Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1895, Image 1

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L . . . . "THE . : OMAHA . : \ ; . DAILY BEE. . ' '
, I
. ; ' ' _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . , . - ' ' : 1- . -
J1S''AJU.ISIJDD JUNE 1n ] 871 OMAI1.A , 'I"IUBSDAY MORNING . , J.ANUAUY 17 , 8n5. ) 'SINqLE ' COPY p-srJ C.ENTS. t r
' . Giant Powder Explodes nt a Flro with
a Feurul ffect ,
. -
Many More Bodies Arc upposed t Be
in the Ruins ,
' Many of the Bodies Mrngled Beyond a
'v' ' Posiblty of Recognition
IlOlIItlI1N IUII l'rlYRto IciItIenc Ilcl
with ) the InJurcd , ; lnn1 or Whom 1Iuy
Ulo-I'lro 811'118C.1 to 10 or
IncclU"ry Origla .
DUTT , Mont . Jan. 10.-I Is now esti-
mated that the number of persons killed
by Iat. night's terrible
lat explosion ) of giant
powder Is sixty. Nearly nCy are alreadyfir
known to have been killed. The & entire I
: city Is In mourning , and all nags are at
h'1 mast. The relIct meetIng called by
the mayor was largely attended , und com-
mlteea were appointed for the collectIon
( f money for the relief of tIm aflhIcte1
families. The people ) .
famiies. are responding liberally
and n sumclent ameunt to' rcle\'o distress
Is already gnariinteed. A number ( f the m
bodies are mangled beyond all recognltol I
all lever will bo idontifled. The followIng :
Is a list of the dead Identned :
SA1Wgl. ASH.
ClAm.ES DOWMAN , volunte fireman.
J. G. CAMERON , fire marshal.
C. W. ENOLI l.
- FOSTlm.
GEORGE FIFER , nreman.
JOhN UDOE , volunteer fireman.
. " - ChARLES OUTTENDUnO. an emplo'o of
the Dlte Hardware company , folU live at
Osage , Ia.
J. D. MILLER , attorney , Salmon Cit ) ,
DAVE MOSS nreman.
WILLIAM M'OEE , fireman.
J. J. 'UALE. -1 ,
IETEH , NORLING. _ _ ' .
W. H. , NOLAN. ' ' , . ,
. J"
JAMES O'I.EARY. .n , : ' . .
WILL SMITH. f . . ,
.c' JACK SLOAN , n'eman. . " ; '
ED SLOAN , nreman. , , . ,
C. E. TRACEY : - . - " "
WILLAM SMITH ( colored ) .
: The following Is the be3t available lst of
seriously Injured at Murray & Freud's hospital -
tal :
Mike O'Nei , cut In the head and arms ,
badly mangled.
w. H. Orr : Jaw broken , tongue cut and
teeth knocked out.
; i John Cole , four ribs brolten.
henry Earle , back hurt ant leg bruised
James McElroy , knee cap smashed.
; Melbourne Tracy , serIously Injure In the I
. bowels all an arm broken.
t Oeorge Dever , back and hips Injured.
; William Singleton , right arm broken.
' C. A. St. Clair , left hip badly bruise and
arm Injured.
'folmio Donall , wi lese his right arm
. , henry TlgJerman , , right leg broken and
breast badly Injured.
W. I. Mills , stomach mangled ant head
badly . bruIsed.
John Cohn , bOdy badly scarred.
W. Orossen , baclt InJurell.
H. A. Weal , back InJured. ' .
MIke Connors" . contusIon ( f the leg.
Frank Hart , contusIon of time
q I'rnk face and
Nicholas Hogers. spraIned ankle and svr let.
W. M. Shingleton fracture of urm.
George do Voy , badly bruised
Amlrw Swift , fracture arni.
Henry Steinborn , fractured leg and arm ,
: . At the ( SI. James hospital the Sisters of
Mercy and the volunteer assistants were
. . , r tired und weary this morning , no one In the
institution having slept up to noon. 1"1\1 1
of the tWeen victims brought there last
t night died , two of the deaths occurring w bile
'I the vatlents were being . '
Ilatenis werl dressed The sister
) were unable to get time names of some of
those who were glypn Into their : , amid
the followIng 19 I list , n Car as It can be
secured :
Tom DUrnF , fatally Injured. I _
i ; ; ? Mr. how , unconscious Injuries so scm ! kiss
thAt there Is little hOlle of recovpr )
' Andrew Michaels , unconscious , but not sp.
rlously Injured.
- ! 'raer , I bo ) ' , broken arm and Ie ! I
' - David Coleman , head Injured , but not se-
; rlouBly ,
Tcmmi Coleman , injuries not dangermus.
r. I haul , broken aria amid leg.
r. J. Hiey , leg h3.1) . bruised .
Jamt's BurlP , \rolt'11 leg and arm
Wilam Mr ndrlw. , bay , back Injured ,
John Sloan , COlllound fractur DC Irl uno
tOlh legs.
Pr'f Itotibins who Is also known UI Tvo
Dear , was a famous hunter and a fll lend
of Theodore . Uoo e\e1 of New Yorli. Ito
bad spent all hIs life In liu 10ulails , all
Wi lakllg [ eparatons to gul.Io U p .rty
through A imractIcali unknown
Ilfaetral ) Ilorlon I of
I u 'eiioastmme pnk. Several \'lsUl'n In
- -
the city were among the .1 e , among them
being J. B. Miller , an Idaho lawyer. The
rulnl are still smoulderIng , anll % i Is be-
leve. that moro bodlel wil ! be found under
the acres of .Iebrls. InquirIes are coming
from all parts of thc United States Inquiring
abe ut relatvcs and . frIends who reside In
the city RII who were supposed to have
n home at the time of tIme explosion. J
II i a.lmlte . by nil that this Is by far the
most disastrous surface explo'lon ) that has
occurred anywhere In the country during
recent years.
The fire originated In the Hoyal MillIng
comn pany'R warehouse and spread to tIme ICen-
yon & Conneli company's and
Connel buildings , from
there to the Butte hardware company's war -
hou se. , Nobody seems to know where the
pow der was stored that wrought the terrible
des truction ,
I I Is believed that over 100 were killed.
The buildIngs burned Include the warehouses
of the Buto I0rJware company , the Parchen.
la clmeul dug store the Kenyon & Council
Me rcantile company , the electrIc works , the
old Schlitz brewery building and a flour ali
feed warehouse. Time contents were entIrely
des troyed . The loss Is heavy , but not as
yet estImated. The Northern freight depot
wa completely ) ' wreckel , and six wood car
ha med.
At 9 : l5 ; o'clock the lire department re-
ape nded to a cal from box 73 , the cal of
leath for nearly every member of the dc-
par tmcmut. There was a runor that there
was powder In the buildIng . but this was I
denied , and otter a moment's hesItatIon thc I
fir emuen began fighting the nre. At 10:08 : the S
men had barely started to work when there S
was an explosion which shook Dute to Its I
very foundations. The powder In the Dute i
Harlware cOlpany's warehouse blew up ,
spreadIng death and ruin to all who were I
ne ar .
There were heroes among the spectators ,
ho wever . and as soon as the stun of the shock
hall 11aBset away and while some ran In terror -
robe r , others began to remove the mutilates ;
bodies of the firemen and the Injured from
the proximity of the names. All over the
city people began moving toward the fire all
the crowd had greatly increased within Ovo
minutes. Just about that length of tmo
afer the first explosion a second one , almost
equal In volume to the first , heightened the
terror all over the city ant spread death and
desolaton about the scene. In this explosion
scores of citizens were killed and Injured
Parts of bodies were hurled scores of feet
aw ay. A man near the Northern Pacifc
water tank was almost struck by the leg and
thIgh of a human being . driven by the force
of dynamIte from the fearful scene.
