- - , - _ " ' . . f - . - - ' ; I . : 0 TIlE OMAhA DAr BIDE : MONDAY , JAUARY 21 , 1895. ! . PROPOSED PLEASURE RESORT " Aeb1ant OtZ3ns ! Intruted in an Ice and t Fish Pond " - SIX HUNDRED ACRES TO BE lEASE - CapItnItts ,1 Slnrt the Entorprlo nnd , Wil Then . \lt the City tn fabscrlb for n Sbnro 01 the . Stock ASHLAND. inn. 20.-Specla1)-Ashlanl ( ) Is Again full of hope for the consummation of the much talke of enterprise startcI } Gme three weeks ago , when the option was pur- chased on GOt ) acres of land south of twn for the purpso of constructing a dam all mak- . Ing a large ponrl for Ice and fish purposes , In connection with a pleasure resort. The presence of n number ot strangers In the city l/t week has been attracting no Im2\ amount d : almton , an I haglvo. . cor : to the npot of the enterprise being CO"1- pleted. A flee representative cale < l upon the local agenL-of the capitalIsts and learned from him lint by the death ot ono of Uho parties Interestcl the affairs were left In such shpe IS to Cll 0 n' nnavoldab'e dohiy . 'hlch would be overcome by next week , and then In a few Ilays the W ! rk will be comtiieiicetl nnd wIth Cavorablo weather will bo completed by MUl 1. fIe further stited that there would bo a part to perform by the cItizen ! . as they would bo asked to talte an amount ot stock when the work hal reached a satisfactory point to justify their confidence In the men who are at the b h : Iom ot the undertaking There has beel a committee composed oC business men appointed to tnnstgate mid report what Immediate - mediate steps should h I tnln to meet the ox- pectatons 0 : t10 CJmp1ny. Ito said In regard to the Publication of the compan"s Illans In detail . that by next week matters will be ready ftr the publIc's InspectIon . S. rhlaml's high school class oC 'Pu are en- icyIng j 1 great deal of notoriety at present over the actions of the school board In not aclons , ahilowing lion . W. J. Brynl to deliver an oration for commencement. An edItorIal ap- 1 pearell In one ot the local papers that raised Mr. Blyan's Ire , and ho wrote them a rather harsh letter . and the board c.neluded not to -4 allow him to del\'er the aihdrcss. , I I ll NOTE GOT A REPLY. A few we3ks ago Mrs. Thomas James oC this cIty contrIbuted to a relIef fund a cast- off dress and , on the inside oC the sleeve she pinned 1 note requesting the party who received lie garment to communicate teller her the conditIons oC these who lived near her that she might supply their needs. Yesterday she was II receipt of a letter from a lady In the western part at the state expressing profound gratitude for the "gift . " as she called It , and salt there were many barefooted and thinly-clad children In her Immediate neighborhood that needed at- tenton , Mrs. James has a large dry goods . Monday. box full or supplies that shin wIll send on Last week recorded two very severe accidents - cidents at the Swift and Company Ice plant In this city. S. V. Woods accidenty got , , his left leg caught between two large cakes at Ice and It was badly crushed. Albert Johnson another workman stepped through one of the runs and was struck about the head all shoulders by two large cakes or Ice , bruising and crushing his back and shoulders very severely. Hev. Leo hunt arrived In this city Saturday - day to fill his engagement at the First Dap- (1st for 1 year. lie preached his first ser- mon today. morning and evening. The infant clid of J. W. Richards . living south of this city . died yesterday aCer a : ' very short Illness. : . Peter Keiser , an old Ashland resident who , has been engaged In the fruit business hero . for twenty years past , left today for Spring- fold , Vt. , where ho has purchased 1 large Vineyard. 1 Little Eva Ames met with 1 very painful accident yesterday while lt play by stepping . on a rusty spike that run almost entirely - - through her foot. Mr. Frank II. Scot , president of the Century - tury Magazine company of New York and y . Mrs. R. A. Jackson of Richmond , Ind. . who have ben In the city attending the fiftieth ' anniversary of their parents , left yesterday , for their respective homes. i' ' A car load of relief supplies gathered for k western sufferers will PO shipped Tuesday \ to which the Ancient Order or United Workmen - ; men No. 19 added a purse of $25. 4 Miss May Gammon living north of this city had the misfortune to get her knee . Joint dislocated today slippIng and falling r while about her household duties. 'f J. n. Oliver returned today from Norfolk , Neb. . where ho was In attendance at the _ k state meeting of the Volunteer Firemen's ' association . and visiting among his rela- : tves at that place. . ; N. W. Wells arrived In this city 'ester- , F day to take up his residence here , coming , from Belleville , Kan. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Scot returned to 141n- , , : coIn yesterday aCer a week's visit with ' the former's parents In this city. , , 1 IU ) UNT'S lOIUI.\ i'itOSL'ERS. EstnbUhhed Ten Yeargo It II' Grown to 10 UrNIt hoNtltutlon. FREMONT , Jan. 20Speclal.The ( ) board i of trustees of the remont Normal School and Bus nes College company has decided \ , to Issue a deed for the college property to $ ? President W. H. Clemlons , ali the transfer will be made as soon as the necessary IHlpers. can bo made out. This instItution . with its huedreds of st \ dents constantly In attendance - anco Is of great benefit to Fremomit and ' Is i - tho. means oC bringing to the city something Ice $100,000 each year which ts pall for board , clothing amid ) tuition. Time college was t , first projected over ten ( years ago , when Proto it " ' . 1. Jones , then an associate editor ot the , ChIcago litter Ocean , decided upon Fremont . . ' as a suitable place to establish a normal ' school. lie made u Ilroposiion to the citizens I ; - that If they would furnish the ground and L. erect a building be would obligate himself to maintain a school for a period of ten years r with an average atendanco equal to the State Normal school at Peru. The proposition _ Was accepted , and the school established , but I In a little liore than a year Prof. Jones , diet ] . leaving the school In the hands ot his . wlCe. After a few months the man gelnt was transferred to W. I. Ciemniomma . who I 1' still In charge. Ills first term hall only twenty.ehht pupis In attendance . but he lea ' 14 pushed the work vigorously until the school . ranks equal to any institution or the Idol In , the ve8t. In 1889 It was found neces8ry to erect a boarding houle for the accolmodalin of Ilpla. and In 1891 an additon Iq the col- : loge was erected which doubled its capacity . ! , , 'ho same year another boarding house was , ' also erected , with 1 dining room to accom- ' niodato over 300 . The nrhlnal mo perons. ; col- legs buiding was also rearranged and 1m- y'7 proved The ability to earn DC the school was based t UPO the compriHv attendance at the State , . Normal at Peru and the Premont Normal. . At I'erl the average attendance for ten years bu been 28.2. and at the l relent Normal the average has been 513.2 . Thus averae 113.2. Thls time condi- , lions have been fulfilled , ' tons fulfled at Fremont and a J- , ' deeI Is to be Issued to I'rof Clemmons for ' time property . The average atendal.no for . .I time past three years has ben over : )0. ned I . Is growIng The school Is a mater In weh ' every an Interest public 8plrled I'remont citizen t kes Mu. Stela Wrhhtmeyer ; arrived Friday . evening from Gretna Neb. , and took rooms In the Miller-LoomIs block During the r night she went to the cupboard fo a bottle botte . of cough syrup aud by mlstako got a bottle I botte ' , of liniment . from which she took a few , swa \ : . She WIS badly burned by the decoction - coction . but a Ithysician relieved cocton. Ilhyslchl rle\'ed her and she II now out nt danger . The Dodge County Agricultural society met . . yesterday and elected omcer a follows : . John I. Caimtlin . Ilrellent ; 1. P. Beebe. vice Jtlllclt ; Jam 1 huff , sccreturV. : . I. , , , ilouck mashal : ONrgo Marshall , general , . superintendent . " The fourth annual session of the Nebraska , Turnbezlrk cemrnencel In this ciy today Thirty delegates are ezpcted to attend Thiry epcted atend Ilur- . tag the muceting . besides a number ot visitors. t 'rho business of bearing reports of omeers , . . selecting a place for holding the next con . ventou and arranging for the next tournl- _ t. nlent wIlt b tnlsacted tonlortJW York C uuimt3i r"Jer. . , . YORK web , Jan. O.