. * 1 I ' , . , . . . < , . , , . ! J L.1.'L4111J ' : : ; : : : : THE OMAHA : , : ( SUNDAY , BEE. [ :3 : E : : : : : I' _ _ , ES'l'AJJLJSIIED JUNE In , 1871. , , . - . . . , . , . - . O:1\LUIA : SUNDAY MOItNI. . . - J.A.i'AlY 20 1895. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEN rS. BERLIN NOT ALARIED - . - Recent Event in Franco Not Looked Upon r M Very Serious , SERIES OF FESllVITIES lAS COMMENCED Relohstag Likely t Sanction the Proposed Increas3 in the .Navy. . I NECESSARY FOR CCLONIAL EXTENSON : , .1 Emperot's Attention t Schouvalor Causes r. Much Oomm9nt. 1 PAID AMERICAN INDUSTRY A COMPLIMENT " Chfnec ot the Ant-UevolutonRr1 fill : UI"'O Not hnlrovcd-Soelnlht Orgnn I Alrel"l : ItlJolclng nt Ia ; ; _ I'rolmhlo flotvt. J - , ( Copyrighted , IBZ. by the Aioclnte.1 rre. ) r BERLIN , Jan. 19.-The news ot the great ; political changes In Paris was received In ' I .1 , Derln with less amuement and'llsqulet than , might have been expected from the peculiar relations existing between the two countries Emperor William , ns cabled to the AssocI- , ated press at the time , certainly went to the . . , French embassy on Wednesday last on Coot anll had a long conference with the French amhaador . 1. 1 % llcrbctte . during which he expressed his regrets nt the resignaton ot : Caaimlr-I'erler. hut Prince 10henlohe , at the parliamentary reception held the mime , evening , discussed the Political sItuation In - France with a large group ot trlends. The - chancellor spolte freely , and In alluding to the chances ot the varlouG candidates for the presidency declared that the crisIs .was less . grave and alarming than some ot those present - cat believed. Publicly , by heading politicians J ' here , the newa from France Is treated In the snmo manner , the only exception to this . rule being In the case or the socialist party I whose members tried to create the Impres- I . slon that a great Itrach" or collapse had at " i least come on France. Emperor Wiiam has been exceedingly busy Iurlng the past week. A series ot festivities has now fairly begun. The great : coronation festival occurs tomorrow and the . ' , great reception Is /xell for next Wednesday. " Then there Is _ the birthday fete ot the em- : ; peror , on Sunday January 27 , and preparations - r tons for Its celebration are already under : : ' way. A special program has been arranged r . , for a gala performance at the loyal opera oper r" r house where among other attractions , the ; - : Decond nt ot "Rienal . " just as Wagner ' originally wrote It , will be g1'en. - Since the emperor's advent In Berlin ho " , resides partly at the royal castle In his own ' suite ot rooms and party In the Eal but " cosy Chatcl Bellevue . In the heart ot the , ' t ; 'Thlergarton , where his two ellest rc.ns , the I crown prince and Eitel FrIedrich , are per manently domiciled ' with their teachers , , Early In the week the emperor was seer I ' . snowballing with the two boya In the front . garden. . . Emperor William has sent a number ot . hIs own drawings , representing warships ot - the latest construction , to the National lbrary of the Rel hstag , each design being marked I "Wler" ( Wihelm Imperator-Rex ) . I IiAISEI OIDElS A YACHT. The empror has just ordered from the I Germanla ship yards a twenty-rater racing yacht for the coming season. A number ot r ; i. the yacht clubs of Derln , Hamburg , Stetln S and Kid have given similar orders , and I : next summer a great yachting meeting Is to - ) take Illace. Berlin yachts for the first tme l- wilt make the trip entirely by water , which ' wi be possible after the openIng ot the Dalc canal. The emperor , personally , wi oIcr . moro than one prize to bo conpeted for by , ; the German yachtsmen. The demand ot I mperor William that ten or a dozen fast cruIsers be added to the German - lan navy wi , judging from the , eelng ex- - : . -z : 1frsed by the memhers ot the ( , Relchstag , ' i be adopted without much trouble The IIaiii - ) t , burg . hamber ot Commerce supports the scheme In its annual report , In which It do - : dares that fuch an Increase Is necessary In : order to strengthen German Influence abroad and facilitate the extensIon et the celonles , ot Germany. : An ImperIal decree has been Issued im - j posing the duty upon each lieutenant In the : army to undertake at least once every two years a long distance ride on liQrsoback. The : : emperor Will give prIzes to each army corps ; 4. for the best achievement , Noncommlssone ! f , " . ofcers races. will be allowed to take IJart In these " " , , . Considerable comment has been caused by , fl l the partcnlar iiain which the emperor took ! i ' : . to testify his friendship for Schouvalor on the . latter's leaving his post as Husslan ambassador - ; sador at Derln to occupy that ot governor ofVarsaw. . Ills majesty gave the general n cigar ot pure gold . Incrustel with dla- Ih1' mends , and a faa Ilmlo ot his slgnaturo In " rubies , In presenting this handsome gUt to ' : the retiring ambassador the emperor said : \ "I Ilvo I to you as I friend and not as the , , s ' emperor : ' On Wednesday last the ( emperor ' went Ilono and unannounce1 to the Husslan : unannounce . embassy with the dfaloml decratons ot the Order ot Iliick Eagle , which be had be- I , Itowed upon Schouvatoif. ; ' : During the dinner which Emperor William I 1' , gave to the diplomatic corps on Tuesday ' ' : last his majesty , who waS sitting opposite \ . . Mrs. nun'on , Wire ot the United States am- ba salor , expressed admiration for her SIJlen- ' . dllh' cut 11amomls. b , AMF/CAN CUT DIAMONDS. J4 ; ; , ; "They are Imerlcan cut diamonds , your , q maJesty , " saId Mrs. Hun'on , ? Yes , I notice , " rejoined the emperor , sml- il ' ! \ " lag , "tbat America Is beginning to beat us " ' , 1 ' In more vas than one , " I , } f . . Daroness von Schroeder , nee Donabue , et : . , San Francisco , gave a dinner to Ambassador 'i' and Mrs Hun'on Wednesday last , and on > . the following dar ! r. and Mr. nunyon entertained - . : ' tertalned a number ot Americans at diniicr I' The chances ot the passage ot the anti. ' . ant- ' re\olutonary bill have not Improved. The , fl repeal ' ot the Jesuit exclusion law was au- I : : ; , tborlzed by a majority of the nelchstng , but I 1' } the whole government party . the ( conserva- I ; , ' tves , national liberals and relebs partel , as I , r' wel as the radicals , opposed the motion , and \ ' f. I Is likely that the lunlesrath will again \1 \ t n\lty the ltetchstag's action. The centrists , i " . theretore wi refuse to support the ant- ' i re\oluton bill ; and the Vrwaets , socialIst , I' I ' I . already rejoices over what It declares to be , the certain rejection ot the measure eo ob- . 