- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : , : : : : , - , - - . . - - . . - . ' , - ' - - , . - ' - ' -7-- . - - - * . . , . ' - - - , . ' ' . . - . - ' - - . , - - . ' . r ' 7" ' * ' . \f , I' I 'r ; J i J I , i 1 ' .j " , , p TIlE OMAhA DAILY nDE : HrlltnSDAY ! , JANITAUY 17 , 1 S9. " \ i 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , I I 110 erIou1y I Imflnlrel , the 1niPIfle4 conn- dp.nto of the country ; the hope of whnt the rfuhlcn party may 10 wi go far towan re4Wrinc It. My general vIews Iflon our nnnnclnl sItu - tion arc R folow ! ! our \ollIe ) have been ton aloether too nnxlou ! \ piy Off In n ; 4Ing1' generation the great war deht. Our glgnntlc Iln'tlnts have tnkn to mUlh ! tlnntc . Ior ( lu' or thl io1t ) out Of the country. 1'01 thl Ire5ent ) . 1011 Itnst , we 8houl he Mtl.nell with IegI1atIoti unlpr which wc can re- r. funt , our outtnndlng boml ! nt the lowst POS rlble rate or Interest , leaving further "a- p tt-nts or PrinciPal to a more prop erous and favorable time. 1 woull put a stop to the olttIoW or gold from the trentlry . lIrt ti h ) ' requiring that all Important dutp.s ! houll ( he patti In gold nt tile option ot the treml- IIAII goll a : lreI of the ( United , Slates ; an.1 "pOIII ( , hy t IniltIlg , upon the I IMilt ; .or redemption , In Illltnl IIht . either 101 < 1 or s\Vlr. of ouiltanllnl l\tt-I when.ver II lecomes apparent that I' ' dompton In hel" lIelflflfllkMt , , for Ipeeulatve ; PurIrnse9. I I' Enid that such a policy . would ill Ie gold to I Ilremlum In my jullmNlt woull , .llve 1011 I ) ter nforl , to have goll count. nt It Ilremlul tmn prolperlty at n dis- ; OPJOmH ! : JOUHnON FI.\NCmmNG , I I do not believe In any oC thc Imnleln" , Rcheml which hnv ben IIP"IIEt < 1 hy the "omlnnnt party In conreRR Ni hfnlt ) Ill the Uflitell . Alatr "houll tIe Ilermlte.1 to ISSUe l1nle.1 1IlnJle dollar until its ! relelllton . II fulh' pl'Urc.l hy the "CloRll ot foVCrl- mont hOllR In the nntonll trea"ur 'helo "honll he no resiitrc'rtlon or wild cat money IIY the general Jovlrnment or by 11' Iitato In I the 1111 litt. Our natolal hnnlehlJ ) lyatem , ' , I I" thc tlet that IlIlotlitI he pre"el't.I I " heP "houll hllln hllennly : hl ! yet , lcvl.e.1 I favor . nmenlmenlR , , hnwc'vi'r. In thc fnllwhl" Iml' teulnr , : 'fhe Hlh"tlllon or I low Inleret 1)1\1 ns " eurfy for tl' Iltlonll bank IRsle -thlH 8u1)"tIttttIOn woull or ItRelf rflll to "uh-Wuton thut exlent the "overmnent bonded hulchlel- ne"s-nuthorll ) 10 Ilsue blInk note" to the ( till flhilOlIflt or the h0111 , Iqlosl ) ; tile collection - lection or I tnx on the entire nulhorl7cl , lecton enlre IRIUC , nnll the imposition of a heavy penalty or forfeiture or charier for failure to Itecp . it nil In clrciitritlot. Ilrcllnton. I 'rhoRe who ) havI 10 ! much to say about the . desirability of a texlhll curewy lose slht "r the fact that the Iexlhilty which the hURlnll1 ) In,1I'nllletIY , ) or the country dc- . 1111.11 . Is a t \I'nllletIY \ or Ilcrensc , 'fhel'e cannot he too hutch mone ) ' 11 the country If every dollar I ! hacltel , , UII hy the ability oC reilemption. , lore money on hlll thnn IR nceelar ' 10 rllllly tile hURlness demanIR , rnIIY reduce , Inlerllt rateM-hul the "eopll can cal I ) ' lan,1 , thnt The hnlleer ! nn.l IlhlOIlit not have to coil- . cn"lalRIR Rhonll ( Ilve power Ion- tract the volume of currency In clrlllaton or corner the money mlrlct of the country I ,10 not agree wlh tiio.e'ilo would re- tire our rreenhl.I/1 1111 treasury notcs I am II favor or ItlPlllul ; everyone or them ' In circulaton , Alll there Inn he no Iaul el' In 101lJ ! ifV0 will 110lt the 1)0110) ' nI- ready , tlatel , of meeting al RPCCIIII1LIVO tiP- ImuulR for relemptll "y tender ! of eHher floill or slver It the option of the government - mont ( I accordance With the sllcc\le termR or ! the contract ! I i : IU In favor ot AmerIcan bImetalsm nnd 11 I Ihls t ; thl I Ullel Hlates shoull lell the worhl 1 tin not admit the claim RO 1)erIlltetltiy made hy advocates , ot tree foIl Inlh1le.1 . colla"e of sliver , that our Present e\s lire the resul of so-alel sliver .Iemonethmtol ; nor 110 I believe that the remonetzatol or slvr wOlld Ilroluce , au ' ntarll ! cllRtlgCi4 Iii exIstIng eon.llonR , I 11 satlned , however that the ticntonettza- ton of one-haIr oC the world's supply of the ultimate moue ) ' or redempUola' not for the h.lt Illerelll or the \IOllle of the world , aUII I think we should do uverythll 11 our power 10 hnsten the rctur of hI- IQtnllm nmol the nations of the elrlh , ? Iy IoRllol 1111 the American silver fllRton haR 1)Cetl ' , thoroulhl ) " ullerslooll h i ) ' the peollc of thlH state 111 I l'ctlt mr . election , hy the tIllitCIl vote of the great " itt the legisiatltre , all fill rellhlcan ] ) majority II Ilatl'p 11 ni endorsement or ante-election declaration e1lorlemeut mr nnle-electon delaraton In favor of the coinage oC the American colla prolucl , or gold Ilul silver into hOlest tIoiInrt. 1'0 those who fear the effect of 10lnrs the American ,1\'cl' cOlllle I have thIs to sa'e ore 10t realizing Ilaleial pros- II'rl ' umler exiltn gold monometalsm , nn" II 10 worlh fur Willie to try the experl- menl or n return to hlmelullsm , Legisla- , ton to ICeOlplAh tit ) , however shouhl ( he r carefully eOIRhl.re,1 , 1111 wisely Hllrd\ , all , the mlntR of the UIled Slltes Ihoul.1 not he Olened to the ltiiVel' product oC any , other country untl thl grent n'Uon. arc , rlallr to join us In lnternaUol'al : him tnlism As n minor menSUl'e I favor the retirement d nil lulls or a less denomlna tel than $ 1O. thereby bringing silver coIn Into .eneml circulation nnd use. . " AITITUDE ON PACIFIC ROADS - . During the late cam"aln It was freely : ; chlrle.1 . thlt ) shoul 1 HO ; to the REnato ( if , the United States I 'oull necessarily worl , for such legislation ' with respect to the , Indehtednlss or the Union Pacific nalwny COmp11" ) to the Unled { , StlteS , as mleht b2 ' ? leslrclf " ) ' thosb interests which I hnll for ' many years ' ; ir1foitsiQna1Iy rellrcRentel1 So f"r " UI I ar IndIVidually concerned I assert that I 10"not. prutessionaiiy or otherwise , Interest which woniti ' couii 1 r , rpreRcnt any woull 01 coul ( be affected hy nov Huch congressional action. Nor do I believe the question vitl Icton "elcve 10 Iueslon wi t come before tile cOllgrCi4s to which I am , electNl ; for. lnles ! some ree,111 , lelsln- . - . lon I ! enncle.1 by the present eOnlrlSl ! the first mortgage on tile Union PacIfc wl be In process of foreclosure heforE J take 1 ' ' Rent In the lennte of time Unied Statls , and , the courln thereafter wl have full dllilosl- ton or the pntre mater and Inal ndjust- nwnl of all elalntl and lens , Wlh respect to thp IndlhtellneRs of the Pacifc ronlls to the United States only two 1 feasible propoSitions hnve ! O far been mnle , : One II to proteot the overnment claim hy ' an extension oC th" llht at n low I'ale of L IltereRt , with additional security ; and the othr' II to suhmll to the foreclosure of the frst morlnHe-whleh woull mcan the ec- ! ' tingulshiinent of tile government len , The tI'stInn has hen approved 11 every .Ie- . parlment nnl iiy every : ] mlniltrton which has hnd tw } subject under consideration - tion . anl. , In lIlY jiltignient. IR the one which shou11 be adopted by eon"ress I Imow of no renson Wily the traiLed Slatel should Rurrc"ler Its claim against the Pacific roads It I cnn enforce ultimate colecton hy It , lerleB or annual pa'menls guarantpel imy reasonable HICurl ) ' . I Is urged anti Iule - piatteibly that Shell nn CXtCllSk ! n ot the 'Iebt wouhl compel tim people of ' the vest : - to pay increased . tnrlr' In order to enable , the Pacifc companies to meet the govern- I meat 1'lfUlremlntl In 1\ ' opinion nnd I . helevo my great tamilarity with the slh- fet enables mc to judfe correct ) ' . SUch , , ' would not he the caRe. 