Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1895, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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house Votes in Committee of the Whole for
a Largo Appropration.
Long , Debate Over the . \mount Rnleel In
Fnvor of the Sum Named In the
IIflI-ourn If the Hun-
Iln , 1)hcnulon.
LINCOL.N Jan. 19.-Speclal.-The ( ) house
me an hour earlIer this morning , In order
to accomplsh sme neceuary work before
taking the regular over Sunday receS8 at
1oon. Immediately after the legislatve pre
Imlnrles had been cleuN away , Conway
at York , front the commIttee on relief , pre
Bented Urn report ot that commlle on house
roll No. 13 , the bill for the relief ot the
people ) of the Mouth "trlckn IUstrlcts at
Nbrnka. ThIs bill Is the one prepared by
one or two members at the relief commIttee
b amI IntrotluCM by Hepresentatve Conaway
by their rerlut. I appropriates and places
In the hands at tim present relief comml& ,
sian the lum at $100,000 , and provides the
method at diatributlon. The commissIon Is I I
. , _ . .i. authcrlzed to use not mere than $5,000 $ at the
entire . amount approprIate for Its own ex-
The commlto reported , with the recom-
l1endaton that the bill pass as amended
The house at once went Into eommileo of
the whole , wih Suter at Antelope In the !
chair , for th : cOn.lderaten at the measure.
The bill was read section by eecton , each I
section being adopted almost as rapIdly as !
the reallng could be fn fh , cd. The sectior II
appropriating $100,000 was adopted wihout
opposition of any character. Several trIvial I
amendments wee made , and In section 7 the !
amount that the commissIon may use for
Its own expenses was limited to 3 per cent , or
$3,000 , Instead ( t [ 1 per cent , as provided I
In the original bill. The bill was turther
amended so ns to require both secretary am I
treasurer of the commIsion to each give
bond Cor $20.000 , to be approved by the
governor auditor of PUbliC accounts and sec
retary ( f state.
The only scrap that came up In the corn
mitee of the Whole ] was precipitated by
Speaker lichards , who dealred to amend ec -
ton 13 so that no one shell } be entted to I
elet who had net ben a bona tide citizen for
at lest eno year. This amendment was at-
tacked by Harry , Drady , Uhodes , Crmb I ,
Conaway , Judd ( , and a hal dozen othere I.
Richards finally withdrew the amendment ,
but offered another limiting the time to
nine months. Thl9 was easily voted down.
The committea passed the section
commlto3 appropri-
atng $00.000 ; without a murmur at 1I11ent : ,
but It wasted
wated more than an hour In dIscussIng -
log the grammatical construction of a sIngle
At 1 o'clock a melon to rIse was made by
Horst. but
Spencer ot
Lancaster sent up at
, the last moment an amendment to sectlo i
1. lImiting the approprIation to $ secton . ( .
but There : n a little parliamentary struggle :
amendment was finally opened to
, amendment
a '
Speaker Richards warmly supported the
amendment. lIe declared that at best the
money voted would be
woull sImply a charitable
; s donation . I was lega ] .
Chapman was opposed to any appropriatlo n
Whatever , and he would vote against the
amendment because he believed the bill could
be defeated I the appropriation remained
at $100,000. approprIaton
Monger supported the amendment. He
called the attention of the leglslaturo to the
tact that the state was already burdened with
an Indebtedness at the present time at $ , , , -
000 : that this debt was entirely Illegal . and
that I could not at best be paid off within the
next ten years. The maximum levy could
, not exceed 5 mills per annum and alhough
the limit had been levied for several years
past the expenditures have largely exceeded
the receipts. I $100,000 was appropriate
Lancaster county would have to pay $6,000' '
l and Douglas county $15,000.
Barry asked "How much will Greek ,
county have to pay to support the state Inst I-
. tutons located at LIncoln ? " Inst-
ThIs was a poser for the Lancaster county
Howard said he was In favor of appro-
priatng $100,00 or $200,000 , It necessar : .
He was tired at hearing all this talk about
economy from men who voted themselves
$3.000 worth at postage stamps without a
Durns of Lancaster opposed the amend-
ment. Whie It might be true he said , that
Lincoln would have to pay In taxes $6,000
of the amount , he knew that the wholesale
merchants of Lincoln had received five or
six times that amount from the people of the
. - drouth-strlcken districts
h McNitt was In favor of the original amount ,
while hailer favored a reduction to $50.000.
Barry made an eloquent plea for the re-
tenton at the original amount. He was at
his best and advanced all the arguments
from his standpoint with consummate ski Ii.
ills remarks were received with evident ap-
predation In many parts at the house.
Durch nae - an elaborate argument In Caver
of the anionduient Ho declared that the
appropriation would stop the Inflow of aid
that has already set In from outside at the
state. .
Conaway at York explained that tram
$5.QO to $30.000 would be needed to pay
j frchh on se.d grain alone. lie derended the
' orIgInal allount reported by the committee .
Finally Robinson moved that the debate I
cease In ten seconds . The suction was
carried with a cheer : The conmtttee' ,
i InstantJy Plunged Into the widest contuslc
¶ Scores at members ' Li
were on their feet In a
vain endeavor to attract , the recognition at
the chair. Several motions ot I somewhat
complicated character were made , and nfl br
no little Warm feeing was expressed a n 10-
' : ton was finally put , at the Instance at
Barry , that the committee rise and report
' the bill back to the house with the reco In-
melulaton that It do pass ns amended. This ]
. was voted down , and thcn on motion oC
. moton
Durcl the committee rose , reported progrcss
and asked leave to sit ugnln.
As , soon as the speaker had ( resume the I
gavel alI } the chairman ot the commit tee
lad made his report harry moved commlteo I
report bo amended to the effect
, nmendel that the I J
,7 pass al ameOlo ! ( ( } . bi
Ickets protested against any atempt to
bulldoze the matter . .
A motion for n recess until 2 o'clock t'th
. , submited , and the yon anti nnys demand ed .
On Jho roil cal forty.ono members ye ted
yea alI } thlrtY-II nay. This enabled the
c"c nteltng ! factious to fight over their points
- - ef Illerencf during the recess , and the all-
portunlty was not io3t sight of.
( \ler recess the roll cal dlsclosell tbo
ietneo of but , _
JI'c tnc ( seventywo , member
barf ) 'a ( IUOrUm , Sutton ot Douglas oferCI
a T , oluton , which the speaker ruled out t oC
order without permitting I 10 be read , on the
grouq l that n 10ton left over from Ihe tore-
loOn vas still pending. hutton then stated
'be contents of his resoullon lS a quest Lion
of privilege. I simply IJrovldcl1 that n joInt
. . commltec of five , to b composed of three
. ' q 1lbers at the house \ and two of the senate ,
i:4 , : bo . , .
t appointed to walt on the railroad cor-
I panles & and request the continuance ot free
' ' transportation . Objection being lade , the
1' resolutIon wal not considered
L. . The house then went into committee of the
whole with Iralll ot Buffalo In the chair
to resume consideration ot the
I consideraton relief bill .
, . The motion was on the nmcllment to re-
, duce the propose1 appropriaton to $ OOOO.
