Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1895, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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4 . \ ' t , r Ts ' ; \ ) .1I. " - J : h ' 41 J \ } . .
: A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trITE OMAUA DA1L . BEE : Su.AY , JAN1TAUY 20 , 1S95.
What the State's Racing Stables Acm-
: _ p1shed in the Year Jut Oem }
Jrcur frol the nan Jleld-I'rORpcct for
the fprlnJ Shooting - Jolnj a
Uaal nn.l the Hgnlar
VeekIj JadJet ,
, -
r For n number or year nebraska ha 1)een )
HornInont , In trotting horse history and her
tame hal been hernhle from the water-
\ahel } Ihore ot the I'aclflc le the pine-clad
hll of 1alne , Nebraska's chamlllon light-
harnea horses have done moro lo make the
treat wosern al to known nbroad than any
Dna thIng , with the posslblo exception or Ita
t Jopulsl leglsllture , Two year ago the atate
tame into prominence n the home at the
two champion pacers , Belo Acton yearling ,
:20 : % , and her halt brother , Online , 2 years
old , 2:11 : , and from that time horsemen have
pen kept busy following tim rapid ' strIdes
hade hy the stat a the home or great turf
't ' 1 _ . 4 ' . rforinerv. Last year Nebraska horses went
, into winter quarters with their full share of
honors and still retained the yearling and
-yr.olll pacing records , besldos having I
dded the 6.year-old stallon pacIng race
record or 2:071 : , held by Ontonlan the great-
, est race horse that over lived , everything
consIdere Hobble 1' , Mother great race
! horc , owned by Captain Bd Pyle , has raced
; , 11 over tim country and won his laurels In
, sed-liot contests and took 0 race record last
year or 2:13. : In 1591 he wont through
the western circuits and contested L races
all through the great Montana cIrcuit , win-
ninE rretluenly enough to keep the balance
on the right sldo or the ledger and reducIng
Ills record to 2:124. : The Conqueror owned
by W. A. Paxton , 3r. , or Omaha , was last
year on4 or the greatest or 3yearlds , and
I : , ; aw him on several oe1slons when I
thought him capable or beatIng 2:10. : lIe
' took 0 race record last year of 2:17 : In the
third heat or n race , going the last hal In
1:05 : and the last Quarter In 32 seconds At
Independence , Ia. , In August , The Conqueror
'was driven a mile by Al hughes , n young
: lan who never drove a race , In 2:16 : , and
again the last halt was In 1:05. I 100keJ as
though nothing In his class would stop him ,
but he met defeat a week later In Chicago
Sn time Ille better than 2 : : ! However ,
Dlnvlng seen the race , I shall never believe
that The Conqueror should not have been the
winner , and an easy one. ThIs year this
" ' horse was given a heavy stud Mason and
: ; whle In service was Injured quite severely
and ho never rounded to. lie was full of race
nnd could at any time step n Quarter better
than n 2:10 : gait , but ns his Injury last spring
seemed to bother him some Mr. Paxton very
Isely concluded to give him easy "I'orl unt
next year , and ho was never given work
enough to lit him for a hard contest. lie
reduced his record In a race this season to
2l5. : This horse Is bred for I king among
. ) sires and ho has such con 'rmnton and grand
Individuality as should commend him to every
! lreoder. 1 feel sure that ho will ho one of
: : ' " the greatest sires In Nebraska when ho Is 10
. years old. Mr. Paxton has a grand lot of
: : ores at his Keystone farm , n " few miles
i f- from Omaha , and among them some or the
, , greatest brood mares In the west lie has n
2-year-old colt , Phenom , 2:211,4 : , by Director ,
that Is liable to make trouble another season
among the crack performers. Next sprIng he
'i have n lot or young things by The
Conqueror and I nm anxious to see them
IS yearlings and 2-year-aids. They can't
help being Instructvo trotters , I ever there
. , 'wns.n counterfeIt , : on . earth 1 believe It was
the , gray gelding Two Strike , that Paxton
owned UII to n short time ago. Ho was fast-
aometimos-and reduced his record the past
season to 2:10 : * , but-wel , ho wasn'l n race
3iorso and Paxton acted extremely wise when
] 10 let hIm go.
During the past season Online had
i to relnquish hIs title ns champion
2-year-old to the Invincible Directly . 2:07) : ,
by Direct , 2:05 : % , but he did It gracefully
' mark of 2:04 that
and then set 0 4-yenr-ld :
: wl probably bo shot nt n , number or years ,
before It Is reduced. Online Is I full brother
to Onto lan , 2:07/j : , and his dam Angelno ,
by Chester Chief , Is the champion dam of
extreme speed In the world Online and On-
tonlan were both bred by E. D Gould of
! ulerton , Neb. Ontonlan was afterwards
fold to "hilly" Bowman of Fullerton , who
campaIgn him 10 1893 and won n
good lot of money with hIm , acer whIch he
, . fold hIm to Joseph Lsh of Goshen , md , for
53,500 , who owned him until the past spring ,
when he died. Online was lurchased n5 a
yearling by a Mr. Curry or Aurora , Neb . for
1000. He raced him ns a 2-year-old. and
under the guIdance or that master colt
, trainer , J. D. Chandler , ho was glyen his
champIonship record or 211. : 10 was not
5acod ns n 3-yenr-old , but was put In
training last spring for a 'season's campaign ,
and he showed such wonderful speed a led
. , .p - his admirers to believe that the 2:00 mark
4 : was within hIs ability . and It Is nol nt all
Improbable that had 'he , been trained for n
few supreme miles against the watch he
would have beaten all records. After On-
tonlan's death Mr. Lesh made proposals to
buy Online , and In the middle or the summer
the here became his , prperty for the reported -
' ported price or 10000. Dole Acton , whose
' earlng record or 2:20 : * has never yet been
equalled . has trained on , somewhat Indter-
7 enthy . howover. As a 2-yenr-old she was
r' the fastest thing lover saw when she made
her first start at Omaha In Juno I I remom-
'j . ber right. I wl be remembered that she
- , was shnply' to be exhibited and go nn easy
. I mile. Chandler couldn'l hold her however
and she ran away wIth him nl the pace , and
\ on n half-mile track went the first half In
, i:0 : ; . This "killed" her for the season , I
, think , for she closed the year with I record
of 2:1Hl : , whIch she reduced this year to
I , 2:10 : % . This fly has always been bothered
' \lth contracted feet , which undoubtedly ac.
\I \ counts for her making no better showing
than she has. There has never been 0 time
'hen she couldn't go to the halt almost ns
: vast ns n running here , and If her feet can
'Itt ever be slrnlghtcnC out . she will agaIn reflect -
, breedlnc. flect credit on Nebraska and her excelent
One of the best stables out the past
. reason was that or Mr Clinton DrIggs or
Omaha , but hQ had ill luck before the season
vae fairly started , and his whole stable went
wrohg. Ahunlo , the bli roan stalion that
-w bus nlways struck me l beIng an Ideal race
I10rso , and one or the best gaited I ever saw ,
ftarted ( lie season like a circuit winner anti
. reduced his record from 2:19 : to 2l33 : In n
. hard race , but he soon vent wrong with the
rut of them and went bore with the stable.
I may be mistaken but I am Inclined to be-
hove ' that the "no bnndae" theory did the
work , Kula Caffrey . In Mr. Brlggs' stable ,
after having served two or three seasons as
a brood mare was again started the pat
season , and again 11rovell herself a game
S , 4 taco mare , reducing her record train 2:261 :
, I to 2n8 % . Nlly Cobb , In the same stable ,
took a new standard record of 2:21 : , and
t' showed abll' to go much faster.
Ilstngs 10y. owned by my friend
Cramer at hastings , Neb. . surprised
molt people last ) . In 1593
this horse was janllcapllell In n great
mnny ways , nml was never In condition to go
u race . notwithstanding whIch he reduced
Oils record to 2:21 : , The pal year , however
" - hastings hey came out "finer than silk , " und
J : remember of my friend , Starting Judge
, CulberhQn , writing mo from Sioux Falls , In
, one of the fnl race this horse started :
"Hastngs Boy can beat 2:15 : any time , "
. " 'el. ho took a race record of 2:15 : and won
a lot or creditable races. This here 11 by
Abe Iownlng. and Is one or these closely
, knit fellows that continue racing orever.