'I , ; ' , noloul to the socialist party , r 1 , Sophie larrlson , after appearing nt the \ii Winter Garden with her Jour sister for . months past eloped on Friday with Count von Herastorenif , formerly an oflcr In the p . lruslan cavalry , 'A dispatch today an flounces their arrival an'l ' ; marrlag at Jeu- ton. The Ulnuser DC the WInter Garden . anI the eldest ot the Darrlson sister have asked the ( police to assist them In recovering d . htmages for breach of contract. The government has expeled from Silesia two Mormon agitators , and another one , William Tobler ot Santa Clara . Utah , Is wanted by the police for an e\eget crime. The decision ot the ( building commission ot the Relchstag respecting the inscription to be Placed on the facade ot the new Relehs- tag palace was announced today . Instead ot being "To the German Nation , " It wi be "To the German Empire. " 11C ; ( IS I'JtiVAItlD Fen WtIC Gnntemaln b In islair Way to Ieeetc Same Corporeal L'orrectioii. CITY OF MEXICO , Jan. 19.-The claims of Mexico , which are considered as her ull- matum to Guatemala , arc as follows : 1. Full satisfaction from Guatemala ' for the Invasion ot Mexican territory and the de- structon by armed Guatemalan ofcers ot logging camps belonging to Mexican citizens ant AmerIcans. 2. Duo indemnity for the damage done on said Invnslon. 3. : Remuneration In full to MexIco for the expense Incurred by this country In sending armed forces to the Guatemalan . frontier and their maintenance at the present time there. 4. The speedy conclusion ot the boundary survey between Mexico ant Guatemala , a provided for In the treaty ot 1882. Only an extract ot the reply ot Guatemala has been received from Don Jose F. Codoy" Mexican minister to Guatemala , but the ciii- cial document will arrive , according to ex- pectaton , about the 25th oC this month. The telegraphic resume received shows that Guatemala - temala Is stilt dodging the general question by holding that the first three demands for Indemnity to Mexico are not just , on account ot the territory alleged to have been Invaded being property belonging to Guatemala. I Is claimed hero that this Is In spite ot the fact that owing to the treaty of 1882 the disputed land was to bo considered as MexIcan until the permanent survey commission had Cor- maly passed on the mater , which survey his never been ' completed. The staml ot the Mexican government Is still finn. I Is not thought , however that any hostile demon- straton will bo considered by Mexico Until the original document has been received from Guatemala and given complete and exhaust- lye consideration by the president and cabi- net. net.Tho The excitement In this city Is at a higher pitch than ever , and sInce the question has been pending war talk Is heard on every side. Tim feeling not high teelng only premeates I military and civil cIrcles at the scat ot government - ernment but has dlfued Itself through the . whole nation , and the Department ot War Is daily receIving proffers ot state troops , , civil volunteers and money and munitions appropriations. Newspaper correspondents at this capital are holding themselves In reall- : ness to hasten to the southern frontier at an hour's notice and unusual activity I seen In many quarters In ' anticipation ot what the next day may develop. The greater part ot the Guateinalan frontier Is occupied within communicatng distance with Mexican troops I and artillery . while Guatemala has taken the : same steps In the mobilization ot Its troops on the opposite side ot the delimitation between - tween the two republics. I Is feared a cash I of arms may bo precipitated at almost any time by an ill-advised acton on the part ot r stragglers connected with the two forces 'ot r troops , and this Is being guarded against on I the part of Mexico In a very rIgid survel- alice kept over every point possible. IJSUAROI I TflIUMt'1ltNT. Resignation ot German alinistors to 111ko foom for Ills 1rioncls. LONDON , Jan. 19.-A dispatch to the Pal Mall Gazette from Berlin says that since the return ot PrInce Hohenlohe Iron rledrlchsruh to Berlin It has been an open secret that the Imperial secretary for for elgn affairs , Yon Bleberstein . Von Doet- tcher , the Imperial secretary for the InterIor - tenor , and perhaps , tim minister of commerce - merce for Prussia , wi shortly retire. Von lalowltz , the present ambassador at Madrid I , wi succeed Debersteln and another protego oC PrInce Dsmarek will succeed either Boot tcher or Beriipps. Count Herbert Dsmarck Is said to bo certain ot succeeding Count Von llatzfeidt-Wiidenberg as German am- bassalor at London. It Is believed that . Ilatzfeldt-Wlldenberg will succeed Von WerI. - tIer as German amb ' sador at St. Peters burg Bismarck . against great odds has van quished the court party annihilated Qenorr ii Von Caprlvl and Is now about to wipe out tim ministers who arc objectionable to hirr I. COLON VOM1'AIItT1VELY CtLM. Armell ( ] Ulrdl ' Partlly Sueeesstulin Main- taming Qliot In Iho Cily. ( Copyrighted 189 : by Press Publishing Compnny ) COLON Colombia Jan. 19.-New ( York World CnbleSpeclal 'elegram.