rujJ.ui j _ , J- , , . . a. , , ' T \ 'If , T f1JI 'rtTr ! ' I ' . . . I-r ' _ ' 1.1 _ _ _ _ TIlE Oi\rAII.A : DAILY n.EE : = stJNDAY : , JANUARY 20 , 189i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - - - - - - - - - - - : 18PE611U NOTIGBS AdcrIRen1ent for thMo 'olnmn ,1 bn t"hcn until 12130 $ p. m. for thn eyclll ! RII ' unti 0 I" m. for thn morning nilt uncn1 edition. Adnrlherl b1 reqneitlng , n nombcrNI dIeck , ( 'nn hnve RnScr iuitireReai to a numhlrcel ) Irter In care of ' ho flee. An- "werl 10 nelllrcpscel , .1 bo delyeroc ulan - prtiientatitti of the check on I , HAtu , Irtenlntnn norc , Orst In ortlol , 10 a word tlicrcstttcr. Nothll ! tlken for lel thAn : lo for lIrL In ortnn. ! rl ' hrlo , 1\.rlhemcnt , ml t run consecu- lteIy. : SITUATION WANTED. Ily AN nXIrUENCED YOUNO MAN AS . bookkecper or honk clerk : cnn fUlnlAh rcier hok keper : en . ; , enk liohemian Addreu A-MSH F 41. 2C' flee. ; WANTED SI WINO 1 ? ' rtii.trs BY A GOOD 8t'lttrn. 7 : .c pel I . AdMeN I. ' Gi 1. Ifl. , A- ! ) 2' ' ) ' WANTED-I ALi1IELP. COOK WANTlm : MUST 1 FIItST.C1.A45 } : , . COO competent In Ahort order work CnlRhnn & hurrarrin41Iand . Neb. D-M 08 20 . . ± Schur _ 11:0s20 VANT11) 1tOOKfliND11tS : SIX EXt'Iltt encNI . 100WINDEIS : : hhh08t wnlel : to 1 go to Chicago . Write Donohue & lenneherry , 41& DeRrhor ) 8lreet. IJ-MS42O nOY WANTE\ TO 1.IMtN MtCItArHCAt . . drakvlng. Adrei. giving exlierIeflCe. 1. to ' AdllreFI. 11'lng eXllerIWliIS Ilte. 13-MS03 2L \VANT1) HAL1II ; TO SII.L TO M1fl. chnnti . hy HAI.FSI . , . Ielt , 1edgeit . coupon books onll other pp'ctntIn : ,1le , Ine ' chance for ppcrnllc8 , fine Irnllc : large line. MaleI Mnnufaetiring \ I company . Inrlc lne. . Inll. 1- Ii 2S' .llN ANn wmmN TO WOIKT 10m. ZIN can tarn big money In painting crayon flortrnh(4 ( In ApRrc time , IIRY or evrnlnK. h ) ' my , rtmll Imc . lie the new , metholl. Anyone cnn work. Intcnt.t Send your tuldrc. I prn,1 Jartculnr8 'olr nlllrepf. free of rhnrge. 1. . \ . (1rlp Oerm1n artist. Tyrone. IA. . WANT"n. MAN TO lANDI.n RTAT agency or hr.nch ounce hu lneA for regular . , iuuuracturing * hous4. nn,1 , In\'e.t Aome cash cat- , t3lfncturlnl . lInt In mercinnBo , to he carried nt his hend. Inl 1Inrtero : applicant IIIrnM give hl.lnepq 'cxpe . . . ' he cnn inveat nnll references riener amount of money hI In'.t r.f. Irrnce8 : fair 011nr and commission to "ulnhle Int-ty. A.lllrpq Mnnufnctlrer. care of ChRrles . - U. Fuller's nd\'crt8In agency Chicago Il-sfl . lii. 20' ? VATID BOOK UINlmH , FOIWAlmlS , ' and genetni workmen : staiiy employment for al'ncy , gooti Iennl W It. Conkcy company. 31.3&1 Dearborn street Chlcngo. 15-MEtS 2' , WANTUD. M1N : AND W011.N : FOR UOVfl1t. 11 tnCnt 1)OSltlOfl4 ) under hew clvii pervlcc rules. lent 1108110n. unler cl'1 Stamp for information . U. S. Ilr'nl ? f In. , , . 'fomRton , Cln.t. nnton. , . B-8832' " BRSI S ; OF YOtl NF11101S WANT. . Nit : $10.00 per thou""HI cA8h pnll plain wrier" . inclose tnn1p. Addrepolng Ilurcnu . 10 " ' . ' 27th Mreet N. Y. I3-MS0 20' SALISMiN , JO SI.L OUR GOOnS flY SAl. ' 1 > le 10 the wholr.nle and retail tnh' : sell on - sight to every buslness'man or Irm : liberal "RIRry and expenos pnll : l1ston ! I > ermunenl. 1.01 terms flIdI'5l . with stamp Centennial , Mfg , Co. , Mllwauhee'ls. . 1-80 21' AOiNT $ . SEND 2c FOR hOOK OF VALIJ- . . able rcctpt'a for man and hnal E. n. Norton lhr N. Y. B-S81 20' : WANTED. SAI.E14MEN , SAt.AIY Oi Cold- . mission , to Introduce our goods to thc tlnde ; - erlnftnent posttlon : stnple line : pledFnnt wotk. - Iwrm.nent A.lcr . * . with stamp King lfg. Co. . C 4. , Chicago. I :1 : SAL1SMEN VANTflD 'G.O A DAY. NO deiivt'rics or collectIons. Cesty outfIt frer. , . SIce Irl'rles Inc or excluive. Address Manufacturs . 394 MMke street Phila. . I'a. n . ' . SALESM1ON . S\I.AIY Oft COMMISSION. FOi I our ' great specialty to merchants. Entrely new : ! Immense sUCCei " : speciAl lnlueements : - Iennnn.nt employment : experience c Merchants conomy Adv. Co. . 820 Van lulen . ft , treet . hl.AI' ! 11-910 20' STENOGrAIIErS. liOOCKIOIOI'lOflS. SALES- . , t men and teachers cleslrlng IlSIt08 In Texas Arc invltc'l tn nddre88 the Texas luslneF8 , ' . . ; In.lell W. Iludnaii . proprietor Dallas . ' . Tex. D90 20' : OIT TIII0 LATEST ' POPULAR COAT nUT- OFT TiE . ton. " 1 hn"o troubles of my own. don't mention tion yours , " The display of this hutton Is a 'd' ton negative 10 all ' appenla . m3ney borrow- . era , and Importuning people come no more c. . tales of woe forever cea8e. Sample and ngent8' . . terms lOc. Sells on sight. Conspicuous ' Button . company . Grand Ilapids Mich. 11-887 2. WANTED , I NEnOFTIC MAN TO MANAGE hmnch office : position permanent : salary \L olce psiton prnnent - . , " $ ,20.0 and commission : must furnish $ CJ.o : to assist In carrying "toek. Address Mnnurnc- . , turer8. bx 339 , lOt Louis . Mo. 13-1124 20' , Ir PEI 1.0 FOIl DISTRIBUTING CIlICU- . lars : enclose 4 'cent8. U. S. DIstrlhutng hureau. Chicago. 1-92 2" ' 5.0 PElt 1.0 FOIl DSTIBUTINO CIncu- lars : enclose 4 cents. N. Y. Advertslnl , n88- encosl . . . City. U-92 20' WANTED EXIEmENC"D LUNGE AND couch veres. and boys to spring up lounge8. Omaha , Upholstering Co. . 28th Avenue and Sahler street. 13-M936 22' % . B-11936 2' MEN TO HELL DAKINO l'OWDEI T TiE . . , ; grocery trade : steady employment : experience . ' and ex- unnecessary ; $75.00 month salary . pense8 or mmI8Blon : I offer satisfactory ad. . . , dress nt once with partiCUlars concerning yout. 4 self , U. S. ChemicAl works. Chicago , B-91 20' BALESMAN , OMAHA . FOR nEST OLSAVINO - . automatic OMAIA. the market for eccentric. o automnte ole crosshead and crank pin : good commissions : . : references rcuired. Ormshe & Hoyt Geneva Kane Co. . 1. ' D-918 20" , . ANTED-FEMALE EELP . LADIES WANTING FIST CLASS OILS LADFS Scndannvlan Y. W. home. 113 CaS8. . cnl - 01 2 F. . LADIES . IF' YOU WISh EMPLOYMENT AT WISI your home . send Relf.adlr.a8e,1 envelope for - our desetiptive circular nnll commence work . nl once : good wages pnld. The Alfred Knitting ! . Co. . Winthrop Mass. 0180 20' WANTED. SALEsMAN FOi CALIFORNIA wines : Il00.CO pet' month and esp nso. with 0 chance for nh'Mc" Commission I preferred. ' . Address. enclosing ; ; . No experience I'culn' enclo.lnl v live s"mps. W . A. Vnndercok Co. . SUn Francisco . cisco . . ( C-88 24' : ANY LADY CAN MAKE $18.0 WEEKLY . working for us quiety nt hOlc : position por- e ma000t. and If you cnn only spare two hour per day , don't fail to Investigate : reply with 4 stamped envelope . 'VomAn's Mutual 1enoll : , Co. . box enVeIO\ \ el. Iii . C-S 20' WANTED IIOUSEICIOFAER. FAMILY OF SIX : widow preferred : god reference. AdOre ill , wllow ; liutica . Neh. C-0.lIlS 21' - LAmES CALLING MONDAY AND TUESDAY . - . can secure sleady home work I $6.0 weekiy . t Iil North 18th street 0913 24' WANTED. A GOOD 01111. FOIl GENERAL . housework S. E. cer 31h and Davenport. I . c-nl :0' LAIll3 TO DO FANCY WOII AT 10Mn : , ' . - LAImS $60 $10.0 : steady work : no canvassing : send stamp. 1elmy Needlework Co. . Deiray Mich. C-M034 23' , C-193t 2' POilT1ONS FOR TWO ENERGETIC LADIES : POSITINH 1'01 ENEIGETIC LADIS . ' to take orders for our new biographical semi- . monthlY series o " ' t len and Famous - nnl , , \Vonen. l'onoune.d the best seller on mar- , , ' . , ket ; every intellIgent l > erln buys I. No cry "hard times. " l'ernanent lo.ltlon anti hlj tl. . pay 10 suitable bOlos vliim gOII addres. Apply } . ply W. ultAIlo _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ lall" _ _ _ _ _ , 1 wlh Crellhton hlock. . r C-Oil 20. _ - - - - ii- FOR RENT-HOUSEB. : : . : - 110ual F. K DAlLINO , DAmml IILOCK. D-53 jiouslos IN AI.L I'AHTS OF' TIlE CITY. TIlE _ 10USES _ : _ : . DIVI. company IW Farnam. 