. - - - - ' , " l , " ' , . " , , , ; > > " " , . . . .l. _ .L. , . . , . . . . . . , . . . ' ' , . . - f . . 'O it I " " ' " I ' , I ( ' ' " f. 1 $ . ' I'1 l f _ 4 ! ) 2 ' 'I ( [ AI DAI Ini:1 TUESDAY , _ JANUA1W 22 189t. . . I HAS 1) ) ASSED ) A RELIEF BiLLmi , nons Finl1y Votes t A.proptnto $100- : 000 for Immediate Use in Nebraskn , , C RRET e01 LYj CING : DEOUSCED JtFry'i ; Jmolntondnllcll nnl Thrl : ' Ilngcd that Data hy Cole .lIgIaL no l'lnecll ul Jfcnrll-lnutlo I."ghl ' ho Irocroal ltIg. , l'rO'1115. LINCO.N , Jan. 21.-(8peclal ( Telegram- ) Conaway's relief bil , house roll No. 13 , I.used today by exactly the necessary two- . thirds "Cllulred " as . It Ias ! an emergency clause. Wih Ihe exception of Jennes tD : lougl : county dclegalon voted solJ/ /galnst It. 'fhero was Julte a display of era- . torlcal Iyrotechnlcs , , but It lacked eome at the brilliancy of Saturday lact. o thc twentym ex votes annst It the majority of them were eXl1lalna" ) on the ground that the appro- ) laton was too large. Speaker RIchards , "ho voted nglnst the bill , sId that hall his , , 'ote ' would have been nccassary to carry I he : voted aye , hut ns there was the necessary alxty-so\'en rcceh'cil In Is favor ho would . , Vote no. ; 'The bill , as passed with amanllments , nppro- 3Jriatos UOO.OOO ! for the Immctlato relict of . the people of the droulh stricken .dlstrlct. The bonll required , of the secretary oC the re- leC commission , who has charge of Its dis- IJrlement , Is $20,000. H aha provides that In no case shal a sum greater than 10 per , cent of the appropriation ho dIstributed In . nny ono cOlnt ) Tha penalty for giving aid , to persons not In need of relict by county ofcials Is a flub of $100 and Imprisonment ; In the county jai for not more than thirty : : doys. In the crlslnl bill the line was 5OO. COO ! ) DAY , FOi PASSING flhiT. The large ! number of bills was IlasBed of nn ) day of the session. All ot Hoblnson's : his for appropriations of money for the State IH\crslty went through eosl ) ' . Brall"s ' tWLi billS , one for nn artelan wa1 ut the t Kearn"y , Industrial school , a/II the other for . making a semi h'nln note a first len on the , crop raised theretrom , bolh struck a snag and 'wero referred back to the committee . I- The bulk of the elcllenee was Silent on D2mp- . sey's bill to punish cattle thieves , and an I , amendment vIsions to Include hog thla\cs In Its pro. : Davies' hil for amending / the act nppolnt- . Ipg commissioners of the supreme court was t Plastered nil over with amendments previous . to any acton being taken on II , but lie lost L of them falet , The original lull provilos that the commlsEoners shah hold oUle for three years and Thomas moved an amendment - mo\'et ment that the Ileriod bi I ) limited to two years : This amendment was lost , ant the bill passed , : It provldcs that the salary of the commissioners - sioners shall bo the same 'as that or supreme judges. One of Robinson's three educational biilt I eucatonal bils , paSt this morning was house roll No. 33 , t- provllng for the appropriation of the a. "IorrIii fund. " The money arising from this I - act of congress , approved July 2 , ISG2 , has been drawn regular ] by the Slate un'ersly every year , Ihl original drafts . ha"lnl been turnd over to th6 ugents. The bn of , r Robnson ! Is the blannial authority given b ) , . the legislature to turn this money over. 'fhe : , act oC ISG2 apples a portion 01 the proceeds t cf the public lands to the more completc - equipment ant support of the colleges for the b ncft ot agriculture and mechanic arts . . : The money has been transmitted to the sectary - ' rtary of state since 18DO , beginning wlh -l. . $16,000 and InereaElng $1,000 each ) 'ear. I r will continue to Increase until the amount of $25.000 Is i reached , when It will rernati 1 reman at tbat 'fguro annualy , ' There has ben : clvc o . 1ate . $105,000 . ( ! ; Chapman has , bill printed , house roll Nc 161 which Is amendatory of sct1on 3,821 , c. clialter'xlv , a/llS91 / , ' ltled , " cton Lands "Puble Und Building3.- 'provid s' that paYlenl ! for lands sold . under tire provisions of the L ' : ct , for prairie lands , at least one-tenlh of ' the purchase price cash In hand and on other lands one-half cash In hand. Note S ' shal be gtvea by the purchaser fer the' tin paid principal of alt lands , zld on time alT : 'c- shall bo due In twenty year from date of aale. Interest on unpaId principal 'ehali b . - , o per cent per annum. . " DENOUNCED TI SCOTT LYNCHING. ; : T119 sentIment of the houce In regard tu the Darrett Scott tragedy was voiced this morning by Barry , who , at' the opening of ; the sslon , ent , IP i resolunon' asking tht ! . the governor offer n nlable reward for the ' capture of the murc1erer = and make stich 'I provision fer their proecuton as mar be : Ileomed advisable. On Smitit'a motion to Idopt there was not a dissenting vote The resolntcn reads : - , : Whereas There can be now no doubt that Darrel Scott of Holt county was deilbaratel y s ; muraeretl , and In such a manner as to cast nfeclons cn the gee name 'of our atate : r . therefore , bo It - Resolvcd , That this house , alholgh recognizing - ognizing the full weight of the claimed provo- ton for the act , deElre to . and docs , cot I- damn as strongly as It can the dastardly crime. anti earnestly requests the governor , , at this ! state to erer , at his earliest cot I. : yenlence , a proper , suitable all efcient r - warn for the apprehension and conviction of his , Darett Scott's , murderers. hula on first reading and second read In ! were followed by those on third reading , and - thIs order brought UI the firemen's butte a bill , by Brady , house roll No. 27. which was passed , 1 prescribes penalties for wearln : g ; the flremen'e national button adopted as ! special badge by firemen of the Unite d , . Stalu. howard saiti that he Unled 4 obliged to vole against the bill because ho 1 , considered It class legislation. 4 , ; House roil No. 32 , by Robinson , was rca .0 the third tme , and passed. I provides for . an appropriaton of the matriculation nnd dlplcma feel. of i eel Iho Slate university for a 4 library fund The money Is now In the hanlls of the slate treasurer , antI Ihe net pro\'ldes for its wlhtrawl by the hoard of regent Houle roll No. 33 , by Robinson . folowed lutt without opposilol. House roll No.3' , ale by loblnson , ' came up for third reading and \\as passed. 