There were still heroes left to help pul
the shrieking wounded and groaning and
dying to a distance but the people up town
he sitated. . There had been two explosions and
there might bo more. There were rumors
of carloads or powder In the vIcinity beside 5
that stored In the warehouse. Five minutes
later a third explosion did come , but I was
a mid one anti It Is believed that very few ,
If al ) ' , were Injured In this.
I hat all occurred In fifteen minutes the
most horrible quarter of an hour In Butte ' s '
history. The awfulness of the scene aCer the
explosion was beyond description and words I I
could give no Idea of It. It presented more
the appearance of a battlefield than anything
el se. Tlie dead lay everywhere anti time , 'rIes
and groans of the wounded and dyIng pn , -
sentell a scene altogether h rrlble. Here were :
legs ant arms , scattered around and there
were pieces of flesh ant entrails. I was
sickening. Between the Northern PacIfic and
G reat . Northern depots , .a space of 300 feet ,
the t ground was literally covered with parts
of human beings and wIlls the dead ant Ii 11-
Jured. j The scene was one of utter and absolute -
solute destruction. The houses - In the vIciniy :
were a thoroughly wrecked as If a cyclone
had passe through them. One of the resc U- '
Ing l corps gathered dead bodies
In i oneS pile. Eight were In anoUler. Two and
three were In other groups. The rescuers
puled some of time bodies out still quivering ,
the remnants of time human beings still groanIng -
Ing i whlo legs and arms hat been torn o cc .
Shapeless trunks quivered ant died In the
arms of time living.
The work of rescue was prosecuted In ear n-
e at. Every vehlco In the city was broug lit
Into I service. to carry away the scores of dead
and the hundreds of Injured. The hospitals
were filled. The spare rooms In the hotels
were taken , and private houses were thrown
open where II was necessary. The hose
wagon crew consisted of Chief Cameron , As-
slstnnt Chief Sloan , Sam Ash , Ed Sloan , Dave
Moses , Dave Magee and Jack Flannery. Magee [ -
gee was the driver and remained with tbo
wagon about forty yards away while Fle In.
nery was at the hydrant. Time hook and lad. I I
der was manned by George FIler and Pete
Nolan , of time regular paid department , and
William Orr. one of the volunteers. Chief
Cameron directed time attack on time buiding
amid while some of the firemen handed a I inc
of hose along , the others started In to tear
oft time Iron covering of time buIldIng EO they
could get at the names. JUst as they had 1 :
succeeded In tearing off a part of the coverIng -
lug , amid secured an entrance the"frst explosion -
sion came. A blindIng sheet of flame forced
time roof from Its fastenings and shot It 100
feet Into the air Then folowell a secon el's
deadly sIlence and then came time awful roar ' ,
carrying with It annihIlation to those who
closely surrounded the death trap and de.
structon on evmry band.
The sight In the undertaking estabil sh-
snouts thIs morning were something aw ful .
. \1 are crowded wllh heal's cf human tie ishi.
here was hal a heat and a mutilated iii ink
below It : In another place an armless a i 11
legless trunk with time face disfigured beyond
all possibility of mecognition Scarcely un ) '
of the corpses were rcogIzblE and time
complete roll of dea.l will probably never be
Imown. There are twelve dead al the Bule
undertaking rocms , ten at the Montana : nnl
nineteen at the Sherman.
BUTTE , Iont. , Jan. 10.-Slleelal ( TI dc-
graimu.-Joimmm ) Plannery , formerly of Omaha : I ,
was not Injured In the explosion here last
cwnlns lie happened to bo the ) lugmau
nlli was aleut 200 yards from the i spot
when Ihe powder went off . fo far as kn awn
no Omaha people were Injured. l ' lannery
und Dave Magee were the only Iremln not
111ed. _ _ _ . _ _ _
11 rT : 'itu.tuu'i'i IlSTI.tTI.
1:011'1111 1.111. . " . \ .II.t 11m for IsIL thug
1'"ul COllr"r ) ' tu . . \
S.\N n.\NCISeO , . ] nn . lC.-Umilt2d Hf ales
lIslrlet Attorney lCplgist has concludes I
} alrll Alorl' ) 1\lllht concuded to
proceed wih them ClSC ugalmmet t C. I' . IIII-
Inston , for wcm'e ' l'rt t a wurrnt Wid C Ic .
1111r,1 ] on the ground that time lmrcsiIn ' of
thl Son I Iirm ; I 'ad ik lus issued nn Iii ( .
elate JalM to Prnlk M. Stan. . , mmii nttom ni :
01.1 Iollclan , l'Cmiiglmt ' I" volli'ctlng ntornc )
II1ht tht
I e\'ldrlce I" 111111) tim ' 1 ii 3 tflC. ! 11 1m1t ;
JI wi
t'e cterr- . 10 the I \:1 : I. ) ' g 1 'Il' m 1 tV 'n : h.
111101 I ( for \'JIIllon I : I Ild inbt much uris ,
1 ' IIJht says' hush Ilwllt.n I. Inbtruclull
: . l't
l'allf'rnlu ' , . ' (11)
nillm .
, mlHllt "He'll who 1111 trun
rrsbeti .5 th , ' 11I" ; r.uIIIIntprslah'
istss. ! lie Jrl hull .r Iltmiullmigtoe 18
i1r,1st'tllC.l " , : tim ' 'r , ' I' I therl lullljtot ; fft' '
IIq\lf' lImi'ilimxzirmii , imms dt'imid 1 , 1 lei.
\ I 11 111 tOi h. 1 ci
. o. 1'0 II
Slon I. r , thai . : ht (1II \ ) 1lt"-Mate 1't:1 : u te.
Unable t Have His Ow Way Perior Petulantly -
lantly - RO3lgnS.
Anlolncement or the Ietlnnton In tlo
Senate nUl Chllher Orertel by Cries
or "ho I" HIJlhIIIIO Ild Vivo 10
Roi-S.cciies In Uoth Chnmblr , .
PAlS , Jan. 1G.-Time Hundred Days ended
In Wa rlo. I will not b GashnlrPerler's
fault If the two hundred and two days of
hi presidency do not end In the ruIn ot
par liamentary government In France. lie S
has acted like I pcllell child , ( r an I-
tempered chess player , who , on finding that
ho had done badly , tosses over the chess.
boa rd.
Paris awoke this moring to learn lie had I
res igned. lie Is well meaning but quer-
bu shy touchy , and Is surrounded wIth would .
be republican renegatc or wealthy peml-
lIb erals afraid If they moved ( n to lelt lIke I
sna ils . lie has been down'hearte at the
death of hIs bosom friend , M. Ijurdeau : , to
1\'hoso want of meal sense he was blind ant I
wiu ese goat talent ho overrated. In resign -
Ing , the president muddled an already eon
fuse situation . The act of reagnaton ! was
In bad form and disrespectful. though not t
Intensely so. The cIrcumstances con
ne' d wIth that event are deplorable The
highest nest has been .Ieserted at time firs
cri sis. Time wholOol& precedent tab19he
by lac1taholl anti followed by Grevy and
Carnol , of consulting In times of dlfculy :
the presidents of both legislatIve houses
prsident legIslatve , was
dIs carded. .
Chalemet-Lacour , presIdent oC the senate ,
was alone ent for , ho having always en .
com iragod rather than sought to alter Caimir-
I'e mior's
touchiness and angry ebuiiitlons.
angy ebultons.
Chahleniet-Lacour has advised diesolutlo : a
and threatened It as a means of brInging
the nose of the Chamber of DepulC to the
gr indstone. Besides ho is ill-tern .
po red and
arrogant and sympathIze S
anl sympathlTes
wih the reactionaries , the consequence
of havIng been raised from nothIng I.
Ing to time greatest situations and assoclatln g
with dukes at the academy. Ills splenic
acalemy. 119
tempr chimed In whim time impatIence and ii . -
rit abIlity oe Caalmlr-l'erlcr.
Drlsson , who was ignored . Is a man of
principles , a Puritan In his domestic lift .
