= , ' " " ' 7 , . . . , . . . " " ' . . . . . . . " _ . . . . . , , . . . . - : . . . - ' . . ' ' ' ' . . . . . _ * . " ' , " r. " , . 'J I " - " " , - ' - - _ " " ' ' , " , , , " , . . . . . , p "r'F. : . . , . , . . " , , . , . , . . . . , . . " . _ r " . " " . , : " . . . I - - 4 ) . . - - - TILE o r.I DAILY . IJEE WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1805. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' _ _ ' TIlE OMAHA DAIX DEE TlE . _ _ _ . - - _ - _ n. 10SEWATEI Editor. , = . _ .n . _ _ 1'Ufl1.iStIID 1"mtY MOnNING. . luntsmm . - - TEItMS Ol ? SU1lSCitiI'T1Ol. . Pal , flee ( Without Sunan ) . One Yenr. . . . . 8 M 1)ftiy $ Jief nnll Sunda , Una Year . . . . . . 10 M URI Monlhs . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Thr ) I"n..s ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 t Thr. run.Thy 1ie. On. . YfIr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 fun.by ) ' flee . , Unl Y ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r ' "ekly flee . One fnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . .FICES. Omnhn . The 1ic ' . South Omaht 1r' lu111 n1. . Cor. N nnd 21h Sts Cnuflcli 1111gm , I : i'enrl Slrt I. Cnuncl Chicni1 Ilml Olc. ! . 11 Chnmhtr nr Comm.rc . l"lcnl New York Rooms 13. 1 nnd 1 : Tribune D g. Vaehtngton. 101 I" Htreet N. W. CO1lIt1PotJ1NCi. Mi communicnt1nn relmtln 10 news In" . 1. n."s < tonal cmmunlrtnne houll ) rplnlnA nldrt. . < t To the Editor. IUSINESS LETTIMtS. All buln , leUers and remltnnces ehou1 be .I're8ed 10 Tim leo I'ublehlnl eompnny. Omahn. irnft. I cheks nn" Iloolllco orders 10 be made t ) ' ' nb1e 10 the ord.r C the comp"ny. b TtIi ; 'nhp 'UiihIH1I1NG COMI'AY. ! ! Jm ! . _ l'll H.NG - - ! - - - - - - - - - - . HTATrM'NT 01 CmCU.ATIOr. George I ' 'zehucl. ecrctnry or The Ice Pub , l.hlll eom.n , . 1eing duly room. "ys that . the . ) cnmplote copies th. actual 'umher or full end clie. or the . , ful end sunday flee 1.iIly Morning HUlda ) Ie rlnlc luring Ihe month \ Nuvember. 1S91. was ,1 I. . follows . . . . : . . . 20,8C 16. . . . . . . . . 2,1.51 , 2. . . . . . . . 21.:1 37 . . . . . . . . . . 21. : & 1. Z. . . . . . . . : ; , it . . . . . . . . . . 22,15 4. . . . . . . . . 2125 n. . . . . . . . . . 20.451 , 6. ; . . . . . . . . . 21CO7 2J. . . . . . . . . . 2),51 ) . . . . . . . . 21.1i3 21 . . . . . . . . . 2'J.l ' : ) 4. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,2r 22 . . . . . . . . . 2),41 ) 8 . . . . 25.0r5 ! 23. . . . . . . . . . . . 20,2Zl 8. . . . . . . ; , . . . . . . . . 2lr.3 24 . . . . . . . . . 2,39 . . 21inS 23 . . . . . . . . . . 2i,75) 10. . . . . . . S 31 . . . . . . . . . . 22.i ( ( 2G. 2. . . . . . . . . . 2-13 I I. . . . . . . . . . . 20C17 21. . . . . . . . . 20.076 , 7 . . . . . . . . 21.00t 28. . . . . . . . . . 19. : 1. I. . . . . . . . . . . 20.5C2 29 . . . . . . . . . . 20,020 S 1. . . . . . . . . . 20.&iO U , . . . . . . . . . S Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C,9.G4 1 i toM deductions , for unsold and rlurncll t clles "eluelon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.22 Total Fol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r4Q.:2 1nly overage net clrcul"Unn. . . . . . . . . . 21.C13 . ' ( ICORGU II. 'f7SCIUCK. Bwor In before m. and luI'8crlheI In my pre.- nee this 3,1 day or 1)erembor. 1594. . ( Senl ) < 1) N. P. PLIL Notary rtib1tc. , 'J'he tmlnuher t ) Rl'IS to staul wih I the few 24UCCeSftlI hUHlnesl ) ? ten oC tiw . . day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Neht'aslm ) Is not at all UIXloH : ! to roh ! , LOllsllua oC her laurels as : the lottery " utate. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , A lIttle cabinet IJUlltll Is relshetl S ouce lu \lle as II Coiitl'lltitlofl ) to Ne. . ul'Ilm'Hncl. . nllhel' hlstorj' , I Is just 'l'hm'ston'l luck that there ( Ii not IL Iioltcal hone lit hIs (11i41)osal- not C'In ! ! : Illnce : . for a SUll'l'lntemlent S of CISllloll ' ' for the ( itlIliflIll coiltroversy II'ell'e ntllul cOlh'oversj' I het\l ' en the ( 10\1 ( of Edncaton and I the city councIl as to the ( sIze of the tax I ' ' for school ' . levy 111'ISel. Senator 11'1 I nw IJu.tnershll ) wlh Prcslllnt Cleveland his : left ] hits rela- ) UIS wih hIs fernier assocIate , Senator Go'lUl , II IL : I'ather striled coittlitlon. The de\ocmts In con/Ic s wi soon : ho unltel on the currency question-as Hoon as they shall have beets relieved the ' ' for solving the of ( Z'QSllOitSlIiIitY ) ] ) 'oblel. ) John ; [ 'lhnlston now l'ealls his title clear to a Sllt : In the ( United States scn- t nh' The Public decaraton oC lint ( fact In joInt c'oii'eiitioit It high 100n wi be . . . ' , n flleL'e Iltm' of foriii. : . Pi'esideiit Casinuir-Perler of France Is ; ] ulll his trst experience wIth a mlnlstm'lul Ct'15l14. lut Il won't he his I ; lust ] If he It lll'lltcll to servo ont the ; I full prcsllental ) tC'm for which ho has i I . been elected' . i i Bryan l'ccelvcl 80,4i votes for United S StatcH senator through h the ballot box , , , but only seventeen of these were cast i for hIm hi the legislature. ] Moral : rublc Ilehates 110 not alvlj's materIalIze - Ize Into legislative . votes. . i ; . . I J. Sterling lorton's vIsit to Omaha i does not settle the little matter of the ! Olaha postofce It Is feared there may 1m I slal sized insurrection alon the ; . long lnes of the faithful who Intro hecn 10 : lltentr ) waiting ' for the plum to cOle theh SS'fly F 1 Trite , Omaha insist have I nmrket ii , house anl auhitorlumu.Vhieii the Com- ' \cl'cHl , cub takes up this enterprise , however , It mlst expect oppositon at . tile 111\1" of dealers In vegetables and IJ'OVHlols ) who have long stood In theIr own light on this Imp.tant proposition. u : A ( lelegmtioii of IJ'onlnent ! ChIcagoans . has ole to 'aHhlngton JO get n new Ilostoleo hullllg fl'OI l'ngl'ess. They . have talwn two lo\'IIJ "lis alozig ald eXpect to bring . the new huldlng with 5 : them oil their rturn In order to make certain that ( It toes not get lost emi the way. S Bi Coo ) says ho' Is CaIJtU'cl1 Hi ought to Imow. nut then wo cannot . hellJ [ havllg a Im'lng ) , suspicion ] ' that S mi Ila ' turn lp In Home dlstunt part oC time couhitry II'eUr ) 800n lull assert thnt 11 Is sti fl'eo 1\1 ultuuw tul l'elHIy to /0 tht'olg1 I Cow moore hall breath t ( sclle . I wus Charles F. Wcler who a few years ego led the ( light for the abolition or the ( cl'ul hllgu , dllereuttl on freight HhllJIIUts ) tS between this city ) 1111 Council Bluffs. Al II'eshleut ( of SS ; tutu Commercial club 11. Wt'ler Is wel l'u1lletl ) to Ilsh the contest for equul. 