- " - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ - - - - - j-- - - : 7:7 : ; : - : : ; ; : - ; ; ; : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; , . , - - - - - : ; ; _ , , , . . - - - - - - : ; : . . . . _ , , .5.- : ; ; ; , : ; : ; : ; ; . - ; ; : ; : ; T---- . - ; I TilE OJUIA DAILY DEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 27 , 18)5. ! 11 " t Boys and Girls : , WOLF \ GLEN 11 IiIwrit 1. ml . ( Copyrlght , 13 , by E.lward S. EII ! ) CIAPTlm ! III. TiE FI.rOIT OVER TiE ICE. The same minute that Monteih Sterry law the new peril which threatened them ill , ho darted out beside the brother anll lister , who had Ilackenell their pace at slh of the furious wolves In rront. "What shall wo do ? " asked Frell , "wo cnnnot push on ; let's go up stream. " "Vou cannot do that , " replied Jennie , "ror they are gathering behInd us. " A glance In That direction showed that she SIIII the truth. I looked as I 1 few minutes would bring as many there 18 In advance. . , "Wo shall have to take to the woods , " 8hal sahl I.'rell , "onll ( there's little hope there. " "It. won't do , " added the sister , who seemed to bo thinking faster than either or her companions. ( ) "Tho Instant We start for the shore they will be at our heels. Make as Ir we are going to run In close to the right bank , so 0/ to draw them after us ; then turn and dash through them. " The maneuver was 1 repetition of the one 8ho and her. brother hall executed a few mm- utes' before and : was their only hOlle. "I will lake the lead with my pistol , " said Montellh , "whie you keep as close to mo as you can. " Every second was beyond value. The ravenous wolve8 were not the creatures to remain Idle while a conrtrence was under 'ay. At sight or time three figures near the middle or the course they rent the air with howls and came trotting toward them with that light , springy movement shown by a gaunt hound , to whom tIme gall Is as easy as a walk. Monteith Sterry shot forward on his right foot , his revolver with Its two precious charges tightly gripped In his naked hand. This waB to be called Into play only In the last extremity. The killing or a couple of wolves from such a horde could produce no effect upon the rest , unless perhaps , to fur- fish some or them 1 lunch , for one of the curious traits of the lupus species Is that they are cannibals , so to speak. Ills hope waR that the flash and report of the weapon would frighten the animals into . opening a path for n moment , through which . they could dart into the clear space below. having started , Monlelth did nol glance behhul him. Fred and his sister must look out for themselves. lie had his hands more than full . ful. With a swift , sweeping curve he shot toward ' ward tIme hank , time brutes hnmedlalely con verging to head him otT. The slght , familiar , liar scraping on time Ice told him that Fred and Jennlo were at his heels lie kept on with slackening speed , until close to th ( shore , and . Il. wou.I,1 imot ! do . Logo , . any further , , ; i An overhanging Ino oruSleu 18 lace. . But his eye was on the wolves further out I , In the stream The Place was one of tIme few ' ones where time course was such that no shadow wal along either banll. The moment time bulk of [ the creatures were drawn well over toward the right shore , Sterry did as his friends did a while before , skimming abruptly to the left and almost back over . his own trail , and then darting around the N pack. The lLmo I was that of a seml-crcle. whoso extreme rim on the lel was several rods beyond time last of the wolves swarming to the right . "Now ! " called terry , at time moment or turing with all time speed al his command. Critical as was the mnoment ho flung one glance bJhlnd him Fred and Jennie were almost nigh enough to touch him with outstretched - stretched hand. No need of shoulng any commands lo them , for they understood what ho was doing or rather trying to do. Young Slerry , as I have said , had cleared the horde or wolves , making his turn so ! quickly that they slid n rod or more over the Ice before able lo check themselves and change their own course. The slralegem seemed as successful IS the other had been , but It was too soon to congratulate - gratulato themselves. At the moment when everything promised svehl. the most enormous wolf he hall ever seen bounded from under wol trees on the left bank and galloped dl- roctiy for him. rocty was so far In advance that time only way of dodging him was by another radical turn In his course. To do this however , would bring him so near the other brutes ' that they were nlmost certain to leap upon everyone of the parly. "Uso your revolver' ' called Fred from tile rear. rear.Montellh hall already decided that this was an exigency demanding one or the remaining charges and ho partly raised the weapon In trc'nt of him. Meanwhile , time huge wolf had slopped on seeIng that the procession was coming In a straight line for him. The youth moderated , . . hi speed still more , that he mlghl perfect I \ ; his aim. J Ho was In the act of leveling his pistol' when the animal advance quickly a couple of steps and made a tremendous heal ) at his ! throat. The act was unexpected , but at time instant or his leaving time ice Icntelh let 6 , fly with one chamber lIt him. The success was better than ho had a rllht to expect , for the leaden pellet bored Its way through the slul of the wolf , who with 1 rasping yelp , mode a sidelong plunge , as though diving off a bank Into the water. and , striking on time side of his head , roll over en his back , with his IJI valuely kicking al the moon , and as powerlesl lo do harm as a log of wood. Drlef as was the hal , It hall given the . leading brutes or the main bOy thne to come up. They' were fearfully near , when the Qcenl of blood and the sight of their fallen comrade suggested to tile roremosl that 1 meal was at their disposal. They few at the hugo fellow wih the fury of tigers and , ' ' . . rende him lo shreds and rragmenls In n twinkling. twinklng. . The ely way or escape was still In front , and , with time utmost energy power and ski at his eommanI , Monteith Sterry darted . p 1' f Iff j ; 4 . : k S ' . . . I.tI - : p SitE hliACiill ) Tiil M/tIN BTnEA . . abead. hits crouching body , the head wel In advance , somewhat after time manner or a , racing bicyclist on limo home stretch , his ocmpressel lips , hi Isshlng eyes , with every I muscle tense , were prools thmat ho knew I ' had now become a struggle of IUe and l\eth ) 1 ho allowed one or those wolyfs to ap. preach nigh enough lo lop upon him , he would bl bore to the earth like n lash and , share time fate of the vlcthl or the Illstol. I , They were near , for he could hear that mul- ttudinous pattering on the Ice , when the din . , ot their crle6 permitted I , and they were ' running fast. ' ' nut , he reasoned , If they were I close to 11m , they must be still closer lo limo brother : , and sister , \\'hos peril , therefore , was corre- " c Illondlnly grealer. lie looked around lie , ' . ' WB further Cram the borde than he supposed , - . ' -I but Fred sod Jennie were not directly behind I ; . t blnl A he had thought. , , . .t time mon\nt an awful thrill shot through " -S him : ho caught n glimpse of Fred I close In , . l ' , iiote , and going like tbe wind . Time couple . , ' Wil still Jelr e trcm the fangs of the J , ! WOIVed , but only heaven knew how long It ' \ would lat , , ) A 'horl way ahead an opening showed l ( f' .hro a creek put In from the woods auth . ' 0" - ' 4. ( d , - hills . Monteth gave I only 1 glance when : ho skimmed pal R time same furious pace n before. I looked as I there was hope at last , ' ( or those first seen were all Il the rear , 1 l new danger came , I would bo from others that ran out on time Ice In rrnt. . , "n seems to mo that all the wolves In I Maine are on thIs little river , " was his thought , "bul there may be a few left that will try to get into our path-I A wild cry came from his friends and be glanced toward them , Nol only that , but believing his help was needed . , ho sheerld over to lhem as Quickly as ho coulll. The course of the river had changed , so that a ribbon of shallow extended along that bank , partially obscuring the form 01 I.'rell Whiney , " I seeme,1 to cling to It. a5 though thcieln lay his safety. Time brutes were now so ru to the rear that there was little to be feared from them , though they still kept up time pursuit , anti , while able to follow In a straight line , were doing so with more seed than w mild bo Ox- Ilecled It slrnck Slerry nlat his friend [ was nol I skating with his utmost skill. lie was iitiz zlell antI alarmed. " 'hat's time matter , l red ? " ho called , drawing , , quickly near hilimi " o. Jennlel ! Jennlel what wi become of her ? " Froth Whitney Il was now apparent was . alone. Forgetful of the savage brutes , Monteith Sterry slackened his pace , and In a scared : volco demandell : "What has become of her ? " Where Is sue ? " "Sho darted into lo mouth of that creek. " " \h ) tlhln't you rolw ? " "I could not : Il was done In n hash ; she called to mo to keep on . alll said something else which 1 could not calch. " "lul , " conLnued time wondering ttomi- telh , "how could she do It when the was at your side ? " "Sho fell a little to the rear and mnl0 a lightning turn . 1 attempted to ftliow , bul It seled hal Ule pck'were In my path , and It was certain deamim . I was frantic for the moment , a 111 even now do not understand what Il all meant " "Whnl a woeful mimlatakot" wailed Moo- , telh ; "tho chances are n thousand to one that site Is loot. " , , "I thmimik " snll the brother half beside hlnelr , "lhal It may have been a goo thing , but- A ! Ilecular cry behind them causetl Ion. telth lo turn his heall. The wolves had gained so fast during time last few minutes that one ef them was In the act oC springing I upon 1.'rOI Whitney . 'Stoop quick ! shouted his companion. Fred bent low In the nick ot time , and the gaunt , lank body shol over his Ulend , Innd. Ing on the Ice In rronl. Before he could gather himself 1 bullet from time revolver was driven Into his vials anti he role ever , snapping aOl yelping In his ( oth throes. Time skaters swerved aside enough to avoid him and time next Instant were skimming ov ! the ice at their utmost , speed. . , . I was 10t a moment too soon , lor coo hall was wel nigh fatal , but they could travel raster lhan the animals and steadily drew away from them , until , ere long , they WHO safe so far as those brutes were con- cerned They contnued the pursuit , however , being a number or rods to time rear RII In plain sight of time fugitives , who looked back , while speeding forward wIth undiminIshed - Ished swiftness. But the couple could nol continue their fIght , knowing nothing of the missing one The wolves were between them and her , and Menteitit revolver. Sterry had fred the last shot In hl " 110w tar back does that tributary reach ? " ho aslwd. "I , never learned , but probably a good way. " "Is breadth Is nol hal of this " "No ; nothing like It " "What has become of her ? " "Alasl ! alas ! What shall I answer ? " "Dut , Fred , she Is not wllhot hope : she can skate faster than either of us and I am sure none of them were In front or her on the creek or alma "ould not have made the turn she did. " "I the creek extends for several miles , that is . wllh enough width to give her room , she will oulspeed them , but how Is she to gel back ? " "What need that she should ? When they are thrown behind sue can take oft her skates and continue homeward through the woods , or she may find her way back to the river and rejoin us " "God grant that you Ire right , but soma of the wolves may appear II front of her ali then-I "Don't speak of II ! 