t ' ' IIE 07\f.A1TA DAIT.JY BEE : WEDNESDAY , .TANITAUY 10 , 18H ! ; . fJ TIlE OMAHA DAILY BL's' . , I COUNCIL nLUl.'I S. OFFICE , . NO. 12 PEARL STREET Dtllnrtd by carrier 10 any pert , of the city . IhV . TILTON , Lessee. 'TFLEPIIONtS-lJullntll office , Na1 : nlchl ' editor . No 23. . . "IllUll . "l . " 'TIU."r , Grand hotel , Council Dlurr , reopened Oct 1. Mayne Heal Lstalo ; : agency , 1i39 Broadway For Rent-I.uge private barn near court J1CUJ ! Apply at Dee office. City Aaaessor lIanlln Is 01 work on the assenmenl hook ! for the ensuing year. The motor company has opened [ 4 skating rink just east' ct that ! ! ' bridge on Avenue A. \1189 : 'hesehrough of 714 Mynster street yesterday lost a small gold' watch marked "J , C. . ' Sarenl ! ; Is Invoicing. Look out for the biggest hoe sale there has ever been In Council lIIul18. \Ir : , and Mrs Moses : Newman , whom Ed Bates charged with stealing thirteen chick- ens from him , were discharged ! ; , Bates failing to make a caBO against them , D. C. Bloomer Is making arrangements to have the sermon , which was delivered hy Hev. 11. .J , Babcock last Sunday In honor of oC his wire , printed III pamphlet form Justice Cook performed two marriage cere- ' menlel yesterday , the partl\9 being M.1. : . ! , . , . Riley and Mary : 11. Ice , and Arthur Wood. ruff and Ida ! B . Palrrer , all of Omaha. A lamp exploded In C. 11. Sherralen' ! pie. ture gallery yesterday afternoon al 2 o'clock II did ! 110mI. little damage ! ; to a tot of unfinished - finished Illcturcs , hut none to the hulldlng. The Ilehekah HelieC association will meet 'VCllne jay al 2 p. m. al independent Order oC Odd ellows hall A corlllal Invitation Is extended ! to all Hehekahs and their Crlemls. A festival was held at the Filth Avenue Methodist church last evening. A large , number were mesent. Quito a sum was I realized front the sale oC fancy articles allli refreshments Then , the little IJ'Yl'ar.olel son of 'Ir. I and Mrs Ira Menge ! ! , died oC inflammation of , the brain Monday. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock , servIces being held at the resilience , 220G Avenue A , ncV. E. J. Babcock offic'.atlng. Judge Thornell has decided that the part oC Manall' : which was recently severed from the town , embracing about 72 per cent or the whole town , Is to be held responsible for Its share oC the lown's Indebtedne A number ot claims arc still to be abjudicaled M. S. Roop , who recently disappeared , leav- ing some unsatisfied creditors ! , was made ! defendant . fondant [ ] In un attachment suit In Justice Cook's court yesterday The I'eollle's Furni . ture and Carpet company had a claim oC $30 against him , which they satisfied In thIs way. way.A colored man was caught In Omaha yes. 1 torday with an overcoat In his possession which Is supposed ! to be the one stolen a few Y days ago at the Bloomer hotel. The owner , n boy named Welch , who lives al the corner t oC Tenth street and Fifth avenue , will make 11 trip to Omaha today ! to see Ir he can Iden- tlCy the coat . , The trouble between I. . E. Phillips and his wire , whom ho accuses oC beIng a party to a scheme to defraud him ! or his wind pipe , will be aired In justlco court temorrow. Phillips has In hIs posses lon more than a dozen recommendations front prominent citizens - zens oC lIarlan , and expects to use them In fighting ! any charges which hIs better halt may make against 111m. ' Auxllliary No. 17 , Ladles' or the Union Veteran Legion , Installed theIr officero last Thursday evening Mrs. S. J. Watts was installing - stalling omcer. The following arc thc new officers for the coming year : I.otllo King , president ! ; Mary Anson , senior vice ; 1\lInnlo Wl11lams. Junior vice ; Mary CrIsp , secretary ; B. F. Williams , treasurer ; Martin , Miller chaplain ; Con Caroolh , guard ! ; Anlrus ! , color bearer. u A private ShakespearIan recital bf 1\Ir. w ; Y George U. Wllllnms.oC New York ts arranged - to lake place In the Congregational church Thursday evening , January 2,1. Mr. WII- l'ams ' will give the first three acts or King Henry IV , and [ will conclude ! the program with Howell's farce , "The Sleeping Car " The recital Is given under the patronage about seventy.fivo well known ladies ! and gentlemen ot this city , and will be an event oC more than ordinary ! socIal and literary Interest _ e We have , $100.000 to loan upon Improved farms In Iowa and [ will take all the gilt- edged loans offered at low rates. 'Vc do not want will lands ! and will not loan In No- bra k 1. LougC & Twle , 235 Pearl street. I'ISIh901 . .IL PdffdOtdI'JtS. - . John Y. Stono.oC Oenwood Is registered at the Grand. I Drown II enjoying the society oC the 3 blac -eycd senoritas In Cuba. J. D. Hslwl has been called ! to LewIs , . by the serious Illness oC his rather. t larry Ilman has returned from Missouri Valley , alto : selling out un Immense stock ot clothing. A. U. Wyman and henry Ouren left yester ' day for Plcrlda , where they will stay the " rest ot the winter. : .l H. II. Van Brunt , who has been confined ! t' hla home for a number or weeks past by I serious Illness , I able to bo' about again . O. P. McKesson has recovered from are. f cent spell ot slclmess. The trouble was a Ja.therlng In his heal ! , which , II Is feared , has destroyed his hearing In one car. / Oracle I eran , who has been very sick with typhoId malarIa , was reported much were yesterday , and fears for her recovery were entertained. ! Charles A. Fox , Ed Canning and [ I. ' S. MuccI leave today ! for a turkey shoot on y Tom Owens' farm , east oC the city. The turkeys are not anlcl11atlng any serious trouble. Save Your Ionoy. Dy investing It In the slack of the Savings , Loan and Building association oC Council Bluffs. Incorporated In 1877 , Monthly pay atoms DC $100er share , netting thc Investor about 10 per cent Interest. 