'rhe original cost , : Irescnt valle or capitalization or the Pa- . clno roads have but little If Inythllg to do wih the matter or ( reiiit an" passenger , cblr"eR , rIhose l'hnrl"S are tile ERU1 , of . , comllettlon , eomhlnnton , conlellon and lt times warfare between thE transeoltnental . lines. the ( anldlan Parlno and th ocean t calJrrR , The trnlPcontnntul rates on the a Orclt Northern are Ih Ramn' on the UnIon 111 Celtrl Pacific Ram\ anl the latter CUl10t chnrlf 111hEr rates thnn the rorimuer . - alhouHh the cn11lulntol of the one is . 10 greatly In excess or the olher These . arc lay perlolnl vlewH. and I tll ( IhlR early opportunity of Htnll" tlm In order that YOll ma ) ' a.lvlc . me hy Iepollton If you are , )01 favor of Inv other plan of nllllRtmpot than the enl I have 1lllllte < I , I Ihll wi- 4 bigly alll II'I\ ' carry clii . ni your Rervant any Instrlclons I niav rp elve. " , s'Jlns : AND A1tli'nLTroN. The great strike of last RUmmel has I O'ousell the ( I'oplu of tile wlmle roUnlr ) ' to the neresRlt for pOle 1'llRlntol which wi Ilrovlt tile relurrelee of any 1lllnr ennui- ' tlon of affairs. The < lmllll of the hour IlelR to he for some luau or alhlratol to ItlUHt Im"oltllt .lfflrlncel mil prevent IUlaHtrousrOIIlt hetw1 corp ruton' Infl their olmiploycH.q to local and , , Iomrltl huslnlll 1111 t'nlpO'Illellt. ! the state nloll ella act Iutt viLim respect to nil cal alt ; wih rlR.rct ni corpora- tlolS , thc , luthorlY 'or . lie eoniress of time Unll'll States tim regulate and Iontrlll Is lulI'elnl : 1111 I II th , ' dItty of this govern- . mrnt to I'lulct Hueh leJIRlalon ; nR vIii nil- . Holully Ilrcvlt tIn ) ' interference wih nl' - hlollllll , of tile internal 10lmelrE of the 111,11 , t'il AtltlS , In ( rut tIling Illh l'Ilslalon I I t th , ' rights or Imlllo'rl 1111 ( thO w.lrlrl of flllloyes mUSI he clrlful ' gitutttic'ui. , hut thr IIOlllllt nll controlling rOlslllrtol shoUl1 ht that of the Ilrotl'ton to . the People or tile whole Ioulln' from any , , lauJer , Inlelulllon I or delay 11 I tl I trns- I10rlllnl /1lsrn"lrs 1111 ( ioigitt. ' rht' \IShIRS of tilt' t / rountn' the , ilhC4i1e1 . ity 1hl comn1nlks 111 ( tile tIll ft'ty or ilroIt'rty 11.1 . 1111'01" must not he jlopall Ilro..I.t hOPI' tttuutrovt-rsieg which so faLquell i ' Ilrlso 1'lntrl\\111 10 Cn'llulnlh' h- tWIln mnlJtI'H nlll rnlwn ) ' OIIIII's. J nm nol In favor or I national hoard of arhllltnn I , r.leIII ( ullon It Il ) ' iii , alt el Ill o tt ( that o the Inltlltlte 'otlltnert'e cOnmls- /101 , Such a hruml woul,1 , he entirely too L'tllmlitersolllc too fUI' retnoveii , ( tHlre\ . Llmhel'IOme : r rlmo\,1 iota ito t 1m. I 2 mediate locality ( r thl tlishit lhtllCt' $ . amI wou' hack tile one l I"nlul llmllt tieces- sat ' to Stlc'esuI , the IOWCr IC enforcing Its 111I le\'e , hOwl\'I'rl 1 11\\ " colt he fri 1'.1 tl III U 1' meal Ilh ration of any o . lellolS i1t1feretletjt between ' any Interstlte r Imlllor Inll 11 11110)1 : ; lint Hudl arhlr- ton 10 ho l.fl'lth'l lust lie ' hh11111111 . hoth stil cit ; ii nil . Ilellll/ I t iii I rat ion I I t / Ihnu' hc lulle tIll ill v fIll fOl' ci ill or IU 1 n"I'1 Il t ' , ' 10 aiglIlcion ' , ' ' _ . ? 01' elllo'ls ahullon : railway train tcrv. Ire or to Intlrfcl In tiity nHIWr with the 11) wlh rlullr 1'110 or the lOln I 1' . I shouhl niso he c'all ) ' 1IIIIt In m\ll that most - , Ufprelcls can bu hPHI uljush'll , tiy the j Ilrlet1u'el'l , without outside Inter- ferel01 or Ho\'erulHntll sllo\'IRlon , and 0(1111801) Irhlrtol IhOIl1 never be 11- sorted to ( except II 1 last resort ami for the hltIlPOSi or pn'\'enlng , tile Internllt0n of : , h" relulr ! tOlllrCO , , rr the cou'tr . I feel this latol owes I great debt to the toilers of the l.uld--tiuwe walh Ilrodurerl IlPifil YiICee IlIolhIelitY . . intelligence ttnl \ who\ Upll ! \ IHOfl.eI ) IltellJelci Inl\ 10)llh' the safety ald IlermnlelCl or0 \ ' - ) - 1"\llt rests , 'I'h. genius or Aitirieuttt . Rlatrlmulshlll shoul'l ' he devoted to 1 Just toll10I or the luhnr probllm , Whatenr u Can ho .Ione to Imelorlte the 1111It.)1 < r time working 111lle ; : 10 Illuki' tl'lr tenure ; of servIce more sectlrt' ; to Inrelle thlh' . fair inmvortion of the Jollt 111111 oC Ilhor u- ' 1111 cailital ' to a.1 to t thlll' t Illpl"IIIIIIl ? . % III ( J"'l)111r ) ! t ) ' : to let Ilnshllo anti rom fort Ito thplr hollIes . 11'1 ' 10 Ilro'll.n the < 11- , i prlunlh1 ItI possIbilities of their children . wi he worthy the best efforts of human t 11 IU\O I' nn.l . the IlolrEEt hlelsln 1 or 1 rnllous led 11t , itmy countrmen WO Ihal , never 11\1111 the c&use or the lubor. ' : ; . : -1" " ' . . . - : . 1"1 lag classes or the cOlmon people II any tearing dIwn proceAs no man will imProve his condition by usfng ! the torch ot the Incendiary or the dagger or the nsassifl. Not under the red nag but under the stars nl11 stripes II ; icitor's hattie to he won IR It 10t time to stop Inciting the Passions ! anti , Ilrejulce ! ct the IHollle anti set ourselves to tile higher task or nrousllJ their better impulses nod nobler ambitions ? Let It he the aim of that hartY whIch eXp 'cts to re- Ilnrl' lain or Alnerltall Ieople tnll the confidence the eXPftt 10 reach dowl luler the struggling masses or those who stIffer and who tel , amI 1f them up to n 11111cr ParticiPation In anti a hller 11 enjomelt fuler the n.IVlltageA , Irlvl- 1111' olllJrtullles anti ( dignities or Ameri- can life , I le not Irllnred ; at the PrIlent time to formulate any complete plan by which the general governmEnt can htt Ilromote the welfare of the luhorlnl , eiasses . blt ns n hglnnlng I heartily favor the Istnhlshment of I labor henrt ! slon , 01' hUl'Cll , or del - pantnment l , whIch shall have : general stIper- vision oC nh batters pertaining to labor In- a1 mntr" Ilertnlnli/ terestIl which Ihal undertake the collection or statistics nll malte ( tIll Inlllry Into the ttntstes , , I ecIllirelnents or tile wnle earners or the eul'ementR ! , \hllh shnl . to fr"l tlmc tn tme I.tvlse congress 11 , whatleJlelnton Is ncec-"satY to protect their ' 1IHhlf , Ilhlln their burdens 1ntl Olen for their lmtrllggling ' feel the broad hlgh\\'n oC merlcn" Progress . , lflitIGA'riON FAVOItEI ) . 'OiED. IIllAIION ' Lust sunmlners. ' tirotitim , RII 11' nlenllnl , crop faUul have called our ntlntou more forclll ) ' than ever to the necessitY for nome extensl\'c Illnn or Irrlaton In the we tern haIr oC our state , 1111 nil western rt'hircsentattves shouhl join In an Imme- rl'Iresentll\'cs .oin Iliate , effort to secure IIeuunte "overnmen- lnte efort this great beneficent unler- , taicilmg. talcn ! congress oC the tnlted States , after careful InvelU"atlol at the weltel'n ugri- cuHurnl rOlltnns , olllnlll lP the entire area. of Nebrasica for homestl:11 : anl , I're- area Nlblsm elPton settlement . and thereby invited , the hem ! lckerH oC this Iountlv to ( tahIRh UWlselves upnl ur 11rnlrl A : tl is , ther , fore , the dltty of the overnment to take such action ns IH Iosslhle to malee Its Iromlse or uceessful ngnicuhtltro Hll'1 I believe ! nprllulurt the least that conI'IS' Rhouhl miD Is to gratmt to the state ! Nebraska nil Iuhl0 hands wihin its herder yet mulSlOsed or , for the IlrpOle oC ereltn/ 1\ state fund for general In Igultioll lnlrPose. I Irll"ton IUllose" \'e hnvl alon , UR ill Nchrnlm thou- sanls ] oC the ! u\'lvln/ heroes of tmt great struggle for liberty / tmon , ThIS govertl- ment , \\'hlch ' they hrescl'Ci ' owel to them . a. debt whl'h lust not be ovel'looleel\ My t father , their co 1 Ill 1 . lied for his eountr . I viil he to me hoth I privilege nod I lut , ' wi In do whntever J can , ns I senator of the Unlte.l . States to jirotect their imeipiesutnss Iroteet fall 011 l"ey just 11HI ! genel'ouB Ilelslon 1l'IVlslol ! aitotni5tCrell hy mcu In syni- IIth with the cause for which they Coulht , 111 devotld 10 the IIrl1111IeR for whllh 10 ! flfllY or their comrades freely gave theIr IReil. I have lived In the state of Nebraska for more tlln It funrter oC I century. I nm thoroughl familiar wih its people , its re- loureeR. Its necessIties and its Iosslbltes I yield to no Iln In loyalty to the Inter- csls or this great COllolwenlh aunt this Hplen(11 ( vest In which Nebraska Is 10late,1 In 1 the senale or the Unletl States It will ho amy ( lila to labor for Nebraska anti the wet But In strIving for their nd\'anee- / ' ment amId II'ollerly. 