13 10USCSI ; DENAWA & CO. , 109 N. iSTIl D-35 ST. i ; : 1'0 RINT-I1OUSD 01 9 100MB AND BARN -c1 on l'urll RC. Inquire lt 423 8. 1th st , \ ut.D6 1'OIt IIENT-lIOUSlO NINE ROOMS : FURnace - 1"1 l'UI- IENT-I0US nace . bath , etc. . nt 324 and 1.'lrnm. $2.0 : nil ! cheap . houses. 15.0 anti 10.0. different ' , parts ot ) . Dexter 1 TIoma . . tOI Bee building. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-357 _ , . 1.-H IuNT-6.RooM COTTAGE. IN 0000 SIlO. 4. jair IJT-6UOOM ciY 10.0 Ier mouth to goo 1.rUe. . 19 N. 3ih. 1 block front I'nranl r cur lIne . Inquire lt Btoel cl'l gloVe store & next 10 postotflce. " D-3 ' . aHOOU ) IDEUN 10UB . FIVE MINUTES wall : front court house . , 'nclnl leeemter Zitli. : ' wak 1 qreen rom :0 . arkcr blocl . 1-IG r 1"1 IICNT-8-ROOM COTTAGE : ALl. MOD. trn cl'onlen.u. nl3 California si . Milton 1 "I 1o\el & Bon. 14th and Farnant. 1)-ito v n ItENT-CiIEAI' : FOlt TIlE WINTER. 1'01 1tN1'ClMI 1'01 TiE WI'rlm. , t one I.rom house UO.o. three & .rol 0111" . . ' .O. .1. A. ticott . Omaha Nnl'l bank . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hnk.D1213 _ hOUSES . \VALLACOO. BROWN UI.I.16 & 11-401 Inmig. _ : 1-H1 _ 0 , EiGhT IIOOMH IlA'i'Il. I'UINMI : . GAS I c ; 1) near lanlenl lurk ; on car 1' . D. WCULI. 1611 - . . Inl laugias. D-M603 , 1'01 ICN1' . J'I.T8 AT NOlt'liILIAST Colt- 1 $ . 1f of 1th und howard . \ret. In good condl. tion . 01 reasonable terma. IIQ\lro at room au . - First Nntonal"llnle _ Bldg. _ _ - I-M78 ZG 1"1 IIENT 2111 CAPITOl1 VENlm. 1 rt'omi . modem. 'fhe O. I" . Davis , ollan ) ' . ; 1 17 , lnou MODEIN 110U810. I 2 I'EI UONTI A _ 2UI CapItol a\'e. 1)-818 . li' I , UNEQUALEP. IOTEMI CENT AL 3. 6. 6. 7 . rom moues and iits. Tizard . % North - _ l h. _ _ _ - ) ' I1UNT-5.UOOM HOUSn : ALL UODEIN I : I'H rHn1It. HCNT-a'1oM lo. 4G N. lId .L It Dan.l 'p .OR RENT -HOU3ES Continued. FOR SIENT-MODI2I1N 10410011 hOUSE . WITh 10US WITJ 01 1ENTtOlmN lorOOM furnaee . tnth gas . hot nn.l cold water ; onc- half hlok from Fsrnm Street . motor line ; In most 1l..lrnble residence locality In the clty- No. 2Z0 Snuth 3Uh n"e. I.'or particulars npplT to home Investment Co. , 301 Iaton 111k. D-70 : FOR IOENT . 0001 6-noo COTTAGE . IN "llenlll repair ; Imnl bRn ; city water . near hernia Inrk ; will rent cheap for time winter. I"llely Trust company 170 l'nrn siret. . 1)-MRS : $15.00 $ RENT FOIl NICE RIX.nOo hOUSE . $5.0 motor paved "treet. nice tree" " 'llnm" . 13th and Arbor streets . or rom 3U Mc'ague block. 1)-OiB6 21 I"On I NT. l'UnNIHn1 10tISI ? : . R""JN rooms . until l"t of .lmmne . 10 family of adults , ' 30.0 per month. Address 1 49. 11.DS. D-S. 20' , FINE 7-BOOM CORNEll FLAT . AT 701 R. ICTI I.'INI 7.nOOl CINI : street range and all other cn'enlencp" . $311.91. , ( Eorge CIouer ' rom 2. l'all180nIOWZ3 r ! Farnam street , fl-MIll 1.01 ItENT . l'f.EASANT COTTAGE : 1.\ . - cnc streci . $9.0. lucks. b -910 20' POR RENX- 'URN lSHED OOMS. NICELY Fl'nNISlmD noels IN l'mVATI family . single or en suite l& I.'nrnnm. . 1 -.21. : 3 NICE FUIINISIIIII ) 011 UNt'URNISIIED NII FUINIRlED Oi UNI.'UINISlED rooms for lght housekeeping. 112 S. 11th. El84 23' 1"UnNIAI I O ROOMS : CIIINTLEI1EN on married couple. CO North 17th. llS3 20' I'I.I AAANT JunNISIWO ROOMS AD3OININO . "ltallc , for 3 or 4 gentlemen : reasonable t.rm8. 1919 Iodge. IlS7 - . - - . - - - - - FOIl I1ENT . IN II"ATI' F.\lll.Y. TWO plenMnt toO1Tls . furns'ieh ? or unfullphel. wither or wlholt lxord. 463 S. 24th 0\ . 11-ES 20' . TilItEll Ft'ItNIShIlll f on UNI'unNIAlmD TllmJ rm" . with or without hoard ; heat hnth and gas : best locution. 2205 1.'ltnRI. E-916 Ill' PURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD 1001 & 10AI > . GUI IAN pl\AT" 1.'Al. Iy fcr 2 or 3 respectable parties . 41 N. 10th. PI9-F' NICE WAlll ltOOIiil WITh ' OOOD 10AID : rates reasonable : modern convenlenee8. Thc Rose . :20 Hnrney. ' - IG4.1'3' 1.01 I1IONT . 10AID AND ROOM FOIl ONE or two : Ilrl\nte family ; down town. Address F 20. lIeu oiflce. F-MIll NICELY FUINISIJD STEAM IEATED rooms with or without heal I. COI So. 131h st. 1.-723-2. NICIII.Y FUINISIED UOOMS AND BOARD. 1612 N. 19th street. F'-M&4l-F3' NICnIY ; l'UlNISIED SUITE O 1001S fronting soUth with Irsl clAM honrd. 12 Iodge. 1'-872- II.EASANT ROOM FOIl TWO WITh hOARD. :10 Doge 8treet. F-MIll 22. FIhOST-CLASS UOOll AND BOARD . $ . .00 week In private family : gas ball , . furnnce. 2.81 Hnrney. 1.-lSt 30' TILE MERRIAM : 1.'URNISIIED Oi UNFUI1- . 'nl8hed rooms and hoard. 25th and Dodge. F-M860 24' hANDSOME ROOMS WITh ! BOARD . STEAM and telephone : references : N. 18th street. F-MIll 23' FOIl RENT NICELY FUINISIED FRONT rooms . with board : also table board and single meals. 2109 21st and Douglns. F-003 20' FOUR ROOMS . SINGLE Oil ENSUITIO . WITH bar.21 : Doulns 1.-M9U 23' UNFURNISHD ROOMS TO RENT. t I100MS . SUITABLE FOR IIOUSIOKEIOI'ING : lOOMS. SUTAl.E FOi 10USI low renl. N. \V Cor. lith and Webster st. , U-Mill A t.\\OE UNFUINISUED FRONT pAII.OI with board : steam heat. Utopia , 1721 Davenport 81 0-810-20' POR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES I'OI RENT-TIlE 4-STORY mUCK BUILDING . 916 Farnam 8treet. This building hAS 1 fireproof . proof cement basement complete steam heating . Ing fixtures . water on all floors . gas . ete Apply - ply nt the omce of The Dee. 1-910 FOIl RENT . STOlE ROOM 5xH2. DIOWNELL hloek. 135 to 139 South 1th street Lincoln Na. , . I beit location In city : cannot he beat for gen- ernt cry goods store : gAS , water . steam heAt : will rent cheap on long lease. II. C. Young. agent , 13 South 1th street Lincoln Neb. ' 1-11510 21' AGENTS WANTED . SALESMEN Oi AGENTS MAKE MONEY easy selling suits . order $3.5. pants $3 . shirts $1. mncklntoshes $5. Hunter Tailoring Co. . Cln. cinnati . O. .I-MIGIF14' WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO ENGAGE In nn may paying bU8lne.s at home : can work dytme or evening and make SOc to $2.0 per hour : sure thing : sample and instructions sent for lOc. World Supply Co. . Rutland . VI. J-M81 21' $2.0 A DAY TO AGENTS SELLING THE Hoyal White Metal Ih.ter or taking orders for plaUng. Trade secrets formulas receipts eto , . furnished tree. A good agent cnn make two or three thousand dolnr per year with the Royal Pinier. For terms . etc. . odrel Gray & Co. , ' . Platng Works Columbus Ohio. LADY AGENTS : IUHD"1 UNDEIOAI- ment : quick sales : big profits : catalogue fr.e. Mrs. N. D. Little Mfg. Co. . Chlcnl . Iii. J- AGENTS WANTED : NO hARD TIMES : aluminum no'eIUe : buy direct : 2 per cent proltl secure terrier : anmple In velvet lined In.,1 case btnt8 you : sent return , mail for 10" Aluminum Novelty Co. . 333 Broadway . N. Y. J- WANTED LADY AGENTS TO SELL TiE best wenrlnl and beet .eling corset on earth : the Hygola. 1'01 particulars write the Western Oset Co" St. l.ul8. Mo. J WIlY DO PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF HARD times when any womnn or man cnn make from $5 to $0 a day easily. All have heard of the wonderful success ot the Climax Dish ' \'p.her : yet many are apt to think they cnn't make money selling I : hut anyone can make I . money . because every family wAnts one. One agent has made $478.30 In the last three months after paying all expenses and attending to reg. ular business besides. You lIon' have to canvass . \18S ; ns soon as . people know you have It for sale they 8en'l for n Dish \Vmisher. . Address the Clmax Mfg Co. . 