- ' , : : . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F.f-i . . 8 THE 01\rAllA DAIlY DEE : 'fl"1.TE8DA , JANUARY ' 22 , 1895. . - - - - , REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK , I ra1llng Off of Twenty Per Cent in the Business of the Office. - CREDIT OF TilE COUNTY MAINTAINED - - \VhRt tlto I'ootln ! of the lJooks Sho't's-l ls' IJllr.emenl ! ! for Charity lIR\'O Largely f 1ncrcric4- lnflucncc lit OenerRI ) luIilc . IJclrcssloll. - Notwithstanding the fact that on account of the genera I busIness depression collections \Iavo \ been slow and taXes n burden In Douglas - las county , yet , says Clerk Sackett In his annual . , nual repert , the county has maintained Its credit , though there has been a failing oft I at 20 per cent In the business at the office , and has been able to promptly mec . all obil- gatlons save In the last two months. 1l has recently been Impossible to redeem all warrants . rant on the general fund whcn presented Thll4 ts duC' to a fallln off In the receIpt at I ' : - taxes anll the unusually small amount of' - property cold at tax sale In November. Upon January 1. 1894 , unpalll claims to the amount of $18,480Gl were on file and pending adjustment. Since that unto ami up to Jallu ary 1. 1 1895 , there have been filell claims J to the amount of $434,933.67. Of the sum total of these claims $7,371.40 were rejected , : $401GI9,71 allowed , and $2 ,912.5G are still In the hands of the board ot commissioners awaiting adjustment. xpenlllturc' for the year 1894 were : Oen- : eral fund , $2:1 : & .fH7.85 : road fund , $23,409,52 : . brhlo ! fund t22,02Ii,20 ; bond sinking fund \ , 60870.96 : sohllers' relief , $ .920.22 : road 1m. proveinent $88.392.18 ; Insane judgment , $2Jl0 ! ! : iniane , $110,35. . The bonded debt of Douglas ) county nt the close of the year 1891 was as follows , Including - eluding the lath Issue of refunding bonds , which were , however , not loUvered to the . purchasers until January 16 , 189G. although C. Issued allli registered prior to January 1 : . 'h'l' pH ! crnt fun.Uns . bonls I..llell , .July I , ISS 7 , nn.1 . .lue July I. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . _ . ro . Fh'e per cent ( fundln bonds 18.u.1 Juh' 1 , 1891. nnll due' July 1 , 1911. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.000 : ; 00 . . : Four COIl IL hair per cent funding lnls . . 1..ue.1 Jnn- , . unry I. I 189 : ; . on,1 , due .1nnu- Ilnry I , IVI5 . optional \ aCtor January I , 100 : ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIV.OOO 00 Four nn.l . one.holr leer cent . ron < l Imprll\rl11cnt bontl . dated July 1. 1892. nnll 1.8Ul'11 1.'c"ruory 23. 1891 , .luo July I , IVI2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00000 Ie.lt. $ G9.00 : ; 00 - Total < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . The total annual Interest charge upon this debt Is $33,405. During the last year the nnnual interest charge or the county was reduce $1,785 by the refunding of the , un retred portion of the Issue of 1881 , being $119,000 of G per cent bonds , Into 41h per - cent bonds , which were sold nt a premium . of $589 , thereby effecting 1 saving to the county In the remaining six years which . these bonds had to run of $1,299. Considerable space Is devoted by Mr. Sackett to the subject of charity [ extendc by the county The buslnt3s of this tied - , partmmt , he say haD grown to such alarmIng proportions during the Pst " 1\0 years that It has come to be one of the . most serious problems with which the Board of County Commlsslcner 'Is confronted . , Such authority as has been conferred upon . public ofcials to act In this behalf has been prompted by a pure spirit of humanity , and . ' Is acquiesced In by the taxpayer In the same spirit , yet It requires the utmost vigilance upon the part of those charged with the duty d of dispensing charity to avoId imposition and - fraud In the beneficiaries of this public , , bounty The method adopted In this county , . In dispensing aId Is such that I lacks many .1. of the inducements to defraud the county . which attend the giving of money' or its , equivalent In orders , which are practically negotiable paper , but even with all the care exercised It Is impossible to avoid , exercied an occa- sional Impostor. ; k . Of the IG89 applicants for aid In the last ; six months 1,252 were moles , and 1,121 of * the whole number were marrIed : widows - numbe.red 260 , and 829 were Americans. The cause or dlstre8 In 1,132 Instanc was inability - ability t obtain employment. , DurIng the semI-annual period covered by d this report there has been distributed sup- plies aa .tollows : Flour , 18G,800 : sugar , 4 _ 28,384 ; colee , 9,94 : tea , 855 : beans . 26.780 ; 4 rIco , 10,815 ; homIny , 3,950 ; ' oat meal , 8,343 ; . corn meal , 11,250 ; salt pork , 31.605 pounds ; soap , 13.382 bars ; table salt. 387 sacks , and . 'I coal 2GO,655 pounds. . rd : The total expense of maIntaining the department - partment of outdoor relief during the past : ; r six months has been H,83G.I0. . Dut In . the application of th labor test the county has received employment valued at its cost price , to th3 amount of $ ,302,70 , thereby ; reducIng the cost of operating thIs depart- . , mont to $10. 