The amendment llrovoled another discussion
\ ' ot considerable length. Thomas , who at the
L morning session opposed the Ilendment ,
changed his position , He stated that elur-
lag the r cts be had visited the rooms Of
i the Slate Relief commission , and had been
F ( , % , Informed by Secretary Ludden that $50.000
4 ' . , with whkh tu pay Crelght would be ample to
; " , enable the commission to care for all the
. destitute iii welt u to lupply grain for seed
" , and teel. Ho was therefore In favor of the
, ' reduced amount.
_ .J flurns of Lancaster , McNit anil 1 Howard
1 i'\ , Ile\l out for the original . amount. 'fhe later
, , touk occasion to rep the lenato over the
h , Jnucklel for Its apparent lack O Imerebt
. " , In the IUbject. The senate comlltee he
i , : declared had net treated the hcusC commit.
, : tee with comlon courtesy , Uo did not b-
. here that the lenat.o ould PoU a relief
bl at all. and ( rein present indications I
uuld hardly l1U8 In'thlll at all. J
6peker lcbards spoke At length In favor
. ; ,
- _ . _
at the amendment. lie declared that the
ap propriation of $10.00 would tel ! to defeat -
feat the very object of the proposed legisia
The fed of talk contnued for an hour be-
fore a vote was fnaly reached. There
acm ! to be n end to the desire of tim
members to talk on the question and the com-
mltc was on the verge of complete demoral-
Izalon several times.
The amendment was finally defeated by 1
close vote , 31 to 34.
clbi The committee then rose and reported the
bi ll back t the house with the recommendation -
tie n that It do pas R amended.
The report of the committee ot the whole
was adopted and the bill ordered engrosse1
for a thIrd reading.
After disposing of n consIderable amount
of business the house adjourned until 2
clock Monday afternoon.
ANTS Ili1tT 1.\lAnl S.
T , rcnty-Fie-Tiioumnd.ioilisr rlmch of
Promise ! ulL nt Un"lt Clt )
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Jan. 1-Special.- ( )
M iss Agnes I has
las relday commenced proln
cecllngs In the district court against l.uls
lenfng , a \ ealhy capitalist and land owner
of Delwood , for breach ( f promise , claiming
damnges In the sum of $25,000. $ The case will
be hotly contested , as each sIde has retained
the best legal talent to conduct the case.
The warm weather of the past few days
lias h stopped Ice cutting. About r00 tons
h ave been secured nt the various houses , not
hal enough to fill them to the fullest cn-
p acity .
Revival exercises have been held at the
Methodist Episcopal church during the past
week , the ministers ot nil the churches al-
ternatng In conducting the services The
atendnnce has been Inrge.
David City poultry men had about seventy-
fvo birds on exhibition at the annual poultry
show at Lincoln
, and report satisfactory re-
sults In premiums
TeclmAeh Notc . nriel "erAonnIA.
TECUMSEII , Neb , Jan 19.-Speclal.- ( )
A . O. Shaw Is visiting In Ottawa , Ill.
Proto and Mrs. T. II. Dradbury were called
to t Montezuma , la. , Wednesday , by the death
ot the tormer's father.
W. D. Wicks has sold his stock of grocerIes -
Ies , notions , etc. , to J. W. neplnger : and E. ,
E ado , and business wi be' carrIed on at the i
ol stand by the new firm ot Kephinger &
E ade. Keplnger
Miss lichen C. , Marble ot Saginaw , Mich. , '
who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. U. iN ,
Drandon , here , has returned home.
The funeral at Robert U. McKee , son at
JUdge and Mrs. R. W. McKee , was held at ,
the Presbyterian church thIs afternoon , the ;
Knights of Pythlas having charge of the )
services and Dr. W. W. Harsha ( leliverinf -
the t sermon. The deceased died In Tecumseh :
seh , Okl. , Wednesday , at brain fever. He I
leaves l a Wile .
Mrs. S. M. linker Is entertaining her
aughter Mrs. F. M. Taylor , of Red Oak.
Ed Sanford has gone to Texas
on a sightseeing - '
seeing trill.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Parkinson of Counci I
Dufs arc In the city , being called here to
atend the funeral of R. D. McKee , who was
Mrs. Parkinson's brother.
Miss May Uassctt Is visiting relatives In
Omaha. ,
Over 3.000 tens of Ice have been put up on
the Nemaha river hero this week.
John G. Ramsey and Miss Nola Jones were
married here January 14.
lnt"roAtn lelnvuo IrlvlUel.
BELLEVUE - , Neb. , Jan. 19.-Speclal- ( )
A very interesting debate the
Interestng on question :
Resolved , That the
Immigration laws be revised -
vised so to I
as exclude the least desirable
hal of the present ImmIgrants , took place ,
at the college on FrIday evening. The
afrmatve was supported by Messrs. Lunn
and Wihhianss ot I3ehievue college the
Wilams Delevue colege , nega-
tve by Messrs. Cole and Gault of Tabo r
colege , Ia. Major Halord and Tabr . ] : .
Alexander at Omaha and Dr. J. D. Crthers
ot , South Omaha , acting as judges , decided (
by four points In favor of the negative.
Miss LIzzie Connor , a negtve. senlo r
class at Delevue colege , has discontinue d
her studies and"returned to her home at Fort
Scott , Kan. , on account ot ill health.
Mrs. William Martin and children returned
home last Saturday after '
afer a month's visit at
Hamilton , O.
The Ladles" AId society lent out another
supply of clothing on Tuesday to the drouth
sufferers. This Is the third contribution sent
tram flehlevue. contributon
John Whetstone. sr. , die at the home of
his son-In-law , J. H. Atkinson , Friday more
ing ' aged about 80 years.
Messrs. H. A. Langsdorf and J. L. Goss
spent several days In Lincoln this week
attending the meetings of the ' State Hstori-
cal society. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suicide of Mrs. \Vnn"m , s1rton .
AShLAND , Neb. , Jan 19.-Speclal ( Teli C-
gram.-Deatir ) by suicIde from a dos ot :
carbolic acid ot the wile at William Aslon ,
a retired farmer living In Seward , ocurred
In this city at the home of Dr. A. V. S. Van ;
Mansfield. Mrs. AsMon has been hero for
the past four weeks under treatment for
nervous trouble and has been apparently a
great deal better. She was down In town
this afternoon \ 4 o'clock , when she re-
turned to her abode and thence to her room
and was heard of no more until search for
the patent was made and It was found she
had come home and laId down and expired
without I struggle. The remains will 1 'bo I
removed to the home of the family In Seward - i
art ] , where the family have lived for a number - I
her of years and are highly respected.
Snml UI"zo at UhLir.
DLAm , Neb , Jan. 19.-Speclal.-A ( ) fre :
broke out In the Courier office yesterda
The city water supply was shut off at this I
time and It was a case of 'fghtng fire vit in-
out water. The damage was slight .
The bill introduced , In the legislature to
regulate guarantee companies wi be ot great
Interest to \ employes of railroads and
express companies who are compelled to give
bonds. ,
Mrs. William neley : gave I party to n
few invited guests Friday evening.
The Ancient Order at United Worlcmen
held a public installation of ofcers In Odl ' }
Fellows hail tonight. Master Workman J.
G. Tate was present , and after the meeti rig
a banquet followed . .
hx Wot'ki of ! llrel..1 Ufo Enough .
