! ' - - : - -c-- - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . - , . . , - - - - - - : - - . - - - - - - - - - : : - - - - -j--- ( " . . . . , , I 1 , . - . r I . 4 ( " I" ,1 , , " . - - - ' 'I r TIlE O\AIlA \ DAILY DEE : m11tAV ) , J.A'NTfAR.Y 22. 1891. SPEB1TL NOTIGB8. A.hert % "mrntl for these rolumnl ,11 bo ' tak.n unti 12130 p. in. for the eTctIhIgRfld cdllon until H , ; i. m for the morning and fun.la1 , \dTerlserl , h1 reqneltnJ 1 nnmbered rIrek. can , IlaTo AnlWOt addrruet to " nnlleree letter In rare of The Jle. An- "wers 10 ntdrellcd will bo tITeret upon Irflcntnton of the check onl" nRtc , 11-2e R ' or.1 , nrlt Inleton , 10 a ord t lIerCftfir. NothlnJ taken for less than 210 for llrt Ininrtlon. 'hrlo ndtcrtsolcntl mUlt run conuecuF thol1' . . - SITUATION WANTED - D AN JXIElmNClm TOWG MAN AS bookkeeper or "ank clerk ; can furnllh reer- - - enee ; cnn , peak Jiohemlan. Addr\ : - F l 44 11 2G flee. _ AzED - AElnfLl- WANTm > . SAT.tfMEN TO SflLIJ 'ro 7t1fl. ehantf ! . IJ Rmplp. DeUt l.'dger . coupon books nl olher Icln1IlI : lle Ine . : chance for floe tnde : Inrlo line. Model Mnnurnelurlog - ompnl ) ' . South len.l , 1n0. 1-MS22' . W.\NTnD. 100K 1tNI1lit ! $ . IO1t\AIt1)1ltH - : OlWAlTS . nn.1 Ienernl Workmen : stelIy employment for good men. ' V . IL. Conkey compnny. 31.3 : Velrhor street , Chlcngo. cmlnlY. 22' wANT.I ) , XI'I.lmNCnD : I.OUNGJ 'ANn cuch & eoverer. ' nn.1 ) m)14 10 spring UI' oungei. Omaha upholsterIng Cd. , 25th Avenue nn.1 a"hler , troet. IIM936 : ' " 'ANTCn- N AND TI.UIR TO SltT ' our f.1 - Irlnle" , Rolor $ : tn 1(1 ) 1'11 month acordln to ( nbIlty. ! The I.lchnpll Mtg. Co. , _ ' \'elter : City , lown. fl-l2 ! -F2t ! W'AN'Flfl-Itfllf4TEItflI ) IJUO t'I.mtl 1'OI city slore : slnll , Inn : ivo Ie , eIerlenc" nfl ] refeFonree. ( 7. flee otflce. 1-:965-23' . WANTED-FEmALE HELl I.ATm : ! ANTINO FIST CI.ASS GIRLS cal nl Sondanavlan Y. W. homc. 1813 Co . , . ' - CC2 1 , ' ' 'C 1AI:8 TO DO FANCY WORK AT I0m ; . : $6.0 10 SlO. ( ' ) : Itpndy work ; nu cnnvn.lnl ; mend ' stRn1l' . \elfY Noedtework Co. , Uelrny. ) MIh. C-M231 23' C:931 2" U W.\NTII-T.AllS. W YOU WISH I.tI'LOY- mont nt your hlmo . Ien.1 elt.ndIreeet1 , en. , ' for . ki.erIttVe , clrculnr \ 'e1ul'0 .IcrllI\'e 1\ commence .orlq Iood wnJ < Alfred Knllll Comp\Y. " ' 1 II h ro ) , Mn s. C-mS-2T' WANTI'JI-A CIIItL 1"01 O IJ A. HOISI : . work In Imnl fittntIy : Oomum l.r"rerr.l. ldri. H. Newman 2 ,9 0,11' It. _ C1962-2 FOU 1ENT-HOUSES. IOUSCB. : i. K. VAILING , lAnnm BLOCI\ D-32 IOUSES IN AI.L IAITS OI " TlT.J CI''Y. TI O. I" . Oavls company , 15 ) : Farnum. D-353 10USES ; lCNAWA & CO. . 108 N. ISTl ST. D- : FOR J NT-I0Wm 01 , ' 9 HOmlS AND lAIL' on Park nve. Inquire nl (2 8. 18th st. D-6 FOn ; ilIT-IlOUSfl NINE HOOS : I"un- . nnoe lith , etc. . al 3tl antI Firnam $1.0 : 01.0 chenll hOI.es. $5.0 Ind $10.03. . $0,00. .lfprct parts city. Dexter L. Thoma. (01 lee IuIIiltng. , 1)-B ? - ] -3:1 , 11 ; nENT-.nOOl COT'rAGE. IN GOOD HE- pair. ely % ater. $10,1) per month tu led partlea . 19 N. 311h 1 lock from 1.'ornam , car line. Inqulro nt Stoelzel's sto\'e etore ) \ next 10 postoiflee. D-3S 8.HOOM MODEIN IOUSI , FIVE MIUTES . , wall : from court house. vacant December 24th. G. L. Green , rom 2. Barker lock. V-I6 FOR BUNT-S-ROOM COTTAOE : ALL MOD . , . em cunvenlencee. 212 CalifornIa st Mien Rogers & 2ion 1th and Farnam. V-19S I : ' Ol m1 T-IEAI FOIt TUn WINTRIt , , I WINTEI " . enc 8.I'onhouoe. - . $10.0 three 5.rom cottages . , . ' $ .O. J. A. Scot Omaha Nat'l bank. 7' fl-M212 I ' 10UBEi , WALLACE , DnOWN DL1eI6 & Doug : ! JJ-4T ! FOIl HUNT. FLATS AT NOITUEAST COHo ncr ot 11h and howard streets In gel ondt . , ton , on reaolnble terms. Inquire al rom 3U I 1'Irmt Nc tonal hank l3ldg. D-M81 26 iort ItENT 213 CAPITOl. AVIINUII 11 1 roms , modern. The . O. 1' Davis company. p-i90 . .ROOM MODBnN ILOUSU 1$2. PEn MONTH , HOUSE 2016 . . " . :16 Capitol ave. 13-413-hi. . ' 4 UNKQUAItm : . STJAM , CENTRAt . 3. $ . 6. 7 , room houoes and flats. 'lzrd. 21 North _ g h. ! FOH HUNT-s-BOOM IO\SE : ALL 1OD n Improvements. No. (06 N. 2d st. 13-871-It . FOR RUNT-MOI)11lN IO.nOOM hOUSE WIT ! I furnace . nth , gns. hot and cold water : one - . half hlnelt from Fnrnm Street motor line : In . most < eslrle re.ldence locality In the cly- No. 220 South 38th nVe. For I'nrteulnrl nppl ) I. to hIoin' . investment Co. , 31 Paxton 111k. . 13-2.1370 , . FOR J NT. GOOI 6-\0011 COTTAGr 22r 1lel.ld ! repair : entail barn : city wnter near lemll Ilrll will rent cheap for the winter Fidelity Trust compuny . li02 1'orlnm .treet. D-M862 - 'INE 7-IOOl [ COINEn I"I.AT AT 701 S. lOT ! I Street , mi\ and all other conveniences. $30.00. : George Clouser. room 2 , Patterson bile. 16 3 V ' rom Interson 2 "nc street. l M91 : - FOR RENT-FURNIBHE 0 BO OMS : - 7 : ' NICELY FURNIShED ROOMS IN InVATE fn/IY. single or en suite. 189 l"nrnam. E-81-21" - - I NCI FunNISUED on UNFUnNISIED roms for light . housekeeping. 112 B. 11th. ' E-WIS 11' Z' . I I IIJASANT FUINISIED nOOMS ADJOINING , suItable for 3 or 4 Gentemen : ren.onoble tens 1919 Dode. ! & ! lml' ) IjAHGI IAND80MI LY I UlNIS1 D - . front rms , will , nil eonvenlenel' Choice l ( -i.rv , cation. APPlY ot 219 Haley st. st.F.m9:1 ' I F.m9:1- : - FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOA ROOM & IOAlD , O ltIAN IHt\'ATI $ I l'AM. Iy for 2 or 3 respectable parties , , ( I N. 10th. . ji9 - . . NIE WARM 11002.1 $ . WITH GOOD BOAR ! > : rates , reasonable : modern convenIences. The . Io.e ; 22 Ilarney. t-M5t2-n. 1"01 l NT. IOAnD AND ROOMS 101 ONE _ . or two : .I'ate family ; down town. Adden t / . F 20. leo oree ; F-MG31 ' -d NICmy ! I"UINISIlD STIJAll hEATED : rooms with or wIthout boatd . 60t So. 13th It. F-723-25 1-723-2 ; NII ! LY FUINISUED ROOMS AND nOAnD. 1Gl N. l th slreel. F-M.U.li' . IClILY JUnNIHUND SUTE OF ROOMS fronting south with lint class board. " : 1)odge. : , : I'I.EASAND ROOM FOIL TWO , WITh nOAHD. 3110 . Dodge Itreet. 1"-1819 :2" l"IlSTCI.ASS 1001 [ AND DOAnD. $ .0 week. : In private family : sal. bath . furnace. 281 , Unne ) ' . 1"-181 30' . % , -'p , ? rllIi mIAll : I"UlNISIED Oil UNI"un , nlehed roml and board. 2th and Dodge. ? 1"-M860 U" 1'ND80M J. HOMH WITh IlOAItD. STEAM and telephone ; references :02 N. 18th street. F-MS33 2 % ' FOUR ROOMS. RINGLE Oil IINSUITU. WITU bouril.11113 Iuuglas ' 1.-M91 23" ; . 1"01 l N'I' . NICIII4Y I llNIRI U FRONT , rooms. wilt , beard : also table board anti mingle ' mral. : IOU - lIst . and Dou.lll. F-2.t940 81nlie UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RNT 41100MB. S1I1TABI.10 FOR IIOUSI2KEEI'Na 100MS. 8ITA Fn ; . low refli. N. , V. Cor. lih and Webster sla. - - G-I1 FOB RNT-STORB AND OFFIOES III ; l NT-THI II . .HTlY mucI hIt11XDINO. 1JIING. 