- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - . ' - - - - - - : - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - I % ' I k . 14 _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ TIlE _ OMAHA _ _ DAILY _ , _ nEE _ : _ SUNDAY _ , _ JANUARY I 27 , 189g. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ -i f SPBG1J.\L \ NOTIGH8. . Adttrt"ment" \ for th..110 C'olnmn , . . .11be \ ak"n until 123O I' tn. for tile e"nlnl Rn.t ' : unti 8 p. m for the morllnJ $ lnl bund" eIIUOfl. A.lurtlr , h , reqneitIng R nnmh"red ehfek , cnn h,1O ) Rn , " 'er nddru e.1 to R g nnm\ered leUer In enro or The 8cc. An' Iwnl 10 ndllr" ell II he del1ered upon : presentation 01 the eheek only. Hltu , J 1.2c R ' lrl , first Intertln , 1e R uord ' Jleruller. Netting t"ken for Iu I than 2c for lnt Inleton , . - ' 1elo oderUlelent mUst run eOlleel' , ttvry. - SITUATION WANTED. \VANTIfl ) . I'OSITION AH ' ' : < I.JPI.m. Inn \ : I'OHITJN .1 Jot'HI'I . nn fXI"rIM.e.1 In3. ! Oood "rerenC"R AuI ' , In.I' Oo . dreM ! n I' . II'e. A--21. : 'VANTI' : IY A MlIIht.A(1I1) . . \ ] \ WOI { ot any kind by the dny In private fnmlfl. ! . . : : 1 1rnnkIIn. - - A-21.21' AH HIIIfI'INI ( CI.tU < on ] J.t\II\ : .I"'er ; thoroughly uperllncell ; belt rd"rllc- ' . . ( 19 I Ike. At2O.2 , ' WANTI'-A ! POSITION TO ] 0 1'.A1N an\ ! . I Inl : 7 : ct. 1" ' , In ) 172 Ca0 itrcet. A-19 : : fly 1tI4f'rAIIL.1VOMN : ! : . II.M'I' : IN NIB ! family II do light w : k for rl.,1 onrl ) oifll. ' ( 2G. flc . A -213 2i' WANTEl-rALb HELP. WANTI'D. 8At.HMnN : TO HIi.b TO Mlm. chnnti . by IAI.IHMIN MmlJ. Iell , hdg'r . . OU1n ! books and other , pccIaItIe . ; slle Ilie . : chnnc for p"cln\le. Rnc fine IrRrlc : large line. Motel IRnuroelurlnl fne n' stIta I : l n'I ! , trW. , fl-M82 ! 2' . WANTI - ) UN A1) TIUI TO RtL AI : . 4 our r.p,1 grln(1cI- . Ralnry . $ G 10 $ ( per month . < neoCutng 10 nhll ) % ) . The Llchlel Mfg. Co. , Webster City Iowa . 1- ID : -I.21' " HAVINtI AHil'Mt ! : ! TIn M\N\O MINT 01 , ' the Nebm.kl ogency or the NRlonRt IIre In. . Co. we nl" , Ilrncy ot ( "nlrlclnl wl : , mrn CO'I integrIty I . Intelligence fr \ rItlng IntIr- \ ftnce : pleno' Call .I\It \ tHi show you : what sv ; con do. Woloh & . Iulpely. tnnnng r . 403 J I'axton block , Omnhft . Neb. II-MttT : 31 1 WAN1'gn. 1mN : TO HiLb A fl1I1AIlI.1. ( hrnl' nnrl l'rollnMe nrl.le ot conOII' ; Used In ecry houchoIt1 . Sun Chemical Co. . CI"ve - Jan , , O. houoeholl. Ii-M13 2' ) AND ! WOMlN TO WO/ < AT 10 n I Imy $8 II UG 1"1e.l ( for IMklnl crn"n llr Unlt : new 1'1Ienl"t melhrl ; any qne who can vial ' I or writ " can ,10 the Wf k nl home In PI"Ir Im' Inu' , , IlY Ir"n In 1. Sel,1 , for iiartlcll- Ininnt , work nt onco. I. A. Gripp . ( enuln Artist ' ' . Pa. I Arl"l. Tyrone In WANTI ) . RAI.m. mN. RAI.AlY Oft CO I- : . ml.lo. to Iltlkuce ] our lools 10 the tnie . perinannt po"llon ; stoplr line ; plea.nl worlc. \ermnn"nl ( : tiiczgo. , . . with tan1p. K ng Mig. Co. . C 4. ALFSMFNVANTIfl : ) , $5.C A VA Y. NO , Iell''rh' or clkctlons. Crsll' outfIt frc'c. ii1o ; ] Ito " ' or ex , l"'v. Adi1re , " . Manufacture-re. HIe : l Mnlk.t ! ol'cI < , I'htIL : < . i'LL. B - - - - - - - W'ANTI1)-iOl.i'iTOItH OOOD AD- WANTI1o.IITOIH \\'ITI " Itie . Inl ' nhll ) ' can . 'r Crm S 10 $10 , In II' ' 1 , lng our IIW no\.I ) ' : scls 01 slght . J. A. IIJord < & Co. . IZ Dearborn ! trlct . B-I Chicago. 8.2i. ItIt.IAIlI.I3 AND ENI HO-TIC MAN TO MAN- ago agency In Omal" oC 11.rlo ( PMhlon Journal for IlrRt class dnesmukcr. Addros Journll " IrRI lelnach.1 \V. 2rd cRS . , New . - York. B-M2.2S. SAImU.nN-TO HII.I : OUR OOODS \ SAM- pie 10 the wl"Ie'ale and retail lrle ; pel on Right 10 every Lulne. loan or until : liberal "Ilnr and eXIHnSeR I.all : position Pt'I1t1flnflt. For Icrm nll.J . , " " wlh slamI Conln.nlnl Mrg. Co . Milwaukee , WI" /-22i-21' VANTll-iOLIt'FOItS WLTII GOOD AD- O.II'rns WITI , lrees . In,1 , "hll ) ' cnn .nr from $ 10 $0 daily ceiling our 10\11) ' . H'tIs on 5hhl. J. A. Itati- Iu & Co. . 1 : DcnllxHn sl. . Chiengo. Chicgo.12Z . : ; IAlmH on OENTf. TO SII . AI.flSMIN , G'N1'TO ! , , . . pOlS 10 dealers ; exp.ence not neC"I ) ; $ II ( ver month al "XIenses , , reply with : slamp. La Mrg. Co. . < 13 Adams sl. . ChiagoZ - - ' ' \-Z Z2' SALESMAN TO SILL CIARS : $73 TO $ m I En month sulal' und eXIenscs oull rl'ee. lell1' with 2e stamp. Flgn Cigar Co. . Chla" . . . . .1 : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 13-227-27' n , ALIiSMEN . RAI.\I\ C01nIRRIN. FOIl our new ppeclnly 10 merchant , . Ilmeso sU"- CI"S. Unusual opporlunll Merchant l3cono- my Co. , 82J Van Huron st . ChIcago. Chlcag.n21.2' 5. BTDNOGnAIIEnS. 1OOKKlgPElS , SAIIS- . : men and lencherA desiring Positions In Texas are invited II uddr"s ' 'rhe Texas lusll ! . . 1urru. " J. \ \ IludnaIl . proprietor , Dallas . , Tex"s. n-200-21. L ' -1 ; 1mN TO 11-1,1 , flAKING Iowoln TO TIlE - grocery trade. SU"dy employment , experlenco unneee.or ) $1 ; monlhl salary and CPeflSCt3 or com. I offer FIU.aclor addl'q nt once ' ' , with particulars concerning 'ourselt. U. S. ChemicalSorks , Chicago. 11-201-27' : AII R1UN l'OI CIAnS : $1.0 : T $12.00 SAI- any cUll exenses : experience nol necessary. f. Send "xlel. 1Ishoil & Kline . Sl Louis 11-203-27' . Mo. r B-21.2' I , AN INI'ImNTIAL MAN CAN m AI.IZF' ' , : $ : .0.0 and I.rmnnclt Income .os manager hy organizing n company In Omaha for Nebraska . for n business well established In other cities ' In,1 ! ownrl 1y II'Jlllenl Illen. \VilI pay geol . anti ' the clotet ' . Au- \rl. hear cloel 10'esUgllol. Ae- - dresn TIi . Am.rlcnl Elcm.y cnll'ny , 4Z 10 423 Society for t.11IGs building . Cleveland 11-202-21' . Ohio. U-20.21. ; WANTED . DRMJOIITSMAN . AT ONCg. AIPLY . , . Mt."loy morning Bell & Ient . architects , Mer- tiara 111k , . CouncIl Bluffs. I1--1d279 28 lam 111" Counci muts n-:12 ; 2 . ANTED-FEMALE HELP. LADIES WANTING FIIIST CLASS GulLS Oncs - I'IST . LDI-S cal ScnnllInvlan Y. W. luome. ISI3 CIS" . CMO:2 : 1'1. ' WANTIID-LADIES. n YOU \VISII E . - ' - 'ANTlm-LAVIS. YOU'ISI tI.O\- . . menl nl your home. send self-addressed envelope velope for descriptive ! crcular nnd correnc ( work , \ . Alfred iCruitting Company . ; worlt : good vogeL Alred Knlttnl C"II1I Wlnlhlop. Mn s , C-m 8-21. \NTlm. ) . ' 'I.ACIFn FOIl I'RIMAIlY AND - gnuuuitiflar 111,100 , Address Pror. Ludwig . 11cr- If"lmar . . . , Enclose slaml" C- 112 2i' - - - - - - - - - - - - ) 'OF YOUR NiIG1IIIORS ! WANTED ; ADmmSI'S ' : 0.OUI NI'IO/OnS $0,0 Per ' Ihol.nn,1 , cash 1.ld Iiin wllle' . 1lclo. ; " Rlnmp. Addressing lluneau 10' ' \ \ ' , :11h sl. , N. Y. C-\9G.27' : , \ NTlmI.AnTO WORK FOIl MI AT home : $ IG 0) \ekly : 10 can\lu.lng : stnd btnmi' . ' Jst"le Alonigomery . 631 IGU , sl. . Denver . Colo. . ANY I.\H CAN MAICI1 $8 WmKI.OIK - Inr for u. quietly nl luonue. Position Ilermaleni ' Inll IC you can olb'nle lwo houis l'eI dll ) ' . don'l CII to investigate. ltejiy with slnml'NI ( n'elop.Vonnn's Mutual lelel Co. . ilex 2 , . C-208-27' ; Joliet , I. - - LADmH , TO no FANCY WOIK .1 1011 , $6,0 10 flQ.00 : slcllly work , 10 C1\aSSIII : . " 'nd atanip. 1)eiray Needlework Co" Ielrn ) ' , siamI. , Mlc\ cmt 31' : 1OE. BEN'J-lOUSES. 10USIOS. F. K. DAItLING UAnKEI I.0CI\ , . 1)-312 ; hOUSES IN ALl. PAlTS 0' TIlE CITY. ' 111 - 0 , I. ' . Davi. company . IW Fannain. 11-273 - , . hOUSES : DENAWA & CO. . 108 N. ISTI ST. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U-3S5 _ _ _ _ EOlt ItENT-IIOUSII OF D nOOMS ANI ! IJAIIN 101 mNT-10mi . ot .22 13. 1&lh sl. i - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-W FOIl I1I1NT-IIOUSII NiNE nOOMS : FUll- ImN'-10mm NIN1 FUn ; nace . " "Ih. elc. , ut 32,1 anll 1"11"1 , $2.0 ; , 1110 cheap houI.'s. ) 1..0 and $0.00. different o , . patti city . Pcter L. Thor , " . 