11 ton of l teN. 5 , . MtjOl' Clu'I.Hon It again ou his high i $ hoi lal'shulu ! I poltIl ! llroceSlon. k ' lho 11111ton ( Ii wi ho milk the niiiety. Slwen ulmblri or the legislature who ' wI'lr those . 'l'hm'ston badges , 01' flues ; he COUI II. JIltlJel' the Just one of the I Ulul't "leven for hit shlro of the sub- c sttutll recognition ? , S iEvery Iellu.tuwut or city gO\'l'Ulout with one or . two cxcelitoll ) hits sent Iu : CltllllteH for next j'I"i ' expenses lint ( 1'0 . at least as large tl tII' ' WC1'e lust . yctt. . This UIIIS thnt ( le tax rate COL' , thin coining ) ' (1' clm IUlly be any 4 ; , : : smtlel' thou at t In'csl'ut unless material : Cl'lllles'tl fOl't'l'll ullon the humid- , , Pill gmdiUiUIttittioii. , . \ , Time spirits out : II YIIl' ' , eb. , nl ) ' 1\ll' to have : ll\'en UII tl 11utlns or linl'rett Scot Ili 1 bad job or at emmy - 1to the > ' iia'o ( Oiled to make good heir ( inondso or last ] Saturday . to eXllltlu hIs .S dhmlJIJlll'IUI'O ) Wit hum COI.ty.elJht hours. . I looks lS If I wi tithe the hl'st efforts or the 10st IUlt'ulous len to uumrt : ' tin mj'ltel' ' tnll that they wi have to ; t t lJeutl upon theIr own resources . : with. ) ut buill (1'01 the spirit world. . . ' " " - Yl IWA nAlrHM S mS.tPI'INTED Time town rlron managers , nod mor port iciilnriy theIr representatives who allllll'let In their hehal nt the IHurll on theIr Ilettou for nh in IrlnRe oC the maxllum rate SchNllle In force lu that state , profess to beery much IIHallllolutcl1 over the adverse cle. cslol just reHll'rcll by the Iowa rail. road comll t ' . The roads Wlre 10t entirely ) disappointed lu theIr ex . iCCtflIiOimM. ) the ( tel'on : Ilstl'all of beiimg 1nauhnou as It shuuhl have ) hCll wns llached olir hJ' ) It majority of the three comlisslonel' , whie the thIrd conlllsHlonlr , Mr. Dey , fed n minority repom't , nlgull thnt alholJh ( the ( rail. Ioaes hut failed to prove whnt they alleged ! hIm their ol'hllll lletliol J'e the titles hind le\ltheles hecn too hIgh fl'OI thl ( htegiimtilmmg nntl should he In. eretsed : ( to some cxtcnt , If nol to what the mouths hind asked. Uf course If : i' . ley hell'\'e1 ) ! ! Ills , he slouhl have lH\'e1 ! to rlllule the ( cledlle of 18Si long ugo. lie 11ll uot , hit he lam . 1)rob ably at all tmcs been ] ready to co ollet'ate ( ) to ( lint eld 111 ! wOlhl have 110nc so hnll tl ( Hlate or IJhlc olllnlon or the ( IJoslton of hll Issoclalonl given Iltsolthle h011 for succes. i I 'Vlie I'nlh'oalls see I to have countcd on : : i. . \l ' 11 nlong. They . Il'l'm to have countell Ibo upon : i. . Perk his to mtw ) the secontl conlllHHlolC1' on theIr tlle 111111 thiiii . dlsalJ\ollhllll arises fl'OI the ( fIlet Imt : ho failed to do so. lie Is HaiI to ( have always been l'cgnrllet its fl'lcnelr to the mlroads amid laid : they lint relied ullon his nsslstllce they \\0111 hlve tiled I Ill'tlol ) Invltlg eel'- tim . iii ( iefCflt. I mnny hlve heel that It was thel' o\'et'coliilelcc In their ability to control two of the conlllsslonel' : that late thel cll'eles : : In lII11Ig their case , for time ll'celtaton or the rlroad side of thc II'glnelt 11st have been poor IILet when Mr. Der Is c01peled to ( go outshle oC the ( evldelce In order to hut ! n basis for his recolmentaton of Incrced ; mtes. Blt If' the railroads are 11Iallpolnted In the Iowa commlsslol , ( lie people me not A conllisslon that : L'Jllletclj' ) satisfied the ( rlh'OH'S could never satisfy i1113' one else. 1'he railroads wi douhtlHS , 1alw thIs teclslon the Iolnt for It c01hlled effort 'to gllu : nusollte cOltrul of the cOlmlslou 18 its I)1'rsOhmmmel is grlll\llj' ( chiauiged , hut the lleople ) of Iowa arc alive to the 11101 tauce : of leaHOulhle railroad rates anti wi see tlo ( Iccesllj' ( of electing ] only honest . lud fearless men . ns comlls- slonct.s amid mmmcii free from.the corporate tomhm ton. TlIF' OUf1.17' 1ILI1iNCY. 7'lf1 . B'mlWfl\cr. Senator Allison voiced the nearly wit- 'e'sal sentmelt of the country when he declared : In the senate on londay that re\'elW 10 ( meet the obligatIons of the /O\'erlment , and not currency reform , is ' ' to which II the really great e1elgcneJ' cQngl'ess should now gIve itttention. Time Iowa semiator was amazed , as-every luau must be who Is familiar with the sltuUtOl , that ( the president ant secretary - tm'j' of the treusI'j- have no suggestion to nmlw providing the treasury wIth su1celt revenue to sustain the credIt of tie go\'ernment alt stop the monthly deficits which may have to be provided for hereafter hy increasing the public debl. To Increase the revenue Is the present lJ'cssln duty , said Mr. Alson , . Instead of vaIn conferences over n Cl' renCj' bill 0' the many flancl1 plans under discussion. Every hour gIven to the consideration - ton of plans or -cllct ! currency reform - I . form In. [ the pl'eselit cuiress Is mln- [ festly a waste of time. There can he no festy tme. reconciliation of th wi do diversity of views on timis subject and " consequently nothIng can ue doiue In "the house two meusures , both hl\lng tIme support of the : lmlnlstrton , haLve failed. One of these , rained by the ( sccrehu'r of the treasury . was withdrawn before It hut lssed through the committee stage , ant the substitute for . It , also largely the work of Secretary Carlisle , whom Senutor Gorman 11escl'lhl(1 ( as "the foru- most man QC Inance In thetem crtc party , " was rejected before a vote on It wus reached , the defeat of an order Imltn debate Hhowl ) that the bill could not puss. 