Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    - - - - - . . - -r' ' ' ' , ; . , . . . . , , , . , . . , . , . . , _ . . ' . , , . . . , . _ . . .
F----- r'.r. . < : ! " .r.:1 ; : " : ; ; : : . , . . . , _ . - - - ' . ' ' - . . . ; - " , W' " ' - - - ; ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - , - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
. o t ' ' IE ' (1I AIA DAIJ.Y JHDJ : 'V.DDNUSDA Y , JANUAUV 10 1 , 18m , .
Bmnl Declno In Wor1d's 8thck and Free
Se1ng Weakened Wheat .
Oab Wern T.ItI'A' ald J'rowhlolA UtprtA\o.
b1 the ltnv1 IrccllltA of 1011 Rllt
J'ro.lleclA for I.nrgo nll
TOlorrl' '
ciiicco Jan : 15.-A ! ( ' '
Alal decline In worM'R tock ! and free
lellnl wenllenN whent to1ny . May cloKlnl
Yc lower ; May 10e. ! lny closed unchanged
nne provisions Inlhee nt ( lec1lnes.
Wheat wns content nt the openlnl to rest
quietly nt the fool of the little hilt down I
which I rolled , yesterday. May Itarted
' worth ISc. ' nnd 1 ltte brolht ns high I I
& ; 'c , hut Man thereafter It was for snle
: nt tW4c ; again , anti In the course of In hour
Il touched Me. Whie dulneS an,1 , "ome-
; what reluee,1 , luotntons from abroad were
t In favor of the bCOtI . all the news referring :
I ring to the movement of RUIples ) was In I cor-
robornton ) of the nntelpatons of the huls. , :
? .IlnneapoLk rccelpts wcre il cnrl 11 ( ] Duluth -
luthot 81 , mnkhl/f tee. '
/ot / together r. compnl'ee II I
with 23 on Tleslluy of lalt week and 31 I
on the correFI'OI1lnl ' t3ay of thl year he- )
fore. I'rhnnr wheat recelptl nil lole I
amounted to only li2.00 hl. , Ilalnt 21. {
1m ) n week no , nn,1 , : GGO 1m laKl year .
Clcarneel1 of whelt from Atlantic Ilortl
were equal together 10 37.0 ho The Irlll-
elreet'R vlslhle sUPIly ) sin Ie men I. which
$ came hI l'romllll' ' lt 13 o'clock createll i I.
little ripple of activity which lasle,1 tWent 1
flIflUteM Inl ( luring which tIit ' prie - .
droll'el ' ( 10\11 than hefore. lay hal llrlee
co\'ere,1 10 tStc 11,1 worked 01 ngnln to
r.c In,1 , ioiowiitg tin recelllll or the
Irm ltreet'R } ( ltguret4 . Roll IR low I ! l7 % to (
l7e. .ccordll ! 10 the report referre,1 , to .
' the stoclls of wheat east of the Hocldes
decrenel 1.42.0 1m. nnd west the ' in -
crelc,1 , 218.J ' I. . The Rlocll In I'urope : '
and niton t InrrelKel .164.11 ( hl. . Ihe not reRllt
of all of wldeh I ! I ,1.ereIRe laRI wcell In
the worid'4 * tlocR of i2.O ; bu. 'Ihe lAyer -
4 1101 market Ii0Reli lt , lower for future :
of red . Am . : IC:1 y,1 .It 111 yesterday .
t Antwerp , improve,1 , 121- centme ! Pan : :4 :
\ showed no change awl Blrln wag 3 marks : I
lowcr. lny cloRed nt l7i c.
'rdlng In corn was light nnll thl marllet
I shule , casler. May . whlCh closed nt 48e L
( on "ellcrln , ' . opened nt 4774.c and sold of
to 47 .c. I recovered to 4iic nnl 48c 01
! wih
I sale or two nt 48c straight . nn,1 , In sympa -
thy with the weakness In wheat symla- .
afternoon I became rather heavy again at
4.Z.0 . The most of the Ila"s transaction : S
were al the last named "rice. Hecelpts to -
da ' were 402 curs but for tomorrow only :
1iO carl are expected . May cloKe,1 nt .1c. :
Oats was lifekss. The market open 1
unchnlgc , lt Oc for May . and after sell -
lnr from 30.c 10 : lc. closed where I opened
. lroYIKlonR were delreH3ed hy the receipt !
of M.OO hogs anti the expected receipt of I
45.0 lomorrow. Compared with yester-
day's close May pork Is I 2c lower ; lard and L
rlbR. 12\c lowlr.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
'lel . _ - Open. rl I l. I - 1.0w. I - Clos3. -
\henl.No . . tH t4 ' 4U
Mn . . . . . CR ( 6A r.c 57 ?
li .H t7H
Jlly. . . . tS" t8""H 8J tB -
Corn No.2.
Jai. . . . . 4M' 46U 4tt4 L
May. . . . . ' 4R 4i'l 46U
, Jan..M',4 473 473 ( 4j
. 47' 47 47J
, Oall No.2. .
Jan. . . . . . . 284 2S4 2S 2R\
May. ! . . . . . 306 } 30UGl 2RI 303 }
Pork per bbl .
.350. . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 :2 ;
May. . . . 1 71 1 7G 1 G7 % 1 GO
' Jan . . . . . . ( I RO a RO a 72 ! . 0 72
. Short ? , 4n. . Ribs- . . . . . . . . 0 U71 . 700 . I I 87) ) . I I 10
Jan. . Rba- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 723 4
. _ Nny. . . . . . . G 05 G 17 I 87 t OU -
Cash ) , Qlotnloa were as follow ! :
: If.OIl1t-0teauly.
WHI AT-No. 2 rprIn. 5133c : No. 3 sprln - . .
nominl : No. 2 red. I41II'1j.
r COHN-No. 2. ( : c ; No. 3 yellow . 11'hffl2e.
' OATS-No. 2. 2 7'C : No. : white. 31J32c : Nc ) . .
V 3 white. 3l(1Zle.
* . RYF-49e. . . :
. ' . BAltIflY-No. 2. 55e : NO. S. 5I't3o ! ' : No.4.
. & 11151'4e.
FLAX alm-No. 1. $ I426.
1 I ' 'IMOTIY Hlmn-1rlme. f5.C5.
! ' p1to'liloNs-tIess : : porle. per bid . $ Il.3ill.5 I .
i I' . Leni . per 1' ) ) ) 11)5. . $6.ThIG8) $ . Short ribs. loo.e.
$5.75.fO : , dry Failed shouIJrn loxecl . 4@tc : :
short clear ahles. bo"l. G'c. .
; WHISKY-Dsllers' finIshed goo s. per gal . .
. tl.2.
.T SUOA R- Uncmn ed.
: today The : following were the receipt and shIpmen Is I
: ArtIcIe. . ReeelpIs 3hipcnentc I- -
- - - - -
Flonr. bl'ln. . . . : : : : . . . - 5. - - 2.000 - I
Wheat bn. . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 . 3(10 ( I )
Corn bn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10J.000 { 3.001 . . I
Oats. bn. . . . . . . . . . . . . US.OOI ( 135,00 I )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.01 ( . :
; . Ilarley.lm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.000 \.010 l.noo .
On the Pro 1110) e 'ellmo : toI:1 , : the batter tact
kot was steady : crocicery. l\2-e ; dairy . 11 )
; ; : / . Eggs . steady : ; Ihcl8Hc. : - dtr. lJ
Closlll QntlnUnns ( on the Principal Con '
" cod 111. I I cc nil St a iIes.
f. NEW YOm , . Jnn. . ,
15.-FIOUl-lecelpls. H.90J
c bbls. : exports . 1.iO bbls. ; iales 9.800 11Ics. : me r-
, ket quiet ; spring patent very firm. nll low
c . grades . winter . f'nree. held hhher. Soulhcr
flour , lull. H'o hour. quiet ; icicles . 60 bb Is.
. . .
, 11ti.'kli.'at flour . easy.
- ' 11CKWIIM'I'-DII : 5I$60c $ .
- CoRN MI . \ - lul : yellow vest'rn $ .U@1.15 :
L 11rnncIyvno. : $ .90 : sales 2.0) tcaclca. $ I
; , C H\I I. -Nomlnol : car lots 5:1Gc ; boat buds , ,
, HA JtIAY-Irregilnr , : western . G : $ C8c. '
D RI.I'\ M.Ir-tencty : % vcstern. 70$175c.
- . \'ILIAT-Iice&ct. : ' 3.MO bu ; 70f75e. lSG.900 '
1m. : aleH. , lf.O : Iu. , sutures 16.0 ' "u. 16G.9C . .
I Spot marl.c \ < No . 2 red In store and dc.-
victor . CJ I' : n0oat. r2Yc : C. o. h . G3\\e \ : afloat .
t ' . No. 1 northern . 7"'e delverll : No. 1 nlnat. .
t delh'ered. Options ol.cnpd . ( Jlily stently on local
buying . owing to sinzillc.r
- noitliwestetu .
. owlnl receipts
smll'r northweslelu
4. but lulelly wloJ.ene.1 cinder Crt local selling and
? was wenle all day within
ni wihin n narrow range oC
t prices. The selling was In 101 e part rnge , to
, dul culdes the omnl Ilecrc\so ' In llra4ett cet's
' , nbsenln oC "XI.ol . In Inquiry nnd 11"lsI
speculation : (10..1 . nt " % net declIne : i'alc's
, Incbilc'.I . . "fye . ' delno sails
InlludE1 No.2 1111. January tIe : I.'cbrunry. GI'q '
4 : r 5.IGc. eIMP.1 . CI\\e \ : Moreh. CJ3iC2e' , . elo.e,1 521 :
S cIny fZliCJ 13.1CI. 008P1 ' cn.CZc' : Jlly dosed CZ ! c.
'S COlN-llepllta. 3.10) ) ho : exports . 1,200 tcu. :
, sales . 2I'bc ( ) " " . ficticres . 2.0 icu . : . $ pol
marleet nsy : No.1. 4\e : : steamer cuied . 4Se.
Optons were stenly rnrl } ' on the lighter etrtlmceteI ,
, receipts . but ' WllleCI11 later with wheat nnl ,
S closed ntHH.c . nt ( I'cllne , : .Tnnclary 5lIlTc .
close 6111 : F'elIruat3' . tIiiSltzc' . ' 6Ja tbe :
Mo ) ' . 61'41r 1.ICe. cbosc.cI UI c. 61
+ . OATS- Iieeeipts . 35.70 Icii. : exports 1,16c0 ho :
. inles . 60.0 1 > futures 2.00 : hu. Fpol. Spot dull :
No 2 oat , , . 31j34lc : No. 3. 53i4o : No [ 3 dul .
t . $ 37(1573cc ; truclc white . 37$4h'4c. Options ruhel
37NI\ rul.,1
. chcll. but t fairly SlpoI ) ' . ringing Optons unehnnle.1 .
' S prices Slay . 31'le. : .Tnuul'y coell nt 31e : February ) ' . 311 $ :
' . S I\Y-Uul i ! : shIpping rt5:0 : geol 10 choice
blOl'd-Qufrt : sIn I. . common 10 choice . 01.
:1 , In70 : flea' . 6i2c : Ineilo coast . 3'4&1c \ : new
St. Ut30j Ionllon mal kel ( Inn . 317c
I lLlIi-QcIet hut stcnd .
wet nltecl
IIIJS-Qulpt blt : New Or-
3S leans . selell.I. 4 : to C : . . snlr.1 : Beunos
5' Ayres Ilr ) ' . 20 lu 2lb. \ . . . 12e : Texas dry 2\ \ to
10 I. . 64c' . .
t 1.1'AlIIt-Qllet : I bul steady : hemlock sole
nUI'nOH , yrcs . Ihhl It hea , ' ) ' weights . l46117e.
a " ' ( OI.qulel : 1I0leslo 1'eec. IG28c 1 : pcilIel , .
, , ( 111,1.
19f210 ( : T"ns. Rfi21.
, I'ilO'II3lON8-IleL'f . quIet . Cut meats . stead '
l'IO\'lHIONI-Ief. lulll.
( mlal. Ilenll ) ;
. slcouiders. I\HtHjr \ $ : lclclcled , bcati. S6lS3 % e . bard .
, S lowl'r w.lern steam dosed ot $ . .0hll ; city .
GIHi6,0 : sclc' ' . :0 ; : : I tierces : .lantiary elosrll ( itt
, $ nominal : May . $ .30 nsl'd : relhnc'.l . . ve.tta'i' :
. ( onlhleli. $ .tO . : coinpeitnil . tlLc . I'otk dull ;
, compund.
. dul
Pt ' anles . 10 t'aht'si. . . .
bItt'b1'Flt-'eaa'r : )
IJ1'.I.I-\\.nk. : westelee creamery 1&I25r
, m IeIng. Z5r. weslel 15tZ5c :
. - t'tttia1'-ileaty \ I ' : .Inlp. hlrp.
, , "I\ . 9aIH : small .
I'S ' % \ o : 110rt . .1,11. . 3\it9 \ , : ( till skims . . 2tfl' . smnl.
J las : l'hll'r ; slate ant , l'ennsylc'uichn 20ft
S , % Ie : Ice houM" . 1t1e ) : werlern . ( tesh . 222 ! c :
t IOllhN n. 20f22 , ' . {
l'OT.'l'ttSteacIyl ) : ; Jel'Kp ' , $ . : ' .
' l'O.t..lll.Stc.aly ) l.1I'tJl.C2 ! : New
1A 1' , " k. $ t.50fl2.Ot ) . $ .1WI2
4S ' 1\.1.0\-111 S.50f2.o. und rsIer ; cl ) . . 43ic \ :
Country . 4(1Hc . I . (
i'l''1t--Nciiilnh ' % , : tIntIctI closetl al 9n,0 ,
, r bid : \\'lohlnllon. ) Ittis . f6.5UG.70. 1nlrll coKell
ltOSlN-Steady ; btrollwtl . common 10 good .
HOSINI'adY Ilml"'II.
: " .3 goO.
' 'tt'IttFNTlNt-Qulet : al 2HWo. $
- lti'F : ' - Ieudn tt'tnetttc ' . Culr to extra 436 !