-An ) armed guard patrols the streets at night arresting vagrants and others who cannot give a sat - - factory acouut of themselves. Confidence has been party restored though there Is no lightening of burdens ot taxation. More canal employee have arrived from I'arls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sultan &IOu l'"vor to . tisienIciins. CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 19.-The sultan has Issued an trade exempting lie young ladies ot the American college a1 Scutarl rrom all taxes fore\'er. The American lega- ton has obtained this concession aCer thre3 years of Inslstnnce. The United States minIster - Ister , Mr. Terrell . has also obtained the grand \'Izler's order that all letters from AmerIcan citizens In AsIa Minor arc to be transmitted without Interrerence. ( 'ruhwr Ilenhcm home "cain. l'OITSMOUTl Eng" , . Jan. W-The Drlt- Ish cruiser Ienhelm has arrived here frau Halifax , to which port she conveyed the remains - mains ot the ( late Sir John Thompson , premier - mier oC Canada. The warship encountered heavy gales while on her way across the Atlantic but sustained no damage fnnro In\.lel lourelos 10 10 I'reuuiter PARIS , Jan 19-President Fauro receIved ex- lnlster Bourgeois and requested him to undertake the formation ot the cablnot. Bourgeois asked ( line to consider the matter . I Is reported that M. Herbert , French am- bas al10r to Germlny , has rcsigned. Expectoiletiack , on \ el'lllWcl. . ShANGhAI , Jan 19.-The Russian cruiser Ireler his been ordered to proceed to Wel- Hal-Wel as promptly as possible In view ot the tact that a Japanese land and sea at- tack upon that Important IJort Is expected short ) _ _ _ _ _ Hom\ru Must l'llht UnCD : ore. I CITY O MEXICO , Jan , 19-The Cuban , Varlno Nures , It Is said . Is on his way to the City ot Mexico to lIght a duel with htounero who killed Verastegul In a duel a few months ago. ThrCD War ! hlls "rencil . .Irt. CIIE.FOO , Jan , 19.-Three Japanese war hlIIS yesterday opened flre upon Tlng Chow Foe. The tiring ceased In a short ( line and no dalnao Was done. I DRAWN BY VILLIERS \ - Gruesome Picture of the Slaughter that Followed - lowed the Fall of Port Arthur. ATROCITIES ThAT SURPASS BELIEF Japanese Soldier Guilty of the Basest Crimes in the Civilized Calendar ThEIR BUTChERY WAS INDISCRIMINATE Resident Who Remained for Protection Shot Down by the Victorious Ary. THREE DAYS' SATURNALIA OF SLAUGHTER 1Il1nl Contnlet Till Streeh 'Vero Cholte.1 , and loules JnnmuHI " 'Itt Uolici of ChleSe Cruelly 11urdereil I ) Sol- dlerl and ( ' cusp Followers. _ ( Copyrighted 1&5 : by rres Publishing Company. ) LONDON Jan 19.-New ( York World CableSpecal Tclegram.-It ) any further cor- roboraton were needed ot Mr. Crcelman's dispatches to the World recounting the Jap- anese barbarities at Port Arthur It Is given by Mr. Frderlel Vllers , the assistant correspondent - respondent ot the GraphIc. The current Issue ot Dack and , 'hle. published by the same company has a full page gruesome pIcture sketched by him on the spot , In which the terrible story Is fully delineated. Ho sends n hatter also , In which ho says , acer describ- Ing the Cal ot the place : "So maddened were . the soldiers at this ghastly sight that they commenced firing on every living soul they came across shooting down unolendlng citizens standing at their doors. Many ot the inhabitants sought safety In numerous junks In the harbor , but In put- tng out to sea the torpedo boats ot the Japanese navy opened fire and sunk them. Those who remained In town did so under the ImpressIon that they would be as well treated as their fellow citizens ot Klnchow. "Tho tuehery : cont'nuEd for three lays , till only about twenty-five ChInamen wore left to assist the Japanese In buryIng the dead. old men and young boys suffered alike. There was no mercy shown. The bodies lay heaped up every few yards. Houses were broken Into and the cowering creatures were mur- dered In cold blood. Not a shot was fred on the Japanese In the streets I was an unprovoked - provoked slaughter. Not the slightest resist- ance was made. The poor creatures fell hike sheep before the stroke ot the butchers. The whole town was sacked and unspeakable hor- rors were committed by the cochlea and camp followers , drunk wIth the fiery spirits found In the liquor shops ot the place. " LI HUNG C1tA6'S SOLUIEUS 'IGnT. Japanese FInd One Cuirntdn thlt llkes n Brave Jel tnncc. WASHINGTON Jan. 19.-Recent Japanese mal advices received here give a descrlplcn ot the battle between the Japanese and Chi- neo at Sal Kaho , .In which the Chinese are i sid to have fought with more courage and I bravery than at any time during the course : ot the war. The article describing the bate says : "Fifteen thousand well traIned and I galant soldiers belonging to LI hung Chang were scattered along the Russo-Chinese Iron tier on the bank or the Amoo river. When the fall ot Kluren-Jo and HowoJo Into the hands of the first army corps was reported to the Peking government LI Hung Chang ordered these soldiers to proceed against the InvadIng army. This order was intended P at bo kept I secret but news of lie movement reached Japanese headquarters and the corn mender ot the first army corps was notfe ot the tact. A scouting party commanded by : Major General Taehlml was thereupon ordered t attack them whlo on the march. On the 30th elI. they were encountered at SaUce p , where a desperate battle nsued. General I Tachlml's detachment withstood them wit ] li wih liLI great dIfficulty and only alter very hard lighting were they able to overcome tbe enemy. Newly Invented revolving guns with 300 chambers or barrels so arranged as to C on an axis and be dlechargC In successIon by the same hock , are being manufacture at the Toklo arsenal. On theIr trial they , pro\'ed entirely satisfactory. TheIr shell a shels reach to a great distance , with a powerful resul and they are easily handled by one man. man.China China , according to one ot the papers , Is now seeking to purchase war vessels from Chi and two AmerIcans