'fen' series already - I ready paid out which fully demonstrates I the ability oC time association to mature its . stock In about seventy.II'e monthly pay .t ments. No loans made outside oC Council ' Blurts , and all applications examined and r passed upon by I majority or the hoard oC dlrctor. Good loans wanted ! . Full inforna- ton can bo obtained at the office DC D. W. Oils , secretary , 10 Main street , or any or the following directors : 11. W , lazleton , Frank Crass , John Brown , A. S. luzleton , Ii. C. t leebl , A. B. Walker 1. E. hart , F , C. Lougee , S. S. Leonard Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. 1Ir.I. . , . tit Work . The residence oC W , S. 1\Iumalgh , tel keeper at the motor brIdge , 107 I.'lh av- enue , was entered by burglars Monday ! night and I gold watch was stolen. Mr. Mumaugh hall $100 oC the company's money In a sack at the house , and II Is supposed that the , p thieves were alter I , but ruled to find I , r Owen Wickham's house , corner DC Seventh street and Seventh avenue , was also en- toted Mrs. Wickham awoke about 2 o'clock - yesterday morning , and , leoltng Into an ad' ! joining room , saw the reflection of a man's r form la a mirror. She awakened her hus. band , who jumped out oC bed aid made n dash for the reflection . Both the burglar and the reflection disappeared through a front window , which had been wlndlll' covenienty left ' open Nothing wan taken. r' Colonel n. B. Dales residence , ere Second avenue , was entered ! , but nothing bas been t missed M Car , ' The following number received Robinson Bros ; Iwenly-thlnl annual free gilts last night : 8.002 , 233 , 211 , 833,12 , 8,257 , 281 , 7,680 , G76 , 7,699 , Sheridan Coul. This new coal from Wyoming for sale ' ' , only by II. A. Cox , 31 Main street. Telephone , 2- 48. All for cIrculars , Try Eagle laundry , 721 1 Broadway , for good work , OUI' medhulgtosa Inlsh can't be beat , blt wo do strictly hand work , domeste finish , when IlrfCcrrCI , Telephone 157. - - - - - Ground oil eale : $1.30 hid , at Morgan & CO.'I drug store 131 Ire [ 1way , - - - - - 'r Vlhe\om n use Donscsilc .oap . . . , 'i.V" ' 'A" _ , _ . . " . . _ " . . , NEWS PRO lI 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS { t . OGuuty Oommlsioucra Investigating the Work of J. J , Watts , - TO SEE THAT VETERANS GT JUSTICE Commhlloner or tin . Soldiers Ballet Fund on the Carpet for Alleged elleet or Uul1 In R Number ot Instances The Board of Supervisors held I meeting yesterday afternoon for the purpose of being convinced thai J. J , Watts , the commissioner oC the soldiers' relief fund or thc county , Is n totally unlit man to have charge oC anythIng. A lot of witnesses were summoned and called upon for their stories , but the sum total oC the damaging ! ; information obtained was a dis . appointment to those who had hoped to see him palmed a deep black . The prosecution was carried [ 011 under line auspIces oC Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army oC the Republic . Limit , the well known frIend oC the soldier , lent his talents and his vocal chords to the cause , and [ with the assistance or 11 . H. Fonda I F. A. Sacket , thc other members of the com- mlltee from the post , did ! his best to see that eternal justice got ! ; her due . Irs. Mary Welch , who lives at lUG Twen- ty.rourlh avenue , was the first witness called . She said that she went to Wats every month during 1892 , anti always received help although . though Walts was not as pleasant about It as she mIght have wlshel ! In 189 she received an $8 pension , and after that she went to him no more ler main grievance against him was that he always asked her so many ques- tlonR about the ages oC her children , and thc coffee W. lt. Bradley gave her on Watts' orders . Iers would be composed of sticks , pea , cherry pits and other delectable substances. This last , however , she admitted could not exactly be charged ! ; up against the commissioner. Watts was always urging ! ; her to send her chill- Iren out to work , which she positively woulll not do unless she wanted to , and she did not think I was any oC Walts' business . : Mrs Mary Lance , the second witness , was troubled with a very nebulous stale oC mind as to the present whereabouts oC her soldier husband ! , but rather thought he was In a sol- diers' home somewhere. She hal ! one son 2G years or age , who tried ! railroading , but finding It too harl ! , work , hal tried nothIng In the work line since. She got $ : a month from Watts for awhile , but one time Watts turned her away , telling her that the grass would be green pretty boon and she could live on tlmt. "Ami I did , " she added , naively I , "until the grass died ! , and then I came back. " Watts never talked very Insultingly . to her , but one day loll ! her not to come again STIR lAS A MATRIMONIAL : RECORD 1\Irs. Graham , formerly Illr , hall been married five times , and she dill not think It necessary to gel a divorce front one oC her former husbands ! before marrying the next In the line oC succession John Lindt ob- jected 10 this line of questioning . on the ground ! ; oC Incompetency. "The law , " said Coloney Dal ) ' , "does nol give the right to help from the soldiers' fund ! 