Charles Caifrey . that good sire by General
' Knox , baa made I most excelell showing
during the pat year adding live view per
_ formers to his list. which makes 1 tolal
Qr fourteen Performers . the fastest one
being Hobble P. . 214'4 ' ThIrteen of his per-
farmers are troler , and for the frat time !
. this season > hell 1 pacer to his credit . Giles
II F 1oye. , 2:2H. : , I
Uly 1o\mon. the Fullerton horbemln ,
) has a 11"ch better cal In Uowmap'e Electioneer -
tlQneer than his record of 3:26 : % wduld Indl.
calo. His record was Illd& on a lalf.mle
track after 1 tulnlog season of lea than six
, : eeks.
Prince T. . the od roan pacer that Is a
( amulet on Nebraska tracks I th& form o
'UOJ < , redneedhisrecord to 2l3 :
the past season . Prlnc T Is now the prop-
erly of Charles nbbl0 .
Durango Dele , owncd by Judge Holland .
has reduced htr record from 2:27 : ! , to 2:22. :
Lovelace , the Egotist colt brought from
Kentucky last winter by L. D Gould , did
wel during the pal season and Chandler
who drove him , says ho Cn trot a whole lot
faster than hIs record or 2:20. :
Delort , the good -year.old colt by Gama-
leon , II prnctCly ( Nebraska here , aI-
thought owned just over the line In Kansas ,
south or Alma. All at his training has been
given hIm In Nebraska , however lie re- I
ducO his record the past season lo 2:21 : , ,
E. P. 0. . the second performer or General :
Garfield , Is 1 Nebraska product , and he took
a record } or 2:25 : the past season , I
Guelph , owned nl Lincoln , las placed one
new performer 10 his credit In the pacer St.
Croix , 3:18 : * . ,
That every-day horse , Den Morgan , owned
nt Lincoln reduce his record rrol 2:20 : to
2:1 : , ,
lurly nurly , owned by Clinton I3riggs , nol
only reduced his record to 2IG : % the past
s , hut Is the sire of Wilbur . 2:19. : and
a great horso.
Nihilist , owned by Meadowbrook Farm , LIncoln -
coin , Is the sire or Maggie T. , that reduced
her record to 2l84 : last season.
Packet Is n promising Nebraska 2-'ear,0Id
that look I record or 2:27 : the past season
Peletor. owned a I'-alrbury , Neb. . makes
n grand showing os I sire or new performers
the nest season. Ietlnl four new ones thin
fastest one , Lenatior ; taking un.rcc rt of
2:16 : % . Peletor Is' now sire of sIx In the
2:161. He 18 by Lord Itussell.
lelublcn , owned before his death at neat-
rico Neb , by J , N Ladd , has 0 new per-
former In lnl 1. , 2:21 :
Lady Iris , by Homulul , owned by F.V. .
Baldwin or Lincoln , took 0 record the pall
season of 2:2 : % and showed sown excellent
Shndelantl Onward , the great sIre owned
by Gould & Miller . Fullerton , Neb. . makes
another good showlnl the past season , having
two new performers and tour reduced scords.
Ho Is 1 years old and hall eight perrormers.
Three or his gel have held world's records
and two or them still hold chalpionship
marls. Every ono or his get race on. Out
of his eight performers two are new and four
or the Ova remainIng reduced theIr records
In races the past year. 11C hs three In the
2:10 : list and four with records below 2:20. :
lie has a record or 2:18 : and \as 0 race winner -
nor or n prominent character when ho was ,
campaigning. '
McVera . owned In northwesler Nebraska
reduced hh record from 2:27 : % to 2:1214. :
Toni 1ller , n Nebraska broil colt , and now
owned by Kinney Dros. ; Omaha reduced his
record from outside standard rank to 2:23 : * .
Woodlino . the great YOlug sire that nt 4
years of ago had thin distinction of being the
only sire nl that age of 0 2:30 : performer got
Ii new one the past season In Capple WOOI-
line. 2:2S1 : ; Wo6dln is owned by E. D.
Gould , Fullerton , Neb. , and Is by Nutwood ,
dam , the great brood mare , Four I.lnc.
KrO K. . one of the gamiest Ito race
horses that ever saw 0 track , again reduced
lila record last year , his noW mark being
2:0:7 : . N A. COLE , New York City.
13'orcsC lrlell nud Htream.
J. K. Palmer won the amateur Ive.blrd
shooting champIonship of the United States
and n tidy sweepstakes last Tuesday In the
Lorchmout tournament by n score of 95 out
or 100 bIrds having made twenty-five birds
strnlght. Work was second , with 89 bIrds :
Davenport third wIth 88. and Ferguson and
Moore ted for fourth , with : 8G birds each
Ferguson and Moore divIded fourth money.
The Omaha shooters would like to see the
meeting between the Stanton and Central
City cracks take place here' on the day of the
Head-Nicolai ahoot February 8.
The market fisher Is havIng much run al
Cutoff lake taking bass and cropplo through
the Ico. I Is high time the interstate fishIng -
Ing club was havIng some fun wIth these
nefarious scavengers. I wouldn't seem so
funny to these felows lr the state called
upon them to , pay lho penalty for their law
brenldng. They would think the state very
cruel to make them pay for their robbery.
They would almost eel like becomIng an-
archIsts. , But ' they ) sliould bo made to pay ,
novertheless-and the above mentioned fsh-
log club Is the organization to brIng them to
the scratch. The shameless manne In which
this particular nest or scoundrels have defed
the law Is n disgrace to thin community In
whIch they live . and nothing short at sum-
mary punishment will cure them of theIr
A big arctic owl perfectly white , was
shot Just west or Delevue , Thursday , by n
party of rabbit hunters
A party at sportsmen , composed or , v. D.
MorshtonV. . S. lumphro ) ' , II. - T. " Wicks ,
George II. Morley and E. N. Drlgls of SagI-
naw. Mich. , G. D. Selb of New York City ,
I P. Dam of Peeksldl , N. Y. , F. DMany or
Cleveland , 0. . and R. D. Schultz or Znnas-
vle , 0. , . passed through Omaha ' yesterday In
thl handsome new tourist car William n.
Mershon , on route for Montana deer shoot-
Inc. The car In whIch tie gentlemen vera
making thin trip was recently , built nt I cost
or nearly $10,000 and Is complete In all its
appoIntments , beIng ( urshed throughout In
Quarter-sn oak. I Is sIxty feet long , has
fourteen berths , bath room , kitchen , refrigerator -
ator and fourteen lockers for ammunition ,
guns and clothing , making It unnecessary to
carry trunks when making I trill with It ,
ns the lockers are sufficiently large for all
practical purposes. The kitchen , n very
important adjunct to I car of this kind , Is
furnished with nn elegant steel rang and 1
complete outfit or the most approved cookIng
utensils. and was In charge or a competent
caterer. The party expect to ho gone from
three to six weeks , but as' much 'f their
time will b consumed tn making the trip
and sightseeIng , they do not anticipate get.
ting mora than n week or ten days hunting ;
but ns they are out for pleasure Instead of n
car load or ' game , they wIll bo satisfied I
they get enough to supply the tablo.
There ore a great many lover or dogs In
Nebraska who would like to see n bench ex-
hlblt er local dogs during our state fair.
Charge n reasonable entry fee and offer small
premiums In the different classes Is simply a
sl'ggeston ' of I dog man of Omaha A lot
or handsome animals would certainly be
shown and It Is to be hoped that the board
of managers will take the matter under nd-
The match team shoot , Parmelee and
Peters against Loomis and Head , on the
Hernia Park Gun club grounds last Wednesday -
day , attracted 1 large crowd or spectators ,
and was n very interesting rnce. ' The condi-
tons were fifty birds lo the man , thirty
yards rile , fifty boundary five unknown
ground .traps , AmerIcan association rules
Goodley Uruelter was referee . and Inrmele
and Peters won by n score or 85 to 82.