1'he measure opprolrlales ! . eli monies now In the hands of lie ( stat Le Pt. treasurer on account of accoult tuition tees coilecte ( I , from lie ( students II the College of colected f the Slate unl\erslty , IN COMMTI I OF TiE W'hIOLF , At the ( opening of the ( afternoon saBslon the house went Into commllee of the whole to consider little on general the , with Hanlson , In the ( chair , house roll No. G was the ( fir St on the carpel 1 was introduced by Brady , and Ilro\ldcs for an appropriation of $5,000 l tor an artesian wel at the Industrial School . , tor Days at Iearlc ) ' . Brady titoved an i 1101lmenl , making Ihe ( amount appropriati : d Ipproprlatet $8,000. Speaker llchards , from the 100r , Ii II. Iluire what they did for water now , itt ul Urady replied that It cost the slate $100 a monlh ( for an engineer to conduct the preaei tilt . . water worlls Walt was afraid of preselt : . . lug a precedent , and opposed the bill. Brad 11' Hahl there would ho 10 taxation iteceasary . as , the mOley was to come out of the .Saili le . $10.000 fuiid now lyIng idle In lie ( , llne . Ia\J seed a substitute to section 1 of the ( , ; bil , that the state npllroprlnte $ lf.,000 for artesian experiment In irrigation In the vei it. era \orlon of the statc. The discussion de- , ; elopetl the tact that ' elopet every county repr e - seated on - thooor wanted a well. repe- ; moved -amentmcnt \ that the cummitt Co rise cud report the bill back to Iho' cot 11- mitee , and lien ( hip house went Into a tanglu OVer the ( matter , lit Iha ( mIdst of which the t chaIr nnnounced the amendment carrlel. ! Another bill h I ) ' Brady , house roil No , : ; 9 . wa then ( brought UI for passage It pro- . . . . , 'I"e that a ) enol deslrllg to secure I 1 10 ' : lit tor the lJrchlse of Beell crain may b giv rn a note to the ( parly of whom he secures It , the said lole IIomllg a valid Iel ou ( I tie crop ulsed Another Ilarlameutary 111&10 ensued over the ( attempt to introduce a subs Ii. I subli. Ii.I title before I lull been Printed and f'culalr I rronlnendtd b y the ( 61ldlng : conixnittc e. 'rho commllte' of the ( whole decided 10 rlc : 'ul report the substitute lck , and then It . . "tnt Into 11 examination of house roil N ] I . I" by Sinon , to 3112000 sectIon 5G rol , Co a- 10111toll ( Statutes ot Nebraska. I was tounl , . tht there was :1'0 a substitute to this bI Ii , Ilo'hlu / that the penalty for stealng . properly of the value of $ ZO shall be not mora than coven per Ina than one year In II lie JInlentar ! . I was also referred back to the landing ) cOlmlt e. Fur house tel No. 87 there was no sub , , stitute. I Ilroridel that cattle Ind heg - ' - j- . . - . - . thieves shall b imprisontd not lesi than OM nor more than ten years , anti wa recom- mi ( ted with nn unimportant amendment The bi l was Introduced by Dempsey. navies' bill , house roll No. 70 , which was next under consideratIon , Is nn act to amend an act authorizing the appointment at su- preme court commissioners , anti Iprovldes ' that the commissioners shall hold office for the period of three years from their appointrai ment , during which time they shall not enat gogo In the practice of the ( law . Following the pauge of ( his bill the committee of the whole rose and reported progress , / COMMJDm TiE SOLUTION. Burns of Lancaster mved to reconsider the re solution passed this morning condemn- tory of the assassination of Iarrctt Scott , nnl to strike out the words "although recog. rrog- ! nl zing the full weight of the claimed jrpvocafo lon for the nct. " Rlckels spoke In favor of a reconsIderation' or the resolutIon , and sid that n 1 black tuna ho rose on lie ( foor of this hioueo to Ileluncc the lynching of n white man In the state of Nebrnska. Conawny hehl that the legislature could not too strongly condemn lie murder , anti In an extended speech declarcII that the resolu- ton should ho reconsidered anti more time al lowed for deliberation . Iarrlsoh was also 10uII In favor ot reconsideration. Uurns' m otion 10 reconsider carried , anti Barry accused - cused the house of la\lnl gone hncll on' it self. Bnrns sent lp a resolulon of his own , but Cole ucceedell In getting passed ( the following , which was accepted by Burns : Whereas , I Is apparent to nil tnlr.mlnded ! mon that Harrelt Scott or Itoh. county , : mN Bcot 10it cOUlty Nrh , . hM been murdered , and Whcrls , I Is 1110 apparent that the sahl murder of sall Scot was the result of 1 Ieell laId plan and 1 foul conspiracy : theretore , bl It Hefolvell , That we the members or the honle at repretentatIve , In regular esslon nlHolbleI , representat\es denounce any ! antI al l persons who Mils tel In Ihe ( conspiracy I/Il partIcipated In the ( /urder oC said Barrct fc'ott : anti be It further Hcsol\ed , Tn the ell that speedy jus. tce may he tone , that we favor the olCer- 111 of a liberal rewlr < fol the apprehal- 1101 Inl conviction or till l1rtes to said cOlsJllrcy ) , nil wel as nil palles aiding , a betting itntl conllltlnl : the same. Tim resolution was passed by a vote of SO to 2 , Harry and Irole w alone voting ; against it. Barry explained that he would have voted for It hal he not becl the author of the one which the present superS sc ded. Burns at Lancaster then movell that the resoluton or' Barry's , passed In the morning m , bo expunged The melon _ to expunge the record was c arried ' . carred tumuluousl ) ADOPTED 'II nm.lF DLL , Con\ny , chairman at the relief committee , ported louse roll No 13 lS amended. A melon was male to SUI.end . the cities a/HI ] put the bill upon its pasage. Miles mo\ed L to resubmit the bill. lie said ho was opposed - posed to the dmount pro\'ldet and wanted I cut tl $50,000. This was followed by a warn : Ilscusslon , ncletts declaring that Secr2tary Imilen of the relief commission hat In . formell him that alt the money requlrel I \s sufficient to pay transportation. Uut on i the roH.cal on the passage of the bill Mies t votet fOr : nd Rlckett against It. The ayes tt t altl nays were demanded on a melon to I recommit anti It was defeated by 60 to 41 . The bill was then put on passage anti bard ) P carrlell , the emergency clause requiring a two-thirds vote of all the members. Follow - Ing l Is the vole In detail : Ayes : Ashby , ( lt4flItlt . Mliner , 1"con , Glthrl . Ortnn. Uarr ) ' . 11111101' . . 1ollrnn , lechel' , 11errl . Itcitilngton . B"I' . hart laon , 111"1' . , fl raly , Ilarilit , flteliaiigon Intl' 1a11 IrolmJ11Jln l I . Jubert ol. ti rownell. hinds . lublnpol , tl urns ( Dodge , ) hoist. lotlleutner , lums t : ( t.un. . , . howard . flouse , CC ain . Itull . Scol , C\llbel , Jcnl s' . Hllkllnntz , e.lrlsnn. Jenkins tloll , C asper . , Tnnp" . Hmlh , C itle , iCaUij. S/lckmnn. / ' C . . . onawny Limborn Ruter. C rauTh . tIattison . Sutton ( Pawnee ) D\les , McNItt . Van Housen. DeJane ) ' . JeVleller , Wart Demp.ey , Ierrlck , \Vlder . E . Miles. Zink ( Johnson ) . ritz , 'Moehrman , Zink ( Smun-7 : ) - G oar . . I Nays : , . A Ilnn . trow . . crw" IAlan. " SIMn. , lecle. h holier " . SIenccr. t tene.llct , tarte. _ Sutton ( Dougla S len"lct lalte. HUlon ' t 1rnard . " . ; 'JulRt , n aflog.Ttnitne ) , Dougl. UI'cknll. Jolnstonell ( n ) Thomas , lurl I , . Ltingttoat'alt. . ( hac. ' . l''rtctns. 'cher. C hapman . Itleketis. lr , SIINlker- . ! C ooley . Jtld ) ' . Absent or not veUng : . Iarkson , Judd , I IcBrlde , McFadden , lyer ! 'Sod rman. I On moloh thE house % Ojourned until 10 a. ta. tomo'rrow. _ . ' . ' I BILLS ON FmS mEADING. , House roll No. : s , byLtIIan , to amoni .s ' ectlon 2,173. chapter xxx'jof the Complel amenl Statutes of Nebraska of 3II3 , and , to . repeal , ithe original section. C : House roll secton. , by 'Cle , to authortze an appeal In all attachment proceeding S : : l'ought In the county coutt or befor - jus- : , t ice of the : peac , and n o\ldlng for th 0. , trial of the entire case ' denovo . , on , such appeal - . ' peal being tnllen. " 1 ' House roll , No. , 20. by Beb. to amend sec , t ton 3,917 , chapter xlvI , 'O Consolidate t1 Statutes at NCbraEka , and to provide a penalty fOr violtttion ] or : ctons ( I,00 and 3 ,917 of same chupler. : ' I ' Hou50 roll No. 81 , by Sison . to amend : 'sectol lIH6 , chapter xvlU , entitled 'Hlghi - I WIYI " of Annotated Statutes of Nebluska : : , of IS93 : , and to repeal said section as now existing. , House roil No. 282 , by harris punlshln . by line 01 Imprisonment any one guilty at wearing the Grand Army button. House roll No. 233 , by IdeNitt . 