Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    ri ; " ' - ' . - " ; " " "TJ > " , .0 > , " ' " . JY' " _ " . . . . ' ' . . . ' . , . ' " _ : " " - < .1-- : : - - - - - - - - - . , - : - - - - - , ; ; - - - , . - - ; ; ; ; _ _ : . , . -T--- . , . - : - : ; . . _ ; . ; T-TT- ; , . _ _ _ ; . ; ; : . , p ' - - _ - .
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1 : . I . _ _ _ _ _ tini OAL\ : : ] ) AILY ] 3E1 : WJ1)NESDAY , JANUAUY 16 , ' 1891. h I
Cays it Advocates Uo Vngaric1 but Simply
nforms ,
ccU\II thn NdPItkR Hcnntor of ( hulln !
the l'iitftifIII . fluid . ' "nlntnhl I. UIOlt , , \1 1Irrt cl
frlm ICItOC12IC3. .
WASINGTON , Jan. lG.-The senate gave
* the lay to further Blleeches In which thoSu
; Income tax servII'o A text for I wide range
ot IHscusslon on the tarll , the currency and
the populIst platform Mr 11111's proporlton
11\11 lat week to amend the deficiency
hi 10 thaI the Income tax woull ( be tested
In the curt has apparently started an In-
exhausthlo few ot speeche on publc at-
hIT In general . Mr. Coclcrell . In charge ot
the deficiency bill , hlS sought vainly to
fccure a vote on the Hi amenllments to the
hi ) , thaI It mlphl move along to final pas-
lige. , Ito h0ICI to secure aetcn today . but
the splehes or Mr. Cal or Florida and Mr.
Allen or NebraI(3 malle thla Imp1Ihl Mr.
Alien took occasion to terend the populist .
: . . . Iluty against many charges made In nnd I
I' out ot congress , that It was I party at
vagaries I ICI to I very lull IlscuMlon at r
all IIOllulrl doctrines ant a comp rlsn ot
thcm with the dotrInes or other Parties .
Touching reference was mndo In Chailiain I
Milburn's opening prayer to the here1vement L
ot Senator lansborough ot North Dakota In I
the los of his wife
! r. Voorh es , rrom the finance commltct
favorably re\ortet the bill for conag : at
the branch mint at Denver. )
Mr. Manderson ccured the p35 age ot two
! lllrlnl resolutons ! , calling on the secro-
tnry ot the treapury for Information on the
tariff. One resolution asks far the qU3nltes ;
of spiris alli high ; wines hIke out ot b0111
during th sixty days prior to August 29
Iaat . when the new tarIff law tel effect . the
lame9 ot the parties or concerns who took
the goods tram' b0111 nnd all other detlell I
Information ! concernIng the sam' The otber
reslulon calls on the aecictary for rul c
InformatIon during the sIxty days prIor to
August 29 ) , thl name at lmparter . amounts
ot imports the cauntry whence they came ,
etc.A house bill wal pase1 authorizing the
Little Holt & Pacific Halroal ! company to
conel'uct bridges across the Fourche. L : :
Fever and Pett Jean rivers In Arkan91s.
A senate bill was passed 10 approve the
construction of a brIdge across the Hed river
between the slates ot Arkansas and Texas , at ,
u pint al > ave the town of l ulon , Ark.
The debate was then resumed the
on Income L -
come tax and the defIciency npproprlaton ;
bill , and Mr. Cal ot Florida addressed the
1 Innate In favor ot the approprlnlon ,
Mr. Quay Presented n statement train the
stock books ot Limo Iehlgh Valley Halroal , F ]
cOlpany showIng the Income tax would fat :1 :
mallly on stocldlhlers having small amounts
or stock . I gave the total number ot stock
holders ns .over 1,000 , whIte more than 70
per cent ot this bad Interests below $1,000.
Mr. Quay said the showing of this company :
Was undoubted the same as that of olher
corportons ,
Mr. Allen of Nebraska spoke or the fact tha t
? fl. Gormon and the senator from Iowa ( Mm .
Allison ) were announcing to time country their
rendiless to get together 01 I plan for raising
rovcnue although the parties of these two
leaders hnd been irreconcilably separated
on the revenue question for twenty-five year
Uo said n considerable clement on the demo I
cratc side of the senate were ns essentaly
protectionists ns the senators on the oUler
sIde. I wn merely a difference ot degre 'C '
In f their protection. 1'hls common feelng legree
was the reason the senate hall witnessed
the remarkabl spectacle of democrat anll
_ . , .4 . t republicans "lalng on ch others necks
-.v and Indulging In I love feast. "
lfr.Alen.yleldC1 : for submIssion or I mes-
sage from the president concerning the arrest
of two Japanese students hy China whit 10
they were under tile protection ot the Unite d
Stn tes. Unied
itesuming Mr. Allen urged that the two
old parties had served theIr periods ot usefulness -
fulness and that the populist party , represcnt-
Ing ! time mases , was the pnrty of the futurc .
I had cast 1,000,00 In 189 and 2,000,000 In i
1894 , showing the plenomenal growth of
.4 100 per cent. It hnd " "
I no "vagaries , as senators -
tons hnd asserted. unless It was the sub ,
treasury sehem . and this was not believe i
in by the great majority or beleved . .
Allen read the populist Illatam ndopted
at Omaha am ! In commenting on It , state itt
that the populsts bele.ved In the state
United States senators by the people.
"That doctrine , " Interrupted Mr. George or
MIssissippi , "wns cnbole hi n resoluth in
by n , democratic house ol representatives im e-
for the populists were thought of. I will be 1
found whatever Is god In time populist pta t.
farm . was taken from democratic principles "
"Another populist acccssion from the en 0-
my's ranks " said Mr. Alien. enD
"No , no. not an accession , " declared M r.
George. "The ppulsts arc following dom 0-
crnts : not democrats following popmiiiats. Gve
10 your natonnl platform and I 111 point
t out time planks taken from deinocrmmcy. " M r.
% t George tel , the populist platform and avalto
an opportunity to comment on it.
m A sharp controversy arose when Mr. GOon go
' secured recognition to volt omit that the
5 platform read by Mr. Alien was nol tha au-
I Y tborlzed plaUorm ot the party : that It was
( ( _ . % "mode UII out of , the senator's" head , " nnd
: that I omited th subtreasury and governI I
L , " silent ownership of railroads.