In December E. S. Dundy , jr" , Myron ,
Learned and the sporting editor were the
guests or General Charles 10yt and Colonel
Sam Richmond , at Carks , goose shooting , ns
was related In last Sunday's Dee , but there
was nn incident that slipped my memory In
the writeup . which I think will be Interest- ,
Ing to the quail hunters , nt least. We did
all or our goose shootIng from the bars In
the } 'lato , but while the birds were oft
feeding In thin fields , we devoted our attention
to the Qual , which were found by the bun-
dreds amidst the network of brnshwood on
thin numerous amal , oblong Islands with
which the old stream Is fled al this point ,
In fact , I never saw birds more plenUtuI In
the old days back In Ohio than they were
here As boon as winter sets In all the birds
In the country seem to leave wooded arroyos
stIll creek bottoms anti assemble within the
mazy depths at these Islands for protection
trout the advancing cold. Their retreat , too ,
Is I wise ono for there I plenty of feed
here the shield from the steely wInds the
very best and the hangers from hunter
hawk anll coyote at Its minimum , Ot course
all shooting to bo had on theses Islands II
at thin " 'nail order " and It Is generally about
five or six shells to the bird. Once In awhile
an open shot Ie obtaIned , If the gunner hap-
pens to be on thin very outer edge of thin
Island , and a bird flushes and attempts 10
cross the river. Al I usual thing they are
extremely hard to flush until thy I.vo all
been drIven to one end or olh'lr of the Island.
They will run along before .iog and hunter ,
beneath the reticulated vines and shrubbery
until they can g no further . when Ihey fish
together and shoot one or the iiiiiierou chan.
nell to n neighboring leland or the mainland.
Dundy and I were making one of these
drives . lie In the mIddle ot the island , whiie
I skirted this edge. We could bear the birds
IIUerlng along on the dead leave and hear
tbem piling a they ran along under the
matted brushwood . but seldom caught sight
of one Suddenly Dundy called sue to come
Wbere ho was standlog I made my way
through the thicket to the pot , anti pointing
to a small halo al the fet of n god-lzt ( }
tree . ho Mid ho saw I quail go In ther
I knelt down . thinking to catch the bird
alive , but the hole extended back further
than I cul reach and was evidently 1 hol.
low root. Uundy tried his luck with no bet-
ter success , and determIne to catch neb
after thIs failure wo finally concluded to d'g
him onto With 0 couple or Maul sticks we
soon reached the root which we found toC
green anti too bulky l cut Into with our
pocket knives , and were again nonpluued.
Wo were about to give the Job up when
Dundy asked what wa the matter with
shooting I hole Into I. and 01 I could se
nothing the mater with It , wo located the
quail 10 th3t ho would nol bo Injured , and
with n half.dozen shots n hole 8ufclenly
large to admit a' ' hand was blown Into the
green rot , afll ( reachIng In I pulled out the
bird alive. lie was 1 handsome cccle , and (
after n laugh over the peculiar method of
catching quail , I told Dundy w' lust give
him a chance ! for hIs life. So , 1llllg tip our
hip boots wo waded out some twenty-five
yards Into the rushIng Plote , I was to
throw him up and Dundy was to do the shot-
lag , and at a given signal up ho went The
first harrel wns a miss , but 111 second
tumbled him neatly Into the floating Ico.
George JCelnman has accepted Dr. Car-
ver's challenge for 0 100.bhid match and It
wi take place at Dlrnslde , near Chl ago ,
I I ,
February 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
Slnndln or the Aitciittton .
! AMlclnton.
Secretary Steiner or ChIcago has issued n
statement showing the financial standing of
the American Trotting association nl the
close or 1SOI , The receIpts In the general
fund during the year amounted to $10,597.17.
or this amount $16,818.86vas received os
payment or annual dues , the sum collected
from Ones , penalties and recording foes being
$ ,468.7. The disbursements were $24,153.50 ,
leaving balance In thin treasurer's hauls
or $16,413,37. The receipts or the trust fund
during the year footed up $52,707.18. while
the disbiirsoiiients were $61,265.88. This
leaves In the treasurer's hands 1421.70 , and
comprises the suspense account nol seWed
during the 'ear. In 1894 the AmerIcan
'Frotting association had 818 members located
In thlrty-I\'o stales and territories , Canada
anti lrltsh AmerIca . These members held
5G8 meetngs luring ( the year , with an ag-
glegote or 2,74 days of trotting and pacing
races , the first meeting commencing on
January I , the last ending on December 28.
At these meetings ,901,725 was offered In
stakes and purses for trotting and pacing ,
horses During thin year $1i,02I.40 was col-
lectell and paid to members for unpaid
entrance anti other claims : $16.6Gl.42 money
recovered ant redistrIbuted Two thousand
nine hundred and olght.two persons and
3,225 horses were suspendad for nonpayment
or entrance money duo members , and 13
persons and 2,2G7 horses reinstated on the
books of the association.
Thin ( Ito City Crlcketcr"
Al thin last regular monthly meeting or
tim 'atc City Cricket club . held on Monday
evening , a full attendance being present , :
It was decided to send for the tools for the
coming season , which was done , the order
being now on the . A
way. captain was also
elected Charles 11 and C. J. Tumeld being
nominated. " The result was close , Tuflield
wlnnlng"by one vote. Hill received n conso-
laton prize In being elected vice captnln.
The Gate Clys have secured a good man for
their captain Although the youngest In the
club In years , he is nn ohti-tinier In cricket ,
and plays It correctly. He Is 0 fierce , hard
hitter . n good folder In nearly any positIon ,
fully posted on the game , and the boys
will find ho Is n strict disciplinarian . The
club colors will bo '
wi white , with the club's
Initials In red thin .
InItals on top. The club has now
n membirshlp of twenty-our and hopes early
In the season to have 1 pretty air first
eleven , that wi bo able to make our sister
club , the Omaha Cricket chub exert Uem- !
selves 0 little . which they can do when they
have got to. While
the Gnty
Whlo Clys can-
not expect to wIn , they will bo fully repaid
uly rapall
In the consolation or havIng given their
opponent lt least some goo practice and
that ' they may go abroad with Wo same
success they did last season. i
Trotting Untc.s for 'Ntlot-l'-Ive , I
The WesternSouther Trotting association ;
has arranged the following dates for meet- '
Ings : Joliet , Ill. . beginnIng JUly 29. purses
$20,000 : Terre Haute FaIr association ,
August 5. purses $50,000 : Indianapolis Trol-
tlg nss clnton , August 12 , purses $40.000 ;
Fort Wayne , August 17. purses $36.000 :
Colulbus , August 26. purses $20,000 : Chil-
cothe , September 2. purses $20.000 ; Louls- ,
yule , September ! , purses $10,000 : Iudlan-
opols state air , September 1G , purses , $20.-
000 : ChIcago , September ' 23 , purses $50,000 :
Terre Haute Trotting association . September
20 , purses $50.000 : ' Lexington , October 7 , :
purses $75.000 : Nashville . October 14 . purses
1. Ilrses
l'nxtoU' List ur 10r"e" .
The 1895 catalogue of the Keystone Stock
Farm , W. A. Paxton , jr. . Is out and In the
hands ' or horsemen I Is n neat pamphlet I
and contains I complete list of Mr. Paxton's
notable horses whIch Includes : The Con-
Queror , Atiantaiine . Agtha , AnnIe Sprague ,
Dele Line , Dele Onward , Bright LIght ,
Bright March , Cole , Coswlng , Cozy , Estohle ,
Glrlo Red Keystone , Kite Clyde , Lady
Lightoot , Lalclaud Girl , Miss McGrcgor ,
Nina Cobb , Nina Medium , Octorara Perhaps ,
Phol ) Fox , Phenoin Hed Hose , Senator's
Maid , Strathlne 2d , The Bell , Vls-a.Vls anti
Willie \Vakcinan Del anl
' Palaver wll tIe " Stall l'iisytjrs.
hugh NIcol , who was present nt the buildIng -
Ing of the pyramid of Cheeps , will not only
manage the new Rockford team but will
actually try to play rIght field besides Now
Uncle Dave hop on fIrst for Omaha
Harry Stalev will rntnrn In h'a n1 1. . . .
" _ nm _ _ _ _ . .v " .
. .a v , N'
Der Pass Iresldent , In the sprIng. . Harr ' ) "
was with the St Louis Western association
team In 1886. assoelatou
Joe Walsh was signed by the management
of the Omaha club last Thursday to play short
and captain the team In 1895. His game leg
Is about as good a8 now again , and the
Omaha club did wel to get bin : . when the
act Is taken Into conslleraUon that both
Indianapolis and Toledo were after him. lie
played the best bal or his life for SIoux
CIty last season up to the time ho let wIth
the achlent that put him out of thin game
Ito Is conOdant that ho can put up n better
article still this year.