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) York Count ) liar association hn been ii- ; eeued by three in number in time lat few ,4A. . . : . . _ . . II l I "B. A short time ago George F. Coreoran . omcial court leporter In this district was admitted - mited t the bar by lion . Robert Wheeler judge of this Ilstrlct Yesterday William Wykof was nppolnttl a practitioner of the legal profession by Judge Bates . A. D. Tay- lor , forming a partnershIp with lion. N. V. Uarlan , anti locating here a few days ago , add another to the number. District court ' will convene on February 18. Judge Dates will presIde . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'IU ' : AT l'A\H : city. l'hoihgraphm Oaler , or C. F lonnet Al. II t Ic troJII 11 I'lro. PAWNEE CITY Neb. , Jan 20.-Speclal ( Tclegrnm.-Tho ) photograph galer of C. E. Bennett was almost entirely destroyed by fire early this morning . Time alarm was given by A. Saunders , a resident nearby and I . It was not long until the fro boys and cll- zens had three streams of water pourIng on the burning building. When the alarm was given , about 3 o'clock names were shooting through the root The building was a two.atory Cralo structure. Time loss will be heavily felt by Bennett , who lost a large quantity of cabinet IJletures and so"- eral fine large crayon works. All negatives were saved as they were In separate roommis which time fire did not reach The building Was gutted and Is useless The loss Is fully covered by Insurance. Dave : hazel of this city has made all ar- rngements for building several new brick buIldings for Pawnee City this spring. Ther will bo five one.story bricks and one two- story. These wIll add greatly to the appearance - pearanco of the city. ) onRtlu lor Urluth SiiIrercr . EXETR1t . Neb . Jan 20.-Spoclai.-Thie ( ) Congregational society of this city last week mate shipments of donations as follows to time drouth sufferers of western Nebraska : To Loomis , fifteen sacks of nour ; to I"ar- nurn twenty-three sacks of four : to Polls- ale , thirty sacks or flour two sacks at corn meal , 013 box all one barrel of clothing and one suck at beans This Is very liberal donation . coming as It docs from a section ot country where the crops were almost a total failure. crOJs Hev. W. T. Clue Is holing a very Inter- estng series ot revival meetings at the Pleasant Ridge church. , The Women's Relief Corps elected the following - lowing as officers for the ctmlns year : President Mrs. L. Parker : senior vice presi- dent tirs . Mary Crane : Junior vice presldelt , Mrs. Alice Cookers ; treasurer , Mrs. L. Woodarl : secretary , Mrs. L. 10rehead : cimapinln Mrs. Beardsley : conductor Miss Jessie Pfug : assistant conductor Miss Sadie Songster : guard Mrs. Cora Iefer : assist- ant guard , Mrs. Parsons Dan Craven and Miss Carrie Darbour were married at the residence of the brlde's parents - rents , Eoutheast of town Philip Eberimardt and Miss Ellis were made one at the resIdence of tile bride's parents , Mr. ant Mrs. Jack Ellis. Jale : Treaster formerly one ot Excter's respected farmers , and likewise one of Fillmore - more county's pioneer citizens . now a resi- dent oC Oklahoma , Is hero visiting his old friends and relatives. _ Miss Edith Walton has returned to Ins- tugs to resume her positon WSI Mrs. Dr. Johnston at time asylum. Mrs. S. J. Rica and little daughter of liar- yard arc here visiting time Misses Shaub and other friends. Schnfter i'ersormals nUt NotM. SCIIUY14ER . Neb. , Jan. 20.-Spccial.-- ( ) James Godsden Is In Colorado on business. There are cases or typhoid and scarlet fever In and about Schuyler. A vacancy occurred In the city council by the removal or J.P. Steinman to Columbus. Mayor McLeod appinted O. it. Dunham to fill the vacancy. fl Jf n. CnnH'rnn annnt nnrlnv wih frl"nlQ - . --n. . _ run - . . . . - - . . 1. . . . - . . - - Inmnila . Albert Long , county surveyor , who went west with a D. & M. corps of engIneers last spring . has returned to spend a few of the 'winter wonths at home. M. T. Dohman has tradel the Schuyler opera house In part payment on a large are of land near Columbus Albert Rclcley or Rushvl0 Is the new owner. Mr. Dohman will be retained as manager of the opera house. Mr. F. M. , Merion of Hamburg la. . has bought J. P. McCulthuglm's stol of harness saddlea . etc. . and will become a Schuyler merchant. ' Mount Horeb camp . Modern Woodmen oC America installed Its officers Thursday evening - lng , as follows : D. MIck . C. P. : Itt. Weaver , H. P. : James Church S.V. . : c. W. Hru- beshy , scribe : S. Johnson treasurer. Grand Chief Daln of Lincoln was present and installed - staled the officers. The county commissioners . adjourned settle- ment 28. with the cunt ) treasurer ' till January 28.The The county prInting was awarded to the Howels Journal . Schuyler Herald and the Qui ot SChuyler. Rev. J. T. Kncke will continue the re- vival meetings at Smith Center school house another week they having ben In contn- ' uanee two weeks. Here Thlevca Work at Verdon' . VERDON , Neb. . Jan 2-Speclal.-W. ( ) . J. Ramel had a valuable horse stolen this week. Mr. Hamels son had ridden the horse to town and left him hitched to a rack on the street while he joined a skating party that went out to Hardin's pond. On his re- turn the pony was missing and no trace ot It ; has yet been Cound. Fred Durand editor of the Daily Times ot Crookaton Minim. . Is visitng his parents In town. A ghost Is troubling the minds and dls- turblns the resl of ' time Inhabitants ot Cot- ( age Grovc. Doors are mysteriously opened lights are seen , und a horse with a headless rider gallops past time house at night Fred \Voifc . a farmer living south ot Verdon . has mysteriously disappeared , and his whereabouts are unknown. No good cause can be given for his absence as he was free Cram debt and his domestc' rela- tons were pleasant. R. N. Cox oC the firm of Cox & Clark has been confned to his bed this week. Charles JCeyt has a large sale oC thorough- bred hogs February 7. Time Stratton sale was well attended and prices were good Time Mission Baud oC the Congregational church gave a social at time residence ot George l.nn that was a very pleasant affair . Minnie Colglasler and Lance Jones oC Shubert were marrlerl ' time 16th. Ildllnol I'eoplo itejoicect. INIANOLA. Ncb . Jan 20.-Speclal.-I ( ) was a fact commented on by a number of our leading business len that The lIce was the only daily that hall the news oC In- dlanola's victory In the county seat 'ontest Thursday. One pioneer citizen remarked that when you wante,1 reliable : mowa . read The Bee : go to the other papers for slush or course wo are nil feeling highly elated over our victor ) and the town wi doibt- less make a good . substantial growth In 18P5. A new brick block will probably be erected amid time Masons arc Igurlng on erecting a building. Wednesday ovenlng , on receipt ot time news that Inrlanola has won the 'boys Immediately organized and went out mmeremmadirmg. They visited a party who resides near the Methodist Episcopal church mini their noise entirely Ilrownell the revival serimmon only just launched. One ot the lemberl suggested : "Brothers alul sisters. let us sing 'There's Sunshine In Iy Soul Today , ' " and he led . the entire congregation Joining imemmrtiiy. At the 8alo hour the same ne\s was carried to a congregation In 1cCook. mind 'us said that a god brother arose . and , statng , the , to them , sad news . concluded with : "Iet UI sing hymn ' . 3G , which commences 'Mlstallen souls that dreum of heaven anti make their empty boasts ' " And the large congregaton sang It anti solaced themselves lS best they could " 'cst I'olnt : IISUIS Elect ( ) Iilcars. WHST PONT , Neb , Jan 20.-(8poelal.