Mr. Allen , however . Insisted hl had not
claimed the paper aubmaitted was the
caimed submltcd popull st
45 ( Jllattorm. PPulst
Mr. George commented sharply upon the
acton at I senator In givIng the authority ot
t his name to a platform purporting to em-
body populst doctrine and yet carefully nnd
designedly omitting government ownrnhlp ,
ot railways and doctrines adopted by the t
Jlopulst convention. There was a spirit ed
exchange between the senators. as Mr. George
1nslsled on holding up to the senator the racl
lie had underlalen to issue tile own poput I S
Jllatorm , and Mr , Alen charged Mr. George ,
with "imvelgiiig and dodging. " The gal rles
c ! and the row senators IlreJent Listened wi tIm
' , evident nmuscment.
? Continuing his speech , Mr. Allen defend ed
the populist party against the charge of so- I
( Ialtl\\ and anarchy I
Mr. Coclrel gave notice ho would Insist
on time Inal disposition of the delclcncy ii pill
tomorrow. 'Iho senate then hell n brief e , x-
- ecuth'e seslol , anti nt 4:45 : 11. m. adjourned .
house l'ut In the hay nt It but Acoom _
1I.hld nu Ilesults.
WAShINGTON . Jan. 15.-Tho day In the
110U50 WAS devoted anon the morning imoo Irate
. to the Indian approl1rlaton bill . but no prD
cres'was made. 'J'he chairmAn at the apprD ,
, pratons ! committee reported time sundry ci vii
_ ; p appropriation bill to the house today.
) [ r. Grosvenor republican of Ohio p re'
icentemi a reply to n recent memorial 83nt to
the JudicIary committee by Mn Htchlo ot
Akron 0 . making supplementary chars ; !
.galnst Judge Hlelll of the United State !
court of the northern district or Ohio Mr.
Grosvenor stated thlt Mr. Itltcimie's charges
Ancldenlaly Involved ex.Senator , U. n. Payne
and JUlge Stevenson Iturke . and the relJly
' whIch was presented through him gave . a
V ? full statenwnl or the Ilertleni facts iU ,
connection wih the 1tlthte charges. On be- I :
half cr the e , gentlemen , Mr. Grosvenor asled
for I full investigation ant complete rellorl ,
censuring and prosecuting , or exonerali og
timeimi. exoneratng
On moton or Mr Whiting , democrat Of
Michigan , n bill was passed for the relict Of
Dennis Mcintyre.
! [ r. ! mlcereary . democrat of ICeotuci Cl .
called up I bill authorizing Lieutenant Colonel -
onel Wo and Burgeon General Ienroso to
accept certaIn testmonials from the Arc m-
tine Iepuble. and it [ was paled : also AU-
thorizing Com manlir Ilnnls W. Mullen , U.
B. N. . to accept a ledal from the government -
anent lt Chill.
Time house went Into committee ot the I
whole fr the consideration ol the Indian
IpprollrlaUon bill. Mr. .folman . , chalr1n ol
the Indian committee . \110 h. charge ol
Ui. bi , eplaIned the changes made . These
. -
changtl Include I change In the Ifrvrla-
lens for Indian eehols ot $ t25,310. making
thbu e tnt:1 amount $12r.2GO ; at thla amount
but 80 per cent 'II to 1 used for conS
trnct schools . In pursuance ot the policy
recenty In1ugurattl looking t the ultimate
luhstulon of government for contract
sc hools. The ubject W8 further discussed
by Mr. Lithe at Arkansas , Mr. Bower ot
Calrornln , PickIer ot South Dakota , and
Uroslu ! Of Pennsylvania , hut no progress
wa made with the bill , and at 4:30 : the ,
house adjourn
TUUI\ Ill' Til : , bUOJIJI'I'IlttNllJT. : .
"llon Urges the Hemovnl of time Uhcrhnl
. minting UIUe .
WAS1I1N0TO . Jan. 35.-Time house ways
and means committee today decided to report
to the house Mr. Wlhon's bill to remove the
one-tenth or 1 cent a pounll differential on
sugar imported from countries giving In export -
port bounty. which has elicited protests from
Germany , Austria and other nations and the
repeal of which was reconlnendetl hy time
pr esident . No acton was taken on the bill
to Increase the lax on beer ns the subcom-
mileo having II In charge had not mot.
CimnirmanVilson took the lead In advo-
ea ting the bill , urging the arguments which
have been advanced hy Secretary Grcsham
thll the differential violates the most favored :
naton clause In treaties with Germnitny
Austria and certaIn other nations.
"Tho differential , " said Mr. Wilson , "puts :
money Into time pockets of time Sugar trust ,
at the espouse ot our cattle Intcresls. "
Ito gave It as his opinion and lhat ot the
ad ministration thaI there could be no shadow :
ot 10ubt thaI the exclusion ot American
meat m train Germany 01 aleged sanitary
groum ) was Ilsplrcd by the sugar duty and
Rld that the retaliatory measures against ;
this Illly had already Iione great Injury to I
Amcrlcan commercIal interests anl thai stIll I
more slcepln ! ncts ot retalalon were I
threlen1 : ! by Austria and other countries
Time republicans opposed time bill. Mr. Heed
hll h some sarcastic remarks to male about
Ihe t ) Inumclency ot time revenue provided by
the new tariff and salt ! It would bo foils -
to lallo changes thai might decrease the I
government's Income. Other republican
memhers deplorell what they termed a lack
at AmerIcanism In the policy of time State
departm nt. They argued the IHtereltal I
did nol violate treaties und thai n had pre ,
eedenl would bo establIshed by permltlJ 1
foreign governments to force legislation by
threats ,
No rormal vote was taken and the namea
were not recorded.
Clrrlel Two hundred ThoIR""d 1111r r01 :
tIl C11.h" 1111111.
WAShINGTON . Jan. 15.-TIme sundry civi
approprlalon bill for the year t89G ! was completed -
pleted by the house appropriatIon commitee corne
to day. I carries $38.G40,021. being $7,843-
703 less than the estimates , and $4,2SG,2 Hi
more than the appropriation for the current ,
y ear. Under the head of public building S
the t approprlaten ! Include Fort Worth Tex ,
$0.000 : Kansas City , Mo. . $100,000 : Lite
Hock , Ark. , $58,000. For the appraisers'
warehouse In New York City $200,000 Is i
appropriated for the construction ot the
buldln& . and the limit or cost at the build I-
l og . exclusive ot cost of site , Is extenled
$1,000.000. making the total cost $1C0,00C I :
Omaha , Neb" , $200,000 $
Among other postomce buildings npproprla-
t tons are ns follows : PorUnml. Ore. , $100.- ,
000 : Pueblo , Colo. . $ OOOO ; San Franclscc
$50,000 : Sioux City , In. , $ O.OOOVashlngton. : .