'l'hen the work of cur- rlncy tlnlwrln was trnsfcted to lime ( seattLe anti a ! , immeasure cmanateel from Seimaor'est ( , the Jrlnc111 llrllose of which was to hrlng about the free coIn- age of Rlh'm' 'l'her Is no posslbltj' of 1asRln It bill or thIs kind , uncI ( the latest Informatpu Is that Jones of AI'lmmms Ii eimgaged In the preparation of another hi , while Secretary Carlisle 11 cngl ell In un effort to get UL flc- tons ( of the ( house togethcr on some sort of 1 compromIse. 'l'iie ( oily of all thIs Is most aplll'ent amid It Is unl1ardonnhlo ) In the presence or the exigency which confronts the treasury , au' Is becoming morc serious C'ery da ) ' . In the comBO of Moiniuty's debate Senator CIoi'iiuiimm . IIUO the state- ment , on the nuthO.ly of the tremmry , that UII' to January 1 : the excess of exiImtlitumres ) over for the ' eXII'nlltm't't ] receipts cur- rent lIneal year , which begummu July I , wits $ a.oooOO . and lie MI'ylmul ena- . 101' expressed time opimulon that the ( I'e'elfO' the Ilresent ) ' (11' will not leet the expeimdittmros. Undouhtedlj' they ( wi ImJ' ! , ( 'lt hut It Is very ques- tonnllo whelher the Increase will ho sulclrut t bnluwo the ( CXIWI\lm'es Inll t'o ( IJ'ocet on the assumllt0n that It wlJ utmighit prove to he ncr ) ' grave 11.- tnlw. 'Iw ulpeal to ( lie l'eIJ\lcIUS for help : s rlleulouH In vlow of the attitude of lie llemoCltts anti lie ( dIvIsion ( hint . . exists anions them. When the IU.t ( In control or comigress Hhal have agreed I upon something. either with regard t un InCl'UHt or thl ( 1'C'cnue or It reform of the cLii'i'eihey . , It wi he tmo ( to ask republican help , amid If u wise anll sounll imolicy , just Iml full to ni interests , Is il'0i)0Cd , I Is safe to Hay that the I'e- IJbllunH wi not wihhold theIr as- sistamice U' the flmllhlmtol ; IIHI congreSs . GI'esg , ns Senator A1SOl saId , will meet the elll'gmwy hero anti now , by lJrOlJOS- tug such I'gl8latul ( ns ts IJIIIII ) ' iiet'es- SIU'Y to lu'm.ll" tlo ( 1'luh'ud rOYOlUe , there can h" uo doubt nbolt Its l'eceh'- big time 811lJOrt or time relJblctl There It hart\ ) n possibility , however , lint ( jlils wi he doime. 'l'he 11\11101 amonc thl ( democrats . wi contlumit' , lIe. suite nil efforts to nrruJo the 111er. Iuces , and the present congress , with Jkt . rj- hut little more than sIx weeks or life , will come to nn eml wihout ( nnyllnJ havIng heen ( lone either for Increasing the J\'llue or changIng thc cnrrenc R 'stem. A's to the ( latter no serlouF harm wi come from slch I result. Currency reform can wntt . But n fall- nrc to provIde mlequatc ( revenue to ( n. able the gO\'e'l\Ut to meet its ox- . pentlhu's might have very serious coim 8equcuces. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11XUN/U.t : Tl , \ ' WITH . t 1'o f.t4'/l. ! : , As foreshadowed In The Bee the nl ieged investigation Into the charges of collslon betwceu clt.tnll ! city olclnls all the gnluhlers of South Omnha hns IJ'u\'ed ) ( ns grlHl a farce In Its el\ln a It was In Its beginning. After listenS lug to lie ( dcnlnls ( oC everybody said to he directly conceled In the ( questiomi- able h'nusnctols , IlchHll themsel'el , the South Olnhn city coulcl his tmnammi- mOI11r resolved "that this ( coulcl cx' otit'rato the ( abo\'e Iu\tel IJer80ns amid declare the ( . charges mint sustnIH ll. " So eager ate the ( memhel's to mnl.e ( heir fldll n hlllltet : whle\\'ulh lint ( they Ilchlle ( In ( hide "exommeriiioim" ( the l'C- portel's who 11\1 been nccuse1 ! of nc- celltlgn I hI e 1'8' mOI'j' to . suppress obnoxious lews , as If the reporters WP1'e hnhllg public olce nml wel'e reslHJAI- tile to them for the Ilerfortluce of their fitities. Nothll/ short of thIs was to ue ex- imeetoti. 'l'he sluntun to n large : extent - tent IJ'eselts a case of all hUlg to- gethm' 01 alt hnlg Helartelr. Sitting on their o\n case wih themselves us defl'lHlnuts , wlhHsses , PrOSeCtmOrs ( mm mid Judges the South Omn11L cOllclmeu h'eoue through the ( forms of uu iii- \'estgntol hit 111e convInced 10 one , not even themselves. They snap at the ( beautful ) explanation of the boss gain- bier that he hlHl let tw ( cat olt of the bag about otileini IJ'otcctol ( to his sldl glle merelj' to beguile n prospective Ilm'ehlser aud hwy IJreteml to swnl0w It II the hOll that they IUljthelLby In- duce other lleollle to do thl ( same. I Is at this Point that they fiI mlsernhl ) I the olclnls who profess to ( nll'c nil air of injured Illocelce are 8atstml wih this "exomieratioui" they are wel- cOle to the viunhication. I'OLlTICAL ClSlS IN FI2A.'C } . The l l'lch poltcal ) crIsis has ns- sumed It most serious all alarming as- Ilect. Time m'esigniioui : ( of the ( mlllstrj' on Moiidmiy , while l'cgardNl as threutcn- lug . tl1clles that might not be casl ' ovei.coino was hot felt to Im'olve any dnlJer : to the IJ Itcal security ( f the republic. I Is true that the Issue which forced the cabinet to resign was of 1 constutonal chinracter . Time council of state , whIch as to certain laUm's Is lade bj the constitution the fnnl court oC appeal , htln : rendered a decision - cision regarding U COi trct hetwel1 the gOYCnlunt : 1111(1 certIIa 's , the Chlunbm' of Deputies : tsllet tie authority to reverse time decIsIon. I was as I congress shou11 uillC'talw to overthrow a decision of the oupn'm court of the Unied States rendered In conformIty with thp constutonal ! authorIty of that trlhuna1 This . acton i of the chnmber left the cabinet 10 aI- telati e' but 'to resign , which It dId' nt once. The first dispatches Indicated the pl'hablt that another cabinet woul soon le foimed and thus the crisis . hrought to an end , vlhout any ' ' disturbamice In ycry grave political tlstlhance , as the case of many other such crises . under time rlpubHc. ! . The resignation of Presltent Cnslmlr- Porter , however , very greatly Intcnslles the gravity of the slunton and gives good reason for n feeling of itlarimm Time obvious meaning of this action or the Flnch presIdent Is hint he Is II