_ _ _ - , f = ; . ; - - - - - - : - ; ; ; - - - - , - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - ' - : - - - - - - - - - - - -r , - . , . . , ----7---- - - . : - .j : - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ; . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . TIlE OMAhA : ! DAILY BEE 'rnUnSDAY tTANUAUY 17 1805. fl , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , , TIlE OMAHA DAILY BEES I 1 COUNcn . BLUFFS. OFFIC : , - NO. 12 PEA1\L STREET Dtlh'ered by carrier to any part ot te cl , . n. W. TILTON , Leee. TL1P1tONS-flu.Ineu omce. No. 1 : nllht . tlor , No. 2 AI."Ul " 'I "TIU. " . Oranl1 hotel , Council nus , reopenel } Oct. 1. Mayne Ieal slate agency , 139 Broadway. For Itent-Large private bar near court 210U9 ? . Apply I Bee office . ' . John Pope was arrcstcil yesterday for run- Tilng an express wagon without a lcense , Harmony chapter No 25 , Orller or Eastern Star , \ I hell Is regular monthly meet. Inr this evening navll S. Voting anll Martha C. flrenne- man , both of this county , were married In thIs city yesterllRY Percy I.avenher , I smal boy , was nr- rested yesterday for steRlng n can or s'rup from Zolier's grocery store on Upper Uroad way. way.Al members of Augus\ hove No.1 , Wodmen of the World , are rellUetC to be pr sent al the hal this afernom al 2 o'clock. Th Ladlea' AlI society of St John's En- gUsh Lutheran church meets Friday afternoon { - , noon at the residence of trs. N J. Swanson , . , 120 Prnkln Rvenue. ' 1 L. C. lur and I Miss Iebecca Dwiggns were marrlell ( Tuesday evening al the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ooehrlng , on Fourth street , W. S. hooker omclatlng. HeV. I. O. Brown has finished his work In the revival meetings nt the Baptist church ' and Is succeeded hy Rev C. I. Parsons , who will assist the pastor , Itey J. 11. DavIs , Mayor Cleaver yesterday issued nn order pCemptorly requiring nil gamblIng resorts to shut UI ) alol ) nlli InvestigatIons made last night showed that the order was strictly obeye.I I'ottawattamhe No. Ha , Ancient Iottawatamle lodge Or- der of United Workmen ot Iowa , will In- ol officers at their regular meetIng this ovonlng. Al tnelb ; rs are earnestly re quested to 11 present. No district court sessions are to be heM unll next Monday. The grand jury would probably have fnhhed operations this week , but owing to Judge Thorneil's adjourning - - court they also adjourned until Monday. The Infanl son of Mrs George Brown tiled of lung nnl ( brain fever Tuesday even- Ing at 10 o'clock , aged 6 months. The funeral wi take pineo this afternoon at 2 o'chck al the residence , 1820 South Sixth street , Hev. Steege oflichatitig . Imzabeth , wife of A. A. Hehardson , 11ell ( yesterday noon at the corner of Twenty- second street and Avenue H , aged 35 years. The funeral wil take IJ1aco tomorrow morning - Ing at 10 o'cloce , and the remains will be taken to Garner cemetery for Interment. - ' C. Oamek ami his son , Joe , of Hazel Del ) - township , charged With assaulting Adolph Drier , were dIscharged by Justice Cook yesterday - terday for lack of evidence. A civil suit by Freda Drier against the two men was also prosecuted but a judgment was given for the defendants , as they showed a receipt In full for the amount claimed , signed by Mrs. Drier. This civi suit was the cause of the fght which led to the filing of the InCorma- ton against the two Oameks. . A meeting of the Sunday School Teachers' union was hell Tuesday evening at the First Presbyterian church parlors , which . were filled by a large audience consisting of the host people of the city . An attractive - tive program was rendered , Including addresses . dresses by Miss Laura Baldwin Rev ? E. J. Babcock . He v , Henry Coker and L. W. Tul- leys. Paul Tuleys and his sister , Miss May Tuleys , added greatly to the cnjoyment of the evening by their violin and piano music A proceeding for a writ of error las been commenced In the district court by Emmet Tinley , attorney for the defendant In the I , case of the State of Iowa against John . Coyle The petition alleges that Tinley and .th ? _ . Emi Schurz , the attorney for the state . arranged between them that the case should be continued indefinitely . Justice Fox , however - ever , before whom the case was to be tried , set a time for n hioaring . and as the defendant - fondant failed to appear declared his bond forfeited. A suit has been commenced within the past few days by C. O. Saunders . the newly elected county attorney , to collect on the bond. We have $00.000 to loan upon improved farms In Iowa and wi take all the gilt- ' : edged loans offered at low rates. We do 't not want wild lands , and will not loan In Ne. brask Lougo & Towhe 235 Pearl street. J'l ISu..r . 1IJNT1UY. . t P. II , Sheafe Is In Washington , 1. C. , In the Interest of New York parties. \ Miss Damho : nulcor has returned from a visit with friends In Spencer , la. - Mrs J. T. Hamilton , formerly of this city , now of Centervle , Kan. , Is In the city . avenue. vlaiting Mrs. Lucius Wells , on Oakland - Mrs. James Rainbow of Sliver Creel town- . I ship , who has been visiting her daughter : Mrs S. Senior , on East Broadway , Is Ill , and will be unable to return homo for some tlllle. 