Hs record Is spotless. His intellect Is le.
hIgh order , but his singleness of mind Is
not associated with the wlstom of the ser-
pe nt. Caslmlr-Perler had taken umbrage
at Drlsson's election to the presidency of the
Chamber of Deputes after Durdeau's death
and regarded his
regarted election the other day ns a
sl Ight to imimselt Drlsson
slght having opposed the
Draconian laws which Cashnlr-Perler presented -
sented when lie was prime minister to the
p arliament. There was an accumulation of
fancied slights. The nrst was. the wrangle
over time Widow Durdeau's
pension bil I ,
M me. DurdlU Is I Spanish-American wit .h
lambent eyes nne teeth and a Ily-colore
omplexion lookIng well by cantle light am id
as font of diamonds as any cocotte. ant
was not left penniless by her husband. For
from It , but was not rIch enough to live In I
grand style. When Durdeau was dyIng
Caslmlr-Perler promised to be a friend to his
famiy and was behind Dupuy when he pr 0-
pOOI a public funeral at I cost of 20,000
francs ant a pension to the widow of 12,000
francs annually. This pension was part : d
down t 9,000 francs . but the other pare ,
francs were given to Ilurdeau's motimer The
prime minister asked for the annuity to bo 1
contnue to the three chIldren of time annti ii-
tant after her death , durIng their lives. As
two of the children were sons ali one of
those a scamp , aged 19. who at 16 ran away
from school tO set up with a deml-mondalne ,
this t was refused , unless In regard to the
daugh ter.
There has been I.
an Impression at the t
Chamber that to avenge this fancied slig I
Caslmlr-Perler set on the minister of slght
to have the blackmailers Canlvel and Ti 0-
card arrested not so much to punish them
as to find In their deks documents damagIng -
Ing l In connecton wih the Southern raiway
scandals to a number of deputies. Then
came on time Gerault-Rlcimard affair . which Is
analagous to the George II and Wilkes af-
fair. Richard Is a ribald scoundrel Ii ie
Wilkes. Ho lamponed Caslmlr-Perler Iko
Wilkes did George III. Time Paris elects mrs
gave him a scat In Parlament after he had
been tried and severely sentenced as the I
ciy of London gave Wilkes a set : but ,
whereas King George hat to put up with ,
Wilkes , the Chamber refused , In order to
conciate Cashnlr-Perlor , to release nlchard
from prison to take his seat In time Ciuanmb or.
Since then time Chamber had pushed its ac-
commotatng spirit so far as to expel , on
Insufcient i pretexts , two deputes who were
personally Inimical to Caslmlr.Perler , namely
Jaures , who In defending Richards at the I
aSElzes delivered a phllpic against the Ca si-
mlr.Perler family , In bad taste but not m
crIminal , and Ilouanet , who cystematica ill
attacked the president In the sOQlalst ) news-
papers. Another deputy a few days ago was
arrested for agItation at the Carmaux c m1l5
lery , because Caslmlr-Perler Is a coliery
king Time Chamber suffered thIs. I Is not ty
therefore , surprising that today a guffaw met
the complaint In time presIdential message m
about his being undetented by the Parla-
snout , though be was In a situatIon In which
self.defense was Impossible.
What made the cup of biterness overOow
was the veto for a commitee 10 be named
to inquire into Ra'nal's conduct In time matter -
ter ( of the railway conventIon and to Impeach I -
peach him These conventions , Involving the t
most ggantc ! Ecn.lls . of 01 times , werc
signed by Haynal as minister of public worles :
In the Ferry cablnel In 1883 , . of which cabinet -
net Caslmuir-Perier was an under secrets r
of state A syntleate of railway companies
In that year spent 20,000,000 francs In buy in
Jonrnals alll clepmities . 'he conventions v ore
o drawn as to In many cases allow limier eat
of 25 per cenl on the capital subecrlt ed .
They allowed guarantees of Interest emu mull
the capital In shares and banda but were
silent as to the date when the Interest gu sir-
antees were to cene , As prime minister
CaslmmuIr.Pcrier selected Rayno 1 to be a sinIster .
Ister ot the interior and this person ortle red
polce raids on the domicies of thousands I of
harmlesa Ileople to terrify the socialists anll
prevent attacks on the score of the cony en-
tols , thus breeding a spirit of violence that
culminated In Carnot's murder
Carot's Haynal Is
a co.reilgionlst of Captain Dreyfus , who was
recently sentenced to lo Imprlaonment for
betraying mullitmury secrets to foreign
mitary gov- :
crmmrnemmts. lie comes ( rout Bordeaux , where
time president's mother , u seml.Jeweu , was
brought up.
Caslllr.Perler's choice of Haynal for mln-
IFer of the Interior was generally thought
tsluumln1 but was considered 10 ha\'e been
duo ted time liability of the former to ha hum ) Od.
winked . I Is a colossal blunder for the
president to take up time cUjgels for Haynal.
who , being very clever , cannot be cred aeti
with having mallo an oyeralglmt . lie Is , lb ere-
fore. Btamped aB the uuthor of a colossal act
of Imavery Even the focalsts ! refral limed
Irons accusing Casrmmir.h'erler : of compile lty.
\Vhm ) ' . timeim should he act us If time cant , .en. ' '
lens fitted himself aa wel as aynal ?
Cllulr-Perler goes back tomorrow 10 his
private ' residence aim time Hue Nltoi . where m ho
Ins on the first floor , and his mother , visa . '
with Iurdeau and Simuiler. pcbuader hula i 10 (
rli ODor for time IJreeldeley , Ins on the groll1 !
Irlton line apparently the beet chanre of
bt'l1 elected , president becaue Ito Is I mm
Iurlan and Is wanted for the im2c. Hule t. I
who was prime mlnhter when the Pami cumin
scandals were unveied , but who miami 101
Implcatell In Ibrm , Is also mentOnc I ?
connection with the ctflce. JIUlluy ti"o 1 ha , .
a fair chance. Felix Faute , minister of
marIne , Is ale spoken of , .
hiMhIi' : , : CnAWI OnD.
SIaUOV8 CllS1 - INrH.WI .
I'rcslient Crrurod for fhn1wlng Moral
" 'clllrl" In Ih'I&nlnl.
PARS , Jan. 10.-Tho atctor of the whole
of rahce , anti for that mater the entire
European contnent , 1 < centered upon thIs
cit y. There Is no doubt that the Ioltcl
crIsis resulting from the resignation of the
Dupuy ministry and the subsequent ? slgna-
ton of President Caalnilr-l'erier Is on of
the most serious In the history of l rancc.
lowever , the crIsis hiss not had any great
rct upon the bourse Routes opened this
morning only 75 centimes lower , and advlccs
recel\e(1 here from Vienna say that the
opening of the bourse there , was firm
When time Senate and Chamber met at 3
o'c lock the following letter from M. CasimIr-
Perler was read to both bodies.
"I did not conceal train myself the diffisor
ctml tles of the Past which the natonal assembly -
bly Imllosed upon me. I had foreseen them ,
but It one does not refuse a post In a
moment of danger onn can only preserve
on e's dignity In the convictIon that lie country -
try Is belug saved. A preslent of the
republo wlhout means of acton or without
control can derive from the connteneo of
the nation alone that moral force wIthout
which he Is nothllg. I doubt nelhcr the :
good sense nor time justice of France , but
publc opinion hl .been le astray More S I
thnn twenty years given to the same cause , I
thirty years of attachment to the republic i
all devotion to the democracy , have
sufcel neiher to convInce the
re public of the sincerIty and ardor of my po- :
Ilti cal faIth , nor to dIsabuse my Ilverrrtls
who believe or alect to believe that 1 will
malee myself the Instrumet of their passions I
or hopes. For the last s' : 10nths a campaign
of slander arid insult imps ben going on
against the army , magistracy , Parliament and
the hierarchical chief of the state , and this u
Icenso to dhsa2mnlnate socIal hatred continue : I
to be called 'liberty of thought , ' The respect
ali ambition which I entertain for my coun-
tr y wIll not allow me tO acknowledge that
the servants of time country In the presence :
or foreIgn nations , may , bi Insulted . every
da y. .
