, , _ , . _ _ B TilE OMAhA DATJ..Y . nEE : "QIIDNE8DAY , .TANUAUV 23 , 189i. _ . . CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ? , - . Hugh t1rphy's ' Dond for Paving of Sherman - man Avenue Approved After a Oontest , i MAYORS ' SANCTION PROMPTlY GVN : , - Jtcport thRt : III'Rt Inspector FrRnk Is I.ohhr- I . 1111 : AlrRllIst the ChArter to 110 InvesU- JRtell-.llnek nlld Cab Urlyon Ask that J.lcenlo reI's 110 Iteducell. ' The Sherman avenue paving controversy " . % .as walled before the city council last night. All of the members were In allemlanco upon the meeting when the bond of hugh Murphy , who was \ho \ lo\\'est bidder for repaving the street with flheet phallum , wall presciite1. ' ' The bonll"rnen were J. N. Cornish ami ( Ororge l. : Barker. After the bond hall . been realI Mr. Bechel move II that the whole mailer bo referred to the committee on payIng - ; . lng , curbing and gUlterlng , to be reportetl upon at the next meeting. This was seconlled . by Mr. Saunders. Mr. Howell alTered an amendment that the bond be accepted , and - , the contract bo approv-I. Mr. flack came to ' the front wIth a second to the amemlment " and then the oratory comrnenceiL Finally a vote was reached and the amendment pre- valled the vote being as follows : Ayes- Hack , Burkley , Calm , Holmes , Howell , iCon- Ilnrll , Kment , Lemly , Mercer PrInce and Thomns-ll. . ' Those voting In the negative were : MC6us. Bechel , Gordon , Jacobsen , Jaynes , : Saunders , Taylor and President Ellwards-7. but before the result was nnnounced Mr. Jacobsen changed his vote and went over to the majorlt In the course of the evening the contract . . was presented to Mayor Bemis , who approved - proved Il. - By the adoption of n resolution the Hoard . of Public Works was directed to open North - Twenty-third street , from Ames avenue to Mnmlerson street. The resolution to place . ' an arc light over the Intersection of Wlrt i street and Sherman avenue was referred. Lights wen ordered located at Twent ' .sev- enth and Lake and at Thirtieth and Lake streets . The superlntenllent of the new government ' buIldIng < was given permission 10 place 1\ - new wooden walk about the buIldIng now In . . Course of construction. Hack drivers asked that the licenses on - hack allli cab drivers bo reduced from $10 : to $5 per annum. This went to the committee - . tee on police , wllh Instructions to report at the next nfeetlng' AppraIsers repord $9t351 damages on thia ' proposed opening of Thlrty.flfth avenue , from Poppleton 10 Woolworth awnue The mat- ter was referred. On the opsoing of Walnut street , from Thlrly-thlrd to Thirty-sixth strcet : opening the alleys betweell Center allli . Walnut street , alllI other &treels ( In that vIcinIty appraisers reported ll,41.84 ! ! dam- . ages. ages.No No damages were reported on changing the : grade of Woolworth aventt from Thlrty- third to ThIrtY-fourth street ; Thlrly-second , , avenue , from Woolworth aVenue to a poInt , 200 feet south. . On the mayer's annual message , President - Edwards appoInted Messrs. Saunders , Jayne ) and Durtlcy ! as the special committee to con- . shier that portion referring to the Platte - . river canal. llpn : the subject of water - works , as referred to by the , mayor . the president named tessrs. Prince , Bechel , : Jacobsen , Kennard , Howell , City Engineer Hosewater and City Attorney Connell IUJ a ( special commlltee : Mr. Kt'nnard eITered a resolution providing for the paving of the Intersection 'of Twen. . treth and Douglas streets with Colorado sand- . - siono. This was referred. ' . This Board of Public 'Works was instructed , to repair the wood pavement on Capitol I . avenu . Jrom Sixteenth to Seventeenth strets , , . the cC8t to bo paid out of the general fund. Mr. PrInce alTered a resolution , which was adopted , that. Il. the future When any councilman - . cilman shollld ' prefer charges against any cIty official such counchlmaii s1lOuld : be disqualified - . qualified from sitting on any committee to conduct an Investigation that might be ordcred L Coquelllng with the election booths , the : council ordered the one now located at Elghtenth and Davenport streets relocaled at Seventeenth and D,1VenpOrt streets. y , It was decided not to Incur the expense of removIng the : elecUcn booths just at this . time. All bids were rejected and these and . the forfeits ordered returned. . It was reported that Meat Inspector Frank . . was in Lincoln acting as a lobbyist against t the charter amendments. In view of tnls report , a commlltee was Instructed . to InC - C vestigate. ' One of the election booths was olJered removed - . . moved 10 Ninth and Harney , there to be used ' as an emergency hcspltal. . Property owners on TVentflrst , Twenty second and Twcnty - fourth streets betwcen St. Mary's avenue and- homey street , pro tested against being comNlled to lay per . mlment sldewallcs. The Omaha Gas Manufacturing company reported that during the year 1891 , It sold : . 