33,40 , being an average of $6,59 , to each applicant who has been furnished assistance , and conBlderlng the Increased , strlngncy ot the times this Is a very satisfactory - factory result , and shows a slight decrease : In the cost of this department from that of 1893 , which was $14.89 per applicant for , twelve months. . While the sum total of expenditures In 1894 Is greater than In 1893 , yet a comparison . wili that year makes a very favorable show- ; In/ ; the most notceable items nre groceries : for the IOOr ) farm , showing 1 decrease of $1,69.74 , While the toll cost at the poor , $1.969,74 decrease1 ! $3.96G,79. and at the Jai $1,360.24. The court house shows n decrease In c expens3 of ,705,22. while the amount paid ' to overseers of hlghwnys Is $ ( ,055,05 less In . 1894 than In 1893 , and $ ,748,1 less has ben nvested In grading thIs year than last. p _ _ _ . , Dr. E. S. Wayne , the eminent Cincinnati ' ' ' chemist , declare ! Dr. Price's Baking Powder , k , absolutily pure. - 'lilt , Iuly (1110(1. ; There was not aB large a grIst of prison- dt , ers In the police court as usual yesterday t Judge Crosby took compassion on several plan ! drunks and dismissed them Ollie Baker was given ten days on the streets. 1.'rllt Canary , n man who had JUBt com- : pletell a thirty days' sentence In the county Jai from stealing an overcoat ( rotc a : dummy was up again on the sale charge. lie was released from Jai on saturday evenIng - hog ami stele another cot. lie was captured - tured In Council UuITs Sunday and yesterday - day Ito was fine $100 nnd 'costs. Will hail , Joe Coin , John Doe anll Richard Roe were arranged on the charge of disturbing the peco and quiet of Mrs. . May Wright of 2813 Cass street on Sunday . afernoon. H"llh . ur Ilr& I.\ul. : , _ Mrs. Imza H. gaton , mother at flay Eaton of \Vorld.llerald . died Sunday rpJlng , at her ilal hter's home In I.aramle. The ' burial will take place at La Grande , Mo. , the bOdy 11asslng through Omaha 01 No : lasl ' night Mrs. Eaten lived for quite 1 tme In . Omaha , owning considerable I'rollert In thIs cIty. She has ben an h1alht for a number - , . ber of } 'eor and died of llralysls. Mr. Eaton len for Laramie Friday I evening . S Oliici'r , 1111 Ilf'I'llr. Elected. : _ i The tenth annual meeting of the stoclt- - holdert of the i'axton'ierhing Iron worl\a . was held yesterday afternoon sit the olee ' of 1.V. A , lulln. 'he following OmCcrH _ _ _ were electedV. : . A. Paxton . Ilrsllcnt ; , , UohertIerllng , vice pr'aldent ; I.ouls'Ier. . hills , lecl'etnr 1111 treasurer ; A. J. \IN'ln , ) ! ' ' I inanuger . 'l'he directors are the olcerl _ _ _ ' niuneti with the addition of \y , A. Iaxtol , : it ; . 'rue hURISS'Us shown to bu In a ' highly , satsflelol" conihition. . : hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page 6. . -a , 'rho \lrlnJlol HUIIO tlln&cl : ' 111. A Ilulcitening-a most decided quleknlng- In the time to ChIcago , St. Louis and Ilnss City Is effected by the Burlington's new I Bchedule effective Sunday January 20. _ _ _ For full Information cal lt the City ticket d ciflee . 132 Farnani street , or refer to the timetable cclunl on another . _ - page. - d b'ain'l Burns , 1318 'arnam , Is discounting everything Ii I'er cent this week . I - p . - lay en DroB' ad . Is on _ pDa 6 _ I S- ' Jelu'"r \ , :11 'lhiere . - . OeorGe hicavor . the South Omaha Ilnblll ; k , . boss , was tu h\8 had a preliminary hear. . t lag before Ju&tit'o ; Darlet ) yesterday ) : ftrnCn . , _ t - 2 . . . . . . . _ . . . ; i : : ' ; , _ " > L 4 . , ; , . . i on the charge of keeping a gambling house , but while the accused was In the custohy ot a constable looking for bal hl made his escape and Is now enjoying his freedom , So long as leaver Is at large the case will b held oren aClnst Mm. Justice Bartlett cautioned the constables that Denver might try to get away but they S thought differently. j'oor UIe.uon ! Lealls to nervousness , fretfulness . peevishness . ness , chronic dyspepsia and great misery Hood's Sarsaparia Is the remedy I tones the stomach , creates an appetite , and gives a relish to food It makes pure blood and gives healthy acton to all the organs of tho'body Take hood's for Hooll's Sarsaparll cures Hooll's Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries ! them. 25c . S WHERE TiE ROOSTERS OROW. Omaha " ' .alclcn l'rcpririig , ! for tim . \nluR\ Jshlhilon of I'ollrj. The fourth annual exhibition ot the Omaha Poulry Fanciers association opens In the building lately occupied by the Hel depart- ti'nt store , opposite tie postoffico this morning , under auspIces thnt promIse a most flattering success , \V. W. U.lel , superintendent . Intentent , and W. J. Scott , secretary . arc nt the head of the management , and they have suceeelled In getting everything In most admirable shape for the great show A large number of entries came In yesterday from all parts of this state and from South Dakota , Minnesota . Michigan , Iowa and Mis- souri , and Wednesday , morning fully 1,000 spachnels of fancy and thoroughbred "Irds will be on exhibition. Theodore Hewes at Trenton , Mo , a gentle- man well versed In poultry science , Is on hand to judge the merits of the fowls , which Is stiflicient guaranty that the work will howell well and impartially done. The premium list Is n large one , there being II the neighborhood of 2.000 special premiums offered , Including 1 large number of cash prIzes. Besides these 'thero ' are numerous prizEs donated by Omaha business men , as veil as by chicken fancIers from abroad. One hundred fancy coops arc ranged In advantageous form on benches , and spectators - tators wi bo afforded every facility for crItIcal examination of the many varieties of birds IIBplayed , Including burr , white and brown Plymouth flocks sliver and gold Wyandottos. black Jnvas , Indian gaines , Drahinas , Laslgshans , American , English and partridge cochins , black Sumntms , silver gray Dorkings red caps , pet gaines blue Amlaluslans , white crested black Polsh , black breasted red game bantams , black Minorcas Hnmburgs , Houdans , brown , white amt bur Leghorns , black Spanish , Pekln ducks bronze ant white turkeys , and scores of other beautiful and blooded specimens. The Omaha Poultry Fanciers association Is a flourIshing organization , and wIth the ro\ln Interest In poultry culture expects fo exert a power hl state fair attractions hereafter. A special effort will be made to put on an exhibition at the opening es- sian of the state fair In thus city that will compare favorably with any of the exhibitions of the National associ- atlon. The members of the or- ganizatton number some forty-four , whose ganizaton names are appended. They arc : G. W. Hervey , \v. F. Cadogan I. L. Richards , Aug. C. Davidson EI F. Pickering J. R. Lundrlgan , H. C. Bowden M. J. Warren , Charles Clf- ford W. J. Scott , F. E. Hart W. W. Udel , J. E. Blackburn , A. H. Vosburg . C. D. Simms , Major Croft . George T. Morton , T. 11. Ochlree , Charles Ross , A. H. Burr Moses Marks J. p. Davenport L. J. Rheem , Arthur J. Ithiotles . George O. Monroe , G. H. Moore , J. M. Gillan . A. L. Stonecypher , A. Sorensen , n. s. P. Montgomery , Mrs. M. H. Redfeld , Mrs. C. D. Simms , Mrs. J. C. Wi- lams , Gus A. Willams . J. H. Taylor , Hugh F. McIntosh , Omaha ; Thomas , Simms , now City : J. F. Weybrlght , Millard ; George A. GoodwIn , Averya ; C. C. Bore , Missouri Val- Icy : George Sorensen , Florence ; Dale Mc- Closkey , Paploln ; L. p. Harris , Lincoln ; F. T. Dean , LIncoln. . . Dr. Prlce's Baking Powder Is declared by all official experts absolutely o pure. AFFAIRS IN OOURT. Trials ! of Those Who Jnvoco the All of the Law Application has been made In the distrIct court for the appointment of n guardian for Edward , James , Mary and CatherIne Riley , who are the heirs of Bernard Riley. Fore- closure proceedings against the property of the deceased are pending and a guardian Is asked for to protect the Interests of the heirs. Benedict ] Ulterer has petitioned for the removal of his suit against the Union I'a- dOe from the district to the circuit court. The suit Is for $25,000 for damages received I . by the plaintiff whie In the employ of the rood , and was commenced on August 27 , 1893 , several months before the Union Pa- cIfc wOnt Into the hands of the receivers. The defendants named arc the receivers of the road. The answer to the application alleges - leges that the receivers arc not now and were not at tIm tim , of the commencement of the suit reSdents of the state and on these grounds asks that the acton be dismissed. - Caroline Specht has commenced suIt In the county court against John H. Erct for $960,85 damageso Caroline Is the owner of the property known aB the Western Cornice works and claims that George E. Specht , at the In3tanc of the defendant , applied for anti obtained a wrIt of attachment , alleging that he was Interested to the extent of $1,950. The case was carried to the su- premo court , where the attachment was dls- sclve but as the result of the acton Care line claims that she has suffered damages to the amount asked tor.l p . A lC\ Train to bt Louis. [ . The most attractive feature of the Dur- Ington route's new ' timecard Is the new Omaha-St. Louis train. Leaves Omaha at 1:50 : p. m. daily . and reaches St. Louis at 4:45 : the next afternoon . I Through sleeping car , through dining car and n dlghtul eIght hours' ride along the west bank of the Misaisslppi. Itemeinber this Is , the only train which has ' 1 through sleeper from Omaha to St. Louis. Tlclteta and full information at the City . ticket ofce , 1324 Farnam -S street. TUI IHltWT SUUTIEn : nuuT Via Ufck hiand , "horlol Line [ und l'astcB ' ' . 1'lle. To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian 'rerritory , Texas and all points In southern Caiifornia. Only one night out to all points in 'i'exaa The " ' 'exas I.lmlted" leaves Omaha at rl : o. m. daily except Sunday , landing IISSongers atail . points IJI Texas 12 hours In advance ot all .othr lines. Through tourist crs' vIa I Worth and m Paso to Los An- I geles. F'or full ! particulars , maps , folders , ute. , cal at or address Roclt Island ticket olco , 1602 Flrnam St , : CIIAS. lmNNEDY . , G. N W. p. A. -S The State Relef commission have estab- lshe headquarters at 109 Frenzer block , where all contributions at provisions and clothing should be sent , instead of 407 Drown bloclc. as heretofore. Ali correspondence should bl addressed to me at 407 Drown block. W. N. NASON , I'Tesldent. . 'ruulm FEIIT ' . 