1 "hnl not hose sight or the fnet thaI they are It hart ot the United States or America. I have no Pa- lEnce with those ! 11 who seek to array the wel ogalnt tile cast . or the east against the vest . 'hocver Item"ts 10 stir up sectonalsm In the United Slates Is a tmnltor tn his coulmtl-y. 'fhlB great OHI'I- cUItUl.1i anti Iln.ral vest of which we are ' , anti thrive anti cannot co just 1110u,1 grow all prosper lS II ought amI shoull without the cordIal frlentRhlp , co-operation 111 assist- mince of the mighty seaboard elst , which I I'eplcsents the nelmulatell capital of two centuries and a half of American enterprise timId : thrlC ; In.1 . that flighty seaboard cast anl thrive and It cannot grow all ( nnt prosper as I ouht and shoul,1 , without the cordial cooperation - operation and friendshIp ant assistance or this gloat pIoneer we"t Scctonal sellsh- neSR j1'ea , ii' subordlnate.l to national good Nehlslm put one star In the azure of our liam , 111 New York \ut unother , but \ when they took their places In the lag , they were no longer stars oC New York : \1 Nebraska . hilt stars of the greatest naton of the earth shlnln for the proleeton and ha\111lness of every American cItzen , Let It \ be the ambition of all Hood and hiatniotic meim- ! pledge you . my country- mel , It shal bci mine-to stand for the welfare timid \rospeily or the best goverum- ment that hus ever hlesled maoklnd and for the uJltlg and glorification of the dearest las that ever kissed I the sly ll ( JU"t1 ILlS tmt.t.ow TOWNSMEN . Thcou.dmmuds ' of Omaha I'oopto bh I " th'o " , humId or : llltor80l'8 Succoutmor . Politics was enlrey ) forgotten ' last nIght and the. reception accorded , Senator John M Thurslon and his estmnble wHo was of a spontaneous nature which sprIngs out ot lie desire to honor a man chosen by his rel 0 \ cItizens to fl' a high ofce , The rotunda of the city hal was abhz with lghts , the national colors were ever1'where displayed , I on elevators , on the balconies oC the Interior on pedlmenls , anti almost In every place where the American trl-color could be tast- Oiled. ( I was Sl John's nlghl , as a churchman remarlel to hue fewly elected sentor , I would be hard to lel\ just how many peOIII shook hands with Senator Thurslon last nl"hl us he stood on the south ot the rotunda honked by 1 recellt0n committee made of republicans , democrats and I 10le up relJblcans democrts popu- ' lists. 'I'iio crowds began coming at S o'eloelt and for quito two hours amid a half It was n steally handshake on the part oC the newly made senator Mr Thurston and their s9n , Clarece , who seemed to enlov hammulsllakillir quIte as ' much as Inarciling - with the 11gb school ] cadets. Major T. S. Carltson oil- elated as major dome of the imight hut was ably supported by D , Clout Deaver who represented the POpulstB all who stood al the head of the receivIng 11(10. John I Webster B. I. hiobison C. E. Yost and C.V. . Lman were there on behalf oC republcanism to see that theIr lollle were Ilermted to take the new senator by time hand , while D , I Cartan , president oC the Samosets , C. J. Smythe , chulrman oC the democratic state central eommltee , and "Governor J. E. lloyd looked aieII he Interests or .emocraey , But IJolle : was nol In evidence and tile reception took on alher the all of a honse- hold Inthcrlng than tile closely Mown lnes which are anticipated In conjunction wHh time elevation ot a citizen to so Imporlant a pcsHlon There was no effort made to cnnno time reception 10 a favored Cew , the toiler , the worker In thia . trench , lie Ice cutter and the coal hauler knoel.ed elbows with ex- Itallsman , the bank president the leading lawyers , the most successful business man antI came In contact wih "immiiaclyui" seal- skin coat. For each lr , Thurslon had n pleosant word , InntredB were known to hIm by name. and II was Ileh a reception nt his own hionie Fuly f,000 Ileople passed the conlon of Ilolce that l.ed lie ont : nnee to time Illaee where Senator 'rhurstol stood GREETING ] AT TiE IIIPOT. The ( mimi lenrlng the senatorIal party arrived at the union depot at 4:10. : where It was mel h1' tile mlmherB oC time citizens' : conlnltcc , lie 'Fimut atoll mils a tl the First 1 Heglment baimil. As soon al tIme Ilrly left ito train Mr. Thurslon anll'lho mem- hers oC his famiy were escrtell to Ihelr carriage amId Ilrl\n to their home , preeedell by limo Hlel and the hand , the melhers oC the le lsllture bcln" escorted to tile Mu- lard hotel , where they were domicied , As the patty / moved up Tenth and oa to I'"urnal ' street fully 1,000 persols fell In line anti marchell four abreast , breaking , ranlls nt Thirteenth anti Farnanm streets ' The late afternoon waa spent by l 1 'hunton In ( lie quiet of his home , where he met a few of his Inthnale frends. Just before 8 o'clocle ito . and his eumly entered their "rlvato carriage and were drlvn to the ely hal , where they were met by the mllbers oC the reception cmmllee. 'rhe mtmbes or the legislature and the stall oOoers r.malned al the 11ud hotel until a few mlnules before 8 o'clocle , when they were mlit 1) J. \Viiarton . Prank I , Moorc . Presllel1 Edwarlls of the city coun- ci , and Attorney General Chruchl , who es. carted them to the el ) ' halt. They toclc up their position In the council chamber , where on behalf of the Imeehile of Omlha Mayor ihuiiii extended a hearty wele'me , tendering tile freedoiii and the Iys of the city , 1"01 two houl the scions stood In a Hml-elrcle beneath Ihe main challleler and received time guests who were Iresented. . _ - hayden Dros' . ld , I on page 5. I'ulhl'r lhmimctmer'i ; i'imlluna 1"0111. 'nm crrtlcltes of deposit , J'monntnl to over tlO. belonging to I'uther Iaxulher , and which WCIO Eupposed to have bell Itolen lust week front (51 . Jose\h'l hOSIlal by u thief who rellresentl'd hhnselr to be a HiS InHpeelol' . were fOln,1 , yesterday In time okethoolt In which the\ hud beEn Ieelll by tile ownel' 'fhe Ilocleetboolt amid con- tents WtI ( found In the 1alllent cit the Ilrth wIns or the bUll"n" behln.1 . a elosot Thl thief 01 11lO\'erhlg Ihe IIltlre of the ' , eVlttCIllly to thu Conclusion umuhlels. e\'hlllth' clune til loneluslon that he could not use thcm without being .lutlctL'1 anti tossed thcm aside , tulclng only the cash , which was . ' : ) Hayden Dro' , ad lion pag6 \ , . , , - - - - - - - - - ' - - - . _ , - " " I'W WAR \ ? OVER EMPLOYES CO nNG , OonscientiouB Senators Disguited Bt the EtrVlbBnCe Being Allowed Bt Lincoim COMBINATION FORMED TO CUT OF EXTRAS Illght Wilt ne l'rccllllllCI Thil AftrlOOI ! Inl l'rUIIsCI to 10 1 'nrm ( - J.tmtieumsltr :101"111 Moiing for "cngclnce Oi Omimaimmi. LINCOLN , Neb , Jnn. IG-Speclal ( Tell gram-There ) 19 i a lively prospecl that the ! senate tomorrow afternoon will hliulgo In n ro\ over the manner In which the sennte Iay ) roll haB been 10Ieil , tOWI wIth supernlmmmier- cry em\loyes , to the Intense dlsgusl of ever economically InclIned member oC ( hunt boly , Never slnco the memorable session oC ISS , and IlerhnlS ) for nInny years before that , has the raid ullon the state treasury becn so vigorous nn,1 , so disgraceful . Name after name line been Illae(1 upon the pay roil oC employes , mnny or them wlthoul action or eonnrl11ton by the sennte. Now thaI the Imll has heen passed and time true situaton elro the senate In lie Coco the reason has como and unless all lie plans thaI are being laid tonlshl fail there wIll be a sensation 11 the senate when tme body convenes tomorrow - morrow afternoon. The row lint Is brewing tonlrhl hall Its earliest Incepton this mornls when I be caie known that Qlghteen enrollIng and elm- grossIng clerks had been apllolntell ostensibly by Senator Caldwel of Hal county , chair- man oC thnl committee. These numes were hanlel to the tImekeeper last nigh with the request tlal they b placed on the pay roil 01 once lie ( iechimiod . but thIs morlng ehulIIl his mlnI , A number oC rcpuhlcln senators realized thnl the nplolntmelt or a large force of clerks amid attaches oC this eommlee without the authority from the Eenate was pushilg extravagance just n little too Car. \\'ILL. REVIVE THE CHANE COMBNE , This afternoon , while a large number of the repubhican senators were In Omaha attending - tending thE preliminary celebration of 'fhur- ston's victor , the remaining Bolans quIetly ass mhled at the 1.lnco1n ! hotel a'd lull the lllans for I little surplrse. An effort wi he made to revive the combinaton which lsl wcek under time leadershIp , or Crane anti Smith ot Douglas , WrIght oC Lancaster , and lcKeeby or Webster , overthrew some or time plans oC the combine whIch organized the selnte , It the effort Is successful II Is pro' posed 10 Ilseharse I nUmh oC the sup r- numerary custodians , janitors anl , watchmen thaI are now falling over each other In an cforl to eonvlnco somebody that they Ire actually earing thblr per diem The combination which has enconraged the ap"olntment or so many omployEs is pre- paring 10 resist and the light promIses to be a hot , and , withal , a disgrace one , for the only Is.sue will he over the continuation of I 5110ls syslem that Is surely loadIng down the republican party wIth n burden that will almost certainly deCeaL 1 In the election two YEarD hence That a Cormltable faction wi unlto to prev'nt the effort to reduce the pay roll to the lImIt prescribed by time statutes Is one of the things that the republcan nw.pa"er } oC tim state wi bt called upon to exhlaln . explall Iway. An effort Is being made tonight 10 prevent the dash that seems Inevitable tomorrow. Extravagance . In expendIture or llO peo- plo's money 4s being made the test . or loyalty to the rpullcan part , and these senators whIch tonight threaten to break away f room ito close cornoraton which has 50 Cur con- ( relied the senate are , being threatened with poltcl es\ru \ ton It they persist Auditor Moil sold today ' that 'M IB "serI- ously.conUm \ ( , ; . . _ , \ ' of formally notCylng the ( senal gpi.e.1\t\r' ! \ honor , tIle vouchers but for sixty-six employes , asking the senate to designate the sIxty-six It pre- < elS , lie doesn't wish te make himself oC- nclous In time matter but he gives It : s hIs offhand opinion that he Is not authorized by law topay the salaries of mere employes than lie statutes fix aB the lmit , The re- porI that the auditor Is contemplatng B ch I step hs spread consternation l lie ranks or the ( republIcan senators who have been forcing the numerous employes upon the pay rolls. LINCOLN PLAYING FOR EVENS. While a combination IB being Conned nmonl the senators another combIne Is form- log tonight among members ot the house for an entirely different purpose , The success or Omaha In securIng lie state Call has enraged Lincoln to the fighting polnl anti < as a retaliatory measure the Lancaster county delegation In the house Is endeavoring to Corm a combination to pass the bill recently Inlrodueed by Suter or Antelope to regulate and reduce tim chares made by the stock ! yards It South Omaha. Joe Bunts Is the head and Cront oC .lhe movement , and he Is tonight proclaiming that the farmers at the state are In nccd for Immediate relief from the stock yards exlortons , Dunls Is making - Ing rapId headway with hIs combination , to the extent that many oC the populst member - hers are elthuslaslcaly failing Into line. Lincoln . Is also breathing sanguinary threats toward all Omaha Interests that may be affected by logiblattolm. and there Is not n little talk that the metropolis wl be at- tacked at every favorable opportunity , Senator Crane , who Introduced the Omaha charter In lie senate today , saul thIs even- lag lint ho believed ho would secure an early report from the committee on municipal - cipal corporations , and thaI 11 hoped that time new charter wIll he passel without unnecessary delays Alhough not the chairman - man or the committee on municipal affaIrs , Senator Crane Is a member ot thaI com- mitee , and will talc personal charge of the charter when I comes up on the floor oC the senate , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UISI.\TIVI l'ltICItiIIIINOS. Metmilu'rd 11110 ' Easy Worll of tile ! ontue JUICK of hut flumy . LINCOLN , Jan IG-Specla1)-1 ( ) scarcely required nn hour for the senate to finish its work In hand this aCe\oon , Most or the senators had the Joint convention In mind , anti there was no dIsposition on time part of the minorIty contingent to mar the atiticipa- tory 1)leasure ) or the republIcan feast by attention to the dry routine of lie regular order. After the approval oC the journal , SmIth sent to the secretary's desk a resolution provIding - vIding for an allJournmenl hn1edlalely after the Joint convention until tomorrow after- noon at 2 o'cloolc The rl&oluton was Intended - tended 10 give the senators opportunlY to at- build the recepton given to Senator Thurlon tonight tit Omnhn , amid was adopted , without dtsent , McIeehy , from time commitee on Joint rules , Ilresented n r pprt recol1enllng the adopton of tile joint rules or the session of lEO , wIth the addItion of a new rule pro- vlllg that the Joint rates may be altered , ' amendld or suspended by a rote oC two- thlnls of the mmbers present and voting thereon The report was adopted , votnl Six bills were introduced and read for the first tme , as follows : SenatD t ' N" 15. ; by Crane , amen11ns the Omahn ehlrt'l' , Senlte ilkNo. , Ill . by Jlrheolle , nmemI- hog the act fur the govcllent f the 1ome for time Frlonlllss , If Senate tile No 18 , by I.hr , to create a ditch fund In _ the several comlntle't. I Senate II 10 , ill I , hy Wilson , to 111111 the Ilnd law , { o\rln ! the Instluton for the Sonute file No 120 , by Watson , 11.lnl thd rankIng calltall of artillery ' \11 the Ianle- Inl clI.laln o cavalry to the Illarr bound or time Nebrsku Nutonal Huards. Journel After , , the joint con\cnton the sonata ad ROUTINE ] 01' TIm hOUSE The forenoon's fesslon of thl house was I brief one , with but lIttle business of any char- actr. Ex-Ciiuipialn IUfenhneher , who 01- elated In the house during the session of 1891 , and whose prayer on the morning following the Jematonal fght of Senator Taylor Ii the only ono ever prlntelln the house Journal , oIerel time Invocllon : for the regular chap- lain thIs morning. anti took occasIon to ask thaI the new United Slates senator be endowed - dewed with wl.dom that woull brIng credit and honor 'to ' both 1lnuel : and the people of hIs state A numhor or new bIlls were tn- troucd and read for the frt tIme , and hOUle roil No , 10 , by Lamborn , providing _ . - , ,1' - - that counties may issue bonds not to Ixcll 2 per cent Of tlmcifljtesesseti valuation for the purpose of buylll need gain for distrIbution nmons the t1rotffi4niclcen farmers , was read the third tI0 nnll.tsll by I vote of 87 to I. House of HnW county was the' member voting agnlnstdih. ; A communlJaH6H' from ( lie 8cNlary of slate was rla\l. -'fho secretary of etate wanted a mtiesqger vor hIs own misc. The Icsl ! house dldn'l wlh'"tm to have It and aCer nlvl hail mll i'a brIef but pointed talk against the prtten It was tabled with n Jar. . , Chnce gave ( 111 Dougla county delegation nn opportunity to nthuso n little by nn- nounolng thaL th State Heart or Agriculture hall just vote1t ( locale the state fall at Omaha for timoitlmttL' ' ' nvo years. After this the liolISO . by common consent , ( mopped nil maters of business until 12 o'clock , when the senate appeared , and the two houses mvent Into joInt ) conventIon for the IHrposo Of formally rat'lnr the eltc- senator ( ion ot , John M. Thurston lS UnIted Slates Immetlatel ) after the joint convention the housc , according to the resolution ntcplet ; yesterday noon , adJournl until tomorrow after- A Corr'ctlul. , LTNCOIN , Jan , 1G.