Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TilE ( Vt AII.A DAILY DEE : ji\ONDAY \ , JANUARY 21 , 189 .
Rev R , L Wheeler Describes What is the
; HIghest Reach of Humanity
. JtoTolntlon Ih\I : Wonll no Wrought In the
Church ot Today I It i Shonll Secure
Muro Mcii 01 the JUlul
: -en
l'nnl Was. _
"Tho 1ghesl Reach of humanity" was
ttev. Hobert I. Wheeler's topic at the Presbyterian -
byterian church yesterday moring , the text
being , "I 1 am cruclfel wih Christ , nevereat
theless I live. "
To bo crueifell with Christ , said the (
preacher , Is to stand with him , and for him ,
' In the cultivation or righteousness and the
reslstnnco or evil , without regarl to the dic-
taton of the regulators or society or the
lash or 1IIIc opi n Ion .
The cross oC Christ Is the sign oC the
world's eslstanco to the love oC God ; I 1
the emblem oC this world's shnme That :
with wicked hands they Illet the Just ant I
i. holy One , sllrnet 1m In whose face shown I
all light oC the ImowleJgB of the glory oC
OOI , Jocl < 1 Ills cal to a better rlghtcous-
leEs , hated lila purity , jealous oC Ip regard I
for women , Ils love for children anll s'm-
- for the burdened
pathy common people ,
. , took 1m UII Mount Calvary anti slew 1m.
The sign ot that tragedy Is the cross. ' 1he
: highest reach oC humanly Is to put on
, ; Christ In our attitude toward truth and
obedience to God , and resist even unto
; . mnrtyrdom all appeals from world flesh or
devil to compromise or surrender.
Self-livIng oC whatsoever sort Is the essence
ot sin , and Eelfem Is the lowest plunge or
the human Eoul toward total depravity und Is
: ' the genesis oC Idolatry. The man who Is 1 :
; self-sufficient and lves only for hlmsel-the
, WOIMn whose highest aim Is to be petted and I
pampered by modern society without regari I
to the evil influence and effects on other
' lives , are both satanic and re-echo lie ( slnCul I
pride ot the story of Eden
Paul fouli the unselfish Christ life wIlen
ho lost hs selsm and became possessed or
I supreme ali passionate love for men. I
was to him one ot love's transformations. He
looked out oC love's eyes deep In human sew
crago and saw : a lost one for whom Christ
died. lie rescued the outcast from society ;
he preached ! a gospel oC hope for the prodigal
and round In him a brother blood.redeenie'
, Ills own rich and proud church dIsowned
him , public oprnlon cursed him , but hIs love
for men and Christ was triumphant over at I.
"Nevertheles I live. "
The modern church calls loudly for men
of Paul's stamp , willing to b crucified Cor
Christ , to stand against the introduction oC
; that false Iden ( that the church Is to be a
, religious club for lie socially fortunate Ind
the Iammon.blessed ones , while the ehlliren
of poverty and lie ( neglected ones find the
- church receding from the slums , to bo ir i-
, trenched II the arlstocralc suburbs , and
: the street arab , the less fortunate and so-
daily ostrcsed fnd no voIce or hymn or I
cal to God but the rattle oC the drum oC the
Salvation army or lie ( street prayer iueetIn g. '
, To bo crucified With meetng.
crucifed wih ChrIst means for us
. - to stand I stubborn resistance to the sins
) ot the . \1iy Is
dlY. ) socIety shocked at the
expose ot gambling und gamblers , when this
. same society demands a knowledge oC high
fvo ant a deck ot carts as a passport Into
Hs ranks ? The parlors oC the morally dl 5.
.posed , even professed
' ' Christian ones , arc :
turned Into ndergartetns I for
< recruits for
gamblng hells.
F' "Crucified "
"Crucifed with ChrIst" would , as the
mole ot the great church oC Christ , cause
, . her followers to seek wIth l1asslonato lava t ill
' lost ones and to shun the very appearance al
evIl ali by the sacrifice ' oC love oC Chrst to
In and for men tnnmmon would be d : e-
tl'ronell , scHism crucifed and the ' Christ de'
Oallce reIgn trIumphant.
- -
: Jtnlc Cly ( oUII ) .
. . RUdolph Hartz Is confined to his bed wi ( h
; wih
p a had cold.
, t Yesterday afternoon Mr. EdwIn M. Me [
. KInney ot this city and Miss Amelia La li-
' mann of Chicago were marrIed by the Ri iv.
R. L. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. McKInney
c ' and will J reside streets. with Mrs. Gilbert , ' 'wenty-frst
. .
* PurIfy your blood , tone up the system , and
L regulate the digestive organs by taking hoe i's
r7 ; ; Sarsaparihla. Sol by . all druggIsts.
Celebraton of tlt'i Ireut of the Joly Name
ft nt ! t. , Johns Yetorciiy. :
- Yesterday the feast oC the holy name ot
; 1csus , patron saint ot the Jesuits , was celebrated -
D brated at St. Johns Collegiate church. The
servIce consisted of the sInging ot solemn
high mass anll a sermon by Hev. John Pal mis ,
: the president oC Creighton coliego , upon I the
. power ot Jesus' name , u , - . . - , : '
, The slnglug was exceptionally tine. Haydn's
second mass was sung by lie choir to an
organ 'accmpaniment byV. . T. Tuber. A
quartet , comprisIng Mrs. A. F. Dethge , N Ira.
! ! rs
; Lang , CaptaIn Klnzlo
'i and Frank Durlley ,
rendered "Venl Creator , " by Millard. The
* efortcTY was Luzzi's "Avo Maria , " and was
Buns by Homer Moore , n baritone who has
C0l0 to this city from 1IttsbuIg , where he
snug In TrinIty al ( ' ledral.
In his sermon Father
Pubis discoursed
. on
tim grrAt glory and .
power of the name ot
Jesus , not only In Itser but also when applet -
plied to the church nnl its membcrs. He
- ' stated that the name had nol been given lo
the Savior by chance , but was derived Crom
; . JehovalJl , which means the SavIor , and was
announced by Ingels who had come down
from heaven before the Incarnation. In fact
: UIO name had no beginning , and In b net
means the Incarnalon , the unity at time
v human end divine nntures. Father Pi mule
held that Il cures the evIls oC the flesh , , as
\ well as ( base ot the spirit , alll deduced examples -
) amples from the '
srl'ltules and the hivei a ct
' the holy fathers and ( salute to ) Ive8 the
: statement , Ho asked If everyone had not
tell the relief the name Itself gave In hours
of temptatIon , sorrow , financial embarrassment -
ment ali ! physical affliction.
. In view dl this Father Pahls salll ) I ( lint
' there were certain
- duties that every one owes
: to the name , anti
. mentoned the two most i
Imllortanl Ono was lie duty ( f 10SIJect.
