; IlIIltalloll cream. , ) . 1tjbc ; Ilalll . itairy , 10411k ; stUte creamer ) . IlOillo ChIi7i315-1)ull ' .tnte. lur/1" . 01111'Jcl ( ; small 11"1'11"0 : purl .klm. ZUio ; full . khiiis t12'\c J'OOM-Flnn..r ; ! ; state mind l'cnniyibmnia / . :3Y.ott lc ; ice hou. . . 16tISer ; Ie" , 2kO' soiotiern , n.O':2c : reel'llll , t.543 l'kg" ' " 1'\I.IO\\-Sleao.l ) , city , 4\.04\CI \ , ; country , HUt H.c , WI .0 . qualllY. 1'h.'TIIOI.IH1.tNominal ; Plllte,1 closed $ $1.00\ \ : Washington. loLl. , $0,50116.10'lIahlll ; lon. UI ulk. fl.aI , r..l1n" . New York. 15.65 ; i'iiliad4iiimla timid IlmmlInmore ( $1.73 ; 0'hiadeliitmi $ . emit ' 1 Uullhlll . In bwk . 33.25. IIOSJj'4.-Qulell ; strained . mlllllllln 10 good 31.53 q.40. . TUI1l' } NTINQulet. . 25'tjZ0c . lIlI.ilO-lteitdyl doimoestic . fair hI 'x.tra , Hij6'1ej Jtpamm . 4'4(4c. MOL.ASi6lit-h5teady ! ; upon MIllie good 10 choice. 33cZ3c . CQrrwl iuitr : OIL-I1uled ( ucturelcu anI I" l\nM .n weakness. wllh ' ' u.1IIn" 70i limited ; prime ' crude Se ; ort crude 22e ; ( ir 1\1 slImmer ) yeltaiv r.ffl7.c ! ; 0(0 islflimer ) 0110" . n j37c , yellow IJI\II"t grn.II' . n. , . . Cfl.NflES-Qulet : fine ) \ , ? BUnd . S3.0UI.0) , others , $2,60\13.50. .i via liON-Hull ; Scale" , " . , ' .OOi1 . : .tIt : Amer- "I' e Irnn. $ . .ftI1..II."I' l'I'IIt-SlcnI1) : brokers .ntC' SID.C , I.IAl ; -Slront , l7roker fl' 0 83.O2i. I ' ' - llgiieri straits . $ lS.p'fl71.35 : 1.lntos. Quiet. RnlC on cMn"c ! 36 ton4' 44'A.tmry tin 113 : 23 ton _ June tin $13.511 : 25 thn'to * erOtic StUIJ , 2. : ; tens to errlte $131 ; 25 tm.Tlti.liOt . . StS , GO tons I'ehronr , $13.001 ; &Otoai : t$13. . " ) . - .r. . OMAhA ( H'i1 : : n,1I. r. " 1.\.ItlUT. - - - Condition of TrniiosI&jj..Qt1otattnmei on " tnpln 111111 J'nne.rI'rlner. . DUTTElt-Cllllcd txk . ITJ'commcss 10 fair Ottllo : fair to good counIQ'.JUl12"CI ' , choice 10 fancy , 15ft1Gc : gathered CrrRllter , lIe ; separator creamery . 20(1211. OS-Slricll fresh laid 6e. t.l\'H t'Ot'I.1'1tY-Chlcken. . Sc ; ducks Ge ; turkeys . Once : hen\'y tools . ee ; Ice.e. Ge. lJlmSSgl1 1'0UI.TItY-l'\llckenll. \ fair . ee : choler large 05J0e : choice sl1II , Gt1ie : turkeys , faIr to good . 7c : choice limuvy , Hi3e : choler stash . 8U'e. . tilicks . fair tit good . 7fli\ic : fancy . Cull drc clQc \ ; geese . fair to good t17\ie \ : ( elmer . lull Ire..e.I , 8/9c. / hiAllll-lllue wlnl teal per 110 ? . . IU.Oa1I.1 . ; Ireell wing . teal per ' doz. . I,1t.t.o ; ouekll. nlixeti I. liar 1I0Z. . SI.oofll.25 ; rnllvnslonclR. , St.I\ 5.01) ; mallnn1. anti red \ hrM . . 12.r"W2.13 : hlUall mloIJII , Gc'UU.oo , jack rabbits . $1. .n.W , squir- rel . , ' Ie. \'J\I.-holco fat 10 to ill ILs. . are quoted nt 4Uc : large amid coarse . SUI" . CtllmU-\I'lpeoll.hl : full cream . Young A. lIe ; twitis l.c ) Nehra't ! alll lon'it rnll el'l'nl11 ; SIc ; NeIJm.ktl tutU 10wn. rnH skInle . H ' So ; . lnrJ r rloeb. I , JOel ' brick . No.1. lIe . hlivhss I : No. 1 , ISe. Y-Uplund hay $9.50 : mnidlaym.i . MoO : low. land $8 : rye straw , $6. Color bakes the price 'on hny. Light / shnll" sell the besl. Only top smiles \ brIng top J1Ilce 1I'ONS-OI lials . per loz. . ' Octj$1.00. \'l'Xi IOTA tIt.I : : . l'OTATOER-\\'eslern smock car lols. COOl ; small lots 70. . 01.1) 1It'\NS-lfnnl.plclce . navy I.9012.00 ; I.In11l , tii'nns . liar lb. . 5"c. UNIONS-On orders . 00e. ' . - (14mllAfli1-on orders 1 t1I"C' . g IH ! W ? LF.I.Flt-l't'r ilos. W.5 , H0\ 00101' l'01'A'l'OES-Joll1e grown S2.50U3.i5 : 1unlNl . $ . { ) ( 2. 2. ; . JlgJ'TR-l'er'lobl. . . $1.50G'il.7 : . CAltIlO.tN-Pcr 10101. . $2. CAUI.\Io'I.OWJlt-l'el' crate ot n doz. nd half to two doz. . 12.(12.0. ( . - 1I01lHlmAIIISII-l'er Ib. 6537c. 1'\ lt8NII' $ - . l'er IJIII. . $2. IOIITAII\(1AISI'er lb. . lc. I'Altiti.IOY.i'er , loz litinchics 3c. TI ( ItNI ' I 10-1 ' 'Cr 1,1. . , . 11.0' ' ) . fI'INACII-Pcr hhl. . $2. ' : . Fl1UI1'H. PJAltH-Wllllcr Nellis . 12. . \I'PINS-OenIIQns. 63.00050.23 ; choteo eastern : stock II , OIlAl'I'S-r'nnconl. none : .Ia\3gn8. \ per G5 to G8lh. Iohill. . 11'O.1I. Itllfll0. , CII.NlmllmBJerSe'R , fancy . ItI.OO 'lI.6Q per IJIJI. . TltOPIC\I. I"nt.t1'S. " . ' " 'M , . _ . ' _ . > _ . . . . _ . M. _ . ' , , , " ' i.i' lorluas . , ' ' i.a1- .ox. _ . , j.er . N. ' 'II.W. . . ifornia hovels. : $ LEQ'a ; ; seetlllngs , Oh lANAN\S-Cllolee stock . $ ) .O fr2.50 per bunch . 1I-MONS-New Meosinas .Izes 300 to 3GO. U.5Q 414.00. "INr A"PIPer Iloz . $ $2,00051.00. . IIISC ' LI.ANEOt'S. OYS'tEHS-lledlltm. Per cn. ISe : horseshoes lOc ; extra atnntlai'ds 2tc : extra selects , 25c ; com- pan ! ' Selects , :60 : New York coumtts SOc , bulks standard , per enl. . $1.30. N\\ I"W-Nxtm fancy . ISo : rane ) ' . Ito ; elmira 21j'I3l' : cullromln ; liags ' e. IIONI-N..w Ynr ( ( . lie ; d.ul . 11pI'c : Call Cornia. 16c ; strnlne.1 t 10 10-Il cans per lb. . 100. SiAl'L.mS SYItUP-Oulloa Jugs per doz. , $12 : 1iIxl. ) ' i cl1l. cnlls , $3. NIJTS-\Imcnt. lOc : Engll.h walnuts .oCl. aii'Ileil lc ; iitandarIs . lOc : filberts SU9c : Brazil 11111. 0. . sAtL'On ( IUAUT-holce wllte , per 11111. . UO@ i.OO : Per motif bbl. . 52,50632.75. . 10llNCg SlIOttT-Fancy. 11lII,1t bhlll. per Ib. 5\e \ ; 10-gal ' kegs . Gc ; condellseI , per case ef 3 doz. pl ( ! " . 250. CIIJ' ' Il-Pule jmtlce per tlM.of , $ : : halt hbl. . 13. IIIDgS AND r l.LOW. HIDES-No 1 green ) iidn6"t05'4)lc . ; No. 2 green hides , 3'40 ; No. 1 green MIIln hides . 6c : No. 2 green salted hmiilce 4\c' \ : No. ' 1 . i4reon salted hldei . 23 to 40 IhH. . 5c ; No. 2 green 8allell hides 27 to to Ihs. . 4(5c ( ; No. I veal calf ' 8iJto 15 Ibs. . lie : No. 2 \'eal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs . Sc : N : . 1 dry flInt hides Ge : No. 2 tjry flint iiilas . 6O" No. 1 dry hillelli , lil.les . Sd : ; part' cured hldl'S. \18) ) per I" le8\ titan (1I11y eureil sUI ) m' PII.TS-Oreen - 1II . each , 2355600 ; green sall d.shenrllng.sho ( l .50oietl early skins ) . c4tch . ' 505l5o : dry shearllng.t8hort wQOte early skins ) . No. I , , earl lIOu-'jodl't ' IIhearlll1ij'H ( short wooled ' early .klt.- ) . NO..IJ lIach. 6c ; . dr hInt Kunso'1s 'nnll' Nebraska tMtclu'f , wool polls. J1er Ib" actual weight Scl1r\IInt : , . Kansus and , Nebraska Inurrnln wool pell , . per tb. . actual velght 4i6c : dry flint 47olpratIo ! . butcher trod pelts per lb. I ! . actual weight , : 4rITG.ery glint Colorado murrain 'tool 1.I1 ) I1\t per lb. . actual ! tve4giit. . .4GiGe. . - .1' . . p 1 " TALLOW Ar-D. ul1lA\i Trnliow. No. . 1. 4@ . 4 % c . \uIlQw. ' o..2,355'4c.grirfla ; ' , , 9V3110t9 A..44.1f . . 4' ; grease white 13. . 20c ; . " . 'lIIe.