- ' . - . I- - . [ = : # I : . . = : ] THE OMAHA SUNDAY .BEE. [ : : : i : : : . . I , I , , . ! . . . . - . . - . , ' . q ' J " - , . 3STABL1S1IE1) JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , SU3WAY MORNING , JANUMY 27 , 1S95-'flVENTY ' 1'AGES. SINGLE COpy FIVE CBN L'S. ; i I - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1871 _ _ . AJA _ _ _ SUDAY . _ JANUnRY _ _ _ _ lY _ _ _ _ 1 I ' 'VORRIES ' JOhN BULL Condition of Lbo American Treasury a Source of Uneasine In Lon on , SOLEMNLY DISCUSSED BY TiE STATISr Englaud's ' Finanoial Authority Delvera It3 Opinion of the Gold Outflow , UNCLE SAM CAN'T ' BORROW IN EUROPE ' Bhnrks On that Bide Will Not Loan at Less ; Than 3 Per Oent. NO REAL REASON FOR TiE PRESENT DRAIN Gold "hlplell ) Not the Beml.of leht O\\ell , hut "Ilecaugi , of UelultulCY t of Currency anti WIl cSlreal , 'iItreRi" , hero. . ( Copyrighted 189" by Prep , Publlhlnl CmpBny , ) , LONDON , Jan 26.-New ( York WorM Cablegram-Special Telegram.-The ) Statst , Bnglanll's lending financial paper , discusses today the fnancial situation In the United States In three leading ar'lces , and says seml-omclal Inquiries have been mate oC London bankers ns tl the possibility oC IlIac- lug I new loan In Furope. I The Ilaper believes such a loan could not bo negotiated unless at more than 3 per cent far the reason that the foreign bankers are convinced that the present congress wi do nothing to relieve the treasury and that the next congress , even IC caled II extra session , will only act after long debate If even then satisfactorily. That ineinwliiie the drain oC gold will steadIly - ly contnue . , and still anoth r , loan wi be neccssary. \ "With the & prosplet of continuous borrow- lag , " says the paper "lenders , of course , will Insist on better terms. " The Statst insists that the United States I 110 not owe enough abroad to account for the I drain hither oC $250,000,000 within a year o ' _ , . and . therefore , that gold "Is now coming away not because of al adverse 'lebt balance , , but because of redundancy of currency atl I the widespread Ils tress. " I neither this nor ' ( t * the next congress Ilasses a satisfactory bill , r or I the mints should be reopened to the free r coinage of sliver . the paper predlcta monetary - tory vanlc with gold at n premium. The t later result It conlders certain whenever the government stollS borrowing and Its gold reserve - serve disappears. . AUVISlm NOT TO DUY. In another article it advises abstention from purchase oC all American railway securiies until there are clear Indlcatonc or wise anl vigorous dealna with the currency nrohlem u mu n _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ . 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ by congress. It notes that there Is now prac- ' tcaly no speculation In' them In London marltets. Letters arc appearIng In the London press bIterly complaining or our government In furnishing metals and diplomas awarded _ to exhibitors at Chleagr.Mr. . Wood , secretary of the Drltsh commission , says In the Times : ' The late on which these unfortunate metals I : were promised mo ha been , receding month by montl from November 1893 , to June , ] 895 , being always about three months ahead or the date of each inquiry The cause oC this procrastination I do not know , but for the past year I have been constantly urging on the authorltel at Chicago and Wushlng- ton the desirability or using more expedition In the muter npJ pointing out the Injury which had been band was being caused to British In ) . . . exbibltors by this unprecedented te- CONSUL MEEKflIt'S OOOD WOHK. Claude Meeker , our consul at Bradford , In Yorkshire Is being praised by the local press for having brought to a successful eOleluslol the caIm 01 a flra'lforlvonnsll for damages ngalnst the Chicago ' & Grand Trunk railway , I Canadian corporation. The story Is n remarkable - mrkublo on' . II October , 1893 , ho was uppled to by Mrs. John.Orenwod , who believed - Hevel her husband was killed In a great railroad - road accident at hattie Cree Ie , Mich. , In that month. lie WeS on his way to visit the exposition. Mr. Meeker keeps n tile of the \\'orlt , unll reCerrn& ! to its account of the accident , believed that he found there a ' descripton' oC Mr. ! Grcenwood as among those lost Ito nt once cabled to tbe coroner a , o Battle Creek , and , after a long correspond- ' ) cane , learned that an Englishman named Dowsott , or Dawson , had identified tins body as that of his brother and that the money found on the body hall been hamlet over to 11m , and that the railroad company was about to pay to him heavy damages. Ir. Meeker continued hIs dltlnt ! cstell labor during fit- teen mont1 to , such geol , effect that Mrs. Creenwood anti Mr tLughter have succeeded In identifying thl body as that oC her husband - S band and their father , and have been paId $0,000 damages by the railroad company . Nelher ' ho nor the consulate mate any cargo ) for service 10 tells me of n curious coincidence that at tin , time of tbe ( accident the eldest daughter of Mr. Greenwood was at a London school , where her most intimate friend was a Spun Ish girl. On the same day Miss ' Greenwol heard or her fnther's death , : friend's father and brothel were ' \ ) llled by a bomb In the Barcelona tlmater. ; I Nm'rl 10\ OUIIN'S ClIILuIuN . A memul'lr Concert bas been arranget for the beneft of the ehlllren of Eugene Oudln , Collector ICilbreth's step-son , who < le < under such Ilntheto circumstances ladt autumn Ito left , I is understood , \'ory ltQ estate , but the l'rOSI'cctb are tat a handsome sum will bo realzel by the concert anti e 1'lacc In trust Princess Louise Is patrones , Sir ftrthL'r Sullivan and Ambasllllor la'tll are presidents , and all the most famous musical artsts In London have veitinte&retl t helm' ' ' servIces , Ine\llnj Mine. \Iblnn , la'Husscl and Blanche Stone UMton , all Ainorkans. The later Is , by the wny , nllllng much reutlton In London , baying be.n enego for the comIng - lug antu ) tour , The Critics general ) ' EI'eal ' oC her In terms of highest praise , Edwin J , Abbc's caU\usea for the UQsIQI ) lblo h'urtu'y , to which r recently alluded , url now on 11ublo exhibition. In an Inter- view Ilublhe < today Mr. Abbey sa1 that the live plcturcs completed represent five yeas ' . . . , york , and ito has yet five lore can\'aSSCf to 11nlnt. 