Is the greatest ot alt names , ( c name ot the
greatest personage that bias ever appeared on
earth , the name of Gal , and the co' hr"I 1
"Thou hal not talt ( lie ( amino at the J.OIJ ,
thy God , In vain" should bo strictly obeyc
, The other lo-emlnent duty Is tint ( ot In- I
vocation to the name. As It Is the enly
numb ulder heaven by which we cait I be
, . saved , It should bo kept continually Cn our
heart , anti wo should call upon IL In e
cal I very
' alilctlon. "Let the holy name of evey .
: every thing. " , i : . I . . )
. . p
I t. . ' Grllrl , ) ' Ulccn Illalol' ' ,
G"orgCrook ; post No. 2G nnel 'Vomen's ,
Relee corps No. 58 recently Instalell
oller as follows : Commander , Wui 11am
B. Askwlh , senior vice ommluhler \'llul
hugh ; Junlol' vIce coniniunibet' ,
I Iln,1 I I' IIII WI-
more : \Jutnnt \ I ) . J. hmItlt ' .
' 1. . Hllh qua del'-
master ( A. K. 'Rhioniles' surgeon , quart"l. . , .
, B\UUldns" chaplain , Wikins ; ollicer at the (
' . dl ) ' , ' 1 i . . Jul ; oleer ot olcer gt mimi ,
George W ; McCoy ; fergount major , Iuard . .
. 1un1hrey : tlUll'trrmaster sorgealt , Abram
\'lnlgll" ( ,
t't 'fhe \omen's Rlef !
' \'omen's Rele corps \ oOcers wre :
l'resldrlt , 11' . hugh ; senior vIce _
dllt , Mrs. Shiler ; Junior vIce vlcprol Jresideli.
: Mrs. Ihutman' secretary , Mrs. , \ sIri vithi
Ir. ;
treasurer ' , Nellie , A lwlh : chaplain Mrs.
\'lderlln ; conductor , Mrs. Cooll ; g aimed ,
Mra WlnrHard ; assistant conductor ,
. 'Illrllo Hhoudesj assistant guard , Neto
Martin , _ _ _ S _ _ _
' ' -
7 A New Chicago.
, Vlllols 10 the World's fair "ho travel
. by lID ( Ilurllngton's "Chicago Special" will
be pleated to learn that list ( peerless traln-
wIthout exception tie ( fastest II the wee - I"
again In servIce.
I cller-lorQ comfortablob ter than ever ,
. Leaves Omaha at 1:50 : P. m , daily ,
Reaches Chicago at 2:30 : the ( next arernol ,
0 Chair C.rl and c03che. . Omaha to Chlcg :
Tbrollgh l'ullman service. All meals aervclt
In dIning ! car ,
r 'flcketa anti full InCormaton at the Cit
, , ticket - "met , 132 1"lrnln . : , street , . )
. : ) WHlult htequlsttun $ .
, Dr. c'hhlIuni C. Davis , , the. man undel'
j Infetnnt $ ( at . sroux City al the Clint , ! \ ( f
* ri1 jetrau\hlJ , Jt M. Huntel' oUt or aleut
too ; o In the or tnlraton of n Jal cure
cltnblshmlnt , eonlentC yesterday to go
bnk to Sioux City without ruisiion
pap ers. lie sahl that his arrest was the
rtml ot spite work on the part ot Hunter
/nll that ho would be able to cur ball
toda y , and would then return to Omaha.
Ho claims that all oC hl transactions with
Hunter and the other members ot the In-
corp oration In which thy were jointly
inte reSted Were perfectly legitimate. lie
Ray / ; that blunter and other/ forced the
mat ter Into the civil court" some tIme ago
and . were defeated , 10 they have adopted
thiS manner ot tryIng to force him to
ncede to their term Ur. DavIs nle
theseve he has lived In and about Omaha for
severl . years anti wIll b abundantly able
to lear hlmsdC oC thel . charges.
Split ( lie Century In Three Pnrt. ,
And about one and a third or the last oC
these represents the term ot popularity of
Ifoa tetter's Stomach flitters , the most highly
san ctioned and widely known remedy In ex-
Iltenco for dysppsia , lack of stamina , liver
complaint , constipation , nervousness , IncipI-
eat rheumatism and inactivity oC the kltneys ,
Neiher spurious imitation or underhand
com petition has affected the sale of this genueven
lao .
remedy - - _ . _ _ _
Tnles Charge 01I'"IS ' Express ComlalY's
Iiii'hiie s tn fliunhii
M r. Charles H , Howard , recently city
passenger agent oC the ( Burlington at Denver ,
has assumed the duties ot agent ot the
Adams Express company II thIs city , vice
Mi I U. Reeves , who has teen transferred I
to the ( agency oC the Adams company at ,
Springfeld , O. I
M r. Howard Is one oC lie ( best known
express men In the country having ben ,
Identfod with the business since early youth , I
anti bias fled many posItions of promInence I ,
and trust with the
ant lending express com ,
jian les. lie first started In with the ( Adams I i
In New York City , rising to the position L
of assistant money clerk In a comparatvel ) I
she rt time , and becoming proficient as 1
shorthand wrier , resigned to accept the m
pos Ition of private secretary to tIme general
superIntendent of the Southern Express company -
pany , with which' ho remained several years .
lie was then transferred to Cincinnati , where I
he fled I like position with the manager of
the Adams Express com pan ) Upon the or-
ganizaton oC time Baltimore & Ohio gxpress i
company ho was nppolnted superintendent , ,
having general supervIsion ot its business
west ot larlcerburg , and although con
slderell I very young man for the positon ,
fled It with great credit to himself , and I
succeeded In buildIng up n very remuneratve
business In lie face oC strong opposition by
the older cOlp:1Ies. : When the LoulsvUe
& Nashville Railroad company organized Is
own express company he resigned to take the
pos ition oC assistant to the PresIdent oC that
company , remaining with It until the follow -
Ing year when ho accepted an offer to reenter -
enter the Ailam . Express company's servIce -
Ice , In whose employ lie remained until the
fal l oC 18SG , the last four years of whIch
tme he represented It as general agent at
Kansas Clly. lIe subsequently went to New I
York us superintendent oC tarIffs for the
Erlo Express company , but upon the eol-
lap se of that company returned to Kansas :
Cly all was given a similar position will
the Pacific Express , part oC time tIme being
loc ated In Omaha. Since 1890 he has been
In the service oC the' . BurlIngton railroad.
- -
\Ia the nocle ' lsIaiid-'aikorLost ! JAne anti I
J'lstcst Time
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian
TerrItory , Texas and all poInts In southern
Ca lifornia. Only one nsht : out to all points
In Texas. The "Texas LImited" leaves Omaha
at 6:15 : a. in. daily except Sunday , landing .
passengerr , at all points In Texas 12 hours tit
advance of ( all other lines. Through tourist
cars vIa Ft. Worth and E Paso to Los An-
ge les . For full particulars. maps , folders ,
et c. . call at or address Rock Island tcket
omeo , 1S0Z Filnam St.