SpRNGymW , Neb. , Jan. 19.-Speclal.- ( )
miner Harris anti Matida Drenner we re
marrIed about six weels ago and yesterday
they came Into court tangled up In a big
law suit Elmer a\eglng that Tibia had been ,
untrue to him In as much as she had Ii nfl !
his bed and board After \ parties were
In court , with about fifty witnesses and as
runny mere love letters and a thousand
people there to hear the letters read , young
harris was nsl\11 ! to give bonds for costs ,
which he was unable to do , and the case
was dismissed .
Minden UollJlous lrcvivai.
MINDEN . Neb , Jan . 19.-Speclal.-There ( )
Is one of the most remarkable revivals In
progress hero that Ilus been held for yea rs.
Some of the most hardenEd sinners of the I
town have been reached.
The ' \'oodl n hell a memorial service at
the Methodist Episcopal church tonight. rime 1
exercises were solemn and impressive . The
address was made by 11ev O. n. fleebe A
touching solo , by Miss Stchia Saunders
wel sul.l tn ( I , nnn. " . , Stcla , was
. n , _ _ .n _ , _ " ' . _ _ no.u.
JI Memor of " "llul .J , Igirhewunil
lOW ! ' . . CITY , Ia. , Jan. 19.-Speclal ( Tc do-
gram.-In ) memory ot Samuel J. JlrJwood ,
war governor ot Iowa and Garilelti's sec , no-
lacy of the Interior , 1lrlwooll Memorial I ra I'
wi be erected } here. Judge Wright of I \
Moines Is president 'ot the ( Memorial asso-
ciaton1 . } Governor Jackson Is one ot the
Time State unl\uly has taken possess , on
ot its $25,000 dental building.
- - -
'ork 01 'rlnIoes It " " "trlcl.
DEATnCE , Neb. . Jan. 19.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Thleves ) were abroad 11 Beatrice last
night. The feed , store at I. II. Bruba ken :
was visited and 1,000 pounds ( of chop Ceed I
ali 200 pounds of four was taken Kriig lit's :
cana slore was broken into but little ot
value talen. Durilj 1 lance at the Auditorium -
torium the cloak room was entered ama 1 a
number of IJalr ot Glo.c and neck all scrCs
taken. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ih'mlu or Jtr , . U. J , .bmtad.
D Alni ( I , Jan 19.-Sllecla. ( . Telegra )
-Mrs. A , J. Ashmeud died at her home t Ir
this city at 1 o'clorlt this mornIng , atter (
tong and extreme sUferlug from tumor The
funeral wilt occur Monday morning , and the
, body will be taken to Valley tor burial.
a , - _ , . - - . . , - . ' .
Fo nth Semi-Annual Convention of the
Nebraska Stt Federton ,
AoCarthJ of Omaha anet Schamp or Liii-
coin ted that tim 1orkingiuan II In
a l'cry Had Conclton Just
at I'reecnt
LINCOLN , Jan 10.-Spzdnl.-Presldent ( ) of
the Nebraska State Federation of Labor D.
Clem Denver today at 2 p. m. called together
the fourth semi-annual convention at the
Lincoln headquarters ot ederal union No.
63 32. In the absence of the state correspondtire
Ing and recording secretary , C. E. Mathews
of the Omall Typographical union , Jerome
Shamll of Lincoln Federal mmnion No. 6332 was
elected secretary pro tem.
lrcshlent Denver , In a brIef address , outco
lned tIre work that the convention would be
caled upon to consider and suggested that
Colowlng the' ' appointment ot committees on
crellentals and resolutions I recess bo taken
untl eVening. 10 stated that tIme financial
condiIon of the federation was good. lie I
caled tire attention DC the delegates to the I
personnel of the committee on resolutions , ,
who , he said , were men selected with great
care and hall been placed upon the most Important -
portant committee In the convention. He ,
asked that anyone having suggestions at a
prctcal nature would communicate them '
to this cornmitte. Upon the topic of arbi-
traton PresIdent Denver spoke at length
list e claimed that there was a better under-
stnndlng of governmental affairs within than I
wihout the ranks of labor organizatIons .
The , laboring man must not be discouraged I
by past failures . Organizations should not L
take too nlvanced or radical stands upon these LI
m atters , but should cultivate .
maters cultvte a spirit of con
se r'atismu , yet always keeping a Ito In advance -
vance of the general public. The country war
In a demoralized condition. Not only were
there individual failures , but there was stnte
nnd national bankruptcy staring us In the
fa ce. Charitable ] people were doing a grea t
work , but charity so general as It now exists
was nn unnatural state at affairs . 1 did 1
not bole goat to the welfare of the country
The Colowlng commlteo on credentals was
named by the president : I. S. Gllclt , Jerome
Shamp and 1. J. McCarthy.
The tomml tee en reEoutons : was appointed
as follows : Ii. C. hogan , W. H. Coleman ,
L . S. Giick , E. R. Overall and C. Helgersomi
On motion the following press commitee
was named : Julius Meyer , Jerome Shamp
and W. S. Sebring. I
M. J. McCarthy , delegate from the Omaha
Central Labor union , was calcd to the 1100 r
by unanimous request , and spoke at corn
length. In his opinIon , unless the working
man m defended himself , he would be ground
Into i the dust. lie held that It was time for
thought and would soon bO time for action I.
le cited a case In Omaha , where men were
at work cleaning brick at the burl Exposi-
ton building for 40 cents I thousand. This
work was given them by the AssocIated
CharItes , and he would sooner starve than :
accept such starvation wages.
Jerome Shamp of tInY Lincoln union described -
scribed the condition at affairs In Lao
caster county. He considered the picture i-
ture drawn by McCarthy of Omaha
a faterlng one. There were Ornahra
suterlng - In LIncoln who would be '
glad at work cleaning brick at 40 cents
a thousand. The legislature now In n
at the capitol came In for a brown roas it
which evoked enthusiastic applause. He :
said the scenes enacted within those wall 3
were a disgrace to the state. The speaker
also went Into the record at the pavIng
contractor of the city , and said that he had
once been a democrat , but turned republcan
for the sake ot securing immunities from the I
courts. Mr. Shamp said that this man , out :
oh f a paving contract ot $500.000 , swore that i
ho had made $137,000. There had been
hundreds of bills Introduced In the legislr Ic
t ore , but not one for the benefit of the won IC -
iO i ngman. The house had , Il was true , passe
one bill for the relict at destitute farmer
In i western Nebraska , but "that bill had no
more show of passing In the senate than a
snowbal In h-I. "
Masher , the Lincoln bank wrecker , was
now wearing strIpes In South Dakota , but
he was today considered In this city to be
a perfect gentleman , and If he were today
running for governor he would be checte
When you give I man who wants wotk ,
charity , you take away iris energy voeih .
manhood. He wanted energ do wit Lb I.
associate charities. He had sat with the
county commissioners at Lancaster and when
they talked at appropriating so much money
to charity he had urged them to
give It for labor In order that a man could
shoulder his pIck and shovel and look his
family In the tace. The courts should b 1
looked after. There was the foundation of
the evil which came to laboring men. At the
election next fail the workingmen shoul
scan carefully the candidate for the supreme
bepch. His hearers all remembered the his-
tory of Judge Maxwell. lie had made a
decision In favor at the people and the co r-
poratons had snowed him under. Judge
Dundy had failed to consider the maximum
rate bill and called In Judge Drewer. The
later had , aCer examining the pleading
pronounced It a good law , a constitution al
law , a law which the sovereign people ,
through their representatives , had I right
to enact. And then , what did he do ? He
had turned squarely around and said the I
legislature had no right to pass such a la tv.