155,103,789 cubIc feet of ga. ! Of thIs amount 138,683,376 cubic feet were sold to private . . consumers , the balance to the city ; Dy resolution - . lotion the matter was referred to the comp- troller , with Instructions to examine the books of the company and report the rebate : - . to whIch the city would bD entitled. . . I In Olll"n Tlnlt's l'eople overlooked the importance of perma- nently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient actln : but now that It Is generally - 1. erally known that Syrup of pIg will perma- nt'nlly cure habitual constipation well In. : formed people will not buy other laxatives , 'hlch act for 11. time but finally Injure the , Iystem. _ _ _ . _ _ _ ; : , Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 6. , _ _ . _ f 'TIII : IJUUWT bUV'l'IIEItN ROUTE _ . ; Vhs nock IIiIth(1 . Shortot Line and l'astest Time. : - To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory Texas and \ all poInts In southern - California. Only one night out to all points In Texas. The "Texas Llmlled" leaves Omaha . at fi:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing passengers at all points In Texas 1:1 : hours In advance of all other lines Through tourist - cars via Ft. Worth allli E\ \ Paso to Los An. geles. For full pnrllclllnrs , maps , folders , ctc" , call at or address Hock Island ticket ofilce 1602 Farnam St. : CIIAS KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. . , A Now 'l'rnln to - Uhlell'O. Visitors to the Worhl's fair who traveled by the Durllngton's "Chicago Special" will I bo pleased to learn that that lIl'erll'ss traln- without exception the fastest In thc west- Is again In vervlco. Faster-moro comfortable-beller than erer. Leaves Omahn at 11:50 : : p. 111. dslly. Beaches Chleaco at 2:30 : the next nfteraon , Chair cars and coaches , Omaha to Cblc g ( ) . Through Pullman sen'lce. All meals served In dining car. . Tickets and full Information at the City ticket office , 132t Farnam street . S , PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS. factors Believe \ Their xiterIiiseits \Vllh \ntl'Tosll I' nrt'at SUt'Ct'SH. g IIeallh department ofl1clals and Dr. SpaldIng - Ing are much pleased with the results of the use of nntl.toxln In n case of dlllhtheria at 1013 Douglas street. Sunday evening the r appearance was on the heft side nlone. Motiday ( evening when the application was made the IIIJpearanco was alga on the right ride and bad increased one-third on the left . Yesterday noon when the case / was seen the appearance was wholly gone on the right anti ! half gone on the left side Altogether the Improvement Is such that It Is not thought It will be necessary to use the remedy a second lime , though usually 0 at least three IIIJpllcallons arc required S Hayden Dros' . ad . lion Iage , 5 . -S Itobbeil ! the Wlltow mid Fatherless Mrs. Murtha Wilson allli three children , In destitute cll'cul11stancell. on theIr way to Falrmont , Minn. . from Sparta , Mo. . ar- rl\oed In thlll city lust nlht. ! Mrs. Wilson Is 11. widow. She iays that IIho will be taken care of If she uccccdll In reaching her proposed dt'lilInntlon.'hlle on the train from SJJprto , Mo. , she boys situ wall . - robbed of her money and arrived In St. L oul pennlleRlt The authorities In that city o btained 1 transportation for her to this city. She waR given to understand that the Associated Charities ht're'oulrl fur- , nlAh her transportation to Falrmont , 1\Ilnn. She waR taken to the police station antI i afler\\'nrtl 1:1\'en In charge of the AsOcl- ! Mcii Charities , the members of which will ! e 'ndeavor to send her and her family to her Crlends. . lIayden Dros' . nd , Is on page G. . .4 . 11 U.'Uf.It i.Vrs . From the literary productions of D'Ennery who gave to the theater.golng pUblic "Don Caesar de Bazan , " and countless other trage- dies , comedies and farces to the amateurish attempt nt adaptation from the Italian , the "Student of Salantonca " by Paul Kesler anti Alexander Salvin I Is a far cr ' . From the Rollllly substantial meat provided ! by " 1 > on Caesar" to the mawkish sentiment' which Mr. Salvlnl offered to his aUlllence last night1 Is I gO strongly In contrast that one wonders at the jUllgment displayed and marvels much at the lack of knowledge which so excellent a player shows In selecting such a character for Impersonntlon. "The Student of Sala- Innnca" Is hardly a maslt and Is In no sense an addition to a repertoire which includes a Don ) Caesar , a d'Artognan , a Huy hiss , and other Immortals of the stage. The play , which had Its first performance In Omaha at Bo 'd's last nIght , drew a , larger house than on the preceding nIght , a' ' fact accounted for In that. the word "comedy" was allachell to a new play anti Mr. Salvlnl's first attempt at dramatization. But so ap. parent was the nervousness of the people and AO palpable were the shortcomings , I.ar- lIcularly In two acts , that the fate of the play seemed only a question of time. Even the stage hits some scales of measurement left , and the pla'rlght who makes plays as II cook garnishes a ham by sticking cloves Into It may posses tIm qualities of n 'chef without attaining to the rank of n chevalier . Viewed In a calmly critical light "The Student of Salamnnca" seems to be , a Spanish ellltion of Zeklal Homespun-wllh , however , the advantages afforded ! by a great unl- verslty.