CHAS. KENNEDY . , G. N. W. P. A.
ANew Trlln to St. Loi" .
The most attractive feature oC the flu : r-
Ipgton route's new timecard Is . the new
maha-St. Louis train.
Leaves Omaha at 1:60 : p. m. daily , and
reaches St. Louis at 4:46 : the next afternoo 0.
Through eleeplng car , through dining car
and a delightful eIght hours' ride along the
west bank ot lie Mlsatsslppl .
Remember , lila Is the nly train whIch
h ! I through sleeper from Omaha to St
Tickets and full Information at the Cly
tcket office , 1324 Farnam . street.
Through Tonrht 81eolllnl Car to San Frai a-
cisco anti Los Ang les.
VIa Chicago , Rock Island & , Pael/c raiway ,
leaves Omaha every FrIday at 1:10 p. m. ,
via Denver , Colorado SprIngs , Pueblo , Sal
Lalco , Ogden. Also through tourist sleeper
to t Los Angeles every Wednesday on our
southern route , vIa Fort Worth and EI Pam 10.
Ticket s and sleeping car reservations can bo
secured at tIme "Rock Island" ticket omco ,
For full information cal on or addess
CHARLES KENNEDY , 1602 Farnam St. , ,
' " " --"l' G. N. W. P. A I
' " - : _ - .
-l _ Short 10lce Stories
C. P. lardlnr reported to the police yesterday -
terday that he had bem robbed 'ot $ 110
early In the morning. He told the ofcers
that he met a young woman who accompanIed -
panIed him to his room nt Nineteenth nnd
I.eavenworth streets. Some time during
lie ( night when he was asleep the ( cmi
rose und claimed with his wealth. femae
Charles Smith was arrested yesterday as
I suspIcIous character. After being taken
to the staten he was identified l being
the son of 1 resident ot Dundee Place who
Is 1 wanted tor burglary at Stromsbu rg .
Young Smith Is saId to have served n sentence -
tence t In the reform school. He will bo
turned over to the .Stromsburs officials .
Gustave WeIse sol.drunk Saturday night
and vent to his hemp , down In the ' 'hlrd
wurd where he procdet to chastise his
family . 'fhe racket attracted the attent ion
ot nn oflicer who arrested the atenton
Charles Jaclron , Z. II. Jones and H. B.
Johnaol were arrested on South Tenth
street early yesterday morning os beIng
suspicious chmuructenim. . l
Turn.r , ' Athlete CompetItion.
The members oC the Danish Turner as so-
claton gave their ( birth annual competit lye
exhibition yesterday afternoon In 'Vushlng- '
ton hal before I large lumber ot ( ne : lids
and Interested spectators This lumsom la-
ton hal been In existence for three ye uii
and now nUlber only uctivu membera
who , under the Instructon actvo Proto F red
Nyegarl , I teacher of turning wihi a E mroo
pean exp ' rlence , meet tour wlh week anll i
' go through sOle wonderful gymnastic performances -
formances , which Is evidently doing the
young men I. vast amount oC good phi' ' ysl-
' ' goot
cahly. Two classes tool part In the com-
pelton yesterday . one competing tor
llilloma ' tor proleleney In compotng 1 ad
calisthenics mind the ( gymnastcs afd
calsthenics Inl other lghtng tor a
diploma for vaulting and Juniptug . 'he
) 'ounl athleteI were greeted with loull h
I'ounls oC applause when they perform i
Jme especIally daring tent. pertormc
They ave another exhibition In lie ( evenIng -
Ing , ant this - was followed . by I ball ,
' 1'01 Ir."klll Into n "toro
Omar Cal and Charles Smith , wanted I at
Stromsburg Cor breaking Into I clothlnl
atone , were arrstell In his city ) 'csterday
afternoon hy Deteeth'ts Savage nnll Dc inn-
hue. 'Jho theft was conlnlted , as IA II-
J'get , some monthA ago , 1111 the Irnlice have
been on the lookout rOI' Smih and Cnl ever
since , but they dhl nut arrive In this
Until three days ngu. Smith and Cal are
both young men anti have ( lch Ielvell I irne
In the retolm school of . thIs state , tme
OMAH\ , Jail 20. 1895.-Military Order of
the Loyal Ieglon oC the hulled States , Irad ,
'ulrler ! Qommarery ! ! Q ! this , Slate of Nt
brala : A special meeting . the Iomn : nnd-
ery will be held at the Mrreer hotel on Mon-
day , January 21 , at 7 p. m. , to tul1 am tion
UPOI the death of Ctlnpanlon Major acton
W. I'adioek 1y order ot the comnmar imier.
UOn\CI LUUNUTON , Record 3r .
- -
The Stale Relief comliulon have : etab-
1 $ le , headquarters at i)9 ) Frenzer block ,
where all contributons of provisions .nl\ \
clothing IhoulJ be lent , instead of 407 Drowa !
blok , a heretorore All correspondence !
should bl addressed 1 to me at 407 Drown
block. W. N.NASON , President.
l'lul.rl "ltrrt imiPt.'ri
The Uunhimmgtcn'a " 'estibii1eml Flyer , " which
leaves Omaha ot 4-i5 : p. m. daily , now
reactme $ Cldeao at 75 p. , m. , twent.nH
minute earlier than heretprore.
The service II a $ good I eur : time lme , a
hittio better than
111,0 - ever . " . .
Patel desiring to talk with parties In
Mlsi url Valiey . 'Lo\'el li" or Crescent , l. , I
cal do 50 II ) teleplieae ; , a time line \0 thl\
1 points \u. cemphtel tl estenda7. , J
Prep abatlonl of eottsh Oansmen for OeloGold
bmting Robert Burns' Birthday
Dan ee , Song ' , Speech anti Dris that WI
Jtecnl the Dear Old J.nll that HRI
Uecn Left anti the EnTlron.
ments at Iho Great l'oot.
The celebration or Durns' birthday anniversary -
versary at \V' shimmgton hal on the ( evening
ot Janunry 21 ! , under the auspices at Clan
Oordon No. 63 , Order of Scottish Clans ,
promises to bo an Interesting and attractive
even t . Already time sale of tickets assures
an even greater success than attended the
celebrate ! under the sale auspIces a year
ago. Everything connected wih time cele-
brat ion Is on a scale In keepIng with the
pIa o that Burns holds , not only In time
hearts oC his countr'len , but In those oC
alt who read the I ng\sh language. An In-
terestng feature of the evening will bo time
ntonl dancing , exemplfed the cliiiflve
dren , In full Hlghlanl costumo. The
speakers ot the evening will be Mesers
J'rank E. Hartgan and John L. Kennedy.
Time following Is the ( program :
Gntherlng ' oC the clans . . . . . . . . . . .