10 people that are guilty oC hlgamy. She admitted just now thai she did not know whether her rormer husband was alive or dead , and sail ! that it was not necessary 10 lnnow. And yet she comes In here , a reloness , and wants to talc the bread out or the mouths oC needy ! and deserving women md eldltiren. " Mr. Lnlt ! , on the contrary , hell that moral character had nothing to Io with the case ; the only question was , whether she was the widow oC an honorably discharged soldIer. I she was the proprIetress oC a house oC ill fare she would ! be entitled to help from thc public fund ! , and the sentiment ot the solller ! clement would ! be In favor oC cemenl givIng I to her. Judge Wadsworth hell ! thai thin witness wlness could not be questioned ! as to acL' oC a criminal nature Mrs. Graham testified that testll during Ihe times she was receiving assist- ance from Watts also was keeping a "boarder , " and thai the ' 'boanler , ' her 30- 'ears-old son and her grandson , all got the benefit or the assistance Watts ' gave her as much as she did. Daley fired a large volley or questions at the witness with reference to her varIous matrimonial cntanglements , which made an interesting . but not very. profitable feature oC the Investigation. She separated recently from the man whose mane she now bears but still more recently Graham has returned ! to herebel , and boarl ! She said Watts refused - fused to help her the first time she went to him , sayIng thai she did not keel a resllectable house and that she had too many men hanging around After December . 1892 , when she made the amdavll against Watts which was Introduced In this Investigation , she was treated better , having receIved as- slstanco on a number oC occasions. When \Vatts refusal to help her , she said she commenced - menced to cry. Watts said "Oct out oC here with your bawling. I don'l want any or II here. " She sat still and went on with her lachrymose operations , and Watts rose to his feet and told her to get out or he world ! hick her out She got out. 1\Irs. Wiets , who lives on First avenue , a lady ! with a very actve tongue and a willingness to use I , did n good deal oC talking , but all she said was that \Valts refused to help her when her husband was drawIng I pension oC U a month. Mrs. Schultz oC Tenth avenue testified thai she went to Watts with the , papers that showed Mrs. Riher's husband ! was a soldier and that Watts threw the papers In her face and wouldn't have anything to do with them. The tnvestgatlon will be resumed this morning at 9 o'clock. - - DUCK IIISALS UY IMITI Can Cure Anythtn from Corns to l > neu- 10nll , If 10 Only U'nnls To. Elder Duck Is here So Is his wife. They have opened ! n serIes of divine healing meet- Ings , and thin doctors will nol have leisure In which to Io their collecting , refilling oC boles' and repainting ' their slgn Elder ! Buck Is not exactly thc kind ! oC I looking figure which his name might imply Hather small or stature and ot slight physique , he Is a bundle ! of nerves which ! have been tingling - ling , apparently , for tty or sixty years lie has a crIppled Coot , which thc divine healing does not seem to have reached , although he has wielded the \onlerrul ! power oC healing I others for nearly thirty years . "Why don" I heal thai root 1 Well , I'l tel you . The hard tells us we must go forth as lambs among wolves Now II would bo a mighty ! ; mean wolf thai would jump onto a poor crippled lamb like me , wouldn't Il1 1 have hall men get ! ; so mad ! 01 mo because . cause I told them thin truth that they would have killed me , t I hadn't been a crjpple. See 'Flint's why I don't want thai foot cured " To assist this limping lamb there Is car- rletl In the cIder's hand a cane ot dlamold willow , a curious stick , which n the elder himself has carved In his hours or nsedlta . tc'n. 'fhe artlsto design has not been cony Illetel ! , but lulclent has been elaborated ' to I Indicate I 19 intended for a representation I oC Eve being pursued by the serpent 1I'e's ; : i back Is turned upon the serpent , and the I elder's jack Imle has so cleverly done this ' part of the carving thai there can be no doubt II rl her back 'fho tempter la evidently about to bo sat down upon , but he does not , appear to b I s discouraged as to give UI the contest , for his fangs are thrust out In a startling proximity to the unprotected Ih.'dh oC the fair daughter oC Eden ; : Elder Buck Is , however , more enthusiastic over his powers or healing than over hIs powers oC carving. "I'\'e just started ! meetings - Ings In the Ovcrton minion , but , bll's your foul , the place won'l begin to