Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FJ.'IIE 01\AlIA DAU..y nWJ ; ; : 1\IONDAY , .1 A NIT : A 1W 21 , 1895.
_ 11nk ) room of the morgue hat given the 10
10 all the wl,1 , theorIes that 110\0 been In.
cub3tcd by Irresponslblo pace wrltor.
STOl \ OJ' 8UUTT' . 'tOU IJ.J : !
, JIb fhnrlArn ) 11 Untn nncl "uh rlunlt
Jrniti ( hilt 10 the 1'1nrhln
The crime for which ! art Scott paid
with Ills life on Now Year's c\y of thIs year
wa the embezzlement of $70,000 of the funds
or Bolt county. and the subsequent wrecking
of the 1011 County hank practically Impv'
ensuing nearly all of the farmers and bust-
ness men In Itoh. . The amounts stolen from
these confllrr Ieoplo are varIously esti.
matell Inll about & ,
, aggregate [ $1&0,000
The looting of the public funds had prohabl
been going on for some time previous to the
discovery hy the county commissIoners and
the flight of Scott , who was then county
treasurer , and the absconding of PresIdenl
Adams of the lol County bank , In the early
Ilart of August 183.
In January , 1892 , when the new county
: cnnlnlssloner took their places of omco
they bean an Investigation Into scott's ac'
counts with halt counly. lie ball bt-n reo
elected Ilurlng the fail of 1n , and It Is 01.
leget that ho pent a larfo sum of money
to gain this political victory. Such desperriv
ate efforts made him In
were mlllo to keep , omce
IIY a certain rIng of lerFons , and , such deep
Personal Intuesl was taken In his success
that many of the people began to believe
that there was somelhlng behind I all . and
. when the \ commissioners took their plaees :
an investigation wrs Ilemlded : and begun
They demanded that , Scott IroIucc , all his
necounlo and the money that belonged to the
cOlnt ) ' . 'fhe commissioners would nol nc-
cept checks or certificates of deposIt , but
dctandell thai the cash bo prolluced Scot
tll ( not have the money on hand , there
being hut ,348 In the vault when the
I commissioners made their frst 'Islt. They
: then gave Scot tel days In which to snake 5
' Lhts showing , and the money was secured front
Omaha for the purpose. The mater was
V nrranred by J. Ii. Thomas , president of the
State bank of O'Nei , who visited Omaha
: and arranged with J. II. Millard for the U80 I
of 4OOOO for one day. The money was I
Ihlllped tip by express , and on the lame
, train wenl State Treasurer J. S. Barley ,
, ; , . who was one of Scotl's bondsmen , and who I
wltnessel the ounl hy the special commit -
c tee at the comlissioncrs In the vault of the
treasurer 'fho books cal for $73,000. ant I
: the balance was made UIJ hy tim banks of f
L O'NeIl 111 others of ScoU's friends
, When the borrowll m'oney was shlplJed out
. tl next clay and the board , learned , of It I
Inc thai $ Tti was paId for the use of II am 1
1 expresange an investigation was started , Iml I
I was ascertalnet frm the testlnony :
. - of the local bankers under oath thai Scot
, hall told them that I they would lei him :
take the money to make the showing they :
; need not bIl for the county deposits I pro-
2 vided by the law that had Just gone Inlo
: effect . ns he would Eeo that they got lhe
deposits anyway for the payment of less
t' Intercsl than they would bo compelled by 1 :
, the county board to bid. Several of the
- banker ohscnled themselves In order to
avoid having to testy , but sufficient testi -
mossy was introduced to satIsfy the cODmls-
sloners of the existence of a conspiracy bt
. tween Scott and '
Ind the banks for the purpos
at dofrnudmng the county , and ho
defrullng was re-
ts . moved 'from ofce on a complaint flied b ;
t. .1. II. Hopkins , a taxpayer of the fed .
The ouster case was taken to the distrIct
. court where It was reversed by Judge ha ! . -
! lar-
tOy on error. Thence I went to the supreme
f court.I was ascertained by the commissIoners In I
June ot that year . soma time lfer the beginning t.
I ginning of the litigation , thai a number ot
. the sureties on Scotl's bond were transferrIng i ;
F. their property , anti he was notified that he
must secure additional bond. lie hind two
names added to the list , hut they were not
approved by the board on the ground tin it
, r tlloy were "straw" men , and added , nothing r
l . to the strength of the bond. As
. . s a result ot
' ' - the adding ot these
, names to the bond it
r was decIded at the trIal of the civil su I
against the bondsmen last fail that civi bond
' - was Ilvildated ani that : the county could
not recover .
Acting on the faIlure ' of Scott to furnish a
satisfactory bond the board agaIn declarel1'
Jlo oIco vaca'nt . and appointed U. J. Hayes ,
a republican ' , lq the , place In Jdnc . 189 2.
' Scott refused lo surrender , and hayes beran
mandamus proceedings to get possession 'of
the ofce , but the case went to the distrIct
court , where It vas , hung up for a year ,
awaitIng the decision ot the supreme curt
, In the case started a few months before , 'amI
I was not definitely acted on until afti r
unll afer
Scott had skipped to Mexico when JUllge :
. Marshal of the Fremont district was Invited !
\ ' by Judge Kincaid to pass upon I. and he I
- , 'declared Scott removed tram ofce , racticai iy
confirming the 'voluntary abdication ot the
Another mandamus case was started In Jan-
siary . . 1893 . whim Scott refused poInt blat ik
: to make isIs annual settlement with the board
and show the cash and
, ho was arrested on
a charge of embezzlement preferred In ti I se
county court . charging the embezzlement tle
, ; 82OOO. The mandamus writ to force the
settempnl was refused by Judge Kincaid b e .
, - , cause or a defeCt , In the petition of the ijiai a-
tl Scott waIved a preliminary ( xamlnaton
In the county court , anti was released on a
$16,000 ; bond Scott then took his flight to
' - Mexico , and isis bonds were declared fc ir-
. feltelJ , by the court.
In July 182 , the county commissIoners
; made another demand upon Scott for a setti le-
: - ment , lul he refused and went on sette- rsg
. colectng
' the taxes , but retusln
refusing - 10 cash any of the
cQunl warr lts , Again mandatory proeeed-
logic were begun , and after
begn arer several contt -
uancet the case was tnaly set for a hearIng -
lag In August. On the day before the hearIng
- Scott left O'Nol , and his attorneys saId thal
Io , had gone to loux City to collect (101 Ito
{ sum thee tblt wal duo lolt' county , Ilul\
, . ' ih1 be back lu a few. days. lIe failed to
' put , in un , appearance and tho\commlssloners
declared his educe vlent , and appointed n. J.
hayes to 11 the vaeancy.
Scott had completely disappeared from vIew ,
and the commissioners ot halt county and
others interested offered large ) rewards for I !
his apprehension. Detectves In all parts of
the country were given his description , and
the rewards offered stimulated them to unusual -
usual activity In working upon the Ca : ! e .
Ollers : In Mexico and Canada kept a sharp
, lookout for him , and on or about AUg8L 2j
Scott WIS arrested In Juare . Mexico , by
; Sheriff Cunningham of Santa I.'e , N. M. 10 I
: was taken before thc Jefe politico at JuarC4.
and . on order of I'rclldent Diaz of the Mi ix. ,
: lean republic , bo was given over Into the I
custody of his captor although the best legal
. , talent In that ' ,
country tried to secure his re-
lease. Whlo Scot was In Jai awaiting ex.
. ; ; tradition Ilapers Isis brother-In-law Del Akin
of O'Nei. went cown to assbl him saying
: that he would induce him to return wihout
extrdilon , Del gaL 10 1i I l'asl , and Sheri
Simmons IJlaeed him under arrest , on' ' the
chulL at COnslJlrlng 10 assist a Ilrlsoner to
' escape After some lively legal hustling Oel t
managed to gel out , and was brought back
to Nebraska In the custody of Isis trlend. I
. Mat iaugiieriy. / Sherls Cunnlnghal In,1 ,
Simmons brought Scott back , and turned him I :
' over to the 101 county authorities , 'hey
came back to Omaha on , their way hinie . and
Ilet Akin and Iaugherty on theIr return' Lbs
- later . \ln secured the cervices of a Doug 'I as
. County stierifi , DII sen'ec vapors against the
. returning sheriffs for I damage suit for $50. '
POO for falsely imprisoning Allhl when he
was on his way to meet UarroU SeoU. When
. Scott was brought back to 101 county from
Moxie IlubUo opinion WI' somewhat divid let ) . :
p Scott had hosts of friends Iii O'No1 who be- I
. 10\'ld all that he had told tiiiii oh01l his
alTieIra . and they wcre tnclnel to loole upon
. Isis arrest lS I plecu of Ilollcal iersecilti ott.