Pipers J. C. Buchiiinan Dougail. and 0. W. le-
Ad dress at welcome..0. D. Shnnd , chief
Sol o-We're A' Scottish here. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Clanslan A. Jamieson
.Ciniismnaa . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .Clnnslau Gray's vupils
Sol -I3esste , the Maid o' Dundee. . . . pupis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. Lorrlne Gibson
Ba nmi-Thero Was a. Lad 'Yns Born in
Kyle . . I . . . . . . Dorl . . . . 1\ .
Atk lnesn-Tlie Memory oC Ilurns. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1" . ] . Hartigan
.F. . . . . . . . . .Mr. Cole
Dance-Swort dance In costume. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Hose McKenzie ,
fle cltation-Cuddie Doon . . . . . . . IIcI . . . < .
. .Miss Annie Lowrie 1
Sol e--Annie LalrlC..lls ! } "nlny Arnold
Qu artet-lIme hells of 8cotnnd. . . Arolt . . '
Me ssrs. DIII Gardner , Cole and 1"lndlay.
DanceScotch reel In costume. . . . . .
laster ! George and Art Falconer
and : Misses Maggie McKenzie and
Jeanie 1"alconer. ant
4'ul dress-The Land 'Ve Left and the
Land ' We Live In..J . L. Kennedy
Sol o-TIme Battle ot Stirling. . . . . . . . .
. .Clansman A. FIndlay
Sol o-Jessie , the Flower or Dunblane . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fill :
Re cttution-Sebectcd . . . .Mr. Mrf. lIcClalt ) .
DanceHighland lung In costhnie. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Jeanie Fnlconcr
Sol o-On Sel and Shone . . .Mrs. S. D. Leel ;
Sol o-Bonnie Lass ot Bahioclcmyle. . . . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . Clansman Gardner .
hiC citatlon-Thie Baptism of the Bairn. .
.Miss Jessie Dowie
. , Scotan . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Dlln
Gr and Treasurer DenloR iteports
JclJrts or DIscord :
In the Treubund. _
RUdolph hertz , grand treasurer of the Treu-
bun t ] . denies that there Is any trouble In
the order. Says he :
Time Treubund has just as smooth saing
as ever , with the
with exception oC a few sore
, that by some means gel Into ab i
secret societies , and because they ' are tot al
all owed to exercise full power over all matters -
ten they feel It theIr painful duty ni try
to cause trouble
" I also wish to state that n full and complete -
pleto statement was rendered Cul the las it .
grand lodge meeting . The object ot holding
the next grand lOdge meeting at Norfolk was
wel understood by all members at time Piattm ; -
mouth session. I would bo Just as expensIve
for the members ot the order to come from U'
Nortol 'and the other western lOdges to I
Omaha as It would vice versa. The order Is I
enjoyIng great prosperity ,
considerIng the
present times , and would
tes bo ' mare prosperous
were I not for 1 few chronic Idckers.1 -
nstern Star Social.
Vesta chapter No. 6 , Order ot the astor
Star , gave a very enjoyable
gvo 1 entertainment
at the Masonic hal last Wednesday ovenlng m
caled a "poverty , " or "hard time , " sock ii.
lemorles ot the olden time and hife ' on tI 10
lte' L10
fronter life In the early days were resurrecte fi ,
and all came attired In their former "S nduy
be st. . " Many antique styles were represente
iml r. Charles Baxter was awarded a pair of
largo socks for having the mot homely
suIt , white : rs. D. O. McEwan received a
very unIque bouquet holder as the ladle .5'
pr ize.
The admission fee was 13 cents , and 1.
charg of 1 cent extra
extr was made for r e-
freshments , consisting ot coffee and doughnuts ! -
nuts , which were served at 10:30. : Cards a d
dancing formed the special part of time eve aC
in g's . The
program. committee that so UC-
cess tuly planned and carried Into executon
the i enjoyable event was composed ot : rs.
lary liy , Mrs Anglno Whitmarsh , Miss
Dolie A. Id. Pmy and Miss Emma Andc i-
so il. The attendance
alellance was large , many being
present from the South Omaha and Comm cii
DufCs lodges , and out ot town chapters beIng
w ell represented. . .
Chmcckhiig ! Up -ccounts.
The sovereign fnnncIal committee oC tl
Woodmen oC the World Is In session at the
present time , engaged In checking up the accounts -
counts ot the sovereIgn clerk. Chairman C.
C. Farmer of the sovereign managers Is also ;
In i the city , on his semi-annual tour of In-
s pection. He Is highly pleased with the I
progress that has been made , especially in
t his . the sovereign Jurlsdlcton . At lie ( end
of 189 the sovereign camp ot the sovereign
jurisdicton J contained 14,057 members , and
at the end ot last year the number ot me m-
h ers was 20,287. Time Pacific juriedict : ion
shows an Increase ot ; 4,602 mnembrs , the I I
I memlershlJ now ' being 9,142.
l'ntrlolo'luulhtor. : . liutentasin .
The Patriotic Daughters , whose reputat ion
tor f enjoyable socials and entertainments has I
long l ben established , gave a very enjoyable
masquerade bal at the Grand Army of , lie (
HeJublc hal Wednesday evening The attendance -
tendance was god , and these present kellt
tlo to the charming music , as rendered by
the Gate City orchestraJ until twenty numbers
had t been playod. The committee , composed
oC Mrs. Nellie Fishier , Mrs. HInes and ZmI irs.
Dstelhorst , was praised for the eredlublo
manner In which the affair ' was couductec '
Secret Society Nole .
A new ledge ot tIme Indepeldent Order oC
Goo 'mplars will lie. organlzell on tIm
first Tuesday In Fotnmmhry In Paterson hi nil.
Wasluimmgton lodge No. 27 , Degree ot
10nor , Ancient Order of United Workmen ,
will give an entertainment for the drouth
sufferers January 29.
The Wodmen of the ( World gave a very
enjoyable masquerade 'ball on' January 17 , at
nauer's hal , The affair reflected the existIng -
Ing hard tmes , and If anything , was on
that account more Illeusurable. The atte nd-
ance was large.
The following officers of Omaha lodge No.
2G , Knights of Pythlns , have been Install led :
Chancellor commander , A , J , Hartng : vice
chancellor , F. Grossman : Ilrelute , I. . Iletz ;
master of work , Joseph Peterson ; master
ot finance , T. lung : master ot exchequer ,
Paul Sewer ; keeper ot records and seals , K .
lit . Johanson ; master-at-arms , H. Ilurmim cia-
tar : trustees A. L. lartng , L. Iletz and I F.