-Speclal.-Thme ( ) lice , In Its reference to the Reventecn emuloyes n\- \olnted yesterday ntteroon In the enrllng nll Ingrossln ! room II lD ) the senate nn In- justIce. \llhln" to hc perfecty fall to th Hennte the sllllment will be corrected , to fit the fnct. 'rhe number nJIolntel was ellhteen , _ _ _ . _ _ _ , IUIN IUY ! ' 1IAl JIJ A WINJ S : , lie I'uly " 011/11 1 tlRIltcl ) , \011.1'1 Fall Awn Id John lloyd Thncher IB laconIc nml deslslvo In hIs slatemeuts Durin" the lively cum- Jalgn just closed In New Yoork this taunted him especially as chaIrman of the del\oertc state commitee , I was equn\ ' true oC him I nI chalrmun oC the executIve commitee on : awards at the World's faIr. This Is the positive anti sententous way In which ho verIfies In nn ofcial Ilt r the honors won by Dr Prlee's laltn Powder " 1 herewlh enclose you an official COP of your award , whIch In , tile ( line wi be inscribed In the diploma and forwarded " Thus the ques- ton respectIng the award , ralsell by an en- vious New York rlvai Is settled beyond cavil , This same rIval hy the ivay , l J wltel ) ' advertisIng an award for IseH , The ofcal record \ro\'e this clnlm wholly false , as they show the Now Yolk Ilretel1er was not so much as an exhibior at the World's faIr . RETIRING PROM BUSINESS , Dry UooIIK .1oith1lic lou ( ' % 'iti CI080 Out Iii ; Jlt rl'KIR In This Clt ) The Kiipatrick-hCochm / Dry Goods company has nnnouneed ls ( Intenton ( oC retiring from the jobbing field In this terrlory , This frm has enjoyed the largest dry goods business In Nebraska mind , has always been an Important - portant factor In the wholesale Interests ot the city. Tile causes that have led to his decIsion on ( lie part of the Klpalrlek- Koch company are nol definitely stated , but II Is Inderst od that a very favorable openIng has becit offered elsewhere and that the members - bers have decided , to talc advantage oC it. I Is nol believed , that this immense business will he lost to"pnaJI , as It Is expected lhal II wIll ho asthtmmod \ ' ; by other parties who kayo had nn e'e' 'on an Omaha location for some time pastVIT1muS ' greatest loss whIch the city will sustalfj ? 'In" this connection wIll be that or the Indt Idull members of the frm , ' who 'ank amdhg the most progressive and useCul cl7ensho have assisted In the de- velopment of Ibeal business Interests Mr. Thomas Klpat'jbk , 'esident and senIor part- ncr In the eslbls1ment. ' has lways been active In al pUblic maters and Is al presetit a member of lid Board of Park Commission- 'ers , 10 Is nQ\v'lbsyal ' ! In time east and I Is said that he tellplates . a return to hits former home 'i ' Cleland , O. The other officers or the ! COIIJny arc : Alien Koch , vice Ilresideatu.obcrt : Cowel , second vice president : SamntThl 1 U\k "secretary , The other stockholders arq\.F. I3txter . W. H. Koenig , 13. C : Taber arqWj : ; : len , , > ,1--- ; . ' " Hayden Bro' ad1 Is . on page 5. TELEGllU'lJO DlrU.'S , . ' I1omctlc. Ex-Go\'ernor Chadwlelt of Oregon died at Salcm. Abraham McKinney , a prominent business man oC Emporia , Kan" , Is 101 An Incendiary fire caused over $10,000 worth of damage nt Austin ; Tex. The report oC time slnltn or the tow boat Doaz , below Louisville . Is denIed , A company has bcn organized to build large car shops at Kansas Ciy , Steamer Longfellow , whIch struck the brIdge at CincInnati , Is found to be not serIously damagI1 There was nol I quorum present al the meeting oC southern lines called al New York to dIscuss passenger rates ( The Implemenl dealers In convention al Kansas City report that In spite ot the hard times but few dealers have Culed , D. I Iiumniianm . a Mormon elder has created - ated considerable excitement at Ilnton , W Va. , by establishing a church there , Colonel Colt was arraigned nt WashIngton Court House , 0" , on the charge or man- slaughter lie gave bonds and was releasll" . A syndicate , whIch already controls gas plants In many large citIes . has obtained control oC the plant at Grand Huplds , Mich. Officers arrIved II Santa Fe with Hi Cook the Oklahoma outlaw. lie will be confined ( hero awaItIng the arrival or Oklahoma authorities. 'Viard Boone hate county attorney at Wichita , Kan" , has ben suspended from practIce for a year for acceptng money to dIsmiss prosecution . Time courts halo decIded that the Chicag MIlk Dealers assocIation , an organization designed - signed to raise the price or that necessity , Is an Illegal corporation. Theraldo Peterson , a bookkeeper or the lanlslee & Grand Rapids road al ManlBtee , Mich. , has hen arrested for forging orders for money on the company A rcel'or hUB been appointed for the Dime Savings bank of Dover , N. H" , which was Implcuted In the deCnlcatons of the cashier of the Dover National . Miss hattie A. Oakes of LaCrosse , WIB" appeared before u justice and ! reported that she hall been drugged and marrIed against her wi to a man named Drugan Thomas J. Ieckwlh ot lkhart shot and killed his wife because she Itented a church entertainment 10 which he hall forbidden her to go Ho then commlttr suicide. The Missouri legislature IB asked to pass a resolution that wi enabln DeKnlb county to sue and recover on time notarial bond of one Atiehiury . who swindled people of thaI county out Of 20,000 ] , 1 I ) Parties wbov ' rb granted divorces 'by county judges Oldahoma arc seeking for a reversal of the sUllreme court ruling , which declared the law conferring thIs power on county judges onstItutlonai , Ylonsttutonal A hearing has been commenced In , a Chicago court IQ tor1elt the charter of tie Spring Valley jicomnpany l for violating Its charter bydqutimig COmlny storeS and otherwIse vi4tns ! the law oC the state Ohciaiioina's Ie1ature hns passed a resolu- ton requesting l > jesltent Agorll or the Agri- cultural college $ \tlthmthraw biB resignaton and promIsIng ' strict Investigation oC the charges mat I bll , agaInst - t regents of the InsIutlo.n. ( Instutop. , . Prospector u1fleklng to the WIchia mountains In' ai. Htosva and Comanche In- Ii l 11an rtservallol'r JU Indian Territory , at- traded by the al I'ge 'lsco\'ery of gold ant silver. 'rio"ops have been sent out to eject them , and Iroullle Is feared , as they say they w1 nol be ejected . ' I'trclgim ; 1lule . General Martnos Ca'mpos Is seriously ill In Madrid He tl 91 years Of ago , heavy snows and landslides have blocked raIlroad traOo In SwItzerland and Northern Italy. Jnmes Vernon lu'hiItaker , veteran oC time cIvi war III 'merlca nigh ul one tIme at- laehld 10 a Phiadelphia newspaper , line died In London , rrhe ucton for breach oC Iromlso brought agaInst VIscount Ueerhurt , hell of the carl of Coventry , who married the daughter of Charles Joynga oC California , has been settled oul ot court Whie addressing a meetng In Glasgow the duke of Arg1 sUddenly faInted and fell Into time arms Of Lord ltelvln. For a ( Into I was thought that tbe duke was dead , but he soon regained coutcIouaiiee . . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O IAIA GETS TIE STATE FAiR l Eonrd of Agricultue Decides the Matter on the Firt BBlot LINCOLN A CLOSE SECOND IN TIlE RACE how the 1'rlzo WnN Secured anti Whnt 1 lllanN - Jetlll of time I'reptsttttoit \hlch HellC1 the locmttlotm for Wise Yean to Come , LINCOLN , Jaim IG-SICclnl ( Telcgrnm.- ) Omaha gets thin stale Call by a vote oC 10 for Omaha , . for 1.lncoln and 8 for Grnil Island The State hoard oC Agriculture today nWlrl(1 the ( prize to that city for the comIng five years , The total vole cant was nlnel'.nllt The State Board or Agriculture got to- gelher early , at 8:45 : a. m" , and I 10tol was 1110 to slspend the order oC exercises and , vote on location before balotlg for ofcers , Marl DUlhnm was Instalty on : his feet amI opposed the hl0\'emenl vigor- ously. lie saId It wOIII take olly n few Ilnltes to elect ofcers , nHl then the members - bers could proeec1 ! delIberately with the 10- cation. Silt I did take much 1010 tIme thnl md ] been slggesteJ by Dunhn1. I took imeumrly aim hour. Amid during \ thaI period the Omaha men mnle hay. First VIce President Dlsmore was In the chair this morning nl roll call. FollowIng thIs the commitee nlllolnted to fill fourteen vacancies causCI by eXlllraton of llleliiber- shll reported , naming : S slch members H. W , I unns oC Nemaha county , 1 I henry of Platte , MartIn Dllham or DOlglas , E . A. Barnes of hell , J. 11. Dnsmore of Clay Austin Ihllhrey oC I.alcnster , B. A. Stu- art Washington , J. C. Warer of " 'cbs leI ' E , M Starle or iCeltlm , J. D. Heal ! oC Custer W. I Barge of Tltayer . J. H. Crowder of Sherllan , F. ] 11. DrlggB oC Fimore ald Ul Holeomh of Polk The commlteo also reCOn1leUlet F' , D , Sheldon of Gage cOlnt ) ' 10 fill thus \eane ) ' caused by the removal oC A. L. Saunders , Following the adoption of illS report came lie report . of the cOlmllee.on Corebtry , mecoimilmlendlng a legislatve 'coimilnittee of three to work for this Interest. Tile chaIr IlamedV . H , Bowen , J. H. Cantin Ind M. I Haywarl , 'rhe commitee on forestry signing the report were J. B , Dnsmore , Eli A. Bares anti Martn Iunhmam Tim electon of officers WS uneventll , save In a splrlll contest over the selection or the first vIce president. Three , ballots were taken on this oulice. The rest were electet by unanimous voice of the board. They arc : President , Eli A. Barnes . Grand Island ; first vIce president , 'IV A. PoInter , Boone county : second vice president , P. ! htatimbun Cambridge , Furas county : tras- uer , llmund McIntyre , Seward : secretary , Robert 1f. , Flras , Nemalm counly. When balloting for location of the state fair was nnnouncell Mart Dunham Inqlirell If presIdents at county societies present were entitled to cast a vote ns sleh President In addition to the vote to which time cOlnty was entted , lie was Informed that ( lucy would be 50 emmtithed. No proxies were allowed - lowed Ninety-nine votes werc poled , with result : Onmaima 10 : Lincoln , 4 ; Grand Island , 8. SUGGESTIONS ON IRfiIGATION. PrevIous to tIm noon recess prCld narnes announced tIme preence oC Secretary J. Sterling Morton , wlio hInd a cmmunlcl' ton addressed to the secretary of tw board front Milon Whitiiey. chief of division of lie AgrIcultural delmrtment Secretory Morton - ton read the article , which proved to be an interesting and valuable paper on clmnlc and Loll . conditions of Kansas Nebraska , wIth direct reference to irrigation and tIme better nmethiods for such work. Tile conclu- slons reached by Mr. Whitney were thmat the soils of thiC states flre wonderfully preduc- tire and extremely.fertlle if irnigtited. But rains west of tile central portions of the state are inadequate. West of the central per- tions ( lie preclpitatloim was but from six to ten Incites per annum , and in the eastern por- ( lens only twenty , falling at tlmimes as low as from cloven to fifteen. In Now York state ( he average annual precIpitation was forty. and never lower than twenty Inches , Mr. Whitney claimed that twenty Inches , properly distributed , was sufliclent to Insure good crops In either Kansas or Nebranka. Tile problem before Nebraskans was to conserve the average moisture and prevent. evapoma- tion. Secretary Morton supplemented this paper with sonmo Itmiportant suggestions concerning plowing. lie said thiat time present system of working hand was not immuchi In advance of that employed 1,000 years ago , except that time phowmmiamm redo nowadays Iimsteatl of walking. But time tendency of modern piowing was' ' to dig drains under time ( hum layer of tillable latiti , whIch acted as conduits to carry thmo water away immstead of permimitting it. to perco- hate down through the subsoIl. Every year lmmnense quantitlesof valuable soil was thus washed into tile Missouri riven , Ito aug. gestetl as a possIble lnmprovensont ( hint plows be constructed with a sot of knives following ( ho plowshare , which mnighit , cut ( ho soIl amid allow time dowiipotmr of sprIng , fall aimti summer - mor rains to permeate the ground , Instead of acting as flush sewers to carry away ( lie soil from time surface of millions of acres. Following time remarks of Secretary Morton time board took a recess tmntll 2 p. ma. PRACTICAL STOCK BREEDING. At the afternoon sessIon Mrs. Amnanda Id. Edwards , an experienced amId successful lIve etocic breeder of Fremont , read a. practIcal paper oa "Cattle ; an important Factor in Nehiraska's Industries , " Site was followed by Mrs. Nellie hawks of Friend , Neh , , a prac- ( heal and experIenced worker in the Industry of which she spoke , with an address on "Time Poultry Industry. " Mrs , hawks paid a high tribute to farm life tmd womans work on thi farm , "SwIne as a Factor In time Resoimrceo ci' Nebraska" vas time topic or an address by J. V. Wolfe of Lincoln , one of ( lie oldest and most euccessfui swine breeders In lime west. h'resident I , A. Fort of this Nebraska State irrigating association spoke extemporallOoUsly on time subject , tak- lug ( lie posItIon. that. there was water enough in tue stab for IrrigatIon pimrposes , and flint thuD mneimod of applying It msas ( lie only probietmi , Tile board adjourned at 4:20 : p. tim. , lo meet at time animual fair in Septenmbr. Time following is a list of those in attendance - ance oh the twenty-ninth annual meeting of time state board : A , P. Shattuck , N. 11 , huff' nmammV. . J , Shmtmmmiway , 'mV. A. Painter , 1' . 11 , Zoimel , 'F , V. liraitimwait , 'tV ' , J. Stcclcwehl , 0. W , Wimittaker , J. It. Sutherland , T , hi. Myers , F , Id. ltlchiey , George I. Parker , JanIce Burke , John Damilmery ( , hi.V , Calmmp- bell , Thomas Bryant , C. Itupil , J. D. Roam , Charles Muir , 11. 1) , Johnson , 0 , E , Thommmp- son , J , D , harrIs , J. Ii. Cantlino , Joseph A. Connor , L. Morse , F , It. Brigga , S. S. Schmeninmetnaii , F , Id. htathibun. 0. 'mY , Clark , C. 0. Dorey , George C. Jenkln , C. 11 , Moracim , V. W. Harrison , T , A. Mackay , C. H , Itose. Id. J , Abbott , J. W. Wray , WV. . Berthia , JV. . hlerrlon , W , 0. Swami , G. A. StroudV , J. Evatis , W. C , Caley , A. L. Sullivan , B. J , Illimnman , V. Cruc , It , IdVohcott , herman LewIs , Thmonmas J , Crutnmneii , D , Id. Montgomery , F , B. [ iro'Wim , C , 11. Barnard , F , 5 , Way , 0. C , Glbboum , w . B. Ilishiop , T , Nortlm. L. K. McGraw , Wliiiamim S. Fitch , George A. Siayon , Joini Id. Van Puyn , John \'ard , Samuel W'oohiey , \v. E , Grahiamum , Id. F. Siouscker , J , II. Crowder , 'V. 8. MIller , II. S. Woodruff , Charles II. Ciiace , ST. hi , Dow , A , C , Jones , \ ' , 0 , Oaniiiie , 1) , 14uiyca , F. B. Iiennett. LlCOLN ltEiiSTS TilE LOSS , Ill mmmiy Conmnmcmmta iiioumtntmtltig time l'eelhiig of I iio Cilliemis mit ( ito OumIcullie. LINCOLN , Jan. 1G-Sjieclal.