4'a lme.Irs. . F. I. Ingmnn , grand chief of the Halhhno Sisters _ of the state , Is In the city , ' ali will be pleased to meet nil members ' of \lzpah temple this afternoon nt 2:30 : o'clock al tile residence ' o'cock of Mrs. Palmer , 223 N6rthi SccoJ1 street /0 Your : \On01. Dy investing I In the stock of the Savings , Loin and , Building association of Council hihiliTs . IncQrporated In 1877 Counci Ilents of $1.00 per share , neltng the Investor about 10 per cent interest Ten series aI- really palt out , which fully demonstrates - the ability ot tile association to mature its ' _ f stocle II about seventy-five monthly pay- ments No loans made outside of Council ' * ) DUI and all applications examined uncl passed Upon by a majority of the board of ; "I - directors. Good loans vantcd I ul Int rma- ton can be obtalnell at the once ot D. W. ' - , ' Otis , secretary , 10 Main street , or any of the , , , : followIng directors : II. W. Inzlelon , Frank I. . ' Orass , John Brown , A. S. Jazleton , I. C. t I Deebe , A. 13. Walker , E. E , hart . , F. C. , , Loug'e , S , S. Leonard , ( Ilrglur " 'n" ! itvltl-arti . . An attempt was made by burglars to ' , break Into the home of J. It. Simms , corner of Ninth street anti Third avenue , night before - fore Inst. Mrs. Slmls was awakened by the 80UII ot a I knock on the window The burglar was evidently frightened away by the noise he lade , ' and nothing moro was heard trol iliul In the morning tile end ' , ot a table knife blalle , about an Inch 8110 a 2 halt long , was found between thio t tipper and lower window 1(851108 having been Inserted Insorlel there for the purpose of rlmovlng the lock , anti broken off be fore I got In Its work By the window was a desk containing 35 cents alli t/reD 2-cenl stamps , anti there Is not luch doubt that the owner at the house would have been the loser by this amount . bad the hleveJ I eeeted an entrance , - . ' Do sure and attend the lecture al Droad- lay church Friday evening , January 18. "America for Americans , " by Bishop John I' Newman of Omaha . Admission 50 cent , children 25 cents Tickets on sale al A. A Uart'u store 1 Gas cockln& stoves for rent and for sale at Gas Co.'s office . " 'aherwomen UIO Domestic soap. Tnlkll& tC n Nr high S"lool. . - The school board held a ( Iulel meeting If . Tuesday evenIng for the IJurpose of dlscu8s ' log the advisability of Ilutlng up a new - Uljh school building . Another meeting 18 to be held Saturday with the same end In view and the plan of putting up a new building In Illaco of the l lfeenth avenue I ' - building Is to be talked over al the same time. A special tax levy will have . tnl. le\y wi ha\e to 1 voted at the upon cOining spring election I the work Is decided upon. A Proposition to levy a tn for the Ilgh school project was q voted down last spring. Arrange your business tO a to catch the I or 7 o'clock train Thursday night , which wi take you 10 the Inet resort In the Wflt , Manawa lvery purchaser at Davis' drug store gets a cholct sheet ou5lo _ _ ( ree . Keel ) your eye .on "lanuwa Thursday night , - - I Domolto soap breaks hud w&tvr I . - - , - - - - - J . - - - NEWS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Watt Invutgaton Furnishes Amusement for OOut House Visitors . ATTORNEYS BECOME DEC OWLY PERSON John Uldt Uhln't Make n " ' try BrIlliant Success of Shutting Colonel Jnle , Oft-Esltioteo All 51b- ml ( toil. . The "investigation" atrte1 by members of Ab Lincoln IJost , Ornnll Army 01 the Ito- public , Into the workings oC the omce of J. J. I Wat ! commissIoner of the poor fund , oc- cuplll all of yesterday In the Bupervlsou' reom al ; the court house No end of wit- nMses were called , but aside from furnishing . Ing quite 1 crowd uf people a free show but little good was accomplished. The fIrst witness - ness of the day was Mrs. Clney Cooper , the white wife of a colored man , who paid a visit to Watts one day fer the purpose of getting sole pecuniary assistance Crom the poor Cund. Watts a.kC her I she was liv- big the right kInd 01 a life . and she replied sbo was lie pressed the question until she commenced to cry , and then he asked her to come to hIs office that night al 8:30 : o'clock. She salll It was tea hate and then he wanted her to meet him al I store on Broadway and take I buggy ride with him She was horrified at this , and went home anti told her husband , who wrote Watts a letter , In which he threatened to kill him , Wets went to her house , she said , and told her to get her husban 10 drcp the mater and apologize or he would have him arrested for blackmailing. For Bore reason or Curther. other Cooper never 11shed the mater S. J. Dalbey repeated the story of his interview - terview with Watts , which has already appeared - peared In print , wlthoul substantial varia- tlon. tlon.Mrs. Mrs. Donahson , who has I husband who claims to be blind . told how her husbanl was drawIng a pensIon of $12 per month In addition to which shin received orders from Watts to the shut of $13 , and per- mission to move Into a house owned by the county , for which she paid no rent. "Dut that , " . saId she , referring to the house , "didn't amount to anything , for the house Is no good. " She described the patches on the floors , the holes In the roof , the cracks In the walls , and the lese bricks In the foundation , until ChIef Justice Wadsworth said that , Inasmuch a9 tile honso belonged to th county the board : would , take judicial cognizance or its condition . Donaldson , the blind man , himself , was the caled away from the newspaper which he had been reading during the testimony of his wife , and put upcn thO stand Col- onel Daley amused himself and the audience by rIpping the man's war record wide open Ito gleaned from him that he enlisted In the First California cavalry , and did all his lighting In Texas , Arizona and New MexIco. lie was never In Tennessee , Pennsylvania , Mistislitpi , VIrginia , ' North Carolina , South Carolina or Maryland , and he did not en- Joy an acltvo part In Sherman's march to the sea. le was never 'wounded . and In the