6c : .bnpin : 44I3c' \ . (
S MOLA SIR- : Qul'l : New Orlcans open Icettle .
. goal 10 ( 'olel' . : : G3Re. olen ketle.
OhtANGI- : l'n'Hulnl * ; fancy . sotlIld . $3,75f31.OO :
. Others . $ : &of31.O. IOUI ! fl.7Gto
S COII't 1 141t'aIy : hrnhcer. ' price . . .02u : ,
t change icilce . $ .IOU3.12I. ! ! $ .02\
¶ 'IN-Hlr'dy. ( , l'Iats . inaricet dull.
fl'l 1 : 11':1 : t-.I hil. ( mlrlel dUl.
CO'I1ONllmU 01 I-V'ithccul tlnjtnntant change :
emB to he woricitig In Imlorlanl : icrtmo
lummer ) 'clow. 2 l5t1te \ ) . bUlrs I'tmo
WOII Mlrkl' " ,
J'lnl.Anl J,1IJ.Jnn. . l5.'VOOb.-.Impro'lng
itcd , "lun ale fully " . 1.-WOOI.lmlro'.lnJ ;
\'nnla 1111 \'ct \lr"lllu XX and . "ov' leln.I'I. .
Ild X anti 1"Wt. ( 1 t17 , ' ; 11 ( 111. IlIie ; 1(1ge.
terblOl. ti , : : : , 'nliun. ThiNo : ZIUla quar .
Ihf20c Yt.k.
S rlc'hl'ln.'beonBln. . etc. . XX. Ir0117 : X. 15 (
IGI 11'llm. , l9i 2" ; quatler-IciocMI. 2(0/ / ' 15t ;
cnlnlcn . ICI1flc .
cmnll. IHIII wlshlII. cornicing nnd dc'Iaiica i
tItle . lMfO < ; iic"dluUi " . :1 ' Ollhll1 ; - . e. 1I'Ialnei .
law. IttJe ; unwaHII I. Ihhl nut trttdct. , line .
IUlZ ; 1.111. ISfUGc l : low 1)llum. 16UIa ;
S ( Qr.e. ISt.J I lC.o : In\lohtll. dalle IONII. Light.
, 08tO. ; he. , ) ' . { . ; iiccdiutn. 12llSo : line
meciuto. ' 11(1 tIc . . ln
- mtl'ur. Illc ; votcre Ills iSe ; tcoettwcstecn.
UHO ; heu\'y llurftccraiera. : 7f' ( . medium . ( 111 $ '
1e ; tuIHI'r-I. I2 IX < ' , COIS\ . mt.lum. . 111
I.ONnON. Jan tAI the ; \01 I auction lIn
toy 8.3il . le1HrO otcr d In. uu'I'n 1.0 wets '
withdrawn. . ' , thcie WI tile usual per opeplpi
. , . ,
.5 5-5 - ' -
I/ton l anti . t'ompettlon \1 h".lntn" AntI Ir-
reg uhnr . The Amnrknn grades of graxers were
Inehlgfll The othbr Idf' InMA show 1 CArlhlng wrtt
thAngl. ReeI ) I wool nil I II , 'orl. There
" .ff 1 101 muster er Amerenn II'rrA , and up-
" 'a rtIs of SOt ) bnlpl ( New SOllhS'nk s upon '
T. 6" . . 8' tl. was tnk'n hy Ih"m. The tone of th
nlrlon wee Inrcrtnln nn.\ there wsq n general
fi * lnJ oC 11"'llplolmrnt ArReolno wol WS
un changed. The following Ire the sales In lIe-
tal l.
New South \111. 2.21 haLes ; courCd 6YcdC
1 i'I " ; gin , ) ' . 3'1' ' .I. Qileenslancl . 1.802
bil" ' " (0111. PI , 10 1. ; greasy . 5Utl'Ictn'rtca .
6. & i.fltes I' ; ecciurc"l. . trIMY. . ; greasy . 4'61'i.
ittl c'lnhde 81G lolel ; ltdfl5Y . ' ! . Swan Ittvet' .
1 haIls : greasy . 4' Irensy. . ' ' . 4 hales ;
! easy 6'-GIG $ .II. . New 5'.enlanci 1.002 lales'
( . Il 'Iif.l' ' greasy . 51d. Cope ot holesj'
10111 and Nate,1 , 1.f ftl. : . 1.U11. 4 ;
! rIOA ) ' . 4441G'tl. ' Jueno'r'n. . 90 hales :
! eny . 21tfib. 7he net 10:01 : _ oC bales mall.
nhll for tIlt' series oC Mlpl I 2'J)1. n\l-
ST. I.OI'IS . . . ' ,
R. t.OIIH. .Tan. 15.-WOt - - Qulel. with no
nolnhlp change In Irlees. Attention I chiefly
ceolerpil on I.ondon oalps.
ceI 10SfON. I Jon 15.-1nlen of wool In the market
ohow R 11011 n'ernlp for the season. Ihl , 'olump
or blslnlno , ' , ' Inl n large increase 0",1 that
"c I year no. IhIl'eeP. however are not 3'et stock-
Inl "I' IH'lvly wlO , the raw inatcrtcch. Now that
th ere hag hOln opportuinty to obspr'e the operaI
Ol'\ortlinty :
tlt cit or the tree wool lull. the Crelnl In " Olet-
t1 tit \01 t nt Its present range of prices Is about
nn low us can . . e llletl.1 tint . 'I ' en leIs ate not
dlspore.1 hI ( ncNle from Irc.ent 15te ! .
IrlceK ale its foliost : ( ( hilt , , and 1enn"'I'nnll '
fle eces. XX anti , nbl'c. HISc : terrier ) ' wool .
M ontana . line anti , One 1.llum. U12C'No. . 2
n1.llm. . 1 ? 4I1e'yolfnJ. : Itnh. U12C'\ \ . etc. .
nn" alit ! hue , ctlll. 'JSlTe : No.2. hue 1.,111. ,
10fflc $ ; ( 'ellfclnhct , . wool sIrIng. northern 1361c :
Oreon wools . eastern . faIr SCilic.
( 1.1.uwo . ( >
Conllll , n of Tralo nllUlolaton , on
SI 11"h' 1111 l'nnl'Y I'rottilcc.
IJI'fTI I-Cul"l stock . Se : common 10 fair 10
alc : fair 10 1,1 country . 12(1 : e ; cho'ce 10
fnnc ) ' . 15U16c : gathered crenllely..19c : separator
cr eamery . 2072le.
IOnS-Slrlel : ) ' fresh loll . l7tilSc.
JIVI l'Otth.TItY-Old Icene . 4' , qlc ; spring
ch Ickens . 4 ! ' f.c : 1lllen. 7l8c ; turkeys Gj6'tc ; ;
hll"Y. touts . 51 ; geese . 7(7'tc .
IISSIU : PUm.THY-Chlckens. faIr . GIc \ : ;
cwke : ' 111'He. W6e ; chiotco entail . CI.e ; turkeys
Clir tl 1011. 7e : choIce ho ' ) ' . Ui\.e \ ; holce
s mall . 7'/8e ' [ ; clucks . fair to good . Hc \ ; fancy .
rul , lre.e.'ct. 9Itc , ; geese . faIr 10 good . 018e ; ;
Cnne ) ' . CII * trceeci. tjf tOo. gol.
UASII-IttUe wIng 9111c. . . 1'1 1101. $1.501.7 : ;
"loei wIng teal . ocr doe. . $ : , lucks . ,
m Ixed. cloz. . fl.000501.25 ' .
ml..I. Per toz. n.OG125 : cali'nictiacks ' . $ 4.(0$1
C.O : nl'llnr.IH , nlll r.L heads S2.rOt25 ; IQn I
la bhalls . 5eU$1 i Jock loLb.18. $ S.rr2.7 .0t2.o : slal qul'-
rt 'In. roc.
Vl'At-ChcoIce : ( itt . 70 10 10 Ihn. . are quoted nt I L
6ftc : Iota ' " 11,1 , conre . 30c.
ClnI : HI'-\\'I"cnsln CII cream Young A.
13c : twIns Ilc ; Nlbr"len antI Iowa ( call cream .
II , Nebraska anti Iowa plrt nnt sl'hl" . CII ; ercnl. -
b urger . No.1. lIe : brick . No.1. lIe ; Swiss . No ,
1. 15c.
Y-Uptnnl ha ) ' . $9.50' midland . $9.50 : low
la nd . $8 ; rye str.w . it. Color makes the Ilrlcc on
hl h ' . 1.Ight .hnles , sell the best. Only top grade I
brlnl top price , " . &r
l'IUIONt-Old bIrds . per cboz. , 7 e@.o. $
' '
POTArOJS-'ester stock car lots 65c : small
101" . 70c.
Qj DJANS-Hanll'lllcked. navy . $ i.902.0O :
Llna beans . Per lb. . 5'/e. l na\y. $ .90@2.o
ONIONH-n orders . 7ilS0c .
CAItit.Ut-On oltiers . 1c.
C : J.I.IY-Per doz. . 4.1Oc 1 ; California . CSa75c.
8\\1.:1.:1' I'OTA'rOES-Jlomo grown . $2.7 : Mus-
e' VI . , $3.
Itul'ri-por : bbl. . $2. j
CAItILOTi-I'er bli . . $2. .
( 'AUhlt ° LO\VRIt-I'er crate .
( UIJ'IOWFI-Pcr or a doz. and halt
10 two doz. . $2.50 n n !
IIOlttt0ltiflHtt-Per Ih. . 76 c.
l'AIOSNIt't-l'er bbl. . $2.
ItU'FAIIAOAS-l'or bbl. . 12.
I'A1tShl'-1'er doz. bunches. 35e-
'rUlNU'S-Per hIt. . $2. 350
Si'lIT i'FbS-I'er . .
811.1' 11'AH-Per Ih. . 3c.
nlt EN AH-Per bu. . $ I.3l.35
ItAIISIICS-l'er doz. . 3e. @ 13 ,
1I TTUCl -1cr dox. . 3c.
SPJNACH-Per . bob. . $ .50@1.75
. '
P1AflS-\'Inter NoOk . f2.
AIIJI'SOellons. : f3 ; choice eastern stolc .
$3. 7 : ft.O. sloll. .
GitAl'FS-Cenconi. : none : Malagas. per 65 10
66,11. bite. . gross . $9.5$10.0. Mnln&as. )
dnANnEltltluC-Jeree's . fancy $ l1.OOI1,5Q
) er bbl. $1.0fl.O
OH'NGI H-Florllaa. per box. . $3.7&CJ1,00 : Call-
Corll nacels . $3.50. 111 $3.i5@t.0 Cal-
BANANAS-Choice stock . $2OOi2,50 per hunch.
LUttONti-Fancy. FlorIda { Rtj anti 200.
$ l.002J4.5 ; new Meselnue SIzes = : ; 00 : nnl . . 20.
4 . 50. $ .0i
4.W.lJNEApPJ . MISCEIL S-Per iloz. . $ .0010. .
OYSTERS-Medium. per can ICe : horseshoex .
20e : extra etctndordc' 21e : extra selects 2c . ;
company selects . 20c : New York counts SOc ;
bllks. staniard , per gal. . $ t.3.
NlV FIS-I'xlrl faticy ICe : fancy He ;
choIce. 12@13e : Oatlfornha. bags 7c.
HONEY-New York 17c : , Jnilc . U615e : Colt-
f ornla. ICe ; strained . 4 to 101b. cans ocr lb. . Cnl- .
MAPLE SYItUI'-63alIon jugs per tloz. . U2.
NUTS-\Imonds. 15e : EnRlsh walnuts soft-
e licited . 121 ; standards . 101 ; filberts . S(1'c : 80r-
SIJe Brzi
n uts . Se.
SAUEH KHAUT-Cholee white . per bbl. . $4.50 :
I'er half bbl. . 1 .50. .G
. MINCE MEAT-Fancy . In half bbls. . per lb. .
5ic ! ; 10-gal. kegs . Cu : condensed . per case oC 3
ci oz. pkgs. $2.G.
F1510-Sunltshi and perch. Ge : buffalo . 7e : crop-
p ie. 10e : vnttlsh . 12 ; blaele bass 15e.
CIDEH-Pur Juice per bbl. . $5.60 : half bbl. . $3.
hIDES-No. 1 1 green Icicles . 3@le : No.2 green
h Ides . 3tc ; No. trJ.en salted hl.les. . f : No. 2
, cn salted hittbes . 41 : No. 1 green salted hIdes .
: to 40 Ibs. . rn : No. < green Ireen hIdes 25 to
40 Ibs. . 4'4c ; No.1 veal calf 8 Mll : Ibs. . 8e : No.
2 veal calf 8 10 15 Ibs. . 5e ; No.1. dry flint hides
Gc : No. 2 dry flint hlde3. Gc : No. I dry salted
l iklea . 5e : part cured hide ! . lie per lb. less than
Culy eUI'ed.
HiDEI 1ELTRGreen sale . cacti 25GOc :
"I'een sal Id sheatlings ( short wooled early skins ) .
c acti . G(115c : dry sh.nrJnss ( short wooled early
skils ) . No.1. each . 5i1'12c ' : dry slce4rllngs ( short
woofed early elcins ) . No.2. 11) she.rln . ; dry shell
l'.1sas Il anti NI\rslc butcher wool pelts. per ,
l b. . actual vc'ighit StjS : dry flint Hlnsns : and
Nehraolen murrain wool p.Hs. per lb. . actual
weIght. H ( Gc : dry flint Colorado butcher wool per Ih. . actual welsh I. 42jGfc ! : dry flint
Color o murrIn wool pelts. per lb. . l' actual
wehht. 411Cc.
TAII.OW AND ORE.SI -Tllow. No.1. 4 $
4'Ac : tallow . No. 2. 3'.i@le : grease . white A. 4'I {
( ! c ; gicacce . white n. 3rcense. ; . yellow . 3'/c ;
grease ; . darle. 2'5$13e : old butter . 2112tc ; bees-
wax . prime 1t20c ; rougle tallow . 262\e
FUnSnear. hlnde. 3O 1 lar e. 80.O0ij2.O ) :
No. 1 medium . $5 ; No. I small . $ S.00nl0.0 $20.o ; bear .
black ) 'enrln/s. No. 1 large . $12.000Jt7.O0 ; No. 1
le\lm. SO ; No. I . small . Ii : bear . black cub , , .
