- . ' < . . . zir f . . ' . . . . , . . " 7 , ' - - - ee " I 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' : , - MAY NEED TilE NAVY SOON : Taking Account of Ve:8ols : Available for Duty in Hawai PIILADEPIIA ! READY TO START AT ONCE ; ( teiIam nOi Jerhrt 1011 n Conference on the UUUUOI-StIUC lepl.rtlclt ( PIlL- ; ch"s lidInel to Make l.I1it , Ilclnr < tlht of the Ulfurhnlcel. ? WASINGTON , Jan to.-Early thIs mornIng - Ing Secretary Gresham receIved formal no- . tco that there had been an ntempt at revo- luton near honolulu o the Glh of this I month This notice cme In the shape of i . ; the following dlspnleh tram Minister WilLis , I Ultgapht11 from San Francisco : "IIONOLUI4U . , Jan. 11 , 185.-To W. Q. . Gresham , Secretary of State \Vashthgtofl . i I ) . C. : At Waldkl heach , five miles from execuH\'n IJlllng l > , night of January G. uprising . - rising of HawaIans , reported several hundred - . dred , wel supplied with arms anl ammunI- ton , commanded by Captain Nowleln nnd fl.v. . Wilcox. lion. C. L. Carter , late commIssioner , killed frat night Desultory fring every day since without further loss ' of lifo or Ilrollerl ' to governmenl. Three , - royalists Idlell anti fifty taken 11rlsoners. . Over fly noncoml.tants. mostly whites , arrested - rested , Including three ex-attorney generals i . . and many promInent cltbens. : Martini law . d clarc January 7. No vessels allowed to leave All other islands reported quiet. CrisIs though to he over , but excitement . nUll Intense. President Dole expressed to . me his gratification that no national ship ha . heen In Ilort during this dlsturbauce. Arms : . rellortell to have been brought from Van- couver , Ii. C. \'iLLtS " Soon after ho reached the State department . ho aent 10 the Navy department for Secretary - ; tary herbert and the two cabinet 'officers I J engaged In a close consulaton for half an cose ' hour relating 10 Lime . advisabIlity of sending a United States cruiser to the Istand. Mr. Herbert btatCI tht the Phlatelphla was at Mnlo island , California . nod could start almost : . 1\lmollatel' , ' dehmyimmg only long enough after . rpccivlmmg her snlng orders to tall a few ' . ftdh stores ant a little edra coal aboard. ' She carries a complement of nearly .100 - officers and omen commanded by CalJtaln ' Oolon , and could make the run of 2,080 r . miles to Honolulu In about six days. After . - consulting some time the secretaries came to I the conclusion that nothing should he done toward fending a shhl to hawaii except br : ' the direct word at the president , so they went directly to the whie house to learn the ; llrcsldenl's wIshes In the matter. Defore : . leaving the department Secretary Herbert conferred with Admiral Hamser , chief of the navigation bureau , and everythIng was I , . 0 put In trim for the Immediate dispatch of r - orders to Admiral learllsleo should the 11res- ' Ilent decide to send a sump to imawaim . UEVOLT NOT EXAGGmA TED. - There Is a disposition Oil the part of the - admmllni8tratlon offIcials to regard the Importance - , portance of' the revolution as exaggerated , and one prominent official declared that he ' saw 10 reason for apprehension for It appeared - peared Cram the reports that , no American - . interests had been endangered by the revo- lotion. Spme ollcers , however who have been stationed nt honolulu . and who are , ' familar with the conditions there took a . widely different view at the matter. They say that the charcler of the Interior of the Ilands Is such that even a emaiL number of ' determined men might hold their own for many weeks against a much superior force , just as did Geronimo al1 his Apaches when opposed by a mitary force. 'fhey recal ' the tact that a few lepers managed to resist .r" _ . nil of the ' troops that the Hawaiian government - ment' could bring to bear aealnst them for - a long time , hiding securely In the fast- , nesses on the inpumitaimme when hard pressed , and emerging In . force when the pressure reo # laxed , Thepe , officers tear that the bands . , of Wilcox and Nowleln Wicox wi thus serve as a ' - ' - nucleus for. disaffected natives . nod gather ' . strength. These leaders It Is feared , wlhi : also offer any terms to secure the support k of the Japanese cooles numbering 20.000. . who have been much JlssaUsfed with the retusal at the government to give them the right of suffrage . According to the reports these Japanese . ' already have shown a mnmm- : tlnous spirit , amIIn _ his report on Hawaiian I . affairs . which excited much HawaIan ' ' allirs. excied interest Ad- I ' I mimi Walter strongly urged that danger be hooked for In the near future from this ele- m mont at once vroud bravo and I norant. OThER SHIPS A' MAnE ISLAND. ' . . Desltes the Phliadelphla , there Is at Mare , Island , at our fast new cruisers the Berm- , nlnrlon , ccnmanded by Captain Charles Adams , whl defied the revolutenlsts of Salvador In taking aboard Ezeta and his fellow refugees She has just returned from ' , n cruise oft the coast looking for two mIssing steamers , and whla the navy authorities autherltes . report that three days work Is requlrel , on ' her machinery this undoubtedly could be much abbreviated It necessary. . . The 1oston and Maine arc ready to go II commission at a moment's not e , but owIng to the refusal . of congress to pro- -f. ' vide for enough enlisted men to meet the absolute needs of the navy , there are no crews for them. 'fhe Oympia will not he turned over to the ' government until the 21h Inst. , and will bo . put In commission on the lth oC February ' for a cruIse. - The Hanger . Mohican and Alert old Jow- . powerel ships would scarcely be chosen for I use in l any emerg"ncy requiring speed and . the Monterey cannqt carry coal suillelent for ' sulclent , the cruise to onelulu. . The news of time ' Imimsurrectiomi newl 'Insurrecton was a great ; . . surprise In diplomatic cirlces Neither the Neiher ; hawaiian minister nor any members at the foreign committees of the senate and house had any expectation of such an occurrence. The general hnresslen [ seems to be that no t' revolution can be serious In Its results un- 'V . , less aided end abetted br Iome foreign t power. The forces at the commali of the I , covernment are said to he abl to suppress supprel any possible nath'e rlslng or uprIsing of ' . . any dlsoflerly foreign element Secretary Gresham was absolutely dumbfounded by the I news. .I Is wholy unexpected. I am L amazed The dispatcim 11spatch seems to say the I , rebels hall artillery . Where ' arllery. c ul they have . ' got this The dispatch does not speak of r any being handed Do you thlnlt there can I be any doubt that the news II accurate1" II I TJUnSTO 'S ADVICES MlAqEn . ' Exceedingly meager official advice of the : trouble In Ihlwal ha\o ben received by . Mr. Thnnloa , the Inwalal mlnlsler here : H came In . a telegram from President Dole , cant via San I'ranclsco , and read" as fohlow : "Rebellion broken Leaders and remain - log "If followers 'n' . _ _ _ , fugitives . U , _ .u'uL. In the mountains . . . , " . . . " ; ' ' un , er f' ll , 1 I IH tlnls. was wrien Oi the day the Alameda left liono- lef 10no- nlu. ) lteplyiimg to qtmestiomms . ' ' HeI'lng questons as to his probable - : able course of acton the minister said he did not expect at present to cal on the secretary - tary of slate In connectIon with the trouble , nor did he intend to ask that a United States War Ihll be sent 10 Honolulu. Unled t "The government Is Itself able to put down the rebellion , " he said "and needs . rebelon "lnd uo asslsl- ance It Is for the Hovernment to deler- . mine whethN' there hi a necessity for the necessiy Govermcnt 10 send a shll there to guard the . Interests