10 provIde - schools. vIde for free . alellunce at public Ilgh 10us ! 101 : o 21 , by lerlcl < . to estab- lsh h ant .mlintaln a branch soldlerl' and sllors' , home ut Mllford. Neh house toll No. 285. hy MungCr prescrIbIng I time wlhln which suits , actions . or legal proceedings may bn brougltt begun on account , or because or or for , any use , arising out of the settlement or dlstrihrr l. ton of the eslutes or any portion thel'cof , , of deceased persons pursuant to the ( pre p ; visions of al act at1tttled ! < "An ' net toimen ( I. sections 30 and 17G at chapter xxII 10fmend' ; Complied Slutues of the State of Ne'rasJt of 18S. entitled 'Deceden ( , ' and to roper tI saul original sections , and to.reperti seetton 1. 2.,3 , ! . 61 6,7,8,9,10.11 12. 13. H seotons , ' , . 17 , 18. 19 , 2'J 21 , 22 , : , 21 , 2g : 261 27 , ' 2. 29. at chapter xxlii { of the Compll Slatule : of Nebrslm for 18 and section 17 of cllapte T xx" I of the omplcd Statutes of NtS brska , entitled ' llomesteads. ' and nit act , S , and parts of nctl In contlct herewith . " Approved March 20 18&9. House roll Ko. 286. by Shook to amend sectons .02I , 2.022 , 2,023 202t anti 2mO. ri . - latnA to interest of Cobbey't4 Consolidate ti 1 Slllules of Ib9. , anti to repeal said ollglnll sections , _ . _ _ _ sectonl _ _ _ _ _ SU01T nAY Hi TIlE SI'N\TL. : - - Considerable Aeth'l : 111)1n 'n ' the 1".1'1 ' a or l'uhilo itttNlitei. LINCOLN , Jan 21.-Speelal.-The ( ) senate ] gave more evidences of being I alvo by ' going through n few motions Indicative c : 1 desire to transact 1 small part of the dutes ( for whIch It was elected Several re\ortl from standing committees were re ceived. The bill alrealy , lasscII by the ( I house apforJl'lntng $85,000 for the p3y- : lent of the mciniJers and employee or the ( I legislature was considered In , co/lnileo / ( cf , Iho ( whole , /ud ordircd ensr'EsM for third reading The senate alEe , comlileo of tto whole , rccommculad for laide : the hilL offered , b ) Crnno at 'Douglas ) , ldn : ! the "alal'IN of b.iillffo of. the , EUPICIC court ( ' lii luglan county cit $900 rr nnnum , Under Ito head ( f Ictllons and inem rials Judge J. C. Cmwfo/d of WcU Point : Injected ! himself Into the PrOeetinSS , by t Inducing . Senator Stouffer tram Cumlng county to offer ns 1 petton the following ; To the Jonorl.lo , the Senate and House or nCII'"enlutvcs of the State of N O.t , braekn : Your peItiont'r ( r' plcthlly rein ' C- sons to our hunorb'e ' boiy Ihlt In his I : l'/llnlol / I woulll he for the best Inlerests of I ito IHlhl ! ( Ito L chailel' 10 lest Coinpllt ni Sialulel of 1SII , relalvn o Corlllell nod 00 I hR. I , ) "elllelt : that It no bond were rI\UIT' \ ' ' and tw whole , 'eoplt lu I 10ml"lel 10 bear thc 10:18 : : o"oalionel hy I unfllhful el'Vnnls , greater enro would h I IS < < itt the selection ot Ilullc oUcers ; Ihul It the people elect illshtoiiesl , ci1Ji'er . ' 11 ( Ilshonelt (1rl ( tll ) ) 'a tutu riot his trhnUH , HhouM bear Ihn ( loss. Your IwiIiOit.t' ( further rll.rlSentl . that : In his opinIon the lallhlg oC nn oath tie C : , not make PeoPle ' In ) ' more honell or ( rut ] ii' fuI : thlt n mln wht wi violate ' I U'usl ox "bcar false wln"I ( against hil nllghhor" : without tnltnl art olth wl1 IlerJuro him , Ilf It hI takes In Oath : ( hat It I" nn Insult after the ,111le , hl611d IJ thl'lr vet Cs thai they repose eonllmee In I CCIttt In cItIzen tor an allies to salty 10 him c\I'I,11 I 15&Umll hiM duties. " % Vo Iu nDt Ihlll < vet Wi cart trust you until you subscribe to ni , " oath Billions of dollars arc loaned eve year to inhibits lt leoll\ ! who ure not r ) Iluirell to ( lubscrlbo to an oath ( hat the y that trill PlY \ YIiii due anti no senalh tie IUI Illnller wou11 bait ' I Jolor 10 sonslbo ( nldlvls lS colaleral alcurl ) ' . I would llunl.h severely persona who Lear rabo vitae 53 . . Innst thllr neighbors ! , Int I woul abol. Ish the oath as I relic of barbarism. BILLS ON FIRST I1LAIIMO. Bills were Int"duced and read for the first tim e ns follows : No. 139 , hy Hnthhun or Ftirnuts , to proRe v de for the destruction of the Russian th istle. thiste. No. 10 , hy " 'rlght ot Lancaster , to regn- Into the ( ! lahlshln and nllnlnlnln hy rairoad anti aieeiing ! r companies or oIIlce leelng com\anle4 olce ! at certain stations : regulating ] the rate of charg\ for transportation In sleepers anti flll 1 maximum rte of charge for such tr ansportation. No. HI , hy Lindsay of Pawnee amending the statltCI , 'eiltlg to the 11)'ment or costs In mlsdemlnnor and Ileaco warrant ca ses. No. 112 by Iolbrol < of Dodge , concern- eoncer- InK the duties of county rupervisors. No. H3. by Bauer of Butler , providing for the . establishment and maintenance or 1 county College or science , art anll inthis- tr within several counties of the state. The senate went Into committee of the hole on house roll No 71 , with McKesson In lie chair. The bill , which appropriates $8 5,000 for the Payment of leglslath'e expenses - Ito nses , met with no oppsiton , anti when the committee rose the bill was ordered engrossed - grossed for a third reading. l''TZSl.U.1W.'S lU'7'VlS , IT O. " ( . Cnleoll Ils lntIl tor the l'nrp080 of Fclie log the M'rl\CIIO Illclrnnt , ST. LOUIS , Jan 2l-Bob l lzshnmops , who Is pla'IIg here has cancelled all or hIs dates for next week and will gO back to Syracuse N. Y. , to answer the Indict- m eat for killing Can fliordan. He will Ile a new hond to appear before the court Inll wi then resume the road . Fitzsltnpa mons says that ho anticipates no trouble fmm the indictment , al his laW'erl have assurell him that the grand Jury returned lie Iruc bill 10 Batsr $ ' irnittilar clamor , but that I will not he ! ! pOlular CINCINNA'I , Jan 21.-:111 Norton of Clncllat anti Eugene Iculnh of Covlnton fo tight len rounds here tonight for $200. Benlnh won. SIHING 1.1 BI.D , .Tnn. 21.-Johnn Canners or this cl ) ' , chllplon bantam Conner - lst or the world , has signed articles to light Iouls Brooker oC Cincinnati , In this Iht . Januar' 29 , ton rounds 10 ) POIIUIR weight at the l rllg sile. and lent I forfeit. ConueM nlso lelegrphe(1 Richard K. Fox of the Polce Gazette that he would light Jack Jadden , )3 POUiids. woull -fve lght . for the best purse under thc auspices ! oC the Seahll eltib. FORT WOn''U , , ' 'ex. , Jan. 21.-Todny In the count ) ' court Kid Lewis lie ( first or a g anA . of prize lighters indicted In this count ) , wits tried 11ml convlcled. HIs sen- tencc Is $500 fne and ixtydays 11 jail. His IJht wns advertiser ! 'lS a sparring exhibioi ton with fOlr-ouncc'glo\ls. Ills partner : In the exhibiton was g C. 'Fenner. The other two are Redlh' Gallagher nnll Itenry Bo- Ielr li annon . the ( kilter colored This hI the first frlt eonvlclol e\.r had 11 Texas under the . Ilatule enacted In 1893 , making 11"lzq fightm Ing n misdemeanor. The case will go to the l court or crIminal appeals ' wl Two ) IvnrltoJ Out or l'lvo. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 21.