, , i omiifliiL. . - - - _ - . U , . . . I' . I . . L - 8 % TilE ' OAIIA DAILY BEE : IIJEUnSDAY , JANUARY 17 , 1SO. p EORGIA'S ' GREAT GENEROSITY p rwcnty-Ono Oars or Food and Fuel for Nebraska's ' Destituto. CONTRIBUTED BY TIlE WUOlE STATE From 'ron Centll , tl Two Jlnred % Rnd I'lfy lolAr JfCeIVell from the I'eoplo II the WRT ot Cash oniittons. UNCo.N , jan. 1C.-Speclal.-Sccretary ( ) I.udden of the Hclef commission has re- celved the following telegram from ex.Uov- ernor Northen Atanta , Oa. : : "At 8 o'clock tonight I will start from Atlanta twenty-one cars loaded with food supplies and fuel censlgnNI to you. ThIs II Georgla's contribution for the relict of your ptrlckcn people. The gifts hare come to me from nil sections of our state and from al cctons all classes of our Ileople. The smallest amount of money contributed was 10 crnts. 0 The Inrgrst amount was $ 25O. The smallest contribution of provisions was one galen of syrup ; the Inrgrst a carload. 'Such as we ) ave wc give unto you , ' white we ask God's blessing to go with the gift M. S. J. liudJo Eons trafc manager of the Illinois Central railroad , Chicago , tclrgrallhs me that you w1 look after transportation from 1dartlii . T nn. , all tbat time roads will delIver free from charge. " Secretary I.udden rcplel1 thanking the Muthern Iionors In thc name of the surerlng farmers of Nebraska. IN TI DSTHCT COURT. The Oliver ImSOI ) SocIety for Needy Iusl- clans asks the district court for the fore- closure oC mortgages aggregating $ 25OOO on the Kitchen blocks near Sixteenth and 0 treots. Receiver Fogg of the Nebraska National banlt of Beatrice sue3 W. Q. hell for $3,200J the amount of hIs assessment on forty sbares at stock held by him when the bank went down. Marie laro1 this morning secured um1g- mont for $615 and $5 attorney fees against time State ] nsurnnct company or Des Moines for an unpaid policy on a farm house destroyed - stroyed by fire. 1M VY MORTGAGES FILED. Chattel mortgages aggregatllg $ ,275J , executed - canted by Major and rank Bohemian , were teday fed with the county clerk. Five co v- erll their big livery barn and contentsJ borses . carriages , hlress , etc. , amid were In favor of J. Shamp Implement , company for $ ,000 : Phiip g. Bohanan , $500 : Bd I. liebe hanan , $575 : Charles L. Smith , $2,000 ; L. J. lyerJ $1,000 One for $200 , In favor of Charles IhlandJ coverl le meat marltet , and one for $475 covered hlar.es and ether vehicles. Messrs. Dohman : are old rlsldents of Lincoln , anti have In the past contributed largely to Its growth. C. : . Had burn , general fuperlntendent , and Division Superintendent Coughlan of the MIssouri Pacifc railroad arrIve this afer- : noon In their sPecial car , and arc 1001lng over the Interests of the road In this vi- emiLy. Time adjourned Eesslon of the Nebraska State horticultural society resumed the work : of Its winter meeting today at Nebraska hal , State university grounds. The prIncIpal topIc of discussion In the mornIng , led by Paul Menechelt of Hehnrdson county was "ExperIence with n Variety or Grapes. " Time following officers were elected for the coming year : President , E. T. Stptmens . , Crete ; first vice president , G. A. Marshall : Arlington : second vice president , D. C. Mosher , Lincoln : secretary 1) . V. Heed , Due Springs : treasurer Peter YoungersJ jr. , , Geneva - : eva : dlreccrs , J. M. HusselJ Wymor : C. A. Slayton , Salem : E. C. Erfng , Omaha. Young Lucle8 In Burlt Corlc. FREMONT Neb. Jan. . . , 1G.-Speclal.-One ( ) . of the geat events ' of the season . In Femont was a minstrel show at Lov&'s opera hous : lat night for charl"s sake , In which the actors were all Fremont ladles , erlbelshe with burnt cork In the regulation manner There was a gOo sized audience and the ; 4 aralr was succosaful , as I show and as a , money mnker. It was gotten up by the ladles of St. James' EpIscopal church. I r ? In district court 'V. P. Gochenour had & case against time village of Scrlbner In which ho clalme } $2,00 damages lIe was arrste a for peddling without a license , and was In I p , ; . . jai for a tmeJ and the damages claimed ; w ro for lacerated feelIngs and 10S of repu- teflon. 4fer hearing the evidence and ar- gumente Judge Marshall Instructed time jury to find for the defendant , which was ibm Gochenour also hns n case of the same kin , against the village of Hooper , whIch Is beIng - log tried. The ScrIbner case wl probably , r bJ appealed. J. V. N. Dies , Herman DOMler and Stacy M. Bell have nppled for admission to pra : - ? . tce In Limo district court. Attorneys W. I I. . , Munger , E. F. Gray and J. E. Frick were ' appoInted as an examinIng committee. Tim cigar manuf3cturlng frm oC lireitem 1- feld & Gumb has dIssolved , John Gun : Lb , ' retIring. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I Settle Ills Slmortmtgc. I , DENICELJANJ Neb. , Jan. 1C.-Speclal.- ( ) Ex.County Clerk O. A. Williams departed for Illinois Saturday , where he expects to reside In the Cuture. He succeeded ' In I : setting the shortage with the county of I ; from $00 to $500 whl the commissioners were In session. ri. The relief commitee of the Grand Army m of the Republic post Women's Christan Tcmperance union and other orders and private - vate parties arc receiving considerable aid to distribute now , and there Is no reason for , , anyone In this vicinity goIng hUlgry or cob d. ' County Treasurer J. C , Ough will retl ro I , L from the mercantIle buslnes3. having traded , his stock to his brother Hank , who has t moved It to Wnuneta , In Chase county. mr Dundy county will ho In It next season I , , IrrIgaton has . any virtues. In this iinmmmc ] I OLe vIcinity five prIvate dlchcs are cot 1 . i ' pletedJ each ranging Cram six to ten mimiles h ; L length. The next tangIble : question to salvo l II how the peoille are to procure seed l ' . UI WI' ot Imiterior . PLATTSMOUTl , Mob ' , Jan 16.