\yello\V , 3c \ ; ' grease daOk.OWtSlc , : old iLiter . 2tJ54c : bees- wux - , puma 1.lc. : , rough tallow 2c. . , ; ' 'FUn , ' FUnS-near. bla'k. No 'l huge. a.ooa,2i.OO ; No 1 medium. 513 ; No.1 email $ LOO IO.oo ; IJenr. black yearlings No 1 latt05 n2.oom5.00 : No. 1 medium. no ; No. 1 small $1 : benr. black , cubs No. 1 large , 36.0033'S.OOr No. 1 melllum , $5O ; IG.O : No. 1 'smI1 , , ' , t : bear. black , Montana and Itacky inounta.iNo1 large 118.0 W2..uO : No.1 enediunl $11 ; No. .1' smali 'f10 ; bear black . Montana year- ling. , No ; 1 IAge l . $12 : No. ' 1 medIum , $8 ; No. 1 .mall. $3 : bear , black . MOlllnnn cutis No 1 large $6.50 , No , 1 medium $ I.W : No. 1 small $3 ; bear , olh'e tip No. I : rge $20 : No. l' medlunt $12 ; No. 1 small , 55 : bear , silver tip. ytarlings . No. 1 large Ill : No. 1 medium , $8 , No. 1 small. $5 ; benr. .1I\'e tIp cubs No. 1 large $6 : No. 1 melIum. . $1.60 : No. 1 small $3 ; bear , brown No. 1 large ; t20.00t12.OO : No. 1 mediUm. $ IG ; No. I small $12 : bear bruwn y ar- ilags No. 1 large $ . J12.00 : No. 1 medium. IS ; No 1 smnll. IG ; bear brown. c\1bs. No. 1 large $7 ; No. I nedium $5 ; No. 1 small $3 : badger No 1 luree. $ $1.OtlI. ) : No. 1 medIum 600 : No. 1 small . Coo : Imstier No. 1 lure. $8 ; No.1 medium. 66 ; No. 1 small 11 : fox , .l1ver. a. 10 color nc- cooling 10 beauty No. 1 large $100 : Nil. 1 medium IGO : No. 1 small. $5Q ; fllx. sliver pale according 10 beauty No. 1 large $ 0 : No 1 medium. $31) ' : No.1 small $ :0 : fox cross , No. 1 large. $7 : No. 1 medium $3 : No. 1 slllnll , $2 ; fox , red No. 1 large $1.M ; Nc. 1 medium , $1.2 : No.1 small $1 : fox gray No.1 lurge. 75c : Nil. I medium ' Me ; lo. 1 small , 40c ; fox kit No. 1 large SOc : No. 1 medium 40e : No. 1 small , ZOo : lymuc No. 1 large $3 ; No. 1 niehlunm . 12 , No 1 .f1\nll. ; $1.00 : marten No. 1 large , 52 : No. I medium . 11.00 ; No. 1 small . $1 : mInk No. 1 large . 6OijG5c ; No. 1 medium \ . 40c No. 1 empmili , 23c ; mink. dark No. 5 10r/1e. Ge : } o. 1 modmumn 10c : No. 1 aitinil 80c. . mountain lion , perfect head end feat 1':0. 1 large , 1I.00@2.00 ; IInperCecl " klns . 2ij'jo : oller. No. 1 large , $8 : No. 1 medium. 66.00557.00 : ; No. 1 small , $ ' otter , pale , No. I I f jg large , $7' No. 1 medIum . hol ; No. : fl small , o.U ; raccoon 5o. 1 large 60friOc ; No. 1 melllum , 60c ; No. t email , 3ic : raccoon black , n. to beauty No. 1 large 6Oe@$2,00 : skunk , blank ) . case'S narrow striped No.1 large , 6Oe ; No. 1 mnediun 40c , N ( . I small ISo : skunk brood slrlped , No. 1 large 254425o : wotverille. No.1 large 14 ; No. I medium $3 ; Nil. 1 smmmll $2 ; wolf mountain No.1 la.e. I : No. 1 medium 12 : No.1 small , 11.0 : wolf prnlrle. No.1 large G5ff90c ; ; No.1 me llum. G'c ' ) , No. 1 small , 400 ; beaver per skill. No. 1 lurle. I' Mr.7r. ,1/1 , , N" 1 " . Ii , ' tics N'n 1 omnll. 12 , heaver ; ' kits. i ; "io : i large. ' :12 : ' ; No. ' 1 medium . . . . l.5 : ; No. 1 small ISo : muskrats wInter No. 1 large 1tOc : No. I me llllll9CI No. 1 small 1c ; musk- flits fell No. 1 large. 466e : No. 1 medIum 7cj ; No. t small Gc : muskrats , tIll. 25500. TOCK ANU litNlS. Severnl JimterestimgEeammres , tll time I'cou. IlItinn till hAn"O : 1"o.t'1I'IIII.Y. NEW YORT . Jan. 20.-'l'ho leading too- tune ot to lLY'fI \leculallon on the Stack exchnnHo was the renewlll or time liquidro- tlon In Lead 1 common. These shares were henvlly Irt'sicd tOI' sale It Is believed , hy Insiders WhD I\re In IL Ilosltion ) to know time company'll affali's 'rhu character ot Ihe selllllg tllel'eforo caused more credence to lie Jlven : to the rumor thut the eOIl1I\1I..lon atocl WC\1 to be ' ( alcoa off the list ot dlvi- del,1 pzmyerg At the opening the IIhnl'es were \1J per coot lower 'an,1 , a further IIhnl1) . declIne ot 414 per cent .toolt ( place III till later lIenllnga , a.l'fJcovery ot ; l per cellt , of which l/m l lC1 cint. hatS been lost lit the cloSe. was crrc5ot mlklnl the decline 00 tile ddy 'I 414 1101' cent. Lead preferrell declined Hle-\lllIy timroughi- out time day In 'c' w'ynljlathy wllh Ihe conimnon 1lI\JI Is 1101\11 j % $ ll' cent Cram the IInnl monies ot Yell rliay. So tar UII IH known , there Is IIQthlllg IlL tile cOlltllllon ot time country to account , f9r this Ileprslon In the value ot time IIIII ijig . hilt tile street accepted the lielllng UB IlIIlIcnllve of the views of those ucquulnell , . ! with time true sittmatiofl of affairs " jj l'hlcl\o Gas cuenell ! 4 per cent lowpr I\nll Ih..n lul\'I\ncell H ( : Ier CP4 . on the coverlllH of bhort contractll. ii 'eOrt ht'llIU' currant IIlI\t a ttlement botwi53J.jlma OPIoslng , la. 1 < 1''st In' the country' trail lsoegi ) effected 'l'he hhher nUll/I ot Itt1 :5. ' WUII not imlain- I.n.lnP11 for lonl . 00111N.llnn n' 1 n" . iif\\'u'i're . ICIIii ( ifflgt1 ! ( id8t heir" the lowrllt pricO' otto th ! 111'.11. Most of time other Iml4imstriuq-jje Ilown on the IIUY'II IrnnHactlon , int'liijng : Cotton Oil I'cforre I % imer cent ; C'httoml OIl commOll , ill ( 1)r centi ; realhur , Ilrc anti Consol. hinted las 1 ' ccitt " 'folnieco I'er c 1"1" . . 1" JI r 'III. } Isthllnlo.t ' I"r cent hut lIIul" , II full rally lit time ciooe Jel1erul Wectl'lc recedt'li ' per ccItt n'Cov.I" 5-t per Denl. I.ondoll was a small seller of St. I'nul Ilt time oJlelllll . Ijut wthollL depressing the steele . which was hell , IIrmly on the 1' . ' . IM I'I. Illerellse of ' l.b0t In the . Deeemher net earnings The othel' grangerll were strong In SYllltl1\I , allt $ lit ( lime close 11111' 1111trt01l was U1 m , . per cent and 1"0r1l11Vllllt. morn 1 ; per cent while SI. l'uul alid hock Isln1l.lIru \ uiwhmungeil MOHt of time ra1lwlY 00 1 < if tnlllt'Ol In "how declines lit Ihs end of tile tiny from 'ell' \'r'III\I IIl1nl Ialell. Som. few IIh/l./ , how gains IJC Il email ractoq lint ) IPIII/IQII Is 1 tier celt ( ) IJgh ( r. IOleCUltttiOfl tilts KcneraJl.v heavy In tone. except within time last half hOIlI' . whell 1\ ce'erlnlfIIQv mUlltlet iii . which , \\1111 dlle tea a belief lint IlIlInl.llatu , , ; action votd,1 tic tllk\'n Ity I'relllll lIt 'Ie\'jlluld. wjJh It view to restore confident'e In tile IIlunt'lal lIttl" tlon. ( which moth ' nlmut I'enchell a point when ' ouch 0. step III regl\rapd as ubsolutely ncces- 'BUr ) " . AII'J oem Ihlll polnl get view the market closel 111'11I. 