'Vo wcul have heard their cries I any of them had overtaken " her. No situation could bo more trying than ) that of the two youths , who felt that ever rod toward home took them that distance further from time beloved one , whose fate was Involved In awful uncertainty. "This won'l do , " added Monlelh , after they had skated sonic distance further ; "wo are now so far from the brutes that they cannot trouble us again ; wo are deserting her In the most cowardly manner. " "Dut what shall wo do ? 'Vhat can we do ? " "Vou know something of this part of time counl'YL ; le.ts : takeoff . . our sIates ' and cut across t we creeK ; ammo may lave taken refuge In time limbs of a tree and Is i awaiting , awaitng u. . "Isn't some one coming up stream ? " asked Fred , peering forward where the straight stretch was so extensive that the vision ller- omitted them to see unusualy far. "it may be another wolf. " "No ; It Is a person. Perhaps Quance has been drawn rrom his home by time racket lie Is u great huuler. 1 hope Il Is he , for ho can give us help In hunting for Jennie- " Monteith suddenly gripped the nrm or his friend. "It Is not a mnn-It Is 1 woman I" ! "Who can It bo ? Not Jennie , surlly- " "lurry along I You are no skaters at nIh" ali"I was she ! That was her voice , and II wile her slight girlsh figure skimming like a swalow toward lhem. Wllhln the rolowlnl minute Fred Whiney clasped his beloved sister In his arms , both shedding tears of Joy anti gratitude. Jennie hall had a marvelous experience intleed . Controled by an intuition or iii- stnct which often SUrllasses reason , site was led I to llrrl aside Into the smaler stream , at the critical 10mlnt , when the fierce wolves were so near that escape seemed itumpossible. She hall fallen slightly lo time rear , and a single , terrlell glance had hewed her a beast In the act of leaping at 1ler. tier dart to time let was enly the effort to elude him for an Instant , and she was nol aware of the mouth or time creel until shun hail enlored It. Then , seeing unt was altogether too Into to rejoin her brother , she had no course heft but lo continue the Ilghl I , whlol , out II then , she had not In. to mmd ed . Time words which she called to Fred , that were nrt understod by him , wer to the elect hint she would try to rejoin him rur. timer down time stream , wih whoso many turnings she was moro familiar tman t he Sue ascenlll time tributary with all time wOllerful ski al her comnmnant ] . Not only time brute that was at time point or leaping at her , but three others turnell us soon as they couiti polso' themselves , and went after her at their utmost bent. hut 'ler change of dlrecLcn was n most ortunnto action As In time case of abrupt dartng . aside . , . , when . _ . _ _ on , . Ihe ( . _ _ d'L muuracoofthio _ _ ' _ ' . . . M" I au 'UI , . 1":1 lur cunOluerlDIY a nlh'ance or time nearest pursuers Add to this her Ilowor or outpeedlng them when time chance was equal , aOI.lt wi ba seen that her only danger was ( rein the front , The creek was so narrow that I any or the wolves appeared before her she weuhl bo host for there was nol room lo maneuver aim emi time larger slream. hut none prcsented themselves , The first signal hall ! drawn them to time river , and I there were any ncar , lhey and she were mUlualy unaware or it. As her brother had said , Blue was more nCQualntet\ with that section than he , Sue know al what points the river and Its lrlbu ! tory curved so a to bring them near each ther , Heachlng tha place , alma burled limo heels of her skate runners In time Ice , sending the IlarUcles about her In a misty Ihower , and quIckly Cllna to a hiatt . 1hen , 61andlng motionless , sue listened . In the distance was heard time howlng or the animals 10 repeatedly disappointed or their prey , but none was nigh enough to cause her mhgl'lng. " 1 hope no harm has come to Fret Qr Monteih , " she murmured. ' 'Bthm can skate fat enough to leave the wolves behind ; they would have doumo so at once I they had net been bothered by having U1e with them. sow , they Ought to be able to take care of I themselves. " She nat down on the bank all removed her skntcs. The slight layer of snow on the leaves caused no Inconvenience , for she was I'el sued , and the wAlk was net fsr . Her rear was that some or the wlvs m'gh sneak up unleen. Oren sue stopped anti listened , but when half the distance was passed wih- out any alarm from that source , she belIeved nothing was to b feared . A little further and she reached the main stream , the die- tanco pRssel1 being so much less than was necessary for her escorts , that she knew she was In advance or them , even though they hall continued their flight without Inlerrup- tion . Lon.ler club skates were securely rctaltenell and then she listened again . 