"I am not content to bear the weight cf
the moral responsibilities placed upon me 'n I
the condition of powerlessness to wimici I
I am condemned. '
conlemned. Perhaps I may
bo understood when I affirm that the :
co nstitution of function cannot sience thin exIgencies :
Igencies of political conaclemuce . Perhaps In
la'lng down my functions I shall have
marlted out the path oC duty to those who S
arc solicitous for time dlglity of the power
an d good name of Fmomice In the world. Invariably -
variably true to 1)'self I remain persuaded I
that reforms can only be carried out with : I
the assistance or a government determine wih L
to insure desperate laws , snake Itself obeyed I
by Its subordInates and group them all together -
ge timer In common action ' for the common I
go od. .
"In spite of the gloom oC Iho present hour ,
I have faith In the future of social progress ;
and justice. I lay on the ' table of the Senate
and Chamber of Depute mpS ' resignation of
the functions or president ! , the He publc
As the deputes , were lebvip the Chambr
today after the lenvlpl the Chamber
read Is ! . Caslmir-PerIe's letter of resIgnaton ,
the Duke le la noehefoucald cried : "Long
fo li ve llowed. the Icing. " A sc noi . ' offieat exciement
M. Drlsson , president of I the Chamber of
Deputes , this afternoon . officially announced
that ho had received .a"leter frotTdI : _ . _
Chalemel-Lacour. IJresld ! nt , lof the Se C
convoking the natonal assembly for 1 o'cloelt
to morrow at Versailles. .
What Is the true reason ef tIme step taken
by the presIdent Is 1' question upon which ]
there Is a great conflict of opinion. The
press Is almost unanimous In h 1lng , that
Cashnlr-Perler Is to lame for } lwlng hosen ii
the present moment to vlthdra \ from omcc iii
In this connection , some details \ of the dec : -
ton of l. Caslnlr-Perler to the presIdency "
which have herlofore remained secret , have
como to hIglmt. I appears that It was know :
among his intimate friends and relatives that
ho wa not strong en Ugh physically to resIst i -
sIst time nervous tension which the rcsponsl
bltes be of the electIon Involved ACer his
electon , It appears , M. Caslmlr-Perler fel
back upon a couch and remained completely
prostrated for several hours , to the conster-
naton of his friends , who did everything
posslblo to hush time maier up , and succeeded 5-
ceeded In keeping It almost a ecret until the
present time. Now , however , the Incident I
being commented upon , and It Is generaly
beloved that the lervous strain has been
too t much for him , especially a I Is mmdci r-
stood that he has been In constant apprehmer
ion Dr an attempt upon his iife. Then again ,
imo death of M. Durtea , the late presltent
or the Chamber of Deputes , deprived the
president of an intimate personal friend ! , and I
. his h IDES affected the president most deeply ,
but those who
are most competent to express -
press an oplrmiosm , say that they have goc
reason to belIeve that the manifesto goat
h lahed by the socialist deputIes after the
socialst aCer refusal -
fusal of the Chamber of Deputes to lberate '
\ Gerault.Richartl , who hail . been elected a
deputy after being sentenced to a long Iii m-
prlsonment all a heavyllo , for vIolently ' a mt .
tacldng I the president In L Chomard , In
which manifesto the majority of the Chamber -
her Dr Depuetes were violenty' atacked. can-
trlbutell t more than anything . to decide I St.
Perlor to resign.
Socialist depute met ht 1 p. m. to arrang
a program. They have issued a manlffsto
saying that they do not beleve that 03slmlr-
perler wil present hluelf , for re-eleclon.
The manifesto adds : "Ho Is done forever ,
vanquished by sociahisni. : lie failed In the
combat 10 obtain the victory expected of
him by the reactionaries on account of his I
weaknCs of ehuaracter I Ii - I vlctcry for I
the socialist party. "
Rumors are cIrculatng that a dissohuti oem
of Parliament Is expected
TIme opInion expressed hero this moral : rig
at the clubs and on time boulevards Is ummam ii-
mou3 , In common with the press , In strongly ]
contemnlng M. Cashnlr.perler for having reo m
signed In the midst of n parlIamentary erie Is.
The Journal des Debate { says that In \'Iew
of the terrible penis to whIch time e\'er.
Increasing activity of tie trevOIUtOnlsts and
the inertia of the maera ( e. expose I.'rance
other courses than aMlcaton au 11 lav
been ! .
pursues Time Oautols describes . the
resignaton as "desertion , " ' i Time 1'.lgaro says , : :
"Europe must judge h" al severely as
Franco does " .
The I.anternQ says th eslgnation of M. I
Caslmlr.Perler does noL ld , but begins ;
C3U ) d'etat against indepntknce , against the I
Chamber and rIghts of universal suffrage , for (
M. Casimmmir'I'erler , .
Caslnlr'lerler Is desJtous . oC a now in-
yes t u re. .
"The resignation , " says thc Petit Johns is m ,
" 1mm a mater of exceptional grayly rind can
only eisa. " complicate the situation already , pes rh-
The Soiehl asserta that ' M.
Solel asserll Perler did nt
wish to cOlfromls his mIIbIty . In $ struggle ! ,
Ihl Issue of which were not doubtful. . In
lellering his restgnitcn while sovereign dB- ;
daln ho ha prOVE ton elf a crafty play ar .
Ills reJKaton ! neceultatf a revlslcn of the
constItutIon . I
The Journal Ofclel publishes the follow I erg
nolce : "The preBdent ! of' time republc has
resolved to resigim hll.funeJlon9 hsrovialens shy
In order 10 Insure the trnillulon oC
iusverz , " t
The Ilnllterl met agaIn at noon toJay and r
It Is understood that time whle p ltcal 1:1. :
u3ton was thoroughly dlscu1e : and we'g bad
from nit etanulpolnts. . This meeting took p ace
at the ministry or 'he Intcror ! , whIch 18
surrounded all the while by r.mvdi of apx ! One
psople talerly dlccuslng the crls11 alxoul
affairs of 'rance. l. 1.
One cf the maiL flgnlfcslt features ot the
rca cnaton of the president Is the fall Ihat
I hiss action Is condemned even by his 10st
intimate entourage ,
At n o'clock thl , ' ' .
mrn'l& aull'r.P rler
recI'e.1 . Pre 'r ler Dupuy , ani Ie rut 1C HI'
'ahloet ! mlerl. I.Ctrr I rhort c at are ace
'hI ) ' "tldrew sail arm .mr r vS t. . Ilr , ! .
( CunUnuel oem qHh ( ' .mge. )
South Dakota's Public Land Commissioner
Hotly Oaims He is Innocent
Say Ho Hell VI' the 8chool 1'111 , IC(1180
Je COlld , hut Unw : ot hIlI or
time Ix-Trcnsmmror's ( nelnl
Affairs .