'l'he'I' ( le jU\lt closed Stas been disastrous to limo "alue of railway 011'1 ' Industrial - dustrlal shares and lime low )1olnt .r the month wt ; r nc'Hlln ' slxt.sh : ot the stocks trailed Iii . while sonic shares 11,101 below the bottom IIglITe or last 3'enr . The continued heavy Shipments lr gold was one of the niost ilepI-essing Inl1uenct's at the martet Involving 8 It elill n SCI'loIIS decrease In the treasUry 101 reser\'e and , a heavy draw on th ( gold coin , 'nult of the tr'nsllr available . able for the r\etl1tJtI . oC gold certlfieilies. 1.11\1I111nllon 'eves I\llIlnl 11l8certmJlc In the shares of the recelver\hlp roads and In several - eral at the low Priced stock Heavy blocks ot lrn" commOn were thrown on 0110 imiar- keto leadIng to a belief In CUrt'Cllt rumors that the tlll. ) 'ment of 1I\'lllen on the stock svoulil ho discontinued , flmli talk that the fortiicomlng ! tmlflllal statement wotIhil ho un. favorable. The net loss on the week is S4 Per ccitt , which is svlthin I per cent of the lowest. Lami Preferred also shmam'eil in the weakness and made a decline of 5. ICr CcItt. Northern Pacific lireferred , on a tO. IteratIon of the state'memlta that fill assess- iflt'nt 'ovotthl be levIed ems the shares , sold tlots'n 2l per cent , with a filial rmtlly of lid' ( 'tilt. 4)'nrtiermi ) l'aclIiC ConlIlioll totleittd the lowest prIce ever registered. The Cordage slmnrcs. 'while lesS nmiimiiated comititmuetl on their ( l030'nwarl enreer , nIh sales Overt' mantle of time cnmnmnoml at 4't , Cam'- tinge pi'eferreil at 3 and Cordage gimaramiteed at l71. the liticeS of time t.Wo first nnmnrnl bsilmg tiit lOwest yet recorded. Umtiomi Pacifle attallled an ailvnhicc of l tier Cent ill tile aaVl' part of time week , bitt toovprtl tile close liquiilatlomi of long itccotlnts catmech ft mleliIin of 1 % er edit Ia IP,4 , time closing lrIm'e being 05 per edit ht0w last Saturtlny. MioPothrI l'nciilo wmtM sIhiiJected to it drive , s''lliCit cnrrletl the imnres IloV.'li front 23'A to Ii , time Inst ihrlee lmhmt.lt' being 2li. tOtigar s'aR hilariteil till 1 ( Per cent , to P0 ! , olt MOmhdfll' Ott tih65 anmiothndiomnemlt of tile do- disiOhi in favom' of the trust by the stmpreihle court , btit reacted to 5004 , reenverin Ill the iliiitl denhings , aimd closed umiehtromigeti on tile s'cclC , 'Fite grumigeis cmtsetl off. cmrhy : Ill the OVi't'k , bill ss'lmett the senate repot'tcil time POOlIlIg 1,111 wIthout nmenilnsent there was a sitnrp rally. A stibseqtment nnmintlncemn0nt to ( ito effect timnt the bill svqtlifi b tIb. jected to a. 'Igorotis attack by tlmose semic- tots desiring amneimtlniemits to It imrotmgltt aimotmt a reactiomi , st'lmlclm was PartlY reeov- t'rel iii ( lie IhtinI tritthllig all lmli5'Itmg Inducemi by St. l'nul's fitvoruhmle lt'eemnber state- memit. TIme louses on tilt ) week are ' , to 1 % pet. C'Iit , tue letter In ltock lslmmiil , 'l'ihe imonil mntrket : was ( Itmiet ttlttl generally hlea5' dtlrillg tlte' two lrntmrs of IlIlsillesS. Tilt' aggregate itles were $471,500. The spec- ulatiomi lmi iho iioiiil market , ltmt'ilig ( ito week 1105 been heavy anit the gcmteral trend of prices mlo\s'nss'arl. Tin' aggregate sales were $6,123,000. 'rite mtltt feature f time tradilig ss.fls the lleatllig , issues , miotne sales of which \vero regIstered at tile looe'est ever miinde. Tilere were filso Collie lIOt"t'Orthh ) ' declltles in semite mf' tItO itstln1l' Inactive mnortgages , and final Prices are gmietiiils' , it it hibeh'nt rcsslOii from the lire\'lous Sat- tirilay's clositig. The Eveimltmg Posta Lonilon cablegramis says : There was a. general rertotIolt in stocks today , (1110 to ( lie' ummsettiel nI'l'mlrS ; Ill F'raliee nni thin niltrciflcit , of time settlement lmel'e , followed by tim. usual l'aria tmiontiml' settlemnent , 'Wlhicit will 110 heavy. Iitt'est- mmieiits stoch overe ss'cak. Consuls were ! kd m , . .t. * r nnriIt' ni roniIqiinn tiflii , , , irIlt' nit rtlmnortt of a miew India loan. 'l'iieso tUnlotS are Pt'obahll' slmitrmme. Amt'rirnmiq wei'e 111111 to lInt on reported export of $7,000,000 of gold fromii tile states tomorrow , The fohiowliig were tile m'losiitg qilntntioll ! on the leading stoelts of thte Now York exchange - change today : - Atciitcii' " " . . . . . . . 4i4Nortmnvestem'im. . . . . Attainhi i4xprcss Ill N. W. 115(1. . . . . . . . . . 14304 , Oiioit , T. 11 . . . . . . . 3d N. Y. Ccimtrat . , , , , , 1)934 ) 00(1 511(1. . . . . . . . . . . . Otid N. 'V. & N . .0th. mOxItreeB. . . . . . lit ) OntarIo & I. . . . . . . . 2098 itlilutore .0. OhIo 0214 Oi'i'gom : 11,11 , . . . . . . . . Il (7aimd't , , ; . . . . " . Orecoit Nov . , . . . . . , 1)4 ) Canada 1otmtiorml. , 49 0. S. I. . & (1 , N. . 4 Cetttrtl. ; 1'tdltlc. : . , I : IOO l'.mi'ille Oiltii. ; . . . . . . 20 Clges , . ! o Ohio. . . . . . lilSi I' . D. .5 1.0 . . . . . . , :114 : cijicago Aitqn. . . . . 1.17 l'Ittsbtirg. . . . . . . . . . 100 C. . Ii. .OQ. . . . . . . . . . 710.0 i'mtlinlamt i'niaco 10)1 ) Chicago . . . . . . . 725iz Iteulimtg. ; . . . . . . . . . . . Comiolidtmted flms : 127 llieiititoiul 'l'er. . 1516 C. , v , , eo. &St. L 37'4 ' ito iirii. . . . . . . . . . . . I ) Cdlo.Coat&It'on 'ilt ; o.n. sv. . . . . . . . . . . . 1694 Cotton Oil ( , 'rt 22 it. (0. 00' . i'i. ( . . . . . . .IS lolavaru .k lInt ! , , 32pO ) ( Rock islattil. . . . . . . 621's Ul. , Lack. .ir Vi' . 101)04 ) St. l'atml D.0 It. 0. pfd. . . . . 3114 do 1,1(1. . . . . . . . . . . . 118 1) , & C. F. Co. . . . . . . t)16 ) St. 1' . .0. Otitaima. . :1255 : Brie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1134 do mifil . . . . . . . . . . . 112 ( to ifd. . . . . . . . . VU Soutimerii i'telilo : 1704 POi't Vimymto. . . . . . . 157 Simirmr : ltuthmiiry. . . 8794 ( ; . Northierim tifd 301 Tt'miii. Coal ,1. Iron 1414 (0. .1 , 10. I , tilil. . . . . . 0)0 ) Texat l'tellte 896 hocking Valley. . 16' ( T. & 0. Cent. ifd 71)14 ) 11111,010 cetmtr.tl . . 87 llziot , , l'toitc. ) . . . . 896 St. 1. .1. 1)uluth 2) ) ) U. 5. 1'1ximras'i , , . , . , 42 05. & 'P. iifd. . . . . . . . 2l'5 lv. St. L. & 1' 530 Lake IOrio .IL Yost Ill tb hOd , ' . . . . . . . . . . . (10 ) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . : \Vclt l"argo lOx , , OtiS Lake Shore. . . . . . . . 13)454 Ivesterml Uuiiott . , 87'4 Lonil Trust. . . . . . . . 29 Vioemmimg & L. E. , 0)04 ) Lottlsvlllio .1. N. . 0t,5 do p0(1. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 r , . .o i' . A. . . . . . . . . . 7 3t,0 St. r . . . . . . . . . . 2714 Maiahnttamt Comm 10395 U. ,0 It. 0 , . , , 11)54 Slemipltlmi.t0. , . . . . . 10 0.P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9354 ? .1icmlgami Cent lilt N. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mis'IoOrl l'aciSe 2i9 0. F. & I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2454 Mobile & Ohio. 15 do lifU. . . . . . . . . . . 