of Americans /uarll Another telegram that has beemm receIved by the minister was from Hawaiian Consul ' ( lemmeral'JitIer San HawaIan Wider at Francisco . and an- ' flounces that time "teamer . \ tmstraila , whose \uslrala leular salnl day I today , weld postpone . her departure unU Monday end that Mr. lalch , the lawalan mlnlsler of foreign . affairs. would return to Hawaii aboard her lr , Hatch was visiting this country pre- "umably In n private capacity and Mimmister ' 'fhurston hele\s he had no Jntentlomm of . coming to \\'asImimgton. The Intenlon t. of th ' departure of the 4tustralia vIhi give , to ) . Thurstol In opportunity to send sl\e any dIspatches he may desIre to his mlY govern. snout , alhough the change of Ilato In J\cr- Elng ' ' him. of time yaei was not made . to aCcollollate i I lIne you think time rebels will receive many . lecldons to theIr ranlts and hold out \ % ery \ry ! long ugalnlt the govermcnt forces Y" time ' Ilnbter was asked todY , . " 1 do nOl " ho repilod . "The pace they are now rendezvoused Is on 1 mountiin about 1\0 mie from time city. Its are I. kO , ' ' , :11sI thlt there Is no possible chance for tbea to opera h. . 'Time hUeD Is so well ' gUimled that \ I Is i impossible fur them to I got any reinforcemneutim. , Iny relnforeem.'ull. They Bra a Ills- . : organlzd ; disorderly rabble that w1 run , 'vleno\r ordered to light. They 11\'er dId , ctt wihin * more than four or f\'e mites of - the . cl ) . . mlel " \ber dO you IUl'IIOO limo rebels ob- tamed the cannon and nmmunitlon they ammuniton ant used ? " ' 8 uked. ' "The cannon undoubtedly cme from BritIsh - lsh Colmmnibta Time ammunition came either ammuniton cmo eiher from that country or from somewhere along the coast Our government ls nIl along expctel a shIpment of ammunition and our officials have iieen on the watch out for It. " "Does the government have any fear that the Japanese will aid the rebels ? " "So far as the Japanese government Is concerned , I have nothing to SY. So for as the Japanese local officials on the Island are concerned they have shown themselves mot zealous In behalf ot good order. I have more or less apprehension as to the action time Japanese resident may take. " In conclusion , the minister sold ho dlii not anticipate any foreign intervention 11 the present crisis. "It It had not been on account of the death of Mr. Carter , " said the minister , " the whole timing might bo Consliered n decided advantage - vantage to the government . No greater aid b necessary to demonstrate that time govern- ment Is able to stand on its own feet. " CAITER KNOWN IN SEATTLI SEATTLE , Wash , Jan 19.-Charles L. Carter was about :0 rears ell and was the elest ) son of tOe late ii. A. P. Carter , ex- HawaIan mlnlsler to the United States . lie was born In honolulu and finished his edu- caton al the Ann Arbor . Micim , law school. lie was married at Ann Arbor after his graiuation' and returell , to the Islands. lie took a leading part In the overthrow of / ) Qmmten 1.luollanl , anti Incurrell the biter hoslly of Wilcox and other royalists. lie was one of the commisioners sent to WashIngton - Ington by limo provisional government early In 183 , He made a brIef visit to Seattle Seatte and luEet Sound six weeks ago on busIness connected with bls fatber's eRtate. tin was a member o the new legislature. lie was a very handsome man an athlete , a giant la stature and brave as a iiun. lie leaves a wife and lhree children . Ils brolher , George U. Carter . Is Hawaiian consul at Seattle . and he has a sIster here. Carter was strongly In favor of hangIng Wicox and other royalist plotters , and his relatve ' think he was specially selected as a victim by these plotters. victm SAN I"RANCSCO. Jan. 19.-The rise and fail ot the queen's Supporters In Hawaii has created a great deal ot excitement among the 'mlJathlzers In this city. The Chamber ot Commerce held a special meeting today and forwarded a telegram to Secretary Gresham , urgln him to send n wnrshlp at once to honolulu . This he. fore I hall been learnell that Greshnm wa hal already - ready ordered time Phladelllhia to the Islands. Antcipatng orders to sail , limo officers of the Phiadelphia commenced preparatiomus for preparatons departure early this morning. They expect to get away tomorrow or by Monday at the hatest . The Phlallelphla can sleam to Honolulu - lulu In five days. or even less If she Is pressed. She carries enough ot a crew to put down the biggest rebellon the Hawaiian malcontents are capable at starting. and on her arrival at the islands she will hnme- dlately proceed to land troops for time pro- tecton ot AmerIcans and limo property of Americans. M'PAHLAND CAME TO BUY ARMS. The mission ot C. W. McParland , who ar- rived here In the early rart of the month on time ! Arwa , Is now believed to have been for 110 purpose of arranging for the shipment of arms m to Honolulu. IttcFariand did nol make a lengthy stay lu San Francisco , but hurried back on the 12th at the month by the same steamer that he came up on. ThEm Is no way by which to prove pos. Ively l that the colonel dickered for guns and a mmmiunition . but those Iersons who favor the provisional government are hinting that the wealhy merchant of 10noluiu was In con- stant communication with parties In Vic- toria. This clrcumslance Is regarded as sus- 111clous i , There seems to be an overdrawn story regarding the ex-Cimliian cruiser Es- m neralda . It Is reported by the Hawaiian correspondent that It was feared by the pro- vlslonals that the vessel had been purchased by the rotalsts , and that she would bombard Honolulu just as soon as the Alameia was out of sight of land The Japanese have semlofclalY ! announced the fact that their nation has purcimaseuh the Esmer naton purchasel ida and that the vesel wl visit San Francisco before she Is dispatched to Yokohama. Even were It so that the cruIser had been turned over to the royalists and that the story of her sale to Japan was only 1 blnl. the Phil- adelphia I more than a match for the Es- meralda and could vanquish her In very short order Though the first uprising may not have amounted to muclm the revolt may spread to other Islands than the Island ot Oahu Honolulu Is well protected and can stand off the revolutionists . but the natives may bo harler , to suppress In other beauties. Robert W. Wilcox , leader at time revolution- ' revoluton- lsti , who , when captured , wi undoubtedly be executed , Is wel recollected by civi en- glnelrs In this city , he having been employed here In the work of water works construc. tion. ton. TRACING UP THE AHMS. At the headquarters of tbO HawaiIan consul - sub there was little information to be gained L concerning the uprisIng further than has already - ready been publsh In the. correspondence from Honolulu , but from another and most ' reliable course It was learned that the government - ernment ofcials at the Islands had corn munlcled a number of fact to Its represent- atves In this city by. which It Is expected I to trace up the source at the supply of the arms whlcl were obtained by the natives . In fact It Is said that the 'representativem ; hero have already considerable proof against L certain persons who are known to be friendly to the royalists , and who are even now planning to send additional arms to the Islands - ands An effort Is being made to locate the schooner Normna whIch , It will be remembered - bered , left Victoria nearly two months ago , supposedly for the islands with a lot of con traband opium. Another ' vessel Is supposed I to have left VIctoria on a similar mission shorty after the Norma and Deputy Colector Ir at Port McStoker who was hero investigat - log opium smugglng , hurried back to the Islands - ands , upping to antcipate the plans at the smulEl rui : ! . Dy the mal which arrived here previous to that of the AlemCla there cme a letter from Deputy Collector 1cStoitor ti a the customs officers here stating that a vessel answering to the description of the Norma had been hovering of a neighboring Island but could not be overhauled because at the government's lack of a proper boat I Is now believed that the vessel was the Normna but that instead . of having opium m aboard she In reality was loaded with nrmnm The arrival here three weeks ago of Colonel i McFarlal1 on the steamer Arawa and his sudden departure the same day on the steamer Australia Is also regarded as having had something to do wih the preparation S of the royalists. The colonel said his visit was purely a personal one , but shortly afer he arrived here It was learned that he hall received several telegrams tram Victorir I I Is now helevell that he came to learn somelhlng about time Norma and beIng ad . vise that she was already on her way t the Isllnds he 'hurrle haclt home that same a Iternoomu. m _ _ _ _ _ TEILlti'rOltIAt. AUU8'HU CI"NOI 8. ) olll.to .10.oph otNew MexIco Thllks 111.lr C""o a Armi flood WASHINGTON , Jan. 1-Tho admission of New Mexico and Arizona to slatehood Is expected to come before the senate next week. 'hese measures pass rl the house some months ago , but they have not advanced rapidly in thl senate. Senator I aulmer Is anxious to have them acted aeed upon before the session close , and be will , therefore , cal them up during the moring hour next week. Aside frai time Interest the Ills have to the two territories , thc're I wide , general interest - est In the effect their passage 11 have In assuring four additonal senators Lime upper branch of congress . Delegate Joseph at New JoseIl Mexico , who has given 10st of his time In consresl to allvanclng the New Mexico bill , says he has little doubt of favorable action by the senate lS this only active acton beIng IUllle I by time A. I' . . \ . organization , organlaton which rguemm that thu old SpanIsh ali Mexican - can 1 11lat n of New Mexico I almost cxcl'j- ' slnly Catholic . Mr. Joseph Is not apprehen- five , however , that this will affect the final paSage of limo bill. fnal A "Ill. 'Iimreisoua iletallation. WAShINGTON , .Tan. 19-'he lew Aus- Irma n.lnlstlr , Mr. Iengl.muller , Is n frequent - quent , 'Islor at the State department look- InK for information respeetimmmtimu Intormaton fsll'lurlhu Prospects ot the repeal ot the special tax on : \ spIlal tlX bounty SUh'U' . A though the formal flute In which . hI 1IIIenteli the case of lihi govermimnent WIS couched In the 10st friendly ! terms there II relson to beU.yc that he has gh'l'n the flule departmnmmmt to understand ' butt If IOI acton lii the way of abatement of the tax ts hot taken witlmbim me short time Aus. war I tme trio wi allollt u measure ot retaliation that wi t'xeeed 10)'thlng , that rlalaton by Oertlny or tummy other or the IuroImean power. Information I being urfesn rurtJhe members who 11"'e undertaken t forward the repcal bi In order to stimulate fon\uJ thm. - - - . - . . L ' _ _ _ - - - ' - - . - ' - - - - ' - - ' - - ' - - - , - . - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - ' . - ' . ' . : " ' . -r 7' ' ' > . i'J tt" " ' ' 1. . . 1"rr 1 Y Ir"rT j A' ' ' , ) n ,0 ) TiE 01ln DAILY . nEE : : ! ' UNDA Y , tT ANn Any 20 , iS9Z. FRYE CAUSES A COM ITlN Introduced a Resolution Ez.retsing In- dlgltion at Events in Hawai , DEMOCRATIC EFFORTS TO TONE IT DOWN - rinabby on MotIon of George the lIeoitition i Tent Over-Lodge Wi 1rln ! the ( tctbOn UI ) AgI' ' " 1100ln7' - W ASINGTON , Jan 19.-Tho death at Miss Mary Stevenson , daughter of the vice president , was feelingly preferred to In the prayer of time chaplain of the senalo at the opening at the session today. Mr. Manderson , republcan of Nebraska , presented time credentials of John M. Thurs- ton , elected as a United States senator from Nebraska for time term beginning March 4 , next. With this brief routine prelude , Mr. Pr'e of the commitee on foreign affairs , gave a dramatic turn to the proceedings by offering a resolution expressing time profound indigestion - ton with which the senate heard at time efforts - forts to restore the deposed queen to the throne of hawaIi and expressing It as the sense of the senate that time United Slates goverment shoull at once dispatch war- ships 10 time Islands. Senator ryo's resolution Is as follows : "Resolved , That the senate learns with pro found Indignaton at the aUempt to restore a deposed queen to power In the hawaiian Islands and extends to the young republic the warmest sympathy In her efforts to suppress rebellion. " Senators gave the closest attenton to the reading of the resolution . and the galleries fled rapidly as word was passed that the hawaiian question had ben taken up. Mr. l"rro asked that time resolution bo given Immediate - mediate commalderahion. "I suggest , " said Mr 111 , democrat of New York "that the language 'profound In- digmmatbon' Is rather extremne ali It might be desirable to mod ICy It by the words 'pro. found regret ' . " 0mm tIme contrary , " declared "Ir. Prye , with great earnestness , " 1 do not believe profound IndIgnaton sufficiently expresses my own feelng or the feelngs of the AmerIcan - lean peJple " "Nor limo , feelings of the senator Crom New York , " interjected Mr. Chandler sarcas- tically. Mr. Hi hesllated only a moment at the In- terrulll0n and then added : "I at least hope that the senator from New hampshire ( Mr. Chandler ) wi concede me the guardianship of my own feeiimugs. I had not moved an amendment to the language but had merely offered a suggestion. " "In order to facilitate the passage - at the r esolution . " continued Mr. Prye."and In order that I may at once be cable to the Ha walan Islands , I wi accept time proposed c hamige , " GUAY HAS AN OBJECTION. The presiding officer was about to put the queston and It seemell as though the resolu- ton would pass without a word of protest when Mr. Gray. democrat at Delaware Inter- peed an objection. "I do not object to the first part of the resoluton , " said he , "but the last part seems Inapproprlnte i at this tme . " "Then. " said Mr. Prye , , "let lS proceed to the considerton at the first. I will modiy the resolution accordingly " Mr. Caftan . democrat , of Louisiana rose at this point. "Is this .ot rather prema- ture ? " ho asleed. "Wo are not yet Informed as to the facts on which the resolution Is I predicated. The press reports this moring , tel us there has been an emuto In the Ha- m vailan Islands. But whether thlre bas been walan been an effort to res lor the queen t hr throne I do not Imow. I ask the senator from Main on that to point. tell . U9 I he bas V - any . information Mr. Fryo was again. on his feet. 