PlRHE , S. D. , Jan IC.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Colonel ) Thomas H. nlth arrived
early thIs morning from his homo In Desmet ,
an.1 . Is highly Indlgllnt at time chnrges which
Ilve been mndo against him durIng the past
few das He enters general denial nntt
) entcr , nll ns-
ser ts that ho Is anxious for the fullest Invcs-
tiga tion. He states that ho
tgaton. will bo utile to S
pro so his innocence of ll ) ' wrong doing
Colonel Huth emllhatcal ) ' refused to see Time I
lIce correspndent , or to make any stntc-
ment" but says ho will appear at the propcr :
tme anti . having cleared hhuself , will deal I
wIth those who set the charges anoat. Huth S
has toll his friends his version of limo affair S
an < It Is given imcrosvitim He states that the S
charges that ho was cognizant of Ta'lor'e C
con dItion . or that ho In army way aided him : u
to escape Dr to get a larg amount from time
state treasury Is false II every respect. The
fact that he failed to malee the allPorlonment
before the 27th of December last ho says ,
was not In violation of law , alhough time
statute says that such apportonment must L
be made dlreclr after time 10th m
of November. He points out that the
statute reads " '
substantially thus : 'he commissioner -
missioner of Imblc hands slll on or beCore
time 10th of May and November cause to be
made an apportonment DC the funds whIch
ho estlnat s wIll bo In the publc treasury
on the 1st of July antI January ensuIng ant
shal h then notify the audItors of the respectvo
countes or Limo amount so apportiommed. " This
sec tions Inmellatel ) ' folowing Ox a tme for
time distribution all time statute Is so blndly
worded that the commissioner cannot bo
held liable for lie lay. Time state ofclals tin -
derstali that ho Is to apportion at once. The
commissioner distributes thionm .
The serious part of tim charges relate to
his holding up of the school funds In the
summer or 1893. Under time law the comnnmis -
sloner should , on the 15th of June , 18 : ,
hnvo apportioned about $25.000. which were
In the fund at that timmle. Ho did not do RO 5 ,
hut let for Pennsylvania about July 1. ' 'ho
omce was besIeged with remonstrances from :
the varIous counties , funds belns partcularl : 5' I
In demand on account of the panic. No
apportonment was mate until the folowIng :
December , despite the protests of the governor ' -
er nOr and other state officers. Colonel lInt
reuses to discuss this mater farther than :
to say that during time slmmer his wl was
very ill and finally died , and that ho wdul '
not leave his dying wlfo for any cause ; also
that the ( till amount of time expected Income
was not In the treasury emi the day fixed by
la w . Ills wife dIed the second weel In I
Au gust . and that would not debar him from m
distributng time fund Immediately on his
return In September. Moreover under his
orders , the deputy did apportion all unter mmmii La
,0n , Auguat16k when fimey , hail all come , im 1.
Colonel Ruth refused to send them out for
ftur months , notwithstanding the plain laths
of the law ant the great loss to time ' stat , .
When ho finally made the apportlonmem : ; i
mate apportonmelt
imo senL out only part of the monoy. All of
thIs information Is gained on the statement
or his deputy Dowman and or the state :
ofcers familiar wIth the ( acts .
Colonel ntuh denies absolutely that he
w rote a letter to Taylor which was selt
to the treasurer of Clay county , anti states .
that he wrote the letter to that county I
tre surer respecting the funds which that
treasurer had collected and was iuoiChims
In defiance of law. This letter was hollllg seen
by anyone nosy In the capital , but It was reported -
ported to the officials who gave credit to i
thi s story. The cretlt
the InvestgatOI has been ordered - '
tie red and will probably produce fact
Colonel nuth a Elntely denied that he was
II any way connected wih Taylor for the
use of state funds or that he had
any suspicion - '
picion of his shorlage or his whereabouts
slnco last seen here.
Time resubmlsslon bill passed the house today -
day after a short contest by vote of 49 to 31. S
sUbstantaly the same vote as that of ycste
da ) ' . I wi go to the. senate tomorrow ,
and after the first realll will he referred to
the commlteo which will report it back
F riday. I Is expected that It will then paSB
e asily. The house granted ! rs. Cramer ald m
M rs. Simmons the use of the hal for Sunday -
day night , when they wl hold n proimibiti an
n meeting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilrton 11 time I.cad fur shin IOlllhlll1 :
Numlllloa fur "el"tor. i
TOPEKA , ICon , Jan. 10.-Tho republic an ,
caucus to nominate a United States
I Ulied senator
met In the senate chamber '
at 8 o'elok I 10b
night. Before the
caucus orgarlzaton wns
completel A. 'iv' Smith wlhtrew , ' thUR releasing -
leasing l four votes , two of which were claimed
hy Burton ant ono each by Hood mind At my.
speeches. The balloting proceeded wihout lomlnatng anl Aty.
Time first ballot resulted : J. n. Burton , 37. :
Calvin hood , Ii : JV. . Ady , 15 : S. j7 .
Thayer , 17 : John J. Ingals , A. H. Horton
and Lucien lInker , 1 each. Necessary to
a choice 54.
Secont ballot : Burton , 39 ] : Hood , 20 : Le-
land l , 1 : Ady , 1 : Thayer , 17 : Horton , ,1 :
Baleen , 1.
Arer taking six other ballots wihout reo
suit , the caucus adjourned at a late hour
ti t tomorrow.
Burton immade gains on each ballot , lacking
hut seven of nominaton In time eighth , vIm 1dm
teed : Burton , 47 : lood , 30 : Leland , 2 ;
Ady , 8 ; Thayer , 18 ; Horton , 1.
After the first ballot Ingals did not net
celve n vote. After the adjournment II mmrn
ton's t friends began worltng for himce I
' 'roJall , and at a late hour tonight dour med
to t have secured time lecessary votes to nom.
Inate m hll tomorrow 01 thp contrary , the
opposition to him generally asserts Bum ton
has i reaeh"1 his high water marlt.
IIIOIM i tohllturc11 I I liii I lot Jim mm rum ry : : : .
SPRINGFIELD , Ill. , Jan. 16-Senator
PMler offered n joint resolution In the sen.
ate limbs morning 1)lnl time date of nomlnnt-
Inl 1 candldate8 for the united States mm mite
In I both lirnches for January 2 nt I o'cloe\t \ ,
and time tme for halotlg for mutshmim tar
luton \\'edneaduy' Wl9 , Jlnuar . ) ' 23 , sit noon. ' 1he reso-
,1111' Camc.1 , ( limo \nl.
BOSE , Idmulma Jan 1G.-Today's ballot In
joint session for Unlel , States seam br
shows n chnnge of only one vote. Ono vote
changed from Ilylur to Shaul , mesh ing
the latter IUeel , whlo Sweet hall twent-
Ole , 'l'iiere 1s no chunge II time siuaton iit ;
tonight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wul'nlt 11"1 1""I",1 Heismi I or .
lEN\'ER , Jan 1G.-Edward 0Vohc iott
rH'/'lvtd the full I'cpuhlcan vote at time
Joint leslon ! of the lellnlutlre this nfl .
noon 11111 WIS re.elected Unld Stoles sen.
ator. 'I'Imis vote \\'IS ; \\'olcol [ 7 : Pence ,
37 : c. S. 'fhoma8 , 3 ,
j 501 him ( h.t. C imo t 11" ' % : nuhius t lot , .
SAI.I I , Ore , Jan , 16.-'he reIlblculs In
caucus tonight nominated Senator Dollh I to
succeed hhnsclf In the United Stales senate ,
'fhe vote stood : 1\lph i , 40j ; F'ultorm , J2 : ' 1 on.
gue 1 : scattering , 0.
Unlr l.turl. , f'nl' , ' , \IIUI.'IIIOU.
B03TONI Jan. 6.-ln Joint convention the
house and senate today' formally declared
lon , George F. hoar re.elected as Vim Ited
States b nltor , . llcd
- -
Urnl fl ( , ctN Anuth.r ifi'I.
tVAS1IINGTON , Jan IG.-Hepr 8entotV I e
Brm of NelJrlka hams Introllueed a bill
t J I rId Co : th' clnage of the seigniori age.
A tenture of time' bill ' ' .
. < bi pr\'hles that any
Ron 1.lsentn" to the trraSlr ) ' greenbacks
or t'aRur' notes and elemnalidinig their re-
deml.tol II golll or < emaJlllg thllrpose
of el1.rmRslng the govt'rrimnent , injuring
. go\'rl1elt
its credit or ( oll.elng or securing an Issue
of hond ) Ihll tl guilty of I demeanor
anti ( 11101 101111101. be 11111he.1 . b ) ' 1m-
11rlsonmcnt for nut hess timan mive '
! . Iln 1\'e ) 'eal" .