At thin late " 'ester association meeting
associaton meetng
there were some matLrs of Importance trnns-
acted that did not find their way to tIme
daily press. A schedule committee consisting
of Ilugh Nicol , RoclCord : George conslstnl ,
Quincy , and T. . Dracleet
J. ilickey . Lincoln , was OIl.
pointed wih Instructions to report a achedule
al the March mestng of the association . The
guarantee system , obliging each club 10 pay
each visiting club $0 11er game , wns adopted
In lieu 'of the
even divIsIon of thin gate receipts -
celpla , ns prevailed last ' .
Irevnled Int 'ear. On Decoration
day , Fourth of July and Labor day the gate
receipts of all thin cites will ho Ilooled and
each club get its eighth or the whole
CaptaIn Jim Mnnning or the Kansas City's
has taken unto himself n brldo. He was mar-
neil several days ago to MImE Maymo I. Den.
nls of the city 'on the Kaw , anti the couple
are now east on their wedding tour , Every-
body . In amid out or the profession . who knows
Jim , has a good word for him , lie Is I gen-
teman always anti n good hal Illa'er. lie
made the trip around thin world as one of the
AI.Amerlcans under Captain Jell M. Ward
and has been
signally successful as n magnate -
nato both In the South and at Kansas City .
where he I very popular , Ciy.
rank Selee , formerly or the Omahas , nov \
with the fastens . Is town at Hot Springs
being OUt for ho campaign or 'us.
Pitcher George Nicol lately releled by
the J.oulsvles , hal signed wIth thE Rock-
fords In the Wester anccl lpn ,
'he Ort game of bal for 1895 \1'1 take
Place al thin Charles Street ground. Satur-
day april G , between the Onall1' ! and Jimmy -
my Mannlng's Cowboys ,
Jack I annilg , one of the las yearM Quaker -
ker twiriere . Is . to ply with Minneapolis
net season . George Treadway Is also
chalmsied .
Louis Rogers Ihrownhng-time old gladiator
-Is likely to Join his old consmaniler Cal
taln Com\key. at 81 Paul.
Kansas City has signed Billy Iusman ,
the only han living who bas played 01
every 11rofeulon91 team ever organIzed ,
Yale dOM not intend to engage a protI-
Jusonal base bal coach this year Cater
.nd Qreemmway last year's battery ; Stephen-
on , first base ; -Murphy eeccud-baao ; Call.
laIn nusUn , In right net ; Speer . In left
field : and ddlngton 18 yenter . are al
really to begin training the season of
1895. Arbuthnol on thl1 t ! Captain Case
Il short are the only m(1. of hut ) 'ear'l
victorious team who WILbe missing when
Captain Hustn calls his 61.'ldates . gother.
lCeaior . who did some . brllanl work a I
substitute fielder ; quiniby , the substitute
short atop , and Trudean the substitute
pitcher . cr last season , ' , I :1 bo candidates
again this ye3r , the hardest
pace to fl Quimby coultlo Il I he would
make up his mInI } to piditIhhi , but hf Is a
careless player and uhat unreliable .
There are 10 new stars that have been hear
at , but Nme god plaY rlh\lwaY \ show up
during the season. Captnldtustn , like Cap.
lain Armstrong , only nllh to attend to attend -
tend strictly to business In order } to lroduco
. creditable team ,
03m.t hA T1l'NiS 1.1WTIU ,
Uferr Chosen nml l'lnn for .ed Brnson
' Outhlin,1. .
l'nrtl"Uy Untl".cl.
Members or the Omaha Lawn T.nnl cub
heM nn interesting meeting nl Bachelors
Quarters yesterday evening. There was I
large ntendonco of the members and n
large nmounl of business was tronsacled.
! r. Will G. Donne waS elected President
hy I nearly unanimous tote , In succession
to Mr. C S. Culn11t , who has 101'C the
club in that capacity and leaves the lslton
with the satisfaction or Imowh11 thal dur-
lag his tenure of olco ho httsiilimceti the
organization In n vcr ) ' . IJ'omlllng condition .
' 1here were over thirty members last ! o.
son and last night another . eleven names
were submitted or men who Intcmled to
join the eomlsig yenr Their names are :
W. O. ) eOllnl , Harry McCormick , P. A.
Kemp , 11on Jolla ! , O. G. 10"e , Jam"/
W'alince , Frnle Ilaskehi , l'hlll' Cmllo , J. W
hand , C. S. Dckey amid Ute Bauman.
By the tIme the season opens It II ex-
I.ected that several others wil join lnnn-
chilly , the club Is In n good condition for
the openln of the itonson .
Othel' ohliceri who were cleetell were :
VIce President , H. n. Young ; sccretal' !
treasurer . O. Id. liaverstick.
In nddlton nn executive commitee was
consist of the , vice
nPJolntcl to , president \Ice
presilent , secreta and two other members ,
I.- . I. Yonnf nnl C. S. 1)Ickey.
A Fpeela tournament commlteo was
elceted to transact till buslnesl connected
with the varIous tourmunentl to be hell
umler thl ntispiccs of the chub durIng thin
season. ' 'hll conlmltee Wi consilt ot the
secretary ( : lr. O. I' : . Hn\erstclt ) , Mr S. S.
secletarr and \V .1. I oyl. ,
I was decided unanllousl ) ' to make ap-
plicatiosi for memhcrhlll In the National
plcaton 'rennll association , the object oC
this helng that the interstate tOU'noment
which It Is Intended shll le hehl again
toward the end of the senlon may be given
the Prestige of being goveled hy the national -
lonal 11restgp ofoelnton rules nnll regulations amid
thnl te Chl1plonshlps may he ofclaly
tIle ! hiy that bed ) ' . The club Is entering -
tering upon 'the season or 1S95 with the
determInation to make Omaha the leallng
lawn tennis center of the west before the
season closeR.
The secretary was Instrncted to core-
spend with other cub In the state with :
regard to the date and place for the hold-
lag of the tournament for the state cham-
pionship. It % vas stated at the meeting
that the _ state assotIatimi . . 1ia ! . lnpsetl ! t ! , ?
renAon of the [ act tnnt inn nnnUll 1e"I !
or Its members was not hlll In September
lat Is , as provided for In the h-lawf and
It was the general sense of the member
present ! that stel ! should he taken for the
reorganizaton or that hotly on I new basis.
THOU HLH A1Ni ' 'Ug btATBI1S ,
( _ _ _ _ : \ .
l ? otln ! Loath to n Uo'li : Which Slectn-
. .
torR .Tolfr\ \ !
NEwnUnOI N. 'Y' : J'mn. 19.-The an-
nunl events of thin Nol\gh \ Amatenr Slmt-
lug association were slt&1 on Orange lake
this afternoon In the iteeflce of i.O pee-
pIe. The track was hiihr' f ! mile.
The quarter mile ice . was 81mted In
heats. John S. JOhnonqqt ; , lnneapO\S beat
James A. Donoghue ofI . \ ictty In the first
heat In 38 seconds. To aecond heal was
won hy lon ley Davf Ir who defeatel
Olnf Itudd of MisseasDhLs. Time : 40 1-5
, Joseph F. Donoghue 1ol 'he third heat
beating Bernard M. ChiItiaiu. Time : 0:37 15.
In the final heat Joe iPonoghue i and John
S. Johnson ' collIded and' lvit1son won the
heat and race. TIme : -J 1-5. Donoghue
came In secoml. Na
The five-mile race wait vmn by Rudd , who
beat a field of nine skers1 t Joe Dnoghue
'aUIL , JohDson\ were ; : : t\l. \ tlo two , In. the
former 2 ( feet ahead dt tlt ( ; nuer. udd's 0
time was 17 minutes l-5s4Ccosld. '
tme Wa onemie race , Jim Donoghue tculed
Johnson who fel Into' , snow bank on the
I first lap. On the home stretch , when the
skaters were bunched , Build caught Don-
oghue hy the arm and , Davidson won the
mce. Johnson was second , Joe Donoghue
third. '
thir. n row that followed , In which some of
tile spectator , engage(1 with the skaters .
Joe Donoghue strucl DavIdson on the nose .
bringing blood. There was had feelnA all
around and It was with lmcul ) ' that the
row was stopp d.