Rj'm- puthy wIth the position of the cabinet amid believes that the ( action of the ( Clullhm' of Deputes contravened the ( constitution. Such In issue raised be- twecn the executive ant time legislatve branches of the governmiment Is Innl- 'festy pregnant wlti danger to the political Insttutons of the conntr ' . I wus hy a considerable lajorly : that the Chamler or Deputies l'eCnset priority to a motQn , whIch was practically - ally to reject It declaring mlhcrlnce t the doch'lne of the separation of powers and the nonlntelfel'ence of the chamber wIth tl judicial CunctonH or the coun- ci of state and pel'slstence In this I10sl- ton mar easily lead to I . lost serious conflict between the IJt.tsans of tIme antagonistic ylews that would give tim rel\lc ) the ( severest strain It has yet oxperlenced. It Is one of those oppor- tunItes which tim reactionary and re\'oluUonarj' elmncnl are lwlj' to take ) the greatest posslblo nd\ntnge of , and , \'hlo these have recenU not seemed to he very active In t lnce they . exIst there amid emily nect the chalce to make ) theIHe\es ] felt I Is salt that time or- gnus oC the 1IHlcnis and the socialst were jubilant at time fnl of the ( cnhlnet amid their joy wi douhtleli 110 cn- hnncell by the ( l'cHlgnaUol of the president - dent , for WhO\1 these eimmsses ] have not cherished t very great liking. 1'he 101. ardllst clement mnay also ho expected to Ialw itself heard , though its yolce has little inlitiemice. ' 1ha t republican hlRllutolR In FI'ance are to lo subjected to IL severer test than tit uny oilier time sInce the present \'llhle was esthlHhed , aeInscr ' IJ'ohnlle. ) ' lo reublcm senthncnt of the country , however , has grown I strong amid bccomo so deeply rooted In ; nnt telplj the hearts or time people lint ( them Is reason t believe the ( CI'IHII wi bo , , passed wihout ( hnIJ'lng time republic. I an H 'stm mind that those who are st/mlng for the security of co 11 tu. Uonnl hui ho l4titltluihieti ' Ilrllclples wi ) fuHtalnet liy tie IJCOlllo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In the interest of dupes who have In- , esh't In tickets sell \y the LIncoln ' 1'I'n\'ell1 Men's Blslless Block comim- lin ) ' 1 [ Is suggested that twy ( call on its IJrOlotm's to make n pub- Islet uhltement or lie ( Iumhm' of tickets Holt und amolnt of U0Ul' ' recel'cd thcrcfor. Otherwise I 18 IJOsllllo limit ( C\I ' $ lOOOOO . might . bo gathered In before the IJ'III.t , worth possIbly $25,0 with I n\rtgal for : : m.o ( shah bo turned over to 1ho ivln- nCl' Time DI'O'S expose oC his ( ; business block lottery lchonl would . olJrto to break I ul W01 I not ( or the . CUet that the I.lncuatcr CIII ) ' 11hol.lle ; tlu'u not proceed Ilalnst the Iwlndlers and . . " ' Ilrosecute them under the ( law I Is natural to 11t U e that ( 1I\Iniy haR heen guaranfeed , lhem In ad\'IHc. still nmiothouth DukolL stale of- tidal fnds ( lnnsclr In n Isllon ( that tndlcatcs n gull ) ' comllcll' In the comt sph'alj' to lot the treasury or that state. This l ul It Is the public cx- Illner who I JI\ht t have had knowi- edge of the tefnlcntons In theIr 1w- glunll , but who iieglected , a\'hllutj' for a tmutriiosii , : . tp take ) the lJ'Clutous to protect the ( state from its wreclers. 1nl ( the inmblic , ( nulner untie hIs ditty , tim loss whIch thc ( state hns just suf- fl't'lll coult ha\l : been Imt comlJrn- tvelj' Insl nlktt : 'l'he emily explamimi- tun ( Is that the ( publc examluer , too , was In lei uc o. nt least hat n tacIt UIIII'tllln wih the ( mini coiiimii1- Rlouer aut the ( trler. ( . 'I'he IJeolllo ha\'o how Otl'l to the ( lwlnl whel'e they wi not he ) R\Irle1 ! to hcal' that other state 0Icel'9 , not j'et UHler SIR' Illelou , were la'wlse part tumid lllrcel of this glgaulle 11101. Presidemtt.Veiier In hIs iimntmgtiral ut , dress iwfom'e the ( ComUcrlal club hit the nai on thc head . whl'n . he . said that the of fort slccess every UHlet.tnlllg : the t IHI'ancenl'nt I of I Olaha mu mid Omaha interests IICIHIHII . uIHn ) time uule sup' Irt of nil or our IJls\\'ss \ mmmcmi. 'rime buslnesl mim of Olnll have . br IJ , sl'ntu It solid front nh.ttlj : itecoimi- IJlshed I great deal , hut twrc 11 mich yet to he'dOle. . There Is just ns mlcli dangLr fl'OI luielal nlmthj' as from outside oitositioii ) ) . By worl.lug for one I telultc object after another its each 11 ! cl'\cll the ( ynlw of the CImlC'clul club Ii an om'gtmuIaitiotm : wi le kept conslanty before Is ( lemlerl amid thej' wi nol have tle to let their interest 11:1g. : ll'eshlenl'eI ( has : the rIght hll'a. lie wi need the cooperaton of l'\'el' y lember of the climb to carry It Olt A 2 pel' celt relief hOIHl clnnol IIOS' Hlhlj le sell at par 0' alj'\Ilre Ieal 111' In the humid mal'lwt I does 10t stlnd to reason that In'etorl In bonds wOlldlY 1 low rate . interest hO\l Is- sled Ij' I clnl ' for thc relief oC thtim sufferers. I mme IHrchnslrs on'er to buy itt 111' : or uear , : par the cotllj' atmtlmori- ties wi besiege the state t'eaSant the Board of Elltcalonal fUlls to buy thel lu as nn Investlcnt for the per- lunenl school flud and when the hondl uecomo dime the state wi go whIstling for its school mmmomiey. Umuless thc brakes ' ' the ] ' Ne- are put on Uj' legislature - brasm ] wi Iiiti 10thing htmL 1 O. U.s "fl'OI the sa10 cto the sumac" In the school fund vc'iilii " the next two years n" and lu title , tlll the lelslatue : wi have to levy a direct tax to malw good ; , goot the defcIt " I . : Should the "Slutl " full /1lnd he located - ted ou the , weit side LClvenworth . street will forthwih le trlUsforled Into one of tIme popular tlO'oughfnres of the city. It wi require some cutting amid tilling , lehmuls : , to II'ovlle 1 level roadway direct to the g1Unt8 and to enable street"rlway to extend Its ' 1 " system to t\nllcs..pf , ! the exposition. ThIs means thmrotmghi ' trains to Ihe lmits of thc city ; 'umt-a consequent enhance- . l nt oC lrOlC.tynlues ( In that pOl'Uon of the city. The Dee lS n detective agency has another plcce of careful work to its credIt