75 Nasltvjl.lcCImtt. : , , 64 1 ! . & 1' . C . . . . . . . 2 NMtonnl Cordage , 44 T. A. A. e 17. . . I mOo m'ftt : . . . . . i. , ; , ' 734 T. St. 1. . . & ItC I N.j. Ceitr.l. . . . . . 874 dopfU. . . . . . . . . . . . Ii N. .tW. pOd. . . . . . . . 1154 9. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Am. (10. . 204 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nortliermi l'acillo 235 Am. Tob , Co. . . . . . . 93 No.l'ac , p16. . . . . . . 10,4 do ptd . . . . . . . . . . . IOu p. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total silos , at stocics today ss'ers 62i0. shares , incIddmtg : American Sugar , 0,300 ; Imurllngon , 2,400 ; ChIcago ( Ins , 2,700 1)istilliiig and Cattle- feeding , 1,500 ; General ElectrIc , 3,500 ; LouisvIlle & No.shyille , 1,900 ; NotIonal Lead , 10.600 ; Na- ( lanai Laid iiretemre1. 1,900 : Northwestern , 2,00) ; Iteading , 1,60) ; t. t'atil , 4,000. New'l'ork sliiey 5lmirtent , NEW YOmtK , Jan. 20.-StONl4Y ON' CAT.L- Easy at I per cent ; last loan , 1 per ccitt closed , 1 per cent , l'ItlM05 SIBI1CANTILIS PA1'L'tt-29554'.O hOt cent. STIOIILINO ENCIIANOn-Flrnh ; actual hual- flees In tanks's' hills , $4t9Oi'l.OO'/i ( ' ' for demnand ; $ I.SS(4$1'4.t6' ' for sixty days. l'osed ) rates , 64.600) 4.110. Comitmiii'rclnl bills , 64.81(400 1.07(0. ( SILViOlI (2lOltT1llCAT1OS-59)C bid ; no sales. iiAIt'14lXIdlt-00e. ' SIIOXICIsN DOLLAIt10-tSiOc. c5OV1IIINMIONT ItONlh'-I"irm. Oxcopt for Os. which arc svcnlc anil OOc lower. lIata hiotids , dull. Itmiilroad L.onds , wuik. ClosIng quotations on bonds svore as follows : lIS.jia , re1. . . . . . , 110 1) , & 1L. tO , 41 $ . . . . . . U , tO. f.acolI , . . . . . . l1fl1' ErIe 'Ods. . . . . . . . . . . 1.14 11. 8. 4s , rug. . . . . . 113 ( .1. Il. & 11. A , tie. 013 lJS,45.coui , . . . . . . 113 do7s . , . , , , , . . , , , 100 U , S. 211 , reg. . . . . . . 07 11. . ( ; T. C. 09. . . . . 10354 Pacific liii of ' 00. , 100 ilo ( Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10154 Ala. ClasS A . . . . . . 11)4 ) 1.1. 15. .5 T. laO 4a 8134 Ala , Class 11. . . . . . . 11)4 ) do 2.1 4 . . . . . . . . .4754 Ala , flltfai ; C , , , . . , 04 Iiiuttmal flitlomi . lOs. , 112 Ala. Cmrruimcy. , . . . . I ) 1 N. 3. 0. Om'ii , 5. . , , 1 1 1 t4 La , New Comm. 4s , , 11254 No , 1'te ; , lets. . . . . . 10:054 : Silseotmel ti , , . , , , 100 (102b ) . , . . . . . , , 8)494 N , C. ( Is , , , , . . , . , , , , 125 N. IV. Cnimsis 148 NC. 1s. . . . . . . 3130) doS.05Ib. , 5s 110 hI. C. itotifiiittl 1 04 It. 0 , lVasl , IsIs. 1161,4 'reiin , ituv Hot hIs 8316 St. I' . CImihliols 7m. , , 12554 'FeiIfl. IICW hUt. liii , 100 do C. .1 1' , IV. Os , lIt ) Tenmi. olil Oh , . , . . , , fit ) St. [ . . & l.MMcim , 5 71) Va. CetltirIiis , , . , , 5054 St. L. .0 5.1' . ( lcn.U , 103 , io .Iifrrred . . . , , , 1l.4 ' t'lx. l'no. Otto. . . . . 81 . % tchuisoml 4)3. ) . . . . . . 65 , lo 2.1.1. . . . . . . . . . . 02I do 2ti A. . . . . . . . . . 1894 11. V. IsIs of ' 1)13 ) , . , 103 0 . , . . , , , I , . 'in " , l - limit tVot Ci.n , ' . , .l lila - - - - - 0. 1' . Oats of 'US , . 33)0)4 ) ) So , it , it. . . . . . . . . . . 87 I ) . & It. 0. 7i3. . . . . . li _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ISostoim Stok ( Juotitlnii m. BOSTON. Jati. 20.-Call loam'm , , 054391 par C'3ImtI ' tiiiie loans. 200:6 : $ iOt COlfl , tiiiiiIim , urieoo for stocks , bozid'i Lll0 iniiiIim &marsm 'A.T.L.F' . . . . . . . . 4'.4 ' ' , Vesthmigiaioe,3l1'4-3'j54 ' Alit. Sugar. . . . . . . . . 8034 IV. tihi' . , 1,1,1. . . . . . 'iUt5i ) Ano. Stugar old . , , 11 1 14 WI , . . Otititral. . . . . . . 234 Ilay 9tiilo ; ; . . . . . Atellia ill 200 18 liall'relopliomiis. . . , 11)154 . ) Atoimiaom , iii. . . . . . . 04.34 IloHIomI .1. Albuy , 2 1 II Now J'liglaitil Os. , 30)4 Iloalon , tlialuu , , , 11011 Geti , i'uectric Cs. . , 81)34 0. 11. , ' Q. . . . . . . . . . . 7l1'4 iVis. Cmii , ISIS. . . , CI ) l-iielibttI'mo . . . . , . . , . , 8.5 Atloiitic. . . . . . . . . . . . 1034 Geim , Kleetrhu..0334'it liostomi .5 ? 'lottaoma , 91404 illittoha $ Ieui . . . , 43 lluttit .t Ilostuim , . . 9I'xlci&ii C.'mmtrii. : II Cal tiimit , , 0. ilpela. . 9311) N. Y. .0. N. 1'O. . . . . . . . 91134 (1iImt.m ( iltil , . . . , , . . ( Old Colony. . . . . . . . lbi)94 t'ramiklii , . . . . . . . . . . , 1434 Ott' . t4iioi'I L.ino. , , C Ro.irsmrgt , . , . . , , . , , , 81.4 Rubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 34 ( ) ii(1oim. ( : . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)234 ) 1)1110,1 , l'adIIe ( 1134 Ollincy . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt)34 ) Wt3lit7ittl . . . . . . . . . . 019-4 'i'aimma-ack. . . . . . . . . . 1410 dommhl. . . . . . . . . . . 347 . 8.in Eratmci&co Miimlu ; himick ( Juotimtlcimm'i. BAN 'I"IOANIOISCO , Jait , 213.l'iin oflloinl cipelaT QuOt'4tiOiiS fuir 11111111W 51021(5 tu.i.Iy wurj ao lOb' iowa : Alta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , . . 'J7 'Jut1cmi. . . . . . . . . . . 15 AlptiaCoim . . , . . , . , , , 8 lfcimttietty Coil 4 llikilmem' . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 Mexieam . . . , , , . , . , , , 82 iIet & lisiclier , , , , 144 Olomio , , . , . , . , , . . , , , , 29 lhodio Cmi . . , . , , , , , 75 StoimlIt 1)latd ) , . . . . . . . 10 lhtilltomi . , , . . , , , , , , , , 10 OccIdental Comm . , , :4 : ilimhsvcr Comm. . . . . . . , 2 (1 OIililr. . . . . . . . . . . I Cl ) ( 'mtl.'iloiml . . . . . . . . . . Ii l'olosl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 CilSlleimgU IOlI , , , , 8)2 havago. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ch.uihar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . itS & 'Ql'lliiti . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Comilldence. . . . . . . . . 71 Sierra Nvaia , , , , , , 42 Comm. (2ai & Va. . . . . 325 lIIIvor 11111. . . . . . . . , Ii Ceii , IimiiurImmi . , . , , 1 union 60th . . . . . . . . . 50 Clowim l'uliit . . . , , 44 . UlOim Gloim , , , . , , . . , , , 4 ( ; onld & Curry..2 Yellow Jacket. 47 iiaiu & 1orcrOsii 715 Silver hors I31))4(3t0 ) ) Iiuslcau ) ilOilarg , 4934 ( .ilUe , Drafta , aigiml , 17jo ; lulermliiite : , 9234o. New % 'ore SI liming ( jtii'tiilloiis. NJOY TORtS , Jmim. , 211-'i'iio fehlowlii'r tll3 clui.lmi hmIiiIhii ilttutImiomi ; , : ltuttvt'r. . . . . . . . . . . . it tItarlo , . . . . . . . . . , 80) ) ) ( liolor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1610 OuIiir. . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Crots'mi PpIiiI 41) h'iyzmmoimth . . . . . . . . 