'noth ho anti Srg.mt bare doue their romk Iu n big studio oC glass an WOU , flCCto < especially In grounds ot Mr AHJe"s 1'lctule ' Cue mansion , Morgan bull In Oloucestershlme. Mr , Abbey Int'llo < te tail today for Nw York. Arthur Juh 4 Golmun , another American book illus . trator , i.a already taken forlu1st rant 110ne nglhlh craftesuon Alhough Lu' ' \ " ) ' cars settled In London , his work II pears weekly I or monthly In many English perlodlcnls. BXPCT MUCh ! FROM HANDY'S SON. Lord Hnnlulph Churchill's death makes his oldest son hell Presumptive oC the luke. dom of Iarlborough. The present duke , however , Is young and stalwart although stl unmarried WInston , the son , Is n young man , and Is saId to have already shown promise of high ability , and one newspaper says of him : "Thera II every chance that In his case tim erratic genius oC the Churchi I will bo toned and solidi- fed by the American shrewdness of the Jeromes. " He was educated , nt Harrow , and left there after a brilliant cnreer. lie possesses - sesses a wonderful memory , and ' on one occasion astonished his friends by rccln ! oft 2,000 lines of vcrs without a glance at tIme book There Is talk today oC naming him to succeed his late father In Parla- mont , ns n member for South Palhlngton , n sate , conservative constituency . Lord Randolph was believed to bo bankrupt only a Cow months ago , but recent astonishing advances In South African securities have , I understand , left l.t ) ' Churchill quite n handsome fortune , her husband ' having invested . vested heavily when In South Africa a few ) "earl ago. News also or Interest In New York Is or ni Imminent event In the family of Lord Essex : . who married Miss Adele Ornnt last ycar. There Is already nn heir to the title and tim estates , however , In the son by the carl's first marriage STABBm IS A WOIAN. The fact has not been published , but I have the statemcnt on n very trustworthy authority , that the London Ilolco have recently - centy received conclusive information that tim ierisetrator oC a sensational series oC _ . , _ lerletrator _ , _ ' sensatonal _ , . . _ _ . u.ube : Ul "UI" " IlL J"51W" " ' 5.1 month Is a lady of title and time daughter oC a peer at historIcal family . In1ue ' . 0 , whIch In many recent cases has enabled malefnctors of rank to escape Justice , has prevailed \ Ith the authorities In this also and she has been permitted to go to the continent , under promise ! oC careful sur- veiance of her Cnml ) I will be remem- i beret that a small , slightly built woman , oC ladylike appearance . dressed In black and thickly veiled . stabbed several women In the face , having first accosted them under pretext of requiring a direction . The out- rages extended over a fortnight and until local vigilance commltces were Cormet anti several arrests wore made , blt no one was brought to trial. The police have since so- , cured such evidence from the servants oC I the lady ! named who resides In lCemisington as wel as from others , to prove her the gui ) ' person She Is young . good look- iitg and has only been marrIed a few years , but has lately become a prey to frantic jealous concerning her husband , which impelled her to mnlo these savage . IndiscrimInate attacks on members oC her own sex There Is said to bo hereditary Insanity In her family. Edward Solomon , once husband oC Lillian Russell , was burled In the Jewish ceme- tery at Wleslel today . M . Dt Glm ! nEAD. ramous Jhu.lnn Jlillom"t ] 'ttRsc ! Away Arcr a J.OII lilmiess. ST. PETERSBURG , Jnn. 26.- : le Oers , Russian minister of foreign affairs , Is dead . M. 10 Glens has for years suffered from a sluggish liver and a consequent rheuma- tismn. Last . November ho seemed on the point of dying. lie partially recovered , however , but never regained his health. Nicolas Carlo\'lteh te Oers , a Russian statesman oC Swedish orIgIn , was born May 9 , 1820 (011 ( style ) When 18 years 011 he entered the Aslutc department of time ministry of foreign afalrs , August 1 , 1863 , ho was made ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary nt Teheran , vhiei-o he remained until 1869. From the conclu- sion or the treaty of Berlin , to Oers was the chief guardian of tile foreign Interests of Hussla. In April , 1882. on the retirement of PrInce Gortehultf , ho was advanced to the post of minister or foreign affairs. 1. 10 Oers was married to the PrIncess Kanlltzeno , who was the nleeo of Prince Gortachakof . Mme. do Glees died many years ngo. A son has served his country with , honor as a diplomat IUIOT ! 'IUNIS liE Cno . IT. \1 He Ills Own 1'llIlee Mlnistor-Sono other NIUICM MoatIoneI. PARIS , Jan 20.-M. Ihot saw the presi- dent today , and Informed him that ho be- I lived he could now form a cabinet , taking the portfolio of minister of Unanco him- self , and with : . lanotaux ns minister of foreign affairs , : . Loygues ns minister oC tim interior , and M. Chautemps as minis- tel' oC marine , . M. lanotnux was minister oC foreign aC- fairs In time Dupuy ministry , and Is now holllnl over 11 that olce ; M. Lenues hell the vosltion as minister or 110slton jlble Instruc- tons In the same cabInet , and M. I Chau temls , who represents ono of the Ilvlslons of Paris In time Chamber of Dell1tes , classed as a republican , Is a radical socialist . clulst , alul Is In favor of a revision oC the consttuton , In the most Ilemocrntc sense , by a constitutional assembly , the I supprossloim of time senate and the suppression - slots of time presidency of time republic , and other reforms or I like mmaturo NI'I I'rell'jl"l try. PARIS , Jan 21.