at hong Kong have entered Into a secret contract with China and have left for San Francisco with that object In view. The Corean government has Issued regulations protecting Chinese residents In lie kingdom. Chinese are prohibIted to re- side In the interior , beIng limited 10 hive In four phaces-Seouh , Chemulpo , Fussn and Genzan. On their arrIval they must apply for registration with the local oiflcer. In case ot offense they are to be punished under Corean law. Jo-Kohian , one of the Corean refugees , who returned from America ' ome week ago , has been appointed minIster ot justice oC the new go\'erment. established at the suggestion or Count Inouye. Four French and one Russian I war \asls were In Nagasaki hiarbr on DeCember - Cember 25. The United States ship York- town the British cruiser Sever and the lul- sIan C9Tvete Zabakla had been there a few lays previously . . Olc",1 Aeolnt fl Ihe U"tte. HIOSCIMA , Jan 19-I Is officially an- nouncd that on the morning ot January 17 16,000 Chinese troops from Lao yang encountered - countered lie Japanes to the ( northwest at , Ual Chel. The Chinese were repulsed by sundown. Only Dna Japanese soldier was Idled and ! forty were wounded. Chlncso Lost "Ino Inndret ( 11en , LONDON , Jan. 19.-A dispatch from Hal Ching dated Thursday . says that In the fght- lag which occurred In the vicinity ot New Chwang on Wednesday last the Chinese were defeated by a loss ot 900. The Japanese loss was fifty . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'V/rkllmen UomuuJ : Wor or Dread. MONTIUAL , Jan. 19.-A couple of workmen - men visited the city bali clamoring for worker or bread. The crowd gradua1y- grew so large that It obstructed the car tracks , and when ordered away by the police refused to move. The police then charged them and a short and fierce tight followed . AmhliA.ulur , Sehouv" Ion' Fuiuweli. DEI.IN , Jan 19.Count Von Schouvaloff , retiring Russian ambassador , and Countess Von Schouvalol have left Iherlin. There was a ! rllant military and d111lemalo auem- ' blage at tie raiway station to bLI them L : farewell . Emperor Wilam conducted the I . . countess to the platform arl 'lssCl her ha\1l when he bate her fareWell . ! He then warmly embraced the count. lioth were vIsibly affected . , " Gumms . S''E liAAnINIANS. Attacking Clrcuslons Put to Flight b1 Christians Iron : ( Ireece. BOSTON , Jan. 19.-A letter from a reliable source In Armenia recelvc by an Armenian citizen here contains ' the following state ments , whIch are corroborated by other let- ters ant advices receh'et by Greeks In this city whose families reside In the district referred - terred to. Zeld laslla ha' arrive at Harplot with a large force and announces his deter- minaton to collect from the Christians ot the province the taxes for three yc'ara BusIness transactions are entirely supen(1et ( , all stores and shops being close for thirteen days The Christian population Is In 1 state of great excitement and an outbrealt Is feared at any moment. The inhabitants ot the village or Farasha , situated _ on the river ot Zahnnta , Clclla , were attacked by n band ot Clrcas- slans and lie slaughter qt Armenians was begun when the Greeks oC the neighboring vila go ot Karkaeny hastened to their assist- ance. Some 200 ehllren were saved from lie maSSacre and the Clreaullns were pUt to flight. Turkish troops numbering 300 are sta- tione3. . at all the principal paSges , The whole region Is In a Itato ot terrbr. " Another letter recelv here states lint ICrlker anaslan , a naturalized AmerIcan citizen - zen engage In business In New York , recently - centy visited Tokat , his native city In Ar- mania Inlendlng. to arrange to bring his ramly to this country. The nIght : he arrIved at homo : the house was IUrronnded by Turk- Isb soldiers , who .drggell him from the hOUS9 almost naked and ted him up In Jai with two murderers. Ho was kept there for two days and then taken to Sassoun In Irons , be- lag compeled to walt most ot the way , while ho Was lashed several . lashe .tlmes. From Sassoun ho was taken to Constantinople on a Turkish steamer. Although carefully guarded on the I steamer ho managed to communicate with : some Americans who appealed to the American - : can legation and on the interference ot the I legaton ho was released On being released he demanded 110 In Turkish money which bad ben takenfron - : him and redress for the punishment hO- hal stiffened . The Turkish ' government investigated , but the authorities at Tokat denied that they had taken the prisoner's money. Manasla states that when he was arro3ted he inlbrm&1 his captors that ho was. an American citizen and was toll that that was the reason o was Imprison 10 complained to Ito American minister and Consul Jele1 investigated d and found ( lie facts substantially as relotM by 1anaslan. The later Is now on hiw1y to this country and on his arrival wi at ohce vIsit Washington - ton and lay before tbo government evidence In support or his sttement UILE1) FOR IA"-AI. Nanaimo's Det"nlUnl l' lleo.Jud/o Starts In B Sail fto.x. NANAIMO , D. C.'Jath -Tho sensational disappearance ot PolicoMgistrate , I'lanta PolIo : , as the outcome ot the roynlcominissibner In rOYI : vistgalon , Is no longer ' . 'mystery. I has been learned & "lelt- that "lelttown yesterday afternoon with a smnli' sailboat with his youngest son. The boat was seen later In the day heading for the American slllo by a passenger steamer \vhich arrived here tbs evening Pianta's flight was wel timed. A - hurried investigation ot his affairs shows that for years ho has been In the habIt at I using public money , as well as property ot . ; 'estates , for his own uso. I Is estimated that ho has gotten away wIth a large sum ot money. Pirate came to thIs province over twenty years ago , and has ever since been promInently connected Wih ( public affairs of ' the country. Ho was looked upon as a thor- ougbly good citizen . and for years had prac- tcaly been a law unto himself. Planta Is I supposed to be maltn for San Francisco , ' whence ho can proceed td rlawaii. The Inquiry - quiry Into the cIty's nahces Is postponed I until lie new council shall have taltn office . JI"tabclo Wnr Vn , , ii Nccesaiity . LONDON , Jan 19.