'lime cries of the brutes were few and dls- ' taut , and coulll oct cause alarm. Hark ! A familiar pound reached imer She recognlzell It as made b ) skates - gliding over the Ice RIsing to her feet , she re- markell with a smile : "I think I will give them a snrprlse , " AntI pho dil , The meeting waR n happy one , amid before time stroke of midnight alt three were at home , where they found the mother anxiously awaiting their return , all greatly relIeved to lear that despIte their stirring experience no harm had befallen any member of the little party. ( TIE ND. I ) LITTLE m TDlLEFI ! GER AND illS QUEEn COUNTY , The Children's ! cculI Visit . DV JOEL ChANDLER HAnmS. ( Copyright iSO , 1) ' Joel Chandler JnrrlB , ) TiE LITTLE DOY O TIE LANTERN. "or curse , " said Mr. Thtlmbleflnger . "all or you can tel better stories than I cal , because . cause you arc larger. Being taller , ) ' 01 can see further anti talk louder , hut 1 somethnes think I I were to climb a tree Id see as far ns any ot you. " "Voll , 1 hop your feelings are not hurt , " remarked Mr. Rabbit , symp3theLcaly. "It's not time 'Caull ' of your stories that 1 fall asleep when you Ire telling them. It's my habit to sit and nod al certain hCls of time day , nn" I YOI'I watch me right close yeu'l see that I sometmes drop oft when 11 tell- lug , 1 , story myselr. "Il try and keep awake tim next time loll tel one. " "I'm afraid Il have to prop Mr. flab- bll's eyelids open with straw , " said Mrs Meadows , laughing. "Il Just try you with a little one , " Mr. Thlmblefnger declared. "I'l tel YOI one I heard when 1 was younger I want to see whelher Mr. Rabbit wIll keen awale. amid J want to see whether thero's -0 moral In the " lale. So ho took or his little hat which was shape hike a thimble , and run his hand over time reather ornaments to slralghten It out Then ho began : "A long tIme ago when there was a great deal more room In time country next door than there Is now , there lived a mn who hal a wife , one son , a horse , U cow und a calf. Ho was 1 hard.worklng man , BO much so that ho had When you want me go t1tho ' whispering poplar my name. that ' stands on the : hl and whisper , 'Who are you ? ' asked 'ohnny , forgetting to . be polite , I ho ever knew ho\ . . 'Tho Keeper of the Cows that rom In the night ' replied the klly" 'When you 10 10 whispering poplar that stands on the hill ! whisper this : " I 0 , Keeper of Cows thmtt'ronm In the night 'Come over the hill anu' lend me your . ' light. 1 . I r "Johnny would have thanked the woman , but In the twinkling or an eye she was gone without making a sound enl not n blade of grass shook to show that sims had been timere. Johnny turned In his tacks and started home the way he came ( Ieore he had gone far he slopped to look back , hut the strange I country was nowhere to 1 seen-nly the old famiar hills and . trs that ho had always known I "When ho got homo thef was a strange woman coking and fixing his rather's supper. The table was set , and everything was almost ns neal anti as tidy as It usell to bo when his mother was alive. Even his own little pinto was In Its place , anti his mug wih the picture of a blue caste plntCI on It was sitting . ting near. nut Johnny hail no appetite. lie vent to the door and looked In , and then went to lhe stabie Once there ho sllhlenl' re- membered that he hall rorgotten to drive the cow In from the pasture lie went running to get her , but round her cming along or her own accorll-somethlng she was not In the habit of doing. "JQlmn wondered a little at this , but It soon Ilassed out of his mlll , and he got b. hlnl the cow and lallo her 10 faster lie drove the cow Into the lot , and waite awhlo for the woman to como and mmmIlk . Dut she delayd so long , ho went to the house and roul1 his father eating supper. Instead or going to the table , ho went and sat by the lire. lre. 'have something lo cat ? ' pall the womnn. " ' , ' he replied. 'I am nol hungry rell\ed. said " 'have a glass or U , fresh mik , then , ' she " ' ' answered. ' have 'Nol tonight , ho 'I just driven the cow In from time imasturc ' 0 ' 1 brought her from the pasture 1)'se1 ; ' said the woman , 'milked her and turned her out ngaln. ' "Johnny sold nothing to this , but he knew the cow had nol been mlkCl , and bo womm- tiered where time woman got time milk that his rather was drlnldn lIe thought about I umitil he forgot all about his grief. 10 noticed . ticed that as soon as his father drank the milk ho bean to smile al the womnn. lie smlell al the woman , but was cross to Job nmmy. "Ater [ supper time woman went out , and after awhile Johnny went out , too , leaving his rather sitting by the fire smoking his pipe. Johnny wenl to the lot , thlnldng the woman had gone thre. lie wnnted to see whether she would milk the cow. lIe erelll alongside of the fence , and soon was near I enough to POII throuh a crack wlthoul bing seen Il saw time woman rubbing time cow on the back while the cal was getting all ' the nmilk. " 'You see how good I am to your sIster , ' said thc woman. 'Now 1 want you to be good to me When' that boy Jack goes after you to the pasture 1 want you to le(11 him a chase. I saw him beating your calf today. ! t , seehow , iood I a\ \ IL to your calf sIster 1 let It nave . nit time miK" i "Tho cow shook her horn anti swiched her , tall , and Johnny , sitting In the fence corner , 1 wondered what It all meant. wondrl al " ' 1 see , ' sall the cow , aCer awimile. You want lo marry the boy's father and time boy Is In the wa ) Dut suppose they find you oul. " 'hal then ? ' " 'Trust me for that , sister , ' said the woman ; 'trust me for that , ' that. "Johnny waited to htar ' . To more but crept . . 1 , I . - = _ _ _ _ _ ' : e-4r 57 : . \'r \ ' . . I t' . . . 