- ( ) At a recent Inlletng of Siroc chapter , Royal Arch Ilsons , time folowing oleers were installed : W. A. hijack , II. P. : A. N. Bank Ie , : A. Wubig . S. : J. ii. fhoarer , secretary : C. Uupp , treasurer : D. C. Grerl , C. I. : W. E. Krause , l. S. : A. Burnett . H. A. C. : L. Rosenthal thrl } V. : I' . M. Moodie , second V. ; II. S. Summers . first Y. : Henry Luhens , sen- tnel ; H. K. Valentine , chaphalim COII'llr C lit II 1S"lluet. NEURASICA CITY , Jan. 20.-(81Ieclal.- ( ) The members of compln ) C enjoyed a ban- Iluet lt the armory tat e\'enlng. time occa- sion being the fourth annl\rary of their return from the Sioux Indian . retur war of 1890.91. I was 1 10st imleaasnt affair . and blool- curdling tales of halr.breadth escapes chast merriy arouud the table during the entire eve mile . e\'enlnj. - RELIEF WORl \ OF THE STATE eometbng ! in Detail on the Operations or t e Belief Oommis3on. ! MANY CARlOArs or SUPPLES SENT our Secretary Luddcn " 'urnlhes n Statcn1ent Concerning the ShlllleDts and is Lit 01 CaRh ionmition5-i'resljlent Nailn ' 'els 01 the Geode hlimmailed. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan 20.-Special.-Thme ( ) supple for time benefit of the destute farmers and their familIes In the wide area of the drutb district . are still pouring Into the wareholso of the State Relict commission - i mission In 1 steady stream. Tero Is now no possible danger thnL anyone In time state wi have to surer for lack of sufficient tooth , clothing and fuel unless In a few Isolated cases whIch do not for 10 some unexplained - explained reason reach time attention of time PeOple In the several counties who are gl' - Ing their personal attention to time relief work. , That time needs of man ) portions of the state are great Is b2yolt ' question , and that It will require a great alount of both clothing and provisions Is also trite for there Is 1 gent expanse of country to bo covered , In each COllunly of which more or less aid . wIll bo necessary The people of more favored Portions of time state and also from other sectIons ef time country . have responded nobly to the cal for assistance , how well can best bo told by the records of shipments from time relief bureau Dur- lug time first five days or tIme past weel there were sent to various points In the state forty-five full car loads of supplies. These consisted of clothIng . fuel and provisions , and have been distributed with care and wih o1ro from the best InCormaton obtainable at the needs of the various comneimunitles. In ad- ditiomm to this quantities In less than carload - load lots were sent to dozens of other places ranging In amount from ono box up to a large fraction of 1 car load. All parts or time state from which applications have been received are represented In the consignments sent from relief headquarters. Present supplies appear to bo adequate for present needs and as there does not appear to be any diminution In the offerings ofering there Is no reason to believe that there will be any absolute sufferIng except , as stated In cases which escape time attention of those who are looking after time needs of the peo- plo In ito afflicted portions. CASH HECEIPTS. The caab receipts of time state commission up to the present time are shown by the following statelent t From Amount. J. J. Anderson ' 'aver . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22 Q ) ! .1. F : . Baxter Fails City. . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0 :0) N. N. Mccormick . Coies Iii. . . . . . . . . . 19 23 J. J. Prie. ICeanney. 10. . . . . . . . . . . 92j A. C. MI r. Napervle , iii. . . . . . . . . . . 12 2S n. Mrs. A. White . ilenedict. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0) Charles Grltmmn . Cold Spring on Hudson 6 09 , T. T. hnltii . Grlnn. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Bunllay . school amt church choir " 'ebsle l'resbyUrtmamm clmurch I'hermsant Valley . . . 10 23 A. n. Maiden ' . Ileast . . . . . . . Yal . . . . . . 10 : 'dles Aid Fcet ) . Ne1mawit . . . . . . . . . . 600 100 Chnrles A. Grlmn , ColO Spring on Hudson. , 8 00 J. S. Young . Iik ColI . . . . . . . ludson. . . . . . . . 4 0 O. I" . Jun/cr. Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6000 SympathlzilfrIend. . Clmnmbersbmmrg . 11. . . 9 OJ Hlion ' 'hanl"lvlnservice. . Kittanmng . Pa. 9 00 : / Kltanln/ KltanlnIl. Il. Mm . aiary } . Pericuns . flrocicton . Mass. . . . 2 0 M. S. imrennnn . Liw. init Sunday school. . . 20 11ev. " ' . It. Chase Sal . 0. . . . . . . . . . i 7 Mrs. C. C. Miller. Meriden , Miss. . . . . . . . ] 000 " ' . I. Magic ) ' . Columbus CIt' . mU. . . . . 33 90 J.P. Cimov Xenia 0. . CI . . . . . . . . . . . 3360 J. Imrekmnrmmp. nerornh Tn , . n on D. C. Cnrvey ; ' Ilimzelton : l : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ii P. Johnrn. ' South Omah't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 0 Mary I , . Stedmnn. . West flattieborn. Vt. . . . 2 : 00 Elvlm Stethnnrm . West liattieboro . Vt. . . . . . ' 0 I.ueln H. liartlettVest flattleboro . Vt. . . . 25 0 Xmtr $ . C. H. Jone. " ' "l glue . Ia. . . . . . . 22 30 Lowell S. Aibriglit Thlmin . 0. . . . . . . . . . . 60 .nmes Gordon ilennelt . New York City . . C 00 Oscar Caiimthan . lenl.eman. . . . . . . Ciy. . . . GOO N. C. Townsenil. Apollo . pn. . . . . . . . . 4161 Mrs C. M. Stark Louisiana 10. . . . . . . 5 00 1 [ . Shoemaker Reynolds , lii. . . . . . . . . 60 N. ' A. MeaO Pearl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 H. flageneier Columbia rex. . . : . . . . . . . 6 0 A. Oarland . Cascade Camnon . Coto. . . : . . . 60 L. 13. I'ml. Tecummetm. . , . . ' . . . . . . 'i.- . . 60 Alvin Joiner I'oln. Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 60 I. . I" . Gifrord . cLean. lii. . . . . . . . . . 66 iS Wash Me'ers , ArJettn , Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 r Mrs. B. Scot Albany N. Y. . . . . . . . . 450 Atvin Joiner 1010. Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 60 H. SC. Allen . Ames , In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mra. glzahelh Tolman Corchmoster. . . . . . . 11 03 C. E. Townsend lIrmmnswicic . Mo. . . . . . . . I : John C. Thompson . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Lewis Nlopsh . New Yorlc . N. Y. . . . . . . . 2 00 R. W. Gunnison Fairfax Ia. . . . . . . . . . 40 72 Phip M. Crepe , Iurln"ton. In. . . . . . . . 407 II. n. Peek . South Ilend liii ] . . . . . . . . 10 00 Mrs. A. I' . Weston . Nehawka. . . . . . . . . 60 J. A. iCillinger . 1lncoln. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 John .1. Hunter . Emmelsbur , 2nd. . . . . 60 Richard Siencer Burlington . , . . . . . . . . 10 J. F. Cressler Lisbon Ia. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mrs. S. Ductrham. Ashoom . Ill. . . . . . . . 15 00 \v. O. Hoge\'c. Steila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 N. O. JohnSon. Dlfhop Hi , III. . . . . . . . 2 00 Junior EIeavor society Nehawkn. . . . . . 2 OJ : : A. Koserm. 1un.ey. I. . . . . . . . . . 953 m Mrs. Jlzlbclh Lau/hHn. Mlnlen , Ill. . . . . 4 00 Anna H. Marshall , hopper. . . . . . l. . . . . . 30 40 J. Y. Merritt. I"do. I. . . . . . . . . . , . . . 40 00 P. 10. hail . Cl'lar Tal1ld. Ia. . . . . . . . . . 400 01 S'mpalhlzlng . frien,1 , Dcarlwood. H. D. . . 20 , N.wel S. .Albrlglmt ' 'lln. In. . . . . . . 200 55 ' . D. Crm , Wilbur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 g. I' . Plmililps . St. Charles , I. . . . . . . . 60 J. J. flOCkvflOl . Yutan Center , Ma5. . . . 60 00 Mrs ItO. M. Foot . Oxtord Pa. . . . . 1nss. . . . . . . 0 50 0 W. llichmond . Newport. Vt. . . . . . . . . . . ] 000 G. " ' . Simiggels. Kltonln . Pi. . . . . . . . . 31 00 J. F. Scimerer . Orn"evle. Ill. . . . . . . . . 310 . .1. % 'eeli'r . pltsbur/ . 1'1. . . . . . . . . . . . sos 0 El Bunter . DotgD C.ty 1(10. . . . . . . . . 5 00 Itoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 m Thlker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 N. T. Dunc : ' . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Francis 1IarUn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 5 0 Jane Thomas Tamoma. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 00 ll' Jertrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 C. } . society , Atkinson . Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Le.Clark-\ncll''csen. Omnha . . . . . . . . . 23 r Gantz Ianc Cnln count. . . . . . . . . . . 