. After Scott had been jalh at O'Nel he Cal
. machinery was set In sisollon to effect / S
lolon efect
, release1 , lahcas ) corpus talIll , and save rai
bal bOnll % wer prepaNd and rejected . Ills
bal ' 8 originally fixed nt $18,000 . but Wil
later ralsed by judge Jncld 10 5. ( 100 ,
ThIs amount was claimed to he excesslye ! ,
but tIn COlrt refupell 10 lower It. JecOurs9
to the supreme curt gave no relief. i end
linaily . lfer Scot had been nosutuatly In
Jail For several 10nlhs , he was Jibera ted I
on bali. Ils case was taken to Anlel ape I ,
county on a change ot venue , and the trhl :
Last September resulted In his cOl'lclon
: sail sentence to five reau' lsprizossmc sut.
' Fending au appeal lila bond vai fixed at
Wa fx
: ; 70.ooU. TII bo could nol secure 111 tInt
mutter was taken to tue state IJIJreIU eoi in .
On December 6 , 1894. that body dLlltd t ;
that the bond w.u. ecesstve , and redo cod
this amount trout $ iIOOO ' to $10,000. In 1
day or two Sct ' tret the rlct'euary
-L bondsmen and 'a8 reeued 01 bail. 'l'hls
JeaUy incensed Uo : people ! . who wuo h8-
ClonIng to sulLr t , : dllcomtcrtl at l'overt )
. . - , .
- - : --t- - -
; " " ' - - -
. . . . . - .
an , i their misfortunes were bid at Scott's
dee r . lie was ware by friends that It
would bo a dangerous matter .for him to
O hack to 10it county attr hA had secured
bal l , but he paid no attention to these
fri endly warnings and proetlet to live In
comrortable. I not afuent , cIrcumstances .
am eng the very IJeoplo whom he hal ) do. '
fra uiled , . ant they were In many Instates
sUlerlng for the actual necessitIes of life.
During the week between Christmas end ,
New Year's , Scot and hIs family . In their
prlvato carriage , throve over to Mlncola to I
visit with some relatives. The return was
mace on January 1 ot this yenr. Then
the party consisted ot Scot his wife a 11
ba by . his niece , Fannie : McWhorter and
driver , John Schmidt. As they were trlv-
ing past n sad shanty In Parker precInct ,
ab out thirteen mies northeast of O'NeilL n
ban,1 , of masked men rushed O'Neil a
voley from Winchesters at the party In the I
car riage . killing both horses overpowered I
Sc ott . who was badly wounded In the face i
from one of the bullets , and made nil of
the part ) ' prlEoners. Mrs Scott . baby and I
nie ce . were driven to I desolate spot on the :
prairie uiI left to find their way to relef
as best they could Scctt and his driver
rewe re thrown Into n wagon . aCer being
atbo und , and gagged , and the party of armed I
nhduetors drove ai toward the armee
riv er. Schmidt was released after the party
hall traveled Eeveral miles . and he lade his I
wa y to O'Nei , which place he reached late I
Momlay night , after tramping over the santi .
his for a distance of sixteen miles. Mrs ,
Scot anti Miss McWhorter had to walk
Ivo miles before reaching a rancher's house ,
nnd when they told who they were they were
not cordialy received , a 11 their return to
O' Nelii was delayed as long as Possible
Miss McWhorter was suffering from a w01nd i
In the back which hash been made by one or r
the bullets fred by the party of maskell I
sn en . and both women were In a pitable
st ate or Ilnll when they reached O'Nei ,
They managed to tel a 1ucll story of their
terrJblo experiences and Sherll lamlon
anll I posse of men Immediately went 01
the trail of the men who had abducted the
de faulting treasurer.
The hunt progressed from then untIl the
fin ding or the body late Saturday evening ,
A number of lel were suspected at once ant 1
three of them arrested. 'fhe ) ' are : lt Ioy
James Plnlerman null Moses Elliott. TbS
len have been place under small boUds
peUlnf further developments 11 the case
Elott was thought , to have been the ring
lealler of tue abductors. and sOle of the
ev idence . which Is entirely circumstantial , Is I
alegell to poInt . his way Hay Is the son
of one of Scot.s closest friends , but ho wns
bilerly opposed to Scott. Plnkermnn Is a
rncher' lolt county. '
After the abductIon of Scott many clews
were tolowed out , but as days passed some
IJoubt arose aR to whether or not Scott sontd
heen killed , as was at first supposed , or
had simply played a ruse on hIs enemies to
make m his escape from the country anti save
his bondsmen tram liability. I.'ortuno teller 5
anll Ilnd readers tried to mix up In the case
and oIerCI many theories ns to his where- i
abouts , nlh ( all along ! rs , Scott and a
n umber of staunch friends held to ho be. I
lef that ho had been abducted and then
murdered , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W1I.LIAM , A. 1.lNI.nTON.s : OI.I JON.
Celebratecl DotfclVI Writes to The lCO'8
Editor toncrrnll the Cn. .
Immediately after the announcement at the
tragedy The Bee dispatched a reporter to I
O ' Noill. Four days later a rcres2ntaUvo was
sent to Chicago to enlist William A. Plnler-
ton In tlO work ot detection. Mr. PInkerton
thought that I would not be best to under-
taka the work until after the excitement had
subsided , so thai a leteclvo might travel
through the country wIthout arousIng sus-
picIon. Ills Individual conclusions as to the
authors of the tragedy basal on the story put 3-
li slied. were embodied In the following leler :
tosewater Editor Omaha Dee : Dear Sir : : :
I have carefully read the copies at , The
l Ice of January ) 3 , 4 and 6. with accounts
oa f the Darrelt Scott assault and abductiot a .
and 1 1 sntsle that the statements oC i
-Jr Scott. Miss Mc\Vhorcr. Driver
ShmIdt and little Fannie Scotwae worthy
at credence. The selection ot , Parker to I
commit this assault was dehiberatel
planned , 1 thInk the delbertely Mr.
Younr that the maket men who did this
work , la' ben back and forth In that ' v Is
clnly prior to the return of Scott ad
tamly from Mlneola Is true. They Imew
he would return from 1lneoia by that
r oust . and they selected Parker to make
the assaul and to capture ' the money which
hey perhaps belevet with hIdden In the
two valises carried to 1Uneola by Sco
and his party and carried. back on Scot
t urn trip to o'Neill. There Is little doubt
In I my mind that these farmers have been
holding m "tngs and , conferring about
what was the best means to ) abolto
punish Scott and recover the money for
the county and that when hIs bond was :
educed from $7,00 to $ WO they were
Incensed I to n degree. and resolved to resort -
sort to desperate means 1 belIeve that a
mol oC farmers cossintitteti this outral - '
nnd that they realy believed that In nut i-
Ing i this ' assault they would perhaps tlnd
I large amount at money , which they
would fore him to give up. then turn It
Inlo I the treasury anti thus matte a pohil I
cal capital \ l for their party I a poll-
SUCCC1 ell In Ulls their elation would lena y
no bounda
as It would show that the law
and the courts had been Ineffective . and
that this man by his Ilefectvo. coun-
try had impoverished Cite farmers , ali
they would show by their energetic action
that t they would not CJrlllc robbery
and would resort to summary measures
to bring Scott to the punishment that he
deserved and make him restore the money
that Ie hall stolf I Is quite certain that
none of the men composing title mob were
friends ot Scott . ami that alt at them were
enemies , and sonic at them were bitter
enemies of his 1 believe that when Scott
Is i tounl that he will have a bullet Sot
In i his cheek I Mrs Scott bulet . It they
have not murdered hint , It Is losILtie that
they have injured him so he Joslble up
mewhere until he II well enough to bo
Rent adrift. This Is so . wel enou11 belIeve
that they have disposed of his beleve
sane ot the numerous gulches anti hOly
along the Niobrara I 10 not all Iorgel
It this season at the year a thorough :
search at the Niobrr river could thorourh
rver lJwe
on account ot the leo and the tilflicuities I
of makinI I tlorough searh at this time
at the year : nnd therefore his body may
be In the Nlobram , IC they have Put him
out ot the wa ) ' . Jut
I will be very dlmcul for al identiilcaton !