'I. ' -21 . ( - - 4 I , \ - \ - -I ; P \ , , ' irt' ' ' - 4 , , . , I ' - - 1 , - . , L ' ' , - \ -0 . ' \I I . , c ; , c _ ' ' _ _ Up1 . ' 1i- . ' : "YOU hAVE COME FAST AND FAR. " little or no time to devote to his family . He I worked hart In time fields nil day , and when nig'Imt ' came ho was too tired to trouble much about his son. His wife . tee , having no serv- ant , was always busy about time house , sew- ing washing , cooking , cleaning , patching , milkIng anti sweeiling. Day In ant day out It was always time same. The man was always - ways worldng and time womal was always worJdng. They hall 10 rest except on Sun- day , and then they were too tired to pay much attention to their son. "Tho nsequenco was that whIle time boy was 1 very bright lad , ho was full oC mis- chief , up to all sorts of tricks and pranks that some people cal meanness ly hook or crook , or maybe by book , ho had learlCI how to spell und read. lint the emily beolt ho hate to read was emma with big pictures of men dressed In rell clothes , anti nrmed whim yellow ! - low cutlasses. Time book was called "Tho rooters or leruvla. "Mabe time name was 'Tho Pirates or Peru , ' ) suggested luster John. "Oh , no , " replied Mr. Timimblefinger . "I don'l suppose any such country as Peru hall ben found on the map wimemi that book was written. Bul le\er mind about that. Time boy reall only lhat book and he be- came rather wild In his mind. lie wantel to bo a plrooter , whatever thl was , and so ho armed himself with old hoe hel'es and calel } them pikes , and he Led u shingle to his side and called It a cutlass. and he got him a broom handla and called Il u horse . "That boy's nama was Johnny , but some- times they cled him Jack for short. Seine PEoplB said he was as mean as ho could be , but 1 don'l say that lie was fonder or scnmllorlng over the country than ho was of help ! U g his mother. "Maybo ho didn't Iwow any better because . cause ho wasn't taught any better . But one morning h's mother was so tIred that sue couldn't get out or bed. She had worn herself out with work , Time next moring she couldn'l get up , nor time next , 0111 then the neighbors , who had come In lo see what time mater was , said that she could never gel UII any more So one day Johnny round ever'lh1ng yery still In time house , und the neIghbors who were there were klnller to him than the had ever been , and then he ) knew that his mother would never gel tired any more. "lie felt so bad thal he wandered off Into the wools , crying as he went. . Ills eyes wera so full ot lear that ho couldn'l see where he was going , and he didn't ' care lie went on antI on , untIl Inaly , when he took heart to look around , he found himself In a part or the country that was new 10 him This caused him ! to dry his eyes , for ho was perfectly sure that he had traveled neither fast nor far enough to bo beyond time limits or time numberles Journeys he had made In eli dlrltons from his rather's house , and yet hero ho was. suddenly and without knowing how he got there , In n country that was altogether new lo Imim "It was just like when you came down through our spring gate , " said Mr. Thimble- finger . "The grass was different and time trees were different . antI even time sand and time gravels were of color that JOhnny had never seen before Sudden I ) while he was wondering how he could have missed seeing all these ltrnngo things when ha had Journeyed - neyed thus way before , a lady , richly dressed , came out or the woods and stood before him. She neither smied 10r looked severe , but pity , seemed to shine In her race. " 'Whal now ? ' she said , rallln her hand 10 her bead. ' ! 'You have come rUt and cOmo far , You ere In trouble Ou back . away and went to bed. lie was dressed and out by sun up next morning , but the woman was up before him , and had breakfast - fast nearly ready. Johnny asked her If she had milked time cow , and she replied that she had forgotten about I. Johnny saw the milk- pal sitting on the shelf and when lie looked at It ho knew time cow had nol been milked , else the sides of the pal would have been spaterell "Dul time cow had been turned out and the cal was sleeping contentedly In time renee corner Instead or nibbling the grass. Johnny drank no mik at breakfast , but his Cather did , .nd smIled al the woman more than over. During time day Johnny forgot all about time cow , but when night came he knew she must be brought up , so lie went to time pasture after her. Sue was nol to bB found . lie hunted over the his and fields , and then , not finding her , began to cry "Suddenly time lady ho hall seen the day before stepped out of the wood and spoke lantern to him. Sue held In her hand a tny " 'Talto this , ' sue said , holding out the lantern. " 'Vou wouldn'l cal me , and so I came to 'OU . ' you. " , ' . 'I forgot , whispered Johnny. " 'Don't forget any more , ' salll time lady. 'Take this lanter anti run , to time whisper. Ing poplar lhnt stanls on time bill. Vou'l fll your cow ted there. Drive her homB and don't spare her , ' "Johnny found time cow tel to time poplar sure enoulh mitt hB made her gallop homo as fast as she could lie blew out his tiny lantern before ho got In sight of the house but Il dropped rrom his .hanl anl he could ibid It no mimoro lie eeasetl to hunt for Il after awhile and drove time cow lo the lot , where , time woman was waiting . " 'Go got your supper , ' 'Ie ' sall to Johnny. " 'Ves'm , ' replied Jolnn , 'but ho went off only to creep back tose , what time woman would do. lie could sep that she was angry. "Sho abused the cow , terribly ' 'You are a nice sister , ' she exclalmt , 'to let that boy bring you , home so elirly. , , , " 'Don't sister me , : moan ell time cow ' 1'1 nearly famished and that boy has nearly run mo off my legs Somebolly that I coullln't see caught me qnd ted mo to a tree this morning amid there I'vo been all day , " 'o'd better g a\ay' ' from here. That boy will find you out yet , ' "Then JOhnny creptl away , ate his supper and went to beth II slept late the next morning , but when he awoke ho round that his rather , Instead or Ielng at \\'orlt. as was his habit , was smoking hl pipe and talking lo tht woman , antI bet II were smiling at each other very