I ) . C. . $ G75.00 ; for repairs nnd preservatio n
or public buidings throughout prlser\aton
Stntes , 210000. Unied
Other appropriations are : San Franciec io
h arbor . $500.000 : fsh commissions Francsco
ton of food fshes , $91,250 : World's Colum- '
b ian commission , the secretary of the trlas- IC.
ury Is to procure suitable cases for the
brenze medals awarded exhtbltors , and the
bureau of elgrlvlng and printing Is to print
upon the blank diplomas authorized by law
the names ef persons to whom the diplomas
are to be awarded by the Columblnn commis-
sIon. Time expense of both the above are I C0
be paid from money heretofore approprIated ,
Recolnago ot silver coins . $100.000 Is np-
proprlated. Time word " "
"lractonal" Is elm I -
' J ated tram the appropriation for the reason
'fhe committee submits that occaslonall '
here are a few silver dollars to occaionall : .
For . "Irorcement of the alien contract labor
Il\ l $100.000 Is provIded , and for the entorce-
went ot the Chinese exclusion act 100000.
Ind nohl Office Throlgh Three Admtnls-
tmtons Previous to 'J h' "
WASHINGTON , Jan 15.-Frnnhtlln W.
Jopln was appointed postmastcr today at m
Elzabethtown , Ky. , vice Mrs. BenjamIn
h elm. The circumstances surrounding Ule
cnso make It ana of unusual interest Den
Hardin Helm , the husband o.f Mra. Helm ,
was one of the most gallant soldiers In the
confederate army. Ho was the commandcr
of the ramous Orphans brigade and wns
killed It the battle of Chickumauga Mra ,
Helm , the
postmistress , who was rernovi
loday , wa a younger sister of Mrs. Ablham removel ;
Lincoln , who was a Tedd. Colonel Robert
Lincoln was her nephew , and when he was
appointed secretary of war by President qa Field -
f ield ho secured '
feld his nunt's appointment as
postmistress ot Elizabctlmtown. ' hat psiton' '
amo has held through thre administrations - :
Arthur's , Clevelnnd's and Harrison's. AII
theugh an effort was inado to have Mrs. I I
Helm remove during Mr. Cleveland's MrSi i
term , It sins not urgently pressed and Irt '
unsuccessful The appointment of Franki in
' " . Joplin tOday was made on the recommcna-
ton of RepresentatIve Montgomcry.
11elkllJuhnI'Iclr. . ' \I"ln t Ils Inn.
-Spcclnl ( Tel C-
grum-Cngressrnnn ) MelleJohn nppeared
borer the grand Jury today and testfed
In i the DClms mUl'lel case , Mr. Mel < eJohn
captured the murderer after Uw latter hnd
kie his daughter.
Senntol 1nnl01Ion today Introduced a b iii
extending ! until December , lS'J7 , the time bl
the paymelt of tue 'Purchase money due for
land sold Oi the Omnhu Indian reservatio fl.
The bill IHovldoB that the extension slam dl
be made regardless of the consent or shnl
Jndlan Mr. Melilejohn has introduced a
similar bi In the house. Introlucel 1
Senutol Kyle or South Dakota today Intro-
duced u bill provllnH that the president ;
shall appoint u commission or three experts
to be known 11 the forestry commission to
make I cal'elul Ild thorough ' examnmnatic n
orIUbIC \ timber lands or the Ulied exnmlnnton
amid lIport to congl'e8 wihin one year from
tIme ol npl10lntment what Jorton should be
IlreBervcl In the interests ot the people.
11 1'1""c'tl lao m .5 aim , ' . nli. I I
\SHINOTON , Jan. 15.-1'he Jones b ill
was the subject of discussion by the seulto
committee on Inunce today notwitimstan d-
log It his not yet been Introduced In the : I
senate 01 the preparation of It even cam ic :
\lotel. I Is understood the republican mom n-
hers of the committee manifested
lcrd commitee I cone je-
whnt stl'ungel Interest In the subject ot re-
onanlzuton or time IIICC ! nod this Intel
( WUI displayed , among otfmenmc ( . by Senator
Sherman who mimihe certain suggestloimme for
Its immmprovernent . belrllg especially up ;
especialy tl'On
the portion provIding for I bond Issue Ind
10oklnS to the maintenance ( if the parity
ot the govcnmmmnent's various kinds ( or cm ir-
rency. ¶ 1'he democratic members were ii _
cournKed to an extent by the Interest d el :
plnyed ly their poltcal ollilonents Ils.
- - - -
No'Unn I un lie 1'lnlll I I liii.
WAI3IIINGTON , Jan. 15.-Time
ASIINGTON 15-1'\B Interstate
commerce commitee agaIn today tailed :
reach u conclusIon on the pooling bill . anll
It vent over until the nmeetlmig to bo lit 'hi
next Tuesday , with the understanding that
n strong rrort would be mantle to secnre
final acton by the committee at thai tin .
commltle lt
\ \ ' . n. Morrison , chairman or the Interstnte ;
COlmelc con\nlstlon. submited nn amen i.
mont In lime line nmenl.
tht lne u suggestion made by
sU/lestol ?
him Inst :
week giving the commissIon antic a -
vision or pooling contracts prIor to. time tIm lie
when they take erect , and he made I tme
address showing the necessity from his I
Ilolnt or view oC &h'nthe / committee this
privilege . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ commitee
I'o.tll ; ; Vlmiimmges.
ASHINGTO , Jan. 15.-(8peclal To I 0-
gnmimn-Tlme . postofcc nt 11lbelo , Brown
county , Neb. , has tHen dl.conUnueJ.
Mull will go to Alnawortim
Robert Iltschmhl was today comm I s .
loned Postmaster at Lansing , and Geol-e
n. Johnson at Nordne51. In. anl
- - - -
Furnluro for Ereusiammi's nultln .
W ABIINO'rON. Jan. -Speclnl ( : Te le-
gramn.-TIme Treasury departmlnt has leen
notned that time federal building at J'remont. :
Neb. , will shortly be ready for occupale ) '
mind his notliel cOntnmmctora for furemlit mre
ton that buiding to Ihll' . same tnulellately furniure
Salt rheum with III intense itching . d ry .
hot akin II cured by hood's Saraapanllla . be-
pause It purines the blood
Resolution las Ono Majority in the lomo
Judicar Oommitto.
hnrnnchmcnt Jln8cllon the Charjc that Ito
Un(1 Olo\yrlt 111\cl Illegal I'cea-
l'lnt "llleln1 lmpochment
In 11\7 l'cus.