Paradoxical as It may appear , sImple as
It may wem , a great jUdge on the tederal
bench hat turned himself spuarely around
rather than side wlh lie people against the
John C. Tierney , one of the leading and
eloquent members at the Lincoln Federal
union No. 6,332 , made a warm speech , denunciatory -
nunciatory at President Cleveland , Atlorney
General Olney and the Pullman company of
South Cicago. '
The following resolution was Introduced by
L. S. GUlck , and passed by the conventon
without reterenc to the committee on resolu-
tons :
'Vherea/ A large lm at money hnr ben
collected from our ( Lincoln ) taxpayers to
Improve Salt creek , and that taxpayersrn -
partvel ) ' unused In the hands of our
Board of Sanitay 'l'rustees nt I time when
luhor Is In the direst straUs for tme necet
antics of lfe' nnd
Whereas 'Va have been frequenty a r
urgently Importuned by the laborers ant
tire city to tule publo action on his en itt-
ter of gross neglge1ce ot the need ' of mm
laborers : alll
' \'heres , I Is I phame and an impositi Ion '
that whie Nebraska Is receiving aid for
her people tram alrol any funds should
lie UIUSCJ at home , therefore be It
Hesohoel , 'l'hat In tire name ef labor a , nil
humanity wo demand of the Uord of
Sanitary TrusteeB the Immetlnte expenditure -
ture of ever dollar In their hands In the I
employment ] of our needy fellow citizeni .
The resolution , though at a purely local nature i -
Lure , was immediately and enthuJlastcaly
passed .
E. n. Overall of Omaha Central union
made a conservative and encouraging speech ,
In which he look the ground that the ti inc
was not far distant when the Important ques-
ton of the rights ot labor would b sett r }
and settled right. setel
George F. " Uaggett of Federal union No. I
6,332 , delIvered an Impassioned address , which
kept tire bali echoing with tumultuous
hal wih tumuluous ap-
IJlause. He held It (0 be a fundamental truth
that , while It was scientifically true that
fame disease germs can stand a temperature I
ot 20 degrees below zero , It was equally true
tla It was Impossible to freeze out the cause
at labor.
Amidst hearty cheers for the last speal ncr ,
the convention took a recess until 8 p. m.
Jerome Schamp called the evening seem then
together and introduced Representative l'at- I
rick I. Barry ot Greeley county. Mr. Barry
said he had ben talking all day In the hit use
t-Ing to fture a small proportion of relet
legislation for the people ot the tate , and
was not In god talking condition , On ibid
account , he said , Ill could but briefly ex-
press his thanks for time boner paid him , and
bid Gc peed to time mlslol upon which the
laboring classes had entered.
Mr. Uaggett was called upon by the unied I
voIce Dt lire convention , and outlined tie
history and success of the labor movement
In England under the leadership ot John
leprcentaUvo Suter of Antelope county In. .
. , . , - - ' ,
a sbort speech drew tM conclusion ! that the
old parties were responle for the present
dim atrous conditions country. Ito
Mid I could not be } ali i the dor cf the
Indepndents , for the rmln that the Inle-
pen tlent had not yet enjoyed the opportunity
to legislate. He did net Iknow a It was
rig ht to refer to I , befgr member of the
hou se , but be ould not ! hlp 1 calling atn-
ton to the pilfering and " &t n\ng which had
been going on In the sthtror the past few
. I 'I I
yea rs.
F o\owlns the minute ftho meeting had
In Omaha August 18 I , , Iresldent laver
made a statement of bo' ' condition of the
treasur and explained 'hi absence of Sec-
ret ary Mathews of Omah"The : resolution DC
Mr Overall endorsing , ( ' protection pnlri-
" pin-
ciple stirred up quite I bretze , and for
nearly an hour a warm 'tatlf r debate was car-
rled all the line. :
on al along r lD The resolution
wa s ' "ole down by a , lute majority. Following -
lowing the reading of resolutions the con-
venton adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow
The following were favorably reported by
the committee on resolutions :
Whras Ever industry of the United
Stat Is laboring under financial distress ,
Mclet ' Is Cant becoming hle and , th trees-
! < trns-
ur y of the government stands In peril , be It
Herlvcd , That we believe no Ierl ontlion
Uon ns thlt which exists nt present wouhl
rontnue IC I means could be devised Ion
the constant employment of all Idle Inbor.
Hcslved That the lucas set forth :
John O. Yeiser , In "I.nbor and Money br
nnd brefY outlned In tire foregoing plateof
menl , stem tu8 upon I hasty < considertion /
n simple , practical and tmely measure for
tim e Routonl ] oC the perplexing financial end L
Industrnl problems.
Hesoh'ell , 1'hlt WO recommeml / stud ) ' of
the question. ns presented In thIs work , to
all orRllzelJ labor.
Hr E. n. Overall :
w hereas. ' \e have reviewed nnd listened I
to nn exhaustive tlscmslon of Istenrt
r\ucston \ and In view of hint fact tlrle :
I evc that under our form oC government L
nll the undeveloped condition of Its re. .
source n protective tariff law Is necessary
nnd bnefcial to the IIOllle ) when cotrplel
wi th Just laws of nbltmlon couplet
Re ceive to tire people /nll ( the mnnuCncturer ;
the cue benefits of protection .
Helvtd l , That we , the committee on res-
oim rtions , endorse the declaration of principles -
ciples .ndoptet . at the I last meeting nt t
Omnha , iugust 18. lS9 . meelng !
'Vherens , I Is well known to nil that In
various pots of this country lynch Inw
prevais , and may American citizenm I
cir arged wills the commission of crimes nre
ha nged without the intervention of court '
111 jury , therefore be It
Resolved Thnt the Federation of Laboi
of the State of Nebraska condemns Labat
violence and lynch Inw ( so-called. and do' .
so-cnlel\ de
malds that every penon necused of crIme
be protected from violence Cram lawless pur-
ti es.
tes.Ieso1'ell. . Thnt we demand the enactment
by our state legislature of I law mllling
co unties and municipal corporations habit a
Inl i damages to the cororntons Ilble
of mob violence where such victms
Icted within the limits of such county or
mUllclpn corporation. 'We also demnml
the rigId enforcement of the Criminal cede ' .
Iesol'et. That we condemn the practic ID
In some localities In our state of conduct
Ing business under the guise of charity In
I manner which lower the dignIty of
la bor.
Resolved , That we favor the pasmge of
a law by the legislature that will
/ leglslnlure empower -
power county and municipal o\nerhlII wi emr
water works electrIcal light plants , an Li
worksr Jght plats
the construction oC canals for the operatioi a
of the same. operto
The following delegates arc In attendanc
Colowlng delegtes e
on the convention : John C. Hogan , Journey
man Horseshoers , No. 10 : C. Halge son , Car
penter union No. 685 ; JulIus Meyers . Na-
tonal b League at Musicians No. 22 : G. II .
ChrIstopher , Clgnrmakers union No. 03 : E I.