-Timere ( ) are all sorts of stories afloat today which at. telmipt O explain wily Lincoln lost time state faIr , "We thought we were going out after It , but we didn't go a lIttle ways , " Is a popu. lar expression of feeling anmomig macmy , 'rho storIes , however , cannot be confirmeti , but it still retnalna a fact that Lincoln citizens are iadiy cut. up over ( hue actlomm of ( lie beard , and liltteriy revengeful , In alniost every hotel thuero are found groups of men mvio declare tiiat Lincoln mlii run a fair amId exhiosItloti cotumbhnetl at the same time time state fair is In progress in Omaha , anti do all they can to antagonIze time butter. There Is also seine talk of holdIng a speed meeting at ( till time of tIme state fair and hanging up large purses for the cracker-jack runners of time country , Tue LIncoln park lmeopio say they are going to hut In a mile track , wIth a bicycle ( tack on ( lie Inside , ( I ithIATl.Y IthJICEi ) tV1lt iT. tmumhmts CI'iemii Eshirrum Snilsfmmotltmn at Sue' vea of State inlr ittmject , Thio news of the success of Omaha in securIng time stale faIr was receIved wilim cnliitisiasnm multi rejoicing. Tue muercliamits were especially happy. At ( lie Conmnmerclal club a telegranm wra received at. ltmiO from \v , It. Bennett , cllalrnmumn of tue citIzens conmnmittee. annomuncltig ( lid SIICCOSS ( lint greeted their efforts , It msae at once Posted In a conspicmmoims hieathen at ( Ii ciub nt1 time Ilirhabers vlmo cmmnio In for thmelr noonday itmnch fairly tlaiicetl wilim joy wimeim timey saw It , It was at ouien ( heckled to nmeot the victorious conmnmittco at hits depot upon their return In the afternoon nuiti a limes lianti was qtmickiy engaged to lueaui e nhIifleatIoim hiaratlo , Tue Commercial club conmniittee arrived oil lImo Burlington at 4 :10 : yestentlay afternoon - noon , and msas toot. at. thio imnion tlchmit by a crowd of enthmmlntIc citIzens. A band hind beemm engaged for tue rceepllomi itt the depot , limit it faiid to arnis'e hum time to vamtichimte In time ovatIon t nulereil to the coiimimiltteemimoum as tiiey stepped frommi time traIn. Coulmmlssioner UtI , PresIdent \'ehler , Chinlrnman Martin , lalm Farrell , nnti othmenut prominent in ( ho fight rot' Ouimalla mere aurrotuided by imimnulrculs of hmumppy Oriiahittns shmon time ) ' reached. time lulatforimm , A large crowd had also assetmmbled at. time depot to iiteet Senator Tilumrstomm , who was on the same ( miii , anti ( lie receptIon colnlmmittees consohhuluttetl anti niauie It a joint aiLtIr. A Umlltoti States senator anti a state fair for Omaha vero two splendid vIctories for one day , atiul with Immety humumgs thmt' crowtl cheered Senator Tiitmrstoit amid the Comnmiierclal club alternately. After a gemmeral Iintitlsliakimmg anti extensive expansion at lungs , tIme tlelighitoti thiroilg foriqed In line umlmul fell in beliinui time First iteglnient band amid Thitmtston Ithilca , A trl- tinilihial mnarchi lii ) Firnaimt etreet followed , Major Clanitson ohllciated as nmarzhial. Time Comuimercial chili delegates were escorted dl- rect to tue club , where aim informual reception , and genemai cligraltliatIOil followed. 1 banqumet , Iii be tenderetl to time limen vhuo woim ( lie state fair for Omaha. It will Ito gIven at. time Coiiinmercial club rooms FnI- they evemihug , ThhhtMS OF TIlE P1tOPOSITION , Thin oihlcini llromiosltioim that. secured ( hue fair Includes ( hue foilowlimgu ErectIon of a tIght board fence eight feet ! iili.i about timopreiimisecoumatructlorm or oume- halt or one-tithe regumatuon race tracm , as nmay be selected by time board ; 100 speed stables , 10x12 feet ; 200 box horse stalls , 8x12 feet ; 200 ellen horse stalls , Cxi2 feet ; 100 Opeul cattle stalls. 6x12 feet ; .iOQ swimie liens , OxO feet ; 200 sheep pens. GxG feet ; oumo'agnl' cultural hall , saummo shape as now in Imse , cetiters 60x6 ( ) feet , with eigimt. wings 40x50 feet ; one tnammufacturers filth couismuiumems luau , sanio floor space as now hut nmerciiants hall , center 45x4 feet , withi four wings 45x0 feet ; 0110 art ball , floor space mmd shape tIme cattle as umow , dlanmeter of buhlullng SO feet ; one textIle fabric hiahi , floor space amid shape of buIlding same as art. uiahi ; one dairy buIlding , samumo in all respects as now , ceuiter 52x70 feet , one wIng 32x40 feet , one ving 12x50 feet ; one fish exhibit building , twice size of present , round or octagonal in fonimi. iloor space not less titan 61x64 feet ; one imouitry imahi , 64x120 feet ; one bee cx- hmlbit buildIng , 4SxGO feet ; one build- hug for board of mimanagers and president's offices , fotmr rooms , 2SxIO feet ; one secretary's office , same size as how , 21x32 , three rooms. Otto small office building , 14x16. for each smmperintemident cattle , homes , sheep auid swine. One small bumilciltug for each master of transportation ann superb- tondent. of gates , 14x16. One 1)01100 hicad- qltarters , 30x40 , with bunks. One power hall , 32x106 , with shafting , no floors. One hay shied and omme grain shied , each 16x32 , grain aimed wltit floors and bums. One treas- tier's building , 20xI0 , three rooms. One band stand lOxIG. One judges' stand , speed ring. 12x12. One express , telegraph and telephmone office at least 12x24. One horticultural hall center 32x32 , wIth three % vlimgs , eachi 32x50. One floral hail 32xT2. EIght out door walks or water closets for gents , 12x20. Ladies' water closets anti washmroonis In eah of tIle imalis , 10x12. , One main floor flagstaff eighty- five feet hIgh. One amilitheater with seatIng - Ing capacity for 12,000 people. One quar- ( ermaster's store room 12x24. wIth yard at- ( achti 10x75. Water to be provIded sufficIent in all pats of tile grounds as requested , nmmd pure flItorcd water supply for tIme fish exhIbit building free of cost to tile assoelatloim. Railroad and motor facilities to the grounds to carry 100,000 people daily. Freight railroad trains wIll run Into or reach thil grounds ; the same will apply to lassengor trains. One seated and roofed amnphmitheater at each horse , cattle auid swIne show rIng , 20x40. At each cattle and horse ring judges' stand , SxS. Tue rate of fare per passenger between Omaha and the fair groutmds will be 5 cents each way on motor line , The rate of fare between Omaha , South Ommmahia anti fair grounds vIa the Missouri Pacific raIlway , from Webster street depot , anti vIa time Union Pacific railway , between time union depot and fair grounds , shall not exceed 1 cents for fare one way or 10 cents for time round trip. All switchIng chmarges arising on cars of exhIbits that many accrue betmm'cen tIme tenmuilnus of roads ( not reachmlng time grounds ) and the fair grounds will ho paid by tue city. Tehephiomie antI teegraphm lilies vihi be con- structeul to the grounds free of CXIOfl5O to tIme association. All repairs necessary thtuning time term of five years will be umado as requIred by ( ito board. As an evidence of time ability to carry out eachm anti all of lime obligations imnuiertaken here Is attachieih a certified copy of subscrlp. then lIst for $50,000. and also a good and sufficient bond for $60,000 In attached , further guaranteeing tIme lierformtisnctu of thm ohiliga. tiomma , A contract relating to time 160 acres of laud , reforreul to In ( lie bid , furnish said halide will be furnished whelm required. The site which wIll be used for