'I mst say , " he proceeded , "that since I have read 1 the mornIng papers that the secretary of state says that he can take no acton ut he i receives an official communication as to the outbreak that while the secretr of the navy can order warshIps t' these Islands he would not act until s requested by the secrelary of state , I can consent to no further change or modification In the r.solut n . " Again the presiding officer was about , to put the question . when Mr. George democrat at Mississippi , Interfered. "I 'object. " Mr. Prye faced about to the democratic side , and looked steadily at Mr. George. "God may forgive the senator who makes that objection . " said Mr. Fr'e , each word coming with measured delberaton , "but I do not believe the American wilt beleve America" people wi forgive - give him , ' ' , There was an Impressive pause of 1 mo- ment. Senators looked at each other omInously - Inously 3S Mr. prye's words eachoed through the chamber . Mr. George had risen siowly his face flushed and showing Intense reeling. "Sucb a remark Is Improper and unworthy of the senator . " sid Mr. George. "My rIght to offer an objection Is not influenced In the . least by what the senator may think on the 6ubject. J am not responsible to the senator from Mane as to my conduct. " Mr. George Insisted on his . objection , and under the rules the resoluUoD was laid aside. aside.LODGE LODGE TAKES ANOTHER TACK. Mr. LOdge of Masachusets then gave no- tco ot an Intention to cal up the resolution I offered by Mr. Aldrich on the 9th Inst. , say- Ing that such a course might overcome the I objection to the present consideration of the resolution . The resolution Is as follows : "Resolved , That time senate . In view of the publIc Interest and those publc ot the American I citizens residing In the Iawllan Islands , Is I of the opinion that our government should I 13 represented In Hawaiian waters by one I or mora ships of our navy . " The discussion or the Hawaiian mnattei . HawaIan mnter was brought to a close by Mr. Cockrel of the committee on appropriations , by the In. trcurton at a report on time urgency de fciency biib. \ l Finally Mr. Chandler moved a postponement - meat at time conference report until 2 o'clock Mr Lodge eontelltd the hawaiian business was of more Importance than time intlictior I cton ot the income tax on the country He 8ld I the news furnished of the uprising reported I In today's papers was a verification of the predictions that had been made by Admiral i Walker In his report , and by himsel In his remarlts made In the senate based upon that report. The admiral had made the point that the withdrawal at the American ships from Hawaiian walers would make the impression upon the native mInd that this government was In sympathy with time roral- /ls and In favor ot the restoration of the queen In his comments Mr : Loge pointed out that , so far as the result laid been effected , It would 10t mater whether they were rlgbt or wrong In reaching this conclu- sian I would In elher case be liable to encourage an uprising Admiral Walker had also expressed the opInion that In case of an uprising , the present government would be able to mailtain Iself , and this prediction hld also been hSIJply verified. predlclon Mr. Lodge ' referred to the hellion ot the president's message bearing upon the landing of a Urltsh cable on the lawalan Islands as a covert reference to Admiral 'Walker . 'alier. who was his own winess , and proceeded to cen'ment upon time fact that "the Intelligent diplomatic agent" to whom the president had referred had been 10 prompt to disavow the vIews at time adnmlrai lie also called elton- caled aten- ton to statements In time day's dispatches concerning the alead readlucss or the Drlt- , lab cn8ul to recognize the revolutonary I government In case of Its being able to hold i the place for three imours . lie did not mean to hnlJly that the British were doing more than seekimmg by the aggreRlveness wblch Great Britain shows In all auch immatters , to extend the commercial suprelary at that country to lawal. CmTICISFU TILE ADMINISTRATION. He crllsled time immimninlstratlorm not only for the withdrawal of the American ships , but for Its efforts to sustain time ro'alsU. and also complained of what he considered time efforts of the demoratc senators to pre- vomit Immediate consideration ot the question by lechnlal objections and privileged re- ports. In view or limo facts de\'elolled In tcday' dlpatclea the senate should na longe' delay In Limit Ixl.reslon at 1)'Illlathy with time republican cause In Hawaii In extending Its congratulations on the strengUI which the ccistlimg goverment ba shown and In t - ' - , - . . ' . . - ' t .1 t'.C Vr"V - ' - - ' -r - ; - V - - - JI b ' declaring for amamrlcan policy ot adminIs- t mation . r' ! ( . t Mr George sad 1f had based his objection On the ground thtLe information furnished \ I Insufcient ' 40 prOceed on In the manner Inlcatell i ( by thtei.pimmtions. ; 10 chnracler- zed i the Hawalhll/.falr as In little riot In i which two or' three people were killed . " ali saM that no1qierlcan hall lost his le nor ) lld any n1 can property been 110- strofelI. Jmqr ) m 1pmommglit It wise that the senate should 111' ' action for furthcr In- formation. Ho $ ! fd I In reply to questions by Mr. Teller that tzJ senate hall nothing to lId with the rigiil or limo rlrh1 president as com- mender-in-chief pt the army and navy In his l disposal of tTH6 ; forces , end were not , ho said , called + ih all caled upon H\h \ al our powers to glvo any advice In t1m'iremises. Mr . George sl(1 ( time present Jqwalan government - ernment was one of force. It hall secured its place by force and It was bound to maIn- tnln itself by force There was no oblgton on the United States to mnlntaln that gov- ernment. We might maintain the security of time lives and properly of American citi. cll- sons In hawaiI , but time lives and property of American citizens were not assailed . "itow will we protect American ' citizens to Hlwal when our war shIps are In San Francisco Interposed Mr. Kyle Mr. George answered that there was no occasIon , , , for the ships to go to hawaii . "Wo are sending them to Madagascar , " suggested Mr. A1son , derlsh.tly. Mr. George nrgel that there was no war- rant In international or consttutonal law for interference by the United Slatcs. : Mr. Kyle urged briefly that the situation I . demanded Inmedlale acton by the senate I The United Slates navy was bing distributed everywhere hut In Hawaii . Mr. Cafer ) ' of Louisiana said that from the 11blshed report the uprIsing was a fizzle . n liasco. I had shown only one thlmmg-thimtt the existIng government was amply able to sustain 1tselt . The semmator SIJolto against the annexaton of time heterogeneous poptmiation populaton ot Hawaii. I would be agaInst the best interests - terests of this to take country such a people under our flag . "The policy of the president ; of the United Slates toward time lawalan Islands has becn marleell by the utmost wisdom - dom and sagacity , " said Mr. CaiTery . Mr. Frro then secured the passage at a resolution asking the secretory of the mmavy lavy for Informaton as to time surveys made of Pearl harbor , hawaiIan Islands . by Admiral \Vaiieer. At this point , time hour of 2 o'cloclt having arrived , . and a the senate had previously fixed this tmo for hearing eulogies on the late Senator Vance ot North Carolina , the Hawaiian resoluton was laId nslde Carolna The tributes were heartfelt and eloquent. Wheu they were concluded the senate , as a further marlc ot respect to the deceased , adjourned - journed . CLEVELthD ILAUED FOR IT ALL Uoutele Cola UIt"'Bllm lebc110n II time 1Iommo. WASHINGTON , Jan . 19.