4. Stor Ave. . Columbus Ohio for l > nrteulAro J AGENTS , SIND FOR ONLY COMBINED U. SFNO FOi COMBNED J. ghlr alnn. and lock In th world : weighs three ounces : agents mke $ S.0 wokly : sample 50 cents : Ilotcularo free. Ferris Manufacturing Co. . Chlcngo. J497 20' WANTED . AGENTS FOR OUR AHJ STOS- c'pre" . Ilrl.clny coollng : wn.c : wages $ .0 to $ .0 n can ; pay every Iwo weeks. Central Supply Co. . 33 Water street , Cincinnati . O. . J -86 20' AGENTS IANl.U AI.U1UNU1 OOODS AND make money : sales Quick : Jrola large : send hOc for sample In plush box : illustrated ! rcu. lame free. Novelty Introduction Co. . 21 State street Chlcngo. J LADY AGENTS TO IF' ESCNT US : $5.0 per month and expenses : for l > nrtculArs address . dress wih stamp , La Claire Mfg . Co. . Chicago . Ill. . J-927 20 AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL our goods : salary Ind expenses paid . Achlresa with mtamp . 1leh. Mfg. Co. D.p. II" - Chicago 20' . AGENTS WE HAVE TiE IFST SELLING art.ld on the continent : from n.w to $5.0 per ony cnn b made supplying regular cn.lomes with our vomular Invorlng perfumes powders anti 611'8 Address Consolidated l'erfumo Co. , Chicago J-93 20' - WANTED-TO RENT WANTED-TWO FURNIHIIIOD ROOMS WITH WANTE FUINISIED noels . heat for light houselcephlg : gIve location and lowest lerms. I' 5t. lIeu. K-81-2' WANTED TO RENT 6 Oi 6.1011 10DElN cottage or fiat In desirable locnlty.y young couple : givO locution and lirice Address F G : . Il' liice . K-Ill 20' WANTED GOOD ROOM AND 10AlO I"OI two men : prh'ate famiy Preferred I : muot he south of FarRm end west of Twenty.forUI street Adllu I. 63. 1ee. IC-919 20' W.\NTlm T RENT COTTAGE . W FUR. n"hed : wi buy furniture : must b nice loca. lOon. Address F 61 , lee omee. IC-932 20' l"UlNIHIEJ 100M Il ONE GENTI.UIAN where can have use of piano 1 or organ for irac. tl'O : state imice . Address I" 56 , lee K-V3 oltice. 20' WAN'nO. TWO SI'PAIATE SLEEPING rcms for 2 men : steam heal : north of J'o. Rain . Address , with terms , ( 2 311-01943 Itee. 20' _ _ _ - STORAGE BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAhA . U. a. guy. bnde warehouse. 10uI"loll goods etored. Lowest rates . IOt3.IOU I..a'enworh. go. . U-363 . STOlAOE FOIl HOUSmlLD GOODS ; CLEAN und cheap rute. ItVeils . 11 J'lrlm.MU - 1ITO3IAGIO. FRANK lOWERS . 1' l"ll l' WANTED-TO BUY. . WAN1'UD. a SECOND I.ND UpmOIT pianos . please state price make and where it I can b leen. 1. n. Scott . room t30 lamlS . ' blok' M- CITY S CO. (3LAIMS. h'RITChIAIlD hilt FI'U. Wn UU\ AND SI LL HOISI ! ITO BE mooved ) . II. W. Darnum & Son . 1 : ' N. 18th. N-M5 1'- ACTIVH lltISlNCSH MAN WILl. INVEST ACIVE IJSINI IIAN tNVJST WII. U.O 0 to 10.0.0. with services . In catab- l.hed mind good paying banking . whoieiai1 . P nuu\utaturlnl business , Address F 58 . floe. . N- :0' . - = WANTED-TO BUY ConUnutd. WANTED T ltY SMA Lt. RTRAl LAUNDRY In t"tt Nrlokn or western Iown. Address Box 234 . flnndolph . Neb N-lOS ! 2) " FOR SALE-1 URN ITURE . Ft1NIT lR AUCTION AT 11 FAINAM ST. I Saturdays , 10 a. m. flobt. Wel ! 0-6& FIII1NITt'RE 01. T11r4.I100MIIOUSII 1.'OI sale nt a bargain : house modem . for rent ; good neighliorhc.od : walking , tstnnee of bU81. nNI , tIstrlt. Excellent 1Inee for roomers or bonnleTS. ' 'I give time If Aecrll , Cr CX change for good mortgage note8. 1' 61. lice. K ' 0-91 2) FOR SALE'HORSES , AGONSETO. l'OI SALE AT LESS TiAN WIOI.t SAI.RI'S cost . one new phaeton rnll wagon . top itmggy and carriage. Address I' 52 . lIce. 1'-S6I-23' - FOR SALE-MlbUHLLANEOU5. WEOMAN PIANOS BRIDGEPORT OnOANS. - Woodbridge - - - lore , . . Ill So. 1th. Q-68 10G AND CICICEN PENCIl : HAID WOOD pickets. C. H. Lee 91 Douglas Q-36 Volt SALE Oi NT-OOOD SALOON NEAn new fair ground AldreE or cal IdS'nlf . 4q19 North 311h ( Ureet. Q-S:3-2 : , 1'01 SALE , Tlnm ( LATEST MAIO ) IAI.IJS safes : one Pmahi . one medium size. one large burglar Proof , ( steel ehe.l ) : nl"o elrgRnt' hRnk Ixturel , saloon Ixturp8. fine cOlten and show oases ; must he sold. Address J 57. Ilee. Ilee.Q81& ' Q-i 20' FOIl SAI.I. A NIMnLY FRESh GRADE JI n. 8ey COW UO.o : nl" ) 10 good work horse. only $ & .0. In'nlre NI18 Hondersn nt Mrs. 11lh 0. Clark Florence Net Q-M916 :6 CLAiRVOYANTS . 24115. DR. H. WAImEN , CLAIRVOYANT . IE- liable business medium : 7h year at 19 N. 16th. 83iO MA SSAGH , BATHS ET { MADAI SMITh , 5 S. 13TI. 2D ! I'LOOI mourn 31 : miuwago . vn\or. alcohol . steam . sui. phurlne and 8m hath T-01914 26' MADAM LAIIUI2 MASSAGE . 416 S. 15TH. T-167i 1'6' MASSAGE . MADAME BERNARD . 121 DODGE. T-M82 22' TURKISH BATHS TURKISh BAThS' ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for Ines. Suite 10.10 Dee hhlg. 1&1 LADES TUmnSn AND ELECTRIC IIATIN complexion treatment , bust development manicure - cure and chiropodtst. Mme. 1'081. 3194 South 15th street. ' PERSONAL DR. T. W. STONE , 80 N. Y. LIFE TEL. C1. U-Ill U-1 THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO order from measure. 1919 I'nrnm street.UIll U-13 . - - - MASSAGE . ELECTRO THERMAL BAThS . lASSAGE. ELEclO THEIMAL DATlS. chiropodist. 1 me. Iosl. 3191 8. 15th U-37. 8t. MATRIMONIAL PAPER WITH 1.0 ADVErt- Uoements and photos of marriageable people . many rich mailed free. Address box 245. Brook. lyn . , N. Y. U-M193J20' SKATES GROUND hOLLOW Oi PLAIN , AT i A 1 Undeland's . 106 S. - Ifh 8treel. U-HO - - VIAVI CO. . 3t6 DEE DLDG. hEALTh 13K. FREE - U-3 SWIODISII MOVEMENT CURE ) 'OR LADIES SWEDSn 10VElENT CUIE YOI 1816 Chicago st. : consultation . s\lentlc. facial ! and obesity treatment free Mondcys Jnnuary. U-M316J28' U-M3tCJ2" D. IIASS FLORIST PLANTS CUT FLOW- ert Banquet bali . residence and grave deco. rations . 18h3 Vinton street , telephl'nc i6.UC U-C - NEWLY FITTED BAT ! ! PARLORS. Turkish and electric baths for ladles Ind gentle- gente- men. Madam lIowell . 320 S. 15th street . ZJ 10r. U-Mill 26' LADIES' TRY BEEMAN'S l'ENNYIOYAL and Tansy pills : never rail : always sure : sealed $ .0. Ii. Stevens & 0lstavu8. 59 State street Chlcngo. U- ATTENTION t.ADISI EMMA DUST DEVEL- oper wi enlarge your bust 5 inches , Ouu- anteed. Sealed instructions 2" . or 24 PAI6,1- . lu.lrle catalogue G. by mail. Emma Toilet Bazar . Boston . Mass. U WANTED PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN nmathemaUrs from Iirst.dath getlman tqtor. mnthemn\c frm frst. os Iltor. Address J 60 ; flee olilco. geftjman 2 PERSONAL : DIVORCES QUICKLY : ADVICE free. Address . Lwyer. 6t College l'lnce. New York . CI ) U- - - - "GUDE TO SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION ; " how to trade successfully on limIted mArgin on grin and stock markets : mailed free. Coates & Co. . Rialto . Bldg. . Chicago . Ill. U-Ill 20' - 2' DO YOU SPECLTE7 Then send for our baok "How to Speculate Succte8fuly on Lim- Ite Margins In Grain And Stock Markets : " mailed tree. Comstock Hughes & Ca. . 1Inio building . Chicago. U-2 : SANTAO : FOIl lEN ONLY : GREATEST REStorer - storer and developer known : cures weakness . error . lost vittility . vnrcocelc : enlarg shrunken and unde\Oelope parts : guaranteed : $20 : con- IdetAI book free. Dr. H. T. Miller . :1 Quincy street Chicago Ill. U-92 2" MARRIAGE PAPER 2C STAMP ; HUNDIEDS of descriptions with residences : many Wl'ihy. Mr. and . lrs , Drake . 155 Washington U-2 Street 20' . MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. LIFE lens nl low rates for choice security . In Ne- bmsk and lawn farms or Omahn.clt ) property W-317 . W-7. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bughl F' . O. Chesney Kansas City W-378 Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIA OMAI real catAte. Brennan Love & Co. , l'axton hlk. W-79 MONEY TO LOAN 'AT LOWEST RATES. THE 0 , F. Davis Co. , 155 I'nrnm st , 'V-80 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS. J. V. ' . Squire 2tS Dee hldg. W-81 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAII . & N. Y'V LIFE. - CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST mle8. I'u.ey & Thomas , First Nnt'l 14k. hldg. ' -B2 _ MONEY TO LAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 10 l'aram. W-36 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. \Y. J'ara Smith & Co. , 130 Farnam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W-3S1 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAII'A UEAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. D. OMAHj 1EAL . hAnk bId . W-38I MONEY TO LOAN-OHATXELS. MONEY TO LAN ON 11'U1INITUI1E. PIANOS and all kinds ot security. Pre Terry. room .3 Ulmgo hlock. X-319 MONEY TO LAN ON HOUSEUO.D FUI1NI- ture. pianos . horses wagons . or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates which you can t'ay hack nt any time antI In any . . ' . . amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wlhnel block X.389 J. D. HADDOCK , ROOM 42 nAMOE BLOCK. X-I81 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE . PIANOS , horses . wagons etc. . I lowest mic In city : 10 removal ot goods ; strictly confidential ; you nmount. cnn pay the lOAn oft al any time or In any nmount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO" 30 8. 16th streel. X-8 BUSINESS CHANCES , WANTED A MAN WITH A STOCK 01' fill ? goods or money' to join with a stock ot gro . cerles . money loellon and trade esiabhialmed . John Ledwich Avocn , Iowa Y-M3H INCREASE YOUr INCOME : SEND 1"l FREE book . "How to Tae Successfully In Grain on Small Margins . " Perkins & Co. . 21 htialto . Chicago. Y-MU5 329' I-l BALE A DRUG STOlE IN YOmc. Nlm. : consideration . $ ,000 spot cA.h : this includes building and a bargain . Address Mrs. 10. H. . Dorr. York Neh. Y-MSI 21. 1-1 BALE . lAKUIY AND RESTAURANT : A go pulnl business : reasonable terms Call on Ilnleld Bros. . Neola In. Y-2.i834 22' SALOON FIXTURES FOR aAI.I CAI.I. AT 13 North , 2H:1 : atreet. Y-Ml1l 23" $ .5.0 STOCK DRY 000DSIIAT $ . FUIINIBII. Ing goods caidm . or hAlf improved city property : good location : business established 181 $ . In Omaha. 1 51. Ilee. 1-0 20' FOR SALE. ONE.HALF INTEREST IN OLD established furniture and undertaking business : siclqicss of one I"rtner the cause of selling ; any one wanting this kind of business can I. cure good paring business : about 1.0.0 n.e. Address 1' 59. nee. y- . IOI FOR S"I.E. A GOOD I'AYINO 2.IANUF'ACTUIt. low huylnew for $90.0 : reasons for a < llng , Address V 53. D.e. Y-123 20' WANTI ) 10NJST AND IELIAI.I MILl. ncr and l.m.ker II partner In good Iowa town six hundred dollars r.qulre. hu.lnPs established \ : gentleman traveling cause for tatnb Ilh" < ntemln trvelng Cluue selling. flux seventeen Bennttt . la Y-882 20' Y-8 2' I'O BALD. , UUSINESS l'ROl'IOIlTY , WI1I small stock and Ixlurci % down ; hal. on time . W. T Brown . Yock NeL Y-MPU 21' GOI OPENING J'OI 11O1IIIMIAN ; ONE OF the . best towns In Neb. ; small stock Iiamdware . .to\ . tinware . timners' tool. etc. ; only tin shop here : invoice abut U.30.o : con add farm machinery . ele AdOress J' .9. - le. . -8i Z. , S _ _ _ : : i---- -S - 1 . L . , . FOR .1 CIANGE . . , , jug AN ELEQANT 10 m LYONA. IOWA .ND Cash to ext"nnge 0T' f r good modern house In nle Omaha F 'L Trt . / company , 1702 Fnr nam M. t.r . Z72 SI 't ? TEXAS LAND FOI8PPSkIE ANI ) TRAIIO. " ANI FOII"t.f 1.712.nrre tract , near railroad . bargain . the- forced pnrmenta. Oh r Tens lands for trade. What are you tmdlnl7 Address The 1' . 0 Igh8mlh Land C& i"ort Worth ' Tex , . / Jott - r81 25' nsr , Worth'1. A PINtO RESIDIONUE. SOME llt'IIINRSS FIt nESIE ; SOll property and hn,1 , located In nnll near city of Oakcs N. n. . to tr tc for a stock of hard- ware. Jn'ulre of < , f } ! ady . Oales . N. D. . " S Z1862 2 -I--S I CASh . \D LAND FOJt"OiFIlCIIANDISE : ALSO l'OJ1'IFICIANmSE land for equity 'In" Omaha or Council UUr8 residence Ilry , 100m 24 Snpp Iulll- ing . Council Iliuffu. \ Z-M866 20 TO XCIANa FOR MEICI.\NIS" . FIRST. class tom hand In csnttnl Nebraska . Address , M. D. IRllox , Shel n. Neb. 1.MSSO 23' FOIL THADE , 31.4 ACI . NEW 101" ; WANT . cnfroner. harness , etc ; make offer. " . " ' . Davis II t8mouth. Neb zm : ) ' TO EXCIAN01. NIt CLEAR LOT VOlt good he8e and buggy : mU81 h In tirst'class condition . Address F' C. , lee office.Z2.1912 .11912 2 MODERN mSlnNCO IN OICIAI > IIILL. i lerf.-t ConditIon . "ome encumbrance . to ex. change on oqUIRhle basis for ! 1nler plnee. ' _ Address 1' , C2 lice. Z"92 : ) ' WANTlm TO TRADE ' GOOD 7.IOOlt 100sn antI large lot . tImoice location , for Plnl f..m In the vicinity of OmnhR : wi Iny ) , difference In cash , If nn ) ' . Address 0 1. Omnh" hire. / .M937 26 FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. - - - IHHT CIllOAl' . ( I AI. JUllelou I ) ' uec.1 n small sum now means corn- fort profit , intlepentlcncc' , ALL SIGNS , Point that way Come an.1 get posted . For next 3 .lnys every day will ho IAlGAtN DAY. Save ' ' . ' solid foundation . " your mane ) l'repRre a 8 tOtllntan. This 18 the chance of 'rnrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S S This order when counterlln.1 by the ' S AMES iEAL I STATI AGENCY S 18 good for S S FIFTEEN DOLLARS IN TIADF S FIFTEEN DOLI.AIS IN TRADES . S AT S IIAVDEN BM& S IIAYIEN 1111013. S I presented within 30 dn8 from . . . . . . . a 5 Countersigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . - . ForesIght . jhrift , courage antI RI sums make 100 per cent profit. TAKE ONE VOlt YOUR WIFE AND CHIL- I ) It EN. I Is foundation of AhI , 'gAl.Tt. AMIH REAL ESTATE AGENCY. . Established 1850. 161 Farnam Opp. N. Y. I.lf. l8 4 BARGAINS . IIOUSES LOTS AND FARMS . sale or trle. F. IC. Darling . Darker hlock. Itil-Sod S IE-9 FOR SALE NEW I.1001I COTTAG : CIOL- lar cistern , city water : cor. 30th and Sahler : $1.2.0 : long time. Inquire 1318 Famnam. Samuel Burns. IE391 EXCHANGES AND SAI.ESf'CITY PIOPEITY , farms . merchandise Gan'ln Eros. . 20 N. 1E92 Y. Life FOR SALE A 120-ACRE FAI 1. 1& MILES northwest ot Omnha. Address E : Bee. , UEl339 328' WILL YOU BUY w on 10 FEET FIONTAOE In Innscom place nt 50 Cents on the dollar ? I . I 8 come and see is. Fidelity Trust corn- puny 1702 Farnam. 18. 1E720 I SPECIAL PRICES AND TERMS ON I1ECS Place IMo for tenda's. Fidelity Trust com- puny li02 Farnarn. ' < 1)s. ; 1110-720 EXTRA INDUCEIENTIIN AVONDALE pAm for n few tlays . Comelln And males your deal < ) mne and get'ready for'it home In' the spring. 1'1. delty Trust company , , , 172 I Farnnm st. : 1E70 BARGAINS : SALE OIL TRADE IN CITY PIOp- ertea and farms. "John'N l'rnzer , opp. 1 O. I I .1 . , t IE183 FOR SALE TWO LOTS NEAR IANSCOl parlc $6.0 rnch nleo'cfor $25.0 cash 2 lots In Ambler Place welbiocated . on paved street car line . near statg ! ' fair . ground. 1. ' . J. Sut- Cliffe. 22 nee building. y 1E181 21' LIST BARGAINS I1'LANflS WITH CARROLL CAnIOLI. M. Carter , Il. 5. main floor N. Y. Life Omnhn. ' ' RE-Ill-Fl ? Sin' ' 1' ? 