86 I.'urnl street This building has a tire- l.rUf celenl basement. complete Steen 0 heat. -q lug flxturc. walcr on al 10011. gaj. etc. Ap. = ply at the ofc of Tie 11e6 . 1-910 - AGENTS WANTED. . a. SAL : SmN on AGENTS 11ATec MONIIY emil lelng suits 10 order $1,60. pant. $3. shirt , 1'111 $ shlrl ' 1. macklntollO $5. Hunter Tailoring Co. Cln. _ chlal _ O. -M9G "U" JiIflNTS WAN''ED I VEnY TOWN TO poll patent tiller ; retails at 32.00 / ooI T " rtais 1:0gl ; "S send reftlence 10 0 B , Lice ottlee. gl Iler : I , AGUNTS IN IWlmy STATE ON HAI.\HY AND ' conhlnhiciut ) . AIetlti makhll $13 10 l ) weekly. I JJurka Chemical & 2.Ifg . Co. , l. Cruise. M WIl BTORAGE. nE STIAOE Dun.DNG IN OMAhA. U. 8. - CVr bonded warehouse. household goods itored. Lwelt nt ( . t013.10n 1.evenwortli. M-6 ITOIAGE III nOUSIOLU GOODS : CLUAN .A and cheap rate. It. \ Yeils. 11 J'aram.MU ' - " ' 'i'- 8TQnAGE FRANK EWIII1S . flU U Ilil' . . - WANTED-TO BUY WANTL2D I SECOND RAND UPIIIGILT IllanN. pleue state price. make and UPlGlT eun b . . 11. D. \ SCOtIr room 430 Itaing , b to Scol rom < 2.1-3:0 le CITY & CO. CLAIMS. l'ITCUAlD FAIVM. 24-368 N-6 .1 WI3 BUY AND SELL ItOtJFs CO-D' moved , . U W. Dunul . lO\8 Sn 1 : . N. 13th. N-MG J' 'c . : - , WANT ED-TO BU Continued. WANTnn-f OF GOD I4RCON ! ) hAND Inner's tonl. GIve description . mrke , how long used and lowest cost . Ac5dres IanI c1 nd ct prIce. Adc s 0 6 Bee. N-m.68-23' WANT NIKI.n.IN-RT. MACIIINI3 FOR cgr : In order and cheap. MACIND 24-2.1906-B' , 6 flee FOR BALE-FURNITURE 1't1NITUnp AUCTION AT 1111 FAnNAM RT. Salurcn'I . - , 10 a m. . Jtobt. Well . 068 FOR SAL-.HORS.S. AGONSETO. FOI SALE AT I.r.SS THAN WIlol.BSALEIrH csl , one new phaeton , man wagon , top luggy . _ and carriage. Address J' ' 2. Bee. ' - - buA1 FOR SALE-MIbUELLANEOUS. WEOMAN h'IANOS nnDGElOl' OnGANS. Wolbrldlo lr . , 17 80. - 12th. Q-65 i iau AND CII1C1liNFl3flCl7 : : hARD WOOD pIckets. C. It. Lee , 001 Douglas. Q-G Il SAI.E. A NEAnLY ImESI OlAlm Jllt. IPY cow. $30,0 ; ala , n good work horse . only $15.0. Inquire NeIl 10nder n nt 1r , . hugh O. Inrk. I'10rence Neb. Q-M9l1 26 CLA1 IWO ThNTS. 11 ! 11111. H. WAJtN , CLA1ItVOYANT. nEe liable busIness medium : 'th year. nt 19 N. 1&th. 8-iO MAiBiAE . BATHS. ETC MADAM . IMITII G2 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR ror 3 : mO"le.'n"or , 'nhcoliol . Ilrnt. 'I.OOI lul. piurIno and Baa bnthl T-:9l 26' MADAM LARUE . MASSAGE. UG S. 11Th. T-MC73 J' A8SAGI , MADAME BERNARD , H21 nODGE. - : : 22' TUlKISH BATHS TUJISn nATHS' ONLY PLACE IN CITY exelu.l\eIY for iudi5. Suite 1O-I0 Dee bldg. MSU PERSONAL. flit. T. W. STONE , 810 N. Y. LIFE , TEl. CI , 13-371 . U-1 . ; THE ImLt1 L't'I'IIItLY CORSET . MADE TO order front meo ure. 1919 lornol street. 13-373 U-7 MASSAGE , BLI"RO TlEI\IAL BAThS , chlrollodlsl. 1 me. Iosl. 319 ½ H. 15th DATIS - U-1 SKATIS OlOUND , I0LLOW on PLAIN , AT A. L. Undelan\s , 106 S. 1th street U-to "IAVI CO. , 3tC llE IILDO lWALTl me. Jlmr U-3i SWIIDISIL : OVI:1NT CURE YOR LADIES 1816 Chicago sl. : con.ulalon.entllc. . facial and obesity treatment free 10nd \ . , Jnnuary. 13-2.13 IGJI3' B. IIASS . J1.Om8T. PLANTS , CUT FLOW- cr8. Banquet , hnl residence and grave deco- rations , 1013 . Vinton street lelelhll 77k' . U- NEWT.Y JlT'I D tUTH 1'AItLORS. TurkIsh and electric baths for ladle , itnd gentlemen - men Madam howell. 320 S. : In.len Inc . 2 gente lor. U-M77. 23' U-111 THEOSOPHY. CLAUDE FALI.S'ItIGIIT'S second and third lectures wIll he WIGlT'S hal , Wednesday and Saturday. Pale.on : I0W TO GET MATUtIIID. AODmSS WITH stamp , lrdentnl Matrimonial 1urc : " . , (02 New York Lie , Omaha Neb. 13-013-21' N'T.EfAN WITH . SON 7 YIIAI1S O AGE wishes home In II'h.ate. Christian family , near chol nnlt within walking dl.lnnce , where child cnn have best of care , father being ah3ent frl city four days each week. State tenns DOd rul I'artcular Address No 301 - : S. - 1th A TIOtUGIBIED ENO.ISH POINTEI1 . IN stud , pedigree shown nl 52 South 16th street. 13-2.1070 21' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ES.TATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. LIFD. loans nl low rates for choIce security In Ne. "fsea and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. _ W-17 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney Kansas CI\V Mo. 'V-ITS MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA , ' real estate. Brennan . Love & Co. . I'nxton W-319 1,1k. ' ' - MONEY TO LOAN AT ' LOWEST . JONEY T nATES. TIlE I ' 'f.WEB 0. , F. Iavl Co. . 15 : 1"\nnm st. W-51 TIE' VERY LOW RATE MAD ON GOOD LOANS. J. , v Squire 2tS lice bldg. W-81 , CITY LOANS. C. A. . STAnn 515 N. Y. LIFE. W-S CITY AND FAIM LOANS AT LOWEST rntes. Iu.ey & Thomas . l'lnl Nal'l Uk. ldg. W-38 MONEY 'O LOAN ON. IMPROVED OMAHA pro"erly. Fidelity Trust company . 102 1"nnam 01A1A : W-32 I LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY , ' property.V. . 1'nrnnm Smith & Co. . 130 Farnam . , W-3S1 S , MONEY TO . LAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE i , nt 6 per.cent. W. D. Meikle ht Nat bank bid . , W-3 - MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. . I MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE . I'IANOS I and ni kinds of security. I'red Terry . room (30 Inmgo block. X-319 . MONEY TO LOAN ON IIOUSIIIIOLD FUnNI- 10USElOLD ture. pianos. horses. wagons . or any kind of chattel security nt lowest possible rates , which I you can pay back nl any .tImO and In aoy nmounl. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . , Hem 4 , 'Vltmel lock. X-389 . J. 11. HADDOCK , ROOM m IAMGE BLOCK 24-361 : MONEY TO LAN ON FUHNITUnE. PIANOS , horses . wagons etc. , at lowest rates In city : no removal of goods : strictly confidential : you ca pay the loan off nt any time or In nny aount amount.OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . ZOO S. lOUt streel. 24-383 X-8S BUSINESS CHANOES WANTIID A MAN WITH A STOCK OF DRY gds or money to Join with a stock of JIY cerles God location and trade eetabiished. John Ledwich. Avoc Iown e.lobl.he. INCREASE YOUR INCOME : SEND FOR FitlIll Fn l"l book . "Itosy to ' Trade Successfully . In Grain P Small Margins. " I'erldns & Co. 21 flIalto . Co. ! nlalo. ChIcago. - . 1-M445 J29" - FOR SALE IAICIY AND RESTAURANT : A go paYing business : reasonable term Call on Maleld Bros. , Neola , In Y-M834 Cal SALOON FIXTURES FOR BALU. CALL AT , 13 North 21h street Y-M874 23" FOR BALE ONtI.UAL.F INTlmEST IN OLD ttablshed furniture end undertakIng "u.lne8 : sickness of one partner the cause of sellIng ; any one wanting this Idnd of business cnn .C cure good oaylng business about . , cur Onylng : . ! $1,000.00 g $1.0,0 needed. Address I" 23. nee. Y-MttOt FOIL SAI.E CHEAP-AN l f , 101 ELEGANT SlIT OF 1"lon Ixturs : also building for rent cheap : nnm centrmilly st. lulled , Inquire A ! MartIn - , 3615 - I"I , CASE ANI CLEAn I.AND FOR 2.IL'ttCIAN. 