-Spclal ( Telegram.-L. ) P. Hiton , chief of the state oil InspecLon corps came Ilown from Omaha ] thIs mornhlg for the pnrl10se oC InvestIgaLI rig the charge that the recent lamp ixplosil aim near this city , In which Farmer . 1' ciy J. F. Sti mu was so badly burel , was the result of Stul I ; 4 tenor oil , A saml11e of the oil wns secured : from the Stul fatuity , and time same was ¶ tested by the Infllcclor In time presence of several interested parties. Time oil succem I , ' fully stood a test of 10S 1'grees , olght degrees t mOJo than Is required byiau , 'fho rest 1ayes the cUbU 'of the explosIon more rosul ! I mystery thun ever alhou h tim Inspector wil Inclined to belIeve that some gusolne harl : Inalh'crtent ) ' ien mixed \vlh the al , ' 1' he Inspector btl Insists that ho viIi pay $1 :00 : for u Illnt of oil on sale In the stat which ' 1h1 not bLand the test wil btunl required by time statutes ' I Irg . iImlmIt'rs itt : nrtnl . NORFOLK . Neb. . Jan , 1G.-Slleclal ( To Ic- gram-'Che ) Nebraska State Volunteer ] "Ire- , mimen's aSbocluton was called to order 01 030' ; ' last night by Ireshlent O. 11. Tracy , anll the I : delegates were wlcomed to time city by ciy Mayor Mntran In' a neat speech to Which Prtshlent Tracy resp'mmmbed , after which lime I , usoclalon Ilroceedcd 10 organize for the ca- llon , all ' then aljourlell until this lorllng , At tOa"s sessIon a paper WIS reall by J. ' C. Clelanll of I.'remont on "How blest to Icst ' : Control Opera 10uso Irlrrs , t Anolher paper on on "I.'lre 1scaimcs" by hull of I relent ' r , wa read ill receIved marked uttentl on . The aferoon vas EPClt In a gralll sir eet I llrat0 ammO a visit to limo eUgim ' factory . to which visItIng Ilcllgate were takcu by ) tp , - clal train by time Norfolk tcp rtlent. A total of 1St delegates are registered. . ' ' lieu Wilow COIII ) ' hul ItmibIIim'ti. : r I' INIANo.A , Ncb. , Jan , IG.-Spcclul ( Tel. egram.-Tbe ) Hell Willow county seat e.ls , . ' r 16 ,61ItI1 , and Inlllol1 } II time county seat . The supreme court handed In a declslll today. Our citIzens Ire elated , und mire ral. tfylng In tIme usual fashion (1oiemt ! Untl'I' ( : imutti'i lorlI II. BATRtC1 , Jan 1G.-Spc1al ( TeleCram- ! ) FIve chattel mortgages on the tencral mer- cheamlise stock of Lynk & I'enry at I\r. : , 1111 wee tiled yesterdA I/n01lcthlE / to . - - ' - - ' r. . . , _ a- $4,4 40. Three more were flied today brIngIng - Ing thl total up to abut $5,000. and the ctablshment hu been closed . A recent In- voc ! showed $ & worth of goo ! on hand. AO\NST THANSI'I 1 SWITCh ES. Jut igo ChRlllRn UoolRrlI thRt tie Law II UnconstItutional. P LAT'FSMOtITII , Neb. . Jan. 16-Spcclal ( Tei egram.-Judgo ) Chapmsn has hahled down his opinion In the lolt county transfer sw itch case , wherein It was sought by the Stnte hoard or Transportation to compel the Fr emont . Elkhorn & MIssouri Valey and Sioux City O'Nei & Western railroads to pu t In a connecting swItch at the town of. O' NeIll In accordance with the provisions of the transfer switch law enacted by the legislature - lat uro two years ago. The law Is Fall to bo un constItutional . the prIncipal reason beIng that the law falls to properly amenll and repeal the old law pertaIning to the construc- ton of transfer swItches. In his decision the judge cites section 2. artIcle 3 , of the state constitution , which provides that no law simnil be anmemideti unless . w shnl nmeudCI the new act con- tai ns the section or sectIons so nmelllCI , anll the section or sectIons so mentIoned secton sectons mentoned sim ail be rcpealed. Judge ChnlJH.u heat the ease at the request of Judge ICinkald who presides over time district of which Jol county Is a part. SU"IRllle time l'C . III tlr. PENDEH , Neb. . Jan. l6.-Spcciai.-I'ost- ( ) master Murray received yesterday recelvld luforma- ton from Assistant Postmaster General Jones to time erect thnt the Pender Repuhle of lest week . which Iostmaster Muncy re- fusel to pass through the postofilce . was not admissable to tIme malsJ and that hmeyJs refusal to accept the same met with the appro\al of the Postofce department . The Helluhle this week republshel the objec- tenable cut In supplement form and folded the same In the vapor , but the publisher wns notIfied thnt the sUl1plement would hlve to be taken out before the several packages of the paper woull be forwarded to their respect\e destinations. . llcIC'IJIUI. Snt Sorll . IT ill. LINCOLN , Jan. 16-SI'eclal ( Telegrnm.- ) Congressman McKelghan , who was brought to St. Elizabetim's hosilial a wek ago , Is recovering rapidly. A cal nt time hospital tonight "roved unfounded Limo report that he was In a dangerous condition . lie has been surerlng severely from neuralgia oC the eyes , but Is now on the high road to recovery , Ills daughter Is In attendance at his bedside , together with J. C. 'Varner. The latter says he expects to accompany the congressman to his home In Red Cloud C1011 wihin I few da's. \Clln ' lolA nt 1'I"usDouth. PLATTSMOUTII , Neb , Jan 16.