'ah'h Thom Urnw Totuirrow Tomorrow wi appear the first of a series of photographs of feet. Wilcox & Draper's feet. They are beauties . Watch for them Tomorrow on the 8th page remember - -a- Vaster ! I.'udl'rl l'llterl The Burlington's "Vestibuled Flyer , " which leaves Omaha at 4:45 : p. m. daily , now reaches Chicago at 7:6 : p. m. . twenty.flye minutes earlier than heretofore ' 'he servIce Ie as good aa ever ; the time . a little better titan ever. S lIa'dcn ) Dros' . ad Is . on page 6. BOSTON STORE FIRE SALE Over 1 Million Yards of Pine Sis from the Jnfrny Srck on Sale Tomorrow . ONLY SLIGHTLY BU1NT ON EDGES - The Flnesl , JIjhesl Grades of Drapery Silks , luruh bilks . Swivel Silks. Worh Up to 8J.00 R Yurt 00 Rt ( o and ide. - $1.50 SILKS HiC A PIECE. Thousands of pieces of taffeta alike II small black and white checks , small stripes and woven figures and plain colors ; from five 10 twenty pieces match up : just the thing for ladles' waists , children's dresses anti trimmings , go on our bargain square at 16c a piece. $2,50 IMPORTED SILKS , SOC A YARD. Five cases of the highest grade and newest importation of trimming and dress silks , such as silk moire , moire antique with fancy stripes and changeable effects satin thutcli- ese with small colored Ilguree satin Iluleh- esso In evening shades , with light and dark figures , elegant crystal bsngalnes In two- toned effects , rhadamas , peau-de-solo alt one yard wIde glace silks for skirt In fact , all kinds of the highest grades of silks go II our silk department tomorrow nt bOa n yard . 600 HANDKEUCIIWS 12C. Two cases of the finest gale pure sheer linen men's and ladles' white hemstitched , handkerchiefs with hand embroidered Ini- tials. These handkerchiefs are the greatest bargaIn that we have ever offered . Not one olerel. In the lot worth less than SOc ; your choice tomorrow .t 12' . . 250 HANIKEnCIEFS lC AND 10C. All Ito high grade of men's and Indies' colored bonier hemsttched handkerchiefs go at le and 10e each. Uemember the best goods from lie ( Jarrry stock , goods that WOre only slightly soiled or burnt , now go on sale. You will find new goods on our bargain squares every day. Don't fail to visit the Boston Store during tItle the grandest sale that " ' 0 have ever held. BOSTON STORE N. W. Cor. 1Gth and Douglas Sts. hayden Dros' . ad Is . on page 5. APPLYING THE LABOR TEST , Commlsslon Will UISIJenSO charity . but They Wil Make ' \I'llcIU11 Worle. The county commissioners have begun applying - plyIng the labor test to the males applying for asslstanc There arc at present nearly 100 men at work on Thirteenth street , south of Mis- south avenue. They are grading down a IJr- ( ion of the street with shovels. The dirt Is ton use In filling up gule s further north and Is being hauled a considerable dlstnnce. About twenty-five teams have been employed. The laborers are paid at the rate of lG cents nn hour , payment beIng made from the county store. The commissioners say that as the articles are furnished at the cost price the men arc obtaining very respectable wages. The teamsters arc paid In casb. I 15 proposed to give each man n week's work each month. The men who arc work- Ing this week will again begin work one month from now and others will take theIr places during the Intervening three weeks Dy thus gIvIng work to 100 dIfferent men each week In a month It Is though that all the men who are now applicants will be able to earn enough to support themselves and theIr families for n month. The object In gradIng the ts'et Is not EO much to do the work OS to Wtet out ( coin among the applicants those hat do not need assistance , and those who are not willing to work for the assIstance that Is given them. This object 15 being acconplhed to a de- gree but the number M the ; dropping out Is fully made up by the number of new ap- phicants. The majority Qf the later arc persons who have nevar applied tf the county before. They arc without innr.ey and as It Is Impossible for them to obtain work they are compelled to accept charity. The commissioners say that there Is a larger number of really needy persons among the applicants this year than at any Iliac since ! they have been In office. In addition hero I are an unusually large number of cases reported - ported of people who do not wish , and will not apply to the county , although they are In destitute circumstances. Such cases are investigated and assistance Is given. The commIttee that has this charity work in charge Is preparIng a new system In the buyIng at provisions. Heretofore It has been the custom of the committee to purchase the articles wherever they could be bought the cheapest and whenever they were needed As a result at this method , however there have been charges that the committee favored certain firms , and thin system of purchasing will be changed. I Is proposed to receive proposals and samples at the beginning of each week for the provIsions needed for the weelc. Every firm that desires can state its prices and show its goods , and the best quality of the goods at the Jowest prIces will be accepted , thus doIng away with all charges of favoritism . On account , of the mid weather the amount ot , coal given has not been as great as was expected , ut the amount of provIsIons Is large The following statement of what was given 'In Tuesday of last week Is appended as an 'exampl : One thousand five hundred pounds of flour . 248 pounds of sugar , 88 pounds of coffee . 