'No.1 large . $ C.00@3.00 : No. 1 medium . Ei.00Q.OJ ' ;
No. 1 small . $1 : bear black ) . Montana anti Rocky
mountata No. I large . (1S,000122.G0 ' ; No. I medIum
$14 ; No. ' 1 small . no : bear black Montana year-
hinge . No 1 large . $2 : No. I inethium . $8 : No. 1
small . $5 : bear Ilaele. Montana cubs No. I
large fG.G : No. 1 medIum (1,50 ; No : 1 small ,
$3 : ll'er tip . No. 1 1rge : . 12) ' : smnl I
medium S2 : No. I emaIl . fS : bear slicer tIp .
) " 'nlln& . Nu. 1 hinge $ J : No. I medIum $8.
24o. 1 small . $ : : bcnr . olh'er tIp . ctibs No. 1
tango . $ G : No. 1 medium . 1.50 : No. 1 , , matl . $3 :
bear biown . No. 1 large $ ' ) . ( : hmal. : . 1
nccdIum S6 : No. 1 small . $12 ; bear . brown 'eor-
1I&a. No 1 large , $ lO.000j'12.00 : No. 1 medium . $8 :
No. 1 bmull . 'G ; bear. l'rflvn. ' euLs. No. " large
$ ; No. 1 medIum $5 ; No 1 small . $3 : badgea ' .
r-o. 1 large . $ l.OJiji.50 : No. 1 m'dlum. baLlel' ; .
1 small . SOc ; nsher. No. 1 large . $ S ; No. I medIum
f6 : No 1 small . S ; r"x. silver . n8 10 color accordIng -
cordIng to hp811) . Nu. 1 large . $100 : No. 1
iccedlum . $ CO : No. 1 siciati . $ O : fox silver . iaIe ,
according to tienuty . No 1 large $50 : No. I
medIum f30 $ No.1 small . $20 . '
: omal. $2 : fox . ecoag . No.1
1.111 ( $ : No. 1 niedltitit $3 : No 1 sinaI ! . $2 ; I'
rex . red . No.1 lal/c. $1.50 ; $ . I smnl. $ . $ :
No. I niiiII . S ; ( ox. S1) ' . No. I lare. nc : No.
I mCnm. SOc : No. 1 siccali . 40e : fox ! kht . No. 1
large 601 : No. 1 medium . 40c : No. 1 small . 300 :
lynx No. 1 large . $3 ; No. 1 lelum. smal. : No. 1
&nall . I.m ; marten No. 1 large f2 : No. I
niecilum . $1.50 : No. 1 small . $ : mInk . No. 1
huge C0ICSo : lo , 1 medIum . 10e No. 1 small .
ISo : mmli dil II. No. 1 large . Ce : " 0. I medium
toe : No. I small . SOc ; mountain , lion. i'erect heall
ant feet No 1 large . 61,00(12.00 ; Imperfect eklns
21r4le ) : otter . No 1 large $8 : No. 1 me'tlutn
lG.OOSfl.0O ; No. 1 stoalI . $5 . otter . pale . No. I
large U $ : No. 1 medium. $5 : No. I small . II :
ificcoOll , No. I large , COi$0o' No. 1 medium $ ;
No. 1 small I , i.13lgt ; raccoon , JIok. as to beauty ' :
No. I large . fiOctC2.OO ; .Icunlc Ihack caaed . narrow
stripeS . No.1 huge . Woo ; No 1 m"tiluin . 40c : No.
I small . 2c : , , kuitlc . bro'l\ striped . No. 1 large
2Ue : wol'erlno. No.1 large . U' No. I Inellunl .
$3 : No. 1 aricciil . 1 : wolC. mountain . No. me.lum. .
$ ; No. 1 melul. $2No. : . 1 small . SUO ; wolf
prli II. No. I large . 651t5)c , : No. I Inedlurti. GJe ;
No. 1 small . 401 ; beaver. per skin . No. 1 large
$5.0066.0 ( : No. 1 nu'dlum. " .ro ; No. 1 entaIl. $2 :
hll1 I' lel > . No.1 laige 1 $ : No. I medium $ .5 1 :
No. 1 smnl 7Sc' muekrats. wlnler. No. 1 large
8UIOc : No. 1 melliirii . 90 : No. 1 small . 70 : musk.
rats . Call . No. 1 large . UlCe ? : No. 1 Inedlum io :
N" . I small . Gc : inoslcrats kits . 2J30.
I Wa ! a Dull 111 Uniltercltnl Ua1 II
" "ellltl.
NEW " OltK . Jan. 15.-I was 1 ( lull nne
uninteresting day on the Slack exchange .
nnll tIle changes In prIces on. the day's
transactions are InslBnllcan ! except tn the
cas's or 1 few or the specialties. The commission -
mission houses cOlplulnet ( or tile absence
or orders . 'ritu foreIgn tradinG was light
ali was on both sllcB ur the market und
Ihe'10el1 trlll's were not dIsposed to 011-
c'rate Ixtellvt on eIther sldu of the mar-
kel. 'l'ho ple\alng tone Wl8 depression
ullcl the chief cause wus the IloRlponement
by the Iwnlte of Ihu coitsideratloil of the
poolng bill. erton
S /U tile op'nlnl , lila market wan generally
fIrm . with Lottisvllle : & Nnsllll : . Denvel'
& Rio Ormulo pretelrel111 \ Onllrio &
Western displaying most strength . ' 'ho8t
unIfIed alocl ( WItS \'nncell 'A ! per cent In
Iho curly trading on Ito report that a dl\'I-
, IIIUl would Slon be derlalcl on the COIn-
man stock of the cOlpan ) ' , which woul,1 ,
have Iho effect of bri'aklllg the exlstlllg
voting trtlt ulder brcaklnl Ixlstng
cleclcll by the , ' '
preferred sltitrellold-
11'1 antI give the control 10 the :
chnlnon stoelcitol&lcrs. Chicago ( los
was exceptionally we"I , on heavy
sales Inllcd by the legal cOlhlplicatlons I
whl ( ' 1 hlve Irown oul ; cOlplcntons
change Iho Control nC Ihe toiiipany . The
stock oJnccl cit n ( Ieclnc ut 1,1 per cent
tuid I further hr.'ak ut 1 er CdhIt In the
Irl ! ftw nles . A hrlsk ( .oVt'nlllh' mo\'e-
m.nt. hcwl\r. qulcllly followed. cuuslng a
rail ) ' of IJer t'ell. Arr tltt' eluRlnl I
( tl IIt
minutes lL Klnerll reactIon took Itccl .
by NI'Jlrbcy Central . with U loss of 11
per cent , but there WW pl'umlnent prompt
' _
recovery In which nlrlnllon nnll St. )111
were most prominent. llrlnK the second ,
h our BUlnr 11lown % per cenl and I
few Other stocks moved [ back Including
T own , Central Ilrefred.which fell oft Iller
cent , Denver & Ho \lrnle nt thll time
roe 1 per cent nnNew \ Jersey Central
nnll Cleveland Cincinnati , Chicago & SI.
Tout ! each .4 per cent whIle Nalonnl
Sinrh first preferred ) Jumped I PCI cent to
45. S on nrl m"h\ny \ the grangers . which
h ail , shown "Inl of weakness In the morn-
Inl\ l gave way tinder , pressure of ales nnll
d eclned \ . the loses front the early high
point Ilein/ 14 per cent In ? 'orthwestern
1 % per cent In Burlington nnd 81. Paul nn ,
. per cent ht Hock 191011(1 ( . " , Vlieellng & Erie preferred broke 21 per cent . anti ,
here was 1'er ' general decline of 1 frc-
ti ell . In . '
ton except St. lall & Duluth nnd Iet-
rOJollnn Traction which . rose 2 ! and 11
[ eI cent reslctlh . In the into dealings
Chlcalo las was bought \0 cover short
conlrncls 1111 tOlched the hIghest poInt of
Ihe day at the close. The general market
waR wel hell ) In the Innl Ienernl IrRln anll
elnRel1 ! t'nc ' . Compared with yesterday the
Inst l Prices mnle show short 10SR1 or a
fracton In 1 majority of the Ict\'e list. 111 1
Iowa Central preferred Is down 1 per cent ,
nnll Wheethm & Lake grle preferred 1- ) cent
c ent . DCI1cr & lila Grnlle shows 1 leI
of 1 tIer cent : : letrolollnn Traction , 1 %
1) 01' cent : SI. Pnul & 1)0111th . 2\2 \ per cent ,
IUII n few olh 'r specialties ate n fraction .
There wnR n ! rl tone 10 the triulitig ' In
Ihe hond market durIng the cln' Im'lng . the
a re"nle of sales was IQlewhat lower
tmn l'e'ter(1a3' . _
'he lIvening Post's London cablegratn
R 'R : 'rha strength h\ the stock marllet
contnue" . 'Fhcro wn 1 marked Imllroye-
melt In AmerIcans today . 10Inhl ) ' In I.ouls-
vle and Ilnoll Central. The continent
Ir I s IJvhlJ 1 lIttle. ' 'h /elcml / contnent
regnrls !
r tile mo"ement ns I there eptlrt
l iot'ever. But Fame shrewd observers of '
\ ohserver
the Amerlcul market think differently . und
rellort signs of buying which might fore-
"hudow 1 l'elhol of I further rise
South Americans were strong . but llrazlls
were lower. Umzls
The following were tim closIng quotatIons
on lie leading stocks or the ( New York ex-
change today :
Atehhon. . . . . . . 4 4 U . p. . n. " 0. . . .
Allala l2xlres' ( . . 141 Norlhwr.tern. . , , : .
14 . .
Abton. ' . xJre8q. . . . . : i ( 5.V. . oftI. . . . . . . or
10Ilrll. . . . . . lHj N . Y. C'.llral. . . . iii :
Am. xl.res. . . . 11 ) N. Y. . " N. 1 : . . . . \1 : $
htaltttttoi- , , . \ Ohio . t\ " OntarIo k W. . . . . 1H (
Con" ' lnellc. . filL ; Orgon 111' . . . . . . Ii
, . 1
Canala : . . . o'1h"rn. ol ! ' Oregon Na I. . . . . 20
Central I'aeiflo . . , . . ; . . :1
C..II.all.aelle. . 1 O. S. J. l U. N . . . G
Ches. & Ohio. . . . . 17\ \ 1'tciltc Mali. . . . . 22 $
ChIcago .titon. . . . Ut 171.lele Mal. . . . . . 't
C. . I. " Q. . . . . . . 713 ! ( Ilt bUrg. . . . . 157 \
Chicago ( litq. . . . . . . . 71I11nn l'alneo. 251
CUI ' oldntlll Gas 1:0 blending. . . . . . . . 1\1
C. c. C. .1 SI. L. . . 3S3 Illchittiond Ter. . . 1M
Colu. Coat & Iroti . t lehmond . . . . . . . 20
Coton 01 Cort. . . 2\ ! O. \ \ . . . . . . . \0 "
Jelnwnro.\ . 1:1 : R. ( C. W. pftl . . . . 4a
Del , , Lack " W. . 11:1 : I block \ Irll. . . . . 023 (
I ) . \ H. O. IIC. . . :5 ! . ' . lalald. . . . . . O\H
1) : - : t C. F. Co. . . . . 1051 ! _ " ( 1.1ul , . . . . . . ln 111 ( '
"m. . . . . . . . . . 11 SI. I. . . . UlllctiiO . . . 33'
. ' to 111,1. ' . . . . . . 2I4 IIOIIo . . . . . . . lIt )
port \s'ayno. . . . 117 Sontherllnelle. In
G. Northern 1)1(1. . . 13 Sugar RefInery. , , 591
C. . tc L. I. url. . . . UO ) Teuti. Coat . t Iron . 154
hiocktiigValley . . 17" Toxa. Pachlic. . . . . 11- ! (
11.018 . . ! i ' . . . ! O. Coot. ltftl . 71
St. 1' . & Duluth . . 20 UnIon P.tchfic. . . . . 11 %
K. . & . . lIft . . . . . . :2 ( 13. I EXIJ'oa 1.lclle. . . . . 1
Lake Erie & \Vot 1:0 ( W. SI. L. . % I' . . . . 4\H
do Ird. . . , . . . . 7i,4 do ptd. . \ . . . . . I43s
baIt , , Shore. . . . . . . . ' 1"
Shoro. . . 1:7 VeIi i"argo Ex lU5
Wela 'arlo Fx.
Load Trlal. . . . : I1 ( WeMorl Ullol . 873
Lonfsvlo & N . . . GtH WheelIng & L. 13 10
J , . & N. A. , . . . . . 7L5 do Ilr < l. , . . E. . . . 1
Manhattan Can. . . 1O.54 M. & 8t. L. . . . . . :0
) heillphltSA C. . . . . 10 D. bt n. (1 . . . . . . I 1 ! {
Michigan Ccitt. . . P ; O. E. . . . . . . . . . 1
Ml8Rourllaellu. ; ( N. I. . . . . . . . . . 1R
MOblo & Ohio. . II C. F. " 1. . . . . . 21n.
Nahvilto Clint . . Ol do phd. . . . . . . . 70 .
Notionalcordago . GH 11. &T. C. . . . . . . 2
Ndoprd. . . . . . . 1014 T.A.A..I N. 85. . . 14
N.J. Central . . . . OH& ) ' ' 51 L. & R.C . . 1
N. " Sv. prd. . . . . 10 . dopfd . & . . . . . . ( I
North Atit . Co.'b $ S. 15. n : . . . . . . IOU
Northern Pacific . : , ( do 111. . . . . . . 36' (
No. Pac. pfd. . . . . 17 $ A S
The total nles oC stoIes today were 3I2,87
shares ! . includIng American Sugar . 20,900 : 12.63
I ington . 5.3 : ChIcago ( Icce . 20.700 : 2.0 &
Cattle l''edlnl. Clot : l.ouhs'Ille & 1lstllnl .
G.70) : Rock Island . 3.700 : St. \ l'aut 14,400 : On- S
t3lo & \\'estel 4.600. 1.0
Now Yorl Ioaoy Starker.