WAShINGTON , Jan. 10-The house judicIary -
cIary commitee today decide to report I
re solution for the impeachment of Judge
Ick of Cleveland. The vote was : I.'or.
se\en ; against . six The vote was nearly on
party lines hut one republican voth' & for
Impeachment and one democrat oglnst Mr.
h alley will pe. ent a majority report to the
co mmittee . and Mr. Droerlck a minority re-
pa rt . Time supporters of Judge Rlcs enler-
tim in hopes that lhe decision wi be revel d.
Three members were absent today , and al
F riday's meeting there will be on attempt
to adopt the minority report. The resolution
w ill be reported to the house Friday , as :
prIviege business . taking precedence ,
over cver'thlnl else. r the house adopts
I. the manoiers on time pat ot tIme hole
wi ho apPl.lnted to notify the senate at the
aclon anti to Intute tile proceedings. The i
, 'ote was : For Impeachment Culberson ( dens. \ ) .
ot Texas , Stocklale ( dem. ) at Mississippi
Boalner ( demmi ) ot I Louisiana Lane : ot ii-
nois , Halley ot Texas Armond ot 1ls-
sc uri . democrats , and Updegraft of Iowa , re-
p ubitcan. Against ImJachment : Hay or
New York , Powers of Vermont Drodlrlclt ot
ICans1s , W. A. Stone at Pennsylvania , Chids
ot Illinois , republicans . and Godnlght ( dem. ) )
Harrison h ( dlm , ) ot Louisiana who was pre9'
e nt . retrained front voting. The absentees I
were : Layton of Ohio and Woh'crton of Penn-
ylvania republicans . and Terry ot Arlnsas , '
I Is tbousht both Layton and Wolverton m
, arc opposed to inipeacimment and although
Terry Is thcught to favor 1.1 , FrIday's meetng
may change the result. The discussion lasted
three hcurs after the ' members ot the sub
commItee h31 submitted their views and I
was rather Informal. Mr. Baly spoke several -
eral times 'ery warmly , and ! r. L01tner
was very ardent In his advocacy ot impeach
ma cnt . whIle Broerick was the most clvely
O pl)09Cd to the mo\'elent. The republican S
accuse(1 the democrats ot holding prejudices
a galnst federal judges and of losing no opportunity -
portunity to strike nl timemmi .
Congress was given n decided surprise by
the commitee on judIciary deciding to roper
at resoluton for limo Impeacilne'lt of JUdge
Augustus J. lucks ot Cleveland for malfeasance -
feasance In olke , Not for lany years has
11 m United States judge been called before the
bar of the senate to defend his right t )
w ear the ermine of omco against criminal
charges , and only three or lour times In the
history ot the government hns nn Impeachment -
m ont trial ot a member ot the fedora
judiciar j been conducted. Few members hal
looled l Into the charges preferred by tisi
Cenlral Labor union of Cleveland , time accuser :
user of JUdge lcks , that wble sitting on
imo bench ho paid 10 himself rees which he
clahUld he hnd previously earned ns den C
of the court and \ to which I Is now asserted
lw l Is not entitled. The number ot ) 'elS Ia
which have elapsed sInce time transaction S
nnd the contention of the jUdge's friend :
that the proceedings were Inspired by a m
rulng prejudlcal to thc Interests of Inbol :
unions which ho made recently . tended to
lessen l the Interest which ordInarIy would
have i been taken In the case Now that thc
judiciary j committee has deemed the matte r
of sufcent gravity to warrant Impeachment
It hns bccome suddenly a decided sensation.
The friends ot Judge Rcks declare that
here are large possibIlities that the Impeachment -
peachment l may not be undertaken. They
lepel1 on members who were absent from
the stormy cmmlteo meeting today to join
hem Friday In voting to substitute I mi-
noriy report for the one which Mr. halley
wi prepare and which will bo n strong
nrrnlgnment ot the judge If couched In time
tenor or hIs speeches today. There Is doubt
of the parlIamentary possibility or such a
stroke , but ' the short time remaining to can- ,
g ross inspired the belief the case { will go I
over to the next congress. In that event
the Impeachment probably will nol be under-
taln t as the decision today was practically
on party lines , the republicans supporting
republcans supportng
The sanction or the house Is that of a
grand jury In such ,
cases I decides whoth"r
sufcent cause Is shown to justify a trial
nnd appoints managers who act a prose-
cutors , The senators sit In the capacity or
jutges j or jurors , wIth the Judge of time
supreme court slUng , The senate has noth-
Ing l to say whethcr , an Impeachment Ie to be
c onducted . but If It docs not see fit to finish
ft finisho
this trIal before
time 4th of March . time proceedings -
ceedings taken will be voId.
Navy Department nxlous to Got lien In
CommIssion Speodiiy .
WAShINGTON , Jon , IG-The Navy de
Ilartment I Is making every effort to get the
new cruiser Olympia ready for sea The yeso
sot Is now In the possessIon at the builders al
the t UnIon Iron works In California , and at-
though sue had
I successful speed and ap-
plance trial many months ago , but owIng
to delays In the delivery of her nrmor and
some ot her guns the department has not yet
heon able to put her In commission AU Is
nearly ready now however , and on time 21st
Inst. I Ileutenant Darn and Engineer Maitison
will sail from New York In n Malison
steamer for San Francisco via 1annmn mal ,
charga of a dratt or about se\enly petty jstf
Icers and apprentice sailors ; which will form
the nucleus of time shlp's company. The
Oiynmpia wi probably be commanded by Caps
tain Jacob Reed , now commanding the receiving -
ceiving ship Independence at the Mare Islnnd
navy yard. The Olympia will be the flag
ship of . the Pacific stn.ton. fag
Indians Object to l.nn In RlvernU .
WAShINGTON , Jan W.-Chlet Keoku !
amid three associates of the Sac and Fox
Indian delegatIon had Inolher IntervIew
with Commissioner or Indian .4ffnirs Brown-
log today They objected - time issuance
or patenls on theIr lands and explained the
tribe was not yet In readiness for such acton -
ton , which , under existing conditions . would
result In consllemble damage to Sac and
Fox Interests
t'O.III.I r. Conlrm II.