15i4 pounds of tea , 280 pounds of beans , 14 pounds of rice 65 Pounds of hominy , 160 pounds of oatmeal , 80 pounds of cornmeal , 330 pounds of bacon , 15 bars of soap , 13 pounds of salt , 1 % tons of coal The amount of the articles for that day are smaller . than those usually . given The amount given each s"of [ course person " , com- paratvely small , just sufficient to kecp the wolf from lie door. . , . ' Dr. Anderson of the - University of Call- 'fornla reports Dr. I'rlee's Dallng } Powder absolutely pure. . L After R Icl" Miin's "hOI8. The mater ot filling the position on the Bard of County Commissioners left vacant by the death of Major Paddock Is already agitating the minds of thou who desre ! to become his successor. No format applIcations have been made but the names of O. n. Morey , C. C. Stanley , James Welch aT ] one or two others are mentioned. Stan- ley was on the board during a short term and has sought re-elee- ton , but was not able to win lie IB n South Omaha man The applntve power gives no sIgn of preference on account of the recent death of Major Paddock . nOr wi they say when they will make the appointment . I will IJrobbly cecur however , In a short tme after the funeral . Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page G. . Sit A Nuw TraIn so ( ) iiieiigo. Chl.ll/O. Visitors to ( lie World's fair who traveled by the Bqrlington's "Chicago Special" will bo pleased to leer that that peerless traln- without exceptIon the fastest In the west- . Is again In * crvice. Fastermore comtortablebeter than ever Leaves Omaha at l : O p. m. daily. ' Reaches Chicago at 2:30 : the next afterncn . Chair cars and coaches , Omaha to Chicago Through lulhnan service. All meal served In dInIng car Ticket anJ full Informalon at the City ticket olc , 1321 Fanam . street. . HIden : Dros' . ad Is on page 6. ain - - - In 1"111 or the hog. A number of gentlemen Interested II thoroughbred dogs held a meetIng yesterday - day and drafted a bill to b presented to the present leglslaturo. This document provides that all dogs In the state of Nebraska arc Highest of a1 in Leavening Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report D & &J Baking LV'V Powder 4BSOLTELY PCflE . - . - . . . . - - - . . . . , . . . . " . . . . _ . _ . , , , . - - " " . - . - - - - , - ' - - - - - - ' - ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.a - - peronal propertyJ any persop willfully do- ttroylng the same'r stealing or taking with Intent to steal al dog belonging to any other person slU I bo guilty of larceny tinder ! the laws b 'tho state ns applied to pet and grand ! Inrcny . Any dog running at large wihout In tag for 1 period of ten Ilas shall be dea\lt a nuisance ant the proper authorltleslnu ) ' . destroy the same. Hayden Dros' . alt. ion . page 6. BREVET HONORS DEOLINED. - SIx omeOr Return 'holr Cotllsdon ! to I the " 'Ar , Dopnrtllnt. Six army ofCf have declined brevet ranks conferred upon them durIng the year 1891 for galntry In Indian engnements. The list Of brevets conferred Is materially lengthened by the conferrenco of these honorary titles. The War department hail considerable Ilfclly In selecting olcr who were entitled to the distinction , and I large nmolnt of of correspondence was entailed - tailed between the department and oillcers. tepartment Many of the olcers wished to amend the ( elms In which their services were desist- nnted , some of them , for instance , in- slsted on having the fact mentonell thlt theIr horses were shot under them n act which was not consIdered pertinent In the description which must be Imlelt to the effect of the engngement on the oiflci.'r engnlement olcer himself and to hIs bearing tInting the con- ilict. Ict.H H Is unusual to have nn olcer decline I brevet commission , which carrIes hioth- log with I hit the honor of hieing men- toned for gallontry and courage. I wns with surprise , therefore lint six officers' commissions were found returned to the War ilcpartment . 'he objection itt fIve Instance WIS that the mhllonal brevet rank conferred WIS not basd on the actual mnl held b. the IJcers It the ( hue of the nomination Tim brevets given were hasM on the rank held nt the tIme of the event f ( lint captnlnq foun(1 them- selves with the brevets of first lieutenant and captain [ . Instead of being breveted major Iml leutenant colonel. In one instance that of Captain J. " ' . Jacobs , of the Qunrtermnster's departnieiit who was mentioned for scn'le' In August , 18i7 , In l.n notion nlallst the ' Indians at Big Hole Mont. , hint olcer Ilelnl(1 the brevel commissIon unless he could be hreveted for I much Irntel event , In his opinIon , that of noting ni I scout aRllnst the Indians , . 'he law requires , however , ( lint thelc brevets shal be eon- ferrell for services In enRaluments , ClP- taint Jacobs Ilal ' accepted his brevet commission , I Is saul , but he Is Incllllel , In the sIx oJcer who have declined the honor. Another oleer who has refused the brevet - vet Is Captain Chlrles King . the author , who Ilsthlllshed himself In on action 11 aclon ! against the Jnhhrin , . near Diamond Butte , Arizona Il 1871. One of the best Imown Indian fIghters Is Captain John Id. Burke , F it-st cavalry . who wnN breveted I cap- taIn and major for enlalemenls In Arl- zonn and Montana In 18i2 und 18i6. Ie tie- cllCl both commissions. te- Tim other olcers who refused to accept the ( honor were Captain C. Morton , 'riturd cnvutr , brevet(11 for gallant service In an Inllan engagement In ArIzona In ISi : Captain Robert MueDonald. retred , bre- ' vetet for conspicuous gallantry 11 l udlng his men ' In a successful chaT e against lgallat Irdlanl , strongly posted , In 1ollarn. In 1877 , anti Lieutenant Joseph D. Nickeruon SeVenteenth - enteenth infantry , breveted for service 11 Montana In 18i6. . Dr. Mott , lie high government authority . pronounces Dr. Prlce's flakIng Powder nb- solutely pure. -p Carhh blgns with Omaha , Pitcher Carlsh , who was with the Jacltson- yule club last season , was sIgned by the Omaha management yesterday for the season of ' 1895. Cilrishi Is n good man , as Is attested by the fact that he stood second on the list of all the Western association pitchers last year. Ho bas good curves , an especially deceptive drop bal ali worlds of speed. Local cranks may recall him by the fact he won the only game from Omaha In ! the local grounds Jacksonville took during the entire eeason. I was on August . 