-TIme Olclni Gazette llub- Ishes the statement that tn all iroiiability I tomorrow tIme following cabinet nl10unee- i ments will be male , : Premier and minister ' nt ' of finance , Hlbot 'lrenux forelsn' 1nunce justice , ' ; foreign arulrs , 10noraux ; interior , I.e'HUS ; lust rue- ton , lolncal'ro ; public works , 1upuy tu Tcml' ' ; conmmnerce , Andre I.edorj ; husbandry , Oallenu ; colonlcs , ChautelllS ; war , General Jumont : marine , Admirl Bcrnard. I Is said time men to whom these Positions have been tendered have ncceimted No one has yet been selected 10 occupy the post ' of mln- Isler of public worship. 11'8 : ot Como to lulc\1 ( ; 0'111. 1IAN.\OL'A. Jan 26-Time government claims that Iho British envoy here Is but n consul on time coast , and has not como to releve Minister Gosling , and full explana- tons or his mission have been sent to :1' . Uuzmln nt " ' 18hlllton , , with n request to Ilresent the matei' to the \merlcan govern- , I melt In n full mlnnel' . _ I'rcMlllunt : , I'clsotu SIIIII , : nIO DI JANEhilO , Jan 26.-itelxoto Is I slaking 1'lllldl ) ' and his death Is expected at ' hour . ( lily Choler Is Ineleasln . despite the denlalt of time jo\'cl'nment. . Mmiy lh'(1 : 1\ ( 'oml'romlo tflmmtiI,1&te. I IOVER , Del. , Jamm 20-One ballot was , taken In the t'mmited States senatorial comm- I tet t wihout rerul. I \elc\'et that timeS S deadlock will be roken early next veek L ) thl , elrrtcn of I conlllromto canldate , , its- . siLl ) ' Jul'r ) ' A. HI'hurlson , who was the ' republican \lnddate ! fur Go'crorIn 1141d. t I II thouht that the Ln'nk wi occur not - later than W\'neldIY. SUFFERED A SETBACK Forced to Accept Amendment to the Anti- Revolutionary Bill , MIKADJ SENDS DECORATIONS TO K\'SER \ ' Done in Recognition of the Sorvlces of German Officers to Ja anoso , CCUCIL OF STATE CONSUL BISMACK To Bo Called in to Discuss Agrarian Questions - tions of Moment CEUBRtT G TiE EMPEROR'S BIRThDAY Iretcs1 Contlue Until limo : \1.110 . 01 Vebrmmmmry-Ucrnmami SUIr l'rollueef In Illrll 1.IICO-HOllf tl an American Artist. Artst ( Copyrhhlel , 19 _ , by Cite Associated Press. ) lElLIN , Jaim 26.-l'ollticahly , wimt interest - terest has been aroused this week centered mainly In the deliberations oC the ommlsslon Irlbertons to which the ant. revoluton bill was re- fcrrcd. Some biter contests have been fought within the commissIon between the reprc- sentatves or the government amid the op- ponents of the bill , with the result that the government was forced to consent to lay be- fore the commission l1rt. nt least , oC the I : laterlal , printed or verbal , upon which thc I bh : was based The government also suc- brett a distinct rebuff on paragraph three , making It n felony to Introduce socialist or radical ideas In the arm ) ' , and when the sec- 011 and marc Important section oC thIs para- graph , providing severe penalties , oven when L Inciement has no result , was rejected by u vote oC 1 to 12. Emlleror William last evening reeeivell In audience Count Acid , the Japanese minister , o who presentc his majesty with the InslgnIn : oC the Order of the Chrysanthemum , be- stowell upon the emperor by the mikado oC r Japan In recognition of the services rendered t to the Japanese army by the Instructon m given br .German ofcers to the Japanese. I Is announced that the emperor has expressed - pressed limo intention of presiding personaly nt the meetngs oC the Prussian state council , whIch will be convened to discuss agrarian questions , and that Prince Dsmarck wi be specially Invited to take part In time < elber- tlons. Count yon Kaniz and Count yon ) lrabaeh , the agrarian leaders wl take part In the work or the council of state , the Carmer havhlj already been appointed n coun- cior , and the appointment of time later Is i being decided upon , but time government organs - gans take pains to point out that Von Kanitz's grain monopoly bill will not b ac- cepted. On the other hand , the oppositon newspapers IWel on time lCL UaL rite ag- riculurl section or the council I note - tally composed of agrrians and big land- owners , and also that time agricultural commission - mission ! or the Ielclstag ! has resolved to forthwih introduce Count von Kanitz's bill In the Reichstag. In spite oC the energy of time promoters of the bill , thEe Is , however , but lIttle chance of the measure becoming a laW EMPEROR'S DlTIDA Y. The birthday anniversary tomorrow of Em- pcror William will be more generally and popularly celebrated thnn for years past. Nearly all the reigning princes of Germany will appear either personally , like the king of Saxony and the king or Wurtemberg . and time grand dukes or tiesse Daten anti Olden- burg or by proxy to present their congrat. ulutons to the enmperor His majesty has received I letter from Prince Bismarck felicitating him upon hIs bIrthday and begging - jlng to be excused from personaly presentIng - tag hIs congratulations , ns his poor helth anti the severity or the weather prevents him from' traveling. The emperor replied In a cordial letter or thanks , written In his own imand. The event will b celebrated by the aristocracy - tocracy with a gala dinner at the Monopole hotel tomorrol night , whlo the nrmles anll ofcIal world will begin celebrating today and will Itec\ It up In different regiments and cites until time mllle of Irebrnary. The students of the various universities will all 1111 fetes. Time higher officers of state , mi- Inry officers members of time diplomatic corps 'and Ilstngulshet foreigners , among the later being Ioulney Bigelow . will carry theIr congratulations personally to the cam- lJror tomorrow at time castle . Time court reception last Wednesday was attended . tended by 2,000 persons from far and near. Time news that the c mmlttr at ways and means of the United States house of repre- sentalves hall rccommendcd the repeal of time Amerlean diferental duty on sugar was , reeeivell very favorably here. In an In- slllrell