Seabrlng , M. J. McCarthy , E. R. Overall . Central -
tral Labor union Omaha : W. H. Coleman r ,
Jerome Shamp , Ed N. Thncler , L. S. Gihlic .
Art C. Herrick , Federal Labor union Nc .
6 , 332 , Lincoln. f " "
H. S. Thomas , Natbnat Brotherhoo of
EectrIcal Workers No : ' ) 22 , Omaha ; H. I , .
S tine , Lir.ccln Clgarmaker& , unIon " No. 143.
A. v harris' Slayer - . 'oldly Arrested to r
the Crawford lUl In !
CHADRON , Neb. Ja . - .
Ja.10.Specia1 , ( Tele-
gram.-Arthur ) Mornlsin . as
10rrlsqf was today core -
mited to Sheriff Darte rs care under a war
rant sworn out by County' Attorney Eckles ,
charging him with the mUrder , ot A. I , .
H arris. The funeral et Hhls , takes place
at Crawford tomorrow ) " A 'pecial train carrying -
rying the Knights : ot tllas lodge at this
cty , together with Jfhy 'ther _ friend ,
leaves here at 9 , . 1.1. , ' , Tne burial will be
under the auspices 'bf the Knights ot Pythia S.
Owing to the bad condition of the county
jai tram 1 recent fire Morrison will be kept
under guard \'nt It Is repaired. The coolheaded 1.
headed and sensible people have l done awe Ly
wih all threats of mob violence. I
PALMYRA , Neb. , Jan. 19.-SpeclaJ-A ( )
good deal of sympathy Is being manltested
here h today over the shootng at A. V.
d.H at Crawford Harris made this place
his home for a number ot years. The deceased -
ceased stl has a nephew residing In Pa 1-
m yra. _ _ _ _ _ _
Albion MinuaL Minstrel pirow
ALBION , Jan. 19.-Speclal.-The ( ) Albion
minstrels , under the management of T.
lack De Decker , made their second annual
appearancs last evenIng before I crowd ed
opera house. The total proceeds of the ent r-
tatnment were turned over to the cotta r'u y
charity organization.
Boone county's Indebtedness
mortgage for
1894 was lS follows : Real estate mortgages
fed , $80,09 : released $293,479 : chattel 5 ,
$235.525 : released , $162,261.
The committee In charge of the Farmer I I
Insttute i mare succeeded In obtaining some
of the best speaking talent obtainable for
the annual meeting In February. This county
organizaton ranks next to the fall In In- I
INDANOLA , Neb" , Jan. 19.-Speclal ( Tel 0'
gram.-Chnrles ) V.1' Dares , formerly pub-
Isller h of the Times here , now proprietor ot
the lcCook Times-Democrat , wi bo married .
tomorrow to Miss Rose Leo ot McCoolt.
Tim car ot aid received from Dekalb. I. ,
Thursday , Is still held for frelghl charges.
Charles King was arrested this morning
charged with stealing hay from E. S. hag ' ner
& Co. _ _ _ _ _
Fatal Accident at I.ouCiy ,
LOUP CITY , Neb. , Jan. 19.-Speclal ( ! Tele-
gram.-Last : ) evening at 7 o'clock a team
being driven by Carl lelel , I young man of
21 years of age , who resides about thrce mil es
south at here , ran away , and the wagon
striking a fence , threw him out , anti strl < ng
on his head produced concussion of the
brin , tram which he died at 5 u'cloclt thIs
nrrornirrg _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilphtherla llhl"mlc nit ISonlin.
BERLIN , Neb , Jan. 10.-Seclal ( To Ic-
gram.-The ) diphtheria ephdetriic 'seems rather I
to be on the Increase. At Henry Shrader's
there are seven stricken down. Another one
of Wilam Flarnme's children Is considered
past hope , and at Mr. Smaloo 's an cut ire
Camly at four children have died from the I
noaiady I
Jailed for ithsmBipIg'TIir : iauglrter.
HASTINGS , Jan. 19.-SIip ( ( 'felegram.- )
S. n. Irvine and wle , who were arrested
some time since on the' harge of abusIng
theIr 15-year-old daugli't'were i f ; ' sentenced
this evening to five anthjrty days , respectIvely -
Ively , In the county jai" the 'prosecut ing
attorney - accepting the opte \ ot gully ,
-nenth of a llrur'siiigi Laity ,
HASTINGS , Jan l9.-f3ecial ( Telegram )
lrs. Omstead , an old and respected resident -
dent ot Adams county "nnJ ; mother ( f P. P.
Omstead , died In this1pty' ' this mornini . . .
Mrs. Florence Itcdferaop was tOday adjudged -
judged Insane and rFdejZ sent to the
asylum at Lincoln QdeJ
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _
Hold ' 1 lnievriJid1cti ,
NEBRASKA CITY Jdn,9-Specini ! ( Tele-
gram.-Thle'es ) gained'entrance to the re81-
deuce of Mrs. J. L. lltchel this aferoon
by breaking open the roar , door with an
axe They got away tir $75 worth oC ew-
dry . but were 'soon overhauled by the po lice
and are now In Jail.
l lcclnl Corifes' " ( 'olcludel\ ,
BEATRICE , Jan 19.-Speclal ( Telegram , j- )
The contest over the eleclol If a constable
at Daredn was heard In county court , re-
suiting In favor ot Mr. Pace' , whom I was
found had 107 votes ua against' JOt for Mr.
Suydam , his opponent.
Secretary ) flrion trturn8 " "a. ,
NEDRASKA CITY , Jan. 19-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Sfcretary ) Morton left this morning
for Kansas City. After a sliort stop tbere
he will proceed directly to Washington
Stt Did Exhibit Visited by a Large
Crown Yostrnj
( ovcrnor anti Jrs , 1011011 Ama Thain
" ' 11 flora I'rcsen hitting tire Last
Hours of , the l dllblton at
tire CapItal City ,
LINCOLN , Jan 19-Speclal.-ciovernor ( )
and Mrs. Holcmb visIted the state poultry
show this morning and this fact hall nol a
ltte to do with the increased . attendance
ted ay . The judges have complete their
Iwards In the American and Asiatic classcs.
The shrew closed at 10 o'clock tonigh
The Colowlng prizes were awarded to 1.ln-
coin citizens : Smith Dros. got third prize
on Barred Plymouth lock pulets ; Nancy
Watson was awarded frt on a IJen of Whie '
Plymouth Hoes , and also en hen , E. l C.
Spncer winning thlr prize on this varlet
of pen. In Golden Wyandotes , P. W. Mickel I
was given second al cockrel and second al
third on lumhiet. W. M. Clark was awarded L
fir st Prize for the finest pen of Whie I
W yandottes . William WIlson won thlrl lot
Drown Langshl\ hens and I. L. L'man I
third on the cockrel of this bre d. , On the ,
single comb Buff Lghorns , Ii. C. Young got
fir st for coclrel and A. I' . 10lenbact ] sec-
en d. lie also took first prIze for lJulets ot r
this class.
class.11NOl MATTERS. ,
The Ice industry at Million has been i
stoPP2d by the brealdng at the Ulysses date i
In the Due river.
On Monday next the federal court wIll con
vene , with Judge Dundy at Omaha presiding
The jingo Is slhhty Indisposed at the residence -
dence oC L. C. Burr , In this city.