, \ : Bilker , On I"ebruary 16 the lodge will
colebratoits fourteenth anniversary ,
Lifeboat lodge No. ire , Independent Order
at Good Ten1lars , gave a most enjoyable
musical and literary entertaInment last
Thursday evening One oC tIme features wfts
a ghost drill , gIven ly n dozen oC the ye wA
ladles of the lodge. With the lights turned
down , the young ladles , dressed In the ulual
habiiment1 oC ghosts , went through a
march tu the accompaniment ot musIc. A
- . .
pat of the also turned Into a Jap-
Inese bazaar , which vas well patronized."T
Refr eshments '
Refreshmentl were meerved during tic ( even-
Ing. tlen'c
lag.Re d Cross c4Ud 'o.4 , Knights or time
Gold en Eagle , has Installed time following of-
fcer : P. C. , Josth Mcnrlen : N. C" , C. 1
Cofn : V. C. , F W. Schols : I J" Edward
L Page : V , H. , John hall : M. of I. , J. ' , V' .
Jardlno : C. ot E. . A. la1s ; l. 1 ot hi , A. Fete ; I
S. H. , George Rrlnger : first guard , John
Rem ick ; second glr , C. J. Johnson ; \V. n. , I
C.Cha Scarborough : MT. C. , Edward Tripp ; II. , !
Charlcs Deeman : raquire , Frank Urown The i
101lgo Is In good condition and growIng raN :
Idly D. S. C. , -A. hoes also constituted n
ladi es' . -
temple. _ _ _ _ a- _ _ _ _
Sco red R. Trlumllh thor an East Olnl\ Cur
Rt flkhorn :
A crowd of sports went out to Elkhorn i
Saturday night to pull off a dog light , all !
they witnessed a lively contest between
"Omaha Jack , " a Seventeenth street bihll
terrier , antI "Bose , " an East Omaha canine
reputed to be able to whlll his weight In
wid cats or badgers. For some tmo there
hail been a dlsputo between the owner or
these "purps" ns to which hal the best slayIng -
Ing qualities and R couple of week ago the
men posted $100 apiece to fight their animals -
mals at an unknown lllace within fifty miles
dt Omnha. Each dog weighed within forty-
fve pounds and was In fine condition .
The ring was pitched In a wel-lghted
barn antI the dogs were IllacetI In their cor-
Her s. A Third ward saloonkeeper was s-
loot ed l referee and Inouneed lint ( It was
10 bo a regulation scratch and turn scrap ,
the dog raing to cross the scratch In turn
to Ibso l the stakes. As soon as time word
was gIven the East Omaha dog went alter
the big white fellow from Omnha mind for
ten minutes the spectators were treated to
some of time l\'elot wrestling and breaking
or holds that has been witnessed hereabouts.
A break was macho In eighteen minutes 1
all the East Omaha "dorg" had upheld
his reputation as 1 scrapper. But In the ( m
next round ho met with a more stubborn I
reslstaneo and the Omaha pup seemed to m
awalcen to the fact ( lust he had a fight on his I
hands and he punished his adversary
sev erely. The East Omaha canine seemed to I
bo losing hIs wimid' anti for the succeeding
three rounds he fought on' the defensive ,
but the other dog rushed him so savagely
that ho had no chance to recaver and when m
tim e was caled for the sixth scratch ho re-
Cused to cros over and meet hla antagonist
and was counted out.
Conslderablo money changed hands anti the
crowd returned at a late hour. I Is lkely
that tim vIctor wi receive a challenge Crom u
the owner of a Sixteenth street dog In the
nelr Cuture. Neither dog was badly hurl ,
but the East Omaha dog lacked wind enough
10 make a winning fight.
6 -
I'e cullnr Origin of 1 Fire In R "holcsale I
Liquor House.
A conflagration was narrowly avoided In
Ma nnix's wholesale liquor house on Farnam
str eet . between Fourteenth and Thirteenth
streets , yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clocl.
Omcer Clarko's attention was called to a i
blazO In the east show window In the paper :
and colon cloth with which the shelves
used for exhibiting liquors are co\ red. Al :
en trance was elected and a singular fact
discovered , all that was that this inflarn -
mablo stuff had 1en Ignited by the sun's
rays shining through the plate glass window
nnd focusIng on 4 glass jar The flame 5
were speedily extinguished and no damage
do ne. That the heat Crom the sun could
be concentrated wIth sufficient intensIty to
Ignite thIs mass of paper and cloth on the
20th day ot January In this latitude was con
sidered as something remarlcable.
In Olt n Tunas
Pe ople overlooked 'the Importance of permanently -
nently beneflclai"effeCiS and
benefclalefects were satsfed
wih transient action ; but now that I Is gem x-
erly known that Syrup of Figs will perma- :
nenty cure constpaton ; welit : In-
Cormed people 'wJ\.not buy other laxatIve :
which act for' atlme . but finally injure tbe
sy stem. _ _ _ p _ _ _
Dentin , at 11 Omnh" Tencher.
Mis Helen M. Nave , one ot the tenchel
In the city ciiools , died
ciy Ichools" yesterday mort mx-
Ing In Topelc , Kan. Miss Nave had
t aught In the Omaha schools since September -
ber , ISSB. For a number ot years she
tausht In the Lake school , hut morc re-
centy In the Saratoga She more one ref
Omaha's most falhCul and devoted tepcl Imw
ers , beloved telch-
belovet by her pupis and highly r e-
pooled by all who knew her. She brol e
In heath lat ApII , but remained brke
post until the close ,
unt ot the 'ear. She was
selected for this year and had been
sI hat on
Ijave I ot absence since time beginning ot
t fall term. _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _
Time Burlington Ionto Changes Time.
lu qulelenlng-a most decided quickenIng ' -
In i the time to Chicago , St. Luis quickening I
C ity Is effected ' azys
Cly efected by the Durlngton's new
schedule , effective Sunday , January 20.
, I"or full information cal at the City tcket
im mce , 1324 Farnam street , or refer to the
U\'etablo column on another page.
S '
l'Ensu..U ; P1 . i.1 OJt.l PIls.
' O. Sanger of Chicago Is ragisteted at
The Dehione. .
. Charles W. Wale ot Boston Is stopping
a' time Paxton .
J. . J. Duncan of Randolph , Ia , Is a guest
at time Arcade.
Arthur J. K. WarJ of Boston Is registered
at the Darlcer.
M. C. Center at Cincinnati was In the I
city over Sunday.
G. W. Hull of Denver apemt Sunday w ii
Crlonls In this city. wih
W. F. Murphy ot DuraTo , N. Y. , Is registered -
tered at the Darker.
R. C. Bioomfield ot
Doomfeld Denver stopped over
Sunday al time Ieiione.
J. K. Lnecker Is regIstered at the B or-
Ier , from Mound City , Mo.
gd Iumbert ot Sioux CIty was a guest
at time Paxton over Sunday , -
Miss Etta Chastain Is regIstered at the I
Darker , from Marshall , Mo.
I. W. Adanms ot the Wabash Is registered :
at the Paxton , from St. Louis.
George P. WaIler Is registered at the
Barker , from llloonmsburg , Pa.