article time Ireuz Zelung poInts out that time sugar Interests of Germany are now In a critical cOlllton , tbat 2OOOOOO hundred welgths of sUGar are now on time market for export , suit thatunles3 there Is a ehange ' before August a number oC sugar producers In Germany wIll fail and whole districts will bo Injured for years to conme SUGAR PLANTERS NImD ASSISTANCE. According to time Ireuz Zelung IL Is abso lutely ImperatIve that the go\'ernment shoull come to time assistance of time sugar producers anti It proposes ns the only radIcal remetr to confine sugar 11roducton to certain dls- I ' trlcta , and to increase time export preimmium Time case oC Sophle-Darrlson. time eldest of the Darrhon sisters , who appeared some years ago In New York , alll Count " \\'hlly" flernstoft , whim whom she eloped , has caused Ilule a sensation here Time count , who was born at Naples In 1853 , Is the EOn of the former Irusslnn minister timere anti has a number of Inluenlal anti highly conn tel relatives . Sophie , alhough she has ben on thin variety stale for some years , Is salll to bo only 16 years oC age. Her relatives have requested the German ambassator at London , Count \'on liatzfeltht-Wiidenburg to interfere II the mater , anti this caused a delay of several days before liermmstuff , who has a divorced wife Irlng , could make I cler that he had a legal right 10 marry . I now transillre& that time count only obtained a marriage lIcense In London on Thnrsday , and ho was married to Miss SOllhio today. Time count resided 11 New York for several years. Br WIsner , who male insulting comnlent on n seech1lch Iaron yon Stlll delivered - cre II the lelchstag , hiss been chulenge < by the later to fght a duel. The proCessor tOday declined either to tight a duel 01' to retract his words . The son of Colonel Charles F. Johnstol , for man ) ) 'ear associate edlol' of time CincinnatI YalksLlat , hI been granted the travlng Ilrlzo at the AClde/ ) of Fine Arts her , where h" hl been studying painting. Young Mr . Johnston II an artist uf treat prollse. Colonel Johnston Is aow n ml1ent oC Berlin , anti was formerly n United : Sts . consul C.U51 ; 01' Til : DIat'UTE. Ihtory of time UOllulllT Trouble Ihlt Nay t.cmiil tn 1 W"I. SAN I ' i'RANCISCO Jmtn 2G.-Th hand In- VOI'C' ' In the dhpute between Mexico and Ouatemnla Is covered for this nlost part with forests Mexican cbopper from time 10rth ant Ouatemala choppers from the south have clule.l In the heart } of the forest that fringes the banks of the hirers Usumaslnta anti I.acandon and theIr tributaries and thi preclpltntell time conflict. The controversy rests on tie questIon whether the Lacnlion or one of thl forks oC the Usumaslntn consttntcs the hOlllnry between the Mexican state of Chlaps anti Gimatemala. Time old traditional boundary was time La Canlun , but according to the of 1882 the treaty boundary was pushclI to time cutwnrll. : The Ouatemalans 110 not now accept the Ulaslntn ns tie boundary , n/l companies declining to ae- knowledge time title oC the Ito relHblo to I time territory have recenty Inva.lel the coun- ! try about the Agua Azul , on the left bank oC the Lacantlon Don Miguel Turroco hall one or time largest conces- slon9 In June , 1892. Time Ountemalan aulhorltes orderell 11m to celJe exploring time Corests. As he lenlell the a.lhorlty . or Guatemala - emala , n company or soldiers wns sent to enforce . force tie order and capture time elleC offenders . fenders . Other complctons oC tie same sort followed , Mexico declining to allow the hollers of Guatemalan concessions to strip ' strll the forests. An American engineer . Miles Hoeh , was sent out to survey the boundary . lie rnn a line ' through the forests still Cur- timer west titan tie Lacammmlon anti included as Ouatemalan territory time country of precious wools In which the complication lal nrlsen. Accorilng to Oualemalan claims time lands under dispute have been Ouate- malan territory for over fifty years . Time Guatemalans claim Mexlco's desire 10 extell her territory Is at time bottom oC the com- t11eaton In Chlapas borders. I Is stated that the blame for time whole trouble ts laid at tie door of C. 1' . lltmnting- ton , who hus been figuring on a railroad from San Jose , Cal , to Ouatemaln. This , I Is alleged , caused the plan for n railroad down time cast coast oC Mexico to fall through. Thts real woull have brought Ouatemala within three days of New Orleans , nl1 Ouate- mania charges Mexico with the defeat of the plan. I . CAThOLICS AGAINST _ ! OCL\LISTS. - Scene In the Uelllln Chamber time Outcome or ii 1.011 SI"ldlnl Quarrel. BRUSSELS , Jan 20-Te scene In the Chamber of Deputes yesterday was the out- come oC a series of vlolen quarrels between the Roman Catholcs and ' socialists In the Chamber. During time . discussion of the budget of the mlulstry of justice Anseele recommended the question of the laws for the protection of the working classes , which laws , ho declared , were dlsregnrdf by the employ- ers Eemnamm a Homan Catholic deputy . interrupted - ruptel him. ant } 1 was calc to order for so doing , but In spite of this fact ho soon repeated , his interruptions , and made Insul- Ing remarks ; declaring that he regarded Anseelo as a violent \ madman . lie , wa agaIn called to order . and then Beman asked leave orler. - - , " , , to address time hOuse. TJ" preslaent oL.he ' " to' thol"proeeedings Chamber was opposed , but thc whole or the deputes of the right supported the request \ , whereupon the pres- ! lent of the Chamber , Delantschere , resigned , and the sitting was suspended amll a scene oC Intense excitement , during which heated words and threats were exchanged between the socialists and Catimoiics. AUSTlALJ\N FEDEICATION ' - EimtJmuaIatlo amootlimg lie ! , ! nt 1lelhllrne II Favor of This i'reject. MELBOURNE ; VIctoria , Jnn. 26.