at any at these men to be nItRic tiiiiiiciesttiy
strong to warrant their cosivietloit . hut
there are man ) ' circumstances In the Partial
identiilcntion soothe by the Ilrtal
Identlcaton mlde ladles antI the
dlh'er. Schmidt , that would point ali the
Hult ot George 1ulhan woull Miit Iloy , nod
I Is possible that these meetings at the ab-
doctors and parties comprising this mob
took Place lt tile house oC Ztlose Elliott. 'l'he
fact hat 11 RO"1 telm was , used to can.
vey the womeu to htnrtei'ts , antI the identi-
Icaton ot the team by the ladies Idelll-
and Ho"s arrest , anti his being brought
into the Jlresnce at lrs , Scott anti , family
old th' statement and belef of Hoy's father
In regard 10 his son . ate nil Ilrnlclnt ( elr.
elmsllnces Indlcllng that Hay Is one ot
this mob. A conviction Is going to be diAl-
elit because nil the SU811ctl at this outrage
will claim that on that afternoon they were
huntng hOlsel or engaged In lome other
occupation , which cunnot be Pressed to a
verlclton , or they will Ilrovl an alibi In
10lU way . thus making conviction very
tililietult . J place much convicton Itlrs .
' ( al 1r/
8col'1 actions when the /lan Mulhul wus
liroiigiit before her anti
brOllh h.roro Intl when he was made
to wlr the bl'nrskln coat anti the roth hand.
kerchief l IrOllJ hIs ( ace und ; ijen he was
cacel undhel
laJe , to look a ! the leader of the mob dhl ,
hlr screlliulf aUtJ rleallu ! to have him
taken IWI ) ' . salsn ! , me that thIs woman
lolelnl believed thathe was iii WOIII
) beleved /he II Ilres-
Inee at tiltS leather or . the mub that hall nr.
nod her huslni nil IWIY. 'l'he ilosi liven ess at
1Iss ? Ic\horter. the younger ) 1(1) ( . Clint he
was the leather . anti that ho worst tht same I
boots nIl that I was the lame wor coat. are
all worthy ot credence I must he taken
Into consideration Ihat ; lullHln unit mails
many conlradlctory jttsiteineiitit . which I
thlnl , can he ilisiroveti. , The statement or
1"nnnI11 Scott thai , 1ullhuI Is the mln he-
cauel oC the IJtcllar way of standing , with
one foot betoro the oilier as Iho noUcel1 it
lt Purlcer , foil al Ihls lan stood In hlr :
, . .urlort O'Neill. 18 worthy / of ntiinItoo ,
Mit ; 111Whorter uli'o noticed at ParkeI II the
strip If 1 lther In the gunboat hoots worli
by Mtlhiihuun whel he was brought wor i
hint , SeoU. anl. , In WI8 . 10 tar as I IlfO'e galS ,
there I supporting circun111iee tending to
n\ko the , leltlcll/s anti recognitIons ot
time arresh.1 men fairly gooti.
ON 'J'H O'llm SII .
There Is another way to look at Ihl8 mat
Itr , and that IR that I its Just posible Chill
thIs ! lan Ilght have bet'n murdered by '
"ole ot his relatives or frIends wht ) hat i'
shared In use Proceeds of the 101,1):1'id. . ,
IC tIP ICllrt 18 I'ue , lS J havI' aeiu it . that i
he did call for hil ti-lends and lerl l thel to I I
stand tl him , and I they Ild lot do I. he I
wns going 10 make I statement anti ' 11111. :
cate everybody who Was concerned ' in the ;
tastier. It lnlglil be Iloutbip that
malor. I lp .ome of r
these lrOIle had clubbed together , for the
pUl1J05e oC getting him In their I)0SscUiOj : I
; IJOSslulo/
or Jell : him OUt cit the road. ' /
l ro\ the accounts I havc mend In th pa
" ( r. I um now more thln ever iniiiieit to
believe thlt thIs snag I. death. Ild that hla
bl ) ' , sooner or later , wi 11 found. It L
, . .
* _
- - ' - - - - - -
- ' - - - - - - - -
WOII seem incredible that R man coulll he
cntrlell out of the country even al sparsely
set tled a" I Is there , \vlhout Mmeboc ) '
noteln ! something of I. anti I I thoroug
sea rch hM hen made It 1ouM seem In.
erellhle that Cult lan could have been
hhhen away where nobody , could , Iml him
J nm inclined to believe that they took him
oul ot the neighborhood to extort from him
I onfession or something or the sort , ns to
" 'hert the money was . nnd. failing to lID
th at . that the man was muruerCJ. I 1m of
the opinion that there are I number or p00S
1)10 who shared In the robber committed
t I ' Seott. . \ I these IJeOllle 101111 ( he very
rlnd ( to have him out or the WRY just It the
preDenl time . anti therefore get rId of all
reRponslhlly In th' matter.
As t for the thing being I sham talk on the
IJarl of Scott' " friends to rescue him anti get
hIm out oC the road I do not believe In this
theor ) As Il has been shown that MIss
; leWhorter 'ns shot nt with I 41-caliber
pIs tel , then the IleOIJle ) who did the shooting
were nol n party of friends , or thev wouM
not hlvo fired Upon the crowd In the way
the ) did to hurt them , And this woull in-
pate I was enemies nod not friends of
Scott who mRde the attack . hut whether
thy 1m people who were concerned II his
rol iiierles . or whether the ) ' were farmers
who felt that the county had been robbed
hy this mal , I /m nl n lass to say . but I
Im inclined to think I was the work of
Ctmerl who felt that the county lund been
rohherl anti hn.Jo\'erlshed COUII' ' IJefal-
cnton , nnlJ the . ' Inllerel , Scott to prevent
hi i s sllllJIII throlrh the mCRheR or the ias'
Thl is II may olliniol II the tellsl . amid t
nm Inclined , to think I careful search would
dlvulso the hiding Illap ! of thOt1' .
1.1011" : ' UJ , ' 1..111 iairoLT.
Unlerlt Ofllcc'rs of the OrJlnhmtlon Dc'
nOlnrCI ns JI""O' .
II0VlD NCr R. I. . Jan 20- long cx
pected metng of district assembly No. 99 ,
Knights at I.abr. was held In this city this
ev ening . and It reule In tim passage of rr r
re solutions denouncing the hIgh officials of r
the organization , anti cautioning worlnnen to
beware of tbem. The attentlasuce. which in .
chu1ell several Knights from other New l 1sug -
lanll states , Was unusually large . scarcely a
member being absent Dstrl t Master Workman -
man Cannon began the erittlsm l of Genera I
Master Worlllan Saveralgn l , clllmlng that
the Ilroclamatol during the 1ulman "t : ke
a 111 other erratic movemcnt were of the
m est foolhardy character.