swcetiy . That afternoon Johnny went to bring the cow home before sundown , but bo couldn't foil her. lie hunted and hunted for her until long after dark anti then he wenl to the whispering , poplar that stands on the hill and said : ! " ' 0 , keeper or cows that roam In time night ' Core over this his and lend mo your light ! ' "In lanty , Johnny heard lho cow lowing In the valley and saw a Ighl glimmering faIntly In time diatasmee. In u little whIle lie heard a tremendous clatter of lees up the lull and the rushing or some large animals through the bummiies l seemed to have one eye only and that eye shone as fiercely as a flame or tire , as its head swayed from side to ntis . I clme rushing to time poplar tree , where Johnny stood , all stopped there Johnny peeped \ rrom behind the tree ali saw that the frightul animal was nothing more tbQ hula cow I wIth a tiny lantern banging - - . . . . [ ( ( flr ff' lffnfff1-fr1T'nffnrfr1 : CUT THIS OUT ' I . IT'S WORTH $5.00 TO YOU ! i - - This check wilt /ltzle bearer to a re4 : 5 " dUeion oJ $5. 00 01t any 4 $ q . ) Order for Suit E I / aced thi 'eek. J" t 207 South - Jt Thi chek m1st be , . \ . . . - 'sited when order ftiaccd . l\t a FIfeenth St. - - tLUIJU..oUllbL.LlJU. . 1 1 , ULdULU. . . ! . , _ . _ . 1 " _ . t I' . .UUJ ! l . _ , _ . JI . " > " "R ' 'n : T T l . CUTTHISOUT - . IT'S WORTH $1.00 TO YOU ! t ; T/iis : check will elt/le bearer to a ra- : d1tctt01 0 $1. 0 0 011 any E $1 Order for Trousers t . laced IMs week. ; - 207 South _ This cheek 1m/st be re- \ . ' : ; . l\t . j _ FiiteciIiSt. 1 smed when order is placed. FIteenth l ) . : JdddtdL ! dJUdd dJJIdd .J { d { J .U4 JJ ; dAbU ) I : her her Johnny waited to see I the keeper or the cows that roam In time night would malte her appearance , but ho waited In vain. Then ho drove time cow hOle , turned her In the lot anti wenl In time house lo get his supper. lila rather all mother were , , sitng very close togelher. " ' 1Iye you brought the cow ? ' the woman ashietl. " , 'She's In the lot , ' replied Johnny. " 'You are a snart boy , ' sold the woman. , , ) " 'Thanlty , ma'm , ' exclahnell Joimimimy "So Il went day after da ) ' , The woman would malle the cow wander farther amid farther away from home , and Johnny would go to the whispering poplar that stands on time Imill , and cal for the beautiful lady , timekeeper keeper of tIme cows that roam In time smgiit ! and soon the cow would como running and lowing. Then Johnny would drive her home by the light of his lIttle lanlern. This imp- pened so often thal the neighbors and In- dee the people In all that country , when they saw 1 light bobbing around al night , wouhl shake their heads and say , 'Thero goes Jack anti his lantern , ' and then after a while they called 'Jnck of the lantern , ' : 'One day ho heard two of the neighbors talking about him , saying It was a pity that so bright 1 boy should have such a stop- molher as the woman his father was about lo marry Then Johnny ( or Jack , as , he was sometimes called ) knew that his father was preparing to marry time woman who was keeping house for him , anti It made time boy feel very wretched to think thal this woman was to take the place or his molher. "Thal very day ho went lo time whispering poplar that stands on time hill and calell for time keeper of the cows that roam In time night. Time lady made her appearance and then Johnny told hmr his troubles. The lady smiled for time first time. Then she told Johnny that If he would follow her direc- tons , his troubles would dlsnppear. She gave him a roll of blue ribbon , and told him what to say when he pre6ented I to time woman just before the marriage tool place. She told him also what to do wih his little lantern . Johnny went home feeling very much better , and that night his rather told him he was to have a new mother time next day. lie said nothing In reply , but smiled as I the news pleasell him. Johnny lay awake that night a long time , and once he thoughl the woman eamo and leaned over his bed as I to listen , but Just then a cow not far away lowed once , twice , thrice. Then the woman went away , mutter- lug somelhlng. "Tho next day time invited guests began to assemble early , and after awhile time preacher came. The women neighbors would have the bride to stand UI In the middle of lho floor brllB to admire her just before time ceremon , nml when she stood up Johnny began to march around her , waving his lantern and his blue rlhbon and singing : " 'I have for the bride " ten yards of blue ribbon- Ten rlllon- yards or blue ribbon , ten yards of hilimo ribbon- . I ha.vl Ilno for the bride ten yards oC blue rib- lIn , So rich anti so soft anti fO rlre ; Five Int pin on her snowy whie iomiomn- Ier losom- bosom- white bosom , her snowy white Five yards to pin on her snowy whlo lmsonm , And live to tic In her hair. I0 " 'I have n lantern to IIhl : her along witim- To wlth- highut her along with , to Ighl her along I have n lantern to lght her along with , When forth sue fares In the nlghl ; ant In the dark the ribbon wil rustle- 'ho rIbbon will rustle , the ribbon wIll rustle- Out rstc dark the ribbon wi rustle . And the lantern will lend her its Ihhl ! "Johnny threw time hlue rlbhon over the womnn'B shoulter and arouml her neck nail waved his Inler and Instanty time woman disappeared , anll In her Illaco stood a cow Before the PeOPle could recover their surprise , time lady that Johnny had seen at time whisper- lug Jplar came Into time room and bowed to time company. " 'This Is time most malicious cow In all my herd : said sue , 'nm ! this brave boy has caught her. Hero Is a purse of gold for his reward As for you , sir , ' turning to Johnny's father 'you may thank your son for saving