1E-869-FI lC ACRES . CENTRAL TNEDIASIA , NEAl town $ : ) : monthly , pn'ments 'iiliam . . & Illan , McCagup. hlo ll. ILC-M8751 , , SHEmQA' ) Y. I.d ; ; . , . , . A. chance . selulont . secmlt&I,1 " ' . . \ ' : Jl' S S I I have ttr sale slIt ' sldo'hlocks. . Qntalnln 72 ' I lots ; 62 ' lots Ixl2 and 8 lots 66xh25. In , the Mountain View addition to thc , town of Sheri dan , Wyoming : ' . mile from P. < and First National banK and ImmeOln.elY . nOJollg the Lincoln Land company's property. . - , Considered ho best residence additIon. Price for the 7. Iota I sold hy February 1 next $ .0.0. , These lots are desirable for residence property and ' located on the choice residence sIde ot Sheridan. Apply for further partIculars to HERBERT . TYLER . Real Estate Agent Sheridan . Wyoming. hUO-M873 21 LOT FOR SALE CHEAP : PART CASH AND balance on time : , -foot font by 152. with alley In the rear . 2 $ les from p08tolce ; lot 6. In block 1. In Splngdale addition city of Omaha Jonas Oak . . boOc 4S. Andover Iii . 1110-24182 25' $ .0 FOR 5 ACRES NORTH PART OF CITY. Call 01 adQress ISIO Grace streel. 1110-568.20' VIRGINIA PLANTATION : 735 ACRES FOi $ .00.0 ; buildings alone worth more than asked for ( arm : must be sold ; easy terms : tO acres cleared : 135 fine timber : large amount river low grounds ot inexhaustible fertIlity : all level and smooth : p.tomce 5.1 mile : churches and stores nearby : best of neighborhood : frame , house : 8 large rooms : detached kitchen ; per- , feet repair ; orchard : fine view 1 ; large barns and stables ; ; 60 tenant houses and 14 other build- InGB. I PartIculars . W. O. Stevcs . r . burg. Vn. S UE YOU om l'OOIEI EVERY _ DAY PAYING rent. Buy one of these ; 377 N. 221. 5rom l -slor. $ ,10.0. $ I.O cn.h. balance monthlY : N. W. corner of 20.hl and CaJtN1Rr , 5 rooms , l.stor. C n. front . $ :0.0. : ' 500.04 cash hRI- Mc easy : 20th street boulevard . north 5 rooms , I-stor. W ft. lot . $ .0. < $ : .0 cash balAnce very easy : 2th and Spaulding vacant lot. $0.0 : 28th' and Bristol . vacant hot $ : .O > . . IM1rgo list : 4 teams ready to show property. Jrper H. E. Cole Co. . 106 N. 15th. lE107 : , 5IOOl CO1AOE. FULL LOT. FENCED : well . cistern , outbuildings : $800.00 cash Address 3924 Grand avenue. ltE-31I84 23' I hAVE A GOOD CLEAR LOT IN NOITn part ot city to trade for nn c'uly In A hiome ; west or weld trade for a good lot In or near Hawthorne addition. AdOres , F' 16 . Bee . htIO-M816 26' FOR SALE MISSOURI FIIIIIT. STOCK AND grin farm 68 miles from St. I.uls : write for circular . Bennett & HAten. Sullivan . Mo. ' 1110-311938 21' . A GREAT IIARGAIN : 20 ACRES CLOSE TO nAIGAIN Clmwo1 park , If sold quirk . only $32 per ncre. J.r Address A. D. . I' . O. box GSt , omnh omnhE99 N' NOW 19 Till ' TIlE T PICK UP IAlOAINH In land close to Om31n : wo cnn offer several choke ten and Iwenty-nere on paved strctt . near 1 lmwod park , In West Onmaima nl very low llgr" : must be sold to close out nn N'lnte ' : now I. your chance : location of state fair building ot motor lines . paving ot streets . ' etc. . will double its ' value lUcks. 303 N. Y. "ie Bldg. nU-939 2 T. JO LOST : SILVER \VCht , AND CIIATELAINE. SILVEI CIATELAIE. Return 10 J. Freriqis , l. & M. headquarters. I .c . t , j Lost-24853 19 LOST. 1'1iYSiClA23 SATCHEL : RUSSET leather : finder pl.os/ .rturn to IO ! North 20th street and receive 'lpw } < O d. fir ' Sprague. MIll 21' LOST : $5.0 lEWA1\P $ : . ' ) I RETURN TO COIl- merclal club or Inqfna Ion leading to recovery ot elk umnhrodla lost Jaquary I. Name of J. U. l'ayne on handle. Ni . < Iue.\onl , J _ MITTIS' ) iii 18i 2' ' LOST . A PAm Og'I4ACK 10USQUETAmE gjovea. Return 10 1)R Douglas stre t. $04 N' : If II I 94 ) I.OS. YI STEIOA Y bI ! 1"AINAlf Or lIAR- ney streets . 1 black > Jr trumpet . wih cord tub attaehe.1 ; tinder ' sjlli4ao \ return tl 12 South 2th Ind.ri.Ifso . gl5 21' I : O L' hOTEL BAI1KIOR 18TIND JONES STS. 7& rooms at $1.10 Jtr 'otY. ' $ W rooms At $ % 0 per day . Special rate to commercial tranler8. Room and hard by wetk or month. Frank 11dlch , manager . 397 AETNA hOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. Colt. 13th and Dodge . loom by day or week anl 398 IU1IAND hOTEL. COlt. 16TI AND CHICAGO streets. American plan $1.20 and U.O per day European 1lan , Pie anti 1.0 I > er day . Itoorns . single or enatlite . for families or genmle. men at Ilnle nlhlo rates. M. J. Franck M-9:1 orop. 1.19 \\'lmSTEn IIOTIOL m9 HOWAlD STREET ; steam heated rocims . bath : board first-class : reasonable mtN. MOSS 2C" _ _ - -MUSIC , AU' AND LANGUAGE O. 1' ' OLLINIECI : { . BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher 1 & 1 Cass .treet. 91 10MEI 2.1001110 . UAI''ONE AND TE.CIEI , specialist In tone production and placlnt. II prepare4 to receive pupl' In vocal culture end prepre lIe has had fifteen 'ean experience a. a singer and I".cher and has studied In Europe and .merlca Voices tried free. Call Europ at northwut corner Chicago and 1lh M5.9 .treel. . .5 - _ ! _ _ , .5 _ _ _ _ _ j.S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ELEOXRIOA SUPPLIS. ARMATURES AND CON\EITE1S REWOUND : storage hAttrel : recharged ; elecllcl and germ- enl machinists , superior work gtmttranteetl. Omaha ElectricAl Woka . 81 and 619 S. 1th st _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4t2 IOLE'TRICAL ENGNImnS AND CONTltC- tars for tlectl lIght antI motor plants , and nil kinds ot electrical t'onstrueiln. Western 101cc. tiled Su rlectlenl Co US and 12a S. at . 41 ium ntLTINc.- CI1AI s : " i ff S & C. lfg. , 30 a. 12th st. Dn , 3JNDERTAKERS All EnmALMER3 II. IC. Illl { T F't.'NEllAI . DIRECTOR AND _ .ml 'lmer. 1618 'hleRg M. . telephone - - 90. 39 SWANSON & VAI.mN , lNOEnTAI { IS AND embalmers . 1701 Coming 51. . telephone 1000. : 3t 24. 0. MAUL . UNlmTAlnm AND 1001. balmer 11 Farnam 8t. . telephone 22 ; . 3)5 0 W. DAInl. UNDEI1TAKER . 61 S. l&th 390 ST. OOAL. D. T. MOUNT lAS HElOVED 18 COAL omce 10 2) B. 16th at. . Drown block 401 ShERIDAN COAL XCm.l.nNT SUnSTITUTI for hard COA. . Anl 13.80 ton elicalier. 1603 i'ar- lloard of Trade. nRm Street ; main entrance loarl Tnle. 402 ALL KINDS 01' HAItI ) AND SOFT COAL 1. Levi 75 B. 1lh atret : telephone 1549. : - 11-2 ill BUILDING & LOAN AtSUOIATION 10W T OCT A 1011 on SlCUItIO GOO Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha 1 & B. sa'lng. Ap\ly Ass'n. . . li0 lIes hldg. \ . . 24. Nattinger . Sec. 399 SIAHES IN MUTUAl . I. AND II. ASS'N IA l C. 7 , S per cent when I , 2 , 3 years old . always redeemable. 1704 I.'arAm 8t. . Naitinger . Hec. 40 BIO YOLES. S 1. O. DAXON t02 N. 16Th ! . 401 OMAhA BICYCLE CO. . 12 N. 1&11 ST. S9 STEI1NG 1CYCLl S : BUILT LKE A WATCH Western Electrical Supply Co. . 42 S. IMh 81. MSZ8 FIS AUOTION. IUSII.SS SOLICITED IN .110VI0Llt ? AND merchandise of all de.erlptons : twenty ) 'enr' experience : satisfaction guaranteed . best ot references : salts made In anll out of cl ) . . Call on or ncdres J. D. Lewis olcc 21 B. l&th street with John liaurner OmnhA. 311526 F2 - lm6F2 DRESSMAKING. S nll SSIAINO IN FAMILIES. FIT AND style guaranteed. Address 10 t9. Bee. l' 23' nlussrs MAD Volt $2.14) AND UIWAnD : good work guaranteed . 132 Bout 16h. . up stnlr8 :91 26' STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE ILEI'AIRS Foil 40,000 DIFFERENT 'Y of Stoves. Water attachment nod con- I n < ctons a specIalty. 12 Douglas 8treet. : Omaha Stove nepnlr Work8. 40G HAY AND GRAIN. NFlIASKA hAY CO. , WJOLESAn hAY grain and mill stuff. " 'e. are always on the market to buy or sell. 1402-4.0 NicholAs sL 414 41 - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c. II. 101ILI. . CONTRACTOR AND builder paper hanging . house and sign painting . hrlck work plastering ; oiiice . room I , Bnrkel - _ 101k. : tel. _ 735 : . tmop . 