Edward McCaffery . delegate to the New
Orleans general conference from this as-
se nility . hindu his report that 11lore than 3S-
000 members had wIthdrawn train the order :
du ring the year. The lhladJphlJ - Jlreuty
had recent ben mortgagt , anl as 10 c
omclal repcrt ot the financial condition of
the order hat been made its exact status
could not be ascertained. Ito tharg11 Soy
erelJn with havIng been responsible far the
Pulmal strike and said be used Debs ns a
to ol. The following rColutons were then
ad opted by a unanimous vote :
To the Members of the Knights of Llbor :
ald the " 'orldl ' People of America :
\Vherens. certain men. towlt : , T. R Saver
oi gn. John W. Hayes. M. J. lshop. T. D. :
McGuire , Henry B. Martin . J. iii. Kenny
n\J C H. 1"lench , clalmlnl 10 represent the
ordel' of the Knights ot Labor. are endeavoring -
deavoring to collect money from the work
Inl people of thIs country to support them
selves in Idleness anti to enable them to
barter with leaders of political parties (0a
the prestige oC the order. ot which they Ire
the alleged representatives , Is supposed to
posses8. be It
Resolved , That nR the power to lend In-
luence to truckling knaves who ' e aim Is to ,
barter the 8utrge of the members or this ,
order comes tram the membership Chit t ;
c tributeR its revenues , and the
b est means ot thwarting the schemes
of designing scoundrels Is to cut
ar their revenue we pledge ourselves
not to pay another cent of tax to these al -
legell ( general ofhicer. and we shah cal
u pen nil local assemblies In the country to
tnle Ile aelon ,
Resolved That we caution nil workilg
people In the United State to have nothllf
whltever to do with J. n Sovereign or John
-i v. Hayes , whose only aim In the labor
movement Is to line their pocJeets
Resolved Thai the distrIct assembly holds
it self ready to co.operate with the various
branches that are to meet at Columbus , 0 , .
In February next , In an effort to reorb-nlze
the order.
The assembly then proceeded to elect 01 -
fcers , and 1 P. H. Quinn , who was deposed
wllout a trial by the Sovereign-Hayes fat
lon some fw months ago , was unanImously
re-elected district master workman and
chosen delegate ' t the . national convention. .
.f' ,
( ( .H'idTut".J : Xr NSW8.
tory that the Company Will luld
Through to Southern Texns.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 20-The railroad column 1-
umn of the TImes will tomorrow contain an
artclo to the elect that the Rock Iland
w Ill . during the coming year extend Is
tracks southward tram Liberal , Kan. , which :
wi give It , the most direct route to the
City of lexlc . The proposed extension wi
run from LIberal down through No Man '
Land , crossIng the Denver , Texas & ort
Worth line at or near Duncan , Tex" , them
on to Fort Sumner on the RIver , Pecos. ali '
then to tile Whie Oaks country and Fort
Stanton. At this latter place a connecton
will be made with a line to be construct td
from EI Paso along the east ratg'e , for a
distanc of about 150 miles. ThIs in
will make 1 short lne to El Paso where a
connecton wi be had with the Mexican
Central , and give tile Hock Island the shorl-
est lue . between the cast and the city t.of
_ _ _ _ ( .
' rJII.tKr TI'USr riouJsLE.
lr/ght / on the I'reitent ! lanoJfDeltII
Open Early This Wonk
CHICAGO Jan 20.-Ia connection with
the publication or what I known 'a the
l etter of "the Hartshorne "
leler commilee" to
western stocl.holder In the Whisky trust
asking them to Join In a movement to oust
President Greelhut and his frIends from
the management , i 19 stated that a com.
mltee tram the New Yorle stockholders
reached Chicago last evening ant hat a
lengthy ' secret conference with western
men heavily interested In 'Whisley securI-
tes , Attorney Levy Mayer was . It Is
stated engaged to conduct the battle at
this end of the line. Attorneys have already -
ready been retalod tn New Yorl and from
information given out It Is believed
that the tight against the Present manage-
mont will begin early . this weel.
Jt.7'WBf : ! ' J.H.l. . UJr Sl'OW ,
Trains In California have Trouble II 1lak.
'nl ' Iieattuyay.
DUNSMUIR , CII" , Jan. 2-I has been
snowing heavily all day anti Is /tl comIng
down. This Is the heaviest storm ot the
season. 'l'ho snow Is seven to ten feet
deep now , making seventeen feet for the
season , The railroad was open at 6 p. m" ,
but al tIM are helll delayed on account -
count ot the snow In the cuts , some ot
which are twenty to thirty feet deep , with
almosl penJenllc\lar wall UIJ Il Is only
barely possible that the rotary plow can
leeell them alen tonight rotll'r wInd Is
strong and I train , once "tollped , would
son bo covered ninny feet Ileel A 1low ]
and In engine got oft the track three mites
above here and detained . a train six hour
111HI'J:1.1'I ; , .U'B liLt , lFJIi.'i.
Jlurlu,1 of hawalomlo , UII" & , , Surlrlll"
Gnll ; , i fr f ( t'ronl 111 I i 11 ii ni , c roil .
OSAWATOIIIIE . Ian" , Jan , 20-Thll morn.
log burglars ! eltted un entrance to the
postolce by cutting a IJlnel out oC the rear
door The late was blown partaJy open.
City Mlrshal James H. Ethics , hearing the
report , sturted 'ut to Investgate , hut when
hu 1/11roachell the back door of the post.
oUle the robbers fIred three shots at luau ,
one entering hlB hrrasl two Inches below
the rlsht niitphe . killing him almost In.
stantiy. An I rln was rlH'II , but no clew
to the murderers has been discovered cew
_ _ . _
nhlll InllrL C 11118 , i-iiiciil , .
. CIIAtihIEhtLAIN , S. D. , Jan. 20-(8Ie-
clal.-New Is received here of the Iml.
chIc of .Daee Bonnet , n SIoux belonging at '
I.ower Brule agency . A friend at Blacit
UOlet , nllII Mexican Tom , a lack i
anl , burly huithiamu . vas , 1om vitit pneu.
mOlla uld soon tll'd. Black I wIli was a
con8UIIII\'o and way rapidly ( ailing In
hieiuitii. When he heard ct the death oC
Mexican ' 101. who hail always been well I
until hIs last and fatal sit'kneste , he wel
care discouraged as to his own chances for
recovtry , and procuring I 111' . Illaced the 4
snuzzie Inder his dun . sending that bail I
upward through the entire front part or bal I
head. Three or tour years ago ! tiexieaii
Toni served 1 term In the stale Mexlcl .
tary for assaulting another Indian Ilenlen. I
tomnaluiwlt I . wlh
l'lr" II i UI , \ IMIIIIII , c I Ill , ut. sitie.
IOU'I TOWNSI Nn , " 'ash , . Jami 2-'he
barrackS ant ? commissary dellartment nl I
Fort ' 1owneeld were burned t the ground I
last night. nearly all of time soldiers' per.
10111 effects and cmzmnp equtpage being lost
CUI\l \ clullage ! ulul
The fames $ also ignited the nuimniunitior ;
mnaguine . and several thousand Dllunilon
exploded but dil0 Injury. 'i'hue cartrldreH lre Wil
caused by the explosion ot I lam\ The
bultlngs were Very old and dilapidated :
The loss Is about 15O dlallldltet
, _ _ -
' - . - - - - -
- - - - - _ : : _ . . - - . ' - - -
ot '
Few Outbrclks Occur During the Day but
tbblMitil ! Won
8"11 '
IT ice r
lnJonOl8 JollutrdlJ In Ono n latco to Force
lineR IHsordorlf Characters from
Rita LInes OCCUIlld b1
nt I ( julo Trool's.
! 'I , :
'it " 4 -
BI100ICL'i'N . Jan. 20-There were but few
ovldences or the turbulenl \ scenes of the
night before wllm the Satbati ) sun rose
over cast New York , anti scarcely n sign of
Ifo h was observed save In the vicinity or the
stables or time Fulton avenUe and the hiroatic
way lines.
At 70 : a , m. the police arrh'et 1C strong.
Captain Oorman assumed cOlland of both
the \olce and Clue national . guard. The
morning passed very quIet ) . the crowd
which gthereL being composed large of
spectators , The tearing cown of the ! oloy
wires a few bloclls away Ilrevente the run-
fling of any cars , and . as a consequence , the
strikers kept In the background until the
repairs lied been completed The arrival ot
the conltruclon wagons , however , acted like
a torch on a magazine anti a big crowd at
one 10clel about Cite treks , stretching for
a mile along the avenue , waiting for the
cars they Imj\ would eon be sent oul. At .
noon a detail of sixty men from each of :
the con1anles of the Fourteenth regIment
under command of Captain Garcia , relieved II
Clue first battalion of the Thirteenth regl.
mont , Major Cochran and , after the guard
was posted preparatIons were made for
starting the cars Twenty-two motormen
were reported ns ready to start but only ten
cars were sent out. The ground In the Immediate -
mediate vicinity was quickly cleared , a
smal detail from the I"orty-seventh warn-
lag the crowd back to eastward and a
couple of mounted police working them In
Cite opposite directon , The little force suc-
ceedel admlrabl , which showed that but
tel belligerents ware present.