-FavorItes did ] not stand much show In the mutt and rain They won the frst end last races , anti that was all. Summar : First race , live anti 1 hair furlongs , maldels : Arundcl , 110 , GrUHn (7 ( to 5) ) , won : ] Ike L. 100 , 1cAulfe 00 ( to 1) ) , second : : Prince Idle , 10i. Clrr ( (0 to 1) ) , thlr . Time : 1 :22. : RetiVIll , Phoebe filly . Flf , Boole H. Panama Pat and Helampo also rau. Second race. live anti 1 half furlongs , sell. . Ilg : Imp. Elise , Il , lcAulfe (7 ( to 1) ) , won : Gunduoupe ] , 10 : : ; . GrUHn ( : to I ) , second : Me. . anita l , 101 , Carr ( even ) , third. Time : 1:22' : 1e- . , N orth . Gold Dust , My Day and Major Dan I also ran. 'fhlrd race , seven furlongs , selling : Blue I Banner 101. Chorn (4i ( , to 1) ) , won : Sir LIIrc ) ' , 101. GrIffin ( : to 1) ) , second ; Miss t Fletchel' , ) ; Helnrllhl (30 ( to 1) ) , thIrd Time : 1li. April , Faro , St. Elmo , Doll ) , M aCone also ra'i. 1cCone T'I. Fourth , live and haIr . . race Ive a furlongs , sell. l ag : Talbot Clifton . 103 , Chor (7 ( ! to sel- ) won ; I.w'el' . G lln (210 ( 1. seond : Garc'a , 10 , Carr (1 ( to 6) ) , third Time : 1:21 : ' ned Pat anti Moitle H also ran. Mole rn. Fifth race. five and a half furlongs , sell. Ing h : Rear Guard , 112. Carr (4 ( to 6) ) , won : : Quarter Staff , 101. Llo\'d (5 ( to I ) , second : : M ester , lC5. Tubervie (30 to 1) ) , thlrJ. Time : 1 :20'Eckert : , Ravine , Joe Winters ant i 1:2Y Arne also rail Iloultl at NeOrleanl , NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 21.-\Veather rainy : Iacl < henvy. . " First race , jI lx , furlongs : , Miss Lilly ( : 9 to 10) ) won. Drlcateher ' ( a' to ' 10) second , Old Dominion (20 ( to ' j ) third. . Time : 1:18 : . Second race one mIle : ' ; iPenlno' : , OZ ( to 1 won Billy McKenzIe (5 to I ) second , Jim Henry (3 ( to I"thlrdTime ) : lt8 Third race , lIve and a hair furlongs : Rasper ( ( to. 5) ) von . Trixie (9 ( to 2) second , ' Evai (30 ( to 1) ) thIrd Time : 1:1' : ) . Fourth race , .handlcap. six furlongs : Nero (3 ( to 5) ) won , Henry (5 ( to 1) ) second , NeriS Gallop (13 ( to 5 third. Time : Iz . I"lrh race seven furlongs : Ixlon (7 ( to , 5 ) IVofl Malga (6 to 1 ) second , Wootiruf r , (8 ( to 1) ) ' .thln1. TIme : 1:37. : Woodrl . - - 0 Expert chemists In' government laboratories always find Dr. Price's Baking Powder oboe l ' . . lutely , pure' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . WOMAN'S CLUB MUSIC , . Enjoyable Entertulhnlcnt at the rlrst ( ion - ir.-&ntoI11 Church YeSterday The musical department of the Omaha \Voman's club entertained the members of tie club and theIr friends with I neat pro g rain yesterday afternoon , from 3 to 6. at the First Congregational church. The church was filled. The club members , num- berlnl 450 , were each granted the prlvlege of invIting one friend , and , judgIng from the size oC the audience those honored vitl 1 Invltaton I : were glad of the ppportunlt' , to mingle with the members of the \Voman > club and enjoy the treat airorcied. , Those taking part In the program ware : ' MIss Myrtle E. Coon , Mr. Franz Adelmann , , , Mrs. H. Muenteferln Mrs. F' . I , ' . Ford , Mr. W. T. Mttrshttll. Mrs. H. P. Whitmore Mrs. Hess Fuchs anti the \Vhltmorel i Saints' . The most prominent features were Miss Coon's "AVe Maria , " Mrs. Muentefer - luenterer- i ng's plana solo ; Franz Adelmann's vtoili 1 Jng'a aJdthe singing of the All Saints c hoir. The next meeting will be haIti In the. new tum over the Boston store , Febru- lary L 4 , and will be cOnducted by the edu , jcatolal dalittment. ' , , At a business meeting , which folowet I the IUlc the commitee which has beea I'lvestgat ' { ng the disappearance of : lr , Notlon reported. Mr Corbet was held 'to t be not altogether blameless ] In refer , ence to thc NeLson disappearance , though ] lit i 'was ' admitted that her departure was Iin i a ' measure . due to family und Inuncla i trouble : lho club almost unanimously I ldopted the reporl. , A resolutIon was Introduced In support lor the bills In the legislntui'e raising ( Ii C I age of consent and prohibiting the mane , tacture anti sale at cigarettes . The reso- luton wal adopt ell after considerable di : : cus810n , ao far fS the cigarette (1ue9Io ( a was concerned , anti , unanlmousl wihout Iue'ton discussion aa 10 the age of consent , The board of dlreclors voted to pledge \otel $0 toward Ihe $1,0 guarantee necesary to Induce the Thomas on'heslr to visit ] Omahu. Mrs. Frank Cross having resigned al sec : rotary of the ClUb Miss Lydia McCague wus appointed to 11 , . the vacancy unit It I.t 1)lnl. Last evening the special commttee of the city council appointed to investigate the charges brought I ) exSawer Inspector Rot erlson aHllnst the city engineer held , II : s final inoetng. 'rhe testimony or JoSiah Ient Contractor ltantlall . H. S Hull Samuel - uel ! ( alz. Churchi Parker and Iul Jttercc wait talceil . None at th""eave evidence : tending 10 sllo\ that the discharge of itol ) . ertsun Wil reprehensible , Mr. huh. who turntsle.1 the pipe. for' condemning , which Hobctson says he was discharged , said that he hOlght the Ille ) subject to city it 1. speoton ( , and that its condemnaton wns ' Without pecuniary slnllclnco to hint. Bnglnecrc ' Hosewller , In making ' I flat il slatl'mont'to lie committee , said ( hut Ihe discharge won for the luke of relrenchment und that 10lJerilon was dropped Irst because - cause he was ineiliclent . - - IrU'y-Twl ' l'oi lee Inca I ii d let etl . NEYORK. . Jnn. 2l.-rore exclament than the department has hall In yers was created among the ranks of lie ( 10lce dt 0- lartment today when I became known thltt ( a grlat number of ltidlctments ' probablY iifty.two , hUll been found by lie o'er anll terminer sranll jul' . I IK said these it I. dhlmentl ! are for police ollllts , as well as wel for Julrhnen and others who have testilit ti , before the I.exow coninjittee . ur ! teallell names have ht'pn brought before Ihat bed ) ' II an unfavorable light. Most ot the ( indic t monlH are for bribery Warrants are to he I Issued Inunediutely . Ind Ihe ( hatch viil be 1 sent , af loon UH they are made out , wi pa ) . lice hIUII'uarlcrH. 10 he served bi p. central olle detecl\o ( atqrgeaitts , Left . 'il lila ' tf1 111 l'rolllrtr tn Charity , SAN FI\NISCO , Jan 21.-Jame A. nraley , , bachelor capitalist ' , aged S died laRI monlh In Fnliolu hospital , Oak'and ' , Ho made a death bed will , leaving ' edi a. catonal Insllutons alt his property In I this state , Including u monthly incoir Incme of $ . At ito same time he tratislerre nil lila real estate In Minnesota , valued at $9.0. In equal shares to the Oxford orphan aslum of North Carolina . Davia sun eol'gl In the same slate. anal u Vt : r- globe theological seminary Attorney Rich ' 1- Bradley , his nephew and nearest of 1 lnl wilt contest the wilt all deeda uleglng uarSue Influence on lie dying octogeneiria : _ . ' , . - OMAHA T0Mj ) ITS POLICE , aoU.