221 Iznr ; tel. 408. 1877 SOHOOL. ClTTING TiE ART OF CUTTING MEN'S CLOTHES taught . day or evening ; terms resaonnble. lar- teulAr of Max Morris . cutter . HOG Fornm st. iS : ) 19 WHOLESALE COAL JOHNSON BROS. . WhOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal Correspondence solicited. 109 Flrlm street. 407 OOSTUMES. LADIES' -AND 1IN'S MASK SUITS FOR rent nt Golden Eagle store lt S. 16th street. G88 F5' JOB 'RINTING. 1U'ED JOllX'RINTINO . CO. . FINE PRINTING of all klnda. 17th at. . Dee bldg. 0 4O SHORTHAND AND . TYPE WBITING . VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SIOIT hAND . N. ' 1' . Life . Omaha. Ask for circular. .1 ELOOUTION. ELLA DAY , 11. 9. COWL NAT'L DANK DLDG. " . G61"7. BUSINESS NOTIOES. DAMAGED MIRRORS I1ESILVERIOD . 719 N. 16. 408 DENTIST DR. PAUL DENTIST 220 BURT ST. U& IIEiLTY AuutET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 19. 1895 : WARRANTY DEEDS. o 'V Loomis and wife to C P Chirstensen . lot 30. block nnl . 'Vestawn . l . . . . . . . . . . 20 24 E Wilson anti husband to T P Ilorsklnd , I 11 lot 'Vlson . nnl . Florence . . . l . . lerBklnd . . . . . . 30 I P II Sullivan to C F Hose. lot 19. block 2. 13th Sulh'ln add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' . -DEEDS. Special master to National Lie Insurance company , 8 % lot 5. Andrews , \V & T's suhdlv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ( ) SAme to same n ilot 5. same . . . . . . . . 1,00) Total amount ot transfers . . . . . . . . . . G.7iO : rE r BUREAU. SUES & 00. , Molclors Dee ti1ldlng. OMAHA Neb Advice FlEEl RAILWAY TullE CARD Leaves - IIUI1LINGTON & 200. . htIVIIt.IArrives av'-\1UILINGTON \ 10th & Mason t18.1 Omnhn 1015am. ; . . . . . . . . . . :1enver : - EXIes8:9 : tOam 4:35pm : = . , & I'uget Snd. IOx.Ih:41pm : 4:25pm..Denver ; . Ixl'resa. . . . . Ux.1 . . . . ; IOpm . 6t5pm.Nehmaka : Local ( except Sundny.6:45pm ) : . , . Local ( Sunda,11250m ) : 815nm..Llncoln ; except Sunda.1:25am 2:45pm. ; . .Fast Malt ( for Lincoln ) Daily. . . . . . Leaves ICIiICAGO. lUII.INGTON & Q.IArrlves OmnuhalUnionDepotIOth& \ _ _ Mason St..1 _ OmAhn , ; t5pm. . . . . Chicago 1l1nson . . . . . 9:00am : 9 : Wnm. . . . . .Chlcllo I xprrss. . . . . . 4 :1511 : llGOpm.CtmicaSO : and Ht. Louis Special. . . 8:001m : U:3tam..acltlc : Junction Locnl. . . . . 6:0PI : 6&lpm..l'aciiic ; \ Junction l.clex \ ( Sun ) . 2UI'I : LeaVeBICIIICAGO. lilL. & ST. I'AUL.IArries Omlha \ Union _ Depol. lOth & IulasonBtLl Omaha I - 6:00pm..ChIcago : - Limited. . : . : . 9:30Rm : ' 11 -6:0Pr : . . .ChlcogO Express _ ( ex. Sun ) . . . 6IJp' : Leaves ChICAGO & NOITIWI ST'N.IArrh''s Omnha Union Depot 10th & Mason 515. ! Omaha 11:05am..Eastern : Expr"s : : : : : : : : : :6 ; 30pm 4:0)pm..Ve.UIulrl : :0a lAmnited . . . . . 9:40am : 6G5ul. : . . . . .Uo. Valley Lenl. . . . . . .10:30PI : 5t5pm..Omaha : Chicago tp.clll. . . . 2:15pm : I.enesCIICAGO. ' . Ii. t. & 1.CIFlc'Arives - ' I.en\es\ - _ _ _ \ _ _ Unlun _ _ _ _ Delll , 10th & Mason Hta.1 Omaha EAST. liyIOimAtiantiC : . S flxprcss(0x : , , Sunday ) , . . 60:11 ; : IClm..Atantc :2pl. : . . . . . gxleU. . . . . . . . 9&Olm : ) 4:3Upm..ChleII0 : VestJI < 1.lmlet. . 10.11 ; l3Im.Oklnhomn ; _ Uxp. ( o C. D. ex. Sun..U30Im ; \VEST. 5llamOkialiomn : & Texas Cx. ( cx Itun.,11hopmn : T.xns Hun..1:30pm 1:30pm 6:15am.Oklnhomn : . . . . . .Colordo . JmHed. . . . . . 40\m ; \ Lea08C. . . ST. 1' " It. & O. . jArrives I OmahA \ Depot 15th and W.hLter Bts I Omaha 9 :30 : . . . . . ej-r kn-la6e ( i 'l ) . . . . . 8 :15pm : 4:35Im..Sloux : City Express ( ex. Buti. ) , . llt.Oamn : 60I'I. : . . . . . . . . Cly .Iuul > Limited ! . . . ! . . . . . . VOam : Leaves I V. . 11. & M0'AILIY. IArrlves VI\'el\ \ Depol 15111 antI Wehuter HiLl I Olaha Oman 2:10pm..Fast : hull anti n > . . ; : : : : 2IOIm.e. ; ( Rat.1 ) 101 . 1's. : ( ( ) Mon. ) . 4:55pm ; 9 : OSarn . , , Nqirfolk Express ( d. Sunday ) . .10lOammm ; ) ,610 9QI..N\rfolk : S . I' ' L . 'I > eu. . . . . . . . . . 9tOal : Leaves 1 { . C. , ST. J. 6 C.I. IArlve OmnabaUnionIejoti0th&M..j _ I ! ! ! LOmlhn I 9ram..IC.n8s : City lay EXpr.K > . . . 6:10pm' : ' lhllpm..lC. : C. NIKhl , Ex. , 'Ia U. I' . ' - - . . 73011n ; LeaVeTIMISSOUIII I'AClFC.lAr21Ycs \--l SSOU1 Omnha . \ . Depot 15th mind Webster SIS. I OmahA ; . . . . Louis Express : , , . . . . 6:00am : . . l.uls I.xpres. . ? : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' . , . . . . Louts l xprC. . . . . . 6:0jpm : 5lOprn..Ncbraskai.Ocal : - - ( ex. Sun. ) . . . gO.ln Lea\- ' ' &I i'i11FlC. tArriW Leaves SIUX'Ci'TY ACIFIC-lr ; IepOt 15th and WebstMr8iLI I Omahn GilOpm.- : la.U ! ! ! . : ; : : 9:10m : Leaves [ SIOUX CITY & PACIFiC. -1"1 rites Omaha \ Union hepotIOtOt & Mason Sti.i Omshn 62.lom..Sioux - City - l'asaenger..lOZlpmn : :5am. : . . . . . . . . . . Paul - I.\nl d. . . . . . . 9tOam : Leaves - oN--Pcn'l ( ! . rrh'e ( amalmaljiiion \ _ lelll. 10lh & ) ton Sts.1 Ollhl 10:00am Cnlnha : , , . . . . . . Kemirney IIxmiremI. : . : : : : 3I5pm ; 2:00pm..Ot'erlaimui ; Flyer. . . . . . . . .5:3011 : 2t'Opnm.lieatmIce : ic Htrumte'g Ix. ( e. Sun ) . ItI'1 : ; tpm.lenU'lce , . . . . . . . . ' . lxprel. : . . . . . .10:55m : 7:01n. : = . . . . .1'oellc : ' . I"I I Mail , . . , . . . ' . . " . . 4:10pm : . ! : IaVea rV ' ! n.n.w A Y : I"rlva lava , ' Iepot. lOth . k Maon al..1 Omaha aG : . . . . . iLouis Cannon lal..U:3pr : IAY TRANSFER BONACU l - Rumor that no Will Do Sent to the DioceseS S of Sioux Pails. WILL BE . FOR TiE SAKE or HARMONY . Jesuits Tel A , Celebrate time rrns or time 1011 Naimie-Nowa frum Om"hl Churche with l'ro'llectul of time Services of TueI , The report Is current In thIs city lint IU. 11ev Thomas Donacum , Homan Catholic bishop of Lincoln , Is to bo transferred to the diocese ot Sioux Falls , S. n. Dshop I Marly , time first bishop or tha ( diocese , was recently transferred to the diocese or St Cloud MInn , as a means or endIng time dIscord between him and hIs prlest8. D transferring Bishop Uonacum to the vacant see simiar results , It Is expected , will be attained . The main rountton or the report Is the growing hostility ot tim laity to the present church atlrninistration. Many mlsslonl are without priests and the changes made Ilurlng the past year "ave not been productive or harmony - mony between the newcomers and lie COil- gregatlons. ThIs hosUe feeling was held In check during the life or lion. John Fltzger- aid , vimo . lhough In opponent or the bIshop would not sancton an open rupture between the laity and time chureh atitimoritles . ills death removcII a powerrul restraIning In- fltmcnco and time relations ot both have be- come strained . I Is aStrtt many Catholic families are moving out ot the diocese on that account. Bishop Donacum Is at present In Sl. LouIs lecturing . In behalr or . the Nebraska sufferers - ers . ColcbrtC11 time luyc8tturc. Last week at the convent of SIsters or the Precious Deed at O'Fallons . Mo. , they celebrated - brated the Invetiure and inhabitant or the provltice . when three candidates received the dress of the order Ami five I'ros put on their first garb. High mass was calebratcd with Very 11ev. Mnhlesen as celebrant - brant . Rev. F. O. Holwlck as deacon , mind H. J. Sinnerlch as subdeacon Ht. 11ev. Frowm . O. L. D. , or Conception , Mo. , addressed - dressed the new sisters and tyros at high lass and afterwards the ceremonies began. Igh mass was rendered by the convent choir which also sang the Te Deflin arranged - ranged by Wilt. MIss J. Lange now Sister Mary Anselma , and MIss