hold ) the Ileclllo just au soon as they find how the work Is going I stall need the blggesl hal In town Just a few cass cured , and you will see the people tumllng over each other to get to me" \\'hal do you charge for your services ? " "I don't snake any charge , That b , I lei folks who are cured give one anything they feel like . and one day In the week I treat those who are not able tl pay anything. \h:1 : do I do the other la11 ! Wel , I ask UIOiO svho are able toay to give me a \ay dollar , and are much more us they are ablE to. I used to heal for nothing , and let them give m ( or not , just a they saw fit , but I found I wasn't getting enough even to buy oatmeal for brsakfaot So I went lo the Lord about It , and be toll we . ' i . tc " , . ( " l i . - ' , " " l r -"Xk # . ' , , _ . . " . tt 'Ju.H'J > . . . . .h."i.h'I"jJ1h. p.- XX . ' r. ' " , : ' ; . I ' . . - - . p.-.o " j. . / 1' \ : - : ; p"-.o 'I.u' - , . ' . . ; " ' c.t-e.t-e.t X ' ; " ' , \ ; JI"J . . ! -.0 lX ; p. " " , > . - ! . " p..0 X. u p.- ' X- ' ; . ' \ XX.X . ' . - . i - ! p."o ' . .XX , i\\Jt- " . t . "r-T-X7 ( . " X . . , < . i'X , ' i ' , 1 " ' i \7 ( " : 4' tl Xg ' I , 0' . \ I t ; ; " , ' t' X , > V . t' : ' - . f - , , ' . " 1' ! i 1895. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE. [ 1895.yh , : . ' ; I' I ' Xis ' I . _ :1.J : 31C , ' V r. . . ' k LtC . 1 I BOSTON STORE , COUNCIL BLUFFS . i . ' CI f . \ : " \ . - ' ' \4 , - , ' ,1 \ ' t Commencing , ThursclaY morning nt r 9 o'cloc.i and continuing for ten days. Store closed r .ill day ? today ( Wednesday ) marking down goods and getting Jcady I for thIs great event , fl . Wt Theguestion . . of COST or VALUE of MERCHANDISE will not be considered duct this sale , ' Our REDUCE < * aIm IS to STOCI ? i ; ( I SEE SHOW WINDOWDISPLAY. i I1DOW _ * - - - - : g& THE FOLLOWING PRIOES SPEAK FOR THElISELVES : : - , , , X DRESS OOODS. losnm AD UNUEit\YEA1t SECOND FLOOR- DOMESTICS 5 ( : ' 15c quality plaid dress goods ' , Cyo ? I yard ! . lc ) quality ladles' vests , to close al 9c. . All lall s' and children's cloaks nl exactly 6a quality shaker flannel at 3 ? fc I yard , , ; % } ( X ! ' 1i4-lnch all wool ladles' cloth and fancy 2lc quality heavy vests and pants , to go ] art . , o shaker ( lane ! , to close , S . , . ! , , , „ 9Sc ? n yard. i . lannel clost x J tnixlures worth from GOc to $1 , to close , 39c. al 13c each . HALF PRICE , . ' 1 r.1I. X ' , i. ' Our . , entire stock oC 1i0c all wool henrlettas 1i0e duality heavy ribbed vests and pants IAI.I. I.111l5' all wool skirt patterns , worlh 75e , : : and French seres reduced to 29c a yard . al 25c ; each to close , 1i0o each . r = . " > 4G.lnch all wool henrletas and fine serges 76c quality ladles' non.sllrlnkln wool un- $0 garments , $5 A goat size bl1 t confect , 48e. v , ! + our regular The goods ! , to go al 48e a yarl ! . sear , reduced to 3n 0 each , 76c a suit. $7,60 garments , $3.7G. $ t had comrorts reduced ( to 75e each. i\1 ' . ' ' r All wr $ henrletas , India twills and . $3 quality all wool union stilts 7lc , , each $ G.G garments , 338. $ hel all seed ' rellcell blankets to close lach. . r . ' wol gray at $2,98 , 't . French whip cords , reduced to 1i70 ' underwear ni . . yanl. cosl J1 : 'y\ whl1 a Oenls' heavy colon underwear , reduced to 'G garments , $2,50. . : . Our calico stock oC fine novelly dress goods , 150 each . extra talus \ = yS . ' , enlro novelY IreEs $3,69 garments , $ .85. . { f 1 worth front $1 to $1,75 a yard , to clor at SOc and 76c heavy wool underwear , re- ! ; $ $3,50 , U and $ .75 while blankets reduced ' ' . 2\ Inder\cr ro This Includes .1 ' . every garment hl the store , k X 79c I yard ducCI to 37 ie c each. Incudes , t' " .9S. ; X f An old ! lot oC fancy dress goods , worth Oents' heavy all wool shlrls , reduced front nothing "Ithdmwn. X - 25c nil wool al c quality red flannel to close al " $ k x front 39c to 75c , to close at 25c a yard ! . $ to G9c. Choice oC our entire stoic oC wrappers al IGc a qlalty yard al001 clor iJ , ; - ALL BLACK DRESS OOODS AT RE- Ole each Soma of these sold as high as U. X > X x Dmss ' sol , 33c , 39c al11 4 c quality Turkey red table CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AT RE- ' . . . qua1r table , UCED . CIILDtN'S Thompson s Glove Fitting corsnUl and C. ( B. damask reduced to 25c a yard . x I i . n la Sprite , that sold 01 , . , . and Iamask + r'x . DUCED PRICES. II Sprlt sol1 $1 ' 125 $1.1i0 OUR ENTIRE STOCK Ol NATCHANG OUI ENTlB II'IC"S ALL TABLE . . Xk . LINENS . AT COST t\ { . $1.7G , to go ! ; al Gic per pair PIt1CE . l BLACK DRESS SILK , X\ " ? & t ' Worth from B.ACK $1.2G t Dmss [ $2 a yard ! , reduced to HOSIERY , $ -.76 8-1 chenille table covers to g al BIG REDUCTIONS IN NAPKNS. , \ , xr' DSc a yard. 17c quality Infants' wool hose , 10 close Gc 1 98 c1'G. . . WASH [ GOODS. ? . t . " SHEETINOS" pair . $1 G. chenille I covers , to go at GOc . , < / ' . jX 5c quality unbleached I s I lee t ng , yard , \ 'II e , 2lc quality children's wool hose , plain . and $3,50 chenille porteres , slightly soiled , to Indigo blue dress prints , worth Gc , 10 . . , : qual ribbed , reduced to 170 a pair ' all sizes . . . ' 30 a yard ! , 'al go at ' 169 a IJalr. chase , 20 a 'ard. 1 : c7 muslin reduced to 5c a yard ' 50c and Goo quality children's . cashmere 2Ge and 33c ( ! gored ! Canton flannel , to go food ! standard dress prints , 2c a yard : f . : t s1n , I'f\ 'Lockwood 4-4 unbleached sheeting , 0c hose to . close 39c a pair. ' : : 4" ; t. - sheetng 6Jc hoLse.llto 30cI 14 al 12e a y 'ard. Sc and lOc outing namecl to close at bar \ ' r 6 a ' ' _ , k yard ! . Ladles' all wool hose , were 3uc a pair I , r 0 - : fanne coso le r. : . a ' yarl . 