101 lflCHAN. dime : can do buslnels QUl l Luck box 61. Ooth. enburg . Neb ' -107 " FOR EXOHANGE. , TEXAS LAND FOR SAI.E AND TnADE. 17,712-acre tmel near mi road. bargain de- terrel pnymentl. Other Texas lands for Irode. What ore YOU trading ? Address The F. C. Ulghilllh Land Co. , Fort \Yorth Tex. J' ZM81 $ 20' A FINE RESI\NCl s0m n\SINI SS I property and hnd located In and near city of i Oak c. , N. 1. , to exchange for n stock of hiatt ! . ware. Enquire of I" , 0. Cody oake N. har. ' - . isg' : TO I XClANO J"1 lnmClAN1SE , FIRST. clan farm land In central Nebraska Addrca , ' M. D. Hadox , Shelton . Neb. ! Z-lIS Aldrco' 2" TO I XCHANOP NICE CLEAR LOT FOIl ; good horse end buggy : must b la ltnit.ciass condition . Address 1' 65. lel 015cc . Irt.cass Z-M012 22 - - W ANTE\ TO TRADE GOOD 7.nOOM ] tOtISl , anti lag 101. choice location . for H0IS1 I 1111 In the vicniy of Omnlm ; will pay difrerezict I In cash If any. Address 0 I , Omnha dlterenco le. " . Z-M037 16 "Z-1U1 t , TItADIO J'on OMAHA l'ltOPIiltTy-2.1y vnUG clock , rc.ld.'nc. anl 2. ) acres and two storm I \ building , , nO. C , I' . C.ughlan , Chapman , , , Neb. , ZM9G-:3' 'TO I XCHANGE J'OI GOOn FAIIM LANDS at Ictual , 'alue In easter l'All Western I Iowa , stock of general merchandise , wester I $ tO to Uo.OQ , anti store building . In\olce Wi I assume Imal Incum"mnce or pay difference In I cash. Atrea A. W. Clark" , l'uI'llon. Neb. Z-MU69 - - i -n BALE-R AL ESTATE IIAItOAII6B . 110135115. LTS AND FAItMS . , sale or tmd . 1' . It Darling. Barker I J'AlIS. .Iocl 1'1 13AL2. NtJW .HOOM CTA0 : CIIL. , jar . oist , in . city water ; cor . 3th antI CEL ; ; IZ.O hone Ume. Inquire 133 Farnam : 6ruel Burns. HE391 LOT 1.01 SALtS CIIIIAS' : I'AHT CASH AND ; ballnce on tUne ; rrot front by 15 ! . whit aile3 wll In the rear , Z miles from pootolce : lot alI . ) block I. I tn Sprtngdalo addition city of Omalum , , Sprlnjdalo alilon Jonas Oak. box U , Andover. I. , lE-II 011u u. I UAVE A GOOD. CLEAR LOT IN OILTIJ CIJI J or city 10 trde for an equity In tOnTl : wet preferred . or weld trade for I god lot In or near Hawlhorn addition . Address 1 tG. IJe'e. " IE-MS6 la" "F- I , I- I c $ : ' 'a , . ' CI : . . . ; . , . . - ' -i-L : ; : . . . - . VL MA'rTT.BA.-Tt was a good turn you did iile when you told nio of Santa Claus Soap. It makes the clothes whiter titati any other , and savea tithe ailti. work. MARV.-Yes , azid It does not Injure the hands or the clothc8. SANTA CLAUS SOAP. Made by THE H5 K FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago. - , FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Continued. LIST BAHOAINS IN LANDS WITH CAI1I1OLL M. Carter , it. 5 , main hour N. Y. IE-8G-F1 To. CAnlo.L Omnhn. SlElDAN , WYOMING. A chance seldom secured I have for aihi' six : 1111 blocks containing i2 lots : C2 IntI cx15 nail S lots 6G"I23 ; In the MoUntain View addition to the town of ilhcri- National mint ) . \Vyomlng bank : mid mIle Immediately from I' . adjoining O. nitti First time Lincoln I.nn.1 COII'lo1 II'opert ) ' . ! Considered the best residence ' additIon. Price for Ih" i2 lois , If sold by" February 1 next "y $ ,0. 0. These lots are desirable for residence properly and located on the choice residence side of Sheridan. Apply for further I'nrtculnrs to . ItlIltflEltT W. TYLER. Heal .tot" Agenl Sheridan . " 'yomln . HE-1S 2t XCHANGES AND SALES : CITY IHOI mTY , fnrmB merchandise G8'vln Bros. , 210 N Y. Life 1113-403 FOR SALE , A 120-ACHE I AH : 15 MILES northwe.t of Omaha. Addreas J 3. Dec. 1111-M330 323' lU:39 J2' IAHGAINS : HAI.E OIl TlAD IN CITY IlOI- erUes and torm. John N. Frcnzr opp I' . O. HE-M83 YOU GE POORER E\'EHY DAY PAYING rnt Buy one of these : 3717 N. 22d. S-rixm 1 % -Btor $1,10.0. $100.0 ro.h. balance monthly : N. ' \ ' . corner of , ) and Costeliar , 5 room. , I-story. c ft. trent. $ .GO. nnl $540.00 cn.h. r"ol' "nl- nne easy : 20th street boulevard . north 5 rooms , 1-.tol' . c ft. lot , $ .40.0. $25i.00 c.h. balance very easy : Zth anti 8pauldlng. vacant lot $10,0 : 2th and Bristol , vacant lot , UOO . Large 1.t ; 4 teams remuly to show prpert ) . . rn H. I.J. Cole Co. , lOG N. 15th. J -M901 21 5HOOJ COTTAGE. FULL LOT FENCED : vet1 . cIstern , ouUJI\ng. ; 800.0G cnRh. Address 391 Grand nvenue. HI:18H 23' WANTED T LOAN $10,0. Wanted to borrow $000. 'Vonted farm for cneh and hardware. " 'nl.1 house for cash anti clear lot9. ' \'nnl(1 business property for cea c.h and property . Wanted merchandise for o. farm " 'nnted merchnndls for clear Innd. C. F. HarrIson. 91 N. Y. LIfe . Omahn. R - 9-22' FOR SALII-50.ACI1I3 ! YOUNG OI1CITARD. % way between Seymour park and new state fnlr grounds . on Center street tofu. 1.0 good 3-yeam'.old apple treei. 2,0 3-'cnr-old go . ni In good state of cultivatIon . , Inn Inrs hIgh : and I llhty : yoU cnn see all over Omaha and South Omaha from It : house barn corn crib. cow sited . good well and cistern and cave , also ale good bxelder anti walnut glove nit around ; hou. . a well M smol bearing crpp _ vineS , yard and plum. appleand cherry-trees : lotcd 616 miles B. ' W. of I' . O. For price ' anti term I address . 0 ( . Bee . prc H - 9:2-2 : - . LOST LOST. YESTEnDAY. ON FARNAM on HAn. ney streets . n black ear trumpet with cord tube attached : tInder will please / return t 12' South 2th slreet. 9t5 21' LOST. A LARGE RED COW. RETURN TO 1824 DOdge street and get reward . MOOS ge rewnr. M9 , ROTE . . HOTEL BARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. i5 rooms nt $ .5 per day. , i rooms I $2.0 per dny. I Special rates to commercial travelers. Room , and bard by week or month. Frank Hidich , , , manager. 39 AETNA HOUSD ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR 131h and Dodge. Rooms by day or COn 398 MIDLAND HOTEL. con. lCTH AND CHICAGO etreets. American plan , $1.50 anti $2.00 per $ .0 lay. European plnn. 50 and $ .00 per day itooms , single or en.uUe for families or gentle' . men. nl reasonable rates. 11. J. I'mnck. gente. I'fl. M-021 1'19 WEDSTEI hOTEL 119 HOWAnn STREET : ; .te hooted rooms. bath : board Ir.t.cln. : ; rea.oable rtes M935 26" i ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES . . ARMATURES AND CONVEITEnS REWOUND : storage batteries recharged : electrical and general , oral machinists : superior work guaranteed . Omaha Electric Wonka . 6I and 619 guarntoe. 8 st , ELECnCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTnAC- . , torE for electric lIght and motor plants anti all iminds of I ig constructIon. Western Elec- I trlcal Supply Co. , 48 and 40 S. 151h at . 43 : LEATHEI BELTING CISAS. A. SCIIIIIREN & CO. , Mfg . 30 8. 12th st. Vn UDERTARS AND EMBALMERS 11. K BURICIIT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 161 Chicago at , telephone 00. 