-There Was an exciting Incident due tOday when Mr. nou- telo of Maine tried 10 secure the considera- ton ot a resolution of sympathy for the hawaIIan government and expressing It to be time sense at the house that a United State ' arshlo shoul bo stationed at honolulu to statoned 10nolulu protect Americn Interests. i He made a characteristic alhough Impulsive I speech , d nouneng the polc ' of the present adnmimmlstmatlon admlnlstratoa toward Hawaii and charged t ' ri"eln against the re- public . fomenle brG . the royalists and adherents - herents h ot time discredited . discrelled monarchy , directly to that policy. The llour ot 2 o'clocl. dlrect arrived shortly , pfter Doutlo began his spoecim cut him oftiand a scene of excite. ) excie mont followed vhcntr h3outeibo attemnpted to have the specll ! ender ( Doutelo atempte Representative Lyle -f Kentucky ) set aside. Doulelo ontlm , .hls appeal ummtii the unt speaker was for rPl tp' rebuke him and order him to take his eat . The early part of the day was devotec (0 t1io lurther consbderatlomm , consideraton of the Indian aiThroiriation bill and time day after 2 o'clock 'I' 'c .l ogles on the life and characler at thd.ln.oIHepresentntve LYle. When Mr. Durrl.wsJof Michigan entered the ' enter house shorty af q \\e \ opening of the ses- ' elan he was geDfwlh ( I round of applause. I was his flrstppampmmice slncp his election as Vnlted , S ) , electon , ' Vnled .Statesf.aq'pmtor The speaker an- flounced Mr. Bur rw's , r trement at his request - quest , a a memberQf , , the committees on rules and ways and menus , . and Ipoplnted to the vacancy on rules Mr. Cannon at liiioois . and to the vacancy on ways and means Mr. Gros- ' venor at Ohlu. . The senate amendments to the pension L I conference. bill were disagreed to and the bill sent to Mr. Hartman ot Montana asked unanimous consent for the consideration consideraton of a resolution directing the secretary at the Interior to m suspend nib acton looking to the approval I of selectIons and patentng to rairoads at any lands selected under time rule Issued July 9. 184. until congress may dispose of the but 10W pending In the Senate and I finally settle the question at thin ciassifica. . ton of grant lands. Mr. Hartman claimed I that 1.092,000 acres of , land were involved Mr. Maddox at GeorgIa objected but finally - withdrew his obje tln. Later the objecton fnaly I was hmowever renewed by Mr. Tracy of New York. A bill was passed on motion of Mr. Lynch I at Wisconsin to authorIze the secretary of the Interior to correct errors where double allotments of land has been made to In- diana The house ' then went Into committee of the whol" and resumed the conslderaton at r the Indian approprIations bili. After some debate Mr. Doutele got the floor t offer a resolution on time Hawaiian ; Incident. He made an impassioned Impasioned speed I whlcb Mr. McCreary of Kentucky spech tried to Interrupt. , Mr. Bouteile . whoso words gushed Iko a torrent , said : "I am not going Into detalk S detais on this I Is not necessary. I am not going to say a word that I do not know will carry with It the smpalhy of ninetenths ot this house on both sides at the elmamber I Imow there Is no sympathy In the American pee - pie or In the hearts at time American congress - gross , on either side , outside a email colerle that could be counted on the .flngers ot my hmand for the policy which has led direty i up to this tragedy In Howell. Today J . learned that one ot my dearest friends a young man of AmerIcan lineage wih bloom I that runs back to Boston on the one hand , and through the missionary stocl that wen I to Hawaii and redeemed those Islands went barbarism upon time otimer has fallen , figlmt - Ing to defend his home and fireside against an insurrection stmulatCI by the adherents ot a discredIted monarchy , and dlscredl ! encouraged . I regret to say , hy the acton of the executiv B cxecutvo government at time United Slates In removing from the harbor of Honolulu the last veatig 0 vestgo ot the moral support and sympathy ot the people of the United Sjates. " At this pint time speaker said that under a special order time rmainder at time day : would be devoted to _ eulogies on the late Rep resenlath'e Lyle of itentucmcy Mr. 1outelo VIlplY sQnght to have the order let aide temilporarily ! until a resolution 1 he desired to offer could be considered When the spealeervrapped for order , ho continued - Inued his appeal msptlij amid great confusion , the speaker was obipd to order him t be seated and to InstnlCt lime sergeant-at-arms to enforce the order 6r t jd cimair The Lyle culosll'l ( were then delivered . Those who paId "trlbule to their late colleague - league were MeU1.,1lcCreary at Kentucky , Derry at Kentuclr1 ! ttper of laslachusets , Carulh of Kentucky . Martin at Indiana , flreklnridge of K llllky , Pence of Colorado and I.ucal or souti0palota. ; Then , at 3:15 : m . la" a a furlher mark of respect , the house - journed. The resolution w I l ! Mr. Doutele Intended to offer In time houo't tlay was as follows : Resolved . That the house of representa- t\'es learns wittiproloUmmd regret and In- dlgnnliorm at tholthloody atempt ot the adherents of n 1'll lredled and deposed monarchy to o\ rlhrow' ' the republic at iirmwa.ii , In which a dlslnguilhel young amber or that . governmmment of Amerlcln Inea/l' . hns been &ovlrnment actimig In Its defence amid cxtendl to that republic as- rellblc II. suruncel of the eanlest s'mplt IY or the relrelentatves ot the American people In its successful efforts to 11lntuln its au- thorly anll to prptect the lives and prop- . ery at the pcl.le at those tslaimds. Resolved . ' 1hlt lid view of the traditional I traditonal pOlcy of the Unied Slates to afford immoral support 10 the peoJllo or our own mor Idrlired In est hllhtnenlhhH'ned goy- eminent In the Hawaiian Islands aul for the protection or the lives and imnportammt hUllncs Interets at American Importnt there , It ! the sense at this house that one or more suitable ships pf the Amnericaii navy should be stationed at the himiwalian hlants ali retained there I long HawaIan l may be uplmrehesmzlomm of dommmeetic ma ) any uPllrehcnslol domeslc In- surreclon or fur\lgn Interterence. "Ik'r Wtl 10 fllveim n Jeltll ! W'ASIIiNGTON . Jan 19-The committee on was and means has agreed to give Mr. Walker ot Masachusels I hearing on his bond bill , Introduced yesterday In the hole e - ; - = - . = : ' = . , < _ . flLTIA CHARGED - STRIKERS Two Men Slightly Injured by Oontnet with the Soldiers' Dayouete . - SITUATION' SHOWS NO IMPROVEMENT Care nun nUh Urfat IrrejulnrU , and 1on ConStut7 )0111 InterforcI "Ith b7 Strlkcrs-j'ollco IIRko I relY Arrests , ' - nHOOILYN , Jan. 19.-Threo thousand men are Inder arms In Droltyn tonigimt Rioting hns been time order of the da ' . and the strikers hnd scimno serIous elastics wltlm wih the militia this o\enlng. Time cashes ot the mll/ did nt tend to prevent the mob from snaking numerous" assauls on cQn- dueors and motormen who had taken Post- tons with time tied II ) roads . In many ) Instances - stances nonunIon men were badly hurt , anl ! so fierce were time attacks ot time strikers tonight that time soldiers had to resort to the bayonet Several strikers or sma- ) ) lhlzers were bayoneted , and time situation Is ! II.n considered n. . _ I.u the 'e _ gravest , , tmt has _ confronlel , . . " , 'u' ' ' ' lUr many 'enrs. So threaten- 11mg too , hall ' become time nUluco of the mobs that 200 moon who had been secured by the Iroolelrn heights Halrolli company abandoned tholr work In a body tonight. Time strikers threalcned them with 'Iolence wltl or death . and the newly engaged men not only left work but departed frai the city' ns veii . Even the Dear of Meihiatboim amid ArbI- traton has given up its attemumpt at Is atempt recon- tiing the two ftmctiomis . Commissioners Robertson ali Purcell have apparently I : I abandon hope of apparenty any affectimig afectng a compra mlso for time Ilrcseut at Icast . for after the board ndjoured this e\'lnln the ) ' heft town , declarIng that the board had been able to accomplsh notiming The most serlons side of time mater Is the probability ot a general strikes helng orllered. Humors were abroad through tIme day that limo elevated men would go out In sympathy wIth time surface mmmcmi These rumors were : deuled as freuenty as they were made. Despite all contradictions . however several of the leaders of the "L" informed ieaters a repre- entatve of the AssocIated press that the probability of / sympathetic strleo was good. Conferences on time subject hnd been held and It hal been decided to give ben