431 ' lice building. D-3.1 t . FOIl ItiNT-6.ItOOM COTTAUII. IN OOOD 1m- . - . pair . city % valer . $0.0 I'er month 10 . good partie UD N. 37th. 1 block from 1.'nral car line. Inquire ' nt Sloelzel's .IOH store , : I next 10 oostoiliee. V-358 ( c ' I.IIOOMMOII3ilN "ousr . FIVE MINUTES wall : Irom court house. vacant Ieeem"er 13iiu. : O. J. Oreen. room 28. lhiiker "loci. V-\68 t _ F i ltI1N'1'-8-ItOOSt - COTTAOI1 I ) : ALl , MOD- l "r , 'ol'eullnees. 21 % California . .1. Milton - s nO11 & Son. 11h 1111 } 'nllam. D-ID , . I'lt ltiiN'V-CIiEAI' FOit : ' , r"1 I"TI. WIN'ml ; . , one 8.ram house , $0.0. three 6.room claln , . . . . ' . u.tt0. J. A. Scott . Olnhi Nnl'l balk. ' ? _ _ _ _ ' balk.IM23 r . ; . , - i 7'W.LLACJ' : , U10\N ULle.16 & 101\ . . - . S'lt III7NT : . :13 .CAI'ITO A\'I1NUE . 1 IOOIIIP . 10 ca. The 0 , I' . Davis cOml'oU , . . _ _ _ _ _ 1)-lOG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-796 : zou IIIIN1'-MOillitN 10.11001.1 HOUB \VITII - 10.100M WITI : furnace bath. gas . . hot amt cold waler ; OhIO. . . huH 11011. total 1.'lrlaO Street molor line : II . , mosl dCSihflhuie I csldvlN beauty . In the city- . c No 220 oulh : hh n\e For particulars apply ) v . , to 10me Investment Co. . :01 1 rartCUlar . ; . - - 1ITO : ' . ' 01 I1ENT . OOOD 6.ltOOM CT'AG- : alllendllt rcpair eIIIaII barn : city uuter . near . I'palr .mal bar el \ Iler. , 1"lls lark ' ; \1 lenl cheap for lit , winter . 1'llell ) Trust cOII'aU ) ' , 10 lalaI 11-20800 street. 28 : , , ' 2 , I"INI3 T-lOOJ COINCn F'LAT A' TQI S. 16'1 ; . al eel. ranga nnd all other l'n\'enlence. $30.0) 1. ) . GOOIIO Ciuuior . loom 2. l'aler.ol blk. 10. ll:3 - - FarnuunusIicI. 11 : : . .noon MODERN 10Ulm. $5 pcn MONTE . e16 Lapitpl aye 11-013.20' ' 1'R II 1\1 1-9iS. ; 1 WAN'I'lm. TO 1t1'INT MOl)1IJIN lENT MOUmN 101HI , . nllul . , \'el loon , bol\"cl 1.cnyenwortlu nld . Dnnprt sheets . cal ot 19th. Aotlc.s a 9. 7 . , lICe eilro , I-20083 n' . - - - - - - . . , MOiEhiP , ; KOLINTZII l'WC" : COIt1CIth1I3t31- : ) OmJN KOlINTI COWJ'SI. - , cleflce . linn and two lot. WI'16h110 Agency , 331 Itoari or Tra4e. 11-31117 28' I 83 ! olnl 'rr"I. D-II 1 S' : : ORIi T.F RNISHED lOUSE8 , i .JIOOM FUENISI1ICD 1IOU113. 1l1 liT . WhIT 110M l"UnNI1t 10UIE. lm\JT lT. ( f luler 1.lock. -J106 so volt lt11N'r-vthtNI1112v ! - rrAU m . , - south tl aenue . 134-10' .1 ) - , - - ' ; ? . - - - ' - - - FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. TmiiR LARGE iD . FUINlsmm Grant rm- , with till eonvenl nc ! . Choice lo- cation. A1p17 al 19 Haney . i. caton. A\ply E-m9.7 ' FtYItNISilIll ) 1100MS 13124(11.11 ( on 1INSI'ITli- . / 100J FI'INISIP100J FI'INISIP/ hol 10u. $ .M \er week03 I -M 5.21111. /.27 - - - - - - FOIl IIENT . IN l'I\'ATJ lMlI.Y , TWO pleasant IK.mP. furnished or tinfturnihc.1 . wither ! 'Ithoul board . 4 ( S. 21h 1\1. -2Ia.2i' LA 11011 1)II'ACIiEI ) F > i OIL 1AII Iny prt Ijji I ; rent INu < null" . 019 St. . . Mnry'N . nentle. ? 27 EUlNlSHED ROOMS AND DOARD. nOOM & IOA 1 I omUIAN I'I\ATF PAM. fly for 2 or 3 rep"IIle parties HI N. 19th. Jy - ' 11-11' 241(111 \\'AlM 100 IR. WITh 0001 10Am ) : , com'enlences. The rates rtRlonRII , : modern T\e Itose . 212'1 ' ) Inrne ) ' . 1.151.1' ' FOIl ILENT. 10AID ANn ! 1001 1'01 ONI : or two : private rnml ) ' : down town . , AIMr.s ' . ' . F-M6S1 I' 23 . lce omce. 1-M61 NICEI.Y ! ' - NISlm nooJs ANn 10AID. N'UNISlm F-MSil.F3' - " , \ nooM AND . l : $5.C . In pllvRto family : gos. bath lurn r. 2jal lare ) ' . P-list 1 30 : Volt mNTII0'NFtlXISIrn . l'nON1' l'OI Iarlor with hOal. stIal heat saul telephone. Utopia , 1 1 Dn\nporl at. 1'-DJ7-30' liX ) - : W'ITI I 10A nn. ST : A St I and , telephone , references. :2 N. P-51211.3O' 18th street. i'I'ItNISIIIiI 2th HI. ) 100 IH AN10.11. 212 \-M21 10lTI : 1.'Oll SOt'TI 1100818 . SINOII on I NHITr . . ' . ' 2to ; Iotigias. 1.-M212.3' IN II\ATI I.\IIY. ONI 1\I(1 : I.N/ lume IKr hnlbor.I ) ' turn sh"l : choice iocnii- ty. 10 one ( 'I two persons , with or without Inr" . n 2t. lIce. F-21i.27' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 41100515 . SUITAt FOIL 10USI IUI':1INO : : low rent N. W. Cor. lih and \'cbsler sls. 0-20151 0-J151 i , FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES tO1t ILI1NT-TiiIl 4-STOI1Y hiltiCIC I1UII.DXNO , , t.'OI IJN1'TIFS1OIY l/CK IULIINO 816 I'-nrnr street Ths : building has a fireproof . proof cement basement , comllcle lenm henl. Ing lixtures . water Oi ni floors . gas. elc. \p. ply nl Ihe offIce oC The lP . I-DIO 1'011 mNT-A : OOOD I1OTIIL 11'1IN ( IN ereslon. lown. Address Creston Loon & Trust . Co. . C""IJn. 1ovn. 2-20215-28 AGENTS WANTED. SALESMEN Ol AOENTS MAKE MONEY easy aching suits to order $13.10. pants $3. shirts n. mRcklnloshe $5. hunter Talorlnl Co. . Cln- cinnati. O. J-J901IU' AC.IINTS IN lIVERY STATE ON SALARY AND J\ElY \ AN/ rommls.l"n. Agents tanking $11 to $ " weekly. Eureka Chemlnl & Mfg. Co . L Crosse 'WI. J-M96i ) JIDG WANTID : , AO NTS ON SAIAIY TO HOIWIT , life Insurance ; pol'cy ' Provides weekly 100ns In ' .nso or sickness or accident : Is payable II death and matures ns RI endowment In six years : Just what the I"'ple wnll anti are wlln ( 10 buy ; salary 01 commIssIon contracts for rIght parties : wo also want a few specially good men n9 superintendents. Assurance Lifo - association - - , Terre haute , Imi. J- lO 2i' AGg'lS WANTED : NO hART ) TIMES : nlumllm novelties ; buy , lr.cl : 200 per Cfll pront : secure territory ; sample In velvet lined case tlnls you : sell return mail for 10c. Aluminum Novelty Co. . 33" Bhoatlway N. Y. J- LADY AGENTS : I1UIJDER UNDEILOAIt. nUnngl UND-nOAl. ment : quick sales : big \rUs , catalogue rree. Mrs. N , B. Little 511g. Co. . ChlcllJ , Ill. - . WANTED , LADY AGENTS TO SEI.L TiE best wearing and best selling corset on earth : the Ilygela. For partIculars write the Western Igcln. "nrtculnrs \'oslern Corset Co. . SI. Louts , Mo. J AGENTSSIYEI II\TINO WITHOUT A bller ) ' . Send to ct. t Or OHfplele outlt pl'pall and brats 10 ngenls. Sifts. Dr.uwer 706. Chlcn " . . T _ . . _ , u-- _ . WIlY DO I'EOI'I.I1 COSII'L.lN Ol IAID I. times . when any womnl or man can make I front $ ; to $0 1 day ( sl ) All have heard or the ldertul success or hue Climax Dish Washer : yet many are apt to think they can't make money selling It : but anyone can make mone ) ' . because every family wants one. One agent has made Ui8,30 In the last three monlh. after payIng all expenses and nl.rllng to rel- u- : :181neS9 b.ohles , You dent have to canvass - vnss : os Hon ns people ] know you have It for sale they send for n DishVlsh.r. . Address the Climax Mfg Co. . 45 Slar Avc. . Columbus , Ohio for partIculars J AGENTS. IANDI.E ALUMINUM OOODR AND make money ) ' : sales quick ; profs large ; send lOc for sample In plush box ; illustrated clrcu- lam free. Novel ) ' Introduction Co. . 209 State Street ChIcago. J $2,0 TO $ .0 J'En WEEK USING AND SErI.- log Old Reliable . Plaler. I'\ery : Cnmly has rusty . worn Iml\.e. forks spoons . elc. Quikly plated by < ping II lel.1 methL No e""erl- .no or had work : a good situation. Add.'S " ' . 1' . harrison . . 1. Harisn & Co. . Clerk No. H. Columbus Ohio WANTED EDUCATED YOUNG I.ADES AND others having spare time. for light work II home Perlnncnt No caI'.lnl. No . fflke. Enclose 5 stamp for oi neelmr 10 hgln , Chicago Pres Clipping Bureau . 