battle In Texas-he could nol remember where Il was-In which ho won hIs spurs , there was not a man wounded , Wilts , another witness . testified that ho received a $3 order ( rain Watts six days before making the affidavit which he hall on file stating that he could not gel anything lie admitted that he had not read the affidavit - davit before signing I , and took back some of the allegations he had made In It. There was no evidence or any Importance durin : the afternoon session and the only feature of interest was an occasional passage of words between the attorne's Colonel John Lindt. the soldiers' friend , took excep- ton , In n tone of voice that threatened the destruction ot the light globes , to some of the questions which Colonel Dailey . Watts' attorney. was asking AJ. . Shiji , one of the witnesses. "I'm getting , tred ShI , having every - cry ono of these witnesses bulldozed. and I don't propose to stand It , " shouted Lindt. "Whal are you going to 110 about It , John ? " asked Colonel , Daley , In the sweetest 1"1 tones. "I'm going to shut you off , " was the rep ! , "Oh , but I won't be shut 01 ; there Isn't power enough In Abe Lincoln post to shut mo off , " said Dailey. "Yes , there Is , " y led Lindt. "I can do It myself. " , " \Vhy , John , " replied Daley , "you're draw- Ing a pension oC $25 a month for bodily Infirmity - fnnly ; you couldn'l shut me off. " . " \Vo'l see whether I can or not . " said the Irate attorney. "Well , John , " said Daley , with a smile that was almost heavenly , "if you try I , you'l be asking for an addition to your pension before you gel through " And John changed the subject At the chose ot the testimony the board adjourned until this morning at ! o'clocle , when the attorneys wi make their argu- ments , Just before heaving Llndl stepped up to the table , and picking up the affidavits which his soldier proteges had matte said he would leo to take them home with him , so that he could use them In getting together his argument "Well , John , " said Daley , smiling blandly , 'those affidavits are yours , because you made 'em and I for one don't see any rea- son why you shouldn't have them , " And everybody sniiled. Jlli'iIStN lIlIes. ' - A Big Sale ' 0lay. 10,000 yards Fruit of the Loom and Lons- dale bleached musln tOday , lc a yard. 100 outing flannels , 44o a yard 350 all wool white flannel , 230 I yard. 30e all wool twilled red flannel , 10 yard. $1.25 Bik warp white flannel , 790 a yard Ladies' $10 , U2 and $ i latest style jacle- eta , today choice $6,9S each , ! UIJ to date our great January cost sale has been a big success , Come for these bar- gains early E\'erythlng In winter goods must go , DENNISON DUOS , Counci Du Is , New l.Iglit , chrelle , A new electric light schcdulo was fut Into operation last night , and wi be tried as an eXIJerlment for the rest of the month Com- plaints have been numerous In the fast on account of the fact that as soon as the moon would be above the horizon , and before I could do Iny great amount of good , the lIghts would be turned off , In strict conformity to the Ihlldelphla schellule , which Is In use In many of the cites ot the country , No 'nlowance ' would be made for cloudy nights , anti sometimes the lights would be turned on before It was dark , ' Harry I vals of the light company 1nd City Electrician James Bradley have had their heads together lately concocting a new scheme Last night the lights were turned on ten minutes later than usual , and this time will be lengthened Into half an hour In the course oC two or three days. The lights will be left on by a corresponding length of ( line In the inorii- Ing , so that the time of burning wi bo the sale , only better adapted to Council Ius requirements , I the experiment pro\es a success this scitedulo will schtlulo wil probably be adopted lS a permanent thing. The following numbers received Robinson Droa. ' twenty-third annual free gifts : 8,002 , 233 , 21 , 461 , 833,12 , 8,257 , 280 , 7,680 , l16 , 7,699. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Try Eagle laundry , 72- broadway , for good work , Our medium gloss finish can't bo beat , blt we do strictly hand work , domestic finish , when preferrcd. Telephone 157. DomestIc soap outlasts chap soap J'rolrrl Owners Alal'n& ' Term , . Superintendent harris of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway company , In company with Aldermen Oeason and : Nicholson made a trip , ysterdat around among the property owner on Union avenue , according to the arrangement made at tile last meeting of the city council . tOl' the purpose of Inducing them to cme to terms and waive damages to their property. They report a lucccnful trip , all those who were Hen , with one ex- caption , agreeing to waive damages , and with fair IJrospectl of bringing tldt , unit Into line today , The rut will be seen this Sorn- Ing. U the attempt Is successful , Mr Harris states that tile company will al once begin work gralln , Union avenue tram the trans- fer to Broadway for a distance of fifty-seven feet , from the Union Pacific tracks to the lot lne , I condemnation pro llngs have to be gen through with tbo work will h delayed for eIght 'eeks. No contractor will b employed , but the money that Is spent will all go Into the hands of the working men , All the men employed are to b Coun- ci Bluffs men and heads or families so far as possible . Fair wags are to be paid ANNUAL CLIIAIIINO SAI.r. . lie ton Store , Conncii Bluffs . The question o cost or value will not b considered during thIs sale. Our aim 19 to reduce steck. Examine the following list of prices . -Inch alt wool ladles' cloth anti fancy mlxturM , worth from SOc to $1 , to close , 391 [ yard . , 39c. SOc and COo fancy dress goods to go at 25c a yard n 70o yard all \0:1 henrletas and serges nOw 48c Our entire stock of fine novelty Mess gOods , worth from $ to ( $ .71 a yard to close 7ge a yard Our entire stock 01 Natchang black dress silks , worth from $ i,25 to $2 , reduced te 980 a yard , LADIUS' AND CiIILDI1RN'S CLOAIS JALP l'lttCR. lc qualty unbleached muslin , 3e a ) 'arll , l.ckwoII bleached sheetng , 42.lnch , at 8c : aI , at lie a yard ; 0-4 , al lIe a yard : 10-4 , nt iTo a yard , Fruit 01 the Loom and Lonsdale bleached muslin , lo a yard. . $1.50 anti $17f mousquetalres , black anti colored suede" worth $1.00 , anti our entire stock cf Saxon Beauty kid gloves , In one lul to close , at SOc a pair. 33c , 390 and 450 Turkey red table damask reduced to 25o [ yard ALL TADLE LINENS AT COST plCE , dozen $1.39 and $1.50 napkins reduced to 980 a $2.50 and U napkins to close al $1.05 n dozen. Choice of our entire stock of lathes' wrap pars at 98e each. Some of these sell as high as U. I"OWLEU , DICK & WALIEI Council Bluffs , In lay ISo Curitnit's lturtlar. Charles N. 1terns , charged with vagrancy , was discharged In police court yesterday morning , but WM ImmedIately after arrested by Officer Murphy and charged with burglarizing - glarizing N. P. Conant's store on Christmas evening lie Is well known In police circles of Council Bluffs and Omaha , having just ben released front thl jai of the later city after having been tried on the charge of being implicated 1n several highway rob- berLes , of whtch three of his friends were convicted Kerns was seen back of the jewelry - dry store the day preceding the burglar , and a man whoe description tallies with his was seen by Peter Peterson and a wo- man who was al that time confined In the city jai running ns Cast as he could through the alley leading from COMnt's store to the crecle. The evidence Is purely clrcum9tnn- tal , as no one has yet been found who has seen any or the stolen jewelry In his pos- session , but Murphy has hopes of brInging something more definite to light . - The attractions al 1anawa tonight will b2 skating , music , hot coffee and dancing Trains leave at 6 and 7 p. m. Sargent Is Invoicing , Look out for the biggest shoe sale there has ever been In Council Bluffs. Music at the Grand hotel Thursdays , as well as Sundays , al the dinner hour , a to 8 o'clock. Wants n United ! tltes Jury , J. W. Squire ha filed a petition In the United State court asking for the removal of the sensational suit reoent ) commenced by Mamie nolins against him from the district court to the United States court. With I he fed an affidavit , setting forth the usual facts , that the parties were resident - dent of different states , that the amount ' demanded was of the required bigness , and the like. About six months ago Squire be- gan a criminal acton against J. J. Shea In a justice court , charging Shea with as- saull and battery. Shea came Into court and told the exact circumstances , relating hew he kicked Squire Dcross tie street , that gentleman being on the run all the time , and making no attempt at pleading sel-delens2. In spite of everything , the jury found him nol guilty. quire , Is determlned nol to trust himself to the mercies of n Council Bluffs jury , and the present acton Is taken in consequence. I Sargent Is InvoicIng Look out for the biggest shoe sale there has ever been In Council Durs , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ground oil cake $1,30 hM. at Morgan & Co.'s drug store , 134 Broadway Davis sells drugs , paints and glass ch'ap , The laundries use Domestic soap. Town Supreme Court ) ( IloIR. DES MOINES , Jan 16-Speclnl ( Tele- grnm.-Slpreme ) court decisions : Jams S. Decker , nppelant , against Elza Decker nr'tl J. L Decker . and Elza Decker and J. 1'c , Decker , appellants . against \\'llam S. Decker , cross petiioner appellant , Powe- shlek Istllct : suit In equity to quiet title to certain real estate Cram decree dismissIng - Ing plaIntiff's ' petition and Defendant w : S. Decker's cross Petition : the plaintiff and petitioner nppeal. Athlrined . plnlntff Afrmed. \Volr & Gaines , appelants , ngalnst the Davenport , Iowa & Dalcta Railway company , et aI , Scott Halway : ton to establish a len on the road for contract work In the Hum of $7.039. Plaintff was sub-contractor In con- Itructng a line Cram Davenport some thirty miles to thq crossing of the Chicago nnll Northwestern road District court gaVe a jUdgment for Illalntf against E 1IzIH trick - rick , n contractor under whom \Volr anl GaInes worked and denied the lien sought ly dismissing the petition as to len other defendants for want of equity and plaintiff appeals .Afllrmed . equiy plaintf Amluia itt. Thompson , appellant . agatnst Julia A. Deel18 , Clinton district : action In equity to restrain defendant from removing - Ing the bOdy of one Phiip Deeds f'mov- quiet tile title to n burial lot Plaintiff Is the daughter anti drren.lant : the widow of Deeos , who died In 1&90 'rho trouble Is over the erection oC n monument anti coping on the lot by the tiotendammt . plaintiff uleglng she owned the lot and objecting to placing placng of such improvements therein , whereupon Ilef"IHlant I hrloI"111 In "ImnvI rtmnln. nf lierici niC Court adjudged ; plaintiff i to be the owner oC tile lot , but also said defendant hall the right to remove the bOlly. He- verseti . George D. Ross against Hawke'o Insnr- alice company , appellant , Shelhy Ilstrlt : action to recover on policy against loss by tire , Plaintiff alleges that merchaniise anti IxtureH Inlurell were destroed on July I , lR9. at