At noon today a sneak thief entered room i
33 , Saulsbun' block , and got away wIth n
gold watch , a diamond antI a $15 opera glass
The Omaha National bank asks the district -
trict court oC Lancaster county for fore
closure of I $5.000 mortgage err I.wrence :
Place , executed by Ed O. Lawrence. D. I D.
Welch asks limo same on 1 G.OOO mortgagc
on C. C. Burr's "Havelock mghty. "
This afternoon a man givIng his name
as Joe Whie appeared al the police statol
with a nato for ex-Colnlct Perrlon , who
had been taken to the county jai shorty
beCore for an assault on and larceny tram
the person ot Charles Carlson. 'Vhle was
drunk at the time and as the note contained
suspicious Inquiries about Perrlon's chances :
( t getting free be was detained.
Lancaster county sportsmen are taking an
actve Interest In the game and fish bill now
before the house. A representative of the
slnte's lovers ( t the rod and gun met the
Lincoln brethren at the Lincoln hotel for
the purpose at discussing the bill . J. U I.
night presIded and J. J. lcClelan acted
a secretnry. The measure was fully discussed -
cussed and the following legislative corn
mitee appointed : Messrs. Denton , 10utz ,
Turenr , McCelan and Trlcley.
Articles oC incorporation were fed todny :
with the secretary at state of thc Nebraska
Dase Ore Reduction company , with a cpial
stock or 2000000. The headquarters of the
company vihl be San Francisco , but the Incorporators -
corporators are all Nebraska men They are :
Albert J. Robinson , Henry p. Holland , lIt :
rate N. Turner , James H. Warren and J.
L. Green. The business for which the cot . -
p oration Is organized Is the reduction of al
Idnds at gold and silver are to bullion , also
lead , copper , nickel , zinc and antimony , and
the t e/ecton at stamp mIlls and crushers.
Commlteo Engaged In Soliciting Aid In :
. that Locality for Nebraska Sufferers.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Jan. 19.-Speclal.-Yes- ( )
terday at a meeting called In the Interests
at the drouth stricken sufferers , , tn western
Nebraska I committee was appointed , cot 1'
sistng at Rev C. p. Hackney , city missionary -
ary : Rev. J. W. Seabrook and James Alkens ,
to solicit aid from those lIving In Ashiant
Today they commenced their work and are
meetng with the best of success and hope
to t have 1 carload to send tram this point
In i a few days , as Ashland has always been
In i the front ranks In maters pertaining to. I .
c harity. !
The sad news came to Ashland from Saul '
Ana , Cal of the death at Claude Males by !
drowning while out hunting In a bont. The' '
young man was born and raised In Ashier mc 1 '
and the news was received with regret by his I
many old schoolmates.
Postmaster T. J. Plclett has been cot it.
fi ned to hts home by a severe attack ot tot in-
si ts and diphtheria combined _
Hobert Brush yesterday fainted and fel
upon I red hot stove al his home , which
burned hIs face and hands quite severely.
Shaler Wells , an old resident at Ashland , Is
engaged today In moving to Mundon , Kam r ,
wher he Intends mnklng his future Ironic
Edward Klotz , who has been ntendlng
school at Peru Normal , returned to his
studies after a month's vacation with his
parents In thIs city. ,
The revival meetings that are being hell at
the Emman : el Baptist church , at which there
Is i a large attendance every nIght t , are doIng a
great deal at good , as there Is much Interest
Mrs. W. C. O'Mahley ' and daughter , 1Iss
Grace , ot Lincoln arc In time city visitng
at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. A. J. Singer
for a few days.
Allen p. Meeker , an Ashland boy and
graduate from the Igh school , Is In the ,
ciy Cram New York City , where he lolls
an Important position In a wholesale lroui .
'V. S. Arnold at Chicago , who hal been ;
the city spending a few days wIth friends
and relatives , on his way west In the Interest I -
crest ot the company he reprcsent , lett
last l evening for Denver , Colo.
'VJ TlmAN8 NOI' : lmr.ECTED.
Helct Cornmntislon Makes I Statement Can-
cerlll ! Aid to O. , \ . Ii. Members.
LINCOLN , Jan. 19.-Speclal.-The ( ) folio iv-
big letter from the headquarters at the Nebraska -
braska State Helet comrlsslc was made
public tonIght :
' 10 the Publc : From various parts of
the United States the Information has core
to us that mmher of tire Gllt Army of
the Hlpulc have been Informed tint thla
commlbslon Is declnln to furnish multi to
alI soldiers or their widows chUrning thnt '
the Grand Army oC the Helluhle itt caring I'
for Its own teoile.Vc desire to soy thut
wo 110 not In tiny way hinder the nnemb' ' eric
of tile Grund Army oC the RepublIc from
receiving aid CI'om any at the store win ro
we have supplell counties , und , further ,
thlt we nr worldng with the Grand Army
of tire Hepuhlc In forwarding their IUP- :
ples to theIr needy rmiemnhiermi.
We have requested , ant hereby renew
the request thnt all RppES or contnil ar.
tons espelnly for members of the Ore intl I
Army ot tire Hepuhlu le sent dir Oct
through General Church howe , deprtment
commander who has completely orglnlzed
the department for relict work rind Is Ilv-
ing this mater his entre time aflil Ilersonul :
atenton All supplies shouhl le bilet to
lncoln and nil mUley contributions mtii led
to him at Howe , Nd , . We 10 this for tire
purpose oC uniformity In their worlt Inll
ours , and that they racy know just vInni
posts are being supplied with aid . anl thus
Irevent duplication on their part /wl enable -
able them to present at the end or the
work ] a very complete report .
I.U1um : I' . LUDDEN ,
General Manager Nebmslm State Re iief
Commission. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Helef
Irulodhlo ! katn ,
COnNING , la. , Jan. 19.-Speclal ( Ti ole-
gram.-Herman ) Schulz , aged 1 years , son
of 11ev. J. Schutz of this city , was drowned
whlo skating on the Nodaway last event ng.
lie was alone and skated on to thin Ice. A
searching party recovered the body atter :
two hours' search The funeral will occur
Cuneel :1 r. Reeve. .
Mr. R. D. Reeve , late general agent ot tbe
Adams Express company at this point , left
yesterday for his new field oC labor ,
SprIngfeld , 0. , where he will become joint
agent at the Adams and Well-l ar o com-
panies. lie wa accompanied by Mrs. ,
itceves Friday night whie transferring hla I i
DUke to Mn C. E. Howard , his succee sot ,
the boys In the olre began coming In and ;
going to their desks commenced
cOlmenc to work ,
sOlethlng rJule unusual with express clerks :
who have long hours at all times , After all
the clerks , who had been associated with Mr.
Itee vee , were In the cfce Mr. T. W. Brearneof
man stepped forward to Mv Reeves' desk
anti } In a few well chosen words presented
the outgoing agent with n glc-healle cane
and 1 gold-hnlle1 umbrella on behalf of the
clrks , and folo'e I with suitable resolu-
ton ns.r.
lieme r. Reeves was dumbtoundtl for a mo
me at , but with 1 gentle hint from Mr. Howard
thnt n speech was In order , he gracefully
thankcI } hIs 8aoclatM for the thought u-
beh pre ssed alf . anti the kindly interest shown In his
reeleral Althorlttllol , th' I'ay MPt
tiotr l'ut un air Ai.pearalrce.