, 'TIII' 1'.IITI.r 4ITTIII1) .
Men on the OIlier t.Immi'iicmmihy . to Suhml tl
ltOO.YN I , Jan. 1.-Atltl : thll ( Thurs-
day ) nionnimig the strike was deelarpll off on
the Do Ialb anti [ Franklin a\'enuo trolley
hine s. These lines constlute what Is ) mewl
as time Urooltl'n CI ) ' & Newton RaIlway
COII\ll ) Colonel John M. Patrick Is presl-
den t. Time setlelelt was brlght about
through time ngeney of Mayor Schlren a 11
Slate A mlii trat iou ( olllsloner Pcene ) ' .
Cololel Intrlc ) ( says that thIs Is practically
a back.dowl 01 time Part of time iiiemi . as he
hns conceded 10 pertinent llommta ! . I Is gel-
era I ) ' believed tonight that time strIke emi time
other lines wi b settled allcabl ) ' ( onionIlls
row Time strikers have expressed thclr wl-
Ingncss to lint time later cltrel ! ) In the
hands of time ar tratol hearth nlHI stalll I
UIon ) the decision which lay be rendered , S\llel Iho eOlllanles will do the same . ,
The officials of the cll'alles ' wil ho11 I
leetlg tOlorrol to decide . whether or not (
they wi ' ] 0 tluls .
, " . (1l. ( l.11'U UIXJ'S 1'II.ISTlm. .
Hlrry IhlY\/J.I'1 servo , Stays with ; 111 nt
Is tI'lllt : Tunis .
1INNEAPOI.IS , Jmtsm . 6.-'he state aprummm -
I ltte l surprise on llr ' II\\'arl , 1\\ll \
oC the lurdel' of Clthcrnl Oimmg . when t
INS Julia Gllg of AulHrl , N. Y. , J twhl I
sister of . the mll'dered woman , am.d ahulst L
cxact ) \te her In m1ipa1..umm.e , WIS emmtl -
.Ienly amid svitlmotrt
nnt wlholt wlrnilg ushered hits 1
Ihsu ywmtm'tl's Preseimee at the cuunt ' . ' ' ,
III'III'8 preselee lt eoummty' jli. 't'Imt '
stl\e's a lo'n C ) ' hind 1I11Inet the lfcet 'I
the HUhlen . '
[ 11)I.eal'llce of the \\'Olln'S
10lble Ilght IIIVI UIIOI 11 t iemmmmiiome I mr iii -
tie rer. Jut they werc gre.ttf , , ' i.hismulmiiImmtetl .
ha yward's IIJnlfcent nerve IIRUIIIlntel. i
him for ' ' '
an InRtlnt , 1he 'sistor'9 eyes
flirly blazed lS thc\ rcst"11 mimi llaywnnt
muri el to an irnpremsslommmtbie ' ' 11)Wlr.1
Inl ImpresNlolilblc culln" micutum ;
wel hnve 1001tc.1 . lIke In , wrnnlr ! Ni'mmmesli si
cOle hack ] to arth. limit J I I my 1emcNk ( i \
climly i , thel bermti i rig slHhly Ic slhl :
"F rom II'peIIIICS ' 1 Nholll1 say this was
Mi ss Jumhia Olng Is thus ' "
Is JUlll ! not Miss Ollg ?
tss Glng inside no reply but I imod of
Ilrmnton unl 11\1'wlrd I went 01. 1'11.11) lot ' :
"I am very glli to meet you , Mists GinH. (
The clrCUlstnlceR are lel'lllr antI vcry ;
umu uortumnate . hut I mini sure thlt If 1 comic 1
have a hong tllt wih you I could cOlllnce :
1'01 of mmy innocence of thl8 murder. I I I
hal seen you emi the Mtreel I should have
hard I ) ' knowl you from Ki , ' 1he rcsem-
blanco Is remarlmhle "
1Iss GinS still Illntnlncl sience nut L1
lanvalll hUl to fill In time gap. Inl
" ' gal.
"You cannot think that 1 nmtmrdered you r
sister , " he sn111. lurlerel 'olr
atlas Chug , In a low voIce but stead ] : ,
anll ( till of feeling . rellrlel : "I elan' ,
care to mlle any assertions 01 that 1011t.
Hnywul1 went on , ( letlllng the hUHlless
relatons he hnl with Catherine Glng anus LI
Wildlll up by exclllmln ! again that It was
Impssible that nny one could believe him
connected with the murdel' who knew ul ]
the facts.
"A great many Important things hay
not been brought out , " he mudded. "If 1
coulll have a long taut with you either here
Dr elsewhere I know I could convince ) 'OU
of my Innocence. Tuna wi tell. Do ) ' 0\
think I am guilty ? " he nicked again , ad I-
Iresslng Miss Ging. .
"As you say , .tmo will tell , ' I was the
. an swer.
. , The' interview . lasted-ten minutes , Jlmty - -
wlrd doIng al the tmuilcing.
MIss Gng will attend the trIal. which br c-
Ilns next weelt ' She has not yet see
ll hixt.
. '
JE/ I'S ( UlL.n OJ' TilE ULLS.
I' roductlon SIJhty literemigeti mind Dcmnli I m
for l'lnnr U.Urr.
MINNgAPOLIS , Jan 16-'he NorthweRt-
ern Miller says : llnleapJls maUls II week
turned out 71,990 barrel . against 70.220 has r-
rels the week before , anti 03.7 barrels In I
'th e corrlspmlng week In 1&1 Time most
that can be fahl of the market Is that where
bu'ers were unwilling to loolt at lour about
the hoda'f the ) ' arc now showil" some ii m-
( c rest and feelng around us to prCNI , et C.
'ThiS chal/o hl' resulted . In more or leIs
sa lt's. Foreign trade did hot respond . m us
sy chi as mllht be hOII I. SOle patent v.'e jut
worked last week . but bakers wits more
w anted at quotations uround 15s Gd. Londcsir
miers were not free sellers In the laths sir
/nde , some of them hn"lnl ordcl nimen ci.
lC xport shipments were 15,60) barrels , again at
1 12 the week before , 111 13.97 ; In 1S91.
uhertor-DmmiUtim mills ground ( l,3Gr burro is
ngllnst 1,132 barrels time week before , 111
27.3& ) In the corresponding week In 1891 )
'r imoy will show I decrease for thIs svee he .
lour shows more Improvemelt , and hal Ice
tacks are report to be moving quite rim p.
Idl ly' , though shipments fl'om the head rlp-
lalts are light. Freights are weal and
10 eairoanm1. cemitfu per bar'el lower to the Atantc
seahoar mia made 31.80 barrels , again
22.6 b'rels the preceding weelt. Aside
from a little more export trade , buslneHs
wal dlscourulln .
At Milwaukee ! time output was 20,40 ho in-
r elic . against 1.0 barrels on time previous
week , and 21,1) In 1S91. They wi he some IC.
ww hat larger for the rreserit , weel ( , Time re
Is i lIttle to encourage the trade In the way
of new huslneas.
Most of the " " 1 C ) ' of time Ohio concernR
notell I quiet trade. About aU that con"l
be saM for business In llchlmn : was that
It'IS i no worse with IosRIIIY n RhadA of
mnirovement i No sipocial develollmcntl ) lre
notced In th' trl'Je of No II DakOta. Son me-
w hat more actviy was nHnlfe ted In New
York with prices stendy lt unchanged I/- I
urcs. Very slght Inllroveme was mat /
a t l'imliaiieImiuimt. thiosmghm tim uccmrnc' CaseS I ice
l ocal deaher operated a little caere free II I
A t Baltimore time trmtiic ha awmulceniimg to im
f ruct that nitockii are light mmii flour diem m
T hey' have been absorbing shot rtnmh rmemmr I ,
o fferings to UcIm sill extent that they ii ire
'n ow vrettY svehl cleammed up ,
hJ'.lIIIN 1 : UJhr.Io 4
! ! . ,
CInIuB Spreclecimi , time llmg , ( ] lvo iii a
mmii Ills ( ) pimmlnmm ,
HAN FRANCISCO , Jan , IG.-Chmi mile
S preckehmi , time sugar king , declared that I he
h awaIian republIc is ms ssumcmmn , lie Il ra ,
r mmad the statmn at mit time Clman'uben of Co mn.
merce , ipemmking to a remmaimutiomi rerluesti rig
t ime govermusnent to statiomi a warship perrm rum-
n monmtly ret hionohulim to vroteet Ainemlean I ml
t ereetmu there. lie relterateil time reramerlc In
L sulniequemit Interview , etmiii say's time rLluI tmim.
l ie is helrug rmialntmmined tt'mpor'mmmity by a
( OSY mnen inmterestetl 1mm limmiul hmoenihsmti on.