you from this witch , ' Then she bOWNI again , anti went away , leading time cow , and neither or them was ever seen In that counlry egaini . "nul to this dab' . when people see a Ighl bobbing up and down In the felds at nllhl they say , 'Yonder's Jack of time Lanler ! ' " ( To Lo Contoue < ) OtJUI ' : i'j:4tiuuiY. : low thin I'nmoul l'hiilmiumtlmroplst Won 11 VIctorious 'VIY In I his % 'urld . I Is simply wonderful what can be accomplished - complshed with perseverance when time end In view Is tralsoworthy , Who would have thought as they saw time boy George Peabody bhind the counter In a grocery store In Danvers , weighing out a few pounds of sugar , that the day would comB when he would leave $9,000,000 to bless imunmanity . lie ( lid not gain his money from his parents , for they were poor , harll working people I , who could not afford to give George an education. That he mlghl help them , they round for him 1 place In a store when ho was only 1 year old. Whlo his mother lived lie was very fond or her , ready to obey her al all thames , so that ho was olen called "mammy's boy" by his playmates. I there were a few moro mammy's boys or time seine stuff the world would be al the better for them , I was a pretty picture to see tbo young lad after the week's harll work , placing his earnings In his mother's hand. l Is strange how the worll get to know when a boy Is de\'otCI to his mother , and always has 1 place open for such lads. When Georgo's father died ho had not 1 dollar In time world , htmL ha had whal was far better , the esteem and respect of his neighbors , and Il was not long before ho wan offered work al Newbur"port , and when time store where he waR emplo'ed was burned ho was soon hard at work again In George- town , D. C. Ito was a genial , hallllY lOll , aml BO re' spectul to his superiors and had snch tact \\1th buyers that he soon made rrlends. His employer always felt ho could rely on him , ho was always punctual In business , Thiera . are at al tnl\ , men looking out for such bright boys , and as soon lS his habits of emmergy honesty and perser\eranco became known , though ho had no olher capital . Ital , ho was offered a parlnershlp when only 19 years of nge. It wa nol many years after this George found hlnH.lf head of an enormous amid wlalhy business. His trade often carrIed him to London , so that after awhile he established himsel there as a ban leer. Success and rortune fol- hewed ' hi Cootsteps. anti before long he was enabled to give $15,000 as a present to time World's faIr of 1851 In the Crystal Palace , that American inventions mlghl have a good eximlbltion . His success and fortune are mainly due to time fact that he was a wide reader a total abstainer rrom liquors and lobacco. lie had a deep love for humanity. He was not like those old fogies who hoard up their mone until they die , and then leave Il In hate to some institution , but he tried to lghten time cures of those who suffered the poverty which ho hall known as a boy Many a poor widow and child have been made his . hnpPY by generosity. His name Is known nearly all over time world , even In time far north , we tImid a large tract of land called Peabody's land , In honor of him , for In 1852 he gave $10,000 lo help to fit ell the second expediion under Kane In , search of Sir John Frammkhimm. The same year ho senl a check of $20- ' 000 to Danyers , his birthillaee , for time Purpose or building nn institute wih a free library , anll free course or lectures Before long he Increased the gift to $250- 000. 000.Peabody's Peabody's words to American boys cn- not be too often repa ted. When he opened time institute at Danvers , he said : "Though ProvIdence has granted me an unvarlell and unusual success In time pursuit - suit of fortune In olher lands , 1 am still In heart time humhle boy who left yonder an- prelendlll tlwellnl many , very mnny years ago. There Is noL I 'outh within time SOII ! of my voice whose early olmpor- tunlLes and ad\ntages are not very much greater than were my owim I have slneo achIeved nothing that Is impossible to time mosl humble boy among you. "near In mind lhat to hB truly great , Il Is not necessary that you shoulll gain wealth and hnllorlance. Steldasl and Illevlatnl truth , fearless and straightforward Integriy , I and an honor ever In5ullecl ly an unworlhy word or action , mall their possessor greater than worldly success or lmrosperity . These qualities consltnte greatmmess , " Ills gifts to time poor or . London are so wel Iwown that there Is no need to mmiemm- Lon lhem , they arc a growing winess of his gemmeroslty. ngland's queen keeps his memory fresh In her heart hy still speaking of him lt one who whie IYlng was her "rrlend' ! The mother George lovell so ' well was caled away long before his departure lImit his devotion to her was always the sale sincere love. To bier memory Is built time beautiful , church at Georgetown , Mass , where In years lo cOle olherR may worship time God she taught her boy to vorsbmip I was November 4 , 1869 . al midnight ho I parsed away rrom , UB to receive his rewarll. : . W. STUI'gV AN'r HAF'rI. Th" Star SptnJ11 Itaumimer Young AmerIca ought to know time history of time Star Banner. Spangled I seell to us today , or course , as If time stars amid stripes hail always been In ex Isle nee. hut time fact or time maLer Is time ? 