-At lie meeting ot the British South Africa company lion. Ceci Rhodes . the premier ot Cape Colony , deCenled 1 the recent In . war Matabeleland as havIng been a necessity , bUt expressed the hopi that there would bo n9 more wars , especiali p as there were no more hostile people to fight . Mr. Rhodes advocated a policy for Atrlca : or Insisting upon preferential duties Cor Englsh goods. The trade was wlhou the outsllo world and It was : lie ( , duty ot English - men to.seo that their toocls were not cut or from the markets of the ' world. I.'oln < RlcluTreiaiiiro tn 1 Cave. SAN LUIS POTOSI , Mex" , Jan. 1.-Two children playing cast ot here discovered a i cavern. Several men , explored the cave , revealing an Iron chest piled with : Spanish gold coin amounting ti t between $250,000 and $300,000. I Is ble ' 'ed that the mone , "as placed tn the cave , by Franciscan monks . " .JTlEU .11 - XO.Y llTI Il .tl. l'uner,1 01 tile ton l'ostllnqlwlltnl the VtitIieL ' " * lcnIje. CHICAGO , Jan 19- . double Cunerl I will take place tomorrow , Cather nail son being burled together Last evening Rich - arcl Street died at his resitlenco . 734 " 'elt Adams street , closely . f910wlnl the demise ot his on , George .Washlngton Street The death oC the father was the resll ot exhaustion Cram 1 large crbuncle whIch gathered on th back of his neclt shortly acer Christmas ( nail was no doubi . luperlnluced hy the unexpected news at his Bon's death. 'rhe 'j n , who was con nected In a high pOFllbn with the Unite d States navy , was In SaiqFrlnclsco Inspet- i Ing I piece ot naval Ilrclon for the government. About JIolrY \ 4 he was alien ( with : \ serene 'cpl . which Ileveloped into pneumonia and { ca ' tIed ) uimn away I week later. , . ' . Yesterday the tunerl services on the son's remains were Iloptponed because ot Ito alarming turn ( or the WOI'SU In the Cather's condition , Now Jth will be burled at Ito lame ( line , Tine funeral service ! have been arranged fir Sunday at the Centennial Baptist ch\l\h. , A. IC. larlter , pastor ot the church , " \vl - olliciate. JU' llrN i)11i4)tJi . ) IFOItIC ' . 1"10 Imt 'hreltened to no Serloul litusuisge Easily iiuitrulled . HAWLINS , Wyo . Ja4. 19--(8eelal ( Teh 0- gram.-At ) 1 o'cloc tl4s morning lire was dlEcoverel In \ large l1o-slory Iran building just south at the IJel't , owned by James I.avll and used tor a lodging linus 'ho alarm was immethiat.eiy given unit wnl prollJty responded to by the lIre depart- ment. 'rhe wind was blowIng \ gale tram the southwest . ' 'here was eonlnell to I the huikhing , which , wIth marlY all Il I contents was lJrnd. 'Lons , f2.C ; Insurance - once , $ & : An ntJolnlng lulllnl Was slIghtly damaged. The fire department r e- ceh'el many words ot cOlmedut n ( ciI Is I effective work. . Hevrrll I'er > uluiro hu'hlniiLi'iI. ; PANA Iii. , Jan. 1t-New light lies ! en thrown on the Cowden ana5slnatioui. I b reported that several persons were iunpl Ii. cated In the crimI ani . that the murtereo man was a vlclm DC a conspiracy EUROPE WAS \ AFRAID AFRAIDP Power Now Admit the Trembling that Folowed After Peri or's Besination . - BARRICADES IN PARIS WERE LOOKED FOR - ! Even Parisians Themselves Anticipated Tar More Violence Than Was Shown , CHOICE OF TlE DEPUtIES IS ENDORSE Fauro Seems to De the Man De1tinell to Make a Good French President . I MI3S FOX COULDN'T P.CK WINNERS New Yorlt ( tin Itrhiigs Her English iiustriuid Urlo/s ng\Ah Inshnnd R Nlco Iejney Showing the I'our Jullcnt Slo Usell In liuick- lag thc luorsea. ( Copyrighted 1S9 : : ; I ) ' PrcS Publishing C0D11nn ) ) LONDON , Jan. 10.-New ( Yorlt World Ca- bleSpecial Telegram.-Tho ) really extraor- dinary placidity with whIch Franca accepts the election oC Felix Faure to the tJresl- dency Is obvIously a vast relief to Europe. The papers ot London , Berlin . Vlennn , St. Petersburg and Paris , except the guttersnipe publications at the soclalsls and anarchIsts , almost unanimously declare It a proof oC the strength ot the republic. There Is no doubt that all Europe Ceare that there would be barricades In ParIs before the crisis should be ended. This fear certainly was shared by a large proporton oC ( lie pop- ulaton oC Paris until mIdnIght Thursday. But yesterday In I'arls was repeated the story ot perfect quiet and acceptance ot ( lie situation which I cabled on Friday morning Even the Eeleeton oC 11. Bourgeois for premier caused no exeltement. The fact Is that the election ot Fauro was the happiest result possible or the crIsIs. The election or M. Chalemel Lcour , who Is even more extreme - tremo In his way than M. Brisson Is In his , would have been the flaunting oC a red rag to ( lie ( bull at radical republicanism. The election ot M. Drlsson , although he is . I be- here . a moderate and estimable man would have been regarded as a triumph ot purely socialistic principle. , JUST WHAT FRANCE NEEDS. Tie new president Is accepted as a strong but temperate politician , and a thorough man or affairs. France bIds fair to find In him an ideal chief executive for so mercurial and nervous a people. But It docs not ap- pear that he Is a man ot a ' really large fu- ture. He Is fond ot nports , and hires an extensive - tensive shooting tract on the Danube. He , speaks Englsh , very wel , havIng spent two years , , In' England. ' io 1" ars arnoig . f nl } jihft vef l fe ; t t : E gllshl' har : 'ct nistibeInbobt.tho wrt charge that , Is made a'galnst' him in' the revolutionary , ' this . 