39 SWANSON & VAL1EN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 101 Cumlnl II. . telephone 1060. , 304 2.1. O. MAUL. UNDmTAleEI AND EM. hnlmer , IUT Fnram at. . telephone 223. 3)5 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER 612 S. lCth ST. 39G COAL. 13. T. MOUNT IAS HE10VED IUS COAL office to 2 S. IGth ot. , Drown blocle. (01 SIttiIttDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUIJSTITUTI'I SJDAN for hard coni. and $3,60 ton SU1STITUTE . : 1"ar. nOI street : main entrance . Board of TdU . 403 ALL KINDS 0' HAn AND SOI"T COAL. I. LevI , 715 S. 131h street : telephone 1549. - , . -287 .124 BUILDING & LOAN ABSOOIATIO NOW \OW T GET A I0ME on IIECUItII GOOD SECUtE Interell' on saving Apply to Omaha I. & 11. As50. , H1 nee ! ld ! G. 1 [ . Nattinger . Sec. 399 I. HHAIES IN MUTUAL L AND U. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8'por cent when 1 , 2. 3 years old , always redeemable HOI I"anam st . , Nattinger , Sec. (1 BIO CLES. M. O. DAXON , (02 N. 15TH . (01 01AUA ICYCLE CO. , 32 N 16H ST. 509 STF\.INO BICYCLES : BUILT LIEU : A WATCU Western Electrical Supply Co. , ( % S. 15th sl. ' .MS2 1'1 AUCTION . BUSINESS SO.ICTED IN WELnY AND I merchandise of all descriptions ; twenty ) 'ears' experience ; satIsfaction guaranteed. best or references : sales made In and out of city . Cal on or address J. D. Lewis . olle : ciy. . 151h street , with John Daumer , Omaha. omallsa 1"3 OAPENTEUS AND BUILDERS C. 1 MOI11OILL . CONTRACTOR & hltJlLDCtt . Paper hanging , house and sign painting , brick paintng & ! w"rk. plo.lerllg : otfice . rom 1. ilarlaor Bile. : larkorlk. - tel. 735 : shop 22l Jard : tel 4)8. 1181 \lk. CUTTING BCHOOL. TIE AnT 01" CUTTING MEN'S CLOTItIIS laught day or evening ; terms relnale I'ar. Iculara Df Max Morris , culu , U' J'arlm It. - 1192 I WEOIESALD COAL. JOHNSON 111105. . WHOLESALE DIlSALIlItS IN all I"nrlm ' kinds street. of coal. Correspondence DEALEIS .lcled. ( 103 I COSTUMES. ' ; , LADlES ' AND M13'SMASK ! SUITS FOR rent at Golden Eagle . MASI . 11 S. SUTS . . rrn. DENTISTS DR. PAUL DENTIST , I BURT ST. i STOVE REPAIRS STOVE flEt'All'tS FOR 40.000 DIFFEI1IIN'i ; lEIAtS (0.0 lIFI I'JENT intlaca of stoves. Water attachment and con nections a peenl ) ' . Jc Douglas street , Omaha Stove Repair S0tks. . ! (06 DlESS MAKING. DHESSMAKING IN FAMII.iIlS. FIT AND ; style guaranteed. Address U 40 , Boo. Mi9f 23 ' . Dn MAtm FOR $2.00 AND U1'WAIIU : geol , \\'orlt giaranteed. 1321 South U'\\'AHO , ) tatrs. 11H 2G' - . HAY AND GRAIN. NFllASIAAY CO. , W10I.ESAt HAY , grain anti mi sturr. We are always on tin market to buy or sail. l02t.G Nicholas sl. . 414 - I , JOB PRINTING. HEED JOl I'EINTING CO. , FINE PI1INTINC I ot all kinds. 1th at. . flee bldg. r l'nNTINO SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. . VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SltOttT 1IAND , N. Y. IMe , Omaha Ask for cIrcular. IAND 111 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY U. 9. COM'L NA'"L DANK BLDG - " , " Ga1" - . . MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GCLI.ENlmCBANJOIST AND GUITAr teacher , 191 Cuss street. VB BUSINESS NOTICES. . DAMAGED MIRRORS IIESILYIIRED 719 N. 16. 40S S m JI : , 1rapu Man of , " e : k4i 3 T \ INDAPO ' I , o .1 , Til GnKL I1IDOOChEMEDY .4 laODtCE 'rims 80\8 I ' nJULT8 II 80 " D\rt. O'li'cs all Norol I Sioepiessneu ntsemtnns. } 'olin/ Il4tmuo"y , e 9 : Bions , . etc. , caUSed by past a1mmee , " ( and e" toibiunienorgatis ' . and vl\or II'.ln orgAnl. . butEorly i'estorem , . QUlcJy utEnrcY I'estore Lost Manhood In old or.nntl' 'lasity : carried veal pooket. I'rleo I.OO a package. Six for : - O0 vst n "rIUenluQ"nn o tcu..pr moneyz'ctunded . foal bUI03 'miaIo" . but In.lst.on having IroliAI'O , U r I : rrlt Medical : : ' : : : Ciege we vJil , Bh..rearagt4i INIAl'O . 50ID by' Kuhn & $ oCorxtii'onii : Douglasa f . , mid J. A. , Fuller & Co : . Cor. zth nod Dot'giaa 5t9 OMAHA NEB. Ittl D01'II : - DB. C. GEE ' WO. WHO IS HE ! . . . . Ho Is one of the most skillful of Chinese dot - . . ' tors. because of his grec it knowledge and cure ; . . . . Having been eight yeai , . In the medical college of ) . China he understands tie Immediate action of oyer 5,000 remedIes . With fourteen - teen years of practice anIi , . - - over four yeats of that time In Omaha has give hIm n reputation baclac . reputnton baclol . d- II i by thousands of teat . . onials In curing II VEIl Y i'.s tn ChARACTER of dl.ease. whether CItItONIC on OTIIilIt\VISI1I. Dr. 6 3. Gee Wo guarantee , a cure In every case or the ; ' money wl Le refunded. Consultation free. Send a two-eenl stamp for boole and question blank . . Dr. C. Goo Wo , 1010 N. 16-st. , Oll\ha. Nub - S GUPHENEJ ) , . .w Cures tIme effects of I leU-abuse. exceasem . excea.eB , emissions . , impotenc I fr varicocele and constipa : 3 . tion . One constpa. . - lon. dolar 0 bx. , . , six for 15 For sale by ; a/ , TilE GOODMAN DnUG : 4 , - Ag CC ) . and LESLIE & LESLIL. Omah4. Net : . : 'E : r DUR'U , SUES & CO. , HollcItor. DiC I3IIUdDg . OMAHA. Neb. Advice FUEE. RAIL'V ' TIIE ) CARD I Lei IIUI1LINGTON & 2.10. ltlVER.IArrivos I OncuimaUntonDepot _ , 10lh & MasonSt&1 Omaha I 10:11am..Denver : 1'3xprer- 1n.on . . . . ! . . IO.lm : I 4:35pm : 111k. hills. Mont. , & l'uget find IIxlh4pm : 4:35pI1Ie. :3pl. : . . . . . 1Iont. Ex l'uJel . . . . . Ex.1 . . : IOpl 6tI'm.Nehr.ka ; l.eal ( except Sunday ) . .6ilpna : 8llamn.Ltncotn : : . . , . 8:15nl..I.llcoln Local ( except Sunlay.11llacn : 2:43pm. : .I.'ult Mal ( for sun.lay/.1:2im ) U.I . . . . . . Leaves \ CIIIC'ACO. IUU.ING'ON & Q. ' Arrives Omaha Union DelOt,10t11& 1o.on Hts.1 . Omaha : . . . . . . . . . .Chl Vestibule . . , , . , , , , . V:50am : O:5nl..ChlcHGO : Vsll)1e. . : . . : 4:11pm : 11lIpm..Ciiicago : . and SI. Iucmis Special . 8:00am : 11:35am..aeltic : Junction l.cal. . . . G:0pm : . . . ' . . , . . 6:551.m..lnclc : Junction ' l.cal tel ( Sun ) . 2:10pm : Leaves C1flCAQOMlLThTpAU1jArrivea : Omnha Union Depot , lOth & . JCL-ArV. ' : : : : : Clmicagn ' 1.11110 . . .7. . . : . 9:30al : 11lOmm..ChIcago : Express ( Cx. : < _ Sun. .l.6lo)1 ) : Lea\'e ICICAOO ( & NORTIIWCS'l'N.IArrlves : OlnalmaIUniOnIopot _ , Ncin'f 1Iason8.Omahl 1 :0am. : ' . , . . . . Easter Express. . . - . 5:30pm : 4:03pm..estlbuied : E.11. , . . , . . tOam : 6 :55ul. : . . . . .10. Ynley . lIneal..10:30pm \ : 5:1511. : ! . _ _ ' _ ' . . ! C ' lleelal. . " . ' _ . 2:1prii : Leaves . CIICAOO : , H. " I 1 PACIFIC. : lArrivei Omahu Union Depot , 10th & Mason $ tc.l ! Omahl . _ ' . _ _ _ _ U:5.m..AanUe : 1 i EAJ' . Rund > . , , G:0 : G :2pl. : . . ! . . . . ' 'pre1' Jxpr . . . . . . . 951m ; 4 :30pm. : .Chicago Veall\l ( 1.lmhe. . 1:05pm ; U3I.m.Oklahola _ E.p. ( ( pCIJ. ex. 8un..I:3pl ) : ' WI S'l : & : llnm.Olelahmonia & 'IL-c-1:1. ; tex . Sun,11 :3lpmu : 1 :1011 : , , . . . . . . "x"l ; ' , , . lun..1:30PI . , . . . :011 : l.ea\P I I C. . ST. I' . : ; lL' & o. lArrives . Onmahmaliepot . l1tiLantY bster StsJOmaha D:23.un..Nebraska : ! 