WAShINGTON . Jan. 15 , -rhme senate In
executive cession today continued time Col.
lowing nomimmationis . Postmasters : South
Dakota-John Iuse ) ' . Miller. 'Vomlng-
Isaao C. 'Vlnslow. \'anston. Nebraska-
Joseph P. Harrison , intimanoimt. Colorado
\V. HI ) ' i3inmpsoim Del I : Horace Bullock ,
Georgetown. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'nuitert'pmce . \ceompiiholl Notimlnc .
'V AaIING'ON , Jan. 15.-'rhe conference
of dlmocrtc members of the banking and
currency commitee today was not proluc-
tve of definite results and will be continued.
Flgimt of the clewn democratic members attended -
tended , the absentees being : Culberson ,
Johnson ot Ohio , and Sperr
CIT AskS tie Courts to ( : ullll Inlroadl
10 comply whim time L'itmtrmsct
City Attorney Connel went to Lincoln yes-
terday to begin mandamus proceedings In
time supreme court to compel' the Chicago ,
Burlngton & Quincy nLlroad company to
perform its share of time work necessary to
placing time mennth street viaduct In safe
condition for travel ' The ordinance onig-
Inaly passed by the city council contemplate
that twe-thlrds ot time expenSe should he
bore by tins Union Paclfo and the remainr
Ing one-third by tbe Burlington. Action
was begun In United Slates court 10 compel
time receiver ol time Union Pacific to carry
out their part Of the provhlon , but the case
bas not been decldti1 In the mponthnl the
case wi be IlushNI against time i.lurilngton ,
and Mr. Connel expects that the supren\e \
court wilt loon render a decIsion In fa\'lr ol
the city. In that event It is I Inderstood that
the viaduct will be repaired and two.thlrds Of ;
the expense taxed up aginst the Ulion Pa-
cilc.Tle petition which ] r. ennel ted yes
terday gIves the history ot the controvery
In detail and I arcmpanle by certified
copIes of all ordinances and resolutions bear-
Ing on the case. I recites that the viaduct -
duct was completed ! 1 lG au4 thAI I 192 : 1
Hayden Bros' January Sale . : I
' : , ; Ii ; Will Pay You to KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS SALE.
G11oceries- .
; .1 ,
35 Ihs New Orleans tmgrAnulated sugnr.I.OO
27 pounds white 'tjart Granuintcli
sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00
25 pounl fine granulated I " sugar. . . . $100
Scolch rolled ctl. , . , . . . . . . . . 3 c
Iargo pal jel/ / ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c
2.pound Can corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gc
pound can tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . Ge
3-pund can 1111IS. . . . . . . . . . . . .121c %
3. pound can pumpkin. . . . . . . . . . 9'o
Pure red salmon , can. . . . . . . . . . . lOc
reOi l sardines. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 3lc
Corn starch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
Conllensel cream , can. . . . . . . . . " . 10c
Condensed milk . can. . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
W . hite Paris . soap . bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.pound glass jars stawberrr preserves ,
worth COc , on sale nt. . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Pure Java all Mocha coffee . iotmud . . . Slc
Japan rIce , pound. . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
Parlor immatcimes dozen boxes . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
3- pound liars castiie soalm , usual price
: Gc. 101. . . csle . . . . . 60al . . . . . . . . . .12 ! e
Either mottled or wlmltc .
India I and Ceylon
Englsh breakfast tea. . . . . . . . .28c pound
OolonE blend tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33e pound
Pure Congo tea. . . . . . . . . . .3Gc pound
l'ormosa tea ( extra fne ) . . . . . . . . . . . Oe pound
Indlnn blend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : poundI '
In dia and Ceylon tca. . . . . . . .48c pound
Cholco Ceylon tea. . . . . . . . .GGc pound
Japan Teasl
Ten Sitings , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121c pound
Pan fired . . . . . . . . . . . . ' pound
Hegular green Japan. . . . . . . .23c pound
Uncolole1 Japan tea. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .28c pound
Baslipt fired Japan tea. . . . . . . . . . . . .330 : pound
Spring leaf Japan. . . . . . . . . .350 pound I
1.'lrst pickings ot the spring crop , ;
only . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43c pound
Hand Rolled Teas
Nnnkln . . . . . . . . . . pound I
Pure Moyune tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Gc pound
Iln head gunpowler. . . . . . . . . .38c pound
Hand rolled G. P. tea. . . . . . .48c pound
Heal Monsoon gunpowler. . . . . . . . .53c pound
De sure and ask to see our celebrated L
blcndel teas at 30c , 47c and G3e pound.
'Ve are clearing up . , al odds and ends of r
olr book stock
Encyclopedia Brittanica .
Chnmbers' Encycl9pel1a ,
American Encyclopedia ; at 35c per copy :
In I cloth worth $3,00 , .nnd 50c per copy In I
c alf . worth $5" , ' 1 .
"Autocrat at the Breakfast Table " for 25c.
Linen paper , 20c lb.
Envelopes to match , 1 package -
No. 6 envelopes , 30) package.
Ink , 2lc per' boLle. '
Lead pencIl , 44c 1 pCI - Iozen.
- - - -
. ii---
It i was declared to il l e In a dangerous and
unsafe condition by the committee on vla-
dlcts and raiways land'l ' the city engineer.
I was then closed 0 public travel , and has
since then remahled ; In that conditlomi. There-
fore It Is asked that n writ or mandamus be
Immedlatly i Issued ' , fmtlllns the rnlroad
company to repair theistrtmcture al oice.
TillS . ; 1.11' - XIIE BLUES.
Pesslmlsto 1'1Ollhocy of time Year ' 'Nlnot-
Flvo by 810u01 Stemmer
NEW YORK , Jan 15.-For n number of
years past Samuel Denncr sins Issue an-
nualy a prophecy In regard to varIous mar-
kets durIng the ensuing ) 'car. His prophecies
have been rIght In a suffIcient number of
cases to crete curiosity as to what he would
Bay. His forecast for 1894 declared that there
would be "continued , embarrassed business.
bankrupt ofcers , unemployed labor and
ruined farmers. "
rror 1895 ho says : "There 19 no promise
or sign of better times for the coming year.
Wo may look In vain for any permanent Improvement -
provement In general business. Wheat at 54
cents a bushel at Chicago , colon Gi cents ,
per pound at Charleston , and pig Iron nt $0
a ton nt Plttsburg denote impoverishment for
rarmers , colon planners and furnace amen
The Increase last year of IGO.OOO.OOO In the
bonded debt ot the government does not
slgnly that the people are contented , keeping
out of debt and makIng money.