-nIHI In bye with a senorita of royal descent anti the chief lady In waiting upon the wife of Philip the Fifth < of Spain 'fhe bachelor of the university talks modern English although the scene or the play Is lalll In li26 In Madrid , It Is , however , In his overpowering ardor for his Inamorata , In his guwldshness and In his disposition to get mixed UIJ with the furniture that the chIef Interest of the comedy depends , and Salvlnl assuming the nimble caperlngs of alight light comelllan Is n composite picture which aroused the audience somewhat last night. It must bo apparent already to Mr. Salvlnl that an attempt to write plays outside their native atmosphere Is not his forte , which rather lies In the portrayal of those stressful characters Inc1udell In his repertoire. The third act at the play Improves some- what , while the fourth brings the Inevitable I conclusion to all comedlrll cast In the romantic - . mantic lines of "Student of Salamanca. " hiowover the play was written to give Mr. Salvlnl's wife Mood Dixon an opportunity to display her dramatic ability which she does not find In other plays of her husbanll's repertoire. As Inex Miss Dixon presented a I right pretty picture of a Spanish senorita , but the prompter was very much In evidence throughout the performance , marrIng what wouhl otherwls have been a thoroughly : acceptable hnlJerSonatlon. Mr. John Lane : made a most satisfying Inn keeper , but as for the others , opportunity was what was ; most needed. , The play was fairly well put on tram a scenic standpoint. ThIs evening Mr Alexander Salvlnl will I close his engagement at the Bart , ! l by giving his strong personation of Philippe d'Artog- nan , In Duma romantic play , "The Derby : Guardsmen. " In all the round of Salvlnl's repertoire there Is not n character to biI i found poslesalng : : the vividness and high I pressure of d'Artognan and Salvlnl's p r- trayal of It has perhaps never been equaled I here. - . Corinne and the Kimball Opera Comlque ccmpany will be nt Dord's for three nIghts , commencing Monday. The opera of "Hen- " has . splendid Investiture drick HUl1son : a , and It will bb presented by 'a company of sixty , pepple , There will be n numb of new specialties Introduced ; "LIllie Queen Irt'ne " a song written by Lester nadine and E. H. Packard at thIs city. Aside from the lact' that CorInne Is always a favorite , this recognltltm of an Omaha production will add to local 1 Interest. The Kimball Opera company this season aI 111 strong than ever , and Includes Willard Simms , the famous comedian and other artists . ; I - , On Thursday evening next. Mr Joseph Murphy return ! to the Boyd , after an absence - senco of two years much Improved In henlth from the rest. Mr. Murphy Is one of the most popular actors wllo comes to Omaha , as has been evinced by the crowded houses he has Invariably played to here. On Thursday and Friday nlght Mr. Murphy will appear as Larry Donovan In "Shaun' ' nhue , " and Saturday afternoon and evening In the romantic I.- mantic spectacular Irish drama , In four act ! . enllllrd , "The Dcnagh " The engagement will close Sunday night wIth the old-time favorite , "The Kerry 00w. " The Saturday matinee will be played for the benefit of the Nebraska drouth sufferers , and will be under the direction of tile State Relief commls- slon. The sale ot seals will open this morn- In i at 9 o'clocl' . "The Derby 'Inner" closes Its engagement - ment at the Empire with two performances today. t The usual ladles' matinee at 2:30 : : , , when any seat may bt obtained for 25 cenlE ! "The DerbyVlnner" has met with the deservedly - servedly cordial reception It merits during Its i return engagement in this city , and fur- nlslH.\S an enjoyable and Interesting perfprm- ance. : _ Farce comedy , that very popular but much abused form of entertainment , which Is responsible for the change In the tastes of theater"Goers the p3.lt : : few years , anti which has rapidly degenerated Into 11. variety entertainment - tertainment , with : Its specially features IJrD- flounced , has glvl ) > : ; I to the stage a novelty at last In one of the brIghtest , funniest and most entertaining comedies of the farce order soon for many years on the stage The play , which Is a distinct advance In the right di- rection Is' called "A Green Goods Man , " and the plot , for It has a plot , and a good one , too , deals with the green goods and bunco swindlers For those people who have read of the green goods game It Is a treat as It gives 11. complete expose of how the game Is worked. ' In its slmpllcll lies Its chief charm , for the swindle Is as easily turned , and as deftly too , as to seem almost incredible The company seen In the presentation - sentation of this itlay which appears at the Empire for four nights , commencing Sunday . day matinee January 27 , Is composed of the beet company of comedians , singers and dancers ever put together In one compan Its ranks include such well known plnyers as Mr. I'aul Dresser , Barry Maxwell , Robert Vernon , John Parr , lien Dillon , 10. a , Joh- son and the Mines Nelllo hawthorne , Eiflo nlnsll1ore , JennIe Saterhee Maude Fenton Mamlo Selbach and Gertrude Ramlohph . S. Shiloh's Cure , the great cough and croup cure . Is In great drmaiid Pocket size con- tnlns twenty-fivo doses , only 25 cents. Children love it . Sold by druggl ts. S Hayden lIros' . ad Is on page 5. " DIED IIANSEN-Anllrl'a Sophie , only daughter : of Peter C. and Ht'Jlne Hansen nged 12 years , Jun. 21 , 1&:15 : Funeral " from Nor- weg-Iun 111111 Danleh Lutheran church , 26th anti hamilton Htll. . 