"i.'itero . is Fey Mattison , vice president of
the broken Ponea bank ? "
T imat Is time question of tire hour arotrntl the
fed eral binthillng just at the present time.
Pay Matiison ss'ns indicted at tire recent
sit ting of the federal grand jury anti at tire
sama time of the indictment of ex.Congrcss.
ma n George \V. E. Dorsey , who was vresi-
de nt of tine bank.
Mattison resided at Ponca , but sense time
ag o , before time present grand jimny convened ,
Ito left ( Irene , itrestrriabhy lot Missouri.
Since time indtctusents fornd by ( lie grand
jtrr y mare become Public cx.Congnessnnuan
Do rsey , Frank Dorsey anti Emigene higgins
pr omptly filed boflds for their nppearatnce.
Ma ttison did rmot tic so , Irowever , anti , In
fac t , from ctrrfneo indications , ire mnmuy riot
fol low the examuple of Imis ex-associates for
so me timrre.
Time federal atnthmonlties mare made an of.
for t to appreimermd Mattison , limit time only
cie w they lrmnvo to his wltereabouts is that
ime is ' 'hr ? itlssouiri , ' '
In fact , tine opinion is rapidly gaining
gn orrmitl thrat ox.Vico i'resident Mattison Inns
sk ilipNl , Time emcers intend to lollow time
tra il immediately.
No reqmrhsition Is necessary to nettmrn lnim
to Nebraska , because it is a federal case , anti
imo can be taken before any Unrited States
ju dge in Mieotrri or ebsewimere , amid on a
sim osring ht can be sent back to tine scene of
imi s alleged crimes without. application to time
go vernor for requisition iiaiiers , Mattlson was
imut licteii for nbatracting turnds ahitt accepting
wo rthless cectmrltles.
Time friends of Mattisomi believe that lme will
ev entually give himurelf up or Site a bail bomiti ,
bu t they say timat ire Imas not been ireard from
fo r dm0 time.
t was generally anticipated around Ponca
thm at all of time officers of tine First National I
ba nk of I1onca would be lrndicted timis year ,
an d tire surmise proved correct. Mattison
ma d not been at Pomica for sonic ( lure , as tin
fe eling throne against tire cfllciahs of the do.
u mnct bammlc was very bitter.
( 'attgttt Two of Then , ,
Milton Slosson and George Joirneon werc
ar rested at Clerks Friday and brougiut iii I
by a deputy marshal to answer to the chmargt t
of coal stealing ems time Union Pacific an
Im peding justice by Intenferlrng with propert9
in tIre imands of federal receivers. They wit
ho tried at Limncolri mnext s'eele.
Vttiow bpnlugs Iisttilory.
Collector North says Ito believes it doubtfu
w hietimor the W'Iiiosv Springs distillery wil
O pen again for sonic time. Time tllstillerl r
is the property of time winlsky trust whuici 1
re stricts its capacity.
Ftttrds dtro ticrc.
United States Marsimal W'irite received m
ch eck for $8,600 yesterday to pay tIn
j urors and others who hold certificates fo
re cent services ,
PANAMA. In , , Jan. 16-To the Editor o
T hio lice : In order to decide a dispute vil
y ou inform ems svhetlmer In & 'nu'e of a wid
o sver rnarm'yimrg , would the ehiiiremi ( of thu
s econd antI lmrst wife be brothet's an. ,
s isters ?
Yes ; they are brother-s anti t.isters , thotrgl I
s ometimes , Iii order to distinuiislt tiremi
fm rom those having the same fatirer ant : i
m other , they are tem'rned mail brothcrs o r
h alt sisters.
AMES , Ia , , Jan. 19.-To the Editor of Tin C
Dn ee : Will you kindly Inform me in you '
n ext Sunday's flea if ( Irene is any differ
e nce between one square mile amid one mu ;
s ( Iuare ? A , ILEADEI1.
There is no differcnc.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb. , Jan , 15.-To tin 0
l ikiltor of The , 'Bee ' : Will yotr please giv e
i n the Sunday issue the maimi provisions o
t im bill introduced by Representative L
I I. Mercer in reganti to tIme government fur . -
f laming arms to cadet companies organize
a t high schools. Do towtu of a. popu.intto
o f 4,000 coma witinin its Provisions ? Vet y
r espectully , MANY READERS.
The bill readit : Resolvcci , by the senat
a tiel house of representatives of the Unite :
S tates of AmerIca. in congress ussembhe
T hat the secretary of svar is authorized I
i ssue , at his discretion and under prone
r egulaUons to be prescribed by him. out nf
o rdnance and ordruamice stores belonging' I
t he governmemn. anti which can be spare 3
f or that purpose , such as may appear 0
b e required for military Instruction an
pt ractice by tine students of high schools i
t ire United States , where an oiilcer is th
t ailed by the secretary of war for tIme put : :
P ° ° of giving milItary Instruction , and the e
s ecretary of war shall require a bone ! I
e ach case In dOuble time value of the proi :
e rty for the came and safe keeping tinerec if
arid for ( hue return of tire same where ri 5-
q utired.
Towns of 4,000 come witlrin its vro'isIor is
at ( lie discretion of tine secretary of syar ,
Eacapod 1'rtoners Ji'reozo to Ieath.
UTICA. N. Y. , Jan. 19-William Pit t ,
Thomas I3uclc anti Will Erminer , each abet it
years old , ran away from St. Vincent a
Dr. 1111tPiImlRYS Imas mini an experience of
bait a cernury-htty ( years of success. lie it ant
seen oil tine pathiictr anti Isras rIse and fall ; I inc
claimant of Koch , of l'arnteur , arid of 1touxs An It.
Toxine , oral has culled from each anti every o no
tine gooj and discarded tine wortimiese , anti , as ho
' ° 3' in tile latest manual , 'int the age of neat ny
itfgmiiy years , with over lilly ycirra' experience n
tine practice of mnedlclne , and moore titami forty :
tire usa and perfection of riuy ipeciflcs , ttney ire
now niettnowiedgei to be tire most melmabbe lath in I
rneitlcinens known to tine public. "
viiit title ripe experience it is little wonder ii ait
'iT , " his latest smiecinc for GI'liIift nn.i Cebit ,
meeting with the greatest success of tine at
Jetters of titninhu testiryitng to ( lie cure of Cot' '
( ] rippe , Jnrtuenza , Catanrin , l'ainms and 11am emiem's Imi
tine ilend and Chest , Cotrgti , itore Throat , Gene intl
i'uostnrttion rind Itever rite received ( toni ii'
ineurces , anti yet Ir , humphrey. never tires of
int'arlng rind neadlag of tue praise 'of tile Hmneeiti Cs ,
and ruiicitnr ( tie csfiCrlCniCC of tinoso vtna have um ted
tinenn ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tire ilsenist , Is Here , bitt Not 1mm 8u em
Serious Forirn rip Wireir IL VIrmt
Carrie to Anrvrlcin ,
From New York hlcrtnld ,
"The grip is once more givIng New Yorti d cc.
tore insomnia , 'j'int , gtip gent , scenes to Inc
nnmpiiltntous creature tuniC iioutliiit's Writ winen t
air Is dump and tine walking smornmny ,
"Vtnen tine utew'fungied imrseume-ror tine grir
neuv.fntngled to fur tim this country is ronnecrnne
ttmit canoe to America It was very energetic r
innmnitious. it took poniession of the % vunlt r
inichely niU kiiled t tent oft witinou I nnnucir In out
aisi : ' Ri'1lmtlc.