HircdIeeis m'mmyu the govcmmmummemmt is simm iiy
growing iii disfavor , ; mmmii cnimflot lust. I 1cm
j mints to time ( such that at tim last rn 1mm-
arcimical electIon II OIY ) votC wino iso lou rnslid r :
at tue election mmdci' tlmt' Iresent gove rmm
mont tiui3re were hut 8,00' ' ) votes ci met.
Spreckelic is akeiutlcsul mtlnmut a steams tiii
l Ine on U. cable from Vummmeosmver to h loimohe mlu ,
s ummil smtyi4 t ime I I aumm liii ii islim mmii me vI I I mt I svm ys
be ( arced to sell theIr iiroiuet5 at Han Fri Iii'
deco , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; ifJII : J'Ic.s I1)IJJ.Iivr ; JtO.VIJM.
lCorgcr PIerce's Vnrk Not 1(11 tIseou'orcel I lii
S4timilii ) ; Yet ,
CJIAsfhihIltLAIN , S. H. , Jmmrm , 1C.-Hpei ( - iaI
Telegrwm.-it ) wmmie Iesmrmmeml toilimy t Imut
nmong time fraudulent bonds lionted by
I'ierce , time 'Yesrmkiomm missIndler , tiucro ss Lie
forged hosuds to the amount of mnm any'
timoimanmmcls of dollars on tuwumeimiimii In I limimu
county' ,
I'le'a tim , , ) C ( ml it ) ' I ii ti u.i I i is 5isii ,
CIIAMIIEIILA IN , S. 3) . , .lnn. 1O.-Sp' ( eta ,
Telegranm-Unitetl ) Hmetee Attonrmey Ml 11cr
suns hem-c today' 1mm ImrosccuIe John hlmmltm : uimm mm
for yelling Iltitmom whtimutmt mc gos'cmnmri s'um t
Ucecse , Uplt ilult5rmsnm I , log ncquitt ti , Ii's
bun syami arrested tin time mmimts ciuurge , si him
by the nilvico of imlis mnttormmey , tutu ci iiie
1 Iultmnmin muketi to ii realms sttnl umuti iiie uPs i
gerllty In order (0 ( save huh 50mm , summit u.
bound over to aimimear lrore the grand .1 u y
Ientlwocd ,
Chief 'h'wi , Piliurs t lie ( hremt I'eiiI.r r.
\\'ASIIINGTCJN , Jaq. IiL-Hormutor 11 : yb
brought to the um'iuito homm:4 : ? otimmy Cimlef I'wo
Stoma of hum SIbisetumm mcmiiiVauuimotomm Ic itie , ,
aecormipriflied imy' ltg'mit Keller iumd mmii in icr. I
ureter. Time clmirf limed aim Immtucr'iew silhi
the pre'siulciqt antI pvriemmmiIiy mmigcti tImid I i5i' .
nntsuuioru hem granted time lmudurmmums Ic tiiC , yuc ) . _ I
( silO of the inmnehiusul of their trust fumn I Lu )
carry timemum tiuroun'lm time whiter cinch buy
betcLt svheret to iiittnt in tli nupritig , i
liiiJoh n M. Tllurston Pofmahly Elected to ilt
Unitet States $ enator ,
Joi nt cssiou of the Legisaturo at Noon
Decaros the Bostlit ,
Re view of the Cainpaigu anti the Issues on
Which lie Was Elected.
I'r oiect tour , % imio lClgnret l.murgeiy his thmi
1enumit-lcchmer ito Will hIcimr..omi.
time , i'eoplo mmmiii Not tito hilt- S
romitls in time hejinto ,
L INCOLN , Jan. lG.-Special ( Telcgrmmnm.- )
Tim e formmmai ratification of thm election ci
Joh n ii , 'rlimmrstoim of Ommmnimu to be Ummited
Sta les senator tools hminco 1mm neiireaentativt
imal i cut mmoomm today , in limo presence of tims :
mier isest tlmrorig of imecnlc' that ever packed
its elf iimto tire audltonimmnm , Neither branch
of ( he heglslature ssns iii a tiiootl for work
ami d limo emily stir lit the house mae minutia
by time iummntiremls of visitors who pommred Iritc
time hail hit a commstnmmtly iimcreaslmmg streanmi ,
S imortly before 12 o'clock Stimmator Tiuturston ,
acc onipnrmleul by Mrs. Timeirstoim , luls son anul
his sister , Mrs. Newman of Liimeoirm , entered
time imburso rmmmih tools time seats asslgimed timcmmi
wi tim tire Ommmnima delegation. Time senator and
pa rty svene wehcomumeti witim a hearty clapping
of iuantls. A few mmmlmutrtes later Atljmmtant
Ge mmenal Gage escorted Governor hiolcommib and
imi Private secretary to time seats ( hint Imad
bec mi reserveil for timeni , amid time governor ,
too , neceivemi a trlemmdly greeting of appintisa
fro m time audience. After Senator and Mrs.
Thm iurstoim had takerm timeir seats , Relmresenta-
( ly e liemmedlct lilaced on time desk 1mm front
of time svifo of time nmew senator one of the
lar geat bommqtmets of roses amid lilies ever pro-
se nted on a sImIlar occasion. Time floral pteca
wa m given to Mrs. Thmmrston witim time comumpli-
nm eflts of the Douglas cannily semmatora and
re presentatives.
At imoorm time acrgoommt-at-anmna tunmmomrnceti
'tim o senate , anti as soon as thuat body was
se ated Lieutenant Goverumor Moore called the
jo Int coimvermtionm to order. TIme journal of
ye sterday's mroceccilimgs in time two imoiiScc
w as read , and thou thq hicutenammt governor
( o rimmnhly declared Mr. Tlmurstomi time duly
el ected senator from Nebraska. Time audi- :
on ce burst into prolonged npplnmmso. hardly
ha d the announcenmemmt 'been ' made titan Mrs.
T imurston heammeil over quickly and kissed tier
h usband. Time immense boqmiet of roses in -
fr ommt of thm two concealed thIs little wifely ,
to lcemi of cormgrattmlatIorm ( rain mmii bent a fesY.
Cooley of Case moved tuft a committee of
fi ve ito designated to escort Senator Thurshon 4
to time platform , ann time hienmtemmammt governor
am mmmounceei as such conimimmittee. Coohey of Cass
B arry or Greeley , Sutton of Douglas. Semmators
G raimamim of Gage amid l'opo of Saline. Mr.