NEW YOm , . Jan. 15.-MONgy ON CALb- -
Fasy nt Hll per cent ; last loan l'J ' CAlL :
closet . I \ pel eenl.
PlME 1EHCANTJLE 1'.i'ER-2iti1' ! pci r
e.'nl. . )
RTCRIING EXCHANaP.llrm. wIth netnal
buslnl.q In banleers' his It $4.I for wih nfl
nt $4.68 for sixty ibays. PostNI rates. 11emant . nnt .
and $ ISI5(14.90. ! Commercial bIlls. $ . U.SI.S
Sn.\EH CEttTlFICATES-5I'/c bll.
COVIhtNMlNT llONIS-Steady : state bonds .
dull : railroad bends . firm. ) bn
ClosIng quotations on bonds were ns follows : .
U. S. Os. tcr. . . e. . l I 5)4 1) . & It. ( C. .1s . . . 14(1 5
1. S. G8.eoUIJ. . . 17 ' rlo'I. . . . . . . II
U. S. 4a. re : . . . 13 G. I. S. A. (33 ( . . t :
U.S.48.eoUp. . . 13 d07R. . . . 13. . . . . 100
U. S. \ . leg. . . . . 17 ) U.\ T. C. 13. . . IO33.
1'aehItc(3of I ( ' 05. 100 do 13. . . . . . . 101 %
Ala. Class A. . . 12" M. 1 < & T. let 4s . t
Aln. Claa31. . . 104 do2c1 4R. . . . -a. . . 47' (
Ala Cla3Q C. . . . 03 Mutual Union Os . . 111
AIa.Cttrreney. . . oa N. J. C.Oen. G3. le. . 112i
Ja. New Con. 4a. 02 % No. I'ac. ists. . . . . 12"
Mla"onrI18. . . . 100 ) dO\ds . 1ts. . . . . . 14 '
N. C. Ils. . . . . . . 121 N. W. Cotlsol . . . 143 : ,
N.C. 4a. . . . . . . 10(1 ( do S. F. Veb. G. . 1:1
S. C. nonfund. . . . 1 % It. G. Wesl. lat3. . 100\ 1
Tenn. now Hat 13. 8H : % SL P. Consuls 7s. . l'253i ' I
'I'enn. ( new Rot Os . 100 do C. " I' . 'V.6s. 11031 ' :
Teln. 011 Is. . . . . GO St.L.tcl.M.ien.5 \ . 10J' (
Va. Centuries. . . . 5Oi . L.d.M.en.70)
do deferred. . . . 1\ ! ' Tax Pac. iste. . . . 6ftl3 6
Atchison 4a. . . . tr do 2ls. 1ts. . . . . . RI
102,1 , A. . . . . . 10 13. P. lst3 or ' 00. . 104 ! (
Canada So. 2tts. . . lIlt Wes Shor.q. . . . . . 10-H (
C. 1' lstR or ' 03. , 100 . . . . -
'OJ. So. It. I. . . . . . .
D.\II.0.7a. . . 115 _ _ . Bl.
\ 1 ; _ _ _ _ _ _ -
lo.tol Stock JuoItlon :
DORTO . Jan. ll.-Calloan3. 23 p3r cant :
titan loana. aa : 1 per cc it. Closing prIces fJr
ittoclsbund't and Ilnll ; shares :
A. ' 1. & 8. ij. ' . . . . . 4 % : WCflngl' . Sloe. . . 'd'2 -
Aill Sugar. . . . . . 8034 W. Ele , ' . l'r.I. . . . 4hJh
Ha\ Stain Oaa. . . IIH Wla. Cectral. . . . 4
Hol Tclephono. . lA71 AlchlK ill \,13 . . . 183 I
Bostol.\lbany. 21H ) ! . Atchison 4s. . . . . 111
Doelon . " 1alno. . I OH : % New Stigland \ Cs . 108
10 pftl. . . . . . . 159 Geri ElectrIc Sa. . 18 ) a
o. ( II. & Q. . . . . . . 7IVIs. . Cent. . ls. . . fa
Flehlll : . . . . . . HAtantc. . . . . . . . 10
Gen. glectrIc. . . . . 3. BORt"n & Montana 37
Ilnola Stool. . . . 4\J6 Ilto . . Itoston. . . :7
Mexloal : Ceiitrai . ( i ! ' Caluitiot .t hlecla. , 200
N. Y. N. .E. . . . . :244 ti Clinmet.lecll. Contlnllal. . . . . . 50
Old Colony. . . . . . 1.1 ) Franklin. . . . . . 14 ,
Ore . Short Line . . I % lo1sll e. . . . . 7 1 ,
ttubber. . . . . . . . 44 Osecola. . . . . . . . 22
Union l'aclllc. . . 11 . Qcitncy . . . . . . . 104
W"ftEUI. . . . . on 'aniarack. . . . . . . 142
do ijd. . . . . . . 8t !
Snn IYranotico lllll toek QnotaUoln.
SAN I'HANCISCO. Jnn. 15.- -The official cloitin r
quotations lows : for mllll ; Btooks tOJ.1Y Wilt' . eloilnl
Alta . . . . . . . , . 40 Italo & Noniros . 01 -
AlpliaCon. . . . . . 10 Ju.teo. . . . . . . 22
Mules . . . . . . . . . aG Keltcky COn . . : :
Uclcicer. ! . . . . . . 1Mcxlem. . . . . . . . I
hIct . . Bolcl 'r. . . 01 Mono. . . . . . . . . . 13
Hodlo Con. . . . . . . 80 Mount iMabto. . . . 21
ltcillhon. . . . . . . . 17 OpitIr. . . ] . . . . . I 80
Inlwor Con. . . . . . 10 O'.crmm. : . . . . IRI
Catedonia. . . . . . . H 1olosl. . . . . . . . 51
Challenge Con. . . . 38 8a\aI0. . . . . . ; . :
Citollar. . . . . . . . . 45 5eol'lon. . . . . . . 11
ColcIhdence. . . . . . 71 Sierra Nec'ada. . . (
Coil , Cal . \ Va. . . . alr Silver 11111. . . . . . 10
Con , Imperial . . . I Union Con. . . . . . 00
CI'own Poilt. . . . n ( : Utah Con. . . . . . Could
Uoull & C1.r . . . :0 : Yelow Jacket. . . 00
Sliver b1rH. 5tiil1O'4e ) ' . Mexican dollars . Sli
513'c. Draftsstglit , l\u : tolurapiilo 15e. GIl
. New York ; lUIIlg QIotnUOl. ;
NFW YOIt.lC. Jau. 341.-TIco fololll : al"1 th : )
closing mllllg quotations : 11
lulwer. . . . . . . . . 1 Onlnrlo. . . . . . 8Sf ) -
(3iiolor. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 OPitir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 )
! ! .
Crown : l'OIilt. ; : : : : : : . g r1 : : [ iaii : : : . : : : : : g
Coil. Cnl. . tc Va. . . 310 . . . 2110
louclwooll. ) . . . . 41 ) ( do pfil. . . . . . . .1ll 10 )
Gould & Curry.55 SIerra NO'.uda. . 40
hale . \ Norcross . H. . Stctctlani. ; . . . . . . 210
10m.alako. . . . 155(1 ( Union Con. . . . . . 45
MexIcan. . . . . . . . Ul ) Yelow Jacket. . . 41 -
London Mlnol jIlOilItlOill.
LONDON Jnu , IG.-II.m. closIng :
1:110. . . . . . . . . . 13 } ' 'Y.Centrai . . . 103 -
: : llo\ds. . . . . . . fit I'enisylvaiia. ; . . . . . ;
t 1IIIaylvanl1. . .
II. I Central. . . . . . Al ) Itcidliig. : . . . . . . . . I\ I-I
lctexleaitorttiIlal7 . 1 ! ( Mox. Cel.lew . . at lf )
St. Patti coiti. . . . . 51J ) ( -s. 41
HAl SIb''ER-27 a-151111er outico. -
Mmaa'- ! lien cent.
'rho natO or dIscount In Ihn
ml dlscolut open mnrkot ror
short bls.I-1 per ccitt ; for Ihr..o monlhs' bill a .
4 l'eI CCitt. celt . bis.
JIIIII"III ; " ! .
N1I5 % ' OlOIJIANS . Jan 15.-Clrrlngs. ' 2.Gt.937. :
IIO8TON Jan IS.-Clenrlnss. 15.321.0:8 $ : bc ii-
ances . l.tG,36. I
IIAITlMOltiI. Jnn. IS.-Clenrlngs. $2.t5.G : :
balances $332,008.
NICW YOm . , .
Jnn lG.-Cleorlngs. 196,270,21 ii ;
balances 17,161,263. 96.270.21
PIlibADIlLPlllA. Jan 15.-Clenrlngs. U2.556.-
07 : balances , $1.G3lO. (
11 11.IN. Jan 15.-1' : , ehlnge al I.ondon . elg hit
dn1 l&hl. 20 mnrk" 43 ICg. t eigh
N15YOI1K . Jan 15-Cold 10 the amount oC
' 600.0 . WW withdrawn irons the Iubtreosury
( ' 'INC1NNtT1 Jan 15.-Money. 2'.ftIC ! per eel ft.
New York exehnnge. 6OGe l'n'mium. ( llnrlngl.
$ .GIO.r. .
p\IH , Jnn. 15.-Three per cent rentes 102
Ida fur the account . Exchnnso on l.ndon. Ef
15e for gheck .
I.NDON. J00 15.The amount oC bullion wit ' 1-
drawn trot the lank oC nglnnd on babe 0
today WU8 ( .0.
MI AI'llf. Jnn. IS.-Clenrlns. 1267,245 : b II ,
ances. $65,175. New York exchange . sellIng al i tar
to $1.50 I'remlum.
ST. LOUiS. Jan. 15.-CI' > rlnKs. U.i1.3 0 ; 1.1 ,
once ! . $8tS.757. Money ( lUi"t. Sit ; 'er cenl. lx.
change on New York , U prelniuin
J.NDON. Jan 15.-00Id Is oled today at
luelol Ayres nl G ; ! ad 11. , 11.50 : lony An .
22.23 % : Ht. I'el'rburg. W ; Athens , 77 ; lion ,
10.6 : ; VIenna. 103. 7
( 'II\GO. Jan 15.-ClearIngs. $13.6\6.0.
Money . ICJ4 % per cent on call 50t6
Jloney. 4JI 11 elol ( ni ; 516 per cent pn
tIme. New York exchange , SOc l.rellum. St It-
ilg cotnineretut . $ U7.b8. Iler-
WASIINO'ON. Jan 13.-A dispatch Cram the I :
btrury nl New York today te'iortM thc. nil iii-
tolY I'l.orls Ih.
drawal of ' 30.0 In gold. The cash . \lh-
the treasury today was (153R6ti31 gold reset Ce .
, n.3Jj' .
_ - _ _ . , . ,
s-su--- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Moderate Run of 9 io and Sheep nnd 1
Dig SnppJl I. , qf Hog
. , 5'
ActIve Ucmanl ) for the ' fop . Oralie ! with Un-
deslrlbln Stul s"qv " ! : . I\o-IIi 1)rag
Al UI1 nt' ' " Alhlost . Stonily
( .t'JFSDAY ' , Jnn. 15.
The receipts today' were 2.31 cattle . P.:8
hogs and 1.3G2 sheep n ! ngalnst l.ll3 cattle .
2.15 hogs and 10 sheep yesterday and 3.10
cattle . 7.i7 hogs nnd W9 sheep on Tuesday
of last week. While the receipts or ent- S
tie ill-c rIlIlnibIg hehlnd last ' '
lre tunnlnl Ilst 'cnr'e record
there Is all enormous gnln In the arrivals I
of hogs .
TTJ.I'-There '
were clght-four fresh L
lamIa of cattle on the market ) today . nll }
. '
nmonl them some Iret fair beet steers
The lelunnt was good for nnylhlng really S
desIrable , nnll the offerings of Ruch were
mostly nil taken In good SlnMU , though the
market slos' ' ' , , :
was 'l'he ) Irlces Paid dill not
differ materIally front those pre\'ailng ) yes- ,
steat terdt3P . . the general I 111Itet bellg about
Deslrahle COWl nnt heifers ) wcre nls ( In I
Pretty ( nil' demnnd mll the marlwl vita In I
uhout the same condIton ns yesterday .
Common cnnlers wcre n little slow nail In I
some CIPe ! Rnlelen thou/ht the ' did not
gel quie us ) 11'1 Irlee , . us yesterday. ,
There wel't twenty to twenlyI10n,11 ! , of. .
feeders In Ihe 9'il'ls. A goollr ItOrtol were i
of PrettY fair quality . .hut still hnrdly Hood I
enoulh . for the dIstillers. There wns ame C
COtIiltl' 11emlle nlll the speculators were CI I
also bu'III. so that the orCcrlnlR wereI I
Iret ) well cleaned tIp before the close ' 'he
marllet , however , felt the absence of thc I
dIstilling buyers who tm . not nllmlt ) 10 I
blY anythllg eiher 'esletlny or tOtll ' . lnt '
the feeling was Iot quite so strol" Oil the
bajst grades of feelers. At the same tihln
/ tme
( Ito IUl'IIY ' of ligiltel' enle his bee I PrettY :
wel cienned up durllg the IRl few days
01)11 ) Rome were calling the market on 'si
stocllrl stronger. 'nllen lS I whole /00
WIR not much change from yestcl'dl ' . Hep-
res\ntlt\'e ( sales :
111:115' : STillIllO .
No. A\ ' . 11. Nu. , \ \ 11. No. A" ' . Pr.