surfnce men alt the aid possible. It was saul by the iL" leaders that It was not at all unlkely that a strike would be ordered on Monday morning. GRAND MASTER SOVEREIGN COMING. Grand Master SovereIgn Is expected In Brooklyn tomorrow anl he wi aUempt to do what the Board of Arbitration has fabled to 10. conciliate the presidents of the various roads. Master 'orkman Connely , however , saul that ho did . ' , , _ not Imow of Sn'orM.'n'c . rl mored Intenton ot taking a hand ' in - the ' quesi ton.Thero There was a conference of police captains tonight and It was decided to rigidly enforce the excise law tomorrow. I was regarded by the authorites as extremely necessary neessary that no liquor be sold to limo strikers during imo present troubles , and hereafer a sharp outlook will be kept on the saloons In the vl- culy ot the car stables. Superintendent ot Police Campbell tonight Issued a statement that he had been notified that the Brooklyn , V Railway company 11 put their lines In oper- aton at 8 o'eloek. The lines are the Green Point , Third and Hamilton avenues and some other lines. Thl chlet of police , In conjunc- ton with the mita , wi make a special preparation for the opening at these lines. Notice Is' given that a further force at militia will be ordered out the Impression having been obtained late tonight that the strikers had made special arrangements to meet the rairoad ofcials on their grounds. SUBSISTENCE FOR TiE MILITIAMEN. Twenty-five thousand sandwiches and 100 g lens at coffee have been ordered for the ' mIIitl tned now on ' duty . 'he Prospect Park reservoir staten Is guarded by 100 men under command of Cap- taln Tobias , while Captain Stokes has llO men at he car sheds at Fiatbusim. Privates do not enter upon the campaign with any degree at enthusiasm. 'n time strike of 182 they had a long siege of service at Bluff protectng"ralroad property , and they proCess to fear 'that ' ' I they should be kept on duty now for more than thlrly-sl hours their employers will come to the cnchl- don that membership In the National ' guard Is not compatible with efficiency In buslnes ' Many are talking of resigning from their companies. A car of the Putnam avenue line Ino was attacked - tacked by a mob at strikers this morning : near the vacant lola en Hulsey slre3t between . : tween Ralph and Howard avenues. Motorman - man Kelly and Conductor Hawkins were i badly beaten and the later had to be removed - moved to a hmospital. The polce charged the m mob and arrested one man. Another car of r the ' same line was also attacked and the motorman beaten. A car on the Halsey street line In charge at Conductor Joseph 'Vhalen was held up at L time corner at Ralph avenue and Halsey Lr . street by a large crowd of strikers who tried to Induce the motorman and conductor i to quit Faing In this a rush was made ! for the motorman . but he held on with all his might. Conductor Wbalen was also attacked - tacked , but before the strikers could do any damage they were dispersed by the police. PQLICE CHARGED TiE MOB " Companies F and G ot time Seventh regi- meet were sent to the East New York depot A crowd at strikers had collected there to prevent cars being started The pol co charged limo mob and used their clubs freely. Two strikers were badly hmurt Nearly IGOO strIkers and sympathizer warlald two Broadway - way cars near Flushing avenue and carried off time motorman and conductor as prisoners The polio were powerless to prevent the act. Time calling out of the troops seems to have aggravated Instead 'of aleviated the Bituation . I has caused indignation among the labor organizatons , and there Is a prospect that sympathy other trades wi bc cal upon t strIke In Master . 'Yorltman Connely saId to a re porter that a general strike may be expected before Sunday. Two cars at time Fulton street line , one flying a United States mal flag . reached Wilams place and Fulon street at 1:40 : p. m. This Is two blocks from the Fuhton Fulon street station. A crowd at about 1,400 , strlters surrounded time cars all chased the tour polcemen from thmenm Passengers and a number of nonunion men were also driven ott . PoleD relnforcemenls mire on the way to the Jcene. The motormen , , . _ , _ . . . , deserted theIr . Vi i ! IhA nOltg nnl InrA nrA nn" nl 4 * n' rn" n' _ en _ . . . _ _ . _ _ 'W . . . f.n . . . z u , the mob The trolley wires were cut at Manhatan crossing and Steno avenue us two places. Time mmmob is constantly increasIng and serious trouble is expected , Two moro Fimltomm street cars wore hmtld up V at Wibilanus place and Fubton street , The crews deserted timeir posts. Time Sumner avenue line is lmlooke , time circuit ummoving been burned out by inexper- ieoced imands , Thmo trolley vtres were cut by time strikers at Fuiton street and Nostrand avenue. They were repaired , however , by time company , bV less than an imour later were again cut furtlmor down time street , About timirty-Ilve nonummionlsts wimo were in time cars on ilmeir s'ay to' time Fuiton street station were induced by time strikers to join their rarmks , President M. J , Commnelhy of time executive board of district assembly 71 , Knlghmts of Labor , said at mtoomm ; "i'timo sitcmatiomi 1mm mm very serious one. Time calling out of time mihiiia immis Intensified time struggle between time ratlroaml corporation and time mnmimm , I favor time calling out of sib time labor unions as time best momma of ending time present diffIculty. " MAY CALL OUT TIlE TIAILI1OADERS. It was rumored timat eli railroad empioyes in 3rookIyn would be called out tomorrow. Mr. Cmsmmeihy. imowover , voubd mieltimer altlrmmm nor demmy lme report. From time nature of his replies to questions it was gmmtlmerecl that the mmmatter was under commsideratioo by the executive - ecutive board , Time flergezm street line sent. out thireo cars tliht morrmimmg , They proceeded as far as Varm- derbiit avenue , wlmera they became stalled amid were comupeiled to return to the depot. Time officials disimatcimed timreo otimer card , time first of which was a sweeper. tube next a salt car and limo remnainimug cno a passenger car , over time Sumner line , When time traimm reached sumner ayeoue and Dean street angry mimobs cV women and boys surrounded time cars and anowballed time inert vIgorously. .4iderman J. MvGann baa contrjbuted $1,000 to aid time strikers. Tb. railroad bobpanie - V- ' V V ( 'V , , , V ' , have not fulfilled their agreement with Mayor Sclmieren to open up all their lines. limmt few cars are running , and tmey are in charge o'f inexperienced macn , The mniiitia at time Jamaica car stables were forced to cbargo a big mob thiree times since 6 o'clock. 'l'hme first time the strikers gmmtlt- creel at time stable and jeered the soldiers. Thmo officer 1mm comnmmmnndi drew his Inca Imp in line and gave an order to charge. Time mob was driven baclc to the hommses eu time 01)1)0. site aide of time street and fell Peii mmmcii timrough tlmo doorways anti clown cellars , anti in fact , wherever they could find a place of escape , One pensotm , Charles Wilson , was injured by being stabbed iii limo back with a bayonet. lie was taken to a temporary hospital establishment by Assistant Smmrgo'on ' hielchmer , in omm of time empty car houses , where liii wound was dressed. It , was only a sllgimt heals wound , At 7:10 : antI again at 7i0 : tlmo mmuiibtia charged limo iimob , which hind become once again timrcatcimlmmg. Time strikers amid thmeir friends Imad begun to gather In front of the car hommac and jeered time soldiers , 'l'imere were several ; ersnmmnl encounters between time gmmards and the mumeb whmilm imegan to close arotimmil time car imotiso , Colonel Eddy called omit. his cserVes in time barhus , formmmedi timein into himme , stretcimlmmg tlmcmmm Mommg limo street for' a ( Ilstammce of 2P ) feet ammmt thou gave time oriler to advance , Some of time strikers atmd their sympathizers ( oak issue with time miutlitia ammd toppe4 to hrgmmo time voint. Time temper of time crowd necessitated a tiIled charge. Again time nolihiers , acivamiccd on time mmioh and drove It from time street at time polmmt of time bayonet. A , , . , ' , , , "in , ' wn wommnletl. hIts mmammmo is Tlmommumms Nolamm , a composItor. lie fell amid was struck on time left lemmeo witim a hmayommet in time hmmuids of somne unknowlt guardsmmmaml. lie was remminveil to his home. STltIlCEitS RIOTING. 