- Re quires Fewer Officers Thin Any Other OIf&ofIth Size jOIfof-It AmU L nolr ! or CHIEF SEAVEY F'ro i and Iolcot ConlI" , loner ne.elvo Authority to lItly , Adtl1lolnt Fire En- glnes-Ihulncn 1ono ) by the loladTI.nst ( livening , . I.vonlnl , II l ' - In his nnnual report to the Board ot Fire nIl Police Commlsstbners last night Chief 'at Polce Seavey stated that Omaha has the beat police governed city tn the country , though It has fewer patrolmen by from 20 to 60 per cent. ThIs Is the chief's eighth nnnual report anti the commissioners consIder It 1 complete anti ! comprehensive one. Last year there ware nlnety.thre men In the pen - Ice department , and of these only elgbt.slx were on patrol dot- Fifteen new officers were appointed , amI the same number of : old ones discharged In June for various ca uses. The chief suites that there has been L greater harmony and efclenc ) among the t members than In previous years. The department - partment made G , : 9 arrests during 1891. In 3,0:2 cases convictions were obtained and I 2 , 612 were dlsmussed from custody. The I amount or stolen property reported to' head . quarters was $22,710.50 , anti $10,212.80 of this t amount was recovered by the oiflcers The value of tim personal property of tbe member of the tepartment ranges from $260 ( I to $3,000 , all averages $760 apiece. Forty Ihreo officers own $248,000 worth of proprty ali pay $3,070,87 In taxes thereon. There was the smallest number of arrests tor drunkenness since 18S7 , and the report L says that Il Is because there Is a better class : of salon keepers than formerly The chIef , tit lioks that pely crime Is on the Increase and suggests that a worlt house bo pro\lded. I Is shown that 220 11rostltutes contribute about $15,47 In nnnunl fines. The expenses or the department were $01. . 63 8.20. The CXIeUSe of feeding the city prisoners - oners was $2,413.56. Amount taken from prisoners , $12,315.86. Days lost by members : of the lepartment , 1,843 % . WANTS MOltS OFFICEnS. The chief nSIC ! the board to appoInt twenty moro patrolmen , five reserve and two more mounted officers on May 1. lIe also wants a sort of cl\1 ser\lce cote to go\er the tie . prtment , and wants more stringent rules bi elmInate relgious and political difference : i from the department. lie suggestell that of . fcers ( l who are compelled to absent them- sw elves from duty be alowad hal pay , and I would like to see the patrolmen receive pay nccordlng to their time of service , gradtn 1 them In classes , end to receive $ i6 , $70 ant : i s GO per month , , while nil new mel are to reo cclvc $50 per month for the first three month ' service. Ho renewed his suggestions that U would I be a saving to the city to buIld a ji a 11 I polco court , instead of having to pay $3GOO per i year for tile present inconvenient lunr- te rs. He wouldlllo to' have a police surgeon appointed ) to Ik.ter the sick and Injured I ofcers and prlsotuirs , and thinks 1 would be a saving In tLe aid \ money to the cIty. As the janitor w.qr .round the jail costs the city fG5 per IJlltl anti the work Is nearly : al done by thtp , prisoners , lie suggested that the services of4Ite1anItor ! could be ( lspensed w ith. ChIef evtri would also hike to have the board app tu tl a , regular polceman to ct t as license IngctoD and more fully enforje the liquor law \gctoD rty-six ( special polcemen : . arc now on tqty ] expense to tM ( , city . The total nmotptf goods pawned and put - chased by cwn1rokers . was $10,346,59. I Dalance on hud intho Police Relief assocta : te Polce Relef associ- ton fund Is SGO89. Total disbursements durIng , the yearjapountee1o $2,082.30. Chief f Seavey presented slnlar : reports Cram ftCn : I other , , cIt1esanjIn conclusion . , paid : 1 COMPAIM W.lH . ' , 'I , desire to,0Iour : , attention to the corn partve statemethmerewithi of the police ex : . penses of fifteen clUes , that are located In I : t hirteen different states . , Ilivlng population S ranging from 70,000 ' 'o' 200,000. I wilt be obsen'ed that the pohlceexpenses for the cit y of Omaha Is , G3 cent pe capita , which Is I f rom 20. to 70 per cert less than any other city named . This statement' shows that . , Omahl has anD member of the police depart ; ment to 1,613 Inhabitants , while the other' ' cItes average one officer to every 1.000 in - i tabitants. " . The following liquor licenses were grante tie to saloon keepers : Peter Coos , 1308 Cass : t I. O. Werher , 617 South Thlrtcnth : Curl : it Madson , Twcnty-second and Poppleton : Gilt 0 S . Iant 2S24 Farnam : Anna J. Spoer I 2818 Farnam : Foley & Carter , 220 South Fourteenth ; John Marhover IG35 North Twenteth : Isaac l1. Smih , 312 South Fit - tecnth ; WillIam Dillon , 121G Farnam ; Fred Dalsky , 724 South Thlrleenth : Herman Zeler , 115 parnam : John W. Green , 41 South Thirteenth. Officer S. S. Drummy was fined three dnys' I i I pay for being late In reporting for duty , and , John Anderson preferred charges against o. fcer Haler , charging him with drinking , when on duty and assaulting Frank Johnso i n a felonious manner Haler wi bo given : a bearing next Monday nlghl. A burglar and fire alarm connected wit h the city alarm system was ordered placed In i the Byron Reed room of the public 1- dI. brar ) The fro alarm system and crcult baterIes were ordered removed from No. 3 cnKtne house to tile basement of the city hal I. Time commissioners were authorized by the city council to purchase one book and ladder apparatus and one steam fro engine : or , In I leu l thereOf , two additional steam Ire er I. g ines. , - Dr. Price's Is thoonly bnklng powder that wIll make , fine . pastry without shortenini ' It's absolutely pure. I'a _ _ _ _ . BOARD OF EDUCATION , Members 'Vont LtCCI.O nnd FIne Uoycnae Ulvcrt"d train Ellneltn.\1 1una At the meeting of the Board of Educaton last l evening , the treasurer's report showed a balance of $75,000 In the general ' fund. I I was decided to ask the city council for $00,000 appropriation for tho' school year of f 1895-6. A resolution was passed to Instruct the attorney L. torney ( of the board to prepare a bill for a consltutonal amendment to be presented to I Iho Douglas county delegation In the legisla- ( tire . wIth a recommendaton Ihat I bo ( alto fl UI for legislative enactment. I Is propose d that the re\enue toni saloon licenses and ' fines be placet.lp a luau other tItan the edt u- catonal , < It , A resolution was , passed granting B r. Duryea thrc "ymls' leave of absence , and expressIng deep ympathY : for the absent and afflicted member pf the board. The holders 'orl ff hl following numbers were : allowed certiflc4r : , Primary 0raXtj-umbers I , 2 , 11 , 12 , fa , 1. IG and 17. , ' , . Grammar Urade-kumbera 1 and 12. flight SchoOl rmdp-Nuniber 20. 'Nulber I'resldent Aldio \ \ r. appointed ! essrs. n. I , , Thomas , A. I'.Tukey 1 Thomal ant I. A. Hhoes it special commlt ( - \ teachers' ( trainIng achool : 1 , Two I ' "t ' ) Little 5)amuiigo. At 10 o'clqclc (1ft night a fire started In I the Ware bocK , 011(1w - ( aouthealt ( corner at t Farnam and Fljtee/mthm , Jlr ets , In lie ( atore- room of the OlnkmA BUsiness college. Gooll work by time tuiY U&ttartinen ( kept Ihe blaze Cram IlreadlnRJ'1 ' but little ihaninge v s done outslde oC detruction 10 tropert : Ione y t1 d\ltnclon Jl'ollerly necessary to reuch the seat of the tire . 'l'l e lire started lt I closel , used IS u store room , near the ele\ntor Ihar on lie thIrd hoe a' . 'rime damage to the buIlding Ihlrt 'lhe bUlllng was $200 anti 10 I time business college aboul $100 , fully { co : i- crell ty insurance , 'le ) building Is owned by William Paxlon , Jr. ) Just previous , to this fire the departmei it wan ' coiled to Fifteenth und Capitol riveimu C. Capio where u sla\ . blaze started In the Aldlno restaurant . 