There were ten entries for the ninemie
race , hul there Wa so much bad feeling
that no one would start except ltudd. He
slated the distance alone , snaking It In
3 mInutes 9 seconds.
CalifornIa tim J'nturo 1omo or Some or
" 'hat WIll lie ' 'Vorl lrnll ( Jnm. ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jn. 19.-The most
valuable Imprtatons of brood mares ever
broughl to California has arrIved It nancho
del Paso , the largest breeding farm In the
worii There were ten In the car , eight of
Englsh hre lng. George H. Easton , the
famous auctioneer . came across the cont-
font with the consignment of thoroughbreds -
breds The breeding of several of the
future matrons nt Hocho del Paso Is ultra
fashionable and they are to be mated to
Sir Modred , Slvator.o1ldlotllan and other
celebrated stallions at the big ranch . Call-
fornJa Is likely to produce many I Dr. Ios-
brouck future , Sir Walter or Wnlzer In the hear
One of the aristocratically bred mares of
the consignment IA Spirit of the Times , by
Rosicrucian or the S'lrlt aasn Lay ! Palmer.
This mar Is II foal to imported Order , ' son
of Den th'Or the sire or Osmonde. An-
other marl Is What Not , by Chlplendale.
dam hy 'Venlok , the sire of the dam of
Islnluss and Isllngton. A third mare Is
Lady CanlHnl , In foal to Importell Order.
There Is also _ bay m rC by _ al.lrl ! , dam
aloonneasn . Jalr IS n fUl nroter to
Galurd , the sire oC Vigor , who Is now rae-
lag nt the nay District track . and Merry
Lassie , an English h mare by ! erllworth ,
dam I ) ' Bird Catcher The American
mares ore Queenllaslt , by ltotlierlillh . In
fOIL to Cavalier , a fen of Prince CharlIe ,
the sire of 3alvltor. and a bay mare by
Blue Eves , dUII Diemma ,
Mr. fasten , who brought hid snares to
of California Ule American , is a brother Horse ot1111 . Easton
( , ! I . , RthIR I uni "U 1I'r. .
NOI OL1 Jan 1 . -To the Sporting Edi-
tor of Tile flee : To decide n bet please
state In Sunday's sporting columns whether
In a target shoot a man gets another chance
If he fails 10 adjust the safety 01 hits gun.-
L. M. \Vhite.
Ans.-No. Hlio 20 , American association
riles , says tal gets should be scored lost I the
shooter falls to load , cock , udJuat safety on
gun or Iluls the wrong trigger.
LINCOLN , Jam : . I4.-Tothic Sporting Edl-
tar , or The lien : WIII)1 phtaso 11ublsh
6methllg about thin orlnf.f the Amerlc's
cup of yachting fame : / Wben was It first
contested for ? What Ji rse brought the
10st 10ney , Ormondoa ! ! AnonVhiat
horse won the Eiighisluihitrby In 1892 , and
how Iln ) ' times lists tbl $ , vent been won by
American hiorsea-LineeIal1otei :
Ans.-'rho trophy nowrm.known ns the
America's CUll was ; i originally offered
by the Royal ! Vthbtimig sQuallron
as chalengo cup for eli nations .
I was won In 1851 by tlolwhooler America ,
from a Sleet of fifteen English 'achts In 1
race frau : Cowes , Emmgru'around the isle
of Wigist (2) ( ) Ormonco.k.l & OOOO : Anon ,
$125.000. (3) ( ) Sir I 1 go . .1) ( ) . Once , Iroquois
COUNCIL. BLUFFS , 1Jdh ' ' . 15.-To the
Sporting Editor of 'The 'I. : 1'lea8e give a
recipe lor 1 1)011811 for emiisuel 1 al a gun slack ,
Wlll do you think of lat , bQrl for ducks
and geeso-Leomi Lewis,4i i '
An . - ( ( ) here Is a 'sie'wssnd inexpensive
way of polishing enamel. Get , an ordinary
paralno clndlo am" rub . ) your polshing
cloth over I after the'cloth lips been heated ,
When thin cloth takes on 1 shiny look rub
tie enamel 'Ilh It briskly , and the result
will be I glittering suceeu. ' (2. ( ) I may
anSWer eli right when the binds Ire do-
coylng well , but I wpuld prfC r a 12 under
any amid all cIrcumstances
FIEMON1' , Jan. 18-To the Sporting Edi-
tor or The Dee : In a tour-handed gale of
cribbage No.1 PlaYs 1 9 allot ; No. 2 , 8j ; No.
3 , 7. and No. 4 , f. I lust 1 a rUn and bow
man ) does No , 4 count T-J I. If. H.
Ans.-Il Is I fln ; up to N ( 3 , who pegs
three : No. 4 pegs one for the last card
That's all there Is 10 It. '
OMAhA , Jan IG.-To the Sporting Editor I
of The lIce : Aly letter hich has a great
anlipatisy for chickens and kills
anlpthy , kis them at
every opportunity . How can I cure lien of
the imabit-itobert McC.
Amis-W'hiip her soundly and If that
doen't cure her sell her to some other fellow -
low anti Itt him tt ) It awhile .
rest Orf" aDl Dixon Oould Do Wn to
Make i I Draw . .
Decision lnd thin ' \Iprort of the Crnw.l-
( Stub Ilmick-ilcCleI nl11 1ho\'ell tne
Colored oy-Ulxon Ull t
, ot tile Lcisilng . ,
COREY ISLAND , N Y. , Jan. 1-Not.
wlhslandln ! the per ShowIng made by
"Jacl Dempsey lat nIght , there was :
larger attendance of the sporting eitmt'nt
here tonighit . The twenty-five round contest t
between Dixon , the "Coloret } Wonlor , " and
"Young' Gnifto" was the bIg vent on to-
hlglit's program. There were rumors r' '
tramiblo as 10 the selection of a referee , as
the Australian and his hacker obJertd to
Tim hurst , Tim , howe\er , stepped } Into the
ring when Fred Burns announced tl' first
bout , between lck Dunn of Australia and }
Fred Weds or Phiadelphia , The men met
: t catch weights In n six rommnmi go , Dlnn
weighing 150 ( pounds and \ols f\t Pumtds
lucre. Time referee awarded the fight to the
Australan ,
"Jack" Madden at Breol'n met 1,1"
Youghn or Trenton , N. J. The boys weighed
In at 105 pounds each for a six round go.
In the fifth round Captain Clayton storped
the fight. The dcclslon was gIven In MaJ-
dcn's ( avor.
George Dxon entered the rIng nl 050 : , accompanied -
companied by his mimanager . Tom O'htounlce.
Jack 1a\lanl } and Morris Kel ) I
was announced that Grllo rfuse to go al
UII It was arranged that 70 per cent should
go to the winner anti 30 per cent to the
loser The men were at catch weights.
DIxon weighed 12G poult1s.
Grub JUlllet } through the ropes ten mimi-
mites later , anti his weight was nnnQulccll to
bo 129 Iioumb. Ills rends were Nick Dunn
anti Paddy German or Australia , amid 1)niiiy
Murphy or New York Both men looled to
be trained right lp to the hour , but Grille's
adl'altage over Dixon In sIze ! was very ap-
parent. ,
Al 10 o'clock the mon ! hoole hand Dixon
led elf anll f l short. He then lcd for the
stomach amid hmjmmmled. Dixon repented the
dose and then hit his man In the neck ,
Gl'lffo counterln Grille got In two , both
on the face , and Dixon reached the holy (
anti the neck again. This was Dlxon's
Hound 2-Dlxon led anti Grlto coimnterrd
Dixon lal I swing for Grlffo's haul , but
the later Ollgetl , Grille ! smashell Dixon
Itmlght on Um nose. A sharp exchange
foowell , and the referee broke them nWlty.
Dixon lamled on the body nnd sieck. Orl'o
dodged I hot one for the face. A Bhanl cx-
chlnge Colowed In Dtxon's curlier. Dixon
rshe\ Grub to thin ropes. Orlfo landed
oiL Dlxon'A ( ace. Honors even.
Hound 3-They Fpured for nn opening )
and Dixon eotmtercul. DIxon 111 opennA
face , but fell short. Both inca slugged
" 'lclotssly ] . Dixon lanled very heavily over
Grub's heart and repeatell it. Grl'o hit
Dixon on the back or the heck ! . Dixon
suippt1 . but Grifo stepped back and was
cheered. ant
Hound 4-0rlfo got to the face Dixon
count rln ! on the od ) ' . Dixon led on the
ear Dixon stopped I hot one for the body .
lIe led for the head . but fell m.hiort . Grille
slapped Dlxon's jaw with both hunl ! anti
smashe him on the ear a moment later.