19c satsuma t and sateen drapery goods ! , to yard . ; ' ducel ! to 19c , or three paIr for 1i0c. ) Unbleached , Sc " r' L ckwodd G-4 tnbleached sheeting a , . 1L . 1 50c quality ladles' cashmere hose , to close go at 12c. Gc quality cotton baits , 3c each x 1 Y 1\c. qualiy coton bats i.k ylLockwood G , . ' unbleached ! sheeting , 9c a 3Gc , qualy paIr far EI.Indies' All muslin underwear al 7c and lOc apron ginghams reduced 10 be " ' ' 'ard . Our entire stock or lalles' ! fine wool and , . . ' 1 yard. a yard. X j . { m' cashmere hoe , worth from G50 to 8"c a COST PRICE . ) I ' : > j Lockwood 9-4 unbleached sheeting - c a : th'k yard , kwol sheetng ' 13\c pair , to close , 4Sc a pair. PICE. Shirting prints ' 3c a yard . . _ + hx I : . [ kwOd 10-4 unbleached sheeting , 15c a 25c quality fleeced hose , 12c I pair. 7-rool Cell window shades , worth s 25c , to HALl" PRICE LIST X\ 4 ' G ynrL go at 160 each. Xi ' " ir [ . ked 42-lnch bleached sheetngs , 8c a GLOVES AD MITTENS. . 50c opaque window ! shades ! , t [ go at 290 All Jewelry half price. : yard - , . , i')1 : Locltoo 4G-lnch bleached sheetlngs , 9c a $1,60 and $1.7G mousquetalres , blaelt and each ; . , All silverware hal price . ' \ - \ : r ' ' _ " _ Y ard ' colored ! incites ' worth $1.60 and our entire Gt.c " , " Ie and I 8c gilt and mice I paper , t. All toys hair price . ' , ; 'f yaLo'ckwoOd 6-.1 bleached ! sheetlngs . , tic a steels oC Saxon beauty kid gloves , In one lot at 4c per roll All cloaks hal price. kk ! X ' ,5 . to close at S9c a pair . All Curs . . , . 1r ( yarn 1 1210 full gilt , to go al Sc per roll. Al hal price rol. 1 , % r . , Lockwood ! . 9-4 bleached ! sheetlngs , lGc a lee Mistlts d pain and olds ! and ends ! In kid gloves , Ingrain papers , lOc per roll. ptr All remnants ot ribbons halt prIce. > _ " ti X Xk yard Lockwood 10-4 bleached sheetngs , 17c n Lalles' ! cashmere mittens , regular 21c qual- All to)9 : baskets . " chinaware satchels and All dress goods remnanls hal Ilrlce. M . ' - I ; S y ard . fly , to close al 12c a pair fancy goods al All baskets halt prce . 'lu ' ; ' Fruit ; ot thin loom and Lonslale ! bleached 19c quality ladles' and chlhlren's heavy All satchels halt price 21t , ; rll . # fi ' muslin , lc a yard wool mittens , 10 close , Sc a pair IALF PRICE . Al fancy goods hal 11Ice , . k ! ? " k'l 1 .1 I' > ! r FOWLER I , DICK . & . ' WALKER . I. -r I . 1 . . . , , , . i ' . " , - ; ' ilC , q . 1 ' I , rrn ) , , \t t lJ1/ fl lJ FJ tW f 1T f i @ i _ t 1 , I f 1 , -'k1 t , 1 rig . : ckk X ; atkk .X - ' kk - : r x ? k : , A'IJC , h , k' J ' . lJ1f : * ' lx. * I fJ Tx ri lr ? , IJ I.k > IJ I , i. . . . PJ : i. jj .i. ' J kt [ ? , . ( to charge them a dollop ! Anyone CM rise a dollar , and If they haven't got II them- selves they can borrow It , and IC a man hasn'l got crelll ! enough ! to borrow even a dollar , then the Lord don't think he's worth curIng. " Thin elder's wife claims to bo n prophetess as well as a healer , and she was among his first patents , Iwenty-slx year ago. She was dying with consumption , when he prayed with her , annolnled her with oil and In n twinkling she was , by faith and divine power , transferred from an Invalid 10 a madonna oC the wash tub and soon nine young Samuels and Deborahs were round to be In their matrimonial quiver. "Aro her lungs all rIght now ? Well , you should Just hear her preach. You'd' think they were all right. Just come down to the meeting tonight and hear her shout nice " As site claims to bo gifted with the power oC seeing persons and places miles away , It was suggested to her husband thai her search Ighl be Ilrected-oward the mysterIous - ous hiling Illaco oC the body ot true mIssing Scott. The elder hal ! heard little about the tragedy ! ; ! , all didn't ! seem 10 lake much Inter- est In the suggestion until his attention was called to thin tooting UII ot the numerous rewards - wards offered , when his eye seemed to twinkle with inspiration , and he promptly promised to halo the prophetess and seer glance about a litho and locate the missing treasurer . O [ GIUO'10S'L ClunOI MEETING , nOlorts Show tko Or&nnl7lton to Do II R Very 11"lhy Cottditlun . An annual church meeting Is one of those events generally shunned except by the Callh- rul few , the terrors oC balances on the wrong sIlo ! and the probability or meeting hats which pass In time night , the dreariness ot mathem3teal showing or what hal ! not been done deterring the lukewarm attaches oC a church from appearing . Not 0 al the annual meeting of the First Congregational church Monday : ! night There were 130 prea ent , and they wore snipes . They del'ourCI the church supper wlh the relish of those who hall won an appetite by honest , hard work In the vlncyard , and the coffee , though I strong , dldn'l begin to compare as a slim- ulant with the reports which followed Coin- , islets statements In writing were presented from every department oC the church , the trustees , the treasurer , clerk , Sunday ! school , Missionary and Young People's socleles , the L3dles' AlI society , In fact , every detail oC finance and work was gone over accurtely , the few dimes spent for fixing the bell on the parsonage nol being overlooked , nor 1 broom drought for the sexton's use , The 10' tals slHwell lute church to he financially In better condition ! than for years paet , the Indebtedness - debtedness reduced , despite hard tines , and numerous Improvements made . There had been added ! ! during the year forty.Cour new members , and there were corresponding Increase - crease In the Sunday school and various societies . 