2. . 750 $2 6 : 3..131 ) $3 4 : 21..15 $3 $ :
2. . 725 300 7..101 3 5) 13..134 $ :
1. . ! 305 2..lZ0 3 ro 19..131 38 :
3. . . U73 315 G..I066 3 r.5 8..1312 39)
1. . 52 * ) 32 16. . .l213 3 G G..186 39J
2.,1075 . 335 22..112 3,0 17..120 : 410
24 . .1 ( 33 : 5. . .l0G { 370 42..121 ) 4 IO
2. . H , ; 33 3..19375 : 2I..13'Jd 42 :
is. . . los-t . 33 4. . 99 ) 375 26..1m 4 [ l 1
18. . . 0 3 40 1. . .10M 3 75 13..1210 4 r
18..153 3 (1 ' 71..1SI 380 I..IGO 415
5. . S8 340 16..234 38 :
1. . . 640 15 2. . 915 2 ! G. . 7CI 2 G
I. . r. 12 I. . 780 20 1..10 250
1. . 7S 12 1..1070 2 U ( l. . . S93 2 53
G. . 6n 1 40 1. . . P90 200 4. . 9)i ) 2 GJ
0. . SS3 1 50 H. . $93 2 1 10. . 644 2 GO (
l..1l40 1 r 2..10 : 240 2. . 70 2 G5
8. . 6r I ro : . . G91 240 4. . 767 2 G :
I. . $ I I 50 8..1063 240 G. . 833 2 G :
8. . MI 1 GO 1..I00 2 40 10. . . 1(31 ( 2 70
1. . 700 ( 1 G 2. . t'G ' 2 15 1. .1310 2 75
7. . 631 1 G 1. .ltO ' 2 15 I. .16 ) 2 75
1. . SC 1 C : 1..10 2 15 2. . .102) ' 27 :
11. . 832 1 61 1. . ! 6 2 2 O. . 833 27i
1..10 I 65 3. . .13 225 2..102. 2 8(1 (
1. . 880 17i 2..125 22 : 2 : . . S3C . s
1..13) 175 3. . F3 230 ' 2..1215 2 55
I. . 99 175 1. . 7 ( ) 2 3 : 1..12 . O ) 29
7..IO { : 17 : 1..10 ) _ 3 : 1..1061 301 : )
l..lO5O 7 ; 3..1I30. , 40 7.IO63 a oo
k:18 : : : 1 & gm : : : : 4) g ) Lmg : : g g
13. . . 7cc ; 18. 7..1031 40 1..10 30
1. . P30 1 PO 2. . . 9 < 4 : I . . .1424 300
1. . 601 10 3..11,0 245 2..1015 310 )
6. . 0 ! . I 9 3. . 3t : M 13. .109 3 10
1.1tO.2o 12. . 793 2 r ( ) 0..1216 325
1. . 70 20 1. . t'30 360 )
115 F1I18.
1. . CIO 1 C. ) I1..J2 1 , " o 16. . . 854 2 C :
I. . 390 1 75 1. . 911 ! , 2 : 4. . 70 28
I. . C0 1 E G. . 'U .S 2 2. . 835 3 00
2. . 3 180 2. . 715 ' 250 I. . ( ) 3 0
4. . 352 2 0 I.S0i , ,5O 2..10 340
. .
I.I070 1 15 . . . . . . . 03 I..I200 220
I..1260 : : : : 200 1..344) : : : 65 Lnn : : 2 Ii )
1. . . 1)4(1 ! ) 220 1..1 ! ! 270 2..GtO 2 2)
3..100 22 1..130 ' 70 1..1G\0 22I
1..161 2 2 : 1.66 ] 27. 2..129 22 ;
1. . 670 2 2 I..ft21) I 275 1..1HO 2 25
1. . 930 22 , . . $ ' ) :75 1..1321 ) 2 30
3..127G 2 10 1c..l(1Q.Q' ' ) 3..1273 2 5(1
J..I20 23 I..U . ) 30 1..1320 25
I..123'-2 ( 2.:15 2,11 1..115' ) 2 GO
1. . 8801 . 50 ( l..lG 2,15" 1..15) . . ! ) 73
1..15W 265 , .
l..lW 255 0 ! 1..180 CALVES. 260 1..1:2 350
2. . 355 24 1. . ( l 300 4. . 21 4 o
4. . . 290 . 240 1. . 10 30 2. . 110 (2
4..5 . 24. 1. . . 210 30 1. . 121 ) 4 25
2. . 33) 2 r 1. . 3M 3 0 3. . 1:6 4 2
2. . : O 26 Ii. . . 90 35 1. . 120 4 r. r
2. . 70 2 r. 2. . 10 3 r 1. . 150 4 75
2. . 90 301)a
1. . n30 20 1..100 2 r 1. . 6 : 2 R5
1. . 40 20 13. . . 419 255 1. . 610 itO
1. . 68 2 0 2. . 820 2 51 13. . SSO 20
1. . 50 210 4. . GIO 2 CO 9. . 777 90
1. . G 210 1. . 890 2 G : 1. . 7i 290
I. . . GIO 2 : 4. . rG2 25 : 31. . G85 295
3. . SO ( 2 25 15. . 708 2 70 26. . 827 2 9 :
1. . 930 2 23 P. . 617 275 4. . . 7n 2 cr
I. . . G70 22 : G. . GGI 275 16. . 789 2 P :
8. . 581 22 12. . 7:9 275 2. . 72 ; 30
t. . 60 225 4. . . GI5 27 51. . 917 01)l
2. . 4G 225 17. . . C&2 275 32. . 719 30 30
I. . 551) 230 2. . C 2 80 7. . 89 300
10. . 838 2 35 20. . 74 2 60 3. . $56 3 0
5. . G 235 1..60 280 20. . 92 310
6. . 501 240 1. . lOt : 80 13. . 952 310
2. . 3G3 2 40 1. . 890 2 G : 5. . 912 3 10
2. . 620 2 r.o 40. . 8S 2 s 2. . .I0GO 3 25
1..70 260 2. . 815 285 :
No. A\ Pr. No. Av. Pr.
G CtI el. . . 867 $2 25
llIDIS AND SI'ItlNGllllth.
1 cow and calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ZO 00
1 spl'IIJlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 0
1 cow and calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 0 (
1 cow and calC . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 2 $ 00
1 cow anti calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
110w nl.1 enl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 O
11008-The ) Ieelpls oC hogs today . were 1 I eal'
or o. total oC 9,254 head being the ; largest run '
any day since Dleemb"r. ; 5. Aa 10 quality the (
average watt hlh In COmPclrieOn wi 'Iu I pre'lous :
lay's there being inure good hogs than have he.n
seen , I'rl' tar onle tince. g'pr.thlll seemed . to
b. In the hu'ers favor. Not only were the m i-
ellpta largis bert' . hut reports troll '
IlrJo hiI r.ports ) Chicago 11'
1IIIIed I hen\ ' run there 'and lower Ilrl < ls. As
n l'eeult oC excessive
reHul eXle'e reCel > tH und lower mater n
flit I k ets . the lallet ( here op"11 ; iv bib the hl'ers ;
htItitling ICe lower on on . Sellers ,
. .hliln10e lvrHC. 11'lcrH worl
nntumlY reluctant to milee Ihe ronllf.lon , and
the mallct , wns n clung ( rout . . "lnnlll 10 1'1 , I.
'he "u'ers w''c In.lre"f'nt. ' " Ihlrp icing more ;
hO"f hen' than I w. . rcqimire,1 I 10 fill mill oiilc.r : 5 .
nld the mnrlcet II hl not Impro\e I uny tUna rtl the ( I :
eloHp. I wits n regular o.I.lme lliii-ket : Ite
hose which w.r so commol In the early hlstor ) '
oC time , 'urll. . whel lIlilOrs 1 antI sellers 'nrl' car I.
) woull (
tend all dciy over I Cew lotl , oC bogs. As uS
Ii' I nolrl , ( main Iho salt's IIen below time . ' \i ,
oC the hOla went itt $ 10 $1.20 . OK ulalnst 8 $ to I
$ .2 yestetilay . shile the . toll wan $ : . tnt again :
S.371 'I'sterd8Y. . 'I'lie tslrlH would not bill Vt.
much change In Ice I malk ; t. hut Ihel' I " wci . a LII :
difference In the docility oC the hogs 10In ) I . ns
eOm\mrfd \ with yesti'rlny. 1.llht hogs sold lIrl ; 1'
elll Iy nl 'I.GO In $ .10. un.1 . l.nnt $1.20 10 I
$1.35. IIIH weIghing Cram SO 10 ( 10 lb. . went nl t
$2 to $3.25. lt'IO"'Hlltntve onl" :
No. Av. Hh. PI. No A" . Rh. Pro
2t..16 80 $345 75..230 2S0 $1 10
66..H8 40 CO 301 . . . . . .193 40 $10
56..H7 to 3 60 . . . . . 40 410
91..12 80 3 C : 13..20 . . . 410
C7..18 t 3 70 7..2 7 . . 410
Ill..139 . . . . : 70 . . . . . 80 1 IO
6..1.7 to ) 3 75 1..231 . . . 410
103..119 . . lZ0 375 u . . . . . . 410
1..150 , . 3 S - . . . . . . . . .110
: . . . . . 40 3 S 10..281 . . I 1 $ I
& . . . . . . . 3" i' . 3..10 . . 4 )
. n..lH . . 390. . . 6..2 . . 4 W
62..13 80 390 ' Jr" . I..217 : 1:0 410
5. . . . ' 0 s 390 .t ; 9..19 . . 410 :
103..176 40 . 40 'ill. . . . . : . ICC . . 410
. . . . . . . .40 . . . . . . . 40 410
11..17 . . 40 b8..21.0 410
. . . . . . 400 G..205 . : 410
6..1 $ : . . 4 00 ( c . . . . .2 40 410
10 . . . .t7G 40 40 ( ' 3t 7..287 . . 412 t
. . . . . ) . . 40 . [ , : } . . . . . . . 415
1..181 ' " 4 0 j" , e . . . . . . . f 15
0..193 . . 4 01) - t f . . . . . 1)7 . . . 415 1 !
21.:1 r 411 ( - . - I . . . . . . . 4 l
7..180 . . 40 " 3 ' j I..250 . . 415
. . . . . . . 4 0 [ 1 ' 8..187 , . . 415 !
72.1)3 RO 40. . , . , .i . . . . . . . . . . 4 IC
93..1& . . f ( , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 !
90..199 240 40 ; .j i ' ° . , . . . . 245 . . 415 C
. . . . . . 80 40 l..t..2. L . 415 :
81..202 40 f 0' 10..23 . . 415
5..24 $ , , . 405 ( , . . . . . ICO 415
. . . . . . . . . 405 f , i } ( 7.25. . (20
4..210 . . 4 03 ,6 , $ , . . . . 39 . . 4 21
1.:2/ ) . . 4 05 ' -8' 69..XO. . 42
. . . . . . . 405 77..207 ' 40 4 IA
65. . . . . . 1(8 40. f 0 5S..223 . . . .2
M. . . . . ' 3 to 4 o G. . . . .2 G . . 423
. . . . . SO f 0 ; 56..321 120 4 2 l
79..202 to 4 0 68. . . . . . ' W .2ZI. ;
. . . . . 11.9 120 4 0 65 , . . . . . 273 . . .2 ,
. . . . . . . j 10 62. . . . 2 7 40 21 :
77..221 . . .s 10 CG..28 { 8 42
6..21 to 4 10 51 1..312 80 . 2
2G..2. , . 410 . . . . , . . . .2
64..24 80 410 6..2C8 . . . 42 :
' . . . . . 80 410 58 . . . . . 200 . . . 430
79..2 X . . 410 51..41 . . 430
b9..27 . . 410 6..3 430
20..2H . . 4 10 5t. . . . . .1178 . 6 485
$1..1131 \ . . 410 64 . . . . . 522 . . . 43 0'
I . . . . . .250 . . . 2 G 1..20 . . $6 0
1..1& ? . . : 85 5
85plS. .
2. . . . . 53 . . 20 plS. 13. . . . 99 . . 325
10. . . . 50 . . 2 to 2..105 . , 330
23 , . . . . 83 . . 3'15 . . . . . .U8 . . 33.
7X. . , . . 99 . . 3 25 15. . . .IUJ . . 33.
3. . . . . . M . , 3 25 24. . . . , , l20 . . 310
12. . . . 97 . . 325 120..12 . . 3 G
8..10 . . 32 fl. . . . , . 137 . . . 3 G :
S1l1.11P-Tlco reccipth were large iut Ihe
al lecelpl .lrc . , luI mlr-
. - ' - - - . " . : - - : . - ' - - " - :
kft wn rather qUIet on anything but the ist
mutton "eep. Thp mnrle was steady on the
blfr : grades and weak on ethers. Itcprcsentntlve
Nn \vt. 1'1'
1M ) ' mlx.1 natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U $3 M (
9 nnthe " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 $ 2
SI mixed nnl"'el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 a:5
CIC.UO . \ \ ' : STOCK
Supply l'rovc,1 Sloro'rlisn Snnelent to flIt
tile rrlers 01 115,1(1.
CIIICAflO , Jnn. 1S.-Mout , 5,0 cattle nnlvc.I
1(10) ' . but Ihel were many left over from 3C ,
lella ) ' . nnl , the Iupl ) ' Ilr\'ell Ire than Um-
dent 10 fill the orcrl on hand I xlr 1,500 10
1. CI I. steers were quoted nrun < I $5.6 nail
extra bulls and hllrers were salable nt from $3.M
It $3.i5. I'rlce ! were wihout quotable chnn (
There WOA n Ihnl Ilown 11m tocift ) ' In Irllel of
hogs. The "rrnl" Wnl nhoul hoc bower I than
for Monl' , the glenter l'clrt ' of the light weIghts
selling at ri-eta $4 to $4.23 , from $1.5)
to S 1.33 buyIng the hitilic of I ii e hogs 'eIghing
01cr 2i ) Ihia , titmighi the quality' osas Imici
Is'tter than ) 'dstcOSy. Shll'ptllg oritr IIPP'Cr'll (
( I ) itt' light afll the Packing lella'itI ; lOcked tice
actIvity flote,1 yeslepio' , The top of the market -
ket at the close was $4.63 for imea'y and 11.20 for
in i'iiep the 'penlng was strong and active
ant PrIces Overo generally cotleitleretl to lie a
simile hilgiter. There were ittamut 10,00 head en
tli marki tialn' , % % blicIi Is sin , a mnolernto number
tot the sedonil 1km ) ' of the Iveck. Sheep. hoer to
i xtrn , were quoted from $2 to $3.75. 1.01110 ! soul
( mm $2.73 to $1.40 , ami pomnetbittig chitc ooultt
comnmanl as hIgh ; us $1.60. Tlo ; bulk of tice
snhe were . at from $3.14) ti ) $4.25.
ltrCi.2i : I'TS-Catlie , t..OJO lienti ; calves , 4,040 ,
head ; hogs , 35.000 head ; siee' . 10.040 iind ,
I1mltlNi5 ( ' 153' tAre Stock ltctrkot.