1loorl \ ( r ( daily ) . . . O''nn : 4:35pm..Sioux : City Express 'ex. Sun. ) . . 8:1511 : 6:1011..Ht : PoU .I.lllel. . 8un..1:5am . . . ; : 14'flVes I" . , N. & 11AI.I.I \ IArrlves : 15th and.'batcr tita.I Omaha 2IOpl..I..a.1 : Mal anl ' IJ.preu..I:55pm " : 2:0pm.ex. : ( I t. ) \\0. fix . .I.x. : Ion , ) . ( :5PI : 9:03am. : .Norfolk ExpresS cr. ( SUn'lay,3OIlana ) : : OPI . . . : ' ' . .St . l'aul . ! : ? ! : . . . . . ) . . .10:30al . . : .m ! K. C. . ST. . c.n. IArrlve = OlflahmaUnIonIepotiOth ! . & _ MStsLOmnaha 9:50am..Ifansas : . City Day nx re. . . . 6IOpl : , 1:55pm.IC. : _ Night Ux. via I' . I' . Tran. . . 7:3011 : Leaves I 1URSOUII 1 1'ACI l"1CiAive , IArr\'es Omaha Depot 16h and \'ebsler St. . I Omaha 9:41am : . . . . . . St. l.ull IIpt'ess. . . . . . 6:00am : 9:30pm..St. ; Louis 1..lre8. 1'.llc. . . . . . 6:0.llm : . 5lopmn. : . . Nebraska local tex. 5jin. . ) . . . : IO.m i : , i JUX'ITY'CIFi Tirfrss .Omlhal Depot 151h antI Weblter 131mm. 1 I Omaha - GIOp.H.I.oul : . anl Limited I . , . . . . . . . . . 9:40am : - -.H.I.oul- ! l.l\'es (8l01324 ( CITY & PAC1FIC. - - lArnIy'e , Omaha UnIon Uept. 10lh . & Mason . Stll Omaha 6:55am..Sioux : " City l'pagenger.l0Z0 ; : : ! : 'I. - . . . . . . . . .St'iUIT- Ciy . . . . . . : . ; ooi Leave \ NIN I'ACIFIC. - Arrives . CI'l.IArrh' ( mahmmelUuton UpQI 10th & Mason . . Sts.1 . Omahl 10:00am..l-Cearney : " haute's. . . . . . . . SlSpmu : : : . . . . . . . . ( ) . Flyer : : : : t:3p'n : , 2Oopcu.iieatrice 7:30pm. : : : . . . . . . . & . ' Strotmisb'g 11apness Us. . ( ax. , , I . Sun . , . . ) . . . 3:1pm : : . . 1\pm. : . . . . . . . .I'aclo _ \ t } la I. . . . , ! o . . . .10:5511 . : I l : l. 'VAl.\HI flAILVAY - IArrh'e UiRha Ilnlon Depot 10h 6 Mason Stl.1 Omaha I 2:35pm : . . . , . .ti t . Luis Cannon Da1. . : : : : : j . TO FORECLOSE A MORTGAGE - Judge Slnbom Snst'in the Application in the Union Pacifo Case - PRESENT RECEIVERS WERE \ REAPPOINTED MaIn tine SCJIC81crer from the .nnlnrer of the Systcl : n I'nr ni Accounts Are Coneernel-l'mt Earnings Uot Conerncl-I'Mt ItnrnlnJ8 Vlt,1 to Settle ( nrr.nt nehts ST. LOUIS , Jan 2I.-Unltii States Clr. cult JUdge Walter I. Sanborn toln ) ' hanlel ) down his decisIon upon the npplcnton at 1 : ' . Gordon Dexter nutS Oliver Ames , .ecolll , trustee for time first mortgng bomlhohcrs $ ot the UnIon 1aclfo Hallway compnny for separate receivers for the I'orton ' ot the Union 1aclfo s'stem covered by the first mortgage. The decision , or order , covers even closely typewritten pnges , and In effect grants the applicatIon . The receIvers appointed are the smo ns these now In charge ot the entire system vlz. : S. I. I. Clark Oliver W. Mink , B. 1licry Anderson , John " ' , Doano alit ) Frederic ft. Coudert The tstml thIrty days for filing , bond , amid ninety days for Ilng their first reports are ni owed the receivers The or- , tier , Which embraces ten clauses , provides , that funds already earned by the road , shah bo ttse.h by Limo receivers to settle debts and just ' elnlms under the Ilreseut receIvership. In hlton , the court reserves the right to order that any deficiency In such funds shah , bo made II ) from future earnings under the separate receivership. In effect , tim decision today simply se- questrtes the old main line from the rest of the system , only so Car ns nccounts arc : concerned , so that the property covered byI : time fIrst mortgnge shah bo within easy reach I oC time mortgagees. ' 11 property coverel by the first Inert' Inert'L gage referred toln tim petition Is that placed L on tht main line fron ) Omaha to Ogden anti I no olher. 'fho oIlier Portions of the roth ! and I time branchmos . whlo under the managemenl , oC the same receivers , wi have I separate : system of accountng , alhougl they wl' be run by the same executIve. Before he istieeh the order Judge Sanbor I state that he had chaned one clause mak- { Ing Cuture earnings to I certain extent lable for present Indebtedness , lS hI felt that this I much protection could not bl gIven the 11res. ent r eelver In tbe Ames case. lie stated ( I however , that before maltng aiiy order to Ilay al ) ' of the present operating indebtedness he i would alwa'S give the plaintiffs In tw fore closure suit the \rlvlegl of I hearlug. At torey Pierces for time complainants stated i that ho was perfectly satisfied with the ci'tier The judge then called for time nppearance I ! of the Union Trust company : all the Union m 1 Pacfc Railway company . Mr. Pierce rep. resented one nnd Attorney Kell' . In behalf of r I tlo Union Pacific , time other Judge Sanbor I appointed Mr. lely specIal clerk and Inca senger for the cO\lrt to carry the order and I time nppearances to the clerk's efce of the northern district of this circuit at Omaha and I place them en file. le. Judge Sanbor stated ' aCer the order had i been issued that the appoIntment of the new receivers In no wise changed the mnnner of r operating the system , but that the future surplus - plus earnings of Uw main line would now apply to the payment of the first mortgage bends. _ _ _ _ _ _ SENATOR 'lUH 'O'S 1tUTUIt2' : . 10 Talks Ullonlho l'oreclnKlr ! u"Jocl , ( of Vnlon l'ncllo , General Solicitor Thurston of the Union I Pacific returned Sunday morning from St Louis , where Io went to represent tile receivers - ' ceivers of the Union Pacific In the fore I' closure proceedings commencCl by the trustees of thl first mortgage bondholders : against Uw main Ino Of time Union Paelf 1 roach He was accompmled' : on , Ils return by H. S. Hal , who represents the trustees of the first mortgage bonds Judge W. R. Keley remaining until Judge Sanbor had signed tIme formal order In the foreclosure proceed ings. _ I was Judge Thurston's intention to leave for Portland Wednesday to bo present nt the henrlng on the apphica - ton for I separate receiver for the Short Llno and also In the mater of the receivers of the Union Pacific paying for the damages done by foods along time Columbia .rlver. A \vlre I was received by Mrs. Thruston yesterday : I front Oliver \V. Minim , one of tle receivers , of time Union Pacific . announcing that the hearing In the Short Line mater had been postponed until February 15. I Is now the dEsire oC the aterey for the receiver of the Union Pacific 10 have the Oregon Halway : & Navigation company case go over unt I the Short Line date , 0 that lie will not be compEle to remain two weeles In the Sound counlry. Should he be uccassfui In Jistpon- Ing these cases lie will go to New York and Washigton and while east will take the oath as senator from Nebraska. Speaking of the suIt of foreclosure , Judge Thurston said : "The situatIon of the