time state fair will be In the vicinity of ituser park , tile property of ( lie Onmaima Driving association , kuuown as time West Side site. It is reached by time MIssouri Pacific and within easy dls- lance. The fight for time fair timla year lies been IL bItter one between Ounalia and Lincoln. Tue muon most active 1mm the front rank dun- log ( ho fight vero 'mV. It. Iiennet ( , chiaimnian of lime cItizens conmnhltee. ( Comtiiiiiiusloner Ott and l'resklent Weller anul ex-Prosident GIbbon - bon of the Conmmercial club , BIlly Paxton , Dan Farrell , George lucks , Major Wilcox antI ( lie executive conmmlttee of ( lie club. At a. baiuqmte ( given at time chub Monulay evetiing ( ho delegatea from tile State Fair association were t'xtenuletl a cordIal receptIon on ( ho eve of the battle and voro umccoun- panied to Lincoln next day by a determumhmmemi ' " Omaha interests coinnmltteo of 'stayers" for froni tile Conminercial chub. l'lie result Is now local history , Hayden l3ros' , ad , Is on page 5. I'urso to time l'usstor. Tim lady' mnembers of Unity church gave a iutmppei'dnst evening from C to 8 o'clock for tito beiieblt of' tile Lamiles' mtocley of the chiurclm. A large mimumnber attenuled. and time ittliupu'r mi'as ( ollowetl iuy a mnusicah lmr- grain , 'l'hie feature of tIme evening vus tue presemitlng of U. hiUrsil of 161) ) to tIme pastor , Rev. N. Iii. Mnmtmi. Miss 14 , Itogems iuiakimimr thu lireseimlatlon speech. ' ] 'ble occasion tif the ; ireseuit ivits time birtumday ailnlversary of tue vaster , Current 'I'umpie Climb itcmtutmieii. TIme Current Topic chili , wiiich bins re- lmialmmed Inactive for utommie time cii account C > % , ! . P fA'A C , POSITIVE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION ZOMULSION PHYSICTAN S PRESCRIBE DRUGGISTS % m . KUhN & CO , , 15th und Douglas Sta,1 Omaha , of the illness of Its former leather , Br. fltmryc'mm , imlm ! ; again organized tinder time ht'nch. ershilp ot Major hinlforti , anul will hold its iiieetmtigs hereafter every Tiiursmlny even. ins at the Youimg Mcmi's Christian aseocia- t Ion him I Id I ag. I t is thie iillrpose of tilt' chili 1mm dhqctmss ( lit' live ptiestloims of hit' tiny , 'rumis e't'tm- lug tIme currency seimemiw' of Secreliry ( 'ar- lisle wIll be ; ireseiiteti by C , 5 , J.obtimger t , , atiti .1 , C. Mattern. All are ItivItd , Steam's Electric I'aelo ntis your Imouso o flats , Itoacimes ntiti other vcrllmln ; 25c. $500,000 THAT'S THE AMOUNT OFPREE ] Ofl A PIL1 CURE hi , . mm Mymmulhetite oh I4mv 'urk limimi St LouIs Cm * hilt I Is it A eymtiilcato of New York mutt St. Louis cuituitahists iuns recently beemm foniutcul for titus Imtritose of buying lhiui Pymimlmllul l'hle ( 'mire , mu reituetly mvehi ktiowtm 1mm muomtme liortlons of ( his tt'est anti lien imwest , butt. which has hover 1)L'eul ) systemmIatically anti tliorotmgluly adm'tr. ( isoul , 'Fhie gemitlemnim commiltoslmmg the miymidI. cab. after thorough Invesiigatioui intl no- hieated trials in oggmavatetl c.iaes of ) miles , be- hove tue extmaordltlary iimcrlt of tue renmedy couuihiitu eti WI t Ii j it 1 Icions ii uid I htucuma I ativ'ur- ( isliug mIiI make the rcnmetly one of tue minust lmroil table anti PohIlila f I a t II 0 niui nle ( , \'t'itelt It Is rctmiemnloreul timat a slmrgloal ohlematloim for time euro of ltlhe costs aiiy- whielo frotum ten to otme hmullulrcul uioiitmrs , to say imothiiimg of time termIliho huaiii niuti dniuger to lIfe , antI also Ihuc' fact hint such opera- tioti are oftcli uiusuccessfui , It mviii reatlliy ho cccii thluit S remllcmiy Illun tIme l'ymamumltl L'llo Cuire , sehihiug at all tlrug stores ut one dollar item hIacicage anti glvlmig nuilvemsal satisfic- ( iou. Ciimlhmot fall to result as a hmrohliablo Iii- vest imien I. him the lll.liiy cxhenhtmmcmmts , itmaile with tiio relumetly naturally tue cases selt'ctetl miere old chronIc cases , 501110 of thmetui of ninny years' stammtllng , anti whietiier the lilies were of thin bieculing , hmrotrmmdutug , Itchiiuig or nmiy other formmi , ( hue retmit was tIme saab , a coltiphcto reiumoviml of tue thlsease. This rclimctiy kimowum as the P3'nimummid Cure. line been nuivert Iced hI 0 smuunhivui ) ' for ccv- cmi yenrs , anuL by reason of Its great Immonit is at tilt' viesent timmie cohti by nearly all thnmigglsts , butt it. Is time ltmtctutlomi of time nlovo gentieiiieii to aulvertise time itmclmarumtion tiirotughucmit ( lie mviiehe coiiui I I' ) ' , aimil In all iirobabuhity as soon .ns ( lie extraordinary valuiti aiitl iiliiOttal'cO of the ltrelmratioti becotumes geimerahly known It wIll certainly stmutplaiit all utluem' retmietlies or treatitmcmits for the ctmre of this obstlmiatti nmiul counmmion tllsease , Tue h'ymalmuili ilie Cure is certainly the 1)110 CittO of ( lie fuitimne. HOW BABIES SUFFER \Viien theIr tetitler citlims are literally cii lhtc tvltii itclitlug , btirnluig , caiy , cmiii .i"ui\ blotchy hlmm 111(1 cr0111 dim'eties , " % . with lots of heIr , muotie taut niothiers ; r rt'ollze. CUTICUIIA htirmir.miits af. foid Imametlimmtiu relIef , hermit mcit . stud ieeju , ttti 101 Itt to mm htt'ttiy mica eroumoimuical cole wiuetm time bitt uimyhchumia stud ill other remedies fuuhi , Sold eremywbeic. A1UEUu.llNTS , TONIGHP. LAST I'EhtIOltIulANCE 01' MR. J. K. EMMET "OUR FRITZ. " in his latest success. 1T IN A 1AllUllS HUPPOitTED in' A coMi'mTUNr COMPANY. hear ? ur. mtimmlmet simuur his host sotums-'Lumugli. Jack " "litmlilile . " tog Loumg" nun gong. iotm't fall to Iuir limo Sweet Singer and witness iiis pretty ltIay. i'rmcex-i'imsL floor , lOc , c and $1.00 ; balcony , ICe aimul 7c. RflVIV' ' 2 NIGHTS. I ONE MATiNEE FiIDA"m' { LtLuItl SATUIt1)AY. . MI1UJ4il U an Farowehi Engagoniont of the TragedIans , F1fJhIIf1CJC J , , riis WARDand JAMES Supported ity the foremost comnpany in Anmerica , Itt a aingniuicemut scenic revival of lime follow- Jag plays : Frimlay Night null a 5 si \ ! I a ! ' ' Siittirduy MItt. I ' 4 I I V ( , ? s R I C H A1 R D I I I" Time sale of seats wilt open Timursduiy morn- lug , Night PricesFlrst lioor. $1.00 atid 51.50 ; iltulcoimy. Ole and 75c. ! uhuitlmmeo l'ricus-Firumtt Floor , Tht timid * 1.00 ; Balcony , Itoc anti 5c. BOYD'S one NigIitiii SUNDAY , JANUARY 20 , Jacob LiLt's LandslIde of Laughter. . - V.iT A GREAT UL ' ΒΌ .I. . COMEDY. YONSON : : . I G HEEGE ' ' COMI'ANY. AN ! ) A GflflA'I' A CAhti.OAD oi' IICENkRY , Saio opeuta iatunlay at usual prices. BOYD'STHEATER I ) NICHTS , flUfllV uilZ D UtCiNNlNCIflUIImJMI UMUs llngagelnent of til't JttiilialillC Actor , Ali1 > .A.'D13.FL 1 , Z.a , t SALVINI /icczuiiuanloul by WILLIAM REDMUND , isiL.LmAM uItiiItli3 , .IOhiN A. LANi. JI.ti.tUO1t ttIQhtlIi1I , S1API ) hiXOtIiiUtVi'A liE FOi I I t gui' , smith a coInt'amly cit piumi'tl3 iummder hits , mmumnnge- fliClit ( if air. WiikIson hilIl'EItTOihtEm Itionulay lvpning , DON CAESAR DE BAZ/LN. Tut'sthiy 1vemihiuir ( first iutoduLtiOmi hierc' ) , time new lttluisntie oiiicu1y. tito STUDENT OF SALAMANCA. S'ednes'lay IlvolmInim , limo THREE GUARDSMEN. To b iursemit"i tt'hhlu CluOcItil iittui elaborate scemmic effeetmi SOul ucetausorlea. EIMI F1R.E1 : I Tul. 1031 , % v J hirlhtOlSS. : . - luIanaguur , hut I minim II mugaguimietit. 4 ? igiits , COili luiL'uicl lIlt hlilti ulsy N nil imee , Jail. iO1'huu U mamith iachim llrmitmmm , THE DERBY WINNER. \vEiNiSlAY MATINIit Comrmhumir ,1iitltltiF 'i7.tt ) , l'aui Dmeumsur In "T1ii oitiW.N (00b8 MAN , " - BISOS KINETOSCOPE ! 'i'll E LI Fl 1fl OIIJCI NG M t1tVIL. ylgures mind scenes In .mctuai motlotm , 5mm exaCt rcprodiiCtli'ui of Nature , Not it 5tuimioramis but hivIng mumolioo Itself. NOW OH ixliiiti'i'ioi ; , At 109 $ outh 11th dIetS. Vrojum . g , ( it p. in. kieiiieltuiiig cyeryL.di stiouid see. , - - . , - - . - - . - - - , _ . _ ------i- . '