Dixon coulll not reach Grifo easily . the
later being very clever nt dodgimig Dixon
went to hl3 corner mumnhllng.
Honnd 5-lirifto smashed Dixon In the
mouth. Dixon again fell short. GrIfo led
for tIme hotly . hut was countered Dixon
led for Grlffo's iieiuh Hlpld exchanges
followed anti Dixon got In on Gnirfo's face.
Griffo smashed him In the mouth. Dixon
tried twice for the Jaw , but Grifo dodged.
Hound GGriIo led antI landed on the
taee. Dixon rshed him to the ropeS and
smashed him 01 the body und broke away.
GrJ\ gal back on the jaw : both countered
on body anti neck. Dixon , gal In on the
stomach : both mEn countered on the body
and neele. DIXon led and gal to the stom-
ach. Ol'lfo returned the comphimnent . and
1' the gong sounded DIxon got to Grlffo's
stomach nga1n.
Hound 7-Osiffo led and tonehell lightly
on Dixon's throat. Dixon led and landed
on Grub's Stomnilchm . Dixon hit lande
the ribs and followed I up with I stiff
punch on time stomnehi GI'IIo used his
elbow O'nourke objected Several people
shouted : "Pul O'Hourlte out "
Round 8loUmen sparred . for a few fee-
ends and Grub said : "It's not whnt it's
cracked to . " I's
crcleed up be. Dixon hit him on the
body and neck lightly and then Innded on
the e/ . Grfo countered and there was n
shnl eXChange 01 the ribs Dixon
smashed his man on the jaw , Grifo countering -
tering . 01 the body. Griffo's left got In
twlep on the face. and al the anti of the
round , os he went to hIs corner , saId : "Tom ,
It's 0 cinch "
Hound ! -Doth led and countered Grub
got In a. hot '
Aol ' I one on Oeorle's stornacim
Shar' exchange and slugging foiloweth.
Griffo dodged another lead for the head.
Dixon landed on the jaw with his left.
Hound laGriffo landed on the face and
Dixon countered on the body. Dixon got
to Grille's stomach. Dixon skipped away
tram two turlou slcpped
! lendf nail then landed on
time ribs. Grille's left reahe 1)ixomi's ( ace on
and the latter hit hIm on the back of the
noun 11-The men sparred very warily.
Dixon led and fell Short . Orlffo smashed
him In the tnee. Dixon got to Grille's
neck. Dixon hit Grille heavily eve the
heart anti planted I hot loft ! hlmder In the
nbc Shall eXChanges followed and Dixon
got In I heavy one on Grlfto's jaw. lie
tried oglin with I left-imanti swing , but
fell short.
Round 12-Griffo landed on the body anti
Dixon returned the conpiimiment. Dtxon Inl
on the body anti Grub counterell on the
jaw. Dixon smashed heavily on Orlffo's
Jaw and landed again on the hey 11 face .
Dixon atempted I left hlnd ( swing , but
only touched Griffo's ahmoultlors. As the
Jaw gong sounded Dixon smn'hed Gllro on tIme
Round 13-Grille handed on the hod ) ' .
Dixon led frequently enl hit Grille's fact
twice. Grub landell on the holv fiercely.
Dixon again did the lenihimig . Griffo skipped
away iiiiLl lalhed. DIxon smiled ns he
went for his cornel'
Round hi-Gnifto trlod to baeltheel Dixon
and was cnutone ( ! by Referee hurst. Dixon
lunde on the hody anl\ \ then rmiaimeih . hut
Grille Iteplell ( quickly out of the way
Grille's left again fell short.
Hound 15-Orilbo led for the face , hut
Dixon stopped It cleverly , DIxon got to
Grirfo's ribs auth smusimeui himn omm tIme Jaw
with : IsIs right , iixon led , hut fell short
with : lila left , Grille landed on the neck.
lixom : suvumig his left , but missed , and
Gniffo gave 1mm : a rib ronamer ,
itomisiul hG-Grifo's hotly was 'ery roth from
Dixon's left imammd Jimba , anti time coloreth
hey's optic imhvwed signs of closing tsp ,
Dixon izimitled on tIme left ribs anti got a
immuasim Iii thu Jatt' iii return , Dixon lamuhed
on time heck anti Oriffo ihimi likewise , hmomb
muon led for tilt : ( iice , bnit siotiiimig canie of it.
Round l7-lixon lliiYeti for the body anti
landed liglmtl ) ' twice. ( Iniffo mumaslimh Dixon
on the nose. Dixon nilslmeil hIm to the ropes ,
mit Gnilfo got limmck at him with : mu Imen % ' ) ' one
oem time Jaw. Grub haniieui agaIn on iixoim'a
bad eye. lixomi lamided on this face with
terrilmlt , force , hut Grille inusghmeth aim lie 'ept
to his earlier.
Hound hI-A tier a sninumte's emmarning , Grille
inmuled with : lila it ft on lixnn's neck , lixon
nttenmitei one ( or tIme body , hilt only imit
Grifto's 1mm. Oniffo again smashed him In
time . neck , Both men looked weary 'lieim time
i.omsm : (1 imul ed. ,
Round 19-lixon stoppeh a left hand Jab
close to tIme face nail smnuslmed ( info 1mm tIme
mmtomnacii anti Jaw. I he lamuhel trcquently ( in
Onirfo's hod ) ' , Grub iooicm'il a trifle weak
and his bloiva hitched mitrengihi. 1)ixon
swtmng lila heft , but inisee,1 , , amid Oriffo tried
to uppercut 1:1w , but fell short , -
Itotimmul 20-In mm rush : Grille's elbow Ianuhed
under llxoml's chin and some of time spec-
tntors shmotited "hook out ( or that elbow , ' '
lixomm Jimulei amid Gniffo eoummtered on tim
sanme met , 1)ixoim Pummelled his msmun iii the
mm I nimachi.
liutmnmi 21-Cirift'o's left PhIt'ed havoc with
Dixon's ( ace twice , lixomi fell short in
leading for the face. 110th : men slugged
svilhiy , anmh ettehi ssvung zismul laumleh on time
( ace. lixon s-ushiel amid tried ( or a hotly
blow , but it was hutopuleth ,
Round 22-Dixoim Iaii for the ( ace , limit
( iriffo got there fIrst , iixomm's right eye
suffered In consequence. Grub landed
twice oim time nose , lixrin tahiped Oriffo on
time muisal organ and get a very hot one In
return.GhthF' ' ) USEI ) IllS EMIOW.
Roun'h 23-Grille's elbow viis very much
Iii evidence agauim , but it dlii no 'lamnage ,
hioth simon comsntcreh an tIme face , imnul Onirro
got lila rIght to Iixomi's face imemtvily. hhi-
then limit hi left 1mm omm lixnn's jaw anl ,
Dixon eoumtt'rei ( Oh ) tlii rib3. They bparrtd
for vinuh Until tue goimm iounduiI.
Hound 2l-Oiffu loih smnil Ianuled om Dix-
on's head. ixnn coummiereul on tIme tuce
tvithm hits rIght. Dixon smnnshied ( Inlifo hieiuv-
fly Iii time iitoiihmwh with a swinging left
hiamitier , lixosi rushed t'iidiy but dl' not
25-Both rnrm stiirteh , to slug , but
their blows were light. iixon awUmig amid
iamuieii on the ribs. Iixon led agaimm amid
his left handed oa the body , Gnifto smashed
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
'H ' @ @ EXP.'e
( .
. ! \ '
Foathorstone , - - . \\S/1 AOflLS1
1,1 : _ _ . , . tL4g Omaha , Neb ,
A. L5 DEANE & Co. , 1116 FARNAIVI ST. ,
Wiiohcazilo anil hi'tmtIl
Agemit waemtcti 1mm every towli lit ohirisk'n : amid ltmwa.
= - -
ii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
C 1 TlJ T IL : I 4 I l.u , b.dtmr tmqo , I by tiuoti.u.immut. , of leilt.s iuioumtlihy , , , , . . pmlnr
, Neverfimihe. fitiAit.NTi5 on mmm'mmsmriiui . t&i I t I i S't I" i , rd I tide auth o 'rtoei 1 % ' I , u' mmii' i'm.