10:45 : m. mmu-Timo strikers have been rioting for thmo inst. three-quarters of an hour mm time vicinity' of time car stables , omm Jnmmuaica avenue , In time Twemmty-slxth ward they are lmmmriing 'bricks mind stoneS in every direction. Time mmillitary scattered the crowd timnim ammml tlmmmo again. Several mimen and we- men were wotmntled , Eugene Wihiianms vas stalbed In time back by a bayonet. Pimiiip Tigimo vas also stabbed by' a bayommet. A we- man wlmo name could not ho learned , vlttio attemmmptimmg to pass tbmrougii tlmo line , received a simmmilar wommnd by a gcmardsnmmmn , 'wimose bayonet - onet was umolnteI 1mm time directIon of the fleeing crowd. TIme mmuititia drove time rioters down Aiabammma and Georgia avenues several timnes , chasing them front time atables as far :55 four blocks , Time sitummtiomm at this Place is a serious one. Several mummubulances imavo beomu sent to time scene of time riot. 11 p. mmi.-It is rumnored tlmat a man had been killed by time : mmhhitia in eastern New York. Time rioters are still riotimmg , The militia , nmnder Major Cochran of time Thin- teentim rcglmmment , charged time strikers scverai tlmmies , One imimmidred moummted police lmavo been sent to limo acommo of tlmo riot. Soldiers are charging the mob in au directions , Fit- teen ammibulaoco calls imavo , been sent out , A squad of 100 1)oilcememm imas also bemm sent. lnring time rioting In limo vicinity of the Alabama avenue barns sonic of time strikers rotroatoi to Elm rr.of oC ( hR inmIt'q nn.1 heaved down stones onto tIme troops. Some i dca of time violence of tIme fighting mmuay be gatlmered when it is known timat from time i mmmmnedlate mmeigimborlmooth fifteen ambulance calls were sent to St. Mary's imospital , Time battle waged flercciy up and down the slmort hmioclc on Alabama aveimue , between time railroad depot and Atlantic avenue. 'limo aoi- diers drove many of time strikera into tIme saloons 'whlclm lined botim skies of tlmo street , and kept them prisoners tim timere. Aided by a reserve and a mounted squad , timey timen drove limo remmmainedr of time rIoters across Atlantic - lantic avenue and down a. aide stroet. In the meantime additions to the strikers' force were belng made from tIme surrounding this- tricts. Scores of aymnpathizerg from this ever Increasing - creasing mob imiounted to time elevated railroad - road tracks and from timis point of vantage hurled missiles of ervory conceivabie kind at the members of ( ho national guard , nearly bait of whom were struck and more or hess wounded. So serious indeed had time state of affairs become that tie soon as the strikers imami been driven from their yartag gromnd Major Cocimran , in command of the guardsmen - men , sent an emphatic request to hmeadquar- tars for reinforcements. Two companies wore soon upon the scene. By timis time , imowever , hestilltie had ended and at mid. night all was quiet aim time battiefleld. - _ hJ'JSXIL'qaTtPN J OTES. Somimttcm Mandcrson'a Busy flay. WASHINGTON , Jan. 10.-Special ( Teic- gram.-Senator ) Mandemson today presented in time senate the credentials of his aucces- ser , Senator John M. Thurston. Senator Manderson presented a petition from local union , ttnited . Brotimerimood of Carpenters , of Lincoln , favoring time passage of the house bill for the Appointment - mont of a strike commission. Time senator today sent a hotter to Comp- troiher ofthme Currency TIckles , recommending - ing the appointment of 0. C. Boil of Red Cloud , as receiver of the Kearney National bank of ICearney. In hIs letter time aesmatom' says Deli has been receiver of the First National bank of lIed Cloud and is emi- nentiy fitted for the position. Senator Mandersomu has written time Ne- brasica State Board of Transportatboim roe- omniending time appointment of H , 0. Homige namsecretary of the board. , , , -V , J- , ' . ' , AV i.1C& Ut 1JSLIIZtJJfl LC senator has urged time superintendent of time maliway mali service to reinstate itt. L. Dun- lap of Schuy'ier. - Rev , T. B , Gardner of Lincoln has written Senator Manderon asking the senator to endorse imimn for appoirmtmemit as cimapiatmm of the Ninth United States cavalry , miCa- tiommed at Fort Niobrara. Time senator says that he has already recommended' th op- pointnment of a ciergymnn residing at Ctmmmcl- ran , and therefore canmmot comply with Gardner's request. Senator Maimilerson hmns donated his quota of garden needs from the Agricuhtmmrsmi de- irnrtment to William N , Nammomi , cimnirman of time Nebrasica State Relief committee. These amount t l00 , packages , containing ten smaiber imaprrs of mmeemhs each , Congressman Melloiejoimn today presented time protct of time Nebraska State Phmarma- ccutlcnl nasociatton against tIme Internal revenmme ttmx omm nlcohoi in time arts. liammlcer Charles Grable of Crawford was at time capitol today to Bee Congressman Mercer. Senator Kyle today proposed an amendment - ment to time sundry civii bill appropriating syoooo to enable thm secratary of agricimi- lure to purchase a tract of land in time James river vahiey , South Dakota. riot to exceed 160 acres , to sink an artesian weib and to conduct nmm ngricnmlturai farm ac- cordimig to time latest Improved method of irrigation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iTririmcy lofieIiiny iIsimcrrom.mnmt Iloportod. WAIIIIINOTON , .Tan , l9.-Wimen Senator Cockreib presented time conference report ems time urgency deficiency lmlib today lie stated tlmat an agreement ImaLl been reached on all time senate ameimmhrnents except two , omme of which decreased tIme ndmnmlmor of income tax _ . , . _ tV.I . _ , , S 4V' . ' t % ( V iV imelmmg Senator lIlbl'd arneimmimnent' iii regard to tIme qtmestiommmc to Cm nmilccd of Income tax payers. Ccmoioreii stated that nil the nmem- bem'mm of this conference hind Iwem of tIme opinion that time adoption of' time liiil amendment - mont would render time law far more inqcmisl- toriui in elmmcrtmcter timmmmm it % % 'Oubtl without It. Mr. Coclcreib moved thmimt time senate ndQpt time disngreemuemmt , whnicim motion wits agreed to , and timen mnoveil thmmtt time senate recede ( rein its disagreeIng amendments. 'rime Hawaiian immc'idemmt iraventecl any final actIon on time conference report , anmi It svill come up Imfonday , Ncyi' ' for the itrmmmy , \V/tSHNGTON , Jan , 19-Ulpecini Tele. gram-Mtmjor ) John V , Lauderdale , stir- geon , viii be relieved from duty in the Iehmartmnent of time East or expiration' of his JCuVU of cmhmmmeimco tinmi will report for duty at Fort Onmalma. Licutenamit Colonel henrY It. Tibtoim , deputy surgeon gonermmh is rebievemi from duty itt Onnaium , und will relieve as medical director Colonel Charles hi , Byrne , nimsbstnnt surgeon general , Do- rartnmemit of Dakota. Coloneb Byrne , upon being relieved , will report for duty its medical dIrector Depam'ipnenmt of time 'East , First I.ieutermmmmml Jammmes ii. Irwin , Fourtim cavalry , is granted one smuontim extencleml heave : Second Lieutenant 1)elamnerem lcer- mitt , Fifth artillery , three days extended , Em'immoLemv l'oslttmmister5 , WASHINGTON , Jarm. 19.