'Ile showing was a very nattering one far the pastor , He\ Dr Askin , whose work In this field during the past eighteen months hiss been attended ! wIth markll suc- cees . There was a unanimity In the election - tion at officers , It being , In fact , I unanimous re-olectlon , no changes being made , the trustees being E. E. Hart , 1. W. Otis and F : . U. Smiths ; treasurer , J. D. 11dmundson ; clerk , E. S. Allen. Arrange your business so as to catch the G or 7 o'clcek train Thursday night , which will take you to the finest resort In the west , Manawa Every purchaser al Davis' drug store gets 3 choice sheet oC musIc Cree. Domestic soap breaks bard water - - Frets : I et h 11 \e.ln ! The Free Methodists will hold their second quarterly leotnl In ( .uncl Bluffs beginning Friday ! evening al 7:30 : and continue over Sun- day , Ref , J , H. WII.on . , district elder , presiding - siding . A revival meeting has been In progress at thus church for six weeks past , during which time a number ot person ore reported converted - voted and sanctified and several united wIth thin church The revival still goes on and the interest Is kicreasing Everybody ; : Is Invited to coru and hear ! the elder Ilrench and get a touch ot revival fre , The churc : 13 located , on tire corner or Twelfth street and Avenue A. J. H. Drllain Is pastor . St. Anna Alit SocIety. In pursuance of dIe request male ! by their pastor , Rev. P. Smyth , the ladles oC St. Francis Xavlcr's church mel for the purpose or organIzing n society to carryon , In a systematic . and effectual manner , the work oC furnishing relief to the poor. After the object or the meeting hal ! been stated by Father Smyth II was determined 10 effect a permanent organization and that the name oC thai organization should be the St Anne Aid society. By vote oC the majority or the ladles present the Colowlng officers were elected : Director , Hcv. P. Sm.th ; president ! ; Mrs A. Darrugh , trlas- urer , 1\Irs. William 1\Iaurer ; secretary , Mrs. Kate M. Wlclcham. Groceries fuel , bedding ! , clothing shoes etc. , were furnished to sevcn- I-elghl families , forty Catholic and thlrty- eight noncatholic. Expended durIng the year , $3240. Unity Guild will give an experience social Wednesday evening In the gull ! rooms oC Grace church , corner oC Pierce and Union streets Friends cordially ! invited ! . The attractions al llanawa tonight will be skating . music , hot coffee and dancing. Trains leave at 6 and 7 p. m. "t I'ny thin lltunt , The Board ot Supervisors at theIr morning session yesterday ! decided to pay the exces- HIve tax claims which have so far been put In as soon as they have been checked over and their exact amounts ascertatnel ! The list ot property owners whose claims are to be thus honored ! covered ! nearly I page or typewritten nsanuscript Chairman Wads- worth or the board ! was appointed a committ comml' tee to go through the treasurer'a books and ascertain the amounts due , which will be palll . by warrants on the county Cund. ; The board ! decided ! to pay $15 for the type- writer now In use In the audltor's olce , which shall then become the properly oC the county. Sargenl Is Invoicing. Look out for the biggest shoe sale there bas ever been In Council Bluffs . Davis Eels ! drugs , paints and glass cheap , W ( ' , A . Oliir0rs. At thin annual meeting or the Women's Christian association yesterday afternoon , In the Royal Areanum parlors , the following women were elected to serve for the ensu . big year : President , Mrs. Anna B. Phelps ; vice president , Mrs. Belle 0 , Stewart ; recording - cording secretary , Mrs. lnla Gaines ; corresponding - responding secretary , Mrs. Laura J. Mac- Bride ; treasurer , Mrs B41th ! M. Heed ; auditor ! - tor and [ finance commlt e , Mrs. Emma 0. ' Lucus and Mrs . Mile I. Orcut ; commissar coninslttee , Mrs. Sarah ltohef and ! Mrs Car- rIe Keelno ; devotional committee , Mrs. mien Montgomery . The above \omen constitute the board oC managers , with the additional names oC Mrs. Zoo Ross,1 ; Mra. Sarah holier , Mrs . Mary Sherraden . Gas cocking stove for rent and for Baia at , Gas Coos office. Kelp your eye on la"a 'a Thursday night The laundrIes use Domestic soap 110\'lnl thin 10nd'lu"rlerl U l h\nrd , BOSTON , Jan 15.