25 Coil. OtmI. .1 , , ' ; i. , 1303) Quicksilver. . . . . . . hI ) ) llt'uIsvnutl , , , . , , . . , 4) ) ) do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . Uatiid & Clirr' . . , $1) Sierr.m Nuvudi ; , . , 40 ilaic & O5ort'russ , 71) Staim'.larl . . . . . . . . . 24) ) ) ilumticstmlta. , . . . . . . I lOfli ) tlmilojm Comm . . . , , , , , , 45 SIt'xit'umi . . . , . . . . . . . , 70) _ 'm''llow Juket . . . . 4. ) Ito rd gmi I 'I immit'lmi , i A friti rs. l'AltlH , Jan. 26-Three per cent remiles , 302f 42L'o fur thu iu'tuUIlt , Ezciatigu , vim ieoiduii , 352 blhc for thIc'lI , 1.O.NION , JaIl. 24.-liar silver , 21 5.16.1 var os , Tite amount Cf bullion golie Into lhie Limb of l'nglamm'h ' on balance today Is f46iss ) , ( I , 1. . ! is ijUiiti'.l t.'Iiiy Ill liucimoi Ayiss at 232 ; Slmulriil , 110) : 1.iahn , 23.33(4 ( ; 141. i"terljurg , 13-I ; , themms. 77 ; Itomime , 106.004'ienhmo , 103. 1i10311.IN , Joth. imi.-BxciIamiia cii. $4Jfl4031 $ , . 8 days' s 56tU $ , ) e ) inaiKs 4130 irg , Tlii , wt''ImIy st.itelmwnt Lit lime Izmiarial ilank of lIe , umulu' iiIiWII $ ! lgs ( hlt. ImIg 011011455 $ 13 $ l'.krud shtm limo. il3 I 'us account ; ( . 'asim Iii 1,4:10 , , llm'r'alme. 23,701,000 miorls ; treasury notn $ , dicamie , 1,324.00' ' ) irk ; other securities , deei a , 14 .Ii)434m ) iiiarks ; holes in o rculation , decrean , 48,849,000 rnajis , O1A1IA LIVE STOCK NARIiETS Not Much Activity in the Market for Beef' toors. COWS WERE CLEANED liP EARLY Stockers nmtti t'ccderi Were In 'ery IJgiit 2auiply and 'I hero 'ns 8otno limiiulr , front the Omitsimlo mis 'c1t Si loci , . , SATUI1DAY , Jan. 26. Totln3"s receipts liolmutiereth 7S5 cattle , 2,615 hmogs and mtn siteep , a's agmilmuit 1,522 cattle , 5,091 hog's alili 140 shed ) on 'eterdi' , alld 1,322 cattle , 5,177 hogs anti 110 siteep on inst Sattmrthay. It ovill be liotemi that the i- OeiIt $ tOlfll' svcre ( Ito lIghtest of tilb scek. In fact , time t'eceipis of Imogs were ( lie light- eat of itll day 5111cc Molltla3' , , Oitntmttry Ii , itttit ( hit' m'eeeipts of cattle tim lightest iliee Ness' \ cnrs tIny. Since tile heat of tile S'oti. tht.'i'e 11115 Eielt ii. lose of 13,200 cattle itliti 13.463 lmr''t , oittl a glli)1 ) of I3SO3 110108 lilt c0mIlltt'Oit witlt time recellits tlttring tite cur- responding 1ii'rIOl of loll : ' \1OlOl5l.'O ItI'lolt'T : $ . ( ' , tttle. hugs. $ leep. 'flital this week. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1),2lI ) 23,603 2,023 'i'otiil last wr-'lt. . . . . . . , . , , . , 13,627 42,003 12,7 'i'otal hirel'lOtls steele. . . . . . . . 12(112 ( 11,855 2.139 'i'imet'c so'ern olmil' twoitty-Iillie fl'eshl loluls of t'Itt tie Iii time ymtt'ls iti 1 told , mmii imot enoim gil of a its' , ( ) lt.loilmd Lu itlake mu 11dm of a. liilIm'l4Ct. 'L'hem'e s'aM hot 11111010 uclls'Ity Lit the imitrket fee beef st1.ers , 1.11131 time tl'ale , ieemnetl ( ievoll of life , btmt ( JV'ilttl- &mll' the offerings svet'o lim'Otty veli elt'itittsl Ill ) itt tboit ) * itttttly lirlecs , 'i'ltio mmiarkct mlttrlllg the Pmst ; veek or miuro hiis ; bent ( itt' fi'ollt sittlsrmn'toro' to time 5011111)5 ) iiitei'cats. 'l'ile vimulo tc'nilcnt. ) ' of thin llutrl6et 11118 belt dowmios'arti , lUl(1 lIt ntitiitiolt hits iiei'ti ) I0W tt.mtI iluil. Time btm'ots itat'a tmmkcn tlte cattle that nrrivt'il , but tlmere hiIm li't'lt lii ) liltat , to tIme trade. At the close of time week It Is mottle to ray timut. Prices fire halt fit' : l'rommi 20o lower titaim ( Ito imigll ( Into two t'ee1t ago. Cosy abort % s'ts in light slmplily almmi ( lie of- feriligI ) 0)'etd olcamtoit tip ill good soi'oimh. l'iiu tnnm'ket did htOt. 511010' milticit chttmtge : ft'omll yetitc'rihtt"s lmlt'es. ( _ 7it\'s have tit'tyit lit bQtti'r ihi'tllllll ii ilurl tt S ii r u'eek t 1)1011 ) Fiteot's ftIiil thqrp has been ihiot'i ) life In that ln'.l . tldht 0 f the I rtm ut' . StilOkel's 1(11(1 fecilera wore Ill very light 101111)15' , . 'l'hmot" ? stfl8 Stiliii9 Itmquiry frolu tito otit H limo as'ehl OS fl'uimt iOct ; 1 molmecIllat ors , itltil thin cattle were aOl soul Ut about StClhmi3 , ' lll'iCCS. Ik'lrt'Selmiltti\'io halt's : IllOlOt to'rlOlOlthO. No. AV , Pr. No , y , Pr. Io. AV. i'r. G..I0lS $5 25 13. . , , 070 $3 25 2O.llil $3 ro 1. , . . 620 1 Ct ) IS. . , , 028 1 93 5. . . . 444 265 ll..1103 3 15 .2. , , . 955 3 40 4..l315 400 2..tOSS 3 00 14. . . , 927 3 40 20. , . .h433 4 15 cows , 1. . , . 700 1 00 8. . , , 1150 1 75 l..llG " 23 1. . . . lts ) 1 13 I. , . , tIll ) I 73 14. . . . 911 00 I. . . . 710 1 25 3. . . . 610 1 IS 5. . . . 730 23 S. . . . 507 1 40 1. . . . Sat ) I $5 4. . . .1023 23 . II. . . . 1113 1 45 Ii , . . . ' 174 I 90 1 . . . . . . ! tO 25 1. . . . 50) ) ) 0 50 2..I033 04) 13. . . . 872 23 2. . . . 035 1 00 3..1O'.53 ' Oil' 2..1000 40 2. , . , 025 1502. , , . 1004) 00 2..lmOO 00 3..loQii 1 55 7. . . . 975 0) ) ) 5..tOOi ) ' 70 I ; , . . . hill 1 05 14. . . . 020 10 2..1030 75 2. , . . 900 1 60 IS. . . , Oil 15 1..1GJ0 75 3 , . . . 0110 1 63 3. . . . 605 15 37. . . . 2:2) : 00 5. . . . 752 1 65 2. , , . 970 " 15 l..llI ( ) 00 ID. . . . 911. 1 Ii ) 2.1l45 20 l.i)00 ) CL ) 1. . . . 510 1 75 13. . . . 73' ' ) 2 20 1..llO0 0) 1. , . ,1100 1 Is . . . . . 825 23 . IlEllelIlts. 3. . . . 050 1 00 . . . . GIL I 65 3. . . . 403 2 23 I. . . . 400 1 6t ) t..1l30 I 83 19. . . . 905 2 40 1. . . . 254) 1 60 4. . . , li'23 I SI 2. . . . 561) ) 2 00 1. . , . 620 161) 18. . . . 52,0 1 1)3 ) 5. . . . 461 265 3. . . , 476 1 65 1..I500 2 13 2. . . . 113 2 75 BUI.LS. l.llC0 1 75 l..llIO 2 15 2. . . .1363 2 00 2.1235 I S.'i 1. . , . 970 2 l . . . . .1365 2 35 l..13)0 1 'Jo :1. : . . . SOil 2 15 l..3120 2 15 I . . , .1' .130 2 00 1..l700 2 20 2..i100 2 15 6..il2O 2 00 2..1753 2 20 1..1370 2 0.0 l..1240 2 10 l.,1350 2 20 1..ll00 2 00 h)210 2 10 2. . . . ' 080 2 23 1.110' ' ) 2 07 1 , . . .iiO ( I 10 OXL'N. 2.1500 215 CAL'iS. I , . . , 230 1 25 1. , , . 264) 2 0) 1 , . . . 112 3 23 1 , . , , 350 1 25 3. . , . 230 2 40 0. , , , 118 2 50 1. , , . : no I 75 0. . . . 1943 2 50 1 , . . , 260 4 0) 1 , , . . 210 173 , 1. . , . 320 200 1. , , . 170 400 1. . , , 260 1 75 . 1. . . . 310 2 60 1 , . . , 110 4 00 1. , . , 230 2 00 s : , , , III 2 70 2. . . , 205 4 00 2. , . . 360 2 00 3 , . . . 380 3 00 3. . . . 123 4 25 5 , , . , 110 200 ' ' 2. . , , 10.5 3 00 , 4 , , , . 155 4 75 fiTOCKBIIS ANlO FIOlOPUIlS. 1.103' ' ) 1 05 2 , . . . 0.2) 2 50 Zl. . . . Cl ! 2 75 :1. : . . . ' LilO 2 25 7. . . . 572 2 00 8. . . . 715 2 85 2. . . , 743 2 759 1. . . . 060 2 00 22. . . . 941 71 Oi ) 0. . . . 435 2 40 6. . , . 