Harlnn , Shelby county Defense claims tile lire did not occur on that day. Appeal from verdict anti jUIIgment for plain. tiff. nlilrmned. te. . Ilrmel , ( . aplJelant , against J. Hlnsman und O. J. Ackerman Hardin district - trict : suit In equity to Ret asfd ! u written writen satisfaction ali settlement oC n judgment AttIrmed . I . Itl"'lnl mime Great COII'O ( r4 , The musical department of the \\'oman's club gave another or its lelghtul recitals Tuesday afernoon at the rooms ot the club over the Boston store , Mrs. nuchannn Intro < ucell Miss Ethel- w'nne ICennetly who read a very interest- Ing paper on Bach , the club having just rt'achmetl the Ilachi.hjtmmitlel period In musical history. Miss lennedY's paper was a thorollgh resume ot hiachi' life antI , works , tolowell by plana solos from the romantic composers , 1la'ell hy Mr. 1on romantc , The Noturne , hy Chopin , showed great skill anti " 1Innllolnatl , " by Ieschetzll . was received enthuslastcal ) ' . A dllcult Hheln- berger etude , played with lerger etuil ) wih conSUl1 te dellc ) ' of touch , threw from the audience mllenlc nn Ofleole , which Mr. Long responlled to with Shubert's "Serenade " A brightly wrllen Paper on Janlltl followed , read hy Mrs Harry Nott . Mrs. C , M. Wihilelin sang charmlniI ) ' , Nevin's "Doris , " Wihelm lanH h ) ' Mr. F'ranztdeimnanmi , violin : Atr. S. Ii . Letoveky. vioiinct'hlo : Mr. violn S Mlrshihi , Ilano , Three 1 < IIeiona from Schumann- "Aufmtwung , " "Yraunireewiri-en. " "Novel. letltt"-were played brilliantly by Miss Etlith \'UHIOner. "Dream Tangles , " peelulh' , he. Ins greatly enjoyed ly the culurell autii. ' aUI- ( once The encure number was another oC Schumann's melodious pieces , The last num- ler on time I'hotlo I'rogrll was Hees' "Oh , Tell I her , " sung hy the popular quartet composed ot Mn' Charles M . Wll. helm , : Ira , Charles Morton Mrs. 1. J. \\1. , Kennedy , Miss Frances S Hoedel. - 'rHII I Iuhl"ry I ( niltli Crlm1. JIWI..nSON CITY , Mo" , Jan -Speaker nuSel Introduced a bill In lie house thl. ( morning making train robbery punishable h1 ten years In ! the penitentiary tu haugilg . COURTS ' FINE ISTINCTION - I . , Burlington City Oounci .dWins n Case the tate Bank , Against Sttotng _ " , 1 f' J , . DECISION BELOW REVR tO ON APPEAL J . -I'E Jon Millers Meet In Amiud'Conventiomi \ , nt Ue MoIneS anti Ue\ermI0 \ ! Upon R 4ew Course or l'roeeihiiro . for time YClr. J , I DES MOINES , Jan 16.L'eclai ( \ ' Telrgram ) -The supreme court ( lila "morning " llechlell the case of the Iowa State Savings bnnk against the city council of the city of Bar- Ington et a ] , appellants , Des Moines district. The proceeding vas before tile Burlington city council , acting ns n harl or equalza- Lion for correction of nn assessment The ton correcton hart refused time relief asket , The district court on appeal set aslte anti canceled the assessment anti from that acton time de- feliants , city of Burlington , city council atl members thereof , tile county auditor and county treasurer , nlJpeal In January , 1892 , the Savings bank had In its possession set apart ali for the capital - tnl stock of time bank the sum qf $100,0 In legal tenter notes of the United States. In al1lton Il had 1 surplus of $211,331 , which teprelentll the undistributed IJrofts of the buslnoss. a that amount 4s,313 was In. vested In r'al e tate. The Plaintiff was nsesse1 for moneys and credits In the sum of $60,000. I Is not claimed that the portion of the surplus invested - vested In real estate was properly assessable In the manner attempted , but I Is Insisted that the remainder , amountng to alOl7 , was ! lbJecte < to assessment as the property of the plaintiff. The supreme court says that the word "capltnl" as applied to the 'money of a corporation may refer to money paId In by the stockholders for the use of the corporation. The distinction between capital and surplus , so long as both arc used ! In carrying on the business , Is theoretical merely , nu,1 , Is largely n matter of book- keeping. Until set apart for the use ot the stockholders , profs In the savings bank are I practically a 11arl of Its working capital , and , may be used In ordinary business transac- tons , etc. Until set apart for his Illvhlunl use the stockholder bas no control of the profits nor any part thereof , and whie the Profits are treated by corporation ant stock- holders as part of the corporate capital , the ) ' should bo assessed ns capital "The conclu- sion we have reached , " continues the court , "requires the application of the same rules of valuation to stock assessed to the savings banks as 'to stock of other corporations assessed to the stockholders and simplfes and makes more certain the assessing of such property The district court erred In setting aside the assessement of so much of the surplus as was invested In money and credits. remanded The " jUdgment Is reversed and cause IUWA IILLEJS W.