-A crowded meeting In favor of Australian federatIon was hell here yesterday. Time chief justice of Victoria , Mr. rlalden , presided - sided , and among tluse present were the premiers or New South Wales , South Aus- trnla and Victoria Mr. H. II. Held . preml of New South Wales , made a speech , during which he advocated - vocated time abolition or hostile tariffs and urged time Australian colonies to federate now before . they were compelled to to so In a hurry. Much cnthuslasmvas displayed throughout - out the meeting. Ulvore6 Sllt Wits l.t mottioci . LONDON , Jan. 20.-I' would seem that' ' the Exchange Telegraph company ' was mistaken - taken In stating that the : action for breach of promise of mnrrlago brought against Vis- count Decrlurst had ben settled out of court , for It Is understood the case will bo tried next week before n special jury. TIme viscount - count Is the eldest son or time earl or Cov- entry. lIe married MIa Virginia Bonyngo De'ol1 time fact that time acton Is brought by a Miss Wyndham little Is known oC the case , as all of the details hlYO been carefully suppressed. _ _ Hundrcd8 \ Crn.hell to memithi. LONDON , Jan 20-lrurtber details of the destructive earthquale at , Kuclan state timeless loss of life was enormous. ' Jest or the Inhabitants - habitants were crushed' deatim but many were burned to tleatim Six hlndrel were entombed - tombed In n mosque whlo engagell In prayer Six hunlrel persons perished In time various batims Time survivors could obtain neither foO ! nor water for three lays , time telegraph lnes having been destroyed. Many who escaped - caped beIng killed by ' the earthquake ! per- Ished Crom hunger anti exposure - I'rsl ln8 NO"Itlin lliirnt . PAIS , Jan , 2G.-Thf 1'1S as a rule re- garted time selection 9r 1bot for time premiership with ( disfavor and doubt I he wi be able to form a cabinet Doubt Is ex- pressed If ho can' obtain a majority In the Chamber of Deputies olerl ho Is success Cui In forming a ministr In any case It Is understood that time Rropoed Income tax will le dropped ' and that 1 ( proposal for partial amnesty wil bo Introduc " 'gbtd Cou\ht 'Ira In tIme 10rhlr , DIEPPE , France , Jamm 2G.-Tho British bark Annie Stafford , Captain Perry , which arrived hero from Jhtadelphla on December 17 , and which was bound back to that 110rt wih a cargo of flinta , I i on fire . She Is being scuttled by time port autimorities . New Jlnlllr1 G"'I Yroo Lmmimee. . ATHENS , Jan 26.-The sIttings oC the Chamber of Deputes hal been IJOstponed for a fortnlht In order to give the new minIstry - Istry time to get accustomed to the affairs of their olilces. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lorelln J'I"\ . . . Mer Camlnl , the first prefect of time vat- len library , Is dead , The Unied Stute cruiser Atlanta has arrived nt Colon from illuelields . Serious discontent prevails on the Isthmus of lunuml on accoult ! of the delay In limo canal work. I Is rtporteII In Paris that M. Ibot will take the portrolo or'lnllce In time cabinet that he Is endeavoring to form. .ord Wllnm Berepfonll marriage to the < uehts3 of Marihorougim . ulhu Mrs . Louis Iununerfley ot New , Yclt , will take Illaee during the coming sl1rlng. 'fho new colors of the Second lussar reg- Imont of time German army were naied to the mast In time l'reUnCi of th' eimmperor and empress anti their sons In the cm\leror \ Im.1hl In the . t hal IJaJaco lerln IUST \ iIVE - A FIGHT Guatemala Forming a Combination of Central - trl American States , - ALL BUT SALVADOR TAKEN INTO I IT Combination Will Try that Country if the Mexican \ rails 'hr ugh , DIZ MAKES A PUBLIC STATEMENT Cautious About Committing lm1elf ns to the Prospects of War . W LL YIELD NONE OF MEXICO'S ' RIGhTS Careful to Say Nothing that WiIY the Jllng Tile of : \excln l'mmtrIotiimmn or Check time Wise Slit cit. CiTY OF MEXICO , Jan. -Vla ( Laredo Tcx-Pmmbiic ) sentment here Is very warlike Humors are that somelhlng definIte will hi Imown Monday. The Oil Bias oC tonlgll , says that n telegram was received ! hero stat Ing that an emmvoy from Ouatcmala has nr rlvNI at TeguclgallJ' to nejotato a secrc alliance with Honduras , Nicaragua nnd Gus temmmnla ant I there shoult be no war wIth Mexico they will macho war ngalnst Salvllor , n smal republc , which time other three Central - tral American states propose to attack In combinaton nl1 divide its spoils betwecn timemu , Time president and several members oC the cabinet have been In secret session all day , but nothing reliable can bo learned ns to the result of their rioiiberatlomms . I Is stated that time govermenL Is now sllt'lng the treaty of 1882 , which Ouatemlia Ignores Article 4 In the treaty calls for arbitratlomm . It Is rumored that Mexico will not arbirate , Time fcelng Is general here aimmong the Amertcans that Mexico's case Is right anti that dma has Justice on her side : also all through the controversy President DIaz and time MexIcan government have acted kiimdly , anti have been very lenient wtth Guatemala. n looks as IC Ouatemala was trying to gin more time to organlzo the federation of Ccn- tral American republics. Oeneral IlnoJosa , secretary of war nnt navy , went to Vera Cruz tonIght , where General llerlozabai senior commanler or the arimmy , Is nt present. Captain McDonald or the Texas rangers has tendered his services to Colonel I C. Pate , wih 300 scouts , In case of wnr. _ _ _ DIAZ IS NONCOMMITTAL. CITY OF MEXICO , Jnn. 26.-Preslllent Diaz ant Foreign Minister Maseal have had a long conference over the Guatemalan matter. The answer oC Guatemala to the demand of Mexico received yesterday al the natonal palace was real andciidarcd In many or its bearIngs. Another conference will prob- ably be hell Monday , nt which the entire cabinet will doubtless be asked to be present. 