"Ever since 183 values have been shrink-
Ing l In conSquence of the establshment of
the single gold standard and no one can
rathom the depths to whIch prIces will fall.
"Thero Is no evidence that we are nt the
lowest l point or depression. There Is no prop-
e rty . except gold , which Is not depreciating.
An average crol of grain In this country ths !
y ear with fall crops abroad will send the
p rice ot wheat at Chicago after the next
harvet h down to 40 cents per bushel. PrIces
ror corn next fall wi decline to 25 cents a
bushel. Fat hog wi be $3 per 100
pounds gross for next wlnter's packing sea-
s on . Prlcc1 for wol , cotton , Iron . cattle and
hores will bo on the down grade during time
present year. Common sheep , after the wool
I s taken off next year , " .1 sel/lor what the
pelt will then bring 25 cent
"To the anxious Inquirer : The year 1895
will not be time proper time to make investments -
ments In property or to engage extensively
In i business enterprIses "
S -
Decision HORchel that Fire Department
Ilul IRvo Moro alone ) ' Than I'ropoiecm.
The question ot provIding for contemplated
Inlrovemenls i In time fro department was Ils-
cusse for nearly three hours yesterday rore-
noon by the Board ot Fire amid Police Commissioners -
missioners , Councilmen Taylor , Prince , Ken-
narl and Jacobsen City EngIneer Rosewater
and Fire Chief Rcdcll5 , The meetng was :
caled for the purpos \ consilering the levy
tor 1805 , In connection with time resolution
conneclonvlh resoluton
Introduced I at time lad m\elng at the council ,
which provides for tlo-.rchac of two addl-
10nai englne , - , : ,
It was the general expressIon thaI the present -
ent levy of 6 mis wm much' too somali to
wl smal
malntlin time fire dpatment ? on n IJroper ,
basis. Mr. Strickler slbmlled an estimate t
ot the . .
expenses ot thQ department for the current -
rent year which amounted $133,000. Tints I
lncludos the cost of the nlnes , and contem-
dates i ninety-nine men ; besIdes lime chlets. The ,
commissIoners wlnte' the counci to add 2
mils to the general runlJ levy , wllh the tacit
understanding that tme .Jrcreased revenue so I
obtained should be appfor the use ot the :
Ire departmnent ,
Tlls would provide a total at $140,000 fan
the t department , wills which the commlslon-
ers believed they could"keep " up time running :
expenses and provide ror time added equipmnent
I sonic such measure II/thil was not al0pted
It would be useless to ) as time resoluton m
autborlzln tIme
purchase ot additional en-
gines as the 6 mia levy would not suflice to ;
run the department on tine Ilreicnt sul . The
matter was discussed at lenGth , but the coon
cimen did not give I definite answer . I I ;
understood , however that the ) ' will recommend -
mend the action reclueste by ( be commission
era. .
Irur" , ! " 'lter " 'orl , Case. nit I\II"U City .
KANSAS CITY Jan. 15.-Justlee Brewe : ref
Of time United States supreme court anll I
Judge Phiips of the United States circuli
coul1. assisted hy Judll Thomas or the district -
trict court ( f North lakotu . iistend to nr-
gument In the Hnled tHatls circuit court I
yesterday reurdlng the validity or the till e
of ' tie lmroperty of time American Water
Works compalY , recemmtly deposited In court
' ' recenty Iefoslell
1'he Irgumtntl were concluded hut u tie :
clslon days. \I loot b hanled down for slverul te-
. Sale0
Mill remnants of yard wide percale -
cab 6c vard.
Mill remnant of light and dark
putng flannel 5c yard. -
Mill remnants ofLonsdalo . Berk-
ley and Fruit of the Loom cambrio
5c yard.
Mill remnants of brown musln
only 2ic and 31c yard.
3ic Mill yard romnnts of purple calico
Mill remnant of 36 Inch wide
serges 5c yard.
Mill remnants of best shirting
prints 3c 1 yard.
Mill remnants of 40 inch wide
fancy white India linen , apron
lawn , soft finished long cloth , soft
finished cam rics , a big lot to pick
from , lOc yard .
Mill remnants of blenched and
halfbloached muslin 5c yad.
Mill remnants of black and white
and black and green and blue oil
calicos 3Jc.
Mill remnants of heavy shirting
5c yard.
Our counters are fled with bar-
gains-bargains that are bargains
-and these bargains you will find
only at HavdenR.
Be sure and look over our sale on
white bed spreads at 65c , 76c , 85c
and $ 1 each.
Lonsdale and Fruit of the Loom
muslin 5c yard.
10-4 Pepperel sheeting 16c yd.
New styles English fannelette
lOc yard.
New dress gingham 5c yard '
On Wednesday we open advance I
styles in spring novelties iiiL L
wash dress goods. Haydens you L
will find in the lead on wash dress 1 .
goods this season and it will pay. .
you to look over ou great display i
and see our various styles and get
our prices.
Large stock of hair cloth-the I
real ; also the Imitation , from lOc
to 66e yard.
H :
1B _ DeK
Bill Pending Before the Legislature Provd-
ing for Futur 1edemption.
MillIon Acres to 10 GIven the State by thoi
. General Government In Case the
Land I Reclaimed by
CHEYENNE , Jan. 1G.-Spoclal.-Timo ( ) bill
Intrduced i yesterday In the hc'so of repro-
s ontatives of time Wyoming legislature by Mr.