At 1:45 : p. m. ten cars were ready , and as
the clock struck 2 , both civic anti military
forces made the move. A car rolled out of
the shed , and , without an error , was
switched on the track leading down 10 1ul-
ton terry. I was surrounded by twelve
guards , under the officer of the day Lieu-
tenant Little of company E , Fourteenth regi-
meat anti preceded by Sergeant Helnels and
six mounted policemen ] . began its Journey ,
Captains Morgan and Ennls with JOO pnlrol-
Icn , folowln , The military halted In
their picket line and the polee alone ae-
companied the car down the avenuo. The
other nine cars folowd at Intervals at a
few mInutes. )
All went wel for thirty minutes , when the
police reserve was seen to halt. A detaeh-
bent waS then ' sent ahead In the patrol
wagon at full 'speed. On Chic avenue near
Hoplcnson avenue the lob had taken posses.
sian ot the building materIal In front of a
row of brlck'I'uldlns ' under construction
! constructon
and hurled It 'titEr folh tracks betweel the '
short time at ' '
tmo the'Jssage of the second car
and before Clucithmird had reached thai point.
There were slia'tmrwmen ' and chIldren In this I
mob , and a sC \1 \ 01 turbulence was enacted , , '
lasting a 10nglmel afer the obstacles were
removed. The1ltrlibrs In the meantime had L
succeeded In stcurhg the desertion of tour
motormen , and"'a"second bloclcd occurred I
near Saratogata'teriue , and the cars were t
ordered back ) to the stables all reaehlng :
East NeW York Iuod somewhat battered conS
diLlon , with tiietexdeption of one , tered latter :
beIng taken blcW'ly : a strIker who ) later L
big placard on 1\\1' \ breast , ' readIng "ICnight I I
at Labor. " IISy' cheered al "Knlglt
line. There wsds-Very " little ot 'exciement In
other d1rection'ir ' 3Eust New York
the dlrettonS"trPE , ( Ne\ during .
The same lines are In , operaton" 'today
I were ' tuitifng ,1y sler ay. On ' Barges "
street where .
yesterday there was n 'great '
deal ot disturbance . mine cars were running
this morning ant both Itong Clue line and at '
the stables ot/ / the company . at Sumner
avenue and Bergen street , everything was
quiet At the stables two companies of :
the Thirteenth regIment were guarding the
property of the company From midnIght
last night there was the usual number of
minor dIsturbances lkely to occur at such
a time. At 80 : a. m , the wire on the up-
torn track at Snekman street on Clue Fulon
avenue line was cut ad was In I very
dangerous condition t passersby These
breaks were prosnptiy' repaIred by the troley
company's repair . On
wagon. Upper Broad -
way the wires of the Brookiyn Queen
County & Suburban railroad were also cut
Abut 3 o'clock this morning a mob of
strikers marched down Ninth avenue to
Fifth avenue and'l'wenty-fourth streel. They :
numbered 300. and were supplied wih
drums wili which they made the nltht
hideous In that Immediate nelghborho
They ted by the militiamen and jeered
them , but as the soldIers paid no attention
and to the disppeared abuSe Cite , strikers son grew tired
An effort was made by the strikers this
morning to coerce the men who were at
work on the Second avenue line . which starts
from the Thirteth , street terry to South
Brooklyn , Into JoInIng the ranks ot the
Knights of Labor Cnsldernble excitement
' exciement
was caused In time neIghborhood by the yb-
lenco displayed by the strikers. Although
a number ot cars ale runnIng on the various
lines whIch lre 'open a noticeable feature
at the day the
was comparatively few
passengera who patronized Cite cars ot the
companies. I was evidently considered too
great I rIsk to ride In them by tins public.
In consequence tt time orders of the police
the liquor saloons throughout the city were
closed sup tight lt midnight and In the
neighborhoods where the strikers were cen-
grerated they were , kept closed. Mr. Irci.
coml : of District assembly No. 76. Knights
of Labor , aid the strIkers , so tar IS he
knew . were not In favor ot a sympathetic
strike at all labor organizations.
All morning Chic mayor was conferring wIth
the members ot hIs cabinet and was In
constant communicaton with representa-
tves of the labor organizations. I was
rUlore this morning addllonsl troopa were
to be called out. Mayor Sehleren was asked
I this rumor had any toundalon In fact.
lie replied that he had no intention of ask-
hug the governor for 10re trops , There was
a great deal tf excitement In the neIghbor-
hoe of the lahey street stables ot the
Putnam avenue line. at noon , when a large
crowd of riotous strikers be/an to force back
tile soldiers defending the stablo3
They were kept bk at time Ilolnt at Cite '
: : tle
bayonet anti dfIlste frm their hostile
desumonstraticirm. ' l Jiolm Wool , the mnilitla.
man whose skull vds fractured last night
by a brIck ttird'wfl , 'by ' strikers tram the ;
Alabama a\enuu4' 'itation of the Union l le. '
vated road I ta\lqn \ from' '
, was mu from St. Mary's I
hospital to his 'Jl n'o today. lie rested I
quietly during tJiItihut : and was visited by
his parents. I I ie ' eved he wil recover '
The strikers cQttin 0 to tear down and cut
the electric ) v1rcT , , h t II tie l carl mire not
running on the Iftjf n street line today no I
great Incon\nlea o'a , caused. Between I
It and 12 o'clo .
1 o'cioJ1 f ft Vanderbilt avenue car
became derailed 1 qt J franderbiht avenue antI I
Hergen street , , , jlnderbl of disorderly
characters weroatttraFed \ \ to the scene , but I
Clue police were yUnIrous ) enough to drive t
'Ulem ' away , bl p $ tefore the wIndows were I
l \foro
' ! ,
smuhelJ by stets ,
At 1 :30 : this ' afernoon car No 161 ot the t
Bergen street Ino became stalled on account L
at sonic defective mechanism In front of Ihe
Plpty lots \twoeh Classon an 1 Gran avenue ,
This caused the stoppage " ot three of the rear
cars. At the back of the lots Is a fifteen-fool
bluff . The crowd gathered ffoen.foot
blur. there and threw
atones at the cars , demolishing every llano
of glass .
The police cimarged , but the men made n
dolermlned atand. being led by a man named CI
Oalagher. Jib was placed under arrest by
Onler Staab of the Twenty.second precinct
The strikers attempted a rescue , but P0 '
Icemen Cowan and Conner went to Staats'
assistance and marched him off to the
Twenty.second precInct police station . Seve
eral of the policemen were cut by flyIit1 C
stonel and pieces ot brick , but none seriously
The neighborhood 18 qow patroled by a u
strong force of liolico. In this instance also
cooking ulcnsls and other household gods
- - - -
- - - " - - - - - -
worD hurled at the police from wIndows of
houses h In the neighborhood , anti boiling
w 'ater was thrown from the upper floors.
The polco are In\elntng the foors .
11Jor Cochran of the Thirteenth regiment
MId to
a reporter at tins Associated press
t hIs afternoon that the mita forces In the
rlolers. c ity are not sufcient to cope with the
The separate company or Flushing , I. . I"
was called ant this morning. I has not yet
been assigned to duty. The presence of the
mita caused nn enormous crowd to gather
round the Dush street ear house of the
Court street lno today. The strikers were
orderly enough till a green motorman became
mlxell UIJ In a switch at 1nmlon avenue
nnd Court street Ito could not extricate his
car and the crowd gathered around him anti )
gu'ell hIm , Another car approaching the
ciy hat run through the crowd anti hurl
two men and a woman , who were taken
a way by strikers and theIr names 'couhl not
bo obtained .
This made the crowd so angry that they
b egan to throw stones nt tire car a 111
smashel , every window In It. The police
chargel , bl't were powerless to move the
m uon . and one of the bluecoats WfS hit on the
heal1 i with a eloise Inflicting a entail scalp
wonnd. Tire line was blocked for bait )
h our . Great oxcltenlont ensuell anti missies
were thrown at tIme nlotormen nnll Iiolce
from time wIndows of tire houses on Court
The police reserves were cllel1 out and the
crowds were ' 11speisCI In every directiomi .