-A Jgustino 1cCralh , secretary oC the America Federation ! oC Labor and ex.secretary ot Typographical union 13 or this city , was tendered a farewell . well banquet last night by his friends Irlsl- dent Davis oC the Typographical unIon pre- sIded and among the speakers were Frank 1 < Foster anti other labor leaders. Secretary 1cCralth left today for Indianapolis whore the new headqudrters or the federation are established . . 11' , 11"\n Iibeharged. LOS ANGELES , Jan. 15.-Judge Ross this morning sustained the demurrer In the case against Itev. N. ' ' Havln , charged with having made an incendiary 111tcch during the strike last summer and inciting riot. Bavlin . luvln was discharged . Shiloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee , I cures Incipient consumption . I Js the beat cough cure. Only one cent n dose : 25c , 59o a.ed . rt.00. Sold by Goodman Drug Co ARE NEARING A SETTLEMENT All Differences Except the Union Pacific Boycott Out of the Way , HAVE MADE LOMAX A PrOPOSITION 'hlt Official Uns the Ilntor mlor Advise- mont nnd the Uplnlon Is Expressed This Last Ulculty Will Uo Surmounto CIIAGO , Jan 1G.-The transcontinental lines have now adjusted oil their differences with the sole exception oC the Union Pacific boycott and there Is a chance thai II wi , bo out or the waY before thc end oC the weelt. Today ! the CanadIan Pacific , Great Northern and Northern Pacific agreed ! on divIsions on Pacific coast business and all the Ile have agreed thai the oIl ! round trip rates or $10t from Chicago to the Pacific coast and $90 front St. Paul to North Pacific coast points shall be restored ! . This rate clerks were put to work on the tariff sheets today ! "and the rates will bo formally announced ! as seen as the clerks have finished ! their work. This \1 I bo In the neighborhood oC February 1. So far as the UnIon Pacific boycott Is concerned . cernl there Is a strong chance oC a settlement - ment General Passenger Agent Buts oC the Burlington , who Is chairman oC tt ! C'OI' mlltee ot transcontinental lnes having the Union Pacific boycott under consl4er.tllon made the proposition to the Union Pacific that IC II would forego Ifs claIm for the long haul on all coast business going via nelv the other lines would nol Insist upon any change as concerns Ogden , allowing ! ; the Union Pacific to have the long haul on all tralc going via thai gateway 'fhe Union Pacifc has taken thin mater under consideration and the gen- erl belief Is thai II will accept the Ilrollsl- tlon . I I does the last obstacle In the formation or the Transcontinental Passenger association wi be removed ! . , s.\.n UI TIIE'I - > IISCO cn FltI- , Now Owners 'i Ilnlco n General Change II the Oporatlg Umcl.I ! : . . SPIN 1 nJI.D , Mo. , Jan. . 15. Colonel John O'Day , In an Interview today with a reporter - porter , conlrmed thin dispatch sent out a few days ago , slating 10 had gained possession oC a controlling Interest In thin St Louis & San Francisco railroad . Ills coming Into the company al this time , Colonel O'nay said , was due to the culmination oC I deal that has been on far some timme . lie said that the Selmnns. ! together with himself , hall bought $6,000,000 oC the stock which , wlh what they already owned , gave them lime entire . tire control of the road The price paid was 10 cents on the dollar. Colonel O'Day further salll thin porky ot the road would he to advance the Interests of Springfield , by moving all the most Important olies to this city The office ot general superintendent , ho said , would go 10 D. I. Nichols , and a complete change ! ; In all subordinate positions would be the result. One oC thin first changes 10 occur , It I sad ! , will bo the removal or the passenger division 10 this place. What effect may follow Is problematical , but II Is generally believed the recent purchase would not lave been made IC It had nol been seen that a way could bo round for gelling the road out of the receh'er's hands , and severing - Ing its connection wIth the Santa Pe , Not a few believe Ills 10 be a part or the scheme of the ChIcago & Altos to Jnvade this territory ! - tory by building across thin stale to this point Mr. [ O'Day tOday sold his stock In the Exchange - change bank here , oC which lie Is president , and was relieved by J. T. Keet. Mlh.uurl Iunls UrforcII tu 1"1110 Bntes . JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Jan 15-The railroad commissioner today ordered that Chic Santa I"u branch from Itlchmnond to Lexington Junction . the St lehmonll liel - I I lel- mont branch oC the at. Louis Iron Mountain i & Southern , the Springfield brunch ot the i ( , : -00WICIL : BLUFFS- . ! J /J t M Io1j.M4f , STEAM DYE WORKS 3t t + l 10131 i V - LfiU Uf All Itlmls of D ) , lng I ; : ; t l i and Cleaning done In the highest stYle ot s , Slln the nrl. l udCt and ' $ IUM stained fabrics undo DYEwO to bolt us 1110 , _ D stew Work promptly dOle and delivered t In all parts of the ' i ul llrt ! t7 'I + qi t y LI country . Send for - .s t t price list . O. "t. .U"\Oll"tN. , i f. , I'roprlof or - - . madway' , near North. . \ _ , - western Depot , Council Iiults , Iowa. Tel. 3- , - . " . t - ' ' 7" " I ' - - ' " " - ' ' { ' . t 4 , " : ESTOREO "CUPIDENE" - alH Thl Croat Veaelxthe < ! cps ton 01 n fa mono'nnck pkyaldanwhl Vludlzegthoprescrtp I , : t ' , . ' , PhYllcan wi qUICld curuyou o all ms.