Lena Kencimel I . now Sister Octavia are two OmAha young ladles , who received the garb. Their relatives and some friends tram Omaha were presenl. Those attending were Mrs. F. Lange Mrs. A. Lingemamin MIsses ) ' 1. Wager and 24. Row- endder and Messrs. Hohendorf and A. Gross. Feast or tile Joly Name. ThIs morning at St. John's Collegiate church ( Crclghto college ) will be celebrated the feast of tIme "Holy Name , " the patron feast of time Society of Jesus. Solemn high mass will be sung at 10 o'clock a. m. , at which timno the sermon wIll be delivered by Rev. John Pahls , the new president of Creigli- ton college. haydn's second mass will be remidered by the choir , accompanied by Mr. w. T. Taber. Mr. ISomer Moore , recently troni Plttsbtlrg , h'a. , will sing Luzzl'a "Ave Maria" for time offertory. Millard's "Veni Creator" will be sung by a quartet , composed of Mrs. Bethmge , Mrs. Lange , Cap- taimi KInzle and Mr. flurkley. V. 23 , C. . t. ServIces. Dr. McKean of Slam will address the asso- ciaton at 3:45 : p. m. A fine musical service will be given. The bible classes for young men are valuable and attractive. Timeso are held at 9 a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Local Pulpit 1orecasia. First Congregational-Rev. W. II. V1se of Grinnell , Ia. , will preach in the morning. Sunday school at noon. St. John's African Methodlst-J. W. Brax- ton , floater. Theme of morning sermon : qThn Wail n ? Palliirp" Eveninme : "The True Service. " Grace Evangelical Lutheran-The pastor , Rev. Luther 24. Kuhns , will preach at 11 a. m. on "InfIdelity-Then What ? " anti at 7:30 : on "The Drift of the Ages , " UniversalIst-Rev. Augusta 3. Chapin , pastor - tor , will preach at 10:45 : a. m. Subject , "Blessed Are 'the Meek. " Congregational rarvice of song at 7:45 : p. m. Hillside Congregatlonal-Oregory T. Powell , pastor. Services 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. on. Subject , morning , "The Holy Spirit as Or- ganizer. " Evening , sermon to fathers. Trinity Cathedral-Holy communion , 8 a. m. Bible class , 10 a. m. Morning prayer , litany and sermon , 11 a. in , Sunday school , 3 p. m. Evening service , 7:30 : p. in. Everybody - body welcome. First Clmurclm of Christ ( Scientlst-Ancient ) Order of United Workmen hail , Patterson block , Mrs. A. F. DeLong , pastor ; I'reach- ing at io:5 : ' . m. Sunday school ltnme- diately following. All are invited. Unity-Rev. Newton M. Mann , mInister. Services at 10:45 : ; Mr. Mann will preach , Stmnday cIiool at noon. Unity chub lecture in the cvneing by 11ev. Leo M. Franklin , Sub3ect : "Alexandria as a Center of Culture. " Westminster Presbyterian-The pastor , Rev. John Gordon , DD. , will preach at 10:30 : a. m. At 7:30 : p. m. there will be the third of tIme series of people's song services. Subject : "At tIme Cross. " Singing by larje chorus c1mlr. , . S. All Salnts-Serlflon topIcs hUflUY , .Janu- ary 20 : Mcrning , "A True Daughter of time King , " an address to women. Evening , "Tim Necessity of Trust in Human Nature. " The public and strangers welcome. T. J , Mackay , pastor. Park Avenue United Presbyterian-Rev , L , N. Lafferty of Creston , Iii. , will preach morn log and evening. Time evening 'subject will be : "heaven. " The meetings that have been conducted fo the past two weeks will close with time evening service. Seward Street Metlmodlst-W , K. Beans , pastor. Preaching 10:30 : a. jn. and 7:30 : p. flu , Morning subject , "Triurnpbms of Prayer , " Evening theme , "Walking in time Light , " Sewarti Street church hmamt organized a "chorus clmoir , " under the leadership of Frank Wallace. Kountzo Memorial Lutheran-Rev. A. J. Turklo , paste ! : . Services , at 10:30 : a , , m. , , and 7:30 : p. nl. l'reacmlmng ny trio paslumuoimm morning and evening. In the mornIng limo ftrst of a series of sermons aim "Religion ltm Business , " "lOusiness In Religion , " "Re- ligion for Money , " "Money for Religion. " Walnut lull Methiodist-Johin 10. Moore , pas- tot , Class meeting , 10:30' : a. m. ; preachming , 10:45 : a. in. ; Sunday school , 12 on , ; junior league , 3:30 : p. in , ; Epwortim league , 6:30 : p. 01. ; preachilng anti revival , 7:30 : p. on , hlishiop Newman gives lila great lecture on "China and the Chinese , " Thursday night , January 24 , at timis cimurchm. I'iymouth Congregational-Morning service at 10:30 : , when ( ito pastor , Rev. J. A. Fisher , will lreachm on tile subject , "Christianity Not the Only , lInt time Noblest Religion of time Vorid , " In time evening Judge Macomber of Llmlmm city will deliver a carefully prepared lecture on "Martin Luther and time Iteforma. lion , " Everybody cordially welcomed , St. Mary's Avenue Congregatlo'ial-Morning service , 10:30. : Preaching by time pastor , S. Wright Butler , Dl ) . Topic , "Time Potential Terribieemfad of ltighmteousneas. " Evening servIce , under conduct of Young People's So- clot ) ' of Christian Endeavor , at 6:45 : , with sermon by time Ilastor at 7:45. : Topic. "J'rob- hems amid Perplexities , " closing at 8:15 : , The public cordially welcomed , St. Mark's Lutheran-heY. W. L. Reins- berg , pastor , I'reachiing mit 10:30 : a , iii. , antI at 7:30 : p. mu , ; Sunday school at 12 in. , 1) . C. Schultz , superintendent. Young l'eople's Society - ciety of Chrlstiami Endeavor meets one hour be. fore preaching iii tIme evening , meeting led by time itastor , Mornltmg sermon : "Adam's Transgression. " Evening sermon : "Time Miracles of Christ , Their Nature and Dc- sign. " All are cordially invited , Beth-Eden llaptist-IeacoIIa' meeting , 9:30. : Regular services , 10:30 : ; sernmon by time pastor , Sunday school services , h2 in. , id. lowed by baptism. Prayer and praise tory- ices , led by pastor , 1:15 : , Sermon by 11ev. Staples , 2 , followed by baptism , Devotional services , led by pastor , 330. Sermon by \v , I' . Ileilingit , 4 , followed by baptism. Sptcial prayer service for Holy Spirit , led by _ . , pactof. 5:80. : 11. V. P. U. , 6:20. : Regular service , sermon by pastor , 7:30 : , followed bj' , baptism. This morning at 10:45 : , antI in the evening at 7:30 : , there will be preaching by the apds. tie , A , hI , Smith , In the Saints' chapel , at Clark 51111 Twenty.flrat streets. Those interested - terested in gospci works are invited , ' Salvation Army Corlis No. 2 , 1403 North Ts'enty.fotmrth street , Meetings Sunday , at 7 a , in. , knee thrill ; Ii a. m. , holiness meet. log ; 3 p. lii , , praise meeting ; 8 p. III. , grand salvation meeting , led by Captain i'ape of henver. A vonderfuI time Is anticipated. All are welcomne , Captain Cartnllll and Lieu. tenant Williams in charge. Ilntnnnimel llaptlst-The pastor , Rev. Frank I7oster , rlli imave for his mornIng theme , "Christ's Witilering Word. " Evening timenle , _ _ "Christ's Restoring W'ord. " Time Voting PCe- 1)10'S meeting is held at 6:30. : Sllecini llleOt logs will be bold during tlto veek onVetlnes. . day antI Friday evenings , and time neighbor- I , imood cottage meetings on Tuestlisy evening. St. h'lmilip the Ilcacon-Itey , John Albert Williams , rector , holy cornmtmnlon , 7:30 : a. m. Morning prayer , litany antI sermon , 11 a. on. Confirmation lecture , 12:30. : lovening prayer 011(1 ( sermon at 4 P. In. special ser- moo to ycung omen on'otillg 'mIanImood" will be imreaclied at 4 o'clock , Pastoral letter of tile 1101150 of blshopa will be read at the Illortling service. lrijst MotlmiiIlt , Viittrcim items , At tIme Clmalltauqua college next Mommmlay e'emiimi.g , Mr. H. A. hlcnsoll