'organs mornIng. The , duke . ot Orleans made himself very ridiculous ' In marching to Dover and then so qUlcldy marching back again. I Is gjvely stated that he took his chef with him : to the hotel ther . The publication ot the tact that many English officers ot the garrl. : son loft their cards for him ts bitterly commented - mented on by the French press , and has I added t thin hatred ot England , which Is I I rapidly brewing a frantic mania across tIme : channel , supplementing and crowding oul the ell hatred ot Germany. . SHE PICKED POOl HORSES. A singular case at some collateral Interest to New York bas been before a London court this week I may be remembered that 1Iss : Lana Fox was engaged to marry young Robert Peel who recently made an atempt to marry Millionaire Sandford's granddaugh- .0 : tar . but broke It oil on account ot hIs role tons with : Langtry. She afterward married I Captain Reginald Fltzwllam , who has J\1t been sued for certain ot her prenuptal debts I appears sIlo Incurred liabilities to tin . amount ot $50OGO. largely , I was admitted . on the turt. When the first storIes were toll ot May Yohe's marriage to Lord Francis Hope , who Is banltrupt. but Is heir presumptive to the : dukedom ot ' Newcastle . It was maintained by : hIs tamly that the American actress alreally had a husband living In America I this was true the obstruction ' doubtless was removed - moved before the actual ceremony last No- rember She hiss been constant since then to hitr professional duties at the Avenlo theater her engagement there termInatng only tonIght. The newly married paIr pro pose spending the belated legal honeymoon on the continent. - TORIES ALREADY IN POWER. In English politics the tories seem so con I fdent ot winnIng the coming election that their leaders are parcclng out the spoil a already ) ' , and an interesting story comes tome mo that I.ort Salisbury has had to Intervene In a biter contest between Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Goschen as to who shall bo dma I- collar ot the exdlieqer The place has bee nci promised time lrmlngham gentleman , and Mr , Goschen Is to go to the House or Lords BAL.LAIID SMITh. _ _ _ . DA.LAID SiITI. 111.1 IIS. ' i.r.c.tiaioixri. Unnmgo frau , 1'lollt Conllcrhnlnncc.1 by 1111 t to Crop's : . SAN FRANCISCO . Jan. 19.-For two months rain urns fallen nearly every duy In some olectons ot CalIfornia. Not sine xi tIme winter ot 1&9-0 has the PacifIc coast receh'ell such n prolonged dremichming. The snows In tIme mountains have been extinom r- Inarly heavy and only unremitng effort , s by the railroads have prevented alisau . 3. trous blochcade Rivers Inc streams all over the state are bank full 1\1 mamiy ot them have o\'Olowed , causing conslderablo dame ago to roads mind farm property 'rhe most serious leeds have been near Situ Dlelo , where a large amount ot IJroperly has been ' destroyed and two lives bet. In other scm - , ' - tons ot the state I II believed that the ii 1- 'crease In crops 18 the result ot a plenttul supply ot 1In wl more than compensnte for tim damnge hy lool ! . In some Iectons Ie the rain continues the sowing ot gruln wIll bo retarded , but the S.n Joulluln vale : y , the great gralngroIng district , has re- eeh'ed the heaviest drenching In 'ear and the result will he big crops. 'l'he present storm , which lasted for lour days , has ap- : parenty abated . and things are rcsumlng their normal shmaie Streams are going I down amid trains are running , though not on schedule ( line . . l'nl I" 1'llm alnunlt cttlcd . DEN\'EH , Jan. 19.-Tho famous Ernie ta mine suit ot the ( Wood heirs against Jerome U. Wheclel' and the Aspen Mining and SmeltIng company hal been amicably ad- jusled between the hurtles to the suit , 'rhe appeal pentlng ( In the Unlell Stutes court ot appeals ut St. Louis Is IImlssed by I Wheeler und t" , Aspen compan at their costs , ali they agrfc t ! convey to the plaintf ! un undivided halt interest In their Ilnel at A pen , worth many millions at dollars . THE BEE BULLETINS Weather Forecast Nebraska- P age . Fair ; Clller ; Norlherl1118. . 1. William n Interested In Fatire . Creelm"n' Story ) 'nrthcr Cu'roborntetl. Enrol' Wntchelt Irlel 1llerl ; , Another Clew to time Scott lystcr1' 2. Wur Ship to Uo tl ltwiiIi . l'rJ'o Il urrlctsllk"IRII. . Militia to COltrul Trolley Striker 1oretotmro I'rovceitlimgs Are Von mu 0 end . 3. 1fIAO " ' \ "oto for Urouth RelIef' . State 1llrltll at I."bnr , Meets Close ut time 1lncnln 10ntrJ hhow. - . Insteok tn tIm 5011,1 World Notes ot I.nell lull,1 AI"lrs. II. UnoAII' ot the 1'1111 10lsol Itiwii'a 1Itlt I.RIT " 'orkM Inlh 'V"ys O. Coumuicli Ultlt1.1"t .Slmiiters. I'uet"hn Slnl Iii l'ltllltlmlc. 7. " "olly Urht lt Sportng Uo 'II" . I Utllo n\l Hlol I'hht n iriiw . ! I 0. \lm"n : Hcr ' . ' , 'uty's nll her Vorid. t I. lioys' nnlt nlrl ' iepartuuient. 1 2. Ittorltl ; , mud Coiuinmouit. 1 3. IIAtloAI , Itto 11 Corvi , . "Clareuico"-Cuut cln'Inn , I. . . Iblol' 10uCII JIIY Ito 1lovoll. I d. Comllon ot Oimmlia's , 'nbblnl Traiho. COlmerclt I"hlnehtl lews. l'Olttlre8 lt the I.h'o Stock MarketS : , iUti1I' .1o.nn"IUllU LX. . South Illwtn En5hiyIt'eeovcriumu : front Be- faitmltor ' . I.Uter Tnylor'l Ihlv. PiERRE , S. I ) . Jan. 19.-Speclah ( Tele- gram.-Thp ) state fnances arc straightenIng out comlortably. The officials already see their way clear to pay nil obligations and to maintain I desirable all Ito stab Insttu- tons , politIcal , penal charlablo and edu- catonal , In geol running order. Whether for effect emi the legislature or front pa- triotc motives . the railroads have como to the rescue oC the state In a most gratifying grttylng manner. The railroads pay about ! per cent ot the total tax for state purposes , or a total oC $40,000. These taxes are not due until larch , but rccognlzlnl that the state Is somewhat hard pressed for money on ae- count oC the great deCalcaton , tIme roads ha\'o l voluntarily oIeted ta pay at once. The total tax paid by them ( itt the ( state for all purposes Is about $250,000. OC this the Miwaukee pays a trifle short or $100,000 and the Northwester about the same. Tim state manager oC the 11waulteo has just arrived here and has notified the officials