I Court street was patrolled throughoul the
'entro ' , length by the poltce. The soldiers
had h to ehargo tIm crowd arolnd the stable
tlreo times , but no one was liujiureti .
1 , YOiS OPFtCfAI , ST , TEM ) NT.
The layer , through hIs secretary made
hits stalement to the Associated press : An
etort was made to ascertain I an adjustment
could be effected In the Interests of IJublc
convenience and safety by which all the
surface cars of tire city could be restored to
Inlnellate l UBe. To this end the mayor hell
a conference wih Messrs. Gbln , Best ant
Connoly representing the former emplos I
or the railroads , anti later with the reproC
sentatves : of the various companies Including '
Presidents Lewis Norton and Wlclter. The
effort was without resul ,
Corporation Counsel 1eDonall and Public '
Works Commissioner White were at the
s trike . Mr. Connoly said later that the fault
les l with the companies. Tire men only stood
out for the taking bade ot nil Cite macn.
At the Alabama stables of tIme Fulton street
Ino l of the Brooklyn Ualro d company . the
scene of the furious conflict last nlrhL be-
tween the militia and strikers , there was a
crowd of 4.000 strikers rind theIr friends to- :
c lay . The miiary kept them rehi back
wel lck
from the railroad tracks which were ob. :
structell from time to time with ash barrels I
and old Iron stoves At 2 o'clock this after- '
noon two cars were started Irons tire depot
and got as tar as Sumner street , where tier
were slopped by a plo of bulling material
placed upon the track for a dlstnco of 4&0 I
feet.At 4 p. m. there was great excitement on
Broadway between Moore and Flashing , A
Sumner avenue car was attacked by a mob
and Captain rench of tire Nlneleenth precinct
was struck In the face with a brick thrown
by Bare one In Clue crowd The police are I
of the opinion that the brIck plce Intended -
tended tor Captain French.
The reserves ot the Sixteenth and NIne-
teenth precIncts and Cite mounted squad
were called out for servIce on Droadway. '
There was a gent crowd of people . numberIng -
tog from 10,000 to 15,000. extending over
a distance of two miles from Broadway
Sergeants O'Connor and 'Vol wan were In t
charge ot the police. The police say the
missile whleh sturcl Captain French was I
not thrown by the strikers . but by one of I
thei sympathizers.
I Is learned that at the conference at L
Mayor Schleren's that President Lewis was I
willing to abide by a compromIse which had I
been suggested " but that President Norton I
would nol do so . and consequently tire arrangement -
rangement tel through. ,
The motorman on a car of the Tompkins avenue -
nuo line , which passed the DeKalb line going
toward the Fulton street line , hat a placard !
on hIs breast , rending : "Knights of Labor. "
Another man the front
' on platform had a
'simia card A crowd .ot men ran along
time ' street '
cheerlng'the men being evidenty
under the Impression that the mel had won
a vIctory.
The Incident was explained by the tact C
that Knights at Labor men volunteered t a
go to FlushIng avenue and ako back to
tire stables a car which had been overlurned I
by the strikers yesterday. The tolowlng ;
was Issued this morning :
"Ex-Menubers Twenty-thIrd Regiment : At-
tention-Picasa hold yourselves In readiness ,
for a sudden call which tire present elner -
gooey may require. Notice will be giver u
through time press it possible , but frequen t
lniuiry at the armory is recommended.
President Council of Veterans. "
Mayor Schieren this evening Issued the foi -
towing proclamation :
To the Citizens of J3rookiyn and thi a
Pubiic Generally-In the name of the peoplt S
of the state of New York , I Chnrie : a
Schieren. mayor of the city of i'irookiyn
(10 hereby require all persons within thi
limits of the city to refrain from unneces .
sary assembling In the streets , squares , o r
in arty public lnces of the city. durinu ;
Clue present Uisturbances and until quiet i :
restored. I hereby give notIce that tltts
police have been ordered and the milItia
requested to disperse any unlawful assem-
binge. I exhort all persons to assist in
the observance of this request.
ALBANY , N. Y , , Jan. 20.-Governor Morton
imas ordered the First brigade of Naw York
City to report at Brooklyn in the morning , at
7 o'clock ,
4tmmiigsuunftted Association Steals a Mardi
on Cite Coinpriny.
HOMESTEAD , Pa. , Jan. 20.-Tli employes
of the Homestead steel plant Isave stolen a
march on tbp company , and the Amalgamated
association has again secured a foothold in
the works by the organization of one lodge-
the first since the great strike. The or-
ganizatbon was necessarily accomplished with
much secrecy , anti it is understood that oiuiy
tire nuost trustworthy in each of the depart-
meats were selected for Clue initial step , anti
thmroUghi them it is hoped to regain the aid-
time power of the association in tIre ntihi.
Timon t1o original cimarters of the eight bilges
which existed prior to the great strike will
probably be returned to tIme officers. Front
tlri hedge they will be graduated into the
subiodge , to ho organized in each depart-
triemit , That tire combiimation spirit is rife
nuitong time men was evidenced by the at.
tendanco at an open meeting today , Between
1,000 and 1,200 men were present , l'reaident
Garland of tire Amalgamated aasociatioit was
made president of the meeting , and Clue newspaper -
paper men secretaries. No more open meetings -
ings will be held. The work 1st tIre future
will be done in strictest secrecy ,
Asitu God to five titoluiuor Unions Strength
Ct , Omp0IO Capital ,
NEW YORK , Jan. 20.-TIme "Brooklyn
Trolley Strike" was the subject of the open.
log prayer of Rev. Br , T. DeWitt Talmage ,
who preached this afternoon to an imtmuense
audience in the Academy of Music , tirat
cily , Dr , 'l'aimnuillo Prayed for Clue adjust. '
mrient of Clue differences existing between
essmphoyerit of labor anti their elnphoyes , lie
called tuiton aotl to give strength enough to ,
iabor unions to counteract Clue grinding in-
tiuellCeS of capitalists and corporations which
hio said vero now such tiuat a ioor man hiss
not always a place to lay his head. lie I
prayed IliaC justice might lie teusupereti with
iiuerey and Clint tire spirit of Clue gostel
might prevail rallier than bboodshred.
hicail ) ' to l'uiy Their income Tax.
NEW YORK , Jan , 20.-A. demurrer was I
flied in Cite United States circuit court yes.
Cerday on heiial ( of the Continental Trilsi '
company to Clue hill of complaint of Louis It.
hyde of Itoasyilie , N , J. , in which Clue Jut.
ter seeks Co enjoin tbme directors of time corn
uany from voluntarliy Isayirig its assess.
smuent under tue intiomne tax clause of tiit
tariff bill , The rouiuds on whiitthi time do.
mnrreci is mnado shows ilIaC Cite bill does ;
hOt contain any mutter o ( equity whereon ,
Cite COUrt cait iiraL any degree or gIve Cc t
the compiaiiiaimt any iclief ugalnat the tie. .
( entiusut , and that it alupears by comitirtmn. .
ailt's own admisitiosm titat hue iii not entitled I
to tue relief prayed for in the bihi , it it I
rrayed in tile demurrer Chat Cite case be 5
dutunissed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i'iuthaoit is JnelIgihle ,
I'IIILADEI4I'1IIA. Jan. 20-I&t time opinion
of JoInt 0. Johuxmuon , a leadIng lawyer , cx.
Governor I'attison is iiueilieible for may01 '
of this city because of the ( act Cimat dunn
his residence at the state capital hue vote [
On several occasions Ia liarrisburir ,
Convention of the State reaotion at Lin-
coin Largely Attondea.
l iutorealliug MeaSures dvecntoii by Clue
Moinisorue Which % Vili iha l'uslmatt lb.
fore the l'reecnt Legislature-
lloutiiio of Clue Bay ,
LiNCOLN , Jan , 20-Speclai-Timo ( ) eon- '
vention of the State Federation of t.abar was
an hour lute in getting clown to busina8s tile '
mnor'niiig. Time delay was cauiseti by the I
coutmintttee on resolutions not being ready Cc I
report. Tluo timno was flied In by' Patriotic I
somtgs by Clue glee club of Clue Lirucolmi union
( tfli at 11 a , mu. l'nesldent Beaver rapped I
Clue asseirubly Co order.