-Specimti ( Tele- gm'am.-I'ostmmiatermm ) svero aptmointed today as follows : Nebraska-MIrage , Sheridan county , P. S. ? .loimler , vice 11 , N , Merrill , removed. lowa-Ciaytomm Clayton county , CV. . Ilotimmer , vice ui. B , liheidosm , me- moved , _ _ _ _ _ _ l'omiibouExmsimlnltmg Surgeons , WASIHNG'J'ON , Jan , 19.-Speciat ( Teie. gram.-Dr. henry' * 3 , Summers was today appointed an examnining surgemsm at West Polpi , Nob. , and Pr , H , Jiceson at Miracle , 'a , _ _ _ _ _ riemv tiakota l'oitmsatter , WAtIIIINGTON , Jan , 1.-Speciai ( Tele- gram.-A ) postolttce has been estmblisLmem1 at , llopker. Turner county , 0. . fl , with New- Ion 8'Vaterrnan as postmaster , V , 'V _ V - ? IOVINC FOR FORECLOSURE Petition In the Union Paoiflo Case Plied Ythraay. , MATTER \Y/tS \ TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT Ocnenmsl Oplimlon Ammmong 1'artie hmmteroited t timmmt limo Order Will iune-l'reseimt floccispre Vlii l.ikeiy lie itcitlipol II tech , Sr. LOUIS , Jan. 19-Before Judge Waiter It , Sanborn of time Uftiteth States circuIt court today- AttormmeysViimslow S. Pierce amid It , S. hull of Omimaima , representing P Gordomm Dexter anti Oliver Mimes , secomid , trustees for first mnortgmmge boimdumohlers of time Ummlomm l'nclflc Railway cemumpammy , flied a bill of eOimmpiaint settimmg forthm that the imi- torest emi the $27,000,000 of first mnortgngo bcmids hmnd becim detmmmmitetl Jaimmmmmry 1 , 1Sh5 , ' ' , and asklimg time foreclosure of time mortgage amid zmppolmmtmmmemmt of separate receivers for that divisiomm of tIme Utmioms l'.melfic covoremi by' limo immertgmmgo and knownm as time muslim line , ml. , , M ' , , , , . , , ti , , 1 , , i , . ' , ) , , cilia receivers , amid W , IC. iCeihy' represented time road , Mr. Pierce , for time trustees , also immesented a formmm of order closely following that in the ienver Pacific case , and amilcetl timat. it be mmmado the order of tim court , After comisidorabbo gemieral discussiomu by counsel of time proper verbiage of time order , time cemmrt took time mmmatter ummitler atlvisomnommt amid will remitler a deciaiomm later , probabiy time first of mmcxl week. Time dlscmmssiomm between time attorneys and , Jtmdgo Sanbormu Partoelt of time natimro of a friendly immtercimammgo of opinion , anti wimllo nothmimmg was defiumitety- stated it. seemed to be geimernuby aCCClmttl by time counsel for both sIdes Clint time order asked would issue , thommgim limo exact ternus , of cemmrse , rOmmmaimmcd witim time judge for fimmat deierimuimmatlomm. Time Primicmpal sulmjcct of disctmsslomm was time pro- tectioim of time lmresemmt receiverslmip creditors , and as a result of time cxehmammgo of views it was Practically agreed that the order to issue simould irotect 1mm every way lImo cinimni of creditors unmier time so-called Mimes suit , Net emmly time ftmmmds in time hmammds of Limo receivers - ceivers at presemit , mu. any further enrnimmgs necessary to mmmccl said claimmm would bo set asimle for timmit , imumrposo after duo process of law. As explained by Mr. Pierce , time mumain punimose of time application was to imlace limo old immain line of time Union Pacific , that portion specifically coy- orcil by the termus of time first muomigage , under separate mmmanagenmont , thmetmgii it is cx- pected that limo sammie Imuhividuals wili act as receivers , Ideal of time arguimmemmt. immtitmlgeml in was as to details of immanngemmient. time idea nommig to so arrimmmgo as to penmiult time carnmmmgs of time mmmaimm line to stand by tlmemnsclves and , timerefore , mm a posItion to be subject to the equities of time first mortgage. At tIme aimmue tiimmo time representatives of time bondimoldera desired time operation of time branches as vehi as thmo mmmciii line in such manimer as to carefully - fully guard emil sources of imicomne-raising of botlm , Tbmo bill of coniplaint , as filed , Is a purely formmmal statement of time ternus of time mortgage - gage , the default in interest , time relation of thmo first mortgage to time others and the peal- tlon of time main line end the bmanchmea toward - ward each otimer. TIme order asked for is , as stated , prncticahiy time same as that issued in tlmo case of the Denver Pacific. Prier to bringing Imis bill of commuplaint , Mr. Pierce stated that the nmatter of aeklmmg an order of foreclousro ammd time appointment of receivers was purciy one of form. 110 said timat it was being done on nil of time Union Pacific lines when the interest was defaulted , and denied that it was domme for the purpose of stirring up congress , Ito said time first mnortgago bondhmolders , wanted protection , mind. were taking time customary course. Ho. " further stated thmat time present receivers , known as time Ames receivers , would doubtless - less be reappointed. Mr. Pierce says timat so ninny limbs hmavo been hopped off the Uniomm Pacific system umuder tue present me- celvershmlp tlmat It imas been pretty vehi stripped. Time new receIvership , if directed. will take time place of time old recciversimips on nil lines affected by time first mortgage. Foreclosure suits similar to this have been Instituted in time case of time Oregon Short Line , ( lie Utah Southern , limo Utah & Nortim. era , and in fact In many places on time system whmere the coupons are in default. Time same procedure will doubtless follow everywhere on time system. United States Circuit Judge Caltlwehh , in conversation with a reporter , made a suggestion - gestion in regard to time case. Ho said : "I anu not now speaking as a judge nor as a lawyer , but , hf I were a politician Ia congress - gress , I would propose a scimenmo whtbch , if it could be made to pass time senate , would settle time whom matter. I would Introduce a blib to have time government buy up time first mortgage and run time road itself. That would settle time tmanscontinontai rate question - tion and would straigimten time whole matter out. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADVANCINft WESTERN IIATES , Rate Shmeet Wilt lIe Ready ID Malta lImo Itimlie Effective February 1. ' CHICAGO , Jan , 19.-TIme western lines have agreed on a date on whmicim to advance time rates to Colorado , Utaim and Podia coast points to time tariff published some weeks since. Owing to time difficulty in preparing - paring time rate schedules time advance 'till not be mmndo until February 11. Time Chicago , MLmmlmeatmoils & St. Paul hac stirred up time western roads wimo arc mnak- ing a protest against time emitting of rates , which it agrees Is being done In favor at time timeatricai companies , It declares that it will from thmts time meet wimatovcr rates time otimer lines may see fit to make for Cue- atrical or otlmor parties , A qurmrtcriy dividend of $2 hmas been de. dared from tIme net earnings of the Pubima company , payable February 1. V ' ' 3 ; 4 itt ' NOTIIERS ! MOThERS 1 ! V To know that a single appflca' tion of the Cuticura Remedies will afford Instant relief , permit rest and slccp1 mid point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing , disfiguring , Itching , burning and scaly humors , and not to use them without a moment's delay Is tq fail In your duty , Curei made in childhood are speedy , economical and permanent. oid througboui lb. world , Vorrzn Dare AXD Cmmsmt. Cciii' , , iole propnitmo , . , iloicon. ai. ii About _ _ Lii , Uiooditkitm , daip amid iisIr"siie4 free , si ) Facial Hienutsites , failing hair sad siaspi. baby ; ssb , . yrescited 1)1' ( Juticmurs $ omsp , It tired , uehimst , zmorvous umotli. . era kmmow the comfort , Itrongth am4 ( vitality Ia VutIcur l'last.r. , tbiy I wuId never be without timemum. - . , , sl7 VS7 lbs purest , iweti % i.4 best of pluwrs ,