3G 1. Sale SI. . Chlcab' J-197-27' - - - - AGENTS-BOO mlAXO" NEW IA'IUI , 1)12. vice ; takes Place forbidden . slot machines : can make $23 clay easy : relals $ .0. Enclose giant for particulars. : Chicago Introduction C. 038 Jackson sl. . Chlcngo. J-2Z1-2i' AGENTS AND SALESMEN'ANTEI ) TO SII.1 cigars 10 dealers : 873 per month salary and ex- penes paid. Sample outfit rree. H.ol with 2c stamp Sterling Cigar Co . Chicago Iii. - J-223-27' - nELIAI LADY AGENTS : A ( WOI PAYING busln..ss ; $10,0 capital required 10 secure oul- / . C.11 or address General Agent , 3Z N. 2,1 , street . South Omaha. JG - 21' . WANTED-TO RENT WANTID r ' RENT-A FUINISlm HOUSJ or 8 rooms In gel locally near car li , . All- dress G 2. lice K-237.27' WANTI3I A SIX Ol SIIVI2N-1tO05t FUn- II.h.,1 , colugo for four adults . or Part or a furnished house. Address G 2 ; . I. . . K-249 27' STOB.A GE . BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAhA U. R. gO\ . bonded wnrehouse. Household goods stored. Iowcsl mles. IOt3.IQI5 I.eannworth. 27-203 i'rOIAGE FOil HOUSEHOLD . GOODS ; CLEAN anti cheul Inle. it. Wells . 11 I.'arnm.13G. . STORAGE. FRANK 14W03138 121 IIAENIIY. 1-36 I . W\NTED , 3 SECOND HAND UPIOHT piano" please state price make and where II can "e seen. H. D. Scott . room 430 HumgD block. M-320 ANTED-TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. pIITClAID 12 FAIt'Sl. N-36 WE IUY AND ShiLL 101SES ( TODD - moved ) . n. W , larnum & Son 112 N. 18th. N-MOlt F2' TIlE N. W , ImpOITS 'FItOM 3G TO I , \ST. J , 10rrlgan. 100mllll , Neb. . 20-974.21' ! W\N1'ED. A lhIGIltlltAJli3 ' /WrCL1. NEWer or seconll.hand ; wi pay cash. Alldre.s G 13. Uee ollice . N- I1 27' W\NT T IU200 SICON.IAND PODNO chairs : state IHle anti where 10 be tounuL Ad. dress O. D. Wison , Modlle , la. N-111 23' \AN'I I-TO lIllY 1'1':1':1 STOlID AND J"IX- turu for SPOt catit Address a 21. I. . , . . 2-226-27' l-ze.2' - FOR BALE-1'URNITURE. l'UtNITUIF AUCTION AT lilt l'AINAJ ST. Saturdays 10 a. m. Itobt. Wels 0-3S8 Fan HALE , clm.\I. FUBNITUt Ot' 2.100 1 house wlh ! "llly bO"llel . Fine lorellon. Ienl at house cheap. Adlre ! U Ii , lieo O-IDO.28 o"c" FOB I4ALII OIl FOIt Itl2NT-FtYI1NITIJRIiOi" SAII 01 FOi I NT-l'lnNI'fUI' O . G.oom , cottage. Call ul 16 South O-U.j' 21111 : ulve. . - - - 1'01 SAI.11. 501.111 WAI.NUTm 100l set hovel Plait ? glass , manIc 101 . good con , plll" 1001 CUI1 ICII " " . USO ; nls" 011,1'd , wash 101. , . tables dc . :20 Ciuni lea . et. 0-21 ' - ' TI1N.llO0M Ioum : I'on mT AND FUJXI- two for sale hut 1 1''luln ' : parties leaving elY ; will gh'o lmo or chnnGe for good morlga&o II'h' : ne:1 nodre und , hItlu ; excellent 1110ee COl' boarders antI l'mer Address a 27 , 0-251 lb-c. 21' FOR 2ALE-MLbIiELLNEOUS . , WEOIAN VIA NOS. nmOOEPOIT OI1GANS. WodllldiU Hros. . 17 So. 11th. Q- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 AND CIIIUN FENCE ; hAIti ) WOOD Vickst. . C. It. Lee . 901 1)ougiai. 1.\\1 Q-:6 ST. JnN.\l hITCh . 9 IIONTIIS OLD. P12011 \ UTCI. I JION'r16 I'/t pelUllc" . . 'Ih.llio 10 register for Baler chcup. 3J /urker 1,11''k. Q-20076 \r Foil SAI.l.-CII1IAI' . SIt : { ( . (1001) CONI- lon. slnclo . . dvuhlD seated. with shafts und 1'011. At " 1.lle Gent Sln"I. " Cass shafo , . . . . . Q- . . ' . . , . Volt 8AII -TWO FtlL.l. liI.OODIE ) 13T.flhilt. 'l.I.OU /.OU : lard 1' . dogs . S months : US.o Iuch.d < I'lr - / . 2. 1 Q-ZS. ' CNGLIHU SIASTII'P 100. 8 2005 O [ Al- dress J. W. Cantpb"ll. 1cnt ll. Is ( ) -201.21' - - - - MI3OE1JLANEOU3. 1'1 : : JCN1JG'.ACIlM. . 10 ? l'IIj1 Clii. . 1\'nUon. . ' 'be O. F " Davis Coml'an . U-U.23 e * . , . . . . . CLAIR VOY ANTS. Mfl. filL n. WA11IUIN CtnOYANT , 1311- liable bulnt8 medium : lh year at 1' N. 8-370 h 1ff.d SSAGE , BATHS , ET ( ' . MADAM LAflUII . MASSAGII 48 R. 1ST ! ! . LAlCE. T-MB7S 5 $ ' MASSAGE . MADAME IIEI1NAIUI. 1421 T-M8 11011012. : ' lAD113STUitKiSII AND m.I CIC BATIIS . . complexion treatment . bls1 c"\elopmenll enani- coplulon 15th slreet. chlropOI teatment. ( Mme. 10sl. 31\1 \ South MADAM SMITII , rz R. 13TH , 211 FLOOfl. IOM 3 anti ; masaige sea bnth8. . vapor , alcohol sl.nm. . T- ' ulphltlflO 1213.2' PEHSON DII. T. W. STONE. 810 N. y , LIFE TIll. . lii. . - - , ii1IIILLIJ I-l'EILY CORSET , MADE TO TiE IELLU - order from measure . 1919 Farnaln street. trm leuure. 191 Iarnam slrcJ n MASSAGE . ELECTItO TIIIII1MALIOATIIS , TIEIJAI. chiropodist . Mme. I'ost , 319S. . uth 319\ t 1 SICATI1S GItOtIND . nOLiow 01 pLIN. AT A. L. Undelon . lOG S. Hlh street. U-hO \'IA VI CO:31 lm 111.110. IIIIALTII hilr1l1il3 U-3 SWIlDIShI MOVIIMI2NT : CUI1EI YOlt I.ADmS. HWUIRI FOi 1616 MO\I ; consultation. R.\lenllc. \ facial and "bosllY Irallenl free Mondt y . . Jnnun ! . U-M3tGJ2S' n. IhASS. FI.OIST. I'LANTS. CUT FLO\V. ers. Uanquel Itoh . residence nnd grave decorations . rations . 1813 \ 'lnton street telel.hl'n" 76. U . 1\VmA TiLT IWMAN'I IINNYIO\ : ' . nn.1 Tansy Pills : never fail ; always sure ; . . . . . ' . . 59 .nled. $ .0. I. Stevens & ( lustavus. . U- State olr.el. h\cngo. \ - ATTENTION 1.\VmSI UM1IA BUST DU\'gl- open wi enlarge ) ' 11 bud G IncheR. UUM- antecul . Sealed instructions lo. or 21 page ii- Ilslrnl.1 catalogue Ge . by mail. Imma Toilet 1111. 1"lon. Siuuss. U II.SONAI'OICI ; R QUlCIL1' : ADVICE free. AII.lress . 1lw'er. Gt College h'lace New York CI ) . U- ALL 121201)5 Ol ' NI2VSl'Al'fl1t CI.11'PINCb $ < NIS 0' WSPAII 1 CIIIPIOS WI111,1 , also lIsts or AI\lrse. for A.I"'rt.rr. Cash 1)01,1. Enclose stamp. "A.I'erlsln ilu- 1.11. . No. 10 VI' . 21h. N .Y. CI ) ' . U- onum ' 10 SUCCI'SHI'U : SPIWI.ATION. How to trnlo sl ceo.rlly on limited mnrgln on IIJn nail , stock Ilrlceto : mailed frve . Cootes & Co . IUI/o Ilu ) ! . Chicago . Ill. 11-200-27' 11AllAGD IAlm , 2l STAMI ; IrXlm [ R or descriptions with , , IInce , ; many wealh ) ' . Mr. and Sihi. Drake . WnshlnGlon 01. Chi- - cage. 11-221-27' I.ADm , 1113. VOI1ELL'S FI NCI FI1SIAI.I2 110 never fail : safe and sure ; sealed , U. Par- II ular 4e. " 11" Aurora Medicine Co. , 65 Slate M. , ChIcago . lii. U- DO YOU S1'ECL'I.A'fli ? ThEN SgNI VOlt OUR hook . "How to speculate suecessrul ) ' on limited bnin Stock mnrkels. " Mailed la.gll" In OneI and Slok Mol.,1 r.e Chicago. , COlslock , lughl & Co. , Ilnlo - Iluilding -21' . ILOOS1MATII WANTED : 02011 AS A COMPANIon - Ion ; to such a one 10 rent woult b. charged. G 29 , lIce. U-263 : 1lO\\ ' TO fmT lAmUI / A1)lItESS WIT I stamp . Prdental Matrimonial liuheati. 402 New York bite , Omaha . Neb U-24 2i' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . Ill N. Y. LIFE. lens al low rates for choice security In Ne- . brnska and Iowa farms or Omaha city propert W-31 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIS LOANED ON or INSUIACE . . . Chesney Kansas City W-378 , Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMpnOVED OMAhA real esta Ie. hltennan Love & Co. . l'axton 111k. W-19 MONEY TO LOAN AT 1.0WEST RATES. TiE O. F. Davis Co. . 10. Fnrnam st \ - VERY LOW RATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS. .7.Y. . Squire 248 lIce bldg. W-81 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR 51' N. YLIFE. . W-8. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST roles. luse ) & Thomas . FIrst Nal'l 13k. \V-332 bldg. . MONEY TO V.\AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properl Fidelity Trust company , 102 } 'nrm - W-3G LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY prpet ) \V. l'aram Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnaun. W-38 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA nFAL ESTATE at 6 per cent \V. D. Sletkle 1st Nat bank bid. W-83 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTEL9. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and all kinds or security. Fred Terry . room .3 namgo block. X-319 MONEY TO LOAN ON hOUSEhOLD ItlXI- ture pianos horses. wagons. or any kind at chattel security II lowe.l possible rates . which you can PRY back at any time and In nn ) amount. 