In the disclosure oC the ( Lincoln lottery ] scheme In nil its details. The Bee recognizes It as Its duty to Wit the pUblc against all such barefaced swIndles A great ninny of the people , of this and other states have already been taken In by this traveling men's business block imposture , hut the ex- IJosl'es made hj Time Dee will doubtless saVe U great mutanT mom from beIng slnl11y mtmlcted. Now that Congrcssman Black of Iii- mom has becn consolct for the fact i I that hIs constuents to not wunt t have 111m rCIH'esent them In the Fifty- fourth congl'ess hy the gift of Ji al- polntment us Unlet Slates district at- torlwj' , there can be no excuse for tIme ) resllent longel' withholding the re\urd for l ely which he Iust ( ecl com- veiled to malw t that other cmlnent tumoclte stmttesmnaim 11'01 Illinois , lIon. Wlinm : f. SIrlug " . Let the dead wIres anti useless llles come dou'mm 1'he only reUHon they are mit l'emO\'ell immmniediately IH that there II 10 penul ) for their maIntenance. One or two Alelcun cItes levy In oc- cupu ton tax or $ ( on every pole erected hj' 11\.uh ! CI\oltons In their streets und In these cities every VOo ) that Is not In use Is IJ'ompUj' ) tulwn nwnj' by the owner to save the IIjlwnt of the tux. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As ( hue SIIcds on the fact II becoin- hug mom 11 mor lwnt limit ( Ne- hlslm Is imble und willing to care for the desttuto wihIn her boi'dems.Tue Bee hus ul imiommg . helt thIs to he truc. InC'IUt solicitOrs shoull ins compeled to IIIW credenllalH HIJIHd by ( m'crol' lolcolb , II dlrllult of which they Ihoull he showl , tie door. A n'll fruU the COiiw lolL LouIsville f ourier-Journai. 'Vlh what beqrntng smies many a man would now woleum ! . the individual whom I h6 Itclced dowl' st\lrs a tew long , long I months ago tor'asklng " 18 It hot enough for you ? " OL i I ' : . I. UomocrRto ) , L'rlt. < "nll Numeroul Cl11ca10 'rILune. There seems 1II t no way or disproving the statement \itj ' \ ' . " ' . Taylor . the de. faulting treasurer pt South Dalela Is a republican. But ] II ' followed a long line 1 Illustrious demoerato precedents , . . -a The l' . .II& uC lor.lco' . IUUuqUD Telegraph. In his Omaha Isperch' Governor Boles Undertook - derlook to txpllln how himetalism might le rebtored but he only succeeded In ex. 'Ialnlng how under the Pretense or restoring { It gold monomelalsm u might le maintained 1)siiocri'y I. 100"e < Atlanta ( onstluton " 'e preume It II hardly Icessan' to in- ron any lane man that It the democratic congress goes no farther than it hal gone In the direction or giving the prople tinan. clal relief the party will not recover from time disgrace during the present generatioim . I might go lute the campaign / 18U with /0 wih a plaHorm elhOlyln ! every reasonable do- mand lhat has suggested Iselr to the minds or the people , but they would turn away ( ruin It Ill disgust. They would say to the democratic leader : " You ( led 11 UK In 189J : how 110 WI know l you era not lying 10 us now1Ve Fuve you the power to redeem your solemn pledges In 18 . amid you deller- utely repudiated ( them. ' 'hl very Ilmt 011- 1101'lunlt you hud you showed that you were not worthy to le trusted. \Viiy Ihould we trust you manY ? . 1 I'JWl'Ll - .IND TIZX(7R. I glslah'e economy has reached the hire n1tu < o , . TIme staked plln of TeX8 I i beleved to bo the ( original lenderloln dlslrlel. Congressman Sibley . the 'oelCerous representative - len1atvo from Erie , Pa. , Is remnrkablo for two timings-his millions and hIs vocabuinry. Brooldyn , the bed chamber oC New York , toyed with the deadly folding bed last year , all run up I huger number oC deaths than blrlhs. I Is said the hWlsl/ator are nearing the bottom ot time South D"kola scandal , notwlth. standing time general belet that the bottom dropped au t. The Ilassage at arms between 11 anti , tier- Innn lustrltes time amel11ed saying , "When political rogues fall out the pcoille are treated to Inslructve revelations. " The In lest information trol her garden patch Is 10 the effect that trs. Loose Is drifting rrom ppulsm to emocrncy. MIsfortunes - fortunes neVer come singly. Colonel A. K. McClure . oC the PhiladelphIa Times s'Iui bo int'Itei the ' ' wi In\.le,1 by Iennsyh'aula Ilglslalure to deliver an address In the hal ot the house ot representatives on the life and servIces oC the late Oo\ror Ciirtlmi. Bonn universiy has assl/ned $7.tiOO for a gift to lrln Bsmnrek on his birthday. I has also been decided that the stndenls' 11\ /rhunre should proceed to Frlcdrichsrtiime. and thaI a granll flslval should be hold In hlnmii- burg to celebrate the e\'enl. Senator Quay imisists as the price of hIs : . support of limo Income tax appropriation , that curportons bo comprlld tu divulge the minutes of all emplo'es amId the salaries received - celvell by each. Some corporalons stepped on the ( senalor's poltcal corns the other day . and the pain manltested itself Ilrompt1) ) A lulalu plumber , who has retired from the business dropped a "secret" lIra bono Pmmbiico. He declares that a newspaper wrapped around a water pile wi keel I tram freezing In time coldest weather. True , hut not new. During legislative das ncws- PaPers are particularly hot shift for pipe Emits. ; JUdge hoar oC Con rd. Mass. , who Is dy- lug , malnlalns wonderfully /0011 slllrils. I was only time other day that he was able to write to one or his sons something Ice this : " 11m engaged at the present time Iii the pleasurable occupation ot thying.'lmatever else may 0 said , there Is one mater of sats- CncLol In the work , and thal is . that I have amilio tme for , It. " . 