' 1,0 A fl.'y. , SOltt by all ieuliimmgIimirglkp. every houmhe. lryoimi' st11u4 P 1 I C ) E $ P.1 ! ) II. I ( ) 'l"I.l ]
flrtmgist niiti vu will tie ' a foruvuil mint : have It , do , not let Olin , sell calm : 'thug 0150 , but soimit boamtmnk'o order for $ .l
by express aiaimictmim'si : oiml by liio
CAMOLE JUNII'Ert. co , Ontnhiit , Nobi'nshit. 4
312 antI 313 KAR.BACH BLOCK. ' 1
What We Do.
\\ro take an nmlvertismminemit , give i the best at'i'angessient. possIble , to
entoIl the c'o , ( if the public , place it. in the best ptpers through which : to
e'enchi time ciistonous : wanted and at thu lowest noimsihle Pi'ieo eLmi1shutomi t ' 'ltli
good scm'vice.Vo check the ndvemtisomumits so that 'oui got lI'Oliom' lOsitImmi )
atiti the full miusuber of iissct'tions youu isay fw'Vu keel ) tIteu ) itpei's on file
for the insimeetiomi of ouum' cutstoiiimjm'ii , Present you vItit oiio bil I , no umattor
how snaisy puiIlcatimns yOU tmto , tund Itce to time naynicimt of cmtuh hmuiblication
mund all tIme details connectud with the transaction. 0 ums' ocr'vices cost 3'oht
siotithig , Youm get the SitiliC rate you s'ould get direct , huLl tue PhIll-
flslhcr 1)153'S itS U ( lOmnIllisslohl lot' tue Sct'iec. This nil Inublishom's am o
glnd to miti ; as It insum'cs tliciim an imilot'estetl i'oni'escmiath'o linhi t om : the
grotind , Time agent ihssuiu'es just tu'oatmnent to both hat'tks-tllat'Is ) , to both
Imuiblisbe. ' amid atlvem'tisoi' .
By Pa tron izin g
This agemico , got the seu'vk'cs of '
you an oxpoi'lcueed ativei'tisimsg iimami ft'ccam'o ,
gtsat'autced battet' som'vico mind comisequemitly bottom' m'usults for time money
cxjmcmidemh. Give us a tiiul order.Vo can place you is : ttty ncvspapeu' , no
mattet' tvhiem'o it Is located , amid itt pumblisimers' lowijat iatcs. Out' 'holo tinlo
Is occupIed iii thie work , aud huts been foi' inoi'o thinmi ten yeah's.Vo ought
to be of assistance to you , \\T0 at yoni' sct'vice ,
Iowa arid Nebraska County Seat Papers a Specialty.
( No Patent Insides. )
C HAS. D. THO1V.SO.N [ 1 312313 Kmtrbacih Hh > ck ,
Ptilahjshier of 'I'IicVestcrn Advertiser. Telepliomme 1240.
- _ _ _ 4
Dixon very hard on the jaw and again eu
the sioso. Just as the gong sounded , Griffo
got to Dixon's bed O'e.
Time crowd yeiletl : "Grill , Grill. " but time
referee decided the fhghit was a draw. Thin
asimmoumicemnemmt was receiveti with cheers , amid
there was mo demonstration of disapproval.
Throughout time fight Ilxoii duth moot of the
heading , but Griff"s clover dodging amid hard
punching evened matters up.
IAN C5iIEIJO ii.D A S.t5' .
Put liii , Maim Oumt EmiaIhyEnriy Iii time Sccoimtl
lioumud ,
GALVESTON , Jan. 19.-At the Trenlont
opera house tonIght Dan Creedon knocked
Herman liernau out in Olin' second round ,
Tim opera house vas packed from lilt to
dome by enthiumminstic spectators , wlhoso op.
petites hind bcdn whetteti ( or thin big on-
casion by settos between local boxers , and
they Yelled themnueivcs hoarse whiemm time
big fellows appeared.
Creedon emmteretl time ring weighing 165
nounds , Bcrzmnti w'eigiieil in at 175 poixntls ,
110th : were in very gooul conthitioa amid were
apparently fuil of conhldemmce , Julia Dully
acted ; is referee , Creculomi's seconds were
Thiomzms Tracy and Australian Hilly file-
Catthmy. flernnu hind In imi corner 'Dornmmiy
Doyle and Bobby Ahuern. 11111) ' Le'ytmm
ncted as timekeeper ( or Creedon anti hlarr ) '
U. Kaufman for ] lernuu ,
There was no ulolay 1mm 'gettIng them to-
goRier. Time fight. was Inn from time start ,
Creedom : having the best of It , landing on his
mmiii 'Ien lie Plemiseti , lie threw blood ( rein
iiernau'mm mmosn anti niouthm with thin first few
blows munuh scorei a clemun knock mlown lie.
fore the hell sounded. unman went to lila
conmmei' groggy amid 'as hut to sleep 'ery
quickly when ho faced Isis man for the sec.
end round , Thin purse was $1,500.
CI4tIUC fiN ! ) .11Th hSJUTCmL TlbtMs.
Vauigter of tim iloran Jtcview mind ( iwmier of
d % I ix , J0l Ii I n l'iu rt lie rahi 1 p.
RED OAK , ha. , Jan. 19.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Morria J , Jones of Red Oak , owner
of Mix , 2:03 : % , Imns soii , to l'lLlmer L. Clark
of Chieno , an old and widely kmiown news.
paper man amid tim founder amid former
ouvimer of Ciarl'mi Horse Iteview , mu Ismilt interest -
terest Ism l'actoltis lark , time Imome mmnti traism-
itmg ground of Mix ; Pmmctoius , 2:12 : % ; Ited.
width , 2:23 : , mmmmml othmer turf celebiitieiu.
i'tuctolusa narle comtaliiiz one of the heat
regulation imilie tntucks , wit ) : all mothermi
racing eqtslpmentiu , in time Country. fir ,
Clark lately cuimie to Roil Oak to assist
Mr. Jommes with lila coming June mneetimig ,
asitl , opprecintimsg time lmnigimt hroemIecta ( or
thIs sectiomi and l'actolu.'m imunic. theciileih to
i.urchmmise nail make this him future Imoine ,
'rho Imnrovemneiits itt limo park are being
rapidly coimsimltuted amid will lie cormssleted imi
good time for thin mneetlmmg wlmicii is to lie
held June 25 to . ' 8 , ineiusis'e. Air. Jones
Sit'S tisat lit expects hi have Aiix hero
ahiout time 1st of flu ) ' , with Salisbury's
hmoriies. timid sio vill trot thmo first colic over
the new track on ihie ommemilsmg day , ammd
holmes Lit ihmiit time to are her lower hmer al.
ready phmenomnemmnh record ,
I ii i , 'ri , , , I i'm , : s I I IOIIN ; li.
MIi4VAlIlCEl' , Jan. 19-ha thin itmtenmma-
tional bonspiel today two games ( or tIme
\Yalker trophy % 'ero idn'ed , The Duluth
rink defeated time l'ontnue , rimik by
a score of 12 to 8 , 'I'Ime Milwaukee rink 'he.
tented thin Cmmmnhria nisic by a score of 13
to hO. The haul gown between 115mm Mu.
wzuuike mimlul luiutuu teitnis will ha lilayeti
? .lnn'htuv ,
TIme .ohihzers Union event vent to tIme St.