'Vhen questioned neither time president nor time minister would answer questions , but President Diaz dictated the following : "The government appreciates this manifestaton , I being one of the results or the vehement and Inexact phuses In which the press has presentEd - sentEd the question of the day . I comply ) with a duty In stating Ilat , nlhough I Is true that the government Is sustaining a serious and delicate controversy of a diplomatc nature , which , I not saddled wih correct , logical and honorable means , may conduce to a war , and , although It Is also true that we , arc not yet on the verge of war . because honor , good faith and logic constitute the program of time government , and because It has no right to attribute any other course to Its adversary , the goverment believes and has practically demonstralet that belief for several years thnt the greatest blessing 10 can offer our country In the present period of reconstruction and happy anti visible development - velopment Is peace , and declares that It will only allow It to be Interrupt when an un- just and pertInacIous Insists In- . _ . _ _ . _ _ pertnacious . agency , . . , . " upon , - lrmsmg upon mrs wel estUlsneu rlgnts anti assaIls the natiomm's honor and decorum In such an event , which I hope will not be realized , time government wIll confront the siuaton wih true faih and' energy , inspired by its duty and its rIghts. Time government accepts , holts In esteem and will use with eecnomy what you so patriotically offer . We soldiers of the generation now passing away feel our blood tnglD when we think that we may be able to baptize In a war , very just ' on our lart , the gencraton coming on , In whoso hands we are going to leave our country anti its fate . " ItMElO OPPOSED TO \VAI1 . WAShINGTON , Jan 20.-Senor Homero , the Mexican minister , In an interview this evening , sahl he Is Inll always has been u friend of praco antI that ho has Ione everything - thing In his power to have the question seted In a peaceful manner miami that ho favors peace , not because of a personal mo- tve , but because ho considers ns n , calamiy a war between two stations of the same race and ch'lzaton , hnvlng time same Interests - tcrests and time same destnies In this hemisphere - sphere , and because for general principles ho Is against the use oC force to settle Interna- tonal disputes. Mexico never thought to maim war on Oautemula to gain territory or other Ithul of atlvantages . In 1881 , whlo Mr. hhlaino was of state time MI. Baine secretary , government - ernment of time United States Interfered In favor of Guatemala In her boundary dispute wih Mexico , but saId ! intorfereimco instead of asistng to the settlement of time question , only Increasell eonslterbly time tlleultes of time case , and , as Mr. Morgan , time United States minister at time City of Mexico , reported - ported to Mr. Iulne , It developed In Mexico smuo feeling , and ho therefore advised "that unless time Unied States was preparel to nnnounco to the Mexican government Ihut I wi act , I necessary , to preserve peace , It would bo the part of wlstom on our side to heave time mater ns It Is. " When \'Ice President Arthur became president - dent of the United States and Mr. Freyhing- huysen secretary of state they reversell Mr. fllaimme'mt polIcy anti expreSetl 10 Guatemala that the United States government , being equally friendly to hath governments , would not take the part of one as ab'lnst time other , and that , thereCore , they would not Inter- fere In theIr dIspute unless both countries should ak for It. When time ! lresltent of Ouatcmala came to Washington , and when hD became satisfied ho could not have the active assistance of thll country In her dls- Ilute with Mexico , he signed In New York August J2 , J882 , a treaty with Senor Itomero , lit which ho reeognlz that Chlapas , which was then the disputed territory , lawfuly be- o . longell to Mexico , ant agreed that a formal bounlary treaty Ihoul be signed at tie City of Mexico I was Itllulatcd In the New THE BEE ULLET1N. WNllher FOrqt for Olal : anti \'ielimity- t'airm toittert Variable Wimmda. \ 'ltrl SlIghtly tlllcrarlable ; \Im\s. l'mmge. 1. . 'uhn 111 " 'orrle8 her \merlean 1'llnlct. Uullmlohe Uel ii Set ilmicic " lie Spirit In 1lmlo : HlnllI. have limit TRII , ( "hlnel In Nrwork. . 2. Cle\'rl"l8 Unnll1n l'oticy Itmmdorsei . UUlse 1.lk8 Sugar Illerlllnl. Coimmtmilttco Iit'ptmrt .tgmmimm4t i'oreelo'mure . Cumliltrotllorlo \llln.t Iurceluolro. Ullul l'neilIe \ II I I Nut Coml lu. 3. l'h'l L emil Ulrlro l.uot In I he Sttmriu In'her " ' 11 I.ulitrrr limit Poor . xciv . .loIIU\ \ , \llratlrmolt . \hlllle" , I. l.noL " 'rclt In time Sueh,1 \ 0111. \'hlt time 1.011Chlrehrl * Offer. I , Uoleomh 81118 I ! II'III .1 ( O'Je. I.iimcolim 1"11 : rhrl81n Shle ersi. U. I COllel IUllo l.ocmit : ltmtters. New Hu",1 rrum Ollm'rl\ , On"hl , 7. 1.ltll I'rnlrl' o In time Itr.kIymm Strike . Co-Ullrrlth'l I 10mo 1111111 i I I Not ! Chlrf SClnt'8 n"lllrt oil 1.ocmmi " 'ice. H. I Amull the Omnl' 'miuielamms. 1' ' . % Vomnmmimm Utr1"8 nli tier 'orimi , lun Iho .IUlern Hetccth'el Worll. II , flays' nml ( tiriq' lep.ulmclt. I 2. Ed : I lariat , ull Co immimi cmi t . IZI. \ ' ' ' . \'nrldlrst's Chlellu Speocim 01 Cnleeltratll \'elUt. 11. OUSSIII of time Thl'II'rl. I a. Clllllol of I ) mimiii : m'm . 'ohhlll Trlde. CommercAl mind ( . 'llelnl : rWA. I'rltlrrs of time Live Slnct 3tmirkets . I I I. " 'celtl ) ' Unit of Iorll ! Uuqolp , L t7. I-Ihlcliln of Agriculture In 1'Ilnll : , TOlr ' l'imm'omigim tile lermlt icimigimmimmi. \ immit ! limo Inrne8. FlyerS 11\0 HOlle. I 8. Cy \'nrmAn Ihl"o II n el" . New \url [ ' Crowdeil CIIZ'IS , - NebrnKk , ' Inw > un Irrigation , 1) . , 'uhn I. Itockercilor's l'rmtio. 1'11 'iiuri mimi mt's l'nmly. I 11. Chrullcc8 of Comm iii A ii tommio -I. York agreement that the boundary between time two eounlrles 1houll be the one then recognized by both , wlh sleh aleratons to have natural bOlllarles oC parallels of latllde as both goverments sholli agree upon mul In case they , lslrced about time line then recognlzell by both parties In n certaIn treaty , ami In a specific case , they shoull ask the presltent oC time United States to declte their differences ns arbitrator The lne was fixed In time treaty of Septembcr 27 . 