6 so 118s EU/lla Koontz. Omnlmri. . . ; . . . . . . 100 I Dnnlsh essoclatlon . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 He\ . Frank Crane Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Syuts Sires " Kansas City . Mo. . . . . . . : . & 00 Itoward l'lensmnt J'lahnmt I. . . . . . . . . . 60 HI. Frank Crmne. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ro " ' . M. B. Merkel. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . a oo .nscJh n.lrllr , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 'Vllom Cleber Ojmmalmn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Jenkins . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Mrs. J . ldsvmmrs . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Thomas I" Ilmhnl. Onmahma. . . . . . . . . . . ] 00 Anton Cajoni Omalma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i0 William Urban . Ommmalma. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r C. R. Namer Onmha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1- ' . IUnne. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 , \slrnd. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 C. H. 8tpIlIns. Omalma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Joseph Bel , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l ! Mrs. T. C. Snmlthm . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Il.hop Wortiihngmon . Omaha. . . . . . . . . ] 00 t C. B. Jotter . Onumhma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 H. Brownson. Omnaimam . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 It. I : ( nmll . Omal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mrs Sintcr , Om'ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sirs Iu/er. Omamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mrs. 7ahln , Onumima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Meta Siminke . Omahmn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mrs. ' 11. liartinna . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . t G. C. flush . Omalma . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 00 Ann. Oninlma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 G Moline Plow Works , per 15. htosewater . , . , . . SOt ) 00 n. J. I 10re. . . . . . Jlr . . . . . Iosewnler. . . . . . . . . . . . . G 1000 J. Y. Merritt . .AieOo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000 C. " ' . l'ritchmott. I.llenln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 54) O. l . Oftono . 1llroln. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 G A. I , . Cran ; 1llcnln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r 00 Stulents State university. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27l 62 \skum , ] 1. . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 n. n. Caikins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 f Union lalllo nmilmnnl eunployes . Omaha , , . II 113 Mar ' h'ttty . "lrall . . . . . . ( . . ) . . . . . . . . 1 : Mar' I.ly. Ollha. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 I"lenll , per .2 . \Valceflejt , Omaha. . . . . . 20 00 Gl'rlt'V. Inime . WnlleleJl . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 F'mlend Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Cllrle I ) . Timoinmisomm . Onuihma. . . . . . . . . 1 00 I-'rllnd. Omalmmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 (0 C. It. Gritlitims. Drnmmhma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 co I.'man Itlehmmmrtion , . Omnh" . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 George 11cllr.on , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . ] 00 HIIM lnl.h . , Oimmalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 M. I , . hush , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 Hlchard Siencer. iiurhhngotn , In . . . . . . . . I 00 lurlnjoln Andrew 1118. Onmrmhmm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 Hwartz & i4untlerlunci Ornalma . . . . . . . . . 200 John . n. 10\ . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2j 00 I.rmnn iCounize omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 250 0 Yrieim'i Ioultzo J'lac. Qualm . . . . . . . . 2. : A. I. Hampton Omnilma. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CO , amount ( ' nllry , 'omman ' pr ) ' . I' . 'r . . Omaha 26 30 , Omlhl 1011" No. 39 . fllks . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 , J. i. I ShuI . muor. Coon Tald . 10. . . 250 1mnersoim & Fisher Cincinnati , ( 0. . . . . . G 0 J , O. lOowe Om3ha. . . . . . . . . . . 23 00 I , . O. Itlchartison . Onmalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100 0 1. H. Cdliii , ' . Onimiha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 0 " "Iubllun , banciuct cash h and . pledges. . . Zll 00 W. H. Allen , 10slon. . . . . . . . rlejes. . . . . . . . 1 t W. H. Allen . 10.lon. . . . . . . . . , . . . , , 21 0 (0 W. H. Allen . 10.ton. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Ir 2 0 Wlzllth 'Ftuniun Brn.wlek. Me . . . . . 2 ( ' J lIe , , Iublshlm : cOlpany. Om.'ho. . . . . . . 10 00 H. 31. Alien . ( S. 11 , Co. . Ames. Net , . . . . 100 0 Churchi Pump COllan ) ' . Oimimmtma . . . . . 1001 I , . A. aamner . moiperlnmenulent . Omaha . , , . 5 00 Mason street 8cloI , omaha . . . . . . , , . . 50 CommercIal Nulonal bank . . . . . , , . . . . , . . 33 t i'rof I. . I" . M. J'.mi4eitla' . . : 0 I. 1lltello ) Omaha . . . . . . 60 Jm SIENT NASON'S REPORT . Mr . W. N. Nason president of the Nebraska - braska State Relief commission , .peakllg of the work that time commission II tll conlnlnlon doing . said : "My cacti receipts up to date amount to $ .2943. and my disbursements for coal and other supplies foot UI $767,32. There 'are already - ready about 100 car at supplies IC nil kinds II this state amid from . 40 to 100 carlo1d either In course cC t.3nsprtalon from other states cr havt been promlse'l us "Wo ure sendIng out checkers In every county In the state . to check up anti lee a , . that the commiesionot Impse upon , but our great trouble ) . . . now Is the want of means to pay for 1ht transprtlton of the various supplies . . ftI' while the railroads have been very generous In supplying UB with tree billing . or Mune there Is 1 limit to it , and many of tima _ railroad companies think they ought tq the paid something for hauling these sup lh. 'inco : they have gown to such largo propQrljQ I B. " "This work or tale relief , " saiti Mr. Nason , "has increased frorrrtving aid to twonty- six counties to thiiZXrSno counties , anti we have not the fnanclal ability to Incur the expense of the freight on this enormous quan- tiy or supplies thaWs , being sent to us from 'arlous parts ot Ultc\ntry. " "I wish you woull npako the fact known that next S1turday ' \ ' proceeds of them mat- Ineo performance on .tbo appearance of Mr. Joseph Murphy will . -b the request of Mr. Murphy and the rnapagenent of thn Boy theater , bo donated maf the dr < uth surcr rs. " AITIUt 110lHSON J"ILI . SIter 01 Lawyer himirriaTakeem tu SherldaI County's I'rhon. RUSIVILI.E , Neb. , Jan. 20.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Arthur ) Morrison , time principal actor In time Crawford shooting affair . now lies In the Sheridan county Jai , whcro hI will re- main until the excitement dies out at time scene of the tragedy at' least until next I rt- day when his prelImInary hearing takes place Sheriff Bartlett of Dawts county deem- ing It bet to remove him The lice reporter learning at time intended move , was at the Elkhorn depot and came from Charlron to Jushvle with the party , which consIsted of Morison , Sheriff Bartlett , a guard and Hon. W. H. Westover , Mor- rison' attorn C ) ' . Mrs. M1)rrison was also on the train and seemed much aiec eel at her first meeting . with her husband blnce the trgelly. When Time Bee reporter visited the Sheri- dan county Jai this afternoon he found the outside unlocked , anti . upon Inquiring ot a part foul loose on the Inside as to the whereabouts ot Morrison the slayer of A. V. Harris at Crawford was Informed that he was In the sheriff's house Time party who Rave time information was one McCauley , svimo Instead ot being confined In the Jai , accord- Ing to his sentence vhs the custodian thereof , and seemnlmmgiy at perfect liberty. The metholl of Morrison's supposed confinement Is meetng wih considerable unfavorable com- ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z. v. IYlk Cllrjt with Eiiiiioza5eniimt. BEATRICE . Jan. 20.