-Speclal ( Tclegram.- ) lss Bancho Tra\er , one of Pi attsmotmtim's most estimable 'oung ladles became the wife In this city today of John Se lbert . a machhllst In the employ of the Union Paclnc railway at Its Omaha shops. The newly wedded couple departed for Omaha this afternoon . and wl make that place their home. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oel180 ot Uohert H. lticloo. TECUMSEIL , Neb" , Jan. 1C.-Speclal ( Talesl gram.-Hobert ) B. McKee died In Tecumseh , Od'J today of paralysIs , aged 3t years. Ho I was the son of JUdge and Mrs. It. 'V. McKee ' of this city , and grew to lanhooll here. 10 leaves a wife. The rclolns wi arrive tomorrow for Interment imere Diphtheria ! lt Iterilim. BERLIN , Neb" , Jan. lC.-Spaclal.-Dlph. ( ) . theria has again brolten out In a most vIr- lent form at this plnco. In the Immedlato viciniy there has been ten deaths so far Al schools , have ben closed. Four new cases at the house of William Huge cast of town , were reporte tonIght. ] Jowrimmg 10nud Over O'NEILL , Neb. , Jan. 1G.-Speclal ( Tele- . g ram.-George ) H. Dowrlng had a prelm In. : ary hearing before Judge McCutchan this I afernoon and was bound over In $500 bonds fa appear at Uw next term of the diEtric t court to answer to the charge of forgrry. U"Rrney : National 1ienmmimcs Ju lne81. KEARNE , Nob. . Jan. 1G.-Speelal ( Tele- e gram.-The ) Kearney 'Natonal ' bank re- 'sumel ' busIness again this afternoon , and , the dIrectors arc beIng congratulated on alt . sides . They wIll commence Issuing their certificate : S of deposit tomorrow morning Smal l'nlul'O nt Crete. CRETE , Neb. , Jan 16-Speclal ( Telegram. ) - alves : , grocery store was closed this even Ing i under I chattel mortgage to the Crete National bank. Incunibrance . $2,500 : etocli . . a bout $ ,500. . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ IN THE DISTRICT , COURT . City a Winner In R LIttle lialgo Sult- Other Cnlos. Judge Duffle thee ' decided the damage suIt brought by Folder agaInst Omaha In Caver of the city. The suit was for $300 , which the t plaintIff claimed had been awarded him for damages sustained by the filling UI of Poppleton avenue , near Fourth street , In I front of his rerdence. : lie based his claim on nn ordinance passed by the council statIng L- Ing i the necessity of mlng the streot. Am I- slSors were appoInted to adjudge damages In i case the work was done , and Folder ' 8 damages were put down at $300. The cam ci , howevlr , never passed an ordinance OL r- derlng the work From the evidence I W:1 : shown that the Itreet hall been used as a dumpIng ground for time earth taken from oUter grading by contractors as It was not imp to the requisIte grade , but It has net been qrdered done by the city. Julge ; Dome stated that , although the leopla ; hll : been abused he ; could not render ' JUdgment In i their favor . as It would be n dangerous precedent to hold that an agent oC tlma city : , In thIs ease , time engineer , 1"111 bind Iho city to damages by ordering tt street to , be filled wihout the u.lrltve action of I th council. The moton to reverse th 'lee1slon of a justice cOlrt In the case IJf the I.emp Drew. log company against Waatab'c Saufsay has been overruled and the ease dmotmilsseml. A fiction for a new tria' . la time case of Sadie Capp against Vm , Gilder was 11enled by Judge Duibie This Is : utry case. In whIch a JUdgment wal : Ivemi II favor of the 11lalnWr. 'fhe grouls ! cit which the moth ) n was based were that 'the ' le101lanl ! , moton werl not present when the case wad called , Im . - caUse they relied on the statelcnt oC the bailiff that the case would not be called up i for several days In the cafe of Itchle against Bowley , a motion to tot aside the ale of proper ty en the grounds that the deed had been frau d- ulrnty obtaIned , waD denied by JUdge Dui lie ye llrdIY. ! . H TOO1 HIS OWii LLF1. . , . - , . 110.11011 11101 Irhllt R Qliltly ot : _ .mi mm tia 111 Illt 1'Jh'o . lelmontl DlolJ about 60 years of all conunltel ' suicide earl ) 'eUerday by taldng I two ounces of Iaumbammumtm. 1\ went Into 1 saloon at Thlrlenth and larey stret its late 'Cueuluy nljlt , sat down nt a tai mb all calell tar a glass of beer lie was ob- sen'cil to pour sOlethlns Into the glass and Ilrlnl the mmmlxtui , . 1mm 1 few minutes he ap. 11earod to bo alleel ) . Ill the bartender trlell 10 Iwaken 111. I F.milimmg In thin an otllc : er olcer was called unll Dilon was sent 10 the I POIC btalon , where I was discovered that : : : wal tur.'rln from a loHe of liaison , In spite of mtllcal attention he died at : : 3 o'clocl. . 'rime body II lt time mmiorgme ; Inll I bottle which hu1 coutalned laudanul was 'found among his itoasesions . I was marl cii a ha\Jn conic Cram Clark's ( drug blare at ' . ' : ? 'lwcnt.nllth street anll Woolworlh a\enue. I WIS not nnt late yesterday that the bad ) ' was ! lentll' as that oC ltednmo md Wien - , - fattier - - of Mike Dillon , the druggist . BOSTON STORE FlUE SALE To morrow We Make a Most Tremendous Effort t Close Ont - All TIlE GOODS FROM THE JAFRAV FIRE - NoU In Our itott.