W. I Wells and E. J. Anhnl ot New
Yorlc are registered at tIme Murray . :
Miss VIola Arthur , Arthur Dunn , P. J ,
white and wIre and S. W. Adler ot "The
Derby WInner" are stopping at the Ii uul.
Jacob James , W S. Conner , 'V II , Lit tie ,
S. Cicero , J. C. Hulman , Miss laey and m
MIss LeverIng ot "Time Derby'Inner" ere
stopping at time Murray.
MIca Gonad , MIs Jesse Hatcher , Louis
n. flail , Max Miller and wife Prof. Vlne2t :1i :
Mlnnehii and rife , Sam Gilbert
Ilnnel wie Gibrt , George Iul ,
George 1unson , ore members ot "The
Derby 'Vlnner" company domicied at the
Hotel Darlcer.
At ( lie Mercer : ; J. W. Dickerson , Chicago :
T. S. Cartwrlgimt Fort Wayne ; C. W. Dooll-
good , 0 U. Williflhmuon , Chicago : Ira lal- m
lory , North Plate ; C. H. Ureclc , jr. . Wch-
mOlt , Iy. : .Charln I. PlumbhlcSKOJ' , ; '
I. C. Halden , Ncwarlc ; J. N. , Oalll , Des
Moines Mrs. It. lii GlUey , Fort '
1olnes ; Ir. I. 11 Heno , 0 hi'
D. F . Ichumacbcr , L. H. Gibbon , 118 m ;
Hutchison , Miss Bradley , Milwaukee : I. I.
Fiske ! , P. Dowlng , ! rs. Uowlng , nea-
trice , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nelnjiuiii nt limo I 1)1115
At the ! tiiilaadl-C. E. Magoon , J. J.
I'ennmIng , U , B. A. . Lincoln
At the Merciutmn(5-It . l. Bhaunn , 1.lncoln ;
J. 11. Lee , Oxfort ' . ' 1' . Armstrong , Ku ar-
:1ey. :
:1ey.At the Delone-O. J. Nave , cluapi lain
United States Im ) ' Nlobr"rl : F . Currier ,
W'liitney . .
, 'hlney.
At the Paztou-S. 8. lalle ) ' , Cedar Rap-
hIs ; JV. . Wiison . Slromsur/ ( : A. I ,
'fhatcher Valentne : J'ranlc 1. Ireland , Ne-
braskl C ! ty ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S , Gov't . Report
pya1 Baking'
P wder
4.1I t11IMTh.
"T he Derby WInner , " which was made
known hero earlier , the season , again
made a dash for public favor at the Empire
yesterdny , lager audiences , mntneo and
nigh t , testing lie drawing qualities ot this
latest or time racing dramas.
here was 1010 doubt about the stage oC
the EmpIre beIng large enough to give Mr.
Spin k's drama proper scenic investiture , but
wit h four horses In the stalls and two In the
( lash i for tIme Derby stales all fear as to the
smalness of time sago was dispelled antI the
play seemed better for being drawn together
on account of the stage capacity.
Time Derby Winner" Is deservedly popular -
bar with the great mass of theater goers ,
exp loiting ns I does quite cleverly a grow-
lag phase of ICe In which time People of
Am erica are becoming more interested year
aeer 'ear.
There arc but few changes In the company
slnco last seen In Omaha , and the changes
made are decidedly to the advantage of lie
pla y . Porter J. Whlo Illas the vIllain with
) vllnln
goo appreciation oC the requIrements , while
the hero amid owner of the Missouri Girl ,
who wins the derby stakes , Is still played by
. ' stnles sti pll'C
I.'rank Ua'ton Miss Oga Verne makes n
sweet , gentle heroine and plays with much
inte lligence. Whlo time dramato features
are well provided for , the comedy clement
Is by no means nn iimconeeqtmemmtini part oC
the entertnlnmentl llminulve ( Arthur Dunn ,
but a superlative comedian , leading the run
tan kers. Then comes lax : ller , one of
the very best Oerman coimmemhians on time
stnge , arid his wife , Jessie Hatcher. lilly
Eltl ridge Is a wonderfully cever ! colored man ,
and , wl1 his wire , carries ronslderuble oC
the play on his shoulders. Thu : pectalties
are splondll and hue play made a deservIng
hit yeslerdny.
A very good house witnessed a production
of "Yon Yonson" nt lloyd's theater last night
all aipearetl to extract a good deal
appearet 1 ( ot en-
joy ment from the piny. The piece , after the
sty le ot other similar farces , Is used simply
as a vehicle to represent a dialect , In this
coso time Swedish , and Is mainly mmiommopohized
by the star Gus Ileege . As Is usually the
cso In presentatons oC the kind , : usualy . '
dialect Js at ( hues forced , but on the ( Heeg's
Is very good. The Inost enjoyable portion oC
time entertainment , ho\ever , was the singing
of the '
Lumbermen's quartet , comprising Sld-
I ney Craven , Clnton Ilanard , C. E. Pease
: , ant i W. J. C < . Their harmon ) ' Is very
goO and their songs , although constructed
song alhough on
old lines , arc clever and somnetlmimos
hu cIulo
humorous , They were conmpeiicd to respond
, compeled
1,0 several encores The rest or time company
were not above criticism. .
critcism. Julo S. Kusel ,
however , as John T. Honoway , the viiiain oC
the play , presented his character wIth much
me rit. wlh
The advance sale oC scats for the Salvlnl
engagement at time Boyd ,
Dot commencing to-
night , has been such as to denmonstrate that
this city Is well able to demonstrte
ciy \ei hold its own as a
generous patron of time higher dramn. Local
theater-goers have selected
Snl\lnl as their
especIal favorite , and his coming Is
looked upon as one of time chIef events II\ays oC the
sea son . Altlmoughi his Came
Alhough has been
hancet from the fact that he Is tIme only
actor of-his
day who has been able to thoroughly -
oughly arouse In tile audiences oC time period
an enthuslaslc regard for the sentinmeimts oC
old - tlmne romance , he Is by no means confined
to these limits. Ho Is not an actor confned one
( rt . but oC many purts. As a cornelian or
tragedian ho seems to bo
equally at home
equaly 11me ; ;
unlle most of the greater actors , ho has no
pronounced mannerIsms , bmc the great
art ists oC France , he Is able to lose nil selt-
com isciousness and tlnk his Idently al lhe
role he .
portrys. Tomorrow night hIs admIrers -
mIrers will have an excellent opportunity ,
to ' opportuniy
JUdge ot
Salvlnls more comic talent , fem
lie will then present for time first tinie here
the new romantic comedy "
romantc "Ste
dent . of Salumanea , " which entted to "Sll- one
at. the
most laughable
productions of the
dr amatic . ' proluctons
dramatc ycar. Salvlnl's engagement wil
open tonight at tim Boyd whim "Don Caesar
de Dazan , " and will close Wednesday nIght
wih "The Three Guardsmen. " The
Guardsmon. company :
w ill arrive at 9:35 : this morning from the
w est.