753 2 50 22..1009 305 6. . . , 616 2 40 4. . . , 415 2 0.3 5.l168 3 25 5. , . 62) 2 00 6. . . 575 2 70 3..1033 3 23 V6ISTIIItNS. Simnpson & l'eterson , No Av , ii ) ' , No y. Pr. 0 stag..1230 82 50 82 hti'era..1191 $3 75 IiOr..S-'l'itero o'ero only tlmirts'-fivc' ( resii loads in tim yards , anti about 300 Iea'l of stole hogs. The' llgitt receipis altO the mmmc favorable mIt- lok at other lioImits e'nuseil on ailvonee of Sc. Tito traduas billy nctlve at the Ilisher iirices and the pens wore clcitieti met an early hour. Oriio Icol of good leavy : hogs brought , $4.10 , the top , as against $4.05 'esteIday and $4.23 'in Saliim' . di' of 10111 , relL , 'l'lie I gut hogs sli1 fruit 8:1.05 : up to 63.93. wltll the ltiik of : ill the iiig : aJililig DI , 53.3& 1.00. As imilI.'nted liy tIti' bali's thu mom let Is jtov not far ( I 0111 t'hero IL \is : at the oi'ning of tue veeli. ( In hint Sionilay tim extrcnt ( ' tang. ' of minces paid s'ns 63.50114.10 , as ai4zOInat $3.SSljl.10 today. tIiii the hulk of tite hiagmi soul on Monday at 53.60554.00. Itepresenta- ( lye 'sales : No Av. HIt. Pr. No Av. Sit. l'r. 71 . . . . . . . .164) . . . $3 05 107..ISO . . . 83 9' ' ) 7 $ . . , , . , los . , . 60 . . . . . . . . 40 3 90 . . . . . . . . 80 65 ' 70 . , . , , , . , 178 , , , 3 90 ' ) . . . . . . . 120 65 74 , . , . , , , 181 , . . 3 9) 46 . . , . . , , , 140 . , . 70 106 . . , , . , . , 197 12. ) 3 9. ) 87 . . . . . . . . 140 . . . 70 CO. . . . . . . . 163 4' ) 3 9) . . . . . . . . 320 70 . . . . . . . . 40 2 05 11 . . . , , . . , 1743 40 70 06 . . , , , . , . 107 40 3 95 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . . . 12) 3 95 ) . . . . . . . . . . . 75 r.5..220 II ) 3 91 . . . . . . . . go 75 00.'ai , . , 4 01) 1)2 ) , , . , . . , , 117 80 75 SO..III , . . 4 9) 15. . . , . , , .173 . , . 75 :79..22.1 : 4) 4 00 . . . . . . . . . . . , 8) (5 . , . , , . . . 221 16) ) 4 (0 06..150) 40 85 Cl . . . . . . . .281 . . . 4 00 3.0 , , . , , , , . 153 . . , 05 Cl . . . . . . . .213 . , , 4 0) . . . . . . . . 0) 10) 66 , , . , . , . , . 195 . . , 4 110 . . . . . . . . 4) 90 72..0' ) 4' ) 4 1) . 81511'S AND ( IULLO. I , . , . , , , . 10) . . . , 2 13) 1 . , , . . , . . 150 , , , 2 5) 3. 'I , . , . , i.iL . . , 2 10) 1 . , . . . . , . 2(3) ( , , , 2 75 1'109. 10. . . . . . . , 41 . . 2 6' ' ) ) ) . . . . . . . . , , , I 25 43. . . . . . . . 75 . . . 2 90 . . . . . . . . , , , 3 1' ' ) 21 . . . . . . , . 92 . . . 2 10 15. . . . . . . .121 , , . 3 0) is . , . . , , , , lam . : t is is. . . . . . . . iai . . . a so ' 00 , . , . . . , 'oG . , 32' ) I . . . . . . . . 110 . , . 475 ShlUlOi'-Tliere it few stale sla'chl In tue yat'tis , oviltell 5Od at good strong lirIces. 10.jiru. ipntatis'o saics : Nii. y. l'r. 15 culls , . . . . . , , . , , , , . - . , , , . . . . . , . , , , . . . . . 06 $1 00 102 natIve feedCi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 0 2 23 207 ntlxe1 jmativos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0(1 : . : . : . : : . CiiLtt ; ( . ( ) 1IVI ; lil'OCiC. Iluyers l'lekctt Up ( liii Vc' tl.iimtlrcl . Il cimil 4 1 fl'Ii'iI II I I ; 00(1 I 'riot's. C1l1O.CO , Jan. 2-i.lioimt 09) llettit at caltie itrrlvc'l toilmy. : luyers ; pithed up ( ito tow imuiiIi'oil lmi'oI on sale , l'4 ' sti'oiig 'm icen , hi CXI0C. lotIon of light rooit5 ; ( or 703:11001. : Steers sitU frmit * 3.17 to $7,430 ; S000lCr.9 nhmd freileni ( r'iiq 12.10 to $3.75 ; nuts fl 'ill ) Sl.25 Ci , 11.60. 'O'iiim lion 1001 lILt Still ( mimI ( a to lou itho ; Item' ( bali ot tile hi et titni , ) i'slt''ilny ; , tutu ( but lie Iii Ole hIgher Iliaim 'i'Iiurialmy. , 'I'lmiu 10'eul's me- eel hits flit' 0 he icomIil omna host ( i'm' it 'i'oit Iii .1 iulunry sIiiq 15011. 1 105'er $ 3m I 3' l'sIc iii' tiii' it I Ii.lit , i uth ( or 31 unila ' , a at miom : o I liii ii 10.5401 Iii 2 1,1)0' ) , n'l t hwy ot i'i i , st'll l'zig lu liii 9' I imo lii It i uil'leee asked by lioidcl a. ' ! 'Iiu best h.'nvy g'nil.'s ) . 00cr. . to ii'uh.l a ur'ii , nil 34,5) , minI c lioirt' nss.im t'I , light 'Inelgllts w'ero in iiinimIil at ( rulil * 1.10 to $4 , 10. l"l'uIll thies Ilt.rus . , p.o l , ' i'smiOnil tiling ilown to ( multi 8 I ii , 6 4. II for t'OlilTl14m iit'.i t'y , II iii fi'oimt * 3.35 to $3.0) $ ) ) ( or c0IJ1iiLiili iight , 'J'hie c'lojo WI , , . . Ilim. 'l'iuo lrci'Poct Of entail ruiIIra of oliu'p fit' ( liii oo'ning days or neSt t edt , 'Illilutnli'l li' . .li'inaml and et i'i'imgt iiejit'.l iii lees , 'i'lo : i ,5)1) I IC il tiffert .1 tt ( 'I C' qtiicl.ly dtsIieoi of Oil fl limM at ( rout $2.25 In $0 for cotiiimliim In exIra biiu.cJI , fn'im * 3.2.7 t'j 64W ) fur lo'ir to faimcy limniui. ) ltocielpts : Cattle , 50(1 hieri'i ' ; ( ' :11cc ) , , 100 iitad ; heel , , 8,000 , iiewimimvrp ; , 1,01)0 lienil , IKplbnS I It ' IIt't , (911.1)30 ( ) .Iiir'.o't. I6ANI3AH ( Jl'rY , .oiIn. 26.-'A'rFLl1 - ll.'csliils , 2.10(4 ( Iwud ; .iIliIinrnls. 1,001 lit'ul ; jimukn3 , et.o.1 . ii , el I , 'miie ; 'l'exa' ' . 1,1 , 't'I 5 , $0.t000i.00 : : : 'J'intm , s cotta , 5l.70f4)i.2 ; Cmlommiilia $10115 , $ Z.IGJ4h5 ; biet vl.'egs , il,4iYi,3'105 ; notIce t'itvs : , $1 .304go.50 ; stoCkers : tii.i ft'i'tl'rm. , $2.Gi8i1.ti' ' ) ; lulls , 3i.50t.53. ; I I 00 33-1 IrCeilts , 4.60(1 ( 111.8.1 l Nimii'iflQfl I . . 1,700 hilt' ' 1151 I h.'t s trung to lot lmigIiL'r : hul 0 of iii Ii's , $3.b0tm1lO : hii'mmtle , $3.'J76JI.20 ; jnrkt'I , 65,005(4.20 : imizrd , * 3.0094 (3 ; lIghts , $3G0jO.00 $ ; i'ohtrs : , * 3,70 t$3II : limOs , 83.'LGc'J.55. Si I 131'I'-'lteceii'Is ' , (00 head ; hipmmeiits , 1,00) hicail , market IeriI' . p41 , 1,01114 l.hi't , p.tsck , .Slirkpt , WI' . 5.Ol'lH , Jam ) , 26-4'il'JL'--lb't'o'ipts , 8,000 hood ' SIliUlitIlts , 4,000 iii'ail , Ili.lrket iluil ; sulihil ) ' t ix ) ilgiit to make a mlii ( 'SCIl lot I en , mii rk't , , ii till gmiiilc'i , prices noqilnally annie as i"rIda"s. I I (331-I tI'VCIIitS , I , lOt ) h'io'1 ; , sImlplin'nts. 4,700 hiiqil ; inti lint sti'olg aiti 00 : ito hIgher ' hosv' , , $4.20 . ' ga.id ilitillillil Nfl' miil xI. 5 1. i 23063 l.ll'i4 ' , ; gut..l light , 53.50411.07 ; pigs , gOflhmriiifl antI ) 'liUMIi 13.4'.Of'4,75 h4lilt'7l'lIu.'ii.l'tg , 100 heat ; shmll'niemtS , , 200 hiniiil ; gnorkt't tumid : gtxii eimi'mi anti w.'lhmtii.u , 1900 t i.00 ; luir inIzid , $2.7143.7 ; lanita , 65sh5l 4) tillwi' III high ! , Itecoril , it rtCSIIis ut Chic ( our prIncipal bar. hoLe fur Saturday , , January . 26 , 1111's ; 62..Ilit' . hogs. l4iierp. I4outl , ( > JnaIi.m , . . . . , , . , . , . . . . . . . 