ICAN.Si4 CITY , Jan , l&-CATTb.1---1tecIi'ts ,
5.701) Iccatl ; siiipnients. I ,700 Lcei,1 : ; miinrket fenI ;
Texas steers , $2.S1i13.90 ; TCxns 00105 , 81.50113.23 ;
ClornIta doers , 13.23(14,10 ; beef etet-is. 13.3041
nativ' eons , $ l.G3St3.40 ; stockers nlil
feeders , * 2.55413.60 ; hulls , 11.501(3.00.
IlOUS-Itecelpts , 16,01)1) heal ; shIpments , none ;
lnatket weak In l0 lower ; 1511k of sales , * 4.0)41
4.2" ; heavy , $4.100f4.43iaekers. ; 34.0)114.43 ) ; mIxeil ,
* 3.60)414,30 ; I guts , $3.50(13,93 ; Yorkers , 13.6(13,90 ;
iigR , 62,70033.6) .
:011 : l1lIl'-1teeiittg. 2,200 bicad ; ehcipladlIts , none ;
market steady.
St. 1.0111 ! it ; 'ltueic Stance.
we. i.ot'ig , Jan , 15.-C"A'rTt.11-fleceitts. 5,20)
iiea,1 ; c'iIi'nients ; , 20) head ; inamkct about. Slearl ) ' ;
light natIve steer' , , 03.00413,25 ; faIr to good , $3.75
013.00 ; t'eiles ; , 12.20(13.35. ( 'OIl'S , 12.013132.25 ; Texas
fI'rt steers. $ L30113,3l ; great rows , $ l.7Oim2.25 ,
IiOOS-btecelltt8 , 9,501) limit ; eicIirnlent , 5'4)
bread : ; niimlcet SiIlOc lower ; heavy , $1,33631.55 ;
ini'tel , 61.00(14.10 ; ligllts , * 4.00011.23.
SlllilIl'-lteceiutts , 2.1Cr ) licn1 ; 1ll monte , none ;
market I3c lowerlicativo mcihxt'd , $253413.50.
New York lAva tIIiICk Market.
NEW S'OltlC , don. l5.-13l4l3'l1S-1teceipts , 999
lo'otl ; no trail Ills.
51111111' ANt LACttT303.-lieceIpt , 1.812 fiend ;
all tot' sale ; inaihet hlrlil SOifle a'il's of Icincbs at
ISOJISo hilglme ; ' . 8Iiip , 12.00433.75 ; ear of rXl'flrt
s ethers , $4.60 ; lambs , $4 00613.25 ; , lrcssetl mutton ! ,
fi rm at S$17c ; , hN'Sst blabs , hIgher at 6' } Sc.
1lOl8-ltecelplmc , 2,335 head ; malket hIgher at
$5 .004f5.23 ,
LivcnmnI Mcrkots. ,
1 iv1inpOOr. . .Tnn. I5.-W1IIIAT-Stot , steady ;
d ecand ; steatly ; No. C retl , 'intc.r , Is Ott ; No. 2
re d , spring , Sit 51 ; No. I hard , Sincitohi ; , , Sa 1'5d ' ;
20 0 , 1 California , Sa 1'ltl. I'utures openert strtly ,
a uth hear and di'tnnt positIons tSOIlil tower ,
cl osIng quiet , wiih near poaitlons 10t3 fa6timlngs
lo wer , and ( liattlic 6 ; iositlou ; 1(1 lower ; bu slnes
at ) ut equally clistrllriclc'cl ; January , 4s iii ; Felt-
rm iam-9' , 41 ; 85il ; Mcneil , 4a 1PId ; AIrril , Is 16354) ;
M im.y. Is lOi ; Jtii1c. , 4a Itch.
CORN-ipot , quIet ; flllXed. new , 4a Ill. Vuba
lu res opened dull , with near rind ( lIStint 1,051-
U ons % d lower ; closed dull , wIth near positions
ft tarthiing to t,5t1 lower , and distant positIons 'Sd
lo wer ; business heavIest ( ill early positIons ; .1cm-
u ary , Is ItA4d ; J'ebruary , Is 251d ; Starch , Is 25i1 ;
A prIl , 4'i 274r1 ; Stay' , 4s Sri ; June , 4a Cr1.
FLOUIO-Stearly : ( lenland moderate ; St. LouIs
ti the ) ' winters , Sa ' 31.
1'1IOVII4IONS-ilaron , firm : tiemanti fair ;
( tinberland Cut , 280,90 lhr. , 33s Cl ; 1,1101-0 rlis ,
21 4 lbs. , 32s ; long clear , light , 384015 11)5 , , lbs di ;
lo ng clear , lleltv9' . 55 Ihr. , Its 6111 short clear
( r acks , light , II lbs. , 32s ; ice , t clear maidriles ,
h eavy . , 55 lbs. , Ifs Cd ; clear bc.IlIe , 11411 $ lbs. .
43 .4. Hlcriilders. sqtinre. 124118 It's , , lOs. Ifanis ,
sh ort emit , 144116 lbs. , 43e. Iteef , extra India
mi cess. 70s ; irlmmlle mess. SOs Si , l'oilc , Prime
n lt'ss , flac % ' , 'sterfl , tTs Cl ; prune nediuin. 52 6t1 ,
L ard , slen,1y ; ; rriicie u'estern , 33 317 refined , in
p ills. ICs Gd. Itrefnigt'rntor beet , fore quarters ,
4 Sii : IcircI quarters. 6510.
1'ALLOVi'-F'ina Nortlm American , nonlinal ,
IC c ; 91.
(1 i1IS1I-Steady : ilencanl , inotlerato ; flilest .
Ao iccerlcan WilIte , SOs Ccl ; Ilneat Aitiemhcan c31-
o r.l. Sis Cd. c31$21
IIUT'1'5516-Finpst United States , 75s ; good ,
6 05.
TURPENTINII-Splrlts. lOs 00.
CO'l"I'ON $11111) O11-l.lverpool , refiner ] , ISa Cr ] .
L1NSEuD 011.-ha 3d.
1'l1T1lOhi1tJM-595m , .
IItAIACIIING I'OWDl1t-1Iuld wood , f. 0. Ii. .
L Iverpool , 7 lOs.
1101'S-At Iondon ( Pacific coast ) , 2 ISs.
The receipts of wheat during tue past three :
d ays were 123,040 centais , Including 99,000 .Amorl-
c an.
1ecelpis of American corn for three days past
n ere $9,500 ceatnis. W'entiier thaWing.
- CoIT , ittisricet.
Nl0V YORK , Jan , 15.-COFFEE-Options opene ,
sV iendy mit unchiangi-il prices to 10 poInts sO-
V ance ; ruled generally firm on local buyliig and
fn oreign hirlulttalion , closed barely steady for neal :
n lentils anti itteOtl ) ' for ihiettint niontics at 10412
p oints advance ; sales , 31,500 bags , Including : .lnn. :
u cli-y. $14.204t i&30 : Starch , $14.054u14,10 ; Slay , 811.64 I
01 14.23 : June , $11.50 : September. * 14.030111,30 ; OcLo' -
h er , * 14.104111.23 ; Deconiher. $14.10. SI'ot coffee ,
R io , quiet : No. 7 , I55c ; 11111(1 , quIet ; ( Comtinvn , :
1 6'441l9c ; sates. 1.000 bags IOta , Nos. 7 and 6 ,
a float , at 1&31c ; 600 bags Santo. No. 5. mInima 10 , :
a t $17 ; late yestertlay 1,000 bags Santos , Nos , I 1
t o 0 , aiioctt , * 13.37 % . Contracts opened stenI3
wt ith PrIces unchanged to 10 POint ! higher ; RIIec ;
t o noon , 20.000 hugs , jnciuling : Januamy. $14.30 ;
M acelm. 814.000114.03 ; May. Si t.00411&IO ; September
* 14.05(114.25 : 1)i'oelllr'r. $14.10. Tue Inarlcet Cl
n eon was firm at tin culvamcco of 101(15 ( 1)01(11 , USdA .
y esterday's closing Iigmies. TIme demand bias coirs ,
ca hiefly rronl loccit trarlers.Vareicouse dt'hiveriei 4
a re ( aIr , Tilt- spot maricet Is srrnlewhat irregulni ,
a nl , vague , cia tl tic quotations svitim the morn
s ales of No. 2 Santos Ut 17c , nun sobs of 511101 I
l ots of strIctly Rio. No. 7 at 15c ; sellers gen
e mIly flrmm , in vIew of further ; crtvance in con
tS racts and ( till av-rage 'tvarelcouso delIverIes
S % Siieitouta , delIveries from New Yoric yestemOny .
1 3,421 frogs ; stack today , 282,539 biugs ; Uniter I
S tutes stock , 2132,600 ( rags ; , attat ( or lIce Ilnite I
S titic's , 243,000 icigs ; total s'islbl , ' for tIme Unite
S tates , 535,600 hngs. agaiflilt 537,627 bags Inst year .
SANTOS , Jan , 15.-Firm ; good average fCnnf , ,
$ 14.50 ; receipts tOday , 36,000 bags ; stock , 443,00
l eIgs.
1L MIIUICO , Jail. 15.-h'tead' ; prIces umnt-hianget I
t o 1 % lrtg. advance : no sales reported.
IIAVIII3 , Jam. ; 15.-Oenel ; firm , 'It advance :
c lose ] ( itilet Ut iI41It act advance : baleS , 16,00 C
l ags : January , iJI.50 ( : Ft'iiruary , 01.SOt ; Morel ; .
0 l.itt ; AprIl , 51.7Sf ; Slay. 01.S0t ; June , tti.5 ( ;
J t19' 91.1St : Allgtmht , 01.2Sf ; h'crtembcr. ; 01.500 ;
O ctoiter , 90.7Sf : November , 60.7Sf ; 1)ecenlber , 130.75' .
1(10 JANIflItO , Jail. 15.-Firm ; No. 7 , Itlo ,
$ 13.43 ; exchange , 10 5.161 ; leceipimi , two 0113's
2 1,000 lags ; cit'ametI for tue Unlieii States , 5,00 6
b ags ; cleared for FuroIre , l,00i ) tags ; stock , 23,09 0
b ags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'ettiii Slarkt't ,
LlV11tL'OOb , Jan. 15-COTTON-Spot , fal r
d enuind ; ; iricc's easIer ; American iniritlllng ,
3 11-161 , The a1es of the day Seero 12.00) ) 1cilt-s .
o f a Icicit 1,100 % vere ( or EleCtlllltiOfl anti export .
a nti Inclutlitt 11,2)1) ) AflierIcamI : receipts , 3,0(30 ( bnie ,
I neluling 2.229tnlerlccln. . l"litres ; ; openetl 'pile 6
c i 6 tile dccli iie , S ml iteil iuit I it tIe during I ho dci : I.
a ittI clrtseil quiet at ( ice decline ; American amid -
t Iling , I. 3tl. ( C. , .iantiary , 2 62-GIrl buyers : Jun
ucily cinti February. 2 62-aId , eiieis ; Fei'ruai'f :
onch March , 2 63-610 luye's ; March antI AprIl
3 1 Iroyrra ; AprIl tinri Slay. 3 2.641 sellers : 5ln'T
furl June , 3 I'64l litlyems ; .luntl cmii July , 3 4-611
% 'mmltit'a ; .1 imly ant August , 3 6-641 sellers ; August
antI Sejtt'acler , 3 7.611 sellers ; September oral
Oeth'r , 36Itl lruyers.
NiW OIILEANS , Jan. 35.-COTTON-Uutmmrt's ,
quIet ; scmlc's. 33,50) ) boles ; .Iauuar' , 85.0)113.11 ;
l"c'Irrcctry , 85.17413.18 ; 5Iirlm : , $3.I'JRSIO ; April ,
$5.82415.33 3ia. $5.36i5,30 ; .limiIo. * 5.43013.44 ; JLily.
$3.IOCtS.49 ; August. 85,63(15.54 ; 1h-ptenliier , 13.574,1
5.39 ; ( ) chllt'r , 13(10) 5.62.
NOlth'OLl5 , .lafl , 15-COTTON-QuIet : flliildling.
SUe ; low inhihiIng , , : ; 3-iCc ; gontl ordliutry , 4 2-160 ;
i tet antI gross receipts , 2,172 bales. i-xpom is to
( Ireat hliItlan , 634 luieti ; ( ( astwIse , 233 boles ;
sales. 513 1i1es ; stunt , 63,1)56 ) hales.
IIAITlSiOhtl1 , .1011. l5.-COTTON-loli ; laid1
dung , & % o ; 1,1W , Illirirlling , 5 3.1Cc ; goon ordillury.
Ihc ; net rreeilrte , Itofle' gross lect'iits. 1,1211 hales ;
exlartli to ( Irecit lIrItain , 200 hales ; to tue corlti-
neat , 2,411 hales ; Itlock , 11,176 iralie.
laS'i'ON , .liut. 15.-COTTON-tilll ) : mIddling.
53c ; lair mmiltliitng , 514c ; goitil ordlitary , 13c ; net
rt'Ci'IIIs , 147 trales ; gross. 4,533 Iriiie.
5'1 131 I NI'I'ON , .Ian. 15-CO'I"FON-i'inil ; ; ; lli'l-
tilIng , fe ; low clItitilIng , 4 9-ICe' Ilet aliri gloss
I i'cE'ilrls , 422 Irnies ; toc'k , 21,374 ini.
l'IlihAI)11l.I'iI IA , .lui. 15.-CtY4"FON-Sieall ) ' ;
mIdliing , Ga ; lOW iiiltlriiliig , So ; gootl orillnciiy ,
4o ; iceS lC'rilrti ( , 251 Stiles ; SlOSH , 3,053 bales ;
stock , 10,233 boIc.
lIt. 1.oiil ( lciiirtil Market.