will give a icc- tliro on ' 'Time British l'oots. ' ' This 'ill bo folipwetl by a review of limo book "Clmalmcer to Tennyson , " pages 1G to 120 , As a prelude this oI'enimlg , time Pastor will give a'orltl View of 1894 , " a brief 83'lIOp- sis of tlme linportamit lmmOvelnolits In time s'orid for time last year. Thisill be 101- iowctl by a sermimon on "Time Trllmlnpll of thin Family , ' ' In time mllornlng , the sermuomi will be on "Time'lmolesomno Words of Christ , " slmowing the nbserce of all imiorbitllty or fannticlsni frolmm trtio Clmristinnity. Tue Epwortim league of tIme First clitirclm .t lmii establislmed a Sulmtlay school at time cor- 11Cr of Nimmotecntlt nlmd Castellar streets , on- tIer the leadership of Dr. F. 1) . Wilson. Last Timtlrschay ovemiimig a ntmllmber of time young people visited this sclmool anti gave tIme scholars a treat of apples , bananas and oranges. There was an almtindnnt sttpply , ammd 'iat , was left Over Was tlollmitcti to time Metimodist hmospltai , A large nlmdiemmco nUelltleil the first lecture of tIme Pastor on "The Lifo of Chmrist , " last Wednesday evemming , Time lecture was a resumno of time entire life , with a sil plo anti practical scheme for retnitming tIme Ieadlmig facts in time memnory. Time secotmd lecture on next W'ednesday evening will be ( lovotod to time first period of time life fromim tIme birth to time baptism of Jesus. Tim lncetimmg begina at 8 p. in. promptly , Time general meeting of time wotmien of the church , who are organizing umider time do- partnient of womneti's work , was imeld last \Vedmicsday afternoon , Division No. 9 fur- nishmed refresimnients , s'1miclm were daintily arranged - ranged on anmall tables in time parlors of time church. Time reports showed a large amount of bermevolcnt and social 'ork iloimo by time wonien , Total number of calls made , 331 ; number of poor families helped , eight ; imumber of new Suntlay school scholars secured - cured , ten , Besides thmls a large quantity of clothing and provisions was sent to the western Nebraska sufferers. Notes frozom time Chureimc. The special services begun New Year's at time People's chiurcim , Eiglmteenthi and Call. fornia streets still continue and are growing in interest and power. Tim Union ministers' conference will meet in Kountze Memorial church Monday at 10:30 : a. In. Dr. Ileilings will read a paper on "Thto Devotional Life Cf ( lie Minister. " Rev. 10. A. Russell , time veteran missionary of the American , Baptist Publication society , will preach at time Calvary Baptist church today. Baptism at ( lie evening service. This evening President Hogeland of the Boys and Girls National lionia and Employ- moot association will occupy the pulpit of Dean Gardner of Trinity cathedral , his subject - ject will bo "The Great Reform of time Con- tury. " lIe will give a full account of the tt St. Louis convention. The Ladies' society of thoFirst ; Congrega- tiomial church Imas elected time following 005- cers for the year 1895 : President , Mrs. George A. Hoagland ; first vice president , Mrs. Cimaries Squires ; secommd vice president , Mrs. C. T. Ilruner : timird vice oresident. Mrs. ' ' George Loomis ; treasurer , Mr's. Vt' . S. Alien ; secretary , Mrs. Snyder. The young people of tIme First Universalist church , corner Nineteenth and Lathrop streets , have issued a very unique and handsome - some invitation for all members and friends to attend a "lllrtimday Party" to be given Iii the church parlors Friday evening , January 25. Those attending t'I1l be given little sacks ilItO SS'hicli they may drop a penny for each year of timeir life , and in order to keep others from knowing their ago the corn- mittee has added on thu Invitations that the bags will be closed and it "will be kept dark. " IN BUSINESS FOR THEMSELVES. Upliolaterora amid Mattress Makora DecIde to ISa Their Own Enmpi.'yors. m The Upholsterers and 'Mattress Makers Social - cial club , all of whmoso members belong to thmo Upholsterers and Mattress Makers Knights of Labor assetnbly No. 374 , elected thmo folloylng offlc2rs at thmeir last regular mneeting : 24 , It. Huntington , master workman - man ; J , Tehon , wortlmy foreman ; W. J. SIeu- ter , treasurer ; A. Hunt , recording and ear. responding secretary C. Ochics , financial secretary , ' The mernbers of timis assembly who for- Inerly worked for time Omimhma Mattress corn- pany hmavo concluded to start into business for timemselvea and consequently each incmn- bar lmaa chinned In what Ito enuhd snnr tn _ ward starting time new enterprise oj manufacturing - facturing all kinds of upholstered goods anti mattresses , and being a little short yet on finances , they concluded to give a grand prize masquerade ball at Wnsimington hall on ( Ito evening of January 31 , from which timoy hope to clear enough to start timem off in business ill good shape. There are some enterprising - torprising young men in ( lila club and time sale of tickets has been unusually large. Many of tile Otnalma business houses have encouraged - couraged time boys by purchasing 5 worth of tickets for timeir employes. A location has been selected and contracted for at 1302-44 Nlcimolas street , where time business of time association will be carried on , A list' of prizes for time ball hiss been selected. Jlrickltmyern and Mmsuioims ( lilicore. Bricklayers and Masons International union No. 1 elected Qflhcers at the last regular meeting. A larger attendance tlman usual was present and the contest for time offices was quite interestitmg and spirited. rime sue- cessful canmlidates were : U. Lynn president ; C. .L. Carlaomi , vice president ; Edward Morris - ris , financial uecretary ; 11 , Thmession , car- responding and recording secretary ; Anton l'russlco , treasurer SI. Rohmmtka , John Peterson - son and Alexander fleck , trustees. It , Lynn anti George Clarke were elected delegates to ( lie llulldirmg Trades council , Froth hloyo anti Antomm Maestrlck represent tile local timmion at time meeting of ( lie international body at New Orleatma , . F. Time members of this union congratulate thienmseives ( lilt time businesr depression ( lie past two years has been felt but little by the union as a body , but time members indlyidu- ally have had to take timeir share of the Industrial - dustrial mttormn , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Causes is lug Kick. District asetnbiy No , 126 Is making a kick migainet time charity organizatiomma furnishing laborers to contractors to clean bricks at time ruined Exposition hall for 30 and 40 cents per thousand. Tue knights claim ( ho moon are working for just. enough to pay timclr board and by ( lint means are keepimmg work away from men who have familIes to sup- Imort. At ( lie last mneetltmg of time District assenmbly a committee was appointed to In- veatigato ( lie matter and report to ( list hotly at time next regular meeting. The January number of tue Aimierican Federatioalst. imas hiesn received at 'time lice 0(11cc ( , It contaimms articles from time iena of . - several well known labor leaders and a strong editorial regarding ( tie visit of John Iiuna and David llolmei to America , Whim time next Issue of time Federatlormist John McBride , time newly elected president of ( lie Ammlerlcail Federatloa of Labor , will assume editorIal control. l'ruf , lllrammm Ilttclicock Irsci , IIANOVIIR , N , II. , Jan. 19-hiram hutch. cock , associate professor of civil engineerIng ' in Dartmouth cohiege , has died of pneumoliia4 aged 3S.