prop erty has reached a point where Coreclosure was Inevitable. The first mortgage Interest Is In default , the system In the hands of re- ceivers. The first Installment of $6,475,000 of the prIncIpal WIll be due January 1 , 1896 ; , and there Is no possibility of this amount being pall except by foreclosure sale. This foreclosure of the Irst mortgage cn time Unldn PacIfic main line Is really the last foreclosure to bo brought , the mortggees on the Oreon Hallway & Navigation company , on thin UnIon Pacific , Denver & Gulf , on all the divisions of the , Oregon Short LIne & Utah Northern , on the Kansas Pacifc , Den- , vet Pacific , Kansas Central and several , other branch lines . are already In process of foreclosure , anti recel\ers have been appointed - pointed under all of them. "This foreclosure does not prejudice the government Interest In any possible way . The government can COtO Into this case awl foreclose its 10rtgago as a second len , or It can foreclose independently , but always subject - ject to the first mortgage. 'fhe tme has now come when congl'eB must olher act during the laesent sessIon or time mater has passed beyond legislation end must be set. ted by the courts 1 nl very glad this Is so , because II will relieve tile . ns senator from the responBlbltes of legislation. " As 10 the nsserton that there was a scheme back of the foreclosure hroughl n1 this time . Judge 'hurston said that the trustees , when they lade the statement that foreclosure vould , have to C0l0 unless scmethlng was done 1Y congress at this sos- alan , .vere laughed at by outside interests but when the trustees decided to Protect their mortgage phase. interests things assulwd : different Al to the Short LIne separate receivership . It Is now underMoc that time Ileclehohlers , the first mortgage holders and the gov ' r. lent repreecntatves wi ollpcJe any chnngo In he ( recoiversimip on the Short Line on the theory that time operation of the Short Line ought to be continued as part of the Union Pacific system 3F33.313) IN 24Itt11IttSIfA. Foreclosure l'roc'clnI8I"llt time \nion I'nolfp In.lllt1 % In ( ) smimilmmi . The bill Df complaint , wherein F. ordon I Dexter and Oliver Ames second , as trustees oC the first mortgage bonds begun an acton of foreclosure against the Union Pncilc hIatt- way cOmpany , the Union Trust company of New York , J. Pierpont Morgan and Edwin I ; ' . Atkins . trustee , thin Central Trust COlmi- hidren Cry fo' ' Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry fe : Pitcher's Castorla.- Children Cry'JI I Pitcher's Castorla. - , DUFF"'S P liRE liLT WHISKEY. AU Dru gi8t9. panT of New York , the Central Pacific flail- road com plny , the Southern Pacific company and 1 hal hundred other corporations In. eluded In the UnIon Pacific Railway corn' p arty , was fed 1n the clerk'a oft of the .1s. trlct court for Nebraska yesterday afternoon by n. S. hail , representing the complainants . This Is theme bill which was brought be' b. fore Judge Sanborn lat Saturday Inorning . sitng In chambers In St. I.olis. nn order In i which was made yesterday by JIlsl Snnborn , appointing the present receh'er as receivers under foreclosure . l reeolver uller proceedings poeellngs. This bi Is now made ancillary In the states through 'hlch the main hue of time Union Paelf passes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J 'TIS : TU IU AU\\CU. : Uoul : Agree 11111 a Ioh.lu\o \ that non Jntn ( Effect Next 7tOIitli . There will be t general advance In passenger - ger rates In the territory wcst ot the Mis. sourl rivet about February 10 . It the rate Blinds can be lined up by that time . All lnes l In transconlnentnl territory have agreed to the advance , including the Union Pacific , Santa Pc ouch Southern Pacific . Gen- eraly speaking the new first class rates as a"ree,1pen , . to nil points nest of the Mis. sourl river arc simply In the nature ot a restoration , rather luau an increase In many cases tIme frt.clss ral.s are less than what they nero previous to the pros- OmIt Ilemornl7nton. The new Fheet wi show that as to the second class rates . they have either bcen abohlalmemi , raised . . eiher abolsheI or $5. lx. curslon rates to Pacific coast faults wl be advanced abut $ tO over the present tariff. Time commIttee having this re-athustlnent In charge . ngree(1 ( to cancel al excursion rates west wih the exception of time Pacific conqt The excursion rates to other points that have heretofore enjo'c.1 , all. 'antngc dtlrillg the EUmllr 'or ' ni the year wi new be exclusIvely met for summcr excursion buslnlss between May and : September. This will materially affect simitil mer resorts In Colorado Utah , Montana all eastern \Vashiiigtnn An effort was ma.le In commlleo meeting meelug to make alt one way rates nhsolntI' COn' tlnuou . hut the rCOltitlOil ! Cnle(1 for want of unanImity . anti the present manner of handling one way husness ! , with stopovers vl tim ill the lmi. I I will continue. A great ( heal of interest has been arouse.1 In railroad circles as to the bJsls of settle- merit between tIme Santa Fti I amid o sette- clfc roads , which for several years have been IghUng COmhstahitly. l rom thoroughly reliable Eouces The Dee is privileged to say that the Southern PacIfic concedes to the Santa 1"0 the right 10 sell tickets to San Francisco , via Los Aneks. The Santa Fe concedes 10 the Souther ! Pacifc time right to carry souther Calfornia huslness through the Southern Pacific's northern lermlnals anti also via San Frnnclsco. And In nllditOI the Santa Fe reduces its Souther California . Ifornla nrblrarles , which have here- tofore been dcmandcd In divisions ta 1 much moro reasonable basis. Time local rte of $ G. which the Sante Fe demandEI frm the Soulhern Pacifc. , Is under the terms of the agreemCnt reduced , to $3.25 , about 40 pcr cent . oft. On all round trill California excursIon business ; through Ogden nntl back ' nll over Santo Fe's line 1 through Ilarstow or on business' the opium- , Site direction . the two roads have adopted , certain arhltrary percentages for divIsion of the rate whIch will even earnings tip cOim sitierabl3' ThIs division Is In the nature 1 oC 1 pool , both roads taking the Proportion of the agreell-npon nrbltrarlos mind therefore I l\oldhl ! nil the recrlmlnatol which have I been exceedingly Popular with these m'oads In the past. 10ats Mr. Lomax Is still stamlthing pat In his I propositon , bUI there Is a growing 50:111. : ' mont that within I day or two the boycott will be lifted on the Union Pacific all peace i reign In transcontnental rairoad circles. C- . "BLL "OUJITJU ' S2'OIIIES . . . SZ'UJlIS. Several Persons Injured by a l"nlnl "clolll In C111cnlo , CHICAGO , Jnn. 21.