1'mELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . _ loom . . Wlhnel block. N-ISO J . D. 1IADDOCKItOOM 421 IAMOE DLOCK. . X-381 I MON \ TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. ! horses . wagcns elc. . at lowest rates In city ; I . no removal or gods : strIctly . confidential : you cnn pay the loan off at. any time or In any amounL amount OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30 ) S. IGlh Ilreet. X-8 BUSINESS OHANCES. INCREASE YOUR INCOME : SEND FOIl FREE bool. " 101 10 Trade Successfully In Grain on Chlcngo. Small larlns. " Perkins & Co. Y-MH. . 214 nIR/o. : FOR SA 1,1. 02012-hALF INTIm-ST IN OLD established furniture and undertaking business ; slckne.s or one Partner the cause or selling : any one wanting this kind ot business cnn se cur good , aying business ; about $4.0.0 neelel. Address ) I. ' 59.ee. . Y-M901 101 SAII CIIIIAI'-AN ELEGANT SET OF saloon Ixlure , ; nl.o building for rent cheap : cen'raiiy locnled. Inquire A. Martin . 1615 I.'ar- . nam st. Y-AIUI1-27' - - - - FOR SALI1-I2STAII2.ISIIFID 011. BUSINESS and fIxtures In hive town ; good chance for rIght party : present owner givIng up bu"lness 01 IC- count or slclles" . Addre G 12 lice. lice.Y99s27. Y-99s-27. FOIl SALE . A CLEAN STOCK OF' DIIUGS. 1.01 partIculars address P. O. box 181. SIenna , Nd , . Y-20l03 3' IAH''NI' : WANTgU IN AN ISTA/ISJED toni estate and collection agency In Wyoming : mUhl bo wIl losl.d II lIre . life InL accident II"UraICe department. Address Ilusiness. G I. . . Uet. V-MIll : ' 10M/ 5E121C12flS' EXCURSION TO "ARTEnN North Carolina . February 5 , large prolits In trucking . stoclc raisIng : anti genernl ( arming : cheap Innd. excellent clImate . 1'lduclve ' sol nn,1 , nearness 10 the great cities tor n mal kel ar. ' chief tcalul"s : no lres.ddr..s cles U. 53. 1odRon , Kealney Neb. Y-MlS'J 1 TELl T , 11. 10HR STOCK OP BOOTS AND shn.'s II Soulh Omaha will he sold al mort- gageca' sale Feb. : d. al 10 u. m. I : . Dunn , ! . . . Y-211.21' el S. 181h SI. , Omaha - \N 11NlmfmTI YOUNG PhYSICIAN WANTS 10 locate II lho city autO 10 In houthlereluhut with an ) olll iiuisicianVlli Put 11 some 10Ie ) ' or vnric fur I share 11 the irocecis , . lesl at I"ter- CflCt't4. Parlculars on application. Alllr."s M. . ( ( . lox 22 , Wlihtuore . ) _ ) ' . Y-2ul219-2J' S'ANT11i-I'ltTNi3It JTJlm CAhill 01 tl'sh stock turluro and , untiet taking II live IRI ) dtlI l'hhlng ' bUllness. \ddl'IRK 1 . 10x 131. tOlteildan WI. Y-:01.21' 1'1 H\I.n , IIAIP IN'lmST 0 mOSI.\In IJslneoK lu Omaha : gael , r/ons for .elln : Ihls1 slnnl , 'Ion''l Im'I"'cllol ; might take HIIO rl'al' , heal estate its pUll payment , unl'ss I you lell bU5In's. don t answer. Jox 1:0 , Omalhuh . Y-S 21. W.\N''Jm. O.'I'ICIMAN TO TMU IMi'OitT- SlIt position with wholesale house : must In. vest $5O.0 10 lUY out retiring member ot firm ; salary . 91,10)00 , besides I.gulnl share at profs' ; rate chance : investigate. U Y-2 28 . hoe. 2i. - - - - - - FOR EXCHANGE. A P12012 JI S/mNCI . smm BUSINESS properly and hnd located In old near city or Oakes , N. 1) . . 10 exchange for a stock or hard. har. ware. Enquire or F. O. Cady . Oakes. N. D , 14-51163 : VOlt HAIF on I XIANGt 1"OIow - " "lpr Nebraska tnrm land clean 1.0 stock oC General merchandIse ; will deal with owners only. l.c. box ; : 1. Neoln , Is Z-5t077 20' i : XNCE : tG'll nl actual \aluo II e"lem Neb. or western Iowa stock ot general merchandise . In\'oleD U.G > .o 10 $4,093.00. and store . building. \\1 assume entaIl IlcumhrancD or pay dlerlce In east. : Address A. W. Clarke l'nJllo Z-M969 , Nub. GOOD INHlm LOT TO J-XCIANO VOlt O'luly In home. ( hood inside ProPerty to exchange for farm Corner lot . 1 block from new theater . worlh 125.0. 10 , ' chanlo for rental 1 proPeh ty , vacant 101H , acreage , or god land. lioIll Fidelity Trust Company . 10 I'aram St..l0002S Z-10.28 roll l3XChlAN0E-TVt : ) S'I'OltY hiltItIll llt'ILI ) - l'OIIXCIANO-TWO STOl\ I WI IrUl- Irs ; . Iwo biccus : rol lice li ! ! . lenle I : ror ,101 lel'l 1 merclhandce : . e. 13. I Swill , Ill So. Z232.:1' lTtI 1'01 TI1AD1I. A . I'IIIIT'FY 1105112. 1.\rIAS , 'I''x. : c.'tsis /'rl' . $2.30. for a cenn Io'k dry g..Ib , furnishings or nlons. 1500 te $ ' ; ,0(1 ; balance caehh . O. H. 51. . 20 Locust Ht" HI , l.nlIH. 10. 'Y.-1.t246 :8' 111,1 1.01' . FINE I.ICA'/N. IG ACh1ES : . wcl IhItlt'u'veti ( stun. I'lenr will trade either . aid some vastu . for 7 to V.rom hou.e and 101. 1 C. Cole C lO N. mU Z-20333-51 _ . . , c . -.5. " _ FOR BOLOHANGE. ColttlftUtd. ( ITY I'ROI'IIIlTY I'-R A20D. A few ) 'lrR aga IMll l " ' 8 chtnp nd every one WI nxlouR I" ' bn 'or exchanl" it ThoSe who took n.I'nlnfq or , this MItrd.1 their cily property for Inzui have intt'Ie money. cly 1n'l hnvl mlrl. City \ Ilr\rly I" , I.n to bedrock and bOlnrI to II'MC. ltemMbei' ' the time 10 buy or tRdo for 1 thing II w"rn It Is cheap. 1ls your farms with tl9tnfll we will make ) 'ou money. Wo have s'om Irt-lus I'rl.ery to exchange for III "r . FIDELITY TIUS CO. . . 102 l.'nram lIt. 7.M21 31 lA1 : YOU 01AI. ( l'tOlElTWITH. 4 01 5'Im eolnl' 10 tmr\e to farm m.hlner.7 . AduIress l'rl"sl'onl S lice . Z-Z.2i. FOR SALE- AL ESTATE. ' 1 . - . TO and TIlE MCCIANI 7INTEI. MAChINIST Why wear o-otir life outtrying to paY hlJh rents . 011 lre ; \ny or .xe"I\ ' " taxes on your home In town anti , depending entirely upon your trade or 110cs slon to make you n living ? I you own"ll r ncre9"nnd near Omaha YOl cOlld mise enough > fruit and vegetables 10 mnke your living and still walk halt your tle nl your trade. We are sole agents for .0 acres. only 4 allIes front I' . 0. ; the finest lying land near Omaha . thai sole II 'a7 for $ .0,0 per acre spot "a.h. The owner will cut this up Into G-ncre tracts anti wIll take 1 house anti lot In Omahn ns pat payment balance easy terhns. The tax on G acres Is less than Oi your house anti lot , and the Inn,1 wIlt lake you a lIving and give you I fine IlOhIhe . Your 110050 1\1 lot nearly breaks your back to keep tip laxeR anti ns.rssmenls. Omaha I. gong to II'W. hind r acres wIthin 4 mlos will Increase In value five times ns fast os ) 'our house and lot . and make you a living In athIl- tton. See \1 at once for particulars - rIELITY TnUST COMPANY Hole AgentS. Alenls. li02 I'aram St. RE118 31 BARGAINS . HOUSES , LOTS AND l'AIJS. sale or trade. 1' K Darling . Darker block. nE- EXCIANOES AND SAIES : CITY IIOIFllTY. farms merchandise . Gavln Bros. . 20 N. Y. Life nEZ Pout SALE A 12.ACIE FAI1SI . 15 StILES northwest at Omaha. Address N 17 , Dec. . 1112-51339 228' READ Tills. luy property when there arc but few buyers and II I cheap and you are sure 10 win. I.OOK AT Tills : 10 feet In Hnnscom Place worth $5.0. for $ ,70. I lot In Hnnscom Place . worth $2.0. for $ . An elegant new home . little palnce. worth IG.OO. Cor $3.70. Lot In western part ot city , worth $3.00. for $900. ' TIINK OF Tills. Save your money anti quit pn'lnl rent We will take your outside lot and rent money towards a home. This Is tho' bcsl. savings bank In the world putting your money . In your own 3onie . Fidelity Trust Comnan 1702 - - I'nrl"m HI - - . - - - - --mliE- 9 _ 2 FOi SALE , NEW 4-nOO COTTAGE ; CJL- lar , cistern . city water : cor. Olh and SaltIer : $ .2.0 : long time Inquire 1318 Farnarn. Samuel Uurns. IU9 PINE GARDEN LAT4FO r MI. FnOJ P. 0. $00 per acre. 910 N. y. ; L. Bldg. 1981 FOrt SALE0.ACIE YOUNG ORChARD . \ way between Se'nlour palk antI new state laIr grounds . on Center street road , 1,00 good : ) 'ear-old apple trees 2.0 3-year-old grapes , all In good atnl\ ot culh'iln , land las high and \ ) slll'ly ; you cnn see'ol b\er Omaha and South Omaha from I ; house . barn com crib cow shed goO well and 'cistern and cave. also n good boxe"ler anti , walnut grove all around gove house lS well a : nal1 bearing grape vineyard - yard and plum. apple and cherry trees \ : located n"Jle "herry 6'4 mIles H. W. or . , . O. For price anti terms nddress. G 4. Bee. fi 1312-952-27 LIST BARGAINS IN LANDS WITH CATLROI.L 27. Carter . n. 6. maIn floor N. Y. 1312-169-Fl Lt'fe , Omnhn. ? HE-8G9-FI BARGAINS : SALE on TIADE IN CITY PROP- ertes and rarms. John N. Frcnzer . opp. 1' . O. , RJ-l83 BUY A HOME IN SUNNY TEXAS : GOOD churches. god echocla good people cheap lands . A. A. Aldrich c3unty judge Cowan , Tex. ' 'lTf 23' U1 INDEPENDENT . BUY A HOlE : 5.1001 house enl lot . 