ST 1.O1'bH , Jan. 15.-t'LOhlht-Uflcliangt'd.
S'1iI1A'1'-Opt-a"il l(1I1c loser emtlb ) , then re'
covert'il , hilt went , tff tigalrm carl cloitt'I 14u under
yesterday's close. Cash and January , G2le1 Stay ,
53)'e ; July. 6Sllc ,
( AJtN-5't'ek imnil i'ioW nnl ciosetl a
heiow ) 'Ciitt'rtlfl ) ' . C'ctrIi and Jaluary. ; 42io ; Felt-
ruary. 52)3c ) ; Slay , 44e ; July , 44h.tllSe.
OATH-l7mtsler and siuw ; Casil , 3' ) , ; trIo ; January ,
34)4e ) ; May , 30030.
1 ( l'I : -i hub ; SIc itlI ,
lIAItl.I1S'-Firnl ; Minnesola sold 68t.4c. ?
HA V-Quiet ; praIrie , * 7.00(1 10.54 ; tImothy. 110.000
IIIIAN-Sccti-c-c. linli ( Irma ; Clc , 01156 ( lack ,
l"bAX HIlblt-Qu'eit $1.37.
ci.o\'ls-i'oor to ( aIr , 17,5005.25 ; choice , 18.49
TIStOTttY Sfltt-b4,75(15.21.
jlI1'l'1'lit-Hlealy ann uicltitflgeil.
l3d08-141t'ati ) ' iirii unchanged ,
l.IAl-Flrm ; 42.00.
sl'lLTIlt-$3.07 ' : : $ ½ .
' 1ll8K5'-i4teaiiy ; $1.23.
l'htO\'ISION-l'orc ) lower ; $11.33 , 1.ani ,
lousnr : linimite. 80.Czio ; cio'ce , $6.7t. huron ,
shoulders , $ S.7S(15.b7',4. ribs , $6.75 ; icoit , $6.Slt
dry saltsl sitcultiers. hoied , $4.75 ; longs , $9.7
rIbs. 15.57's : slitrts , 16.
ItlR11ll1'HFIour. ,01IO lIla , ; whic'at , 1,0)0 bu , ,
( out. 28.018 Itu. ; oats , 62.00) .
ShIlI'3.ltlNT-Flour , 7,000 Lbls. ; wheat , 61,000
( 'U. ; COIC , 2,00t ) ho , ; oats , 16,0130 lu ,
italtIiiur Sbisrkets ,
IIAI.TlMOltli , Jan ? S5.-Fi.OUIt'--Vlrm , Un-
otaangetl ; receillls. ii V7 hi-la. ; Sllillmctnts ( , 211
thi $ . 7 sale ! . lIt' ) Ills.
COItN-i'Csisy' eliot tintl month. IS'r.c(1IStc ; I'd , .
lunry , 4S1,44j15ei' ; Slay , 50t,4c bitt ; slt'oncer intend ,
475 J44o ; rt'ceiirts , 205 $ ) lu , ; Iocl. tG9ttO ( t.u , ;
sales. 7,001 hI , . ; , 'ouliierfm white , 4Sii50c , Sillitli-
err , s'ehiowlTlil'Jo.
W'uilIAT-Iuli ; stial alid mcnithi. 69'ltiGOc , Pelt.
ruary , 5031w8'.lo ; March , % 134j6131c ! ; Its ) ' , V'23U !
. : ' . .
- - - - - - ' - 5--
S2tCi steamer , No. 2 red , 57c hI ) , reecipti. $ .62
hal , , stock. 635 , 107 ll , ,
Pales , 111,0) ) Ii , . , sr rulta'rn
6)'tc l'y saniple , , 6.05Gb ; soulimern , on giaIe , & 7i(1
OATS-i'lnn ; good , liqiinmi,1 ; No. I white , not
5'Cslerfl , 33'tc : No. 2 mIxer , 35'4J3Cc ' ; tcceirts ,
10,737 lii. ; steele , 1,7OI ) till ,
I1VU-Slow ; No , 2 , Clot receIpts , 544 Iru. ;
stock , 2ks ) tim ,
llAY-l'iiiy nail qmiet ; tlntotiiy , $ i2.tOfllI.OO.
( ilt.lN '
FlhIIluill'S-Quiet anti
easy ; elPam , to
I.tverpncti. Icr quarter , January , l'4'tJ1'ls ' 2 % ;
rc ( % oniers , per 'barter ' , J000ar ) , 2s 1)001
8t(1A1t-ActI'c. unchanged , -
lflVPII.fl-Sieail3. !
, unchanged ,
l(1lS--SIt'nIy , unehniigel ; ,
CiIlItISli--l'irimi , unelcangeil ,
i'IilIiUlPIllliI ; % . ) inrkrtq ,
I'll ltA Dhlt.t'i I 1.0. Jan. lS.-"tVll IATl,4tt 1)c
bo'er ; No. I led , 0lStTGOSc % ; i"clmuary , 6O3t14tc ;
Stamim , Ct5jCIo % ; . % , G2'tOC6(23e ' ,
' ( XIItN-Steatby ; Isia. 2 ricIetl , .lannry ; ; , 49'e ' ;
S'el'rtlar ) ' , 49Q(1Dc ! ; 2Ialchi , I94t$30'1c $ ; AlirIl ,
OATS-llnehnngr'il ; No. 2 filter , , lanhiar ) ' ,
l7'1tI3'c ; : I'elm mar' ; , 3T',80134c ; March , 371 ! (
1)Oc' : Atinhi , i7934f3SLto.
l'tUVIIOIONS-QcIct ; onti slearly , l1c.e't , city
tdmlll % ) ' . 69.01)0110.00 ) ; ii1rkttl treet , 1l54il3e ; beef
1101115 , I01lt1c , I'ork , ( (011113' , $ lI.00(1 11.39.
llnms , 65ft0'4c ; sflVtke(1 , l9ItIic : sh,1e , rlbttel , in
sd : I , 7617' Ic ; pIric. ills , smicahecl , i'd 81,0 ;
, lers. pIckltl , GjJCtc. ; ; , iiielilers. snioketi , C4f7o ; ;
breakfast irneon. StItISo. laph , pure cIty , relineil ,
In tleret's , 73fS'1e ; pure CII ) ' , reliimeI , ill tiitr.
6118'Se. '
lht'TnIit-Siuuer tone ' westCrn . 2
; ) cmnmilery. , 'C ;
( nnc' l'ennsylvnnia l'l'tiiS , ICe ; fancy Jolbiag ,
13dUS-3'inn ; fresh , near by 2)c ; fresil cstetfl ,
230.5t(1flSfle'flne,1 , strong nni in gcrurl deniaaii ,
ltlebIbI'TS-I'ltur , 2,467 irbla. , 12,030) nks ;
ihrnt , 5,0(5) ( bri. ; ; rum , 12,011) ) IttI , ; 0015. 26,001) 1,11. ,
Hlill'StlNT8-3'lcat ; , 5,001) hO. ; corn , 12,01) ' )
tiu. ; oats , 26,000 Liu ,
I6iiiitt'i City . % liinitc.I.
l.tN'SAi4 C1TI' , .lnn. 15.-'llliAT-I'Irm anti
i.6c Itlghmer ; Xe , I hard , frSe ; No. I red , fditfll'e ;
rejecleil , 4661lPc ; saiciplo sales , I' . n. Ii. . SIlesle-
511)81 rIver , No. C litnI , , 35803Cc ; No , 2 roil , 5) ' .
COI1N-Sioiv aicri "re Itiner ; No. 2 ; ilxeil , 3914
tOiflo : No. 2 whIte , 1P4llc' .
OATS-b'ieathy ; No. 2 inked , lOi5c ; Nci. 2
iiilo. 126f3 ] .
ltYiS-l"irni ; No. 2 , tIc.
1'l.'iX 8il7D-lull ; * 1.30411.31.
III1AN-l'lim ; 680513e.
Ii A V-Stead ) ' ; ( llnotbly , 19.004110.03 : prairie.
ilt"rrlibt-Stenii ) ' , uncliangetl.
13d(18-\Ven k : 13.
ltl1CEhi'Ti4.1i > i'heat , 4,000 bill. ; coril , 212,000 tttl , ;
onla. 4.010) 1,11.
811 Il'Si IIN'l'S-W'lceat , 20,040 bit. ; corn , none ;
erats , none ,
Toleilo ( I rithmm 51 arkut.
T00.IIDO , .Tan. 15.-IVIIIIAT-luil , teni1' ; No.
2 , caehm ann .lnnuriry , 53e ; 5103' , &S'c.
( ' ( ) ltN-.lult , stvatl5 ; No. 2 nilxetl , 4316.0 ; No.
3 ; mlle.'rl , 42i.e.
OATS-inactive ; No. 2 mlclxctl , ICc ; No. 2 whIte ,
1tY1'-lull ' , quIet ; COld ) . SIc.
( 'h.OVilt 8lhlD-Steatiy ; l'riine , cash , January
and Feitruary , $3.55.
Ittt'l)1t'T5-VIiait , 10,01)0 h'u , ; corn , 7,000 till. ;
clnc'erseeil , 530 l'ags.
slIil'sIiNTS-con : ; , 1,000 bu. ; rye , 500 bo. ;
cl over eti , 416 lrags.
Mhhus mitiRco , % hiirk'te.
SI1L'5'AUKlE Jan , .
, 15-PI.OUlt-Nomlnnl.
WIIIIAT-Qulet , weak ; No. 2 sirring , S5'Ac ; No.
I tstrrtltern , 54ct Slay , SSSc.
COI1N-SieltdI ; No. 2 white , 3l2c ! ; No. 3
w hite. liSle.
IIA101I1Y-Flnin ; No. 2 , rrl'4c ; sanlIrle , 53413Cc.
hiVil-Nirmunal : No. 1 , 0,1 > 10.
l'lOVISIONitt-Lr > wer. l'ork , $11.41. Lnrd , $6 80.
ltIl13tt'TS-Fiour ( , 4,000 ibIs , ; wheat , 13,000 Pu , ;
ba rley , 31.200 Itu.
SI t I P111 lNTS-Flour , 10,500 IrbIs. ; wheat , none ;
ba rley , 1,000 ho. _ _ _ _ _
Now 'York liry ( lotid' Market.
An h-regular demanil for stnple nn,1 colored
ea tiOllS has m'ttirneti a good volume of lOlsInc'S" ,
ttu t such engngi'nlenta 500 * C tlmlL'Vc.fll ) ' , llittnlltu led.
1) nnleettlrti were irougllt after , nid ; , for lc'atltng
m akes , gnarl selectIons were picicel , lviii > lice
de lIvery , lntes tlcat coulrl I.e COC'pi'l. AS usual
rn Tuesday it was a slc > v ; narl't , et deiivei lea
( in ( ctl'lnrr Ittlrciiaea returiie'h a goal total. l'riit-
tn g cloths In go'i deinanrI at 2t4c , svIthm sates of
ab out 100.001) i > . 'eoes at that PrIce.
Sllimiiei > polli , 'hieci ( Clicrlcot.
SIINNIIA1'OblS , .Ian.
w eak ; vnitim , ittearly ; deinani , 5001 ; receIpts swore
73 cars today , against 12,1 cars last year. Close :
Ja nuary. Site ; Ma ) ' , tCIlc ; July , 01)54(100530 : on
tr ack , No. 1 harl. 503ic ; No. 1 northern , 593c ;
N o. 2 n , > rtht'rn. 51)530.
FfOIJIO-Steatly ; llrst Iratents. 13.30411.64 ; arc-
on il Irateni ! , 12.55413.11) : fnlic' and export bakers ,
$21 1041230 ; red clog , 11.654)1,73.
Oil Sticriet.
F Inn > , ISSIc.
1tO41N-Flrm , $1.
SAVANNAII , Jan. rt.-ItOSlN-FIrnl ; strained ,
$1 ; gotrrl. quiet. $1.05.
Sttl6ITS-Strntly , Nc.
TAil-Steady , 'iSo.
TUlth'IONTINlI-Flrrn ; hart ] , $1.50 ; soft , $1.60 ;
vi rgin , $1.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
At t'crlii. , ,
PEORIA , Jan. 15.-COhN-Steady ; No. 2 , 4155c ;
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 whIte , 3141315tc ; No. 3
sv isrip. bIllie.
16Y14-Nomlnal : No. 2 , SOc.
WHISKY-Firm ; hIgh seine , 11.221
Simgir ; ! lnrlCct. (
NR1' YORK , Jan , 15.-SUCIAfl-flasv , stcad' ;
sa les , 2,016 tags centrifugal , 136 test , at Ic , cx-
si mlirmicent ; relineil , steat1' .
l.ONtON , Jan. 15-SUOAibCane , quiet ; con'
tr ifugal Java , Ils ; muscovaclo , fair iellnng , Os.
uIcrISco S'lieat ( , iotiiIoi > . t
HAN FRANCISCO , Jar ; . 15-WhEAT-Dull ;
51 09' , 05780. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
D Ispute Over Some rd00 11arbor on tito
Alilskifl ) Coast.
TACOMA , Wash. , Jan. 15.-TIle Alaskan
N ews , 1 > UbllShel ( at Juneflu City , mnkes tile :
s ensational predIctIon that the Takou inlet I
a lul the head of Lynn canal wIll become IS
f amous the world over as affordIng gi-ounde A
f or a fierce international dispute between :
C leat Britain and tile UnIted States , and n
c ause of arbitration by tile Europeal > polvere
t o determine which COilfitry shall polvereS
s ciutlon of It , accorlillg to tile orovislons ol .
t he Itussian treaty ILUU the subsequent pur-
c hase of Alaska by 01cc lJnItecI States.
"Each nation , " says the News. " 3olcls ; fast
t o a dIfferent concitructioml of tile Russian L
t reaty , England ninintalnlng that tile b3uiui
a ry line tioeit not follow mip and around the :
d eep inlets and 1)119's , as held by the United
S tates , but follows the gellerat ciast lines I
t en marine leagues Ii ) the Interior srOm salt
sv rtter. Great 11t'Itain sees a liaw In tile t
t reaty , and witll hot' ilsual aggressiveness m
v ill endeavor to wrest from the governlllonl
a \'tTusllngton ; tIle imurhurtt nnd Inlets about
J unettu , ito that a l3nitislm seaport will Ibid
t he POrtal to the Yukon country ttitd tIlt i
ti ndevelopetl nortii\vest terrItory. The good I
l estIltS following to the commerce of Eng' .
l and's provinces by reason of a. seaport i i
t oo important to ho oveglooIi'tl by Eng-
l and's giggressive foreign polIcy.