Van Orsdel of Laramie county , provIding for
I he acceptance rclnlton and disposal ot
the 1.000.000 acres of land donated t tim
s tate under the provisions or the Carey law
Is i expected to attract considerable attention
he'lore the ueasicn Is . bill
scsslc oer. The bi provides
hat iho power of selecting time land and dls-
posing of It to actual setters after contracts
f or irrigation works have been let shal be
vested In time State Board of commissioners ,
which Is composed of the governor suprIn-
tendent or publc InstrucHen amid secretary
of state Time hoard la authorized to employ
n chIef clerk at a snlary ot $1,500 per annuns
Any person or corporation desiring to coilP
ftruct ditches , canals 01 other irrigation
works to reclaim lands under the provlsltns
of the act ah"l file with the board a request
for the selecton by time board or the lands
to be reclnlmed. The request shal bo nc-
companied by a proposal 10 construct the
Irrigaton i works necessary for tIme reclama-
ton of time land , ami n certified check ( nab
less than $260 or more thln $2,600. as may
bo determined by the board. An applications
to appropriate water 'fer the purpose of Ilrl-
gntng lands shall also be filed wih the
state engineer. As soon as time proposal Is
received by the board I shall bo submited
to the engineer for his qllnlon ni to whether
or feasible not time proposed IrrIgaton works ate
' I time engineer's report be favorable , the
board shah file with time local United States
land ofco a request for the wlthdrowal of
the land by the secretary of time Interior. As
SOOI as the lands are wlth\rawn the board
can enter Into a contract with time individual
or company for the construction ot the les-
8ary irrigation worlls. . Time contract shall :
specify time locaton and chnractel of time pro-
posed works and estimated cost of the same
and time price at which time state shal dls-
peso or the land to the seUer No contract
which requires a greater time than five year
to construct time works shah be entered Into
hy the hoard . The work 1 rcqulrell to ho
begun wihin six mo ths. and nt lest enD
tenth of the work shal be completed within
two years ,
Immediately upon hats withdrawal or any
land by the secretary of the Interior for the
state , and the inauguration of work on time
canals amid diches by the contractor the
board shall 1lvl notice by publication for four
weeks In some newspaper In time county In
whIch the land Is situated , and one news-
paper nt time state capital that the land Is
ollel 10 settiommment . giving time price for
which state. t will b sold to actual ' settlers by the
Any person qualfell under the provisions
Of the general homestead act Is authorlzd to
enter lot more than IGO acres of these lanla
for the purpose or actual reclamation . cull-
vaton amid icettienment . In accordance wih the
ict ot congress. Time application 10 enter
shall bo accomllanled by a certified copy ot
I contract for a perpetual water right male (
wIth time lerSOI or company constructng the
irrigation works era the lanti Al applica-
lions for entry shah be Iecmpanled by a
payment Of 25 cents per acre , which shal he
a Partial payment on the land Il lime al'pl.
cation Is ahiommeel .
1'ho board shall dispose ot time lands ac-
nieimttcl . by the state under time provisions et the
act at . a uniform Ilrlc or 60 celts per acre ,
half to be pad at the tme ot entry and the
remainder lt the tme of maldng final poet
by the settler. "
" 'lhln one year after Iny person or com-
palsy authorized ly the board to construct
Irrigaton works Ihal have notnel the set-
tiers under such worke that they are IJrepared
to furnish water the said settlers shall culti-
\'ate nol less tlln cmme-sixtcntb par or the
land filed upon and wihin IO years after
ulJ notice the ettlej' luau '
notce tetler tlal ha\'e Irrl&all
Furnishing t
Goods Dept.
[ 0 dozen ents' imeavy merino shirts anti
drawers , worth 45c. . . . . ) . . . . . . . shlrl . . . . .25c
i1 ; dozen gents' henvy merino Scotch wool
shirt ali drawers , worth . . . . . . .
[ 0 dozen gents' extra imr'n'y Scotch wool
shirts amid drawers . worth 95e. . . . . . . , . . .Gc
100 dozen hismlks' ( heRrlbhell vests .
worth 33e..I'c
3r dozen ladies black tights . extra heavy .
worth 30e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .Ic
ir tozen ladies' white merino vests nl11
pants , worth 87c. . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . . . .42c
63 dozen enls' aU wool sox , reducell rrom
250 to , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15e
r0 dozen euts' henry wool shirts , rCluced
trom $1.25 a'll $1.50 to. . . . . . . . .7c
Cr dozen ents' ullaundercil whie simirts
linen 10som , 10uble back and front , reduced
( rom GGo to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39c
iG dozen genis' hea\'y yarn all wool imsitta .
worth h 2Gc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ni . . . . . . mits. .
85 dozen gents' oil tRnnell leather gloves
zinc ) mis , lined . worlh 7rc , . . . . . . . . .35c
60 dozen gents' wool imsmmiliers , worth
SOc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mUlers . . . . . . . . . .2Ge
GO dozcn corsets , S. C. W. D , . Prench
wo\en. anll several olhel PaVilion makes ,
all In one lot worth $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 . $2,00-
your choice fcr. . . . . . . . . $ . . . $ . . . . 600
Special clearing sale on silverware . odds
nnll ends In silver ' .
enls sl\'er 10\'eltes this week
4-lllece tea set . quadruille 111ate amid E0l
lined , hand engraved ten pot sugar , spooner
and creamer worth $0.00. . . . . . . . ; 1.S
QUldullle plato cake baskets , worth
$ .3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.48
Quadruple Plato pickle \ castor , worth
$2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . ' .98e
Rogers' quallrupl , plate berry dish , worth
$5.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.93
Hogers' 12.dwt. knives or forks , lier set ot
six . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . 01 . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
Rogers' AA tea spoons , von set. . . . . . . .98e
Hogers' AA table spoons , per sot. . . $1.DS
Rogers' AA desert spoons per sot . . . . $ .5G
Triple plated butter knife nli sugar shell
In satin lined box , worth $1.00. per set . .30c
Silver metal pepper nnd salts , each..15c
SI\'er plated butter knives , worth 35c
each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . " . .I0c
SpecIal low prices on watches and jewelry.
Goimts' gold filled watches , Elgin 01 Waltham
works , cases warranted to weal IG years ,
$7.98 up.
Eyes tested free by n first class optc Inn.
Guaranteed to gIve satisfactioms.
\Vntches and cocks repaired nt reduced ,
prIces. Nlcklo alarm clocks repaired for
20c , excepting broken mnlnsprlng.
, H YC 11
nnd cultivated not Jess oneolghth at the land
fad upon , nld within three years trom date
of notice the settles shal make final IJroot
of reclamatIon before the clerk of the board
01 a , judge or clerk of time district court II
which the land Is situated. . The clalnalt Is
require to establish an actual residence on
the t land.