-V.'o In\o .Jcut , Jeollved Allthor l.ot-80 Cnei-nmmi Must llRko 1001 Jegnrdlnl ot the l'rloo ( loomis lrllg , SELLING OUT CLOAKS. All time new style extra henvy cloaks all wool beaver , In black , navy anti brown These are IG.OO anti $19.00 garmeimts The ) ' go In this sale at $ IS. I.ndles' cloth cal'es , In grays browns and blncks , edged \vlth fur . worth $5,00 , go at liS a. Ladles ready nctbe dresses , In all wool covert cloth , /l wool serges anti cashmeres , black , gray uud mmayy In Prince Albert , coat anti skirt Or tIght Ittng waist , wIth stylsh skirt , worth UII to $15.UOJ go In this' ' sulo at U.9S. Sellng out all the Jaffray fire drapery sIlk Oe ' . JarrlY fre I raper ) slkJ yard All kid gloves In , i'uy Al Itl1 any way damnged , go at 10e a pair. Seling out all the sound amid perfect kid gl eves , 400 and 'c . Selling out al the landllerchlefs from time Jarray stock at 2c , Ge , lOc amid 10e. Selng out nil the dress goods from the Jarrny stock , Hic , lIla / , 28c all 30c. Selling out all Lonsdalo amid mlsln camSe br ics , 4e. Wo , arc seling out everythIng from the Jarry stock at a Cearful sacrifice to make room Immediately for these SO cases now at the depot.BAnGAINS BAnGAINS ON 3HD PI.OOR. 200 dozen opagle window shades , 25c caclm Send for carpet sammipies. BOSTON STOtE SLIIImS , 29C. Tomorrow we sell a thousand pall ladles' Cel slippers for 2Dc. . And Misses' god rubbers for Do And 2GOO paIrs ladles' beautiful warm lined fe lt . leather plush and velvet slippers , worth Oil > to $175J for ODe a pair. Men's working shoes 7ge. llslesJ and clmiid's dongola shoesJ 69c. Youths' slmoes 90c. Men's patent leather shoes , $2.25. L3dles' dongola shoes , SIc NEW THLlY CONGRESS ShOES. 200 paIrs new TrIlby congress shoes Cor ladles The very latest New York style , , aetual value $5,00 , during this sale $3.00. Dos ton Store Is the first to .ntroduco . this shoe In Omaha BOSTON STOnE SHOE SALE , Where you find everything as advertised. N. W. cor. . 16h and Douglas. Hayden Dros' ad. Is on page 6. . 03.1.ANl CIIOAUO l"'lT EXPRESS 'I ' 'Rkotho Clmtcms o . llwlUkeo 8 St. 1'"at bOy . : For Chicago and all poInts cast. Vestibuled Vestbuled sleeper leaves the Union PacIfic depot , Omaha , at 6 p. m. . daily , reachIng - Ing Chicago at 9 a. m. , the following day , In ample time for al easter connections. Supper end breakfast served In dining cars a la carte. Passengers fo : Freeport , 'Hockford , E igln and alt points In Wisconsin can , by takIng - Ing this train reach theIr destination twelve : hours In advance of all other lnes , BaggagE checked through from your residence to des- : ti nathon. For tickets and further Informa- ton apply to C. S. CARRIER . City TkL Agt. G. n. HAYNES , City Pass. Agt. F. A. NASH Gen. Ast. . , 1504 Faram St. Hayden Dr03' . ad. Is on page G. . TiE DiRECT sOU'nmtN IOUrE \'Ia the Hook lSlanl-'imortost Line R d lrnstolt Tlmo. To all points tn Kansas : Oklahoma , Indian T erritory . Texas , , and , al ! . poInts tn southern pfl.nts C alifornia. Only one Ilsht out to all poInts : In I Texas. The "Texas Ltmlted"'leaves ! Omalu 0 at 5:15 : a. m. dolly except Sunday , Omah passenge" at all points In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other lines. Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth and EI Paso to Los An- geles. For . ful particulars. maps , folders , e tc. , cl.at or address Rock Island ticke ofcoJ 1602 Farnam St tcket CHAS. KENNEDY : G. N. W. P. A. ' . . HaYden Dros' . ad. Is on page 5. . The State Relief commISSIon bave estab- lshe i headquarters at 109 Frenzer block : , where all contributions at provisions and clothing should be sent , Instead of 407 Drown blok , as heretofore. All corresponiencD should bl addressed to me at 407 Drown block. W. N. , MASON , President. . Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page 5. S NOTES 01" J.OV.J. 1."TJUlEST. The decIsIon In the Sherman avenue pavIng - Ing i case w1 be delivered next Saturday morning In court room No. 0. Colonel Hogeland addressed the students of the Omaha Commercial college yesterda This evening ho will speak to newsboys at the Board of Trade rooms Tim coroner's jury In the case of John Damonl declared In its verdict that It was impossible to determIne whether the laudanum - anum was taken wIth suIcidal Intent. Checler plnyers Interested In the organ I- znton of a ely club ammO an amateur tunmmm 1- ment are invited to bo Invlell present at the Young Men's Christ on association rooms lhls evening. Police JUdge Derlt has received notice of the serious illness of his Iged mother , who resides at San Jose Cal ' , and hnvlng secured a leave of absence will start for that place this moring. E. Dolkmeyer , who Is now at the county jai , charged wih InsanIty , will be taken to the county hospital this morning. lioll k- meyer has been In business In the city durIng - log the last fifteen years. ' Charles I. Sanders of 'Gen wood , la'J ni mu ) Miss Mary G. Isher ] of Omaha were immarri eel In this city Tuesday Jal16thJ IS95 , marrlel I residence of Mr. Isaac MyersJ 13t So. 27 tim St. 11ev. Charles W. Savidge otilciated . Time Tnrvereln wl give an elaborate b : oil at Germanlu hal on the evening of' ' January 2G. Julus Thiele's mie orchestra has been engaged for the event and Glrlan circles success geimernhly are becoming interested ] In Is I The regular 10nthly leetng of the M U. nlclpal league will be 1)ld this evening In time Commercial club rooms An address on "The Ideal City" will be delivered by He , ' . J. P. D. 1lwyd. ImJortant business Is .t to' ; ' bQ transacted. A runaway horse enlIvened maters on ilarney street yesterday aferoon by dashIng - Ing down the thoroughraro Crol Seventeen I I i to Pourtlfnth street a 111 smashing tho' ' wheela of a buggy , The owner oC the r ig . Jeff Sitaw was thro\/ cut . but escaped a ny serious immjmmry ) On Monday nIght the Poultry Fanciers as. soclaton elected olcers for the coming ) 'enr. The Iesul was as follows : President , C. D. Sllms : vice presllent , Charles itos' , secre. tary , W. J. Scot : treasurer I , I. . licimam I iE son. Time association Is In exclent condi- lion . Prep.mrations are being completed Cor time annual exhibition of fancy chickens which ; wi begin In the old 1)el ) department store bnlhllng , I Fifteenth and Dodge streets on January 22 and lat until . Jannary 2G. Hayden Brea' , ad. tson . page I JuYIG l'ulll trom Immliammm. The lederll grand jury has Indicted several people who have made a practice of buy. i cattle from Indlaims and ' " . log catle rain Inlians gh'llg time "un. tutored brother" time worst of It. . nUlber of ofenders wi also be compelled to face - . - - - - - - - - - Highest of all in Lcwcningr : wer.-Latcst U. S. Gov't Report D V al Powder ' 4B OLtTEIV PVRE . - Juclge Dunlly UIII ? explaIn why they sold lquor to the Inlans" , . 1\1a Noises In the ears , lomtlmes a roaring buzIng so und , are eausel bt . atarrh . that exceedingIta Iy disagreeable slid- very common dlseaso. Lss or smell at iherlng also resul from ca tarnlm . hood's arsimpanihla . time great blood purifer , Is a pechnrly successful remedy for this disease . whICh I. cures by purifying the bl oed . blood.lood's STood's l'Ilis arethe , : best after dinner pills , asist digestion . vreent . constipation. - Artesian ICO'II OIRII IIoiiiS , I recently announced that I would sell Seymour lake arUslsn lee to retail dealers In Omaha. The Seymour Lake Artesian Ice company now respectfully Informs time people of this town Ihat It Is prepared to furnIsh 11 l home's anll families and other consumel with the finest ice that was ever seen In any market after March 1 next , nt current market prices Seymour lake water has bee largely . used In the lendIng famIlies of thIs city , who have purchased It from vender ! for table use. This water Is absOlutely - sOlutely pure. I flows from a depth of 1 , 400 feet , all Is conllultc from time arledlan wels In Iron Pipes to the center of th lake , No bathing will bt allowed In Ihls ha ke. I will bl perfectly protected from the in flow of storm water. ABSOLUTE IMMUNiTY IS mmEI' GUA1ANTlmD BY ME AGAINST ALl , DEIETgnIUS VEGETABLE OIL ANIMAL : si ATTEIL. 1'TTEI. To the sanllr ) ' hnportance of this state- ment the attention of the me.Ucal proCession and time htalh authorites of this city Is earnesty requested. No person or corporation , other than the Seymour Lake Artesian Ice commipany will be vernmitted to sel this Ice In Omnahma Mr. . ' rank Mattocks , a gentleman who has hall a life experience In the Ice business , wi manage time Interest of the company , and till orders and commuulcatons addressed to him at 1609 ] ' nrnal street will receive prompt at tention. GEORGE . L. MILLER. COlr111 OOIA Free. TIle prosecution of John Conrad , chargel with stealing stamps from Limo Montrose ) I ) oslofce , has been dropped and Conradi was sent home 'esterday. lIe stoutly maintains stouty maintainsoffi hIs h Innocence ali his youth and straight- Corward story softened the heart of Uncle Snm's autimoritics . . p l'EJUiS.lj 1'IJM . ( JR.IL'IZS. n. n. Dorscy of LIncoln Is at the Mer- c er. cer.Matt Matt Daugherty of Ogalala Is at the Men- chants. Charles A. Thorndike of Seattle , Wash. , Is In i the city. F. S. Plumb Is registered at the Darker from Lincoln John J. Trmpen of Hlclman Is registered at the Mlilard . ! iaId. H. W. Cnmpbel of Grand Island Is stopping : at the Dellone. JUdge Harrison of Grand Island Is I guest at the Merchants. Mr. ant Mrs. James W. Orr of AtchIson are at time Millard. G. F. Field and wIfe of North Plate are I guests at the Deibone. W . P. TownerJ with a Cincinnati soap firm , Is i registered at the Barker. I ) . J. SinclaIr , UnIted States postofce Inspector - specter of Nebraska City Is at the Deihone. Judge M. It. Iopewe1 of Tekamah was In I the city last nIght and stopped at the Pax- t on . ton.lrs. . General Van 'Wyck of Nebraska City , atende the reception to Senator Thurston I last l evening. Charles Mann , 'V. C. May and W. J. E , ' . an9 of the State Agricultural board are stop ap \Ing at the Dehiorme. Iepresentatves L. P. Judd of Cedar Rap Ids. i W. P. Chapman of Crete. Randolph I MeNI of fled Oak and E. E. Hairgrove of r Sutton are r glstere .t the Mercer. L. W. Shuman of Aurora and W. R. Meilom of Loup City were 10. the city last lelor t 'atend ' Limo reception given In Senator Thurs , ton's honorJ and were registered at time Mer- c hants. Eugene L. Spotts , 'who has been for the past two years with N. D. Falconer , bas reigned signed his position and will hereafer be connected with time Harris-Emory wih the company of Des Moines Thomas J. Doutn of' LivIngston , Mont. , editor oC the Herald of that place , Is In ; Omaha on business. Mr. Douton has many friends In the Gate City who remember him as the edItor of the Buffalo Pilot during the early part of the Wyoming cattle war. Miss Florence Germaine Miss Florence Foster Little Baby Spencer Sinnott , Mr. and Mrs Hudson Listen John F. Sullivan , Fred enlck.Devere Theodore Ievere David Rivers and Mr. H. W. Brlnklcy are members of the J. K. Emmet company , and are domiciled at the Barker hotel. At the Mercer : Beverly Barnes , Chicago : 0. Galagher , Kansas City ; D. Art and wife , Red Oak , Ia. : Ed SmIth and wife , EvansonJ 10. : J. I. Price , Nebraska City : M. Hortn and wife , Chicago : \V. A. Dergstresser , Nelson - son ; Mrs. C. V. Whyman Miss 'Vhyman , Baltimore : C. E. Crouse Elk Point S. D , ; L P. Judd , Cedar Rapids ; W. L Chapman , Crete : Randolllh McNitt , fled Cloud ; ' E E. 1alrgrove , . Sutton : Edgar Howard ; Jam C lIasett , Paplo : Alphonso Duer , Cincinnat I : H. E. Dush , E. II. Andrews , 101lrege : J. II. Jelmbuecher , St. Louis : S. A. Davis : , Sioux City. , : elrlhlmu" It time ilotels. , At the Dellone-H. E. Babcocke , Ord : J. D. Harris , ponea : 'V. C. Wonley' . F. , Yo ' Young , Arthur A. Bore , Brook : C. H. PaulJ hastings : J. 