olclals that the road would honor the drafts ot the county treasurers as soon as prcsented. The Northwester has also wired that It has already began to pay its taxes duo two months hence. ned that ( ns Cast as its 101- mlEsloners can travel through lie stab nil will be paid . This will put Into the state treasury within the next month at least $30,000. . I Is already certain that tie state will have from thIs time out all the money It ncos , A. Riegel ot huron , representing the Brown-Richards company , Is here , and offers to alto $ loot0o , ? of the sato warrants , ta .EaI for whtyert1m'jlie , state may des- ! ignate. ! .nndiwlro from many { may ato'11.I ' . sources hiare f come in' during thm'j1st"tew 'days , and the state treasurer will have no difficulty whatever In floating all the warrants ( ho focus to tdo maters over unt Ito nol tax can be levIed In August. The Ilea that the ( state was banltrupt Is absurd when It Is known that the public debt Is only $1.000,000 , while the assessed valuation Is ' $128,000,000. INVESTIGATING TIlE STEAL. The investigating commlttc to Inquire Into the defalcation of ex-Treasurer Taylor begun its wont today by holdIng two long sessions. The meetings ot the commission were absolutely secret. Doors were 10cltel and windows closed tight. I Is stated , how- ever , that I stenographer tool full notes , and that . In the course at time alt will be pub- lshed. Ex-Governor Meletto was the only winess , I lie related his relations with Taylor and told ! oC the various times ho had seen him wll n lie ( past two months , as has already been stated. le also tel ot the meeting ot the ( bondsmen In ChIcago and of the statement ' to tie 1 at Lawyer Tenney as to the sum Taylor had with hIm and ot his threats ot suicide , and finally ot time lawyer's advice to flee , which was accepted. ThIs mater has already been prlntell. I Is expected that before he leaves Ito ( wItness m stand Mehlette will tell some interesting Melete wi tel Interestng things denoting the manner ot 'faylor's escape - ' cape and his present probable whereabouts. Attorney Genera Crawford today Cound fifteen moro quarter sections ot land which had been transferred by Taylor to Wells ot ChIcago - cage , and placed atachments on them. le m believes there Is no doubt that the state can recover all ot this on time ground that no con sideration was glyen. Time theory that Ito state would compromise - mise wIth Taylor's bondsmen by releasing : them from prosecution and remitng the penalty from absconding his bond Is exploded - ploled by the discovery ot the constutonal provision prohibiting time state from releasing I any liability to I. - - iLl I'.IL XO TJl SUG.LJL TiLusr . - SLaPS Taken to 1111.1 a , Large lelner1 nt Canulcn , , N. J. CAMDEN . N , J. , Jan 19.-Tho Sugar trust Is threatened wlh a rIyal refnery In this city At least It Is saId that plans are now beIng prepared by Adolph Segal , a builder ot manufacturing plants , to erect a $3,000,000 sugar refInery here , having a capacity ot .1.000 barrels ot refined sugar 11er day. A site Is said to hero been purchase at lie Coot ot Cooper street , havIng a frontage ot GOO feet and running out l,3GO feet to time rlprarlan limme . Mr. Segel 1,3iim. m. tlnes to lay by \hom time plant wi be operated ! , hut It still he In OPIJoslton to the Sugar trust , - . In."ranee IIUIII8 1"alnl , (1ff. SAN I nANC8CO , Jute , 19.-AI of the ( In- surnco companies doing huslnel8 In this state have reported their condition to the stulo insurance commission \ ' 1he report H ahow n great decrease In lImo Inb-rnco : buslnes8 In CalComlCor iS9i. As corn pitremi with 1b J. t hlre waR 1 deerelsl ot UO.80SGU In the 110unt ot lire Inaurnco written , and 20,629.GI0 In marino tmmtsurunci ' . making n total ot $ ii,037,2i. 'j'ho decra . ; ot Ire premiums waH $ UJ.71 , and $2i0 , & j9 on ismanimie or $ CS'ilS ' : 11 all . 'l'he averag e a\'CfJO percentage ot louses to l'remlul ! on 110 : risks for 1891 was HI I. amid on marine Ilsltl for thin Wmo period 31,5. Ioolt rur a Ir&ult . Nest Wlek , BOISE CITY , Idaho , Jan. 19.-Goveror McConn 1 today sent to the legislature \ vigorous recommendation In furor ot n memorial to congress pr'lnl ( or the yam mi- sage ot the J hntrl\n mlnerul hand hi , On the millet Jar senltor tolu there were u number ot uhsEntees. 'rwo Shoup men were Jlulred with two ot Swcet'ms aUII- porlers and ono HhoU11 amI four Sweet 11 ! were ulaent , .rho I'sult was : Sweet , la ; Shaul' , 13. The papulsts utaln sloo.l 101' ' " ' . H. Chaggett . , The huprcssl vrevaI Ilrevuls that there will be I hrealt pt semite him miii early next week. - , . Ill trlct , \ lurluyrrntc(1 ( for i'riiiil DI N\I B , Jan 19-Glu\lle Pendieto recently elected district atorney In Yuma count ) watt arrested today , having bee : n Illctell by the Patted Stales granll jury for using tl0 snaIls to defraud. lie II charged with ha\'lnl olltalned etudes Cor l which he IJI not Paid hy mean ot letterl sent to tlUerent parts . ot the country , ' , WHERE \ SCOT IAY BI. , Dody of the Defaulter Believed to lovl Boon Loc.\td. , I - , FRIENDS THINK < - IT IS IN TiE RIVE ' Quit Taken by the Vigilantes from t1 Buggy of Their Victim Found , t UNDER TiE ICE IN TiE NIOBRARA . - , Large Seal ching Patty Organic.d to Go Out Today. I S LVENTY-F1V MEN WILL BE READY Thcorr Advnneed thn the Corpse ot this 11urlorld Jlnn Wns Sunlt Ucnenlt thin Ice " 'hero limo Innket , , Ulseu\'ered. - O'NEILL , Neb , Jan. 19-Speclnl ( Telo gram-A ) clew was obtained In the ( Scott case tOllay tint ! It Is the ( olnlon oC a mitmunbet ) numbel In i this city that before ' twemmty-fotur ciy bfore tlenlCour hours elapse ) the body oC the nlllere1 lan wl be Cound , ant that wlhout the use ot slllrit advisers. A smal party Was organized here ) csterdar , amid this morning the ) ' left for time NIobrr river to I'rosecute ' the search toZ the body ot' lie missing man. There were even In tIme Ilrt ) . that started Crom hero a\l five lucre Crom the north country Joliell In i i the search D C. lazelet oC this city , - , was one ot the party . and the following acts were obtained Crom him : The party went at onCD to the river and cOllencell cutng the ice . I hnteniling to snake a thorough search of thin rIver. 