19 North Fifteenth slreet. 'j'i me fire orlglnqtell ( from / large range In Ihe hock purl of the restaurant 'l'he dams .0 to the building , whIch II owned ' h ) ' MI Cu Maul , Is $ IW , and to lie ( stock In 11Iu resluuran , uWled br Frank Gelsl , $22. full I insured _ _ _ . - _ _ - _ _ _ 1nnof of Iho ) .1)11 Legloit. The Loyal ' Legion of Honor heht a meetIng - lag at the Mercer taut nIght , for the pu r- , IOSO ot perfecting arrangements Cor the I funeral ot thin late Major Joseph 'a' ' , ' . Paddock. It ltajor \ 1Iddoek was decided Ihat the commanlleT' would be tn at- tendance and conduct the funeral lervlee at the grave. ( 'arriags for companions w , ill be provided and will ' leave the postotlia e promptly nt 1:3. The folowing posloIee : were appointed to act n pall bearers : Gen. rl .malA Cobb , Major C. 'V. ' Pierce , Major T. 8. Clark on , Lieutenant John B. I.'ury , Colonel John B. Summers , Colonel T. Ii , Stanton , I.leutenant W. I. WIlson , Ilattennnt N. S. hiarwood . Genernl \'lson , I.'rederlck and Captain . J. H. Prat. 1 . A .lUSl . .lXTS. . - "Don Caesar Do Bazan" Is nol I stranger to OmAha theter.goer Alexander Sah'lnl . having made Ito gay , careless , Impecunious Spanish cavalier known to us In days gone hy , the late Edwin 100th having played the do vii-mns.csuro hero with that great ability which so distinguIshed America's greatest tragedian. Much has been saM anti written of Alexantler ' Salvlnl's portrayal of D'En- nery's strong creation , much Utlt WAS cx- tramely laudatory and a good deal that has bcn In klnl ) ' criticism , but after a close nnnlsis of lie player In this Partlctmlar charncler , one cannot help but grow enthus ! asto o\er the fine sense of completeness wih which the young actor surrounds the role of the prlnco of rO'sterers , whose s word was always ready to defend virtue anl , whose word was ns true as his Toledo bl ade. Mr. Salvlnl gave nn Olaha nudlenco nn opportunly ! last , night at Uol's theater to gain form acqunlntnnco of the Spaniard , but to the dlsgrco of Omaha theater.goerl bo It salll that only I small audience greeted this remarllably gifted young player. Why Sal\lnl Is not more generously appreciated by Omaha theatar.goers Is a question past queslon al unllerstandlng , In view of the art which Is so essentIally a part of the character or this descendant of the Lathms . hut enough of caviling , the play demands the space. Sal\lnls motion of Don Caesar differs "er ) ' matorlaly from that of several other actors the writer has seen In the role. and In the early scenes It gave one the Impression at being overacted , but as Salvin I unfolded the I character amid the reasons b9camo more all' parent for the seemingly o\er accentuaton , the force of the man was lost sight at In : the 'perfect ensemble presented. Hero was I a southernar playIng a grandee of Spain anti I 10\lng the I.atn race , and , rememberIng his I carl ) teachings the o\er.jestculaton became acceptablc , the boisterousness In keeping I with the character acted , and In the light of the whole well rounded performance , I wns I seen that his concapton of Don Caesar was t both intelligent and just. There are three other strong characters In the drama , which Is one of thc best examples of stage craft , Don Jose , the trencherous I prime mInister to Charles II of Spain , the t \ weal ant lascivious king , amid Marlana , a I stret singer. The former character was t most acceptably played by Wiiam Harris , whie the king was In the very competent hands h of 'a'Ihliani nedmund , whose work In da's past has placed him In the front raffia of stock nctors. Miss Morctt has a most t Interestng I part In Montana , alhough a I part whIch thIs culurerl woman would I h ardly care to play constantly , for In the carler acts she Is decldcdly a coquete and I ambitous of fine clothes and a position verb , much above her ranl . She played the i character , however , with Quiet force which , ' whie she dId not dIvide the honors with the : star , she was quito a part of them. Maut I Dxon was an attractive armorer's assistant L ' and made a most interesting 1001tn1 boy , The play was beutCuly stagell anti mate a . most deserving impressloim , Paul Dresser , the well known composer and song writer , comes to the Empire for a I four-nIght eugagement , commencing wih I Sunday matinee . January 27 , appearing In I his h new comedy , "A Green Goolls Man , ' , whIch treats of the ups and downs of New York politIcal life , IncIdentally giving : n In- ( creating and amusing expose of the "green goods" game , Introducing a bona fida I Ite "goods" operator ( reformed , however , ) In conjuncton with the other talented memo b ers of the compauy. Mr. Dresser will bo : remembered through bl appearance In this cly with "The Danger Signal , " "A Tin Soldier" and other well known attractions. This evening at the lloyd Alexander : Salvin I , the well known romantic actor , wi I present for thin first time In Omaha his new I play , "The ' Student of Salamancl , " whIch : o nly" li the 'short space ' or I few , months : , has h proved Itsel to be one of the strongest , plays In his repertoire Salvlul's reper- , tolro at the Boyd will close tomorrow evening : with his magnificent performance of Alex alder Dumas' romantic drama , "The Three Guardsmen , " Mr. Salvin I appearing In the cbaracter of Philippe Artognan. The Irish comedian , Mr. Joseph Murphy , will open at the Boyd for I foul nights I : engagement , anti no doubt his admirers wi I be out In full force for he calls out the faihful followers of the Clan-Na-Gael and all the opposing clans for fear of mlssln g his jokes sure , and Murphy himself the spalpeen sent he that same vogue of a shaugraun that has nearly spit the sides of half the Irish settlers In this sllmrockless America. And In hIs character of Larry Donovan In "Shaun flitue . " when be sing his i song of "A Handful of Earth , " does ho not carry them back to time tme when they : lar l the old home beyond the sea to seek a home In this land of liberty ? Time reper- eire for ! r. Murphy's Omaha enagement will be as follows : Thursday and I rlday : nights , "Shaun nhue : " Saturday matinee ant yI night , "The Donagh , " and Sunday night , Shaun nhue , " On Saturday areroon Mr Murphy will appear for the benefit of the Nebraska drouth sufferers. S Ever spoonful of Dr. Prlco's Baiting Pow der absolutely Is of full pure. strength ll used , because It' ; . - 'ElSO.L l'.ll..10UJ'lS. F. E. McGnnis , Hastings , Is at the Barker Mrs. D. W. Aldridge has returned from a I visit to friends In Dtrol . F. C. Fishier , ono of the cattle barons o , Wyoming , is at the Paxton. Ed Ohimner , a prominent hotel man of Ho ' Springs , S. B. , is in the city , H.V. . Adams of the Wabash Is registere' ' a at ( lie Paxton , frori St. Louis. II. G. Godfrey and T. L. Phelps are regis - Lered at tlte Barker from Lincoln. MaLt Berry , advance agent for time Kitnbal Il Opera Comique company and Corinne , Is I : U the city. CaptaIn P. H. flay , who has beeim in tim e oity for a week past , left for lila post a L Fort Washiakie yesterday. Judge Dundy , Elmer and Albion Frani : : , Scip Dimady and Marshal White have all gen e Lincoln to attend federal court , Ellis L. Blerbower , receiver of the Amer , - lean Water Works company , has arrive d home from arm extended trip east , Miss Augusta Do Forrest , Miss Urac Webster Etlelfeemi , Mrs. C , If , Martin , Gcorg ' Ciare , Etimmuinti Day , Paul Cozetlenve , Ii Loigit anti wife , M. Mazzanorvlcim are meni herS of ( lie Alexander Salvinl company re , Istereti at time hotel Darker , At thmo Mercer : Janmeit Risk , Litucoir I ; F' . K. Moody , Kansas City ; George Lent Poughkeepsle , N. Y , ; C. A. Runipf , Uran Island ; C. W. Pierce. LIrmcoln ; II. ii , At drows , liolcirego ; lii. F. ICing , Lincoln ; 0. 