'V. Anlrus , Fremont C. 1. JayneR and 'Ife. Mrs. H. A. Babcock , Llm - coin : Thomas Macshrill , Hebron. At the Pnxton-K. C. _ 'ndrewR. J. F. Ceecltel' . Kearney : J. C. CrwCord , 'Vest Point : E. 1' . Weatherby Norfolk : Glor1 E. Cimenoy Crelghlon : 11. L. Coolt. A. I ! . Dann , J. V. ' . PUII , C. V. Mnnet , St. Paul i : T. F' . Zeigler , Hartngton : J. J. Mcintosh , John Dotmgimerty . St. I'aul. At the Isiuimmrd-W. E. Peebles Pender : W. C. O'Muiiey . Adam Iclcemi Lincoln : llss Maggie Smith . Atchison : C. C. lcNlsh , Wimer : J. II. Shekel and' wlCe , C. I. Itici m- ard80n and wife , Hebron : F. E. Mighel . Aurora : H. Benson , Nebraska City : l E. I House and wife , Lexington : 'V , H. han : Gordon. tow : Crete : J. I. Crowder A. I. MerclHnt , At the Arcade-C . C. White , Crete : F , c . Coon , Mrs. " ' . A. Diworth mind dllghter , J. Stevenson C. F. Cather , A. H. hansel mm , 1.lncoln : A. g liickiy . Ilshvlle : John fe- : Brockman mind wife , Stell : J. C. Cain and wife Inl : C. A. Hchmrmtndt. Gordon : \Vi II. Inm Grhum , Crelhton : D , \V Cross , Fai 1. hU'Y : F. lti. Itatimbmirn , F. n. Bee , n. 1 I. Hunlcln , A. Y. Perry Cumbrlde : John Brit v , Kearney : ' \ ' . H. Bishop . Pierce : I . P. Meyer , " 'hlmnn : I. Ii. I.'leh , Stoci vle : George W. lu8ey , Madison ; George I , Chele ) ' . Creigiitomm . At the Merclmmonts-J. M. Mayer Hum- Ilhre ) ' ; Alexander 'lingehanil ) . 0.V . Irvin , Limmeolu' F. M. Bowln , S. H. Fisher 1 . Ham - 1.lneolnj : Kociler , Hue Ii : C. : t. Searle. Jr. . Osulnll : John S. Woov'r , Bue liii : I't'ter Kieimmschmmltt 1 . Ilnndington' tV . )1 I . 'flmtmrimer , Bdar ; 1' . C Evmmnmm . , 'Isler ' : 'V. 1 McNeah . Wayne : J. C. Cooke I'ontmmneih : John Cmmmmnomm . Bancrof : V. leeler , Nelim1 : : Nelah lhales H. I rye , Bobu'ler : I. Craft. Nor- folk ; C. lit. NeE llun. Albion ; 1. Huhn , John W. Jnco\selJ hastings 1 : C. Me- itiemmemy. Blair ; , J. H. Itiornimi , ' ¶ 'homas James , A. J. Iene ) ' . Carroll . - - . Idusln UaderwearatManuf1tcturcrs' t \ Prices : moaks and ils Casl or Less fl.kSCOFIELD O.ISCOfIELD U 1ClOAKSSUIS. . FURS. J'\XTUN ilLfCi Don't ! ' N loct Your \ ? gycs - h . , : ' : . ' . W . f. SCY/lur. our optician , has been xlr.mel successful In sitting i.insaes to Iltng rlasses hUllrellH , ! of the IJclt peo/.l / In time city lenses BXchaljcl 'rec ot ehare. TI'e Aloe & Pan raid Cci . , LEADING SCIENTiFIC OPTICIANS. Illl ' I.'arnom Htlel , Ot'lsle , I'nt 'n ' Hnt.1 . Tlh LION IJca H'On 1 . . - - - - - - " S - COAL THIEVES iNDICTEDsm Had Done Desperate Stealing for Months from Union Paoifo Oars. TR AIN CREWS AND - AGfNTS . INTIMIDATED Urnnd..llry Crowns lImo Work ot letlotvo ) Canada amid Other 1'mI1oyel : at limo CO PRly-SYltelnUc 1Ioiloc1 Used b ) time htobbers. The federal grand jury has indicted Mien Slos on , George Johnson , Charles halley , Gcrge Halel and Miller Iarmle on a number i or eounls In which they are charged with a somewhat bold antI , extensive practice of rob- bin g coal tralna on time UnIon Inclfe railway. For months there seems to have been an organized gang of coal IJlrates nt work along Ihe line of the Union Iacnc In thIs 6tate. On December G train No. 2t Cram the west reaehed Paxton at 8:25 : t > . m. and stopped for water. Frank Roberts the night operator , stow three men climb upon a car al1 a few moments thereafer he says tlm mot they commenccl to steal coal When Ro berts reachrll the car they ha1 two tons on the grounll anti were still helping ) them- seh'es with no lmit to activity. Roberts commn/Hled thcm to stop. The i next Instant one of the men , who he test- ned was larmle , shoved a big revolver In his face anti wih an oath told hIm to stanll bn dle . Hobert wus unarmed and complied L wih the request. Roberts retreated to I nelghbotlng house , , where he got I lar/e-slzed simotgun . and returned - turned to prolect time comnpammy's property. It Is sold that after an exchange of simots In which nobody srems to have been hurt , amI the reinforcements of thD train crew , , the coal thle\es were rotmtctl On the of 5 . night January Slos- so mi . halley and Johnson robbed an eastbound eight train at Clarks. O. P. Hchmond dls- coverell them and reported the affair to the ofcers , . I Is said thal several of the above named ! men steppe at the house of hansen . a sec ton hnnd , residing near Paxton. and It WIS Cram the clew obtained from lansen and NIght Operator Roberts that Special Ofcer Ca nada worked up sufcient evidence to be. lie ve that whim the Indictment or these men nn organIzed bant of coal bandits on the Union Pacific would be broken up. The matter - ter was referred to the district attorney anti the federal grand jury found a true bill against the Parties named several days ago MI"lo\ " Crime. People In the federal court room a few days ago were not aware of