18" . " 'I'.m hOR anti lot $ .10. 5.rm house and lot $ .GO. 8101 house and 101. $3,000. Or voucnnt lot . and build . 2th and Bristol cor- nor , 1 : 2lh and Spauldln . $400. Slit anti Mnple $620. A very smnl amount ot cash required I . balance very but genuine easy . Iemember.1 . never offer an'thhll I. 12. Cole Co. . lOG N. 18th. 1312-20234-31 A CHANC OP A LIFIITISIE-lO0 ACRES FINI land Z miles west at city ; very chenp. J. II. l'arrotte. 1112-515-27 Parrlle. IE.2 LOST. LOST , A IAlGI RED COW. nE1'UnN TO 1821 Dodge street and gel rewnrd. 51968 LOST ONn GAILOW IOBE IIIITWIIIIN 31st and Maple and loll > anti Emlmel \ : $5,0 reword I returned 10 Dr. Christie , rom 21 Klrhach blk 193-21' LOST-A UuCI'O' EYS. LEAVE Ar NOR. Ils shoe store and gel reward . Lost-5l227-28" I.OST-A GRAY 1.'UI COII.AI AT ] IOYI'S opern house Thur.lay evening. Helum 121 So 10lh anti receive l'ownll. Lost-24028' HOTELS . . . HOTEL BAnKE 13TH AND JONES STS. 7" roms at $ .5 per da ) W rooms II 1,0 per day. Special rates 10 commercial travelers. Room and board by week or monlh. Frank ililditclh . manager. :9 AETNA HOUS1 ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. con. 131h and Dodge. lloms "y day or weele. 3 8 MIDIAND IIOTEL COR. IGTH AND CIICAGO slreels. American piati $ ,6G and , $ per day European plan . 50 aol , $1.00 per day. Ilooms , slniio or ensuite . for Cnmiles or gentlemen - men , nt reasonable rates. 20. J. Vrnnck. prop. . ' . 20-921 719 ELEOTRIOAL SUPPLIES. AIJATUI S AND CONVEITEIS IlWOUND : sloaGe buleres rechnrler : electrical and gen- I.n- . llol' . . ernl mnchlnlsls : stipehior sorlc gunrnleed. Omaha Electrical Works , 61 and 619 S. 161h st 42 ELECTRICAL ENGNElmS AND CONTIAC- tons for electric light ant motor plants nnl oIl kinds ot electrical con.lrucHI'n.Veblern ' Elec- Irl.nl Supply Co. , .IS antI 4 0. 15th II. .13 I.EATIILSI1 IIEL'rINqcliAs. A. SClIIi2lttIN I Jf ? ' SCIEmN . .1N ) . ? IE 200 IC ' 12f st. 917 _ _ _ : . -"a. _ n . _ . _ _ _ _ n _ _ . BIC YOLES. 5 ! . O. DAXON. .02 N l6Thr .01 oIA/A UCYCLE C9. . ap N. 16TH ST. C9. ; : . 890 I' I. . STERLING ICYCIt : BUILT LIKE A WATCH Welter Electrical Supply Co. . 4 S. 16h at I ; 51828515 i JS28 115 A. L VJANE & CO. , 1IICYCLI2S . . 1G FAINA1t 1 \1,1. 1.INUJ & IllO ; . , 1/ CAP. A . 1m UDERTAKERS EMBALMERS - - iiiliUltKIlT. : : . FUNERAL D/mCTOU AND e""aler , 161S ChIcago .1. . telephone 00. 33 SWANSON & VALIE . INDIiit'rAKE1tS AND embalmers 101 CUllnl .1. . telephone lOGO. _ _ _ , 3. M. O. 1AUI , . UNOfJTAIC1 AND 1220. "aluer , 11 l arar BI. , telephone 253. 138 C , W. : I , UN1)I2RTAIGF.hi , 613 S. 161h 39 s'r. COAL. D. 'r. MOUNT HAS IIJMO\gU illS COAL onle II 5 I > 3 S. 161h It. . Drown "lock. hOt - - - - tIll UitilAN COAl. . lXCELI.JNT SUISTI'UTJ for liarS coal and $3.5 Ion cheaper IG05 1"ar- nam Street ; main entrance Board ot Trade. Tradet03 BUILDING & LOAN . A333Cs's.L'IOf . 10W 'ro fliT A HOME on SECURE GOOD interest on la\"ngs. Apply 10 Omaha L. & ii. A s'l. . HOI lice bi1g. 0 , Ii . Nalngcr , Sec. 3" SIlAItES IN MUTUAL L AND hi. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , I per cent \ hen 1. Z , 3 years old always I. . redeemable. 10. I.'unam .t. , NltUnger , , Sec. a AUCTION. 1 , . InBINIRR SOLICITED tN JEWLRY AND merebandlse or all ce.crlplonl : twenty YfI ! exp rlenee : fUBtacton guaranteed , best or references : esles made In anti out or cH ) ' . Call on or address J. D. I.ewll , omea 214 S. Ulh street . with John naum . OmahR. ! OmahR.J : n MUSIC , A ' AND LANGUAGE o. F. aEl.T.1lIECK . BANJOIST AND GUITAR lea.her. 11 Cass , trrt 91. - - - - - - - - IIOMIIILMOOIL1I . RI'lIAI.IST IN , ( ; . culture . singing , breathing nail prnuncIato : VOICeS tried free. Cal nl liO. ( Chicago .Irel. corner 1711I. 51257 1 28. CARPENTERS AND uILDERS. c 17. MOmUIL. CONTnACTOI I IUIDEI. paper hangIng . house anti sign painting . brick work plastering : olflce room I. Baker 111k. ; tel. 735 : shop . 21 hnr.l : Gel 435 . JSi7 OU-TTi - SOHOOL. TIlE AIT 01' CUTTINO 1IN'S CI.1IIS taught day or evening ; terms reasonable. 101- tcular 01 Max Morris . cutter . lG rnrnRI sl , 1"11D WHOLESALE COAL. JOIXSON 311105. . WIIOLIISAI.3 DBAIlmS IN \ kinds ot coat. Correspondence solIcited. 10S - _ 'nrnm Street. .01 COSTUMES , IAnms' ANI 1mN'S MASIC SUiTS FOR rent at Golden Eagle store ill B. 161h street 6& 75' DENTISTS. ni. IAUL. DENTIST 2020 BUIlT ST. .1 - STOVE REPAiRS . STOVE REl'AIIlS FOR 40,000 DIFFERENT STVE IBPAtS l'n 40.0 DFFEll 1 m'kes 01 "loves. Water attachment anti connections . noctions n "peclnl ) ' . 12 Douglas street Omaha Stove n"palr 'Works. .0& BUSINESS NOTIOES. DAMAGED MIUtlS ILESILVIII1ED . 79 N .08 16. - JOB PRINTING. hillED Jon I'ILINTING CO. FINE ItRlNTING nl-ED ' - 1INTING I'INTING ot all kinds. 1lh et. . gee b'dg ' . .O TURKISH DATHS. I TUI < SI A''HS : ONLY PLACE 'IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 10-10 lee bldg. J5U DRESSMAKING. IItIISSMAIGING IN FAMII.II3S. FIT AND . style guaranteed. Address 0 10 , D. ( . ID91 21. .ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY n. 9. COS1'L NAT'L BANK 131.110. 26171' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SIOlT IIAND . N. Y. I.le. Omnha Ask for circular. 41 'rIm I"ALTY :1'lti , ' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record January , 26. 1895 : WAmtANTY 1)1312115. \V N Cn el anti wife 10V J Letup Brew- tng company . lot 34 , block 2. iloffhttan Inl clpnny. ! . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . Hofmnn . . . . . . $ 25 Il 1 01)1011. trttstee 10 V \ ' 0 Crunsc ; lot 3. block 3. lurllnglon plnco. . . . . . 5M A F' Lucas 10 I'eter l'etersen . lot 10. blade 1. l.u.a. ' Ielcr . . Pele"el. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 QUIT CLAIM m-EDS. C 13 Hannan and wlro to I Il Andrews lot 1 . block Z. nne 11111' Ilnce. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 Charles htoffut et nl 10 A St Graft . lots 7 and . 8 , block \'alerlo . 1 . . Grnf. . . . . . . . . 1 Total amount or transfers . . . . . . . . . .I Z.G2G J TE T - - - - - - - - - UREAU. SUES & CO. , t5ol1cItor. Bee Ui1ldlng. OMAHA. Neb. AdvIce FUEE. RAIL WAY TIME CARD Leaves LttJIILINGTON&StO.ItIVElt.i Arrives I Omaba _ Union Depot 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 10:15am..Denver . . . l xJle. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 10am 4:3.pm : 131k. hills . Mont. . & l'uget Snd. ) lxllhSpm ; 4:35pm. : . . . I . Is. . .Den\er Express. . . . . Ex.l . 41011 ; 4'10 G:4 : pm.Nebrslm Local ( except 8unda.G:4pl ) : , 8:15am..Llncoln : Local ( except Sunday ) . .1l:2Sam : 2pm..I : u"1 Mal ( for Lincoln ) Daily. . . . . . Leaves 1CIIICAtIO. IUnlINU'ON & Q.iArnlves \CHICAGO. \ Omnha Union _ D.pol. 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 4 :4lptn..Chicago : Ve.Ubule. . . . . . : . : 9:50am : D :4pl..Chlcng : I2xpres.u. . . : . . . :1511 : h1SOpm..Chicago ; and St. Louts Special. . . 8:00am : 11:15am..aciiic Ioul" l.cnl. . . . 