'i'hursday. ut 2 p. 111. , Jan. 21. Interrrtelit Prospect 1111I. I'ricnds invi ted . JOHNSON- . C , . aged r.7 "CUri' ' . on Janll- tory 21. Funeral \'cdnestiny January 2:1. : 2 II. m. . at the reshlence of his ' 'Hon.ln-In , John HowlII , bOUt atiel R titrcets , South Omaha. M'COY-.Jaml'l' , aged :0 : : \ 'enis . of apoplexy. , ! nt St. JOIIPl1h's hospitaL Jnl1\lOr \ 21 , lMI , Services / \\'ednl'Sllny morning , January 23 , 1&:15. : nt 0 o'clock at SI. l'iiionena Ca- thedral. Interment St. Mary's cemctcry. . - - - - - Muslin Underwear at ManuflctufefS' ! ' PrIces Cloaks and Furs Cost or Less flISCOFIELD O.KSCOFIELD U I CLQAKS.S WIS. FURS. l'\XTON ULUCH , U oaa - - - - - . LAYNG DOWN \ - A PRECEDENT Supreme Court Settles a Now PoInt In the Relation of Marriage . UNFAITHFUL WIfE AND INSAHE hUSBAND Mr. , Shank , tHvurced ret Suit of liar lbs' bRnll'e UIRrtlRn anti 111uriedIRln , hits No Inherlanco In the letiite of the Vormar. . - RED OAK , Ta , Jan. 22.-Speclll.-Last ( Friday the supreme court handed ! down a decision In part reversing a case appealed from the dIstrict court of this county and peentlng a very unusual state of facts. Moreover , the decision Is arrived at only upon the merits of the case , there being no precedent to whIch the court could refer On January I , 1865. Anthony Shank mar- tied Miry A. Temple and they lived together until 1873 , when he became insane and was sent to the Mount Pleasant hospltnl From there he was sent to Mercy hospital at Dav- enport where he died In IS92. In 1873 hIs wife was appointed his guardian , but- was removed In 1881 because of mismanagement and T. H. Alexander was appointed No children were born to Mr. ali Mrs. Shank but In 1881 Mrs. Shank gave birth to an Illegitimate child . In 188t Alexander . ns guardian , brought suit for divorce for his ward from' Mrs. Shank The divorce was granted , and Mrs. Shank accepted $1,012 In alimony and soon after married Mohler , the father of her child. After Anthony Shank's death she began suit against his administrator - trator for half of the eate and claimed the divorce was void because the guardian had nd right to bring such action ali she was entitled to Inherit as Shank's widow The case was tried In 1893 before JUdge Towner , who decided I the woman's favor. Defendants appealed and the supreme court , In an opinIon by Justice Hothrocl" , sustains the ruling of the lower court In finding the divorce preceding Illegal , but declares that under the circumstances the woman cannot Inherit as Shanl 's widow , since she accepted the alimony In full con- slderaUon for her claims against his estate , and had , further accepted the divorce by marrying Molder . In rendering this decision the court says : "We can discover no reason why Mrs. Mohle should bo allowed to masquerade In a court of justice as the wIdow of Anthony Shanlt and at the same time claim that she was tIm wife of Mohler for about eight years before - fore Shank died Doth the law and good morals forbid I. Having accepted the dl- vorco as valid In the way she did . she should be held to be estoppell from main- taining any claim to any part of the estate of her former hiusbanil. The conclusion we have reached In this case on the question of estoppal Is not directly supported by the decisions of this court. But It appears to us In harmony with modern legislation upon tile relation of husband and wife. " ASKS THAT TiE Boonr.E 1m TunrH'D i'hiihidolphiia Briber 8ho\8 Ils Ncr\'o to the lltzens ot De8 Moines. DES MOINES , Jan. 22.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -Tho $1,000 paid to tile Saturday Review ( newspaper ) for purchase of its silence on the gas question , which was exploited In the city council meeting last night , was today placed I In the hands oC a committee of live leading I citizens for final disposition . C. K. Mead , agent for a Philadelphia gas company , who made the deal with the newspaper , appeared I with an attorney today and demanded the return of the money on the ground that the conditions had bon violate.by the newspaper - per men. He was referred to the commlUt'e which held the money. I Is probable the grand jury will make nn Investigation and criminal proceeding folloW. It Is said other sensational developments will follow , con- nectng some of the aldermen who are said to have been bribed tn connection with the gas ordinance. I looks like the penitentiary Is In store for somebody. Supreme ( 'ourt Decisions DES MOINES , Jan 22.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -The following supreme court decIsions were fed today : John IV. Coldren against Ezklel Clark , appellant Johnson distrIct , modified and affirmed : Esterly Harvesting company , appellant , agaInst Id. E. Demls , Louisa dis- trict , affirmed ; C.V. . Yancey. against A. M. Tallock. et ai , appellants , Louisa district , affirmed : In the mailer of the estate of George Hldler , deceased , Esther A. Itidler appellant - lant , against John W. Rtdler administrator , Dubuque district , reversed ; E. D. Thompson against T. H. Jackson and C. D. Jackson appellants - pellants , Palo Ale district , reversed : R S. Findley receiver of the Osceoln bank , against C , W. Cowles , et aI appellant , Clarke dls- trl t , aflironed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Successfnl Iovl" . nt Manchester. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. . Jan 22.