\NT I'JUTECTION. Tvent-Flr8t Alllni : Ieetng of the State . \880CI.UOI In Sls'lon. DES MOINES , Jan , 16- : ( peclal Telegram. ) -Tho twenty.lrst annUal \ meeting of the Iowa Millers' association wns held here to- day . Among those present were : \V. I Jlngsworlh , Waterloo ; 1,1. D St. John , Cedar Rapids : II. J't 111nson , Marshall- town : James Taggarl' Knoxville : A. T. Bunchnrd , lnrshnlo\o i , .Ira Shlmbaugh , \ .ra Clarinda , Ta. , Jell Lal e , Imllpemlence ; J. T. Sharp , iI. II , Kirkhm and J. Kuhn , Def Moines : E. A. ConslSI , Avoca : \Vllam Polock , Mexico , 1o . , , Charles Helnhart , Monroe : M. M. Snider . Jolne , Ill. : J. B , Jones , Algona , and J. van Meter , De Soto Cash saIls anti foreign nlarkets were die- cussed A call was l read for n general millers' convention " - millers miers' conventon ot"fpresentntve mlerR from every state In the \nion to be held at Chicago , January 2 ? , ' 'Ie objeol of this big meeting Is to talkover ; and inaugurate blA plans to effect moro 'eq lable trto re- latons ns to grains and Ibur between this country and forelgnnations. A millers' league wi be organlzedtnnd committee on plans of work seiecteti l'osslbly a delega- lion will be chosen to. .ppelr before con- ton . gres9 and set forth the equities as to millers In thIs country who are actually discriminated against by foreIgn nations ) while some countries on the other hnnd are allowed to sell products here at ruinous prices. The Iowa mliers' electe,1 H. I ) . St. John of Cedar Rapids as state delegate i to the national meetn . ' 1he election oC officers resulted In the retention or the old ones : E A. ConlRny of Avoca , president : James TaARart , Knoxville . vice president ; anti J. T. Sharp , Des Moines , secretary and treasurer. The Mill Owners Mutual Insurance company - pany began theIr nnnual sessIon this afel'- noon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO n\NG Volt , \ uUnl MUIDiil ! . J. U. Cumberlold's U IY or I ' ( eut"u l'lscll by Ou'oru.r Jackson DES MOINES , Jan. , 16-ISl1eclal ( Tele- gram.-Governor Jlckson todl ) ' signed the warrant for the execution ' or the death sentence - tence upon J. K. 'Cumberland , who was convicted of murder tn Shelby county , Iowa , In 1891. lIe kied two len and burled their bodies the crime nol helng tilscovercd for several months Cumberlall hind led from the scene anti was afterward Irrlste < In Missouri , whereupon he confessed anti was sentenced , to lz hnlged February 10. 1893. A stay ot executon was had by ap- peal to the supreme court , The decision ot tile lower cout being Ilrmed In May , 184 , n petition for rehearing s'rts Hed , which was overruled by the supreme court last October. 'rho governor now fixes tile date of execu- ton .1he lt February 8 , 189 . lt the penitentiary itt Fort 1ndlson. Some time last month Governor Jackson received an Inon'mous letter . Cram Missouri , where Cumberlan family resides , telling him he hind better look up the record oC' CumlJerland In Kan- saR lie dil 50 , and received papers Crom Governor Lewehitng . In a case where Cum- berlanl was previously convicted anti sen- tencell to be hnnged for the murler of his son , early tn lSi0. no was afterward pal'- coned by Governor Martin at Kansas , on the rcommendlton or the 10ari or pardons. on the grounds of InRulclent ovhiemice , This matter was not brought out In the Iowa trial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Stab Thlrleen 1)lnr . CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Jan , 16.-Specini ( Tclegrain.-A smooth swlncing scheme was successfully worked lucre yesterday . A stranger cllel nt the residence of Dr. Clark . No one was lt home hut the servant girl . whom he tolll he was In electric light inspector anti thlt ho thought the wires were out oC comlton , lie wnl given en- ( calico to the hiotise \Vimen he left he sall he woull lell 1 man up to Ix the wires. Today It \\'as IIHcoverel that the fellow had taken $13 which had been heft In a sleeping nparlment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \10111 "wlndler.rrl'.ted. . CEDAR RAPIDS , I } , Jan , iO.-Speclal ( Telegrm.-Sherlf ) HaIII : of Jnrdln county toluy Irrl/tell F. P. lelln whose Rwlnling operations have been IUIy } extensive In Iii. Inohl and Iowa The crime for which he wa arretll tetley wits for swindling 1 drngglst nt Alrra , lii. He sold to J. N. : lnnnllon of that city a dreg stock nt gllof for $ .i..O. : lannlton became stms- IJItlous and iipoii In\stgnton fOi nil he hall been 8wlnllll. Sheriff Ba'lnl Countl IllS man at Jhl1I , Iefn claims to be I doctor and became notorious some time age by be- Ing mixed tip In 1 whitecap outrage In Iossuth U\I \ ) ' . ! tok i'nrl' , Slatn lank . \ ssesnment . SIOUX CITY , Jan , 16-Slleelal ( Tel Aram , ) -The receiver of the t'nlol Stock Yards State bank line heen nlthorlze < by the court to make nl once nn assessment of 71 per cent against the holtiers of the batik's : stock to stay claims 1111 nfalnlt it. The claims Imount 10 $ t60O. nn,1 the receiver \lll ! thnl not over one.thlrll tile assets cnn he realized emi , lenving about $ toO oC claims which the stockholders must 111) ' . beRlles losing the vahle oC their stock . The batik hail fO,01 11:11 tip stoce , but the owners or $10,00 ! at this are insolvent ahiti ( iii' others mlst make tip the dellefency < . I will he a severe blow. A receiver vas I'- I.olntell to wind UI' $ thl Iowa In\'estlllt 1011111) ' , nn nmdlnr ) ' or thc I"hteltl" I.an amid _ ' 'rlst COmI11) ' , wih $00.0 eniultiul . 0. B. Perry . the Ilrellelt of the 101' pany . was mmle receiver Time compalY II expecte to nearly 1m ) ? itS 1 a 11 tes. 118 "ninM , Hhtr t.simml Ch.hJ lI' . POUT DODin . , In" Jan , 16-(811eelnl ( Tele- grnnm-ilomi. ) 'S'1 . : . Wison , chief clerk of thai cOlmlsloner to n\lt the claims or lIes : lolnef river mail settlers to the $2tOO ' imiti'Iliit3 ) ' nlllJrolJrlntel1 by eongrcsR itt Its lust esston , Is here to begin work. The settlers mire very elger to intro their claims , of hin''e thrlr IIIJu8te,1 n ! most them hn\e spoilt lives II litigation over themmi ) ,1 . ' ' ' ' % ho ( : oitclie'i . ! BEh\IONl ) , la" , Tan , 16-Specal ( ) Tele- I grammi-Mrs. ) Dewal oC : tnllon , while on her way hmommi . Cel between the coaches on the Mason City & Fort nOIRe raiway 111 her heath was completely Re\ere from . her hoc ) ' . She \\'al here visiting her son , who leclle insane 1 week ngo. 1118 or II" " : "WR. I The Ollt club or Des : tulltf proposes to ha\e 1,0 members with an IIml88101 fee of $10. A 11 halown newspaper m' ' ) IR also 1 successful gambler. lie raked oft several hundred dollars 11 n little game the other night I. : h'f Andrew WIl.'oim , reshlnA near : Iotl , Auburn , IR In n , ' : itcnl cOllton II the I result mistake of taking 1. dose . of carbolic Icll 11 The young men \\'ltol hnve organized n Iltnr ) ' comlll ulder Cllltlin Lark . 