The resolution of (1 , 1' . lnggett , rccotmu-
mended by time couittmultte'e , was read , anti I
dlscusseti at iesmgtii. The fact vuts developed I
- titat at lrescnt the Nebraaka FederatIon Saa I
working witiuotut a cimarter front Chic national I
organization. The resolutiomu is as fohiowal
itaqolveti , TIunt ( ho Nelsrnskn. Ietieratlon
become iiueorlloratedi uittler Cite Amnericutn
Federation of Lttbor , anti Clint otmr secretary'
be liistructcd to send for a ciuantcr list.
m edia tely' ,
II. E. Overall of Onuaiua offered time foiiow
i ng sulistittuto :
Itcsolt'eti , 'Fluat we nrc in favor of tIme
confederation of all nbor orgrunizsstlons , and
C hat tire onhicerit of thte State Yetleratioiu of
Nebrtska Use their good oiltccs for thittt lnmr-
h aose.
On motion of A. C. Iterrick the original I
r osoitrtion and Clue aubstituto were laid eu I
C ite table.
TIre resolution of E. It. Overall conccrnin
t he blacklisting of partle by gtnaranteo bonul I
c ompanies was promptly endorsed by thio as.
t seumubiy. It reads :
Itesoived. , Thmat we intiorso Clue bill intro-
duecti by Seltritor Smith iti the Nebraska
sensate on Cite bond qtiesliout ,
Presidenut Deavr explaimied that the itill tnt I
qsiestioni , muou' pending in Clue sensate , was te
prohibit bonutl conspanies in Onsushta and otiter
c ities ( remit irutinnsidatiumg their clients at the I
i tohis aslti elsewhere. lie saul that it was I
not asm tuntnstual thing for Cho compasty wluicii I
had , for a fluency consideration , guarasitceti
C lue bonds of a itaruk clerk , or cxpressntan , tc I
exercise ci terrorism over the party , issthini.
date and buiidoze huismm , amul , If he did utot .
qimietly take iris snetiicine , blacklist hint ,
When titus biackhisteti it. becanto impossible I
for huinnu to secure bonds in any other city' ,
r Ind it becanno necessary for hrinn to ciuangc I
h tis business , There were three- such bond I
connpanies in Omaha. Representative Jest.
055 of Iotmgias county Iras introduced a shut.
i lar bili in Cite hiOtrgt ? .
Tiuo following resolution , by J. Ii' , M. Swi.
gart , was introdinced and tabled , yet It was I
considerately hranuthled previous to this tic.
tion , asuti seemed to have a nunuber of wanmut I
friends in tire convention :
Resolved. , Thurit ss'o favor tire elimination
of the itroilt on tue sale of tntoxlcntlmtg ii-
quors , and that State agencies tchotnitl be es-
tabilsireti wluere o nuajority of time electors
vote in favor of sctmne and elect an agerut.
An attempt was made to take the resolution
and substitute for same concerning a charter
for Cite federation front the table , but it was
defeated , On subsequent action , Irowever ,
George F. Daggett was appointed a committee I
of one to prepare a now resolution on feder-
atiomu charles- .
Thio following memorlai to the legislature
was adopsed :
We , your petitioners , tile Nebraska State
Federation of Labor , most respectfully nail
urgently' request that by your jictiomu during
the present session of time legislature you
will wipe out the pernicious contract now in
force at titti Nebraska state's prison ,
During the nominations for omcars , Pres.
itlent B. Clem Denver said that it would be
impossible for him to assume tihe responsi.
bilities of the office fcr another term. Timere
wa no jealpusy shrownbotween Omaha anti
Lincoln in regard Co the choice for a pres.
Ident , but cachm city urged thmo manor upon the
etimer , The result was time election of George
F. Daggett of Lincoln Pederal union No ,
6,332 by acclamation. Ho promised , in 1mb
speech of acceptance , to do all in mis power
in ( ito way of organization of federatiomus.
'Flue other officers ciected were : Cl. F , ,
Cluristopimer. vice president ; II. S. Thomas ,
secretary ; B. It. Overall , treasurer ; H. P :
Sttnio , sergeant-at-arms , all of Omaha , Trus .
tees , J. 'C. Hogan , W. C. Sebrinug , Onimahia ,
and Ed N. Thackdr , Lincoin ,
Law 'committee : C. E. Woodwarti , Jerome
Siiau p A. C. Hernick , L. S. Gtlhlck and
George F. Daggett.
Tire selection of Cite next place of semi.
annual meeting was loft to the inconuln
executive council. Aim unanimous vote ci
thanks was tendered tim retIring officers ,
On mnotion of C. E. Woodward , tire state di .
rectory of W. C , Sehring , of labor orgaaiza. .
tions , was given the omclal sanction of Cut I
slate federation ,
The installation of officers was followed by
'hthe conventicn adopted the following reso-
lutlons without debate :
% Vhereas. Grover Cleveland , president of
tue United States , has extended the civil
service , anti
V1tereas , Postmaster General flissehl has
strictly foihoweti his superior , tine president ,
in the strict enforcement
of the civil
service -
ice law , and niso the ci ght-iiour labor law ;
therefore , be It
Resolved , That we , the Confederation of
Labor of tire tnte of Nebraska assembled
this 19th day of January , 189 , do hereby ,
lmeartiiy endorse tiuo postmaster generai in
Itis efforts , afll ( that we heartily commend
. him ( or the same ; and be It further
Resolved , 'l'imat we asIc our members of
congress and legislators front tire tnte of
Nebraska to vote and labor for tine passage
of house hub No. 5,291. rebating Co letter car.
riers and postoihlce clerks and railway -
tat clerics.
Tluo resolution was signed by Thomas Mq.
Simane osud William U. Cotton , on behalf 'of
tine letter carriers anti clerkit of tire postof-
flees of Osnaita and Lincoln.
Union Labels-flesolvet ] , That the Ne.
britsica Federation of Labor endorses anti
recommends tine imsa of union labels on all
mauntnfiicturetl goods which arc matle by'
union workmen , in order that Chic tmsuion
marie gnotls may ie tilstingtnishuetj from zion-
union goods. It lit ( inrthmer
Resolved , TlmaL all union men rt'qsnest their
national organizations to Prepare a instion
label , tlunt their goods may he ideuttitled ,
Tiui reutoiuticn was introduced by U. It.
Chrristopiuer of Cigar Makers union No. 93 ,
000th ltoatis-Isutrothnceti by W. B. Saltring-
Itesoivetl , 'flint we rec'ognmlzo time great im.
portnimmco Co utli ctviiizeul communities of free
anti uintrammeheni routes of lomb trant'por.
tation ; that we regard tine improvement of
nltmitiic luighuvays to be one of Clue first steps
necessary to bring the protlucer ninth con.
susmier iteitrer togetimer , nnrl Chu chmenpen
Cite cost of hiving ; Chat we recognize tite ( net
that Clue construction of public roads lit a
science requiring the athvico anti chili of
experienced znen , anti Clint we urge upon tlne
present legislature the importance of a s-c-
vision of our state iawit that iduail mayo Cite
effect of placing Clue snanngesnennt of Imulihie
roads and lmridges in the luutntl of expe.
rienced men : anti we especistliy eomnneumti to
Its consideration the bIll prov1Iitg ( or ( Its
creation of a highway commission , believing
the same to be a valuable stop toward thus
introduction of helter metlmotis azuti hetter
managentent in tlio control of Cite publIc
rends anti bridges in sucin counties ,
The hut pending in the legislattmro refcrreul
to are house roii No. 1813 and senate flies
No. 74 ,
Leins on Fiurniture-Ily A. C , lieu's-lilt-
W'luererts. a bill has been introltncotl ( in our
iresent legislature called time. landlord's lien
\\'hereaa , Sattl lsiii works a inartisimip on all
working peopie renting luotuses , making a
malt's chattels security for isis remit ; there.
fore , be it
hiesoiveti , That the Nebraska State Father-
titian of Labor contleninu any action of tinutt
kinti anti is opposenl to said bill ; tluererore ,
ls it itmrthuer
liesoiveth , That ve are opposeul to tIme re.
peal of tine exemptioti law now on our
statutes , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Found lii , Vema OC Jorgotten ,
William Mathews , who , about a year ago ,
attennpteti to shoot William larrity , a nit. :
loonkeehter at Ntntiu anti Capitol avenue
tYttN arrested last night , At time time tIne
shooting occurred Jack ] ) avis , wino was
stamttling near tuy , wait lmit by one of the
bullets in time Iruamud , and Mathews made his
escape and rennainued out of Clue city until
.C day or two ago , when he returned and
was arreutel , , charged with shooting with
intent to kill. _ _ _ rIte _ _
Ito ( lot Away Safely.