All water rIghts acquired under the provisIons -
Ions I at the act shnl alach to and become np-
purtenant to the land ns soon ns title passes
from time United States to tIme state. Any
parson or company furnishing water for any
tract of land small have n Irst and prIor hieq
on said water right and nd upon whIch its
Is i used for' all deferred payments for said
water right , and upon default the same may
be e foreclosed the same as a mortgage on real
e state ,
h otel Thieves Found to Ito is Crowd of Old
From present indications it would look as
t hough the going at hotel thieves wimo worked
t he Millard and l'axton recently would es.
c ape with higlmt punishment , Their nausea
a re James Gnimn , alias Tom iCing , an cx-
c onvict recently released front the Port litadi-
e on penitentiary ; William Beck and William
O 'Brien. These men are accmmsed of robbing
t ime roommm in wimicim Sandow , time strong nian ,
w as sleeping , taking $100 in geld and a $2,500
g old watch. Tlmreo watches were also sfolcin
f rom time Paxton but
, were afterward recoy-
e red from the pawnaimops wimero tlmoy had
b een sold by an ox-convict wlmo is known to
t ime police , but wimo
so far tins escaped ar-
n est. Some diamonds were stolen from the
P axtomi , and one of the amen mmnder arrest Is
t hought to have swallowed timemmi , Since time
aa rrest of timese mets Sandow has been notified
a nd as ime is snaking big amonoy in giving
e xhibitions and cannot break any of lila en-
g agemenma lie refuses to comae bacic to Omaha
t o prosecute limo alleged timleves ,
Monday Attorneys Tuttle amid Jofiries op.
i dled to Judge Scott for a wrIt of habeas car-
h uB to secure time release of timeir clients ,
T lmen Captain Mostyn filed conipiaints agairmst
n il timrec of time prisoners , cimarging tlmemmm with
d eadly assault upon Sergeant Whalen when
t hey were being searcimed at police headquar-
t ons. Beck was also charged witim imaving In
i mis possession burglars' tools , in time shape of
a fine set of skeleton keys , Thin macn will be
t ried on timeso cimarges , instead of on coo hi
g rand larceny , as time comaplaimming witness
c aimmmot be secured. inothmer of tlmts gamig ,
J lmnmnio Colenman , a commvict svhao was released
f rom time Iowa penitentiary , came imere ahommt
t immi seine tinme as did time imotel crooks , lie
I mas Imeeni identified as tIme man wbmo corn-
m nltted time big robbery at time St. Joseplm'a
h mosimltal under time pretense at being a gas
\Vt Imave jmmst received our imew line of
Carriages , nod cams trimly say that time style
are hmnimdsommser amid time linices lower timani
over before.Vo feet sure timat we can suit
yomm 1mm every \vay , noel cams give you it car.
tinge at lemmat $2 nmmd $3 elmeaper iiiami even.
IVLidwiiiter Leader.
Solid oak extemmsiomm table , liolislmcd top.
Thmta is a late style t'ellar extemisiomu , neat time
old.fmmsimloneel style , all oak polisimeel , $8.00
for a G.foot mmmii $10.00 for oil 8-foot lmas
beemi limo regmmlar tariff , we have 20 C-foot
amid 18 S-foot , aimmi you cmiii now buy tIme 6-foot
table for $5.50 , time 3.foot for $3.50 ,
New Tab1e--Mw Price
Flame dimmlmmg chair , imraco , Gic. 12 dozen
just inn , regular price $1.
BeclRoornSuit ;
Two cars jimat mi , Siiiece sielts , bevel plate
mirrors , at $10.50 , 12,75 , $15.00.
New Suits--Now Price
A new lot of cuttinmg tables. A new lot ot
card tables.
Grand and
Imposing Sale of
1tisica1 '
1erchanthse ,
of every description , inmclmmding time choicest
selection of simeet immushe.
Time emitiro stoclo of time Max Meyer & Bro ,
Co. Is on m.nle.
Timis stock miccelmo no necommnemtdation to time
1)eoplo of Onmalma.
Time sellimmg price is time only thing to cons-
mont ems , wimich 1mm mmmomct cases is less than - '
Oslo- quarter Max Meyer & Bro. Co.'s wholesale -
sale cost.
inspector. He iman skipped for ummlcnovn parts ,
butt time iollce are confident timat they will
ultimsiately rmmmm hmimis to tine-mirtlm. Thieve was
anmother monsimer of the gang wise Is known
as time "spotter. " He is time fellow who plans
time jobs and gets a description of time places
to be robbed for time benefit of lila pals , who
do time work. . '
I'Iciced lip by tue I'oileo.
J. 0. Wlmalanel , Swan Joimnson and John 4
Evanson vent into the imouse of Andrew
Crevor at 919 Jackson street at an early ,
hour yesterday and took forcible posses-
sian of the rooms. Time landlord tried to
make timcmn vacate time prenmises , but the
men were too mammy for him and calmly piled
into bed. Crovcr got a policeman and caused
tlmem to ho arrested on a charge of trespass
and vagrancy. Yesterday Judge 1erka
sentenced time fellows to ten days at hard
labor on time streets.
A couple of weeks ago Adam Morrell , the
proprietor of time Merchants Imotel barber
shop , decided to beep lila imai' Open nil day
on smmndays in order to accommodate a nunm-
ber of Imis customers who do not. get down
tcvn until in thmo aftermmoon. lie only cm- .
ploys a small force in time afternoon. His
commrse lma not snot with the approval of
some of time other barbers. Monday imo re-
celed 1 tlmreatemming letter covered wills red
skulls and cross bones. lie was told timat if
lao continued hmis present course lie would
receive a fine suit of tar and feathers. Time
, letter purports to come fromn a special coma-
mnittee of aggrieved lommiglmts of lImo lather
amid razor. Time letter laos hmeen turned over
to time polIce for investigation , '
Isimonal iii Now I'z'acticmiiy Iovmmstmmtod and
Deserted ,
VICTORIA , B. C. , Jan , 15.-The British
gmmnboat Kaurakat and time survey boat Dart
arrived at sydmmey trains time Now Hebrides
islands just before time Miowern sailed , Simo
brings time report that eruptions at Anmioryn
island is virtually deserted by all limo In-
Imahiltansta. A new volcano broke out cony in
December on a mountain 2,000 feet hiIglm with
a crater of COO feet deep. Lava from it.
flowed in an Immense stream to time sea , fifteen
miles distant , devastating villages amid farnnms
In its course anti where time muolten lava
rushed immto time sea a great colunnn of steam
ascended. Time lmcigimt or time latter ama shown
by time sextant on lice Dart was 4,000 feet.
Time check of time D.mrl , several mniies at sea ,
was covered wltim ashes. Crops have been
neglected amid it is feared timat many of the
natives will starve , Time losses are inn-
4/ -
TEN CENTS &c rtp
; i
I --FOR-
T Boy'sk Knee Pants :
, _ _ THIS WEEK _ _ _
Boys' Suits. '
; We arc now stocked up ) I. 50
, with a very choice se- ,
lection of Small Boys' , 7
: t Suits that ought to be
priced $3m $3.50 , $4 , but $2.00
:1 .
: they're half that ,
M. H. Cook Clothin j\
i 13th and Farnani Sts \
) t
yrrfcTh 4t ,