1111 I.luutenanl Ialle , ) Clptaln ' 1111 nll Sere geamit lhlfJh ) ' oC time National ! unrl nt lIURla lne have been Instructing them 11 drIll reguiatioml8. Two tramps were cnpturel nt Oxforl ha\- lug In their 110lsesslon tlyiitinmite . gold watches , burRII' tool" , etc. 'I'he ) ' are no\ In the county Jnl here on thllty dnys' Hen- tence , dimming which tlC the burglar bud- ne89 wi lnmigtlishi TIme Governor's GleR of Dubuque wi present the MarlI Gras calnlvll In mlnla- ( tire February IS to 26 tom' the pl'pORe of raising Cuntls ) to meet hue cOIIJnn"s ' cx- IJenSes ut time Interstnte competitive dri to be held at Memphis In : (1) ( ' . A chapter of the DauRhtcl'f of the American - can Hlvoluton has heen orgamiizeil In Clime. ton with Ify , charIer members One of the notahle features lf this 'halJter IR that I contains one dnughter of I revohltonnl' ) ' soldier , M cc. Chnuncey I.nlb , - - - - New School Suits ' For 1 Oc Not reaiyrmew 'tali'Icw but they look . ' so. The boy's - . clothes are . - ! ' made from papa's old , . ones , dyed I I _ Li I , . ' over with \ , Diamond Dyes i The girl's dresses are dyed over , too , and many of the suits and gowns cost but ten , cents. , { i 110 gootl work with Din- No experience Is needed t aod wlh Dn . . homo . mend iyes. whtch are made .spelaly for use BisectIon book and to samples at colored cloth , free , \XLLS , IUCUARDSON & Co" , Burlington , Vt - ADWA V'S -R PILLS , Always Reliable , Purely Vegetable. l'erfcctly tasteless elegantly contra , purge , reglnte I'rrtecty , purity . cleanse anti otrengthen. RAD- WAY'S PILLS for the cure at all disorders at tie Stomach Dowels Kidneys. i3littld r. Nrr \'OU Diseases DIzziness , Vertigo . Costvenesl , Ples SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPlAINTS , BILLIOUSNESS , INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of the Liver. Obwrve the following symptoms , resulting tram diseases or the digestive organs : Constipation , In , wan plies , fullness ot blood In the hend , ncld- Iy of the stomach nausea , heartburn , disgust of food , fullness oC welh at the stomach sour eructatons , sinkIng ! aI' Iuterllg ot Iho henrt , choking or sutocatng sensations when In 0 lying posture . dimness at visIon , daIs or webs before the siiimt , fever und dul pain In Ihe heat , delclene ) ' ot perspIratIon , yelo\leas ut the sl,11 amid eyes pain 1 time side chest , itmntnt , end suddCn hushes ot hoSt , burnIng In Iho ilesm , . A < few doses of IAUWA Y'H iH.I.S wIth tree the syst.m ot 01 the above named tiiomdere. 1'lCE 2GC A BOX. : SOn ny URUGGSTS OR SENT RY smAlL Send to DR. BADWAY & CO" , Lock flax 31 New York for nook oC Advice. . DR. MoCREW II Tit : UNIY ' SPECIALIST . - WHO TnKATs ALL PRIVATE DSEASES ' WeRkICS' and fecr Ilsodosot MEN ONLY I'verr cur jnr.nted , sue . , rnrs' \XIcrJooc ' 8 Tear In Omaha , imook Frau. ' Bok Ir 14th . tm } 'urnam StL , 0"1.0.lU. . , ; sItoupiIi1ElJ IJ Cures the elects oC lelobuse , excesses , emllslqns , Impotency , \lllcoeele and con'i'.i- ' ton , Ono dollar n box , / six for $5 Par cilia by 'rimE OOODM.\N IItUO TIE UlUa - co un,1 , 1Itll & LESLIC , Omoh : , Neb. , L . - - - - - - , - I . for nfants and Children. - . . C-torlnJs" lndapto tochlcren that Custorlu curs Colic , Constipation , I rmmen < lt I eprlortnny prescription Sour Htmnh , Ilrh < C l nlclon , kOW nie " , I A Am'la , U , I" ) , KII Worms , GI\s : sleep , and promotes d JI flu. Odor Et. . , trl'I n , Y. gestioa ; , _ Without Injurlou IQICtoP' , "Te tine of 'Castoria I s universal and "For several ) 'ean I have reeommersia its macrite soweil k'mown Ctat : It , work . ' 'a4ori ' anti m.hahl ' continue t ncrt b' wll L'O\O : bms 1 your < 'rl rlllhvD'S cntuu t ot supererogation 10 endoaci It. l'ev , the do It has ! . beneflc1zi sUrraton : I. Im" are _ .o 5 I b invariably l.rouc bn C Snt.iigent ! faII1 : eiuo da not IC..rl rC'I . " . 1 1uT rcciu , " fD"IN F' , J' . D&E H. D. C.ts Jl.n : I. ) D. . ' . I 1ctIu l ftrt and nh ANew York CUy : , \ Yor ! Ciy , 'iE ( 'Y-.tJ Cosmm'.H.y . , "j ! Iau' RT'r NJ Yon City . , t I" ' , - - - w t " Q' i - . , , ' . . . ' , AND ECONOMIZE YOUR TIME t HUSBAND YOUR J STRENGTH 8 ICREASE YOUR PLEASURE BYU5HGJ ! 8 PLESURE B USIG SANTA . CLAUS SOAP BEST PUREST AND MOST ECONOMICAL" " Sold : evetywhere : , TIE N.K.AIRBAK COMPANYChIC - ' Money is not Wealth Cor. I is only good fat' what ComfO.ts and Necessities it wi exchange How Coo1sh 1eople ) fli'C. They will drive an ol Icook.lcccd hot'sb for years. lie cats , timed costs ns much to keep , as a sound animal. , ' .I'hoy got along with 11apidated fnlnilue ; fUlcd and shabby CI'IHtsi ; ¼ bmtt'e windows 1111(1 Hkol ' old which ' fuel ime ulra wlllowsi ; aldlule likely an steve oats np mO'o r year tllia now and eODlomleal consumitot' wunll cost them ; ul'ol tholl wives nnd 801'VttiltS over a 101\ln 01'0 iu a .Itily day , when I Gas. olene Stove not only does Imuttot' wO'I without heating , but \'Ith ftit' 11101'O ocolomYi ; they sCl'ub om' pailt an old rough hour , when a beautiful co\'elul or Lncolul would not only 'look bottom' , but actnaly pay fat' isol In n short tmo with labor ! m\oci ; they cat otT or nlkllall : b ci'etcifed Italics , when I whole and complete IIltnclset. . could uo bought fOI' almost nothing. In I wOI't , they deceive themselves by thinldng they al'o economical , \ hon tluoy IU'O actually oxtl'O'agllt in thoh' shiftlessness , 0' perhaps w"ought tobo inure cltmt.'itahlcamitl eal it thoughtlessness , while all the timmic the cllthut'oml ' ' and thoughtessness whie al tmo chllh'on are growing Ill nld getting accustomed to such nmakeshiift hublts unll ' ' . ' gottng sich makcshit amid sU'I'otHl\gsi grow ultd ' In dress , careless in habits and generally tiII'Iftlcts. Largely ' ' fault fm'iemui because ' have ' ' ' ' Home 'OU' Caul , flOll , you hl\o not mace your ohlhl'cn's and . its sl'l'olHlngs time methodical , s 'ttomatc amid attt'aotivo plnco you ought 1 make i. AND MAY. 