1 I. Swiogicy , Beatrice : \S'Iiliammi Firoved , Mor - rnotitii ; J. C. Shickhey , Getieva ; C. I . Williamson , Chicago ; F. B. Hart , New Yor ; A. U. clreensreet ( , St. Joe ; F' . S. Qiarlcsam m , A. Desiardins , ChIcago ; Fre4 Dhrnona , Sa It LalceV. : . I , Fishier , wife anti cbmiitlVymnort , . a . . Mallory , Grand Island ; 13. 0. lirinthia i , Grand Island ; C. E. Reid , Peoria , Iii. Nohtrtuiikmima itt thu hlotri , At tIme Murray Mrs. 11. F. Hrnttlm , T.lr . cola ; A. I' . Stmiitii , F'ioremice ; C.V , Cod roll , Lincoin , At the Areule : W. H. Love anti win Tekamah : 11. F. Marshall , Id. hlutut , Vail J. 0. Johnson , Ifearney ; J. N. iulorey , Got don ; liorrigami , IlIoomtleId , /tt tIme Millard : .1 , 13. Barnes , Nor1oh J. 1' . Fine Cozul ; W' . L.Vilsutm , Nebramaic City ; A. . lteeson 1)avo Fitzgerald , Lii coin ; F' . Itt. Casteler , BlaIr , At thin Arcuuhe : 11 , 'C. Ilruner. Geneve 'V. F ] , Ferrall tutu wife , Iim.tiatlngs : Geor Cohver , Aurora ; J. Id. Dorsey , J'Ilba 1 % ' . Jt'nai , Dloomfleid ; T , Ii ! . Howard , Wee : lag \Vute ; . At time Mercer : James Risk. Lincoir m ; B. H. .Amulrews , iloidrege : C.V. . I'ierct F. KIng , ILtilcolti ; V. C. tf3htickle ; Geneva ; W , I. Fisher apti vIfeVyrnort , Mollory , B. 0. Brindle , Grand Island. : At the Iehlone : A. L , . l'addok Bemutrlca a .1. L. Wilson , Tekarnab ; I ) . K. 'rindal Grand Island ; Mrs. anti Mites 'rindala a ; Auburn ; A , P. iIurch anti Ivife. Ituabrihia Mutt 011111. Kearuie ) " ' 1' . J. Morrow , No : : follc ; U , V , S\'uinwrghmt , BlaIr , At the Paxton : J , M. } Cilparlck ( an id wife. Beatrice ; 11. U.'eihs anti wife , A : r- hington : V. 13. Kern , hastIngs ; S. H. Iloeb Wfianer C. I , Tuttle , Kearite ) ' : 11. ( : I'eieaii , Yutan' It. C. Bennett , Uenevu : H. Iiardumg , N'ebraska City ; C ] . 0. Iiropui Htromaburr : Iii. D. Welch. Lincoln ; H. ) Searie , Nsfson .1 , l. White , Lincoln. - A NTI-TOXiN CO1ES TO Ob1iIi A ppfled for the Pint Time In This City Last Evening. SO ME RESULTS ARE EXPECTED TODAY h ) escvlption of Illplitltorln , ( lao i1nnimOr in % itlcii thin Nev itetneily iii Ilitoti nitil Itcasona Viay Cures Are Louketi Eor , Fiio first experience In ( lie ttso of antitoxin as a reined ) ' for diphtheria is now being tr ied in this city , and time rsuls ( are being a waited with much Interest. Tito applica- ti omo was made at 5 o'clock Inst evening in tIm e case of a 5-year-aid churl at 1013 Dotighis st reet by Dr. Towne , nsslstant city phmysi- cl an , anti Dr. Spaidliig. The disease In th is case is well developed , As a rtmlo three ap plications are imeccssary anti It is not cx- pe oted that aiiy tieflnit reattits can be mioteti til mtii late tItle afternoon , when time remedy w ill be used for ( ho secotmd tune. Dr. Stone Imas fmmrimlalmeti The Bee s'itIm a fe w facts stated itt nonteeiiitlcai language re garding dIphtheria atid the new nntt.toxitm tr eatimment. S'uys lie : "Tue anti-toxino treatnidnt hiS nlroady es- ta blislied itself over the whoho civilized world at iti revolutlonizeil the treatment of timis most , d read dIsease. hiphttlierin Is an acute lube. ti oua disease with constitutional sytilhtOiilS , p rofound in their character , anti also with lo cal nianifestailomi , in the bormu of false n memnbrane , itsimnily imi the nose or throat. or b oth. In 1S83 Klebs discovered a bacllltis w hmlcit was fottmmd to ho characteristIc. in 1 881 Loather separated time Klebs bacillus f rent tIme accoiimpamtylng ioisomi reotmitimig fr om it. lie inoculated aimlimicis with these b aclhil anti caused dlphithieria , wiilclt killed th meiim , In 1803 ( lie New York City Board of h ealth immatle a microscopical investigatiomm of a ll suspected cases , fintlitmg true allplmthieria ii i over 3,250 cases out of 5,600 exammilnetl. As a matter of very great imiterest to tIme pitbhic , it Is found that the disease is very inbec- ( b us , time bacilli very temmaclous , nmmti ( lint th e ) ' exist in ( lie throat for mammy tmnys alter th in iatlent is , to alt appearances , well. In 6 00 cases of recovery tlte bacilli \vera gone ii i three days , Iii nearly 200 cases they vere p resent seven days , in sixty-four eases t welve nays , lii tiilrt3'.six cases fifteen days , i n fotir cases thirty-five days , in two cases s ixty-three days , so that no case is safe from g iving it until the bacilli cantuot .bo found v itIi tIme microscope. ° Tlmo death rate tinder the best old treat- m ont in jmrovem cases has beemi frighmtftii. in A merica , vlttch bails In results , obout 30 p er cemit died. In France , in omme of time best h ospitals , about 50 per cent , 'Tiio result of the presemico of a. diplt- t hierltte memmibrano in ( Ito throat is a poison , v iolent and destructive : It is teclitmicahly c alled a tox-albumin. Time tahse membrane i s cultivated in a. warm umoist air for three o r four weeks ; it gives rlso to 'ioleiiL t oxins or poisons , just as in the throat. 'PT tmeso nra strong enough to kill army animal , T his toxin is thIluted witlm iodimie and a ma tntll : qtiantity injected tinder the skimi Cf t he anhimmai. This causes only a hittio fever. D ay by day moro is injected. each day using , l oss iodine and more toxin , 'tIll ( Ito foil s trength can ho borne. Seine anlimmals are b ettor than others. The sheep , goat and c ow do very well ; dogs do better , amid time h erse best of nil because lie Is not very a tisceptlbo ! to the polscn. It takes as much a s eighty days to get. tite horse ready to f urnish thin anti-toxin , and this accounts : f or ( tie trouble and delay the doctors are h aving. Time serum , or watery part of t ime blood of a htorse LImits treated is called I at nti-toxin because it tinS been fcund timat t his sertmm , Iviten injected under thin skin L o f a child suffering ( rota tiiplmttmeria , kIlls I t he toxins or poisons produced by. time i liplitimeria. Deleting deseryema tIme credit of t Ills treatment. . , . WHAT TuSh RESULTS ARE. "A very brIef example wlhi tell what th I r esults are : Dr. ATonson , vimose name be . l ongs with l3elmring's , gave $1,000 wortt O f serum to the Kaiser and Kaiserhn Fred. c rick hospital In Juno anti July , 1894. It I e ight 'uveeks' treatment they hind sixty-three c ases and eight died. Then ( ho horses that f urnished tIme serum tiled , anti they had t f all back on the old metimods while waitlnf : f or new hOrses to ho made ready to furnIsh t s ertmm. "In- seven weelts' 'waiting , with the best L o ld methods used , in ninety-nine cases , fifty. . five died. By this Ume new serum wa : I r eady , and in six weeks more with anti. . t oxin , they bad aighity-ono cases , and enI ) , t welve died ; so tlmat wIth antl.toxln in 14 I c ases only twenty dIed , about 14 per cent. whilin lit those awful seven weeks time ) l est fifty-five out of ninety-nine