-SpIlal ( Telegram.- ) Z. W. Lynk or the firm of Lynk & Penry that failed In business this week at Virginia was arrested In this cIty late last night on a charge ot embezzlement fed by J. V. Allen . Lynk Is school district treasurer at Virginia - ginia alI Allen Is a director. The amount claimed to have been embezzled Is $ 250. Lynk was placed under bond for $500 and trial fixed for February 14. At the time of his arrest , L1k was passing through time city on the flock Island road returning from a trip to Illinois. Hc was met at the depot by Alien . who persuaded him to get off and come up town , where he was Informed some of his friends wlsled to see him upon busl- ness matters . and he was taken Into custody Lynk has been looked upon as an exemplary citizen , and the turn affairs have taken caused much surprise and comment. Trlho of lieu Hum 1leet Omeer . FItEMONT Jan. 20.-Speclal-Fremont ( ) court No. 12. TrIbe ot Den Hur , was organIzed - Ized In this city Monday night when 0111- cors were elected and Installed as follows : Judge William MarRhal1 past chleC ; Arthur Truosdell . chief : Ira 'Wood judge : Charles Olds . teacher ; David Franklin . scribe : Harry limes keeper of tribute : F. 1 [ Clafihln . captain of court : a D. 'Marr , guide ; D. Ii. Selpker Iceepel or iijegate : Harry Pettitt . keeper of outer gate : Drs. McDonald . Drown and Haslam , medical dfamuners. The tribe starts out under favorable auspices tn Fre- mont There are fltty-timree charter mem- Iry-three bers and other appllcAtQns to be acted on. Turners In Sdssl&m lt Eremmmont. FREMONT , 'D20.-Speclal.-The ' ( ) seventh - enth annual conveittio& of the Turner societies - cietes oC Nebraska'wasin session today at Turner hail. The so ' let s from Omaha Lin- coin , Piattsmouth . Nebraska ' City . 'Millard and Fremont were"l pre ented by delegates Oustav , Kerkow , vleea'presldent ' of the Ne- . braska district , cal'\ the meeting to order. Philip Andrea of Omaha was elected president - dent of the conventon and C. W. Paul l of Fremont secretary. The city of LIncoln was designated as the seat of the state executive execut"e conimnittee. Platsmouth was selected as the place for the next tournament. Street nllh\I\Y omOOrA Chosen. NEBRASKA CITY Jan. 20.-Special.- ( ) The stockholders of the Nebraska City Strcet railway elected the following ofcers last evening : President II. H. Dartng : vice pres- Ident , John J. Tetem : treasurer F.V. . Rod- enbrocle : secretary John C. Watson Although - though the company suffered serious loss by fro during the pasl year losing Its barn , a number ot cars and seventeen head of horses and mules expenses have been met and the road operated daily. The road will doubtess b9 extended this year and the officers have been Instructed to secure estimates for an estmates electric system. Clay Center 'Voollmcn Entertain . CLAY CENTER . Neb. . Jan. 20.-Spe- ( clal.-Central ) hal was fled to overflowing last evening to en'oy ' the hospialtes nf the camp of Modern Woodmen of this plac . The , addreDR or the eVjnlng was delivered by State Lecturer Fritz , who , In a clear , concise man- nor . set forth time objects and ! enefts of , time organization . and the result was an even dozen applications during the evenlng's en- tertainment. A banquet followed . which was one of the finest evcr. fpreal In this place. The music was of a hlgl order the violin solo of Miss Funlc being worthy Ot special notice. Conductor l6etclmmnm' ' Ieatii . GRAND ISLAND , Jan. 20.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) death of Conductor C. F. Ketcham at Omaha yesterday the result of the Injuries he received - celvell while atemptng to board his ca- boose at Kearney about a week ago has cast a deep gloom among railroad circles , where ho was favorably known as an active ' worker a faithful employe and a good man Ho leaves a wire and family to mourn his loss. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( lrley Wilam , Goes 10 Wyoming . GRAND ISLAND , Neb . Jan. 20.-Speclal ( ) -C. P. R. Wllams.who has been 1 citizen of this city for twenty.two years leaves on Tuesday for Sheridan Wyo . whither he has shipped lila IJreSSes and other machinery - cry all where he will associate himsel with Mr. Cooley editor oC the Post , In pub- lshing that paper . Mr. WIlliams' many friends wish him success In his new field of labor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. O. U. \ Memorl'II ' Services. GRAND ISLAND Jan 20.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) three Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges No. 1. , Ciarjty and Ilamnmony oC this city hLI' ' memorial services In their large Ilcmrle Friday nighmt and the serices twe\e attended by a large aumilence. The 4nIent Order of United Workmen loges artmng time most popular r In the city. ' ; , I . \orlt County's Uiiest < ne ltlnt neil' ' . M'COOL JUNCTION Neb . Jan 20.-Spe- ( clal.-Mrs. ) Jennie 'To\vnsend ' , said be time oldest person In YorK copnty died last week She was 02 years o11. \ . n . JlU"lJ.T 'XI UJ TlJ ( . teltorlo "ulcldo or I Welihy JeAurnt , , oCtVIlkcsbsrro. IClo ' oft\Vlk"alarro. WILIESIAURE , IJa. , , ' Jan 2O-George H. Lehman , IJroprletor . tto leading restaurant In town and one of. the 'cly'o most respected and wealthy citizens . - was found dead In a pond early this mnorning . Ie was a man oC apparently happy dlsposlten and carried a life Insurano of $ IOO.QO The Is no quo- ton ( but Lehman commltell suicide . lie walked I mile to a hole on the west side of the Susquehanna rivers . There was a small hole In the ice and tIme walr was about four feet dep. After taklog off lila coat and vest he deliberately juimiped Into time hole When jump Icemen came to put the . ice they found Lehman - man with lila feet stickinG out of the hole his gold walch , diamond pin and pockotbo cntaining $ IO were found In his coat pocket Time deceased was I prcmniiment Mason and Elk. I Is l believed fnancial troubles led to the suicide although It Is said that hits estate - tate Is worth more than $100,000. - Karl's Clover Root time great blood purifier. gives Creshness an clearness to the complex- Ion and cures constipation ; 25c. 10e , $ .00. Sold by Ooodlan Drug Co DIVIDEND PAYERS WANTED \ \ Wall Street Patrons Willing t Take OD n Pow Sha cs or Good Stet . UINOIS . CENTRAL - BRACES Tit BULLS its Usual nnto i'aitl Whcn n nCllnctnn Was Looked ror-Some l'lJurc Shollnl time 1xtemmt of 1.lllllaton"Ith . European Creditors. NEW YORK , Jan 20.-hlenry Clews head of the banking house of Henry Clews & Co. . writes of the situation In Wal street : "Since Our mlvlccs of the 12th Inst. there has been no innportmnnt change In the I\rec- ton or the S'Oltime of \Vail street opel- ( ions. - The transactions 01 investment ac- counts have been moderate In nmotmimt . and speculation still remains largely restrIcted to proflsslonal operators. I vents have RUP- pied ; 10 conpplcuouR ) motive for new ven- tures on either the 'bull' or 'hear' stile . 111 the t\o forces leCI to be nbout evenly balance - neicerlVitii a large stmppiy of stock on the ! ! Unrket , sellers mlgh pORRlhl be able to make some hn\relslon \ on prices but with the prlsent himnited holdings the 'bearR' cnn- lot sel ni ) tmportant lineS of stock without encountering IInculty In borrowing shares to make their tlelR'tries and exposing themselves - selves to being < Bqueezel. \'llneRdn ' n . better feelng was developed by Illinois Cel- tml declaring its usunt rte or divldemmd , In < < place of mnlcn 1 reduction . ns was gel- ! orally expected. There arc also other COl- sllertons calculated to bring the batter class of tliridend-payimmg stocltR Into < Icmal < . 