- \ f 'OU9 or dlseales of tin . ! , , dl"'oes gentranvo " "rguua , . Insomnla "lnlln . gcneratvo fr " suck a 1ottMaubnod , " , tiemiaal . ' hmisslumis . . 1'Imples'Unamess tboJucklcmlnol , IIlln. Ncrvuus Deblllty nUlne. Afarry Exhuustlug bllJ' - ntsvo1dlsciiurgntvldchifuotchpe ( nnsllputlms. It . stops all loaars by ed duy or Jrnlns night , 1'lcI'puls Varlc ore qUh'k. amt " dlHlargo ! IfnotchprkPIIPI'R . eadstoSpermatorrhmaand 1 , BCFORC AND AFTER 'tlitl'ohorrnruflmpolancy . CUI ' I1)1NEclesuscstbollverthe : : and AFER khlncys and tire urinary organs of alt impurities tbulvcr tlo eUPIDE : . . orlnus alillurlea Yl : .ulll , UlIDENI KIrcngllelR restores small weak organs y ' 1lo reasw , "nOpr" nre not cn.el by llnctnns I. bemuse ninety per rent ti'rm.tn/Ii1M . CUl'IIIENRIe the oni JOlor ( ! are troubled whirr , Gtt.fUf. CUI'IlgNgls olly remedy 10 cure Without nit , npi ' ratiuu . LOW wih rr.c. A wrW"n guanmteogtveumid money returned It six bn wlhoalu ol"'ruton. (1I"slmoll. does . , J Iu"rlnl 1'lllonoy turJ " not elfuct I :10 'ho . sixfor$5.00bymaim . . . . Send for yrm cIrcular uu < lcslmonlll , ! ! clo' A } 'CrmUclt CUrD . ' - sI'irnacipa ' : Cea.,1'OJtux ! 'r JO. :0 , thin I rA"cL'o."I. JhrRal"J / GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 10 arnam-st. & LESLIE & LESLIE , Omaha , Nebraska Gulf system , and the Columhla branch or the \'ahash hereafter charge 3 cents n mile fore for passengers Instead or 4 . I cents al hereto- l'J "OB SEISMS IN SIGhIT . l'robnbllity hint Transconlnenlal l.hlOS Are Nm.r to nn Agruenront . IJlllcations now seem favorable toan , agree- menl among transcontinental lines , and a transcontinental association seems entirely probable Mr. Francis , general passenger agent ! oC thus Burlington , In speaking oC the outlook and stating thin position' malnlalnell by the roads ! boycotting the Union Pacific , so called , cold to a Bee man yesterday : "Mr. Iomax or thin UnIon Pacific Is taking 10 hImself thin right to interchange business 01 any point on hits line . In taking off one way tickets hD exercised his rIght to conduct . duct his department as ho bel veil to he Juat When wo ceased to Interchange round trip ! tickets wih the Union Pacific we ex- erCIE1 our right ! ; , and I desire now to say that our right was only exercised because of Mr. I.omax's action Tie general passenger agent or the Union Pacifc now comes forward - ward and says that he will continue to ex- erclso his right to say where ho shall re- celvo business , but declines to allow us the right which Is ours by thin very nature of things however this matter Is now under convlderaton , and I 10 not believe II would ! be right to go Into the details oC this affair so long as arguments as to the position oC bolls older ! Is ! going on. The committee to which was referred the boycott on the Union Pacific proposed arbitration , and tie names ofV , A. Thrall , George II. leaford and George Chari ten were suggested , two oC whum are known to ho friendly ! to the Union Pacific , but Mr. Lomax would nol hear to I , and so thin later dropped , Now there seems to be reason for beleving thai an agreement will be reached ! between the Union Pacific and thin so.caled boycotting lnea , Iii view of the perfect understanding as to the immigrant ! ; divisions , and no one will more heartily welcome than . " hearty peace lseIC. lalroul Notes , James W , Munn has gone 10 Chicago to attend the transcentinental passenger meeting - ing . ! Time law department of the UnIon Pacific was In high feather today on account of thus ship elevation or Mr Thurton to the senator- ship.The The UnIon Land . company held its meetlug Monday ! In the law department of the Union 1'acitio and elected fve directors for the en- suIng year , vlz. , a. I. I. Clark , Oliver W , Mink , 11. Elery Anderson , John W , D03DO - CEO P. SANFORD , A. W. RIEIOrAN , ' . l'resldent Cashier , First Natio nal Ban of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cuplal , . . $1Ot,000 l'l'otts , . . . $10,000 , . , One of the oldest banks In the state or Iowa. lowl \Vo slcll your husln"8 and collcelioitsV. . pay , 6 per cent on lmo deposits . Wo win bar wIl I pleased to Sco and servo ) you . - . DUFF ' 'S PURe MALT WHISKEY. All Druggists . - SillS & BA1lIiThIIlPE ) Alu..IYS'II-IIW . . , 11111'uderl COI.t 1 . Huuls I ractro : : - - In . , then Sldidurt State Block , UOUIOI 1111rJ , Jowu , OI-7-1. . ! 6luul'O - . . .Specla ) NoUces CObJeU pizffsJ..a ) ClMNJVI CI.EANVAULTS : CLEANED. : 1'1 Iturke . at 'V , I. Iomerl. m Iroadw8Y. tI'AlUD. 1.101 1'ItIS'A'PG JAIN 1"Ol IliN7' ; NEAR court house , Apply 01 lice olce , Cuunel IlurfB , PLAIN ; \'IG.- i1. .i t\- " - OF AId4 kinds . new hats mach from old mlcllnl , nt reasonable prleeu 1013 ' 1hlt avenue IOSr. HMAI.f. 00.1 - - - - - Ia.al - - - WAT'U . Iulkc'.1 "J , C. " : also fob \.Ct fur 11'(11 rcworl ' 10 Item ollice . and Frederic H. Coulcrt ! , receivers DC the Union Pacific . The Oregon Railway & NavIgation company - parry has been having considerable trouble ! with snow for the pat two weeks , snowPlow for Plow trains being . necessary to break the way , Mrs. W , D. Cornish , wife oC thus special master In chancery of the Union Pacific , Mrs e. E. Mitchell and M'sl ' ornlsh : urn II Omaha , elfoulo to blonteroy , Cal , They wrnl treat on No.1 , , , r