1882 , by time mutual agreement oC both Interest parties and therefore there was no occasion to ask the gooll offices of time presltent of the Unllel States anti the stipulation - laton of the New York njreement bearing on time subject came to an end , ns It was not Inlendell by the ngreement that all future dlterences regarding boundaries be- tween the two countries shoul be submitted to the arbitration oC this govermmmmmcnt Senor Homero said that notwithstanding the news showed a bad aspect , he still hopell this unpleasant - pleasant question will be settled In a peace- able way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U\Z DOES NOT WANT WAn. UctermlnCl to Protect Ills l'enllle-Cauoe8 Ir the Trnuhle. CITY OF JUAREZ , Mex. . Jan 26.-Thls city ts , excited over the latest news indicating i war "lh - Outemala , and the , young men especially are oterl g their services to the government. Manuel M. Douch" eoleeter or customs and colonel In the nrmy , says : . . .1 have just had a telegrnm from PresIdent Daz , In which ho says that war may yet bo nvoltell , In which case lie will not necil my services. Time president does not want war . but he Is determined to protect his people. " Colonel Bouche In discussing time trouble between the two countries said : "The Im- medlato cause or time present trouble was time seIzing of property of MexIcan citzens living In the state of Chlapas by soldiers of Ouatemala. This territory , lying north oC the hcat of time River Usumnslnta has long been In dispute. I was long ago decided by time people themselves that they preferred - ferred to hive In Mexico . a 111 Iii 1882 the boundary line , time rivernow claimed ly ) Iexlcowas establshet by nn international commlsston. The engineer for Ouatemala was Miles Each , In AmerIcan. The present government or Guatemala , howcver , haa dc- termlnc not to recognize this settlement . Time territory Is not large , hut I Is very valuable , on account or its woods amid Mexico will not give It up " - UNIT.\ S'A'l'I S AI DI.\TOn. . MIllster Orny Iclurnll ! tl Mexico with tin Undor8ta."ln ! ' 101 f.retnry Greiiai.m. WAShINGTON , Jan. 26.-Mr. Isaac p Gray , Unltcd States mInister to MexIco , who has been on leave of absence In this country for six weeks , will leave for bls post at time City o Mexico on Monday. 10 has been In consulaton with Secretury Oresham and Is acquainted wih his wishes In time mater of brhljlng about n friendly sottement of time bountary dispute between Mexico and Onate- mala , anti I the appeal of Presttent Cleveland . land Is favorably entertained Mr. Gray will probably co.olerto with United States Mm- later Pierce Young In Guatemala In time effort to arrange a basis of settement of time trouble. _ -p 1.0.W I'rSI JOTlt. ii UI : NIXO. Fire nll Tolaly UeHroy time "W IIIl , UOI O lt tilt l'lal" . , LONG PINE , Neb. , Jun. 27.-Spcelal ( Tele- gramn.-Tlmo ) Dwinel hotel Is burning. Is total deatrncton will resul , but goll work hi being done , and time fro wi probably not spread , alhough time wlnls Is blowing directly towarll time business portion of the towmi. 11 Showers , proprietor oC time hotel , carries $3.000 on bnltlng and nothing I Oi furniure. I I . "hilI , I loAt Two ( 'uplnln I < . RAN DIEGO , Cui. . .Iun 26.-'Fhmo Briish shil 1.lnlthJowshlre put Into thlH Ilort ycs- tenlu ) ' , and IlrlngH I pecular story , Involv- Ing the death of two oC her captnhmmaVimIlo the vessel wal 11)'lng In the Port of VIJpa- ralso . Captain lace fell dead from heart disease. First lute Lawson took charge , anti , Instewl of foluwllg hut hlltruetunH anll going ! to Portlll , Oro. , to 10ul grain for Europe , took the money thlt I CIIHO oC coal hlil Io\l for anti , welt on a SIJree On Decelher G the vessel /llell for Port- land . hut hrul only been out a few days when Cnpt.tln 1.IW80n jlrlled overholnl Inll was lost. 'rhe trip 10 this hurt wal very dangerous , the ship helng wihout any mnod- er cimarts She wi proceed to Portand IH SOOI us mOre ballast ean be Illueed In Ihe hold , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Ermm Itch nn the J'lr.t 'rlnl. Nl'W OI.EANS , Jan 26.-'he trial of I.ouls Desturges , time city coulcllll ; In. clcted un ibis charge at bribery resuled todl ) ' In n ml5trlll , the testimony of time principal wlnes ! lgalnst hll , lfterlng memo- teritmiiy Crom tha given by him before the Krull ! jul' . 'l'he prosecution gave notice of Intenton to tile Inothor Ildletmont which would IJe supported by the tesllnuny given before the grand Jur ) ' . . ( have lime flll'I'r Ihu HII" . pon'r TOWNSEND , \nlh. , Jan. 26.-hx. County 'frtalurer I" . J. < IUIII of Port Angeles , whl \Ial urrested last nIght on I charge of CI tJuzlemont of U.O of counly funds , escaped ' from the oihicemmm ull IH ut large. . - ' , DUTY ) OF EMOCRACY ) 1 - 1 Senator David B , 11 Al1res3es the Now ; York DCloorto : Club . - \ MUST CEASE THEIR fACTIONAL QARRElS - Nothing Should 8tm11n the Way of Relief to the Trensur - GREENBACKS SIOULD BE REmE AT ONCE - , Silver Mon 8t\H111 : Their Own Light in Blocking Legislation CURRENCY COMMISSION ADVIABLE Shnuhl lie COIoe.1 ! of 111 of , \h111r unc Jxllerlehce Who 11\0 Ni II'r..ml J:118 : tl 1'n'l nr 111" : ' " tn ( 'lnI8h. NEW YORK , Jail 2G.-The Iemoerato ) ; club was filled tonight with many l'romlnenL Icmoerats 10 t cilia ) ' 11 < nner 1111 lm ear , II0ng other speakers , Senator D. 1. 