1 seems to he generly conceded thnt they have now seen their worst experience and lint the fall In prices has more than . \s- counted the recent adverse Inuelces affect- Ing them , so that at current prices , they shouhl be 1 good purchose. ; During the Int- ter haIr uf the week this feelng was lls- tncty apparent nlll thc transactions II eXllectatol of better prices for good vrojer- tcs prolluce n more hopefut tone than has been apparent for some time. CAUSE O LIQUIDATION. "The treasury report 01 foreign commerce ! for the calendar year Ih91 furiished mnt- ter for some transient pessimistic comment. The record sho\s the effect of the foreign distrust excited hy our silver legislation of 180 more strikingly than the returns of any oC : the three preceding years during which the Sherman act had been In operation. For the Iwo lineal years 1S90-I antI , 1SiI-2 ) comblnell time foreign commercial movement , including that of gold anl , silver , showed nn excess of exports over imports amounting tl $310,0,0. or nn average per year or $165,0.0. Taking time amount needed for payments or Interest and dlvi- dends nt the usually estimated sum of $100- 0,0 per year , It folowl that the balance of $ ,0,0. went to pay for returned Re- curl tes or to settle withdrawn credits. For the past year we hal I net trade balance of $181,0,0 In our favors and yet made a net export or gold amounting to $1.0.0. leaving $262,0.0 to be accounted for. Assuming $10,0,0 oC that sum to have gone In the payment of dividends and interest the re- mnlnln $ IG2O.0 wil1epresent our lquid- motions ! various forms oC foreign Inntclnl indebtedness . such lS securities sent home real estate mortgages , banking and other running balances , the owners of which . pre- ferreel to withdraw from use hero. With the foregoing figures coverIng three emil one- fgures haIr years tt Is easy to see how during the four and one-hllf yearn for which the slIver act of 1890 has been In operation . we may have been driven Into the liquidation of fully $ 5.O.O of thc princIpal of our various forms or debt to foreign countries. 'rherc cnn be little question about the cosine of these immense withdrawals of capltll to Europe. In the main. It slg- nifles that our foreign creditors have become - come distrustful of our ability to save our- selves from drifting upon the silver bmi ! Their fear Is not 10 much about the pen- sibllity of our taking care of such sliver money lS we at present hnve. I II that the silver faction , which ha shown Its nbl- Ity to force upon the country already $500,000,000 of what are virtually I ) cent $5.0.0 dollars . and that I may still retain force enough to yet further Increase those Is- . sues Indefinitely : and they say 11t we I have no satisfactory assurances to the con- trry t satsfactory a.vnncebut hopes only . which tt Is claimed . . find little backing tn the present - eat phase of federal politics. In nil this there Is a great deal of exaggeration of the worst features of our case and perhaps little disposition to give due credit for lte certainty .with whIch we always ult- mately correct our blunder : but the fact nevertheles8' Is that our crItics chose to take thell own , .ylav of. thematter. and their opinions can be changed only by some , sort or conclusive demonstration that no further issues or silver money In the United States are pORslble. CURRENCY REFORM DELAYED. "The prospects of currency legislation by the presetn congress are fast vanishing If they have not wholly disappeared. Any general scheme for dsalng with bank circulation - culation becomes more impossible of hurried realization as diversities or opinion develop. Time must bo allowed for the comparison and maturing of views : and sentiment seems to be drifting In favor of sentment ! the appointment or a national commission or eminent experts who shall hear wit- nesses and report conclusions at time next session ant congress. There Is much to be ' said In favor of that course . especially a congressmcn are imperfectly Informed on the question , and as this mcthod of treat- mont might develop the mature judgment of those best qualfed to counsel better than any other. But the deranged condition - ton of the treasury finances . and especially of the gold reserve . Is n separate matter. which will not admit or any such post- ponement. A measure providing In the first place for deficiencies of revenue , and In the next for a fixed gold income . imperatively - peratively needs to be enacted at the pending , session of congress , and It Is hardly ) ' conceivable ( hint the administration will fail to urge the adopton or n law to that elect at an early day. That being accom- plshed , the more acute all urjent dliii- cuI tes will be overcome anti the question of retiring the legal tenders and filling their places wIth bank notes cnn be svehl allowed to stand over for a year without army un- mediate serious inconvenience. That in in time nature of a general currency measure , whilst time' treasury problemn is time much nnrrower one of re-establisimung recent tIe- partures from the customary usages of making payments to the government In gold or gold certIficates. " MANCIIESTIIIC TEXTILES , Cimlmmus time Ilest Ctmgtonmer DurIng time Past 5'cok , MANCIIESTEfl , Jan , 20.-During time first half of last 'uveelc the market was fairly active for India anti China , During time latter ilaif the business was stopped by a record dip in the price of exchange , but China continuing buying gooml cloth , that market being engaged well into time spmiemg , Makers of India. spring wnmmt orders , Maumy looms are idle. South America wait a ( muir buyer , as wan also time Levant. The tie. inane ! from time smaller markets was un- jmuortaimt , ' ( 'lie outlook for yarns is ohm. satisfactory , owing to overprociuctions. Time working mmmargimmmt are decreasing , Prices were therefore irregular. There watt some pressing of tecks here , and therefore sales , time clearing being at concessIons , al- timough time nmnrltet was nominally called firm , Some busimmesa wait doume Iii bundle yarn 'for China. amid Japan. LONION SToCK IIEVIEV. SecurIties Unusuiiy Active Owing to time Freummim Crisis. LONDON , Jan , 20.-With an easy market , partly due to Frencim purchases of consois , owing to time presidential crisis , time stock market svas unusually active during last week , svithm a great Increase In the s'olmmmo of speculation. Time buoyammcy , was equally felt In all time markets. rho French crisis had hmmorthly any adverse effect. Jimmying was no iouiger confined to merely investment itecmuri. ties. lionme railway aumd ( orelgum ecuritles ativmmnced , Victorian and other colommiul Issues - sues recovered from their recent depression , Jdinung securities were rather less dealt in owing to mechanical tIhlulculties coimnecteil with the settlenmeimt of a Imeavy account. TIme tone of time market for American railroad securities was better ( hum for montims host. Headimmg and Uniomm I'aciuic made fractional declines , but all the otimers advanced , 5'mus Worried Over is Lmewsqit , FORT WAYNE , Ind. , Jan. 20.-Daniel W. Souiler , ex.county clerk of this coummty who mysteriously disappeared from his home on Tuesday last , has not yet been heard frommi. liii family and friends have searched every. where for imini , but can learn nothminmg as to imis whereabouts. Ills tamnuly surroundings are most pleasant , Imia financial condition good and time only cause ( list can be assigned for hits disappearance iii worriunent in regard to a suit that lie imad broughmt against time Gazette and time republican county comnuhltee for libel in accusing him of overcharging fees , at , Louis l'eopio ShIm % 'htl himmare , ST. LOUIS , Jan , 20.-I'romlnent St. Louis people are Interested in tIme large estate left by Sr Jmmmnes hiohmrs vluo died In England more timan a century a'l a half ago. Their interest inns been revived by the advices from Ohio timat attorneys there are pre'par. lag to take active steps Ia the prosecutIon of the claims of the AmericAn heirs. Among ( ho residents of St. Louis who are lineal tie. acenmdants of Sir James are lr , Alex Bald- ridge Shaw anti his mother , Mrs. lot. A. 51mw , Mrs. 5 , (1. Clark , Attorney Samuel L. Isbeli , Mrs. James Iatmiels and WIlliam holmes Thomson , cashier of the Boatmman's bank , p 4U1.LlJ'A.V .STII.t. 1f.I4 1f(1I'F. . Tnik hum LIncvium of % gmmun Itelmig Cimnumipion in thin l'rn hthim , LINCOLN , Jan , 20.-Spocinl.