-Spechal ( Telegram.-Tomorrow ) time meetings nt Man- chester conducted for the past two weeks by Evangelist Williams , will close These meet- Ings i have been held In the Central opera house , which has been crowded to Its utmost capacity at every meeting. There have been over 400 conversions and over $ ,000 has ben raised to pay the expenses of the meetings. Lewis 10)1 Sent to Ute i'eutonltiiry. CEDAR RAPIDS . Ia , Jan. 22.-Speclal ( Telegram..In ) tile district court at Etherl- chic today Judge Quartan sentenced H. H. McCellanl1 to three years and sIx months In the Anamosa penitentiary for forgery , ali Charles Wiard to four years for Jai brrlt- lng , Doth are boys 18 years old. Charged with l'oisoniimg ler liiiabantl. FORT DODGE , Ia , . Jan 22.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Mrs. ) Larson , whose paramour Is In Jai charged with poisonIng her husband , was herself arrested last night. Larson will recover. S Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5. S U""th of 11ev. H. Ie. l'hrRler. The cable brings the very saIl news to Mr. Thomas J. VenueS that his hrother-In. Inw , Rev. Stanley K. Phrner , while en- route from Slam to his homo In cnstern Now York ) , tiled at Slnaporc. ' 'ho marriage of ! r. lhlnor anti \ ISK mlzl.1 : 'nt Penneil one of Omaha's beautiful Cimnj . rioters alI musleluns , Is well recalled ly those who were present In All Snlnts' church In June , 1190 . Ater the wedding 11' . /111 MrH. lhruner left tor a life of missionary work In Slain . In February , 181 , while on her way 10 America , 1IrK , Phraner lied at Chleng 1/1 I.oos , In the northern part of Such : , tutu the hUKhnnl care on wihout the woman whose life was one ! sweet Kong. Litter the yotiimg missionary returned 10 hlH charge , /\11 now his dellth cOlpletes what seems a tragedy In that tar away countr ' . S Confessed tu lurl"ry , Omal' Cull Inc Charles Smith , who were 11'l'cstel In thlll city a tow days ngo. and . who are ' \nted at Stromsburg for robbing Mercurial Poison I the result of Ibo ulunl treatment ot blood dhs- enters. 'the ayu'm Is fuel with ! lercury anti Pot. silt ritnisatIes-luore to bo dreaded titan the dteaso -8nd la n .hort while Is Iii utaI Worse concH' lun Ihul before , . 'J'oo lon common result II Rheum atl.sn1 for which $ . S. II. tl tbo seaeumaLIsn1 . mOlt reliable , . . . . . _ _ . . . . . rllublo cure. A - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ bottle. will allorel rlot where all el30 hn felled. botle wil tlord I lulered frrm n IOfcro ulock ot : ercurlll nhOIIII"u.IY antis antI kg ' ' bel/j s"olel 10 1' more titan Iwle6 their natural Ilro. caulliw the lnot t'xcruclitlni I Pains. I sl.eiit caull/l del. Jars 1 without relief . belt altertaklnie gee IWe'li - llmprove rOllldly. t/dol 1100 0 well r- IUII , cumplotelY curod. I COl bentl1 recommcld your wonderful m.dlc'uo : toul10no uUltlpd "Uh lila " Ititniul cliseate. W.I".IAI.IlroJyn mefnlodl.1. dloue UurTrulbo on aloeS Ant Skin 1uIU mailed ) 'reu to Any addleis . SWIFT SPECIFIC C'I AtAntl Us. PROPOSALS FOil I'lli NTING. Sealed 11ropomls w\ be ' eceived ! by the State Boded oC Printing at the olce of tile secretary . of state ! on or beton : o' 'locl , 1' , in. Jitnuary 28. 18. ( for the IJrlnt- InK anti binding In paper twelve hundred (1230 ( ) ( OIJI(1 oC the annual report oC the Slate UlnltlnJ Ioar fur the 'Clr IS91. In Icenrllnlct "I t h the I spEclfea on fIle In the hlnklnG ' ileparitnent . lens Work to lie COII.INelt . and delivered to the olc of the State UUllklng Board IUI to exceed thirty (30) ) dayi 1 ( rem the wurt1. Inl of the coutrisci. J. A. IJJEn. Secretary of State. Dated Jauuul' 16 , 1123. ) JUm5' . - ; . n clothing store at.Ulf plaet' will bo taken back to 8tromsbtirtni1ay . They confessed to hn\llg done th ) Job. . r . - Keep your blood mars anti healthy and you will not have rhelnt m. hood's Sarapa. cilia gives the blo6 \taly - and rlchnesl. . Hayden Iros' . ndJ4sion . . . page G. Moro ThRI Oloo.tOO l'n . enlon Have been carrledby " the Lake Shore & Michigan Southerllralway during the pat twenty-nve 'ears. Very few were able ) to flll ( any fatmit . Thin rOt were delighted. One of them recently Mid : "l'or several ) "car past I have made from. two to four trips each month between Chdoago antI Now Yorlt and am almost always Icc.mpanlel ! ( by from one to three or four otbl'l. I believe ( as t nm Informed by your conductors ) that I have mare more trips between Chicago and New York than any other one man during the past few Yl'ars. I have always tra\'eICI over your road In preference to any other because by earoful comparison with others t have found not only . that the road itself Is far superior . but the bible anll , ) the service are In every respect the best of any road I have evtr traveled on The eomtuctors , stewards , waiters and porters I have found to be uniformly - formly cotlrtetius and attentive , nelllng greatly to the comfort of those who arc oblIged to travel as much as t am , " Trains leave Chicago as follows : 8:00 : a. m . 10:30 : a. m. , 3:26 : p. ii : . , fi:30 : p. 1. , 8:46 : p. mm : . , dal ' , and 11:30 : I' , m. . daily except Sunday. 1. P. Humphrey , T. I' . A. , 727 Main street , Kansas City , Mo. C. K. Wiber , W. 1. A. . Cli . ChIcago. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ Ieley , Slgtr & Co.'s I.oss Atljnstoal . Time loss on dress goods In time Ieley. Stiger & Co. store occasioned , by the fire In the 'Vare block on Monday night has been adjusted. The sale of these goods will begin Thursday morning , the particulars of which wi b gl'en In this cvenlng's S lice. UCrmAln 1.ldI 2'lo. 11. . \ . O. U. ' .V. Special meeting at 7:30 : Wednesday evcn- big at their hal to mnahce preparations for funeral of Brother LouIs Scimmltz Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock tram residence , I our- teenth and PIerce. P. W. Kuehn , Hecordcr. . l'IIILLiL"S " ! ISI.ANO" E'CUnSIUN Through Tourist Sleeping Cur to Siti : Fran- csco 111 I.oslgolt ! . Via Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway , i leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m. " via Denver Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt Sai Lake , Ogdon. Also through tourIst sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our southern route , via Fort Worth and El Paso. TIckets antI sleeping car reservations can bo secured at the "Hock Island" ticket ollice . ! For full information call on or address orco. I CHARLES KENNEDY 1602 Farnam St. , ! G. N. W. P. A. . - p The turln/tll Ioulo Chlles Time A qulcltenlng-a most decided qulcicening- quickening In the time to Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City Is effected by the Burlington's now schedule , effective Sunday January 20. For full Information cal at the City ticket office , 13U Farnam street , or refer to the timetable coluln on another pago. S The State Relief commissIon have established - lished headquarters at 109 Frenzer block where all contributions at provisions and clothing should be sent , Instead of 407 Drown block , as heretofore All correspondence should bi addressed to mo at 407 Drown block. W. N. NASON President. . - - Harden Dros' . ad. ison , page 6. Death of Mrs. . . J. I' . 11 ; rcw. Mrs. Josie D. Mcgraw , who for two years I his been matron of the Sohllers' home It Hot SprIngs , SD. , lelnt 2:45 p.m. yesterday at the Methodist hospital of this city , afcr , underoing I very painful surgical opera. . tion. At heat lrH. pnful ! Kuftel'ed severe oper- I pain but became unconscious about twelve hours before able died and passed away In ; that condition. 1rs , Mcgrew was a Iway hlghl ' esteemll lady In Hot Springs and was the wife of . J. P. Megrow . the commandant of r the home. . Hayden Dros' . nd Is on page 6. 8:00,00 for nn IdoR. This Is the biggest price ever offered for a catch line or heading for an ativertimiemonL hayden lr0 will give a choice of several Kvo first class piano worth $300,0 each for the head line adopted ! end In addition will give orders on their 1Isio department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best Ideas , according to merll. To secure an absolutely Impartial 11ed610n applicants arc requested to sign let number only anti to mall corresponding number to The flee office where It will remain until after the award 19 made . The right Is reserved - served to use any head line once. The following are the facts to bt alh-r. Used : Hayden Bros of Omaha are the only firm In the worM showing a complete line of the Instruments manufactured by the five most renowned plane makers on carth. hayden - den ! Bros. are not tier up with red tape restric- tons like regular selling agents but arc free to make the lowest prices ever heard of. InYIIl'n Urea. put special strees on the Steinway ali Vast pianos because they have a larger line In stock and ! can buy them cheaper than any other make of equal repu- , tation. Do not b misled by any elm claim- , lag the solo ogeney. Hayden Bros. have : them direct from the factory lS wel as , Croin the Max Meyer & Bro Co. stock Music ! trade papers are saying pianos cannot bo sol In a department store but senslblo leolJlo who do not care to be howlnketl by silly frills are not so notional antI the brat IJroof of this I that hayden Bros. sohl more pianos , organs and musical instruments In one week titan any five music stores west of Chicago have saM In sIx montha. The music trade papers say this innovation will b watched with unusual Interest and Hayden ilros. pro pas to Iteep . them gUt'sslng. hayden Dros' . all. Is on page 6. e A ' 4civ Trlill to St. Loul. . Time most attractive feature of the Dur- Ington route's new tmecard Is the new Omaha-St. Louis train. Leaves Omaha at 1:60 : p. m. daily , and reaches St. Louis at 4:45 : the next afternoon . Through sleeping car . through dIning car and a delightful eIght hours' ride along the west bank of the MisIssippi. Remember this Is the only train .whleh has a through sleeper from Omaha to St. Louis. Tickets and full Information at the City ticket office , 1324 Fnrnam street . Hayden Dros' . all. Is on page 6. S GOES TO MURPHY. lie Gets tile Contract for ltepaving ! nor- DAn . \11 I C. The Board of Public Worlts held a session yesterday at which the contract for re- paving Sherman avenue was awarded to Hugh : Murphy. There was consIderable discussIon , time members explaining their positions - sillons In the premises. This being done , time following rewlutlon , offered by Mr. Kas- par was placed before the board : "Resolved . That the vote by which the bid of Hugh Murphy. for the repaving of Sherman avenue and