T hunratome's progress tlmrougii time crowd Was
Immimnemise ovation , After being formally
in troduceil hue delIvered imis address as fol.
lo ws :
Gentlem nm of ( lie .Tolimt Convention :
W ords ar impo'shile 1mm wilhelm to ailequmitely
mex press may heartfelt gratitmtle forthmmi
gr eat honor yost imae so gemmerouuchy be.
mit oweti mmpon maim. It will be my usnmliitlon ,
mti i your represemmtative , to macmit amid retain
ti me full measure of that commfimiemmce , fm-ienmti.
sh ill ) mmmiii citteemfl 'with svhtehu I urn Ito sig.
ar chly favored ,
I have beerm elected 'Ilmuited States aena-
ta r us a repcmlsiictumm and by republican votes ,
b ut I believe time r'epuilidmnmu party 1mm power ,
stu d its servants 1mm ofhlee , cami afford to put
a side partismemmahip ( or imatriotianm , and It
% Ihl iso mimy pmmrniomtl to seprcsci'flt and atnad
fo r time interests of nIl the people of this
( l ear cornmonwermlth of ours. I shall en-
d emuvor to assist 1mm carryIng otit by nippro-
p riate legislation time dodisired princIples
o f time repmmtmlicami hmarth riot becatisse timey
hi meve beemi Iormuhrmted by my party , but hue-
c ause I belieVe timat ur.cier them , nnul by
th em , tIme greatest hiossIble immemeucimre of lib.
e rty , eqtmaltty , aimportemnitty , prosperity- and
im mipimlmmomuc cmmn b secureti to every Amnerl-
c an man , worimtmn nail Ciiill ,
Tue people of Iebrmislca have been publicly''S
a rml thorougisiy advised na to imow .1 atmenti
mmenrly miii of the inmnmortmmnit questions
o f time imotir. I imereby remiinirnm tiioe tenets
o f Political iiliet emiunchmeted by me before ,
ti me Inst repembllcamu state eommvermtion. In
a dtlitlomm thereto , I tnhce thIs omiportunity of
p imulmily expressing nmyaeif tipuim seams , of the
l egislative imrobiernmi whmicim will first do-
mi mamt1 comigrcrumlonal actiomi. t wish time legis.
i ntumre to know amy views. for if you should
ch Ild with muI reicpectfmmhly ask that you
d irect fliC by aplmroiimllete reicolutiorl aLt to
y our wishes. Ho hong muM I luear time corn.
mm mlucirlon of time hoopla of Neiurnsl5mt I shall
h old myself as timeir nimVammt , ummmti scimhject to
t heir direction. I desire , flea , to he timor-
o umgimly undermelood , 1mm om'der to lmmvito cnitl-
c iitin in ricivumiCt''hiilc I immeve ileep-seated
c onvictions umomm most ltmliie utmestions ,
hm muvt5 no untIe of opinion wimlsim would sstmtntl
i n time way of givlmmm ( cmii commisitieratlonm to
t ime vIews , nrgumneimts ammuh muuggemstioemmi of
o thers.
ov Jr time repulilicamms can secure tire necessary
v otes they simoulul orguumiiztr lmbtim lmrmmrmcumes
o f congress , mmii ( enrtem4mcly nstsmrrmme time re.
H hmonsiimi Ii t I en of li'giauimt t I 0mm. Tim e repubhi-
c oil hmartY immmH rtIvanyui hull limo cotmrruge to
l iglmt In time open dclii. muntl its imhtimncmte oh.
j ect mihmommiti mint be hmarty smmceescs , bmmt this
welfutro of our' cotmmmtry ,
ire a govcmrunmmu'nmt uf time IeoJiie time unit
o f isolitleul iovem' is Isutlivhsiusmi ellztimmtehuip ( ,
' l'ili , Weripoim of rmmodern clvlhlzsitiomu Iii time
i muhiot it hmm'ieCtm4 time wermk ( rain time cii-
l iressioru of lImo mci.rommci ; the imnar ( mom time
o xmectioni of I im 0 micim , is hi ii time igmmonme mm t
( morn limo somlmlstriemu ; of timu' lermrmmetl , No
pealmium rtr&c free until os'ciy' immdl'Iilusml imami
t hus , ( muliemet urmul fairest utmimius ttmmmlty to cx.
e relito lube PrIileIcCs of citlcenisimllm mnimih to
r umt huH imalkmt irs lila coimscit'mmcu tilatmutes ,
i o lormg mcii God gives mao lIfts mcmiii voice I
dcilhmttu nnmyself tO time mutmilhmart of ( hmeuci
m snmimmmlmmmcmmtui to time commuttiiimtion of time
timilted States Which gurirmmnteu tii rlgiutui
antI iurlvilegemi Of Amimerinimmi cutlzenmdilp ,
' I'imii ( govenrihmiemit Wimihi will mint eximaust
Usc full eorimtttttmttunumti isimet leluilrttit'e lmowru
to lirtect its own ( iltiZtiriL ( iii time exercise of
( lie imigimest imersomimil iurivilciio smith greatest
gas'c'rmmmnemmstl ( duty ought to hit , irloit'il onut
mend liii mmmc simoulmi beuummno a lu-word anal
reproach ammmomlg time iututioimmi at time emmrtii ,
illS POSITION ON 'l'iIR ' 1'AitIFi ,
I am 1mm favor of time speedy' crmrmsstmimumrmt of
a Iti'OttctiVti inn 1ff law mmiosltleuh 15150mm hits
gemmeral limits mf the iIclCimmiy' mmci , rurmui cmii.
imoilylrrg time ledhimmoelty Iilejuiu of Jrmmnes (1.
Illume. I t its mmmy lirofomimmi eonviu'tinrm that -
time lmroucier'ity' CLI tiula cos'nmhm y' tund Its people ,
ih rut ) isliedimihi V of I tue Iimd mi sit rImul mmmmmu'semu ci e-
Iieumthn ii Imn I lie hi ossulest mm itl'l ' lea t Iou hits
, 'smnerlcnii iIliit , ilmmmt uvluntever' immlsimr is te ,
lo ilomme for him' P001mb of tIme l'ruitti Htute ,
stimuli lie tiommi' ii ) ' limo licOitla of time lJflIteiI
States , under time strums fluid sitmilmeit , uunti
that ( Ito isriceus of tluts iir5tiliielmi of Anmemian
Immbom' schmmuii be Ilxctl by Amuiricmmmm commdltiormmm
and AmnemIcnn COriiIiCiitiOil.
I lunuilevo tlmmit time giesnt inmchimuctm-isml arCh
linus lucIa I lmmmr Ic uv Imich lures surest (1 ii lucem sit en
ovem i lu to iv hole Iii miii a mid bumam im t Iti lemm cues ,
IuvcrtY antI ihimetreuusm to , mum tollIng mimilllonim
svars iurclhttlntut unison time cntmmmtry by limo
dmtttsfhltt of , , mmr IUl'iliLitS iiutert'autue lii uuutici-
IumLe ( and tlleount lice evIl sfl'ert ci' ( imresmt.
ommd ( nisIff rcsvistoim cii ( mcci tnsuit' lines ,
( ) ul' mnckClrbui chulmnneys silu nit ejmlndlus , rsst.
tlnie uvmesr svhieels , itlt nice , , cheerless
host it Itistu nest , ma gmtd svomn i'n nt mid ii ii ngi'y
elm Iiti mcii , ulo hO I neccsucmt ii hy' ii t ( emit mm bmuui
Ilmmstnclai 'yatcmmm or mc , rmtimmuey' ste Imigeimc'y , hut
I I mt'y Si I C I lie d irec I m-'s nml I of I Ii u umbm * mmilomm.
nmemmt of mhc' Aimmerie'afl jumnterilve policy.
'l'ime mum mmmm ( mmci It mi mmg , I nmmftml m im I coin ineicimml
nail imumm'i mmcmiii p'm nalymihme I mm t Ii 0 ( mu led Shim Its
e'tmo : hIm-st lime , money' ismsulr : followed ; mc ,
iemmltum tin mmot tsr ciius causes. S's ( mir isa time
Ii nunri ml mmel mumiumue tim ry' slttu em t iou is comm.
, 'ermmeti , I be lb-ye cur Conmmlitions will imu.
juuovs' just Hi ) ms'uon ate time vreuceuml smnmgrrss
u'Jjeimrnms suitiuotit ( uim'ther iegli'Iatitfl 'rimit
fesmi st uvital time shenmh'tcnmcti' party nmig