-Jolun ( Ta. Sullivan , now in Liumcoln , not only boldly declares that hue is still In the rimig , but will rot admit that ime Is at all disflgomrc1 , In cammvaashng the cimaumees of a revival of pugIlism , ime says : "The fight of time fumtuure vlll be time limited rounti contest , There tue best man gets time tleciion wltiuommt buying to mit his mamu out. No , I do hot believe that litigIlisumi in dmntl. It lumi hmnti a umumniher of setbacks lately , hut , mnnm'k my words , there will be a. revival lit a few ) 'eflrnt multI it ss'ill thmemm be as PoPumlar as us the oltI tlayn when time clubs fell over each other to get a fight pumhletl off. True. the liumbhlc is agnimmst too hiea'y pmmnisimummemmt amid knockouts , ss'hmemi a incus svill stagger through a couple of romuumtis witiuotmt it show of whining anti only wmtitiumg for time kmmoclc- out. I expect to make nnotlur try for chmaluiplonshiup honors , nut ! I timimik I emumi simoss' 'em I'uut not time stale fllo' I've been called , My increasing weight is time only tiuluig that svihl keep rime from goiumg mugniumst time wiimmmer of the Corbett.lrltzsummuummoums go. I muims imeo.vier umosv timnn ever. I have umo doumbt that those rivnl cimnnmliions will imiect sooumer or inter , nmmd youm mummy safely bet that it's a. Sumre tip tlmmit 1.aimk3 , ' liob has a good Simosv of comumung omit first best , Of 000mrse. Corbett will be thme favorite , auth lie ought to he. lie in clever on his feet and can hit humtrti , but so can Fits' , tutu Corbett. cruimuiot imontl muum3' immuu'der , eltimer. ' ' hlo Ilitli hiriet4. Time grand stand at time Cimarles Street 1mar10 is to b extended sommme twenty-five yards to time south In time spring. I'resldent Rowe in. tends to fit ul ) mm cosy reserve departmmment for time ladies. Will C. Armour , ( Ito bali player whmo was supposed to be fatally immjumrcd last year iii a coasting nccIdemmt at Homestead , Pa. , has beemm signet ! at Nashmvihio with Mammager George Stalllngs.-Timmmes.Star. Malinger lhackett of time Quuncy hose flaIl climb imas mantle public time imaumies of lmlaycrs signed by lmimn timuis far , Timey are : iaimmmie Bolammd , catchier ; Charles Farrell of Lowell , Mess. , fielder ; Wlliiauum hioffuuer of Scrantomu , 1a , , fielder ; James McCornmichc , third base- muman ; McGrevey of Quiuscy , pitcher. Wilti Bill Whiner , time old Corn husker , wants to put on tIme ummitts mmd be a pugilist. it hIs Ciuicimmnati friends s'ill only simip hmlumm out here he'll be backed agaimust any free iuumclu stand 'long Douglas street , witim time agree- mnont that lie will kumock it out Ia time first roumid or give UI ) immy money , S CHARGES 4U.iI.T , i UNIRIZS. ACUd of Selling Ampohumtmuments 1mm time l'ort Tomyumgomtl Cuistumims Oflico , PORT TOWNSEND , Jan. 20-For several days time local press has been teeniimmg witlm open letters addressed to Collector of Customs Saummders charging him with selling customs hmouse appointnmommts and imaving straw men on time pay rolls , lie ignored time charges completely. Three sureties , ropresentiimg four.fiftbs of his bond , begami lnvestigatuumg anti suddenly , vIthmoumt notice , wired thmo department risking to be relieved from any furthmer responsibility. Time local democratic press declares time cuis- ( emma administratioum to be corrupt , rummd do- nmands time strictest Investigation on time part of time Treasmmry departuimcumt. him omme imustance , it is alleged , Saunders appointed to office a man who was recently comivicted of larceny and umpon whose agreement to return time stolen goods time conviction was set aside. Collector Saunders was one of time wimite house secretaries during Clovelammd'a first ad- nmiimintratiomm. lie secured his lreselmt ap- polntment through his acquaintammce with Cleveland and withm time assistance of Ii. G. \ijahlaco of Tacoma , time national tieumiocratic committeeman , who is a son-in-law of Chief Justice Fuller. Saummders said : "Timis wimole affair emanated from an unsuccessflml otteummpt to blackmail me In givuumg out federal aim- pointments to unworthy fluid immconmpetetmt persons. Not one word of the chmargo is true. Special Treasury Agent Cullomu was hmere thmis week and made aim Informmmal investigation - gation and Is satisfied of my inmmocence. As to the alleged smmmuggling of Ciulimese opiuimi Into the United States , timat's all bosh , " It is alleged hmero tlmat time department has Instructed special agents rind time United States district attorney to investigate time charges of alleged creokedness. In all proba- bllity a grand jury will be especially em- pannehed to Inquire into the matter. lLSTEItN I'ENZIONs , Veterans of tim' , Lmute'SVmir itanmeinbored by time General Governmmment. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20.-Speclal.-Pen. ( ) sions granted , issue of January 7 , were : Nebraska : Reissue-John P. Wtmtiunrt , Piainvicw , Pierce coummty ; Clark Portly , Ciarks , Merricle couunty ; Edwin 0. Morgamm , Morrihlvuhle , Knox cotmnty ; Julia Q. Adams , Canton , 'l'hmayer county ; Israel W. Young , Graimd Island , Hall county ; Jolmmm 1V. Summitim , Iletimnny , Lancaster county. Original Wil. 050'S , otc.-Ehiznubethi D. Dufoe , Fulhertoum , Nammce county. Iosva : Origunnl-"mVilimelm Ou'ansimnft' , Pleasant Grove , Des Moines county' Wil. ham It. Dorothmv. Ottuimivmm W nmpello couuity. Increase-i'tm ilnnder Swinimer , . . . , , eo- kuk , Lee county ; Williams Ii. Ii. Wihleord , Mount l'leasammt , hiemmry county ; Charles S. liiiuunaum , Chnumhnthmu , l'age cotmumty ; Iieumry Stirvemus , Gmittemuberg , Clayton county. Re. isaume-Timomas H. Marshall. hole l'lmtine , lienton county ; Coleimaui S. Carter , Bed- forth , Taylor coumnty ; Lewis itmmsencraumz , Anamumosa , Joimes county : Johmmu W. Grimes , Mmussemmn , Cans county : harvey hlighut , Aim. iuibon Aumdohmomi couimty ; Samumel It. Ins- 7.1cr bavis city. 1)ccaiur county : Daniel Tcs , Attica , Ztluurune counts' ; Jesse 3. Evaums , Bedford , 'J'aylor couummty ; John P. lrnrrar , Cornuumg , Jttlmuumis county . ; Jacob Simimer , Nora Spmimmgs , 1rlo.d comummty ; Stephen Fl tzgeramtl , CIa riosvll I e , ihutler county. Reissue-Nimpimi Simunmnte , Dummlap , I Iari'im4on cowuty ; JUlio Spigle , Sprageuevhile , Jackson county ; 'l'imornns Stead , Wiumterset , MadIson county. Original widows , etc.- Lydia ' , Vimartoum.Voodhihmme , I inrrison county ; minors of henry Wiuipple , Vhhilnea , Iuhomutgomery county. Soumthm Dakota : Origunnl-Johmmu U. Simumm- umerhi , Slot Slrings , Fall Itlver coimmmty , Ste. imemuc-Wiihlnm . A I rim r I , Itosseaul , iiuuglmes county ; Lafayette Stiles , ' [ 'wIn lmrookmm , Grammt coummty ; Amos A. Enstummaum , Marvium Grzummt coimumty , Originnml witlows , etc-Anicda. L. Carpemmter , Athmoi , Sjmlmmlc county. Colorado : Originai-hleumry C , lonnell i'onchmo Spriumgs , Cimmufl'ee county ; Itiiclmue hiaumnigan , alias Micimael Barry , Cnmumomu City , Fromnont coummty. Issue of January 8 , 1119. , : Nebrasla : Original-Adam C. Wilson , hubbell , Timayem' county ; Wilhianm A. G , Cobb , Frenmont , ledge county ; Adam \Vimgentlt'lil , , Akron , Boone coummmt' , Ad- , hutionnl-Wihllnmn I' . Wiisomm , 'i' , 3'more , ( inge commmmty ; Itobiert l'huilpot , Iluombolult , hticimnrtlsnmm couuumty , iteuuewni-'I'hmomims Alicenmi. Decatumr , hurt county ; Joummi Wilson - son , Omaha , ioumglns commnty ; F'ranlc C , Crornwehi Mintlen , ICearminy county , Ste. nesvai anti uncrcmthe-Jamnes JS'ilsomm , Nortim Platte , Lincoln county , Increnumue-Johmui b , Corey , Alhiottun , Dundy couummty. Reissue- Samuel A.'umislcsv ( ody , Cherry ctmmimt ) ' ; Lymnan 1 , , . Colby , 'i'ehcnmmaii , Hurt county ; Joslmim ' 1' , holier , Ileatrice , Gnge coummty , Origloql wimiows , ctc-iieetter j. Elbert , Florence , loughmms county. Iowa : Origiumal-W'hhliam II , Torrey , Mill. yule Clayton couluty. ] temmewal-L.ewiio itt , i'hillinmt , Cory'lon , Wnvae coummty ; Henry IIurenumtter. hndianola , Warren cominty , In- ereaso-Itial . , C , Liuml , Nei' hlnmunptun , Clmickasniw county , lteisnue-.Wuhhianm 11. I hid I niger , 0 t t uimmwa 'Wa 'oh In cou ii I y ; Lewis 101. Bennett , linone , Boone county ; Lewis iiaugimerty Mile , \'rmrren coumity ; William ZtlcInlosfi , Decoralm , Wunnesimiek rauimty ; Edwarml A. Brown , ltel , Onmk , Montgomery county ; Iltcpimemm U. Cugsdhli , liurruhi , lecmmtur commnty. Original 'ss'idowmt , etc.