Burglars attempted to rob tine house of E
a , Wilmoth , 2C17 Cnldwell street , last night
aiaout 8 o'clock , Mr. Wilzmloth had been ab.
sesti flora the hnou5e about twenty mlnmutea
- ' - ' -
anti when ito petumrneti tue discovered traee
of a. burglar. Noighuhors sturrotintleul thus
iC iOulRe anti an attempt was matte to cnptur
iI C lue tluief , but lie made Ills citcape. Aitluotighi
I me lmntl thnorounglm7 ( u'atmsnueketi CIte InDuce ,
nothuing of arty vntte was taken ,
, st , r1l11' ii'iaiii JhtllJLllU ) iirii .dl.t.
llotmmrnutio Reunion ot as Nr1rrvka Wliiow
anti tier Ciltin Mincer ,
SPltlNOIi'IELD , 0. , Jan. O.-Spcciai ( Tel
egranmi.-Maay ) years ago A. E , Evans asud
time lady wlmo afterwartla becairmo Mrs. Anna
Cirists'oltl were schioointsttcs anti youtiufni
l overs in Washington c unmty , tinh state , but
thro youmng lady was wooed antI von by another -
other , anti they wesut to hlastiuugs , Nob. , to
l Ive , Mc , GrIsvoltI oumly lived a few years ,
aunti tier out hover , vlto lint ! resumaineul sluugle
tinuning all time years thrat itati passed , wrote
a letter of comutlolenco to thin withow' , duet it
correspomutletuico eitstitii , , Last evening Mrs.
Griswold multI her i0-yc'ar-oltl soum arrived
froitu Neiirasktt mmmii mulct Mr. Events. Today
tiny vero uitnurnieti niuti lmstvo gotto to time
old Hoxbury moines to ilve.
s-in I r" t'utuip tu Eire ,
A smuali fire at Sixteenutlu nutti 1)nvensport
streets called tine lire depnum'tmnemmt out yes-
tertirty afternoont. 'Ilue lime omigimsateti in tluo
olue.stou'y' ttrichc briiiduimg beiommging to Frrtsmle
l'tmnluiniee mint it wnts irnutier comutrol iteforo
it ittrcceedc'tI 1mm iloimug uuuty' p rent iinuimunge. lit
time 'uicnnt store room at 221 Nortim Six-
teenthi nm lot cut clectu'ie wires are strtnutg
C Inronghu C Ito itlilid I umg , anti. uuccortl I mng to
Cbuii't ICetleli' u-eport Cite lairtitinims lit time
vacamit roonit cntigilt irouui tinesa. Tiufti'vcro
live u'ires , as ltctlell receit'ctl mu sluoclc ( cciii "
them WinCH hun s'emmt into time buniitiinlg. The
saloon next door to where Cite tIre strtrtett
belongs to I. N. fltmiii , nusti wits thitmuaged to
tire t'xtemmt of tiro. 'rho dntmmnge Co thie
bulidinug is about $ O0.
Coloumoi hiogei.utuit . sit 'Fniunity Ciuthuethrtui.
At Tm-lnuity' cathueclrtul Itist evening Colonel
lionvetamut ] , "the utewsboy's' frlcuut'i , " deity-
creel an iititlu'ess on thro won-k umualertakosi
Chrotu.ghm the hloy'ac' until Girls' Nationmni . '
Ilusitu autti EmuIoyusn'nt. nttsoctsttiont , of
whuicim he Is the Prositlesut , lie again cmi-
limflsizCtl tine iunportnunce of nm-resting tIme
Cendeuucits to cruise but thuii y'ouumg anti r-
muu'ittg thiemu ( roust elmvlrusuntucnuts itt wlmiek
temuuptrutioits to colitis-mit cs-unto nuu conustnrut ,
Coioiiei iiogelrurcl lutciluted lit Imis nutltiresa
a , r'chtum't of tlue rcceuut mnectliug of time nsso-
elation In St. Louis.
lt'tutiu itt lit'tiry T , Cole.
Henry 'P. Cole , nmnnngor of tine tea and
coffee tiepartmnenut of Clue Steele-Susuith coot-
ltamny' , died. yesterday' at his resideusce , 825
Pluto street , sifter scsi Illness of four weeks ,
lie hea'es a % vifea nnud two dauglmter-mu.
Ftnnoral attuuounsccmmucnut sutruy exltectedt to-
Fittmeral cut Mttjor l'umthiiochr ,
The funeral of Major Josepln W. Pdt1ock ,
who died early' ycterdny mnonmlng , will be
Itch rut tIns resttlence of iuh somuinlawV. .
H. Amuuuiml , SOS South 'l'wesuty-itrst street , tomorrow -
morrow uufterntiott at 2 o'clock , luuterrnent
at l'rospeet 11111.
-a- -
FhrMt 'V.'rtri TnxpaycrI.
Thiere will be a rneetlnug of tine taxpayers ' 45
of Chic First ward at 1015 Sottthu First street
this eveuulumg , Matters of Importance will be
brought up.
_ _ . #
( , . , .
' . ' ' I L
, -
Y _ . . . ' . ' -
: '
-A-rs.j ; aA.Free1'
Ivy Poisoning
Eight Years of Suffering
Perfect Cure by Hood'a Sarsaparilift
, , C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. :
" Bear SIrs-Wo : have trIed loon's Sarsapa.
rillanund find it to ho all you claim for it. 1
wife was Poisoned by ivy evlnen a youung woman ,
and for eight years was troubled every seaaon
with the breaking out and terrible itchiag.i
[ 'tinning. I thought hers was as bad a ease as
anyone over Imad. She vas Ito this disCjcssing
condition every year until she began to tre
hlootl's Sarsapanllla , which has effected a
foct cure , without ieaviog any' scars , and bbs
laos had
No Sign of the Poison Slnco.
She is well and Itearty I have taken hood's
Sarsapanitla after the grip with good results , and
have also given it to our tour children , Wo are
, ull pictures of perfect health and owe it to "
Itood' Sarsaparilla. " J. 0. FIIEESIAN , Van.
elalia hlliutois. 4
N. lu , If you decide to thko Hood's Sarsapa.
s-lila do not be isiduced to buy any other instead ,
Hood's Pills are hand made , and iterfect
lit proportion and appearance , . 2c. per box.
BOYD'$3Mon ' Jan121
Engagement of the flomantlo Actor ,
Accompanied by
Presenting tile following rcpeztoire :
Monday Night ,
Tuesday Night ,
\ Vednciay Night ,
Hale ( if itepis flow open at the fitlitiwing vrierem
Firet iloor. * 1.00 uzrti 11.10 ; btniconuy We anti lad
g allery. CIc.
Ehmc r p i : . : E3 .PUJ'1JL.I J'JLUISS. It
Tel , iitai.
wJ , nuItGlas $ , . . Zilnzrager ,
TONIGHT AT 8:15 : ,
Courting Jautuury : ¶ .17.liI : , I'aut Brossor in 'iuis
( iithi5N ( ltJOiS MAN. "
FIgures pitd scenes in actual motion.
An Cartel rcrtrodUction of Nnuitire.
Nut a ; aorsnta ) tuC uvula mgititinn itself.
At 109 South 16th attest. 1'ron e a. mu. to ii
p. mu. Itounethuinnur ovcrbus1aP siuuuid cee ,
Bruise tlict horse's ' fcc and ,
stiffen ills Joints , but a rub with
Liniment ,
a good feed and a warm
Btablo wilt soon limbciup
his legs , SYiIL bati'tslt f'ost ; .
bites and cliulblaina from
the driver , too.
. , : " . .