'Vhlt Cools wo 10.tnls bo ! There Is hardly an ordinat'y home but , at the CXpOmilitUt'e oC an ' \\'hC'o II'om $ :5 to $100 , could UO made to look like different lunbitatlon ' ' wlfo'cs amI ambitions realized . Ikc n dlTcl'ont hnulatlon ; 'OU' good wio's hopes ambitons izcd , , Ild your whole home 3tmosphel'o l'adlcll ' cbaimgcd . \Vo mon , in our Investments , speculatons aud tel , forgct our Homes too mnicii . mt\Iatk [ my words , " saloth time writer , "ynit yout- self wi bc 1 diO'out tel ow I you but follow om' Id\lco , " Now , you say , "tlppOSllg money is lot wealth , but only 10pl'esontn t\'O 01 sauce and oxchangablo for sauce , and I leave not this monoYi how ten I to got 'Yoalth , which you dolne as 'Comufort.s and Convon- iendes ? ' \Ve anSWOI' , bccaiso Ci'.lit . is a pOl'fed substitute for . long the . ' believes It to bo ood. 10ney. so as party gl'tnting same bclo\'os gootl. 'Vo do believe that the Cl'clt oC our 'Yage Eal'nol's is good-the very ucst. . So much do we believe it , that wo most earnestly Invite you to test out' tattle in i b.v availing 'ourlol oC om' JI'o\oslion. We extend to you our MAGNIFICEN'I' CREDIT SYSTEM , \'lh its numerous ad\'antngas , and ask you to Ctu'nish 'Ol' hUlcs with us , and ' lot' ' ' fut'IeIsillngs in of three plY CO' 'Ol' fm'ulthing one ways : - OUR TERMS CASH , Or ' ( 810 worth of geode , 81 ter wee"l noled down mire as follows , flied it. IS.11 tr 84 per lollh : tile Sl110 t us wilch plan you adopt , , 821 worth of good" , $1.iO per week unly ono thing bo sure or , our JIHI' Ur $000 , ' IllOflhmI , mire nit wmirruimeil , both as to uualty 8GO worth oC gootie , S2 50.00 erl" UItl n" and \'aluo. Our salesmen . are courteous . Ur 8H 00" lunthl ; lUtrOJllo our slllllcnt5 thurnU&Ily nra proimmpt HI'I"'O"lllo.t. , and J'UII' 87Gorth of 100dl Or , 12,10cr par ' lulth wcelt ; : Eiher you lay cash or accept OUI' easy 8100 worth of goods , la per weele , , . payment Illul : Ur 112 I'fr 1111h. " 6121 worth uf goods , tEi.Th0 Irr week ItlHS'-\Hth Oash. SECOND-Vitlt Iood ( 'r 514Hr mnlth s1o worth or goods , .4 her week ; part CU8h and 80 much per month . Ur i I 0 per mUltb 8200 worth or goods , fl 1'1' week ; ThIlflD-'Witiu oasIs amid & 001. @ , . liarS TJUtD-'lh osh ao tr H20 1101 mnmmtim . 8210 worth ofgooiie , 5I4 II.r " . .Iq ; much per week Or I25 IJel' Inollb { Senci 10c ( to cover postage on our big Furniture I Cks ; ue Baby Carrlagge Cataloguemalled free. L _ _ , , - - - . - - _ . _ . . - _ _ " , I. . _ . .a.a J ( . - - - _ -DDUCI BlUFFS- - ' ' STEAM DYE WORKS 'PL Al 1lnds of Dyeing . f / % and Cleaning done In the hlghl'st style ot : : S1FA the alt. 1'ule ! nnll . stalnull to i loolc CalrlcH lS madQ I. - : - - now.Vorl c promptly y E : Ilone nnll prompty LLbA1QL I II _ 4ORK9 Ift1I [ country. In rlee lst. Ilrts Send delvcred for - ' U ' - ' * " _ _ ' . ' a .1. . \ \ 0114 . . . - j : : ' , _ , - . - . - - . ( _ I'roji'Iuuiz' l1catinnyncar - - - On a Cold Morning . botoroJolns ant , Iothln/ In"l/olatng Its a Good Jot Cup of thl dllcusla 'ol'oll Vanilla Chocolate Vanila , caled : ; A1 HNlEP1) ) Cbocolat ( Menier. t ! . The rCR1 YOI .10 ( not 1101 I I I o tirimi Ic dma. oiiul C iii iit'tiiso you miover tm-kU a iiOol . 0' OO . : : : ; got Pcmlimtpsyou mummy. muover . - 0 Lectrmu imnw ( Li pro. I IRaQ mi good ltIlJ : of - 5. 9' etuocoitetu its buying . - . Men icr. Address 42 ! il1NILlRipVabacii Ave. , ciitcjo , BREAKFAST - SUPPER , EPP'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING , COCOA BOILING. WATER OR MILK BAILEY TH DETST , It fl-re---- l'itueur of Low I , 4V/ " I I'm-ices in 'I ' ' " ' : D@nUsr Full Set o1 Teeth , $5 ; 1Yarraute to Fit ¶ fccilm extrmtctcl and Itut In sanlo duty , Gold anti I'Iatean Alloy F'llmlitgs , I : Silver FIllings , ii ; t'uru Gold , ( 4 ; aomti Crowas , $5 to 15-22k Ilmidge Tretim , 10 pier tooth. linest wom-lc always. 3d t'loor l'axton 111k. , 16th and P'trnatn , , Tel , 103. LADY /tTT1NIAZ'tT. CEO , P. HANFORD , A. W. RIEKMAN , l'reaidemit , Cashier. First National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cupitni , . - $1OOOQt Profits , . - 12,000 One of thus ohdest banks In tite slate of Iowa. 'Ne solicit your busirusi and coileotions , We pay 5 per seat on time deposIts. We will b. pleumeed to see anti servo lou , -a ' . " -5iec1a NoHces Cobaijell jThitfs CIIIMN1YH CLEANS ! ) ; VAULTS CLFIANRD. zti Hum-ks , at SY. H. homer' . , 115 Ilrouuduniy , LAIIGFi I'ItiVATH hAhN F'O1tfllN'r NIiAR court house , Apply at lies ttiiice , Council hliuff. , I'i.AiN itlil.VINO , 5lII.m.lNuitY WOIIKOI' Ai.Li kinds , aew lmaI incUs from old matei-lai , itt m-easonttble l.rlce , . loll lbmImtI avenue. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOS' ! ' , SSIAI.I. (101.1) FI.OlNVA'j'Cif rnamked "J , o. " ; also fob. itcuirn for rewarJ to lieu otilce , SYANTHI ) TV ( ) i'iiItNH ( j ROOM ANI ) I.odrt1 cli cunyaisaccs , lzuvludumm bgtii , Ii G2 , Lies 0111cc.