71.6 3,613 CIItatgu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5I. ) 8,011) 1,65) 15ansa ( 'it ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10) , 4,811) liii hIt. 3qiis , . . , . , , . . . . , , . , . , , , , , , . 8.00' ) 1.0's ' ) 101 Tetals . . , , , , , , , . , . . , i'O' iBG' 14.71 ! 4,400 huar 3luriiiml , . NIOW 1.Qillc , Jan. 16. HUOAIt Itaty , flrm fair rofInin , 11 t6o stitrtuui $ , tiC ksl , I alISs , nont' ( t'CflnCil , steslyl Nnt. 5 , 3 l-l673eI No. 7 , 394)3 9.100 ; No. 5. 3540(1 0-ll , ' No 8 , 8e' Na 10. 3366(3 5.lr. . Nit. II , 3 m3.lGJ'1'o ( ; ? ' .ci. iS , 3 3'lo. No. 13 , 3 15-lOot ( 'fT A , 3tO$50c ; Onatilil A , 4 1.169 4C ; stanihoph A. 3 lt-164137te ; cnar.'etloners' A 3 l1'l0.fl3te ; CIt l'Itlf , 4 l-l)3l"se ) ; enishbl , 4 7-li (4sC ; powilerl , 4 11-IGo ; gainulated , 3 li'1663'lci cu'e ) . 4 l'lCfl(4c. ' 1.ONlX)14 , Jan. 2&-SUULt'-'aaio , Steatly3 prices fulls' miialntnhii , t1 ; centrifugal 3as'a , Ils 4I : 2.Itmscos'niici , fair refining. 113 II. CO'i'L'4)N OIAIIICIOT. Net7 'Vork Qilotatloims t1tciiit ; itt an Ad , 5'Ii 11041 ii I 'rti'ei l'.d ii ts. NCW 'olti5 , .Tan. N-The notIon market iiteneI at an nilvnnr. , of 3 1)031515. rtmlv0l staSiS ) ' ant closed at ion nilvance of 1(12 points ; total sales , 23,700 bales , TIme steimIIne'es of the mimarkt't was tilA result of a little local eoverln flIhit C scarcity of SC'llet' , lnv stors were soatternil iiy the geol exports amid llg l'e'odlpts. i'rnetk'dlIy all Itislttesa tnumsmeii'l , : Ott 'ciltinge tnta' OCt15 imt the miaturt' of sot ileilimlg fur local vtn't'rhiig , lIiiflciiCsler sent is ildeftil left 11111 lii tile 958) ' of tables lnlIeitlIig , f'iir or a sIol'plgo of CItImhilles as the reasult or thill trile. Nesv Orleatis 1011 imer t'srt stith ati nih'anct' of 2J 3 liItts. btlt backed tlotvii afire tiiti cliis' . ? ' 7tItl.'oi45 , 41,11 , 26 CLYFTO-ten1y ; mlii. thiItm , m' , 0' ) , ' lea' ititill lug , 4 I Il6t' ; go'I ci 4 l.l6t' ; blat ititil Ri''sts Iccellits , l,2t0 bile. ; experts - ports , COtstWIts' , 2112 bales ; siles , 013 tisles ; stock , 52,11) looms. ilAt.'I'lSltlItlO , 01111. -COTTON-i''tiInlbonil 1,6,101 , lug , 054. ; tiot' mimlilllmi ic , 0. -lG' 1 ; gotst or- llIutm'y , 403. ; net nitl gloss rtveImit $ , none ; etiot'k' , 2'Oo iooli'i. "Itos'rtls , lnn. Iii.'OTTOI4-ituhl amtt easy ; nmiililimng , l Il-lOc ; boo' iihi1.lling , I 1-iSo ; g'e'i ere ihlnaiy , 4 3-ICe ; ll't Iveclitti , Ill ttite" l0fl'S. 1,1135 lhmht'l : l".ltrl til tO tiI'Ciit lieltain , 4,351 ltiI.'s. WI 1.31 lNtfl'Oh' .I.omm. 26.-et'l"1)N-8heittlo" ii1iilhi % , , 4 v' . . ; h105 m kIll itg , 4 7-I 1k' ; Imet gi'os.o I , ' , ' , 'lIit 5 , I ,0 Li 11.111's ; Pttt"i ( , II os lili' $ . 1'l IliltIOll'ml 1.0 , dat ) . itililill Ittg , it I I lre ; liar miiillIliig , S 5-t6 ; r"i't I'm'- illtitm' ( ' . 4 9.16. ; mint jutil gales m't'Ciollit $ , 103 tetiesh , iiia'k , II 073 malt's. 8A'AhN.\mI , .lami. -C'I'l'ON-Qimlet CIII stt'l y : lilildI ing , 6 , 5. I Ge ; lay mithill lug , 4iit ; iirilliii.m'y , I i'lie ; Ilet nitt gn.s lt'c'ellillI , 3,408 Lilt' . , ; stiles , 0,433 , ) Isles ' ti'e'1 , SI .5643 1 si lee. NI.ov : ( Iltl.l.ONS. : .u. 2o-t\'l"rtN-Nas ) " Iii 1,1,11 I ag , C. 1-16. , ; liioo' ItIIhIllflir , 4 l3 lfl ; arm Iii , , I' ) ' , I 'II I Ci' ; bitt m rccllits. 0,391 lou , ' . , ; 6,7i5 lali's ; t'Xhirtii Iii (0 nat I Ii itLi Ill , It ) 600 totles' I ii lii , , ( "tilt I iieiit. IOU ? limlcs ; co.st to Is. . , 11 Ittl. , ; s' mli'sI , lOt ) 1Iles , ; stick , .159 , 4 IS ttmli's .0 1 ' (3 I 'S'i'.t ' .3 ii ii. --'O'P'l'ON-QtI itt ; mnl,1liittmm' , 03t ; Itiot' iimililiiiig , , t.c blot mitiI : gm9s.s rei'ellIttl , 043 laIrs ; slmitiiiieiiis , 5. , ) ; halt's ; sitlos. 324 mime : ati't'k , ; ; 1(1.10 liit's , ( 'lhAltll''I'tiS. ; .1cm. 26-'I"1\N-Stnmity ( : limli.l I I 11g. 1 , ' tO : i I ,1.ltic ; hiot' ma liii tug. S 3.l634554o ; hot mmliii gn'a m'ceim'ts ' , 2.'CS lalm , LI 0' 17 Ii t'OOL , , .1 till. 20.t't Yl"l'ON--tll'iI , illri.l. erati' t1t'iiiattl ; .0 tiieri.'nn. nilldlliig , II. 'I'ite eimt' if ( itO ilay lt'Cih 8,0'00 ittli's , id' to'hlelt 50(1 Were Sir bli'e'iilat iou Ii nI ctPoi t . ititil I mirliolel 7,100 It , k's , titiom i'nil. lte.Lt'lhts , I 3.60' tel li'i , Imielimil liiC 6 , 54 I ) I ' , iii's , ' . ln.'iIt'mi II , liiI Lii i ' o cicti'U iililet 1,35 tte.tit' .0 Illi'i'I'LiIi , Itt lihillItig. I . . lI . I' . .1 miiltmiil'3' . ) l'ru ) : , I 9' , 2 ( ' 9.6 lii 15 ( ' 1.6 Id Fdt'tIal'9' ) , mittI SlarCIt , 2 59-015(2 liJ'l.l . ; ? lim'lt , nnl Amiril , 2 00'6t132 Cl-Gil ; , 'ilirll ititd Sill ) ' , 2 6'-6lJ ; Slit ) ' , iiml JIii2 03-019 3m ; Jut , , ' iiiiil July , 3 1-6)1 ) I Iiml' tmitd tUgtit. 3 3-1 ; Il ; , i1list itmit 0'iit'ilIli'i' , : i :1-61 : 113 4't , Id I St'iU'mnher : (111,1 Octuhiem' . 3 1-6 Il. I , l i . ' I jtiiI tom . nc ri , 1,1'CitloOL , . Intl. 2G.-'W'il , \ ' ) ' - ' ) lit'flh , 00. 1112111,1 l'lm' ; No , 2 r"t se ihtur , 45 1 Ol No. 2 Miring. Os LI ; No. I hurl , SI a mill oti. , Cs Id ; Nti , 1 ( 'al I fiirnl0 , SM ; ftitur'm , clostil St i'iiil ) ' . to'hll , flea r lk'iIt , huts ltm2 ( iii tli lags hiigiici' . itmil ii 1510111. titwi , % Iomts 1 fiu luilng higher ; ittiliicss , : , iiotit i'qiinily , llstrllitt5al ; PcItliu' : ) ' , 43 1'til ; 2.iarr.Ii , 4o ou ; .Oi'll , 4) ) . COOl ; SIt : ) ' . Is 7th ; .1,11 , . , 4 , , 7(10. ( ( 'OhtiO Slot ihmlii ; , ' , in-'lt'iiii iiilt.'tI , mtitov , Ii 3)it ; futiil'es t'iost'il gIna , id lmlgltem'l btitlil'as iitvii'st oil 'itl 15' Itoelt lommii ; .1 milutom 5 aimd Feli- riitry , 4s ; 1Iu'h : , 4s 3ti ; .Oii'ii , Slay and June , 4 , ) Ii'tm. l"I.iL'lt-1)tlIl ; dentand Poor ; lOt. Louis failcy OtIiiter , 5,4 l. ( ' .ONAIIAN i'1II'.i4-4s 10,1. l'ltOViSlONH-llacIl. iluil ; di'inimnil hicnr' Cumn- lem'liil , , cut , 26513' ) lbs , , Ola 01 ; sli'irI ' i'tls , 23 Ihie , , Ols ; hag dcii r lIght , 50(547 I ) 5. ' 203 6.1 ; clear. hit'av ) ' , 35 lIe , . lOs ( SI ; siiitl't Clear laClIs , light , IS 11)8 , . Ole. ; , ihirt clear multithies. iit'tt' , on lbs. , ISa ; clear bellies , 112(16 lOis. . 3S Oh ; siiotI'lt'rC , , 5,101 : , It' , 1255 I S II. , 24. I I nub , sham 1. tilt. 116315 lbs. , 42s. fli'et , extnt Ilitlia liit'i'ii. lOs ; hii'liiw beta , Ole 'Oil. ' h'orlc , lirline Hires , lIit'o os Cs I ii a , Sis Ci ; Irinin iii'd , Iuunu , COs Cl. l.nril , ittt'adv ; pm hair V. t'Stem'li , 3Oi 'JO ; I a- lined. iii lulls , 4 ; . UI. 