Sixteenth street , within street Improvement district No. ' 589 , with sheet asphallum , receIved on October 19 , 1894 , was rejected , be rccansidered "Hesoh'ed , That the bid ot hugh Murphy for the repaving or that part of Sherman avenue and Sixteenth street , within street Improvement district No. fi89 , wIth sheet aSI > halul , under class C at prInted speclf- caUons , upon concrete base four and one- half Inches thick , for $2.07 per square yard , received by the board on October 19 , be accepted - cepted and thO contract , with the proper bond , h drawn and executed and submitted to the council at the next meeting. " The resolution was adopted , Sewer Commissioner - missioner Dalcombe voting In the affirmatve . under protest. _ _ _ S _ _ _ 1"oUIII I ho 8101t1 Oood The rooms of William Ryan , who It Is claimed , bUrlarlzcd thc store ot Ed Sav- age , 82 North Sixteenth street last Swtur. & day night were searched yesterday and a quantity or goods which are supposed to have been stolen , .were found. - - - - - - l. - . ' . . ' ilL \ II : is Easy - ; I _ -7 , -I--- I To make assertions , but sometimes _ difficult to prove them. We have hI ! ( I I been telling you day after day that - . . . OZOMULSION cures Colds , Coughs , . . - - Consumption , and all Wasting Dis. . .t : . eases. We have told you this because - cause we believe it , and because our I ( fL " " - ' . friends write us that it does cure. We / I / , ( . [ are pleased to accept their statements as proof of our assertions. Have you equal confidence ? Here are a few extracts from their letters : MRS. W. A. BYRD Onkton . . . . , , Ky. : . I I shall be only too happy to write to anyone who may desire . to learn of my . case , and how the remedy actell. " MRS. J. D. LYONS Shell Rock , Ia. : - I Ozomulslon cured me perfectly. I believe It will cure the worst cases If taken as directed. I shall recommend It for consumption and all lung troubles. " MRS. R. B. MOSELEY , Nevada , Mo. : . I experienced the greatest benefit from the frt bottle ; It afforded me instant relief. " . MR. ABRAI NEWKIRK , Goshen , N. Y. : Ozomulslon has restored me to perfect health , and I desire all persons suffering from pulmonary complaints to know It. " The peculiar feature about Ozomulsion is that it cures. The reason it does this is plain. I is unlke ; any other preparation of Cod Liver Oi , It contains the very essentials that are necessary to life. I first destroys the cause of disease-the poisonous germs in the blood-and then builds up the ehausted : system by supplying it with sound , healthy nesh. ' Handsome Iustrated PAmphlet Free. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 183 Pearl St. , New York xCO. . . 15th and Douglas Ste' , OMAHA. "A BRIGHT . HOME MAKES A MERRY . HEART. " JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH ! ! r S-APOLIO - all 'Flit. nervous I5amou. ullIetiBOC. Itemedy Weu" M cures mn.y..UIso quIckly , Iflnl'olor. ermenently Iloadacho , YaIeIulne.s , . . . , . " I..t 10Id"cho W.kcfulnou . Vitality ilgtit1y emll' 5Iitiiuyll ( dreams , Imputeoc , and IIIhl1 . . .lnll.ovl trounllwpolnOi .ld waitiui5eiI.easos esu. cuu. cd by " ' . ' , " Ilulul < 1 ) "Ulblll er''o ur excesse. Iullulnl : no OpIate , . iianervetoileandbluod ' builder. Slates Oplllel. Ju lerve t"'clld the 1310 and many strong anti . pIUI . in.ilycarriedIn vest pocket. \ per itoat U forba , ilynjall pren"tdwltli : lr : ? m : nwrtWngiiamntce : tocuroor money refunded. Wrlteui , , . . tree , uellct honk tea led plaIn wrapperwltt * tctl. , . . . . . , . . . . . on , 10.180 ? rI on. bo.hPaY. monl31 and Innlrlnl rOrOrelrO. , No wrnpper."lh . tel tnn. IlfVr.l ( nltOUifltfl . bout by our l nnll , or.lddru 1ere Heed Co. , & 1uo110 ' 1'011'10 , Ch'eUlo conlula' ' bold II Umuha by Sherman & McConnell , Iuhn & Co and by Ylckers & Merchant , VruCllts - - - - - - - - - - - Warm Your FeeL at nlglt wil ! a Ol WAlfR BRG. B . 2-quait , 5 cents , 3-quartl l cents. 4.quartl , $1 ! oa RUBBER GOODS OF AI.L KINDS The Ale & Pcnfold CO" , HO l arlln Street , TIE LION VHLO Sl'ORE. - _ _ - . . . . . , . . . : ; - : : : : ; : : . ' : ' - - ' - : - Don't ' Neglect Your gycs \V. J. Seymour our optician , has been extremely successful In fitting glasses I hundreds at time best people In time ellY. Lnsel Exchanged Free of Clarme. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , ADJNO smEN'I'l I OPTICIANS. H0 l.'arnam Str et. OppOSle l'uxlon Holel TIlE ! lN DRUG flrnE " , -7arw . _ r. . J " Watch Our Feet Grow < 1 Vi-ottt Day to ) : . \.I cOX me . . 1i2oh , : "JjtP jtPR : , ; 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iJ Dear Our feet will grow j . As our soles have grown , - Walch I'ngo 8 after thIs. The l.nll s' - I n.i1 tIer , tomorrow- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nil our lomnrow- skating . - - ' t 0' ni nn .ale ' for . . . . , . . ! . . . . . . . . . $198 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ Thl nan's Oliion tomorrow- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s ' Al lois ot bite anti . lines ' congress ot calf 10Iorrw. . hmoe- , . . . $198 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Th mls. s' addition lemon ow- _ _ _ _ _ _ A C3 l'nlt . lot ot $ .75 - Tihilci sprIng Beds. . . . . . . . . . . , 9 8 C I The ehlll' n' Tel nd4ItlOIi goat tomoreew-ahi titritel iloci.