cases , ovem per cent. "Virclmow , the great. surgeon , said 'all t heoretical considerations must give way lx t he brute force ci thieso figures , ' 14 jier cautl ; a gainst 56 per cent. " Every analysis and contest proves Price't 3 Cream Baking Powder absolutely pure. 5flOP 'OR0ES REDUCED , FIve Iluadreti Men Temporarily Laid OfTbl . tiio union J.'acltic , A reduction In the number of men em. p loyed In ( he hiops of the Union Pacific C between Council liluffs and Cheyepne woe I made yesterday. Five humidred men wer S l aid off , time number at Omaha being 30 . Master Mechanic Manning of time Nehraskn hivislon says the amen , will be vut back a : f tst ls Iticrease in' business lviii warrant The reduction affects thirty mcii at Grand I sland , sixty at North 'Platte and ( went ) at Council Bluffs and South Omaha , - luuionsi of lliamry C , Cole , ThmO funeral of Henry C. Cole sviil be hmeld at imis residence , 825 I'ine street , today at 1 :30 : p. m. Friends Invited. Intermemit un vaLe , Henry C. Cole died at his resitlence 821 Pine street , Sunday afternoon at 2 n'cock Mr. Cole was born In Oxford , N. V. , nec I wbmen a young macmo came from that stntt t o Chicago. About twelve years tmgo lit l ocated In Omnima and was a mactuber of timc ; f irm of Garrabmunt & Cole. For ( lie last seven years lie hmati beet' I ( lie mnost trusteti malinger of one of the tie. i : trtmncnts of thin Hteele-llniltlm Grocer ) ' coni : pariy. Mr. Cole's name wtima a symionyrr t for honor. and the world is better for hit : t h aving lived , lIe leaves a wife anti twc daughters. * * ifiiiA YOUNQ MOTHERS ' ' , , We Offer You a Remedy Which insures Safety to Life ot Mother and Child. "MOTF1El'S F1UND _ ! ! d Risk. After iiain 080 boitlo of "MOTREflR' FntsNn" i umTered but. little paImi. anti did not expertenca that wetmkmeta , nftorwmmri , utausl In such 4'afoa.MttS. At$1E GAas , flazior Sprlimgs , ifan , Sent % .Y Mail en Sapretma , en receipt of price , , bottle. hook t' ) tuttteia musiteti Era. . 801.1 hr au iruggi.ts. IIEIPFIEIT ) I1EGULATOIICO , , At1ntn , Ga , - - Frozen Roads Bruise tile Jiorso's fect and stitlbii his joiitts , tjtlt. it rub with Mexican F'lustang Liniment , a good feed and a l'M'ifl ttililo Will 80011 hflllCF up hiS logs. 'SVilI btthi'iIili l'rOSt. bit.ea ttntt chilblains Com the driver , too , . - - - - . - - - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ yfjPoYfq ? , Ltt ( L- ! . . ! \ : . O:13T : 3iNJO' Iloth the lIletilod niiti results when Sytii1) of Figi ; ii ; taken ; it is plcnsnnt nIlti rofiesliltig to the taste , atid acts gently yet Jrolhlptly on the k'hlnoys ( , Liver anti BOrtl1S , cieniuseg the sys- tout efteotimlly5 (1181)015 colds , llCfl(1- aches IBId foyers 811(1 ctirct hnlaitual cohisti1intioui , Syl'1l1) ) of F9gs ill tim only lChm1e1y ( of its kind evet , pro. (111(10(1 , )1CaMihig to the taste nuid no. C01)tallO to tim StOhimaclh , lal'Olllpt in its ItOtiOlt anti tFihlV beiueiicial in ita effects , IrclaI'cl ) ) ( only from the most . healthy 1111(1 ( : lgrcenl)1o ) sllbst1lllces , its 111811 % ' cxc1lciit qualities COhlihIleIld it to all flhlti have hlhlliC ( it the illost 1)0PihltB ) : roimuedy klmOWIi. Syrup of Figs is for sale iii dO CcItt bottles by all lending drug- glsts. Any reliable dIlIggist'llo nItty uiot IlfiVO it. OIl 111111(1 'SS'ilI prp- cihro it promptly for any one who Wishes to try it. Do not accuptany ttbstitiite. CALIFORNIA FiG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAIVOISOD , CAL. LOUI2VLLE , itI , IVEI ( ' t'ORK , N.h. onA'rnrUr-coMFohtTn'rn. EP' Aa h , . liflhiAKF..tST-HtJPI'iiIu. "B ) ' IL thiorougim lciiowledge at tIme natural lt l aws viiiclt govern time tipetttltitmma : of duit's. t ioti utmid ittttrttlan , Cmiii by a careful nititli. c atiomi of' the hue Properties of vell-selected C ocoa , Mr. 1PIiS imas ; troviiheti for ottr itreak. f ast and supper a deilcittehy flavored hover- a go which immtty invO us mniiiy : heavy doctors' l ittls. It is by tIme juettelous usa of such ag rticles of diet that a. constitution may be g rndttalhy btmllt UI ) until matrommg emmutmglm to r esist every tentlency to ulisense. litlimeirethi o f ubthe maladIes arc floating around us r eady to nttuck vimercver thieve Is a weak p oint. \\e 111CC ) ' CsCalO imlaii ) ' mt ( mm tni shaft ib i % ' htCeIflg ourselves veiI fortified with tirn b lood tumd a mtromeniy , imouritilmed frieine.- C ivil Service Gazette. Mnlo tainlmiy ) viLlt boiling 'ater or mtitc. S oul only In htalf-poutitt tins , by grocers , h mtbeied thus : J AMES El'l'S & CO. , Ltd. . Itomnoepatimia Ciieniists , Lommtlon , England , I c-w1 MLrrE , , , 1TEzV AIID znAII ? I2ATUE1T is sold under positive written irotirantee , by autl'oniz'd nacats oh' , to cure Weak Momar ; of Brain and Nerve l'owor : Lost MamiitootP quickness ; NigItL Losses ; Ivil Drt'ans : ; 1acic lonfitionco ; Nervousness ; Lassitude ; nil Brains ; Loss of l'ower of time Gotmerativo Organs in oitimor sex , caused ity ovor.oxention , Youtitfnl Errors , or Excemass'vo Use of ToIacno , Opium r Liquor , which loads to Misery. Consumnitlon , Imtaanmt ; and Booth. l3 nintlla bpzaaix fo $5'wittt lvritthri guarantee to cure or refund monoy. 7cst a Lists i'tils euro Sick lloutdacimo. liltiousnea LIver Contpltmmnt hour Stomnclm Dyspepsiut an t2onstipatiou. OUAItANTEEH msetiodonlyby Goodman Drug Co. OmaliL ' - MANLY PURITY Curcun Rzomr.nmzs ciennso thai blood , , kin , and scalp of every cruptloit , lie. 1' ; ' ' purity , and dlmaciu'u , whether alma. plc , acrofulous , utcetmative , or' lid. 'l . _ . redltary , In a word they are the _ _ .i.gruaieatskirm cierea btood purifier , , _ and humor remneiies of motIcra tlmea , arid aucceed ichea ( lit , bct physician. fail. Hold throughout ( be world. -N. . AMUSEMENTS , 2 rIICHTS MORE T UIISDAV AND WIIIDNESIAY , J\N. 22 AND 23. Two Nightie More of time Engagement of time Romantic Actor , ALdXANDER SALVINI Accompanied hty WILLIAM REDMIJND. Tunlghtt , ( First time litre , ) STUDENT OF SALAMANCA. Wednesday Night. THETHREE GUARDMEN I'rlcea-F'iist ( leer , $1.00 amid $ tQ ; Balcony , tOo a nti 75c. . , Thurs. Fri. Sat. & Situ. Jaim 2i , 25 , 2(1 ( , 21 , - ChARITY J.tA'I'LNi * : HA'i'UittA.Y , t 3peetat engagcmnettt of tlio ht'gtllmmiato Irisit Comitedlan. Mr. Joseph Murphy In ( ito totioing repertoire : T1IUILSDA'm' AND FitIlAY NIGIITII , "SHAUN RHUE. " 1 3tTUILDAY MAT. AND Stt'VUJtJAY Noli'r. "THE DONAGH. " IIUNIAY NiClIL'l' , "THE KJ3RRY 60W. " UaI or eatS wilt open W'edticsday emiorning .4 uUtt1 jtrles. Benefit Perforiiiaiice for tIto relict of lito Nebraska' Drouthufferers BOYD'S THEATER SATURDAY AETEINOON J-til. At wimicim tItan MR. JOSEPH MURPHY l isa gena'i'ouah ) ' connte'I to apiactir lii tue so. tiiantlu I I Ish airattit. . , " THE DONAGJ-L" NOTE-This matinee oi torniammre ta untier tli. direction of thu Nthrtimakit Slate Stiller C'oitmtnhi' iOri. lv. N. NASON , l'rtattient. -it ? 5' T J'UJ'UI.AIf E : ivi. 1. 1.JtIUJcH , 'l'ul. 131 , w.J , ilIIittIiSS , idaitager , TONIGHT AT 8:15 : , THE DERBY WINNER. WF.IJN1IOIJAY MATINSJI. Coinimimu Jaiiimorj ' 7.3tt , Paul IJj't.'aiaOt' t'mt "ThU U1iiiN GOODS klAN , " THEOSOPHY. CLAUDE FALLS WRIGHT , a pupil of hi. I' , Illttvolsicy will lecture s PATTERSON HALL , A' ! ' 8 1' , 111 WEDNESDAY , JANU4RY 23t1 , Re1ncarntioii. idtiiIssloii 25 cents , , . - ' 7 t,5 . . -