'ia'ilOWer canoe saing over hero under a fag borrowed rrom King James of Englalul and It was lfl ' ears after thal before [ America had a fag of Its very own liven lhat horrowel ! fag or King James was not time Union Jack or Englalul today The royal gentleman lad ! Just succeeded In getting a new lag for his country , ammo that unlell time upright n'll cross on n wlie ground or J nglall with time X cross of white on n blue ground of Scotland . These were the banners respectively dedlealed to Ht George and St. Andrew , anti wo lucre were cowing over our Independence before time Union Jack was finally made ly alJlng on time red X cross or St Patrick , time oatron ( saint of Ireland , lt time tmo I beclmo part of Great Britain At limo battle or Lexington time American soldiers did nol have even color or their own to lght under , and at limo battle or hunker lull , whlo there wee several streamers of varied colors apportioned among the colonists , they hall no distinctive lag or their own Hut the time for 1 national flag como at lenKth. In Juno or 17G tim 1.'alher or his Country and a few other gentemen : to whom time duty had been olcluly delegated drew up a Illan for a lag all currlell I off to he made 'bla first American lag was manu- ractured In time very city where Independence was declared , and by I wommian . The mnker was a ltrs , Itoss , who carried on an up hiolatery business , and ot whom the COl' -1 I ' cu -Ill fr'JlJI.J ) FREE ! ' ' B5T.1 a OUT . - and send It louwlh'onrnnmonnt : lres9 < filth WO wil ! Eeml ) ' 01 thlswnlc' by express fur exnummnntmomi. . A GuAnATEJrira Y J AR : , 8ent wih it. You exnmilo It R111 IC'oulhlnk It n bargaIns pnyour Rnmillo'rlco ! II.lD ammdltisyours. I Islholn4' Rome3t timid best Imeceepr ! In the world fer mime mOley aimil better limit immanywiutebel nl1betr 1IIInlwntcbc' cold Cor Cour Ime3thorlce overy'ntciiwm FREEWlh e'cry" ntehwl . SI sCul nlsolltlly rreO ot iTigeii lovely roM plntl chnll amid cbnrmnlEcurbl1 cntntouo full oC InrIAlns foi Writato-day this olr ' " ' rla todlTI 1'11 not appear again. Adtboos * , I ESTLKE MFG , CO. , LI " Cor. Adams and Ilalo Sli. . - . I CHICAGO , tLL. . . DOCTOR 1SEARLES it & SEARLES. Chronic , Nervous , Private Dsoascs. T1tItT.ili'iT n Y MAiL. CODsullton 110. We cure Catarrh , all diseases of the Nosu , Throat , Chest Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Wuamossos ) , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN WIMK MIN Al : VICTIMS TO NElVOUS Debility or Exhnuolon , Wasting \VenklcsI , In voluntary Losses , with Enrty ! Vecuy In youna nnd mlddi" : getI : lack oC vtm vigor aniwoakene prematurely \1 : < approaching old oge. Al yell nndly to rur new treatment for loss of vial power Cc : on or address with stamp for ci cUlars , fre. , book and recelntl Dr ) Searles and 'ui1Plac 1410 l'nrnnmn. 1 , Vii hI U IS.LIL Vij . 14 I f.n No I mltee probably hearll throulh General Hess , who was n member 0 the commitee all Mrs.oss' . uncle or Mrs. \oss' hitmsbunmd The first fag was similar to the fag tOlla1 so far as time rell Dul white stripes are con cerned , but In lead of our rorty-COu' tar Illaced In rows on the blue field In time corner there were In tlose days but lhlrteen stars , amid they were arrangCI In a circle General Washlnglon had drawn Ix-Ilolntell stars In lilt ; design for th lag , and Mrs. \ou said that instead of hint ( kind or a star which was Emmglammti's way of mailing I , she lhought time 1.'reneh fvo.polntell star preferable , and the first Ilresllenl to ho agreed , nlll sat down in time back parlor hlhlnd time shop , and drew the delgn over agaimm in five- ImOlliteti stars. Mrs. ' floss was not around ovklemmtly 'imen our coins suero iiesigmmed , fo * they have time six.poimutcd stars , There are several ophmuioims as to vimerI time desigmm of time Ammmerlcan i1a ; originated. Somumo oeoimlo tuiinlc it was mnodellemi after titus stripee of the Iutcim flag whmichm was vohL known to time colonists amId held. by timemm 1mm klnthiy relmmte. , Sonme think time stripes on time coats of time cemmthmmemmtal soldIers smug- gestemi time stripes for time flag. CurIously enougim time coat.of-armmms cit time faumihly of time Fathmer of imis Country was mmiamle Ui ) of stars awl atriimes anil outer people have tiiotmgumt this mleviccm was mmehe temi for the Iia as a commmplhmmiemmt \S'ashiimigtomi. . Ited to tell c.f thin lmlood simemi for freedom ; viuite for time lmtmrity of time priuciple fought for ; bliuc for time mrotectiomm of heaven ; an imtzurim In a circle to tell of time unity of time states ; thIs was time way hthhi others truisms. . hated ( hue origin of tile idea of time stan sparmgleI banner , it seemmimi orobahle that. great mnamiy jmeqple moamlo differemit augges- tionma for a national Slag , anti Ihmat thm one we lnmow arid revere Iii time outcome not. of any ammo but of time snumitltuule of models. It In June , 1777 , a year froni time 11mW that \Vashmlmmgton anti time others on time coins imsittee called upon Mrs. Itoss with limo tie- sign before congress formally declared this flag amiopted oiflclalhy ems time flag of lbs Unmited States , sumowing timat it took tune even In tiioo days to unwind time red tape with which ofllcial deeds are lIeu up. Mrs. hIQoum nuamlo time miammuldu flag so well she was made flag soaker to the nation , anti for many years thereafter snanufactured thuq flags of timum country. - I Brooklyn Eagle : Time Anmerica of time pre. eimt as truly as anti moore intelligently thuan time Americamm of time clghiteentim carutury wlshmems weii for France mind believes well of French possibilities anti of French chmaractetr , despite Its mercurial denotemnenta , Timess commslderatlomms on thus sImlo of time sea form Into a hotly of good wIshes for limo new imreM- dent and time imeoiuie m'hmom hue 'sill rule , anti It Is to hmo hoped timat those good wishes may be apprecIated where time events of wiilaii timey are time suiuject have occurred , and where flue conflmlUt'nmces ' of timem yiii be watches su'Itii unruly hem's interest by France than b $ the world at large.