IUt1i Fink mullir It hiol deentel , thin thu.
kirk. Men simile by a score of li : mo 12 ,
svhiie tue flail uroluhmy wemit to time 1Vlmimmi.
peg rInk , whmiclu defeated tlio Selkirk simile ,
I'omr ltiic , ' lit i'uV Orb'su. , ,
NE'iV Oltl.fl.NH , Jan , 19.-First race , five
An' ' ! mu Iuiiif funlomigua ; iartima ( lrillhmm ( I to
1) ) womi , Illoekball (5 ( to 2) ) seuosmd , Corla (7 (
to 1. ) thIrd , 'rimne ; 2li. :
Second rat's , one mIle : I.e Groupie ( Il to I )
% t'omi , hiemmry Owsley ( S to 1) ) , itucosiil , Dominic
11 (8 ( to I ) thIrd , 'rinmo : i:5l' : , ,
Thuiril race. live anti a hmiif furlongs : Ozilt
View (5 It' 4) ) won , I lii ; 1 lomior tiC to 1) ) mice.
end , Gee W'Jmls ( to 1) ) tlulrtl , 'l'insu : : 1 :11. :
l"ous rt ii ru Ce , Immu nul ictu ii , ft Va ( miniumi gmi
Neezitiuhi (8 ( In 1) ) woum , Femutlvmul (6 ( to I ) see.
onil , Jardine (3 to 1) ) third , 'J'immic ; bl)3 : ) ,
iIi' ilaiss tlmuimacair' . thiS , , , uits is , J yarn' ,
131 , 1.01115 , Jan , 19.-Chris You 91cr Alma ,
president of tue st , I.oumis linac bull dish ,
was today mnutie denduint In a suit for dlv.
s'orce tiled by Iiiua ts'itu , Emma Von ddf Alie
who alleges rpeiuteii tide at siultmltery as hut'
groumiul , No co-reajuonuhents are smamneil , muon
all ) ' uipecuiic inuutnmmces ret out 1mm the lieu.
lion , hzmut lime uillentIomnu of timfiulehily eqver
( lie ycams 11)3 timid liIi , firs. Vomu uler AIm
aa.s hunt her Juuuabanui is womhim $0,000 , nail
site Is without nieans amid PflY5 ( or ulimsiony
gnd mpainteparice.
% 1olc' Imperial. World's fair "highest
award , excellent ctuampaine ; good etferves.
cenee , agreable bouquet , delIcious llayor , '
- -
- .
Grand Jury at Syracuo Pilm(8 ( Him Guilty
of Manslaughtcr.
- - 4
SherIff ' 1remi the News to Ilobes't amid ASheS ,
him to Cosmic ilacic fuu' Trhmmi-itz
buiya Ito im Steady
toOo ,
SYItACUSE , N. Y. , Jan 19.-Thmo grand
jury of Onondaga county today returned an
Indictment of mnaiiolauiguiter in the first do-
grea against Pugilist Robert Fitz&nirmiona
for time killing of hula sparring partner , Comm.
Itiordaum , in an exhibition at timO Jacobs opera
huoue , this city , November 17.
SherIff Aumatin today wired Fitzslmnmons at
Louisiana , Mo , , that hue was indcted , anti to
imusnethlately report here ,
ST. LOUIS Jan. '
, 19.-Bohi F'ltisinmmons was
in St. Lute thIs morning enroute from
Qumincy , Ill , , to fleiisvtiie , When infornicul of '
time retmirem of an imitlictmnemt agaiimat Iuimn for
munumslamighiter by time Ommonihaga county , New
York , gramith Jury , flab expressed surprise ,
lie said Iso vmus a inw-abimlJmsg citizen , acid
would mimaice no effort to avoid time authmonities ,
"I was not respoimsible for poor Con's
death9 and amsm sure that I t'iil be acquitted ,
it tue case ever goen to trial , " saul lie , "I
will rotuirim to St. Loumis Sunday , I mb not
kimow whether I will ho arrested oem a reqmsl-
shtiorm or miot. It is an umnfortunata timing for
nm all around , bmst I do not lay any biamsie os
nmyseif for time death of Riortlasm. " 4
'JIly ES'EN iii'i iJ AT I1.tY Imis ' 1' RI CT ,
5IuoI liii , ii mid Tal an tSpilt u Ii ii ( o iumbtmiit tie
I ii ii hi ( 'liii , r kzi lily ( ' I ( si 'II ii ii mao r ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jun. 19.-TWo favor-
lucia , two outsiders stud one zieconil choice
divided the immofley iodsuy. Imi time Gilnioro
stakes Jimmi Flood , tue hemtuichc ) ' stmmiie'ss
crack , tvis Installed aim odds.o favorite ,
Imnportcd Percy , cleverly ridden by Carr ,
got off iii ( mont amid V.'U14 miever imetilcul. : In
tim , hiusrdlo race llimiip ) ljanml , sviuiu 15 to I ,
% semi Izy U nose fsoimi Sir ltei , thu favorite ,
St. llramudon , being s'eigiuied ummt of liii )
race. ilmaw Sleet uicom'eil hits chevonlhu victory
iii thin uiiuuuthietul ) , itlihuughm hum-u iuicasud by
Clsuinmniomi , Summmnmmury :
Fiint race , live ( miriomigs , aching , 2.yutr. '
olds imuimi uipwurml : ImminJu hI , I leimimielsum (10 (
to 1) ) , won ; Lmiwycr , hOd , ( irililu (1 ( to 1) ) . sec.
nail ; Hugo , l0 , ( 'iurr (6 to I ) , ( tuiril , 'L'immo ;
1 : hl ½ , Nor lice , Sir Reglnmmiul , 'l'huree i"oricmi
Ciacquer , lsnponttth Lhlsn anti l'iiu Emirt
t4lso rams.
Senomiti race , five furlongs , 3''eir.nhla : , nail
upward : Major Cook , 110 , Cmsrr (7 ( to 10) ) ,
'von ; h't lid 1 ) i xnsi , I rio Isnmn (6 ( t ' ' 1 ioimfl ii :
Anna , lOti , ( inlulin (2mA ( in h ) , ilutr.l , 'l"-ui :
1il % , Viral Out nnml Experiunemmt , ; rldin.
ala's rzm n , I
Thud race , sidle' assd sixteentii , Uilmuior
tutu iu'ia , ; m.yeiu i.oiti.4 Ii nil Upvum u 1 , . . mu 5
$1,500 : hmmiporteil l'crcy , 101 , Carm' (2 ( tO I ) ,
won : Jima Flood , Juuomn (5 ( 10 1i ( ) , st'commu ( ;
Realists tioim , hO , Viyiimu (5 ( to I ) , third , ' , t'inmo ;
2.1)5. ) No othueli. stunt 'i.
iots nt hi race , Ii msrmj I t. , liii mu ul Ice i , u'hurt
course utbuut ii muilie nnih it hmmtlf : lhisiully
Itnemil , 10'l , 1)onmuthumun ( IS tO 1) ) , tomu ; Hir
Reel , 110 , Stunfonul (2 ( to 1) ) , tueu'onul : St.
I Ira mmdcii , 162 , fil t'rmmi Iuiusghm ( I o 5) ) , 1 Im I p1.
Tinuum : 3:17 : , flit Kesmuhig and Cicoti Bye qmeq
started ,
Fifth race stvrn amid a humilt fuiniommgia ,
hanillcupm Jra % ' Itit , lO'J , ( air (2 ( 10 1) ) ,
woe ; Ctmurmnioui , 103. ( _ 'imormm ( I to fl , second ;
Quini , Wi , Clrifiin (3 ( uo 1 , hurl. 'l'mmne : 15l.
Tanlariun , Pulaski , lJunmtmimami \ alt time
I iqImni' ; s tV' ii I I ) I , C Iii t iii ) V. . Vu Ii ,
CINC'INNA'J'I , Jami , h9.-A1 liciberts of
tbi city umiul 'ltd" f1c.y of 1mmm1imuimuioiIi
rne lucre lommiglit in a tenrounmh tostp : : for
$2110 before & 0 ' ) 1eojiI , 'rue men ( Quighit. at
catch weights , iiihicnimm hrimmg ii lmemuyler
a mmd t I : I I en , ful cloy ( 'ii iii lilt' tel y i I Iii I tobtui't a.
flicCoy PiiiY'I ' ( ou Itohjerts' wimiii In time lirt
thireu rounuls and thin iuttu'r wsus wepk iu'imit
licu cmi rm LI ilil to r I Ii u ( ouij ii LOu ; Iii. 'il tCiiy
muslued liobem Is fllmiluij thmm nlmmg Ira tIme misc-
omiul and Ii no I : ' ' i hi mu dovn t vii'u' , t ii ii guimug
saving liimm : , 'flue lull . , mamnui ) 511W Iioiertua
'cr ) ' uipgg ; iIdco ) ) % 'dnI at buitmi , Icuioelc ,
lag hmhmu : to time roi'eH several titans. lhnualiy
Jamulimug 4 right swimiiusg hilOli' wi itotusmifu
Jaw Time latter tell to the lie. . , ; arid wits
counted cut