'h'AI.l.Ott'-Fliti , N. A. , 22.s Gil. Ci 1 lOI'SC-(4uii'L ; deitIttihti uiiorler. , te ; finest Amimei'iatim svhiili' , 49s ; lineaL Ainerii.'un colired , 50. ; . lltTT'l'fllt---FIiesL i'iilteil Slates , 77 $ ; good , 60 uOt'Iltl'l'14 01" 'I'UhI l'lN'3'ih3-lls. 1 tOll N-i.'cmiiin oil. Is hit ? . cc I'll' ( IN Slll ) OlL-.Livcrpool refitted. lie hI , 1.INO4flli : ) ( II l-21e. I ' 11Th tI ) I , Ul ' 01 - I U'hine'I , 53.1. . ItmIIltIt1l'ilt\TOlL IlhF21"-lorcquarlera , 4'l ; lmilm'liuuari'm 14 , 03i1. llLlAcltl Nt I'OV'llOIl-Ilardwoo'l , Liverpool , 7 To. 1101'S-At London ( t'iiclflc coast ) , 2 lOs. SC , I oim I e 4 ilii'r. % I II i i'i ( ItO. ST. LOUIS , .Ian. 20.-.rLoult-1)tili. deprosseti ; patent , . . 12.45413.03 ; otlmeis utot , tuoli1t9' changed , \v 1 I lIA'l'-\Vts dul I rat I y , tint lIt bit. owIng 56 lack ut ( iiitstilI advIce. , ; clo.ied 3fc Off Irma 'csteriliy's lirices ; No. 2 .iel , itasli , 4u34e ; Jmtnu- aro' . 4)iOa : Mi'O'C , ) : Jmmtmy. 0l3ia , COIIN-iev0li.iInualla seem iii lln0 with wheat , tue clOse l.oing 540)llc lower ; No. 2 imuixed. cainli , J.tiuunry and Feii'nimry , 397'C ; May , ' 4lqj'li34o ; Jui' , 4i'c. OATS-hull , liCglected No. 2 , cashm anti JitnI ) , ' all , bc : Sity , 2.J(4e. I LV i-i 1uicliuiigiil. , I l.t ltltmIY-Qiili't ; sales IOIvii. , 05'4c. ' I ilN-U'.e , , , ncla'l , , east tu'ick , YIAX Hl4iCl-II.3b. ' ( 'iO''lIit SlIlOl-leo'or ; 18,10108.00. 'l'iMO'l'lI a' 'll'iIl-hiigIier ; 55,231J5.50 I I A a--I hIll. tinc'iii : ngetl. 10U-ltlglier ; 1110. . 1 It ' 'l"l'141 1-i ! nc'lim : , 8 ° ' . ' ' Liti-l"irmit ; (2.00. ' ' ' . Sl'uL'1'lBt-t8 , ' ( 'OlIN 101 lOAb'-l.lliul,03. av1hisIca'$1.22. CO'ii'ON ' 1' i'sI35c. : ' lL\t1lNQ-i550r. ' , i'itVlSiONS-m'ohir , tandnr4 mntlos , jotmitmn. $14.15. 1arim , Prlfl steiint , o ) hiIce , , , &Ll4. Dry salt lull at 1111,1 , haeofl , U imt'iitiumio0. iLCClIll"i'8-Ihutmr. 2,0)0 wiCal ; , 5,010 bus , ; coin. 40,101) Ia , ; , 'ttts , 11 .0.0) . liii. hOhilI'SiiON'l'H-Flour. 6,00) hub. ; svieat , $1,000 bu. ; coal , 7,00' ' ) loU. tate , )3,0J1) Irma. 'I mtt't I ii 1,1 to 31 ii rii.t 4 , lIM.3'StcJIti' : : , Jim , 2C.let4)UItDull and um- chuituigeil ; m'eci'l'ts : ' , I I 'JO' ) hiltis , ; iilmiliiiients , Ii , I blils , ; sales , I 'i' ' ) 11311 $ . \'lilOA'1'-lItwy ; , .11t ; ant lnOImtIi , r.0tlJ'0fl'e ( ; Fi'limuur' , lU7.Gc ; Slouch , & 7tmlSc ; Slay , 5.tI5D r.69'c ; steamer Nii. 2 rail , 03OO53'53c ; recellitui , 20,401 liii. ; iiilfhiIliCiitii. 16,001) Lw. ; nliicic , 72),02 ) lu. ; uale , 13,00) I.tI , ; aQUtiit'rIl lylwilt 511)1110 , l7tSSc * ; stiimtla'iIt o'Iit'at , out grttlu , 54u5$57l4. , C'OmtN-Sten'ly : biliot and mn'nmth. . . 46(4e ; lroruu. 1ir5' , 403l41iGc ; Stay , 413. naked ; stelumer ( , , nilacil , 4314574500c ; r'eeIiitli , 91,127 ha. ; stock , 604,001 hiu. : , emIr's , 11,000 Lu. ; aoutIieril hitu cent , 475044) 45310 : i'oulieiim ) 'i'iloW , 4$0141(5c ( , ovrs-Q'miet ' hitit steady ; No , 2 white. vest- tu'n , II , ' 2' .mle ; No. 2 inixsl , 3i5,4/iJ33c ; receipts. 10,041 liii. ; block , 135.4317 lim , itYIO-St.'iiy ; No. 2 , & 703'lSe ' ; rccciptt , 1,453 ha. ; t.oclc , 27,4' ) ? lu. ilA'S" Steady ; good to choice tIlmIotily . , $12.60 ? 13.0) ) . GILO IN VIII1Ifl IITit-Umu'liLinged , I I I 'i"rmI I 1-i 't'Iiii ; mgi it. I 'I I lhE5l'I-t'mmcItmlhIl. , ; iO(5UH-Stira.l1' ; fuesli , Zlc. ' * . ' ) , lIii'h'at ' . l'l Ihl1)lLl'ii IA , .1mm. 25.'II gA'l'-Piiil , and neal' ( U I uu i'il 1,4 a luw'r : No , 2 u , . .l Jut , ii , , rIp , G13 47Sn ; F"t'ruiui ) ' , 517103200 ; Slrcli ; , 01'lJ0c ; Ahiril. Ole. i'OltN..Hleaii' ; No. 2 lihIsetI , 474f17(4c ; Polirq- at , 410,47',1cbhiI'il , ; , 4fflS'ie. ' OA'I')4-St"mi'Iv ; No , 2 whIt" , .liiumUnry , 35$03G3c $ ; l'tmiireli , 00tcllI' ; ; Airil , llGiaTIOi' . I I I i'l"J'lSl 0-l"i I Ill jill ! 1 n iu Is iii'r ; fiu ncy sv.'sl ant en'.un'sr ) ' , Sit , ' ; fo micy I 'i'lilis'i 11(1 Ia irlimie , 200 ; to tics' I 'eiIn4)'lI'ii III , , joI Iii g , 2189' . I 0llOI'll iii frt'iol , , imelir lay , Zlu ; frOihI wett. cull. 23. . ( 'I I i'lIiil'i.tliwiiangtit. . S I ' 61 0 1 ii'IIIl'il , , illu ii't ii'It fli'mn. 'I'A LI .1) t0'-1)ii I I a mmd ot I'll Ic , 11101111 l"l'- hour. 2 to ) ' ) blims , 2.50) savk ; svhimmi : tm 01' ) itmi. ; i'riu. 14i'i ' C ) ho. ; 'bats. 83,001 him. tOil I i'lllN'ruO00'Iient , 1,40' ' ) lw.3 ( .01 II , 23,001 lu. ; utilS , 15,000 1w , Is ii ui sts lI ty SI a rbi'I , IOIONA14 ( 'i'i'Y. Jan. IIL-tt'iIlI.&T.-ln lower ; No , 2 luinl , OIls l2n : 2-lu. I rid , 200Siu ; I eje Ii'il , ITt , ; 50111010 , ilee , I' . 0. Ii , MIsilsahIiiii I ivcr ; No. 2 111,11 , Oh' : fl.i. I r4. ( 'OlIN'Oc hitcher ; No. . . , iilsai , 40'IQIIn ' ; No. 2 oo'li it. , 4 I. . OA'ri4sIi'oly ; No. 2 nulxed , 205449IOo ; No. ? oshihli' . 316320c. ia'l-I"t.lul : ; ISo 2 , sOn , m"lAX sI'mi-miill. ; ; ZIOUlZl llltSN-liriil GOflTGe. I lAa'-.maihi , etmi'Iy , ilfll'liamlgLtl , I 11 ' 'I" ! ' 171 15'enk. . iinChilmi8t'il. I : ( : I'uo-AeI I s't. ligmu'r. , 16350. lti'lIl : I i'i-l'--\Vimoit , 7,054) bu , ; corn , 5,000 itO. , oals , 6.0110 himi. 061 i I I ' 11 lNTl3-None , . lililPsilr , 'I'ri.hi' lrl'fs , lh..i.TIS'OittI , Jan. 23.-.1ra : Ings , 52,219,16111 bmi- "miens' 1378.0.00 : fir liii. tt'olc , cleiilhne , 514,035,333 ; bahuic.'ci ; , $2,030,873 , I'014'VON , , Illn. 2-Clrah'ingml , $14ilSOii : lai. , an.es , ii.Il3'J5 ' ; fur lIt , , sveoic , elcitrings , $93,471- 134 : lqhtiti'ii , SiO.247.049 , l'llil.Ahll.l'lI IA. 0(3mm. ( 217.- ( Olin , inn , 39.1 15,034 ; hotiamle4i4 , $ i,417.CG ; ( or ( lie tyik * , ,4e.sriig , ; , $04- o5l2m ; ltgil irces $9I2)G1O. 141000' s'lllI , Jon. 243.-'lel3rimirs , 591,860,512 ; hialouiceu' , II5,31..1,4'i0 , fir Ihia wpaR , clearings , $195 , . Oll)7l ; balnmit''s , 83o,7v0.203. -5l100' a'uhil. .luuu. Iii.'l'lo : iniliorls for his Ivark trite : (1,4.1 , $ lli.Z82 ; jolivet' , ; 3I4a ; ; OrS g.isla , &i/9O,06G ; giierai imitrelili'lise , 57,4'ltll. ' ) rilll0 , .hmmui. -'l'alinue. , . $ it..IO9,54A , ( or 11:0 : otatli , $61,222,600. $ ltiiIll'y , , 45414 l'C , ' c"nt pa .ill ; Vu 43 i'm' ( "lit ' Ii I line , 51i iv ' It e.'liia misc , SOc hiremitlum. SItu hug. caiiiiioit 101 , $ O.O'7lj' ( I "i'm' . I .0 I ' 453 , J tiui. I'm.3 ie.i I 11110 hi'dlao ci siP. ill'mit 'l'.sluy. cleOlimiglI , 31 151,114) lolailets. ills.- 622 : IlmI t'rlt , clicnings , Z.1,5TiIoht I.isiuees. $5,705,112 ; last oscek , cim'uu'liige , $32,773,030 ; html. OlIn's. $6,2)4t'61 ) , ( lirbeiiliitllIIII,1 tt'Pi'l IsIt o'c.ur. cli jirtige , 65I,4i7'JO ; bitllic ii , I i,4l0.iOO , inrlsavu , 52,000,009 , r 11,6 Wl' tilt , I5xt'hiti.gq . oIl New York , 900 rir'iiiltim hId , olf.ired itt 41.30 prsIliuun. Money , dull , 644)1 pci' CebIt , . ' A 5I'CIALTV MLIIOET ! AND CM9E CLOVER. TIMOThY. r _ c. 1401 11i4 ( 'am' ml Ave. . lOsable ChIT. 810. _ - -