14 , the Jax taking the game by 1 to 4 , Omaha securIng but - six scattered hits oft of young Carlsh. . Hayden Dros' . ad. 1s on page 5. - -S WTES UF J.UV.IL JN2ERIST. The seml-nnnual examinations , In the schools will taK place the later part of , this month. Tomorrow and Thursday the ladles of Trinity cathedral will serve lunch jn the Paterson block. ApplicatIon has been made In the county court for the appointment of a guardian for Christina Anderson , Insane. The executive committee of the CommercIal club will meet today when action will be taken on several matters of local In- teresL , The funeral of Major Paddock will beheld held nt 2 o'clock this afternoon at the residence - denc of W. E. Annln , 808 South Twenty- first street. The Board of Fire and Police CommissIon- ers will not appoInt any firemen until the city council has made the appropriation for the maintenance of lie fire department for the ensuing year. The aproprlaton that the Board of Health has asked for this year Is $14.000 , which Is I somewhat greater than was expended last I year. The expenses of the department last year were , $12,240. year ,12,240. The MInisterial union of Omaha hell its regular meetng nt Kountzo Memorial church his morning. One of the features was an able address by Rev C. E Helngs of the FIrst Baptist church An educational meeting will be held by the 'Voman's Christian Temperance union In the Commercial club rooms tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Subject : "Our Attitude To- want the Saloon and Other License Evis , " Acting Chairman Kaspar of the Board of Public Works , who was appointed by Mayor Bernie to act In the absence of Chairman Wnspear ! , hOB called a special meeting of the board for this morning at 1 o'cloclt to consider the Sherman avenue paving case . Articles of incorporation of the ( Reichen- berg-SmIth company have been med with tim county cerI , . The new company has a capital stock of $25,500 , and will engage In the wholesale jewelry business The incorporators - corrorators are Arthur F. Smith , Louis Rechenberg ! , Max Reichenberg , Samuel Helchenberg and Arthur Mez ( Annie J. Seibert has petitioned for 1 de- cre of dtvorce from Martin C. SeIbert. She says that she has suffered all kinds of abuse , both In words and In deeds from her husband - band , and has been compelled to support him and herself by washing anti Ironing. They were marrleJ In October , 1891 , and she al. leges that one evening In lie following month , while she was working horI so that they 'might cat the next tiny Martin came In and wanted her to mend his Bocl\s. lent She refuse' ] on account of her work , anti he struck her ' , wllh a /tral1 on the arm , dislo- eating it. At anoth time he threw all the table dishes : t hel' : Including knives , forks and a butcher knffo. . Hayden Uros' . aditomi . Iage , 5 , . plW. McINTOSH-Paul William , son of hunt F. ant Olive H. McIntosh , aged HUll ( , PI'lvl te funeral from family rshlence , 2127 Spencer slreet. 'ruesday arternoomi . PADDOCK-On Sun , IlY January 20th , Major Jo'ueliht N. lnlhlock , In the , Olh year of his use. Funeral ' from the resIdence of his flon.ln-Iaw , N. hO. I Annen . SOS S. 21st street , on ' 'ulsIIY. January 22d , at 2 II. I , In- terment af Prospect hut . Muslin ulldewearatManuroturcrs' ' PrIces Coaks and lurs ! , Cost ? or Less AOkSCOFIELD U \ClOAKS.UISJURS. I . 1'\tXTON IICI I I ! I . Our record of actual end undenlnlo [ cure ot HY1'lIIl.ItJ II phenomenal. Wo fuml.h all med. Icnu : frIo nnd eradicate the Ilhwn from time system In 00 do . . Cure guarnnted . noun , 8:3 : t ' 1.50 ; Wedneeda'i enl Saturday - day . , 8. p. m. I Tim DINSMOOR RFMEDY CO" . 81 New York Life . Omaha , Neb. . . - - . - - - . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . - " - _ _ . ss-s-----t-- " - " - " - . - - - - . DID NOr REACH THE CASH 8If blo'IrJ Frl/hlolc < t Atiiiy , Joforo Com' 1lrtni R Job. An effort was mate ( to blow the safe In Fred Mohlo's pawnshop at 1617 Farnam street Sunday night. The operators became frightened , 8S they loft their job In an no- completed condition , although they hail only to open another door of the safe and n fortune lay awaiting them. The burglars were evidently old hands at the business job.Tho anti were well provldtl with tools to do the The back end of the ( store Is proteted by heavy Iron shutters . fastened securely to the brick work with long bolts. A section ot the ( wall was removed and one corner at the Iron shutter was prIed open , leavIng n hole large enough to admit u man Then they went to lie heavy safe , standing In the front port of the store , antI partially concealed ) by lie showcase anti a glass franio A hole was bored Into the safe doors near the ccmblnnton , after which n punch ; was driven Into the lock , smashing the tumblers. 