'ho 110 Senator PaIr was generous to hIs poor relatons , particularly 10 his brothers amid sisters , who lved In Iowa. In his wi he left them legacies ranging lrom $50.000 to I $10.000. anti during his lifetime he malic them . large gifts. They are nearly a1 farmers. their II tll lyIng near Ida ! Grove. Ia. , and their farms were stocked by the senator several - eral years ago. About a year ago he pal hIs Iow\ relalves a long visit. Mr. madslone's unlrlng Industry and 1vel old age are hIghly praised b ) the London papers ) pers , even those antagonistic to iiiiii They ) marvel at the enthusiasm which heads him 10 read twelve hours a day. In regard < to his trunslaton of the Odes of Horace one journal says : "This vcrslon of a supreme lyric poet hy a veteran Ialeman immersed In affairs Is ten Clans as gooll as Coalngton's anti five tImes as good as Sir Theodore Martiu's. " Au Importanl point In poltcal etiquette has ben setle by the senate of I < ansas , After grave deliberation that body holds that a man who played "pussy wants a corner" with the girls of Limo reform school and kissed the cherry mouth or one who planed a rose on hIs coat does not constitute a fracture of law In such case made and provided. I Is presumed - Slimed that such Innocent games are needed to lend gayety to life in the bleeding common- wealth. Mrs. Burton Harrison , whose books have made her famous aild whose social position Is an enviable one 10 ambitious aspirants , was a iiigii-spirlted young girl named Constance Carey when the war was raging . She was a / littie confederate , and to send a fag to Gen- oral Lee cut up her best pink silk gown and her light blue sik jacket and embroidered and sewed a confederate flag . which today Is cherished as a very precious souvenir of tenl- nIne devotion b ' devoton by Colonel Robert Alexander Chlshohn. Lee 1ante. one at the nominees for the United Stales senate In Montana , was born In Englan He struck the states and the west twenty years ago worked on a farm near Salt Lake City drove team Ol the construction I or , a railroad , and hlew' Into Idaho as a telegraph - graph operator. Ito landed In Duto In the early SOs . opened an Insurance office and later dried into the newspaper business. founding the Inter-Mountain , of which be Is still proprietor. Marcus Daily boosted him Into the mayor's olce two years ago , and when tim legisiature a few months later , failed to clect senators , the governor appointed - pointed Mantle to one ot tile vacancies His hopes were balked temporarily hy the senate refusing to sanction appointments where legIslatures - Islatures faied to do theIr - duty. CTE"lWrr PUT. Philadelphia Inquirer : Miss Pert-Is Miss Strait Lace circumspect ? Miss ' Caustc-Ch'cumRpecl Why she won't accompany a young man on the piano without a chaperon. . DetroIt Free Press : 'Vlfe ( severeiy-I'd ) have you know sir that I always keep my temper. Husband ( soothlngl-r ) course you do , m - . OC course you ( to . and r wish to goodness you'd gel rid or it. Brooltyn LIfe : "I see that they are again agitating the adoption or new rules for toot baiL" 'Yes . I hear that one proposed Is that no accIdent Is to be allowed tl slop the game more than five minutes unlels I be ratal " Chicago Tribune : 'Vhat Is the matter . Adam ? " anxiously Inquired Eve. "You seem troubled. " I "Little Cain has just said a bright timing " I replied Adam , moodily , und there Is nobody : . I can go and tel It to " - Harper's Bazar : "D ) ' Jove , " 'lkes. your column of perNonal gossip In the lasl num- her or your paper was the raciest thing I Imow. Where did yOU get all tile Informa- ton ? " " 1) ' wIre had the Sawing Circle at our house mast Saturday and I concealed u phonograph In the room " Smith's ' Monthly : I "conslslency Is a jewel" It must he 1m opal , considering the tough luck I usual ) ' brlnga its possessor. . \ranla Constitution : On a rock In u north Georgia county some pious person Iulnted In large letters this scrlplural Iues- lion : "Whnt shal I do to le saved ? ' A candidate for coroner came along and In- fcrlher beneath 1 : "ole for Jenkins , the poor man's rrlenrU" ChlcaJo Record : 'rho Speaker ( Inothe Colorado leglslnture-The vote havIng been counted , I declare the melon or the lady legislator to be lost. 'rhe Lady Leglslator-O-o-ohl ( Weeps co- piously. ) 'rhe Speaker ( hlanchel { and In haste- ) With the unanimous consent or the house I wi declare - the moton carried A SEASONABE GIRL. Washington Star . An angel or tight In the playhouse that night . She seemed unto nil near the spot . Her neat 1110 hat ( Was exceedingly latHer - Her society . surely was not S HI' . J.wIt-ivs . 1.-1' , New York Sun There were lots or t\lelr 10ls In the west and In time east t ; There WCt vlanls anti Ihatons 1.01 the largest and the least : There were slleeches speeches . speeches ; Time torrent would nol damn 'hen 11 turned upon the hero Who punched old Iultenham. They gloried In the glory or a glorious past and told . In hyperbolic story . or tIme wondrous deeds or old ; They pointed to the future JUIaW on Vlct'ry's brow A limb or lustrous laurel , Which they cannot see there now At tile time of all this blowing ' \VIY down In 'renmiessee A Some mrim , signs gray or ghost energy was : showll ( lie lghet deep In his imesomn . and then would And now an woull cuss . The meanwhile turning over In his larcolhaeus. He sat up and intently , With hanlj up 10 his ear , He imoddeil not qulo gently . At most that he could hear lie lstened to the buncomnbe . Ant thomht or recent ( acts . 'hereby his party'd got I Where the chickens get the axe , He knew the wretched story , Which hal IJKturhll hll there ; A triumph , transitory , Disaster and despair . Then bearing still the speaking , He hook hil bony imeami Amid groaned : "ny the Eternal , Im glad that 1 urn deadl" . ? Jij/ . . . . " -"iJ- ' . < J : ' I - HELD UNDER IAnTAL LAW Voluminous Correspondence Concerning Japanese Stmlcnt Sent to the Senate MR DENBY COULD NOT SAV'- TiE SPIES H\'er7thln i'oqlhlo w" . Iona to Il\rc Thrum R Fair Trl.,1 RII the 1'\'llcnco ; Now 11 tmt They Wro . : l'ortured . , WASHNGTON , Jan. 15.