the fact that L one oC the deCemlants before the bar of I justce , who received a lght fIne , was none : other than a defaulter from an out'lng Nebrska county , who was favored with a : poltcnl office In his county but a few years I ago , and was arrested and trIed In a district court for n shortage of $3,500 , which he could not make good The case was decided adversely against the deCendant. lie was I sentenced to three years In the Penitentiary , but pending tie henrlng of an appeal to the ; supreme court he was released on bond. In the meantime he got Into fresh trouble and was brought before Judge Dundy . re . celvlng a Ught punIshment for a compara- tvely trivial offense agaInst time statutes , Ie was recognIzed In tIme court room by n man from Pierce county , who aferward 1 notfed the local federal authorities of his id entity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nond.men Must Justity. Judge Dundy has authorized the cleric or : - the circuIt cert to Inform Receh'er Siaughte ! that his bondsmen must just before the bonds will be formally accepted by the court. CountortoUers , at \Vorl . A large qmount , or spurIous silver quarters and hal dollars have lately ben shoved In OmahaJ South Omaha and Council Bluffs 1 , and Secret ServIce Officer Walker will malIc TAKE STEPS In tme , if you arc a suf- fcrcr from that scourge of humaniy known a consumimptiomm and you can be curcd. There Is thc evidence of imumidreds of lv- ing wincsscs to C' thc fact that , in I all its early stages , consulp" tiorm is curable t0n a eurhlc ( Usease. ( Not ever case , but a la/'re perceltage of , , cases , and we believe , / / / ( tl ! ' t per ceni. are ' /j " cured by Dr. Plcrcc's Golden Medical Dis- covery eve : : altar the disease has pro. grcsscd so far as to induce repeated blced- ins front the lungs , severe InerlnR cough with copious eXJectortiou ( ( ncluding tn- bercular mater ) , great loss of flesh and ex- trauma cmacation amid weakness. Do you doubt Urt hundreds of such cases reported to lS as cured by I Goldel 1ed- bat Discovcry " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease P You imeed not take our word for it 'fhey have , in nearly every instance , bcel so pronounced by time best ant most experienced ) ) physicians , who have 10 interest whatever iu inis. represenllng tlienm and who were often ! strongly prejudiced and advised against n trial of "Goldcn Medical Discover " but who have been forced to confess' that i surpasses , in curative power over this fatal malady , all other mcdlcilcs with which they arc acquainted. Nasty cod. liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and mixtures had beams tried in nearly all these cases and bad either utterly failed to betie. fit , or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short tlmc. Extract of mal , whiskey , and various preparations of the hypo. phosphltes had also been faithfully tried In vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of cOl51nptlol , bronchits , lingering coughs , asthla , chronic nasal eatlrrh amid kinded maladies have been skillfully reproduced In a book of mOo pages which will be mailed to you , on receipt of address and six ccnts in ctammmps. You can thel write to those who have been cured and profit by their cx- pcrlence. Addre5s for Book , \Vomor.n's D/SIFNS\R\ MEDICAL ASSOCIATION buffalo. N , Y. z CHICMSAW . / ' _ rnor Al/IRK . " - = T16 : .RANCSCAN DROPS Purely Yeget aWe . Prepared from tIme original to mania rrb 'erv.d II time Arcllcl"01 the loly ( anti . hl' : gau a"lhentl imi&torydatlng Ian 000yesnma A POSITIVE CURr for aU Stomach , KIdney and Bowel troubles , especially ! IRONIC CONSTIPATION 2rlco 50 ccnt. - Sold \y el dm'umggistit. 'ce Fraicisan . , Remedy Co. , 31 V } " "URE' 3 ' " rIICACO , I 'cr-- ' . . . 'ere'r. , ' .dc.I , " " - F'ji' : sal OJ 1iua & Ce , , t5l & Doulis . . . , - - - , ' - - - - an effort to locate the counterfeier ! It Is th ought that A 10011 soot of counterfeit sm all chnngo hnI lately ben put In circulA- ton by A wel organlell and smooth brace of "queer" sho\'ers. UutcRI In Town ncharll C. Outcal , the cashier of the Ca pital National bank at Lincoln who was re cently indicted for making false entries In his reports to the comptroller of currency , comptroler caled at the ofce of 1 . S. Iunmly . curenc jr. , clerk oC time federal district court , ) 'esterlll ) ' , li e le I ready to Curnlsh bail ' le immmimic'diately upon bal his arrest Ilx.Congressmnan Dorey ) has not yet been arreste < r"lcrnt , Court : nl" . The transcript In the 13xlmum rate appeal ha s about been completedJ ; The gnnll jury at Lincoln has been drawn , but not ordered to report. P. A. Crpo waR registered as an attorney In federal court yesterda Collector of Customs Miller reports the 1m. port of 3,000 pounds of SwIss clmecae John I. . \'ehsler has filed tIme cost bond In the maxImum freight rate case appeal . The ease of Ward against Cochernn was Ilearl yesterday 01 a motel 10 have the deC'ee set ashile. Several cases were heard by Jllge Dunly ) 'esterla ) ' . Six decrees In foreclosue cases were sigmmed . 