11111. lie spoke prlnclal I ) Ulln InanceH , nn.1 sail : "Tho eountr Is now confronlel , with a slelll' growing IIe1cit In the treaMlr ) oc- Cslone,1 b ) I fulnro oC the rcecmmt Isenl \'glslalon to Ilrodlco time nccrss:1) : rJvenuo for tIme necls of time gu\'ermelt It Is hoped this t Iltell I ) ' wi I Prove but t cmnpo- rar ) lint what Is to be Iiono In the In- term ; ? How Is the erelt or the goverment to h malnlahlell ami its labiiies IluldalCI ? "ho sllectncle must no longer be tlresente of n democratc : mlmlnlstraton appealing ) ) to n 11emocralc congress for mmeccssury legisla- ton to Slur funds to carryon time go\'er- ment luring I temlorar ) eimmergemmt'y and have that appeal In i vuln. "No hosLll ) ' to time present mmtimtmlmmistra- ton , mme poliical grlevllces , nll , Ito file. , tiommai diiTem'cimces mibotmimi be lmermmmitteti to re. . turd immmmuedinto legisiatlomm , so itmiiisimemmsablo at timls tlnme for time mmmaiimteimammce of the credit anti imommor of tim goverimimment. To arbitrarily refuse such action mmow , ummiesa comae legislation for siivom' shall accompaimy , or suppiemnemmt it , ammti tlmeieby comimpel tbo caiiimmg of aim extra session of a republican congress , is time hcigimt of political folly , ommiy equalleml by thu opposition to tue cc- peal of time repimbilcami Slmermtman law in 1893 mtmmd time foistimmg of time populist itmcommto tax mmpoii time coummtry in iSO 1. It Is tiiihleult. to discover wimy the true friemmds of free hi- ' mmmctaiiisnm , iii congress or elsewhere , simould object to the climmmination of this greenback paper ctmrremmcy , wimich is now so gemmurally conceded simoimid be cancelled. Yet mmmost o ! time advocates of sliver in congress , with cimaracteristic unwisdommm1 seek to regard It as their duty to antagonize .everywact1 suggestion in aiti of mmmonetar3' retormn , Unless - less it Is eotmpheti witim the Itmhl nt1 instant relief wimich timoy seek. 'i'imey cumonid ho mm- hiressemi wIth time fact timat time goal which - they imopo to attain can ommiy be m'cachcd after adetjmmate protection , revised laws , with II. full treasimmy , with conmpctemmt adnminlstra. tion and friemmilly atlmulnistratiomm , It canmmot be done by snagic ; it will mmot. commmo by maim- do ; it cannot be forced ; time pmmtimway mmmust be clearemi for It. It is a bimslmmess question , mmitml it muummt be solved accordIng to imuslnesa imrlmmciphes. In any evermt , I see ste objectlomm to time suggestlomm of tlmo rmew Cimaimmber of Commtmnerco for tIme oppoitmtimmeimt of a mnormo- , tory commission , ccrnposed of mmie.mm of expe- rlemmco 1mm financial affairs , macmm versed In mmmonetary sclemmce mmmmd also practical mmmcn haying - ing no selfish interest. to serve ; mm commt. sion represemmtlng all phases of time flimancisi qtmestion In which time country wIll Imavo con- iitience to report to time mmext congress a come- preiiemmsive system of natlommal finance. It. at least can do no imarmu , It many be productive - tivo of mucim good , " Itobert 13. Roosevelt also spoke on time cur. rency question , 4 M.I.V1 CCI UNIT TICI.l.SU1t1fIIS t'ilIUItT. Somimt , South Iakoti Olilcers Luau Pimimihi 'Through Iimimiit m'niiimres. CIIAMIIEICIdtIN , S. 1) , , Jmmn , 26.-Spe- ( cimml-'l'lme eoummty coinnmismiloners of coveral Southm 1)alcota countiest itre immrvlng great diuhiculty in settlIng vitim time oitgoing county treasurers , 1mm ahnmosst every 1mm- stance of timi cimaracter time tremitmtmrerml are lmort by reason of liavimmg lmmttl county , nmoney deposmiteti 1mm hmmnkmm wimichi failed. 'I'lmimm vas time case whim Ilemmry I farmiing , time omitgcmimmg tremmMmrer of Cimtmmlen Mix coummty. Iiimoim tIme eommissioimermm demimand. ing a smettlemmmermt time ex-treasmmm .m' stated , titut ime Imad smo moimey , but that Ito could get it Ijefomia time bommrti mtdjstmrimeJ , Ito timerm borrowed smmfllcient mnommey mmmmti tmgrced to rettlo svlthm time bcxmrd it they wummiil iii- . iow It bill of $20 for clerk Idle fmm- time yetmm' 111.13. Every muemnuer of time hoard voteti ngmmlmmmmt tlmimi lmroimositiamm. Mr. Hard. immg tmgmmini uplmc'nremi before tue imomtrml mmmmtl tenmiertid time sum of $6,013.89 , time mmtmtoummt of iml8 sumoriuge , less time miummi of $ .5 ( laimned for clerIc hire , . 'l'imlmi lmOPOHitiOmm was tldo re- jectemi lmy time commimmmissiommermm , Ittit Oil emmo- . tion time nrmtoummt tcimmlered wmmmm accepted ium Immert pmtymelmt iii imettietuetit WitIm tIme out- goiimg treasurer , However , ilmmrtliimg mefused to settle in this way. 'l'imc' immocaedingmi ware brought to U. miutirhen close by IC. U , i'oster , time frleimmi front whommm time mimommoy ima'l lmeit1. imorrowemi for tiit oecasiamm , isimo wan lresemmt mmt this miesimloim of time board , who piclcemi 1mm ) tIme enoemey , idmmced it In his Ilocket , mmrmd with time imalututlomi , "Good tiny , gi'ntlemmmen , ' ' left time , roomrm , Timta nimmaunt of time slttsrttmge will now imavo tq lee collected lmy legmil imrocesm . SI It imol Ime r lliuii I iii mm I , I ii i. I gim L , chi1CAiO , Jan. 26.-A mipecitmi to tlm Pom train \Vemnlmlngton m.iiymt : 'I'Imu slmmmnis of $7,000,000 lit time golmi recrvt mtt one cl'm ' llama led to atm t'zmtlre revision of tIme tIc mmsury itinns. All timougimt. of it lommg wait iefor mtnotimer bommmi hitammo hitiS imeemm miumideimly an spontammeommmmly mdmtmmmtlommemi , it imnmm mmov be. rogue a quemtticimm ot' days em' ttvcmm imour In. stead of woelcmi. Uecrctsmry Cmrlimiim , hiatt mu. timorizeml time ittmttemrment timmmt no nimmmounco- mmmemmt WRIt rugmmrd to a bommtl c'ttil will hfm mmmmmmho today. in time samne bremrlim ( oliow time further iroelammmutlomi timtmt iimts iirst of mmext veelc , possibly Aloimilay , time imiiic : will lie olllciuhly irmfommnemi of time dttermmmimmmmtioxi to imimitme $ i.stXtO,01)0 ( ) 5 11cr edIt iionmis on. a , iimsis of 3t imer ccmmt , Figlmtliii hunt for Ilit Lir , WI . LOlJlH , Jan , 26.-'i'ime Jury lmpinele at Union , Mo. , mmron a cimunge of vemmue , to. mieterenlmme time Imr'sermt sanity or lmms.mmmity of' ' Artimur 1)tmcsirow , who , a yetmr mmgo , itmur- dereti his Wife ammd cimihmi lii tiii oily , was late timimi aftt rimoarm dii clmam'geil , has I t ( ahieci , to agree. 'I'he jury stood sevesm ( or lmmitmmIty to Iiye ( or smuttIly , Am thur IUebtr 'w Ia the bOO of 1.ouimm ltmemitrow , a immiliioimair , crc- ateti so by time Granite Moummt mlii m'ilver mnmmme. in timc iimsaimity tmiui it v .m i dr'veI- Imed timut uvem' $30.000 Imami isceim slm'itt 1mm time 'jet' . mie of Itiestrow , vhmo Imus mmt ) et facerl ml jury for imimi life.