-Thl president today sent to the senate the correspondence In time case of the two JaPanese spies , together with a letter from the secretary et slate In which It Is stated that the American consuls hll no authority to protect Jlane9 : In ChIna ( except 10 tar as using theIr good offices when occasion dt'numunmhed The secretary In hl3 letter . tlr frt quotes the senate reolnton reo questng tIme presldlnt , It not Inecmpatble with the pUblc interest , to transmit to the 1llato all correspondence or other callers reo latng to the delivery by the United Stales consul at Shnnghal ot two JallanOo citizens 10 time ChinN authorItes alt their subse- IIUent death by torture elc , Ho then says : "On the 181h or August the Chlncse main- Ister nt this capital cOIIlalnlt , to tim undersigned - signed that the Unlell States consul at Shanghai was Ilroteeting two JIII:1esc : sllles who lied been arrested In that city al11 whoso surrender was llemnnrlll by time Chinese luthorltes In order that they might be dealt with In cue coumse. Alter 11roller Inquiry Inlo the circumstances ot the case the de- mnli was recognlzrd as lawful ali Iho men i were ordered to 0 given UII. This was not i tloiie however without proper measures' ' being taken to pre\'lnl precipitate or sum- mary acton by the Chinese authorities. The ullerslgnod al time same tme requested ( here was no outhorlly to ceman < It ) thaI the accuse < men mlghl not be tried until the return oC Minister Denby 10 .Peklng , It being SUII(3et ? thal this would aloIll 011- 10rtunl ) for investigation and tichibera- lion. 'he ChInese minister at once prom- Isell comlllance a 11 sUhseuenty iii formed time undersigne that his goverllnt had nO- ceded to the request. Wlthont 'Iuestonlng the lawfnl ness ot the sentence under the laws at war the undersigned regrets to say that they were execulell about six weelts after their sumrrender but before the return at Colonel ieiiby to Chilnmi . PISONlmS \\'lmE NOT BOYS "Special atlenton Is Invltoll to the corre- spollence on this snbject. That the uris- oners were not boys , but men and spies In time service ot Japan ( . there Is smal I any room for onbt. Mr. Jornigami our consul general - eral nt Shanghai , says that whln the len Were . arrested ' 1IIans were found on them' < and .that the executing papers arc safe , ' " 1mm n later report Mr. Jornlgan . says : 'Some IJller tonli In their possession would mmaturaily In n state oC war create a sus- picion tending 10 support the charges. ' "Tho Chinese mlnlstcr claims that . besides time evidence ot gui found In theIr Ilosses- slon they admitted when arraslell wlthoul torture that they had becn emllloyed by their government to obtain and forward by tele- graph and otherwise Intormaton usetnl In conducting military operations against China , and that they had been engaged In that busl- ness . I will nol be said by any one . after reading the accompan'lng correspondence , that Mr. Jorlgan Is biased In the slightest degree In favor or the Chinese authorities and In a report dated November 2 he says : 'The two alleged Stiles were not execntcil as soon as handed over , but their cases were under InvesUgaton for nearly six weeks and I am now assured that there was no unfair- ness vracticed against them during time Investigation - vestgaUon , ' and In a still later report he states that 'a letter Cram an intelligent foreIgn resident at Nanking , where the Iwo Japanese were executed , discredits the reports - ports oC torture. Other reports from the same genteman have proved so accurate that I am disposed to accept the reported ( torture as without substantial cr001 ) ' "The Chinese government denies that the men 'were put to death after being tortured , ' and tint department Is not advIsed that they were tortured. "DC the decision that the prisoners were I not subject to the jurlsdlcUon or the consul general or the United Slates at Shanghai and that he could not give lhcm asylum the Japanese government made no coniplaimit . PURELY A MILITARY OFl E SE. "SpyIng In time or war is ( a purely military offense . not cznlznble by civil tribunaki . and to have held the accused against the emand oC the ChInese government . either for trial by our consul general or by a mIxed tribunal or ChInese and foreign officials would have been Inconsistent with our assumed attitude or impartial neutrality. Our agents In China were not substituted for the withdrawn - drawn agents or Japan , and this government could not invest Japanese tn China with an extra territorialIty which they did not pos- scss as subject ot theIr OWI sovereignty. "From a letter addressed to Mr. Denby jr . . August 2 by Mr. Fowier our consul at. . Nlngpo 1 appear that a Japanese was arrested - : rested In the dress of a Chinese prIest at Chin Hal twenty miles from time Nlngpo ror- elgn settlement. ill his report to Mr. Denby Mr. Fowler says : 'Wrote for the tacts. Taotal reported . givIng circumstances at Irlal. . Evidence weak and ex parte. Requested delay oC punishment for a few < ays. Just receIved reply , none oC my business ; will not answer further dispatches on subject. Shah demand delay ' "Mr Fowler seems nol to have understood , the nature of the protection hI was author- ' consimiate IZllt to offord . " Japanese within reach oC his The eorrespondento . , Is quite \'ollmlnu , covering fifty IIOelntnls ot greater or less ] Itnlh. I also contains full Irnnserlpls of the Instructions . These 10 have been trueton Tht ! ! ! llm a hl\'o blea mlsuntrsloollll,1 , on August 2 ! . Mr. Greshnm wired Mr. Deb ) : "The consul general shou1 not have ! reCIveml ] limo Japanese anti Is not luthorl7t1 to hold them , " Anll he nlllb : "Your suggestIon hat our consuls act f nrblrntors Is not enllrtllne.1" On August 31. Mr. Denliy . charge d'affaires , asked whether ho can ho nulhorlztl to make time request on behll of , lnllal thaI tim students bo heM untIl Minister rnhy shnl arrive . to which Mr. Orrhnm replied on the same date ] : "My I Instructions at tile 21h , " nIl clear In a letter 10 Mr. ienliy . tinted September 1. Me . Jernign says : "Tho hnrbarous pro- clamlton at the governor ot 'ormora shocks civilization throughout the worM anll yet It rmnils for Chin 10 tIIsioiv Ih ! 