10slmnster Clnrlson Is of the opinIon that an appropriation , of $400,000 will he necessary to con1ieto the west wing of the new federal bu ilding. Judge Dnnlly has given the attorneys or II. hyde bIllet notice thnt H'le notce they Inust tIle ! their ' exceptons to time special mlsler's reo port before the fMt Monday In Pebruar . $ Jp I fJQS . ' ' , . - :9 ' , . . , , " ON : NJov Both the method ( . results when Syrup of Figs is t.ken ; it is pleasant ) and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet prompty on the Kidneys , J i"C' al Dowels , cleanses the sys- tem effectually I dispels colds , head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- i duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach , prompt in it i action and truly beneficial in its c ffcct . prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its Jauy excellent qualties commend it to all and have made 'it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading botes al drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it emi hand will pro- cure it promptly } for anyone who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNII FIG SYRUP CC SAN FRANCISCOJ OAL I LOUISVIL Ia' NEW tORK. N.r - DIJFFY'S PURE MALTSKEY 4 . . , \ FOR MEDICINAL' ' USE No FUSEL OIL Irr hull "Irrllth its every trol' , \1' hia y Iren 1111 " "I'lrllnu" Imimittor . S. "hi" II "lnu lUl' ' mint o' out el\l. , , Iltor. % , . lmmniy mm'Iui In "niilvhl " 'nllhOI"N. S ml iii' r fec I iy' IHI.ululllll. I ron CVOI " , pNiU.mloNlA : . . I itiOICiiITI $ , full' nnllnthlr wllllr IIIRII"4. l'rnlln 11' ' immi ! trlllllJ slakim'sm lire sIir irISa'ol tl hint . hl\ hit (11) ' hllr. . , ' " \tll limit hell omttlili I himoiiimirutmIe u'hmi'oke3' . . \1 .lrnl&I II minim Soul eroci'r4. Im. ' 1111rltoll lmmmmiPIIiot. wil 10 h.rIt1T \ ' % t.5i.T WII"IU\ : . , . lO.IuhhH-,1'Ilt ? , N. V. . Warm Your Feet. al night wih a ) ' ' " Ol ! WATER ORG. 'RPA' J\ . , . 'a 2-lluarl , 65 cents , ' . ' ; _ , l ' 3-qua rl , 76 cenls. t , ' 't . ' 4-quarl , $ l 00 RUBBER GOODS OF ALL KINDS I The Aloe & Penfold Co. , H03 l aram Street. TIE LION DRUG STonE.I , ' OUI' r"corll at actual anti mmnmttnbable cures ot SY1'hImhlS la "henomennl. " ' 0 tur \ alt med- Icines free amid eradicate ! the Poison tram tIme 6)'al"l In 90 days. Cure \olson . Houre. 9:30 : tJ 1,30 : Wednesdays mind Satur days 9. p. m. < TIE DINSitTOOR REMEDY CO. . S1 New York LICe. Omaha Neb. . DEMrnK " . n IRED. 11 $ .Dlapa Made a , wel of . Me : ' ( ' 3T. \ lHDAPO\- , ( QI ' . ' 'nl GIE' ' HIWDOe'IEMEDY 1 HltDOC . mIu000cs8 rims ADOVI % , , _ _ _ -V. I IUtlt.TS sIe . co . . . D" . . " 1. Clte. ni ) 4" ' ) , 'k' Neroud1..n. .I ICIIO" I i "a..I. Sl.cpl"ssn" , Sightly , " .Ion.rlc , . . c.u.,1 "y . I. . . ' o hie5 ( , 5ne.3 Vigor old PIEG tOshrznl.omlonptutl 5.004 Miood in otd ' and or yt.unr. qumcimt I Jallyt'arrledin btlt8imrely : i'e.torre veeS poelt. I'rl"o , .00 a peekego. Six lor QOO " ILk A , , , , . , . " bumtim writlen iOtatton . , canntc6 : , t .r o..nl : : rn'c iiiijtt'o ' Itont , It ilmeutIrdedleni yourdrgcIsi : I Iz , i Co.i'r.p not gotlt , , . : . Cbicg mymmi , Ill ene , , : : i.rCmtid. r..g.ii. I : SOLD Iy Klhl & CO' , Cor. 15th ntui DOIglnf3 , SIS , . and J. A. Fuler & Co . Cor. m4th and Douglas Sls" , OMAhA NEB The Oregonian Country " Was N 01'a desert six months ago- NEVER WAS We DON'T have to build irrigqting works. We DON'T ' bave to cultivate nature to get a crop and WE NEVER HAVE A FAILURE . URE pf crops from any causc. . Vie plant and cultivate thc soil and nature does the rest : If you want to get there right cal at our Omaha office , Room 101 Bee Building. , We have the largest list of Oregon properties ties t for sale or trade that is in the Inarket. ' Trades made on large properties only. 600,000 acres in one body-- 80,000 in an- other. 20,000 acres of timber l land which will run l 50,000 feet to thc acre. STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO. OF OREGONI - I . . ( J..1\EO1 ' .J Ii I d J U.T IP.E I ) 18 hell : Uiot , , ly tiiommq'mimdii , ' , 01 1:1'10" : 10lthly . 'or ' Irrlllar 1fO ! ! l lelSlrllllJ ) I Is I H\'I ) r < 1111 11'1'rr..ly ' imm aim ass. 'fO Nt'mur A : faIls mtv ( Solll hUAltANTlli Iy ' mutt Ieatmiiig Oi O\ry Irlglsls boltio , , If tiihlthi ) mum p I J , J U E . $ 2 . 1.E I I I l I > ( ) ' [ 1'1' ! .J jj1 II'IIIlsIluoe hot 111'0 , . I , ito , mint iet him ) sciIdoml I SOUCIIII also . \11 "Jll IIJlot3U on"r for ' : , amid mm l stIll forUII 1) ( X\I'SI ! ullfucllrci 011) ' bi' , limo OAMOLE JUNIPER 00. , Omaha , NolJ'R ll. - . . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I anl VIIor : Ilulckl , , send ( Its tamruhai , , Ficricim 1O9t , t Maflhloed I remoredVuetcoccte , , , , . , ltcmmmu'Iy CAL.T1IOS rreo' . mmmii a . : . . . 811iC . ' liilliy ililuflI , I M E t'1 legal iiat ' , o .Ic" . .ul.1 cmmro'ii I. ) ' I' ilAl : r" ' , W ' 4 , guitremit"l mmiii . . .1) . . , . Iy , , . . . . . . If . ' ' , , , . . . . , ; : r o" IUIII ) ' rf".rUlA cu't.I..n. \ ' 1 i.'I 1'iflI' Ilmhrmn. A Eml..iono i'iium . : : 'r.pr.irrlii.arlcoe.ie ' . . . . . . A. Pller 6 Co. . Corner 1 Illm II ! Douglass 5 . , c- . m.d mtIsroirm : m..t m mt : , ' . I dMA _ A ,11 n. andCTV ; d , - - - - - LffltJJ /CTV $ ( , ' I" , HEWFACES \OU1'CIAIINO - - . ( tom0 A4reIiVON Amrt.ti AieI. , t'Uqigstl , OIs. I Inmr hliomuhiucs , In limo 1W FUIlucllul Iteumoy stamp . . , Inl IClllcll1 Ir 01 - I .J.II \V..dlur 1 . 1 TV.I2 HI.N. . f IUivulor of 55'ooatiur's l"llut somw. . . _ _ _ _ _ , = - - - - - - - - - 4 TRYA . ms.iC' ' ' ( ' } ACT 51'1 : PERFEC11 TIlE MERCANtILE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR , FOI' SlJo : by al First . Class Doalol'5. ; Malufactul'od ) hy thu F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CICAR CO , 'uctOI'Y No. 3011 : t. L3uLicu . . .4 ± : : nL - W' .