-that , the chl.t'A , 's. ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. J"AI . & Ilrrll _ . sell .hor-Ihnl n.M nlli $ ,73. 9 8 C ' -,1 : I 5' 1 5 w.o" The 'ho bargain our .nleI feet grow ! glow grow . 0 f',1 f' , , fSI7 ' licox Dmper bought out Fmnk wilcox Co. 1 ; - _ ! - - - - -i : O . _ _ _ . Q bOUCLS \ , . . , 3 STOlE _ _ _ _ _ ( - - r . , - \ , - . - . - ' MANHOOD ' "CU . rE" : ! RESTORED - - Ii I Thl ! realV lclnt,11 , } - . ton of 1 flolol'rt'"eh l'h'Rldnn : , wIll : : ; , : : / ) rl ; l . . L - , , ' , , , , , \11 quIckly cure 'oij a all nor. \ \ ' volts or tIiqiese of Ihn ' ' , ' ' QUlcklYI . , I geltritue \018 11'1' : ' " Irgalig ' , shell II'/'mu 11 Sll'h mit J.ut ie , , Insomlind ' nl181n Ohio Jttc'k , Senihitil JmnlssIi , 11 lhthnoll ) l'itiiltel : , tJnlltti iou In it ) : , . , II.III' , Ntf'uls , ) 'bll' . , lnrr \st . . . . , JXhuUsllJlr.lil Icnc'l ' n,1 ; . / IlrO'h' - Constnloo. ] I slOI" 1110. I . by 11) or Iliglit. , I'rei'tttt . 1 lie" of ll'ciiargo , w.lch : . If Iloteitecked , ' . 111t J'r'II" quick' , , , { 1I.lmlt I . . pa ' to . . , lutt'h.IrII.\ MpPrniatirriitet . nil , H".rmnlnrhl BEFORE AND AFTER nil tIohiorrorif JlloIPle ) ' . abrsllhJ1cTeanoatno1lo.er : : , Cnl , AFER kidneys amil tilt ) urinary ergot. 01 J.IH:1JICIlU CSIIOln r,111 CU1rssN1 : : otrlgthons Inll rcotnrt slush wt'nkorgniii , ullwlQrU ea TOn " , 'ILOOI , eltior.'r. tile 10t , cllell by lolnrn t 01111' nlnrtr per ecnt , . ) 'roitn5 I I In. CU1'l iiit 111a tim oil y knuwn 10 ( nlnrl3 It'r ( cnt IrA trtbl.1 with . , , . . . CUI'ImN 011 ' rmllly , cure wIthout mum ol' ( rIhitil. 0.00 Il'ntlntiil. . tw / ni wrlttengunrantngtvon and money rettlrne'l I sIx l'netu . 1..lmlll , , I wrllrlln'nnl" lvtn nlllone rrlrlwllll ' t' does hot cube' . ( ,1 1" lce . six l"r $5.tn.lyrnahi. Iellt for mmci : cIrcular and Iestlmonlal. cli' n 1.orllolteuru . mal. . - .u. _ _ . " " , t' " Flmelrulnrnllleslmonlla . , ! zo , POll'rr."rf- , , , . I. . , . . , GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 110 Farnamn-at. & LESLIE & LESLIE . Omaha , Ncbrask . ; - . i R FROM GASOLINE POW DIRCCT FROM THE TANK. : , CHEAPER THAN STEAM , ' .No Boiler . lY" Steam. No HIyilccr. \ h BeRt Power for Corn and ! Ieed I Mills . Ihiling --C- . hay , Hunnlng Crcnlorlc1 - , Separators Illng , \0. - \ I ; - ; - - - . OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES ' ; . . . , 'r Stationary 01 Portable. 110 J21.1. RtoSOII.1' . Send r"rClnlou..lrlel. etc. . descrIbIng work to be done. I THE OTiO CAS ENCINEWORKS . 33.1 .Sa ' \'nllut SIA. . l"nH.ADEI.IJII\ . - t Chicago , 245 Lake St. . Omaha , 321 So. 1th St. - - - - - - - . . - - - - - _ . - . I - ' - ' - - ' Man ! YOung Would you like togct married ? Do you imagine that It requIres . 1 deal of wealth to jO to 10IseIoplng ! ? Commie II nnl ! see what we cnn do for you for 1100. or $150 , or $200 ; ancthol wo don't wait the money olthcr Marry thut : Ilrl you hiava hot your . heart on ali settle own. You can : settle ull with us for your - outfit ( rndunly as your earnings COIO In. . . R I ' Bargains This Week We Submit a Few Ratting Bargains to Reduce and Clean Out StocI [ . . , 3-Iiccc Bedroom Suits $11.75 Window Shades 25. S. . Eim . nntque finish . , 20"1 bevel plato Complete wIth rollers and fxlure . mirror In dresser Tie price. sprInt roller ulona Is worth the 2-Piece cdroom Suits $7.50 JOhn antIque finish . bestend 4 feet Siaiyruot Rtigs 15 ; hhh , commode dresser wIth 20xl3 , , ' mirror. wlh . Slake you laugh don't Il1 Mantel I Folding Bed $10 .0 " 0 IrIsh Point . Lace Cm.tlins pel' } } uh. $2.85. Sold ! front , elm , antIque Ilnich . wih . beat supported wire sprlncs When you see them you wi know whether they are cheap or no I. GeoL Mattress $1,85 I and Lumps 14c Ser and comfortable and not full oC hole . Complete with chimney and hurner. There are occasions when you need Sateen Bed Comfortel-S 9B. several extra ones. neel low nIce you feel with several spare Japlned Flre.Shovcls 5c eOltorls pled upon the shelC. Why nol have n shovel for every , . Good Gray Ulanlecls DOe 1 pall Stove and freplace ( ? Buy them and your Investment wi Iurdwuod Extension 'ubles , ' coo eenl'next fall. pa ) you Per 30 tal. Il 6.tol , 13.00 ; 8 - foot , H.W Large Easy Arm Rocleers $1.45 $ $1,1.8 JupaneL Dust Pais 5e You will laugh 01 the ( prleo when r you factory see had. It , 'Vo boug prIce 11 thl Cheaper titan dirt. Carpet Ilssocls 25c Ladles' Cune Sewing Rockers USe Good carp t , assorted patterns. ' lard wood , antique finish. Cnn Openers Dc , < ' Al malleable Iron S-Hole Gem Puns ge . Llu'ge and Smal OIIpet's /c Tuniblez-s dozcn 28c TUIlblers per Have some extra ones for the chill- dren lu lu oft. hug . ar. A great tumble In price. ! . . Tuble Kuis'es and Forks Per I'nlvls an .OS Folding Ironing Boards GOa Set IJ-c Cuspidut'S 18e Coe bolo handles , G knIves and G Con : , , Drown ware. . decorated by hand ; Ingrain Cm . pets 48'0 Iii ng 1iiis Sc Revoh'lll handles . made of ( Inc pol- All wool , prevailing color 1.lwt1 maple Terms Cash or _ Easy Paymet1ts. Open Saturday _ Evenings Only. 5 ; , . _ , - " _ ' . ' ' _ . " . "i f" _ " _ . _ _ - - - r- . - _ rChas. . Shiverick & Co. , . . . FURNITURE 1206 , 1208 Douglas Street . _ . _ r . . _ . _ _ _ . . - . _ _ "w",1' _ . ' ' ' ' - - fi . ' ' _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ 'I < . .