-Severt people were 1 badly Injured today by the failing of a por- ton of the scaffolding on the new Fort Dearborn building at Clari . anti Monroe i ' streets. , The imeavy timbers were blovmi L from position and ; fiolhiug COlrle storIes , burled two men . one eC whom , J. D. Burke , , : ticket broker , was thoughl to be fatally In- jured. The others Injured were : A. J. Donaldson , clerk shoulder crushed. Frank Woodward , teamster , arm crushed , Wilam LucIus , printer : . scalp wonimfi . bruised. II. S. Fisher restaurant emplo'e , badhi . . A hal clozcn' other people WEre struck by failing timbers but not seriously hurt. H. II. Irwimi . clerk , dangerous Internal I InJuries. George Dey , stenographer , hend badly emIt Time Fort Dearbor building . which Is nearIng - Ing coinpietiop , 'Is one of the most elaborate I of the "sley scrapers" In the city. Around i the two tell stories on time scaffolding extendIng - log several feet out from time wails lilt ( been I erected a heavy casIng for the protection of r tIme worhanuen Tie high wind lad loosened i m8ny of limo heavy planks , which had beer I Cnilng at Intervals Blnce the early naornimmg . Several people had been slightly Injured and L the police had cleared tie sldewale beneath ; I the dangerous structnre. Workmen were I pent to repair tin scaffolding when a strong : blast of wInd caugh a large portion of the I casing and tore I Cror its fastenimigs The i heavy timbers In falling sailed across tIme street and fell upon the opposite sldewale of Clark street. The crowds hearIng the I crash , broke wildly In nil directions alimi I many reached places of safety before lho casing struck. Store windows were smashed In and much damage was done 10 neIghbor- log buildings. Ambulances were hurriedly called and the badly Injured removell to hospial ! or their homes , nut ! time nearby drug stores were soon crowd with IIPople who had been slightly bruised by faiIng tmbers or cut by fylng glnss. I was at first thought that several \eoplu had been killed , but It was found later that none but Burleo and possibly Irwin was fatally ( hurt The street was crowded at the time of the accIdent anti many more fatalities would nn- doubtcdly have occurred had not the great height from which the casing fell given lany of he ( passersby time to escape. The gale which crushed the scaffolding on the Fort Dearhorn buiding caused damale In lany ether place In tIme city. SIjns Worn torn from their fastenings and hurled through wimidot's chimneys were blown . town and .aidewailas displaced. Time west wall of the bulhlng at 302 West MadIson street was bluwn In und two work- men narrowly eSealle1 ! death. 'fhe Interior of the lJIlng lad been destroyed by fire . leaving the wails stallclimmg . The men were at worle In time back or the building when the wal fell , and , although bruised by fying , bricks and timbers . escaped serious Injury. Time front portion of the buiding was burled under the dehrls alll completely wrecke3 About 2 o'clocle this afternoon the Ihlrty- elllt.oot flagstaff on ICingmiey's hotel OP/IO- / situ Ihe government buldlug was torn frcl itt base alit ! hurled , to the street . crashing ; Inlo a window anti danglo.usly Injuring Ed- , war(1 ( Ilarper . an eXllres man who was pitting 1 In his wagon hy the curb. lie was knocked senseless antI It Was thought that hIs skull was fr.ctured. kul A little later a heavy plate glass window . In time Hartford building at Darhor and ! adl. , son street was blcwn In. James Henson , , who was standing 1ear the window was ; struck by a large fall'ng section or the glass 1 and alne.st cut In two. He ( led shortly after time accldcnl Several pedestrians were hatly afer , cut by flying glass , one man fainting from Iou of blood whie awaiting . a physicIan . No safer remedy can be had for coughs ( all L colds , or trouble any of time throat , than I "Brown's Ironchlal Troches. " Irlce 25 eta Sold only In boxes - . brlwr V.o Intllllllon. I HA VBHULI" , Mass . . Jan 21.-I"our enlhus. lutc strikers mlanleth . } ! a Miller , Samuel I Rosen Jacob Rather and Simon I.orden have I been arrested on the charge oC Intmldalng I.eels Stelgler , a nonunion workman tmployed I at Chick Bros. ' . factory. Uros. Stelgler claims the t four len threw bricks anti other missies m a his home , one goIng through a wIndow and striking : a b3by which was sitting on Its sittng Is mother's hal ) . He also claimed that the : men tried 10 Intimidate Itito from goitmg bach ' to work on Monday , Tlte phmoe council has tnatlo arrangernenti I for a monster mmiecting anti Imarade for Tuos. clay , A number of iroininent labor leaden ; will speak. _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ .1mm hail temtd t'titcr Ohisomi 2.lmttohme I , NIS , YORK , Jan , 21.-Jim hail and Petem . , Ma800 , vlmo have been anxious for a bout fem some months , were matched to box tout r rounds In Imhiladehpbia on the night of Feb . ruary 23. . . - -f DONE TO FORCE TilE ISSUE Bontihohlors liavo an Object hi the Unlo5 Paciflo roroolostiro , I NDICATIONS WHICh COME TO SURFACE Tlmy Itc'gin to Sittnv that time hieceirers of limo 0yStomit 1miew of thin iirlnglng of tIme Stilts to l'rers Oitt tito tloterninrnt. The opinion hint thmt stmit in torechoeur. was bromighit to fcrce renic'mhial legislation on t he lihrt of congress appears to grow' s tronger as all of the facts iti connection with the ease become Plibhie. it Is fair to t ) rc'stmnio that time bonditolders o'iil hot hress t heir enit to a termination jt thit'r is an o pportunity to get timelr money thirotigh it t tlllthing bhii , for it. Is qtmehtiomnablo whether t he iiihii tine will bring niiy lmioro tlman time f irst hilortgage iintier tins imaninier , tiie receivers of time Union I'acifio were t ldtdotlbtethhy svcll acqtiatmiteml with time nctloti of tlm tl'tlsteeS of thuo first mortgage bontl , for iii time' memorial wiiiclm ' m'as neat to con' gross early last week urging tIme passage of tiio lteiiiy bill iii an ilhUeIlhCti ferni and pro. s'lthing for a 2 per cent immmteaml of a 3 ior cent blanket immortgago , a reference Is muatlo to ( lie foreclosure stilt begun In St. I.euis last Satttrdhy , This Is o'ory significant anti chews timt. tIme rec&vers vere fully i'Ostetl ubotit time l mlOVCilletltS orm foot. to frec'zo out the. govern- mneiit it it doesn't ecmnprohnlst3 on a third of tli iimteroet. that time conltn3' : .itdgeci itself to pay. The hileincriai also sp'lnks of thi COhliiiig foroctusuro of time first lnortgago of tin , Itammsas l'acific e.istcrn division first m ortgage bontis , aiiioituttimig to $2,210,000 , an3 the Kahmsns l'achilc limltitlb chivisicmi first Illort- gage bonds , amountIng to $1,0d3O0 , on which time coupons for Jtlntm antI August last , respectively , nra in delalilt. W'IIAT Ei.LEI1Y 4NDflttSON SAID , in au intervIew