111171 money rcserlIl for heads anti shIps issued by 1 8uborllnato ofllcVr ot her arsenal Whln time barbarities alrt cruelties ot the dark ages , are sought 10 be utl7l',1 , In mOller wnl fare . , . It becomes time hlnnno , and catriottc Ilutr ; of all clinics and - races effectually to I rotest" - - - ; an 0 , ' rsnu iii'h II"J' I t I Illt1l rIce . WAShINGTON , Jan 15.-Tolchlng nnl eloquent retlrence was mnllo In Chaplnll I Ittlliitmrmt's opening lra'er tn time senate today to tile berca\'emelt of Senator Innsborou/h ot North Dnlttn In the loss ot hIs wltc. Mr. Voorhlc ! trout the fnaneo comntmilttee . favorably - ably reportemi the bill for coinage at , time bronchi nilmmt at Iemiver. Mr. 2tlnmmdersomm secmmrml time passage of two ilimportaimt resohmitiomis , cahilmig on tim secre- tar ) ' of thmet rensuiry for immformiintlomu on time tariff , One resolution asks for the qimantitles of spirIts anti hIgh witics taken omit. of boimfi dimrimmg tue sixty days Prior touigumst 29 last , vimmi time now tariff law took effect , the minima's of time tiarties or cencermis who took time gonils front band mind all other detailed immiorniatioti concermilmig the caine. Tue other .rceolmmtiomi calls cmi time secmctary for ( till in- fornmatlomi as to time mummioimmit of smmgar liii- ported dtirliig time sixty days prior to August 28 , thmo imtummmes of importers , aumiotmiits of imports , thee otintry vhmemice it. caine , ole , MOTHERS OF GIRLS. 'I'oo Rapi(1 ( Grow ot'l'oo Ab SOl'bihlg Study. Ca uses That Waxy , I3loodIcs9 Iook of Failing health , 'Ei'y I'aihlc's Celery Coinpoulid for a Few \Vecks \ , 'l'he Daughter's Health Will Soon ' Rcturn. Languor Will Disappear and Nervousness Go , Mothers and daughters that are yet young otten ask thmemnseives : " 110w camu lay girls be saved front nervousness - ness immid lifelong VCaltlmeSm1 ? " It fails to time mother wltlm her clear , thoughtful eyes , to see that time healtim ammil future hmapmiiness of her datmghiters is not sLmcriiiced to excessive study , or to any unreasonable - reasonable exciteniemmt , Time sigmms of failing health amid weakmiess ; Palo cheeks. languid behavior , colorless lips , growlmig thinmmess , ir- ritabillty-ali these rimig niarmu in. her mimind , for they coint , each with its separate finger , to but one cause : thmimm , ivatery blood , amid an already imnpalreti nervoums system. Parents should liegin at time first symuptom of sUcim tendency to 'change timla umnfortunato 'habit of time body. Time real real nerve food. Paine's celery compound , if used with thio attention to regumiarlty that any aiio physi- clan's prescription requlre.s-timis ( remhrkably effective blood maker an' ! nerve food is tile formula or mme less emnimmemit a scientist than Port. Edward Id. Phelps , M. I ) . , Liz , D , , of the Dartmouth Medical School ) , if taken as i'rot. Phelps urgently advises , is sure to cause forthWith a clearly observed change in time tired , badly notmrisited body , A simigle week will ahmow that tile "run- down" eyatemn is appropriating more of time food that is taken into time body , and rapidly building up time weakened parts , Languor will disappear ; time spirits will be raised ; timonerv- Gus affectIons , dyspepala , neuralgia , amid depression - pression that event with time former exhausted condition , will imo longer afflict time nerves. For overwroumgiit , worried parents , for him , palo children , for time aged , who are most apt to be mtfhihcted witim rheumimatismn and sleeplessness - ness , and for any wiio lack streimgtim there is nothing that progressive lihysicians rely on so immvariabiy as Paine's ceery compound , If makes new blood , It stores the nervous tis. sues nil over time body with fresh muaterial. It , builds up 1110 brain. It cleanses every bIt of harmful humor from Limo blood and sends it , briskiy titrougim tiio arteries laden with food for the deepest , most vital tisue. There's returning health and an active , full- fed state of time body in Paine's celery cent- pound. BROWNING , KING & 00 ' Your Moilcy'sYoitli 01' Your Moiicy Back , 0 , That Boy ! How to dress him has Probably been S -worrying you for some time-Here is your chance-All this week we are knocking off the prioe on everything that a boy wears-You can afford to borrow the money and not use the clothes for a year rather than miss this our great sale of' broken lots of everything that a boy wears- 'SViisoii Bros. shirt waists tlmat ought to be $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 mmmid $1.75 are. , . , . , , . , , , , . . , . . . , , , . , . , . Fhimnimmel s'miist3 that we hioUld ccli tom' $ l.0 , $1.75 , $2 mind (2P ) are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ΒΆ Waists that swore $1 , $ l,2 and lJO mire . , , , , , , . , . . , . , , 7O Children's Stoekimigte- ' ) nr (3 ( pairs : isc hmeai' ' ribbed cotton , , , . , , . , , , , , , . . . , , . , . , toi'i,3fl , BOYS' OVERCOATS- All our own maim amid therefore gumrnmitreii : quality , 'J'hiosu that ought to be 113.50 nrc Timoe that swore (15 and 518 , size 14 , 15 and t 10 , are , . . . , , . , , . , , , . , , , , , , . . , , . . , . . , . , . , , , , . . . , , . . . , . . . . F' ' BOYS' ' ULSTERS- Boys' $9 imimitera . $7rio Boys' i9 and $12.10 ulsters are , . , , , , , , . . . , , , , , , , , . . , . Boyb' $15 and $18 ulotera are CHILD'S ULSTERS- in all the most popular weave , big heavy ones for comfort , For ulstt'rs that were uiuu'oys sold for $10. Time $ i26 , 113.10 and $15 uisters are , . . . , . , , , , , . , . , . BOYS' 2-PIECE SUITS- I I suits are $5 suits mire Time $ d.&O and $ ? .1O suits are , , , , , . . . , . . . . . , , . . , . . . , . . 'jii.OO BOYS' JUNIOR AND REEFER SUITS- Fancy Junior and iteofers that were 5 are. . . . . . . . 'rime $0 kind are. . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , BOYS' CAPS- 5 1 caps are ' 2' : : , $1.50 caps are . , . . , , , . . . , . . , . , , . . , , , . . , , . , . , . , , , . . , . , , , . . liOvs 1C'EE l'NTS- A it uvooh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BROWNING , I1NG & CO. ' _ _ _ _ _ _