8:0am ; JI : lSpm.J'aciitcJundtionLocal . ( ex Sun. ) . Z40pm ; . Leaves CilICAGOMIL&S.PAUIiXini \ - OmahaUnion \ _ IepotlOth & Mason SIs1 Omaha GOpm. : . . . . .Chlcn o - Limited . . . : : . . : D :30aO : 11:10am..Chicago Express ( eL Sun. ) . . . . . : Om ! ! .uE' ! : = . ' Leaves IUCAGO ( & NO 1TIWI-ST.'N.IArrlves OOnha.Depol. . 10lh & Mason Sts.I Onialta lOsm. : . . . . .Iostcr Express. . . . :30pm : 4:00pm..Vestibuled : Limited. . . . . . . 8:40am ; 4Opm. 6:55am..Sb. . . . ) ' 1cal. . . . . .10:3010 : : pm..Omnha ChIcagoSpecIal _ . . . . . . . 2:15pm : _ Leaves - CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. - Arrives Omaha _ Union Depot,10th & Mason Slsl Omaha EAST . 1IOOam..Atlanttc : . Express ( ex. Sunday ) . , . 6:03i : - . 1:00Im..AUnnle G:2pm. : . . . . .Nllhi - ! Slndl . . . . . . . 9 ; i 4 :30pm. : . . .Chlcno VesUbuled 1.imited. . . . IOlpttt ; ! 1llled. 11:35pn - : - > .Okiahonia.Exit. _ Ia ( C. U ox. hiun..hl:3upm ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ WEST. 615am.Oklahoml ; &Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun. ) .I1IOpm : 1:10pm..Colorado : _ Limited. _ ! . . 8un..1:3'pm . . ' ! . . . Lel'PS\ . \ $ C . s'r. : - 1. : ; - M. & O. Arrives Olnha Depot 11h and Webster SIS. I Omaha 9:30amNebiLS1.Q : : Passenger - ( dal ) ' ) = ; 815p-1 ; 4lSpm..Sioux : CIty Express ( cx. Sun.,11SOant : p . . . . . . = . .81I Ciy _ Limited..1OISahn : Leaves \ I. . . . E. & 510. VALLEY. - - Arrives Omaha Depol 11th and \Vuti > ster 515.1 I Omlha 2:10pm..Fast : Stall and Express..4:55pm . : 2:10pm. : ( . 8'1. ) W'yo. lIx. ( .x , Stout. ) . 4.pm ; 9:05nm..Nortolk : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . ' .10:30am : : p ! ! = . . . . . : Expess _ Express..10:15am : : Leaves I 1 : . , STJ-- : I : Arrives Oman _ Union DcpotlOtl > & Mnson Slsl Omaha 9:50am..Kansas ; City Day Ixpre"s. . . . 6:10pm : 1:5pm.1 : C Night 12x . via U l Trahia. . 7IULhtn - - - - LeaVeS-\--1USSOUm \ I PACIFIC.-IArrvs Omnha Depot 11h tint ! Webster Sts I Omaha 9:43am..St. : . . . Louis J.xpr.s. : . . . . . 600am ; 9:30pm..t. : Louis l2tress. I . . . . . . GOpm ; 5:10pm..Nebraska : I.ocnl ( ex. Sun. ) . . . 01000 ; Leave I SIOUX ITY & lA'JFJC. 1ArriV' ) . Omaha 1 Depot 15th and Web.lel Sls. I Omaha eIOpm. : - . . . . . . . . .SI. - I'aulLimited..lOSIaun - - : Leaves I-SIUX CITY & pACIFIC-IAnlve ; Omnba Union Iepot.IOtIt&Mason Sts.1 Omnha 6:55am..Sioux ; chi j.a..engol. . . . . . . . . : ; 5 ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . - Paul - . ! " . . . . . . . . . . .10:3p ; : Leaves I I UNIPACIFIC : ) rlV ( n'rthuhtiUhuionDepot ' _ . 10lh & Mason Sis. ) Omllul : 10onI1. : . . . . .I < . ny : ; . " . . . . 3:4Spl : 2Opm. ; . . . . . .O\'prllll FI'er. . . . . . . :35pm : 200pm.neatrlce ; & Strom.b' lOx. ( ox Sun ) . 345pm ; 730pm. ; . " . . . . . .Ia.llo I : press. . . . . . . . . " 34510 : 615pm. ; . . . . . . . .nsl Mali. . . . . . . . . . 4:10pm : leaves - i'WAIIASII IL'.Il.WAY. - - - lArrivos ( Ontahatt'nion ielot. lah , & Mason Sts.i , Omaha 3 : 5pm. . . .SI. Luis Cnnnon nal..I2:2SP . : HClrchln : for 0 County ) ClerIc FORT WAYNE , Ild , . Jan 26.-Nothlng has yet been heard from Daniel W. Soudor . the ex-county cleric . who so mysterIously dlsappeare two weeles ago. Slarchln ! par- ties have retlrned from Chicago Cincinnati . New York anti other cites , whore It was thought he might have gone but no truce or him has been fount ! . The case Is attracting wide hittttlltiOit . anti searching parties arc still huntng for ltlui . Four Hunllr Iolnrl for limo lobb'f. ST. LOUIS . Jan. -Authorltef or tile CattaIl Belt railway and the Pacific Expresi company have offered jointly 1 reward 01 $00 for tile capture of the robbers who held up and robbed 11 express on that road In Arkansas last lIlgilt . They furnish dlscrh" - lon of the two men whom they believe to be the guilty parties. - . N.v MexIco' " :1.llrllI for tiiateliooti . SANTA FE . N. M. . Jan. 2 . -A memorial to congress praying the Immediate passage of the New Mexico statehood bill passed tilt lower house of the assemblY by 1 vote of H to 4. I will be unanimously adopted In tilt counci and hurriedly forwarded to Wash. Ingtol In hopes that the senate may tal" favorable action at the present session. , \llcllll ' 1 nyimr's l'rnprrl hURON , S. D. . Jan , 26.-0. Il. Deland , b 1 > ) direction of Attorney General CrawftrG , bUI attached the property here In which 'J' : 'i\\r the defaulting slate treasurer Is Interuted Ueland has attached Ta'I'Jr's Interett5 Ic nearly 26,000 acres of farm landl , eight el ) block and 281 city lots . "Ied Ito 'l'ln l'lal" SCl' ' ' PITS UlG , Jan. 2 . -The Monongaliell : TIn Plate company of this city has ) sltned tilt scale and wi start up at OIC . 'Ibis I tb ( Ofb finn to 8l11. WITH 1LAYS OF MID . WINTER \ Oht of the Men nn1 Women Who Constitute the Actrs' Colony , ' - ] PROMISES FOR TiE COM'NG WEEK 1 , - I Suslvlul Emphasizes 111 Claim to the I'tibllo 1 lecoJnllol but Ills "Stituient or SRla' : mnlc , " 1'11R Comllelo 1'01110 1 -Among tie Tltcntrs. 1I 1 I - I De'onll tile Salvlnl engngement the week theatrically has been wlholt Interest. Alex- antler Snivilli howcver , gave a magnificent Irformanco ot " 1on Caesar 1e Dnzan" CIU\ \ I virile portraIture or Damns' "Three OUlrl\s' \ men " In the "Stutlent or Sainmanca . " itG'- ever , ho faIled to all a single tto to his growing relltaton , for Sn\vlnl \ has the mnlt- lag or a great big actor when , nc tones down the exuberllico or youth anti softens his zeal for over-ncceilttlate. Talking to enC or his leading women several years ago she told the wrier that I required nil her strength to fit Salvllli's cliitiaxes . a 111 that her voice had almost gone lu consequence of the overstraining - straining necessary , which Salvlnl Inslst\\ upon trol his lenling lall ) ' . Herein then Is round the chief rault or Saivlnl's work , its o\'etbolsterousnCs anti Its departure rrom the accepted tenets or the stne. But Salvlnl has ' and ! when these youth and enthusllsm nut arc somewhat subordinated he will be much moro acceptable to theatergoers than he now Is . although his clenlelo Is cot > stantly grow- ing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y"lJ"TI UUlllmUT. She Gives u U.scrlltln or T\Vt 01 Ier Songs. Y\'eto Cuilbert . the celebrated French singer of naughty songs was Interviewed by the Pal Mal DUllget In London. . "I ha\e such fangs I they wi only un- " derstaml tltClIi "What are they ? " " 'La Soulal\e. \ ' I has been of the grand succcss In I'arls All tim leratelrs In Pnrls have come to hear it. Dut It Is hard work In IllIglalItI . thnt song , anti I ant afraid. II l'arls no ; everyone iiit- derstal1 But I hOe It wi he hero for It 11 m ) grcatcst. I Is Ilule human I has such-It has thte-intenslte. " " \'ltnt Is I about ? " " 'La Sou1nle. ' that is . the woman who always-what do you say-clrtinks. I Is the pity of her , the miserable that J ex- press When she go out the people follow her anti point anti shout her. Once a little boy folow her anl ! take a stone anti throw hor. And ip the song I make tile noise 1 < the foule the crowd that follow tier. I Is a great dramatic effect. Verdi has SIJeak ) much of that song. Sarcey or Paris ho has saId that I Is somethllg elti grand art that I have dono. But I sing the Uer- anger . 