1l , was then an easy mater to open the heavy outer doors. An attempt was made to drill I through the second set of doors a lit lie thieves were partially successful In this. A steel punch Was drIven into the keyhole of thece doors , but It broke oft ali then the hurglars balked themselves , as they could not have proceetell farther without the use of dynamite . The back door was found II be unlocked when the proprietor of the place canto down I to attend to business yesterday. Grease I anti Iron filings were scattered around In , front of the safe amid the ( burglars must i have been afraid of soiling their trousers , as , a chair cushion lad been Illacet In n position for Ihe ( cracksmen to kneel on while nt worlc. The showcases were pried or . , and four revolvers were taken Serl trays of cheap jewelry were not touched I Is said lint there were severn I thousand dollars' worth of diamomils watches nn,1 , money In the safe Rlt If the burglars could have succecdelt , In opnln the Insldo doors they would have made a rich hnul. The police were notfied , but have no clew as to Ito Itently ( oC the robbers. . Hayden nroB' . ad . Is on page 6. o OCt 1 1.\11 IUdo I'rcl' , fles' P. S. Merrill , formerly plBtor oC the First Methodist Episcopal church of this city , will pass through Omaha next month on I free trIp to southern California , given lS ui , t prize by one oC the Hochester dailies to the most popular minister In the state If New York. Dr. Merri'sole was ,65.89. , lIla majority over the ( next highest I WIS 20,519. ASSIST NATURE n little now and lieu in removing offend. " , , ing maler from thc stomach and bowels and yoit thereby avoid a mulltu e $ - of distressing de- ' rugcmeuts cud dis- eases and wi have less fequent need - : , - of your doctor's service. Of all known ( agents for tItle pur- l ? pose , Dr. l'lercc's I'lcasant Pellets nrc the best Once . iictl , they are always - ways in fnvor Their ' cf- secondary - Ther sccondaI' . . . fee is to keep the bowes 0 p c n and regular not to fur- thor constipate , as is the case with other pills. Hence , their great IJo , Jtariy ] with sufferers from habitual constipation suferer : piles and their attendant discomfort , . and manifold dcrnRemcnts. Thc "Pellets" are IlrelyeRetable mid perfectly harmless in any condition of the systcm. No care is required while usitig them ; they do tot interfere with the dIet , habits or occupa- ton , and produce 10 pain , griping or shock to the system They act in a mid , easy and Ilalrtar { amid , therein , , tO reaction after- ward. TheIr help las/s. The Pehiels cure bilonsuess ! sick and bilious headache , dizziness , cosh\eness , or coustipation , sour stomacb ( , loss of appetite , coated tongue , Indig"bllon , or dyspepsia , " " dysfcpsia windy bclhingsl 'heartburn , pam and distress after eating , and kindred derange- meats of the liver , stomach amI bowels. In proof of their superior excellence , it can be truthfully said , that they are always adopted as a household remedy after thc first ( mini. Put np in sealed , tlnss vials , therefore always fresh and rehable. One little " Pellet " is a laxative. two are midy cathartic. As a dinner pill , " to promote digestion , or to relieve distress from over- cating , take one after dinner They are tinf. sugar-coated granules ; any child will readily take ( Item. Acccpt no substitute that mar be recom- 10 mended to be . ' . ' It be . "just' j as Rood. I may b lcrfol./lc dealer , because pa'ing hint n better profit , but lie is not the one who flccds hclp. Don't ' Neglect Your Eyes w. I. Seymour , our optician . has been extremely Successful In fitting glasses to hundreds ot the best peopte In the city. Lenses Exchanged Free ot Clar e. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , LEADING SCIENTiFIC OI3TICIANI3. 108 Farnam Street. Opposite Paxton Hotel. TIE ION DRUG STORE. DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLESI Chrnic , nerrous , 1\ ' IJrivate ! Diseases , 'rhEtT.l ( ENT 11 V M.iL. tjomianltitIumm Vro. . We cure Catarrh , all clsoases of the , Nosu Throat Chest Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe- male Weakuossos Lost Manhood , and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN WI , VICTIMS ' 'O N1iIVOUI \vhAIc eIEU AIm ' NCIVOUI AI JWN VITUIB Debility or ; "hnu.lon. 'Va.lng Weatunese , In voluntary Losses , with Early Decay In young and middle aged ; hack of vim . vigor nndweakened premlurely nlel II approaching old age Aim yeld rendly 10 our new Irentment for Iou or vial power Cal on or odd rel with stamp for cir- emmiar . , , free book end receipts . . flr nsr1oe 'tail quid00 14111 Pttriamui. , Dr Searles and Searles 'j . liJ IJO , UuStit'J itmuta IJI.LtiUJj , 14 , : , Nub : - - - , . Wo Fend ihu' nirrclnn. French . ' ' 4 - . II. Okrplnl' . n E' II.medr CALTIOB , . . Dul I Ill legal [ guliranteothiat ( .2.7iIoB will . elaluaronleothal 7Jo .1 " . ' . . " . . k : . , -l. I."arc. 1.I.lon. I "BE . . . . ' . : \ BE CVI . .n'arrb. . , _ ' .n'arrb.'oreveo ? } and IUII ! I.'Igor. . ' I 4 L C' lse il O/I fa.1 i.salsd. . ' 1l1 AJr. VON MOIL ) . . _ t aim. A.riia ' Aeab , l'dDtl. OhIo _ t - . , , . . . _ Warm Your Feet. at night wHh a , I . - KOl WAlR [ BAG. 2-quart , 65 cents. L _ _ _ _ 3-qlartl , 7 cents. 