-ilmmnummmim ihlipey , ' % Vaimeilo , Louisa : Original-william S. Morris , Durango , La i'iata county. 5 , Ativauichuu Coast irreiglut iimitt'S. CHICAGO , Jan , 20.-At time meeting of time freight oiilcerH of time transcwutuoeumtal lines It was agreed that , taking effect February 4 , emIl transcontinental freight rates from Now York , Chicago , Missouri amid itiississiimpi river cooummmomi : moimmts thmat are below OtI cents per 10' ' ) polundit wlli be udvancetl to thmat tigure to all Pacific coast points , efeept l'ortland , Ore. , to wimiclm ItliLco the minimum rate will be & 5 cents per 100. - - - - - ASPECIALTY CRAGS MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOThY. r. ca5'JLT.ID , ! mw2 Union Aye. , ilausas City. Mo. 1'LtiIX ( .FOU 101(1 ST.4K10l , Cleveland Suvlntilers Attemhit to 'ohi floge Mining Stocks. CIR\'EIANI ) , 0. , Jima , 20.-A man who says ho is J , R. linger of Denver anti * woman who says she is Mrs. Ella 1. Adams of Chicago were iocketi imp in tima central Imolico station under time charge of suspicious characters. hager told W. T. O'Mnra that his brother in Denver had ( ole. gmaphetl hmini that ( ho stock of time gold placers of the Sapphire imminung company at Iluitto was about to rise in value anti that Ilila E. Adniui ( lit ! not know 'It aumd huati a block of time securities of time taco value of $20,000. lie hail seen her and she agreed to sell her stock for $5,000. linger imnil only $1,000 and wahmted O'Mara to Puit iii $1,000 and share in the tiroflin. They visited Mrs. Adaumma mitmmi she shmoweth the steck. O'Mnra reportetl to time liolico s'imo telegraphmed to ( ha chief of iollce at fltmtte , Time reply was that no such Coumipany existed , At time request of time prosecumtlng attorney time trial of linger alit ! Mrs. Amlamns was con- tiumteil tummtil mmcxl. Ttmesmlay. hioth dunnimt1ett all iimulnedlalo trial , hut time Prosecutor WflS hot reatiy. hager declares lie Is innocent , mmmii Mrs. Amlamits iumnlsta that she can readily lmmovo her imommesty iii time Immnutter. Bail in each case was fixed at $500 , wimiclm linger fulm'nisimeel for imimiuself aiim ! svas releaced Mrs. Amlaumms vas remummumded to jail In tiefatmlt. of bail , CIIICACIO , Jan , 20.-It. I. Adonis , a son of ( ho womamm allegeti to have been nrresteml iii Clevelnmmmd , is iumtligmmant. "It's ail an immtmsmmmomms lie , " lie saltS , "Mother lisa not booms to Clevelaumtl. At this mmmoomemmt sue is ulown town shmoppimig , I have kept thmi story from . Imer , becaimse sue Is easily excIted , antI Is umot strong. I tried hum vniuu to keep her frons going omit , 'us I thu not vauit her to hear of t it is iii tim muons eutra go , ' ' In cxplaumntioim of time mmmysterloums wommmami in Cleveland , Mr. damns saId : "it is souumm. ommo impersonating nmy umuother.'io , it is , I don't kumow , bumt it is evldemmtly soummo ens well ncqumaiumte.l witim otmr fmummmily. " Mrs. Adams I time witlow of If. N. Adams , wimo was a mumajcmr in Limo uniomm nurummy dumrimmg time iota isar. Site is well kumowuu and hmlgiuly , . colmnecte'd litre , CLEVELAND , 0. , .1mm. 20.-There seemmms to be no tIotmbt timnut , time svonmaum arrested here Fritlay umiglmt is Mrs. Ella Adnimms of 153 Goctsciu street , Cimicnmgu , as sue drummed. A geumtlcummaum wino torummorly kimow her iii \'is- commsium before time tieatim of her immmshaumih snow and talked withu imor today. Mrs. Adonis says sine camuie to Clevehammd to arrange for lmlaciumg a frieumd 1mm emme of time Imospitals , After her arrival hero site was called impout at imer motel by time mimaum who gives lila umaummo as linger. lie saint ime imaul imcartl milme luau sommmo ummiuiimmg stocks to sell , lie Imad imeetu to imer Imoummo iii Chicago , aumd , loarmuiumg almo was iii Clevelamiti , followed imer here. llb told imer lie woumhui fimmd a ciustoummer for time stock amid askeul her to scud to Chicago for it. SImo got tIme stock auid linger imrouughmt the ctmstoummcr to her , buit she refused to let. time securities go out. of her Imimumols umnless sine received time ummommoy , 'rimat eumded time umego- tinmtloims amid time arrest of hmem'self amid hager followed. Mrs. Amlammms expects imer son to arrive from Cimicago iii time umuoi'uuhog , aumd nimo Imas confidence sine will liii released after hues' heariumg toummorrov , . . S. hopEs I"UIi 1UII'Ot0.l1 1.5' IUJSNLI. Ooorgo leimumnn hits (3rett : Fmiltim iii the letimoernuy ot t tin Ntmv ( 'zir , CIHCAGO , Jan. 20.-George Kenmaum , the critic of htussinum muffairs , arrivetl mit time Grammtl l'acillc today oim lila wmuy to time l'a- cHic coast , where lie i to mmmnle a tour froumi 1.05 Ammgi'les to Snttle , Mr. Kennaus expresses time imoime timmit svitim time adveimt of the new czar of htmmssimt a bm'igimter day is uimuwimung for that gremmt coummtm'y. ' 'Time deummocuntle cumitlumet of time new' ruler Iii going uubouut time 5treet of St. J'etersbumrg tiumnutteumtlt'nl , numd othmem' nucts of sinmiirmr clmaracter , In ccmtaummiy ummost oumcoumr- agiumg tt ) time liberimi party of ittusnimu , aumd those wimo have time sveifare of ( lint country at imeart , " sntlul ? ttr. ienmimmiu. ' 'Sumehu timings Lire 1mm very nmttrkti ( contrast to time mietloims of' lml father , cud , if commtinmueul , caum have only a most wimolesomime effect oum time ieo. jib of time couumtr3' . I exhect to live till time uhmoy wimemi time mnuumister of time interior of Russia will lloitmt to time cries of utrticles I wrote on time Siberimmn vrlsomma auth say : 'This was the commdttlomm of affairs wimemo T went iumto 0111cc ; see what it is now. ' In a recent interview witim l'rince Nicholas Gal- mitsui , vhlchm aihemnrcti iii the l'nthl itlahi Ga. zette , time irincc criticised mmmc , limit at the anme tiumme saiti I lund lint overlrmit'n , the conditions of time urinous. 'u'ith permits from tIme czar iminmsehr , time primmce humid cx- aunhneti time imrlsomms s'hmichu Sluoulld , lie said , be satuuratcd witim kerosene amid time match apimlieu.l. " _ _ _ - I Siav Are oim ilium Trail. . CONNELSVILlli , Pa. , Jan. 20.-LouIs Detara , a general ageumt of time BaltImore Building and Loan association wino imas been located here for two years , lma left town suddenly numd hmiiimdreds of Slays and other foroigumers are hiuuntung imirn , Ills rigimt mmanmo is George Iiudnmk. Ito coimtlucted a banking zmnml foreigni exchiaimge busimmess. ISo hail over , 100 tlimanclal agents in l'eummmsylvammia , Mary- laud , \Vest Virgimmia and 01mb , TIme Slays sviuo placed mnonmey witim Iotara sum'ear yen- geance if they caum lay hands on imimmi , Situ , tuf C ho oregon l'zuchilt'ontlrnu rd , CORVALIS , Ore. . .Tamm. 20.-'l'hme sale of time Oregomu Pnmcitlc rmtiiromiul to I3onmmer & 11am- mmmcimul of Mlnsoumla , Mont. , for $100,000 svnms conulrmned hi , ' Juuhge lruilemtomm ) 'esterdir aftennooum , Objections otterctl by time certil cate hmuldcrmn and creditors were overroled , ) - CURES THE : SERPENT'S STINO. HEALS ' RUNNINC SORES. Warm Your Feet1 at night with a I' HOT WATER BAG. 2-jtiart , ( i5 cents , : . 3-iuirt1 75nt. t ! 4-quart , $1 , 00 RUDBER GOODS OP ALL ICINDM. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , , 1403 Fannans Street. TIlE LION DitliCI STORE , HUPTLME 2 PIAMANINTLY QT CURED I&2IF q'o PAY UNTIL CURED AIz _ C hIFIR IOU 10 8,000 pmmmaTs. writefornankRofercncea. XAMiNA'ION FRCE. 10 Opcralton. 1(0 ( DetentIon from Business , SLND FOfl CIRCULAfl , , -t-hr C. r CO. . 306 and 308 New York Life bldg. , Omaha. l'ROI'OSALS JrOlt PRINTING , Sealed proposals svIil be recei'vml by time State Board of i'ruumtiimg at. time olilcu o time secretary of stmmte on or before i o'clock Ii. iri , Jummunmry 28 , 1895 , ( or time print. iuui unit bunmlimig ium Ilaimer twelve hundred ( l2mO ) mules of time mtrmmmummii report of the State flanking Board for ( mu year itOl , iii miccom'tiammce whim time speciiicatlons on Silo lii time bmiumkung department. \Vorlc to be Cufluletmi mmliii delR'eretl to time oiiice of Ohio Stints lmuimkumug Hoard not to exceed timirt' (30) ( days fromum time award. 11mg of tIme coumtract. J. A. I'lt'ER , Secretary of State. Dated January 16 , IPJ. . - - , ' - . , .