At Doydrs , eommenclng'on Thursday night
Januart 124 , for fbur nights amid nmatlnec ,
comes Joseph Murphy , Omaha's matneo 0
IrIsh comedian , In his favorlo
IrIsh comedy-dramas , "Shaun RII' worl.famous , a
Donagh , " and "The Kerry Gow. " I ' Is two
years since Mr. Murphy has appeared In I
Omaha , and ns ho did not play last season
ho returns with new vIgor , and brIngs wIth
him time
best upportng company that he
ever had , and each play will be produced
wih all the accessories and appointments
that have .
always characterIzed hIs produc-
' li ons . On Thursday and Friday nights he -
'wi present "Shaun Rhuo ; " on Saturday ma t-
Ineo I ( for time benefit ot the Nebraska su f.
ferers ) , and
erors Saturday night , hIs reconstructed : -
structed "Donagh , " with time famous
panoramic -
ramic views oC. the beautiful lakes ot ICi I-
larney l , Mr. Murphy appearing as Larry ICi I -
laly i : and on Sunday , his last night here , the
greatest play of them eli , "Tho Kenny Gow . , ,
Corinne and the Kimball Opera Comlque
company , numberIng sixty burlesquers
, con a-
odlans , vocalists and dancers , will nmal Ice
merry the \ operatic extravaganza , "He , n.
nick Hudson , " at Doyd's theater time fir at
three nights ot next week. Mr. Matt Derry ,
the well known theatrical manager , t1 Is In the
ciy arranging for time coming ot t'ho CorInne :
company. , . _ _ _ - _ _ _
Veteran' 141 rounen' , Aaoeltmtloi.
At the last meeting ot the Veteran Pu 'a-
men's association , over which 'V. L. May ,
who has just returned frm I trIp to the
south presided , the financial secretnry
and the treasum'er read their nnnuul reports ,
which show that ( the association II In a x-
celent condition . 'hls was the reb'iur
elecioa meeting , but
electon meetng but the elections were
postponetl j until the April meetIng . C. R.
Courtney was elected I member at the I
assoclaUon. -
Muslin Underwear at Manufacturers' ' PrIces (
Qloaks and Furs Cost or Less
1'.IXTON UfOH : .
l . & SEARLES ,
' it /
. 'I , I j
- \ Chronic ,
\ \ "
- ILI h S j
. ' J \ , ' Neryous ! I
" I I Private
. , ' \ Itl ! 1 - O1soasc
' . ' \ , . Dseaes ,
TIilAT.mmENT J MAIL. OOlsult.tou L'rof. ,
Wo cure Catarrh , nil riseases of the
Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver ' , I
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - :
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
WE" : , JWI : Anu VICTIMS 'ro 0ntVo PH
Debility or I "hauI\on , \ValUng ' NInVOUI .
voluntary Lasses . , , with Early Decay In oung I
and middle aged : hick ot mini , vigor andweukened
prematurely In approaching old age. All i'm mud
readily to our new treatment tor loss ot yeilt
power Call or. er address with vlal
Cal or stamp for clr-
rular. tree bl and recelpl.
Dr , Searles , and Searles , J-I 1 Fmtrnmunm ; , t
Don't ' Neglect Your Eyes
: \ , .
" . t
W. I. Seymour , our opticIan , has been i
extremely sUccebsful In sitting classes to
hundreds ot time best people In the city.
Lenses Exchanged Free of Charge.
Ti1e Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
LCADNG scmN'fl J Ol'TiCLANi.
10 I"/rnam Street.
. Qpaslte J'uxton notel.
_ _ _ _ iu-
- -V - - \ - .
What is
, A
. S _
' S 's
Castor1 Is Dr. PIteht'r'8
Cnstorlo lchpl"H Prescription for Infmts
nflt Clilidron. It contains lelhcr Olll1t Dlorphlne lor
other Narcotic suhstunco. It is n harmless su1sUtlto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrtlii t anti Outer Oil.
It Is lcmmnt. its guarntee Is thirty ycurs' n80. by
: iions or\otlers , CastorlacicstrOys'WOi'ultS nuilnllnys
o\'orlslmess. Ons orlo jirc'citts ( yomltug Sour Ourt ,
cures Dlnrrhro antI 'Vlml Cole , Oastorln re10\'c9
teeUIII [ troubles , cures contpaton mHl 11atulolcy.
Castorln nsslmlntcs the food , regulates the stomnch
mHl bowels , hiving hcalh ; Itll natural sic 01. Ons- . '
torin Is tIn Olltrcn'a - l > nnnccn-tho lIothol"s l rlcnt ) ) , <
Castoria. Castoria
- - -
Ctrnls an excelent medicine for chili' O Cn'storln 19 10 , 'el nllnpttlto children thlI
. Mcmthmens hao dl ' told oC its
drn. Iother 11\0 repeatedly 10 Is I rcetmcnlllt asamiperlor tommy prvscnipUon
good ccct upn thc children . " knowu to me. "
Da. O. o. OSGOOD , ' n. A , . .micnmtnM. D. ,
- iwcl , Mass. 21 So. Odo,1 St"lrookln .ncmm , N. Y.
. Cntorln ii I ; the betrenxedy for children of . Our ph.slcrn In time children's depart.
"blh I mini acqtnnt ! > I hope time day Is not lent liavo spoken hllhly of their eXllcrl.
rlrdItnntwhenmothcrwlconsl.erthor:11 once In theIr outside practice with Cnton :
itrst ef their chl.rcn. anti use Cstorln In. omit ! nltholh wo only hr'o omoug our
stead of the 'anious quacic nostrums which are \tlcul supplies u bat Is known I regular :
destroying their loved ones , by foringopilm , products , yet wo MO fro to confess R h.
morphine , Ioothlng syrup and . other hurlut merIt ot Cntorll bas won m" . look wit
ants down thcl throatS , thereby sending favor ulon It. "
thorn tu prmatur craves. " UNITCD 1oStT. & . ! X19rrNs4RT ,
11mm. J. F. KllCnlLOJ , llostoo. MeaL
Conway , Ark. I ALLCN O. SUITU , Pe" . ,
The Centaur Company , T Murray Street , Now York City
. ' I. . - _ _ - - " " i " '
. < " ,
" Cu PfL ' ! E"
- - RESTORED 'nii ' great Vegetable
\ " ' " 101 ot n ralOUR } 'rl'lCh Phrslcnn. I Vuummztrtho ) cure I 'oil ol prt'scrip. nil iii , :
. \ \ ' - 'ous or dl"'Mcs of time geueratlv'm wi . . , such us Lost r
" LostMlnhnod
. Insomnia i'iLtmmSlti . time fltckltemimtttl , 1-ntssmnn. ; , , 1' . ,
" Nt'rvos "
: "IISlllholnek/emhlt 1)'b1Ilt
" \
. 1'ImpIe . , ( JiitltneM . 10 , ! lnry , J : " . mllnl" , JrnilR , , , N.'rVOIR , Vxirlcneale nit ( V
f - Constlpntnn. H Slop mimI Io'e' . by day or nitgbt. lll'VII1' , qnld
1ff' of dl clnrln , wJllch Ilotchlkr.1 loads ! Hpermntorrha'a and
BEFORE AND AFTE 11 al the hmorri.r'mo ( lnmutoh"nci. ' ) : : 10HpprmnlorrhlI , itt.