4.quart , $1 . 00 RunnER GOODS OF ALL IfJNDS. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , 10 Farnam Street. THE LION DRUG 5T0fl21. . - . . . ' . , , - , - " . . - - _ . - - - , _ . . iiii : : / When you take . . ' 4 f' Cod Liver Oil , , . I a \ I I : , \ why not take the best ? I costs no illi more than the poorest. The best comes - 1. from Norway , but that is not always _ i Ii 'I uscd Many manufacturers of Cod Liver Oils nnd ( so-called cmulsions use nn inferior article , so as to increase their : i profts , They do this of course , at thc l THI5IS-Tl1U. BEST- e expense of the purchaser The basis ot OZOMULSION RADB.MARK. ) is the best and purest oil to be obtained in Norway. To this product Guaiacol is added , and the compound is then strongly charged with I Ozolle by a highly scientific process. Guaiacol is made from the resin of pine and beech trees , and is a great appetizer. Ozone is condensed oxygen It is the greatest lfe-giving. germ-destroying agent in nature. These ingredients make Ozomulsion the very best preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Physicians , Prescribe It For Colds , Coughs , Consumption , BronchItis , Asthma , and all - Pulmonary Complaints ; Scrofula , General Debility , Loss of Flesh , Anrmla , and all \Vastng Dseasc : Handsome Illustrated Pamphll _ Free T. A. _ SLOCUM CO" , 13 Pearl St. , New Yor xCO. . . 15th and Douglas Sts. , OMAHA. . . . - > - - - - - ' , .r" _ " _ Man ! I YOung Would you 11,0 to ge Ilrrled ? no yon imagine thnt It requires a dell of wealth toO to Ilousehceeliimig ? CiWIO lii timid see wlnt \0 can to for you for UOO. or $ [ 0 , Ir $200 ; III then \0 domt't \111 the 1010Y , either. ; llry thlt Ilrl you hlvJ set your heart tiid settle down. . You ccii settle with us for onlnt sotto 101 cal Retlo tip wih LS your outft gradually am you Olnlngs COIO iii. - it ' " _ . ! 'f\J Bargains This Week 9 We Submit a Few Rattling Bargains to Reduce and Clean Out Stocl [ . 3.IJiccc Dedl'oom Suits $1115Vlmlow Shndes 25e Elm . antique fnlsl ) . 20x2 bevel plate Complete with rollers and fstures , mirror In dresser The ElrJng toiler nlona Is worth ( lie prIce. 2.iccc Bedroom Suits $1.50 Smyrna Rugs l5 Elm antique fInish. bestead 4 reel > ugs. ; hlh. mIrror. commode dresser with 2Qx3 lakes you laugh. don't I 7 Irish Point Lace Curtains per Mantel Folding Bed $12 . 50 CUltulns pCI 11 . lJai' $ ' .S5 Sold front elm antique fInish . with ' beat sUI'ported wire spriuigs. When you Fee them you wi Imol whether they are cheap or not. Good Mattress . $1S5 llatress IIsiiitI t L amps . " .e Soft and comfortable and not full ot comforlnlle Ser . Cul Complete with chimney and hurner. There are occasions when ) 'ou need Satccn Bed Comforters D80 severl extra ones How nice you feel with several spare Japaned Fire Shovels 5c comforts pled upon the shelr. upn Why nol have n shovel for every Good Gray BhetnIts 90d a pnir .Jto\'e and fireplace ? nuy them and your investment will lurdwood Extension Tables pay you zoo per cent next fall. 6-rot. $3,6 : s-root. 14.50. . ' . _ . I , ArisiRoekers $1.48 Large Easy rm Rocccl'S $1JS Jnpancd Dust Pans t 5e You will laugh nt the price when wi . prie than dirt. you see It. \a bought all ( Ito Cheaper factory had. Carpet Hassoccs 25e Ladles' Cane SewIng Rockers God carpet , assorted patterns. 9Sc Can Openers Dc Hard wood . antIque finIsh. S.Holc Gcm Pans Dc All malleable iron. Large amI Small Dipperse 'uulbtcrs per dozen 2Se have some extra ones for ( lie chl- drea 10 lug alt. . drel ar. A great tumble In price. . ) . . H'ublc . I\nl\s and Forks Per Folding Iroising Boitids 69a , Set ors lSe Cuspidors lSc Cocobolo hnndles. 6 knives and ( ( . ' rork. r Drown wa're . decorated by hand. Rolling Pius Sc Iigrttin I Carpets /8 C Rolug . Revolv'g ' bandies , made of fine pot- All wool , prevailing colors. Ished maple. Terms Cash or _ Easy Paymel1ts. - Open Saturday _ Evenings Only. J _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - Th--i--- I ! - - = - _ _ _ _ _ 4 , i - . \ [ ( ) TE TIJ'IPEI1 Is befog tisol I by tholKalts ; of 1:111101 1011hh' for Irrolulor \1I . : " , G 1"lltrlalol. 1 II . \ g. rol hattie 111 < r-rtihy , liar it . . Nev'rfails. fitiAlAiTh'l'i elm ! vt'ry bottle . 5114(1-I : > ' ' ' " ' Nc\'prfnIK. . Bolt \y Illuallll : l\'ry Irll/IHtK bulto. , I 81Ht 'ulr 111 LCJi $ . JJ)1 ) . I J O'"II.T trlllKt duo I hot havu I , .10 muot ht / 11 soil you hOI'Jthn : elbe , ( Hit lelt po.iofliq' , order for $ : amid wo will forward by UXI > CIS , Jllllclwd oily by Ito OAMOLE JUNIPER 00 , Olln1m , Nobl'lu1m . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 R. I - - - J . I McCREW IS Tnr ONLY , I SPEC IALIBT I . wno TiigATam.c I TIKATS ALl ( PRVATE DISEASES I I VeaIInO51 nndcrrot I Jsuulol ot I MEN ONLY I _ _ 1-Ivefy euro junranic go years' OJ\'Plonc \ _ _ _ _ _ mab" 8 years h. " I , _ _ _ l4ti&VuriI1iHtL 1100k Free. . I I _ _ _ _ _ oai.tit.t. & l'ur..w N H. . I TflIUr M/SRK _ _ _ _ _ - - - EXACT SIZE PERFECl' TiE MERCANtILE IS THE FAVORITE 1'BN ' CENT ' CIGAR. l'or S:10 ; ly alL First Clans Dualot'8. Mnnuractu'o'l ! ' by the I F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CICAR CO'f . I"Letdl'y , No. :01 , : t. Lou ! " , ! Io c . : : = : - _ . - . . - - - - . . . - . - , - . , ' ' - ' : 'v' . , . .