"Tine Board of iit'aUIn return. siios' tinat gnhr
prevalent , end there is rio doubt trial tint , % eut ; :4 :
thu nsk'ttny Paselnients win greatly increase
t'avinges , end siet feet , tine doctors cay , are I' :
tiveiy tiani'et'&UV at premeirt , ' 'Ine prevailing ft ;
of inftucnnna iii intider linen when it was S
recogntzed here , but tineru welt , seven deaths
tributcd to It nionne inst week , mind ii was a
tributary cause inn rnnanny of tine ES deatins ci'vd Ited
to rnnieunrroaha.
"It iVnns said at tue rtonenl of itenhtin office i mat
there an-u now (1IOULnmntte oX mud cases of rli ' In
tine city , "
Tine milder ( ores of line disease , the decree mcd
death nate , are duo ten tint universal use of " IL"
Taken early , It cuts St inert protmiptly ; ta henS
durinit it. prevalence , It Prevents ita inrinst inn ,
taken while uurfcnjnrg ( ruin it , relief i spat dIiy
m'rtniied , within Iii continued to tin cntir cure ,
" " wmti "linuk up" an betinnte cotni I : tint
"hnsngit on. "
A small bottle of 1ni'aiOnt pellets-fits your vest
pkct. Stoint by druggists or na'ot cnn lecaitni
price. e , or live fun $1. iiUM1'1i1tl'i'h' Ml IDi !
CINtI CO. , cur , William and John tg. , New I' sik
Irrd umtniiut school a few days ago , The bodieS
ofwo I3tmck and hrmIner have been found In th
wo ods near lierkitncr , They hiati beers
fro zen to death. Pitt was found in a bares
nea r by so batily frozen that liii legs wliJ
hav e to be aniputateel. ,
A petition has been flied In the conrnt
cou rt , asking tirntt the will cit Charles F.
cxGoo dman be admitted to probate.
T he Anrsenican Legion of honor , 0rnain
coun nicil No , 320 , lmas adopted appropriate rem.
oltm tions , respecting the ticathr of Clinches A , 4
ThlA eniarr and Julia Il. Tlnietnan ,
A int'eting of tine taxpayers of tine FIrst
wa rd wihl ho held at 1015 Soirtit lloventt
str eet Montimsy evemiurmg , at S o'clock. Mat-
ter m of importance wilt be dlcctrpsemi , AlL
citi zens are invited to be Present.
A s soon as Chief ltc'tiell gets the reorgani. - '
zat ion of ( ho fire department fairly under
158 ) ' throne will be amnotimer onslatmghnt on the
rat tletrap strtrctnmres iii time tiowin town tli-
tnic t. Tinero cr0 A hot of btrilniings tlmat are
l ttl for coruheimimuation ,
C inairmnnan'inspmar cut tine board of Publinl
Wo rks left ) 'estertiay for a tort
tiny s' trip to l'ortlatrd atnd otimer coast
poi nts. Mayor lheniis will probably dcsg
nat o Street Coinniissioner ICasliar as chair.
maC mu of tine board ihnnlmig lni nbsnce.
h iatrminbenger & Illock's clotiming store on
lot rgias street , bets'een Thrirteentin anti Four-
tee nstir , Was inrnglnnizcd Friday night nnnd sev-
end articles of sveanimng nunpanel taken. Tine
btrn glans effected ann entrance by prying open a
bac k witntiew' , It Is not yet known ho
rrnu clt , roiert' was stolen , ,
Flremnrot , Urentinti ttoor. Eight exits , I
T onight , Sunday , Jait. 20
Jaceb Litt's Connlctl ) ' Record Breaker , '
Yeti Yonson
NOTIiINO bUT FuN. , , .
ANt ) A (1htIT COMl'AY. In
P ale now open tnt nmsnnal prices. 430 seats at
no cents each , itox ohitco epemi nit , iny Snmnday.
Engagement of tIme lionniantlo Actor , M
; , kk\
\ \ '
' "
: iIk , \ :
' \ '
. so
' : _ .
htiF , j'il'
Accompanied by
M Oltla'rrl , MAULS DIXON , AUOUST. Di
FOItItnT , "I-
an d a company of otinvers unier the manage.
ment of ! nir.W.M. Vtlktson. -
? , f onniay Evening.
T uesday Evening ( flrst production Irene ) , the new
ro mnnttc conmody , trio
W ednesday Evening , the
To be presente4 witit special anti elaborate
sc enic effects and accessorieS.
Thurs. FiC'Sat. & Sun.
Jami 24 , 25. :0. : 27.
S peciai engagement of tine megltirnato Irish
Ccrncdtan , ICr , ,
Joseph Murphy
In tine forlowing repertotro :
Sale of seats will opens Wednesday morning a4 3
u sual prices. _ _ _ _ _ _ -t
Benefit Performance
for limo remief of time
Drouth Sufferers
At wlnicir time
t ins genierouem ) ' conecnte'I In appear in ( lie no.
uniantini Jitsin drania ,
N0TE-'rinis nnattnee perlotnnance is untier th
t iirectlont of tine Nebninnntni . ititte Ileilet ComnmIa.
s ton. \v. n-a. . N.tSOf-J , i'rennittent.
I J'fjl'UlllL
Tel , I CII 1.
V.J , BIIRGESS . Manarwr. ' ' '
. 4 ? 4ighrts conmrttrcisclimtc with Matinee Today
2n30 Tottigirt , ttmI5 ,
Connninir .ltnrntrar ) ' ! 7.tti : , l'amsl Dresser mm "ThIli
( ; ouii:3 : NAN , "
l"lgurec mmd scenci IrS' actual niotian ,
An exact rcproduiion of Nature , ii
Not a uammornrnna Iut tls'inng unction itself. -
At 100 SoutIt lCtJn street. Iromn 9 Zr , m. to 11
" Or. Itoniettnltue everybody should see ,
a ItupIl of II. I' , Iilavotbky will lecture at
Royal Arcaniirn Hall ,
The Tlieosopliical Society
AdmuautIon ' 25 cents.
-ANt- )
Atlino IIFAU'I'Y UVL'i'tlRfl I'AitLOILS , tcien.
Life Fntcu Truatriierut free wIth $2.00 IiUrciiaso ,
specialty bulnr lire emily Ithaca in lire city ,
winerit mu'tntiernmtotm mule riot hunted ,
tmttisuctioin grrntrmintevul inn intl our icork. All
letters of inquiry rtnnsworeil porsnnrmiily.
Hair finessimmg , Sinamnmpouimng , t3cmLil , Tre at
them 5 , ml nil hi tOn it'ti ni rig d intro by Cohn iptcnn S
( let , Children's Irmoir cutting a specialty ,
Addrobe MRS. A. 8. CONVERSE.
100.110 IJEE IJUILDINO , Owahi
, .
' ' " ' ' -