'Graitdinero' or the great old poet rancals. They hl\o sall they \0 \ not be- hove I could sing somelhlng not II.e 1) own songs. Dut It has been . a great success as never has been that. Such success ns every man or literature In Paris have como to see ine'--Meilhac , Sartloti , Franrols , Coppee , Catuile Mendcz , and they say I have never been in the good way of my talent more. hit I am not only one style. In 1anis I sing eight , nine songs , anti it gives 100 to show eight , nine styles ; so they say : 'Yvette Guilbert , site is not one artiste , but eight artiste in one. ' "Anti La I'lerreuse , ' that Is another great new song , is it not ? " , , 'La I'ierreuse. ' Verdi says It Is not of cilancOll cafe concert , but of the bight tragedy. Site is a woman , a Whiitochapel , and the nlaltresse of a Inan. She lives with him. lie is a poor miserable , but she loves him , and one day lie goes to the guIllotine , for it. 1 > as been a murder , anti site Is there far away in tite crowd , anti sees him , anti I realize the effect of the sati scene In the morning , .when the day is little and a little dark , and , as the knIfe come fowl ! Ito cry , 'Pee-wit , ' the old cry to' her , anti I make it realize how shto hears it VOtY little in the distance antI the s'lsii of Ute knife. All , I have seeii soldiers cry over that song. " .4. 1)011 SIIILOI)1L.Mit. A. Porforinanco of I3ttuctted Cnies in Now York. At Koster aitti Bial's , In New York , there is a performance of which tlto Conomercial Advertiser gives this description : The most strilclng number was furnIshed by Tsciternoff's educated dogs. It. Is worth going many a mile to see their acts. Of course , they do all tile Usual tricks , but it Is the canine play that caught the house. At one corner is a. little saloon. A black poodle dressed as a policeman Is leaning against the wall-the true policeman lndlf- feronce-WIleti a jet of flanbo anti snioko shtoot from an upper wIndow , Thte coppet' is started. lie llcsltatcs for a mOlneIlt and then starts off on a ( lead run for the fire alarm. A lflOtflCltt later tlto engine rattles up , drawit anti driven by dogs , of course , dresed lllco firemen , They drag out the ltoo and beat at tite doors. Tii htoolc and ladder arrives. The ladder Is run up to a second story window and the red-helmeted firemen mount 0110 after another , Ohio of tltcm , a Poineranian , staggers down the lati- tier with a basket of valuables. A poodle fireman follows , itoldlng a baby. TIle flames mId 03110110 by this time itave overwltellned the little house , and tito last firenian is suffocated - cated and fails dead at tile foot of tite lad- der. der.By tim way , there Is a young woman , full size , vlto is resctieti from tite bulitiing. SIte itoultl be , cut out ; slits can't act as well as the dogs , and , In addition , ruins the naivete of tile scetie. Tue dead firenoan is lifted by iiis corn- pailloils antI laid on a table. ho Is Inohion- less , his unmet besltle him , TIteil , with a cry of grief , the drohiest little ilgtiro in widow's weeds , sritht a long bloat. ! wig , Itohil- log a liandlcorchief to her eyes , pttslies on anti kneels besitlo the table , Icislitlg tile deati fireman beside the table. They try to leati iter away , but she rushes back and lcncols , sobbing , by tile dead hero. And when tlto arnbtiianco conies 511)3 ) beitrs 11101 away 13110 follows it , weeping , her liamidlter- chief to her eyes , All this is ftinny enough to split a dys- peptic's sides , but when two little lU1)PlC8 III rdnafores totltlie on anti vail III tito \S'lioW'hG le1rts tIto itoitso goes Inati with latigltter , It is thin best bit of comnetly in town totlay. The dog who played tue part of tiio widow is a genuine actress , Silo lies all the teniperameiot Iiiitl dramatic io'er of Olga Nethiersolo , with a ulnlsli amotl u3i- tinctinil s'iticii ' tlto 1211511511 omilotloloal actress has Ilot yet attainet ! . Contilig 4' , ttrttct ii'iii , "A Orecri Goods Mail , " that ciitortainlng and lahigllter provoking farce , with Its lcecn satire on tue green goods swindle , wIll appear at the Illnpiro for fotir nights , COlflmC1dlIIg vltIi unatineo today , The play hiatt proved a record breaker Ill more vays thiati oioe , 'fite foil lit said to ho InCellatit anti from the rise of ( Ito curtain upoti the opening scene luli care ant. ! business troubles and worriea vanisit frito air , and laughter holds full sway , Tile quaint hiiunor of that lrincc of coincdiahiti and jolly goat ! feiiotve , l'.tul Dresser , is infrctiouu , 1111(1 lila fitnuiy stlylngs antI ioctiotia vlii linger lit the IIICIO1JI'y viieri I others have coma ant ! gone , Mr. lrvsscr is deser'etily a favorite with the ainurelnent public , a conscientious ShIll earliest tierotce of Itla nrL lb vill appear as a ( Jerititn ; I taboo keeper anti his size lilakeS Ihitti the I ideal character , For ho It known , Mr. iresscr I weigitis uio'arl ) ' 400 ltOUiltIS , anti as all German > salooll keepers arc suppoceul to be fleshy , especially when luitpersoitated on the stage , lie I ' and lie vIil net ihas his size in his fas'or require to olake up tue part mooch. The t grt'eIl gcods swindle has long been one of the princIpal modes of making a living eunplQ'ed by an unscrupulous class of people. It lies been exposed tilIlo antI again by the public lIress. but , seemingly , the supply of knaves I and fools wore anti mire Illexllaustille. , 'I'iia ? , play will expose the trIck in it farcical way , antI slioihltl make the paths of these roguss I tieubiy diiilcull iii the future. 'Fite play Itself ' abounds In funny situations anti Strolhg cooled ) ' characters , and portrays a typo of Ieople found In ( Ito lower 400 of every large city. 1 MorrIson's "Faust" is unileriinetl for a I oitgugelnent at the Empire , colnlncileing with I Sunday IloiltliiCe , February 3. 'fiu company ha saId. to be of the loWe blgb grade of ex. ehience , charActeriatic of this production In ta former appeArance In this city , and i Iteatieti by tue ieil known actress , .Mil $ IlOSlItlel Morrison , "Every tithe I ceo Murphy I think better ) f the irish , " it young Ilnghish icily aIti to 1er escort In ictrolt last Monday night vhllo ROflle of the laughter catlecul by 'The Kerry ( low' still remained to brighten cr face. Anti she was not the otlly one Linacqtlalnteti With time irlohi character wha flight Ilavo lIttoreti a hike aentinic'nt. That reJiltlIco ngailhst the Irlsit has t'eelo height. 'tietl by the presentatIon on ( ho stage ol the liiost ridiculous 811(1 brutal ltlcttlrea of Irish life. Its almost total obhlteratloti baa been effecteti iii lie aniaih measure , through the CaIne IhIedItlill that was tiseti in strengtht. stoitig it-thin stage , It llCO'tleuI only that Irish nieto anti W0h110l1 liotilt1 bct represellteti before ( ho Public faithtftiily ( lInt they slioulti be appreciated , anti the iteeti was met by titichi 111011 85 Joseph Mtlrpil ) ' , flIlti by tiotie more (111111 liliti , lie deserves from lila cotlntryimieii for hits work everlasting praise , antI the irIsh cati hardly perform a noore religIous act than prayIng ( toiL lila voice inn ) ' long be Preserveti hilni. Mr. Mttrpiiy t'Ili cloito his Present ehlgagotlient at Ihoyti's theater ( lila ( Stintlay ) ovenihlg ill 'The iCerry (1o . ' Tlt very latest achievelnent of Mrs. Jon- iiie lihh1baii , ' 'lientlricle iltiulsoti , or ( lie lis. ) covcry of Coinolbils , ' ' will be seen at lloyd's theater ( tie first three nights of ( lila week , with the 8111100 sloecial cast titat lreselltett this oper.itic extravaganza for six consectitlvo tiioiitlis at Chicago dtirIiig the W'orltl's fair , 100 itiglits In New York , slid eight weeks Ia Ilosioti , All of ( lie bcautittil scenery , cos- ttltiiiIlg creations , electrical anti inechniilcni effects vhIl be exhibIted , The costtlines have lieeii boot lavishly supplied , ( ho itteterinla are of the finest flilti rIchest qualities , anti the colors such as blend so itariticitiotisly coil Picttlresqllels- lii ( Ito SuccessIVe grotip. iligs ( ho ntost critical eye cannot tleiect , a jarrIiig hiaulc , 'Ilia scenery is reiltIereut strlklilg by a series of ingeiiiotis trahisfortna- tlons. Every sceiie is a kaleIdoscope of rare beauty , Itilti Is COilstatlti3' cltanging. Tltn Production cofltaln9 everytiling whichi 1011115 to ati etijoyablo evetiiltg anti ldea1es ( ho St'ltseS. Titet cohtipati' uttimbers sixty 11001)10. ileatletl by ( ho elm tin I tig coIned 100110 , prlnia dotlna , tiatioctiso , Coriiine. She is nit no- coiiihll isii cii 111 tislciti ii a liii lisa noetlo tlto hliahldoliil a ettiuly , It. has tttken years of practice titttier teaciters both itottie niitl for- eighl to nttlliii to her Iiresent Positioil , She is bubbling over itIi mirth , and inspires tue Play iIthi ( lie sIdrit of her own per- sonality. It. is tilltlecessary to judge her by others. Site Is assisteti In the merry honking by a clover coterie of eoniethiaiis scidont scel ) in the coinpaiiy , 'iz. : \\'iiiinrti Slitiins , Charles FOstilcilo , Jatiies Sturgess , harry Diotz , Frank linytlen , Charles iCirke anti Merle \\'ooie ) ' . The electrical Ittarcit of thin 1)httllltoit ) diliras.slern , l'liifaitte lirotllg5' ( Nov i'orle's latest sensation ) , ( tie Coiro qttatlriiie , the i'erslall dancliog girls , tlni Mitlway l'lals- ance are a few of tue special features. Seine of the gorgeous Ocehies and effects In- cltltie the World's fitir electrIcal lnlace , tile Ilverglntles of Florida , the Fottntnili ef Yotithi , the Fails of Niagara , the Santa Maria , a real stealn ItitiilCll alld New Aiiisterdain In 1609. 1609.Mr. Mr. George \\'ihiltlns : of New York , the celebrated Shakespearean reader , is one of the few artists In lila particular role vtto itas been able to Itlalco a SIICCOSS ctt his work. lIe tlevoes ( his whole ( hue to ( lie givIng of Sltakespearean llliYS , atiti they are Put bolero his audiences in sitcht a Incliner as to wit their admIration Chill approbatioll , hot. only by lila thoroughly novel business Inetit000 , btlt. by' ' . his stiporlor artIstic work upon tito Platforill. Mr. W'llilatns gives the plays entirely from ' ilCltlOl' ) ' , nod with his fliteh' > nodtilateil voice anti exccilent facial expressIon , wltlt no cos- tunics or accessories , sucdssslillly lersonates ( ho lflflllY citaracters represented in each of the Plays. lIe gives a scholarly atiti con- sclentious reatliitg of ( lie text , with no at- tetiipt at acting ( ito parts , anti as a gentle- 1)1011 remai'ieed , It Is iiot only "as gootl am a play" enacted by actors on ( lie stage , but. It is better , a filler Iiiteliectual exercise , anti one which will grow Into favor. Mr.VIl - lianos has achieved a series of brilliant stic- closes ii ) his work rarely lenowi : in ( lie history - tory of American readers. HIs coming recital - cital In Omaha will bo given about February e S. and Is now being arrattged for by private subscription. ho Chat of the Stage. There are four itundred anti odti places of amlisetnent Opel > nightly In Londoti , which entertains a million PeoPle a week. Elita I'roctor Otis has made a big hit as Nancy Sykes In Dickens' "Oliver Twist , " now playing at tile Schllier theater , Chicago. "A Yenulhto Yentieman , " Gus ilcege's now Swedish comedy , which is now In the pro- doss of completion , vili be given its fli'st public performance In the early spring. Clssy Loftus ! What unenoorles that. nalno recalls to resident hirltishers , Is the big card at iCoster & Dial's , New York. Sue loads a trelnentlotls lilt Moliday night with her impersonations of famous people. Time second etiltlon of "Little Queen Irene" lies been issued with a new title page designed - signed by hiaher , and coiitalnliig a itall tons photo of Corinite , vito will slog the song during her Omaha engagtrnent. Frederick Ilalion of hlnilen & hart will - ' quit tue stage at ( lie end of this season anti become a manager. ile will send out a coin- pany , under tIle title of Ilalien's Cottiediana , anti hiresent a new skit. under thu happy title of "A Dark horse. " ' Joseplt Ifart of ItalIan & Hart has come forward as an author. "A Family Tree , " in which It Is said that Gus \Vllhiains aiiii John T. Kelly wIll star next season , is itis COIn- position , and li lies also written the book for a comic opera , which Is to be presethtetl by harris & Co. , the New Yorle itouslo pub- Ilshers. , "Tlio District Attorney , " by Charles iClein anti hamilton Gray Flslce , etlitor of the Ira- inatie Mirror , tuatlo a success Monday evenIng - Ing at ( ho Attierican theater , New Yorlc , The morning papers of Tuesday spoke gen- craily In very conipilinontary ternts of ( ha irotluction which , canting at. ( lie close of the Lexow Investigation , is very timely. 'l'iio coitritess of Cialicarty , fornicriy Idles 17db Illiton of miotilc hail fillne , will , accord- lug to report , soon return to ( tie stage In LOiitlOi ) . It. appears that ( lie finaitces of ( lie citri of Clttticary have not been prospering. The cotititess , oil recciiilier 27 , gave birtlt to twliis , The eldest of her two ( toys bears the title of Lorti iCiiconiiel nntl ( lie other 8011 is lion. l'o11'er Frauds \Vhliiain he l'oer Trench , that beilig the fanilly iiamo of ( lie earl of Clan catty. lieu Teal , tue well known stage director anti manager , lies prolialohy otaieil more pro- ( eltiOthtt ) theater prollilotlottit thitili any i > ian at llCsit ) actively engaged in such work in this country. Such ilroluctiohls as Palmer Cox'tt llrowules , now runniltg at ( lie Irotir. teeiitli street theater , New l'ork , ' 'lii Olti iCenttic'lcy , ' ' ' 'lielil by tue Etieutoy , ' ' ' 'Blue Jealls' ' tinti ' 'NIolie , " were clUed through lila careftIl dlscriniination before litlillidly pro- seitied. Mr. 'Veal Is at present engaged with Iramatist C. T. Iazcy' in arranging for the protltlctiOfl of ( lie latter's now American ploy , "The'ar ofVealtii , " which is to receive its initial Preletltatiall at the Clicltnut street opera house , I'illiadellthia , February 25. En rged hi ltd 8.1 , I ci I Cl , Ii roati I'ites ru ChICAGO , Jan. 211.-Wililoln A. Burns has been arrested on it charge of forgIng rail- roatl paases , Burns hail obtaihieti letter 11oct18 of different COlIllalIiCif ) tOld rubber atltflhiis , ' rtoalting facsimiles of the clgiiatiiros of several relirnail Itleil. lie woiibi write requests for transportatIon as comning from itto ofllcial of SOul It IitOlll I flCih t rca tI , o net , having ohtni lIed it. sell It to lirolers : , lie is iilti to liavo ollorated cxIeiii'eiy ailIl 'iCt11I0lZCd noari9 ttveiy large l'Oatl Iui ( lie country , 'fhie arrest was ill tile instigation of ( ho itlo Gro.iitle \s'eS tern. Callloriilus 4'iil Seoti A hi , SAN .305E , Cal. , Jan , 20-A Ineoting wac 11(1 > 1 here to vrovitlo iIiO3flU tO aid Ncbraaka. sufferers. I large nlitnber of represcuitathys citizens ivero preecnt. Arran8ielnentii were maclu to thoroughly canvass the city and country. Prof. (1tIii1 of ( lie normal school Yoitillil'UrCti to fltJ 700 YOUIIIt Indies to solicit aid Monday. h'ubcoiulhiittcea were appointed fur tile PrIllelilal towns of ( lie country. I. ; hlI'hi 1. . r l'uirt y ' 1 Ii oust. liii , CtltCtOO , Jail. 2t3.-Tlie Lake Street F.ie. vated cotnpany 'sa8 made tlefunduit : in a $10,000 suit cOihllhi0000tl In tli circuit court by ( lit' Ih'tiver National l > ank. No declare- ( loll was flied , but it o'.ts said the suit was brought on jiotes glvst > by tile cotnpny to coiltractors which los' ] been discounted by thit Colorado balik. . . .