"Will Uncle Sam , under Uresllam's 001109'
l ese valuable IIOCSCSSIOI1S ill soutliectateri :
A laska ? Since Japan is coming to 51cc front :
fi g fj commercIal posvct' , Ehmglltlbtl has lull '
t entacles U0il Alaska to sncttcll a Seaport
f or lien navy 011(1 commerce ladois ships. '
T wo W'oinon irowiu'ml ill ( ho .1)lh4lMtti , ( ) I
ISARDIN , Ill. , Jan. 15-While crosellig the
M ississippi river on tIme ice at tue Calhoun
c lub house Miss Ida Trentblin arid Miss
Mohhie Itodgera broke tlbrougiI tile Ice and
w ere drowned. Frallk I'imllhips of Ilaniburg
n arrowly escaped drowahllg in icis efforts to
s ave tIe ; uniortuntto ; WOllICOl , T1 ; bodies
w ere recovered ,
b1'l0.t'l'tIJOIt JU1II0Uj'OT ,
1 mclr itoh ; Colder , sulthc Vestcnly % 'inds , for
lristlriisicic , 'I'oiiicy ,
WASJIING'TON , Jan. 15.-Tile forecast (01'
\ Vednestlay is :
F'or Nebraska , South Dakota 11111 3aisaa
-i0ulr ; colder ; westerly to ; ionlllovesterly
wInds ,
For MiMSotini-Clearlilg iii the ; solbthleastern
i > urtions ; ( aIr lit the ; iorthus'estern portions ;
s lightly cooler ; hbollllwetttel'ly WIlItIN.
1"or Iowa-Fair ; COhiel' westerly winds ,
1.0011 I iteeti rd.
OItIM1A , Jan , 15.-Qlnaiirt record of teIrIper-
l lttirtt aiiti rainfall conpnicii ) S'ltim tile cur-
r esponding day ot the IIUIL ( out' years :
l9S. 1531. 1633 , 15(12.
Maximum temperature , . , : ot 41 14 i :
! tiIflhlllIlill temiteritfure. . . . . 22 285 -1
Avehage teraperleturu , . , . . , 30 26 4
PrecIi'itmttiOfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .011 .Ot
COhlc3itiofl of temperature 011(1 ( lnL'CIltitlttlur
Ut Olnaila for thu day cind 13111cc Slarcil 1
I 69 1
Normal temperature . , , . , , . , . , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , It
Excess for the lilly' , , , . , , . . , , . . . . , . . . , , , , , , . . 1 ! ;
Nornlal orecipltatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 . Iict
lellCieneY for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 illCIi
'I'otnl precipitation sInce March 1 16.07 1111:1103 :
1)eliclency sluice 2iure1l I . , . . , . . , , , 15.08 Inciiea
Icunid get relief tram
B ILORI a acoft bofrlbio blood
, ls' tU4i1IIs0
TItlING various rOoccOics antI phtysiclsits
nonoof which > did 1110 11117 giOll , Myflrcger
nails came 0g , and icy Pair crime oulicsviag
mopertuctiy bald , htbeil weaL to
lfoplrigtobecured by this Celebrated treat'
meat , but virry soon became (1lso5te0l
decIded to 'l'IW Thu cflecl wee
truly wonderful , I cotimoisaced to
rocoversffertnk. hog tile liratbot-
lie , iutrl by tIre timO I bat taelm Swetro bet-
( los I was entIrely cured-cured by S. H. hI.
when lbs woricl.rsnowiio(1 Met Springs bud
fulled.VSi , IS. 14)03315 ) , llhroveport , La.
Omr DosS cu IL , tbiss. .sl Ia Trscmut raillel
tr..l , 557 * 041 , . , .
swirl spuciric co. , Atlanta , Cie ,
OOfll0000tiftl Club Urc Speely Action In
th Mnrkot Hotiso Matter.
iflaifl ( > fttli > g t'OhIlIltlimt of Ex-Inpector
1tobsrt to ito t'iiretmihIy InselIgatcO
' Strong Sciil Inmoit A gaIlmt. hhiiyliig Mona
iImgllcs : ) IIL'fore 3iii , tre Ilaitii'ged.
Tibo market 1101180 lrOieCt recelvet substantial -
tial Illipetult at. the regular coullcli InectilIg
last nigilt , hx'Covcrnor Sauintiers , 3. T , lAnd-
St ) and P. 1' . llrkcluiall , represeIltitIg tito
Collmubercial club , appeared to ask tue eo-oi'
oration of ( ho council ill that Project , flov-
ernor Sntlnders statel timsmt tile Imlelibbere of
1110 Collllncrclal club ts'ere Ilfli1)tliillOllS Ill the
desire for a market iotls. ; They had taken
ham ! to secliro statenients , indicating ( Ito
stlcccOs of slluhlar llrojects In other cIties ,
WhiCh time } ' ts-ihted to refer to tile coulicIl for
consideration , lIe (1vc1ireii ttat ; time bight
cost of lIviIig iiatl kept scores of falihilics
away front Oiiinht , If a Inarket house was
estabhislmecl tIm coinillissiolls tllnt ' '
1100 % ou'eit ;
Into the Pocicets of thus llbllicli6illell nuiti retail-
cr8 vould revert to the 'eopie. 011th tIle no-
suIt voiiltl he that tile t'OsL of livIng otiltt
ho largely rctluceii.
On Illotloll of Prince tue following slieciat
COilllltitteC ou'as npolntcd $ ) to co'oper1te vith
0 it a CoIn Iflerela I Cltlh I Ii Otis ii I fig t ho lllZll'ket
house scicine ; ; l'ri lice , iCellIlIti-di Cihi II , Leitily
81111 Meteor.
The 111119Cr 00111 illilil icttel : eat I inn tes of I its
nhlbollblts that toultl 1)6 ! neccesaIry to run tiio
various ( ltiilarthlldlltt of ( Ito city tiiromlghi lIce
year. It was placed eu ihle. Ill tills C0l
hiectIOll the nla3'or gave icotIce that lie should
cal I ii n ill forullal Ill ret Ill g of mu euibers ; of ( Ito
cOlllbCIl at ai ; early date to dlscmtss the C.'ctCllt
of the lr000lc(1 ) be'y.
The contract aili boliti of C. N. Ieitz &
Co. , fur lutitber during 1S9 vcre npllroo'dii.
A Proposal frolil Kute N. looilttlo to settle
her challis for damages , necrlllag frolim tIm
cOIldelIlnation . OIl SotitlIcast avenue for $350 , referreil.
'Flie contract. 01111 bond of ifelir ) ' licihl for
gracilllg Tlclrty-timlrl : street , from lotlge to
1)avenm > ort. was an > trnt'pl. ,
The Doarcl of I > nbhlc'orks enlleti tIm at-
telttioii of the council to ( lie tact tlcnt tIm -
ordinalbeb 1114 contract for tIle South 'I'ellthi
street reavlng abode ( lie distrIct extend
( rein ( lie soutll line of Mason street to tim
north limb of'illlaiii , At the northii'rit
end of the distrIct about seventy-five feet of
steno lJavliC had broil loft undisturbed. The
board Wailtedi to be inmltructeti as to iaCSihlg
the final CStilllatc , OIl ( liii ground tltat the
failure to rcpave time entire district migitt
Involve the vahitlity of the Slecial tax levy.
Cht9- Engineer Itoseuatcr altl that the vor-
( of stone 1)a1)'emCilt itati iwt heii tnkcii
lip. bcnmmso Lice IbroPertS' owners had 1 > 0(1"
thonctl it , In his opInion , It. was
nonsensical to assert ( lint thIs wotld ; affect
tim valIdIty of lice tax. l'ico litattet1)158
filially referred to tue jIldiciary conlillittec.
Chairman Winspear of ( lie Hoard of I'tib-
lie 'sVorlos was gild ) a ( cii days heave ot
A cOfllflltlillCatiOll from tue illiltihtlg ) in-
Sheeter , Cub' of tlt fire ( lepartmrlbt niul
Chris Ilartman , asking for din aitiendment
to tice buIldIng ordiiiance , was referred.
Te' ) ; hauL 1)1000 ) strlllgelt ) regitiatlons S
adopted , witll regard to phmttiilg lire proof
ss'alls betwcerm iIltes of allartinents ill aipart-
inelit houses , anti thro proof ceilings In
I'olice Judge rierka was given a brief leave
of absence.
C. II. Iloberts was a t > ctltlomccr with a
grievailco. lb declared ( blat ice 11011 been
discharged from his position us tin IIlCpoctor
because lie liiiI : comlilelnned certaIn sower.
pipes which Katz & Co. tIled In sever ( ill-
trhct No. 203. Ito itinteti tlmat an Investigation -
tion might develop solb1ethlln wortil knowllig ,
ailci the lnattcr was referred to a special Coil-
iillttOQ ' consisting of Mercer , Saunders 111111
The latest move in the Shtsrman avenue
paving squabble materialIzed ill tile 61101)0
of a petition ( roil ) property Owilers asking
that all bIds 1)0 reJected on the groumiti that
bower bicl could bo sectired by a readver.-
tischllOnt. Saillidors wanted the petition no-
fcrrcd to tite conlnlitteca on having , curbing
and gutterullg. howell ainentleci to refer to
tile city engineer. After some discussion a
coifllrOflhisa ) was effected by referring It. to
both tile COiblhilitteo antI the oliglneer.
The Onmlta Gas Slaniifacturiitg coinpaiy
EUbIlllttC4i a swonim Stattllileilt of tile nltbount
of gas sold by It iluming tiio past year. 'ntIs
indIcated 119,031,596 cubic feet on which the
city was entitled to its i'oyaity of 5 CelIts Per
1,000 feet.
Cour.ciitnan Mcrcer indicated hIs zeal for
the imctcrcsts of lila contltiieiicy by a series
of electric light resolutions , which were rc-
ferrer .
'l'htomtmas preecented a tong resolutIon In '
whIch lie told how lie hail been fiinlilaiiliileil.
ill tile flatter of tlrawlmcg seats. TIto lesolu-
( loll 1)t'OVtdCl that ice ahottlci ha giveit ( ito
tltirti choice. to which Ito claImed lie was
entitled , alit ! that t lie remaining members
bo coimipeiled to draw a iteconl ( time , howell
offered to give lii ) htho scat to hilci colleague
anti tile controvesy was thus amicably sot-
TIio 110W JudIciary committee isuhunltteil a
resolution that i'lil nlaterlally retluvo the
perquisites of ailIcraIsers on 0)11)110 ) ) irnllrovc-
lileIltS , 'I'helr policy , as Olltlilbeil by tile rosa-
Itition , s'ill be to olily allow each nppralscr
for two ( la5' service at $3 pcr day aliti to
give the chaIrman one or ln'o atidltloiial ( layS
and reasollalilo COllbpl'lbsation for itel-ving no-
ticca on proitcrty oWhiertt. Tile resolution vats
atloptetl IvitliOlit dlsctirctioit.
Tile Board of Fire alli l'ullcn Commissioners -
ers II'aS authorized to IlurcIlaso two now'
first-class BLdltIflCrs , or 01111 steallmer or a
1100k niitl' lauder ti'UCiC , at Its dlbcrc'tlon.
ThIs u'as with ( lie miuhcrmctnnilllig ; ( lint tit
expenditure involved trould ho Provided for
ni > ) Ii ? flu nnvt invv
In this connection Ililrkhey aIcl that imo
vaIt opposed It ) tittt PUI'CiltLCO of aiiy adllhitlonal
cli gi a es uliti I ( lie n aics ; I it t Ii e btisi lb 088 (115-
tricts of tim city iiatl ijiemb ituhihcioiitiy en-
longed to urnhsb Ivater to mtmipply (110111 , In.
ills Ollililoil it was ptlttiilg t he cart ibeforo tito
hiorso to lilly engines until a chiiinge was
nIacIn I ii tIl a aini ns.
SALIlUtItIrN said ( hut II' ) tlitio shioultl be lost
In relittorcing tile llro deparilneilt. Thio
PC0Ile were tlehllantlIuig hotter fire irnteetlon ,
mcittl tile 011511108 siioiii&l ice f > tlrciiasedl at iflCC ,
aimd If tile Water \Vorlea collilially hail taken
no action by ll > rilig it tiltoulcl be coiilielleU
to Ohilargo itS 1)101115 ) to lilcot- tile : iccesItiea
or ( Ice CII ) ' .
Iloivell , tlso favored ( lie resollitioIl on the
grolinti that ice iind been nsttiired that tile
i > r0lollt ntltlltlonal rote of hicatiralmee ribovo
tiio third story wouitl be lonloveci nil soon as
tue nCSoilltIOll ) % 'itB passed.
Tint i ecailtitiehlIatiun ( of lice cotitioltico on
piilil I o property a nil bti ill I liga ( hat 110(11 ( I 115 ito
tiolto at jtrescnt toai'd repairillg ( lie ole-
Vaufii Ill tile cIty haIl vae , tcloptcti , Tim
COnlullIttt'o ( ollndl ( lint tijo trouitio was clue
to tile lllllt'Oi > en construction of tile eleva-
tars , aicci tltctt It could not be rc'tntaiieti without -
out Oil entire ovcrhcalihiuig of the iip ; > aratlis ,
I 63- 1 6 ho , Chicago ,
141uli'st. . , NcwYork , 76) ) StoIc-ut , , hasten ,
11O0L WATER and
YJouhtt ititti ( told. CorecsmortdolrnO rolielt(6.
Warm Your Feet.
at night i'i1Ii a
( I\ \ 2-quart , 65 cents ,
? ' 3.IIuart , 7O cents ,
4-iuart , $1 00
I6UIII3EJl 0001)5 OF A1J K1Jli3.
The Aloe & Penfohd Co. ,
140 $ I0arnarn Street.
TL1il LION 1)16(10 U'I'ORIl.