'lucy lied c ut away several feet of tIme ice wlmeum a quilt was discovered in ( ito bottoimi of' time river t inder about eiglmteeim iuichiemm of ice. Theta was about 2 o'clock this aftermmoomm. It. answers the description giveum by Mrs. Scott and Is uniloubtedly one that they lied in t heir buggy when attacked by ( Ito vigilantes at I'arhcer on December 31. llazelet cnmno to t own at once , arrivimig here atmoiut 9 o'clock t his evening , anti a 1)0550 of about seventy- five will heave for tint river to lirosecuto time search tommiorror , ' . The place where the quilt was foumid is about 200 feet below \'htttiuig'a bridge , where , It. will be remneumihencel , the trail was followed by residents of' ( hint country - try , after being lost by tIme alicrilt , as umien- tloimed in previous dispatches. It is about six miles free : : Spencer , Boyd coummty , and a courier was seut to that towu : for assistance and a large posse is expected from there to assist In ( lie search tomorrow. One of tub panties who was out today says Ito is liositivo " 3 that ( lie body Is In tIme river , and ( hint they , ' will fInd It tornorros' ( , The excitement which has 'beenss'anin dunipgj1ic pastweek sprung up again tonight - night with : remesv d vigor , and on thiistrl's ' ' can be seen men hurrying to their homes to ' prepare themselves for tlm trip to ( lie river. Although ( hero lies beeut no news about time S Scott case frommi ( hits city for limo vast week , time frIends of thu missing man have not been idle. They have been scouring tIm eountry where ( leo nIssing nian's body is supposed to be , hooking for some trace of hmini , and from ( Ito reports tomiighmt it seems as if their labors would ho rewarded , . SENS.tTION .tT eCOUX 1CALL9- Muumiclpahtty aiml Labor UnIon Ilavo a I5i' light Oii Their iIiintI , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Jan. 19.-Special ( 'reicgi-ain.-ThiIs ) nfternoon notIces were aerved on every saloon , gaunbltuig establish- meat and disorderly hiouso in the city that should their proprietors pay any more Ihnes as heretofore for arbitrary use by the cIt coumicil their places swill be closed under Injunction - junction and kept clottcd. 'I'lm Industrial union de'mnaumds ( hits money ( or enmploymcnt of laboring men , anti retained three o the heft attorneys in ( Imo city to proccute. The mayor and council refuse thin demands antI the biggest sensation in ( lie history of time city is 'expected. Last evenIng the mayan and time heatiet' of the Imidustrial unions thin lie. Time mayor struck tins hcadqr in time ( ace , Icuhlsum Vouumiiui's litemi of' .IiisIco , CITAItIBEItLAIN , S. D. , Jan. 19-Spe" ( cIal.-Pnrtie ) svho have arrived here ( noun P1mm ItIdgo agency tell of em emise of do- mesie infelicity wliiclm lit ccrtaimtly out of tlio usual i-au : . Julia Goings is ( lie nan : of an Indian svoman. wlmo resitles on the , renervation. Some time emgo she was mar- rind in Indian fashiiomt to it. Mexican whe , lives neat' time emgeuicy. The Mexican had ] previously been tnarrieil , bitt had never procured a divorce ( rain hula wife , who Is still living , These ( micts svere known tG ( lie Indiaim woman previous to her consentIng - Ing to reside with ( lie Mexican , but ti was umiileraood ( lint Iitc'y shiotmiel lie rnnrnietli lawfully as soot : as time divorce lied been secured , Recently thin Mexican told tlm womnctit ( lint ho would riot marry her at all. . Sue has thmerel'orc wrltteum to the United States atitimontties urguimg ( lint tIm Mexicars be compelled to manlce reparation or Ii suitably - ably Inmflished ( or like duplicity. SIte cati- mates ( lint liar frelimigs have been Imijurnel to tIm. . : extent ot abotm ( $ : ioo , amid ( hits ethics is wiliimig to cull ttuaru if tIme nutlmomitiets comnpei time Mexican to give her mm $300 ' hmorso whIch Ito now htnicimtbI iosseslomi. South utui'e.nii ' l.miu'ycrs ltlghmt. CITAMI1EIII.AIN , 13. D. , Jan. 1h-Spe. ] ( etch 'l'nhc'graun.-UmtI ) esI Stem tes Cornmnlssion- er Morrow anil 1lwimi Greet : , ex.stnte'mm at- tormicy , hioh ( sscil lemmown tlmmoughiout thi state , were hmuiticil before a police justice anti time hitter lined for assaulting ( lieu corntmilmtsiotmc'r nit ( ho result of tin encountes miiuuing me trial lii svhicht they were oppostn attorneys. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I iii etc I I I I i I'm oh i'vr I $ ; IIiit.t , ott , DEADWOOI ) , Jan. D.-Hpeciai ( Tele. gramn.-'I'hmn ) Society of Ihlaclc hula 1Io- imenne mnet today In aumrmuai setesIoti , Iii time evening a basmquet was glvemi , which svaa attended by about 2O of time Iiluclc hula' . bmmt imeotuie , Itoy ( ' . , un iii I t I cii tuIei ii FORT J0N11i4 , Cal , , Jan , 19-Last night about 6 o'cioclc 1ithmur , tIme 33-year-old norm of George M. Erects , a ( armom iiviiti ; mmccc here , wale sent to carry in swood ( or the night , lie not returniuig to the imoutn' , bbs brother swemit to ionic ( or hIm , and ( ouumc.t hIts dead hotly suspended Iy me strap around. his neck , fasteumed to ii. ratter In tIme wood- shied. It conmmot be tIetcrmnuuued sehethuer time act watt accidental or lircineditated , . , I.i.l TJIiIL .FICICU.JNT ( , - i'iiIicmiii Cuhiler In Northwest NaIrn.tca tow * umImiiiy. WASIIING'fON , .1cm , 15.-Time forecast ( os Suuduy its ; ior Nebraska-Fair ; colder In tito northwestern - western Imortloem ; variable winds , becounltm nomthenl' , For South Iahiota-Smmow flurries ; colder ; nortliem'Iy wlnde. For Kansas aiid Colorado-Fair ; varIaIji winds. For Iowa-Fair ; warmer in the soutla. eactenam liontioum ; variable svltda , For Missouri -Fair ; wumnuer In this norilt- erim ponliurt ; stiutlieriy wInds. _ , . - - - ,