' .
AFER anmi time
kidneys .
) urinary Omaha of mmii lmpurmilcs.
( UPIOElI : strengthens II.t r"lor s Ilal , weak organs , ul IW1)Urles
The reason auf ! are not cn'l.1 by Jlllors I. hrlnso , nInety ppr c'u'mit tire tronhlet , wIth
F's'o.tatll. . . au l'IDEN. Is time only known . reamed a to cure without 1m op-rimtiun. Irn"lp,1 tsu wlh
ri. . , A . written g'uarflhitee glvll and money rltrncllif i ( Ilx box'r , does not Circe' a ' 11'"llmlll .
' 1' ' " ho" , six for er.o by mail. Iend for Fin : ' : circular omit lestimonInl. el ct a I'CrW1Clt cure
- _ . . . " ' . . ' . . " teslmonlal _ , . _ .
'yN1 'o. I' O. jlnx"YM SI" Fro"1 . - ' - ' '
GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 110 & LESLIE & LESLIE , Omnlma , NebrasleS.
_ _ _
oung Man !
Would you liico to got nmnrnledi Do you imagine that it requires
a deal of wanitim to go to ilousekeopimig ? Coumme in and see what
we cnn do tom' you for $100. or $100. or 20O : mind then wo domm't.
wuati ( ho mimommoy , oitimer , Marry timmit L'lri yomm iiava ot your
heart onm amid settle down. Youm cmiii settle tip wilm ut ( or yotmr
outtlt gradually as your omtnumimics conic in. . _ II
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J
Bargains This Week
Wo Submit a Few Rattling Bargains to Reduce an Clean Out Stocl.
3.I'iccc Budroomu Stilts $1 I .75 Window Shades 25c
Elm , antIque finish. 2Ox2 bevel plato complete with rollers and fixtureS. ' -
mirror in dresser. The sprtng roller alone is worth time
2-Piece l3droom Stiit $7.50
Smyi'na Rugs 'ISa
Elm , antique finish , bestead 4 tech
hIgh , commode drescr with lOxil Makes you ! auglm , domm't It ?
Irish l'oimit Lace tmrtmtitis
1IaiitcI Folding Bed $12.50 per
Pair $2.85
BoItfi front , elm , antique finish , with
best supported wire springs. Wimen 'Oii See ( hoax You will know'
wlmctiier timey are cheap or not.
Good iInttrcss $1,85
Ifitild Lrtiits 111m
Soft and comfortable and not full of
holes. Complete wIth chimney anti burner.
There are occasions svimen you need
Satcen Bed Comforters 98a several extra ommcs. F'
How nice you ( eel with several spare Japuiocd FIr' . Shovels Sc
comforts mmmcd upon limo simelf.
WImy not have a , mlmoycl ( or every
Good Gray Blumikets OOe a pail. too aol flrcplacc ?
Buy them and your investment wtlt Ibirdwooti Extciisioii 'fables d
300 cent next fall.
pay you iter
. G.foot , $3.01 ; 8-toot , $ ltO.
Armu Rockers $1A8
Lnrgc Eumy
JflpaIICd Dust Pans Sc
You wilt laugh at time price milton
you see it , We bought mmli time Cheaper than dirt ,
factory hind. Carpet 1IumssoIs 25c
Ladies' Cane Sewing Rockers carpet , acoomtcd pattern , .
Ifard wood , antique finish. 98c Cams Opcnet'i , , Dc
. All malleable mcmi. ,
8.Hole Gem Pans
Luu'c amid Sinai ! 1)ippet's 'Ic
l'ltmflblCi'S per dozemi 28a nave some extra ones for time cliii- , ,
dren to hug oft ,
A great tumble in price.
'l'ttblc Knives uiiid 1oi'ks Per m
Folding Ironing Boards 69.
Set 48c
Cuspidot's , 18a Cocoboio handles , C knives antI
Brown ware , decorated by hand ,
Rolling Pins Sc
Imlgrahil Curpets 48J .
flevalving hmanilles , immado of finn p01-
All wool , prevalilmig c iorn. ished maple.
Terms Cash orEasy _ Payments.
Open SaturdayEvenings _ Only.
. '
- '
' -
_ , . , _ _ _ .lJ- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ _ _
ninrr.i' PROM 7H TAVlt ) ,
l'o Boiler. No Stensu , , No Esiginner.
_ _ _ _ LlES't I''flR ( ) ( cur Corn unit Yeed .iiis $ , llmmlizi
- jImmy , item-miming Sc1)ar'4lors , Cronuncries , &e.
Stationary or Portable.
1 toi1Ii ( , 1' , 5 t,8O11 , P.
Etni for Cstt'gue ! ' , I'rlceS , tie. , describing work ( a he dOn
Cbico. 245 Lake St OTTOCASENCINEWORK8 ' 5
Omaha , 321 So , 15th ? h , ; -tv&iunutHpHILAifliLl'us.i'A. * . , : .
_ _ _ _
ahisvrus.imeltesVeuk Thu , Famous iLegcsiV iietuory.i.usut cure. quickly , flii icrxnanezmtii , i'uwmir ,
iIeaUaChlt , tYm.ictulneiI. Lust Vitality. iiglilij emais.
sms'isos1i ilfosiLl' . iweuWlia , alid Ws.ttg diseases clue.
a , , ty ouuIiul errcar. or tCCI.C. . I'ui.tSln. . no
o'iates. ; Ii a nerve joule ; td ij1's'ti builder , hate.
ti.iom'alO 504 i'unl StietIg1 : "ilinIp. issIlycorricdi
Till. u,0Ckt , 1 mar i'll I h furit. llyiualI preaid with
avr'tWiurUurUfltCS tocureor limOnO refunded , Yrltt'u. ,
( tee wehICui ) , , , , # vuuid iiain wrspmur.wltli teltI
I. . LV L'T l" II i. ' . t'V ' Jitinixiui ant ftnums'uai rCfereuiec. ! , 'oclurmJcr c'nautta' ,
lions. eC ( mfiaiar , : . by c.srmwiflls , ( 'C iiddlesI ! rr'o $ rid Co. , MasooicTcmulllu , ( tIlvsso.
o1 i-a Qwkh : $ bi Btmuut&u m J.t'uotlI , ICualmu & Co. uuI by Vickurs 4 fticlnluI , VrUistfs
V ' V _ ' ' ,