inibiisimed in limo New York herald fi. hilhery Anderson , talking of time foreciosmire stilt , said : "It , othgimt to hmastelm lcgL'hatlon. It may' bo too hate to tmroiect thm goVermminent' in- tcret it' 501:10 : action Is not taken cimmriug the ireseilt micsshcn , for I believe tIme inteimtiomi i to Press time smut emi time first lnortgago PrOimllttly , anti It time hmi'OIertY ovunt to a sale it imiigitt mint bring any more , and per- liaI ) mint as inticii , its the lust iutrtgago and lflterclt , V'lltCIt iS about $32,000,000. Sit this cast , tIme governlllent. % 'ouhd hose its emithro claim of $70,000,000 , where It 110w huts en Opitortuimity to make a 'ery advantageous sCttlemllCllt at a little lower into of interest tItan certain of time ralhroad cimmmnittema of congress tlmlilk it hiroper , " ' 'hut if thmis foreclosure suit takes tue eanie comirmie 513 iliost foreclosures It womild probably be a year or so boioro it actually cammmo to a sale , " stiggeiteil the reporter , It might , or it mIght be ( hielOSetl of llitmclm mimic expetiitictmt'hy , " said Mr. Anderon. "But why commldim't. the go'ernhmtont tahte SOimlO action to lrOtCCt. its imltorehts-say to btmy tIme road at tlmo proposed sale ? " "It could , to be smite. html mide from Its being iimllraethcabhe for time government to ohierato time property , it is hardly likely timat ammy iegishaticn could be socimesil itt this sesslcn looheing to such an experiment , or to protect its interests iii possIble contin- gemicles. " , ' Ir an extra 9)23100 ahiommhd be necessary in order to dispose of time currency qurot1on wimy shouldn't tue I'aeiflo railroad quention be taken tiii at thmc sammie time ? " asked the hlewaPaller man. "Well , we are not consldrlng the p08314 hhiity of an extra session in our recomn mcntlations to congrea , ' Mr. Anderson to- plied. plied.Wimiio Wimiio thmi Is interesting , as shiowliig imow the .recelvers stand on tIme foreclosure suit , ft nov' aeemiis lretty generally understood that Ia case cohigreso , does not act the fore- ciosure on other lartions of the stysteni era to be Pressed first , heaving time Union Pa cilia proper without a feede'rr or branchi line 01' any nrt , ithmply the imiiik. ONE'DAY FOR CONSIDERATION. TIme Wmisitlmigton correspondent , of the Now York Herald , iii writIng ills hiOIlCt Of time null brought last Saturday , said : "It. is not thought. however , that. such a move on the part of tue first mortgage bondholders vih1 Influence congress one way or another , it this action is intended to force the passage of the Reilly bill. "Time nlemnbera of congress who are conduct- log ( ito opposItion fight to all funding Incas- . Ures are confident of thmo strcmmgthi and abli- fly of tile governmemit to protect Itself in all calel vhtere debt is duo it and they rely oi. ( lila confidence. There is a growing doubt mis to the possibIlity of a imeariiig for time Reilly bill tlOXt week' . "Domnarmds upon time committee on rules for time are so ntitnerous and frequent that tIme committee on Pacific roads has been infotmed that only emma day can be allowed. It next veek. As two days are especially denired it. is mmct improbable that. tIme comnmnhttoa w11 conclude to have its hearing time followIng week. "All the while time governimaont etr.nds.p larently Idle. It is either awaiting time action or congress , mmms : miot. 111000 UI ) Its mind 111)0th ) a course to bo Purstled. or it iii inakitmg prep- oration for sonip action , to be brommghmt. wittmimi time next few clays. When tlto imiformation reachmocl Imero today of a suIt to be filed in , St. Lomiis tomnorrow to foreclose the first mnort- gage tiebt of the Ulmion l'acifhc It was sup. losel ( that tim governineni. would intervene to protect its ititerests , " Time mnortgngos under which foreclostmre pro- ceethings have already beoma insUtuted , or sihmicim are about to be foreclosed , are time following - lowing : Oregon Railway ' and NavIgation comilitamly consolidated ijomids , Orego : ' Short Limb Cs , Utaim & Northern 7s , Utah South- em general antI cxtemmsiojm bommtis , Oregon Short Line anal Utalm Northern consolidated bonds ( which ore junior to tue feur preceding issues ) , Union Pacific , Denver & Gull con- solliiated , Kansas I'itcihha consolitiated , Union 0 Pacific , Llncolmm & Colorado , Kansas Con. tral , Ienver PacifIc anti St. Joseph & Grant Isianti first muortgage bntls. Oliver % V. Mink it ; repl'esemlted to have stated to a repcrter for a New York paper iast weehc thmnt hillcrest would be paiti in a few days on ( lie Utah & Nortimern 7s , ( 'tlV- enlmig thin January iuul July , 1891 , cotlpomis , because - cause timia brnimclm Imas earned time said inter- eat , but lie was unable tu say m'hcmi the Jail- Ual'y , 1891 , coupomis would be palmi. It Is ttttcrly inmposaibie to pay tIme comipommis of most of time oilier lonmls mmieimtloned above because - cause time company is not ovmmrnaiite'd in diverting - verting Its rovfiiUes * to branches thmmot have I not been self-stistaiiming. , llmciln'ay Ndtt)5 , Time seven miles of time new ClimIf connection between Trinidad end Forimemi Jtimictloim will be completed by time 1st of Fehrtmary , Timat' ' will give time comnpany a hue twenty miles , loimg Ilortit frollo TrinIdad , branches rormmmerly' constructed to commiiect with time JIb ( lrarmde road beimig tmtiiizeth , Construction wIll then be taken up at tite iiortimernmmnost termmiliiation of these abort hmralmcitea , twenty imliies ( rota time toss'ii of Trlmiidnd , oitd vhhl be rumihiemi as rapidly as imesihilo , F' , A. Nash smith Ii. i , Stiyder , getieral agetits of time Milwatmkeo and Rock Iaiand respectively , limmvo nt'timrnt'il from New York , George Vahlery , generai agent of time Ii , & M. at. 1)emlver , was 1mm towmm yesterday. S it mmiciIs htel cirmirmi it , 7tc'iv 'ark , CIH\'ELANI ) , 0. , Jan , 21-George IT , JCinmbnhi , time owner of the yacht Ainathis , oo'hmo was detaIned at Iimcvannnii , Ga , , om , sun- piciomi of being about to engugo In a flhibumi. toting exlmedition , received a tviegrtmtn ( roni tIme Cuptimirl of the bout yesterday , Informumhiun itiiti time boat would imc' taken hack to New York , her charter to Mantel und others hmav- ing beemi cancciied , dozen eu the shell , " mania celery anti & Pint of Cook's Extra Dry Ciitmmmmpagno is iummclm ( or the gods. , , lohmii tV.Itsla'r mit. miktihtmmma. YOIcOIIAMA , Jan , 21.-Mr. John W. 2'oz- ter , who was appointed to act In an odvlsory capacity to the Cimloese l'eace envoys , ha. , arrlved hero eu board the teamnsiiip Eon- mres * of IndIa. lcattil of Juekity Jarreli. NEVMAltICRT , Ping. , Jan. 21-Fred Jar. rchl , the jockey , ii dead.- - . - - - - - . - . - . . , - - - - - . - - . - , . . . - - - . . ' . . . , , . . , - . . . ' . - _ , .t -